Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid
Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid
Motivation and introduction Holographic model of superfluids Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfl Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid turbulence Hongbao Zhang(FWO Fellow) Vrije Universiteit Brussel and International Solvay Institutes Based mainly on arXiv:1412.8417 with: Yiqiang Du and Yu Tian(UCAS,CAS) Chao Niu(IHEP,CAS) March 02, 2015 ICTS@USTC, Hefei Hongbao Zhang(FWO Fellow) Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid turbulence Motivation and introduction Holographic model of superfluids Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfl 1 Motivation and introduction 2 Holographic model of superfluids 3 Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfluids 4 Vortex pair annihilation in holographic superfluid turbulence 5 Conclusion Hongbao Zhang(FWO Fellow) Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid turbulence Motivation and introduction Holographic model of superfluids Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfl 1 Motivation and introduction 2 Holographic model of superfluids 3 Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfluids 4 Vortex pair annihilation in holographic superfluid turbulence 5 Conclusion Hongbao Zhang(FWO Fellow) Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid turbulence Motivation and introduction Holographic model of superfluids Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfl • The physical world is partially unified by remarkable RG flow in QFT • High Energy Physics: IR→UV(Reductionism) • Condensed Matter Physics: UV→IR(Emergence) • Thermal Phase Transition • Quantum Phase Transition • Another seemingly distinct part is gravitation, which is understood as geometry by general relativity Hongbao Zhang(FWO Fellow) Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid turbulence Motivation and introduction Holographic model of superfluids Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfl Remarkably, with AdS/CFT correspondence, general relativity can also geometrize renormalization flow in particular when the quantum field theory is strongly coupled, namely GR = RG. In this sense, the world is further unified by AdS/CFT duality. This talk will focus on its particular application to condensed matter physics by general relativity. Vortex pair annihilation in holographic superfluid turbulence [Shin et.al. arXiv:1403.4658] 100 µm 0s 0.2 s 0.4 s 0.7 s 1s 3s Gross-Pitaevskii equation (i − η)~∂t ϕ = (− ∇2 + V (x, y, t) + g|ϕ|2 − µ)ϕ 2m Hongbao Zhang(FWO Fellow) Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid turbulence Motivation and introduction Holographic model of superfluids Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfl What AdS/CFT is I: Dictionary ZCF T [J] = SAdS [φ](J = φ) Hongbao Zhang(FWO Fellow) Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid turbulence Motivation and introduction Holographic model of superfluids Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfl What AdS/CFT is II: Implications • Entanglement entropy for boundary QFT is equal to the extremal surface area in the bulk gravity • Finite temperature field theory with finite chemical potential is dual to charged black hole • AdS boundary corresponds to QFT at UV fixed point and the bulk horizon corresponds to IR fixed point Hongbao Zhang(FWO Fellow) Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid turbulence Motivation and introduction Holographic model of superfluids Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfl Why AdS/CFT III: String theory • Maldacena duality • ABJM duality • High spin gravity Hongbao Zhang(FWO Fellow) Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid turbulence Motivation and introduction Holographic model of superfluids Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfl Why AdS/CFT I: General relativity • Bousso’s covariant entropy bound • Bekenstein-Hawking’s black hole thermodynamics • Brown-York’s surface tensor formulation of quasilocal energy and conserved charges • Brown-Henneaux’s asymptotic symmetry analysis for three dimensional gravity • Minwalla’s Gravity/Fluid correspondence Hongbao Zhang(FWO Fellow) Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid turbulence Motivation and introduction Holographic model of superfluids Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfl Why AdS/CFT II: Quantum field theory • MERA • EHM Hongbao Zhang(FWO Fellow) Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid turbulence Motivation and introduction Holographic model of superfluids Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfl Why AdS/CFT is useful It is a machine, mapping a hard quantum many-body problem to an easy classical few-body one. • Strongly coupled systems • Non-equilibrium behaviors Hongbao Zhang(FWO Fellow) Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid turbulence Motivation and introduction Holographic model of superfluids Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfl Towards applied AdS/CFT I • AdS/QCD • AdS/CMT Non-Fermi liquids, superfluids and superconductors, charge density waves, thermalization and many-body localization... • AdS/??? Hongbao Zhang(FWO Fellow) Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid turbulence Motivation and introduction Holographic model of superfluids Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfl Towards applied AdS/CFT II • Towards less symmetric configurations • Towards fully numerical relativity regimes Numerical Holography! Hongbao Zhang(FWO Fellow) Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid turbulence Motivation and introduction Holographic model of superfluids Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfl 1 Motivation and introduction 2 Holographic model of superfluids 3 Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfluids 4 Vortex pair annihilation in holographic superfluid turbulence 5 Conclusion Hongbao Zhang(FWO Fellow) Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid turbulence Motivation and introduction Holographic model of superfluids Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfl • Action of model [Hartnoll, Herzog, and Horowitz,arXiv:0803.3295,0810.6513] √ 6 1 1 d4 x −g[R+ 2 + 2 (− Fab F ab −|DΨ|2 −m2 |Ψ|2 )]. L q 4 M (1) • Background metric 1 S= 16πG Z L2 z [−f (z)dt2 − 2dtdz + dx2 + dy 2 ], f (z) = 1 − ( )3 . 2 z zh (2) • Heat bath temperature ds2 = T = 3 . 4πzh (3) • Equations of motion Da Da Ψ − m2 Ψ = 0, ∇a F ab = i(Ψ̄Db Ψ − ΨDb Ψ). Hongbao Zhang(FWO Fellow) (4) Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid turbulence Motivation and introduction Holographic model of superfluids Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfl • Asymptotical behavior at AdS boundary Aν = aν + bν z + o(z), 1 Ψ = [φz + z 2 ψ + o(z 2 )]. L (5) (6) • AdS/CFT dictionary √ δSren −g = lim 2 F zν , z→0 q δaν √ √ δSren z −g z z −γ hOi = = lim [ D Ψ − 2 2 Ψ̄] z→0 Lq 2 δφ L q 1 = 2 (ψ̄ − φ̄˙ − iat φ̄), q hJ ν i = where Sren = S − 1 Lq 2 Z √ −γ|Ψ|2 (7) (8) (9) B is the renormalized action by holography. Hongbao Zhang(FWO Fellow) Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid turbulence Motivation and introduction Holographic model of superfluids Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfl Phase transition to a superfluid 4 0.5 3 0.4 ÈΨHzLÈ 0.3 At HzL 2 0.2 1 0.1 0 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 z z Figure: The profile of amplitude of scalar field and electromagnetic potential for the superconducting phase at the charge density ρ = 4.7. 7 0.6 6 0.5 <O> 5 0.4 4 ΜHΡL Ρ 0.3 3 0.2 2 1 0.1 0 0.0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Ρ 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Ρ Figure: The condensate and chemical potential as a function of charge density with the critical charge density ρc = 4.06(µc = 4.07). Hongbao Zhang(FWO Fellow) Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid turbulence Motivation and introduction Holographic model of superfluids Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfl 1 Motivation and introduction 2 Holographic model of superfluids 3 Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfluids 4 Vortex pair annihilation in holographic superfluid turbulence 5 Conclusion Hongbao Zhang(FWO Fellow) Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid turbulence Motivation and introduction Holographic model of superfluids Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfl Quantized vortex in superfluids With the superfluid velocity defined as u= i j , j = (ψ̄∂ψ − ψ∂ ψ̄), 2 |ψ| 2 the winding number w of a vortex is determined by I 1 w= dx · u, 2π γ (10) (11) In particular, close to the core of a single vortex with winding number w, the condensate ψ̄ ∝ (z − z0 )w , w > 0 −w ψ ∝ (z − z0 ) ,w < 0 (12) (13) with z the complex coordinate and z0 the location of the core. Hongbao Zhang(FWO Fellow) Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid turbulence Motivation and introduction Holographic model of superfluids Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfl Quantum turbulence in superfluids I ∂z (∂z At − ∂ · A) = i(Φ̄∂z Φ − Φ∂z Φ̄), Φ= Ψ z (14) once A is given at t = 0. For convenience but without loss of generality, we shall set the initial value A = 0. With the above initial data and boundary conditions, the later time behavior of bulk fields can be obtained by the following evolution equations 1 ∂t ∂z Φ = iAt ∂z Φ + [i∂z At Φ + f ∂z2 Φ + f 0 ∂z Φ 2 +(∂ − iA)2 Φ − zΦ], 1 ∂t ∂z A = [∂z (∂At + f ∂z A) + (∂ 2 A − ∂∂ · A) 2 −i(Φ̄∂Φ − Φ∂ Φ̄)] − AΦ̄Φ, (15) (16) 2 ∂t ∂z At = ∂ At + f ∂z ∂ · A − ∂t ∂ · A − 2At Φ̄Φ +if (Φ̄∂z Φ − Φ∂z Φ̄) − i(Φ̄∂t Φ − Φ∂t Φ̄). Hongbao Zhang(FWO Fellow) (17) Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid turbulence Motivation and introduction Holographic model of superfluids Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfl Quantum turbulence in superfluids II Figure: The bottom and top view of absolute value of turbulent condensate |hOi| for the superfluid at the chemical potential µ = 6.25, where the left plot is for t = 100 and the right plot is for t = 200. The vortex cores are located at the position where the condensate vanishes, the shock waves are seen as the ripples, and the grey soliton is identified in the form of the bending structure with the condensate depleted. Hongbao Zhang(FWO Fellow) Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid turbulence Motivation and introduction Holographic model of superfluids Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfl 1 Motivation and introduction 2 Holographic model of superfluids 3 Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfluids 4 Vortex pair annihilation in holographic superfluid turbulence 5 Conclusion Hongbao Zhang(FWO Fellow) Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid turbulence Motivation and introduction Holographic model of superfluids Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfl 1nt nt 0.05 nt= 0.04 100 1 G t + 1 n0 80 G=0.45±0.01 0.03 60 0.02 40 0.01 0 50 100 t 150 200 0 50 100 t 150 200 Figure: The temporal evolution of averaged vortex number density in the turbulent superfluid over 12 groups of data with randomly prepared initial conditions at the chemical potential µ = 6.25 dn(t) = −Γn(t)2 , dt (18) where Γ = vd 2 with v the velocity of vortices and d cross section if the vortices can be regarded as a gas of particles. Hongbao Zhang(FWO Fellow) Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid turbulence Motivation and introduction Holographic model of superfluids Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfl 2.0 1.5 1.0 a 1-R R =mc• m=T •Tc G= a =0.174H±0.001L 0.5 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 R Figure: The variation of decay rate with respect to the chemical potential (equally spaced from µ = 4.5 to µ = 7.0). Hongbao Zhang(FWO Fellow) Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid turbulence Motivation and introduction Holographic model of superfluids Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfl 1 Motivation and introduction 2 Holographic model of superfluids 3 Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfluids 4 Vortex pair annihilation in holographic superfluid turbulence 5 Conclusion Hongbao Zhang(FWO Fellow) Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid turbulence Motivation and introduction Holographic model of superfluids Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfl Conclusion • The decrease of vortex number can be well described by two-body decay due to vortex pair annihilation from a very early time on • The decay rate is decreased (increased) with the chemical potential (temperature) • The decay rate near the critical temperature is in good agreement with the mean field theory calculation • Power law fit indicates that our holographic superfluid turbulence exhibits an obvious different decay pattern from that demonstrated in the real experiment • Holography offers a first principles method for one to understand vortex dynamics by its gravity dual Hongbao Zhang(FWO Fellow) Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid turbulence Motivation and introduction Holographic model of superfluids Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfl Thanks for your attention! Hongbao Zhang(FWO Fellow) Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid turbulence Motivation and introduction Holographic model of superfluids Quantized vortex and quantum turbulence in holographic superfl Reminder International Workshop on Condensed Matter Physics and AdS/CFT at Kavli IPMU, Japan(May 24-May 30, 2015) http://indico.ipmu.jp/indico/conferenceDisplay.py?ovw=TrueconfId=49 Rene Meyer (Kavli IPMU), Shin Nakamura (Chuo U./ISSP), Hirosi Ooguri (Caltech/ Kavli IPMU), Masaki Oshikawa (ISSP), Masahito Yamazaki (Kavli IPMU) Hongbao Zhang(FWO Fellow) Holographic vortex pair annihilation in superfluid turbulence
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