Participant introduction (presented at workshop, 2.9 MB)
Participant introduction (presented at workshop, 2.9 MB)
DOME-IoT 2010 Participant Introduction September 26, 2010 Copenhagen Boris Brandherm Picture (optional) Personal Introduction Affiliation German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence Education 2006, Ph.D., Thesis: “Embedded Dynamic Bayesian Networks of n-th Order” Post-doc from 2007-2008 at National Institute for Informatics, Tokyo, Japan Research Interests Internet of Things, Services, Energy, … Dual Reality and Simulation Dynamic Bayesian Networks … September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 2 Boris Brandherm My <Thesis|Topic|Work|Point of view> Digital Object Memories x Dual Reality 3D Virtual Worlds can help to facilitate and foster the creation of consistent, meaningful and rich digital object memories for testing purposes Goal: expandable system which supports the development, testing and deployment of applications and systems based on digital object memories Relation to DOME Interaction with (virtual) Digital Object Memories in 3D Virtual World Testbed for digital object memories and their applications Relation to Internet of Things 3D Internet of Things 1 : n Relation – 1 real object : n virtual objects September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 3 Boris Brandherm Summary We argue that DOMs and DOM-based applications can benefit for testing purposes from highly interactive threedimensional worlds and their community. September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 4 Ivan Elhart Picture (optional) Personal Information Affiliation Faculty of Informatics, Univ. of Lugano (USI), Switzerland Education PhD Student, Univ. of Lugano, Switzerland, since May 2010 MSc EE, Univ. of New Hampshire, USA, 2009 Diploma EE (MSc equiv.), Univ. of Novi Sad, Serbia, 2006 Research Interests Privacy-preserving data mining; Context sensing; Digital object/place memory September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 5 Ivan Elhart SITUATED MEMORY FOR SITUATED PUBLIC DISPLAYS Picture (optional) Joint work with M. Langheinrich Introduction Work within the context of EU-funded project “PD-Net” (FET-Open, since May’10) Vision: a new communication medium of networked, situated public displays Challenge: displays to become aware of surrounding environment, communities Relation to DOME What kind of data should displays memorize? Where should this data be kept? Who should have access to this data? How long should it remember things? How does it acquire this data? And how can people stay in control of their own data? * FET-Open: Future and Emerging Technologies Funding Programme September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 6 Ivan Elhart Picture (optional) Summary What (little) do situated public displays need to know about us in order to serve us better? And how do they find out about this? September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 7 Melanie Hartmann Personal Introduction Affiliation Telecooperation Group Technische Universität Darmstadt Education PhD in the area of context-aware intelligent user interfaces Research Interests Context-Awareness Intelligent User Interfaces Smart Products Project Interests EU Project Smart Products More on the next slide… September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 8 Melanie Hartmann SmartProducts’ Point of view Goal of the project: build platform to ease development of smart products Smart Products assist / guide the user Smart Products require knowledge about User Workflows Domain Context Not all this information can be stated during design time New knowledge should be learned / incorporated during usage Relation to DOME For supporting the interaction, products need all kinds of knowledge Relation to Internet of Things Also builds on interconnected products But our focus on interaction with these products September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 9 Melanie Hartmann Summary For a good human–object interaction, the objects require knowledge about user, workflows, domain, context and need to be able to enrich / adapt it over time. September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 10 Fahim Kawsar Affiliation PostDoc Researcher, Lancaster University. Senior Application Researcher, Bell Lab [Nov 1, 2010] Education PhD in Computer Science, Waseda University. 2009. Research Interests Smart Objects, Internet of Things, User Interface and Interaction Techniques, End User Programming, and Distributed Middleware. September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 11 1 Fahim Kawsar 12 Alexander Kröner Picture (optional) Personal Introduction Affiliation Intelligent user interfaces lab @ German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence Education 2000: Ph.D. in computer science @ Saarland University Research Interests Adaptive user interfaces, user modeling, intelligent environments, lifelog Role and activities Research coordinator of the project “Semantic Product Memory” (SemProM) Coordinator of DFKI research concerning digital lifelogs (EIT) September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 13 Alexander Kröner Picture (optional) My Thesis Object memories may increase resource efficiency DOMes may support novel services, e.g.: condition-based monitoring & maintenance DOMes can be used for motivating and supporting the user in resource-efficient behavior DOMes provide information about context needed to assess resource-related actions Relation to DOME A DOMe may serve as a high-resolution storage for resource-related data A (set of) DOMe may define an object-centric context Relation to Internet of Things IoT enables communicating DOMes: A single DOMe potentially lacks context knowledge IoT enables active DOMes: Take action before a waste of resources is recorded in a DOM September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 14 Alexander Kröner Picture (optional) Summary Communicating DOMs contribute to an internet for resource efficiency! September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 15 Arthi K Manohar Affiliation University of Dundee Education PhD Researcher – Product Design research studio - TOTeM (Tales of things and Electronic memory) Research Interests Digital Architecture, digital prototyping, , research methodologies, and incorporating digital media techniques in design practice. September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 16 Arthi K Manohar Digital Product Design: Story Cultures: Understanding how stories of different cultures can influence digital memories. - Design methods that will facilitate to carry out a filed study - Design digital memory object. - The Family archive Relation to DOME - Social implications. Design for the community. - Social and cultural context. Relation to Internet of Things - Internet of thing – looking at network of people and objects rather than the technology - September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 17 Arthi K Manohar Digital Product Design Design, develop and test Digital products with different communities with various cultural backgrounds. To understand the effect of tagging in a particular community and identify the invisible network created by the objects. September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 18 Markus Miche Personal Introduction Affiliation SAP Research Switzerland Telecooperation Group, Technische Universität Darmstadt Education Master of Information Management (Technische Universität Darmstadt) PhD Student Research Interests Data Management and Storage Infrastructures in the Internet of Things Data Replication for Smart Products P2P Systems & Overlay Networks September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 19 Markus Miche My Thesis: Data Management for Smart Products Data Replication for Smart Products Multi-level overlay network (capabilities, purpose of smart products): Selforganization, scalability Replication framework: Leveraging annotated models (product life-cycle, workflow/business process) to enhance replica placement & availability Relation to DOME Data of the digital object memory must be made available during the entire product life-cycle, regardless of the capabilities and environmental conditions of smart products Relation to Internet of Things Inherent heterogeneity and resource limitation of smart products (from smart labels to networked appliances) September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 20 Markus Miche Summary I‘m working on a distributed & selforganizing replication framework for smart products to make data of the digital object memory available across the entire product life-cycle. September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 21 Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Picture (optional) Personal Introduction Affiliation Media Interaction Group National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Japan Education Doctor of Engineering (from Univ. of Electro-Communications) Apr 1994 – Mar 1997 Graduate School of Information Systems, Univ. of ElectroCommunications (UEC) Apr 1990 – Mar 1994 Faculty of Science, Kanagawa Univ. Research Interests Ubiquitous Computing, especially in location systems Human Computer Interactions, including engineering and social analysis Digital Story Telling September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 22 Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Picture (optional) My Work Currently “Interactive Sensing” Sensing human positional and directional relations (or human-object relations) by recording the audio scenery Symbol grounding problem for the real-world social relations Relation to DOME User's history of activity for location and orientation Social Implications 180 90 270 0 Front Relation to Internet of Things Covers plural direction Sensor networking for future work Proximal information Sound source Recording device device September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 23 Nakamura, Yoshiyuki Picture (optional) Summary Our paper Y. Nakamura and T. Nishimura: “Towards Estimation of Position and Orientation for Workshop using Acoustic Signals” Thank you E-mail: <[email protected]> September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 24 Thomas Plötz Affiliation School of Computing Science, Newcastle University, UK Research Associate (Machine Learning) SiDE: EPSRC research hub (connected home & community) Education Diploma (“MSc.”) degrees in Computer Science (Pattern Recognition) PhD in Computer Science (Machine Learning for sequential data analysis) Research Interests Context aware computing, behavior analysis – focus: assistive technologies Activity recognition (accelerometer based, skill assessment, …) Machine Learning (sequential data analysis, unsupervised learning, novelty detection) September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 25 Thomas Plötz: Topics Assistance through human behavior analysis, focusing on: Activities – interactions with objects Social interactions – interactions with other humans Long-term monitoring – wellbeing Do not harm (non-intrusive technology / approach)! Relation to DOME Objects’ memories are traces of social interactions! Relation to Internet of Things Social networks – “object” networks Understand the connections (rather than isolated analysis)! September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 26 Thomas Plötz: Thesis Human Behaviour analysis requires analysis of social and object interactions! September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 27 Michael Schneider Personal Introduction Affiliation Intelligent User Interfaces Group @ German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) Education 2003: Diploma in computer science from Saarland University 2010: PhD in engineering from Saarland University Research Interests Ubiquitous Computing, Internet of Things, Plan Recognition Role and activities Researcher in “Semantic Product Memory” (SemProM) Project Organizer of DOMe 2009 in Barcelona @ IE’2009 September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 28 Michael Schneider My Thesis As a general-purpose repository for object-related information DOMEs enable novel kinds of future applications in the IoT DOMEs make objects self-representative and self-aware Prerequisite for intelligent behavior of IoT-networks IoT allows for automated creation of DOMEs provides platform for novel applications Internet of Things helps to automatically create Digital Object Memories September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 29 Michael Schneider Summary Digital Object Memories created today provide a platform for unthought-of kinds of applications in tomorrow. September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 30 Marc Seissler Personal Introduction Affiliation University of Kaiserslautern (Germany) Department of Mechanical Engineering Institute for Production Automation Education 2004 – 2009 Computer Science (University of Kaiserslautern) Since 2009 Researcher/PhD Student (University of Kaiserslautern) Research Interests Usability Engineering Model-based Development of User Interfaces Run-time Adaptive User Interfaces Pattern-driven Engineering of UIs September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 31 Marc Seissler My Point of view We have to stop focusing on the binary level when specifying information! Start focusing on the actual information! Relation to DOME Generic interfaces are demanded to dynamically access DOMs! „Explicit“ interface descriptions allow to add semantics to the data Relation to Internet of Things Semantics can support developers in aggregating services September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 32 Marc Seissler Summary We have to enable a uniform DOM information access (e.g. via a generic mapping language) September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 33 Chris Speed ) Personal Introduction Edinburgh College of Art Education BA (Hons), MA, PhD Research Interests Social Navigation Digital Architecture Human Geography September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 34 Chris Speed My <Thesis|Topic|Work|Point of view> Picture (optional) Time, Space, Place, People Random Lift Button Walking Thru Time Tales of Things Relation to DOME Non Linear Memory Objects are evidence of production of space Relation to Internet of Things Internet of Old Things Agency September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 35 Chris Speed Picture (optional) Summary September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 36 Konrad Tollmar Picture (optional) Personal Introduction Affiliation The Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm Mobile Service Lab Education BSc Mathemathics - Stockholm University MSc CS (Computer Graphics) - KTH PhD (CSCW) - KTH Post Doc (Computer Vision and Mobile Computing) – MIT Research Interests Mobile computing where my special area is on mobile infrastructure and mobile services. How interactive technologies becomes a part of our everyday practice and life. To get there I try to combine interaction and co-operative design with novel use of technologies, such as computer vision, and other clever stuff w. mobile computing. September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 37 Konrad Tollmar Picture (optional) My Point of View How digital artifacts become part of everyday life Understand how artifacts tunes in with everyday life How to create digital Relation to DOME Design for novelty / use Networked things and shared memories Relation to Internet of Things Choose and design the right digital qualities Mix web-based services w IoT September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 38 Konrad Tollmar Picture (optional) Summary The Dual-Media Design: design for expected and unexpected. September 26, 2010 DOME-IoT 2010 workshop 39