RFID CEMEX DeviceNet EtherNet/IP: 6
RFID CEMEX DeviceNet EtherNet/IP: 6
2005 5 RFID CEMEX DeviceNet EtherNet/IP: 6 .. Scott Summerville - , , ARC 20 ) FDA( Automation Today is published by ROCKWELL AUTO M ATION ASIA PACIFIC LT D 27/F Citicorp Centre, 18 Whitfield Road, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2887 4788 ¥ Fax: (852) 2508 1846 EDITO R: Gail Anderson — [email protected] ROCKWELL AUTO M ATION GREATER CHINA 4/F, Office Tower 1, Henderson Center, 18 Jianguomennei Ave Dongcheng District 100005, Beijing Tel: (86)10/6518 2535 ¥ Fax:(86)10/6518 2536 Contact: Michelle (Hongmei) Chen — [email protected] '2005 Rockwell Automation. All rights reserved. The contents of this publication may not be reproduced in whole or part without the consent of the copyright owner. 2 2005 5 2005 4 2 ...... 4 RFID 4 4 RAAMP MRO 4 6 5 12 13 14 Entek 15 16 CEMEX 547 18 6% 20 22 24 26 , 28 ! 30 34 35 10% CIP 6 EtherNet/IP 36 37 Allen-Bradley 37 IEC FLEX I/O 38 PanelView 38 MicroLogix 1200 38 GuardPLC 39 39 PowerFlex70 39 POINT I/O 2005 5 3 RFID Sujeet (RFID) Chand 2004 RFID RFID 10 RFID RFID RFID RFID RFID RFID RFID www.rockwellautomation.com/ab out_us/env_report/2003/index.html RFID RFID RFID Encompass www.rockwellautomation.com/services www.rockwellautomation.com/rfid 6†(6 Helm HMS AMETEK (AMETEK-APT) Phoenix Digital Encompass ) Helm HMS (MES) , AMETEK-APT MES 400% Phoenix Digital Industry Directions MES 70% 106 600% 57% www.automation. rockwell.com /encompass/index.html MES MES 11% (GMS) 15% MES John McDermott www.interwavetech.com Durr AG RAAMP MRO 2003 Heinz Durr 14 Durr AG Owens Corning RAAMP 150 MRO ControlLogix Software Allen-Bradley Rockwell MRO( ) (RAAMP) RAAMP 114 MES MRO www.rockwellautomation.com/solutions /costsavings 4 2005 5 Durr AG 005 2 28 2 2008 (Rockwell Automation) 2005 OEM MV (CAOTM 2004 2005 GMS 35% / 2008 2005/05 18 010-65182535 1 4 010-65182536 100005 Email: [email protected] 3 2005 5 5 Jamieson Paul Moylan 50% 2003 2500 60 Anheuser-Busch 99% ( 10% 27% ) Moylan Mike Jamieson Jamieson Moylan 6 2005 5 Nautiyal 3 10% KRBL Basmati Nautiyal 10% 95% KRBL Towler SoftLogix RSView32 2006 1 1,008 7 10 (I/O) 16 DeviceNet Nautiyal RSView32 OEM KRBL 25% 10 Campbell Soup Allen-Bradley ControlLogix 20% 3,600 Girish Nautiyal KRBL Kisters Kayat ▼ Sara Lee Kisters Kayat Gary Hunt 2005 5 7 4 Con Agra 35.4 1900 David Vickery Con Agra ... (RFID) (FDA) (HACCP) Moylan RFID ( HACCP (RSMACC) ) 2002 ( 20 Noel Platt ) RFID RFID RSMACC RSBatch 24 Fonterra( 2002 ) 7 ARC HACCP (OEE) (MES) 1400 MES RSBizWare 10 OPC PLC RSSQL 8 2005 5 MES ASP.Net Platt Sequencia S88 HACCP W eb Morinaga RSBizWare Batch RSView Morinaga (AFTA) 17 McCain Food( ControlLogix DeviceNet ControlNet Fonterra( ) 40 RSBizWar e Batch ) EtherNet/IP RSBizWare Batch RSBizWare S88 ERP Ko Cheng Han Morinaga ISA S88 ISA S95 Jamieson S95 2005 5 9 10% 8000 FDA Blanchard 20 FDA 100 2002 (CDC) 2005 1 7600 5000 65 FDA 9.11 (FDA) 30 ARC John Blanchard E 2003 10 2005 5 5 Lorenzo Majewski Paul Moylan W eb 2004 3 FDA Majewski FDA Camille E. Moylan Brewer & GEMCO GEMCO 2005 5 11 3 5 (Rockwell Automation) 200 (Mary Jane Hall) 1998 50 500 22 (Mary Jane Hall) 12 2005 5 44 9600 10 2005 2004 12 20 2004 11 SMC DeviceNet - 2004 12 200 11 CLX SLC PanelView 2005 5 13 4 15 , - , , , , , , RCM , , CACT RCM X M CACT 5 , , , 10 , 30 , , www.rockwellautomation.com.cn , , , 14 2005 5 004 2 - 12 - 1336-Forc e PLC-5 Modbus MicroLogix DeviceNet 2005 5 15 CEMEX 547 DeviceNet C 1 EMEX 45 DeviceNet CEMEX CEMEX 547 DeviceNet CEMEX CEMEX CEMEX I/O CEMEX 1906 16 DeviceNet 1,750 50 2004 80 DeviceNet DeviceNet MCC CEMEX CEMEX 40% 20% 7 10 DeviceNet Allen-Bradley PLC 5/80 45 MCC DeviceNet DeviceNet 64 CEMEX 8 5 700 (MCC) CEMEX FLS ECX NT CEMEX Allen-Bradley RSLinx RSLogix CEMEX RSNetWorx Nuruddin Khondakar 10 CEMEX 1 DeviceNet 50% 50 16 2005 5 www.ab.com/networks/devicenet 2005 5 17 6% DeviceNet 50,000 (2001 2002 ) W est 1859 End 1888 (SAB) W est End Adelaide Sage Automation W est End Southwark 1993 Lion Nathan ( ) 115 W est End 700 Sage Automation Boiwko W est ControlNet 50 End DeviceNet 2001 Sage Boiwko Automation James W akefield Allen-Bradley Contr olLogix W est Richard Boiwko End (HMI) ControlNet ControlLogix 18 2005 5 ControlLogix DeviceNet Data Highway Plus(DH ) Allen-Bradley SLC5/04 Allen-Bradley SLC5/04 W akefield DH ControlLogix DeviceNet 115 162 Allen-Bradley 32 Richar d Boiwko 30 DeviceNet W akefield DeviceNet 330 Flex I/O Stack Lights DeviceNet 50 T RSLinx SCADA 6% Boiwko DeviceNet DeviceNet Sage ControlLogix DeviceNet 50000 2005 5 19 RSMACC PLC 200 RSMACC PLC Coors Matthew Meyer (PLC) (PAC) (DCS) RSMACC Meyer RSMACC Glenn Schulz (RSMACC) ARC Wi l PLC Chin Coors Schulz 20 2005 5 FDA Chin RSMACC (HACCP) Tad Palus MCC( ) Chin FDA 21CFR Part 11 (RSMACC) 2002 www.software.rockwell.com/rsmacc ControlLogix I/O PLC H A RT / I/O Compact I/O SLC-500 I/O / PLC-5 I/O 2005 5 21 Carlton & United Breweries Yatala FDA HACCP( )EU18 6000 Allen-Bradley ControlLogix DeviceNet Rockwell Software V iewAnyWare HMI 21 Jamieson CEO $100,000 Mike Jamieson ARC 10 50 % Don Lovell Lovell RS 22 2005 5 RS 5 10 4 Lovell Lovell Lovell ROI Return on Investment 21 PLC GEMCO 2005 5 23 Logix ControlLogix (PAC) Logix / NetLinx 1 / 1=2 (ControlBus) OEM ControlBus (Integrated Architecture) ControlLogix / EtherNet/IP NetLinx DeviceNet FactoryTalk ControlNet CIP( RSLogix 5000 ) ControlBus / (Program) (Routine) Program ControlLogix Program Logix Logix NetLinx V iewAnyWare CompactLogix FlexLogix DriveLogix FactoryTalk RSLogix 5000 SoftLogix I/O Logix I/O NetLinx V iewAnyWare RSLogix 5000 FactoryTalk RSLogix 5000 Logix 24 2005 5 I/O NetLinx V iewAnyWare Logix FactoryTalk NetLinx ViewAnyWare DeviceNet C o n t r olNet FactoryTalk EtherNet/IP CIP( ) FactoryTalk FactoryTalk SAP Oracle FactoryTalk NetLinx V iewAnyWare MES RSView Studio RSBizWare ERP FactoryTalk FactoryTalk 1 1>2 2005 5 25 3 16 17 (Economist) (GraemeMaxton) 16 70% (Rock wellAutomation) (Steven Eisenbrown) 26 2005 5 OEM IBM P C : 99% 96% 98% (Steven.A. Eisenbrown) 97% 1976 ( 3 21 ) 2005 5 27 , ! - (Rockwell Automation) 2004 ( ) A-B (1) (2) (3) (4) Partner PLC 28 2005 5 , (1) (2) (3) , , , Mary Jane Hall , , , , , , : , ? 1968 11 1984 -1988 , 1990 -1993 1993 -1996 1996 ---2001 (1) (2) 2002 4 --- (3) 2005 5 29 1 1 21 150090 2 150090) Abstract: This project is used in a dry-tower extension program of a famous multinational dairy product company, i.e. automation design and function realization of wet area. It adopts the advanced automation control technology and takes advantage of Rockwell Automation’s three-layer network, achieving accurate and stable control. Keywords: three-layer network automation control non disturbed exchange : : CIP PLC-5 ) ControlLogix5550 DCS CIP) - EtherNet) ControlNet RSSQL MSSQL CIP(cleaning in place) PLC ) DH+) 2.3 PLC CIP 4 PLC5 2 Contr olLogix 1 2 CIP COLDHOT) CIP TANKER) 2.4 CIP TANKER PLC 2.1 CIP HOT PLC CIP COLD) PanelView PLC PanelView DeviceNet EtherNet PLC 2.2 EtherNet PLC PanelV iew PanelView CIP TANKER DeviceNet PLC PLC 5 CIP 2.5 CIP COLD (HOT) STATION CIP COLD , CIP HOT CIP TANKER PLC PLC-5 ControlLogix PLC 3.4 DeviceNet DeviceNet 4.3 DeviceNet PLC CIP COLD B C D A FLEX I/O STATION PLC CIP COLD (HOT) PLC PLC DeviceNet D H + ControlNet EtherNet DH+ PLC5-/40 PLC-5 PLC5-/60 PLC 3.1 ControlNet MSG ControlNet IEC61158 PLC PLC PLC MMI PLC I/O DeviceNet I/O I/O 99 I/O I/O I/O 20KM PLC PLC PLC CIP HOT STATION ControlNet I/O 4.1 Producer/Consumer I/O I/O ControlNet InTouch7 1 ControlNet PLC ControlNet ControlLogix PLC5 3.2 EtherNet EtherNet TCP/IP DELL : W indows NT CIP . [1] . ODBC) , 2000.3 . PLC 3.3 DH+ . [2] 4.2 , 1995 PLC TCP/IP : DH+ DH+ 32 PLC-5 DH+ 64 PanelView 2005 5 (1966-) A-B TCP/IP SQL) 10% 6 90% 1996 4 20 8 1970 1998 30 18 PLC-5 10 SLC-500 3200 PLC-5 SLC-500 60 SLC500 Devlces NET 220KV 6 SLC500 ---- 6 6 SLC500 6 6 Miclogix1500 Miclogix1500 PID Logix5500 PLC 1998 1996 Soderberg 16 300KWh--- ---- 000KWh 10% 600 14 14 PLC-5 8 SLC-500 Allen-Bradlley PLC 186KA 2001 ISO14001 300KA ---- 60KA DH+ Panel view RS32 90% 34 2005 5 CIP EtherNet/IP D eviceNet“ ControlNet“ CIP TCP/IP ( ) TCP/IP O D VA( DeviceNet ControlNet International ) H U B SWITCH VLAN IGMP Snooping Q o S 10Mbps 100Mbps 1Gbps 10Gbps EtherNet/IP TCP/IP TCP/IP O D VA ControlNet International EtherNet/IP ( IP ) CIP“( ) O D VA(Open DeviceNet Vendor Association) CI(Contr olNet International) O D VA CI CIP( ) DeviceNet EtherNet/IP ControlNet CIP (Profiles) CIP D e v i c e N e t EtherNet/IP Contr olNet 1 CIP CIP Safety SIL3(IEC61508) EtherNet/IP CIP Safety DeviceNet ¥ ¥ (I/O DeviceNet Safety CIP S a f e t y EtherNet/IP EtherNet/IP Safety ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ¥ ) (EDS) 2 EtherNet/IP CIP CIP C A N DeviceNet CIP CTDMA ControlNet CIP TCP/IP EtherNet/IP EtherNet/IP IEC61158 IEC61784 CIP EtherNet/IP“ EtherNet/IP“ = CIP+ (+-100 ) / TCP/IP EtherNet/IP TCP/IP ASIC EtherNet/IP EtherNet/IP CIP Safety“ CIP“ CIP Safety“ CIP Sync“ CIP Motion“ CIP Safety TCP/IP EtherNet/IP 3 EtherNet/IP 2005 5 35 (Rockwell Automation) (Intelligent Motor Control) Logix , DeviceNet DeviceNet DeviceLogix 36 2005 5 Allen-Bradley IEC 50% Allen-Bradley IEC 1492-K 1942-L 1492-J 1492-J Size 3 Size 10 1942-K Allen-Bradley IEC IP2X 1942-L UL C S A Fast Track OEM Fast Track www.ab.com/industrialcontrols/products/terminal _blocks_and_wiring/iec/iec_blocks_family.html FLEX I/O LEX I/O F FLEX I/O 1 2 FLEX I/O 1794-BR017A-EN-P ANSI/ISA-S71.04-1985 G1 G 2 G 3 IEC 60654-4 1 2 UL746E www.ab.com/io/ 2005 5 37 GuardPLC I/O 100Mbps Allen-Bradley GuardPLC I/O -GuardPLC IB16 GuardPLC 1600 1800 I/O I/O 16 I/O 24V Guard P L C OB16 GuardPLC 1600 8 16 20 GuardPLC 1800 24 8 2A 8 2 www.ab.com/guardplc/index.html PanelView PanelView 1000 Allen-Bradley 10 PanelView 550 PanelView 7 PanelView Standard PanelView 10 DeviceNet ControlNet DH+ 232) DH-485 I/O DF1(RS- Modbus ˇB845-93 PanelView Standard www.ab.com/eoi/graphicterminals/p anelview_standard/index.html MicroLogix 1200 Allen-Bradley MicroLogix 1200 / 40 / / RS-232 DF1 6 ˜MicroLogix / 24 I/O RSLogix 500 8 mini-DIN RSLogix 500 Allen-Bradley PanelView www.ab.com/plclogic/micrologix/1200/ 38 2005 5 CF RSLogix 5000 v13 1756-L6x ControlLogix SERCOS RSLogix 5000 OEM ControlFlash CF CF SERCOS www.ab.com/logix/controllogix/ PowerFlex70 Off AllenBradley PowerFlex70 PowerFlex70 50 20 DriveGuard (600V) 10 (480V) (200/240V) NEMA 1(IP20) NEMA 4X(IP66) Safe Off Safe www.ab.com/drives POINT I/O / Allen-Bradley POINT I/O / Logix 1734-OW4 4 POINT I/O EtherNet/IP 1734AENT 100Mbps EtherNet/IP TCP/IP EtherNet/IP 1734-IB8 1734-OB8E OW4 12mm POINT I/O 1734- 2A( ) 1734-485ASC RS-485/RS422 ASCII POINT I/O 1734-IB8 8 1734-OB8E 24V 8 24V 1A 3A www.ab.com/io/1734new.html 2005 5 39 .. C Basic PC ControlLogix¤ BASIC 1771-DB 1746-BAS PC56 BAISC ControlLogix ControlLogix PC56 W indows C ( CE/NT/2000/XP) D O S C AllenBradley ControlLogix PLC SLC“ FLEX I/O“ FlexLogix“ ProSoft
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