A AfcoN cLoBAL - Ajcon Global Services Limited
A AfcoN cLoBAL - Ajcon Global Services Limited
A AfcoN cLoBAL AJMERA I S O 9 0 0 1 : 2 0 0 8C e r t l f i e d C o m p a n y Gommodit Currenc Ajcon Global Services Limited , l0l, Somortl',off. Hindui!Horp Regd.off. (W6rl,, l5l l-t.Pl{.KolnirRood,lihhim umboi400016.lndio. Tel : 022- 4028M00/ 450.022- 244603?5 tol, 912224460339E-mail: oi([email protected]€t Wehtite : wvrv.oicononlin6.(om, ww.pydrdpoi$.com Advisory Services (Listing), The[,,lanager Deparlment of corporale services, Bombay SlockExchange Limited, Mumbai. Items) (of Rs. l0/- each) (not ffih tn - encun lrnlerot Snares - -Percentatge of shares (as a % ol $e btal shareholdinqof promotersand promotergroup) --Perceniatge of shares(asa % of the total iharecaDitalof lhe company) Particulara 35531001 3553100 3296099 100 100 100 58.0S 58.0S 53.8S '100 58.09 quaner ended BUO6nOl2l AINTS ro atthe beqinningofthe quaner reouaner requaner 10 Unlesolvedal the end ofthe quaner Notes: 2012' heldon 14thAugust, bytheBoardin itsmeeting andapproved bylheauditcommittee havebeeneviewedandrecommended i Theaboveresults lesults' fnanoal of above unaudiled Limited Review out 2 TheStatutoryAuditorshavecarfled Pvt Ltd secudties BokersLtd andKanchanmanik commodity fguresof thesubsidiaesnamelyAjcon ,esunsinclude i conJiaatednnanciat BrokersLtd, an NBFCis considereda6 operatingcost AjconCommodity to subsidiaryCompany, 4 ihe tnterestexpensespertraining services Financial segmentviz in a singlebusiness operates 5 Thecompany vl ofthe schedule as perthe€visedformatol amended whe€ necessary, period;re reotassified /re-arranged/re{rouped, 6 iigrr"" f;, thi p,"uioua 1956 Act, Companies By Oder oI the Board Date: 14108/20!2 f or AjconGlobalServlcesLrd //o!;= Place:Mumbai :44, wuo...\ Directorl'\ ehffrman& Managlng -., (B.S.E) ScripCode:sl1692 -{t.gi ) X
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