Crystal Polymorphism in Hydrophobically Nanoconfined Water
Crystal Polymorphism in Hydrophobically Nanoconfined Water
Crystal Polymorphism in Hydrophobically Nanoconfined Water O. Vilanova, G. Franzese Universitat de Barcelona Water’s phase diagram Phase diagram of bulk water presents up to 15 different phases Typical H2O Molecular Models used in simulations These models have a L-J interaction and an electrostatic term of point charges qi , qj . Eab = ona X onb X kC qi qj i j rij + A B − 6 12 rOO rOO a) 3-site model like in SPC, SPC/E, TIP3P; b) 4-site PPC; c) 4-site TIP4P; d) 5-site TIP5P (1) Molecular Dynamics in a Water Monolayer Molecular Dynamics simulations show different structures of confined water depending on the confining plates separation h. (Zangi & Mark, 2003) MD simulations using TIP5P a) Monolayer liquid water h = 0.47 nm b) Monolayer ice water h = 0.53 nm c) Bilayer liquid water h = 0.58 nm Coarse Grained model for Water Consider a cell model in a square lattice with one molecule per cell. Molecules can form hydrogen bonds when their facing arms are in same state (shown as colors in the figure). j k i rmax Coarse Grained model for Water II We associate an increase of the total volume due to the formation of HB. Add a contribution P vHB NHB to the enthalpy. Low density High density (Soper,2008). Spacial distribution function g(r, θ, φ) for low (top) and high (bottom) density water. In f), the second shell of nearest neighbors collapses and is almost coincident with the inner shell. Original Model Lennard-Jones potential as the oxigen-oxigen interaction of different molecules: # " X r0 12 r0 6 − HVW ≡ ε rij rij i<j ULJ 0 -ε/4 r0 rij Original Model Directional HB term, as the energy gain due to the formation of a HB between facing arms of neighbor molecules: X HHB ≡ −J βij = −JNHB hi,ji with βij = δσij ,σji Θ(rij − rmax ) and σij ∈ {1, 2, ...6}. σji σij j rmax i σik σki k Example: Molecules i and j can form a HB: δσij ,σji = 1 and Θ(rij − rmax ) = 1 → βij = 1 Molecules i and k can not: δσik ,σki = 1 but Θ(rij − rmax ) = 0 → βij = 0 Original Model Cooperative HB term, energy gain (at low temperature) due to the orientational ordering of the Hydrogen Bonds network: XX Hcoop ≡ −Jσ δσik ,σil i a) σa4 b) σb4 (k,l)i σa3 σa2 σa1 σb3 σb2 σb1 Example: Molecule a has energy: ECoop,a = −Jσ (δσa1 ,σa2 + δσa1 ,σa3 + · · · ) = 0 Molecule b has energy: ECoop,b = −Jσ (δσb1 ,σb2 + δσb1 ,σb3 + · · · ) = −3Jσ Extension to the Model Three body O-O-O angular interaction between triplets of nearest neighbor moleculs, due to the positional ordering induced by the Hydrogen Bonds network: X X i Hθ ≡ Jθ βik βil cos(4θkl − π) i j θijk i k hhk,liii Computer Simulation Details We perform efficient Monte Carlo simulations using hybrid Wolff-Metropolis algorithm N ∼ 1000 − 10000 molecules at constant P and T Variables: 4N bond indices σij + N coordinate vectors ~ri + total volume V 1 MC step = 5N + 1 Metropolis updates + 5 cluster updates σij,old → σij,new = Rand[1, 6] ~ri,old → ~ri,new , where rxi,new = rxi,old + Rand[−δr, δr] Vold → Vnew , where Vnew = Vold + Rand[−δV, δV ] Accept an attemp change if ∆G < 0 or e−β∆G < Rand[0, 1] ∆G = ∆H − T ∆S = ∆U + P ∆V − T log(Vnew /Vold ) Phase Diagram I Parameter set: = 1, J = 0.5, Jσ = 0.1, Jθ = 0.3 Phase Diagram II Parameter set: = 1, J = 0.75, Jσ = 0.1, Jθ = 0.2 P T Phase Diagram Pressure P[ / 3] 1.8 1.6 1.4 Triangular crystal 1.2 1 |φ4| > 0.8 |φ6| > 0.8 min[g(r)] = 0 TMD max[CP] max[CPJ] max[CPθ] Liquid 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Square crystal 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 Temperature T[ /kB] Triple point Liquid-liquid Critical point Liquid-gas Critical point Radial Distribution Function g(r) ≡ 1 X δ(r − rij ) ρ2 V i6=j P(r < rij < r+dr) ∝ g(r)2πrdr Figure: RDF of three different phases. Radial Distribu on Func on Structure at Low Pressure 4. 5 T=0.30 T=0.15 T=0.09 4 3. 5 3 2. 5 2 1. 5 1 0. 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Distance T=0.09 T=0.15 T=0.30 Orienta onal + Transla onal Square order Orienta onal Square order No order Radial Distribu on Func on Structure at High Pressure 5 T=0.40 T=0.35 T=0.20 4. 5 4 3. 5 3 2. 5 2 1. 5 1 0. 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 Distance T=0.20 T=0.35 T=0.40 Orienta onal + Transla onal Triangular order Orienta onal Triangular order No order Conclusions We perform efficient Monte Carlo simulations of a coarse-grain model of water and find two forms of ice. The low density crystal phase has square symmetry as in MD simulations. At high pressure, the high density solid phase is hexatic and separates a triangular crystalline phase from the liquid. By tuning the parameters, we can induce crystallization at higher or lower temperatures or pressures, or move the LLCP inside or outside the liquid region. So we can predict different scenarios in the phase diagram.