Pequonnock River Trumbull July through October 2014
Pequonnock River Trumbull July through October 2014
Water Quality Report For The Pequonnock River in Trumbull July 2014 through October 2014 Looking upstream the Pequonnock River in Old Mine Park Submitted By: Richard Harris, Principle Investigator, Staff Scientist/Director of the Harbor Watch Program at Earthplace, Westport, CT Phone: 203-227-7253 Peter Fraboni, Associate Director & QA/QC Officer for the Harbor Watch Program at Earthplace, Westport, CT Nicole Cantatore, Laboratory Director of Harbor Watch Auxiliary Laboratory Joshua Cooper, Coastal Studies Technician and Quality Assurance Officer of Harbor Watch, A Program of Earthplace Westport, CT Funding for this study was provided by the Town of Trumbull Engineering Department Table of Contents Pg. Introduction Methods and Procedures Results Discussion References Appendix A 3 3 5 8 10 11 List of Figures and Tables Pg. Figure 1 Map of the Trumbull Section of the Pequonnock River showing the location of the ten monitoring sites 4 Figure 2 Observed maximum, geomean, and minimum E. coli values for the ten monitoring sites and one storm drain site in the Trumbull section of the Pequonnock River Watershed Dissolved oxygen maximum, mean, and minimum concentrations for ten monitoring sites and one storm drain site in the Trumbull section of the Pequonnock River Watershed Conductivity maximum, mean, and minimum values for ten monitoring sites and one storm drain site in the Trumbull section of the Pequonnock River Watershed Mean water temperatures (oC) for the ten monitoring sites and one storm drain site in the Trumbull section of the Pequonnock River Watershed 6 Monitoring site numbers and GPS coordinates in the Trumbull Section of the Pequonnock River CT DEEP criterion for E. coli bacteria levels as applied to recreational use, effective 2/25/11 Observed E. coli counts on each sampling event (six total) geometric means, rainfall amounts, and % frequency exceeding 576CFU/100mLs for each monitoring site in the Trumbull section of the Pequonnock River Watershed Conductivity (uS) maximum, mean, minimum, and range values for ten monitoring sites and one storm drain site in the Trumbull section of the Pequonnock River Watershed 5 Figure 3 Figure 4 Figure 5 Table 1 Table 2 Table 3 Table 4 7 7 8 5 6 8 Introduction A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) agreement between the Engineering Department of the Town of Trumbull, CT and the Earthplace Harbor Watch (HW) Water Quality Monitoring Program was made to have HW conduct a study of indicator bacteria (Escherichia coli, E. coli) levels, dissolved oxygen (DO), conductivity, and water temperatures in the Trumbull section of the Pequonnock River Watershed. In 2009 and 2010 the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (CT DEEP) contracted HW to conduct a survey of the entire Pequonnock River from Monroe through Trumbull and Bridgeport to gather data on indicator bacteria, DO, conductivity, and water temperatures. Two of the original ten total sites were situated in the Trumbull section of the Pequonnock River. For this study eight (8) more monitoring sites were chosen, and added to the two established sites that were tested in the 2009 and 2010 study (Figure 1and Table 1). The Pequonnock River watershed, which begins in Monroe, encompasses an area of over 15,000 acres in the southwestern Connecticut. The river is 16.7 miles long and flows from Monroe through the Town of Trumbull and finally into Bridgeport terminating in the estuary of the Bridgeport Harbor. The river is slightly over 7 miles in Trumbull. The CT DEEP has divided the main stem of the Pequonnock River into 5 segments (Water body ID numbers CT7105-00_01, CT7105-00_02, CT7105-00_03, CT710500_04, and CT7105-00_05). One segment CT7105-00_03 (from Daniels Farm Road to Monroe Turnpike, CT Route 111 at the intersection of CT Route 25) is 4.19 miles, and lies totally within the boundaries of Trumbull. The segment (CT7105-00_04) to the north of CT7105-00_03 is located partially in Trumbull and is approximately 0.9 miles in length. Segment CT7105-00_02 lies to the south of Segment CT7105-00_03 and is partially in Trumbull and Bridgeport. The river in the Trumbull portion of this segment is approximately 2 miles of the 2.92 of the total segment’s length. The west branch of the Pequonnock River (CT7105-01_01) is 1.51 miles in length, and is located entirely in the Town of Monroe (CT DEEP 2012). Because previous monitoring conducted by the Earthplace HW Program for the CT DEEP documented elevated indicator bacteria levels in approximately 80% of the Pequonnock River (Fuss & O’Neill 2011), The Trumbull Engineering Department wanted to know what the current water quality conditions were in the Trumbull section of the Pequonnock River. In 2013 the HW Program with support from CT DEEP 604(b) program initiated a three year study of ten sampling sites in the Monroe (northern) section of the Pequonnock River. The 2014 study of the Trumbull section will complement data collected in the Monroe section of the Pequonnock River during the same testing interval. Methods and Procedures Water monitoring was conducted following testing protocols in Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) for the Pequonnock River Watershed (RFA#13058). The QAPP was approved by CT DEEP and EPA on 5/6/13 and is effect for three years. Monitoring teams leave Earthplace in Westport to gather in situ data on dissolved oxygen, conductivity and water temperature in the Trumbull section of the Pequonnock River. Water samples are collected at each of the ten monitoring sites (Figure 1) along the length of the river for the analysis of indicator bacteria. The following tests are run in situ: dissolved oxygen (QAPP Appendix A3.2) and conductivity (QAPP Appendix A3.3). Water and air temperatures, as well as general observations and storm events are also recorded at each site visit. Observations are recorded (QAPP Appendix 5) on the HW data sheet. Upon return to the lab, fecal coliform bacteria membrane filtration tests (QAPP Appendix A3.5) are performed and E. coli testing is carried out according to Standard Methods, 22nd edition (9222D & 9222G) and recorded (QAPP Appendix 5) on the HW bacteria log. During the monitoring period, sites were monitored twice per month. Figure 1 Map of the Trumbull Section of the Pequonnock River showing the location of the ten monitoring sites Table 1 Monitoring site numbers and GPS coordinates in the Trumbull Section of the Pequonnock River Sampling Sites PQ7.1 PQ7 PQ6.5 PQ6.4 PQ6.3 PQ6.2 Latitude Longitude 41.29294 41.29381 41.28725 41.28069 41.28025 41.25469 -73.2548 -73.2407 -73.2284 -73.2217 -73.2183 -73.2071 PQ6.1 41.25061 -73.2051 PQ6 41.24681 -73.1971 PQ5.9 PQ5.8 41.23356 41.22878 -73.1839 -73.1811 Comments Site on North Farrar Brook on Coventry Lane Site on Spring Hill Road off the bridge Site in Old Mine Park Site on Whitney Avenue off bridge near Riverside Drive Site in Indian Ledge Park Site in Indian Ledge State Park Site flowing into the Pequonnock from a storm drain outfall Site where the Pequonnock crosses on Daniels Farm Road bridge Site within Unity Park Site at the end of Cottage Place E. coli bacteria will be evaluated using the criteria published in the CT DEEP Surface Water Quality Standards, 2/25/11. The CT DEEP E. coli criterion for Class AA, A, and B water is established at three levels (Table 2). The Pequonnock River is classified for “all other recreational uses” because the public does not bathe in or drink the river water, and because it is too shallow for swimming. The report will focus on E. coli bacteria levels, because it is the indicator bacteria of choice by the CT DEEP. Table 2 CT DEEP criterion for E. coli bacteria levels as applied to recreational use, effective 2/25/11 Designated Use Recreation Designated Swimming Class Indicator Non-designated Swimming AA, A, Escherichia B coli AA, A, Escherichia B coli All Other AA, A, Escherichia Recreational Uses B coli Criteria Geometric Mean less than 126/100; Single Sample Maximum 235/100 Geometric Mean less than 126/100; Single Sample Maximum 410/100 Geometric Mean less than 126/100; Single Sample Maximum 576/100 Results Indicator bacteria (E. coli) levels for the 10 monitoring sites (and one storm drain pipe) are contained in Table 3 and Figure 2. Two monitoring sites, PQ 6.1(396 CFUs/100 mLs) and PQ 5.8 (153 CFUs/100 mLs) had geometric mean levels of E. coli bacteria that exceeded the CT DEEP geometric mean criterion (<126 CFUs/100 mLs) for a Class B river. Site PQ 6.1 also exceeded the Single Sample Maximum (SSM, <576 CFUs/100 mLs) criterion on two of the five sampling events during the study period. Sites PQ 6.5, PQ2, PQ6 and PQ 5.8 also exceeded the SSM once on the first sampling event (7/16/2014). Table 3 Observed E. coli counts on each sampling event (six total) geometric means, rainfall amounts, and % frequency exceeding 576 CFU/100mLs for each monitoring site in the Trumbull section of the Pequonnock River Watershed %frequency over 576 Sites 7/16/2014 7/30/2014 8/6/2014 10/8/2014 10/22/2014 Geomean CFUs/100 mLs PQ7.1 88 16 8 52 68 33 0.00% PQ7 192 20 52 380 12 62 0.00% PQ7.01 28 440 112 111 0.00% PQ6.5 920 40 68 540 20 122 20.00% PQ6.4 70 88 68 60 2 35 0.00% PQ6.3 360 16 4 124 26 38 0.00% PQ6.2 660 48 40 56 30 73 20.00% PQ6.1 1120 350 228 880 124 396 40.00% PQ6 700 28 92 60 18 72 20.00% PQ5.9 540 116 88 112 40 120 0.00% PQ5.8 720 124 80 164 72 153 20.00% Rainfall (inches) 2.07 0.28 0.48 0.09 0.85 Days Prior 2* 2 3 1 7 *indicates rainfall amounts will additive for that sampling event Figure 2 Observed maximum, geomean, and minimum E. coli values for the ten monitoring sites and one storm drain site in the Trumbull section of the Pequonnock River Watershed E. coli Colonies/100 mLs 10000 1000 a 100 10 1 PQ7.1 PQ7 7.01 PQ6.5 PQ6.4 PQ6.3 PQ6.2 PQ6.1 Sites Maximum value a CT DEEP geometric mean limit for a Class B river Geomean Minimum value PQ6 PQ5.9 PQ5.8 Figure 3 Dissolved oxygen maximum, mean, and minimum concentrations for ten monitoring sites and one storm drain site in the Trumbull section of the Pequonnock River Watershed 12.0 Dissolved oxygen, mg/L 10.0 8.0 6.0 a 4.0 2.0 0.0 PQ7.1 PQ7 7.01 PQ6.5 PQ6.4 PQ6.3 PQ6.2 PQ6.1 PQ6 PQ5.9 PQ5.8 Sites Maximum value a Mean Minimum value CT DEEP minimum criterion for DO for a Class B river Figure 4 Conductivity maximum, mean, and minimum values for ten monitoring sites and one storm drain site in the Trumbull section of the Pequonnock River Watershed 2500 Conductivity, uS 2000 1500 1000 500 0 PQ7.1 PQ7 7.01 PQ6.5 Maximum value PQ6.4 PQ6.3 PQ6.2 Sites Mean PQ6.1 Minimum value PQ6 PQ5.9 PQ5.8 Table 4 Conductivity (uS) maximum, mean, minimum, and range values for ten monitoring sites and one storm drain site in the Trumbull section of the Pequonnock River Watershed Site Max Mean Min Range PQ7.1 210 184 164 46 PQ7 363 294 233 130 7.01 593 570 557 36 PQ6.5 424 347 276 148 PQ6.4 415 351 284 131 PQ6.3 337 278 212 126 PQ6.2 380 327 271 109 PQ6.1 2290 1835 1159 1131 PQ6 391 338 284 107 PQ5.9 338 295 228 110 Figure 5 Mean water temperatures (oC) for the ten monitoring sites and one storm drain site in the Trumbull section of the Pequonnock River Watershed 25.0 Water temperature oC 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 PQ7.1 PQ7 7.01 PQ6.5 PQ6.4 PQ6.3 PQ6.2 PQ6.1 PQ6 PQ5.9 PQ5.8 Sites Dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations at most of the monitoring sites were well above the CT DEEP minimum DO criterion of 5 mg/L (Figure 3). Site PQ 7.1, however, on two of the five sampling days exhibited DO concentrations below the CT DEEP minimum criterion. Conductivity was lowest at PQ7.1, a site in the northern Trumbull section of the Pequonnock River watershed near the Monroe Town line, and the highest was observed at Site PQ6.1, an un-named tributary stream that enters the Pequonnock River Valley State Park to join the main branch of the Pequonnock River (Figure 4). Site PQ6.1 exhibited remarkably high Conductivity values from 1159 uS to 2290 uS during the study period. Most of the other monitoring sites except the storm drain site (PQ7.01) had fairly narrow conductivity ranges from a low of 107 uS to 149 uS (Table 4). Means of water temperatures for the monitoring sites are displayed in Figure 5. Storm drain site PQ7.01 had the lowest water temperature (16.8 oC), and site PQ5.9 had the highest (22.7 oC). These two sites also had the lowest (14.8 oC ) and highest (19.1 oC ) mean water temperatures respectively. Discussion During the short monitoring period from July 16, 2014 to October 22, 2014 five monitoring events took place in the Trumbull section of the Pequonnock River from the Monroe Town border to near the Bridgeport Town line. Indicator bacteria (E. coli) levels were generally the highest on the first sampling event (July 16, 2014) for most of the sampling when a significant rainfall occurred 2 days prior to sampling. Most the monitoring sites had geometric means for E.coli bacteria concentrations below 126 CFUs/100 mLs, except for Site PQ6.1 and Site PQ5.8. Several monitoring sites PQ6.5, PQ6.4, PQ6.3, PQ5.8 381 319 232 149 PQ6.2, and PQ6.1 lie within or in close proximity to open space areas: Old Mine Park and the Pequonnock Valley State Park. Substantial riparian buffers exist at these monitoring sites and may help to explain why indicator bacteria levels were for the most part at low concentrations. However, site PQ6.1 is an exception. Of the ten sampling sites Site PQ6.1 appeared to have consistently high indicator bacteria levels exceeding the SSM 40 % of the time. Although this site lies within the Pequonnock Valley State Park, it receives a substantial water flow to it from the Norwood Terrace neighborhood area outside the park. This site also had extremely elevated conductivity values, when compared to those of the other monitoring sites. High E. coli levels and conductivity values may suggest a possible infiltration from a compromised storm drain or other pollution sources. It may be fruitful to investigate this un-named tributary for pollution inputs to try and find the cause of high conductivity and elevated indicator bacteria concentrations. Because site PQ6.1 exhibits a wide conductivity range, it may be greatly affected by impervious surface runoff, or have an unknown input affecting its water quality. Although Site PQ6.5 met the geometric mean for E. coli bacteria, it exceeded the 576 CFUs/100 mLs Single Sample Maximum (SSM) on July 16, 2014 (920 CFUs/100 mLs) and came very close to that level on October 8, 2014 (540 CFUs/100 mLs). Site PQ6.5 is located in Old Mine Park, so it was surprising that bacteria counts were elevated on two of the five testing days. On the other three testing days bacteria levels were very low. More investigation would be needed to see if storm drain infiltration may be causing these fluctuations. The lowest E.coli counts were found at site PQ7.1 on Coventry Lane. This site is located on North Farrar Brook, a tributary located west of the Pequonnock River. During the study period water flow was low at this site, and no direct storm drain discharges were evident. Good riparian buffers exist here and may be the reason why indicator bacteria and conductivity levels were low at this site. The southern Trumbull Pequonnock River monitoring sites (PQ6, PQ5.9, and PQ5.8) were fairly uniformly low with respect to E. coli single sample concentrations and geometric means. It was anticipated that E. coli levels would be elevated at site PQ6, because of its in close proximity to impervious surfaces in the commercial area of White Plains Road. Only on the first sampling day (July 16, 2014) were E. coli counts high, probably due to runoff from a significant rainfall 2 days prior to sampling. Sites PQ5.9 and PQ5.8 are located in residential neighborhoods having fairly good riparian buffers although both had high E.coli levels due to the significant rainfall two days prior to sampling. Most of the Pequonnock River monitoring sites were characterized with rapidly moving water so it was not surprising that dissolved oxygen (DO) was well above the CT DEEP criterion of 5 mg/L. Only at site PQ7.1 did DO concentrations fall below the 5 mg/L criterion during two of the five sampling events. The water at this site on North Farrar Brook can be slow moving during dry periods, so it is understandable that DO levels could be low here. Narrow conductivity ranges were observed at most Pequonnock River monitoring sites in the Trumbull section, which would identify them as stable and not affected greatly by storm water runoff. However, two sites PQ6.1 and PQ 7.01 stand out with elevated conductivity values. Site PQ7.01 was discovered on the third sampling event and added to the survey. This site had a low conductivity range, but its mean was 570 uS. The conductivity appeared to be due to the presence of elevated iron levels. The presence of iron slime bacteria and the characteristic orange precipitate was observed at the site. Some of this orange precipitate flowed in to the Pequonnock River, and may have an effect on raising the conductivity downstream at site PQ7 on Spring Hill Road. It should be noted that booms were deployed downstream of the Spring Hill Road bridge. Site PQ7 and PQ7.01 are located next to a school bus depot and an industrial park. Site PQ6.1 as stated previously stated exhibited extremely high conductivity. Conductivity was 1159 uS on the first day of sampling and highest 2290 uS on the last day of sampling (October 22, 2014). The conductivity means (1835 uS) were between 3.3 to 6.4 times higher than that of the other conductivity means observed at the other main river sites. Because this site also exhibited the highest indicator bacteria levels, this site warrants further study to understand what may be causing these observations Water temperatures at the other monitoring sites were fairly consistent. The lowest water temperature was observed at site PQ7.01 (mean = 14.8 oC). This may be due to the fact that water flowing to this site travels through an underground pipe. Water temperature was also lower at site PQ6.1 (mean=16.9 oC). This site also may have water travelling underground and away from the exposure of sunlight. The general water quality conditions observed during this short study in the Trumbull section of the Pequonnock River were generally good. Healthy levels of DO exist throughout this section and good riparian buffers especially where the river passes through parks and open spaces. Most of the monitoring sites met the CT DEEP geometric mean criterion for indicator bacteria levels (E. coli), but high bacteria levels and elevated conductivity at site PQ6.1 need to be further investigated. There is a plan to revisit these same monitoring sites in the spring season (2015), and to add nutrient (especially phosphorous analysis) testing. During the period of this study an observation was made at Site PQ7of a boom that was placed across the river just downstream of the Spring Hill Road Bridge (Appendix A). It would appear that the boom is collecting flock at the surface. It is not known if this equipment was place temporarily or is a permanent fixture to protect against pollution runoff from the upstream bus depot. We wish to acknowledge and thank Frank Smeriglio, Town of Trumbull Engineering Department, for his support for conducting this survey, as well as the Trumbull Parks and Recreation Department for allowing vehicular access to the monitoring sites within the Trumbull Town Parks, and to Trumbull Park Ranger, Mark Ceneri. We extend our thanks to Earthplace Trustee and Trumbull resident, Mary Ellen Lemay for guidance and help with Trumbull Town municipal departments. References CT DEEP, Water Quality Standards 2/25/11 CT DEEP, Pequonnock River Watershed TMDL, September 2012 Rice, E. W, A. D. Eaton, R. B. Baird, and L. S. Clesceri. Standard Methods, 22nd ed, 2012, Section 9222D and 9222G Harris, R.B. and P.J. Fraboni: Quality Assurance/Quality Control Plan for the Pequonnock River Watershed Monitoring Project (QAPP No. RFA#13058) (approved May 2013 and extended to 2016) Fuss and O’Neill, Pequonnock River Watershed Based Plan, September 2011 Appendix A Photos of selective monitoring sites in the Trumbull Section of the Pequonnock River (left) Boom deployed down stream of site PQ7 and the Spring Hill Bridge collecting flock (below) Water exiting at Site PQ7.01, which has travelled underground through a rusting corrugated metal pipe, showing signs of iron slime bacteria (above) Site PQ6.1 is an un-named brook whose outfall enters the lower end of the Pequonnock River Valley State Park. The water from this stream flows through the Norwood Terrace neighborhood is characterized with elevated E. coli bacteria and conductivity levels. (left) Looking upstream from site PQ6.2 in the Pequonnock River Valley State Park