August 2012 - Adat Shalom Synagogue
August 2012 - Adat Shalom Synagogue
ADAT SHALOM SYNAGOGUE ENDOWED IN MEMORY OF HARRY AND SHIRLEY NACHMAN SERVICE SCHEDULE Mornings: Sundays . . . . . . Monday – Friday Shabbat . . . . Evenings Sunday – Friday Saturdays (Minchah-Maariv) August 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:45 p.m. August 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:30 p.m. August 18, 25 . . . . . . . . . . 8:15 p.m. SHABBAT MORNING SERVICES AUGUST 4 Vaetchanan SHABBAT NACHAMU AUGUST 11 Ekev AUGUST 18 Re-eh AUGUST 25 Shoftim August 2012 EVENING PROGRAMS AUGUST 27 l AND Av - Elul 5772 SEPTEMBER 10 Tekiah: Preparing Our Hearts, Minds, and Souls for the High Holidays . . . . . . . . 8:30 a.m. . . . . . . . . 7:30 a.m. . . . . . . . . 9:00 a.m. . . . . . . . . 6:00 p.m. Vol. 69 No. 7 T ekiah is the sound of the Shofar that helps our soul to awaken to its fullest potential. Once again Rabbi Aaron Bergman, Rabbi Rachel Shere and Hazzan Daniel Gross invite you to participate in a “Tekiah” series during the Hebrew month of Elul. RABBI AARON BERGMAN and RABBI RACHEL SHERE will begin the program at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, August 27. They will discuss CLEARING AWAY THE BARRIERS TO FORGIVENESS. The rabbis will explore strategies that will make forgiving others and ourselves possible, or at least more likely. YAMIM NORAIM – What’s so AWE-some about ‘em? On Monday, September 10, HAZZAN DANIEL GROSS will discuss why the period from Rosh Hashanah through Yom Kippur is regarded as “The Days of Awe." He will examine some of the texts and themes of the liturgy and also talk about the overall nature of the High Holidays. Both programs will begin at 7:30 p.m. The community is welcome. There is no charge. Please call the Synagogue office, 248-851-5100 if you plan to attend. THIS FALL YOU WILL COME BACK TO OUR NEWLY REDECORATED SOCIAL HALL HIGH HOLIDAYS 5773 PLEASE TURN TO PAGES 4-6 FOR INFORMATION ON THE HIGH HOLIDAYS ROSH HASHANAH September 17 & 18 KOL NIDRE September 25 YOM KIPPUR September 26 – ONLINE CALENDAR – Online by September 1 – your 2012-2013 Adat Shalom Calendar, listing holidays, service times, programs and much more. Go to Calendars will be updated each month. AWAITING YOU THIS SEPTEMBER: A HANDSOME NEW CEILING, CONTEMPORARY LIGHTING AND DIMMING SYSTEM THROUGHOUT, CUSTOM-DESIGNED STAGE CURTAINS, AND MORE. ABOVE: WORK IN PROGRESS. CENTER: A DIGITAL DRAWING OF WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT TO SEE COME FALL IN OUR MAGNIFICENT NEW SOCIAL HALL LUNCHTIME LEARNING TO RESUME IN SEPTEMBER Mazal Tov to our August Bar Mitzvah Sunday, August 19 Thursdays, September 6 & 13 “Preparing for the High Holidays” Jonathan Hayman is the son of Rebecca & Andrew Hayman and the grandson of Linda & Stephen Hayman and Edi & Irv Gastman. Jonathan Louis Hayman with Rabbi Herbert Yoskowitz Rabbi Yoskowitz will begin the 2-part series with a discussion on “The Book of Job and Coping with Loss.” His second session will focus on “David and Coping with Passion.” Lunchtime Learning meets from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. You are invited to bring your own dairy/parve lunch. Adat Shalom will offer complimentary drinks and dessert. THERE IS NO CHARGE. Reservations are requested by the preceding Friday. Call Sheila Lederman, 248-851-5100, ext. 246, or email [email protected]. LEARN MINDFULNESS-BASED STRESS REDUCTION Summer will still be happening at… SHABBAT IN THE PARK with Hazz’n Dan, Rabbi Rachel and Dan Shere FRIDAY, AuguST 24 5:45 PM at Drake Sports Park Casual, interactive Shabbat program for families with young children, followed by a BYOP (bring your own picnic). Drinks and dessert provided. Email your reservation to Rabbi Rachel at [email protected] See our back page for photos from “Shabbat in the Park” in May, June and July L yoga, and eating and commuearn meditation, mindful nication techniques to reduce stress in a non-denominational program jointly sponsored by the Beaumont Health System and Adat Shalom Synagogue. The program will be led by Rabbi Bergman and Dr. Ruth Lerman, medical director, Beaumont Silver Linings Program and an experienced teacher and researcher of stress reduction. Classes will meet at Adat Shalom on Wednesdays from 6:30 to 9 p.m. beginning September 12 and running through November 14 (no classses September 26 and October 3). Included is an all-day retreat on Sunday, November 4. Cost for the program is $350, which includes the retreat and 29 hours of instruction, four meditation/yoga CD’s and an information binder. The program is open to both men and women. It has been approved for AMA PRA Category 1 credit. To register and/or obtain more information, call Beaumont Integrative Medicine at 248-551-9990. T H E Wednesday Torah Study WEEKLY BEGINNING ON SEPTEMBER YOU 9:30 - 11 TORAH STUDY SESSIONS WITH OUR CLERGY. WHENEVER YOU WANT. EACH THERE REFRESHMENTS IS NO CHARGE. WEEK IS A SEPARATE COME EXPERIENCE. WILL BE SERVED. PLEASE ASSIST US… We are updating the Adat Shalom database. Please help us by emailing to Nancy Wilhelm ([email protected]) your: Name Home Address Home Phone - Business Phone - Cell Phone email address V O I C E published monthly except February and July by We want you to receive all synagogue information on a timely basis. Thanks for your cooperation with this important project. ADAT SHALOM SYNAGOGUE, 29901 Middlebelt Road Farmington Hills, Michigan 48334 l AM AND YOUR FRIENDS ARE INVITED TO WELCOMING AND INSPIRING (USPS622-460) Phone: 248-851-5100 12 Fax: 248-851-3190 Periodicals Postage entered at the Farmington, Michigan Post Office Postmaster: Send address changes to: The VOICE, 29901 Middlebelt Farmington Hills, Michigan 48334-2319 2 Messages FROM THE PRESIDENT FROM RABBI BERGMAN “WHY ADAT SHALOM...?” ON FRIDAY EVENING, H JUNE 1, DAVID WAS INSTALLED AS OUR NEW PRESI DENT. BELOW ARE HIS WORDS FROM THAT SPECIAL EVENING : G Shabbos. It’s a true privi- ood evening and good lege and a wonderful opportunity to be the incoming President of Adat Shalom. DAVID I want to thank the SHERBIN Board and the congregation for selecting me, as well as Lori Issner and Norma Dorman for planning this installation program. I also want to express my deep appreciation to my good friend Julie Teicher, who has been a great role model and will be a tough act to follow. I would be remiss if I didn’t thank David Schostak, who asked me to join the executive committee six years ago. As I look around this room, I am so happy that my parents, Libby and Jerry, and my brother and sister-in-law, Josh and Lisa are here to share this evening with me along with my father-in-law, Harry and his wife Helen. I also want to say a heartfelt thank you to my friends who have honored me by being here tonight; I am really so very flattered and touched that you are here. Unlike most, if not all, of my predecessors, I did not grow up in a Conservative Synagogue. My family left Temple Israel when I was 11, and we joined The Birmingham Temple, just a few miles down the road from Adat Shalom, but a light year away spiritually. My family’s Jewish orientation was more cultural than religious. Yiddish, which was my parents’ first language, was frequently spoken in my home and remained the preferred language of my grandparents long after they came CONTINUED ON PAGE A GOOD END 10 TO EVERY DAY ave you ever had this happen to you? You are finally in bed after a really long day. You are exhausted. Sleep is but seconds away. Then suddenly, you are wide awake, your heart beating faster than it did all day. It is not quite an anxiety attack, but it is not far off. What triggered it? It was probRABBI ably the first time you had all day to think about how aggraBERGMAN vated you were by something, or how frustrated you were that you did not finish what you wanted to. Maybe you were thinking about that person who cut you off in traffic, or only drove 25 mph on the freeway. You feel as if you have two choices: either toss and turn for a couple of hours, or get up and watch TV. Either way, you are not going to get the rest you need that night, which means tomorrow is not looking good. You are already thinking of the excuses you are going to make for being in such a lousy mood. This happens to a lot of people in our very hectic and tense society. I would like to share a teaching with you that will help you sleep better and have a more optimistic approach to life. (I imagine some of you are thinking that it is kind of funny for a rabbi to give suggestions about sleeping. I really do not mind if people sleep during my sermons. I am just happy they are there.) What helps me settle down at the end of the day, and lets me sleep is a prayer called the bedtime Shema. It consists of the the first six words and then the first paragraph of the Shema. I want to focus, however, on the first part of the prayer, which goes as follows: Master of the universe, I hereby forgive anyone who angered or antagonized me, whether they did so accidentally, willfully, carelessly, or purposely; whether through speech, deed, thought, or notion.I forgive every one. May no one be punished because of me. May it be Your will, O God, my God and the God of my forefathers, that I strive to do the right things with my day. May the expressions of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart find favor before You. You would then say the following blessing, and the Shema. Blessed are You, our God, who brings slumber and drowsiness to my eyes. May it be Your will, my God and the God of my ancestors, that You lay me down to sleep in peace and let me wake in peace. May my ideas, bad dreams, and bad notions not confound me. Blessed are You, Who illuminates the entire world.. Different prayer books have various versions of this, but they all have the same idea. When we lie down, we should concentrate on thoughts of forgiveness, both of others and ourselves. This does not mean that we have to like everything that happened to us, but we should realize that the day is already in the past, and that there is nothing we can do. Instead, we should focus on what we can do to have a better day tomorrow. You do not have to use the words of the prayer book, though it is worth at least taking a look. You 19 CONTINUED ON PAGE FROM HAZZAN GROSS H IGHLIGHTS FROM G ERMANY I write these words as I sit on my Air Berlin flight from Germany back to the U.S., having just experienced one of the most cultural, historical and spiritual adventures of my life. I shared this experience with five congregants and I’d like to now share some of the highHAZZAN lights of this Cantors Assembly Mission to GROSS Germany with you. Right off the bat was the opening night program in Berlin at the Rykestrasse Synagogue, Germany’s most beautiful and largest functioning synagogue. Featured were two of my compositions from I Believe – A Shoah Requiem; in one of these I had the honor of performing as soloist. The next evening we welcomed Shabbat in a concert service in the striking Konzerthaus CONTINUED ON PAGE 11 AT THE OHEL JAKOB SYNAGOGUE IN MUNICH (L TO R): MARTIN & SUSAN A DELMAN , SUSAN GRAHAM , C ANTOR P AMELA SCHIFFER ( OF CONGREGATION SHAAREY ZEDEK IN EAST LANSING), LINDA LEVY, PAUL GOLDSMITH, HAZZAN GROSS, AND BRUCE KRIEGEL OF SOUTHFIELD. 3 . 2012 HIGH HOLY DAYS . 5773 & & IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION l l HIGH HOLY DAY SERVICES FOR YOU AND FAMILY MEMBERS OF ALL AGES W Day. Hazzan Daniel Gross will conduct services accompanied by the Adat Shalom Mixed Choir. Mark Vieder will be accompanied by the Men’s Choir under the direction of Marty Liebman. are very pleased to again offer you, your children, your teenagers, and college students the opportunity to worship together for the High Holy Days. We are looking forward to an exciting holiday season at Adat Shalom this coming fall. In this issue and separate mailings you will find a complete listing of all of our High Holy Day services for adults and children of all ages. We hope that this season’s High Holy Day worship leads to a deeper spiritual experience for you and offers an enhanced family celebration for all. t MEMORIAL PRAYERS AT THE CEMETERY t As the High Holy Days approach, it is traditional to offer prayers at the graves of our departed loved ones. Hazzan Gross is happy to assist you in either preparing appropriate prayers to recite or by accompanying you at the cemetery. Please call Hazzan Gross at 248-851-5100, ext. 232, or his assistant Caren Harwood, ext. 231, to make arrangements. As always, we will begin services together on Rosh Hashanah at 8 a.m., dividing into two services in the Main Sanctuary and the Rabbi Jacob E. Segal Social Hall at 9:15 a.m. Rabbi Bergman and Rabbi Shere will alternate between the services on the two days of Rosh Hashanah and on Yom Kippur Eve and - SCHEDULE OF SERVICES – ROSH HASHANAH – Sunday Evening, September 16 Minchah-Maariv Service ................................................................................................................6:00 p.m. Monday, September 17 Services ..........................................................................................................................................8:00 a.m. Torah Service, Sermon and Musaf in the Main Sanctuary and Social Hall .................................9:15 a.m. Sermon following Torah Service & Haftarah Supervised Youth Activities and Services ......................................................................10 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Family Service - first grade and older.........................................................................................10:00 a.m. Family Experience - kindergarten and younger..........................................................................10:30 a.m. Family Tashlikh at the Pond ........................................................................................................11:15 a.m. Teen Tashlikh at the Pond ...........................................................................................................11:45 a.m. Traditional Tashlikh Service at the Pond ......................................................................................5:30 p.m. Minchah-Maariv .............................................................................................................................6:00 p.m. Tuesday, September 18 Services ..........................................................................................................................................8:00 a.m. Torah Service, Sermon and Musaf in the Main Sanctuary and Social Hall .................................9:15 a.m. Sermon following Torah Service & Haftarah Supervised Youth Activities and Services ......................................................................10 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Family Service - first grade and older.........................................................................................10:00 a.m. Family Experience - kindergarten and younger..........................................................................10:30 a.m. Torah Study with Ruth Bergman..................................................................................................11:15 a.m. Minchah-Maariv .............................................................................................................................7:15 p.m. – YOM KIPPUR – Tuesday, September 25 Minchah Service.............................................................................................................................6:15 p.m. Kol Nidre .......................................................................................................................................6:45 p.m. Wednesday, September 26 in the Main Sanctuary and Social Hall ..................................................9:00 a.m. Supervised Youth Activities and Services ......................................................................10 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Family Service - first grade and older.........................................................................................10:00 a.m. Family Experience - kindergarten and younger..........................................................................10:30 a.m. “Ask the Rabbi” with Rabbi Bergman...........................................................................................3:00 p.m. Healing Service with Rabbi Shere ................................................................................................4:00 p.m. Minchah Service.............................................................................................................................5:30 p.m. Ne’ilah Service ...............................................................................................................................6:45 p.m. “It’s A Blast” (for families of all ages - assemble in Shiffman Chapel) ........................................7:30 p.m. Conclusion of Yom Kippur Service & Sounding of the Shofar ..................................................... 8:00 p.m. 4 . 2012 HIGH HOLY DAYS . 5773 & &IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION IMPORTANT INFORMATION l l TICKETS The Synagogue is now processing High Holy Day tickets. Extra tickets for the Main Service for adult children over age 30 or parents of members may be purchased for $275 per ticket. Please fill out request forms for extra seats with names of unmarried children and/or dependent parents. Checks must accompany your extra seat requests. Tickets will be mailed to all members in good standing (current year’s dues, building fund installment, and miscellaneous charges paid). Please take care of unpaid obligations now so that your tickets can be processed and mailed. If you have questions in regard to your current balance, please consult our controller, Carma Gargaro, 248-851-5100. RECIPROCITY Adat Shalom participates in a reciprocity program whereby members in good standing of other Conservative congregations outside Michigan may attend High Holy Day services at our synagogue. Please understand that reciprocity can be extended for a maximum of three consecutive years. For details, contact Alan Yost. Be a High Holy Day Usher As summer winds down, we invite you to consider joining our Usher Corps for the High Holy Days. You will serve a vital function in maintaining the dignity and decorum of services and making new members and visitors feel welcome and comfortable. To volunteer as a first time usher, or to confirm your participation again this year, contact Nancy Wilhelm at 248-851-5100 or by emailing her at [email protected]. ASK THE RABBI… ASKING QUESTIONS IS PART OF OUR TRADITION. GET READY WITH YOUR QUESTIONS AND EXPECT SOME LIVELY AND INFORMATIVE ANSWERS FROM RABBI BERGMAN DURING AN “ASK THE RABBI” SESSION AT 3 PM IN THE SHIFFMAN CHAPEL DURING THE “BREAK” ON YOM KIPPUR AFTERNOON. SEATING In order to be assured of your choice of seats, we urge all congregants to arrive as early as possible for both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. YOU MAY SAVE SEATS ONLY UP UNTIL 10:15 A.M. PLEASE FOLLOW THIS RULE SO THAT ALL CONGREGANTS MAY BE SEATED IN AN ORDERLY MANNER. HEALING SERVICE… RABBI SHERE WILL LEAD A HEALING SERVICE AT 4 P.M. IN THE SHIFFMAN CHAPEL DURING THE “BREAK” ON YOM KIPPUR DAY. EVERYONE IS WELCOME. DECORUM A dignified atmosphere enhances the beauty of our High Holy Day worship. Members are reminded to remain at the rear of the Sanctuary or Social Hall when the congregation is standing at prayer, when the Rabbi is speaking, or when the Hazzan is chanting solo. Our ushers will signal appropriate entrance times for late-comers. Please cooperate with our ushers. They are volunteering their time so that we may all enjoy services to the fullest. UNDERGRADUATE COLLEGE STUDENTS AND YOUNG ADULTS All individuals under age 30 who are children of members are entitled to a complimentary Adat Shalom membership. (Tickets for children over 30 years of age and for dependent parents of members are $275 each.) PARKING Attendants will be on duty to direct you to a parking space. We realize that parking will be tight. WHEN LEAVING THE LOT, PLEASE WAIT UNTIL THE CAR AHEAD OF YOU PULLS OUT. WE MUST HAVE YOUR COOPERATION. Please note that because the holidays fall during the week, worshipers will be permitted to park in the Beztak Companies parking lot directly adjacent to the Synagogue at 31371 Northwestern Highway. Summit Apartments on Northwestern Highway have also requested that worshipers do not use their parking lots. Please remember to turn in your reservation forms for CHILDREN’S DROP-OFF SERVICES and for ADULT EXTRA TICKET REQUESTS. TASHLIKH SERVICES AT THE POND Rosh Hashanah - Monday, September 17th 11:15 a.m. - Family Tashlikh For our congregants’ convenience, we have arranged for satellite parking at Hillel Day School, 32200 Middlebelt Road (between Northwestern and 14 Mile Road). Shuttles will be running between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. on both days of Rosh Hashanah and on Yom Kippur Day. The Clergy, Staff & Synagogue Leadership wish all our Adat Shalom families a very happy & healthy New Year! L’Shanah Tovah! 11:45 a.m. - Teen Tashlikh 5:30 p.m. Traditional Tashlikh 5 high holiday Experiences for Adat Shalom Families rOSh hAShANAh - DAy 1 MONDAy, SEpTEMBEr 17 rOSh hAShANAh - DAy 2 TuESDAy, SEpTEMBEr 18 & kindergarten & younger Family Experience & kindergarten & younger 10:30 a.m. - in the Glass room Family Experience 10:30 a.m. - in the Glass room & 1st grade & older - Family Service with Lisa Soble Siegmann & 1st grade & older - 10 a.m. - in the Shiffman Chapel Family Service with Lisa Soble Siegmann Families with WhiTE tickets are welcome to attend 10 a.m. - in the Shiffman Chapel Families with BLuE tickets are welcome to attend & Ages 1-1/2 to 7th Grade youth Activities & Services & Ages 1-1/2 to 7th Grade 10 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Drop off your children downstairs so you can attend a main service. please pre-register your child(ren). youth Activities & Services 10 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Drop off your children downstairs so you can attend a main service. please pre-register your child(ren). & Family Tashlikh Service 11:15 a.m. - at the pond & Teen Tashlikh Service (8th - 12th graders) 11:45 a.m. - meet outside the youth lounge yOM kippur WEDNESDAy, SEpTEMBEr 26 Sitting in the Sukkah The mitzvah of lashevet basukkah, a family service and kiddush & kindergarten & younger Family Experience Monday, October 1 10:30 - 11:30 a.m. 10:30 a.m. - in the Glass room & Family Service - 1st grade & older with Lisa Soble Siegmann 10 a.m. - in the Shiffman Chapel On yom kippur, seating is available to families with either color ticket on a first-come, first-served basis. Simchat Torah Celebrations Monday, October 8 5:30 p.m. - Torah parade for young families & Ages 1-1/2 to 7th Grade 6:00 p.m. - Optional dinner youth Activities & Services 10 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Drop off your children downstairs so you can attend a main service. please pre-register your child(ren). & “it’s a Blast” 7:30 p.m. - activities followed by the “Glowstick parade” and sounding of the Shofar 6:45 p.m. - Traditional hakafot Torah parade To register your child and for more information about youth programming, call the Education & Youth Department, (248) 626-2153 6 Our Active Affiliates WHY SISTERHOOD? n MEn’s club happEnings BY CINDY BABCOCK IN SEPTEMBER OF 1976, Howard and I were married at Adat Shalom. One year later we became members and as a birthday present, my mother bought me a lifetime membership to Sisterhood. For almost 30 years I did not attend one Sisterhood Sisterhood meeting or event. As members of the synagogue, we attended holiday services, the occasional Shabbat morning service and religious school activities involving our two sons. The only synagogue event that we did attend yearly was the Purim Party, and if the one couple we knew at Adat Shalom did not attend, Howard and I sat and talked to each other all evening. Then in 2004, Howard went alone on an Israel Mission with Adat Shalom, while I remained home to be with my severely ill father. Howard made some very good friends on that trip, and when he returned introduced me to them. The women encouraged me to become involved with Sisterhood. I jumped in with both feet! The more I got involved with Sisterhood the more we became involved with the synagogue. We started attending Shabbat services more regularly, as well as enjoying synagogue social events with our new friends. Our circle of synagogue friends continued to grow, and now when we are at Adat Shalom we feel we are truly part of the Adat Shalom family, and we have one of the largest tables at Purim Party Plus! I am proud of what the Sisterhood of Adat Shalom does for the synagogue, for their involvement in the Conservative Movement, and for the community as a whole. We have the best Kiddish around, we raise money for and support JTS, we work with the homeless, provide scholarships for congregational youth to visit Israel, and support Adat Shalom Synagogue in numerous ways. Sisterhood is in a year of restructuring and rebuilding. Please join us in this process. We welcome everyone’s ideas and suggestions to make the Sisterhood of Adat Shalom the best it can be! ON MY BEHALF, as well as the Board of Trustees and all of the members of the Men’s Club, I want to extend heartfelt thanks and Yasher Koach to Bobby Blum for all of the time and effort that made his a hugely successful tenure as our Men’s Club president. In this, my first column for the VOICE, I want to let you know what we have been doing over the summer and what we are planning for the coming year. My goals as incoming president are not limited to growing our membership and promoting our programs, but also to enhancing the Adat Shalom experience for all members of its community. - housing the homeless The Men’s Club of Adat Shalom has a long-standing tradition of volunteerism both within and outside of the shul. On July 17th, as we have done in each year, we participated in the Social Action Committee’s annual Housing the Homeless project by hosting an evening with all of the food provided, cooked and served by our members (wives and kids, too!). It is always a very rewarding evening for all involved and you get to meet some very interesting people. - adat shalom all-stars Meanwhile, our softball team captains are reporting a fun-filled and winning schedule. Now that we field two squads, they even had to play one-another! (Is that what they call that a ‘subway series’?) In any event, whether they’re playing for the red team or the blue team, our guys are having a great time and getting in some exercise to boot. Wives and kids are welcome to come and cheer’ em on (and fetch the fouls…!). Thanks as always to Larry Kaplan, George Dickstein and Michael Betman for organizing, coordinating and leading us to victory. OF COURSE, YOUR MEN’S CLUB is already gearing up for a program-filled year with many of our popular annual events, along with some exciting new programs and the return of a few oldiesbut-goodies. This year, we will be inviting participation in our programs among our co-affiliates, the clergy and Adat Shalom’s religious school. The calendar is indeed full and all we need is you! - Family Fun Day Men’s Club will be co-sponsoring a kick-off Family Fun Day with the Religious School and the Sisterhood on September 9th with food and fun for all ages. After that, the High Holidays will be upon us as they are early this year. Question: Why are they always early or late but never on time…? No matter. The Men’s Club will be there to deliver a post-Neilah snack at the close of Yom Kippur. Believe me, if you ever want to feel really loved, handing out cookies post-Neilah is a surething. Rosh hashanah honey FundRaiseR support the sisterhood of adat shalom Send New Years wishes to your family and friends – and support our Sisterhood! Send an 8-ounce jar of kosher honey in time for the holidays, along with your personalized greeting. $10/jar. Go online to Be sure to select “adat shalom farmington hills.” In the meantime, watch for our 2012-13 calendar of events which will be mailed out to all Adat Shalom members very soon and remember, we want you to not only attend our programs, but we also welcome your involvement in their planning and your participation in their success. Please feel free to contact me at [email protected] with your questions, comments and offers to help. All the best, For more information, please contact Chairperson Stacy Brickman, 248-661-5322 or [email protected]. Joe Wener, Men’s Club President 7 MORE SISTERHOOD NEWS…SEE PAGE 13 Education & Youth BETH ACHIM RELIGIOUS SCHOOL Preparing for a New Year from Melissa Ser Director of Congregational Learning IT’S A GREAT TIME to walk through store aisles. Seeing all those brand new school supplies makes you so excited about the promise of the new school year about to start. (Isn’t it amazing what a fresh box of crayons and a new notebook can do?) The Adat Shalom team of educators has picked up its supplies and is ready to welcome you and your families, with Religious School preparations in full swing. We have a lot of new and exciting educational programs for this congregation, and I’m thrilled to be guiding them. WE ARE REVITALIZING THE SUNDAY MORNING PROGRAM FOR OUR K-6 STUDENTS. We will begin our day with Jewish Connections, our grade-level based curricula of holidays, life cycle events, Jewish history, Israel, and current events. Our students will learn to connect personally with each of these aspects of their heritage and history. Following our Jewish Connections curriculum (which will often include family education, as well as art, music, and computers), we’ll come together for prayer as a school-wide community (Tefillah b’Kehilah). This will be a regular opportunity for parents to join their children in prayer and song. Finally, we will end our Sunday mornings with Hebrew Connections, an integrated language and prayer curriculum that CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 our teens hard at work Above: at adat shalom in the garden created in memory of haley nathan right: Teen Volunteer Corps project at the Baldwin Center in Pontiac College Student & Young Adult outreACh • Is your son or daughter starting college this fall? • Is he/she moving to a new place in the fall? • Did he/she graduate from college last May? • Do you want your student to stay connected to Adat Shalom? If you answered YES to any of these questions, help us reach out to your student or young adult. Throughout the school year our rabbis visit Michigan universities in hopes of connecting with your son/daughter. With the help of parent volunteers, Adat Shalom sends your student Chanukah and Pesach ‘goody’ packages and email messages from our Rabbis. In addition, Adat Shalom wants to connect with young adults (20-30s). Adat Shalom sends them holiday packages, email messages from our Rabbis, and invitations to participate in the Young Adult Group at Adat Shalom (see page 11 for more information). ENROLLMENT NOW OPEN! We appreciate it if you have already given us your son/daughter’s contact information last year. Nevertheless, each fall we update our database and kindly request your help by completing the tear off below or emailing the information on the tear off to Jodi Gross, [email protected]. If your student/young adult has not moved, please let us know that as well. Thanks. COLLEGE STUDENT & YOUNG ADULT OUTREACH Please help us by returning the form below to the Adat Shalom Education & Youth Department, 29901 Middlebelt, Farmington Hills, MI 48334 or email [email protected]. Student’s Name ________________________________________________ Parent(s) Name __________________________________________________ ATID is a collaboration between the following four conservative synagogues: Adat Shalom, Shaarey Zedek, Beth Ahm and B’nai Moshe School Address __________________________________________________ For more information, contact Jodi Gross, [email protected] or the Education & Youth Office, 248-626-2153. City ___________________________State ______Zip __________________ Cell Phone _____________________ Home Phone __________________ Email Address __________________________________________________ College ______________________ Expected Graduation Date ________ 8 Education & Youth Grins Are in At AdAt shAlom dAy CAmp! EARLy CHILDHOOD CENTER ADAT SHALOM EARLy CHILDHOOD CENTER EDUCATOR WINS PRESTIGIOUS GRINSPOON-STEINHARDT AWARD FOR ExCELLENCE IN JEWISH EDUCATION J F E AS WE ENTER THE LAST MONTH OF SUMMER, we begin planEWISH ning for a new year. Of course at Adat Shalom, we have been AMILY planning for a new year for DUCATION months now. We have new ideas, services, curriculum and programs for you. But we still need your input, attendance, involvement and participation on all different levels. Sometimes I feel like I live at Adat Shalom. It is the place where I pray and the place where I work. In reality I spend more hours here than I do at home. But I feel a comfort in calling this my home away from home, and I hope that you do too. If you are not there yet, please reach out and let us help you make this your home. You can talk to whomever you are most comfortable with, whether it is a member of the clergy or someone from the Education & Youth Department. The point is, that we are here for you. Please join us in making this house, our home. y 4 UPCOMING FAMILy EVENTS Family Education programs are endowed in memory of Oscar Cook and in honor of Jeanette Cook OPEN GyM – Fridays, August 3 & 17 Come schmooze while your children run and play outside on our playground ( or inside if it is too hot or raining). Pre-school age and younger welcome. No charge to attend, community welcome. 10 a.m. – noon. WE ARE SO ExCITED TO ANNOUNCE that our own Rachel Levine, 3&4 year-old teacher, has received the Grinspoon Steinhardt Award for excellence in Jewish Education. The Grinspoon and Steinhardt Foundations recognize that a strong Jewish education is one of the key predictors of a child’s continued Jewish commitment as he/she grows into adulthood. Rachel was selected from a multitude of applications. The selection is done through the Federation. Rachel is an incredible teacher who makes learning fun. She recognizes the importance of positive self- esteem and self-image and uses her talent to infuse the love of learning to the children in her class. We are thrilled that Rachel’s passion is our gain. Rachel has been teaching in the field of Jewish education for eight years, seven of which have be here in the Adat Shalom ECC. She worked in secular education for nine years prior to that. She holds a Bachelors Degree in Elementary Education from Eastern Michigan University and an M.A.T. from Oakland University. – Julie SUMMER FUN AT ADAT SHALOM Camp is in full swing, and the children are having a fantastic summer. Their smiles each day are testaments to their wonderful experience. The weather has been great, and the heat gives us a lot of water play opportunities. The children have loved the oscillating sprinkler the best. We have brought in special guests throughout the summer. We began with a party, and we continued the celebration all summer long. We’ve enjoyed the bouncie, a petting zoo, a mad scientist, the “animal guy” and so much more. We’ve celebrated pajama day, red white & blue day, crazy hat day, bring your favorite stuffed animal day, and more. We never run out of days to celebrate. If you would like to sign up for last two weeks of camp, August 6 and 13, space is still available. Also, before the school year begins, we will be offering FUN DAyS the weeks of August 20 and 27. Please contact the office for additional information or to sign up. SHAKE, RATTLE & TWIST – Friday, August 10 For parents/grandparents/caregivers of children 3 years and younger (older sibs welcome). Join Rabbi Rachel for music and challah braiding at 11:15 a.m. in our parent-toddler room. SHABBAT IN THE PARK – Friday, August 24 Join us at 5:45 p.m. at Drake Sports Park for a family friendly Shabbat service. Bring your own picnic Shabbat dinner. We will be there rain or shine. INTO FALL SEE PAGES 4 - 6 FOR HIGH HOLIDAy FAMILy PROGRAMMING For more information or to reserve your place, contact Debi at 248-626-2153 or [email protected]. LEAP 9 LEARNING AS THE SUMMER BEGINS TO WIND DOWN, our plans for the fall are well underway! We are very excited about all the programs we’ll be offering this fall for children through age five! Please come and check out our Adat Shalom ECC’s educational and engaging curriculum. Children investigate, explore, play and learn in their very own synagogue! There is no better place to begin your child’s or grandchild’s Jewish educational journey! For more information on all of our amazing programs, please call the ECC office at 248-851-5105, or visit us on the web at FROM THE PRESIDENT CONTINUED FROM PAGE 3 BETH ACHIM RELIGIOUS SCHOOL CONTINUED FROM PAGE 8 will enable students to read and understand our siddur – and much more. ON WEDNESDAYS, our 2nd-7th graders will begin with Hebrew Connections and then transition into Jewish Connections as we round out the afternoon. Integrating our curriculum allows for unique understandings like the following, in connecting the words for listen (shema), peace (shalom), and make (oseh): to this country. My Jewish identity was also powerfully shaped by my many years in Habonim, a labor Zionist youth group that I grew up HEBREW TRANSLITERATION TRANSLATION SOURCE in and to which Rabbi Bergman שמע ישראל Shema Yisrael Listen, Israel Torah, Prayer once belonged as well. Na’aseh v’nishmah We will do and listen Torah נעשה ונשמע My decision to join a עושה שלום Oseh Shalom Maker of Peace Prayer Conservative congregation was a שלום! מה נשמע Shalom! Mah nishmah? Hey! What’s up? Modern Hebrew choice made as an adult, not one I Once we understand the meaning of these Hebrew words, we can make connections: is was born into. As I reflect on that “Na’aseh v’nishmah” the answer to “Shema Yisrael”? Is there a difference between the decision and the impact it has had on my life, I realize there are both “oseh” in “oseh shalom,” one name for God, and the “na’aseh” that we say – and what is it positive ramifications and responsi- we’re agreeing to do? In light of the first three expressions, does “hey, what’s up?” feel any bilities that stem from my affiliation. different? That’s just a taste of our outstanding Religious School program, which begins on But why Adat Shalom and why Sunday, September 9. We can’t wait to see your children and grandchildren walking would I choose to become its presithrough our halls! There is still time to register, if you haven’t done so already. (Make sure dent? Abbe grew up in a conservative to pick up some crayons!) We have plenty of new Adult Education classes for you, as well, congregation, Beth Israel in Flint. In beginning after Simchat Torah. We’ll tell you more about them in next month’s VOICE. one of the few non-negotiable issues in our marriage, we sought out Conservative congregations when we moved back to Michigan 15 years ago. Adat Shalom was an easy choice for us. Its initial appeal was that it was the only egalitarian conservative synagogue in town. With a prinPraying With Their Feet cipled and strong willed wife and as the parents of two daughters, anything less was unacceptable. We also met Rabbi Danny Nevins, who was incredibly warm and welcoming, and Alan Yost, who was equally kind and inviting. The synagogue had a hamishe air about it that drew us in and made us feel comfortable. Our initial impressions still ring true, perhaps even more so than when we first joined. I’m really so proud to be the new president of this synagogue for a number of reasons. I believe this is a special congregation that cares deeply about its members. We have outstanding clergy, dedicated professional staff and committed lay leaders. I enjoy the friendships I’ve made with members of the board and the congregation, and I believe in giving back to our shul and contributing to its continued success. I’m also here because helley and I were privileged, Abbe encouraged me, not overtly, but by setting an example of leadership in our Jewish once again this year, to attend community. And, I happily accepted the offer to be president, in part, because I want Liza the American Cancer Society Relay and Anna to appreciate, perhaps more than they already do, that conviction, commitment for Life at the West Bloomfield and volunteerism are important and lifelong pursuits. High School in June. This year, As I think about the next several years at Adat Shalom, I’m reminded of a quote I saw beyond the scores of supporters of on the wall of Cornell Law School on my first day there. The quote from a famous the American Cancer Society and American Jurist, Roscoe Pound, read “The law must be stable, but it cannot stand still.” cancer survivors who crowded the For some reason, I’ve never forgotten that line and it still resonates with me close to thirsponsor tents and the track all day ty years later. I think it’s because I have an emotional attachment to tradition, though I and night was a Torah brought to readily embrace positive change. the event by our own Rabbi Rachel Adat Shalom is a healthy and dynamic congregation, and we have a lot of good things going for us. We’re fortunate to have the clergy we do, most of whom are relatively new to Shere. The Torah was kept and the synagogue. We’ve just hired a talented director of congregational learning. We’re staclosely watched in the Team ble financially, and for many of you, the next time you walk into this social hall, it will Esther Tent, in memory of Esther have been completely renovated. We also have certain traditions that are unique among Olson. Several other teams were the other conservative synagogues in town: no synagogue completes a full torah service also led by Adat Shalom members each week, and I’ve been told that we haven’t missed a morning minyan in over 40 years – in memory of their precious relaThat’s stability and that’s impressive. tives who also battled against canBut I think we’d all agree that we cannot stand still. The decline in the Conservative cer. movement in general and the fact that our own Jewish community continues to shrink Many of us had the privilege of compel us not only to explore new opportunities to reach out to current and potential conwalking the track with the Torah gregants – but also to work more closely with other synagogues and temples, to create to show God’s support for the new joint programming and educational opportunities, to break down some of the old faccause that every one was there for. tionalism that, in very real terms, we can no longer afford. As Rabbi Rachel said, “The Torah These issues are concerning, but I am confident that with the active involvement of is meant to reside in a place of our members, we will continue to evolve and progress in the years ahead to meet these holiness. I can’t think of a holier challenges. place than here. Everyone who has Again, I really want to thank you for being here this evening. I want to say thank you come today is praying with their again to Abbe, Liza and Anna for both encouraging me to assume this position and for feet.” your unconditional love and support and your understanding of the commitment this will – Ed Kohl involve. Shabbat Shalom. 10 S People & Programs € SOCIAL ACTION IN ACTION ‹ ADAT SHALOM YOUNG ADULT GROUP WANTS YOU! THE Y OUNG ADULT G ROUP took part in Adat Shalom’s annual Housing the Homeless event by sponsoring dinner on Monday night, July 16th. It's always enjoyable to serve dinner and chat with guests. Thanks to those of you who helped out and were in attendance that night! We really appreciate your help! If you aren’t already a member of our Facebook group, you can join by searching for Adat Shalom Young Adult Group. You can also become a part of our email list by sending an email message to [email protected] or [email protected]. Enjoy the end of the summer! Beth Rodgers Young Adult Group Chairperson “PIZZA NIGHT” ADAT SHALOM YOUNG ADULTS ASSISTED IN PREPPING FOR DINNER FOR OUR HOME- LESS GUESTS LAST We were very busy this summer getting ready for our guests from the South Oakland Shelter. Thanks to everyone for their efforts in this important project. Watch for all the details in next month’s VOICE. YAD EZRA DELIVERIES….Thank you to Natalie Blum for coordinating the volunteers this past year. Natalie is attending medical school, so we are looking for someone to assume this role. “Job” responsibilities are to coordinate the volunteers to make the deliveries on four Sundays in 2012-2013. The dates are October 14, January 20, 2013, May 19 and September 13. Interested? Give me a call at 248-798-7673. A NEW PROJECT OPPORTUNITY… Joanne Kristal, Community Outreach Director for Jewish Senior Life, recently contacted me. She is looking for volunteers to assist older Jewish adults who reside in nonJewish facilities. There are more than 1000 older Jewish adults residing in over 100 non-Jewish facilities in the Detroit area. Activities can include friendly visiting, playing games, doing a social action project together, or celebrating holidays or Shabbat. She would find the facility and help plan the activity. Contact me if you can help. It is so important to keep these seniors involved in Jewish life. NO ACT OF KINDNESS, NO MATTER HOW SMALL, IS EVER WASTED. h for Watc ation m infor g soon n i m co your and zra E Yad ! bag EVVA HEPNER, SOCIAL ACTION CHAIRPERSON 247-798-7673 OR [email protected] MONTH. HAZZAN GROSS CONTINUED FROM PAGE KOL NIDRE FOOD DRIVE TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25 - 3 Berlin, a hall that rivals Carnegie in both acoustics and beauty. The following morning we had a Shabbat service during which forty-five different cantors davened (there were seventy-five on the trip,) and I led everyone in the Mi Sheberach which we sing every Shabbat at Adat Shalom. The next day there was a breathtaking concert in the Berliner Dom featuring many of my colleagues and the cathedral’s magnificent choir. It was very powerful to experience Jews and nonJews singing together in this prominent Protestant church that dominates the Berlin landscape. Some other memorable highlights in Berlin were a boat tour along the Spree River canal, watching the Euro 2012 soccer finals on huge screen TVs set up in Tiergarten Park, and a visit to the impressive Pergemon Museum with all of its relics from the Ancient Middle East and Islam. We then traveled south to Munich and made our way to Dachau. Here we davened Shacharit and toured the numbing grounds of the concentration camp. Then back in Munich we spent the afternoon at the newly constructed Jewish Center in the heart of the city for a very moving memorial service commemorating the forty years since the tragedy at the 1972 Olympic Games in Munich. Three hundred people united together in respect as we dedicated a moment of silence to the eleven Israeli delegates who were mercilessly murdered. Following this service, we davened Mincha in the impressive Ohel Jakob Synagogue. This day was by far the emotional crux of the trip. On the last day of the mission, many of us spent the day in Salzburg. Most famous for The Sound of Music and Mozart, it is a city that should be on everyone’s “to visit” list. Finally, what made the trip most special was a series of lectures given by the historian Dr. Stephen Berk. A riveting orator, Dr. Berk put into historical perspective the story of the Jewish people in Germany from the Middle Ages through the modern era. Always able to captivate the audience, Dr. Berk added a dimension to the trip that those present will surely always remember. I’m sure that plans are already in the works for the next international Cantors Assembly trip. I hope that you will consider joining me as a delegate on this unique musical journey of heritage and healing. 11 – AESOP ONE NIGHT ONLY - Experience the recent Cantors Assembly Mission to Germany in picture and sound! Come to Adat Shalom to see and hear some of the performances along with a slide show capturing many of the powerful moments of this incredible trip. See for yourself what Hazzan Gross and several congregants experienced this summer in Germany! TUESDAY, AUGUST 21 7:30 P.M. Minyan Musings FROM BARRY L. LIPPITT, RITUAL DIRECTOR & COORDINATOR, BAR/BAT MITZVAH INSTRUCTION IN AUGUST WE LIKE TO UPDATE our records so we are ready for the new year, and the new year’s projects. Our first project this coming year is to match all of our members who had a bar or bat mitzvah ceremony with their individual parashah and Haftarah. If you’re on our compiled list, we’ll be able to reach out to you to invite you to have an aliyah to mark the anniversary, or to chant Haftarah when we have no new bar or bat mitzvah observance scheduled. To help me compile this list, send an email to me ([email protected]) and use the message title: “Bar Mitzvah anniversary information.” qqqqq MANY CONGREGANTS ASK US to add a prayer for healing for family members and friends. If you would like us to add a name to the Mi Sheberach list, send an email to both me and my assistant, Caren Harwood ([email protected]), and include the following information: 1. English name, 2. Hebrew name and mother’s Hebrew name, if known, 3. Reason for addition to list (this is kept confidential, shared only with clergy), 4. When to begin (e.g., immediately, or on date of or preceding surgery), 5. When to end (we will typically list someone for 1 month, unless we receive other instructions) When sending the email, use the message title: “Mi Sheberach request.” qqqqq WHEN A MEMBER FAMILY EXPERIENCES A LOSS, Adat Shalom will often arrange to supervise the home shiva services by sending someone either to lead the prayer services or to assist family members in leading the services. Because clergy are not always available to supervise these services, we look to our lay members to represent the synagogue on these occasions. [email protected]) no later than August 10. Review sessions for readers will be held on Thursday, 9/6; Sunday, 9/9; and Thursday, 9/13. qqqqq AUGUST IS A PRIME MONTH for vacations, and several of our morning and evening minyan regulars will be away. Please help us out in August by picking a day of the week and a service, and make it your own during August (and, of course, you don’t need to stop at month’s end). In return, we offer you a friendly community for prayer, and, if you join us in the morning, a great breakfast. Morning minyan begins at 7:30 a.m. Monday – Friday and 8:30 a.m. on Sunday. Evening minyan, from Sunday – Friday begins at 6 p.m. qqqqq AS A REMINDER FOR ALL WHO JOIN US IN THE MORNING on days we read Torah (Mondays, Thursdays, Rosh Chodesh, and Fast Days), our minyan policy is that, to receive an aliyah, men must be wearing tefillin (we do have some extra sets available for your use, but we can’t promise they’ll fit). In particular, if you’re coming to get an aliyah when you have yahrzeit, and you’re a male, bring your tefillin or ask to borrow a set. qqqqq SPEAKING OF OUR DAILY BREAKFAST, it would not be possible but for the culinary skills of Marvin Brown. For those who enjoy our breakfasts when they come, please consider a donation to our Minyan Breakfast Fund, to mark an aliyah you receive at the daily minyan, to make a donation when you request a special prayer be offered, or just because you like French Toast Tuesdays (if you don’t know what these are, please join us on a Tuesday morning). We are compiling a new list of lay members who would like to participate in this program, and will provide them with the training and background to serve as the synagogue’s representative. If you would like to be on the list, please send me your name, email address, and daytime phone number (home or cell). qqqqq THE HIGH HOLIDAYS ARE JUST AROUND THE CORNER, in the middle of September. As in the past, we invite our post-b’nai mitzvah teens (in middle school or high school only, please) to enhance the holiday experience by reading Torah for our services. Invitations have gone out to many of our teens; if you did not receive one and would like to chant Torah this year, please send an email to me (blip- MARVIN BROWN, OUR OWN MASTER CHEF, “FRENCH TOAST TUESDAYS” AND OTHER MINYAN BREAKFASTS THROUGHOUT THE WEEK. COME AND ENJOY BREAK FAST FOLLOWING MORNING MINYAN! IS FAMOUS FOR 12 INTRODUCING OUR 5773 COmmITTee ChaIRpeRsONs We invite you to involve yourself in Adat Shalom’s inner workings by sharing in the responsibility as well as the satisfaction to be gained from playing a direct role in the operation of the Synagogue. The following committee chairpersons look forward to your participation. Please look over the list, and call Executive Director Alan Yost at 248-851-5100, or you may send him an email at [email protected], to discuss your interests. Adult Study Commission David Strauss Empty Nesters Cindy Posen & Ruth Zerin House Committee Rick Tyner ADAT SHALOM SYNAGOGUE 2012 - 2013 BOARD OF TRUSTEES The following members of the Congregation will serve as Officers and Board Members for the coming season. Mazal Tov to all of our new and continuing leaders! PAST PRESIDENTS President . . . . . . . . . . .David Sherbin Irwin Alterman, Barbara Cook, First Vice President . . . . . .Lori Issner Sanford Eichenhorn, Vice President . . . . . . .Norma Dorman Abraham Gamer, Joel Gershenson, Recording Secretary . . .Richard Tyner Sharon Hart, Ed Kohl, Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . .Sandy Vieder Terran Leemis, Beverly Liss, Paul Magy, Harry Maisel, Jack Rubin, Immediate Past President . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Julie Teicher David Schostak, Jeffrey Supowit, Larry Wolfe EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE AT LARGE Joyce B. Weingarten Carol Weintraub Fogel Shannon Dickstein HONORARY TRUSTEES Ronald Charfoos Sam Holcman Alan J. Kaufman Allan Nachman Neal Zalenko Maria Pacis Biederman Bruce Brickman Larry Buch Alan Chandross Doreen Dickman Robert Dunsky Stacy Fox Tobi Fox Darryl Goldberg Joel Golden BOARD OF TRUSTEES* Ken Goss Gary Graff Dan Guyer Evva Hepner Diane Howitt Joel Kahn Martin Kaye Deborah Kolin Jay Levin Mickey Levin Stuart Logan Sherri Morof Richard Nucian Beth Rodgers David Strauss Rena Tepman Jennifer Weinstein Joe Wener Julie Wiener Gary Wine Philip Wolok Israel Advocacy Committee Larry Buch JEFF (Jewish Experiences for Families) Committee Jennifer Weinstein Membership Stacy Fox Religious School Committee Doreen Dickman Save - the - Date Sisterhood Torah Fund Brunch Monday, October 15 Our exquisite Torah Fund Pins are a gift to you with your donation of $180 or more to Torah Fund. Uri Uri For more information, call Harriet Dunsky, “Awake – Greet the New Dawn” 248-851-1959. Social Action Committee Evva Hepner Spiritual Committee Dan Guyer SYNergy Committee Karen Kahn Young Adult Group Beth Rodgers Youth Committee Marty Kaye G MAKIN ROOM FOR NEW ITEMS Sisterhood Gift Shop AMAZING SALE Up to 75% off (ON SELECT MERCHANDISE) SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 9 AM - 2 PM Check the September VOICE and weekly emails for September Sale Days! 13 Celebrate! AUGUST BIRTHDAYS 1- Linda Golden 5- Norman Benjamin Lauren Gross 6- Gale Lawson Barbara Weiss 9- Susan Barr 11- Francine Berman 11121314- Michele Elkus Ann Katz Joel Golden Nancy Kaufman Jeffrey Tackel Mark Teicher 16- Allan Gelfond 16- David Gordon 17- Rochelle Klegon 18- Debbie Glassman Herbert Mitnick Theodore Talon Ann Benderoff 21- Bette Shapiro 23- Ann Benderoff 23- Karen Kraft 24- Bobbie Miller 25- Rachel Jensen Nancy Schostak Dick Sloan 26- Michael Kovacs 27- Sheila Sloan 29- Marilyn Gutter 29- Elaine Raznick 30- Sharon Kaplan Elaine Serling Ruth Zerin 31- Aaron Perlman rrrr AUGUST ANNIVERSARIES 46789- Judi & Donald Davis Kimberly Lifton & Kevin Shea Karen & Samuel Crane Marilyn & Donald Rudick Rochelle & Eugene Perlman Jessica & Steven Migliore Rose & Albert Rubinlicht Rabbi Rachel & Dan Shere 10- Sandy & Michael Robbins 11- Susan & Gordon Shlom Sara & Marc Wasser 13- Harriet & Sy Lusky Robin & Gary Wine Sharon & Sheldon Rocklin 14- Moreen & Marshall Lett 15- Susan & Benson Barr 15- Susan & Jeffrey Young 16- Lesley & Barry Feldman Judy & David Goldis 17- Florence & Samuel Havis 18- Meredith & Howard Goldberg Rita & Edwin Sitron 21- Claudia & Kenneth Been 23- Judy & Irwin Elson 23- Lori & Jeff Lipshaw Andi & Larry Wolf 26- Sheryl & Clifford Dovitz 30- Lori & Michael Lieberman Diane & Harvey Zameck 31- Olga & Paul Friedman BIRTHDAYS & ANNIVERSARIES Each month we list birthdays & anniversaries for adult congregants who have indicated that they wish to be listed in this column. Please send the information to Nancy Wilhelm at Adat Shalom Synagogue, call her at 248-851-5100, or e-mail [email protected]. Mazal Tov! WE’RE PLEASED TO LET YOU KNOW… JERRY COOK was elected President of the Jewish Historical Society of Michigan at the organization’s June meeting. Marriage of Jennifer King, daughter of Martha Cudney and Bill Cudney, and Stephen Schostak, son of Lillian & Lee Schostak STUART NATHAN was featured in the University of Detroit Mercy Newsletter this past spring. Stuart was trained as a Physician Assistant at U-D Mercy and is a past recipient of the school’s Alumni Award of the Year. Marriage of Erica Lewis, daughter of Karen & Scott Lewis, and David Herc, son of Sharon & Robert Herc RABBI YOSKOWITZ officiated in June at the annual Michigan Jewish War Veterans Memorial Day ceremony at Machpelah Cemetery Engagement of Miriam Lieberman, daughter of Rochelle & Joel Lieberman, and Lawrence Zeidman, son of Irene & the late Allan Zeidman SAM ZERIN was featured this spring in a 36 UNDER 36 COLUMN of the of The New York Jewish Week. Sam is a classical pianist pursuing a PhD at New York University and has made an important musical discovery of the works of Jewish composer Joseph Achron. Marriage of Janis Holtzman & Michael Colman Engagement of Lisa Yoskowitz, daughter of Rabbi Herbert & Rachel Yoskowitz, and Michael Bernfeld, son of Julie & Shimon Bernfeld. Birth of Regan Hope Goodbinder, daughter of Jennifer & Todd Goodbinder, granddaughter of Esther & Neal Zalenko and Susan & Charles Goodbinder, greatgranddaughter of Toby Simon Birth of Eloise Hannah Golden, daughter of Marie & Stewart Golden, granddaughter of Linda & Joel Golden Birth of Ilan Gabriel Levine, son of Shari Sitron & Peter Levine, grandson of Rita & Ed Sitron, Nancy & Marvin Levine, and Ellen Blumberg & the late Ed Blumberg, great-grandson of Ann Keller Birth of Benjamin Nathan Sitron, son of Jessica & Neil Sitron, grandson of Rita & Ed Sitron and Barbara & Mort Mailman, great-grandson of Ann Keller Birth of Gabriel Terebelo, son of Christina & Bradley Terebelo, grandson of Robin & Howard Terebelo and 14 Kathy Costello, great-grandson of Ruth Blackman WE’RE HAPPY TO SHARE GATION. PLEASE “GOOD NEWS” ABOUT ADULT MEMBERS OF OUR CONGRE- EMAIL [email protected]. VISITORS ON OUR BIMAH ADAT SHALOM WAS PLEASED TO HOST A LUNCH FOR PARTICIPANTS IN THE JEWISH HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF MICHIGAN JUNE TOUR OF SIGNIFICANT HISTORIC JEWISH LOCATIONS. RIGHT: CHRISTIAN AND JEWISH VISITORS POSED FOR A KODAK-MOMENT ON ADAT SHALOM BIMAH. In Memoriam We send heartfelt condolences to the families of: CLAIRE MORRELL, wife of Simon Morrell, mother of Wendy (Marc) Kippelman and Andrea “Andie” (Andrew) Feuereisen, grandmother of Stephanie Heller, Jackie (Marc) Issner, Nikki Heller, Stacy (Jon Miller) Feuereisen, Jeffrey Feuereisen and Ricki Feuereisen MARTINA BURNS BERTONI, mother of Susan (Darren) Knox, Elizabeth (Greg) Tobey and Julie (Fiance Michael Varnum) Bertoni, grandmother of Jonathan, sister of Kelly (Marshall) Goldberg, aunt of Marc, Jordan and Danielle Goldberg PAULETTE BORIN, wife of the late Ben Borin, mother of Mel (Marilyn) Borin, Karen (Richard) White, Bob (Michelle) Borin and Steven (Carol Fischer) Borin, grandmother of Kim (Bill) Colwyn, Brooke (Brian) Jacobs, Jordan (Sarah) White, Evan (Mallory) Borin, Ashley Borin, Joshua Borin, Brianna Borin, Danielle Borin, Ben Borin, Jason Teshuba and Michael (Maria) Teshuba, great grandmother of Emma, Sam and Chloe Colwyn, Taylor, Eli and Dylan Jacobs, Hayden White, Grayson and Ethan Borin JACQUES ROSENFELD, husband of Masal “Toni” Rosenfeld, father of Joel (Amy) Rosenfeld, David Rosenfeld, Dianne Rosenfeld and Suzanne Rosenfeld, grandfather of Raquel, Zachary, Daniel, Adam and Max Rosenfeld, brother of Judy (Marvin) Skolnick FLORENCE SADOFF, wife of Charles Sadoff, mother of Wendy Sadoff and Raulla (Gene) Mitchell, grandmother of Andrew and Jillian Gordner and Claire Mitchell, sister of Ted Richter and Bernice Breitman RALPH BORIN, father of Jeffrey (Barbara) Borin, Anne (Bart) Teush and Deborah (William) Korman, grandfather of Sam Borin, Hannah Teush and Cameron Korman, brother of Jack (Belle) Borin and Bernice Boorman ETHEL SINKOFF, wife of the late Saul Sinkoff, mother of Steven (Teri) Sinkoff, Mark (Ruth Lerman) Sinkoff, and Michal Tamuz, grandmother of Rebecca Sinkoff, Hilary Sinkoff, Dov LermanSinkoff, Sara Lerman-Sinkoff and the late Aryeh Chiam Lerman-Sinkoff HERBERT FRIEDMAN, husband of Vicki Friedman, father of Jason (Esperanza) Friedman, Melissa Friedman, Nicole (Josef) Eshet and Jordan Friedman, grandfather of Justin, Joshua and Jaden Friedman, and Rachel and Jacob Eshet, brother of Roberta Wolf MILTON HANDELMAN, husband of Betty Handelman, father of William (Nancy) Handelman and Paul Handelman, grandfather of Leslie, Amy and Elyse Handelman, brother of Arnold (Marilynne) Handelman SHELDON JACOBS, husband of Andrea Jacobs, father of Barbara Jacobs, Debby (Joel) Skolnick, Ben Jacobs and Lauren Jacobs, grandfather of Lydia and Daniel Skolnick, brother of Gilbert (Joan) Jacobs and Philip Jacobs GEORGE KARNES, husband of Madelyn Karnes, father of Sherri (Steve) Kass and Laurie Karnes, grandfather of Scott Kass and Suzan (Larry) Tepman ADAT SHALOM MEMORIAL PARK MAXINE “MICKEY” KRINSKY, mother of Joseph Evan "Joey" Krinsky, Karen (Sandy) Crane and Howard (Mary) Krinsky, also survived by former daughter in law Debbie Krinsky, grandmother of Jeff, Jenna and Jay Krinsky, Marc Crane and Katie and Laura Krinsky FOR INFORMATION ABOUT THE PURCHASE OF CEMETERY PLOTS, PLEASE STEVEN GOLDSMITH, 248-798-9995, 248-851-5100. CALL VICTOR LAWSON, husband of the late Mayme Lawson, father of Larry (fiancee Myra Greenwald) Lawson, Noel (Judith) Lawson and Deanna (Allan) Pincus, brother of Perl Baum, grandfather of Rabbi Rachel (Daniel) Shere, David (Ellen) Lawson, Audrey (Scott) Kaufman, Miriam (Leo) L'Homme, Jonathan (Andrea) Pincus and Jeff (Erica) Lawson, greatgrandfather of Samuel, Jonathan and Lisa Lawson, Aaron, Courtney, Dalia and Adam Kaufman, Shayna L'Homme, Michael Pincus, Eitan, Avi & Ezra Shere, and Micah Lawson OR DENISE GALLAGHER, ~ Healing from Loss ~ BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUPS IN SEPTEMBER Bereavement support groups will resume next month on Sunday mornings, September 9 and 23. “Healing from Loss” will be facilitated by Rabbi Rachel Shere and Ruby Kushner, M.S.W. These support groups are open to the community. There is no charge. Questions? Please email Rabbi Shere at [email protected]. NORMAN L. LETVIN, husband of Marion Letvin, father of Andrea Ricka, Rebecca, Adam and Elizabeth, son of Esther Letvin, brother of David (Alice) Letvin and Judith (Marty) Liebman 15 Tributes Adat Shalom Synagogue Tribute Contributions ADAT SHALOM’S tribute funds provide support for our many important synagogue programs and services, which help to define us as an outstanding congregation. We have set a $10 minimum price for tribute cards, on par with other area congregations. Prayer Book Fund contributions are $36 for the daily Sim Shalom Prayer Book, $50 for the Shabbat Sim Shalom Prayer Book, and $50 for an Etz Hayim Chumash. We are very grateful to members and friends who have consistently purchased tributes, marking lifecycle events and other significant occasions, and we encourage your continued support. Each greeting is individually prepared on a handsome card. To arrange for a tribute, please send the following information to the Synagogue office: 1. Name of Fund 2. Occasion: (In memory of … In honor of … Speedy recovery to … (Please print names.) 3. Name(s) (first & last) and address of person(s) to be notified 4. Your name(s) & address 5. Check for $10 per tribute We will process your tribute and mail it promptly. To make a tribute online, go to: Tributes received by the 1st of the month will appear in the following month’s VOICE. If you would like information on how to establish a fund, please contact Executive Director Alan Yost. We record with sincere appreciation the following generous contributions designed to maintain the programs of Adat Shalom: CONGREGATIONAL FUND IN MEMORY OF: Martina Bertoni by Marsha & Hal Baker; Lisa & Michael Betman and family; Diane & Harvey Howitt; Sandy Shapiro Paulette Borin by Roz Lax; Mollie Nucian; Sandy Schram Charles Brasch by The Stollman Family Zella Daugherty by The Betman Family Margrit Ehlich by Joseph G. Sommer Nathan Feingold by Beryl & Mickey Levin; Sandy Shapiro Lillian Feldman by Cindy & Howard Babcock Jean Frankel by Charlotte Dubin; The Friedlaender Family; Lori & Jim Issner; Sylvia & Abe Pearlman; Elise & David Schostak; Bluma & Leonard Siegal Vita Marie Grace by Elaine & Harvey Aidem Robert Heller by Eric Lutz George Karnes by Marsha & Hal Baker Maxine Krinsky by Saree & Steve Hantler Gary Lipkin’s sister, Marci by Joseph Sommer, David, Mary and Anita Claire Morrell by Jeffrey Rosenberg Barry Rankin’s mother by Marsha & Hal Baker Grace Schreiber by Hilary Mellin & Joel Gershenson Ethel Sinkoff by Lori & Jim Issner Bob Stollman by Lisa & Michael Betman and family; Amy,George, Brian & Margo Dickstein Anne Summers by Judie and Shelby Dubin Yahrzeits of: Rose Barron by Harold Barron Joe Bernstein by Dolores Mandell Sonja Blechman by Karen Goss Simon Dershonwitz by Kenneth Goss Philipp Fischer by Joan & Fred Fischer Ted Fishman by Shirley Locke Rubin Goldenberg by Saree, Steve, Scott & Brad Hantler Ruth Goss; William Goss by Kenneth Goss David Hantler by Saree & Steve Hantler Philip Herman by Shirley Herman Goldie Hyman by Shirley Locke Dezider Judikovic; Malvina Judikovic by Mike Judikovic Rose Kampner by Eleanor Maness Hermine Nash by Gail & Eugene Smoler Beverly Rosen by Gloria, Ryan & Jaclyn Wolok Leatrice Shalom; Robert Shapiro by Sandy Shapiro Benjamin Siegal by Leonard Siegal Milton Singer by Carol Singer Aryeh Lerman-Sinkoff by Emiko Hayashi Molly Stross by Shirley Locke IN HONOR OF: 72nd anniversary of Sylvia & Abe Pearlman by Judy & Stanley Frankel Honor received at the Winkelman B’nai Mitzvah by Laura Freedman Pedrick Adat Shalom Clergy by Amy & Bob Folberg Irwin Alterman’s JFMD Lifetime Achievement Award by Cheryl & Dan Guyer 16 Charlotte Dubin becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Judie and Shelby Dubin; Cheryl & Dan Guyer; Susan Shevrin Lauren Gross and her beautiful performance by the JCRC Sharon Hart receiving the JFMD Lifetime Achievement Award by Cheryl & Dan Guyer Laura Jaffe becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Lisa & Bob Jaffe; Sheryl & Shay Rosenfeld; Barbara & Steven Shumer; Margie Winston Phyllis Kessler becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Barbara & Steven Shumber Wendy Kippelman becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Lori & Jim Issner; Marianne & Jerome Pesick; Sheryl & Shay Rosenfeld Barak Lebovitz’s graduation by Linda & Eric Lutz Wedding of Sage & Michael Robinson by Harriet Friedman and Jody Sack Lauren Rosenberg becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Beverly & Randy Phillips; Barbara & Steven Shumer Aliyah on Shavuot by Stewart Shear David Sherbin being installed as president by Dana & Jon Abrahams; Stacy & Jeffrey Brodsky; Beth & Robert Borson; The Stillman Family Jake Stamel becoming an attorney by Linda & Eric Lutz Julie Teicher completing her 2nd year as President of Adat Shalom by Charlotte & Harry Teicher Debbie Williams becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Joyce Kornbluh; Margory Santacreu; Susan Shevrin B’nai Mitzvah of Alex & Max Winkelman by Dr. & Mrs. James Ravin SPEEDY RECOVERY TO: Cathy Donigan by Adele Staller Hazzan Gross by Diane & Harvey Howitt; Beryl & Mickey Levin öõ BOY SCOUT FUND TROOP #364 IN MEMORY OF: Yahrzeit of Arnold Podell by Cathy & Ken Podell öõ MARILYN & MATTHEW DROZ MEMORIAL FUND IN HONOR OF: Janis & Sam Holcman and a lovely dinner by Shelley & Alan Droz Laura Jaffe becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Cheryl & Jim Bloom; Ellen & David Bushman Lauren Rosenberg becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Cheryl & Jim Bloom öõ ALAN & SUE KAUFMAN EARLY CHILDHOOD CENTER FUND IN MEMORY OF: Martin Appel, Seymour Finkel, Milton Goodman, Rosslyn Weinerman by Sue & Terry Berlin Charles Brasch by The Rotenberg Family Tributes Lois Fagan by Susie & Dennis Horwitz Nathan Feingold by Jane & Neil Anchill; Shellie & Mike Anstandig Edward Goldberg by Shelly Tarockoff Lily Gordon by Shelley & Arthur Fine Lawrence Katz by The Rotenberg Family Gerald Pearlman by Tammi & Scott Cooper Lew Rose by Susie & Dennis Horwitz Claire Rygiel by Shelly Tarockoff Ethel Sinkoff by Eleanor & Dan Fogel; Paula & Leonard Greenberg; Lois & Mark Langberg Leslie Weiss by The Rotenberg Family Yahrzeit of Sylvia & Julius Greenberg; Molly Perchikoff; Florence Wagner by Paula & Leonard Greenberg IN HONOR OF: Scott Berlin’s graduation from U of M by Reva & Shelly Segal Maria Pacis-Biederman becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Jennifer, Stuart, Rachel & Noah Freedland Wedding of Janis Holtzman & Michel Colman by Shellie & Mike Anstandig Sue Lutz becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Sharon & Jay Daitch B’not Mitzvah Danielle Ruskin and Jennifer Weinstein by Jennifer, Stuart, Rachel & Noah Freedland; The Ganezer Family; Reva Segal 65th anniversary of Bette & Avery Shapiro by Shelley & Arthur Fine SPEEDY RECOVERY TO: Sharon Rocklin by Beryl & Mickey Levin EVAN TYLER OTIS BOOK MOBILE FUND OF THE NURSERY SCHOOL IN MEMORY OF: Evan Tyler Otis, Sheldon Otis by Maurice Otis IN HONOR OF: Bat Mitzvah of Sophie Davis by Diane Otis öõ CHARLOTTE & PHILLIP EDELHEIT FUND IN MEMORY OF: Nathan Feingold by Janis Holcman Harry Michaelson by Millie Burns IN HONOR OF: Bat Mitzvah of Sue Lutz by Morrine & Steve Maltzman öõ DR. MANUEL FELDMAN BETH ACHIM RELIGIOUS SCHOOL MEMORIAL FUND IN MEMORY OF: Charles Brasch by Rena & Ronnie Meyers George Karnes by Adele Staller Ethel Sinkoff by Debbie & Jeff Supowit Yahrzeit of Sandra Feldman by Susan & Michael Feldman IN HONOR OF: Elissa Berg & luck on her next adventure by Rena & Ronnie Meyers Feige Bowick & my gratitude for a great year by Evan Lovy Cathy Donigan, Tamar Dvir by Rena Meyers Ed Kohl being elected to the ZOA board by Phyllis & Seymour Subar 90th birthday of Lou Landgarten by Phyllis & Seymour Subar Ruthe Levy & my gratitude for a great year by Noah Lovy Janis Braun-Levine by the Adat Shalom Ruach Youth Choir Rivka Nachlas & my gratitude for a great year by Noah and Evan Lovy Bat Mitzvah of Samantha Perlman by Adele W. Staller öõ ALEX GRAHAM TRAVEL & EDUCATION FUND IN MEMORY OF: Martina Bertoni, Aryeh Lerman-Sinkoff by Susie & Bill Graham Nathan Feingold by Debbie & Jeff Supowit; Shoshana Wolok Fred Lehman by Marion Shlom Norman Litvin by Susie & Bill Graham; Karen & Allan Lovinger Ethel Sinkoff by Susie & Bill Graham; Karen & Allan Lovinger; Rachel Subrin; Rochelle & Norm Welsh Yahrzeits of: Mary Been by Claudia & Ken Been Fred Lehman by Marion Shlom IN HONOR OF: Maria Pacis-Biederman becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Susie & Bill Graham Engagement of Amy Yashinsky & Seth Stern by Susie & Bill Graham; Carol Weintraub Fogel being installed as a National Board Member of the Jewish Community Centers of America by Susie & Bill Graham Hazzan Gross being elected to the Executive Committe of the Cantor’s Assembly by Susie & Bill Graham B’not Mitzvah Lauren Gross, Lezlie SilberMostyn and Debbie Williams by Susie & Bill Graham Wendy Heller-Kippelman becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Paula & Michael Ceresnie 90th birthday of Lou Landgarten by Susie & Bill Graham Paul Magy receiving a distinguished service award by Susie & Bill Graham Nori Rubin becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Paula & Michael Ceresnie öõ BETTY & D. DAN KAHN CHESED FUND IN MEMORY OF: D. Dan Kahn by Greenfield Industries IN HONOR OF: Bat Mitzvah of Danielle Katkowsky by Inez Cane öõ GERRY D. KELLER MEMORIAL CHOIR FUND IN MEMORY OF: Jayne Rudy Schostak by Shelley & Ed Kohl Yahrzeit of Julius Nussbaum by Michael Schulman IN HONOR OF: 90th birthday of Lou Landgarten by Marian, Jay & Barbara Guttman and family 17 New grandson of Rita & Ed Sitron by Beryl & Mickey Levin Deborah Williams becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Diane Mehringer öõ HENRY C. & ROSE BENSON KEYWELL & ESTELLE K. KAHN FUND IN MEMORY OF: Paulette Borin by Shirley & Kopel Kahn; Lisa & Richard Mertz; Susan Kahn Sovel Martin Krohner by Susan & Robert Sovel Yahrzeit of Freda Kahn by Shirley & Kopel Kahn öõ ROBERT KORNWISE FUND IN MEMORY OF: Danielle Ruskin becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Betsy & Jerry Loomus öõ ALEX KUSHNER MEMORIAL FUND IN MEMORY OF: Paulette Borin, Richard Karson, Ethel Sinkoff by Ruby & Richard Kushner IN HONOR OF: Birthdays of Rabbi Bergman, Roger Kusher, Bonnie Otis, Lois Shiffman, Rabbi Yoskowitz by Ruby & Richard Kushner öõ HILLEL ISAAC MAISEL MEMORIAL HOUSING THE HOMELESS FUND IN MEMORY OF: Martina Bertoni by Evva & Michael Hepner Paulette Borin, Jean Frankel, Sylvia Grace by Rachel & Harry Maisel Michael Elias by Carol & Jeffrey Maisels Nathan Feingold by Rachel & Harry Maisel; Adele W. Staller; Fran & Phil Wolok Jonathan Hyams by Carol & Jeffrey Maisels Jacques Rosenfeld by Rachel & Harry Maisel; Fran & Phil Wolok Ethel Sinkoff by Fran & Phil Wolok David Winston by Mollie Nucian Yahrzeits of: David Biber; Pearl Biber by Susan Bindes Ben Frank by Carole Frank and family Emma Frank by Carole Frank Rose Friedman by Harriet Friedman Gustav Reichman by Marta Fleischer Sarah Singer by Ruth Singer IN HONOR OF: Irwin Alterman receiving the JFMD Lifetime Achievement Award by Saul Rose Natalie Blum and your help with Yad Ezra by Evva Hepner Debbie Cohen and your help with SOS homeless by Evva Hepner Charlotte Dubin and the 16 B’not Mitzvah by Rachel & Harry Maisel Rachel Galazan representing the Rose family at the plaque dedication by Saul Rose Sharon Hart receiving the JFMD Lifetime Achievement Award by Saul Rose Sara Hepner’s college graduation by Marsha & Hal Baker Deborah Lapin’s help with the Ronald McDonald House by Evva Hepner Miriam Lieberman’s engagement to Larry Zeidman by Carol & Jeffrey Maisels Rochelle & Joel Lieberman and all their help Tributes by Sarah, Daniel, Michael & Rachel Braverman Michael Lieberman’s graduation from dental school by Rachel & Harry Maisel Marriage of the daughter of Sharon & Harry Lubetsky by Arlene & Asher Tilchin Leslie Magy and your help with Friendship Circle by Evva Hepner Rachel Maisel representing the Rose family at the plaque dedication by Saul Rose Gail Mizruchi and all your help by Sarah, Daniel, Michael & Rachel Braverman Bat Mitzvah of Ellie Simon by Rachel & Harry Maisel Danielle Ruskin becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Debby & Steve Portney Bar Mitzvah of Blake Segel by Rachel & Harry Maisel Amy Strauss, Ruth Zerin for their help with the blood drive by Evva Hepner Bat Mitzvah of Caroline Strauss by Evva & Michael Hepner 21st birthday of Natalie Tischler by Rachel & Harry Maisel Ryan Tischler’s graduation from ASU by Rachel & Harry Maisel Debbie Williams becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Celia & Michael Lubetsky Gloria Wolok becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Fran & Phil Wolok SPEEDY RECOVERY TO: Sol Rubin by Etta & Harvey Lipsky Betsy Winkelman by Evva & Michael Hepner; Tuesday Night Study Group öõ MORRY NEUVIRTH BAR & BAT MITZVAH FUND IN MEMORY OF: Paulette Borin by Sharon & Tom Lebovic; Julie & Marty Wiener Ethel Cohen, Lillian Feldman, Norman Litvin, Ethel Sinkoff, Anne Summers, Leslie Weiss by Sharon & Tom Lebovic Nathan Feingold by Sharon & Tom Lebovic; Robin & Howard Terebelo Lillian Fixler by Rosalie & Bruce Rosen; Julie & Marty Wiener Jean Frankel by Saul Rose Richard Karson by Sheryl, Cliff, Erica & Jason Dovitz Lawrence Katz by Sandy & Michael Lippitt and family Claire Morrell by Phyllis Kessler IN HONOR OF: Maria Pacis-Biederman becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Julie & Marty Wiener Charlotte Dubin becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Linda Levy; Sandy Shapiro Stanley Frankel’s kindness by Saul Rose Lauren Gross becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Linda Levy; Sandy Shapiro; Julie & Marty Wiener Laura Jaffe becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Sue & Mark Jaffe; Judy & Mike Lipson Phyllis Kessler becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Judy & Mike Lipson Wendy Heller-Kippelman becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Linda Levy; Julie & Marty Wiener Recent marriage of Erica Lewis & David Herc by Kathie & Jeffrey Schwartz; Julie & Marty Wiener; Rosalie & Bruce Rosen Sue Lutz becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Linda Levy Lauren Rosenberg becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Sue & Mark Jaffe; Linda Levy; Judy & Mike Lipson Nori Rubin becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Julie Wiener Rita & Ed Sitron’s new grandson by Sharon & Tom Lebovic Debbie Williams becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Sandy Shapiro Gloria Wolok becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Saul Rose; Julie & Marty Wiener öõ STEVEN POSEN YOUTH VOLUNTEER FUND IN MEMORY OF: Jean Frankel by Beryl & Mickey Levin Claire Morrell by Helayne & Jeffrey Kaplan Ethel Sinkoff by Sharyl, Alan & Elana Ackerman; Danie & Larry Allan; Gayle & Harvey Beck; Allen Buch; Paula & Michael Ceresnie; Judy & Ike Engelbaum; Paula & Lou Glazier; Shelley & Mark Gach; Dottie Harwood; Carol Ehrlich; Beryl & Mickey Levin; Etta & Harvey Lipsky and family; Judy & Michael Lipson; Marcia Mumbrue; Aviva Panush, Mitch Silverman & Shoshana; Elayne & Don Ritten; The Shabbat Study Group; Laura Shelden; Cherri Shur; Marsha & Michael Isard; Richard Shur; Linda Sage & Hugh Alexander; Siemion, Huckabay, PC; Mollie Sinkoff and family; Joseph Skoney SPEEDY RECOVERY TO: Martha Zinderman by Beryl & Mickey Levin öõ PRAYER BOOK FUND IN MEMORY OF: Larry Nedelman by Laura & Keith Podob Jayne Rudy Schostak by Arlene & Asher Tilchin IN HONOR OF: 90th birthday of Viola Cohen by Sally Saginaw; Cindy & Bruce Hillenberg 50th anniversary of Sue & Dennis Kay by Gail & Art Langer Bat Mitzvah of Lauren Rosenberg by Sharon & Jay Daitch David Sherbin being installed as President of Adat Shalom by Janet & Robert Sher Bat Mitzvah of Debbie Williams by Nancy & Bill Handelman; Cheryl & Barry Brickner öõ MAURICE RAZNICK & JEAN RAZNICK KLARISTENFELD MEMORIAL FUND IN MEMORY OF: Mother of Dr. & Mrs. Robert Kahl by Elaine & Mel Raznick Allen Cohen by Madelon & Lou Seligman Florence David, Lillian Feldman, Jean Frankel, Grace Rosman, Michael Weinstein by Elaine & Mel Raznick 18 IN HONOR OF: Jason Raznick for receiving special recognition by Esther Kosova The marriage of Mr. & Mrs. Glen Shapiro’s children by Elaine & Mel Raznick SPEEDY RECOVERY TO: Doreen Lichtman by Madelon & Lou Seligman Ronald Sollish by Shirley Raznick and family öõ BELLE & MAURICE ROSENDER MEMORIAL FUND IN MEMORY OF: Martina Bertoni, Nathan Feingold, Sheldon Jacobs, Ethel Sinkoff by Joyce & Jeffrey Weingarten Calvin Rothman by Ruth & Chuck Weingarten IN HONOR OF: George Blum receiving the “8 over 80” award by Ruth & Chuck Weingarten 35th anniversary for Lori & Jim Issner by Joyce & Jeffrey Weingarten Birth of Evan Bradley, grandson of Karen & Bill Rosender by Bonnie & Allan Shapiro öõ RABBI JACOB E. SEGAL FUND IN MEMORY OF: Yahrzeits of: Harry Goldberg by Sheilah Goldberg Gladys Hyman by Norman Hyman IN HONOR OF: Roz Gilson by Adele Gudes öõ CANTOR MAX SHIMANSKY MEMORIAL FUND IN MEMORY OF: Ethel Sinkoff by Richard Stoler Yahrzeits of: Devora Bakerman by Sam Booker Saul Rosenblum by Carol Rosenblum; Fran Rothstein; Walter Rosenblum SPEEDY RECOVERY TO: Murray Mahlin by Francine & Les Berman öõ SISTERHOOD TORAH FUND IN MEMORY OF: Anne Summers by Helen Bayles öõ STARMAN FAMILY MEMORIAL FUND IN MEMORY OF: Lillian Fixler, Albert Krochmal by Cindy Starman öõ JERRY TEPMAN MEMORIAL ALIYAH FUND IN MEMORY OF: Chuck Brasch by Rena Tepman George Karnes by Doreen & Jason Dickman; Rena Tepman IN HONOR OF: 90th birthday of Harry Schwartz by Rena Tepman SPEEDY RECOVERY TO: Harry Schwartz by Rena Tepman öõ Tributes CANTOR LARRY VIEDER MEMORIAL FUND IN MEMORY OF: Martina Bertoni, Paulette Borin, Nathan Feingold, Ethel Sinkoff by The Magy Family Jean Frankel by Joel Gershenson; The Magy Family Edward Goldberg by Hilary Mellin & Joel Gershenson Beloved husband of Roz Neubergh by Betsy & Jerry Loomus Yahrzeits of: Hy Gordon by Marilyn Schakne Morris Katzman by Roslyn Katzman Reaca Moskovitz by Marilyn & Darryl Goldberg Jacob Pearlman by Sylvia & Abe Pearlman Lillian Weinbaum by Roslyn Katzman IN HONOR OF: Irwin Alterman receiving the JFMD Lifetime Achievement Award by Joel Gershenson; Sharon & Martin Hart; The Magy Family Sharon Hart receiving the JFMD Lifetime Achievement Award by The Magy Family; Joel Gershenson Marriage of Sharon & Harry Lubetsky’s daughter by Arlene & Asher Tilchin Alex Vieder’s graduation by Debby & Steven Portney SPEEDY RECOVERY TO: Betsy Winkelman by Hilary Mellin & Joel Gershenson öõ RABBI BERGMAN CONTINUED FROM PAGE JAY YOSKOWITZ ISRAEL SCHOLARSHIP FUND IN MEMORY OF: Yahrzeits of: Devora Bakerman by Sam Boocker Bertha Roth by Ethel Goldenberg IN HONOR OF: Lisa Yoskowitz’s recent engagement by Rena Tepman Lisa & Michael’s engagement and Lisa & Jeremy’s wedding by Enid & Rick Waller and family öõ BREAKFAST & SEUDAH SHELISHIT May In memory of Annette Liberson by Bill Liberson In memory of Frank Holtzman by Frances Holtzman In memory of Fredell Whiteman by Kenneth Whiteman In honor of her adutlt Bat Mitzvah by Charlotte Dubin In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Caroline Strauss by Amy & David Strauss In memory of Sam Phillps by Dennis Phillips In memory of Matilda Kohl by Ed Kohl In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Jack Gross by Kristen & Carl Gross In honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Samantha Perlman by Jackie & Aaron Perlman In memory of Cynthia Rose Kahn by Rhoda & Ted Kahn In memory of Leslie Losonci by George Losonci In memory of Herbert Charfoos by Ron Charfoos In memory of Ann Ross by Barbara & Les Hubert In memory of Mona Elkin, Gertie Kaminer and Lisa Maisels by Carol & Jeffrey Maisels In memory of Rosalyn & Rudolph Shulman by Arlene & Asher Tilchin The Breakfast Fund June In memory of Lenke Fox by Judi & Tom Fox In honor of the B’nai Mitzvah of Alex & Max Winkelman by Julie & Larry Winkelman In memory of Dina Gold and Israel Kahn by Rhoda & Ted Kahn In memory of Aryeh Lerman-Sinkoff by Mark Sinkoff, Ruth Lerman and family In honor of the Bar Mitzvah of Chase Rubin by Nancy Kaplan-Rubin & Irving Rubin 3 IN MEMORY OF: Dorothy Domnitch by Gail & Art Langer Jean Frankel by Harriet Friedman and Jody Sack Yahrzeits of: Dorothy Welber by Nancy & Richard Barr Diane Tetove by Ruth & Michael Zerin IN HONOR OF: Charlotte Dubin becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Sue Ellen & Frank Trionfi Marriage of Sharon & Harry Lubetsky’s daughter by Harriet Friedman and Jody Sack Sue Lutz becoming a Bat Mitzvah by Harriet Friedman and Jody Sack Rabbi Shere by Eleanor Selvan SPEEDY RECOVERY TO: Sam Havis by Harriet Friedman and Jody Sack YAD EZRA: GETTING SMART ABOUT HUNGER can, of course, make up your own prayers. I do not guarantee that you will never have a bad night. This is, however, an important part of a daily practice that will make you feel more compassionate and generous with your thoughts about the world. Create a video on your smart phone about the issue of hunger. Maximum of 30 seconds. Open to both kids and adults. Entries accepted through August 6. Voting: August 10-17 at Adat Shalom accepts CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS FOR TRIBUTES, SYNAGOGUE DUES, PRESCHOOL and RELIGIOUS SCHOOL TUITION, and MEMORIAL PARK PAYMENTS. Send video to [email protected] with your name, email address, phone and title of video VISIT OUR WEBSITE WWW.adaTShalOm.ORg EaSY TO NaVIgaTE - INFO galORE aNd BECOmE a FaCEBOOK FRIENd OF adaT ShalOm aT J-cycle II: BIKE TOUR OF HISTORIC JEWISH DETROIT Sunday, August 19 REGISTRATION BEGINS 9:30 A.M. MILLIKEN STATE PARK A NEW ROUTE HIGHLIGHTING DETROIT’S FUTURE, PRESENT AND PAST $30/ADULTS, $25/STUDENTS REGISTER AT WWW.MICHJEWISHHISTORY.ORG AT 19 ...SHABBAT IN THE PARK... Join us at Drake Sports Park on Friday, August 24 CANDLE LIGHTING SHABBAT ENDS Friday: Aug 3 10 17 24 31 Saturday: Aug 4 . . 11 . . 18 . . 25 . . Sept 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 8:33 8:24 8:13 8:02 7:51 p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. 9:33 9:24 9:13 9:02 8:51 p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. ADAT SHALOM SYNAGOGUE 29901 Middlebelt Road Farmington Hills, Michigan 48334 OFFICE (Tel No.) 248-851-5100 (Fax No.) 248-851-3190 (email) [email protected] Aaron Bergman, Rabbi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rachel Shere, Rabbi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Herbert Yoskowitz, Rabbi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Daniel Gross, Hazzan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Alan Yost, Executive Director . . . . . . . . . . . Melissa Ser, Dir., Congregational Learning . Jodi Gross, Assoc. Dir. Educ. & Youth . . . . Julie Eisman, Dir., Early Childhood Center Judy Marx, Communications Director . . . . Lisa Betman, Communications Assoc. Dir. . Debi Banooni, Jewish Family Educator . . . Barry Lippitt, Ritual Director . . . . . . . . . . . Carma Gargaro, Controller . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248-254-3072* 248-318-3162* 248-851-5100 248-987-2388* 248-661-3976* 248-626-2153 248-626-2153 248-851-5105 248-851-8008* 248-851-5100 248-626-2153 248-851-5100 248-851-5100 David Sherbin, President . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sherri Morof, Sisterhood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Joe Wener, Men’s Club President . . . . . . . Robert Dunsky, Memorial Park Chairman 248-851-5100 248-855-4239* 248-738-9912* 248-851-5100 . . . . Epic Kosher Catering, a division of Milk & Honey Laura Stewart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 248-432-5654 * Home Phone Number 20 Rabbi Jacob E. Segal k’’z, Founding Rabbi Rabbi Efry Spectre k’’z Cantor Nicholas Fenakel k’’z Cantor Larry Vieder k’’z
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