O.A.M - Topex
O.A.M - Topex
VOXELL OPERATING MANUAL 2008 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual TOPEX is a group of Romanian companies, founded in 1990, by 10 enthusiastic engineers experienced in telecommunications. Its activity is directed to the research, development and production of telecom equipment as well as service for them. TOPEX becomes very quick the most important supplier of IT&C solutions for small to large companies as well as for telecommunications operators and providers in Romania. The company designs equipment for all existing mobile systems (GSM, CDMA), including 3G+ technologies. TOPEX is represented all over Romania by a wide network of local distributors through which the promotion, administration and product maintenance are running. Due to our innovation power, authentic flexibility, real respect for our partners and secure solutions that we provide TOPEX extended its business worldwide. Currently TOPEX delivers its products through its distributors to: Italy, France, Spain, Greece, Spain, Holland, Republic of Moldova, Bulgaria, Nigeria, Russia, UK, Turkey, etc. In order to achieve effective and flawless manufacturing for its products, TOPEX has carefully organized its Research and Development Department along with its production facility. This allows TOPEX to have maximum control of all the processes involved in the complex operations related to high-technology electronic manufacturing. At the present time, the Research and Development Department counts 30 specialists and the trend is ascending. TOPEX also considered the training and the service as part of the solutions it provides. Therefore, comprehensive trainings are organized at Topex Factory, complimentary for the company’s clients. Service is also provided via Internet, as all Topex solutions are designed especially to allow this, at the lowest cost. TOPEX has implemented the quality management system according ISO9001 standard certified by SRAC since 1997, respectively by IQNET since 2002. TOPEX become a sector member of I.T.U. (International Telecommunication Union) since 2001. For more details please visit www.topex.ro 1 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual CONTENTS: 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION ...................................... 4 1.1. Usage .................................................................. 4 1.2. Installing the program ....................................... 4 1.3. Menu description for OAM application................ 7 1.4. Icons description................................................ 8 1.5. Tree structure options ..................................... 10 1.6. Option „Language selection”.......................... 12 1.7. Status bar.......................................................... 12 1.8 Display Windows .............................................. 14 1.9. Files ................................................................... 16 1.10 Password protected mode ............................ 18 1.11 Details about installing the OAM application .. 21 2. CONNECTING Commands ................................... 25 2.1. Steps for Connecting........................................... 25 2.2. “Connect to Modify” and “Connect to View” 26 2.3 Programming Area................................................ 31 2.4. "UMTS Info"...................................................... 44 2.5. SMS Info ........................................................... 47 3. MENU DESCRIPTION .......................................... 67 3.1 Systems ............................................................. 67 3.2. Facilities ............................................................ 70 3.3 About .................................................................. 76 3.4 HELP .................................................................. 76 3.5. Exit ..................................................................... 78 4. OTHER COMMANDS OF THE TREE STRUCTURE ................................................................................... 78 4.1. Disconnect ........................................................ 78 4.2 Modify parameters............................................ 79 4.3. Last Configuration ........................................... 81 4.4 Log Files............................................................. 82 5. Glossary ................................................................ 85 Revision E, edition 2008. 2 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual IMPORTANT NOTES: There are several configuration parameters that are country and provider speciffic. They are found as default settings of the OAM program and also on the installation CD. These paramaters are used for the Dial-up GPRS or UMTS connection: the phone number of the operator for yours voice/data mobile network (data provider), the user name and the password for log-in, and additional AT commands. The default values for the fist three parameters are: *99***1# internet.vodafone.ro vodafone The default initialization AT command string is: "at+cgdcont=1,""ip"",""internet.vodafone.ro""" Remember, you must replace the above values of the parameters for data connection with the actual values issued by the local carrier you are using! 3 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual 1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION 1.1. Usage The OAM (Operation, Administration and Maintenance) program is intended for the configuration and administration of the Topex equipment “Voxell” via its USB port. In addition, the program allows you to send and receive SMS messages from the computer that is connected to the equipment or to perform SMS to e-mail and e-mail to SMS automated conversions. The CD installation, supplied in the Voxell package, includes the OAM program called "Voxell.exe". This self-content Win32 application runs on Windows 98/ 2000 /XP operating systems. On the CD, you will also find the documentation (installation and operation manuals, help file) By means of the OAM application you may administrate (configure) up to 20 different Voxell 3G devices. The OAM program will connect to one or another of the Voxell equipments, allowing you to see or to change the settings for each one, and also to send or receive SMS messages to/from the mobile network. Each Voxell system connected to the OAM program uses a different directory for its configuration files. 1.2. Installing the program The OAM program Voxell.exe may run on any desktop PC or notebook that does fulfill the following minimal requirements: - Operating system: Windows 95 or later versions - Minimum processor 486 - Recommended minimum 500 MB free space on HDD - Minimum 32 MB of RAM - One USB port free (available) - Graphics resolution 1024 by 768 pixels - colors High Color (16bit) or True Color (32bit) The relatively large space on the hard disk is not for the program itself but rather for the configuration, working and log files that will be created during the operation of the Voxell equipment. 4 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual Warning! In order for the communication between PC and equipment to operate, it is required that the PC has installed the USB driver specific for the equipment. The installation procedure (automated or manually) is described in the User Manual of the equipment. The USB cable, which in case of Internet connection is used for data transfer, is now employed for communication between the OAM program running on your computer and the Voxell equipment. If you have correctly performed the operations described in the chapter „Achieving an Internet Connection” from the User Manual, the communication link from PC to equipment is ensured, so you can use the OAM program. To install the OAM program on a desktop PC or a laptop, insert the installation CD-ROM into the CD drive unit and copy the structure of folders and files to your hard disk drive. Then run the file Voxell.exe from the directory on your hard disk. The program includes an on-line help (in English). The names of the windows, menus and icons and the system messages can be displayed in several languages: English, Romanian, or French. The OAM application makes use of a tree-like (branching) structure, since it allows configuring and maintenance of a maximum of 20 different Topex VOXELL units. Each of these Topex VOXELL systems uses a different directory „branch” for its configuration (settings) and working files. In order to connect the Topex VOXELL system to the computer where the OAM software is running, you should use a standard USB (A-B) cable (also found in the package of the equipment). This cable features an USB B connector at one end, which will be inserted into the female USB B connector of the Topex VOXELL unit. The opposite end of the cable has a connector type USB-A. 5 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual This is for connecting to the USB ( ) port of the computer that you use for configuring and managing the Topex VOXELL equipment, as shown in the image below: The same USB cable is used to ensure wireless connection of your PC to the Internet via GSM/GPRS/UMTS network. Should your PC or notebook have all USB ports already in use, you may need an USB hub to “multiply” the number of USB slots available. Structure of the graphic interface The screen of the OAM program includes several elements: - Menu Bar - Toolbar (a set of buttons with icons) - tree commands (Connect, Lading, Parameters) - different „Programming Area” or „Info” screens (for SMS, for UMTS module, for FXS or FXO telephony interface). All these elements of the Voxell.exe program will be described in the paragraphs that follow. Then, concluding the first chapter, you will see a paragraph detailing issues of the program’s installation. 6 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual 1.3. Menu description for OAM application The menu bar of the OAM program, located on top, includes these items: Systems, Facilities, About, Help and Exit. Systems - Add Adds a new Voxell equipment (system) to the treelike structure - Remove Removes (eliminates) from the structure the selected Voxell system Facilities Selects the font type, style and size for the text in the windows that display configurations: "Modify Configuration" "View Configuration" "Analyzing UMTS module" "Analyzing SMS Info" "Last Configuration" - Font Each of these windows has a correspondent into a selection performed over a tree command: - "Connect to Modify...", - "Connect to View...", - "UMTS Info" - "SMS Info" - "Last Configuration"; - Color signification Shows the significance of colors used in windows that display configurations. Colors are used in the representation of the UMTS module, FXO/FXS interfaces. You can change these colors according to your preferences. - View print files Opens a window in which you may see the text files in which other text files or data information have been printed using the button "Print" (or icon "Print") About Shows the software version, such as 1.xy Help Opens up the window with the help files for the OAM program Exit Exit from the OAM program "Voxell.exe” 7 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual 1.4. Icons description The toolbar with button icons is located below the Menu. Some of the buttons are equivalent to options from the Menu or from Systems. The icons toolbar is dynamic, its aspect differs according to the state of connection of the Topex VOXELL systems. Definition of the icon buttons: Icon Name/Equivalent Significance to Systems > Add Adds a new Topex VOXELL system in the arborescent structure Systems > Eliminate Removes a system from the structure; Print Prints the files, either to the printer or in a text file Find Defines text to search for Find next Finds next occurrence of the searched string Save current configuration Saves the configuration; works only in connected state – (option "Connect To Modify...") Loading configuration Loads a saved configuration; also works only in connected state - option "Connect To Modify..." Password mode Starts / stops operation in password protected mode Users Allows definition of users for OAM software (for password protected mode of operation) Login Allows access to the commands of the OAM program (connect, modify, loading software image) based upon the user’s settings. Active in the Password protected mode of work. About from the menu Shows info about program About from the menu Shows Help file Exit from the menu Exits the OAM program 8 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual The toolbar with button icons is dynamic, its aspect changes according to actions performed by the user. Depending upon the connection state, the OAM toolbar software can look like this: One Topex VOXELL system connected, all icons with options are available. Viewing files for a system, only these icons are available None of the above situations (no Topex VOXELL system is connected) In different states of connection, some icon options may be available or not: when you are connected to a Topex VOXELL system, you can see and modify its configuration. When you use a „Connect to View” link, you are not allowed to perform changes, so the „Modify” icons are not available. Finally, if no Topex VOXELL equipment is connected, the „Password” and „Login” icons are visible – when you are already connected to a system, you no longer need those two icon options. 9 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual 1.5. Tree structure options The OAM application for Topex VOXELL makes use of a tree-like (branching) structure to launch actions over the selected Voxell interface (Voxell system). As you see in the image to the left, the „tree” for each Voxell system has several „branches”, which are the commands: Connect To, UMTS Info, SMS Info, Loading, Disconnect, Parameters and so on. Through the OAM program, you can configure and manage maximum 20 different Voxell equipments. Each of these systems has an associated directory folder (in the same location with the application executable "Voxell.exe" and a subdirectory for the log and authentication files. All systems can be sequentially accessed via USB cable in order to be configured and maintained (of course, you may connect only to one equipment at a time). The OAM program sees the Voxell systems in a tree-like structure, where each equipment has its own „branches”. You can perform settings upon the first (default) configuration or save a configuration and then load it on the next Voxell, etc. The commands of this tree-like structure are explained in the next paragraph. 10 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual Description of the tree structure commands: cfg_ Significance Connect To Modify... Initiates a connection to the selected system in order to download system configuration and perform changes over it; Connect To View... Connects to the selected Voxell system in order to download the system configuration and view it; You can only see the configuration files, you are not allowed to change them! UMTS Info Initiates a connection to the selected Topex Topex VOXELL system and allows the analysis of GSM/UMTS module. SMS Info Initiates a connection to the selected Topex Topex VOXELL system and allows you to send and receive SMS messages from the computer; Loading Image File Initiates a connection with the equipment and loads a new software image (another image of the application software) into that system; Disconnect... Breaks the connection to the system if this connection was on; it is used to terminate the connection in each of the cases shown above Parameters Displays the parameters of the connection to the UMTS system; Allows you to change these communication parameters; Displays the latest (most recent) Last configuration configuration received at the time of last status inquiry to the system; Log Displays the log and lch (changes) files for the Topex VOXELL system; Note. The OAM program can be connected to only ONE Voxell system at any given moment. The command "Disconnect..." allows breaking the existing connection to a system; if the user selects another connecting option for the same Voxell system, then OAM application will break the previous connection and make a new connection, of the type you specified. 11 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual 1.6. Option „Language selection” You may select the language used for information display. On the bar with the icon buttons, in the upper right corner of the screen, there is also a listbox ( ) that allows you to change the language that is used in all menus, dialog boxes, windows and messages of the program. The default language is English, shown by the corresponding flag. You may select the language English, French or Romanian: - English - French - Romanian The default is for English; if you change this, all titles and dialogs will be shown in the other language, for instace Romanian: 1.7. Status bar The status bar of the OAM program (displayed at the bottom of the screen) is divided into seven columns. See below illustration of the first and last part of the status bar. ... The first three columns (starting from the left side) display indicators for supervising a connection. These three fields are filled only in a state of connection between the OAM software "Voxell.exe" and a Voxell equipment, else they are empty. A state of connection (between the OAM software and the UMTS system) can occur if you have selected one of the following options: -"Connect To Modify..." or "Connect To View...","UMTS Info" or "SMS Info"- "Loading Image File".. " or “ “ The first column " indicates the number of commands that will be sent to the Topex VOXELL system. Every modification (changes of system configuration) or data request that is performed on the system is translated into commands. Those commands are sent to the Topex Topex VOXELL equipment; 12 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual The second the third columns show protocol messages. The protocol is implemented between the OAM software running on your PC and the Topex VOXELL system that connected to that PC. The second column contains messages which begin with character ">" and corresponds to the messages sent from the OAM software to the 3G equipment. The third column contains messages that begin with character "<" and correspond to the messages received by the OAM software from the system. In the above image of the status bar you may see in this column “<Read Category”, meaning that the category of the Voxell voice and data UMTS interface is read. The fourth column displays the date and time of the computer system where the OAM program is running. Date format is dd-mmyyyy and hour format is hh-mm-ss (example: "); " The fifth column is used to indicate the length of the SMS2MAIL queue (converts SMS into e-mail messages). The queue accepts maximum 1.000 (one thousand) messages. Likewise, the sixth column is used to indicate the length of the MAIL2SMS queue (conversion from e-mail messages to SMS). This queue also accepts maximum 1.000 messages. Finally, the seventh and rightmost column is a color indicator for the connection: - light blue (" ") when the OAM program Voxell.exe is connected to a UMTS unit; and respectively red (" ") if the program is NOT connected to a system. 13 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual 1.8 Display Windows Please note that the panel located to right side of the tree-like structure is used by two different types of windows. i) The first type of window is used for displaying the configuration of the Topex VOXELL system: it is a result of one of the following commands: - "Connect to Modify...", - "Connect to View...", - "UMTS Info", - "SMS Info" or - "Last Configuration". In those windows, the right mouse button is used as follows: - for the windows "Modify Configuration”,” Viewing Configuration", "Analyzing UMTS module" and "Analyzing SMS Info" the USB port is opened. If you click the right mouse button over the status bar, a message ("Do you wish to disconnect?") will be displayed, asking you if you want to disconnect the connection to the VOXELL equipment. - for the second case, when "Last Configuration" window is displayed, the right mouse button is used to hide the window. The confirmation message asks you: "Do you wish to hide last configuration?” 14 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual All those windows include in the title bar the name of the Topex VOXELL system to which you connected to modify or to view/viewed, as shown in the three examples below: For the windows "Modify Configuration”, “Viewing Configuration", "Analyzing UMTS modules" and "Analyzing SMS Info", only a click upon the tree command called "Disconnect" for the Voxell system that is connected or viewed will caused the disconnection of the link between OAM and the connected system for the windows. In the second case, the same "Disconnect" command will cause the display of the "Do you wish to hide configuration?" message. ii) The second kind of window is the one used to display the log files, as a result of an action over the "Log" tree option. In this situation, the title of the window includes the words "Local Viewer" and the name of the respective system. As shown in the examples below: 15 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual A right-click with the mouse will cause the message "Do you wish to hide?" to be displayed. The content of that second window can be updated with other data simply by selecting another option from the tree structure. Note 1): if any of the following commands: "Connect To Modify...", "Connect To View...", "UMTS Info", "SMS Info" and "Last configuration" is used while "Local Viewer" window is displayed, then the "Local Viewer" window will be hidden. Note 2): if "Local Viewer" command is used while any kind of window from the first type presented is displayed, then the "Local Viewer" window will be displayed over the other window. So the user must hide (using the right mouse button) the "Local Viewer" window in order to see again the window that was displayed before (and which is now hidden below, under the current window). 1.9. Files Like any OAM program, Voxell.exe uses several types of files: for events, for saving current configuration (your settings), system software image file (application software to be sent to a Voxell unit), etc. 16 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual The log files are saved in the "Log" subdirectory for each Voxell system: they contain the moments of time for the connections to the system, the configuration read from the system and any modification performed on that configuration. The configuration of a Voxell system can be downloaded and saved in a file named by the user. The file will have extension "cfg" and will be located in the "CONFIG" directory, in the same place where the program " Voxell.exe" is located. After you save the configuration of one equipment, you can load it into several other devices. As you see in the listing above, there are two kind of configuration files: the ones created automatically by the OAM program when you shut it down to save the ”last configuration”: lastcfg1, lastcfg2 … and the ones created by the customor with specific names: TOPR1, DOBRE2, ORG3+ … etc. The software image file has "hex" extension. It is a downloadable image of the software application that runs on the Voxell equipment. Such kind of file can be located anywhere on the HDD of your computer. The user will open the file from a dialog window and then the software image will be send into the respective Voxell equipment. Login files are used to record information about which user was logged in or logged out of the system. It is a text file, it contains listings of the moments of time, the name of the user and the action performed (Connect / Disconnect). 17 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual 1.10 Password protected mode The OAM software includes a multiple (hierarchical) password protection implementation. This Password-protected mode of operation is useful when several users are working together with the "Voxell.exe" software and certain actions over the Topex VOXELL system(s) must be performed carefully. According to the hierarchy, different users may have different access rights. The implementation assumes that one user is the administrator of the OAM software and the first step must be to create such a privileged user. The icons that refer to the password mode of operation are the following: By default, the OAM application displays the first and second icon as being inhibited (not active). After you define the administrator, you will be allowed access to the first icon (" "). In order to create an administrator you must choose the option "User definition" (" "). You enter the default password "umts" in the access password window, then the next image will appear to tell you that you must enter the identification data for the administrator: Press the button "OK" to confirm, then you may enter the settings for the users of the OAM program: 18 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual In the beginning, the list is empty, so you must first add a user to the list by selecting the "Add" button to the right. Afterwards, you may delete or edit the already existing users: For the administrator, the two boxes for allowed „Rights” are already selected. Of course, the administrator of the Topex system must have all the rights! The right "Changes allowed" ensures full access to all of the tree structure commands (meaning permission to change the configuration of the of the system). The right "Views allowed" ensures access to the View Configuration command and also to the Disconnect command. For each new user, two fields must be always filled: "Name" and associated "Password". An additional window is used to confirm name and password. 19 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual Only the administrator can perform actions over definition of users. He can add, edit and delete other users. There is a restriction that specifies that the administrator cannot be deleted. Once the definition of an administrator is done, the subsequent access to the icon "Users definition" ( ) will require administrator name and password: Also, when you selected the option "Password mode" (icon showing a lock " ”) the administrator name and password is required. Operation in Protected mode is indicated on the title bar of the OAM software by the words "protected mode" showing up to the rightmost position (at the end). From this moment on the protected mode is started. Each launching of the Voxell.exe application is protected by the login window. If the name or password you entered are not accepted - then the "Voxell.exe" application will exit (will not be launched).When an user is logged to a Voxell syst em, this is shown by the word "user" followed by his name, which are added to the title bar. Note that users with the right "Changes allowed" has access to all of the tree-like commands, so they see on the screen all the branches of the tree-like structure. However, the users with the right "Views allowed" have access only to the command for viewing the configuration, "UMTS Info" and "SMS Info" commands and to the "Disconnect" command. 20 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual Thus this user won’t be able to see the whole treelike structure, he will see just these four options: To log out of an equipment, you should click the same " " icon. The word "user" will disappear from the title bar of the application. The user logout from the system is performed when the OAM application is stopped. All log-ins and log-outs operations are saved into a file called "login.txt". Further on you have an example of content for the file "login.txt". As you see, there are saved the moments of time, the information about the users and the operation performed (connect / Disconnect). 11-05-2005 11:14:42 User 2 has connected to the system 11-05-2005 11:14:51 User 2 disconnected from system 11-05-2005 11:14:53 User 1 has connected to the system 11-05-2005 11:15:00 User 1 disconnected from system 1.11 Details about installing the OAM application Before establishing a first connection to an Voxell interface, you must first perform all the steps shown in chapter “Achieving an Internet Connection” of the User’s Manual for this product. Most important, you must be sure that the USB driver has been installed on the PC or notebook that you use. This is required because the USB connection of the equipment is used both for high-speed data transfer over the UMTS network and for administration of the equipment by means of the OAM program. 0 When you install the Internet connection, note the COM port (for example COM5) where the Topex VOXELL interface is installed, since the respective port will be used by the OAM application to communicate with the equipment. 21 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual If you don’t remember the port, use the command Start>Control Panel>System >Hardware>Dev ice Manager>Ports: Among the COM and LPT ports listed, you should see the “Prolific USB-to-Serial Comm Port” where Voxell is connected: 22 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual In the above example, the port COM3 is used, so this is the number of the COM port you must specify for the connection between OAMprogram and Voxell device. To begin, you must add a Voxell interface to the tree-like structure of connections (see paragraph 6.11). Select the options Systems->Add. To ensure communication with the respective Voxell interface, in the field “Serial Parameters” you must select the number of the serial port where the USB driver was installed. You should remember this COM port number form the chapter „Achievement of an Internet connection” of the User’s Manual. If you don’t specify the correct COM port, you will get an error message like this: 23 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual Before you achieve the first connection to a Topex VOXELL system, you should decide whether to use or not the password protected (hierarchical) mode of operation, which is shown in chapter 2.8. If you decide NOT to use the password mode, then you can go directly to the achievement of a connection to the respective Topex VOXELL system. Options for connection: There are three basic types of options for connection, respectively: Connecting for making changes over the configuration or just viewing the configuration (chapter 2.2) Loading a new software image (chapter 5) Settings related to the “analysis” of the UMTS module and of the SIM card (IMSI, IMEI codes and the operator where the SIM is registered - chapter 3), or sending / receiving SMS messages. All these options are valid only if the Voxell equipment has inserted a SIM card that is registered to the mobile network. If you decide to use the password-protected mode, then you must follow the procedure described in chapter 1.10, that is: – Define an administrator, then add one or several users – Go to the password-protected mode of operation – Quit (exit from) the OAM application – From now on, when you start again the OAM application, the password-protected mode of work is active, so you may go on to connect to a Topex VOXELL interface. 24 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual 2. CONNECTING Commands 2.1. Steps for Connecting Please note that there are five kinds of possible connections to a Topex VOXELL system: (a)- "Connect To Modify..." (b)- "Connect To View..." (c)- "UMTS Info" (d)- "SMS Info" (e)- "Loading new image" Both option (a) and option (b) allow the user to connect to a Voxell equipment and download the configuration. For option (a) the downloading of the configuration data is protected by a password. If the password is recognize by the equipment, the downloading process is started. Then the user will be able to perform changes over the configuration. Options (c) and (d) are used without a password request and imply only actions that can be done over the UMTS module. Information about the SIM card and the GSM/GPRS/UMTS module can de shown, SMS may be sent or received, the SMS to email and mail to SMS functions can be used. Finally, Option (d) allows the user to load a new image file (a new application software) into the Voxell 3G system. See later on details about loading a new image file. Once the password is recognized by the Voxell voice and data UMTS interface - as a result of a connection started by the a) or e) options - the password is not required to the user anymore - it is automatically filled by vxell OAM application. 25 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual 2.2. “Connect to Modify” and “Connect to View” To achieve this kind of connection, first click on the "Connect" action you want to perform. In case of a connection to make changes over the system configuration (command "Connect To Modify..."), when the USB connection is successfully established with the Topex VOXELL system, a authentication window will show up: The login procedure on the remote equipment will ask you for the password. By pressing <ENTER> you will validate the password and close the "Login Window". This window is displayed only for the first connection made to the Voxell system or after several authentication errors. The user can abort the login procedure by typing the <ESC> key in the "Login Window". In case of unsuccessfully login (password mismatch), the password will be asked one more time. The message, which shows the unsuccessful login, is "Authentication failed". The total number of attempts to login into the Topex VOXELL system is four. If the total number of attempts is exceeded, you will see an error message indication "Passing Authentication Retry Error In the case of a connection successfully established, a dialog box will show up while the OAM program tries to download the configuration information. These are the settings for the GSM/GPRS/UMTS module (including info about PIN code), for the FxS/FxO telephony interface, and the version of the application that runs on the respective system Topex VOXELL. The OAM application will download the UMTS, FXS/FXO settings and the version of the firmware image. 26 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual Note1: the OAM program communicates with the connected Topex VOXELL system by sending and receiving messages. Each message send from the OAM software must be confirmed by the system. If the confirmation message is not received, then the OAM software resends the last sent message. There is a total number of four retries that can occur, after which an error message will be displayed: "Passing Connection Retry Error". Note2: If you are already connected to one Topex VOXELL system, you cannot connect to a different system; you must first disconnect from the first one. See more about the "Disconnect…" command. Note 3: You can be connected only to ONE Voxell system at a time! If you are already connected to one Voxell system, you cannot connect directly to a different device; you must first break the connection to the first system, by using the Disconnect command. Note 4: The „Password” window mentioned above is displayed only the FIRST time you connect to the system or in case of successive authentication errors. Such errors can occur, for instance, when you switch the devices. Suppose you have at least two connections with two different Voxell devices that may be connected to the same PC, and each Voxell has its own password. Normally, you use connection 1 for the equipment 1, and connection If by mistake you physically switch the two devices (you place equipment 2 on connection1, but this equipment needs a different password from the one stored by the OAM application for the respective position) an error will occur. This is what happens: i) first, the authentication error is signaled, you will see the message "Authentication failed". ii) then the OAM program attempts up to four times to connect, then gives up and displays the message "Passing Authentication Retry Error". iii) finally, the Password window shows up, allowing you to enter the correct password for the new system (no 2). iv) further on, if you keep the correct connections, the Password window doesn’t show up anymore, you are no longer required to enter the password, because it is stored by the OAM program. 27 OAM Program „voxell.exe” 2.2.1. "Modify Operating Manual Configuration" and "View Configuration” windows Once the configuration is downloaded, it will be displayed in the right pane of the "Modify Configuration" window (case (a) or the "Viewing Configuration" window (case (b). The user can view and respectively change the current configuration (settings) of the Voxell equipment that is connected to the OAM program. The next screen shows up: In the previous image you will notice: - on top, the Menu bar with names such as "Systems", "Facilities", "About", "Help" and "Exit"; - underneath it, a toolbar with different buttons marked with icons; 28 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual - to the left, on yellow background, the tree-like structure of installed Topex VOXELL interfaces - the right panel, blue, which is the main window; - the upper right corner of the OAM screen displays the flag corresponding to the language selected for display of menus, titles of windows, messages, etc. - at the bottom, the status bar, with its seven columns. Their meaning has already been described. 29 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual The blue configuration zone - "Programming Area" allows you to program the Voxell unit (establish the settings for it). In the Programming Area there are shwn two rectangles, representing the UMTS port and respectively the FxO/FxS interface. Also in this area you can see the signal level and you may select the "Password" option. The "Password" option is used to change the password used to connect to a Voxell system for modifications. “Programming Area” shows a graphic representation of the GSM/GPRS/UMTS/HSDPA module and of the telephony interface type FXS or FXO. Firmware version The bottom right corner of the programming zone shows in dark blue on the light blue background the version of the application software running on the Voxell device (not to be confused with the version of the OAM program that runs on your PC). The format is "Voxell 3G x.xx.x", where x.xx.x is the version, such as 1.18.1. or respectively 3.20.cnx in the examples to the right. 30 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual 2.3 Programming Area The window “Programming Area” looks like this: On five seconds intervals the OAM application Voxell.exe queries the state of the GSM/GPRS/UMTS module and of the FXS/FXO port. The status is shown on the representation of the device, such as „REGISTERED-2G”, „REGISTERED-3G”, „SPEAKING”, „STANDBY” etc. Depending upon the state that the module is in, the color of the rectangle will change accordingly. Level of the mobile signal Between the rectangle representing the "UMTS" module and the rectangle showing the FXS/FXO interface, the level of the GSM/GPRS/UMTS/HSDPA signal is displayed as a bar graph. The signal level is expressed on a scale from 0 to 31. The reading of the RF level is updated also every five seconds. 31 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual UMTS module The UMTS module can go through one of the following states: - STANDBY - the background is colored in dark blue - INITIALISING - background is colored in white - MISSING SIM - background is colored in red - PIN CODE - background is colored in red - PUK CODE - background is colored in red - OP. FORBIDDEN (forbidden operator) - background is colored in red - UNREGISTERED - background is colored in red - TRYING - background is colored in red - REGISTERED – either to a 2G mobile network or to the 3G network, the background is colored in dark blue 32 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual FXO/FXS Interface The FXS/FXO telephony interface can go through one of the following states: - STANDBY - the background is colored in dark blue - INCOMING CALL - background is colored in white - MAKING DIGITS - background is colored in white - OUTGOING CALL - background is colored in white - SPEAKING - the background is colored in dark blue - BRELEASE (side B closed, is expecting that A side to close) background is colored in white. The UMTS module as well as the FXS or FXO interface can be configured by clicking the left mouse button over the respective rectangles. 33 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual 2.3.1. Configuring the UMTS module To configure the mobile module (GSM/GPRS/UMTS) click with the left mouse button over the rectangle showing the UMTS module. The “UMTS Port Settings” window shows up, allowing you to specify the operating parameters for the respective mobile module: Category CLIR - Caller ID restriction. If this option is checked then the identity of the caller will not be sent (identity restricted). The identification number corresponding to the SIM used in the UMTS module will NOT be sent out to the called party; Changing PIN –Topex VOXELL changes the PIN code of the SIM card. If the SIM has activated the option "PIN code request" and the value of PIN different from the value stored by Topex VOXELL, then the equipment will generate a random value of PIN code. This will become the new PIN code of the SIM. This setting is for „antiefraction” purpose, it prevents the usage of the SIM card on another mobile phone or GSM/GPRS/UMTS module; IN – input, port used for incoming calls; if this option is disabled then no incoming call will be accepted from the GSM/UMTS network on this module; If you do NOT want to allow incoming calls on the UMTS module, the best method is to disable the "IN" checkbox; 34 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual OUT - output, the port will be used for outgoing calls; if this box is not checked, you won’t be able to make outgoing calls through the UMTS port. In order to be able to initiate a call to the mobile network via the GSM/GPRS/UMTS module of the Voxell equipment, the box OUT must be checked; PIN Code - the PIN Code used by the system as PIN code of the GSM/UMTS module. This value is used in the situation when the PIN code is required by the SIM card. The length of the field "Pin Code" must be 4 … 8 digits, with individual values between '0' and '9'. Section with settings "Prefix" and "Number of digits". Here you may fill in up to four different recordings, specifying the number of digits expected in order to send the call in the GSM/UMTS network, depending upon the dialed prefix format (up to four digits). You may use the character 'x' instead of a figure, to signify that on that position any figure may exist. The fields "PIN Code" (digits from 0 to 9), the prefix fields (digits from 0 to 9 and the character 'x') and also the field that specifies the number of digits (maximum value is 20) will be checked for validating the values entered. In case of other values than the allowed ones, the field in error will be shown in red. Upon saving the changes performed, the OAM program will order the records. The Voxell equipment features a analog telephonic port that you may configure either as a FXS interface, or as a FXO interface. The configuring of these interfaces is shown next. Note: Since only one of the interfaces may be active at any given moment, in the „Program Zone” of the OAM screen you will allways see a single rectangle representing the telephony interface, which can be either FXS or FXO. or 35 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual 2.3.2. Configuring the FXS Interface To configure the FxS interface, click on the FXS representation in the "Programming Area" and the window “FXS Settings” will show up as in the drawing below: The window has five main zones: Category, Polarity, Timers, CLIP and Teletax (metering). ¾ Category Line Voltage for Network Off – if you check this box, when the GSM/UMTS module is not registered into the mobile network no line voltage is generated. This way the PBX where Voxell is connected may „see” that the respective outgoing trunk is not available. The PBX will “know” that no calls can get out using the Voxell interface; 36 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual Loop Break – upon ending a call, when the mobile subscriber (party 'B') hangs up, the line loop will be closed for duration specified in "Loop Break Time". This way the ending of the call is signaled unambiguously, to ensure a correct billing; Hotline - this option allows activation of the Hotline service. If during the time specified by the value "Hotline Time" no digit is received, then the Voxell equipment will automatically send the number specified in the field "Hotline Number" (up to 20 digits) Minute Minder - this option is used to access the audio warning on the voice call. The user will hear a sound indicating the taxation pulse. You must specify the respective time periods. "Asymmetrical ring voltage" - this option is used for choosing the type of ring voltage, symmetrical or asymmetrical. A symmetric or balanced ring signal (option "Asymmetrical ring voltage" disabled) includes no continuous (DC) component, the average value is zero. An asymmetric ring type (option "Asymmetrical ring voltage" enabled) means that the ring signal contains a DC component; its mean value is no longer zero. 37 OAM Program „voxell.exe” ¾ Operating Manual Timers Loop Break Time – the duration, in milliseconds, of the breaking of the line loop, used for signaling. Hotline Time – duration (in seconds) of the delay following which the Holtline service will be called. Hotline Number – phone number (up to 20 digits long) of the Hotline service. Minute Minder Period - the time period (in seconds) after which a billing pulse will be generated. If you set it at 60 seconds, a billing pulse will be generated every minute. Warning Time - the time period (also in seconds) used as interval when the warning should precede the generation by the operator of the billing pulse. For instance if you set “5”, the warning beep will be issued 5 seconds before the end of the billing period. Since the warning is issued earlier, the called party is allowed to hang up a moment before a new billing pulse is issued. Thus, the user will end the call and pay less. Note: The value established by the timer „Minute Minder Period” (of 65 seconds in the above image) is also used for the „Teletax” area. Therefore, even if you do NOT use the audio warning facility for the end of the billing period, you may fill-in this value, to be used for generation of Teletax (metering) signals. ¾ Polarity This option refers to the polarity (forward/reverse, positive or negative) of the voltage on the subscriber line, depending upon the different phases of a call: - "During ringing" - during the ring back tone - "During dialing" – while digits are dialed - "During a call from A" – during the conversation, when the call was initiated from the A side (from PSTN) - " During a call from B" - during the conversation, when the call was initiated from the B side (GSM/UMTS mobile network) - "After release from A" – after the side A (PSTN) has released the call - "After release from B" – after the side B (mobile network) has released the call. 38 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual ¾ CLIP CLIP section - allows the „presentation” (sending out) of the identity of the calling party. If you want to transmit CLIP, you must choose to send it either before the first ring signal, or after the ring. Then you select the standard to be used for CLIP transmission; the options are ETSI FSK or Bellcore FSK and ETSI DTMF respectively. In both cases, the ID of the caller will be sent out according to the respective standard. ETSI FSK – uses European FSK (Frequency Shift Keying) method for sending out the caller ID. There is also an Amarican standard for FSK (ETSI). The ETSI-FSK method is used by ountries such as Spain and Austria. ETSI DTMF - generates Caller ID by Dual Tone Multi-Frequency method (in-band audio tones). You must choose the variant which fits the best the specifications of the PBX that you use. If you select one of the options, the caller ID will be sent out by Voxell before or respecively following the first ring. This way the analog phone connected to Voxell will receive the caller ID and may display it if it has this capability. Likewise, if Voxell is connected on a trunk of the PBX and the exchange is set to Target, the local extension that is called will get the ID of the caller, relayed by Voxell. ¾ Teletax Teletax section - allows Voxell to send metering or billing pulses (teletax) to the terminal equipment. These billing pulses are used by some phone exchanges for accurate billing of the calls. Without Teletax - Options for sending teletax are with 12 or 16 kHz. Section Teletax - the default option means no billing pulses are transmitted. You may select the frequency of the billing pulses, either 12 KHz or 16 kHz, according to the specifications of the PBX. These highfrequency pulses will not be heard by the users. The Period for billing (period of metering pulses) is established by the „Minute Minder timer”. The button "Change to FXO" from the bottom right of the window allows reconfiguration of the interface as type FXO. 39 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual 2.3.3. Configuring the FXO Interface The window „FXO Settings” allows you to configure the telephony interface as type FxO. Action (DISA - disabled, TARGET - enabled) – specifies how the incoming calls should be treated. You have either the option to supply the caller with DISA tone, allowing him to dial numbers in DTMF mode, or the option to specify a target – the field "Target". (up to 20 digits). In this case the DISA feature is not used, instead the incoming call is routed directly to the local extension established in the Target field. The extension may be the attendant console, so the operator will route the call accordingly. Warning, unauthorized voice access is possible! If there are no restrictions regarding the access rights of the extension where Voxell is connected, anyone who calls the mobile number of the Voxell UMTS from a public network will get access to the outgoing lines of the PBX. He will be able to make long distance calls that will be charged to the owner of the phone exchange. 40 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual To avoid this risk you have two possibilities: 1. Either configure the PBX to reject the outgoing calls that are initiated from the extension where the Voxell interface is connected. 2. Or, if the exchange cannot be configured in that way, then you must set the Voxell equipment not to offer a DISA tone when a mobile phone call coming in. Instead, specify a “FXO Target Number” instead of providing DISA tone. The PBX will route the call to the operator. Instead of leaving the “FXO Target Number” on the default “off” value, type the number of the operator desk. Generate Dial Tone (for outgoing calls) – generates or not audio dial tone for the caller. If this option is inhibited, when connecting to the Voxell interface, an audible dialing tone is generated – but one can still dial digits DTMF mode. In case the option is enabled, the equipment generates audible tone for dialing digits in DTMF mode, tone that the caller can hear. Hotline – this option allows activation of the Hotline service. If during the time specified by the value "Hotline Time" no digit is received, then the Voxell interface used for Topex VOXELL will automatically send the number specified in the field "Hotline Number" (up to 20 digits) Minute Minder - this option is used to access the audio warning on the voice call. The user will hear a sound indicating the taxation pulse. You specify the time period when a billing pulse could be generated - "Minute Minder Period" and also the time interval "Warning Time". This is the time period used as interval that should precede the generation by the operator of the billing pulse. Since the audio warning is generated earlier, the called party is allowed to hang up a moment before a new billing pulse is issued. So the user will pay less. „ Busy Tone Monitor - this setting, together with the button "Busy Monitor" refer to the requirement that the FXO interface correctly remembers the busy tonality. In order to monitor the busy tone, the following working method is used, that implies the „teaching” of the interface how to identify busy tone: - at first, the category " Busy tone Monitor " is inhibited; - go to the PBX where the Voxell equipment is connected; the Voxell device will answer the call - then you should up the extension from where you made the call. 41 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual This way a busy tone will be generated towards the extension where the Voxell device is connected; - now you can start the procedure for „teaching” of the busy tone to the Voxell unit: select the option "Busy Monitor". User must approve the message "Do you wish to start the busy tone monitoring?". The interface (junction) is released, following a time interval, by the Voxell equipment. The user can follow in the status bar the confirmation message - "Detection Succeeded" or an error indication "Detection Failed". - go to the checking of the correct operation of the monitoring of busy tone. For this, validate in „CATEGORY” the option " busy tone Monitor ". Repeat the above procedure (of making a test call to the number of the local extension where the Topex VOXELL interface is connected). The Voxell interface answer, the call is released, and you check if FXO interface is released after a few seconds. If yes, this means that Voxell equipment has learned correctly the busy tone. If not, you must un-check the box “busy tone Monitor” and then start over again the learning process. Warning! The option Busy Monitor may be disabled (Off), but it is strongly recommended that you use it. If you leave it disabled, the Voxell equipment cannot sense when the subscriber that called has hang up, and the PBX has send “busy” tone. If the called party is a human being using a cell phone, he will hear the busy tone and should hang up. But if the correspondent is another equipment such as Bytton, Voxell or multiACCESS, it won’t realize that the call has been ended, and the link will remain on. Consequently, the phone bill will be huge! To prevent this from happening, you should use the “Busy Tone Detection” option. The button "Change to FXS" from the bottom right of the window allow reconfiguration of the interface as type FXS. 42 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual 2.3.4. Password This window allows you to change the password that is used as protection by the Voxell unit whenever you require the option to modify the configuration. You must fill the password first in "New Password" then type it again in "Confirm Password" field. If the two fields contain the same strings then the new password will be sent to the program. Note1: The maximum length for both fields is 8 characters. Note2: The default password is "umts"; you should change it to a password of your own choice. Note3: This password is available just for the option "Connect to Modify...". 2.3.5. Saving and loading configurations "," ” for saving and respectively loading There are two icons (" configurations for the Topex VOXELL system. Those icons are active only in the situation when the connection is established by the tree command "Connect To Modify...". To save a configuration click the icon : Enter the name you want. The configuration will be saved in the "CONFIG" directory (located in the same directory as the OAM software). The "cfg" extension will be added to the name you have filled in the box above. 43 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual The configuration contains the settings of the GSM/GPRS/UMTS module, the FXS or FXO interface, the PIN code, and the password. Loading a configuration: to load a saved configuration click the icon. The window „Viewing CONFIGURATIONS directory” lists all the existing ".cfg" files, as shown: You must select from the list the configuration you want to load, then click „Load”. Note1: when the user disconnects the connection (in case a) or b) then automatically the configuration will be saved in the directory "CONFIG" with the name "lastcfgx", where the last character 'x' indicates the Voxell system for which the configuration is used. Note2: It is strongly recommended that before loading a new image file you save the current configuration, then load it again. This way you are sure that your settings will be kept (they won’t get lost). 2.4. "UMTS Info" With this option you can obtain information about the wireless module GSM/GPRS/UMTS. In the “Programming Area” you can see the zone called "UMTS Info". Click the left mouse button over the representation of the UMTS module and the „Analysis” window is displayed: 44 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual The status of the UMTS module is automatically read every five seconds. The following information are displayed: - IMSI (International Mobile Subscriber Identity), identity of the subscriber (of the SIM card) - IMEI (International Mobile Equipment Identity), identity of the Voxell equipment (of UMTS module) - Operator, the name of the 3G carrier. - Band, frequency band information, if information is available; - Radio Access technolgy, if this information is available; These fields are indicators, you cannot change (modify) their values. - Audio Level, the signal level in a range from 0 to 4 (the "0" level means quiet). To increase the level click the "+" button to the right, while for decreasing the level you should click the "-" button located to the left. The actual audio level settings depends of the type of UMTS modem module used by your Voxell equipment. Some types of modules have a singe “Audio level” control available, like this: 45 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual While other (Sierra) modules feature two distinct Audio level controls will show up, one for reception (Rx) and the other for transmission (Tx): The "..." button located to the right of the “Operator” field allows an additional window, “Network Registering Options” to be displayed. In this window you may select the GSM or UMTS network on which the SIM is to be registered, the order of network selection and you can enable/disable the roaming option. Network Selection Options: choose Automatic Search, or go only for a specific mobile network (either GSM/GPRS or UMTS) Network Order Options: you may leave it on Automatic, or force either GSN first, then UMTS, or the reverse order (it will look first for UTMS networks, then for GSM/GPRS) Roaming Option: access to the Roaming service may be allowed or not allowed. 46 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual Press OK to confirm the settings and close the window, or Cancel to abort. 2.5. SMS Info Using the "SMS Info" option, you can to send or to receive SMS messages through the UMTS module. The "SMS Info" zone displays to the left a representation of a PC (computer), which contains information regarding the number of SMS sent ("OUT") and read ("IN"). This info is saved in files on the PC. 47 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual To the right of the PC representation, there is a second representation that features the text "DEVICE". If the option "not to delete the received SMS and to automatically move them into PC files" is present, then after the text "DEVICE" will be shown the number of SMS existing on the Voxell voice and data UMTS interface. To the bottom left side of the above image the current status of services is displayed in dark blue letters on light blue background: - sending received SMS as email - "SMS2MAIL started" - retrieving emails to be sent as SMS - "MAIL2SMS started" 48 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual - deleting SMS from UMTS module - "Delete SMS on device - yes" or "Delete SMS on device - no" - warning about new SMS received on the UMTS module “Alert SMS on device” yes of no”. All this parameters are established in "smsinfo.txt" file - the content of this configuration file will be explained in detail in the next paragaphs. If you click the left mouse button on the "DEVICE" representation, a menu containing two optionses: "SMS Settings" and "SMS Received" will be shown: The second option is available only when the parameter not to delete the SMS is enabled. Otherwise the received messages will be deleted after reading them, so they won’t be available for viewing afterwards. 2.5.1. DEVICE SMS Settings The option "SMS Settings" displays a window containing information regarding the SMS center and the memory location in which new SMS are stored. You may change these settings, as you need: 49 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual SMS Center is the center for SMS messages of the of the GSM operator (the phone number of the center for SMS of the respective GSM operator). You may edit (change) this number. To make effective the changes, press the button "Set" located on the same line as "SMS Center" and "Type". The confirmation message is "SMS Center has been updated". SMS memory - the location of the memory where the SMS messages will be stored. From the list you can choose either "MT" for the memory of the UMTS module or "SM" for the memory of the SIM card. The button "Set" located on the same line as "SMS Memory" must be pressed to make the changes. The confirmation message is "The memory location has been changed". The previous messages also shows a group of figures related to stored SMS (storage capacity, how many messages are currently saved into memory, how many positions are still available for SMS, how many SMS have been sent by the module, etc). The number of available SMS Positions depends on the selected memory location. the location for storing In the previous exemple, SMS has been changed from SIM card to UMTS module. The memory of the mobile module is empty, so you have zero (0) messages stored and the full capacity (255 messages) is availble for SMS. 50 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual If you click the left button of the mouse on the PC representation - then a menu will be displayed, allowing you to send and receive SMS directly or via e-mail, as shown in the image to the left. These options will be explained in the next paragraphs. 2.5.2 PC SMS Parameters SMS monitoring process is based on a configuration file named "smsinfo.txt". This text file must be created or edited In the same folder in which the OAM application is located, in order to define the necessary parameters for sending and receiving SMS and E-mails. To configure the simsinfo file, you must select option “SMS Parameters” from the list that shows up when you click over the “PC SMS” rectangle. The window named parameters” shows up: “MAIL2SMS, 51 SMS2MAIL and SMS OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual There are three sections, corresponding with the sections found in the smsinfo configuration file: - Sending parameters For the section of the smsinfo file where the lines begin with the 's' (sent) character; these parameters are related to the SMS to E-mail application; - Receiving parameters For the section of the smsinfo file where the lines begin with the 'r' (received) character, parameters that are related to the EMAIL to SMS application. Depending of the email subject and email type, the email content will be sent as SMS; - message center For the section of the smsinfo file where the lines are starting with the 'c' (center) character; these parameters are linked with the setting of the operator SMS center and with the location where SMS messages are saved; 1. Sending a SMS message as MAIL: Check the box “Enabled” to validate the facility to send all received SMS to an email address; - "Server" - this field contains the IP address of the mail server; - "SourceAddress" - the source email address - "DestinationAddress" - the destination email address. This address is the default destination address. The OAM software can also check for an email address in the beginning of a SMS message. If "MailCharacter" (in our example the character used is '#') or '@' is found before the first space character, then the SMS content will be sent to the e-mail address found there. If no mail character is found, the SMS message will be sent to the default email address. - "Subject" - this field, followed by the number from where the SMS was received will be displayed in the "Subject" column of the mail client. - "FromName" - this field will be displayed in the mail client in the "From" column; - "DestinationName" - this field will be displayed in the mail client in the "To" column; 52 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual 2. MAIL2SMS settings: The options for receiving e-mail messages in order to be sent as SMS messages are: Check the box “Enabled” to validate the facility to to connect and retrieve mail messages; - "Server" - this filed contains the IP address of the mail server. - "Name" - the name to be used to connect to the mail server - "Password" - the password to be used to connect to the mail server - "Send Confirmation" - if this option box is checked, then a confirmation of sending the SMS message (from the e-mail message) will be sent to the email address from which the email was sent. The OAM program can send out as SMS the e-mails which have the next characteristics: "Content-Type: text/plain" and the subject a mobile phone number or a preconfigured text name. For example if you are using "Outlook Express" as email client you must set the option "Format" - "Plain Text" (option "Rich Text (HTML) must be disabled). 3. Options concerning the SMS center and the SMS memory: - "Center" -(the phone number of the center for SMS of the respective GSM operator; - "Memory"- SMS memory location: a '0' value is used to indicate the module memory - "MT", and a '1' value for to indicate the SIM memory- "SM"; 53 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual Note: these settings are displyed in gray color, because they cannot be changed in this window. If you want to modifythe parameters for the call center and memory for storage of SMS, use the window “DEVICE SMS Settings”. Here yu can only see the paramters. The “smsinfo” file contains additional entries, about the erasing of received messages and about alerting (notification) for new messages: - "Delete" - this parameter is used to control the deleting of received SMS. A SMS message is not deleted from the UMTS module when "Delete" parameter takes the "no" value and is removed is the same parameter is 'yes'; - "Alert" - this parameter is used to set a visual and an audio indication in case of receiving a new SMS. Example of content of the "smsinfo.txt" file: #send MAIL parameters s Allow,yes s Server,... s SourceAddress,... s DestinationAddress,... s Subject,... s FromName,... s DestinationName,... s MailCharacter,# # receive MAIL parameters r Allow,yes r Server,... r Name,... r Password,... r Confirmation,yes r DeleteMail,yes # SMS parameters c Center,+40722004000,145 c Memory,1 c Delete,1 c Alert,yes Note: the "smsinfo.txt" file is read by the OAM Topex VOXELL program only when the software is launced in execution (starting up). The OAM “Voxell.exe" program interrogates recurrently the UMTS module to check upon new SMS received. New SMS reception indication depends of the setting which allows the new SMS to be deleted from the module and of the parameter of visual and audio warning. 54 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual 2.5.3. Indication of SMS activity The sent and received SMS can bee seen either on the „PC” rectangle, or on the „DEVICE” rectangle. If the option to delete the received SMS is enabled, then the rectangle that represents the PC will show newly received SMS messages: The "IN" indication is related to the received SMS, and the "OUT" indication to the sent SMS. Beneath the PC rectangle, yu will see an indication of the operation performed, such as “Send Email”: Citire SMS (reading SMS), Trimitere SMS (sending SMS) and so on When new SMS are received, then the background of the image above changes color, from dark blue it turns into light blue-gray. After you have read the new messages, the color will be restored to the original dark blue color. Two numbers are displayed: - the first one indicates the number of received SMS (after the "<" character), and the second one the number of sent SMS (after ">" character). Alerting for messages If the option of warning for new SMS received is enabled (in case of the file "smsinfo.txt" the "c Alert,yes" line is present) then an audio and visual warning will be played for each new received SMS. The audio warning is based on "sunet.wav" file. At the same time the visual alert is also shown - which is represented by a window which pops up from the taskbar of the PC 55 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual This window displays the message "New SMS received!!!" in white letters over a dark blue balckground, then it disappears after few seconds: If the option to delete the received SMS is disabled, then the representation of the newly received SMS is done on the "DEVICE" rectangle, not on “PC” as shown previously. The receiving indication is shown by the number of received SMS, displayed after the text "DEVICE:". The color indication is the same as in the "PC" case: the color is changed from dark blue into gray (light) blue. The audio and visual warnings are also present in this case. 2.5.4. Viewing Received SMS To view all received SMS on the UMTS module the user must select the option "SMS Received". A new window (called "VIEWING RECEIVED SMS") with all received SMS will be displayed. 56 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual The window contains several columns: - "SIM0" - indicates the SIM position on which the SMS was received. This version of Voxell software has only one SIM, so this field will be always SIM0; - "Number" - the phone number from which the SMS was sent; - "Time" - the time when the SMS was received; - "Text" - the text received from the SMS. The text is separated on several lines if <CR> or <LF> characters are found inside the text; The incoming SMS are stored for each Topex VOXELL system into a file called "readsms.bin", file located in the system directory. The user can use the filter "Filter records on period" for displaying records on a selected period of time. The button to activate the filter is "Filter". The user can extract records from the current file ("readsms.bin") with the filter "Extract records on period". The user must fill the time periods and the destination file (this file must have "rcv" extension and will be located in the "ARCHIVES" subdirectory of the system directory). The button to activate the command is "Extract". All files with "rcv" extension from the "ARCHIVES" directory are displayed in the "Archives" list. The user can select a file from this list and view the content with "View" button. 57 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual 2.5.5. Viewing Sent SMS To view all sent SMS the user must select the option "SMS Sent". A new window (called "VIEWING SENT SMS") with all SMS messages sent will be displayed. The window is similar to the one for received SMS. The five columns are: - "From" - the source of the SMS message which can be "MAIL" or "PC". - "SIM" - indicate the SIM0 - the position from which the SIM was sent ; - "Number" - the phone number to which the SMS was sent; - "Time" - the time when the SMS was sent; if the time is displayed together with the "ER" letters it means an error occurred when sending the SMS. In case of successful transmission, it receives an OK from the GSM module. The Voxell interface tries to transmit the text messages up to three times, then gives up. The unsuccessful message is deleted from the queue and the "ER" letters are shown to indicate the error ; 58 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual - "Text" - the text of the SMS. The text is separated on several lines if <CR> or <LF> characters are found inside the text; The sent SMS messages are stored for each Topex VOXELL system into a file called "sendsms.bin", file located in the system directory. The user can use the filter "Filter records on period" for displaying records on a selected period. The button to activate the filter is "Filter". The user can extract records from the current file ("sendsms.bin") with the filter "Extract records on period". The user must fill the periods and the destination file (this file must have "snd" extension and will be located in the "ARCHIVES" subdirectory of the system directory). The button to activate the command is "Extract". All files with "snd" extension from the "ARCHIVES" directory are displayed in the "Archives" list. The user can select a file from this list and view the content with "View" button. 2.5.6 Sending a SMS from the PC The option "Send a SMS" from the menu allows the user to send out a SMS message from the computer. If you click the "Send a SMS" option, the “SMS Editor” window will be displayed 59 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual The destination of the SMS must be typed in the "SMS destination phone number" field and the text to be transmitted by SMS must be written in the area "SMS content". Then press OK to send the message! Group The OAM program Voxell.exe allows you to send messages to a group of destinations. Instead of a mobile phone number, the "SMS destination phone number" field can be filled with a name (text) that defines a group of mobile phones. The same SMS will be sent to all mobile phones in the group. The definition of these groups is performed in the file called "sms_groups.cfg". This file is placed on HDD in the same directory as "voxell.exe" application. Here is shown an example of content for a "sms_groups.cfg" file: grup field 0724000000 grup test 0724000000 0724000001 0724000002 In this example, two SMS groups are defined: "field" and "test". Both groups are defined starting with a line beginning with the text "grup" . After a space character, the name of that group follows. The phone numbers belonging to the same group are typed each on one line. The ending of a group definition is when another r line containing the text "grup" appears or a line without any characters is present. Therefore, the last group structure in the file must be always ended with an empty line - press <ENTER> when you want to end the file "sms_groups.cfg". You can edit or modify this file with any text editor. Notes: - if the "SMS destination phone number" field is not defined then the warning message "No number was defined!" is displayed; - if the field used for phone number contains at least a non-digit character, then the application will verify the "number" value into the "sms_groups.cfg" file. If this file does not exist, the user will be warned with the "File 'sms_groups.cfg' does not exist" message. If the "number" value is not found among the existing group names, the used will be warned with the message "The specified group name does not exist". If there are no mobile phone numbers defined in the group, then the "No numbers in <number value> group" message is shown. 60 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual If mobile phone numbers definition is found then the user will be informed about the number of destinations ("Sent to xxx numbers!"). The same rule concerning the mobile phone destination applies also to the "mail2sms" section. This means you can specify instead of a phone number the name of a group where the SMS will be sent. If a confirmation is assigned in "smsinfo.txt" then the originating party will get the same error messages as the ones described before. 2.5.7. SMS Received on DEVICE This facility is enabled only in case of the presence of the line "c Delete,no" in the "smsinfo.txt" file. This facility supposes that the received SMS are not deleted. Those messages can be read and sent on SMS2MAIL relation without to be deleted. The total number of SMS which can be received depends upon the SIM or the module memory. The "Viewing SMSINFO Report" window allows the viewing of the SMS stored in the memory location. The "Pozition" field is filled with the SMS position in the memory. The "Tip" field can take one of the following values: "READ", "SENT" or "UNSENT". For the "READ" type, the user can see also the number which was sent the message, the time moment and the text message. The operator can delete a SMS message or he can save the message content on the PC. From the list shown in the above image the user double clicks with the mouse on the respective line. The „Device SMS” window allows you either to delete (Sterge) the message, or to save it (Salvare) on the PC. The selection is confirmed with the "OK" button. The selected SMS will be displayed from that moment onwards with type "DELETED". This indication will disappear after next module interrogation. 61 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual 2.5.8. SMS2MAIL and MAIL2SMS Besides sending SMS from the computer connected to the Voxell equipment, you may perform automated conversion between SMS and e-mail. The two options above are about the facility to send the received SMS to an email address and respective the possibility to retrieve the emails from a mail server and to send the text content as SMS message to the number specified in the "Subject" field of the email. If the subject of a retrieved e-mail is not a number or if the mail includes attachments, then the e-mail is deleted from the mail server (when the line "r DeleteMail,yes" in written in the "smsinfo.txt" file). Thus, it is better to use an email account specially dedicated for this application (email to SMS via Topex VOXELL). The option "SMS2MAIL" will display a list of the SMS received on the GSM/UMTS module and sent to the email address specified in the "smsinfo.txt". There is a queue which can store up to 1000 messages to be sent to an email address in absence of a connection to the mail server. 62 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual The window called "VIEWING SMS2MAIL REPORT" will contain all emails sent to the mail server. The displayed columns are: - "Subject" - the subject of the mail; - "Time" - the time when the SMS was received; - "SIM" - the indication of the module GSM/UMTS from where the SMS was received; - "Status" - the status of the mail: "Sent" when the mail was sent or "Unsent" when the mail was not send yet; - "Send Time" - the time when the mail was send; this field is filled only when the "Status" field is indicating a send mail; - "Text" - the text of the mail. Each character <CR> or <LF> is replaced with a space character (" "); The user can delete records from the queue by filling the "Delete" filter and by choosing the "Delete" button. The option "MAIL2SMS" will display a list of the mail messages retrieved from a mail server. There is a queue which can store up to 1000 messages to be sent through the UMTS module of the equipment. The window called "VIEWING MAIL2SMS REPORT" will contain all emails received from the mail server and send out through the GSM/UMTS module as SMS messages. The displayed columns are: - "Number" - the destination mobile number; - "Address" - the mail address from where the mail was received; - "Receive Time" - the time when the mail was received; - "Status" - the status of the SMS: "Send" when the SMS was send or "Unsent" when the SMS was not send yet; - "SIM" - the indication of the module through which the SMS was send; - "Send Time" - the time when the SMS was send; this field is filled only when the "Status" field is indicating a send SMS; - "Text" - the text of the SMS. Each character <CR> or <LF> is replaced with a space character (" "); The user can delete records from the queue by filling the "Delete" filter and by choosing the "Delete" button. Note: the Voxell.exe application connects to the mail server and retrieves all mails. As SMS messages will be sent only the e-mails which contain as "Subject" the destination phone number. If the "Subject" contains non-digit characters then the message will be deleted. The messages are deleted also if they contain attachments. 63 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual In case of the read messages (where "Type” is "READ”) you can see the phone number from where the SMS has come, the time stamp and the text of the respective message. The window called "VIEWING SMS2MAIL REPORT" will show all emails sent to the mail server. The displayed columns are: - "Subject" - the subject of the mail; - "Time" - the time when the SMS was received; - "SIM" - the indication of the module GSM/UMTS from where the SMS was received; - "Status" - the status of the mail: "Sent" when the mail was sent or "Unsent" when the mail was not send yet; - "Send Time" - the time when the mail was sent; this field is filled only when the "Status" field is indicating a sent mail; - "Text" - the text of the mail. Each character <CR> or <LF> is replaced with a space character (" "); You may delete records from the queue by filling the "Delete" filter and the selecting the "Delete" button. 64 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual 2.6. Loading a New Image As explained previously this facility allows the user to load a new version of the software application running on the Voxell system. The image files have the extension "hex". Click the icon and the window „Loading image” shows up: The user selects the new software image to be loaded (with "hex" extension), then the OAM program will ask you for system access password: The user can follow the progress of the upload process in the window called "Loading new image". The user can also follow the progress of the upload on the status bar, in the boxes 2 and 3 (from left to right). The new software image is divided in packets which are sent to the Voxell system. The second box will display the text ">Loading Packet xxx From yyy", where "xxx" is the current loaded packet and 'yyy' is the total number of packets to be sent. The third box displays "<Packet xxx received", where 'xxx' is the current confirmed packet. 65 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual When the loading process is successfully finished the user will see the confirmation message. Important notices related to the loading of a new version of application software into Voxell device: • Caution! Before loading of the image file (menu "Loading Image File") it is strongly recommended that you save the current configuration of your Voxell unit. Click the icon "Save current configuration". Then, after you performed the loading of image file, reload the saved configuration by clicking the icon "Load configuration". If you don’t do this your settings may be lost upon loading a new image file. • Resuming after an interruption: If the loading of the image file is interrupted (the mains power fails, the operating system on the PC stops, the USB cable is disconnected etc.) before reaching its normal ending, the new software may not be fully installed. To correct this, you should first reset the Voxell equipment (by taking off the supply jack for 10 seconds) and try again to load the image file. If this is not successful, you must change a jumper setting to perform forced loading of the application. The respective jumper on the PCB forces the boot loader to start. Then it can load the application and download a new (correct) image file for Voxell. Remember to take the jumper off pins (restore the normal position) before resuming normal operation of the Voxell equipment! 66 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual 3. MENU DESCRIPTION The Menu features the following items: Systems (Add/Remove), Facilities (Font, Color, etc) , About, Help, Exit. 3.1 Systems 3.1.1 Add When you start the program for the fist time, the tree-like structure of the OAM program includes no Voxell systems. In order to begin operation, you must first add a system. In the beginning Select "System > Add" or click the “+” icon under “Systems”, the following window will appear, asking you to add another Voxell system to the tree-like structure. The number of the first pozition is “zero” (0). In the example below, there are already two Voxell systems in the tree-like structure, so when you want to add another one, it will be the third, thus on position 2: 67 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual Directory - enter a name for the folder in where the files downloaded from the respective Voxell system will be stored. A directory will be created on the hard disk drive, with the format "cfg_xxxxxxx" where xxxxxxy is the name you typed in the "Directory" field. The folder will be created on HDD in the directory where the OAM executable “Voxell.exe” is located. Name - enter a name for the connection to the system. This names is concatenated at "cfg_" and this it will be the text used in tree structure for identifying the respective Voxell system. Serial Port num - enter the serial port used for the USB communication between the OAM program and the Voxell equipment. The default value is COM1. This value must be in range COM1-COM12. The OAM program Voxell.exe uses communication via USB cable, but the USB driver has a COM port where it is connected, such as COM 5 in the example below:. Module type – select either Sierra or Huawei: The OAM program works with Voxell interfaces equipped with different UMTS engines (modem modules). The the type of the module must be selected accordingly. Normaly, the OAM program shipped to you should be customized for the right UMTS module. But if you have several Voxell equipments with different mobile engines connected to your computer, you must choose for each the correct type. If the default option does not work, you should select the other one and save the new settings. The recent versions of the OAM program feature an auto-detect function: the program scans all serial port, identifies the devices and automatically fills the correct values for Serial port num and respectively Module type. For more details, see description of the “Check” button in pragraph 4.2 about Parameters option. 68 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual Validation of settings The OAM program perfoms checkings upon the values you have entered. There is a text limit of 19 characters for the "Directory" and "Name" fields and 2 characters for the "Serial Port num". A value check is also performed for the serial port value. If the value is not in the range 1 - 12, an error message will be displayed and the incorrect field will be colored in red. Also, value checks are performed for the "Directory" and "Name" fields. If one of this values is not filled or is the same as an already existent "Directory" or "Name" (are used for another system), an error message will be displayed and the incorrect field will be colored in red. Save - saves the setting and adds in the tree structure a system with the modified settings Cancel - closes the window without saving the settings. 3.1.2. Remove To remove a Voxell system from the tree-like structure, select it from the list, as shown below, and then click on 'Save' button: the selected system will be deleted from the tree structure! If you select Cancel the window will be closed without changes. 69 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual Warnings: the OAM program does not ask for confirmation “Are you shure?”, when you click Save, the selected system is deleted from the structure ; the corresponding folder (directory) on your hard disk drive won't be deleted, you must erase it manually. Note: if you want to change the parameters for a connection to a Voxell system, use the command „Parameters”. This command of the tree structure allows changing systems parameters: Name, serial port number and type of the module. 3.2. Facilities This group of command allows you to change the aspect of the graphic interface of the OAM program (fonts, colors), to view or print configuration files. 3.2.1. Font If you select "Facilities > Font" the following window will be shown: 70 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual In this window you can select according to your preferences the font, the style and size of characters. The changes will only affect the windows that are displaying the system configuration. 3.2.2 Colors signification This window perfoms several functions: it shows the significance of the colors used to display the ports FXS/FXO or UMTS for the windows: "Modify Configuration" and "Viewing Configuration" - colors which are changing depending of the state on which the SIM and the UMTS module are currently in; it explains these colors; it allows youto CHANGE these colors according to your preferences. The OAM application program interrogates the state of UMTS module and FXS/FXO port on 5 second time intervals. On each module representation you see a text indicating the module state, and the color is also changed according to the state of the module. The UMTS module can be in one of these states: - STANDBY - the background is colored in dark blue - INITIALISING - background is colored in white - MISSING SIM - background is colored in red - PIN CODE - background is colored in red - PUK CODE - background is colored in red 71 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual - OP. FORBIDDEN (forbidden operator) - background is colored in red - UNREGISTERED - background is colored in red - TRYING - background is colored in red - REGISTERED - background is colored in dark blue The text also shows if the module is registered to a 2G network or to the 3G network: The FXS/FXO module can be in one of the following states: - STANDBY - the background is colored in dark blue - INCOMING CALL background is colored in white - DIALLING - background is colored in white - OUTGOING CALL - background is colored in white - SPEAKING - the background is colored in dark blue - BRELEASE (side B closed, is expecting that A side to close)background is colored in white. The window also shows the colors used for "TextColor", "BackColor" and "TreeColor". All those colors can be modified according to users preferences by clicking on it. You select the color you want, either from the predefined "Basic" colors, or from the detailed zone of custom colors. 72 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual See next an example of OAM program with the colors modified: The "Default" button is used to restore to the original color set. 73 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual 3.2.3 View print file This is a facility for viewing text files located in the "FORMAT" folder. Those files are generated by “printing” data into files from different locations of the OAM program. The files in this directory are the result of “printing” data into files from different locations from the OAM program. To see a file, select its name form the list and click the button 'View'. A window for viewing/editing the file now appears. You can also perform searches by using the buttons marked 'FIND' and 'NEXT'. Finally, you may use the button PRINT to can send to the printer a listing of the selected file. 74 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual 3.2.4. Print options In all situations involving a print command a dialog box will appear. It features two options: - print to printer (for this, a printer must be installed into PC where you run the OAM program) - print to file (in this case a file name is given, for saving data into that file). NOTE : Please note that the OAM program uses two different types of windows. There is a window for viewing content of the files and another window for viewing or modifying system configuration and for analyzing of UMTS module or sending/receiving SMS. This means that the action required to hide the current window may differ, depending upon what kind of window you are in: • When you are working with files content you can operate upon the tree commands for the selected Topex VOXELL system and when you have finished you click the right mouse button to hide the window. • If you are viewing a configuration, you can hide the window by pressing right button of the mouse. • If you are connected to a Voxell system and the configuration window is above (on top), when clicking the right button you will be asked if you want to disconnect. 75 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual 3.3 About When selecting the option "About" this window is shown. “ About” indicates the software version of the OAM application Voxell.exe, in format such as x.xx, for example 1.8 or 3.19. It is important to know the exact version, because the newest program version include additional features. To close down the window "About" click the "OK" button. 3.4 HELP This is the command for showing the help (assistance) files, which is a simplified OAM Manual in electronic format. The left pane of the help window shows an index of pre-defined keywords where you can search for the item (Icon command, Menu command, Tree command, General considerations) you want to learn about. The right pane offers detailed pages structured as "Menu description" (Systems, Facilities and so on) and respectively the "Tree Commands" (Connecting to …, UMTS Info, etc). The left pane of the help screen also includes the search facilities. You click on the "Search" tab and enter the word or the expression you want to look for, for example <tree structure>, then click "List Topics" to start the search: The help program will display all the occurrences it has found, together with the name of the help page where they are located and the rank (1, 2, 3 etc). 76 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual Please note that, according to the general rules for text search, if you enter several words in the "Search field", the help program will look for occurrences of EITHER word. This is like telling the help program <<search for 'UMTS" OR for 'module">>. If you want to be more specific, you should select the Boolean operator AND instead of OR. For instance, if you want to know about the UMTS module, you must search for "UMTS module", using quotes. In this case, the help program will display only the occurrences where ALL the words inside the quotes are found together. You select one of the occurrences and click "Display" to show the respective help page in the right pane. The words or expressions you look for will be highlighted (marked with reverse video). If you want to search further inside the help page, press Ctrl F and a "Find" window will show up. You type the expression to search in the field "Find what", You may select additional options: "Match whole word only" and "Match case" if you want to narrow the search. You must specify the direction of the search inside the page, Up or Down. "Find Next" shows the following occurrence of the word you want to search. The Search function of the help program remembers the words you entered, even if you close down the help. When you run "Help" next time the same word or expression will be displayed. Specific help The window of each command now has a "Help" button of its own. This means that you no longer need to issue the "Help" command and then search or the item of interest. When you run a command, for instance "UMTS settings", you just click its "Help" button and the respective help window will be displayed, showing you information about that particular command. 77 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual 3.5. Exit Command for quitting the OAM program. If you clikt "Exit" or the outgoing arrow in the menu above, the following window will be displayed, asking you if you want or not to leave the OAM program. Select "OK" if you really want to exit the OAM program or select "Cancel" if you want to continue with the program. 4. OTHER COMMANDS OF THE TREE STRUCTURE Besides the commands explained previously, the tree-like structure of the OAM program also provides you the following commands: 4.1. Disconnect Disconnect, breaks the connection to a connected Voxell system You cannot disconnect a different system other that the currently connected system. A connection with a Voxell voice and data UMTS interface can occur due to an action over one of the following tree options: - "Connect to Modify..."; - "Connect to View..."; - "UMTS Info"; - "SMS Info" If you select another connection option (such as "Connect to Modify...", "Connect to View...", "UMTS Info", "SMS Info" or "Loading New Image") on the same system, then OAM - Topex VOXELL application will disconnect previous connection and will perform a new connection with the specified type. 78 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual 4.2 Modify parameters This command is used to change the parameters for a Voxell equipment that is in the tree-like stucture of the OAM program. Also, here you have the “Check” button thay helps you identify the number of the serial port and the type of module used. When you select from the tree-like structure the option "Parameters", the following window pops up: Fist of all, remember that the name of the Directory cannot be modified. The name to be used for the Directory has already been defined by the “Add system” command, so you are not allowed to change its name now. You may change here: the name of the Voxell device (TOPRAISAR in this example) the number of the USB serial port (in range COM1-COM12) and the Module Type (type of UMTS modem used). The OAM program perfoms checkings upon the values you have entered. There is a text limit of 19 characters for the "Name" field and two characters for the "Serial Port num". A value check is also performed for the serial port value, if is not in the range 1 - 12, an error message will be displayed and the incorrect field will be colored in red. 79 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual Also, a value check is performed for the “Name" field. If this field is not filled or is the same as an already existent "Name" (is used for another system), an error message will be displayed and the incorrect field will be colored in red. “Check” button A very useful feature present in the recent versions of the OAM program is the button “Check”, located to theright of the field Module Type. When you press it, the program scans all the COM ports and tries to detect the port number and the type of the modem module. First, it looks for devices on all USB serial ports (COM1, 2, 3 and so on) and identifies the type of module used: Finally, the program shows you what type of device it has found (in the example a Sierra Wireless modem). Clik OK to continue, and the name is autoimatically entered in the field “Module Type”. The second phase of the “Check” function is the search for the USB port number. The program scans again all connected ports: But this time it does not look for the type of devices, it finds out where it is connected. Finally, a message is displyed showing you the number of the COM port used by USB connection between the OAM program and the Voxell equipment (COM 5 in this example). When you click “OK” the number found is inserted automatically in the field “Serial port num. 80 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual Thus, using the feature “Check”, you must no longer other with the type of modem module and port number, they are filled-in automatically with the correct values! Note: The “Check” feature is available only when you are NOT connected to a Voxell equipment for modifications or viewing: the rightmost column of the statur bar is colored in red, indicating no connection: When you are actually connected to Voxell, the Check button of Parameters is inactive, because the Module type and port number are already completed. 4.3. Last Configuration With this option you can see last downloaded (and eventually modified) configuration for the selected Voxell equipment. If you select this option the "LAST configuration" window will be displayed. You will be able to view offline last configuration: GSM/UMTS and FXS/FXO modules settings. You will be able to see off-line the last downloaded configuration even if the connection is no longer online. 81 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual As you see in the above image, the “last configuration” of the Voxell interface is displayed, although the program is not connected to the Voxell equipment (the seventh column, at the bottom right, has the color red, indicating “no connection. Note: in this case the buttons "Ok" or „Save” from all windows will be hidden, because you cannot modify the system’s parameters, you can only see them. You can only look at the already existing settings – this holds true for all of the windows in the mode of operation „Last Configuration”. 4.4 Log Files The option “Log” displays a ”Local Viewer” window that shows you the recording files for the respective system. For each connection period, the OAM program generates log and lch files that recrd the events and the changes which have occurred during that period. 82 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual There are two types of log files: The log files of the Voxell.exe OAM program are named <current date>.log and contain information about the events that took place: date and time for the making and respectively breaking of connections concerning the selected Voxell system, file transfer and so on. See below the structure of a log file for Voxell.exe: Field Description Date dd-mm-yy Hour xx:xx:xx Event Description of the event that was performed Click on a log file to view its contents - below is shown a sample from a Voxell log file: Changes files The lch files are named <current date>.lch , the extension signifies „changes”. They include information about the changes (modifications) made to the TOPEX UMTS system. Their structure is shown below: 83 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Field Description Date of change dd-mm-yy Time of change xx:xx:xx Operating Manual Modification Description of the change that was performed Status OK - the change was successfully ERROR - the change was not successfully Click on an lch file to view its contents - below is shown a sample from a Voxell file with changes: 84 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual 5. Glossary Here you have the explanation of some terms and acronyms used in the operating manual for OAM program voxell.exe: Bootloader – bootstrap loader, small program that launches first upon power up and helps loading the operating system. Any computer system can execute only code that is stored in DRAM memory, but the operating system is stored on hard disk drives or Flash memory. In the case of Voxell equipment, the bootloader starts first when you power up the equipment and allows loading of the main firmware application that controls the UMTS interface. CLIP - Acronym for Calling Line Identity Presentation. This feature allows the ID (phone number) of the caller to be displayed during the call. It is a service of the phone network. For end-users, this service is handy in order to screen incoming calls, prepare the specific response, greeting the caller by name or looking up for missed or unanswered phone calls. Some interfaces or phone exchange can use the CLIP facility to identify the subscribers who called and route the incoming calls according to their Caller ID. Voxell lets you select the mode of sending out the identity (by means of Bellcore FSK or by DTMF< beore or after the first ring). CLIR - Acronym for Calling Line Identification Restriction. Feature that restrict the identification of your caller ID to the other party. This hides your identity from callers with Caller ID feature. You may activate this function on the Voxell equipment , thus disabling the sending out of Caller ID. DISA – Acronym for Direct Inward System Access. This function allows an outside caller to directly access a local subscriber of the phone exchange by using DTMF codes. The typical application is when you call directly a local subscriber without need for a human operator at the phone exchange. The Voxell equipment makes use of DISA-like routing to manage both incoming and outgoing calls without need for a human operator. For example a local subscriber may dial (using DTMF codes) a mobile number via the UMTS interface Voxell. DTMF - Acronym for Dual Tone Multi Frequency, also known as "touch tone". Advanced method for dialing a number, instead of the older Pulse mode. When you press a key on the keypad a combination of two audio frequencies is sent on the line. DTMF capability is important because it allows access to a wide range of interactive voice applications. The equipment uses DTMF dialing to transmit the numbering from local subscribers to the mobile networks. Also, Voxell dialing in DTMF mode to ensure phone connections without need for an operator at the PBX. 85 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual FXS - Acronym for Foreign Exchange Station. The FXS phone interface supplies ring, voltage, and dial tone for a “Station”, which may be an analog phone, a modem, a fax machine, or any analog device of the final user. The FxS interface of the Voxell equipment may be used for connection either to an analog trunk of the PBX or directly to a standard fixed phone. FXO - Acronym for Foreign Exchange Office. The Office phone interface connects to the public phone exchange (central office CO), or a FxS board of the PBX. network (PSTN) central. The FXO device gets power supply from the central battery and disk tone services. The FxO interface of the Voxell equipment is used to connect the device to a local extension line (local subscriber) of the PBX. Both FxS and FxO interfaces use two wires. IMEI - Acronym for International Mobile Equipment Identifier. 15digit number that uniquely identifies an individual mobile terminal wireless device. The device may be a phone, a data terminal, a modem module (like the one inside Voxell) etc. The IMEI code consists of TAC (Type Approval Code) that describes the type of the mobile device, FAC (Final Assembly Code) related to final assembly, i, SNR (Serial Number) which is unique, and a spare digit. Note that while IMSI is subscriber-related, the IMEI is equipmentrelated. IMEI is world-wide specific for a certain mobile terminal (phone or modem). IMSI – Acronym for International Mobile Subscriber Identity. Unique code number (for all the world) that identifies a mobile subscriber (its SIM card) to the network. 15 digit code, contains information about the module code for the country, the network, identification number for the mobile station (subscriber). Linked to the user account information at the network operator. IMSI resides in the SIM card. While IMEI is related to the mobile phone GSM/UMTS module, the IMSI code is related to the SIM, if you change the SIM card used by Voxell you will have another IMSI code. If the UMTS module of Voxell detects an active SIM card, it will query (and display) the IMSI code. connected to the PBX either on a trunk line or on a subscriber line (local extension). PSTN - Acronym for Public Switched Telephone Network (s). It is the classic international fixed telephony system based on copper wires that carry voice and data. Analog (mostly) or digital technology is used to provide voice grade services for the users that access that network via an analog interface. The Voxell device connects to a PBX that has trunks going to the PSTN, so the equipment performs as an interface between the mobile network (GSM/GPRS/UMTS) and the PSTN. 86 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual SMS - Acronym for Short Message Service; means the transmission of short text messages to and from cellular phones. The messages must be text only (no images or graphics) and not longer than 160 alpha-numeric characters. Operators of Mobile Phone Networks use a spare data channel to send SMS messages. You may send SMS’s to another mobile subscriber, the mobile operator can send you phone settings over-the-air or commercial companies may send dedicated content to your mobile terminal. The OAM program Voxell.exe allows Voxell equipment to send and receive SMS (via mobile network) from the computer connected to it. Also, the SMS2MAIL and MAIL2SMS functions of the OAM program perform automatic conversion between e-mail and SMS messages. 87 OAM Program „voxell.exe” Operating Manual The manufacturer reserves the right to modify the product and manual for the purpose of technical improvement without prior notice. The manufacturer guarantees the good functioning of the product provided that it has been correctly installed and the directives for storage and usage have been respected. The warranty implies exclusively repairing or replacing the defective unit. The warranty does not include any indirect losses or loss of profit. The manufacturer is not liable for any damage, whether direct, indirect, special, incidental, or consequential, as a result of using VOXELL. No part of this manual may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the company TOPEX S.A. We certify hereby that the VOXELL unit is manufactured in concordance with the legal provisions concerning responsibility towards the quality of delivered products, fulfills the quality parameters specified in its “User’s manual” and is fit for the purpose for which it has been designed. We also warrant that the equipment will perform substantially in accordance with the accompanying documentation. Any comments, suggestions and proposals of yours concerning our products are welcome and we are gladly waiting for your feedback at the following address. TOPEX S.A. Feleacu 10, district 1 014186, Bucharest, ROMANIA Tel: +4 021.408.39.00 Fax: +4 021.408.39.09 E-mail: [email protected] Web: www.topex.ro 88
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