History of the Government`s Response to HIV in the Sex Indusfry
History of the Government`s Response to HIV in the Sex Indusfry
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Response Historyof the Government's to HIVin the SexIndusfry HIV ond SexWork- lst Nqtionql Confere/?ce Melbourne, 2nd, 3rd April 1996 Geoffrey Fysh, Austrqlion Fdderotion of AIDSOrgonisqfions publicheclthpolicyhosreflectedo desireto protectthe Historicolly generolcommunityfrom outbreoksof epidemicdiseose.Infectious disecsecon occur wilhino communiiysuchos HIVdid in the eorlyl9B0s, l o x i n l B B l ,o n d b e i n i t i o l lbyo u n d b y r o c e ,o s w o st h e o u t b r e o ko f s m o l p os we sow in the firstoutbreoksof be confinedto o profession diseose,Thispcltern in initioloutbreoksoften lecdsto legionnoires 'blome'theories where the people concerningihe originsof the diseqse; infectedwith ond offectedby the disecseore blomedos originotors, whereos more oftenthen not itso cose of beingin the wrong ploce ot t h e w r o n gt i m e , outbreoksof Theseeorlyisolotedcosesore followedby moreserious obout the firstisoloted diseose.Wherethereisusuollymorbidcuriosity ponic os the oulbreoks become rnore to feor ond coses,thischonges Thefeor ond ponic ore oftenfonned by the medio,ihe widespreod, whoseresponseis ond the governmentouthoriiies, medicolprofession oltruistic. not olwoys Thereisolwoyso need for the couseof the epidemicto be known, some whichcon resultin o witchhuntfor the scopegoot,Interestingly, ore for more emolivethon oihers;scorletfever,plogue,ond diseoses while infusedwithfeor,hysterioond irrotionolity, AIDSoll ore diseoses pox deemed to be smqll ore o lesser degree influenzoond to meosles, ond the common ploce by medicolond governmentouthorities, generolcommunity, ore more octivelysortofter. Scopegootsfor the more emotivediseases obout who ore the peopleoffected by the epidemicisoften Curiosity orticulotedby the medio,Duringthe Asioticflu epidemicin I890,o Sydneynewspoperprintedlistsof peoplewho hod cought the diseose. werethe middleclcss Of porticulorinterestto reodersof the newspopers con be drown wiih Porollels or the famouswho hod cought influenzo,' reporiingof well knownpeople who hove HIVinfectionor who hove 'newswotthness' of reportingon HIVpositivesex AIDS,os wellos ihe workers, recurrenttheme in oll epidemicsisthisseorchfor the An interesting rccesetc who ore blomed for scopegoots-thosepeople,communilies, ore oftenseenos the firstintroducingthe infectiousdiseose,'ond too greotlythot propogqtorsof the diseoseos well.lt connot be stressed o ond sociolclimotehos mojorinfluenceon the contempororypoliticcrl the severityof ihe sccpegooting,os well os the selectionof the scopegootsthemselves. ln the currentpoliticolclimote,onti-sexworkerfeelingscentreon "SeXWorkef"lifestyleond being different,ond the concernsobout the differentto beliefthot sexuollyoctive sexworkersore biologicolly these beliefsisthe from sexuollyoctive people generolly.Resulting likeHIV conclusionthot sexworkersore more likelyto tronsmitviruses thon someonewho moy be engogingin sexwith o similornumberof p o r t n e r sb u t w h e r en o m o n e yo r g o o d sc h o n g e h o n d s . A s w e h o v e s e e nw i t hi h e H I V / A I DpSo n d e m i cw o r l dw i d e ,t h i s scqpegootingcon quicklybecome engenderedin o legislotive fromework.ln the post in Austrolio, suchos forced hove been utilised lessihon innovotiveheolthstrotegies usedogoinstthe Chineseond the voccinotionond quoroniine,primorily sick ond infectedso os not to begon to hide their poor, Households ond theirown neighbours, gornerottentionfrom the heolthouthorities con proboblyexocerbotingthe epidemicdiseoseprocess,Comporisons 'hidden' in people positive being of be drown with the currentsituotions the sexindustry, both new ond old deoling Thefollowingiso briefoverviewof legislotion for positive porticulorly The implicotions HlV. diseose,ond with infectious people engogingin sexwork ore obvious' Tqsmoniq Thereisno specificmenlionof positivepeople ond sexworkin Governmentstotesthot the IGCA TheTosmonion legisloiion Tosmanion LegolWorkingPortyreportguidesthe content of theirlegislotion, HIV/AIDS sexworkersore coveredby the Tosmonion Posiiive Acf whichcoversthe legolrightsond Meosures Preveniotive people generolly, positive of responsibilities .|990. Sydney:Sydney r Curson,P. H. (1985)Timesof Crisis:Epidernicsin Sydney lTBBPress UniversiiV Compulsoryfesting in Certoin Coses l0(3) (b) behovesin sucha woy os to ploce otherpersonsoi riskof b e c o m i n gi n f e c t e dw i i h H l V ,o n d (c) lslikelyto continueto behovein sucha woy Thisclouseispossibleprovisionfor ony positivesexworkerto be chorged if ihey coniinueto work , Disc/osureof Informofion l9 (g) A dentist,Medicolproctitioner, Nurse,opprovedheolthcore workercon requestinformotiori obout o clientof o confidentiolnoture includingtheredrug usehistory, sexuolbehoviouretc, Ironsmissionof HIV ploce onotherpersonof risklowsexisi Knowinglyor recklessly Legclonuson sexworkersto informoll theirclientsif they infectedwith HIVbefore the service.Clientsmustvoluntorilyoccept ihe risk,Thisgoes boih woys- clientsmustolso informond get consentif they ore positive people mustsubmitto "oppropriote Positive medicolond psychologicol ossessment" lf positivepeople oppeor to not complywiih legolonusploced on them plocing to informportners(sexor needleshoring) ond ore possibly peopleof riskthen theirmedicolproctilioner or opproved heolthcore workermoy informtheirportnersof theirHIVstotus. Orders Persons who ore deemed to be not complyingwith lowsre positive peopleond theirobligotions con hove on orderplcce on them thot restricts theirmovemenisfor up to 28 dcys or they con be incorceroted subjecito the order for up to 28 doys. Theseorderscon be renewedond voriedofterihe 28 doys.lsolation orderscon be corriedout by policethroughorrestproceduresif deemed necessory. seriousness Methodof tronsmission, of the riskond postond likelyfuture person con offectthe order, behoviourof the does it lendweightto condom use,or isthe Nowherein the legislotion evidenceof condom useindicotedos odmissible evidencein o cose of someoneknowinglyor recklessly endongeringsomebodyelse. WestAustrqlio governHIVpositivepeople ond sexwork.They Twopiecesof legislotion Llt9, I h e H e o l t hA c t l 9 l I ( W A ) s,294in the WA CriminolCode-introducedin 1992mokingit on offence to couse o personto hove o seriousdisecse WA Heolthdeportmenthove developedo policydocumenttiiled "Guidelines for the monogementof HIVinfectedindividuols who which more directlyrelotesto knowinglyput othersoi riskof Infection", people ond sexwork. the issues of Positive Generol Action fokenby WA heotthworkers: TheWA HeolthDeportmenthoso DiseoseControlUnitlBrqnch which iso people who unil with to work knowingly dedicoted spreodHlV.Thisunit runso Cose MonogementProgromolong holisticlines,Thereisno wriiten policy,but sexworkersore not permittedio continuetheiremployment. lf o inediccl prociitionerisconcernedobout on HIVposiiivepotientond ControlBronch,the progromprovideseducotionond noiifythe Diseqse lf the bronch receiveso publicollegotionor comploint counselling. concerningthe worker'soctionsor behoviourthe bronchencourogethe sexworkersto ceosetheirnormolemployment.Efforlsore mode by the ore bronch to find suchworkersolternotiveemployment.Negotiotions beholf with other ogencies to find suitoble conducted on their ossistonce in the form of Sociolsecurityond employment,Finonciol to to the CESore negotioted,Whereoppropriotereferrols referrols eligibility ond ore orrongedto ossess for sickness medicol services ond disobiliiybenefils.Thepersonmoy need psychiotricossessment treotmeniwhereoppropriote.Everyeffortismode to move the sex workerout of the industry, etc (in conjunction lf thiscction of educotion,supportond inforrnotion to the relevont with SIERA) foilsthe followingwilloccur-pursuont (WA) ss,250-258 ond the CriminolCode l9l (the Act I Heolth legislotion (WA) ploced on Theworkerwillbe issuedo writtenworningond restriciions o curfewmoy be his/hermovementsond employment.lf necessory opplied to the person,lf oll thisfoilsthe personmoy be isoloted(this provisionisrorelyused).To ochievethisthe ossistqnce of the policemoy be enlisted.ThesexworkersCIreolsoreferredto SlERA,. Guidelinesfor the monogement of HIVinfected individuolswho knowinglyput olhersof riskof lnfection : RecolcitrontDefinition "A recolcitrontHIVinfectedindividuoliso personwho knowsond thot they hqve been infectedwith HlV,yet continueto understonds thoi exposeothersto the riskof HIVinfection, engoge in octivities from doctorsor otherheolthofficiolsto modifytheir despiteinstructions behqviour" A Recolcitront isc personwho: c) hos in the post wilfullyond knowinglybehoved in sucho wcy os to exposeothersto riskof infection; b) islikelyto continuesuchbehoviourin the future c) hos been counselledextensively on the subjectof oppropriote behoviourchonge,in occordonce with the ond responsible but such Heolthdeportmentof WesternAustrclioguidelines, counselling hosbeen followedby no evidenceof success; dongerof infectionto others . d) poseso significont Riskbehoviourisdefinedos unprotectedpenetrotivesex- onol or voginol,ond the shoringof injectingequipment, Policystotesthcl if o positivepersondoes not informony likelysexuolor injectingequipmentshoringportnerthot they hove HlV,ond thot shoring or penetrotivesexoccurs,then they hove ploced theirportnerot even if they usecondomsor risk.Thisriskis not diminished unreosonoble endeovourto cleon the injectingequipmentbetweenshoring, of riskbehoviourmoy be evidencedby one of the following:Allegotions o) Selfdisclosure b) Reportby oiher suchos peers disecsecontrocted ofter the of o sexuollytronsmissible c) Dicgnosis of HIVinfection diognosis d) reportof riskbehoviourby otherheolthond welforeogencies for the provisionof sexuolservicesfor e) Theplocing of odvertisements or otherevidencethot on HIV moneyby o HIVinfectedindividuol, for money infectedindividuolhoscontinuedlo providesexuolservices ollegotionof riskbehoviouron.theport of o HIV lf thereissignificont positiveperson,they moy be investigoted, theircounselling ond contoct ControlUrritof the WA Heolth wiih cose monogersfromthe Diseose Deportmentintensified, ApplicotioncCInbe mode throughthe courtsto resirictthe behoviourof the "recolcitront". Evidencethot wouldbe stondordin o court of low mustbe provided 5 Policystotesthot thereshouldbe copocityin the publicheolth HIVpositiveperson's legislotion to ploce restrictions on o "recolcitront" livingcircumstonces or employment, olreodyin ploce in NSW, Policyguidelinesore similorto legislotion Tosmonio etc, for cose monogementof HIVpositivepeople ore detoiled, Guidelines for monogingthe perceivedpublicheolth ond processes Theguidelines positive person ore verysimilorto NSW,Vic etc. riskfromo HIV S/oge one- Counselling,educolion ond supporf this cose workersworkingwith positivepeople.Wherepossible, Individuol cosb workershouldcome fromo serviceor ogency thot isolreodyused shouldbe mode to put the HIVpositive by the HIVpositiveperson,Efforts personin contoct with peer bosedsupport. Sfoge Two-HIV case monogemenf ponel from A monogementponel isinvokedos o consequenceof poor results ponel its responsibilities to oport from stogeone, Thisrnonogement ond moreforcefullyguidethe HIVpositivepersonowoy furtherossess of orgonising such hosthe responsibility fromengogingin riskbehoviours, j o b p l o c e m e n t , i n c o m e m o i n t e n o n c e i f t h e yo r e gn d t h i n g so s r e t r o i n i n o o sexworkeretc. Theponelmoy sendon officiolletterof worningto the positiveperson, of Heolth,ond informingthem of the legolpowersof the Commissioner them if they continueto ploce othersot risk, theirobilityto isolote/detoin Sfoge Three-Restrictionof Activifies Thecose monogementponel moy chooseto move on to thisoption, occommodotion of the positiveperson's includingrestriction octiviiies etc, Currentlythereislitile employment,sociol orrongements, rightof oppeol for the positiveperson, S/oge Four - lsolotion on orderfo of Heolthissues ThePonelrequeststhot the Commissioner public sofety, of isolotethe positivepersonin questionin the interests period be limited, ii is not should isolotion the thot Althoughstoted This definedexoctlyin termsof time likeNSW, Victorioond Tosmonio, periods for the truly of isolotion meonsthoi therecould be extensive "recolcitro person, positive ni" H o m ed e f e n t i o no n d c u r f e w so r e o n o p l i o n , lf throughpsychiotric it isdeterminedthot o psychiotric ossessment persons conditionunderlies behoviour,then they con be the positive voluntorily or involuntorily committedto o psychiotric institution, Cildnd Low Amendmenf Act (No, 2) 1992 Porf 2 - TheCriminolCode;Amendmenls Re/ofingto lronsmissionof Drseoses Thisisinclusionin crimincllow ihe offenceof cousingsomebodygrievous bodilyhcrm by cousingthem to hove o serious diseose,Personcould be for up to 20 yeors liobleto imprisonment Heolth Act 1911 The'execuiive directorof PublicHeolth,if outhorisedby the Minister con d e l e g o t et o o n y p u b l i ch e o l t ho f f i c i q lt h e p o w e r1 o , , , , , . 251(5) He moy in wriiingorderony personwhom he hos reosonoble groundsfor believingor whom he suspects to be suffering from or of o dongerousinfectious horbouringthe orgonisms diseose(o) to submithimselfto medicolexominotionby suchmedicolofficeroi suchtime ond oi suchploce os isspecifiedin the order;ond (b) to provideor permitthe medicolproctitioner to tqke suchsomples ond specimensfromthot personos moy be requiredby the medicol proctitionerfor the purposeof determiningif thot personissuffering from thot diseoseor horbouringthoseorgonisms, but if the personis yeors oge shqll be served under 18 of the order on the pcrentsor guordionof thot personwho shollouthorise the medicolofficerto do onythingnecessory to give effectio the orderond do oll things necessoryto ensurethot the orderisobeyed by thot person, Compu/soryexaminotion qn d freotmenf 307,(l) Wheneverthe ExecutiveDirector,PublicHeolthhosreceivedo signedstotementin whichshollbe setforihthe fullnome ond oddressof the informonf,whichgivesthe ExecutiveDirector,PublicHeolthreoson from venereoldiseose,or to believethot ony personissuffering the ExecutiveDirector,Public whenever,in ony othercircumstonces, Heolthhos reosonoblegroundsto suspectthot ony personissuffering he moy give notice,in writing,to suchperson from venereoldiseose; ond produceto the requiringhim to consulto medicolprociitioner, Director,PublicHeolthwithino time to be sotisfoction of the Executive thot specifiedin the notice,o certificoteof suchmedicolproctitioner person ond if such is or is not suffering diseose, certificote such is fromihe not produced withinthe time stotedin suchnotice,or if the Executive withsuchcertificoiehe moy, by Director,PublicHeolthbe not sotisfied worrontunderhishond,outhoriseony medicolofficerof heolthor ony 2 to exominesuchpersonto oscertoinwhethersuch medicol proctitioners personissuffering fromsuchdiseose, ond the soidofficeror proctitioners shollhove power to exominethe personoccordingly,ond shollreport the resultof hisor theirexominotionto the ExecutiveDirector,Public Heolihin writing. Providedthot where the personto be exominediso femole,ond the one of suchproctitioners exominotionisio be by 2 medicolproctitioners, sholl,if so desiredby the personto be exomined,be o femole medicol proctitioner, of the if oble ond willingfo oct, bnd within32 kilometres ploce wherethe exominotionisto be mode, thqt the personissuffering from ony venereol (2)lf ihe reportdiscloses disecsein on infectiousstogeond isin the opinionof the Executive ihe Director,PublicHeolthlikelyunlessdetoinedto infectotherpersons, ExecutiveDirector,PublicHeolthmoy be worrontunderhishond in the prescribedform,ond directedto the prescribedpersons, orderthe personto be opprehended,ond to be delqinedfor ony period not exceeding2 weeksin ony hospitolor otherploce,ond the Executive Director,PublicHeolthmoy by suchworrontorderony bocteriologicol ond investigotions to be mode of ond in respeci ond otherexominotions of suchperson, of thissection Foroll the purposesof thisond the succeedingsubsections ploce of The be o detention, gool deemed to sholl be hospitol ony ExecutiveDirector,PublicHeolthmoy by worrontorderony personto oPPlieswhom ony suchsubsection (o) to be detoined in o gool hospitolin the firstinstonce; from o hospitolor otherploce to o gcol hospitol, (b) to be tronsferred Director,Public (3)lf oftersuchdetentionit sholloppeor to the Executive person diseose in on from ony venereol issuffering Heolththot the in the condition,ond thot furtherdetentionisnecessory infectious Director,PublicHeolthmoy issuehis of the public,the Executive interesis worrontin suchform,ond direcledto suchpersonsos he shollthinkfit, of suchperson if necessory ond requiringthe opprehension outhorising ond ihe detentionof suchpersonin suchploce for suchtime os the ExecutiveDirector,PublicHeolthmoy thinkfit,ond the Executive Director,PublicHealthmoy by ony suchworrqntdiiectthot suchperson shqllbe subjectto ony treotmentond exominotionwhichthe Executive in the circumstonces. Direcior,PublicHeqlthmoy thinknecessory (4)Whenony personissubjectto detentionunderthissectionhe moy fromtime to time opply in writingto o judge of the SupremeCourtor o residentor police mogisirotein the districtin whichhe isdetoinedto be ond thereuponsuchiudge or exominedby 2 medicolproctitioners, mogistroteshollby orderdirect any2 or more medicolproctitioners nomed in the order,one of whom shollbe nominotedby the potientor some personon hisbeholf,to exominesuchpersonoccordinglyond reportthe resultof the exominotionto the judge or mogistrofe,ond everyofficeror outhorityin whosecustodythe personisshollpermitthe exominotion,lf it oppeorsfrom suchreporithot oll the medicol proctitioners ore unonimously of opinionthqt the personiscured or is or if suchreportdiscloses free from venereoldiseose, thot the personis stoge,but ihe Executive sufferingfrom venereoldiseosein on fnfectious Director,PublicHeolthfoilsto sotisfythe judge or mcgistrotethot the personwould be likelyto infecfoihersunless detoined,then the judge or person, who shqllbe liberoted mogistroteshollorderthe reledseof such from detentionoccordingly;providedthot no opplicotionshollbe mode by'o personso detoinedwithin6 colendormonthsof o prioropplicotion hovingbeen mode by suchperson, (5) Whenony personissubjectto exominotionor detentionunderthe provisions of thissection,ond isfound not to be suffering from venereol from venereoldiseosebut not in on infectious diseose,or to be suffering from venereoldiseosein on infectiousstoge,but stcge,or to be suffering not likelyto infectoihers,he shollbe entiiledos of rightto inspectony writtenstotementmode to the ExecutiveDirector,PublicHeolthunder subsection(l ), ond to hove o verifiedcopy of everysuchstotement, (6) Ihissectionshollopplyto ony personundergoingimprisonment, but provisions to into is necessory in order corry effect in so for os the except shollnot be interferedwith; of thissection,the sentenceof imprisonment providedthqt the periodof ony detentionsufferedhereundershollbe lf the personstillremoins reckonedos port of ihe term of imprisonment. qt the terminotion liobleto serveony portionof the term of imprisonment the Minister moy issuehisorderto ony police of the detentionhereunder, person to the gool or prisonwhere officer,directinghim to convey the such personisliobleto completethe sentencel (7) Everyworrontissuedhereundermoy outhorise the useof suchforce to corryit into compleieeffect,ond shollhove os moy be necessory effect occordingto itstenor,ond qll policeofficersshollon sightof the in iisexecutionin so for os they moy be requested worrontoid ond ossist so to do by ony personto whom the wqrrontisdirected of thissectionby oct or (B)Any personwho controvenesony provision the corryingintoeffectof ony worronfor order omission or obstrucis to do or submiito onythingwhichsuch issuedthereunderor refuses personisby thissection,or ony suchwqrrontor order,requiredto do or submitto commitson offence, Victoriq Guidelineson HIV posifivepeop/e (including sexworkers) for the monogementin hosguidelines Heolthond Communityservices Victorioof HIVinfectedpeoplewho ore likelyto infectofhers.The estoblish o step likeincrementin the monogementof this Guidelines issue, Educotionond Support Stogeone- Counselling Siogetwo- FormolRequestfor involvementof the Deportmentof Heolth ond CommunityServices Stogethree-Letterof Worning of Moveinent Stogefour-Restriction Stogefive-lsolotion Victorion Heolth Act 1958(os omended) .l20 infectonotherperson (l) A personmustnot knowinglyor recklessly s with on infectiousdiseose,Ihe Act hosbeen omendedto includeHIVos infectious diseose, tronsmissible o sexuolly Agoinon onusis ploce on the infectedpersonto informoll theirportners. the ChiefGenerolMonogercon order Underspeciolcircumstonces, go to the ChiefGenerolMonoger, someoneto be tesiedfor HlV,Results positive, then con be orderedto s. l2l , lf the personisfound lo be u n d e r g oc o u n s e l l i n gD, e p e n d i n go n t h e c o s et h e C h i e fG e n e r o l on the personsbehoviour Monogerisempoweredto imposerestrictions or movements.Incrementolstogesor monogementore ouilined increosingin severityin occordoncewiih the positivepersonsnon com:plioncewith the conditionsof the orderbeingoutlinedto them, in otherstotes,the Victorionlegislotion Unlikeothersimilorlegislotion outlinesthe rightsof oppeol for o posiiivepersonogoinstthe imposition of on order.Theycon oppeol once in the periodof the orderto the ChiefGenerolMonoger,or in the cose of ony otherorder,once in o 28 d o y p e r i o d ,I h e C G M m u s to d e c i s i o n/ t q k e s o m eo c t i o no n t h e o p p e o l withinfive doys.Theposiiivepersoncon olsooppeol to the Supreme Courtogoinston order,who ore requiredto respondurgently, : ConfrolAct 1994 Prosfitufion .l9, q o prostituteinfectedwith diseoseto workin o brothel Permitting a*n Onusisploced on operotorsto knowthe heolthstotusof the workers diseosefrom working, ond disollowony infectedwithon infectious submitto monthly defence existsif operotorscon provethot the workers sexuolheolthchecks. workinqwhileinfectedwith o diseqse 20, Prostiiute 10 Agoinstthe lqw to workif you knowyou ore infectedwiih q sexuolly tronsmitteddiseose.A defence existsin q court of low if the sexworker con prove thot they were undergoingmonthlysexuolheolthchecksto determinethe stqtus, Queenslond AmendmentAct (.l992)sABstotesthot it ison offenceto Prostitution knowinglyinfectonotherwith o notifioblediseose,which coversHIV C. An onusisploced on the positivepersonto inform /AIDSond Hepotitis prospective sex ond needleshoringportnersof theircondition,ond oll thot personmustthenfreelycohsentto hove sexor shoreinjecting equipmentwith them. TheQueenslqndHeolthDeportmenthosdevelopedo "Protocolfor o Monogementof HIVInfectedPeoplewhoseBehoviourConstitutes publicly yet PublicHeolthRisk", Thisdocumentis to be releosedond in l0 yeorssucho protocolneverhos been enocted in Queenslond, lt ison incrementolfivestogeprotocolsimilorto othersexistingin NSW, Victorioond WesternAustrolio, Tosmonio. SouthAuslroliq or policiesconcernedwith HIVpositivesex No specificlegislotion workers. .|987 HeolthAct hossectionswhich deol with Publicond Environmentol controllednotifioblediseoses, ond the oct iscomplimentedby guidelines for monogingpeople who ploce othersoi riskfor HIV infection isthot people with o controlled Underthe SA Act, the requirement to preventtronsmission notifioblediseosetoke oll reosonoblemeosures for positivepeople to to others,Thereisno requirement of diseoses theoreticolly if o positive informtheirsexuol/ shoringportners,Therefore sexworkerwos olwoyshovingsofesex,it could be orgued thot they ore octing in occordoncewiththe low. Thishosnot been legollytested however. Accordingto the l9B7Act, o court orderisneeded to detoin o person, but no orderisrequiredto restricttheirmovemenifor o shortterm (subjectto reviewby o mogistrote) ploce on emphosisthot the HIVpositivestotusof the person Guidelines in questionmustbe knownond not rumoured,os wellos serious concernsond evidencethot unsofesexisoccurringwith theirportners, on cose by cosemonogement, Emphosis Soulh AustrolionGuidelinesfor lhe Monogemenf in SoufhAusfrolioof people who knowinglyp/oce ofhersqt riskof HIVlnfecfion Sexworkergroupsnot consultedin developingthe guidelines likeotherstotes(fourStoges) Incrementolstogedcontinuumof meosures 11 Educotionond Support Stogeone- Counselling, StogeTwo-FormolRequestfor the involvementof ihe SA Heolth Commission to monoge the monogement-.ponelcon be estoblished Moreintensive ccse,Thepersonin questioncon hove o communityodvocote present on thisponel.Theponel moy decide fhot o leiterof worningneedsto concerns, be senito the personin questionif they hove serious of Movementond or Activities StogeThree-Restriction moy direstthe personto resideof q certoin TheHeolthCommission underthe plobe,chonge theirworkprocticesond or ploce themselves of o persondesignotedby the HeolthCommission. supervision Thisdirectioncon only be overturnedby o mogistrote StogeFour-Detention "quorontine" for Lostresort-detentionof o personof o suitobleploce of oppliesfor extensionwhich no morethon 72 hoursunlessthe commission isgrontedby the reviewingmogistrote.Petsoncon be detoinedfor no of o supremecourt judge, more thon 6 monthswithoutthe outhorisotion Appeolprocess the personcon opply io o mcgistroteto reviewthe decision. Initiolly, then if stillnot hoppy with the decisionthey con moke oppeol to the supremecourtogoinstthe decisionof the mogistrote, A ustrolion Copitol TerritorY Public Heolfh (lnfecfiousond Notifiob/eDiseoses)Regulotion "lnfectious Diseose", AIDSiso notifioblediseose,but HIVisnot listedos on ProstitutionAcf 1992 whichincludesHlV, Act includesoffencesrelotingio STDs stepsto stop to toke reosonoble for foiling be chorged Operotorscon HIV positivesexworkersfrom providingsexuolservicesos port of the operotorsbusiness. It isillegolfor sexworkersond clientswho know they hove HIVto buy or recordsos lt isolsoillegolto usemedicole.xominotion sellsexuolservices, proveof freedomfrom infection-onuson operotorsto ensurethisdoes n o th o p p e n , clientsond operqtors1o Condom useisupheldby lqw-onuson workers, ensurecondom useoccurswitholl orol,voginolond onol peneirotive sexuolservices 12 NorthernTerrifory NotifiobleDr'seoses Act 1981 gBB Amended in l to include"HlVlnfectionGrouosI -4"os notifioble disecses Underthe Act, o HIVposifivepersonor o personsuspectedof hovingHIV mustsupplyto o medicolproctifioneror medicolofficernomesond oddressesof possiblecontocts A medicolofficermoy servethe HIVpbsitivepersonin writingwith o noiice directingthem fo corry out meosuresnecessoryfor trectment or tronsmission to preventthe possible of HlV. A HIV positivepersonservedwilh thisnoticemoy oppeol to o mogistrote otherstotes-leoding Incrbmentolstogesof monogementlike to isolotion. detention/ isnot o publicheolthoffencein NT, HIVtronsmission ProstitufionRegulotion Act 1992 lllegolto usemedicol exominotionrecordsos prove of freedom from infection-onuson sexworkersond operotorsto ensurethisdoes not hoppen New SouthWoles Public Heolth Orders A publicheolthordermustrequirethe personto whom it oppliesio do ony one or mofe of the following: o) Refroinfrom specifiedconduct Undergospecifiedtreotment b) by o specifiedpersonor by one or more c) Undergocounselling personsbelonging to o specifiedclossof persons d) of o specifiedpersonor one or more Submitto the supervision persons belongingto o specifiedclossof persons e) Undergospecifiedtreotmentond be detoinedof o specified ploce whileundergoingthe treotment f) Be detoinedof o specifiedploce wherethe orderisin force TheHIVpositivepersoncon oppeol to the districtor supremecourt on o motterof lqw or ogoinsto decisionof o districtcourtto continueo public h e o l t ho r d e r . NSI/YPublic Heolth Act 1991 tronsmissible medicol A personwho knowsthey sufferfrom o sexuolly condition(whichincludesHIV)isguiltyof on offenceif they hove sexuol tokesploce, the intercoursewith o personunlessbefore intercourse other personhos: - Beeninformedof the riskof controctingthe conditionfrom the personwith whom intercourse isproposed - Voluntorily occepted the risk 13 Theowner / occupierof o buildingor ploce who knowinglyollows tronsmissible medicqlconditionto sexwork on somebodywith o sexuolly ihose premisesolsocommitson offence, is:"sexuolconnectionby the Thelegol definitionof sexuolInlercourse introductionintothe vogino,onusor mouth of o personof cny port of the penisof onotherperson,or cunnilingus", Conclusions of scopegocting'orecertoinlystillwith ustodoy in the AIDS Theprocesses pondemic,ond differdependingon geogrophy,sociolond politicol or groups climote,ond occordingto culturolnorms,Wholecommunities who con ore blomed,triggeringo hunt for qn individuolif possible roce, socio-economicstotus, ossumecollectiveguiltfor sexuolity, evidentin Austroliowith gender,profession etc. Thishos been porticulorly positive peoplesexworkersond people with two cotegoriesof HIV of mentol illness, histories It isolsounovoidoblethot epidemicsore olwoyspoliticolevents,As in o powerfulond nof necessorily ony politicolevent,the medio ossumes posiiionin both repoltingevents,ond os o tool to comprehensive c o n o c c u ri n , h i l eu n b i o s e dr e p o r t i n g i n f l u e n c ep o p u l o ro p i n i o nW olormist reports sploshedin the or epidemics,it isusuollythe sensoiionolist bosedcurrent ond coveredin personolity lorgecirculotionnewspopers showsthot grob the ottentionof the public,Oftenthe offcirstelevision ond feorsobout diseose medio triggersold roiherthon new ossumptions ond quorontining, and contogion,suchos the need for isolotion to AIDShosbeen incrediblyvoried,rongingfrom Themedio response siroightforwordfoctuolreporting,througholormisiond feor bosed to blotontly storiesobout dongerouscontogionond personolsuffering, group who ore not viewed dishonestpropogondoogoinsfony minority oitemptsby the We hove olso seen (potriorchol) society. by os normol medio to give usthe humonfoce of AIDSin voryingdegreesof guilt; Suziethe mortyr,innocentlittleEveqnd wickedShorlene. lookedto historyfor directionin response Stotesond lerritories Austrolion to the currentAIDSpondemic,Mostcurrenilyutiliseconstructive developedin the lost100yeorsof epidemics,however,AIDSis strotegies unique in mony woys.lt struckof o time in historywhen common populorbeliefwosthot epidemicswere o thingof the post,mode redundanlby the qdvonceswe hod mode in medicolscience,Forsome epidemicdiseoseisnot o port of their of the youngergenerotions, Soto be foced with o biologicclcotostropheof the consciousness. we ore currentlyfocinggiventhe climoteof pseudo-security dimensions diseosein the lote 20thcenturyisextremely regordinginfectious 1,4 chollengingon mqny levels.Heolthouthorities hove hod to rethinkthe diseoseoutbreqksin epidemicproportions. reolities of infectious AIDSpresents for Austrqlions mony uniquesociolond politicolchollenges, To quote AllonM, Brondtfrom his chopterin AIDS;TheBurdenof History " AIDSmokesexplicito centroiiensionin our polity:the premiumwe ploce on the rightsof the individuolto fundomentolcivilliberties versus public the notionof the publicgood ond the roleof the stote.in ossuring welfore".2 Personolfreedomsuffersgreotlyduringoutbreoksof infectiousdiseose, deemed uncleonby the stofe,oftenmoke up the numbersof Prostitutes, personsquorontinedor isolotedduringepidemics,'Thispersoncl freedomoppeorsto be being impingedupon ogoin in somestotesof to the HIVepidemic,HIVpositivesexworkersore Austrolioin response not offordedthe somerlghtsos otherHIVpositivepeople,ond thisis ond policythot specificolly evidentin legislotion nomesHIVpositivesex workersos o threotto publicheolth, It does not oppeor thot we hove leornedfrom exompleslikethe gmollpox epidemicin l88l thot feor of contogionin Austrolion combinotionwith horshcontoinmentpoliciesond penoltiesonlyserves to drivepeople of riskof infectionowoy from pointsof contoct where they con receivefoctuolinformotion, medicolcore ond support. Whilewe coniinueto moke filV positivesexworkersinvisible through we continueto upholddiscriminotory legislotion, ottitudestowordsthem, ond stigmotise o HIVpositivepopulotion Activelydecidingto morginolise who ore in need of the somesupportond core thot oll HIVpositive people deserveisthe promotionof illness rotherthon wellness, 2 Fee,E.& FoxD, M, (.|988)AIDS:The Berkeley, Burdenof History. LosAngeles,London: Universiiy of ColifornioPress 3 Brondt,A. M. (1985).No Mogic Bullet:A SociolHistory of VenereolDiseosein the '1880, UnitedStotessince Press New York,Oxford:OxfordUniversily 1,5