BMW - SERIE 1 -F20-
BMW - SERIE 1 -F20-
BMW A x 1 MZ080 x 4 MZ200 x 5 P100 x 5 B x 1 MZ140 x 4 MZ260 x 6 P160 x 10 C x 4 MZ141 x 1 MZ601 x 3 P220 x 10 D x 1 MZ142 x 1 MZ602 x 3 P310 x 2 AN.27.B + AN.27.03 / AN.34 / AN.34.S NB 2570.5001 1 2 2570.5002 1 3 2570.5003 1 4 2570.5004 1 6 2570.5006 1 7 2570.5007 1 D.117 D.117 2 8 2570.5008 1 9 2570.5009 1 AV BERCEAU AV FIX AV REFERENCE 1 TRAV REP AV TV400 x 2 FIXATION SEVENNE / GRIFFFON / RHONE x 1 2570.510 SERIE 1 -F20- D.117 28 MZ260 D 1 AV AMORTISSEUR FIX AV BERCEAU MIILIEU AV BERC AR FIX MZ601 D 1 G 1 31 MZ260 MILIEU MZ141 FIG.2 FIX 27 22 LONGERON 7-6 K 1 G 2 D.117 CONTROLE CHECKING CONTROLLO ÜBERPRUGUNG CONTROL MZ260 AV 7-6 26 MZ602 PILOTAGE REPARATION REBUILDING RICONSTRUZIONE INSTANDSETZUNG REPARACION 32 K 1 VITESSE DE BOITE SUPPORT FIX 20 MZ140 D.117 TRANS DE AR SUSP BERCEAU AV FIX AR AMORTISSEUR FIX G 2 C 1 17 F 1 MZ140 D 1 2 AV SUP G 1 2570.5011 1 2570.5012 1 13 2570.5013 2 14 2570.5014 1 15 2570.5015 1 2 M12x1,50-80 2 M12-30 2 M12x1,50-80 2 M14x1,50-130 2 M8-35 2 16 2570.5016 1 17 2570.5017 1 18 2570.5018 1 M8-60 2 19 2570.5019 1 M10-40 2 20 2570.5020 1 M12x1,50-110 2 M8-30 4 M12x1,50-70 2 M12x1,50 4 M8-50 2 22 2570.5022 1 23 2570.5023 1 26 2570.5026 1 27 2570.5027 1 28 2570.5028 1 29 2570.5029 1 31 2570.5031 1 32 2570.5032 1 33 2570.5033 1 34 2570.5034 1 19 MZ140 MZ260 F 1 TRAV MZ142 FIX 23 G 2 MZ200 AR MZ260 MZ200 SUSP D 1 DERCEAU F 1 29 18 AR MZ140 AR 13 8 MZ200 4 MZ601 BOUCLIER C 1 16 FIX 7 MZ080 FIX 12 F 1 G 1 ARBRE B 1 MZ602 MZ602 PALIER AR SUSP DE BERCEAU RENFORT FIX MZ080 6 34 FIX G 2 14 11 12 NB M12x1,50-80 G 2 9 MZ200 G 2 TV400 13 1 11 MZ260 15 1 MZ080 2 B 1 K MZ080 F 1 C 1 3 33 MZ601 G 1 MZ200 TV400 A D G B E H C F J L M MZ N F 1 P100 P160 2570.510-RVA3-1 C P220 FIG.1 P310 406-D-34K 18-01-12 00 Copyright 2012 CELETTE FRANCE SAS -All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form, by photostat, xerography or any other means, or incorporated into any informational retrieval system, electronic or mechanical, without the permission of the copyright owner. BMW - TV400 2570.510 SERIE 1 -F20- MZ140 MZ602 MZ602 MZ141 MZ602 MZ200 MZ080 MZ260 MZ260 MZ260 MZ200 MZ260 MZ140 MZ200 MZ080 MZ200 MZ080 MZ140 MZ200 MZ260 MZ080 MZ260 MZ142 MZ601 1 2 TV400 3 4 MZ601 5 6 7 8 MZ140 MZ601 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 2570.510-RVA3-1 C 406-D-34L 18-01-12 00 Copyright 2012 CELETTE FRANCE SAS -All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form, by photostat, xerography or any other means, or incorporated into any informational retrieval system, electronic or mechanical, without the permission of the copyright owner. BMW SEVENNE / GRIFFFON / RHONE x 1 A x 1 MZ080 x 8 B x 1 MZ140 x 2 C x 1 MZ141 x 1 D x 1 MZ142 x 1 2570.510 SERIE 1 -F20- MZ200 x 2 P100 x 10 P160 x 4 AN.27.B + AN.27.03 / AN.34 / AN.34.S DIAG 2570.5003 1 4 2570.5004 1 5 2570.5005 2 8 2570.5008 1 9 2570.5009 1 10 2570.5010 2 11 2570.5011 1 12 2570.5012 1 AV BERCEAU MIILIEU FIX AV 3 BERCEAU NB AV REFERENCE FIX FIG:7 REP 28 MZ200 25 AV BERC AR FIX MILIEU LONGERON AV VITESSE DE BOITE SUPPORT 24 23 20 AR SUSP DE BERCEAU RENFORT F 2 B 1 E 2 FIX MZ200 MZ142 MZ140 19-20 29 AR 21 M12x1,50-80 25 AR SUSP DERCEAU AR M10-30 FIX 3-4 B 1 21 9-8 5 FIX MZ141 M12x1,50-90 10 22 SUSP FIG:3 24 PILOTAGE 25 23-22 FIG:6 BERCEAU DIAG DIAG F 2 AV FIG:4 FIX DIAG M12x1,50-80 21 14 MZ080 B 1 B 1 12 8 MZ080 DIAG MZ080 C 1 10 2570.5014 1 2570.5015 1 16 2570.5016 1 17 2570.5017 1 19 2570.5019 1 20 2570.5020 1 21 2570.5021 2 M12x1,50-80 2 M12x1,50-80 2 M14x1,50-130 2 M10-30 2 M12x1,50-90 2 22 2570.5022 1 23 2570.5023 1 25 2570.5025 2 24 2570.5024 2 M12x1,50-60 2 28 2570.5028 1 M12x1,50-150 2 29 2570.5029 1 30 2570.5030 2 OR 19 24 MZ140 29-28 30 E 2 5 14 15 NB M12x1,50-150 29-28 4 10 MZ080 M12x1,50-60 B 1 FIG:8 15 MZ080 5 B 1 30 28 MZ200 C 1 11 MZ080 C 1 9 MZ080 2 29 MZ080 3 1 30 K MZ200 B 1 C 1 FIG:5 B 1 11-12 M14x1,50-130 DIAG. A D G B E H C F J P100 P160 2570.510-RVA3-2 C L M MZ N P220 FIG.1 P310 406-D-34M 18-01-12 00 Copyright 2012 CELETTE FRANCE SAS -All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form, by photostat, xerography or any other means, or incorporated into any informational retrieval system, electronic or mechanical, without the permission of the copyright owner. BMW - 2570.510 SERIE 1 -F20- MZ140 MZ200 MZ080 MZ080 MZ080 MZ080 MZ141 MZ080 MZ080 MZ080 MZ142 MZ080 MZ200 MZ140 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 2570.510-RVA3-2 C 406-D-34N 18-01-12 00 Copyright 2012 CELETTE FRANCE SAS -All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form, by photostat, xerography or any other means, or incorporated into any informational retrieval system, electronic or mechanical, without the permission of the copyright owner. BMW A x 1 SEVENNE / GRIFFFON / RHONE x 1 MZ080 x 4 MZ200 x 5 P100 x 7 B x 1 MZ140 x 4 MZ260 x 6 P160 x 14 C x 4 MZ141 x 1 MZ601 x 3 P220 x 6 D x 1 MZ142 x 1 MZ602 x 3 TV400 x 2 2570.510 SERIE 3 -F30AN.27.B + AN.27.03 / AN.34 / AN.34.S 12 CDT.156 CDT.156 2 TFHC M16-60 12 1 2570.5001 1 M12x1,50-80 2 2 2570.5002 1 3 2570.5003 1 M12x1,50-80 2 4 2570.5004 1 6 2570.5006 1 M12-30 2 7 2570.5007 1 M12x1,50-80 2 M14x1,50-130 2 M8-35 2 AV 955714 TRAV 4 AV NB CDT.120 MZ260 AV BERCEAU AV 27 22 F 1 9 2570.5009 1 11 2570.5011 1 12 2570.5012 1 13 2570.5013 2 14 2570.5014 1 15 2570.5015 1 16 2570.5016 1 17 2570.5017 1 18 2570.5018 1 M8-60 2 19 2570.5019 1 M10-40 2 20 2570.5020 1 22 2570.5022 1 M12x1,50-110 2 23 2570.5023 1 26 2570.5026 1 M8-30 4 27 2570.5027 1 M12x1,50-70 2 M12x1,50 4 M8-50 2 AV 1 BERCEAU 2 2570.5008 MIILIEU D.117 8 31 C 1 MZ260 J 1 MILIEU LONGERON AV PILOTAGE 20 CDT.156 MZ140 F 2 VITESSE DE BOITE SUPPORT FIX 23 MZ142 D.117 TRANS DE ARBRE PALIER AR SUSP DE BERCEAU RENFORT FIX FIX F 1 CDT.120 AR SUSP BERCEAU AV AR AMORTISSEUR AR BOUCLIER FIX 17 F 1 CDT.120 MZ140 D 1 2 AV MZ200 FIX CDT.120 G 2 SUP G 1 MZ200 4 C 1 D 1 TRAV MZ602 F 2 MZ200 MZ140 13 MZ260 FIX 34 8 18 16 AR C 1 B 1 CDT.156 SUSP MZ080 29 DERCEAU F 1 F 1 MZ080 AR 12 MZ601 14 FIX 6 FIX 7 MZ602 NB D.117 FIX MZ601 MZ141 7-6 FIX AV AMORTISSEUR F 2 AV CONTROLE CHECKING CONTROLLO ÜBERPRUGUNG CONTROL FIX MZ260 C 1 D.117 BERC 7-6 J 1 28 AR 26 MZ602 FIX REPARATION REBUILDING RICONSTRUZIONE INSTANDSETZUNG REPARACION FIG.2 REFERENCE FIXATION 32 D.117 REP CDT.120 19 MZ140 28 2570.5028 1 29 2570.5029 1 31 2570.5031 1 32 2570.5032 1 33 2570.5033 1 34 2570.5034 1 F 2 MZ260 F 1 9 MZ200 G 2 TV400 13 1 11 MZ260 1 15 2 MZ080 B 1 K MZ080 F 1 C 1 3 33 MZ601 G 1 A D G B E H C F J L M MZ N MZ200 TV400 F 1 P100 P160 2570.510-RVA3-3 C P220 FIG.1 P310 406-D-34P 18-01-12 00 Copyright 2012 CELETTE FRANCE SAS -All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form, by photostat, xerography or any other means, or incorporated into any informational retrieval system, electronic or mechanical, without the permission of the copyright owner. BMW - MZ140 TV400 MZ602 MZ602 MZ260 MZ200 MZ200 MZ080 MZ200 MZ080 MZ080 MZ601 2 TV400 3 MZ260 MZ080 CDT.120 MZ140 MZ260 MZ602 MZ141 MZ200 1 2570.510 SERIE 3 -F30- 4 MZ601 5 6 7 8 MZ140 CDT.156 CDT.120 MZ260 MZ200 CDT.120 MZ142 MZ260 CDT.120 MZ140 CDT.156 MZ260 MZ601 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 CDT.120 CDT.120 2570.510-RVA3-3 C CDT.156 406-D-34Q 18-01-12 00 Copyright 2012 CELETTE FRANCE SAS -All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form, by photostat, xerography or any other means, or incorporated into any informational retrieval system, electronic or mechanical, without the permission of the copyright owner. BMW SEVENNE / GRIFFFON / RHONE x 1 A x 1 MZ080 x 8 B x 1 MZ140 x 2 C x 1 MZ141 x 1 D x 1 MZ142 x 1 2570.510 SERIE 3 -F30- MZ200 x 2 P100 x 10 P160 x 4 AN.27.B + AN.27.03 / AN.34 / AN.34.S DIAG CDT.120 4 AV CDT.120 BERCEAU NB AV REFERENCE FIX FIG:7 REP 28 9-8 M12x1,50-80 AV BERCEAU MIILIEU AV BERC AR FIX MILIEU LONGERON AV 20 21 MZ140 19-20 D 2 VITESSE DE BOITE SUPPORT MZ200 MZ142 E 2 A 1 25 AR SUSP BERCEAU M10-30 AV 3-4 23 29 FIX 5 24 FIX 10 PILOTAGE A 1 21 AR M12x1,50-90 SUSP FIG:3 22 MZ141 DE FIG:6 BERCEAU DIAG 25 23-22 24 RENFORT DIAG E 2 FIX FIG:4 FIX MZ200 25 DIAG 21 CDT.120 MZ080 8 MZ080 B 1 B 1 12 CDT.120 AR SUSP CDT.120 MZ080 10 DERCEAU DIAG AR 14 FIX M12x1,50-80 OR C 1 CDT.120 19 15 30 MZ080 5 2570.5004 1 5 2570.5005 2 8 2570.5008 1 2 M12x1,50-80 2 M14x1,50-130 2 M10-30 2 M12x1,50-90 2 9 2570.5009 1 10 2570.5010 2 11 2570.5011 1 12 2570.5012 1 14 2570.5014 1 15 2570.5015 1 16 2570.5016 1 17 2570.5017 1 19 2570.5019 1 20 2570.5020 1 21 2570.5021 2 22 2570.5022 1 23 2570.5023 1 25 2570.5025 2 24 2570.5024 2 M12x1,50-60 2 28 2570.5028 1 M12x1,50-150 2 29 2570.5029 1 30 2570.5030 2 29-28 FIG:8 28 MZ200 B 1 B 1 11 30 MZ080 C 1 1 29 9 2 MZ200 B 1 MZ080 3 4 8 M12x1,50-80 M12x1,50-150 D 2 M12x1,50-60 B 1 MZ080 1 8 29-28 30 MZ140 10 MZ080 2570.5003 955714 TFHC M16-60 24 5 4 3 NB B 1 K CDT.120 FIG:5 B 1 11-12 M14x1,50-130 DIAG. A D G B E H C F J P100 CDT.120 P160 2570.510-RVA3-4 C L M MZ N P220 FIG.1 P310 406-D-34R 18-01-12 00 Copyright 2012 CELETTE FRANCE SAS -All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form, by photostat, xerography or any other means, or incorporated into any informational retrieval system, electronic or mechanical, without the permission of the copyright owner. BMW - 2570.510 SERIE 3 -F30- MZ140 MZ141 MZ200 MZ080 MZ080 MZ080 MZ080 MZ080 MZ080 MZ080 CDT.120 CDT.120 CDT.120 CDT.120 MZ080 MZ142 MZ200 MZ140 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 CDT.120 CDT.120 2570.510-RVA3-4 C 406-D-34S 18-01-12 00 Copyright 2012 CELETTE FRANCE SAS -All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form, by photostat, xerography or any other means, or incorporated into any informational retrieval system, electronic or mechanical, without the permission of the copyright owner.