Figure A-6 City of Vallejo and Vallejo Sanitation and Flood Control
Figure A-6 City of Vallejo and Vallejo Sanitation and Flood Control
SCWA Solano Habitat Conservation Plan American Cany on Is l d an l So Ad mi ra r g round Lake Dalwigk us b Co l od wo um t Oa k Admiral Callaghan co Miller Georgia La ke Georgia Street Ditch Toledo Court "V" Ditch Bruce Balala Ditch Hanley Court Ditch s Reis Columbus Parkway Ditch He rm an Rose az ine 80 Acres 780 New Bedford Drive Drainage gs ag M Be n S t i ca a Pa te rk 29 Ha South Hampton Marsh in st Southa mp to n 50.71 Beni 5,242 K Mi li We tary st Pom o na C in Sc q e n ic u ckett Cro Symbol C D F IP a San J o Facility Type Name Stream, Unmodified Stream, Channelized for Flood Control Drainage Ditch Roadside Drainage Ditch Stormwater Detention Basin 7th Facility Type Key z 4,586 8,253 5,570 2,505 6,476 763 747 334 168 bl 29.68 ar e SOURCE: Aerial Imagery from the USDA; NAIP (2009) and Vallejo Sanitation and Flood Control I:\SWG1001\GIS\Maps\Public Draft\Appendix A\FigureA-6_CityVallejoVallejoSanitationFloodControlFacilities.mxd (11/5/2012) Mariposa Tuolumne o an As h 5t Miles Note: Streams, irrigation ditches, and detention basins are mapped as reported by the Vallejo Sanitation and Flood Control District. Culverts and bridge crossings mapped by LSA. Length (Feet) 1,042 9,824 1,111 5,236 1,299 1,518 988 Springs Miller Street Ditch Georgia Vallejo Sanitation/ Flood Control Specific Maintenance Locations Type F C I D I I D J D J F D D C D F D F C o Lemon Street Ditch Feature Type Length (Feet) Acres C 21,400 J 1.37 J 1.34 Feature Name 108" Storm Drain Outfall Ditch Blue Rock Springs Creek Bruce Balala Ditch Columbus Parkway Ditch Drainage Ditch on East of Broadway Georgia Street Ditch Hanley Court Ditch Lake Chabot (Jurisdictional) Lake Chabot Drainage Lake Dalwigk (Jurisdictional) Lemon Street Ditch Middle Rindler Creek Miller Street Ditch New Bedford Drive Drainage Sacramento Street Ditch (Austin Creek) Setterquist Park Ditch South Rindler Creek Toledo Court "V" Ditch White Slough under Highway 37 Bridge an ol Vallejo Colum b u 108" Storm Drain Outfall Ditch Blue Rock Springs Creek Oakwood re Extent of Figure Maine S Curtola City of Vallejo Specific Maintenance Locations Name Un-named Streams Lake Chabot Dam Un-named Stormwater Detention Basins Florida s Tennesse e Laurel Ma 80.4 ac. San Pablo Bay Tuolumne on 47,300 ft. Broadway ls Wi t G Nebraska bu r r ne od Steffan o 29 n nu 3,900 ft. 1,200 ft. R e dw o ay t en Wi ls o 6,700 ft. 35,000 ft. Broadw am cr Sacramento Street Ditch (Austin Creek) Sa 37 m Fa i 37 70 39 12,500 ft. 32,500 ft. lu s Sereno Co llagha n l Ca Tu Non-jurisdictional Features None on map 1 in i Broadway South Rindler Creek al W Pipe Outfall to Jurisdictional Water Culvert or Bridge Crossing Stream, Unmodified Stream, Channelized for Flood Control Drainage Ditch Roadside Drainage Ditch Underground Sanitary Sewer/ Treated Discharge with Potential for Wetlands at Soil Surface Sewer Line with Potential for Wetlands at Soil Surface Storm Drain Line with Potential for Wetlands at Soil Surface Stormwater Detention Basin Middle Rindler 37 Creek Lake Chabot 37 Alameda Total on Map CWA Jurisdictional Features Lake Chabot Dam Tuolumne Santa Clara Sacramento Marin Vallejo Sanitation and Flood Control 0.5 M T 2 21,400 ft. 2.7 ac. White Slough under Highway 37 Bridge Griffin s CWA Jurisdictional Areas Culvert or Bridge Crossing Stream, Unmodified Stormwater Detention Basin 37 nd Napa Marshes Total on Map 80 ou City of Vallejo 0 Lake Chabot Drainage Major Roads Streets n ey s r irg State Routes Whit rge Fa in ob Donner Pass Interstate Highways Bo Setterquist Park Ditch Rollin g wood Meadows Vallejo Urban Growth Boundary Vallejo Sanitation and Flood Control District Broadway Elliott M ini Drainage Ditch on East of Broadway Elliott Legend s n u ver Se Flosde Figure A-6 City of Vallejo and Vallejo Sanitation and Flood Control Facilities American Ca nyon