\Jl10 . W/3 - Mason County
\Jl10 . W/3 - Mason County
M a. s0 n County Boa,rd of Equalization Board Clerk's Record of Hearing Petition No: Taxpayer's Name: Mailing Address: City: :1 ~ O. :J.a J .3 --==~.J.£!~....!.-_i_-=..w=.,:._L-£..lf--L._._....-=:~.L--:..~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-t J d... l - - '=-"-=.......-==..:::........__:__,._.._..........==-'-£..-::;¥>........... """"-~~~~~~~~~~~~~---1 State: .......W ~A ....._____ Uo~on Taxpayer's Parcel No: Zip Code: -L..~;_+-><=---i ..31104-58- oooL/'1 M°-'[ I 1 J6J3 j Hearing Was Held On: Board Members Present: Decision of Board: Value Sustained: Value Changed From: $la 4, DDO ;:. To: $51,(Joo- Other: Recorded on Tape No: Hearing Began at (time): _ q_._·_,D:::;...;I=---D A""""'m '-'-...____ Ended at (ti me): ~ \Jl<AU 10>. W/3 Date For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format, visit http://dor.wa.gov/content/taxes/property/default.aspx . or call (360) 534-1400. Teletype (TTY) users may call (360) 705-6718. · · REV 60 0002e (w) (10/8/10) M o..Son County Board of Equalization Board Clerk's Record of Hearing Petition No: Taxpayer's Name: ·/ '1 tf. ,lo J 3 /e, ~_,__._,......_,_~~L--'-'--''-="--L~-=-__,~...L.k:1-.!-=.------------1 Mailing Address: City: State: Taxpayer's Parcel No: Hearing Was Held On: L.J A I :LIDS -5J.- ooct1Y. Ma.~ I 1 :J..o f.3 Board Members Present: Decision of Board: Value Sustained: $ 4 q 5rJO - Value Changed From: 1 - - - -- - - To: Other: Recorded on Tape No: Hearing Began at (time): 55 f3 I 0 ·. 4 5 At'V\ ---'----'--=-----"...;;;..:..--=---- IO:Sq Arvl Ended at (time): -- \, } lU1.-t 10 , W r3 Date For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format, visit http://dor.wa.gov/contenUtaxes/property/defaultaspx . or call (360) 534-1400. Teletype (TTY) users may call (3.60) 705-6718. · · . REV 60 0002e (w) (10/8/10) M a..Son County Board of Equalization Board Clerk's Record of Hearing Petition No: Taxpayer's Name: r-1 e... ~.i.-.UA....._..!...!...._,_-!...--!..l.4...!.....\T3..~::..._!lo!-!~~~=--~~~~~~~~~~~-I £ Mailing Address: City: /15. J. o I 3 sSe..a.tl \ e... State: LJ A Zip Code: Taxpayer's Parcel No: Hearing Was Held On: IY\. o..~ l • J,o r 3 Board Members Present: Decision of Board: Value Sustained: $ /JCtJl/.5- Value Changed From: To: Other: Recorded on Tape No: 558 Hearing Began at (time): --=1'-I ·.-=();.,.;.o___.A _._. .M :. . _.____ Ended at (time): / J! I S A rvJ ~ \Jt.uU Date 10 . 2013 ' For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format, visit http://dor.wa.gov/content/taxes/propertv/default.aspx . or call (360) 534-1400. Teletype (TTY) users rriay call (360) 705-6718. · REV 60 0002e (w) (10/8/10) _ __.M'---=-.......a.~S,,,__,oOL...Jn.....___ _ County Board of Equalization Board Clerk's Record of Hearing Petition No: Taxpayer's Name: / 7 1 . J..{) / .3 ----=-=-.L.L..J~.1..L---!..~~:..ll-lL.-.:=:.!o~~~L...L-------------1 Mailing Address: City: Woo rl ~ n v; 11 e.., State: WA Zip Code: Taxpayer's Parcel No: Hearing Was Held On: rv\ a. '/ I ,. fl_ D t 3 Board Members Present: Decision of Board: Value Sustained: Value Changed From: $ 30 7 , Oto 5 To: .$ J.'-f o, OO(j - Other: .....""' t,'---=-A_.___ _ _ __ Recorded on Tape No: -~-t) Hearing Began at (time): (I : 1'] AM J/:~8Am Ended at (time): Tll11L Date I 0, 2013 . ' For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format, visit http://dor.wa.gov/content/taxes/property/default.aspx . · or call (360) 534~ 1400 . Teletype (TTY) users may call (360) 705-6718. REV 60 0002e (w) (10/8/10) _, .1 / M a. s0 n County ~oard of Equalization Board Clerk's Record of Heari·ng Petition No: J 3 I. J {) J 3 Taxpayer's Name: _...L..:......l..Jo!!!::...J.LJ.L___JL.-~~.. . :. . .!.4---=--l-Ju.....e~~'----------------1 Mailing Address: City: Zip Code: State: 3~ /Oq -6{) - DO 0 I CJ e..ve Io. ncl - 1)0 na./J Taxpayer's Parcel No: --''--=-"""--"...__..__-I ~() Hearing Was Held On: Board Members Present: 1J o.r- r '/ Re,;~ - Do ro-f'h '/ rV\e.'-f d Decision of Board: Value Sustained: --------$ 3 o, L/-O O _-. Va Iue Changed From: Other: _ o--''"""'5''--J.__., .f 8=-----Hearing Began at (time): 9 ·. 6 '7 8 00 Recorded on Tape No: Ended at (time): For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format, visit http://dor.wa.gov/content/taxes/property/default.aspx or call (360) 534-1400. Teletype (TTY) users may call (360) 705-6718. · REV 60 0002e (w) (10/8/10) . ·' _, l M a. s0 n County Boafd of Equalization Board Clerk's Record of Hearing Petition No: cl l/- tf. d 0 I 3 Taxpayer's Name: -.L-~=-=;.:....!._----'____.::=.:...___..;_:_:!:f-......:....:....1.....!o!...c>.....!........>=~--~------'-------; Mailing Address: City: _:___.._~ ___ ..._..-.£..~------- Taxpayer's Parcel No: State: W JDt Zip Code: -'-=~-'-----1 - .3::A.10L.J.- bb- {)004'1 Hearing Was Held On: Ma_'/ I I J..01 3 Board Members Present: Decision of Board: Value Sustained: --------$ 5 I ,. ~() O::..To: .$ 35, 6 OCJ - Va Iue Changed From: I Other: - --=-.5.. _4--' _,, B =--- - - Ended at (time): Hearing Began at (time): q ·. 6 '1 AM Recorded on Tape No: 10:1'3Am For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format, visit http://dor.wa .gov/content/taxes/prooerty/default.aspx or call (360) 534-1400. Teletype (TTY) users may call (360) 705-6718. · REV 60 0002e (w) (10/8/10) _ __.M---=-.......o..,,,_,S..._.o~n._.___-"-- County Board of Equalization Board Clerk's Record of Hearing Petition No: Taxpayer's Name: q '7. J. O J-3 ~-=-....!..L...LM-..W~-'--1.L..L.J~.:l-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-I Mailing Address: City: I,_,. a_ M.f Zip Code: Taxpayer's Parcel No: Hearing Was Held On: M o.. y I , J.O I 3 Board Members Present: Decision of Board: Value Sustained: $ d 3D,, 7 !.t>'S'- Value Changed From: To: Other: Recorded on Tape No: 51A Hearing Began at (time): / ; .3 o fm · / ; '-/ fo Ended at (time): Date Pm 7 For tax assistance or to request this document in an alternate format, visit http://dor.wa .gov/content/taxes/property/default.aspx · . or call (360) 534-1400. Teletype (TTY) users may call (360) 705-6718. · REV 60 0002e (w) (10/8/10) _ __.M'---'-_,,,,o.."'-'S.,_,o~n._.___ _.;.._ County Board of Equa Iizati on Board Clerk's Record of Hearing Petition No: Taxpayer's Name: d.57. Jo J.3 "Oc1l -=-""""-'-'-=-.&........:=-=::..L......<~~--="'"--'-=.....'-='----'--=--:~u=.JU.C.~~~~~'-'------I Mailing Address: q Zip Code: ---=--=-=-__.__..__ g/ _ __.,. City: Taxpayer's Parcel No: 3 :l. ~ I Cf -5 o - o o 03 8' Hearing Was Held On : Board Members Present: Decision of Board: Value Sustained: Value Changed From: 4 d..11 J 91:5- Other: Recorded on Tape No: Hearing Began at (time): ----""' 3 :........:__;;o;;....:;...... 1 _.. f__,_ M...;.&. . ___ 3 :).'5" PM Ended at (ti me): Date 7 - For tax assistance or to request th is document in an alternate format, visit http ://dor.wa .gov/content/taxes/property/default.aspx · · . or call (360) 534-1400. Teletype (TTY) users may call (3.60) 705-6718 . REV 60 0002e (w) (10/8/10)