The Micro Store, Computer Retailing
The Micro Store, Computer Retailing
o u VE -4 by PORTIAfSAACSON The first Micro Store opened 5100,000but we did manageto June [9, 1976after six monthsof avoidborrowing.Althoughwe had planning. The primary cooa number of peopleinterestedin tributors to the plan were David investing,we felt that being acwas a Wilsonand Portialsaacson. David countableonly to ourselves situation. holds a M.S. degreein computer verydesirable with emphasis science, in computer After incorporatingas Binary' design.He had beenan electronic SystemsIncorporatedthe nextslep wasto placeordersrvithour major kit-buildersinceearly childhood, and owned one of the earliest chosensuppliers:IMSAI, SWTP, Altairs and one of the earliest Lear Siegler, Vector, various Thgn, publishers, and IC suppliers. SphereCornputers.Portia holds a Ph.D. in computer sciencewith bf course,startedthe long wait for in operatingsystems emphasis and delivery. While waiting we startedlookcomputer architecture;has eight yearsindustrialexperience ing for a location. The primary in computer system engineerinB, choiceswerebetweenan industrial marketing,and management; and districtwhich doesn'thavea retail four yearsexperience in computer look at all and the other extreme, In scienceeducationand research. which was a shoppingcenterthat wantedfrom 3Voto 6Vaof our gross addition, Myer Wilson provided years exthe benefitof his thirty salesas rent with a minimum, of periencein smallbusiness manage- ' course.We felt that eventuallybe' ment and financialplanningas ining in a retailareawould be imPor: put to the plan for the Micro Store. tant with the rise in poPularitYof The plan becamea thirty page the homecomputer.However,that documentwhich includeda list of percentage of grosssalesis just uoproductsthat the store would inacceptablebecausewe did not itially handle,a descriptionof the think we would benefitsufficientlv variousarrangements that couldbe from the walk-bytrafficin a shopmade with suppliers,a three-level ping center.We had almostsigned plan of financial operation ina leaseon somespacein an office cludinga worst-case w'hen financialloss areaon a major expressway after six months of operation we found it - the perfectlocation. , a one-yearbarely making it plan, in a It wason the sameexpressway plan.The main conand a success littleretailareathat didn't demand clusion from the plan was that of grosssales.It rvas a percentage about S100,000was needed to in theheartof the Dallascompurer operatean independent computer industry.The other shopsin the store at the level of operation area includeda dive shop and a needed to makeit worthyour time. motorcycleshop.Nbt so retailthat The plan was discussedwith rvouldbeburdened our salespeople severalfriendswho had significant with answeringa lot of questions knowledgein small buisness. who rvould We from casualpassersby becameconvincedthat therewasa but sufficientl;' neverbecustomers; good chance of achievingthe retailthat three)'earslaterit would success levelof operation.[n addibe suitablefor sellinghomecomtion, the risk for the first six puters. monthsof operationappearedto The next problemwe facedwas be quitesmall- aboutS10,000. We horv to announcethe sioreop3:^decidedto go about the first.of ing. \['e decidedagainst public April. we reaily beause mediaadvertising The first stepwas to emptyour publicand. didn'twantthegeneral pockets,break the piggy banks, moreimportantly,it costsa lot of etc. to raise the requiredcapital. money.What we did was very efWe didn't quite make the needed fective.The most significantthing wasto preparea bulletinboardanwhichwe mailedto all nouncement friendsand professional associates' of David and Portia. In nearly everymajor computercompanyin were Dallas theseannouncements placedon the bulletin boardsby friends.We alsotook smalladvertisements in the or announcements localnewsletters of ACM, DPMA, IEEE, and the hobby newsletter. In addition,we did a newsrelease TV stations,and to newspapers, radio stations in and around Dallas, emphasizingthe exciting newly emergingusesof the computer in the home.As a resultthe did a halfmajor Dallasnewspaper page story with pictures in the businesssectionof our store. A story like that, especiallyin the section,is probablymuch business more effectivethan paid advertising - besides it's free. Eventuallywe finishedsomeof our remodeling,some of our orders came in, and opening day arrived.Hundredsof peoplecame and marveledthat Dallas hnallv had a computerstore. Sinceopeningday a few things have changed.Our product lines now include:iCOM, Micropolis, IMSAI, DEC, Lear Siegler,Alpha Microsystems, Polymorphic Systems, ProcessorTechnology, Percom, Intel, SWTP, Industrial Micro Systems,Vector Graphic, lnc., Solid State Music, Vector, a s s o r t e dm a g a z i n ea n d b o o k publishers, and IC suppliers.We now havenineemployees and two Dallas area stores.We are doing most (about 807o)of our business with business,industrial, and educationalinstitutions.The restis with hobbyists.We have some successmarketing nationally a software product called Basic ETC. We are doing software,especiallythat which we think will have a larse market as a package including hardware, software, We are trainingand maintenance. doing custom engineering primarily wherevolume salesare involved.We havejust acquired some additional space near our mainstoreto usefor offices,repair, storage,and classes.Our new 35 page store catalog has just been mailedto our customerlist. Later this Fall we are startine several classes in computing. plicabilityof computingresources' We saw that the new low-cost' ter thesenew marketsfior the new low+ost computingproductswas the quality of our staff. Unlike many computerstoreswe do not think thesemarketscan be cracked to any major extent with technicians or college students as salespeople. Eventhoughthe computingproductswe hadto sellwere lower in cost than thosewe rvere trying to replace,the marketing and systemsdesignjob is still the same- or harder.The quality of our staff has beenof utmost importance.Among our staffwehave two E.E.s,two M.S. in computer science,a Ph.D. in computer science, and considerable educational, industrial,maiketing, and businessexperience. In order to attract and hold suchtalentwe pay salarieswhich are very competitivewith other computerindustrysalaries.Thereis a ncgative side to our position. The Micro Stores have the reputation in Dallasof doing very well with difficult problemsand questionsbut at doing not so well and being somewhat impatientwith a beginning hobbyist. We are not necessarilypleased about this situation;however,we realizethat with our expensivehigh-powered salespeoplewe can't afford to spend much time with someone who at most - is going ro. purchasea low-end hobby computer. However,we are planning to try to meetthe needsof thesein- t g 7 7i T loptpurc il REinrLtNG,'ocroBER hssortment of books and by offerthis market and dividuals magazinesfor several reasons' that w'ill for beginners ing classes fiiit, they give peoPlea reasonfor beveryinexpensive. dropping-bYthe storeoften- to see Another bit of philosophythat what new books hasbeenimportantto the develoPthe 40Vomargin mentof The Micro Storehasbeen average.Last, ma our inventory.We keep stock in neediome readinl the storeand we let peopleknow ready to buy a it's there. On a typical day You books includea Lear ten Siegler.term.inals see hobby electronics Fay rn onecornerstackedto theceiling, *unr'ifacturersdata books, and a and twentycomputersstuckunder wide range of comPuter sciencE tables and stackedin boxes. books. The computer sclence like to know that when Customers books do very well sincethereare somethng, get buy to ready they severaluniversitycomputerSclence haveone in stock. you'll-probabty departmentsnear bY as well as Having inventoryis so important t.i.tul large compuiercompanies Our a that we believethat, if necessary, hiringFoisands of engineers' storeshouldlimit its productlines magazlnesinclude all- the hobbY into the extentthat a reasonable computer ma1azines.We try to ventor! can be maintainedfor the ttoct asmanybackissuesaspossi' choscnlines.The Micro Storcswill ble. takeordersfor productsthat we do The other tYP( not have in stock; however,we handleincludeir nevertake moneywith the orders. prototyPingeqg! Becausethere is a big problemin in the caseof I( this industry with manufiacturers thesefor rePaira who announceproductslong in aswellsellthem. advanceof delivery,the computer for having these store is many times placedin the store,however, awkwardsituationof havingto excomingbackto the store.Rememplain why it does not have a ber thE typicalhobbYistYho UuYl product that has been advertised Gt. prdductsis an engineerand for severalmonths.Taking money not ohty Fay he be a Potential with a customer's orderonly comcustomerfor a comPuterbut also problem. pounds this his company may be a Potential Demonstrationsystemsare also customer. - -We very important.In our main store tefiectoftenon the futureof its retail aspect,and demonstration industrv, we have seven this systems,one for eachof our comthe future .if our businessin Parputer lines.Theseare mostlydiskticular. We believe that the inbasedsystemsand two of themare dustry will change very- raPit'-!1In our newstorewe rack-mounted. over itre next few years.The $ lm systems. four demonstration have bus,whichmadethe Personalcom' Needlessto say, theserepresenta putingindustryasit is todaypo.ssi' verysignificantinvestment. ble, witt survive for some time When a customer choosesto the largenumberof cornbecause for he kit buys a himself assemble paniesmanufactutiqgproducts -selection of from the The Micro Store, we it guaranteesa wide guaranteethat we will make it opiions, the latestin technology, work. In fact, after the customer airOthe lowestin Prices.BY eariY the kit, we will do 1978there will ba severalhome has assembled to necessary debugging all the computerson the market of the makethekit operationalat no cost Commodore-RadioShack class. to the customerexceptfor compoWhen the aPPlicationsoftware nentshe hasdamaged.Oncethe kit becomesavailable,millions of in, is operationaland burned thesecomputersrvill be sold.Not should it need repair, we charge only will' consumerelectronics Sl0 per hour for repairinganything companiesbe enteringthe market we iell. Much of what we sell is but alsotraditionalcomputercomassembled.We do most of the panies,especialll'mini computer Usuallywe can ourselves. as.sembly sell an assembledproduct at less petitiveproducts. than*the manufacturer'slist price and still make a verv reasonable profit. The retail comPuter store will have severalpoteritialroles.First' as compuler.Power becomesless expensiveit doesn'tmake senseto mirket and servicecomPutersusing the traditional techniqu: of le .or. field J."nding salespeoP engineeisto catt on individual customers.The retail comPuter store is a new way of marketing and servicing comPuters-The traditional comPuter comPanies will soon rcalue-this. Next, there will be an enormousmarket for home computersand aPPlications software.A comPuterstorein this businesswill find itself competing , with consumerelectronicsoutlets , and departmentstores'.Computer storesmay havesomedifficultf in maintaining comPetitiveiJlv€otoriesand piices.Theyshouldiook carefullyal the serviceand educa' tion aspectsof the homecomPuter petitive.Last,therewiil continueto be a solidhobbycomputermarket althoughthismarketdoesnot have the potential of the businessor homemarkets.Therewill be room, however,for a few storesspeciaiiz' ing in hobbycomputing We seethe future emphasisat The Micro Storesin the busin s. industrial,and educationrnarke6. We are trying to developthe tlpe of customer base that makes repeatedandlor volume bu1's. Theseareprimarilylargeindustriai that areusing5-100bus companies computersfor processcontrol aPplications. Occasionally we do sorne custom design for these Anothermarketwe are customers. trying to develop is the srnall packagethat can be sold business with hardware,software,training, and serviceto many small corn' panieshaving the same.requirements. Stores could help each otherby sharingsuchpackages. In generalthe future looks verl' unpredictable. bright if somew'hat to keepail our We'lljust remember money in cash, accounts receivable,and inventory. The computer -last store,as it is toda)'.ma)' but wd'll certainll look not ci backon it asthe mostenjol'abie pastimes. At leastit gaveus the incredibleopportunityto be present and involvedwhenthe greatcomI \\'e puter revolutiontook Place *'e that grandchildren ian tell our were therewhen comPuterPo\r'er first reachedthe peopleI !L nl l n e q l
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