Tricks with watches - Fundación Juan March


Tricks with watches - Fundación Juan March
/Vela a n d O fU ^in a l
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
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A/ecu a n d Ó n ic fin a l ß j^ e c ti
S a m u e l ß e ftla n d
/ ìu t lu v i - D nvetvto si
ß e fo jcv u n e si
Published by
522 South Dearborn Street
Chicago, Illinois
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
Copyright 1942
By Samuel Berland
All Rights Reserved
No Part of This Book, Text or Illustrations
May be Produced Without Permission
of the Publisher
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
To My Wife Lena
and my two sons
Theodore, age 13
Lawrence, age 9
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
All lovers of magic know what to expect when Sam Berland
writes a book. It is my pleasure to know him, not only as a friend
and gentleman, but as a magician and inventor of unique effects.
Here is his most recent effort and one which should prove a
classic in magic. One that has been the demand. "Tricks with
Watches", where no special apparatus are required, and most
effects can be performed with but the aid of simple sleights. It
plainly explains each trick and is lavishly illustrated, showing the
method of working step by step.
This book of choice effects, is a thorough, practical treatment of
sleights, equipment, suggestions, plus carefully worked out rou­
tines. Every effect has been tested, and I'm sure many could be
sold singly for more than the price of this volume. I know of no
finer collection of tricks and routines with watches that has ever
been assembled within two covers.
I have seen the development of each effect from its first incep­
tion, to the final completion, and the hours spent with Sam in
reviewing each effect, have been happy onesThe ample material contained here should give you choice
magical routines for immediate use in your programme.
Therefore this is one book that should be owned by everyone
who is interested in magic.
^JltosnGA. JlibatuUi
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B erla n d ’ s T rick s w ith W atches
Forew ord............. .......... ........................ .... ................................... 4
Chapter One
Watch Vanish ala Zano______ ___ ___________ ___ _____ ______ 8
New French Drop Variation__________ ____ __________________ 8
Two Watch Vanish................................................................... ..... 9
Thumb Palm With One Watch. ..____ _________ _____________ 10
Thumb Palm With Two Watches...............................................10
Berman Deceptive Vanish.......*.................................................... 11
New Take-A-Way Vanish............. ........... .......... .......... ..............12
New "Swing" Sleight..................................... ................... .......... 13
Daring Double Vanish........................................ .................. ...... 13
Simple "Back-Palming" W atch................................ .............. ..... 15
Sleights therewith............ .............................................................. 15
Watch Sleight ala Card Vanish.............. ................................ IB
W atch Passes Thru Knee...................................... ...... i —..........-16
Watch thru Elbow Appears in Palm...........................................17
Misers Dream......................... .............................. -.... ..... ...............17
Chapter Two
Production from Time Magazine.................................................19
Repeat Appearing W atch on Chain........................................... 20
Catching a Hatful of Watches with an Alarm Clock Finish.....21
Watch Goes Boogie W oogie........................................................ 22
The Watch Takes Leave................ ............ ..... ..... ....................... 23
Silk and Watch Transposition......................................................24
Come A gain W atch............. ................................ ........................ 24
Watches to the Pocket.............................................................. ..... 26
Watch and Cigarette Surprise.................................................... 27
Watch, Napkin and Cigarette.....................................................28
The Daffy Watches..........................................................................29
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B erla n d ’ s T rick s w ith W atches
The Watch Makers Dream............................................................ 30
Watches at the Fingertips............................................................ 32
The Elongated Watch Chain........................................................ 37
Humorous Diminishing W atch.......................................................38
Watch, Billiard Ball and Dollar Bill............................................. 39
The Billiard Ball W atch................................................................ 41
Another Case for Sherlock Holmes............................................. 42
Fun on Borrowed Time.................................................................. 43
Added Suggestions for the Sandwich Watch............... ............ 45
The Hold-Up................................................................................... 46
Unique Restoration..........................................................................48
Finale Appearing Watch and Chain.................... ...................... 50
Visible Appearance of Three Watches on Chains............... .....51
Time Marches on............ ............................................................... 52
Time Magazine Loading D evice.................................................52
Chapter Three
Humorous Watch Stem.................................................................. 54
The Restored Strap..................................................._....................54
Is Your Strap Long Enough?.................................................... ....55
Watch and Chain to Wrist W atch...............................................56
The Crushed Wrist W atch............................................................ 57
Chapter Four
Paper C o rn u co pia...................... ........... ........................................60
Vanishing Watch Pull, spring top..........................._.......... ........ ..60
Loop W atch ................................................................................... 60
Devil H andkerchief......................... ............... ...............................61
Changing Bag ......... ..................................................................... 61
Hooked W a tc h ............................................................................... 63
Paper Bag Vanisher.............. ,....................... ............. ...................63
Watch Bag ..................................................................................... 63
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B erla n d ’ s T rick s w ith W atches
Some years ago it was my good fortune to make the acquaint­
ance of a truly great sleight-of-hand m an of the old school. His
name was Zano.
W hat impressed me most in his work was the natural way he
had of palming objects. There were no cramped palms, stiff
looking fingers, or undue attention given to the hands at all.
Here you have the secret of perfect misdirection. Do not make
your hands appear skillful, only be skillful in their use, and cover
up their skill by holding them as natural as possible both before,
during, and after a sleight.
The following is my impression of how Zano would vanish a
To Perform:
Watch is held between first finger and thumb of right hand,
with the stem pointing toward the left, Fig. 1; the hand should be
tilted slightly toward the body.
The left hand approaches to remove watch, fingers placed in
front and thumb in back of watch as Fig. 2.
While screened by the left hand, the right thumb is raised just
enough to allow the watch to drop backward into the palm, Fig- 3.
The left hand now moves aw ay as though containing the watch,
Fig. 4, and your attention is focused on the left hand, the right
hand remaining just where it is, just turning it ever so slightly
toward the body.
The left hand is opened and shown empty . . . the right hand
reaches under left elbow or knee, and produces the watch.
This is the simplest sleight in magic, and the most natural. One
that you can do immediately.
The French Drop is the most widely known sleight in magic.
Hardly an old book on magic ever passed it by.
While this new variation looks like the old French Drop in
effect, it is exceedingly easier to do, for we have an advantage
here that other objects do not have . . . a good gripping contact—
the stemTo Perform:
Grasp the stem of watch between the middle fingers of the right
hand, thumb at opposite end, Fig. 1.
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B erla n d ’ s T rick s with W atches
The thumb of left is inserted under the right thumb, and left
fingers held in readiness to close around the watch, Fig. 2.
Left fingers completely cover front of watch, and while thus
screened, the right hand pivots away, carrying the watch away
easily and simply, thus clearing the grasp of the left hand, Fig. 3
rear view, (shown still holding onto the right thumb).
The closed left hand now moves aw ay from the right as though
containing the watch. Left is opened . . . watch has vanished.
Based on the New French V ariation
Vanishing two watches is not at all difficult when using the New
French Drop Variation as a basic support.
Vanish the first watch as explained in the previous sleight. Now
take the second watch in the right hand, holding it between the
thumb and first finger, Fig- 1.
The left hand is cupped in a loose fist, both hands held as Fig. 2.
Push the watch into the left hand, the first finger being out­
stretched, and held in the left fist, resting on stem, Fig. 3.
The left fingers curl upward, and the watch is allowed to rest
on the fingertips, Fig. 4.
The first finger is still held by the left thumb, and using it as a
hinge the hands are brought together, while thus screened the
right thumb reaches over and pulls the watch into the right hand
allowing watch to rest on top of other watch. The transfer takes
but a moment, and hands move apart the moment watch has been
taken into the right, Fig. 5.
The left hand releases right first finger, and moves aw ay a p ­
parently with the second watch. Hand is opened and shown
First watch can be produced from elbow, and second watch at
knee. Other possibilities are optional with the performer.
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B erla n d ’ s T rick s w ith W atches
Were you to ask which palm is the most important in all watch
magic, the answer would be ■. . the thumb palm.
This is really a utility sleight, and as it forms the basis for sev­
eral effects in the book, you should master its performance.
Its many advantages lie in the naturalness of execution, a b ­
sence of rigidity of the fingers, and palm. Ample illustrations are
provided. Practice with the article in hand.
Practice This First:
Allow watch to lay across the fingers, rather at an angle, with
the stem pointing toward the first fingertip, Fig. 1.
Hand should be held natural, neither stretch the fingers nor
the palm.
Close fingers bringing them under the thumb, this carries the
watch under the control of the thumb, Fig. 2.
Fingers straighten out, and the watch is left gripped at the root
of the thumb. Hold hand natural, fingers slightly curved, hand
relaxed. Fig. 3.
Practice the above until you have it down perfect.
The Complete Sleight:
Watch held in position as Fig. 1, using both hands as Fig- 4.
The left hand remains immobile, while the right hand moves
toward the left, bringing the back of hand toward the audience.
While thus screened the actual thumb-palm action takes place.
The fingers of left rest on the outside of right hand, Fig. 5.
The right hand is slowly withdrawn, fingers slightly separated
but not held stiff, and as the right hand withdraws, the left hand
closes over the supposed watch and turns with its back to the
audience, as Fig. 6.
Two watches can be palmed with but little extra inconvenience;
in the one move, if you wish.
For those wanting to vanish two watches in separate actions,
the thumb palm is practical and not difficult.
First vanish a watch as previously explained. The empty left
hand picks up the second watch, transferring it to the right hand,
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B orla n d 's T rick s w ith W atches
as Fig. 1.
The watch is brought across the fingers, by the right thumb,
Fig. 2The right hand approaches the left to place watch in the left as
you did previously, and as soon as screened by the back of the
right hand, the right fingers close, pushing the second watch on
top of the other, Fig. 3, and while the fingers hold both watches in
place, the thumb opens, allowing both watches to be pressed at
the root of the thumb.
The thumb now closes over the stems of both watches, the
fingers straighten out, and the left hand moves away as though
containing the watch. Hand is opened and second watch has
Sam Berman, of Chicago, is an acknowledged expert on billiard
ball manipulation. Those who have witnessed his "Tramp Act"
concede him a true artist. In his billiard ball routine, he does a
bit of business with the last ball that is very puzzling.
I have his permission to include this effect, as it adapts itself
very easily for performance with a watch.
To Perform:
Watch is apparently placed in the left hand, but really thumbpalmed in the right hand, as Fig. 1. Note that the left hand is held
with its back to the audience.
The left hand now opens, still with its back to the audience,
fingers separated, simulating an empty hand, and the right hand
begins to reach toward the knee; while the right hand is thus
occupied, the left hand drops to the side, and the right hand now
produces the palmed watch behind the knee.
Once again the watch is placed in the left. Note I say placed,
for this time you really place the watch in the left, being careful to
simulate the real placement as the false move made previously.
The watch is gripped in the left thumb-palm as Fig. 3. The left
hand is now opened as you did before, with its back to audience,
fingers separated, as Fig. 2, and as the right hand begins to reach
toward the knee, the left hand is lowered to the side, and the
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B orland’ s T ricks w ith W atches
watch is dropped in the coat pocket.
Meanwhile the right hand pretends to find the watch at the
knee, partly closing the hand as though you have it. Bring the
hand up to the ear as though listening to it tick; now shake the
hand as though watch has stopped. Open the hand and show it
empty, and look surprised.
The watch is held in the right hand, with the stem held between
the first finger and thumb. The second finger is held alongside
the watch, Fig. 1The left hand is held alongside, slightly cupped, thumb held
apart from the fingers, with its back to audience. Fig. 1A.
The third finger now is placed on the back of watch, thus you
have sides of watch firmly held between the second and third
finger, Fig. 2.
The left hand now moves toward the right hand with the inten­
tion of "taking" the watch aw ay from the right. Soon as watch is
covered by the left, the thumb and first finger of right release hold
of stem, and the second and third finger with the watch held be­
tween them are bent into the palm thus concealing watch in the
right, Fig. 3. Note that the left thumb and first finger hold onto
the outstretched first finger of the right. Fig. 4, audience view.
All that remains now is merely to move the left hand away, and
slowly open it and reveal watch has vanished.
O ptional Acquitment:
With the watch held in its present position, between the middle
fingers of the right hand, you are in position to execute an easy
acquitmentLeft hand held with its back to audience, now while the left
hand turns with its palm toward the audience, the right hand at
the same moment is placed behind the left hand, and hand held
as Fig. 5, with watch concealed out of sight; thus audience gets
view of both palms, Fig. 5a how watch is held behind the left.
Watch is produced from back of hand with the aid of the thumb.
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
Borland's T rick s with W atches
Lest you think that magic has gone "Boogie W oogie” let me
explain that the sleight was not inspired by jitterbugs, as it really
gets its name from its vanishing action.
Performer is seen holding a watch between thumb and first
finger of his right hand. The left hand removes the watch. A
moment later the left hand is opened and it is seen empty . . . a n d
the watch is seen to have re-appeared between first finger and
thumb of right.
The "S w in g " Action:
Grasp the stem of watch, (the winding key) between first finger
and thumb of right, dial toward audience. You will find that if
you relax the pressure of the fingers, the watch stem acting as a
pivot, and your finger and thumb as guides, will cause the watch
to "swing" down out of sight into the palm. As soon as watch is
concealed in the palm, the first finger and thumb again apply
pressure on the stem of watch, holding it secureNow for the Complete Sleight:
Grasp the stem of watch between first finger and thumb as
previously explained, Fig. 1.
The left hand is placed in front of watch as though to remove it.
Fig. 2.
While thus concealed, the watch is allowed to swing into palm,
Fig. 3. The left hand pretends to close firmly around the watch
and is moved away as though containing the watch.
The right hand is now turned palm down, Fig. 4.
All attention is on the left hand, which now opens showing it
empty, and at the same moment, the pressure is released from the
stem which will cause it to "swing" out in view, thus making its
novel appearance. Fig. 5.
Herewith is offered the most novel departure in watch vanishes
to date- Especially designed for those who are on the alert for
that something different, we guarantee this effect to be radically
new and bound to be startling to both magicians and laymen
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B erla n d ’ s T rick s w ith W atches
In effect we have the vanish of two watches. They vanish one
at a time, and after each vanish both hands are shown empty!
The basic principle on which the effect depends is that marvel­
ous magic-aid— Wiztax.
Two watches prepared with a strip of Wiztax on the back of
To Perform:
A watch is held in the right hand, and apparently placed in the
left, really thumb-palming watch in the right. Fig. 1.
The left turns with its back to the audience, and the right hand
presses palmed watch to the back of left, where due to the Wiztax
it adheres in place, Fig. 2. Still screened by the right, the left
turns over again and the right hand is removed, thus having the
appearance as Fig. 1.
Now the left hand is opened and shown empty; the right also is
shown empty. The watch has vanished and both hands are seen
empty— pretty convincing.
The right hand picks up the second watch and for a moment
places it between thumb and first finger of left, Fig. 3.
The right hand now takes the watch and again apparently
places it in the left, again thumb-palming watch in the right, Fig. 1.
The right hand is placed in front of the left, and while thus
screened, the left hand turns over, and the palmed watch is
pressed to the watch already there, Fig. 4. The left hand is again
turned over with its back to audience, and the right hand re­
Thus both watches are now stuck to the back of the left hand.
The left hand is opened and shown empty, and the right hand
also is shown palm to audience, so they see both hands at the
same time.
Now the right hand is placed behind the left and the top watch
is removed and produced from the back of hand. The watch is
placed in the left palm as Fig. 5. The thumb is placed on top of
watch while the fingers dislodge the watch from back of hand,
concealing it in the fingers as Fig. 6 back view.
The right hand is removed with the concealed watch, and hand
reaches behind knee and produces the second watch. The Wiztax
will peel off watch when rolled and easily disposed of, thus leav­
ing watches unprepared for any following effect14
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B erla n d ’ s Trioles w ith W atches
and Sleights Therewith
A book on tricks with watches would be incomplete without the
inclusion of this old popular sleight, that started two men on the
road to fame and fortune, Howard Thurston and T. Nelson Downs.
Strange that the same sleight should be the means of their suc­
cess, yet one used it as a basis for card manipulation and the
other for coins.
I can readily understand why no one as yet has tackled backpalming with watches, as two factors must be overcome— viz:
slippery sides— no gripping surface, and secondly, the size being
too large for gripping between the first and little fingers.
Herewith is presented one solution to the problem which I hope
will be the stimulus for the origination of other and no doubt more
perfect methods for the accomplishment of this old classic.
Two important points are in favor of this simple idea; a good
non-slippable gripping surface, and ease of handling.
The Method:
Procure a IV2 inch bathroom stopper, and with the aid of a
razor blade cut off the upper part of it- The part in which the
ring is imbedded, and make it as flat as possible.
Remove the back of the watch, and the works, and cement the
stopper to the inside of watch, and you will have what appears
as Fig. 1, Page 16. The tapering sides of stopper adapts itself
easily for gripping between the first and little finger, making it
easy to maneuver from the front to back and vice versa.
To Perform the Sleight:
The watch is gripped in front with the thumb and the two middle
fingers on the back, resting on the ledge. Fig. 2 shows hand
turned to show position of the fingers, watch actually is held
facing audience.
The thumb now pivots the watch backward, digging the tips of
the middle fingers on the inside wall of stopper.
The sides of stopper are gripped between the first and little
finger, and the two middle fingers are removed from inside the
stopper and curl inward the palm, Fig. 3. The thumb helps pivot
the watch during this action, and the middle fingers now straight­
en out, with the watch safely concealed behind the hand, as Fig.
4 rear view.
The transfer of the watch to the back of the hand should be exe­
cuted with a movement of the hand as though tossing the watch
into space to conceal the movements of the fingers and the revolv­
ing of the watch to the back of the hand. The production of the
watch is merely the reversal of the foregoingCaution:
Don't get the idea that just because the watch is adapted to the
back hand palm that it will work itself. A little practice will be
required to train the fingers in holding this object, but the effects
it makes possible are worth the effort.
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B erla n d ’ s Triclcs w ith W atches
Suggestions: W atch Sleight (ala card vanish)
Watch held in the right hand in position for sleight. The left
hand is extended and held with its back to the audience. The
fingers holding the watch are partly placed into the open left
hand, Fig. 5, and while thus screened from view, the watch is
back palmed, Fig. 6. The right hand is removed with palm toward
audience, so the obvious conclusion is that the watch is secure in
the left hand. Fig. 7.
The left hand pretends to crush the watch away to "nothing",
and opens palm toward audience showing it empty, and at the
same moment the right hand is placed behind the left arm, and
while thus shielded by the arm the watch is brought to front of
hand, and it is produced at the fingertips.
W atch Passes Thru the Knee
This is as pretty a sleight as you have ever seen in magic. The
effect is that the watch is pushed into the right knee and the left
hand takes it out of the left knee. Now the left hand pushes watch
into left knee and the right hand produces it at right kneeFor the accomplishment of the above effect, two back-palming
watches are necessary. The duplicate watch is easily obtained
from the left coat pocket, during some move when the right side
of body is toward audience. The duplicate watch is backpalmed
and held with the palm to the audience, loosely, at the side.
The watch held in the right is apparently pushed into the trouser,
really being back-palmed, Fig. 8, and the left hand working in
unison causes the watch to come in front of hand so that the
illusion is perfect for the passing of the watch thru both knees.
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B orland’ s T rick s w ith W atches
Now backpalm the watch in the right hand and produce the
one in the left to reverse the effect.
W atch Passed into Elbow Appears in the Palm:
The method is exactly as the above, only for variation you
cause it to pass from the elbow in to the hand, then it vanishes
from the hand and it appears at the elbow. Fig. 9.
Misers Dream:
One of the oldest effects in magic is the apparent production of
articles from the air and dropping them into a hat. T. Nelson
Downs, the King of Coins, was associated with the catching of
money from the air, thus the title "Miser's Dream".
Well, now you can have a "watchmaker's dream", and "catch"
a hatful of watches from the air.
The only requirements are a number of watches, and the Back
Palming Watch- Either load the watches into the hat after show­
ing it empty, or have the load already in the hat covered with a
piece of black velvet.
Stand with left side to audience, hat held in left, and the
"W atch" in the right. Pretend to place watch in hat, and as soon
as hidden by the hat, the watch is backpalmed and hand is with­
drawn apparently empty; open palm to audience, but the watch
really clipped between the first and little finger, on back of hand.
The hand gropes in space, then makes a grab for the watch
producing it at the fingers and thumb, then proceed to "place"
this in the hat, again backpalming it and produce another, con­
tinuing the production, and walking off, finally turning hat over
and showing a hatful of watches.
Another Method:
Have a duplicate hat off stage loaded with watches and a nest
of alarm clocks. Now when you start the trick you show the hat
empty, and proceed to "catch" a hatful of watches, finally walk­
ing off stage catching the watches as rapidly as possible. The
moment you get off stage, you switch hats, and walk back on
stage carrying the loaded hat. You now proceed to catch a few
more", passing watch thru crown of hat, etc. Finally turn hat over
revealing you really have a "hatfull".
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B erla nd ’ s T rick s icitli W atches
Performer enters reading a "Time" magazine. He shows the
cover on both sides, then tears it from the magazine, discarding
the rest. He shapes the cover into a cornucopia. Seems that one
thing "Time" magazine has plenty of is "time", for when cornu­
copia is turned over, out comes a bunch of watches.
About half a dozen watches; small paper bag; length of thread
and piece of adhesive tape, or gummed paper.
Watches placed in paper bag, and tied with thread, allowing
about four or five inches of thread.
Attach thread with the aid of adhesive tape to upper left hand
corner of front cover, now fold magazine in half, with the front
cover on the outside, and place the load in the fold, Fig. 1.
Either walk on reading magazine, or carry in the coat pocket,
or place on table or chair.
To Perform:
Open magazine front to audience, load concealed behind
Fig. 2. The right hand grasps the front cover, and lifts it show­
ing front and back, hand is kept open so they see it empty. Also
note the position of the left hand near top corner of magazine.
Fig. 3.
The right hand is now placed right where the tape holding the
load is hanging from, and proceeds to tear the page- Tear slow­
ly, Fig. 4.
W hen you have torn about half way down, you swing your
hands over, lowering the right and raising the left, this will swing
the load from the back of the magazine right behind the cover,
Fig. 5. Now complete tearing the cover, and discard rest of the
magazine on floor. Still holding onto the corner with the right
hand the left hand forms cover in shape of conucopia, around the
load. The right hand now reaches inside, tears thread off mouth
of bag, turns conucopia over, and allows watches to fall out onto
a tray.
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B erla n d ’ s T rick s w ith W atches
Magician removes his watch and chain from pocket. Openly
the watch is removed from end of chain. Watch is tossed into
space and it vanishes, only to appear a a moment later back on
the end of chain. Again watch is removed and vanishes from
the hand only to re-appear once again on the end of chain.
One regular watch and one hooked watch- One chain.
Watches are attached to both ends of chain as Fig. 1. Place
the hooked watch in lower right vest pocket, the other watch in
upper left pocket.
To perform:
Left hand reaches for chain at upper pocket, the right hand tak­
ing out the watch from the right vest pocket. Left hand conceals
the presence of the second watch, Fig. 2.
The right hand takes hold of the watch, and with the aid of the
left hand unhooks watch from swivel, Fig. 3. The right hand now
places this empty end of chain over the first finger of left, the
thumb keeping it in place, Fig. 4.
The right hand holding the watch now makes a tossing move­
ment, thumb palm ing the watch as you do so, w aving hand to­
ward the chain, at the same moment you release the watch from
the left hand, holding on to the end of chain, thus appearing as
though vanished, watch re-appears on end of chain. Fig. 5.
The right hand now grasps the watch on chain, the left letting
go of chain, and makes a pretense of removing the watch, Fig. 6,
left hand is now brought near the right, and under cover of both
hands the watch on end of chain is concealed in the left hand,
and hands are separated, exposing the watch in the right, as
though you removed it from chain, Fig. 7.
You again place empty end of chain as Fig. 4 on right first
finger. The right holding the watch, now makes a downward
and upward swing of the right hand, and with the upw ard swing
you brush against your clothing and watch will hook on clothes,
but hold your hand closed as though it contained watch. Now
pretend to toss watch toward chain, releasing watch from hand,
and showing the right hand empty as the same moment.
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
Berland’ s T rick s with W atchcs
With An Alarm Clock Finish
Performer borrows a hat, and shows it to be empty. He re­
moves his watch from end of chain and openly tosses it into the
hat. Another watch is seen to appear in his hand, it too is drop­
ped into the hat. Again and again watches are caught and all
tossed into the hat. Soon it begins to appear as though performer
has caught a hatful of watches.
Reaching in hat to "count" the number of watches he now has,
he brings forth a ringing alarm clock! and not a single watch is
to be seenRequirements:
One watch prepared with short piece of catgut, knotted at the
end, Fig. 1. Catgut should be just long enough to be retained
between the fingers, Fig. 2.
The short length of catgut when held between the fingers acts
as a hinge on which the watch swings.
A turn of the wrist with a guick outward movement aided with
the right thumb brings the watch from its concealed position in
view of audience as Fig. 3, as though "caught" at the finger tips.
Removal of the thumb will naturally cause watch to swing back
to its former position out of sight, in palm.
Place this watch on end of watch chain, in pocket.
One ordinary alarm clock. W ind up alarm, keeping it open,
and turn alarm hand several hours ahead of the time you will
work the trick. To cause alarm to ring all you need do is turn
alarm knob around until it rings, which takes but a moment.
Conceal alarm clock in any favorite place, behind chair, table,
servante, etc. You may use the "Time" magazine method of
loading alarm clock in hat, or conceal clock in coat.
To Perform:
Borrow hat, show it empty, and load clock in hat. Remove
watch from chain, gripping catgut between first and second fin­
ger as previously explained. Pretend to toss watch in hat, which
is held in the left hand. W atch needless to say appears to go
in hat really swinging out of sight in palm.
Reach in the air and “catch" another watch, and toss in hat.
Continue catching watches until apparently 7 or 8 watches are
Reach inside of hat with the right hand, pretending to count
the watches, really turning alarm hand around until it sets off
alarm bringing it out of hat ringing. Turn hat upside down and
show it empty. Watch may remain between your fingers or held
concealed behind alarm clock.
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B orla nd 's T rick s w ith W atches
W hy do people roar when they see someone get hit with a pie
in the movies?
To laugh at another person's misfortune is hum an nature, es­
pecially when they know that its only make-believe.
In this efiect a borrowed watch (either regular or wrist) is the
basis for some good comedy.
Performer borrows a watch and after a cursory examination,
listens to it tick, and deciding it has run down somewhat, he pro­
ceeds to "w ind" it with the result that the noise sounds like you
are jacking up a car. Soon he finds that the winding seems to get
quite hard as though he is overwinding it, suddenly there is a
loud report as though the watch has exploded, and they see you
are holding the mainspring in your hand!
After a bit of suspense, however, the performer replaces the
mainspring in the watch and returns it to the owner quite un­
A Noisy Watch Winder; a Bingo Shooting Device; Small coiled
The Noisy Watch Winder and Bingo Shooting Device are ob­
tainable in most magic shops.
Attach the Bingo shooter to one side of the Noisy Winder. W ind
up the spring and place it in the open end of the Winder. Fig. 10,
page 62 shows the complete preparation. Put a catch on the
Bingo to keep it from shooting the cap off until you are ready.
To Perform:
Conceal the device in the right hand, and proceed to borrow a
watch with the left. Hold the watch to the ear as though listening
to it "tick”. Pretend to w ind it, remarking that it must be "run
down" somewhat, and as you pretend to find the winding getting
too tight you begin using the "Noisy" winder and the noise it
makes is enough to make the owner of the watch squirm, and the
audience howl.
After a moment's use of the Winder, you release the catch from
the "Bingo” shooter but hold it down with your left thumb while
the right hand grasps the spring ready to remove it. Release the
Bingo, and bring out the spring. The illusion is perfect, as though
the entire watch is shot to pieces- (During the entire "business”
the watch itself is well hidden in the left hand, to carry out the
illusion of ruining the watch.)
Hold the watch in the left hand and the spring in the right and
offer it to the owner, who of course will refuse to take it. Explain
you will fit the spring into the watch by magic means. Place
watch on table.
Using either a cornucopia, or watch pull vanisher, you place
the spring and winder in the vanishing device, thus getting rid of
them; pick up watch, see if it is O. K. and return it to the owner.
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B eri and’ s T rick s w ith W atches
Performer removes his watch and chain from pocket. They are
seen to be ordinary in every respect. The left hand is shown
empty, and the watch and chain is lowered onto the open palm.
The hand closes over the watch and chain.
The right hand reaches under elbow and produces the watch.
Left hand opens at the same moment and the chain is seen to be
empty! How did the watch leave the end of chain?
1 watch and chain with any kind of charm on end of it.
Tie watch to swivel with a piece of white thread, Fig. 1.
To Perform:
Exhibit watch and chain, swinging it around to convey the
absence of any preparation.
Grasp the watch with the fingers and thumb of right, holding
onto other end with the left, the charm end hanging several inches
out of the hand, Fig. 2. While thus held the right fingers pull on
watch, thus breaking thread.
Right hand is now lowered coiling chain onto the left palm,
with the watch being placed on top of chain, Fig. 3. Show the
right hand empty and bring it on top of left, thumbpalming the
watch, Fig. 4, and at the same moment closing the left hand and
turning it over with back of hand to audience, Fig. 5 rear view.
The right hand now reaches under elbow and produces the
watch, and at the same moment the left hand swings the charm
end of chain over fist as it turns over with open palm to audience
showing it empty, Fig. 6.
Suggestion: You can add greatly to the effect if you place a
strip of Wiztax on the back of watch previous to performing the
effect. Perform the effect as outlined until you have the watch
thumbpalmed as Fig. 5, with this difference: that you have watch
thumbpalmed with the back instead of the front. Now you bring
the right hand against the back of the left, and press watch to
back of hand. While still screened by the right hand the left hand
turns over, and opens allowing chain to be shown as Fig. 6- and
you also turn over the right and show it empty, therefore watch
has completely vanished. Now reach behind left, pull watch off
and using the sleeve as a cover-up, you produce watch at elbow.
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B erla n d ’ s T rick s w ith W atches
Performer shows his trouser pocket to be empty, and places a
watch in pocket. A silk handkerchief is now taken between both
hands and it is seen to change to the watch. Reaching in the
pocket, the missing silk is found.
One regular watch; one hooked watch (with needle point on
back); two silk handkerchiefs.
One silk rolled compact, and placed in the upper right trouser
pocket as Fig. 1.
Second watch prepared with a strip of "Wiztax" across its back
and placed in left coat pocket.
Duplicate silk is prepared with a strip of "Wiztax" on one
corner. Tape should overlap both sides of corner. Place this
silk in the left coat pocket, also partly hanging out of pocket.
To Perform:
Pull out right trouser pocket and show it empty, and in replac­
ing pocket, you pull the silk down to the bottom of pocket- Show
the watch (hooked) and place in the right trouser pocket, hooking
it in the upper part of pocket, Fig. 2.
Reach in coat pocket for silk, secretly obtaining the watch in the
hand. Fig. 3.
Roll up silk as compact and tight as possible and when end of
silk is reached the Wiztax tape will prevent it from unrolling, Fig.
4. Press ball-like rolled silk to back of watch, Fig. 5, where it will
be concealed . . . exhibiting watch as Fig. 6 with silk concealed.
Show right hand empty, reach in trouser pocket and bring out the
silk, pulling pocket out and showing it empty-
Performer shows a watch and chain. He now drapes a hand­
kerchief over all, concealing both watch and chain from view.
Suddenly the handkerchief is allowed to fall to floor, revealing a
bare chain . . . watch has vanished. Reaching behind knee the
watch is discovered.
Once again handkerchief is draped over chain. The loose
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B crla nd ’ s T rick s with W atches
watch held in the hand is tossed into the air, and it vanishes; at
the same moment handkerchief falls to the floor revealing watch
has re-appeared on end of chain.
One regular watch; One hooked watch; One chain; a length
of black thread.
Put end of thread thru hole in swivel of chain and tie securely.
Now pass thread thru the swivel itself, continue and put thread
thru ring of watch, finally tying thread to ring on end of chain.
Length of thread when tied should be same length as chain.
Tie the hooked watch to swivel end of chain with a piece of
white thread- Fig. 1 shows the complete preparation.
To Perform:
Hold chain in left hand, the threaded watch concealed as Fig. 2.
The right hand now takes a corner of handkerchief, placing it
between thumb and first finger of left thus concealing full length
of chain and watch. While pretending to drape handkerchief
etc., the fingers of right holding onto hooked watch behind hand­
kerchief, break thread pulling watch into the fist concealing it.
The left thumb releases hold of handkerchief, which flutters to
floor, and the right hand reaches behind knee and produces
Once again handkerchief is placed between thumb of left, and
just before doing so keep the handkerchief well spread and cov­
ering the left. While thus concealed for a moment you allow the
threaded watch to drop out of hand to end of chain. Handkerchief
now held between first finger and thumb as you did previously.
Taking the hooked watch you make a downward and upward
motion of the hand catching watch on clothing. Make a tossing
motion toward handkerchief, at the same moment allow handker­
chief to drop to floor, and show the right hand empty. To all a p ­
pearances the watch has re-appeared on end of chain.
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B erla nd ’ s T rick s w ith W atches
Performer counts out four watches. Trouser pocket is pulled
out and shown to be empty- Performer commands a watch to
disappear from his hand and appear in pocket; placing hand in
pocket he brings out a watch. Again a watch is commanded to
appear in pocket, and a watch brought out.
Now only two watches are shown to remain in the hand, and
pocket shown empty. Another watch is asked to leave the hand,
hand shown empty, reaching in pocket and producing watch.
Finally only one watch is left, this too vanishes and finds its w ay
to the trouser pocket.
To Perform:
Show the watches one at a time counting them as you do so,
finally stacking them in the left hand, all stems pointing up, Fig. 1.
Now the right hand pulls the pocket out showing it empty; replace
pocket. The right hand is placed on the watches, supposedly to
restack them, and the right thumb is placed between the second
and third watch, Fig. 2, gripping the front two watches by the
stems between the thumb of right, Fig. 3.
Right hand withdraws with the palmed watches, holding the
left hand cupped around the remaining watches, will prevent the
two watches from being missed.
The right hand gives a few tugs at the left coat sleeve, remark­
ing that as everyone knows, magicians cause things to vanish upsleeve, you will go one better • . . have a watch go up-sleeve
across the chest and into the pocket, and as you say "pocket", the
right hand reaches in pocket, and brings out a watch (leaving
one watch behind in pocket). Place the watch you have produced
on table.
Command another watch to pass up-sleeve . . . again tugging
at the left sleeve . . . carelessly showing right hand empty, and
reach in pocket bringing out the second watch.
Open the left hand revealing two watches, which you show sep­
arately. Both watches are now held in the right hand, making
sure the top watch lays with its stem in position for thumbpalm,
Fig. 4, bottom watch pointing other direction. Pretend to place
both watches in the left hand, thumbpalming the top watch, and
allowing the bottom watch to drop into the left hand, Fig. 5. Close
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B orland’ s T rick s w ith W atches
the left hand partly, just allowing a glimpse of the watch to be
Give the left coat sleeve a tug with the right hand . . . repeat
the formula again . . . reaching in pocket and bringing out the
palmed watch. Open left showing it contains but one watch.
Use any other pass or The Berman Watch Deception for this last
watch vanish.
An adaptation of an effect first explained by the author some
years ago in his book Exclusive Trix.
Performer lights up a cigarette. Now he looks at his watch to
see if it is "going" (you can use a comedy “watch winder" here)Watch is placed in the left hand, "I can still hear it going" (hold­
ing hand to ear), left is opened showing it empty . . . fact is its
Having no further use for the cigarette, it too is placed in the
left hand. W hen opened cigarette too has vanished. Left is
shown empty, and formed in a fist. Suddenly they see the lit
cigarette rise out of the closed hand. Cigarette is removed, a
few puffs taken, and again placed in the left. Hand is opened, it
conta ns the watch instead of cigarette. The lit cigarette is pro­
duced at the elbow.
To Perform:
Light up cigarette, and bring out the watch. (The Watch
Winder is a standard item sold in most magic shops and is good
for a laugh). Pretend to place watch in the left hand, really
thumbpalming it in the right, Fig. 1. Open left hand, showing
watch has vanished.
The left hand is formed in a loose fist, and held with its back to
audience. The cigarette is pushed into fist, lit end first, and re­
moved as Fig. 2. Again the cigarette is placed into the fist, but
this time end of cigarette is clipped between the middle fingers,
Fig. 3, and right hand is removed with the cigarette. Left hand
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B erland’ s T rick s loitli W atches
dience view and Fig. 5 rear view. The left hand is opened and
shown empty. The open left hand is held near the right, and
hands come close together and under cover of the right, the cig­
arette is dropped into the left, which forms in a fist, and the left
thumb pushes cigarette upward thus appearing to rise out of
the fist.
The right hand goes for the cigarette and in doing so rests palm
against back of left, thus pushing the thumbpalmed watch held in
the right between the thumb of the left, Fig- 6. The left hand with
the thumbpalmed watch is held with its back to audience as Fig.
7 (rear view); take a puff on cigarette and place in top of left
hand, again palming it out between the middle fingers. Open
left hand revealing the watch. Reach under elbow and produce
* *
Performer lights up a cigarette. He now takes a paper napkin
and drapes it over the left hand, pushing center of napkin down
into fist, thus forming a "well-like" depression.
The lit cigarette is pushed info the center of napkin. Now per­
former takes his watch and likewise pushes it down into center
of napkin.
The napkin is now slowly opened and it is found to be com­
pletely empty! Both cigarette and watch having vanished.
The napkin is rolled up and tossed into audience. Reaching
under his elbow, he produces the watch, and under his vest he
finds the missing lit cigarette!
A watch; Paper napkin; Thumb tip; Cigarette "tank",, a stand­
ard device used for re-production of a lit cigarette.
"Tank" loaded with a lit cigarette, pinned under vest.
in vest pocket, thumb tip on the right thumb.
To Perform:
Spread napkin on the left hand, and push center down as Fig1; push thumb inside, secretly leaving the thumb tip. Take a few
puffs of cigarette (should be about a third smoked) and push it
into center of napkin, really going into the thumb tip. Pack cig­
arette well so fire will be extinguished, withdrawing thumb tip on
thumb with the loaded cigarette.
Casually show the right hand empty. Now right hand reaches
in vest pocket for watch, leaving the thumb tip behind and bring­
ing out the watch. Exhibit watch and push it into center of nap­
kin, bending the ring down, leaving the stem exposed, continue
pushing watch down, clipping stem between middle fingers as
Fig. 2 (somewhat exaggerated). Turn napkin more to audience,
and remove the right hand with the concealed watch, Fig. 3 as
seen by audience. Fig. 4. How watch is held, note how the
second, third, and fourth fingers are curled inward, as though
pointing to napkin.
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
Berland’ s T rick s with W atches
The right hand now grasps corner of napkin so that watch is
held underneath Fig. 5 and napkin is opened, still keeping watch
concealed, finally holding napkin between both hands as Fig. 6.
Ball up the napkin and toss it aside. Pretend to look around
legs and finally reach under arm and produce the watch. Place
watch in left hand, and reach under vest with right hand, pulling
cigarette out of tank and show to audience. Take a few puffs, etc.
Here is a humorous routine with watches that has novelty and
surprise. The audience is kept in a continual mixup as to how
many watches you really have. They see one, then two, then
none at all, now they see three, then it's four, and you finish with
five of them!
Five watchesFour of them in the right trouser pocket, one of them in the
vest pocket.
To Perform: with patter.
"I would like to show you a watch that I always carry around
to tell me the time" (watch taken from the vest pocket and shown).
"While there is nothing strange about this watch (pretend to
place in the left, really thumbpalming it in the right) I have
another one like it here in the pocket (reach in pocket and bring
out the palmed watch) this is the exact duplicate of the watch I
have here in the left hand" (open left showing it empty and look
"That's pretty strange; let's see, I placed a watch in the left
(suit action to the word and this time really place watch in the
hand, simulating the real move to the previous false one). Then
I reached into the pocket and took out an exact duplicate of the
watch I had placed in the left hand" (open left showing watch
and holding up both watches) you see I W AS right, I HAVE two
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B erla n d ’ s T rick s with W atches
The two watches are shown as Fig. 1, stems facing toward
front, lying across fingers. Now, apparently place both watches
in the left, really thumbpalming them both, by closing fingers,
thus bringing watches into crotch of thumb, Fig. 2. Thumb
presses stems together holding them thumbpalmed, and the
fingers are removed Fig. 3 how watches appear after they are
thumbpalmed. Try this— it is not at all as difficult as it sounds.
"Now, I will let you in on a little secret, I really carry three
watches (place right hand in trouser pocket, leaving one of them
behind and bringing one out) this one and the other two in my
left hand, (open left hand showing it empty, and stand there with­
out saying anything for a moment as though you are stuck).
"Say, this has got me daffy, let's start all over again. Here is
the watch I originally had, I placed it in the left hand (really place
it) then I reached in the pocket (really take two watches, conceal­
ing one of them in the palm and showing one as Fig. 4) and
showed you I really had two watches (open left and show watch
is really there, and one they see visible in the right) you see I was
telling the truth. Then I placed both watches in the left hand
(really placing both watches you have in the right hand into the
left, which closes over the three watches).
"Now I have two watches in the left hand, and I have another
watch in the pocket (place right hand in pocket, and again palm
one and the other held visible as Fig. 4).
"Let's see now, I have two watches in the left hand, and this
one makes three watches, (put both hands together, mixing
watches of both hands, then open hands and begin counting).
Now to prove that there is no fooling around, I'll count them for
you and prove that I really carry around three watches, (count
the five watches).
"Now how do you like that?"
The Plot:
Pieces of clock spring, cogs, case, etc. lay scattered on a jewel­
er's tray, evidently a watch left to be repaired . . . and the watch
maker asleep . . . this is what he dreams.
He gathers the pieces and drops them into a paper cornucopia
. . . when paper is unfolded . . . watch is found fully restored!
The watch maker is happy. W hat an easy way to repair a
watch! Now to give it the final touch . . . he picks up a "polishing
cloth", with which he shines up the watch, allowing it to drop into
a hat. Cloth is shaken out, shown empty, again a-watch appears
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B erla n d ’ s T rick s w ith W atches
in cloth and is allowed to drop in a hat. This continues, to the
watch maker's amazement, until he seems to have produced five
watches in the hat. He is full of glee. He can now return the one
watch to the owner and still have five watches for himself! But
alas, his hopes are short lived, for when he turns the hat over—it
is empty.
He lights a cigarette to console himself, for now even the cus­
tomer's watch is gone . . . he flicks the ashes on the empty tray . . .
and in a flash the pieces of broken watch, spring, etc. have re­
appeared back on the tray— proving 'twas only a dream.
1. Trick cornucopia (as explained under various watch van­
2. Polishing cloth— this is an imitation chamois cloth sold for
polishing woodwork, etc. Dept, stores, auto accessories, or dime
stores. About 10x14 in size.
3. Shallow tray— not too large— first get the size of flash paper
obtainable, then get the tray.
4. Two of each of clock springs, wheels, etc.
5. Piece of flash paper, size to fit the tray.
Sew a thread on polishing cloth about center of narrow width
near the edge, thread should reach down half way. Tie a watch
to end of thread. Fig. 2.
Place duplicate set of pieces of watch on tray, cover with flash
paper, needless to say the real bottom of tray should be the same
color of the flash paper you are using. Now on top of the flash
paper place other set of pieces of watch. Fig. 1.
To Perform:
Obtain watch in the right hand and keep it concealed. Relate
story of the sleepy watchmaker, pointing to the pieces of watch
on tray. Pick up paper and form into a cornucopia, showing it
empty, while held in the left hand. Pretend to straighten paper
and secretly drop watch inside of cone.
Now pick up pieces of watch and drop in cone, of course they
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
Borland’ s T ricks icith W atches
go in the secret pocket. W hen all pieces have been dropped
inside, slowly open paper revealing the restored watch, and paper
empty. Put paper aside.
Pick up "polishing cloth" (concealing the presence of the watch
inside of it) open cloth and pretend to place first watch in cloth,
really thumbpalming it and open folds of cloth revealing what
appears to be the original watch.
Place hand with palmed watch in pocket to get some "polishing
powder" (you may have a shaker of some kind to carry out the
idea, leaving behind the palmed watch and bringing out the
shaker). Pretend to shake powder on cloth and place shaker on
table. Hold cloth with thread end downward, in the right hand,
and left hand outstretched several inches below, and allow watch
to drop into the waiting hand, Fig. 4; hat should be near you, look
at watch and drop it into the hat.
Now hold cloth as Fig. 5, twisting cloth around showing both
sides of it, now drop corners A— B and pick up C— D (with watch
concealed of course Fig. 6) straighten cloth as Fig. 2. Fold cloth
in half, Fig. 3, pretend to feel something in it, move hand over to
lower end, and holding cloth again as Fig. 4 with left hand under­
neath, allow watch to slide into the hand. Again look surprised,
and shrug shoulders and drop watch in hat. Repeat this "pro­
duction" of watches several times. O n the third time allow the
trick to fail, do not succeed in getting a watch. Try again and on
the fourth attempt you get another one, this adds interest to the
trick. Finally fold cloth and put aside, counting gleefully the
watches you have now in the hat. Turn hat over, revealing
it empty.
Light a cigarette, take a few puffs, and look mournful that now
you haven't even the broken watch . . . pointing at empty tray,
touch the flash paper, and the pieces will seem to have appeared
by real magic— before their very eyes.
(Note: For those not wanting to use a cigarette to touch off the
flashpaper, merely use a match and pretend to look in empty tray
touching the paper off).
A complete routine that starts with the production of a watch
from a page of a "Time" magazine, then a vanish and repro­
duction of the watch in a cornucopia.
Watches now begin to appear at the finger tips, and as they
are produced they are dropped into an empty hat. During the
routine watches vanish, change and multiply.
Finally performer picks up his hat and as he walks off stage
he continues catching watches in rapid succession and placing
them in the hat as fast as he can pluck them from the air.
6 regular watches.
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B erla n d ’ s Trioles w ith W atches
1 hooked watch.
1 watch prepared with short piece of catgut as explained un­
der "Catching a Hatful of Watches," with an alarm clock finish.
1 miniature watch about one-fourth the regular size.
1 magazine page prepared with a secret pocket known as a
"Cornucopia (look under various watch vanishes).
Small snap fasteners.
Solder the male part of snap fastener to the top of watch stem
(Fig. 1.) Five watches are prepared in the same manner. The
other part of snap is sewn to a strip of binding, which in turn is
sewn to inside of coat. You now have a perfect "Watch Holder."
Merely push the top of watch having the male part of stem into
the part of snap sewn in binding, and watch will be held secure
until wanted, when a slight pull on watch will release it. Three
watches are arranged on each side of coat (Fig. 2). Watches
should hang about an inch above edge of coat.
Place a strip of wiztax on the back of one of these watches,
and stick the miniature watch to tape.
Now for the proper disposition of the watches on the snap
Three of the watches are placed on the left side. O n the
right side the first watch is ordinary, but the second watch has
the miniature on the back, and the third watch has the catgut
grip (Fig. 6.)
Of the remaining two watches, the regular one is placed in
the secret pocket of the "cornucopia," the page from the "Time"
magazine. This page should be replaced in the magazine.
The hooked watch is concealed in the right hand as in Fig.
3, gripped between the middle fingers, and pressed against the
palm. Magazine is held in the left, and you are ready.
To Perform:
Pretend to read the "Time" magazine, thumb thru pages, etc.
Pause at the prepared page as though the article interests you,
finally tearing the page out, and discard the rest of magazine.
Bunch the page up in the left, transferring the watch from the
right hand palm to the back of left. (Fig. 4.) Watch being
clipped between first and second fingers (Fig. 5).
The right hand is curled around the rolled up paper, and then
is brought up rather guickly as though you are trying to pluck
something from the paper, but nothing happens the first time.
Once again right hand is placed around paper, but this time
watch is gripped between middle fingers of the right hand, and
when hand again comes up a watch is seen to have appeared
in the hand.
The paper is now unrolled and formed into a cone, after
showing it empty on both sides, and is held in the left hand.
The right hand holds the watch, body is held slightly with left
side to the audience.
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B erla n d ’ s T rick s with, W atches
The right hand makes a downward sweep of the hand, and
on the upw ard swing "hooks" the watch on the clothing. The
hand is brought up closed as though holding the watch, making
a tossing motion toward the cornucopia, opening hand and
showing it empty.
The cornucopia is now tilted and the watch from the con­
cealed pocket is allowed to drop out on the open palm of the
The hat is now shown empty with the right hand, and then
openly drops the watch inside. While the left hand crushes the
paper and tosses it aside, the right hand obtains the hooked
watch, concealing it in the palm.
Body is held with right side to the audience, and the right
hand is outstretched ready to "catch" the palmed watch, and
the left hand is lowered to the side, middle two fingers reach
under edge of coat and grasp watch as in Fig. 7, pulling watch
off in the hand as Fig. 8. The fingers press watch into palm,
where the hand, held somewhat cupped, conceals the watch
(Fig. 9).
The right hand meanwhile has produced the palmed watch.
The left hand is raised, with its back to audience, and the re­
cently produced watch held in the right hand is transferred
to the left, where it is gripped between the first finger and thumb
(Fig. 10). The right is shown empty, and then removes the vis­
ible watch held in the left and openly places it in the hat. Hand
removed from hat is carefully shown to be empty.
Right hand is lowered to the side, and the body is held slightly
turned with left side to audience. The left hand is extended
and while producing the concealed watch, the right hand se­
cretly obtains watch from holder as previously described.
The right hand grasps the recently produced watch from the
left hand between the first finger and thumb, and the left is
shown empty.
The left hand is held with palm up, and slightly cupped, the
fingers toward audience. The right hand is placed over the
left and while thus screened by the back of the right, the con­
cealed watch is dropped to the base of the left fingers, where
it is hidden from view of audience. The watch held in view be­
tween fingers and thumb of right is transferred to the fingers
and thumb of left (Fig. 11). The right hand is now shown empty.
Thus the above manipulation has enabled you to show first the
left and now the right hand to be empty, except for the visible
The right hand now removes the watch from the left, and
as the hand moves aw ay holding the watch in view, you give
it all your attention, and the left hand now produces the con­
cealed watch, so when you look at the left and see a watch
you are surprised. You now have a watch in each hand.
The left hand places the watch in the hat, and the right hand
apparently places the watch in the left, really doing the thumbpalm, leaving the watch concealed in the right, and the left
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B erla n d ’ s T rick s w ith W atches
hand moves away as though containing the watch. Left hand
is opened and shown empty, and drops to the side, while the
right hand reaches under right foot and re-produces the watch,
the left hand secretly obtains a watch from the holder.
The watch held in the right is dropped into the hat, and body is
turned slightly to the right. Now the left hand plucks a watch
in space, while the right hand held at the side secretly obtains
the second watch from holder, having the miniature watch
on back.
The watch held in left is dropped into the hat, and the right
hand now produces the concealed watch. Watch is held in
full view, both hands shown empty. W atch is allowed to lie
on the fingers, and the fingertips pry the miniature watch off
the tape.
Apparently place the watch into the left hand, but thumbpalm
the regular watch, allowing the miniature to drop into the
left (Fig. 12), which closes over it. Open the left hand, reveal­
ing the miniature watch, and then drop it into the hat. Right
hand reaches under left elbow and produces palmed watch.
Note: This is a good spot to work the Watch and Cigarette
Surprise . . .
or the W atch and Napkin Cigarette.
Now the left hand secretly obtains the last watch from holder.
The watch held in the right hand is placed in the left, where
the stem is grasped between first finger and thumb. Fig. 13
shows the concealed watch and position of visible watch. The
middle fingers curl inward, grasping side of watch (Fig. 14).
Left side is held to audience. The right hand is held at the side
and obtains the last watch (with the "catgut grip") while the
left hand produces the second watch, as Fig. 15 as seen by
Both watches in the left hand are now placed in the hat, and
then picks up the hat.
The right hand meanwhile produces the concealed watch,
making sure that the "catgut grip" is held between the first and
second finger.
The left hand tilts the hat to show you really have produced
a number of watches. The right hand pretends to drop watch
into the hat, watch of course only swings out of sight into the
palm, as you have control of it because of the catgut held be­
tween the fingers. Reach in the air with the right, and as the
hand swings outward, tossing the watch toward the first fin­
ger, the thumb assists in bringing watch in view, thus appar­
ently producing watch at the finger and thumb (full working
of this is explained under Catching a Hatful of Watches, etc.).
Continue "catching" watches and placing them in the hat,
and as you walk off you gradually increase the tempo, until
it seems to be endless.
Suggestion: The smoking of a cigarette during the first part
of routine adds to the effect considerably, also by all means
try to have music, as this should for the most part be done
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B erla n d ’ s T rick s w ith W atches
silent, as patter would tend to slow up the pace. Work in a
sure, smooth tempo, not too fast that they don't know what you
are doing, yet not too slow that would cause them to yawn.
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B erla n d ’ s T rick s w ith W atches
"A C h ain for a Fat M a n "
The Elongating Watch Chain owes its inspiration to that fine
performer, Milbourne Christopher, whose "Stretching Rope"
is truly a classic in Magic.
Performer removes watch and chain from pocket, and allows
someone to pull on the chain to prove it solid and not made of
lastex. He now relates a story about a fat man who was faced
with the problem of buying new watch chains every time he
added inches to his girth.
He finally solved the problem by purchasing a magic chain
that kept stretching as he grew and grew and . . . grew.
While performer is telling the latter half of the story the
chain is seen to grow many yards long.
A "long" chain either made up of several lengths of watch
chain, or else getting a chain used by the ladies in costume
jewelry, and then making a regular length watch chain from
it to match.
knife charms, .or other trinkets, and of course a regular
watch chain to match the "long" chain, with a watch attached
to swivel.
Attach one of the charm trinkets permanently to end of
"long" watch chain, and then place it upsleeve, allowing the
trinket end of chain to hang near the edge of sleeve. The rest
of chain is placed in the inside breast pocket (Fig. 1).
With the aid of a piece of white thread tie the other trinket
to the end of regular watch chain, and place the watch and
chain in vest pocket.
To Perform:
Remove the watch and chain from pocket, grasping the
trinket end of chain, not the charm itself but the end of the
chain. Approach someone with the request to pull gently on
the chain to prove it not made of rubber.
As you are returning to platform the chain is held in the right
hand, and the left hand secretly breaks thread and drops it in
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B erla n d ’ s T rick s w ith W atches
the left coat pocket. The right hand of course conceals the a b ­
sence of the missing charm by holding end of chain well in the
The chain is transferred to the left hand, while you are tell­
ing this story, and stand with left side to audience. The right
hand forces the knife charm to drop in the hand, the fingers as­
sisting in this operation (Fig. 2).
The watch and chain is now transferred back to the right hand
and the left hand reaches into the palm and brings the trinket
attached to the "long" chain between the first and second fin­
The right palm is held facing upw ard as Fig. 4 and the real
end of the regular chain is kept coiled in the palm. Fig. 3 is
how hand appears to the audience. Notice the perfect illusion.
All that remains now is to pull on the charm trinket, and the
chain will begin to stretch, becoming longer and longer. When
the end of the "long" chain is reached the two ends of chain
are held together as Fig. 5, thus completing the illusion.
A regular size watch is shown, and both hands are seen
empty. The watch is placed in the left hand, when opened a
moment later watch is found to have diminished to one-fourth
its original size. Again it changes, this time to a twenty-five
cent piece, then back again to the full size watch.
1 regular watch.
miniature size watch (size of a quarter
watch), a 25c piece and a strip of Wiztax.
. . . use a toy
Apply strip of Wiztax to miniature watch, and press 25c piece
to other side of tape as Fig. 1, thus you have a watch on one
side and the quarter on the other. Place another strip of W iz­
tax on the back of the regular size watch, and press coin to
back of the large watch as Fig. 2, Page 39.
To Perform:
Exhibit watch to audience, both hands empty.
"I bought this watch and it cost me a dollar, keeps very good
time too . . . yes, keeps good time but doesn't give it. I showed
it to a friend of mine the other day (place watch so it laws
across fingers as Fig. 3, fingertips pry watch-coin free of watch
but continue holding it under the large watch as yet). He said
it was a fugitive from a can opener (pretend to place watch in
the left hand, really thumbpalming it and allow the watch-coin
to drop in the waiting left. The back of right hand acting as a
screen, see Fig. 4 (side view) close left hand over it.
"Well, he continued poking fun at my watch until I felt pretty
small. In fact, even the watch did! (Open left hand with watch
side to audience, Fig. 5; fingers at side conceal coin).
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B erla n d ’ s T rick s w ith W atches
"He said that all the watch was worth was a quarter in junk
(close left hand and reverse it so coin side will face front, open
hand, revealing what apears to be a quarter).
"Well, I surely felt pretty low after that, so I decided to re­
turn it to the dime— er, I mean the jewelry store where I bought
it. Well, let me tell you, after hearing the sales talk that the
clerk gave me (place right hand in front of quarter and press
it to the back of the large watch (Fig. 6), I decided that it wasn't
such a b ad watch at all (remove right hand, showing the large
watch, show both hands empty, and hold watch at stem as
Fig. 7).
Performer is seen smoking a cigarette. He pushes it thru the
empty left hand, and it emerges at other side. Again cigarette
is pushed thru the first, and when hand is opened, it contains a
billiard ball!
Now a few sleights are done with billiard ball, finally the
ball changes into a watch! And the watch in turn transforms
into a dollar bill! Quite a mixture of surprises.
Requirements: Billiard ball; watch; dollar bill.
Watch is fastened to back of dollar bill (Fig. 1). Now fold
bill so that it is hidden behind watch (Fig. 2). Before using,
place a weight on folded bill so bill be kept compressed flat.
Grip watch by the stem between middle fingers, with bill side
underneath. Billiard ball rests on watch, and cigarette held be­
tween first and second finger, give the hand a natural appear­
ance (Fig. 3).
To Perform:
Enter smoking a cigarette, take a few puffs, and casually
show the left hand empty. Form the hand in a loose fist, with
its back to audience, and push the cigarette thru it as Fig. 4.
Now turn hand over, removing cigarette from fist as Fig. 5, open
left and show it empty.
Again form the left hand in a fist, and push the cigarette thru
the hand, the left thumb reaches into the right hand, grasps the
ball and carry it into the left,as Fig. 6, remove cigarette as Fig.
5 and open the left hand, revealing the ball as Fig. 7.
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B erland’s T rick s w ith W atches
Place ball on right hand which is formed in a fist, right hand
pretends to remove ball (Fig. 8). The left hand is held as a
screen momentarily, allowing the ball to drop back in the right
fist on top of watch as Fig. 9.
Left hand partly closed as though containing the ball moves
away from the right hand . . . and then is opened, revealing it
empty. Right hand reaches under left elbow, and fingers squeeze
ball up to top of fist in which position it is revealed to audience.
Left hand is shown empty, then partly closed, just curling the
fingers inward. Now both the watch and ball are placed in the
left hand. The presence of the watch, needless to say, is con­
cealed from audience, allowing the ball to be seen partly in the
hand above the curled fingers. Fig. 10.
The right hand is shown empty, and fully opened is placed
on top of the ball. Right hand bears down on the ball, causing
it to roll into the right palm (Fig. 11). The closed left hand moves
away as though holding the ball, then is opened revealing the
Turn with left side to audience, and make a tossing movement
with the watch, as though you are going to toss watch in the
air, and using this as a cover-up the right hand drops the ball in
the coat pocket. Pretend to change your mind about getting rid
of the watch, showing both hands empty, and watch held at the
finger-tips to prove everything to be fair.
Place watch between both palms, reversing watch, and rub­
bing it between the palms, thus causing the bill to unfold, and
when fully opened, by the action of both palms (Fig. 12) sepa­
rate hands, revealing the dollar bill, which is held at the finger­
tips of both hands (Fig. 13).
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Berland’ s T rick s w ith W atches
The Billiard Ball Watch is really an accessory, to be used in
conjunction with some billiard sleight, trick, or routine.
In working the Billiard Ball Watch as an example; you per­
form several sleights with a ball, now you vanish the real ball,
and re-produce the Ball-Watch. They see what appears to be
the same ball. You pass your hand over the ball, and it changes
to a watch.
Thus the Billiard Ball Watch can be used for the finish of the
ball routine, or as the means of going from billiard ball into
watch tricks.
A half shell as used in the Multiplying Billiard Ball Trick.
1 watch.
Wiztax tape.
Cut three strips of Wiztax and apply them on the inside of
shell at three different spots (Fig. 1), allowing about three-eighths
of an inch to hang over edge.
Place the shell directly on back of watch, pressing the over­
lapping ends of tape to watch. Watch and ball will keep to­
gether quite firmly (Fig. 2).
Place this Ball-Watch in right coat pocket. A duplicate solid
ball of course will be required.
To Perform:
Produce regular billiard ball in any manner you desire. You
can do the multiplying ball trick first if you wish. Do a sleight
with the real ball, vanishing it and apparently reproducing it
from the right coat pocket, actually leaving the real ball behind,
and bringing out the Ball-Watch, holding it well in the hand
with the thumb and fingers around it, thus concealing the rim
of watch (Fig. 3). The stem should be held between the middle
Make a show of placing the ball in the left hand (Fig. 4). a p ­
parently placing in the left, hand now turns back to audience
as though containing ball (Fig. 5), actually Ball-Watch is still
held in the right with stem between fingers. Fig. 6 rear view.
Open the left hand, showing it empty, and the right hand
reaches under elbow, and turning hand to audience appears as
Fig. 3, as though you are producing watch at elbow.
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B erla n d ’ s T rick s with W atches
The "ball" is now really placed in the left, which closes over
it. The right is now held a moment in front of left, and the ball
is reversed so that the watch side will face audience (Fig. 7).
Remove the right, revealing the transformation.
You are now ready to do a few watch effects, by merely
switching this Ball-Watch for a regular watch.
Performer exhibits a blue silk handkerchief, which he says
will represent "The Blue Phantom," who was wanted by the
police for several crimes. However had mysteriously vanished,
leaving no clue of his whereabouts; While magician is telling
this tale the handkerchief is rolled between his hands and it
"This was a case for Scotland Yard," whereupon magician re­
moves his watch and chain from pocket. "The chain represents
Scotland Yard and the watch Sherlock Holmes, who is dele­
gated to solve this case.
"The detective, working alone as always, leaves Scotland
Yard." The watch is removed from chain, leaving the bare
chain hanging in the left, and the watch is held in the right.
"The famous detective wastes no time in finding a clue to the
'Blue Phantom,' and he too vanishes from sight." Watch has
vanished from his hand.
In that instant the blue silk appears on the end of the chain,
and the watch is tied to end of silk!
"A nd as you see, Holmes found the hideout of the 'Blue Phan­
tom' and brought him to Scotland Yard, and another case was
R equirem ents:
1 watch chain.
Two watches, one of them a "hooked" watch.
Two blue silks.
Any method of vanishing a handkerchief.
One blue silk placed in outside coat, or breast pocket.
"Hooked" watch is placed on regular end of chain, and on the
opposite end of chain, tie the duplicate silk, and to the end of
silk tie the other watch. Fig. 1, Page 43.
Now roll the watch up in the silk, making it as tight as pos­
sible, and place a very small band around it only once (Fig. 2).
Thus prepared, place chain on your person, the end of chain
with hooked watch is placed in the right lower pocket, and the
watch with rolled silk is placed in the upper left vest pocket.
To Perform:
Patter about the "Blue Phantom," exhibiting the blue silk,
and secretly obtain the vanishing pull, and cause the silk to van­
ish Now reach in vest for chain, the left hand grasping the
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Berlcm d’ s T rick s w ith W atches
rolled up silk well in the hand to conceal its presence. Fig. 3.
Remove the "hooked" watch from chain, and place the empty
end of chain between the first finger and thumb of left as Fig. 4.
Make a tossing motion of the hooked watch held in the right
and hook it on the clothing. Hold hand closed as though con­
taining the watch, now make a tossing motion toward the left
hand, and at the same moment that you open the left hand, you
release the silk and watch end of chain held in right, but retain
the empty end of chain, thus you have switched the bare end of
chain for the loaded end, causing the silk and watch to appear on
the end of chain.
Do not shake the chain at all, merely release the loaded end.
It has enough weight to drop and cause silk to unroll, as the
small band will pop off of its own accord. Fig. 5.
Performer reminds the audience of the days when women used
to carry their valuables, such as rings, keys, change, etc., tied
in a corner of their handkerchiefs. That was before they de­
cided to carry around luggage cases, containing everything but
a complete change of wardrobe, that they laughingly call "bags."
To illustrate what he means, he requests the loan of a man's
watch. He now ties the borrowed watch in a corner of a hand­
kerchief. He speaks feelingly of those "carefree" days, and
being too carefree with the handkerchief as he swings it about,
it strikes hard against a door, or the floor with a resounding
smack. You can hear the crystal smashed and heaven knows
what else.
Performer looks crestfallen as though it really were acciden­
tal. He unties the knot to gaze at the gory mess. Sure enough
the pieces of crystal, spring sticking out, etc., looks pretty bad.
He of course is sorry about the whole thing, wraps the pieces
in handkerchief and offers it back to the owner, who no doubt
refuses to take it in that condition.
Magician reminds himself of a magic b ag that he recently in­
herited from a famous wizard that guarantees to restore al­
most anything. He places the handkerchief, with its contents,
in the bag, and says a magic word. He reaches inside, removes
the handkerchief and unties it. W hat should he find but an
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Berland’ s T rick s w ith W atches
Realizing how the owner of the watch must feel, he offers to
give him his own watch in trade, bringing out an extra large
size watch the size almost of an alarm clock! He puts it to his
ear: "I don't know whether I hear the clock ticking or my knees
The "large" watch doesn't seem to be going, so performer
decides to investigate. Opening the watch he reaches inside
and brings out the borrowed watch in perfect order, which he
returns to the owner.
Extra large watch known as the "Sandwich Watch." It is
padded inside to eliminate noise.
Changing bag.
A smashed watch, spring, pieces, etc.
Two handkerchiefs, 18-inch dark colored silk, green, blue, etc.
Tie broken pieces of watch in a corner of one of the silks
(Fig. 1, Page 45). Fold this corner inward (Fig. 2) and remaining
corner fold over this as Fig. 3. You will find that you can hold
handkerchief by the topmost corner now and handkerchief will
appear innocent in appearance. Place on table.
Tie an onion in a corner of the duplicate handkerchief and
place in secret side of the Changing Bag.
Put a piece of pencil across lid of "Sandwich W atch" to keep
it open and place in the left coat pocket.
To Perform:
Pick up handkerchief by the corner with left hand, and re­
quest the loan of a watch. Lay center of handkerchief on left
palm, receiving watch with the right.
Place watch in corner of handkerchief (Fig. 4) and tie a knot
over it, leaving it in view. The right hand meanwhile reaches
in folds of handkerchief and gets hold of the other knot, as Fig.
5. The "A " knot has the borrowed watch in it, the ”B" knot
is the smashed watch. Now you boldly bring up the "B" knot
right up thru the left hand, leaving the "A " knot held concealed
in the hand as Fig. 6.
You approach someone with the request to tie a second knot,
and while thus engaged in looking for a likely person, the fin­
gers of left hand are inserted in the A knot and loosen it. This is
not as difficult as it seems. While the person is helping tie the
second knot, you of course hold onto the handkerchief as Fig. 7.
By this time you have untied the A knot and the watch is
held free of it and hidden by the handkerchief. The right hand
now draws the handkerchief away from the left hand, and the
left with the concealed watch drops to the side. Stand with
the right side to audience, swinging the handkerchief around by
the corner, and the left hand drops the borrowed watch inside
of the "Sandwich Watch."
Swing the handkerchief so it hits some hard surface with a
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Berland’ s T rick s w ith W atches
resounding smack, make it appear accidental, play up the part
but don't exaggerate. Open out handkerchief and show the
damage done. Do not allow too close a scrutiny of the watch
to the owner as he may see the hoax. Re-wrap pieces in hand­
kerchief and place in the Changing Bag. Switch for the onion
silk, turn bag inside out and show it empty. Unwrap handker­
chief and show the onion. Play up comedy a moment or two,
finally bringing out the "Sandwich Watch.'' Open watch and
reach inside, bringing out the borrowed watch, which you re­
turn and thank the owner.
Added suggestions for the use of the
This is a jumbo-size watch about the size of an alarm clock,
made hollow and has a hinged lid. Its original use is for the
performer to take watch out of pocket, look at it and mention
he is hungry, open watch and remove a sandwich from its in­
terior. However, its uses are many. Here are a few sugges­
Production From a Borrowed Handkerchief (a la Glass of W ater)
Hook watch on a pin on the right side of vest.
To Perform:
Borrow a handkerchief, and hold a corner in the right hand,
allowing handkerchief to drape over back of hand. Left hand
is held near opening of coat, the handkerchief being used as a
screen. The left hand reaches in left vest pocket, "to get a
magic coin." Not succeeding in finding any, the left hand reaches
on the right side of vest, grasps the large watch, and the right
hand transfers the handkerchief over the left hand, thus cov­
ering the watch. The left hand is moved out of the way, while
the right hand reaches in vest pocket, and finds the "magic
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
Pretend to place the coin under the handkerchief. Now whisk
the handkerchief away, revealing the jumbo watch.
Production W ith Silks:
Remove the pin from the hinge, and do aw ay with the hinged
door. Load the interior with silks, and paste a piece of paper
on back of watch to seal the silks inside.
Conceal behind a Saturday Evening Post.
To Perform:
Enter reading magazine, with the watch concealed from
view. Thumb thru the pages, finally tearing one of them out,
carrying the jumbo watch away with it, concealed behind. Tear
a hole in paper, at the spot where you are holding the watch,
tearing right into back of the watch, and produce silks from
various parts of page. Finally bunch up the page, and reach
inside and produce the jumbo watch.
Let us give credit to that fine m agician and gentleman from
England, Oswald Rae, who in his excellent book, "Sub-Rosa,"
first gave us the idea of a burglar robbing a magician, and the
magician turning the tables on him.
The version presented herewith is different both in effect and
method of performance.
Performer relates a story of being held up and robbed of his
money, valuable ring, and his watch and chain. All these ar­
ticles are collected by the robber in his gunny sack. However,
the robber finds that his "easy pickings" have flown, for the bag
turns out to be empty. The magician by his "magic power"
causes the pilfered money to return to his pocket, the ring re­
turns to his finger and the watch and chain return to his per­
son on his vest.
Two sets of watches prepared as explained under “Finale
Watch and Chain Appearance."
2 "money clips" loaded with some folded bills.
A false pocket.
2 flashy rings not too snug fitting.
Penny box of matches, the kind with the cardboard drawer.
Changing Bag.
Watches prepared in vest pocket as mentioned.
False pocket in the right trouser pocket, and the two clips of
One ring on finger of left hand.
Match box drawer prepared by cutting two slits from the top
about half an inch apart, in which the duplicate ring is placed.
Match box so prepared is in the left coat pocket.
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B erla n d ’ s Tricjcs with W atches
To Perform:
Suggestion: Optional with the performer. Have a b and an­
na handkerchief and a toy pistol. Then reguest someone in the
audience to assist you, allowing the spectator to be the "rob­
ber." Place the bandanna around his face, etc.
Performer states he will try to re-enact an experience he hadthe other night during a "blackout." He explains he had been
walking along in the dark and a stranger stopped him for a
“light," and then, before he knew it, the stranger with the aid
of a gun started to "light-ten" the magician's pockets. (Hand
assistant the changing bag.)
“First he took my money." Reach in pocket and take out one
of the loaded money clips, and then pull out the false pocket,
remarking: “Boy, he sure cleaned me out."
Drop the money in the changing bag.
“Then he spied my genuine 'imitation' diamond ring. Why,
this ring cost me between 98 and 100 dollars. You don't be­
lieve it? Yes, sir, between 98 a n d 100 dollars. That's 2, isn't it?
Well, that's what it cost me— two dollars." (Drop the ring in the
bag and show both hands empty. And then stand there with the
coat held open, so they spot the watch and chain.)
“To make the 'haul' complete he 'lifted' my prize possession.
He was a very particular crook, too. He wanted to know what
movement it had. I told him it had a continuous movement to
and from the pawnshop. Tears came to my eyes when I re­
membered the many nights I would get up and wind up the
pawn ticket." (Watch and chain are dropped in bag.)
Take the bag from assistant "to show the articles in the bag
to the audience" but actually to give the handle the necessary
turn. Now take the bandana handkerchief and cover the bag
so assistant will not see the bag empty.
Button your coat and bear down on thread so chain will be
brought up for re-production as explained under "Finale A p­
pearing Watch and Chain in Pocket."
Take a cigarette, and the left hand brings out the box of
matches without giving it any unnecessary attention. Push the
drawer toward the left, and the left thumb grips the ring in the
root of the thumb. Remove a match, light cigarette, and toss
box on table.
"So here I was minus my money, valuable ring, and my watch
and chain. Well, just about now the satisfied bandit started to
go off with my valuables, and this got me very angry. I took
my magic w and and waved it at the fleeing bandit, who by this
time found that his 'take' had 'taken leave.' " (Turn bag inside
out, holding the handle with the left hand, and the right hand
is used to push bag inside out.)
Stand with right side to audience, and while the right hand
brings out the clip of money, the left hand gets the thumbpalmed ring onto the finger. Grasp the cigarette nonchalantly
with the left hand, not calling attention to the ring on the finger,
take a few puffs. "Well, I have my money now, and my ring!"
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B erlq n d ’ s Triclcs w ith W atches
Then gaze on finger and notice the ring back on the finger.
"Now if I had my watch back, it would be wonderful," and with
that you open the coat, revealing watch and chain back in the
Here truly is a brilliant effect that combines several unusual
A watch chain is to be seen in the performer's hand, having
a watch on one end, and a watch charm on the opposite end of
chain. Aside from that the performer's both hands are seen per­
fectly empty.
The performer now takes a wire clipper and deliberately cuts
the chain apart. Thus leaving a part of chain on the watch,
and other half of chain on the charm knife. Each half of chain
with the attached object are held in each hand, to prove every­
thing quite fair.
The performer now takes his handkerchief and with it cov­
ers half of chain that is attached to charm knife. This is given
someone to hold.
Taking the severed chain and watch, he places them into a
b ag for safe keeping. However, when he looks in b ag a mo­
ment later it is empty! Bag is turned inside out. Part of chain
and watch have vanished.
Performer shows his hands perfectly empty and reaches un ­
der handkerchief being held by assistant and grasps charm
knife, with the request that handkerchief be removed. Audience
witness the most remarkable surprise they have ever seen, for
the chain and watch have become united and become whole as
it was at the very beginning.
watch chains.
charm knife.
method of vanishment, such as changing bag, watch bag,
pull, etc.
One of the watch chains is cut in half with a scissors, and with
the aid of a piece of white thread it is tied to other watch chain.
Watches are attached to end of both chains, and the charm
knife is hooked to end of regular chain. Complete preparation
is shown as Fig. 1.
You now apply a strip of Wiztax to the back of the watch on
the regular chain, and press the watch to the back of the left
hand, allowing the chain to pass between first and second fin­
ger, the charm knife therefore hanging on the palm side of hand.
The attached short chain and watch hang over the second fin­
ger. Fig. 2.
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B orla n d ’ s T rick s w ith W atches
The hand is now held palm toward audience, thus con­
cealing the hidden watch on the back of hand, and you have a
perfect illusion of the watch hanging over the second finger.
The left thumb helps conceal the chain that passes thru the
fingers to back of hand (Fig. 3). Place a small clipper in the vest
pocket for cutting chain.
To Perform:
Enter carrying watch prepared as outlined above, the hand
held outward and with front of hand to audience. Show right
hand empty and bring the clipper out, and with it pretend to
cut chain apart, actually cutting the thread holding the chains
together. The right hand removes the severed part of chain
and watch (this is the extra part of chain and watch that were
tied to regular chain) as Fig. 4. The left thumb holds onto the
suposed other half of chain.
If someone is close by, hand them this severed part of chain
and watch, otherwise place it on table for the time being.
The performer now takes his pocket handkerchief, shows it
empty, and drapes it over the left hand completely. Now grasp
the chain thru it and lift it, at the same time pulling the watch
attached to the chain, off the back of the hand (Fig. 5). Re­
quest someone to come up and assist you, and hand the hand­
kerchief to assistant, asking him to hold onto the chain thru the
You now take the severed chain and watch and place it in
your vanishing device for "safekeeping," then as an after­
thought look in to see if it is still there, turning b ag inside out
to prove it empty. Show both hands perfectly empty.
Reach under handkerchief grasping the charm knife, and re­
quest assistant to whisk the handkerchief away, revealing the
remarkable restoration of the watch and chain. While show­
ing the watch the Wiztax on back of watch can be rolled off
and dropped unnoticed to the floor, allowing everything to be
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B erla nd ’ s T rick s w ith W atches
In The Vest Pocket
Here is the perfect climax for a watch routine. It has brevity,
novelty, and a very powerful climax.
After performing several tricks with watches, etc., you make
a feint of returning watch and chain to pocket, but you sud­
denly think of another effect. The watch and chain is placed
in a bag and given someone to hold. The hands are perfectly
empty, and the attention is called to the bare vest. The coat
is now buttoned.
Magician now commands the articles to vanish from the bag.
Sure enough, the bag is empty, for it is turned inside out. Dra­
matically he opens his coat, and there hanging across his vest
is the chain, and the watch is attached to the swivel, as m agi­
cian reveals by taking it out of his pocket to see the "time."
2 complete watches and chains.
Any device for vanishing, such as cornucopia, watch bag,
or changing bag, etc.
Needle and black thread.
Tie thread to end of chain, and place watch and chain in
lower right vest pocket. Chain should be just out of sight below
edge of pocket. Carry threaded needle across vest, and push
it into upper left vest pocket, inside, about half an inch below
edge of pocket. Now push needle thru vest and right thru the
coat itself, below the left armpit, and tie end of thread to
second buttonhole, Fig. 1.
You will find that if you catch thumb of left hand in the loop
of thread and pull downward, it will pull chain out of pocket
(in which it lies hidden) and cause it to travel across vest, and
finally come to a stop at upper left vest pocket, when thread re­
fuses to go any further you have reached end of chain.
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
Borland’ s T rick s w ith W atches
To Perform:
Select any preliminary effects you may wish as part of the rou­
tine. Make a bluff of returning the watch and chain you have
just used to the pocket, then changing your mind you remove it,
and place it in your vanishing device. Show hands empty, and
open coat, calling attention to the bare vest. Close coat, and
button second button, catching thumb on thread and pulling on
same as your hand moves downward to the lower button. Do not
look down on the coat or what you are doing, make it look as
natural as possible, looking at audience, and speaking about the
watch and chain in bag. Turn bag inside out and show it empty,
toss it aside. Show hands empty once again, dramatically open
coat revealing chain across vest. Reach in pocket, take out
watch, look at it, remarking: now it's "time" to go. Exit.
This is a platform type of effect. Three watches having been
produced in some previous effect, they are now placed in a
paper bag.
Attention is now called to three chains seen hanging on a
simple stand. He now fires at the bag, which bursts and is seen
empty, and at the same moment the three watches appear visibly
on the ends of the chains!
The idea is very simple, as the watches themselves are attached
to very light weight fish line, which in turn are attached to one
single line. These lines are threaded thru the swivel end of chains.
The watches are concealed in the base of the stand, see illus­
tration. Another suggestion: Your table top cafi be prepared to
conceal the watches.
To Perform:
Produce three watches in any manner you wish. Place them in
the Paper Bag Vanisher (Chapter on various watch vanishes).
While you shoot the gun at the paper bag, your assistant pulls
on the line, causing the visible appearance of the watches.
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B erland’ s T rick s w ith W atches
This idea is merely suggested as another possibility for a watch
act finale.
After the performance of several tricks with watches, performer
calls attention to a "Time" magazine on his table. He now fires a
shot and vis.bly watches appear on each side of it. Once more he
fires at the magazine, and this time the center picture vanishes
and in its place is seen a ringing alarm clock.
See illustration for suggested performance of it, Page 51.
The idea of concealing an object behind a board, tray, etc. to
load a hat, or pan is far from new. I merely wish to give that
"loading" device an innocent appearance.
The idea can be used with other magazines, like children'pub­
lications when loading a rabbit in a hat, etc. "Time" magazine is
finely suited for tricks with watches or clocks
Obtain a piece of composition board. This is light in weight
and strong. O n one side attach metal guides or clips on which
an alarm clock can be safely held, yet will allow clock to slide off
easily. These guides are placed on three sides of clock, leaving
one side open. Fig. 2.
Needless to say the board is the size of the magazine, so that
now you merely paste several pages and the front cover on other
side of board. You now have what resembles a magazine, Fig. 1.
You can handle it at the fingertips, pretend to look thru the pages,
etc. Thus loaded it can either be out of sight, or resting on a
table or chair that has suitable trap or opening, which in turn is
covered with a sheet of rubber so that magazine just appears to
be laying there innocent like.
To Perform:
Borrow the hat and show it empty. Pick up magazine, thumb
thru it, and place it on the hat, being sure the lower end touches
the hat first, otherwise they will see the clock as you are lowering
board on the hat. Fig. 3.
All that remains is to remove the board (toward audience)
which will pull the clock off the guides, dropping it off into the hat.
C an be used for the loading of a set of nested alarm clocks.
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B erla n d ’ s T rick s w ith W atches
In this chapter are described for the first time some new and
novel effects with wrist watches. These effects should be wel­
comed twofold— First: all of them are on the humorous side,
which is bound to be popular to an audience. Second: all the
effects are performed with borrowed watches.
Here is a little silly effect that is good for some laughs. Per­
former borrows a wrist watch, and after hearing it "tick" he de­
cides to wind it for the owner. He proceeds to “w ind" it and as
he does so the stem seems to grow longer and longer until it is
some three inches or more in length.
A long, thin nail will do, but for a more convincing effect, ob­
tain a wire of heavy gauge, and solder the head of a stem on
one end.
To Perform:
Conceal the 'long" stem in the left hand between the fingers.
Borrow the watch with the right hand. Transfer the watch to the
left placing it directly on top of wire, and the real stem of watch
points toward the palm, being concealed with the left thumb. The
head of the "long" stem extends over the edge of watch. (See il­
lustration). Fig. 9, Page 62.
Pretend to listen to watch and then grasp the stem by the fingers
and thumb as is usually done and proceed to "w ind" it, pulling
the wire out by degrees until it extends several inches from the
watch. Finally "push it back" into the watch and return to the
Performer borrows a watch, and pretending to hear the owner
say that one of the straps are too long, he takes a scissors and
proceeds to cut one of the straps shorter. He continues taking a
piece off bit by bit, until all the strap is cut away!
Noting the consternation on owner's face, he takes all the
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B erla nd ’ s T rick s w ith W atches
pieces, rubs them together, and passing his hand over the watch,
restores the strap as it was originally.
An extra half of strap (not the buckle end)— glue a small piece
of tin to the end and bend it to form a hook. This hook should be
able to fit into slot of wrist watch where the strap is held, Fig. 1.
Be prepared with both a brown and black strap prepared in this
To Perform:
While performing some previous trick, spot some person with a
watch having a leather band and note the color of it, so when
about to perform this trick, you do not hesitate in requesting for
this person's watch.
Secretly obtain the strap in the right hand thumb palm fashion,
Fig. 2.
Borrow the watch with the left hand, and as you return to front
of stage, you fold back the end of strap, holding it in place with
the left thumb and fingers. Meanwhile, the right hand hooks the
extra strap into handle of strap, Fig. 3. This forms a perfect illu­
sion even several feet away.
Take a scissors in the right hand and cut part of strap away bit
by bit. Finally take all the pieces together thumbpalming them
and pretend to rub them to the piece of strap remaining.
Under the cover of the right hand, remove this short piece, and
allow the band that is doubled back to drop so when the hand is
removed the strap is restored. Pick up scissors and place in
pocket along with the pieces of strap, thus getting rid of them.
Performer borrows a watch and proceeds to try it on his wrist,
but finds it too short, so performer proceeds to " stretch" it until it
is about a foot long!
A length of strap, either black or brown. Glue a small piece of
tin to the end of strap, and it should be bent to form a hook and be
able to fit into space above the strap bar. Roll the strap as com­
pact as possible, Fig. 1, and place in an easily accessable place.
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
You must first "spot" someone in the audience with a strap to
match the one you have prepared, as outlined in the previous
Request the loan of the wrist watch, and while returning to plat­
form, you secretly obtain the "long" strap in the right hand.
Call attention to the watch, and attempt to place strap around
wrist, which of course is only a stall. During this "business" you
fold back the real strap and hook the long strap in the strap bar.
Fig. 2. The roll is concealed in the right hand, and hand is held
with back to audience. Proceed to "stretch" the strap, allowing it
to unroll gradually, until the end is reached. Now of course, the
strap is too long!
Take a scissors and while screened by both hands, pretend to
cut the strap to the desired length, and while thus concealed you
unhook the long strap, concealing part of it in your hand, and
return the real strap to its original position.
Remark that the strap may not be exactly the size it was orig­
inally, but you guarantee it to fit.
After performing several effects with a watch and chain, he
decides to make a more streamlined version of it, whereupon he
forms one hand in a fist, and lowers the watch and chain into it.
A moment later, when hand is opened, it is found to have
changed into a complete wrist watch with band!
Watch and chain; Wrist watch and metal band; Spring type
vanishing watch pull as explained under various watch vanishes,
with this addition: actually it's made of two bags, with one of the
bags opening at the top and other bag opening at the bottom.
The bags are sewn together.
To prepare for the effect, place a wrist watch in b ag with the
opening at the bottom. The spring across the opening, of course,
will prevent it from falling out of bag.
To Perform:
Secretly obtain the pull in the right hand after the performance
of some previous effect, in which the watch and chain have been
Apply pressure on top opening of bag and slowly lower the
watch and chain into it. Now place the left hand, several inches
below the right in readiness to catch the wrist watch. Apply pres­
sure on the bottom spring, which will open b ag and release the
wrist watch into the waiting hand below.
While you are staring in surprise at the wrist watch in the left
hand, the right hand releases the pull, causing b ag with its con­
tents to fly away under the coat. Nonchalantly, open the right
hand showing it empty, place watch on wrist.
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B e r land’ s T rick s w ith W atches
Performer borrows a wrist watch. He now takes a small coin
envelope from his pocket, which has been cut down to 2 V2 inches
deep. Fig. 1, Page 58.
The borrowed watch is openly placed in the envelope, how­
ever, although the watch itself is out of sight in the envelope,
both straps are in full view.
Performer now rests the watch on edge of table. Now suddenly,
without warning, he seizes a hard object such as a knife, and
brings it down with a hard blow on the watch, with the resultant
crushing noise.
The watch no doubt has been crushed beyond repair. Per­
former very guiltily removes the watch from the envelope . . . it
is unharmed!
A small coin envelope, sometimes known as pay envelopes.
Cut the length of it down to about 2V2 to 3 inches, also cut a slit
across most of the width of it about an inch from the top. Place a
half cube of sugar in the envelope; and place envelope in pocket.
To Perform:
Borrow the wrist watch, explaining that you can tell time even
when watch is hidden from your sight. This patter is designed to
lead them astray from the real purpose of the envelope. Make
them think you are going to do some mental feat with the watch,
SO' that when you crush it, the effect will be somewhat startling
to them.
Request that they set the watch to any hour, and while they are
doing so, you bring the envelope from the pocket, concealing the
slit from the audience, of course.
Now take the watch from their hands with the face toward
them, "to prove everything is fair". Lower the watch into the en­
velope, really allowing watch to enter the slit and pass to the
outside of the envelope, where it is held in place by the right
thumb. The straps extending from the envelope proves every­
thing to be ordinary. Fig. 2.
The envelope is placed on the edge of table, being sure the
edge of envelope touches the table first, and the watch itself,
guided by the fingers, now rests under the edge of table, out of
harms way.
Make a pretense of getting an "impression” of the number
watch is set to, and pick up a knife to aid you in the "feeling
tone” make a guess at some outlandish time, like 39 minutes, 49
seconds past 6, then failing in the first attempt, ask if you may
have another chance, and try again.
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B erla n d ’ s T rick s w ith W atches
Finally ask the owner what make of watch it is, and get angry:
"a Paskudnik?" no wonder I couldn't do the trick! And with that
you crush the envelope with the knife. The crushing noise of the
sugar is pretty effective. Look sorry, as if you didn't intend to lose
your temper in this manner.
Lift the envelope, bringing the watch safely behind the envel­
ope, and lift it out. Crush envelope and place in pocket, and after
a bit of by-play, pretend to restore the watch and hand back to
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
Herewith is compiled a number of methods that you will require
in the course of performing tricks with watches.
Some of the most practical ideas have been gathered for the
vanish of one and several watches. The methods are not new, but
they have been used over a period of years as standard vanish­
ing devices.
These have been selected because of their simple appearance,
believing an innocent appearing article will be above suspicion.
The first one, I believe, is about the oldest of a l l .........
Two pages from a Liberty magazine are pasted together all
over except for the triangular space, which is left open for the
pocket. However, the edges are pasted on the side, leaving the
top open.
After thus preparing it, replace in your magazine. Now, when
pretending to look around for something in which to wrap a watch
or chain, etc., pick up the magazine, thumb thru it, and tear out
this double sheet.
To Use
Fold the bottom edge as Fig. 2, then fold once again, completing
cornucopia, as Fig. 3.
Place the article to be vanished in the secret pocket. Now open
out paper, show on both sides, and article will have apparently
Clock Spring Top
This is a standard vanisher on the market and can be bought
in most magic shops. This is one of the most ideal vanishers for
the disappearance of watches and etc. from the bare hands. This
is recommended where it is necessary to vanish an article and
leave you hands entirely empty.
The Vanishing Watch Pull is made of black cloth, slightly
larger than a watch, just looks like a small black bag, but it has
a strip of clock spring sewn to the top edge, on each side of bag,
so that the bag always remains closed, because of the tendency
of clock spring to remain straight. However, when the sides of
b ag are squeezed together, the bag is open. Thus an article is
dropped in bag, and as soon as dropped in and pressure re­
leased from sides, it will not fall out. Being attached to an elastic,
it is used as any other kind of vanisher.
Here is a principle that has many possibilities. The idea has
been applied to coins very successfully.
Obtain a piece of catgut and tie a loop so it will hang with
freedom on your first finger; Catgut being invisible on your skin
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B o land’ s T rick s w ith W atches
lends the loop watch to many possibilities of concealment.
loop to ring of watch, so it will not move around, Fig. 3.
Here are a few suggestions:
For Vanish
Grasp the watch as Fig. 3b, with the loop around first finger.
The left hand places a handkerchief over watch. While thus con­
cealed, the watch is allowed to drop on the back of hand, and the
handkerchief is lifted by the center as though holding watch, and
placed between first finger and thumb.
The left hand suddenly grasps a corner and pulls handkerchief
away, watch apparently has vanished, both hands are seen
empty, and handkerchief is shown back and front.
Right hand can be lowered to the side, and watch produced
from knee.
A dded Suggestion:
Use Flash Paper, instead of a handkerchief, pretend to wrap
watch in paper, allowing it to drop on back of hand, and hold
bunched up paper between first finger and thumb. Touch cig­
arette to paper and it vanishes, leaving your empty hand in view.
The effect is startling.
Another tried and true method for the vanishment of small ar­
ticles such as ball, eggs, and very good for watches.
While this is a standard article, and on the market, would sug­
gest you have one made of some fine innocent looking pattern.
The standard variety is made of bandana and looks pretty
The Devil Handkerchief is really made of two handkerchiefs,
sewn all around the edge, and a slit made in the center. Thus an
article placed in the opening while pretending to wrap it in the
center, goes inside the double handkerchief. You may allow
someone to hold it, and when ready for the vanish, all you need
do is yank the handkerchief from his hand.
An improved method has the opening on one of the edges, so
that the handkerchief may be shown on both sides even at close
quarters. Be sure the handkerchief selected has an all over pat­
tern so it conceals the bulge of the vanished article.
This is the best utility apparatus by far for the vanishing of say
a watch and chain, and for the exchange of articles.
The bag is really made double, having two compartments. The
long handle makes it appear impossible to touch the contents of
the bag, however the handle is responsible for the change, a mere
twist opens or closes either compartment.
This is a standard apparatus and is sold in most regular magic
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B erla n d ’s T rick s w ith W atches
Loop Watch
Pa p e r
Co r n u c o p i a
C t-O S E -P -^ ,
c lo t h
Cl o
c k s p r in g
T o p -W a t c h Va n i s h i n g - P
u li
Do u b l e
Ha n d k e r c h i e f
Opeh/wgD e v il
Ch a n g in g
Ha n d k e r c h i e f
r er
Va n
is h e b
H ie d le
P o in t
Ho o k e d
Wa t c h
a ti ci h
ip le
r v M
n B
v ta\ g
r -5*
£ 6 6prSinAcG
No is y
Wa t c h
Win d e r
R e a l Stem C o n ce a le d
B /n g o
- S h o o t in g
De v i c e
Wh e n P u lle d Ou t
ÿ / C lo c k Sp/vng-
H u m o r o u s Watch S tem
P u sh e d In to
Open [n o O f W inder
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
B er i and’ s T rick s w ith W atches
We highly recommend this method for the apparent visible van­
ish of a watch from the hand, leaving hand empty.
The hooked watch is used in several effects and suggest you
have one made, or make it yourself as it is very simple.
Merely cut off part of a needle point, and solder it to the back
of watch, keeping it tilted at an angle so that it will "catch" easily
when brushed against the clothing, etc. Fig. 6, Page 62.
To Perform:
Hold watch in the right hand, between first finger and thumb
(dial toward audience) in front of body.
, Now open hand outward to the .side of body, this brings the
back of watch to audience, bring your hand downward with a
long sweep of the hand. Now bring the hand upward, and as you
do so "brush" the watch against the clothes, which will engage
the "hook" thus catching it on the clothes, where it is left, and
hand continues upward, but it closes so that when hand somes in
view of audience closed hand conveys the impression that watch
is still in the hand. Slowly open the hand and show it empty.
The purpose of the hand coming up closed is to misdirect
them from thinking that you got rid of watch in any pocket.
A simple inexpensive method of vanishing watches, chains, etc.
Made of two bags, a larger outer one and an inner small bag.
Merely glue the smaller bag near the top, fold flat and place on
table or chair.
To Use:
Merely open bag, no need to show it empty, they will believe
you. Drop the articles into the smaller bag, now fill larger bag with
air, and crush it on hand. The broken b ag is evidence that the
articles have vanished. Just crumple and toss aside (where you
can get it later).
This is our old friend the egg bag. Suggest however you have
it made up of black cloth so it forms a contrast to the watch. Also
the bag will keep audience from associating it with the little "red
In construction one side is really double, and the inner wall is
cut short from bottom about an inch. Fig. 8.
To Use.
Turn bag inside out to show it ordinary and place watch inside
of bgg, putting it under short wall, thus getting watch into the
double side. Turn bag upside down, finally turning b ag inside
out to prove it empty.
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)
Recommended for all Sleights, Effects, and Used by
The Author
Light Weight, Realistic . . . each 50c
Opens New Magic Possibilities
Complete Book and Wiztax, $1.00
Extra Supply Wiztax, 25c
Performer reaches in pocket and brings out his watch on chain
visibly the watch is removed from chain . . . and empty chain is
replaced in pocket.
The watch vanishes from hands and is reproduced behind palm.
Again watch is vanished . . . chain is pulled out of pocket . . .
watch has re-appeared on end of chain.
Watch is removed from chain . . . and held at finger tips exposing
full watch and hands empty. Watch is placed in left hand . . .
when hand is opened, watch has diminished to fourth the size!
Miniature watch is placed on trouser leg . . . and it vanishes . . .
appearing in trouser pocket. Passing hand in front of watch, it is
seen to have become its original size. Covering watch for a mo­
ment with palm of hand, it changes to a glass of whiskey! Reach­
ing in the air he produces the watch.
W atch is caused to vanish and is reproduced.
Now watch is held at the finger tips, hands otherwise empty. In
an instant the watch has changed to a silk handkerchief . . . and
at the same time the left hand lifts chain out of pocket . . . watch
has re-appeared on end of chain!
Complete, Watches, etc...... .......... ............................ $3.50
Biblioteca Fundación Juan March (Madrid)