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Books Received SARA AHPEL-RAPPE, Socrates: a G uide f o r the P erplexed (London, Continuum Books, 2009); 200p; ISBN 978-0-826433251; paper, $US19.95 PAUL J.J.M. BAKKER AND JOHANNES M.M.H. THIJSSEN (eds.), M ind, C ognition an d Representation: The Tradition o f C om m entaries on A ristotle’s D e anim a, Ashgate Studies in Medieval Philosophy (Aldershot, Ashgate, 2008); 266p; ISBN 978-0-7546-3084-5; cloth, €55.00 EMILY BARAGWANATH, M otivation an d N arrative in H erodotus (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008); 400p; ISBN 978-0-19-923129-4; cloth, €65.00 B. BAR-KOCHVA, The Im age o f the Jews in Greek Literature: the Hellenistic P eriod (Berkeley, Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2010); 632p; ISBN 978-0-520-25336-0; cloth, US$95.00 A.J. BOYLE, (ed.), O ctavia, A ttrib u ted to Seneca (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2008); 340p; ISBN 978-0-19-928784-0; cloth, €70.00 MARGARET A. BRUCIA AND GREGORY N. 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FRASER, Greek Ethnic Term inology (Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2009); 246p; ISBN 978-0-197264287; cloth, €50.00 COULTER GEORGE, MATTHEW McCULLAGH, BENEDICTE NIELSEN, ANTONIA RUPPEL AND OLGA TRIBULATO, Greek and Latin fro m an Indo-European Perspective, Proceedings of the Cambridge Prudentia 39.2 (2007), pages 51-155 152 Philological Society, Supplementary Volume 32 (Cambridge, Cambridge Philological Society, 2007), viii + 214p; ISBN 978-0-906014-31-8; cloth, £45.00 MARK GOLDEN, Greek S port an d Social Status, Fordyce W. Mitchell Memorial Lecture Series (Texas, University of Texas Press, 2008); 208p; ISBN 978-0-292-71869-2; paper, US$25.00 FRANCIS A. GRABOWSKI III, Plato, M etaphysics a n d the Forms (London and New York, Continuum Books, 2008); 176p; ISBN 9780826497802; cloth, £65.00 J.R. GREEN, The Logie Collection: a C atalogue o f the James Logie M em orial Collection o f Classical A ntiquities a t the U niversity o f Canterbury, Christchurch (Canterbury, Canterbury University Press, 2009); 424p; ISBN 978-1-877257-66-7; cloth, NZ $120.00 ROBERT HANNAH, Time in A n tiq u ity (London and New York, Routledge, 2009); 206p; ISBN 978-0-415-33156-2; paper, £21.99 B. HOLMES, The Sym ptom an d the Subject: the Emergence o f the Physical B ody in A n cient Greece (Berkeley and Los Angeles, University of California Press, 2010); 392p; ISBN 978-0-691138992; cloth, US$45 M. ANDREW HOLOWCHAK, The Stoics: a G uide fo r the P erplexed (London and New York, Continuum Books, 2008); 248p; ISBN 978-1847060457; paper, £14.99 A. KELLY, Sophocles: O edipus a t Colonus (London, Duckworth, 2009); 176p; ISBN 978-0-7156-3713-5; paper, £12.99 M. LE GLAY, J.-L. VOISIN AND Y. 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