Holman United Methodist Church
Holman United Methodist Church
HOLMAN Church of the Bells UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 3320 West Adams Boulevard Los Angeles California 90018 Phone: (323) 731-7285 Fax: (323) 731-2609 Email: [email protected] www.holmanumc.com Visit us on – Facebook: HolmanChurch Twitter: @HolmanUMC REV. KELVIN SAULS, Senior Pastor REV. ALLISON MARK, Associate Pastor MIN. MARGUERITE PHILLIPS, Minister of Congregational Care Ministries REV. OLIVER BUIE, Minister of Community Engagement REV. JAMES M. LAWSON, JR., Pastor Emeritus 10th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST JULY 24, 2016 LET YOUR LIGHT SO SHINE The 11:00 a.m. Worship Celebration is broadcast LIVE on KJLH Radio Free 102.3 FM and worldwide on www.kjlhradio.com TODAY’S RADIO BROADCAST MINISTRY IS SPONSORED IN CELEBRATION OF FREEDOM SCHOOL A program of the Children’s Defense Fund “that seeks to build strong, literate, and empowered children prepared to make a difference in themselves, their families, communities, nation and world today.” We give thanks for this opportunity to empower our children. Together we CAN make a difference! 1945-2016 FROM FAITHFULNESS to FRUITFULNESS: Making a Commitment to Improvement through Alignment and Involvement "Let us hold fast to the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who has promised is faithful. And let us consider how to provoke one another to love and good deeds, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day approaching" (Hebrews 10:23-25). 1 WORSHIP CELEBRATION “But Jesus called the children to him and said, ‘Let the little children come to me.’” Luke 18:16 (NIV) Church School for our children begins at 8 AM and 11 am (Children) in the Love Educ. Bldg. Please sign your child in before you go to the Sanctuary and sign them out when you leave! Thank you. PRELUDE *** Robert Johnson, Jr. “Here I Am to Worship” Chris Tomlin CENTERING MOMENT We gather today to edify one another and glorify God. Through our edification, we seek to brighten one another's lights through encouragement and empowerment. Through our glorification, we seek to re-kindle our salt-seasoning, so that it brings out the God-flavors for enlightenment and enrichment. GREETING *** *CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: In a world that has lost its saltiness and compromised the God-flavors in us, People: Brighten your corner by being the salt of the earth! Leader: In a world where the darkness of racial injustice and economic inequity has compromised the God-colors in us, People: Brighten your corner by being the light of the world! ALL: Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to God. Every praise is to our God!! *CELEBRATION OF PRAISE & WORSHIP Praise Team & Congregation “Every Praise” Hezekiah Walker Every praise is to our God Every word of worship with one accord Every praise every praise is to our God Sing hallelujah to our God Glory hallelujah is due our God Every praise, every praise is to our God God my Savior God my Healer God my Deliverer Yes He is, yes He is “Lord Prepare Me” Lord prepare me, to be a sanctuary, pure and holy, tried and true; and with thanksgiving, I’ll be a living, sanctuary for you. *OPENING PRAYER CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE Choir and Congregation “Souled Out” Hezekiah Walker Chorus: I am souled out, my mind is made up! Who can separate us from the love Jesus? Not death, nor life Jesus paid the price, now I'm free from sin MINISTRY OF MUSIC *** I've come through the fire, I've come through the rain But God, He never left my side He's my comfort through all hurt and pain My heart is fixed, my mind's made up No room, no vacancies, I'm all filled up His Spirit lives me in me and that’s the reason I’m souled out.… Voices of Harmony “I Could Sing of Your Love Forever” Hillsong ________________________ * Congregation please rise in body or spirit *** Worshipers may enter 2 *SCRIPTURE MATTHEW 5:13-16 *CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE Liturgist: The Word of God for the people of God. People: Thanks be to God! MINISTRY OF MUSIC *** Jubilant Voices “All We Ask” Sandra Gray and Melida Skeete Byrd, soloists Donnie McClurkin SERMON Rev. Kelvin Sauls BRIGHTEN YOUR CORNER INVITATION TO DISCIPLESHIP, MEMBERSHIP AND COMPANIONSHIP (ALTAR CALL) Persons desiring to become disciples of Jesus Christ and/or members of Holman UMC are asked to come forward and complete a Discipleship / Membership Registration, Intercessory Prayer Card found in the pew rack. Please place the card in the offering plate and/or bring it with you to the Altar while the choir / congregation is singing. Music for Meditation Jubilant Voices “I Give Myself Away” Tracey Foster, soloist William McDowell PRESENTATION OF TITHES AND OFFERINGS Offertory “My Name is Victory” Jubilant Voices Jonathan Nelson *Doxology ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF GUESTS & VISITORS INVITATION TO PARTICIPATE IN MINISTRY (ANNOUNCEMENTS) *HYMN OF SENDING FORTH AND RECESSIONAL “This Light of Mine” *BENEDICTION As we depart worship, wherever you Go, toll YOUR Bell!! POSTLUDE Robert Johnson, Jr. "Open Your Eyes" Bobby Caldwell PARTICIPATING IN OUR SERVICES TODAY: Rev. Kelvin Sauls, Rev. Allison Mark, Dr. Marguerite Phillips, Rev. Oliver Buie; Liturgists: (8:00 am) Raven Addison, (11:00 am) Perry Garoy; Voices of Jeiña Brito, Jubilant Voices directed by Melida Smith Byrd; Robert Johnson, Jr., assistant Ricardo L.J. Mowatt, drummer; Ushers chaired by Gilbert Jones; Acolytes coordinated by Muriel Parker; Greeters chaired by Donna Richardson; Hospitality Ministry coordinated New Members Ministry chaired by Sharon Hodgson; Transportation Ministry coordinated Media Ministry: David Sears, Keith McGruder, and Mark Conway. Harmony directed by director and organist; PearlIne Allison and by Sharon Jackson; by Keith McGruder; 3 HEART TO HEART SALT AND LIGHT 13 “Let me tell you why you are here. You’re here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? You’ve lost your usefulness and will end up in the garbage. 14-16 “Here’s another way to put it: You’re here to be light, bringing out the God-colors in the world. God is not a secret to be kept. We’re going public with this, as public as a city on a hill. If I make you light-bearers, you don’t think I’m going to hide you under a bucket, do you? I’m putting you on a light stand. Now that I’ve put you there on a hilltop, on a light stand—shine! Keep open house; be generous with your lives. By opening up to others, you’ll prompt people to open up with God, this generous Father in heaven. Matthew 5:13-16The Message (MSG) PRAISE REPORT Holman members Carl and Cynthia Henley share the good news of the birth of their grandson, NAZHIR PRINCE AZONWU, born on July 17th at approximately 6:55 am (6 pounds & 10 ounces and 18.5 inches). The proud parents are Charles and Kiyanna Azonwu, and auntie Caradi Star Henley. LET US PRAY FOR THE BEREAVED HELEN C. WASHINGTON, sister of Holman member John Jones, passed away July 14 in Durham, North Carolina. Services are pending at this time. NEW PRAYER REQUESTS Family of Helen C. Washington, John Jones and Family, Linda Hillary FLOWERS ON THE ALTAR Happy Birthday to my Daughter DEBRA LACROIX God is still moving you and me forward! We are blessed to be part of the Holman family. We have received so many blessings from so many people that we just want to show our gratitude. Glory be to God! JEAN SMITH In Honor and Celebration of PROFESSOR HILDRETH (HAL) WALKER Man of God, Loving Family Man, Laser Scientist and Global Educator HAPPY BIRTHDAY! With all our Love, YOUR WIFE, DR. BETTYE DAVIS WALKER, CHILDREN, RAYMOND AND ALLISON, & GRANDS: NILE, MECCA & ASIA 4 THIS WEEK AT HOLMAN JULY 24 TO JULY 30, 2016 CHILDREN’s CHURCH SCHOOL 8:00 am & 11:00 am, Love Educ. Bldg. FELLOWSHIP HOUR, 9:30 am, L.L. White Hall Adults Church School, 9:45 am: ADULT BIBLE STUDY, Love Educ. Bldg., Room 5 BOOK TALK – JLMP Bldg., Rm. 204 currently reading: "Where Do We Go From Here: Chaos or Community?" by Martin Luther King, Jr. New Members Formation & Incorporation Small Group, 9:45 am, JLMP Bldg., Room 202 Voices of Harmony Repast, 9:45 am, Crockett Library Cherub Choir Rehearsal, 10 am, Johnson Chapel FELLOWSHIP HOUR, 12:30 pm, L.L. White Hall Our fellowship hour is sponsored by Dr. Josephine Jones IN HONOR OF THE 80TH BIRTHDAY OF EARL JONES! The birthday cake is provided by Ms. Jean Smith IN CELEBRATION OF THE MARCH BIRTHDAYS OF Debra LaCroix, Earl Jones, Monroe McGruder, and Sandra Jefferson! HOLMAN UMW UNIT MEETING, CANCELLED 1 pm, Johnson Chapel & Crockett Library In HIS Steps Dance Ministry Rehearsal, 1:30 pm, Sanctuary Bell Choir Rehearsal, 1:30 pm, Love Educ. Bldg., Room 1 THURSDAY Banners & Paraments Ministry, 10 am, Room 203 BIBLE STUDY, 12 pm, Crockett Library In HIS Steps Dance Ministry Rehearsal, 6 pm, Sanctuary Holman Choir Rehearsal, 7:30 pm, Bowick Music Room MONDAY INTERCESSORY PRAYER MINISTRY – 7 am (Mon. Wed. Fri.) Join us on the PHONE PRAYER LINE from any location for a time of prayer & encouragement. Call (605) 475-3270; Code 528519#, then 1 FREEDOM SCHOOL Mon. to Fri., 8 am to 3 pm Storehouse is open (for the needy), 1 pm – 3 pm (Mon. Wed. & Fri.), Love Educ. Bldg. Focus Point Study Group, 6:30 pm, Crockett Library Currently doing Bible study series based on the film “WAR ROOM” Holman Choir Rehearsal, 7 pm, Bowick Music Room TUESDAY Banners & Paraments Ministry, 10 am, Room 203 LINE DANCING (Health & Wellness Ministry) 5 pm, L.L. White Hall (fee applies: $5) Finance Committee Meeting, 7 pm, Room 202 FOR WOMEN ONLY BIBLE STUDY 6:30 pm, off-site Reading book: Keep It Shut by Karen Ehman WEDNESDAY Prayer Shawl Ministry, 12 pm, Crockett Library Another Chance Recovery Ministry, 7 pm, Room 203 Jubilant Voices / Joyful Noise Summer Choir Rehearsal, 7:30 pm, Johnson Chapel HOMECOMING WEEKEND FRIDAY FRIDAY MORNING PRAYER, Share & Communion Service, 7 am, Johnson Chapel Jobs for Kids Workshop, 2 pm, Crockett Library CONCERT UNDER STARS, 6:30 pm, Patio SATURDAY SATURDAY MORNING PRAISE & WORSHIP, 7 am, Johnson Chapel. All are welcome! Join us and experience your blessing! HOLMAN ALL CHURCH COOKOUT AND DISCIPLE REUNION, 11 am, L.L. White Hall HOLMAN UNITED METHODIST MEN DODGERS NIGHT, 6:10 pm, Dodgers Stadium “Knowing that I make somebody's day better is all that matters at the end of the day.” ― Raven Symone 5 MINISTRY AND MEETING ANNOUNCEMENTS WEEKLY HEALTH TIP: Which will cool you off faster on a steamy summer morning: iced coffee or hot? Two recent studies say the latter—and so do other cultures where drinking hot tea in hot weather is the norm, like in India. When you sip a hot beverage, your body senses the change in temperature and increases your sweat production. Then, as the sweat evaporates from your skin, you cool off naturally. Open your soul and entertain the glory of God, and after a while that glory will be reflected in the world about you and in the very clouds above your head. Frank Laubach (1884–1970) NOTICE: A SPECIAL CHARGE CONFERENCE will be held on Sunday, AUGUST 7th, immediately following the 8 am worship celebration. SURPRISE!! CELEBRATION OF THE 80TH BIRTHDAY OF EARL M. JONES in L.L. White Hall for our fellowship hour after the 11 a.m. service. Shhh!!! DODGERS BASEBALL GAME ON JULY 30th – If you are riding with us, the vans vans will leave Holman at 4 PM on Saturday, 7-30-16 to head to the game. 55+ FELLOWSHIP – Join 55+ Fellowship as we spend a day of fun, food & fellowship at Rideau Vineyard on AUGUST 20, 2016. Rideau is a Black owned winery located in the Santa Inez Valley near Solvang. The cost is $73.00 and includes transportation, lunch, and wine tasting. The deadline date to sign-up and pay is August 7, 2016. For more information please contact Juanita S. Cannon (310) 635-5289 or Pearl Crowell (323) 751-1458. ATTENTION!!!—ATTENTION!!!—ATTENTION!!! Would you like to be in the movies? Holman’s Beyond The Battlefield Committee (BTB) will honor individuals who have served in the U.S. Military by chronicling their experiences while in the military in an upcoming video. If you or anyone you know who is affiliated with Holman and would like to be honored please let us know. We have extended the deadline to August 7, 2016. Please call the Church office at 323-731-7285 and leave a message for Doris Spearman, or contact her directly at [email protected]. We look forward to celebrating you! 2016 GRADUATES – We want to stay connected with you! Please call the church office and provide your address, phone number and email address to Joni, or email to [email protected]. Also, please save the date, Friday, August 5th, for our Achievement Night celebration to honor you! See flyer on page 14. STRENGTH FOR THE JOURNEY RETREAT – H.O.P.E. Ministry will be available in L.L. White Hall today to accept campership donations for this retreat, which will be held this coming week (July 25-July 29). So far we have collected enough donations to sponsor four (4) persons. Your tangible blessing in making this opportunity available to as many as possible is life transforming. Thank you. TODAY Scripture: Matthew 5-7 THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT Our goal is to help children understand the main content of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount and be willing to follow what Jesus said. Blessings, DEBORAH A. MITCHELL Children’s Ministry Coordinator [email protected] CHERUB CHOIR REHEARSAL @ 10 am in JOHNSON CHAPEL! YOUTH MINISTRY NEWS Are you between the ages of 13 & 18? Looking for a space with other young people? Want to talk about what is going on in your world? Join us for Youth Church on 1st-3rd Sundays @ 8 AM in Room 8 of the Love Educ. Bldg. Voices of Harmony All youth are invited to join us 2nd – 3rd Sundays @ 10 am for rehearsals! We sing on 4th Sundays! Join us in giving God your praise in song!!! Zaneta Smith and or Joe Luckett Youth Ministry Directors [email protected], Instagram @therealhyp 6 2016 HOLMAN OUR CHOIRS NEED YOU! CHERUB CHOIR – Is your child age 4 to 10? If so, they can be part of the Cherub Choir, and join with other children in signing praises to the Lord. Choir rehearsals are held every Sunday, 10 to 10:30 am in the Johnson Chapel. The choir serves in ministry on the 3rd Sundays, currently only at the 11 am worship celebration. THE HANDBELL CHOIR is looking for interested persons to join this ministry. If you have some musical background and a desire to join the Handbell choir, please contact the Director, Mrs. Evelyn M. Freeman, at 323-291-5614. The Handbell Choir ministers every 2nd Sunday at the 8:00 am and 11:00 am worship celebrations. HOLMAN CHOIR and JUBILANT VOICES are always ready to welcome new members. If singing praises unto the Lord is what you love to do, then we have a place for you. Holman Choir rehearses on Thursdays, 7:30 pm. Choir sings on 1st & 2nd Sundays. Jubilant Voices rehearse on Wednesdays, 7:30 pm, and sing on 3rd & 4th Sundays. And don’t forget a place for the youth with our VOICES OF HARMONY, who sing on 4th Sundays. SUMMER BIBLE CAMP July 31st – August 4 th No Fear: Courage in Christ For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of sound mind.” 2 Timothy 1:7New King James Version CAMP CEDAR GLEN ” This year’s camp theme is entitled “No Fear: Courage in Christ.” Campers will examine the importance of having courage in Christ to develop trust with one another; to take action when they see or hear something wrong; and to make a positive impact on the lives of others. We have a total of 86 campers & counselors going to camp. Once again we are reaching out to you, our Holman family and friends, to support us through donation of the following: Cases of small waters (8 ounce bottles) Cases of small Gatorades (8-12 ounce bottles) Gift Cards to Costco (now takes Visa), Smart & Final and Visa You can buy cases of snacks if you feel so led, but the gift cards help us to make sure we have a good variety and quantity of snacks. Items can be delivered to us in several ways: Drop the donations off at the church office. Drop the donations off at Van Scott’s home. Call Van Scott or leave message for him with the church office and he will coordinate your donation pick up. THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT!! 7 8 9 10 AFTER THE SERMON FAITH FORMATION IN ACTION Living Our Social Gospel STATEMENT BY THE NORTHEASTERN COLLEGE OF BISHOPS OF THE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH TO OPEN THE NORTHEASTERN JURISDICTIONAL CONFERENCE As we gather for this Jurisdictional Conference many persons have been confronted and consumed with the overwhelming reports of shootings and violence. Life taken! Trust broken! Anger and fear growing. Frustration and despair looming. We believe that God’s heart breaks as our hearts break with these acts of violence – fed and complicated by fear, prejudice, racism, and privilege. We pray for each family and each community affected by profound loss and grief. We pray for the ripple effect of these acts of violence that strip away certainty of safety, sanctuary, value, and trust. . . . We, the College of Bishops of the Northeastern Jurisdiction stand together to respond, and our response is not just for the moment. Our response is a commitment to acknowledge our participation in the sin of institutional racism and to have ongoing conversations within the College about racism, privilege, and oppression. . . . Read full article at http://bwcumc.org/ statement-by-college-of-bishops-of-the-northeastern-jurisdiction/ Gunshots, Tragedy and Heartache: What can we do? In the midst of gun violence, how can our voices of peace be heard? by Beth Reilly on July 11, 2016 In the midst of the chaos, pain, and terror, “Jeffrey Rodriguez reached out to his brother through a text message: ‘I’m bleeding so much and I don’t think I’m going to make it. Call mom and dad and tell them I love them'" (The Washington Post). With shocking reports of 49 victims shot and killed in Orlando, we experienced one of the deadliest mass shooting in the history of our country. Columbine, Virginia Tech, Newtown, Charleston, and most recently Louisiana, Minnesota, and Dallas - gun violence is destroying lives and communities at a terrifying pace. As people of faith, we respond with our tears, prayers, and moments of silence. However, more is required. Involvement, action, and a push for change must follow. So, what can we do? When, where, and how should we get involved? Read full article at https://umc-gbcs.org/faith-in-action/ gunshots-tragedy-and-heartache-what-can-we-do For more info contact Lacey Johnson at 213.974.2222 or [email protected] 11 12 CONGREGATIONAL CARE CIRCLE OF CARE MINISTRIES For more information on all Congregational Care Ministries please contact Minister Marguerite Phillips at the church office 323-731-7285 or 323-253-9580. "COPING WITH CHRONIC PAIN" 2016 FINALE PROGRAM Parents, Volunteers, Read Aloud Guests, Friends, Families, One and All September 5, 2016 – October 14, 2016 Weekly every Friday 9:30 – 12:00 Noon Room: TBA We invite you to celebrate our 3RD ANNUAL HOLMAN READ LEAD FREEDOM SCHOOL FINALE THURSDAY, AUGUST 4, 2016 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm L.L. White Hall SAVE THE DATE Aug. 20-21 WOMEN’S WEEKEND Theme: “Under New Management, Rebuilding Your War Room” Watch for details on plans for an awesome weekend of learning and sharing! 13 14 15 SCRIPTURE REFLECTION While traveling in South Africa the last two weeks, the song that became a favorite of the U.S. Pastors is a song I grew up with in youth ministry in SUNDAY, JULY 24, 2016 South Africa. The words simply say, "why don't you brighten that corner, 8:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. where you are...Jesus is there, where you are..." Aside from the harmonious beat and easy to learn, the song is a directive: take responsibility for the brightness, or lack thereof, of the corner to which God had called you. As people of faith, our responsibility SCRIPTURE is to be light and salt in a world that has lost its saltiness and compromised the MATTHEW 5:13-16 God-flavors in us! How is God calling you to brighten your corner by being the salt of the earth! In a world where Rev. Kelvin Sauls the darkness of racial injustice and economic inequity has compromised the God-colors in us, how is God calling you to brighten your corner by being ____________________________________________________________________________________________ the light of the world! Stop focusing on someone else's ____________________________________________________________________________________________ corner. Reset, reposition and rekindle your light to shine before others, ____________________________________________________________________________________________ so that they may see your good works and give glory to God. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Worship Celebration SERMON NOTES “BRIGHTEN YOUR CORNER” ____________________________________________________________________________________________ L KING AHEAD ____________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 11th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Sunday, July 31, 2016 UNITY / HOMECOMING SUNDAY ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Freedom School Day; Holman Summer Bible Camp Send-Off; ____________________________________________________________________________________________ New Members Reception ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Rev. Kelvin Sauls ____________________________________________________________________________________________ 12th SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST Sunday, August 7, 2016 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ HOLY COMMUNION SUNDAY ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Rev. Kelvin Sauls ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Lord God, ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Our hands are open to you. Our ears are listening to you. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Our eyes are watching you. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ Our hearts are trying to beat with yours. _________________________________________________________________________ _______________ Live in us and love others Inspiring the world as passionate followers of Jesus Christ through us today. ____________________________________________________________________________________________ so all may experience God’s life-giving love. Cal-Pac UMC Annual Conference – Vision Statement Amen. 16 __________________________________________________________________________________________
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