Address Book - The University of Texas Health Science Center at
Address Book - The University of Texas Health Science Center at
Directory, Spirochete Research Community Return to Treponema Molecular Genetics Server Last update: January 8, 2015 Note: This directory began as a list of researchers interested in Treponema, but has been expanded to include those interested in spirochetes in general. If you would like to add your name to the list, add another researcher, or correct the address information, please contact [email protected]. The directory is in alphabetical order. You may use the "find" function in your WWW browser to locate addresses. We would like to add a one-line description of research interests for each addressee. That way the "find" command could be used with key words to locate researchers with particular interests. Please use the email function to submit your research description. Email may be sent directly by clicking on the address. Some of the email addresses that were nonfunctional have been removed, and require correction by the addressee. Thanks, Steve Norris _______________________________________ CLAIRE ADAMS UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY DEPT OF MICROBIOLOGY, IMMUNOLOGY AND MOLECULAR GENETICS COLLEGE OF MEDICINE LEXINGTON, KY 40536 Phone: 859-257-9305 [email protected] (10/05/20) Phillip Adams University of Central Florida College of Medicine Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences 6900 Lake Nona Blvd. Orlando, FL 32827 Phone: 407-266-7079 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/01) Ben Adler Monash University Department of Microbiology PO Box 53 Clayton, Victoria 3800 Australia Phone: 61 43 834 0357 Fax: 61 399 02 9222 Email: [email protected] Research interests: Molecular biology of Leptospira and Serpulina (14/05/02) Darrin R. Akins Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology University of Oklahoma Health Science Center 940 Stanton L. Young Blvd., BMSB Room 1005 Oklahoma City, OK 73104 Phone: (405) 271-2133 EXT. 46640 Fax: (405) 271-2133 Email: [email protected] (12/2/23) Michael N. Alekshun Center for Adaptation Genetics and Drug Resistance Department of Molecular Biology and Microbiology Tufts University School of Medicine 136 Harrison Avenue Boston, MA 02111 Phone: (617) 636-0325 Fax: (617) 636-0458 Email: [email protected] Research interests: Microbial multiple antibiotic resistance and regulation of stress responses. (98/3/25) David Alt NADC USDA ARS National Animal Disease Center P.O. Box 70, Dayton Avenue Ames, IA 50011 Phone: (515) 239-8327 Fax: (515) 239-8458 Email: [email protected] Sousan S. Altaie Food and Drug Administration FDA/CDER/DAIDP HFD-520 5600 Fishers Ln. Rockville, MD 20857 Phone: 301-827-2236 Fax: 301-827-2327 Email: [email protected] Research interests: congenital Lyme disease and therapeutic interventions (98/2/4) Kishore R Alugupalli Thomas Jefferson University Dept. Microbiology & Immunology 233 S 10th Street, Blsb-726 Philadelphia, PA 19107 Phone: 215-503-4554 Fax: 215-923-4153 Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) Mohsen Amin University of Toronto 124 Edward St. Room #448 Toronto, ON M5G 1G6 Canada Phone: 416-979-4900 X4452 Fax: 416-979-4936 Email: [email protected] (08/4/18) Arvind Anand University of Connecticut Health Center Department of Medicine 263 Farmington Avenue Farmington, CT 06030 Phone: 860-679-8390 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/2/23) Marie J. Andersson UMEA University Department of Molecular Biology Umea, 90187 Sweden Phone: 46-907856707 Fax: Email: [email protected] (08/4/18) Juan Anguita University of Massachusetts, Amherst Vet & Animal Sciences Paige Laboratory 161 Holdsworth Way Amherst, MA 01003 Phone: 413-577-3317 Fax: 413-545-6326 Email: [email protected] (08/4/18) Alyssa D Antonicello University of Kentucky 800 Rose Street Medical Science Building, MN469 Lexington, KY 40536 Phone: 859-338-2772 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) Will K Arnold Doctoral Candidate University of Kentucky Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics 800 South Rose Street William R. Willard Medical Science Education Building Rm. 469 Lexington, KY 40508 Phone: 847-212-3931 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) Dr. Natasha Arora Evolutionary Genetics and Theoretical Biology Institute for Evolutionary Biology and Environmental Sciences University of Zurich Winterthurerstrasse 190, 8057 Zurich Switzerland Tel: 04463554736 [email protected] Research interests: population genetics, phylogeography and transmission networks, particularly as applied to Treponema pallidum pallidum. (12/09/06) Thomas W. Arroll University of Washington Division of Infectious Diseases,HMC 325 9th Ave NE, Box 359779 Seattle, WA 98104 Phone: (206) 731-8016 Fax: (206) 731-8752 Email: [email protected] Marc V. Assous (MD,PhD,MCU-PH) Laboratoire de Recherche en Microbiologie Faculte de Medecine Cochin 24, rue du faubourg Saint-Jacques 75014 Paris, France Phone: 33(1)44 41 23 45 Fax: 33(1)44 41 23 42 Email: [email protected] Hospital Address: Service de Bacteriologie Hopital Cochin 27, rue du faubourg Saint-Jacques 75014 Paris, France Phone: 33 (1) 42 24 13 72 (poste 3781+) Fax: 33 (1) 42 34 13 76 Email: [email protected] (98/3/11) Faye E. Austin University of Louisville Department of Microbiology and Immunology School of Medicine Louisville, KY 40292 Phone: (502) 852-5349 Fax: (502) 852-7531 Email: [email protected] (98/3/20) Sahlu Ayalew NY State Health Dept. SUNY, Dept of Pathology, T9-134 Stony Brook, NY 11794 Phone: 516-444-3520 Fax: 516-444-3863 Email: [email protected] (98/3/11) P. Byron Backenson New York State Department of Health HSC T9-134 Department of Pathology SUNY at Stony Brook Stony Brook, NY 11794-8692 Phone: (516) 444-3520 Fax: (516) 444-3863 Email: [email protected] Brian T. Backstedt University of Maryland – College Park Department of Veterinary Medicine 8075 Greenmead Drive Room 1343 College Park, MD 20742 Phone: 301-314-8257 Fax: Email: [email protected] Troy M. Bankhead Dept. of Veterinary Microbiology & Pathology Washington State College of Veterinary Medicine 402 Bustad Hall P.O. Box 647040 Pullman, WA 99164-7040 Phone: 509-335-7106 Fax: 509-335-8529 [email protected] (11/08/03) ANGELA S BARBOSA INSTITUTO BUTANTAN LABORATORY OF BACTERIOLOGY AV. VITAL BRASIL 1500 SAO PAULO, 05503-900 BRAZIL Phone: 55 11-37267222-EXT22 Email: [email protected] (11/08/03) Alan G. Barbour, M.D. Department of Microbiology & Molecular Genetics University of California at Irvine College of Medicine Pacific-Southwest Regional Center of Excellence 3012 Hewitt Irvine, CA 92697-4028 Phone: (949) 824-5626 Fax: 949-824-5490 Email: [email protected] (11/08/03) IVAN BARCENA-URIBARRI BAYERISCHE JULIUS-MAXIM ILIANS-UNIVERSITAT WU2RZBURG DEPARMENT OF BIOTECHNOLOGY AM HUBLAND WUERZBURG, BAVARIA 97074 GERMANY Phone: 49-931-201-48736 Email: [email protected] (11/08/03) Stephen W. Barthold Director Center for Comparative Medicine University of California Davis Davis, CA 95616 Phone: (916) 752-7915 Fax: (916) 752-7914 Email: [email protected] (97/5/27) Robert E. Baughn, Ph.D. Email: [email protected] (11/04/19) YASMINE BELKAID NIAID/NIH MUCOSAL IMMUNOLOGY UNIT LABORATORY OF PARASITIC DISEASES 4 CENTER DRIVE, B1-28 BALTIMORE, MD 20892 Phone: 301-451-8686 Fax: 301-451-8690 Email: [email protected] (11/08/03) Nicole Baumgarth University of California Davis Center for Comparative Medicine University of California Davis County Rd 98 & Hutchison DR Davis, CA 95616 Phone: 530-754-5813 Fax: 530-752 7914 Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) John T Belisle Colorado State University Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Pathology 0922 Campus Delivery Fort Collins, CO 80526 Phone: 970 491-9160 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) Alexia A. Belperron Yale University Dept. Internal Med/Sect. Rheum. 300 Cedar St. PO Box 208031 New Haven, CT 06520 Phone: 203-785-7660 Fax: 203-785-7053 Email: [email protected] (08/4/18) Jorge L. Benach Stony Brook University Center for Infectious Diseases Stony Brook, NY 11794-5222 Phone: 631-632-4225 Fax: 631-632-9797 Email: [email protected] (08/4/18) Nadia Benaroudj Institut Pasteur 25-28 Rue Du Dr Roux Cedex 15 Paris 75724 France Phone: 33-1-4061-3746 Fax: 33-1-4061-3001 Email: [email protected] Sven A. Bergström University of Umea Department of Molecular Biology Building 6K Umea,SE-90187 Sweden Phone: 46-907-856726 Fax: 46-907-72630 Email: [email protected] (04/01/15) Tamas Berke Intercell AG Campus Vienna Biocenter 5/6 Vienna, A-1030, Austria Phone: 43-1-20620 Fax: Email: [email protected] (08/4/18) Professor Richard Birtles Chair in Biomedicine School of Environment and Life Sciences Peel Building University of Salford M5 4WT United Kingdom tel: +44 (0)1612955726 email: [email protected] (12/07/23) Jacquelyn G. Black School of Arts Science Marymount University 2807 North Glebe Road Arlington, VA 22207 Phone: (703) 284-1557 Fax: (703) 284-1693 Email: [email protected] David R. Blanco, Ph.D. UCLA School of Medicine Department of Microbiology and Immunology Center of Health Sciences Los Angeles, California 90024 Phone: (310) 206-6510 Fax: (310) 825-3632 Email: [email protected] (98/3/10) Jon S. Blevins University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences 4301 West Markham Department of Microbiology and Immunology Slot 511 Little Rock, AR 72205 Phone: 501-296-1253 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/2/23) Linda K. Bockenstedt Yale University School of Medicine S-525C TAC 300 Cedar Street New Haven, CT 06520-8031 Phone: (203) 785-2453 Fax: (203) 785-7053 Email: [email protected] (08/4/23) Carole A. Bolin Animal Health Diagnostic Laboratory College of Veterinary Medicine A3A Veterinary Medical Center Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48824 Phone: (517) 355-8533 Fax: (517) 432-9813 E-mail: [email protected] (00/08/29) Natalia Bomchil Merial Laboratoire Lyon Gerland 254 Rue Marcel Merieux Lyon 69008 France Phone: 33-4-72723000-ext7432 Fax: 33-4-72723316 Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) MARI K. BONDE UMEA UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY HOSPITAL AREA, BUILDING 6K UMEA, 901 87 SWEDEN Phone: 46-07850802 Email: [email protected] (11/08/03) James L. Bono, Ph.D. Microbiologist Animal Health Research Unit US Meat Animal Research Center, ARS, USDA P.O. Box 166, State Spur 16D Clay Center, NE 68933 Tel: (402) 762-4363 Fax: (402) 762-4375 Email: (08/5/07) Bethany K. Boardman Indiana University School of Medicine Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology 635 Barnhill Drive MS420 Indianapolis, IN 46202 Phone: 317-278-7715 Email: (08/4/18) Ruben Bonilla-Santiago University College Dublin Room 007A Veterinary Sciences Centre Belfield Dublin, Dublin 4 Ireland Phone: 353-01-716-6138 Fax: 353-01-716-6185 Email: [email protected] (12/2/23) Deborah A. Bouis U.T. Southwestern Medical Center 5323 Harry Hines Dallas, TX 75390-9048 Phone: (214)648-2390 Fax: Email: [email protected] (98/3/10) Nathalie Boulanger University of Strasbourg Institut of Bacteriology EA 7290: Virulence Bacterienne Precoce 3 Rue Koberle Strasbourg 67000 France Phone: 33 3 88 08 93 95 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) TRAVIS J BOURRET Universitiy of Nebraska at Kearney Bruner Hall of Science, Biology Department 2401 11th Ave. Kearney, NE 68849 Phone: 308-865-8224 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) AMY A BOWMAN UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY MICROBIOLOGY, IMMUNOLOGY, & MOLECULAR GENETICS 800 ROSE ST MEDICAL SCIENCES MN469 LEXINGTON, KY 40536-0298 Phone: 859-257-9305 Fax: 859-257-8994 Email: [email protected] (11/08/03) Julie A. Boylan RML/NIAID/NIH 903 S 4th St. Hamilton, MT 59840 Phone: 406-363-9476 Fax: Email: [email protected] (08/4/23) Volker Brade, M.D. Professor of Medical Microbiology Institut für Medizinische Mikrobiologie, Klinikum der Johann Wolfgang Goethe Universität Frankfurt am Main, Universitätklinikum Theodor-Stern-Kai 7 60590 Frankfurt, Germany Phone: 069/63 01-50 19 Fax: 069/63 01-83431 Email: (09/10/05) KENNETH C. BRAMWELL UNIVERSITY OF UTAH DEPT. OF PATHOLOGY JMRB 2100 15 NORTH MEDICAL DRIVE EAST SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84112-5650 Phone: 801-581-4364 Fax: 801-585-7376 [email protected] (11/08/03) KEVIN S BRANDT CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL 3150 RAMPART ROAD, FOOTHILLS CAMPUS FORT COLLINS, CO 80521 Phone: 970-221-6498 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/2/24) Kristen J Brao University of California, Irvine Barbour Lab 3501 Hewitt Hall Irvine, CA 92697 Phone: 949-824-3737 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) Joseph Breen NIAID NIH DHHS 6610 Rockledge Drive MSC 6604 ROOM 4224 Bethesda, MD 20892-6604 Phone: 301-435-2855 Fax: 301-402-2508 Email: [email protected] (08/4/23) John A. Breznak Professor Department of Microbiology Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 48824-1101 Phone: (517) 355-6536 Fax: (517) 353-8957 Email: [email protected] (97/8/25) AMANDA J BRINKWORTH UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA CHARLES H CLAPP BLDG ROOM 211 MISSOULA, MT 59801 Phone: 406-243-6341 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/2/24) CATHERINE A BRISSETTE UNIVERSITY OF NORTH DAKOTA SCHOOL OF MEDICINE DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY & IMMUNOLOGY RM 4700 501 N. COLUMBIA ROAD STOP 9037 GRAND FORKS, ND 58202-9037 Phone: 701-777-6412 Fax: 701-777-2054 Email: [email protected] (12/2/24) DUSTIN R BRISSON UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA BIOLOGY DEPARTMENT LEIDY LABS, 209 433 S. UNIVERSITY AVE PHILADELPHIA, PA 19104 Phone: 215-746-1731 Fax: 215-898-8780 Email: [email protected] (11/08/03) Charles Brown University of Missouri Veterinary Pathobiology 315 Connaway Hall Columbia, MO 65211 Phone: 573-882-1628 Fax: 573-884-5414 Email: [email protected] Research Interests: Mechanisms of resistance and susceptibility to Lyme arthritis development in mice. (08/4/23) Jennifer Brown University of Liverpool Veterinary Immunology Veterinary Science Building Crown Street Liverpool, L69 7ZJ United Kingdom Phone: 44-1517944208 Fax: Email: [email protected] (08/4/23) Dawn Bueschel Technician Rocky Mountain Labs, NIAID, NIH 903 S. 4th St. Hamilton, MT 59840 Phone: (406) 363-9304 Fax: (406) 363-3934 Email: mailto:[email protected] (04/01/02) Ignas Bunikis (need current information) Jonas Bunikis (need current information) Robert A. Burne Department of Dental Research University of Rochester Medical Center Box 611 601 Elmwood Avenue Rochester, NY 14642 Phone: (716) 829-2068 Fax: (716) 829-3942 Email: Logan H. Burns University of Kentucky Department of Microbiology/Immunology & Molecular Genetics 800 Rose St. MS-415 Lexington, KY 40536-0298 Phone: 859-257-9305 Fax: Email: [email protected] (08/4/23) Mary N. Burtnick Rocky Mountain Laboratories, NIAID, NIH 903 South 4th Street Hamilton, MT 59840 Phone: 406-363-9321 Fax: 406-363-9478 Email: (08/11/19) ALEJANDRO BUSCHIAZZO INSTITUT PASTEUR DE MONTEVIDEO UNIT OF PROTEIN CRYSTALLOGRAPHY MATAOJO 2020 MONTEVIDEO 11400 URUGUAY Phone: 598-2522-0910 Fax: 598-2522-4185 Email: [email protected] (12/2/24) Felipe Cabello New York Medical Collete Department of Microbiology & Immunology Valhalla, NY 10595 Phone: 914-594-4182 Fax: 914-594-4182 Email: [email protected] (06/06/21) Diego Cadavid New Jersey Medical School 185 South Orange Avenue MSB H506 Newark, NJ 07103 Phone: 973-972-8686 Fax: 973-972-5059 Email: [email protected] (08/05/29) Melissa J. Caimano University of Connecticut Health Center Center for Microbial Pathogenesis 263 Farmington Avenue Farmington, CT 06030-3715 Phone: 860-679-8129 or lab: 860-679-8390 Fax: 860-679-1358 Email: [email protected] (99/5/28) Adriana Calderaro University of Parma Dep of Pathology & Lab. Med Section of Microbiology Viale Antonio Gramsci, 14 Parma, 43100 Italy Phone: 39-0521988885 Fax: 39-0521-993620 Email: [email protected] (06/06/21) Caroline E. Cameron University of Victoria Department of Biochemistry & Microbiology 3800 Finnerty Road Petch Building, Room 247 Victoria, BC V8W 3P6 Canada Phone: 250-853-3189 Fax: 250-721-8855 Email: [email protected] (08/8/08) Shelley A. Campeau University of California, Irvine 3501 Hewitt Hall, MMG Dept. Irvine, CA 92697-4028 Phone: 949-824-3737 Fax: Email: [email protected] (08/4/23) Diane A. Caporale, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Biology Department of Biology University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point Stevens Point, WI 54481 Phone: (715) 346-3922 FAX: (715)346-3624 E-mail: [email protected] Website: Kristin Carner Vical Incorporated 9373 Towne Centre Drive, Suite 100 San Diego, CA Phone: (619) 453-9777 Fax: (619) 453-3452 Email: SEBASTIAN CARRASCO INDIANA UNIVERSITY - SCHOOL OF MEDICINE 635 BARNHILL DRIVE MS 409-H INDIANAPOILIS, IN 46202 Phone: 317-278-7715 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) James A. Carroll Rocky Mountain Laboratory NIAID, NIH 903 South 4th Street Hamilton, MT 59840-2999 Phone: (406) 375-9776 Email: [email protected] (11/04/18) Stuart D. Carter University of Liverpool Veterinary Pathology Faculty of Veterinary Science Liverpool, Merseyside L69 7ZJ United Kingdom Phone: 44-151-794-4206 Fax: 44-151-794-4219 Email: [email protected] (08/4/23) Sherwood R. Casjens, Ph.D. University of Utah School of Medicine Pathology Dept. 2200 EEJ Room 15 North Medical Drive East Salt Lake City, UT 84112 Phone: (801) 581-5980 Fax: (801) 585-2417 Email: [email protected] (01/11/01) John R Caskey Tulane National Primate Research Center 18703 Three Rivers Road Covington, LA 70433 Phone: 985-871-6201 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) David R. Cassatt Medimmune, Inc. 35 West Watkins Mill Road Gaithersburg, MD 20878 Phone: 301-527-4308 Fax: 301-527-4200 Email: [email protected] (99/07/22) TIMOTHY R CASSELLI WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF VETERINARY MICROBIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY ADBF ROOM 3055 P.O. BOX 647040 PULLMAN, WA 99164-7040 Phone: 509-335-7288 Email: [email protected] (11/08/03) Arturo Centurion-Lara, M.D. University of Washington Department of Medicine Harborview Medical Center Room 1 325 Ninth Avenue, Box 359779 Seattle WA 98104-2499 Phone: 206-897-5364 Fax: 206-897-5363 Email: [email protected] (06/06/21) GUSTAVO M CERQUEIRA INSTITUTO BUTANTAN CENTRO DE BIOTECNOLOGIA LABORATORIO DE BIOTECNOLOGIA MOLECULAR II AVENIDA VITAL BRASIL, 1500 SAO PAULO, SP 05503900 BRAZIL Phone: 55-11-327-67222 Email: [email protected] (11/08/03) JORGE L CERVANTES UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT HEALTH CENTER 263 FARMINGTON AVE. L-2060 FARMINGTON, CT 06030 Phone: 860-679-4520 Fax: 860-679- 1461 Email: [email protected] (11/08/03) Roberto Cevenini University of Bologna Institute of Microbiology St. Orsola Hospital Bologna, 40126 Italy Phone: 39-51-341632 Fax: 39-51-341652 Email: GEORGE CHACONAS UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY DAPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY & MOLECULAR BIOLOGY 3330 HOSPITAL DRIVE NW CALGARY, AB T2N 4N1 CANADA Phone 403 210-9692 FAX 403 270-2772 lab phone 403 220-6651 e-mail: [email protected] Research Interests: Borrelia DNA replication (02/10/01) Cheryl I. Champion UCLA Path & Lab Med BOX 951732, 1P-172 CHS Los Angeles, CA 90095-1732 Phone: 310-206-4910 Fax: 310-206-4910 Email: [email protected] (12/09/06) John T. Chance National Centers for Disease Control OSTDLA 1600 Clifton Road NE Stop D-13 Atlanta, GA 30329-4018 Phone: (404) 639-3225 Fax: (404) 639-3976 Email: [email protected] (99/05/28) YUNG-FU CHANG CORNELL UNIVERSITY DEPT OF POPULATION MEDICINE & DIAG. SCIENCES COLLEGE OF VETERINARY MEDICINE ITHACA, NY 14853 Phone: 607-253-3675 Fax: 607-253-3943 Email: [email protected] (11/08/03) Garlo Chao Univ. of California, Los Angeles 11301 Wilshire Blvd. Bldg. 113, Room 306 Los Angeles, CA 90073 Phone: (310) 268-4660 Fax: Email: [email protected] (98/3/12) Nyles W Charon West Virginia university school of medicine Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center P.O. Box 9177 Morgantown, WV 26506-9177 Phone: 304-293-4170 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) Dr Roderick J. Chappel "Trenoweth" 11 Hillcrest Road Hurstbridge Victoria 3099 Australia Phone/Fax 61 3 9718 2069 Mobile 0414 748 308 Email: [email protected] Research interests: Leptospirosis of livestock and as a zoonotic disease. Nyles W. Charon, Ph.D. West Virginia University Health Sciences Center North Medical Center Drive Box 9177 Morgantown, WV 26506-9177 Phone: (304) 293-4170 Fax: (304) 293-7823 Email: [email protected] (06/06/21) Sarita Chauhan Department of Oral Biology 316 Foster Hall , 3435 Main Street State University of New York at Buffalo Buffalo NY 14214 Phone: (716) 829-2458 Fax: (716) 829-3926 Email: [email protected] Research interests: Molecular biology of symbiotic and pathogenic prokaryotes. (96/10/4) Claire Checroun NIAID – NIH Rocky Mountain Laboratories 903 South 4th Street Hamilton, MT 59840 Phone: 406-363-9367 Fax: 406-375-9681 Email: (08/5/01) Qiang Chen University of Massachusetts Medical School Dept. Molecular Genetics and Microbiology 55 Lake Ave N Worchester, MA 01655 Phone: 508-856-6965 Email: [email protected] (08/4/25) Mariel Chetcuti Zahnarztliches Institut der Universitat Basel Petersplatz 14 Abt. PZMOM Basel CH-4051 Switzerland Phone: 41 061 267 27 03 Fax: 41 061 267 25 81 Email: Yu-Wei Chiang Biological Ford Dodge Laboratories 800 5th Street NW Fort Dodge, IA 50501 Phone: (515) 955-4600 Fax: (515) 955-9189 Email: Bong-Kyu Choi Institut fur Mikrobiologie und Hygiene Universitatsklinikum Charite Clara-Zetkin Str. 96 Berlin, 10117 Germany Phone: 0049 030 220 2411 Fax: 0049 030 229 2741 Email: TISHA S CHOUDHURY UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA BURNETT SCHOOL OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES, COLLEGE OF MEDICINE 6900 LAKE NONA BLVD ORLANDO, FLORIDA 32827 Phone: 407-453-4316 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/2/24) Henry A. Choy UCLA, Department of Medicine HACme Lab Services Email: [email protected] (12/07/23) Chen-Yi Chu NIAID, NIH 903 S 4th ST Laboratory of Zoonotic Pathogens Hamilton, MT 59840 Phone: 406-375-9817 Fax: 406-375-9681 Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) Yutein Chung University of Toledo Health Science Campus Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Immunology 3000 Arlington Ave., MS #1021 Toledo, OH 43614 Phone: 419-353-6818 Fax: Email: [email protected] (11/08/08) Marina Cinco University of Trieste Via Fleming 22 Trieste 34127 Italy Phone: +39-040-5587178 Fax: +39-040-351668 Email: (08/5/01) Catherine M. Cleavinger Mayo Foundation 501 Guggenheim 200 First Street SW Rochester, MN 55905 Phone: 507-284-0861 Fax: 507-284-3757 Email: [email protected] (98/3/12) Robert G. Cluss Middlebury College Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry Middlebury, VT 05753 Phone: (802) 443-5025 Fax: (802) 443-2072 Email: [email protected] Research interests: lipid metabolism and the heat shock response of B. burgdorferi (98/4/13) Jenifer Coburn Professor of Medicine Center For Biopreparedness and Infectious Diseases Medical College of Wisconsin 8701 Watertown Plank Rd. TBRC C3980 Milwaukee, WI 53226 Phone: 414-955-4116 Fax: 414-955-6567 Email: [email protected] (08/05/12) Valentina Cogoni University of Bristol Oral Microbiology Lab Department of Oral and Dental Science Lower Maudlin Street Bristol, BS1 2LY United Kingdom Phone: 44-1179284508 Fax: 44-1179284313 Email: [email protected] (11/08/08) James L. Coleman New York State Department of Health Dept. of Pathology Health Sciences Center, T-9/134 S.U.N.Y. at Stony Brook, BST, T-9 Rm 134 Stony Brook, NY 11794-8692 Phone: (516) 444-3520 Fax: (516) 444-3863 Email: [email protected] (98/3/12) Pär COMSTEDT, PhD Manager of IDM, Infectious Disease Models VALNEVA AUSTRIA GMBH Campus Vienna Biocenter 3 1030 Vienna Vienna, Austria FB-Nr: FN 389960 x / HG Wien Email: [email protected] T +43-1-206 20-1205 M +43-676-84 55 67 342 F +43-1-206 20-81205 follow us on Twitter @valnevase (14/12/19) Arianna P Corona New York Medical College Department of Microbiology and Immunology Basic Science Building Rm. 328 59 Dana Rd. Valhalla, NY 10595 Phone: 408-209-1270 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) JEROEN COUMOU ACADEMIC MEDICAL CENTER AMSTERDAM CENTER FOR EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE G2-132 MEIBERGDREEF 9 AMSTERDAM 1105 AZ NETHERLANDS Phone: 31-629174486 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/2/24) Loïc Coutte Institut de Biologie de Lille U629, Institut Pasteur de Lille, INSERM 1 rue du Pr Calmette Lille Cedex, 59021 France Email: [email protected] (11/04/18) David L. Cox National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Mailstop a-12 1600 Clifton Road DSTDLR Atlanta, GA 30333 Phone: (404) 639-3446 Fax: (404) 639-4464 Email: [email protected] Christopher C Creekmore University of Kentucky Microbiology, Immunology & Molecular Genetics 800 Rose Street Medical Sciences Building, MN469 Lexington, KY 40536 Phone: 859-625-2094 Fax: Email: [email protected] Brian A. Crowe Baxter Innovations GMBH Biomedical Centre Uferstr. 15 Orth An Der Donau, A-2304 Austria Phone: 43-1-20100-4304 Fax: 43-1-20100-4000 Email: [email protected] (11/08/03) JAMESON T CROWLEY STONY BROOK UNIVERSITY MOLECULAR GENETICS AND MICROBIOLOGY 290 CENTER FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE CENTER FOR INFECTIOUS DISEASES STONY BROOK, NY 11794 Phone: 631-632-4227 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/2/24) Adriana R. Cruz CIDEIM CRA 125 # 19-225 Cali Valle, Colombia Phone: 57-2-555-2164 Fax: 57-2-555-2638 Email: [email protected] (11/08/08) Paul A. Cullen Australian Bacterial Pathogenesis Program Department of Microbiology Monash University VIC 3800, Australia Email: [email protected] Research interests: OMPs in Leptospira and Brachyspira, bacterial pathogenesis of spirochetes, immunity to spirochete infection (update needed; email undeliverable) (11/08/03) Michael AD Cummings University of Victoria Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology University of Victoria Victoria, BC V8W 3P6 Canada Phone: 250-853-3190 Fax: 250-721-8855 Email: [email protected] (11/08/09) Sally J. Cutler University of East London School of Health & Bioscience Romford Road Stratford London E15 4LZ United Kingdom Phone: 44-208-223-6386 Email: [email protected] (08/4/25) POONAM DADHWAL LSU PATHOBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES BATON ROUGE, LA 70802 Phone: 225-362-2958 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/2/24) Tarah M. Dame Stony Brook University CMM 280 Stony Brook, NY 11794-5120 Phone: 631-632-4226 Fax: 631-632-4294 Email: (08/05/30) Stuart G. Dashper The CRC for Oral Health Science Melbourne Dental School The University of Melbourne 720 Swanston St Melbourne, Victoria 3010 Australia Phone: 613-9341-1551 Fax: Email: [email protected] (11/08/09) Raymond J. Dattwyler New York Medical College Division of Allergy/Immunology & Rheumatology Valhalla, NY 10595 Phone: 914-594-4444 Fax: 914-594-4277 Email: [email protected] (06/07/10) Barrie E. Davidson Biochemistry Department University of Melbourne Parkville, Victoria 3052 Australia Phone: 61 3 344 5912 Fax: 61 3 347 7730 Email: [email protected] (97/8/29) Don A. Dearwester Pfizer Central Research Pfizer Inc. Eastern Point Road Groton, CT 06340 Phone: 860-441-8813 Fax: 860-441-8739 Email: [email protected] (98/3/12) Dana L. Defosse Dept. of Microbiology University of Minnesota Box 196, UMHC 420 Delaware Street SE Minneapolis, MN 55455 Phone: (612) 624-5684 Fax: (612) 626-0623 Email: Ranjit K. Deka UT Southwestern Medical Center Department of Microbiology 6000 Harry Hines Blvd. NL4.120 Dallas, TX 75390-9048 Phone: 214-633-1391 Fax: Email: [email protected] (11/08/09) Aravinda M. De Silva University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill CB #7290 Department of Microbiology and Immunology ME Jones Room 720 Chapel Hill, NC 27599 Phone: 919-843-9964 Fax: 919-962-8103 Email: [email protected] (06/07/10) YAVOR DENCHEV UNIVERSITY OF VICTORIA DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND MICROBIOLOGY PETCH BLDG ROOM 246 RING ROAD VICTORIA, BC V8P 5C2 CANADA Phone: 250-853-3190 Fax: 250-721-8855 Email: [email protected] (12/2/27) AMY A DEVLIN NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY CAMPUS BOX 7615 RALEIGH, NC 27695-7615 Phone: 919-515-5702 Fax: 919-515-7867 Email: [email protected] (12/2/27) Floyd E. Dewhirst, Ph.D. The Forsyth Institute 245 First St. Cambridge, MA 02142 Phone: (617) 892-8298 Fax: (617) 892-8432 Email: [email protected] (02/10/03) Axel Diez, M.D. Medical University at Luebeck Department of Dermatology Ratzeburger Allee 160 23538 Luebeck Germany Phone: 49-451-500-2535 Fax: Email: Research interests: Sequentiation of Treponema subspecies: Treponema pertenue, Treponema paraluis cuniculi. Maria Diuk-Wasser Yale University School of Medicine Department of Epidemiology and Public Health 60 College Street, Suite 600 P.O. Box 208034 New Haven, CT 06520-9034 Phone: 203-785-3223 Fax: 203-785-3604 Email: [email protected] (08/5/01) Friedrich Dorner Immuno Ag. Biomed. Research Center Uferstrasse 15 Orth A/D Donau, A-2034 Austria Phone: 43-22022701300 Fax: 43-22122716 Email: Alexander A Dowdell University of Kansas Medical Center Microbiology Department 3011 Wahl Hall West 3901 Rainbow Blvd. Kansas City, KS 66160 Phone: 303-241-0621 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) Dan B. Drecktrah University of Montana Department of Biological Sciences 32 Campus Dr. Missoula, MT 59812 Phone: 406-243-6341 Fax: Email: [email protected] (08/5/05) Elise E. Drouin, PhD Center for Immunology and Inflammatory Diseases Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School 149 Thirteenth Street Room 8301 Charlestown, MA 02129 Phone: 617-726-1529 (Office); 617-726-1530 (Lab) Fax: 617-726-1544 Email: [email protected] (08/8/08) Dominique Dugourd Universite De Montreal Faculte De Medicine Veterinaire C.P. 5000 St. Hyacinthe, PQ J2S 7C6 Canada Phone: (514) 773-8521 Fax: (514) 778-8108 Email: [email protected] Gerald E. Duhamel University of Nebraska Dept. of Veterinary & Biomed. Sciences Rm. 147, VBS Bldg., East Campus Lincoln, NE 68583-0905 Phone: (402) 472-3862 Fax: (402) 472-9690 Email: [email protected] DANIEL P DULEBOHN LABORATORY OF ZOONOTIC PATHOGENS, RML ROCKY MOUNTAIN LABORATORIES 903 S. 4TH STREET HAMILTON, MT 59840 Phone: 406-363-9393 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/2/27) Star M. Dunham-Ems University of Connecticut Health Center 263 Farmington Ave Farmington, CT 06030-3715 Phone: 860-679-8390 Fax: 860-679-1358 Email: [email protected] (08/5/05) John Dunn Brookhaven National Laboratory Biology Department Upton, NY 11973-9999 Phone: (516) 344-3012 Fax: Email: [email protected] (97/8/19) JOSHUA P DUNN UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA HEALTH SCIENCES CENTER DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY 940 STANTON L. YOUNG BLVD BMSB 1011 OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73104 Phone: 405-271-2133 EXT.46641 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/2/27) Daniel E. Dykhuizen Dept. of Ecology & Evolution State University of NY Life Sciences-Stoney Brook Stoney Brook, NY 11794 Phone: (516) 632-8591 Fax: (516) 632-7626 Email: David Dymock University of Bristol Dept. of Oral and Dental Science Lower Maudlin Street Bristol, Avon BS1 2LY United Kingdom Phone: 44-117-9284168 Fax: 44-117-9284313 Email: [email protected] (11/08/09) Chris Earnhart Medical Countermeasures Advanced Development and Manufacturing Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense U.S. Navy, NSWC Dahlgren 4045 Higley Road Suite 345 Dahlgren, VA 22448-5162 Email: [email protected] (12/07/23) Rhodaba Ebady University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry, Matrix Dynamics Group 150 College St., Fitzgerald Building, Room 241 Toronto, ON M5S 3E2 Canada Phone: 1-416-978-6687 Fax: 416-978-5956 Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) Diane Gray Edmondson UTHSCH-Medical School Dept. of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 6431 Fannin Houston, TX 77030 Phone: 713-500-5384 Fax: 713-500-0731 Email: [email protected] (11/08/09) Abdallah F. Elias Institut für Mikrobiologie und Hygiene Charité Universitätsklinikum Campus Charité Mitte 10117 Berlin Germany Email: (03/12/31) Richard P. Ellen University of Toronto CIHR Group in Matrix Dynamics Faculty of Dentistry 124 Edward Street Toronto, ON M5G 1G6 Canada Phone: 416-979-4917X4456 Fax: 416-979-4936 Email: [email protected] Research Interests: Cytopathogenicity in periodontitis; cytoskeletal perturbation by oral spirochetes. (08/5/05) David A. Elsemore Idexx Laboratories 1 Idexx Drive Westbrook, ME 04092 Phone: 207-591-3337 Fax: 207-856-0630 Email: [email protected] (06/07/10) Monica E. Embers Tulane Natl. Primate Research Center B Bldg., Rm. 206 18703 Three Rivers Rod. Covington, LA 70433 Phone: 985-871-6607 Fax: 985-871-6390 Email: [email protected] (06/07/10) Azad Eshghi Institut Pasteur 25-28 Rue Docteur Roux Unité Biologie des Spirochetes Paris 75015 France Phone: 33-0678533808 Fax: 33 1 40 61 30 01 Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) Maria D Esteve-Gassent Texas A&M University College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences Department of Veterinary Pathobiology College Station, TX 77843-4467 Phone: 979-845-1117 Fax: 979-862-2344 Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) KAREN V EVANGELISTA MEDICAL COLLEGE OF WISCONSIN DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY AND MOLECULAR GENETICS 8701 WATERTOWN PLANK ROAD MILWAUKEE, WI 53226 Phone: 414-955-2211 Fax: 414-955-6567 Email: [email protected] (12/2/27) Nicholas J. Evans University of Liverpool Veterinary Immunology Veterinary Science Building Crown Street Liverpool, L69 7ZJ United Kingdom Phone: 44-151-7944208 Fax: Email: [email protected] (08/5/05) Maurice M. Exner UCLA School of Medicine Dept. of Microbiology & Immunology CHS 43-239, 10833 LeConte Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90095 Phone: 310-206-6510 Fax: 310-206-3865 Email: [email protected] (98/3/12) Thomas E. Fehniger Ph.D. Department of Immunology Stockholm University S-10690 Stockholm Sweden Phone: 46 8 164204 Fax: 46 8 154163 Email: [email protected] Claes Fellstrom Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences Department of Large Animal Clinical Sciences Box 7018, SE-75007 Uppsala Uppsala, SE-75007 SWEDEN Tel.: +46 18 6714723 Telefax: Email: [email protected] Research Interests: Intestinal and oral spirochaetes (06/07/10) Sunlian Feng Yale School of Medicine 130 Lsoa 375 Congress Avenue New Haven, CT 06520 Phone: (203) 785-3096 Fax: (203) 785-7499 Email: [email protected] J. Christopher Fenno Dept. of Biologic and Materials Sciences 4205 School of Dentistry University of Michigan 1011 N. University Ave. Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1078 Phone: (734) 763-3331 FAX: (734) 647-2110 E-Mail: [email protected] Research interests: cell surfaces, outer membrane and exported proteins, adhesion/invasion/cytotoxicity Erol Fikrig Yale University Department of Medicine, Division of Infectious Diseases 333 Cedar Street New Haven, CT 06520 Phone: (203) 737-4080 Fax: (203) 785-7053 Email: [email protected] Robert J. Fischer National Institutes of Health 903 S. 4th St. Hamilton, MT 59840 Phone: 406-363-9477 Fax: Email: [email protected] (08/5/07) Durland Fish Yale School of Medicine Department of Epidemiology and Public Health 60 College St. P. O. Box 208034 New Haven, CT 06520-8034 Phone: (203) 785-3525 Fax: (203) 785-3604 Email: [email protected] Denise M. Foley Ph.D. Assistant Professor Department of Biomolecular Sciences Chapman University 333 N. Glassell Street Orange, CA 92866 Phone: (714) 628-7209 Fax: (714) 532-6048 Email: [email protected] (98/2/4) GABOR FOLDVARI FAC. VETERINARY SCI., SZENT ISTVAN UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF PARASITOLOGY AND ZOOLOGY 2 ISTVAN STREET BUDAPEST H-1078 HUNGARY Phone: 3620-571-9043 Fax: 361-478-4193 Email: [email protected] (12/2/27) Danielle E Fortune University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences 4301 West Markham Street Slot #511 Little Rock, AR 72205 Phone: 919-478-5145 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) Derrick E Fouts J. Craig Venter Institute 9704 Medical Center Dr. Rockville, MD 20878 Phone: 301-795-7874 Fax: 301-795-7070 Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) Teresa M. Francescutti University of Victoria Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology Petch 246 Victoria, BC V8W 3P6 Canada Phone: 250-853-3190 Fax: 250-721-8855 Email: [email protected] (08/5/07) Joseph C. Frantz Pfizer, Inc. Central Research 601 West Cornhusker Highway Lincoln, NE 68521-3577 Phone: (402) 441-2624 Fax: (402) 441-2782 Email: [email protected] Claire M. Fraser, Ph.D. Director, Institute for Genome Sciences 801 W. Baltimore Street BioPark II, 6th floor Baltimore, MD, 21201 Phone: (410) 706-3879, (410) 706-2396 Email: [email protected] (12/07/23) John C. Freedman Virginia Commonwealth University Department of Microbiology and Immunology PO Box 980678 Richmond, VA 23219 Phone: 804-628-2718 Fax: Email: [email protected] (11/08/09) Sarah A Fremgen University of Connecticut Health Center Department of Medicine 263 Farmington Avenue Farmington, CT 06032 Phone: 860-679-8390 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) Masahito Fukunaga Fukuyama University Dept. of Microbiology School of Pharmacology Sciences Sanzo 985,Higashimuracho Fukuyama, Hiroshima 729-02 Japan Phone: 81-849-362111 Fax: 81-849-362024 Email: [email protected] or: [email protected] (97/8/6) Paolo Gaibani St. Orsola Hospital Department of Hematology and Oncology and Microbiology Via Massarenti 9 Bologna, 40100 Italy Phone: 39-51-636-4316 Fax: 39-51-636-4316 Email: [email protected] (08/5/07) Pam Gale Animal Diseases Research Institute Box 640 Lethbridge, AB T1J 3Z4 Canada Phone: (403) 382-5504 Fax: (403) 381-8283 Email: [email protected] (97/3/21) Brandon L Garcia Texas A&M Health Science Center Institute of Biosciences & Technology Center for Infectious and Inflammatory Diseases Houston, TX 77030 Phone: 713-677-7555 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) Claude F. Garon Rocky Mountain Labs Laboratory of Vectors, Pathogens 903 South 4th Street Hamilton, MT 59840 Phone: 406 363-9228 Fax: 406 363-9372 Email: [email protected] (99/05/28) Ulf Garpmo University of Kalmar Inst. of Natural Sciences POB 905 S-39129 Kalmar Sweden Phone: 46-480446246 Fax: 46-480446262 Email: [email protected] Research interests: Borrelia and ticks (98/9/23) Robert A Gaultney University of North Dakota School of Medicine and Health Sciences 501 N. Columbia Rd., Stop 9037 Grand Forks, ND 58202-9036 Phone: 701-777-2214 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) Yigong Ge West Virginia University Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology P. O. Box 9177 Morgantown, WV 26506 Phone: 304 293-4170 Fax: 304 293-7823 Email: Joseph Gebbia New York State Department of Health Health Sciences Center S.U.N.Y. at Stonybrook Stony Brook, NY 11794-8691 Phone: (516) 444-3520 Fax: (516) 444-4863 Email: [email protected] Lise Gern University of Neuchatel Institute of Zoology Emile Argand 11 Dept. Biology Neuchatel, 2000 Switzerland Phone: 41-32-718-3052 Fax: 41-32-718-3000 Email: [email protected] (08/5/07) Dr. Frank C. Gherardini Laboratory of Human Bacterial Pathogenesis Rocky Mountain Laboratories NIH/NIAID 903 South 4th St. Hamilton, MT 59840 Phone: (406)363-9474 Fax: (406)375-9681 Email: [email protected] (03/12/31) Lorenzo L. Giacani University of Washington , Harborview Medical Center 325 9th Ave. Mailbox 359779 Seattle, WA 98104 Phone: 206-897-5360 Fax: 206-897-5363 Email: [email protected] (08/5/07) Robert D. Gilmore CDC Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases 3150 Rampart Rd. Foothills Campus Fort Collins, CO 80521 Phone: (970) 221-6405 Fax: (970) 221-6476 Email: [email protected] (08/5/07)) Katie Ginther-Davis Centers For Disease Control Div. Vector-Borne Diseases Rampart Road, Foot Hills Fort Collins, CO 80521 Phone: 970-221-6478 Fax: 970-221-6476 Email: [email protected] (98/3/19) CYRILLE GOARANT INSTITUT PASTEUR IN NEW CALEDONIA BACTERIOLOGY RESEARCH LABORATORY NOUMEA, NEW CALEDONIA 98800 FRANCE Phone: 687-277531 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/2/29) Dr. Ulf B. Göbel Institut of Mikrobiologie und Hygiene Universitätsklinikum Chariteacute Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Dorotheenstr.96, Berlin D-10117 Germany Phone: 49-30-450524001 Fax: 49-30Email: [email protected] (01/08/02) Henry P. Godfrey New York Medical College Department of Pathology Basic Science Building Valhalla, NY 10595-2690 Phone: 914-594-4160 Fax: 914-594-4163 Email: [email protected] (08/5/07) William Golde NCID, CDC Division of Vector-Horne Infectious Diseases Foothills Campus @ CSU P. O. Box 2087 Fort Collins, CO 80522 Phone: 303 221-6473 Fax: 303 221-6476 Stuart Goldstein University of Minnesota Dept. of Genetics & Cell Biology Biological Sciences Center, Room 250 St. Paul, MN 55108 Phone: (612) 624-5399 Fax: (612) 625-5754 Email: [email protected] E. J. Golsteyn-Thomas Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada Animal Diseases Research Institute P. O. Box 640 Lethbridge, AB T1J 3Z4 CANADA Phone: (403) 382-5551 Fax: (403) 381-1202 Email: [email protected] Research interests: Molecular biology of Leptospira (97/3/21) Maria JC Gomes-Solecki University of Tennessee HSC Department of Molecular Sciences 858 Madison Ave Rom 301E Memphis, TN 38163 Phone: 901-448-2536 Fax: Email: [email protected] (11/08/09) Ricardo M Gomez Conicet Ibbm 49 and 115 Street LA Plata 1900 Argentina Phone: 54-11-66857422 Fax: Email: [email protected] Tesse L. Goodman University of Minnesota Box 250 430 Delaware Street Minneapolis, MN 55455 Phone: (612) 624-9996 Fax: (612) 625-4410 Email: Andre Grassmann Universidade Federal de Pelotas Biotecnologia, Centro de Desenvolvimento Tecnologico Campus Univeresitário do Capão do Leão, s/n LPDI - Lab de Pesquisas em Doenças Infecciosas Pelotas, Rio Grande do 96010900 Brazil Phone: 860-944-6471 Fax: Email: [email protected] John T. Gray SmithKline Beecham Animal Health 601 W. Cornhusker Highway Lincoln, NE 68501 Phone: (402) 441-2819 Fax: (402) 441-2715 Email: [email protected] ASHLEY M GROSHONG UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS FOR MEDICAL SCIENCES 4301 W MARKHAM DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY SLOT 511 LITTLE ROCK, AR 72205 Phone: 501-258-9544 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/2/29) Asa Gylfe Umea University Dept. of Microbiology UMEA, S-901 87 Sweden Phone: 46-907856739 Fax: 46-90772630 Email: [email protected] (98/3/12) David A. Haake, M.D. UCLA School of Medicine Division of Infectious Diseases, 111F VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System 11301 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90073 Phone: (310) 237-3347 OR 310-237-3447 FAX: (310) 268-4928 Email: [email protected] (03/08/07) Matthew C. Haller Albany Medical College 43 New Scotland Ave. ME221A, MC151 Albany, NY 12208 Phone: 518-262-8141 Fax: 518-262-6161 Email: (08/5/07) Sarah A. Hamer Assistant Professor Department of Veterinary Integrative Biosciences Texas A&M University 4458 TAMU College Station, TX 77843-2475 Tel: 979-847-5693; Fax: 979-847-8981 [email protected] (12/09/17) Dr. David J. Hampson Murdoch University School of Veterinary Studies South Street, Murdoch Perth, Western Australia 6150 Australia Phone: 61-893602287 Fax: 61-893104144 Email: [email protected] Klara Hanincova New York Medical College BSB Room 328 Valhalla, NY 10595 Phone: 914-594-4185 Fax: Email: (09/10/05) Pauline Hannam University of British Columbia Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology 6174 University Boulevard Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3 Canada Phone: (604) 822-4642 Fax: (604) 822-6041 Email: [email protected] Emily S Hansen University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee Biomedical Sciences Enderis Hall 2400 E. Hartford Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53211 Phone: 920-850-0673 Fax: Email: [email protected] Mark S. Hanson MedImmune Inc. 35 West Watkins Mill Road Gaithersburg, MD 20878 Phone: (301) 527-4264 Fax: (301) 527-4200 Email: [email protected] (98/3/19) John M. Hardham, Ph.D. Pfizer Animal Health Group,Veterinary Medicine Biological Discovery Bldg. 267, Room 318.1 301 Henrietta Street Veterinary Medicine Biological Discovery Bldg. 267, Room 318.1 301 Henrietta Street Kalamazoo, MI 49001 Email: [email protected] (12/07/23) Pierre-Olivier Hardy University of Calgary Department of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases B762C Health Sciences Centre 3330 Hospital Dr. N.W. Calgary, AB T2N 4N1 Canada Phone: 403-220-6651 Fax: 403-270-2772 Email: [email protected] (11/08/09) Katherine R Hargreaves University of Leicester Department of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation University Road Leicester LE1 9HN United Kingdom Phone: 44-1162522940 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) MELISSA L HARGREAVES UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA CHARLES H. CLAPP BLDG. ROOM 211 UNIVERSITY OF MONTANA MISSOULA, MT 59812 Phone: 406-243-6341 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/2/29) Michael W Harman University of Arizona Physics and Atmospheric Sciences Building 1118 E. Fourth St. Tucson, AZ 85719 Phone: 203-558-2866 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) D.L. (Hank) Harris Department of Microbiology 201 Science I Iowa State University Ames, IA 50011 Phone 515-294-1664 Email: [email protected] (98/2/4) Rudy A. Hartskeerl Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) KIT Biomedical Research WHO/FAO/OIE LEPTOSPIROSIS REFERENCE CENTRE Meibergdreef 39 Amsterdam, 1105 AZ Netherlands Phone: 31-020-5665438 Fax: 31-020-6971841 Email: [email protected] (11/08/09) PRICILA HAUK UNIVERSITY OF SAO PAULO DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY AV. LlNEU PRESTES 748 SAO PAULO, 05508-900 BRAZIL Phone: 55-1130913312 Fax: 55-1138155579 Email: [email protected] (11/08/09) Kelly L Hawley UCONN Health Center Department of Pediatrics L-2060 MC-3510 263 Farmington Ave Farmington, CT 06030 Phone: 860-679-1461 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) BETH M HAYES NIH-NIAID RML 903 S. 4TH ST HAMILTON, MT 59840 Phone: 406-363-9402 Fax: Email: [email protected] (11/08/09) Karsten Hazlett Center for Immunology & Microbial Disease Albany Medical College 47 New Scotland Avenue, MC-151 Albany, New York 12208-3479 Email: [email protected] (12/07/23) Ming He Indiana University 635 Barnhill Drive MS420 Indianapolis, IN 46202 Phone: 317-278-7715 Fax: 317-274-4090 Email: [email protected] (08/5/07) Hollis Heinzerling Dept. of Dental Research Univ. of Rochester Medical Center Box 611 601 Elmwood Avenue Rochester, NY 14642 Phone: (716) 275-0380 Ext.869 Fax: (716) 473-2679 Email: THOMAS J HILTKE NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH NIAID STI BRANCH 6610 ROCKLEDGE DRIVE RM.3114 BETHESDA, MD 20892 Phone: 301-435-2874 Fax: 301-480-3617 Email: [email protected] (11/08/09) B. Joseph Hinnebusch NIAID, NIH Rocky Mountain Laboratory 903 South 4th Sreet Hamilton, MT 59840 Phone: (406) 363-9260 Fax: (406) 363-9204 Email: [email protected] (99/05/28) Matthew J. Hirschfeld Univ. of Utah School of Medicine Dept. of Pathology 50 N. Medical Dr. Salt Lake City, UT 84132 Phone: 801-581-4364 Fax: 801-581-4517 Email: [email protected] PAULO LEE PLH HO INSTITUTO BUTANTAN CENTRO DE BIOTECNOLOGIA AV. VITAL BRASIL, 1500 SAO PAULO, SAO PAULO 05503-900 BRAZIL Phone: 55-11-37267222 Fax: 55-11-37261505 Email: [email protected] (12/2/29) David E. Hoke Monash University Department of Microbiology Clayton Campus Wellington Road Clayton, Victoria 3800 Australia Phone: 61-3-9905-4832 Fax: 61-3-9905-4811 Email: [email protected] (08/5/07) Mangus Höök Texas A & M University Inst Biosci & Tech, Ctr Matrix Biology 2121 W. Holcombe Boulevard Houston, TX 77030 Phone: (713) 677-7551 Fax: (713) 677-7576 Email: [email protected] (08/5/01) LORA V HOOPER UT SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL CENTER DEPARTMENT OF IMMUNOLOGY ROOM NA7.512 5323 HARRY HINES BOULEVARD DALLAS, TX 75390 Phone: 214-648-7306 Fax: 214-648-7331 Email: [email protected] Laura S. Houston University of Washington Department of Periodontics Box 357444 Seattle, WA 98195 Phone: (206) 543-2987 Fax: (206) 685-8024 Email: [email protected] Research interests: oral microbiology SIMON A HOUSTON UNIVERSITY OF VICTORIA DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND MICROBIOLOGY 3800 FINNERTY ROAD, PO BOX 3055 STN CSC VICTORIA, BC V8W 3P6 CANADA Phone: 250-853-3190 Fax: 250-721-8855 Email: [email protected] (12/2/29) Kelley M. Hovis Virginia Commonwealth University P.O. Box 980678 Richmond, VA 23298 Phone: 804-828-3779 Fax: 802-828-9946 Email: (09/10/05) Joppe W.R. Hovius University of Amsterdam Center for Experimental and Molecular Medicine Room G2-105, Joppe Hovius Meibergdreeg 9 Amsterdam, 1105 AZ Netherlands Phone: 31-205-66-9111 Fax: 31-20-6977192 Email: [email protected] (08/5/08) Jerrilyn K. Howell Research Associate (Retired) Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine University of Texas at Houston Medical School P.O. Box 20708 Houston, TX 77225 Phone: (713) 500-5262 Fax: (713) 500-0730 Email: [email protected] (97/2/25) Ching-Lin Hsieh Cornell University Department of Population Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences College of Veterinary Medicine Ithaca, NY 14853-6401 Phone: 607-279-2024 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) Linden T. Hu Tuft-New England Medical Center 800 Washington St., Box 41 Boston, MA 02011 Phone: (617) 636-8498 Fax: (617) 636-3216 Email: [email protected] Research interests: use of fibrinolytic proteins by B. burgdorferi in the pathogenesis of Lyme disease. (09/5/08) Wai Mun Huang, Ph.D. University of Utah Medical Center Dept. of Pathology 5200B EEJ 15 N Medical Dr. East Salt Lake City, UT 84112 Phone: (801) 581-8489 Fax: (801) 581-585-2417 Email: [email protected] (08/5/08) Charlene R. Hudson University of Georgia 546 Biological Sciences Bldg. Dept. of Microbiology Athens, GA 30602 Phone: 706-542-4689 Fax: 706-542-2674 Email: [email protected] Robert C. Huebner, PhD Senior Research Scientist Pasteur Merieux Connaught One Discovery Drive Swiftwater, PA 18370-0187 USA Phone: (570) 839-4371 Fax: (570) 839-0619 Email: [email protected] (99/01/04) Carrie A. Hughes, Ph.D. Manager, Media and Process Technology Becton Dickinson Diagnostic Systems Mailcode 904 PO Box 999 Sparks, MD 21152-0999 Phone: 410-316-3193 Fax: 410-316-3138 Email: (08/5/01) Gabriele Huter Mikrogen GMBH Westendstr 125 Munich Bavaria 80339 Germany Phone: 49-89-5401960 Fax: 49-89-504083 Email: (08/5/01) JENNY A HYDE TEXAS A&M UNIVERS ITY HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY 407 REYNOLDS MEDICAL BLDG MS1114 COLLEGE STATION, TX 77843 Phone: 979-845-3054 Fax: 979-845-3479 Email: [email protected] (11/08/09) JUKKA HYTONEN UNIVERSITY OF TURKU DEPT. OF MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY KIINAMYLLYNKATU 13 TURKU, FI-20520 FINLAND Phone: 358-2333-7400 Fax: Email: [email protected] (11/08/09) Kazuyuki Ishihara Tokyo Dental College Department of Microbiology 1-2-2 Masago, Mihama-Ku Chiba, 261-8502 Japan Phone: 81-43-2703741 Fax: 81-43-2703744 Email: [email protected] (98/3/13) Lourdes Isaac University of Sao Paulo Department of Immunology AV. Prof. Lineu Prestes 1730 Sao Paulo, São Paulo 05508-900 Brazil Phone: 55-11-3091 7390 Fax: 55-11-3091 7224 Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) Kazuyuki Ishihara Tokyo Dental College Department of Microbiology Tokyo Dental College Shinkan 6F 2-1-14 Misaki-cho, Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-0061 Japan Phone: 81-3-6380-9558 Fax: 81-3-6380-9558 Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) Satoru Ito, Ph.D. Fujirebio Inc. Diagnostic Research Laboratories 51 Komiya-cho, Hachioji, Tokyo 192, JAPAN Email: [email protected] Radha Iyer New York Medical College Dept. of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Valhalla, NY 10595 Phone: (914) 594-4185 Fax: (914) 594-4176 Email: [email protected] (97/12/30) Jacques Izard Forsyth Institute Department of Molecular Genetics 245 First St. Cambridge, MA 02142 Phone: 617-892-8270 Fax: 617-892-8432 Email: [email protected] Research interests: Molecular biology of Treponema. Filaments. Cell division, motility. (08/5/08) Annukka Jaatinen University of Turku Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology Kiinamyllynkatu 13 Turku 20520 Finland Phone: 358-23337400 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) SUNNY JAIN UNIVERSITY OF CENTRAL FLORIDA BURNETT SCHOOL OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES 6900 LAKE NONA BLVD. ORLANDO, FL 32827I Phone: 407-690-1178 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/2/29) Tobias Jakobsson Umea University Department of Molecular Biology Hospital Area, Building 6K and 6L Umea 901 87 Sweden Phone: 46-90-7850803 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) Allison E. James Washington State University Paul G. Allen School for Global Animal Health College of Veterinary Medicine P.O. Box 647040 Pullman, WA 99164-7040 Phone: 509-335-6343 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) Ashkan Javid University of Toronto Faculty of Dentistry Matrix Dynamics Group 150 College St. Toronto, ON M5S 3E2 Canada Phone: 416-978-6687 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) Priya A Jayaraman North Carolina State University Department of Biological Sciences Campus Box 7614 112 Derieux Place Raleigh, NC 27695-7614 Phone: 919-515-5702 Fax: 919-515-7867 Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) Sigrid B. Jauris-Heipke Abt. fur Serologic Max von Pattenkofer Institut Pattenkoferstr.9a Muenchen, Germany 80336 Phone: 49 89 504150 Fax: 89 89 504083 Email: Howard F. Jenkinson University of Bristol Department of Oral and Dental Science Lower Maudlin Street Briston, Avon BS92RD United Kingdom Phone: 44-117-928-4358 Fax: 44-117-928-4313 Email: [email protected] (08/5/08) Neil S. Jensen Becton Dickinson Microbiology Systems Molecular Diagnostics Division BD Biosciences MC 912 54 Loveton Circle Sparks, MD 21152 Phone: (410) 316-3628 Fax: (410) 316-3690 Email: [email protected] (00/08/30) Neisha Jeoffreys Centre for Infectious Diseases and Microbiology Laboratory Services, I.C.P.M.R, Westmead Hospital Westmead, NSW, Australia Phone: (612) 9845 6747 Fax: (612) 9832 8659 Email: [email protected] Research interests: T.p.pallidum & T.p.pertenue (99/8/11) Mollie W. Jewett University of Central Florida College of Medicine Dept. of Biomolecular Sciences Burnett School of Biomedical Sciences 6900 LAKE NONA BLVD ORLANDO, FL 32827 Phone: 407-266-7028 Fax: Email: [email protected] id=118 (08/5/08) Barbara J. Johnson Centers for Disease Control Division of Vector-Borne Infectious Diseases Foothills Campus 3156 Rampart Road Ft. Collins, CO 80521 Phone: (970) 221-6463 Fax: (970) 225-4257 Email: [email protected] (08/5/21) Russell C. Johnson University of Minnesota Department of Microbiology, Box 196 420 Delaware Street, Southeast Minneapolis, MN 55455-0374 Phone: (612) 624-7944 Fax: (612) 626-0623 Email: 09/10/05 BRANDON L JUTRAS Yale University Howard Hughes Medical Institute Department of Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology 266 Whitney Ave, KBT1044 New Haven, CT 06520 Phone: 203-432-5648 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) Thomas Kamradt Charite' Med. Univ. Klinik III Berlin, D-10098 Germany Phone: 49-30-28026339 Fax: 49-30-28028300 Email: [email protected] SAl LAKSHMI RAJASEKHAR KARNA UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO DEPT OF BIOLOGY ONE UTSA CIRCLE SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS 78249 Phone: 210-458-6679 Fax: Email: [email protected] (11/08/09) Laura I. Katona SUNY at Stony Brook New York State Department of Health Stony Brook, NY 11794-8692 Phone: (516) 444-3030 Fax: (516) 444-3424 Email: [email protected] Alexandra Katz University of Toronto Fitzgerald Building Room 241 Toronto, ON M5S 3E2 Canada Phone: 416-909-9779 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) Hiroki Kawabata, Ph.D. Department of Bacteriology National Institute of Infectious Diseases Toyama 1-23-1, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 162-8640 Japan Phone: 81-352851111 Fax: 81-352851163 Email: [email protected] Research interests: Molecular biology of Borrelia (98/10/5) Melisha R. Kenedy University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center 940 Stanton L. Young Blvd. BMSB 1053 Oklahoma City, OK 73190 Phone: 405-271-2133 X46641 Fax: 405-271-3117 Email: [email protected] (08/5/21) Aurelie Kern Tufts Medical Center Geomed and Infectious Disease 800 Washington Street Box #41 Boston, MA 02111 Phone: 617-636-7613 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) Bijay K Khajanchi University of Texas Health Science Center, Houston Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine 6431 Fannin St, MSB 2.121 Houston, TX 77030 Phone: 713-500-5189 Fax: 713-500-0730 Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) AMY M KING MONASH UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY, BDG 76 MELBOURNE, VIC 3800 AUSTRALIA Phone: 61-03-99029197 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/2/29) Chris-Sandra Klaasen Department of Medical Microbiology University of the Western Cape South Africa email: mailto:[email protected] (00/9/5) Mark Klempner Tufts New England Medical Center 750 Washington Street Box 236 Boston, MA 02111 Phone: (617) 636-7007 Fax: (617) 636-7119 Email: [email protected] Scott W. Knight Univ. of Montana Div. of Biological Sciences Missoula, MT 59812 Phone: 406-243-6341 Fax: Email: [email protected] Albert I Ko Yale School of Public Health 60 College Street Leph Room 319B P.O. Box 208034 New Haven, CT 06520-8034 Phone: 203-785-6269 Fax: 203-785-6193 Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) ARNO D KOENIGS UNIVERSITY HOSPITAL OF FRANKFURT INSTITUTE OF MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY PAUL-EHRLICH-STR. 40 FRANKFURT, HESSEN 60596 GERMANY Phone: 49-69-6301-4333 Fax: 49-69-63015767 Email: [email protected] (12/2/29) Paul E. Kolenbrander National Institutes of Health Building 30, Room 310 30 Convent Dr., MSC 4350 Bethesda, MD 20892-0396 Phone: 301-496-1497 Fax: 301-402-0396 Email: [email protected] (98/3/13) Marcel Koopman Institute of Infectious Diseases and Immunology P.O. Box 80165 3508 TD Utrecht, the Netherlands Phone: 31 (30) 534927 Fax: 31 (30) 540784 Email: Richard Kowalski, Ph.D. Cambridge Biotech Corp. 1500 E. Gude Drive Rockville, MD 20850 Phone: 301-251-0800 ext. 152. Fax: 301-217-9080 Email: [email protected] Research Interests: protein expression level of various Borrelia proteins and its relationship to low and high passages; IgM and IgG immunoblot assays for Lyme disease. (96/10/31) Peter Kraiczy Institute of Medical Microbiology and Infection Co University Hospital of Frankfurt Am Main Paul-Ehrlich-Strasse 40 Frankfurt Am Main, Hessen 60596 Germany Phone: 49-69-6301-7165 Fax: 49-69-6301-5767 Email: [email protected] (08/5/21) Raja Krishnan Pfizer Central Research Dept. of Molecular Biology 601 West Cornhusker Highway Lincoln, NE 68501 Phone: (402) 441-2774 Fax: (402) 441-5014 Email: [email protected] Jonathon Krum Postdoctoral Fellow Rocky Mountain Labs, NIAID, NIH 903 S. 4th St. Hamilton, MT 59840 Phone: (406) 363-9301 Fax: (406) 363-3934 Email: [email protected] (04/01/02) MICHELLE A KRUPNA NEW YORK MEDICAL COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY BASIC SCIENCE BUILDING VALHALLA, NY 10595 Phone: 914-594-3233 Email: [email protected] (12/2/29 FAITH KUNG UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF VETERINARY MEDICINE 8075 GREENMEAD DR. COLLEGE PARK, MD 20742 Phone: 301-314-8257 Fax: 301-314-6855 Email: [email protected] (12/2/29) Howard K. Kuramitsu SUNY at Buffalo Department of Oral Biology 3435 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14214-3092 Phone: (716) 829-2068 Fax: (716) 829-3942 Email: [email protected] (96/10/1) Melissa R. Kurimjan University of Utah Dept. of Pathology 50 N. Medical Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84132 Phone: 801-581-4364 Fax: 801-581-4517 Email: [email protected] (98/3/13) KURNIYATI KURNIYATI SUNY AT BUFFALO ORAL BIOLOGY DEPARTMENT 316 FOSTER HALL 3435 MAIN STREET BUFFALO, NY 14214 Phone: 716-829-6329 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/2/29) Johann Kusters Institut of Infectioius Diseases and Immunology State University of Utrecht POB 80165 3508 TD Utrecht Utrecht, Netherlands Phone: 31 30 534927 Fax: 31 30 540784 Email: Rebecca Lafond Graduate Student University of Washington Harborview Medical Center Room 325 Ninth Avenue, Box 359779 Seattle WA 98104-2499 Phone: 206-731Fax: 206-731-8752 Email: [email protected] (99/8/10) Pekka Lahdenne University of Texas SW Medical Center at Dallas Department of Microbiology 6000 Harry Hines Boulevard Dallas, TX 75390-9048 Phone: (214) 648-5984 Fax: (214) 648-5905 Email: Ambroise Lambert Institut Pasteur Unite de Biologie des Spirochetes 25-28 Rue du Docteur Roux Paris 75015 France Phone: 33-650327588 Fax: 33 1 40 61 30 01 Email: [email protected] (14/05/02) Robert S. Lane Division of Insect Biology 201 Wellman Hall University of California Berkeley, California 94720 Phone: (510) 642-4385 Fax: (510) 642-7428 Email: [email protected] Timothy J. Larocca Suny Stony Brook Center for Infectious Diseases Centers for Molecular Medicine Stony Brook, NY 11794 Phone: 631-632-4227 Email: [email protected] (08/5/21) JOHN-PAUL LAVIK UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO HEALTH SCIENCE CAMPUS DEPT. OF MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY 3000 ARLINGTON AVE., MS #1021 TOLEDO, OH 43614 Phone: 419-383-6818 Fax: 419-383-3002 Email: [email protected] Sandra A. Larsen, Ph.D. Email: [email protected] Meghan E. Lavalley Tufts NEMC GEO MED/ID 750 Washington Boston, MA 02111 Phone: 617-636-7613 Fax: Email: [email protected] (08/5/21) JOHN-PAUL LAVIK UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO COLLEGE OF MEDICINE DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY 3100 TRANSVERSE DR. MS 1021 TOLEDO, OH 43614UNIVERSITY OF TOLEDO COLLEGE OF MEDICINE DEPARTMENT OF MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY 3100 TRANSVERSE DR. MS 1021 TOLEDO, OH 43614 Phone: 419-383-6818 Fax: 419-383-3002 Email: [email protected] (12/2/29) John Law University of Arizona Center For Insect Science Life Sciences South, Room 225 Tucson, AZ 85721 Phone: (520) 621-9310 Fax: (520) 621-9247 Email: [email protected] Kevin A. Lawrence NIAID/NIH Rocky Mountain Labs Laboratory of Zoonotic Pathogens 903 S. 4th Street Hamilton, MT 59840 Phone: 406-363-9432 Fax: 406-363-9478 Email: [email protected] (08/5/21) Matthew B. Lawrenz Assistant Professor Center for Predictive Medicine Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology University of Louisville School of Medicine Clinical & Translational Research Bldg. 505 S. Hancock Street Louisville, KY 40202 Phone: (502) 852-5548 Fax: (502) 852-5468 Email: [email protected] (11/04/19) Catherine L. Lawson Rutgers University Chemistry Department 610 Taylor Road Piscataway, NJ 08854 Phone (732) 445-8074 Fax: (732) 445-5302 Email: [email protected] Research Interests: crystallography, protein/DNA interactions, spirochete antigen structures (00/08/30) Jared R. Leadbetter Caltech 208 North Mudd, Mailcode 100-23 Pasadena, CA 91125 Phone: 6263954182 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) Rance B. Lefebvre University of California Davis VM/PMI Haring Hall Davis, CA 95616 Phone: (916) 752-2788 Fax: (916) 752-3349 Email: [email protected] Tiffany R. Lenhart University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center Department of Microbiology and Immunology 940 Stanton L. Young Boulevard Oklahoma City, OK 73104 Phone: 405-271-2133 X46641 Fax: 405-271-3117 Email: [email protected] (08/5/21) Dr. John M. Leong TUFTS UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE DEPT OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY/MICROBIOLOLOGY 136 HARRISON AVE BOSTON, MA 02114 Phone: 617-636-0488 Fax: 617-636-0337 Email: [email protected] (12/2/29) John W. Lester (Microbiology Graduate Group) Dept. Vet. Med. PMI Haring Hall University of California, Davis Davis, CA 95616 Email: [email protected] ERIC R. G. LEWIS UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE 3501 HEWITT HALL IRVINE, CA 92697 Phone: 949-824-3737 Email: [email protected] (12/2/29) BRIAN F LEYDET LOUISIANA STATE UNIVERSITY, SCHOOL OF VET MED DEPT OF PATHOBIOLOGICAL SCIENCES LSU SCHOOL OF VET MED SKIP BERTMAN DRIVE BATON ROUGE, LA 70803 Phone: 225-578-9688 Email: [email protected] (12/2/29) Chunhao Li SUNY at Buffalo 316 Foster Hall 3435 Main St. Buffalo, NY 14214 Phone: 716-829-6014 Fax: 716-829-3942 Email: [email protected] (08/05/29) Hong Li, Ph.D. Department of Oral Biology 316 Foster Hall 3435 Main Street State University of New York at Buffalo Buffalo NY 14214 Phone: (716) 829-2458 Fax: (716) 829-3926 Email: [email protected] Zusheng Li Faculte de medicine veterinaire Universite de Montreal c.p. 5000, 3200 Si cotte St. Hyacinthe Quebec, Canada J2S-7C6 Phone: (514) 773-8521 ext. 272 Fax: (514) 773-5633 Email: Fang-Ting Liang Louisiana State University Department of Pathobiological Sciences Skip Bertman Drive at River Road Baton Rouge, LA 70803 Phone: 225-578-9699 Fax: 225-578-9701 Email: [email protected] (08/05/29) Ronald J. Limberger, Ph.D. New York State Dept. of Health Wadsworth Center for Laboratories and Research P.O. Box 509 Albany, New York 12201-0509 Phone: (518) 474-4177 Fax: (518) 486-7971 Email: [email protected] Bo Lin New England Medical Center Box 41 750 Washington St. Boston, MA 02111 Phone: 617-636-7613 Fax: 617-636-3216 Email: [email protected] (98/3/13) Tao Lin University of Texas Medical School at Houston Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine P.O. Box 20708 Houston, TX 77025 Phone: 713-500-5350 Fax: 713-500-0730 Email: [email protected] (08/05/29) YI-PIN LIN Tufts University School of Medicine Department of Molecular Biology and Microbiology 136 Harrison Ave. Boston, MA 02111 Phone: 617-636-0906 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) Anthony L. Lionetti 530 South Egg Harbor Road Hammonton, NJ 08037 Phone: (609) 567-6044 Fax: (609) 567-6140 Email: [email protected] (99/03/25) Hsi Liu, Ph.D. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Mailstop D13,CDC 1600 Clifton Road Atlanta, GA 30333 Phone: (404) 639-3348 Fax: (404) 639-3976 Email: [email protected] (97/5/28) JUN LIU UT HOUSTON MEDICAL SCHOOL PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE HOUSTON, TX 77025 Phone: 713-500-5342 Fax: 713-500-0730 [email protected] (11/08/09) Dionysios Liveris New York Medical College Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology BSB RM. 328 Valhalla, NY 10595 Phone: 914-594-4064 Fax: 914-594-4176 Email: [email protected] (99/07/22) Ian Livey Baxter Hyland/Immuno Bacteriologic Vaccine Development Uferstrasse 15 Orth A/D Donau, A-2034 Austria Phone: 43-1-201004305 Fax: 43-1-201004000 Email: [email protected] (99/07/22) JAMIE LLOYD-SMITH UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES DEPT. OF ECOLOGY & EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY 621 CHARLES E. YOUNG DR. SOUTH LOS ANGELES, CA 90095-1606 Phone: 310-206-8207 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/2/29) MIRANDA LO MONASH UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY BUILDING 76 WELLINGTON ROAD CLAYTON, VICTORIA 3800 AUSTRALIA Phone: 61-3-9902-9189 Fax: 61-3-9902-9222 Email: [email protected] Yves Lobet Smithkline Beecham Biologicales 89, Rue De L'Institut Rixensart, B-1330 Belgium Phone: 32-2-6568604 Fax: 32-2-6568113 Email: [email protected] ROBERT B LOCHHEAD UNIVERSITY OF UTAH DEPARTMENT OF PATHOLOGY EMMA ECCLES JONES BUILDING 15 NORTH MEDICAL DRIVE EAST #2100 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84112 Phone: 801-581-4364 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/2/29) Job E. Lopez MISSISSIPPI STATE UNIVERSITY 315 HARNED HALL STARKVILLE, MS 39762 Phone: 662-325-7570 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/2/29) Kristel A Lourdault University of California Los Angeles 11301 wilshire blvd Bldg. 113 Room 225 11301 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90073 Phone: 310-268-4660 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) Michael A. Lovett, M.D., Ph.D. UCLA School of Medicine 37-121 CHS Los Angeles, California 90095 Phone: (310) 825-2482 Fax: (310) 825-3632 Email: [email protected] (96/11/19) Benjamin J. Luft Div. of Inf. Disease, HSC T-15 State University of NY at Stony Brook Room 080 Stony Brook, NY 11794-8153 Phone: (516) 444-2272 Fax: (516) 444-3475 Email: Catherine J. Luke Univ. of California, Irvine B280 Dept. Microbiol. & Molec. Genetics Med. Sci. I Irvine, CA 92697-4025 Phone: 949-824-3737 Fax: 949-824-8598 Email: [email protected] (98/3/13) Sheila A. Lukehart, Ph.D. Professor of Medicine and Global Health Adjunct Professor of Microbiology Director, University of Washington STD & HIV Research Training Program Associate Dean for Research & Graduate EducationDepartment of Medicine University of Washington Box 359779 Harborview Medical Center 325 Ninth Ave. Seattle, WA 98104 Physical Address: Office 603A, Lab 621 Harborview Medical Center Research and Training Building Phone: 206-897-5362 Fax: 206-897-5363 Email: [email protected] (00/08/31) URBAN LUNDBERG INTERCELL AG CAMPUS VIENNA BIOCENTER 3 VIENNA 1030 AUSTRIA Phone: 43-676-84556778 Fax: 43-1-20620-81289 Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) AMIT LUTHRA UNIVERSITY OF CONNECTICUT HEALTH CENTER(UCHC} 263 FARMINGTON AVENUE FARMINGTON, CT 06032 Phone: 860-679-8391 or 860-679-8390 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) MEGHAN C L YBECKER University of Vienna Max F. Perutz Laboratories Dr. Bohrgasse 9/5 Vienna 1030 Austria Phone: 43-699-18336002 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) Daphne Y Ma University of Washington Department of Global Health 325 9th Ave Box 359931 Seattle, WA 98104-2499 Phone: 51-1-950072037 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) Marco A. O. Magalhaes University of Toronto CIHR Group in Matrix Dynamics 241 – 150 College Street Toronto, ON M5S3E2 Canada Phone: 416-978-6687 Email: [email protected] (08/05/29) Dennis F. Mangan, Ph.D. Chief, Infectious Diseases and Immunity Branch Division of Basic and Translational Sciences National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) National Institutes of Health (NIH) Bg. 45, Suite 4AN-18 Bethesda, MD 20892-6402 Phone: 301 594-2421 (equipped with 24hr voice mail) Fax: 301 480-8318 Email: Visit the NIDCR Home Page: (08/5/01) Richard T. Marconi, Ph.D. Virginia Commonwealth University Department of Microbiology and Immunology P.O. Box 980678 Richmond, VA 23298-0678 Phone: (804) 828-3779 Fax: (804) 828-9946 Email: [email protected] RENEE A MARCSISIN MONASH UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY BUILDING 76, LEVEL 2, ROOM 219 CLAYTON, VICTORIA 3800 AUSTRALIA Phone: 61-399-029188 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/2/29) ADRIANA MARQUES NIAID 10/11N234 10 CENTER DR. BETHESDA, MD 20892-1888 Phone: 301-435-7668 Fax: 3014025953 Email: [email protected] (12/2/29) Christina Marra, M.D. Associate Professor of Neurology University of Washington Harborview Medical Center Room 3E 325 Ninth Avenue, Box 359775 Seattle WA 98104-2499 Phone: 206-731-5861 Fax: 206-731-8787 Email: [email protected] (99/8/10) MEGHAN L MARRE TUFTS MEDICAL CENTER 15 KNEELAND STREET TUPPER 615 BOSTON, MA 02111 Phone: 617-636-7613 Email: [email protected] (11/08/09) Roger Marshall North Palmerston, New Zealand Email: [email protected] Website: (97/8/29) Pierre Martin UMEA University Dept. of Microbiology UMEA, 901 87 SWEDEN Phone: 46-90-7856739 Fax: 46-90-772630 Email: [email protected] Research interests: Relapsing fever, Borrelia crocidurae, Lymes disease, adhesion, pathogenesis, bioinformatics. (00/08/31) Roland M. Martin CSL Limited, Biosciences Division 45 Polplar Road Parkville Vic. 3052 Australia Phone: +61 3 9389 1156 Fax: +61 3 9389 1224 Email: [email protected] Research interests: T cell responses, diagnostics (98/4/1) Mahulena Maruskova University of Texas at San Antonio Biology Department One UTSA Circle San Antonio, TX 78249 Phone: 210-458-6679 Fax: Email: (09/10/05) Toshiyuki Masuzawa Dept. of Microbiology University of Shizuoka School of Pharmaceutical Sciences 52-1 Yada Shizuoka Shizuoka, Japan 422 Phone: 81 54 264 5710 Fax: 81 54 164 5715 Email: [email protected] (97/8/29) PETRA MATEJKOVA MU BRNO DEPT OF BIOLOGY, FACULTY OF MEDICINE KAMENICE 5 BUILDING A6 BRNO, 62500 CZECH REPUBLIC Phone: 420-549495353 Fax: 420-549491327 Email: [email protected] (11/08/09) Bernardo Ortiz Matos Instituto Finlay Centro de Investigación Producción de Vacunas y Sueros Ave.27 No.19805, La Lisa, Ciudad de La habana, Cuba, A.P. 16017, Cod. 11600 Fax: 53(7)33 6075 E-mail: [email protected] Research Interests: Leptospira's virulence, serological tests, methods of conservation, culture media and vaccines (99/03/24) James Matsunaga VA Greater Los Angeles Healthcare System Research Service 11301 Wilshire Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90073 Phone: 310-478-3711 X42144 Fax: Email: [email protected] (08/05/29) Michael A. Matthias University of California, San Diego 9500 Gilman Drive George Palade Labs Room 105 La Jolla, CA 92093 Phone: 858-534-6604 Fax: 858-822-5322 Email: [email protected] (08/05/29) Mary K. Mazel Univ. of California, Los Angeles 11301 Wilshire Blvd. Bldg. 113, Room 306 Los Angeles, CA 90073 Phone: 310-268-4660 Fax: 310-268-4928 Email: [email protected] (98/3/13) Barry C. McBride Vice President Academic & Provost, UBC, 6328 Memorial Road Vancouver, B.C. V6T 1Z2 Canada Phone (604) 822 4948 Fax (604) 822 3134 Email: (08/5/01) Michael McClelland, Ph.D. Sidney Kimmel Cancer Center 10835 Altman Row San Diego, CA 92121 Phone: (858) 450-5990 Fax: Email: [email protected] JOHN V MCDOWELL VIRGINIA COMMONWEALTH UNIVERSITY DEPT. MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY PO BOX 980678 RICHMOND, VA 23298-0678 Phone: 804-628-0296 Fax: Email: [email protected] (11/08/09) Joan J. McKenna Director of Research Institute for Thermobaric Studies BASIS (Biological Assessment of Syphilis and Immune Suppression) 2811 Martin Luther King Jr. Way Berkeley, California 94703 USA Phone: (510) 548-4000 Email: [email protected] Research interests: effects of immune suppression, multiple infections, and other host factors on disease progression and immune response to syphilitic infection Michael P. McLeod Univ. of Texas-Houston Dept. of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics 6431 Fannin, MSB 6.200 Houston, TX 77030 Phone: 713-500-6084 Fax: 713-500-0652 Email: [email protected] (98/3/13) Rita Melo University of Tennessee Health Science Center 858 Madison Avenue, Room 317 Memphis, TN 38163 Phone: 901-448-2536 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) TARU MERI HAARTMAN INSTITUTE DEPARTMENT OF BACTERIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY HELSINKI, 00290 FINLAND Phone: 358-503763000 Fax: 358-919126382 Email: [email protected] (11/08/09) LENKA MIKALOVÁ MASARYK UNIVERSITY, FACULTY OF MEDICINE KAMENICE 5 BRNO 62500 CZECH REPUBLIC Phone: 420-549495640 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) CHRISTINE L MILLER UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO ONE UTSA CIRCLE SAN ANTONIO, TX 78249 Phone: 210-458-6679 Fax: Email: [email protected] (11/08/09) Daniel P Miller Virginia Commonwealth University Department of Microbiology and Immunology McGuire Hall Room 101 1112 East Clay Street Richmond, VA 23298 Phone: 804-628-2718 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) James N. Miller, Ph.D. Department of Microbiology and Immunology UCLA School of Medicine CHS 43-239 Los Angeles, California 90024 Phone: (310) 825-1979 Fax: (310) 206-3865 Email: [email protected] (99/10/8) Jeffery F. Miller UCLA School of Medicine Dept. of Microbiology, Immunology and Mol. Genetics 10833 Le Conte Ave. Los Angeles, CA 90095-1747 Phone: 310-206-7926 Fax: 310-267-2774 Email: [email protected] (08/05/29) Jennifer C. Miller NORTH CAROLINA STATE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY 4501A THOMAS HALL CAMPUS BOX 7615 RALEIGH, NC 27695 Phone: 919-515-0723 Fax: 919-515-7867 Email: [email protected] (11/08/09) KELLY ANN MILLER WVU MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY ONE MEDICAL CENTER DRIVE HSC ROOM 2079 MORGANTOWN, WV 26506 Phone: 304-293-5959 Fax: 304-293-2873 Email: [email protected] (11/08/09) Michael R. Miller West Virginia University Dept. of Biochemistry PO Box 9142 Morgantown, WV 26506-9142 Phone: [email protected] (08/05/29) Avril M. Monahan University College Dublin Veterinary Sciences Centre School of Agriculture, Food Science and Veterinary Medicine Dublin, 4 Ireland Phone: 353-1-716-6138 Fax: Email: [email protected] (08/05/29) Ruth R. Montgomery Yale University School of Medicine Department of Internal Medicine 333 Cedar Street, P. O. Box 3333 New Haven, CT 06520-0333 Phone: (203) 785-6955 Fax: (203) 785-7053 Email: [email protected] Ki Hwan Moon East Carolina University Brody School of Medicine Deptartment of Microbiology & Immunology 600 Moye Blvd., Biotechnology Building Rm 115 Greenville, NC 27834 Phone: 252-744-3128 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) Cecilia Morgan Graduate Student University of Washington Department of Pathobiology, Box 357238 Health Sciences Room F-046 Seattle WA 98195 Phone: 206-543-8946 Fax: 206-685-8681 Email: [email protected] (99/8/10) TARA MORIARTY UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO MATRIX DYNAMICS GROUP FITZGERALD BUILDING RM 235 150 COLLEGE STREET TORONTO, ON M5S 3E2 CANADA Phone: 416-978-6685 Fax: 416-978-5956 Email: [email protected] (12/2/29) Tom Morrison Univ. of Utah School of Medicine Pathology Dept. 50 North Medical Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84132 Phone: 801-581-4364 Fax: 801-581-4517 Email: [email protected] (98/3/13) MUHAMMAD G MORSHED UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA DEPT. OF PATHOLOGY AND LABORATORY MEDICINE 655 WEST 12TH AVENUE VANCOUVER, BC V5Z 4R4 CANADA Phone: 604-707-2622 Fax: 604-707-2602 Email: [email protected] (12/2/29) M A MOTALEB EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY & IMMUNOLOGY 600 MOYE BLVD MAIL STOP 629 GREENVILLE, NC 27834 Phone: 252-744-3129 Fax: 252-744-3535 Email: [email protected] (12/2/29) Annette Moter Center for Biofilms and Infection, DHZB German Heart Institute Berlin Hindenburgdamm 30, Charite CBF Room U901 Berlin 12203 Germany Phone: 49-30-450-524226 Fax: 49-30-450-7524226 Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) Ulrike G. Munderloh University of Minnesota Dept. of Entomology 219 Hodson Hall, 1980 Folwell Avenue St. Paul, MN 55108 Phone: (612) 624-4740 Fax: (612) 625-5299 Email: [email protected] Gerald L. Murray Monash University Department of Microbiology Wellington Road Clayton, Victoria 3800 Australia Phone: 613-99029190 Fax:613-99029222 Email: [email protected] (08/05/30) Jarlath Nally University College Dublin Veterinary Sciences Centre SAFVM, BELFIELD Dublin, 4 IRELAND Phone 353-1-7166182 Fax: 353-1-7166185 Email: [email protected] Research interests: Pathogenic Leptospira (08/05/30) SUNEEL A NARAYANAVARI UNIVERSITY OF HYDERABAD DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL SCIENCES HYDERABAD, ANDHRAPRADESH 500046 INDIA Phone: 91-40-231-34700 Fax: 91-40-230-10120 Email: [email protected] (12/2/29) Dean T Nardelli University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Department of Biomedical Sciences Enderis Hall, Room 439 2400 E. Hartford Ave. Milwaukee, WI 53211 Phone: 414-229-6362 Fax: 414-229-2619 Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) Ana T. O. Nascimento Instituto Butantan Avenida Vital Brazil, 1500 Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo 05501-1-900 Brazil Phone: 55-11-2627-9829 Fax: 55-1137261505 Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) David Nelson University of Rhode Island Dept. of Microbiology Kingston, RI 02881 Phone: (401) 792-5902 Fax: (401) 792-2202 Email: [email protected] JEMIINA NEUVONEN UNIVERSITY OF TURKU KIlNAMYLL YNKA TU 13 TURKU, FI 20520 FINLAND Phone: 358-2-333-7400 Fax: Email: [email protected] (11/08/09) Steve Nickell University of New Mexico School of Medicine Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology Albuquerque, NM 87048 Phone: (505) 272-8533 FAX: (505) 272-6029 Email: (09/10/05) Nathan C Nieto Northern Arizona University Department of Biological Sciences 617 S Beaver St. Flagstaff, AZ 86011 Phone: 928-523-8034 Fax: Email: [email protected] INGELA B NILSSON UMEA UNIVERSITY MOLECULARBIOLOGY UMEA, 90187 SWEDEN Phone: 46-907-850803 Fax: Email: [email protected] (11/08/09) Christi L. Nolder University of Pittsburgh Department of Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry 200 Lothrop St. Pittsburgh, PA 15261 Phone: 412-383-8099 Fax: Email: [email protected] (08/05/30) Laila R. Noppa UMEA University Dept. of Microbiology UMEA, S-901-87 Sweden Phone: 46-907856737 Fax: 46-90772630 Email: [email protected] (98/3/13) Michael V. Norgard, Ph.D. Professor and Chairman Holder, B.B. Owen Distinguished Chair in Molecular Research Department of Microbiology University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas 6000 Harry Hines Blvd. Dallas, Texas 75390-9048 Phone: (214) 633-0015 Fax: (214) 648-5905 Email: [email protected] (08/8/08) JOHAN NORMARK UMEA UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF MOLECULAR BIOLOGY UMEA 901 87 SWEDEN Phone: 46-70-2258959 Fax: 46-90-772630 Email: [email protected] (12/2/29) Gary L. Norman INOVA Diagnostics, Inc. 10451 Roselle St. San Diego, CA 92121 Phone: (619) 455-9495 FAX: (619) 455-0912 Email: [email protected] Research Interests: serodiagnosis, western blot, ELISA, infectious disease assay development Steven J. Norris, Ph.D. Professor and Vice Chair for Research Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine University of Texas Medical School P.O. Box 20708 Houston, TX 77225 Phone: (713) 500-5338 office (713) 500-5262 lab Fax: (713) 500-0730 Email: [email protected] Website: Research interests: Molecular genetics of Treponema pallidum; Virulence-related properties of Borrelia burgdorferi. (14/05/05) Andrew J. Nowalk University of Pittsburgh 5th Floor Keystone Building Division of Infectious Disease Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Phone: 412-692-3244 Fax: 412-692-8499 Email: [email protected] (08/05/30) Elizabeth A Novak East Carolina University Brody School of Medicine Department of Microbiology & Immunology 600 Moye Blvd, Biotechnology Bldg, Rm 115 Greenville, NC 27834 Phone: 252-744-3128 Fax: 252-744-3535 Email: [email protected] NICK H OGDEN PUBLIC HEALTH AGENCY OF CANADA ZOONOSES DIVISION 3200 SICOTTE, C.P. 5000 SAINT-HYACINTHE, QC J2S 7C6 CANADA Phone: 450-773-8521 EXT 8643 Fax: 450-778-8129 Email: [email protected] (12/2/29) Donald B. Oliver Dept. of Molecular Biology & Biochemistry Hall Atwater & Shanklin Laboratories Wesleyan University Middletown, CT 6459 Phone: (203) 347-9411 est. 331 Fax: (203) 344-7952 Email: Tara Oman Indiana University School of Medicine 635 Barnhill Dr, MS 420 Indianapolis, IN 46142 Phone: (317) 278-7715 Fax: 317-274-4090 Email: [email protected] (08/8/11) Isaac Onyango University of Connecticut Health Center Center for Microbial Pathogenesis 263 Farmington Avenue Farmington, CT 06030-3710 Phone: 860-679-8129 or lab: 860-679-8390 Fax: 860-679-8130 Email: [email protected] (99/5/28) Sharyn Orton, PhD Regulatory Project Manager FDA, CBER, OBRR, Division of Blood Applications Rockville, MD Phone: 301-827-6161 Email: Interest: epidemiology of syphilis in blood donors; molecular testing (08/11/18) Yngve H. Ostberg UMEA University Dept. of Microbiology UMEA, S-901 87 Sweden Phone: 46-907856737 Fax: 46-90772630 Email: [email protected] (98/3/13) Zhiming Ouyang, PhD Department of Microbiology UT Southwestern Medical Center 6000 Harry Hines Blvd. NL4120A Dallas, TX 75390-9048 Phone: 214-633-1393 Fax: 214-648-5907 Email: [email protected] (08/8/13) UTPAL PAL UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND, COLLEGE PARK DEPARTMENT OF VETERINARY MEDICINE 8075 GREENMEAD DRIVE, ROOM 1341, BUlDG 795 COLLEGE PARK, MD 20742 Phone: 301-314-2118 Fax: 301-314-6855 [email protected] (11/08/09) Arabinda PALIT Private Consultant in Microbiology 179 Sterling Drive Keilor East (Melbourne) Victoria, AUSTRALIA-3033 Fax: 61 3 9337 2484 Email: [email protected] Research interests: Leptospira (99/5/17) Timothy Palzkill Dept. of Molecular Virology & Microbiology One Baylor Plaza Baylor College of Medicine Houston, TX 77030 Phone: (713) 798-5609 Fax: (713) 798-7375 Email: [email protected] (00/10/9) CHRISTOPHER J PAPPAS NEW YORK MEDICAL COLLEGE BASIC SCIENCES BUILDING DEPT. OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY #328 VALHALLA, NY 10595 Phone: 914-594-4185 Fax: Email: [email protected] Jacqueline Paquette University of Utah Pathology Department Emma Eccles Jones Medical Research Bldg. 15 North Medical Drive East Suite #1100 Salt Lake City, UT 84112 Phone: 801-581-4364 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) Ken D. Parrish, DMD, PhD College of Dentistry Oral Health Practice Division of Periodontics D408 Chandler Medical Center Lexington, KY 40536-0297 Phone: (606) 323-4761 Fax: (606) 257-1847 Email: [email protected] (99/08/25) GEETHA PARTHASARATHY TULANE NATIONAL PRIMATE RESEARCH CENTER DIVISION OF BACTERIOLOGY AND PARASITOLOGY 18703, THREE RIVERS ROAD COVINGTON, LA 70433 Phone: 985-871-6546 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/3/1) NIKHAT PARVEEN UMDNJ-NEW JERSEY MEDICAL SCHOOL DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY & MOLECULAR GENETICS 225 WARREN STREET ICPH BUILDING NEWARK, NJ 07103 Phone: 973-972-4483X25218 Fax: 973-972-8981 Email: [email protected] (11/08/09) Bruce J. Paster, Ph.D. The Forsyth Institute 140 Fenway Boston, MA 02115 Phone: (617) 262-5200 x 288 Fax: (617) 262-4021 Email: [email protected] (02/10/03) Kanitha Patarakul Georgetown University Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology 3900 Reservoir Rd., N.W. Washington, DC 20007 Phone: (202) 687-1657 Fax: (202) 687-1800 Email: [email protected] (98/3/13) TONI G PATTON CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION 3150 RAMPART RD FORT COLLINS, CO 80526 Phone: 970-225-4247 Fax: Email: [email protected] (11/08/09) Charles W. Penn, Ph.D. Department of Microbiology, South West Campus The University of Birmingham P.O. Box 363 Birmingham B15 2TT, United Kingdom Phone: (44) 21 414 6562 Fax: (44) 21 414 6557 Email: [email protected] (97/8/29) Pamela M. Pennington Section 1592 P.O. Box 02-5339 Miami, FL 33102-5339 Phone: Email: [email protected] (98/3/13) Philippe Perolat Director Institute Pasteur in New Caledonia (South Pacific). P.O Box 61 Noumea, 98845, New Caledonia Phone: (687) 27 02 80 Fax. (687) 27 33 90 Email: [email protected] (98/6/22) David H. Persing Corixa Corp. Suite 200 1124 Columbia St. Seattle, WA 98114 Phone: 206 754 5879 Fax: 206 754 5715 Email: (08/4/30) Olivier Peter Inst. Central Hopitaux Valaisans Infectious Diseases and Immunology Sion, CH-1950 Switzerland Phone: 41-27-245391 Fax: 41-27-2032975 Email: (08/5/01) TANJA PETNICKI-OCWIEJA TUFTS MEDICAL CENTER 15 KNEELAND STREET TUPPER 615 BOSTON, MA 02111 Phone: 617-636-7613 Fax: Email: TPETNICKIOCWIEJA@TUFTSMEDICAL CENTER.ORG (11/08/09) Helena Petrosova Masaryk University Department of Biology, Faculty of Medicine Kamenice 5, Building A6 Brno 62500 Czech Republic Phone: +33781171170 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) MARY M PETZKE NEW YORK MEDICAL COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY BSB 328 VALHALLA, NY 10595 Phone: 914-594-4310 Fax: 914-594-4176 Email: [email protected] (11/08/09) Mario T. Philipp Dept. of Parasitology Tulane National Primate Research Center 18703 Three Rivers Road Covington, LA 70433-8915 Phone: 985-871-6263 Fax: 985-871-6390 Email: [email protected] (97/04/21) MATHIEU PICARDEAU INSTITUT PASTEUR 28 RUE DU DR ROUX PARIS, 75724 FRANCE Phone: 33-1-45-68-83-68 Fax: 33-1-40613001 Email: [email protected] (11/08/10) Joseph Piesman CDC P.O. Box 2087 CDC/OVBIO Ft. Collins, CO 80522 Phone: (970) 221-6408 Fax: (970) 221-6476 Email: [email protected] Allan Pillay Department of Medical Microbiology Faculty of Medicine University of Natal Private Bag 7 Congella, Durban South Africa 4013 Phone: 27-31-260 4395 Fax: 27-31-260 4431 Email: [email protected] Research interests: molecular epidemiology and genetics of Treponema pallidum (98/6/17) MARIJA PINNE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE VA MEDICAL CENTER WLA 11301 WILSHIRE BLVD., BLDG. 113, RM 225 LOS ANGELES, CA 90073 Phone: 310-268-4660 Fax: 310-268-4063 Email: [email protected] PAUL F POLICASTRO ROCKY MOUNTAIN LABS, NIAID, NIH LAB. OF ZOONOTIC PATHOGENS 903 S. 4TH ST. HAMILTON, MT 59840 Phone: 406-363-9290 Fax: 406-375-9681 Email: [email protected] (11/08/10) Tiassia G. Popova Univ. of Texas Southwestern Medical Center 6000 Harry Hines Blvd, NA6.308 Dallas, TX 75390-9048 Phone: (214) 648-5984 Fax: (214) 648-5907 Email: [email protected] (98/10/16) Stephen Porcella Rocky Mountain Labs NIH, NIAID 903 South 4th St. Hamilton, MT 59840 Phone: (406) 363-9271 Fax: (406) 363-9204 Email: [email protected] (96/9/6) James Posey Univ. of Georgia 546 Biol. Sci. Bldg. Dept. of Microbiology Athens, GA 30602 Phone: 706-542-4689 Fax: 706-542-2674 Email: [email protected] (98/3/16) Sabitha Prabhakaran, Ph.D. Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine University of Texas Medical School P.O. Box 20708 Houston, TX 77225 Phone: (713) 500-5189 office (713) 500-5262 lab Fax: (713) 500-0730 Email: [email protected] KATHERINE C PRAGER UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, LOS ANGELES 610 CHARLES E YOUNG DRIVE BOX 723905 LOS ANGELES, CA 90095 Phone: 530-574-7388 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/3/1) WEIGANG QIU HUNTER COLLEGE OF CITY UNIVERSITY OF NEW YORK DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES 695 PARK AVENUE NEW YORK, NY 10065 Phone: 212-772-5296 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/3/1) Märit Pringle, DVM, PhD Laboratory Veterinary Officer Department of Animal Health and Antimicrobial Strategies National Veterinary Institute, SVA Telephone: +46 18 67 41 26 Mobile: +46 709 38 40 06 Mail: Travvägen 20, SE-751 89 UPPSALA Email: [email protected] Web: Research Interests: Brachyspira, antibiotic resistance and Treponema in veterinary medicine (12/07/24) Justin Radolf, M.D. Center for Microbial Pathogenesis University of Connecticut Health Science Center 263 Farmington Ave. Farmington, CT 06030-3715 Phone: 860-679-8480 Fax: 860-679-1358 Email: [email protected] (99/5/27) Ramesh Ramamoorthy Tulane Primate Center Department of Parasitology 18703 Three Rivers Road Covington, LA 70433 Phone: (504) 892-2040 Fax: (504) 893-1352 Email: (08/4/30) RENATE RANKA LATVIAN BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH AND STUDY CENTRE DEPARTMENT OF MOLECULAR MICROBIOLOGY RATSUPITES STR.1 RIGA LV-1067 LATVIA Phone: 371-67808218 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/3/1) M. Dana Ravyn Univ of Minnesota Dept. of Microbiology 420 Delaware St. SE, Box 196 Minneapolis, MN 55455 Phone: 612-624-5684 Fax: 612-626-0623 Email: [email protected] (98/3/16) Julie A. Rawlings Email: [email protected] (08/4/30) Ryan Rego Ph.D. Institute of Parasitology, Biology Centre, ASCR Branisovska 31 Ceske Budejovice 37005 Czech Republic Phone: 38-7775409 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) TARA BRINCK REID UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINE BOX 359779 HARBORVIEW MEDICAL CENTER 325 NINTH AVENUE SEATTLE, WA 98104 Phone: 206-897-5360 Fax: Email: [email protected] CRYSTAL L RICHARDS NATIONAL INSTITUTES OF HEALTH 903 SOUTH 4TH ST HAMILTON, MT 59840 Phone: 406-451-8237 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/3/1) LAURA C RISTOW MEDICAL COLLEGE OF WISCONSIN GRADUATE PROGRAM IN MICROBIOLOGY, IMMUNOLOGY & MOLECULAR GENETICS 8701 WATERTOWN PLANK ROAD MILWAUKEE, WI 53226 Phone: 414-955-2211 Fax: 414-955-6567 Email: [email protected] (12/3/1) PAULA RISTOW OSWALDO CRUZ FOUNDATION RUA WALDEMAR FALCAO 121 CANDEAL SALVADOR, BAHIA 40296710 BRAZIL Phone: 55-71-31762301 Fax: 55-71-31762281 Email: [email protected] Jennifer A Ritchie Medical College of Wisconsin 8701 Watertown Plank Road Wauwatosa, WI 53226 Phone: 414-955-2211 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) Marilyn Roberts University of Washington Department of Pathobiology Box 357238 Seattle, WA 98195-7238 Phone: (206) 543-8001 Fax: (206) 543-3873 Email: [email protected] Dieter Roessler Max von Pettenkofer Institut fuer Hygiene und medizinische Mikrobiologie der Ludwig-Maximilians Universitaet Muenchen Pettenkoferstrasse 9a D-80336 Muenchen, Germany Phone: ++49-89-5160-5251 Fax: ++49-89-5160-4757 Email: (08/11/19) ARTEM S ROGOVSKYY WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY PO BOX 647040 PULLMAN, WA 99163 Phone: 509-335-6878 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) Carin M Rollins Bay Area Lyme Foundation 1801 Waverley Street Palo Alto, CA 94301 Phone: 415-254-2458 Fax: 425-642-2814 Email: [email protected] Patricia A. Rosa, Ph.D. Rocky Mountain Laboratory NIAID, NIH 903 South 4th Street Hamilton, MT 59840-2999 Phone: (406) 363-9209 Fax: (406) 375-9681 Email: [email protected] ANNA ROSANDER SWEDISH UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES (SLU) DEPT OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCES AND VETERINARY PUBLIC HEALTH DIV OF BACTERIOLOGY AND FOOD SAFETY UPPSALA, SE 75007 SWEDEN Phone: 46-18-672387 Fax: Email: [email protected] (11/08/10) Graciela Rosen Hebrew University Dept. of Oral Biology Hadassah Dental School, PO Box 1172 Ein Karem, Jerusalem Israel Phone: Fax: Email: (98/3/16) Everett L. Rosey, Ph.D. Pfizer Global R&D Veterinary Medicine Eastern Point Rd. Groton, CT 06340 Phone: (860) 441-7994 Fax: (860) 715-7958 Email: [email protected] Research Interests: Molecular pathogenesis of Brachyspira; construction and characterization of genetically-defined mutants, especially related to periplasmic flagellum and NADH-oxidase synthesis. (00/9/5) EVELYN ROSSMANN GENZYME VIROTECH GMBH LOEWENPLATZ 5 RUESSELSHE!M, 65428 GERMANY Phone: 49-6142-690967 Fax; Email: [email protected] (11/08/10) Nataliia K Rudenko Biology Centre, Institute of Parasitology Laboratory of Molecular Ecology of Vectors and Pathogens Ceske Budejovice 37005 Czech Republic Phone: 420-38777-5446 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) THERESA M RUSSELL CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION 3150 RAMPART ROAD FORT COLLINS, CO 80521 Phone: 970-225-4215 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/3/1) Artem S. Rogovskyy, MS, DVM, PhD, DACVM Clinical Assistant Professor Associate Director, Clinical Microbiology Lab Department of Veterinary Pathobiology College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences 1026 VMA (R220) Texas A&M University College Station, TX 77843-4467 [email protected] 979-845-4240 (Office) 979-845-9188 (Clinical Microbiology Lab) 706-201-8354 (Cell) 979-845-9231 (Fax) BIKASH SAHAY ALBANY MEDICAL CENTER 47 SCOTLAND AVE MAIL CODE: 151 ALBANY, NY 12208 Phone: 518-262-8141 Fax: 518-262-6161 Email: [email protected] (11/08/10) Sheryl M. Sahr Univ. of Minnesota Box 196, Mayo Memorial Bldg. 420 Delaware St. Minneapolis, MN 55455-0312 Phone: 612-625-9959 Fax: 612-626-0623 Email: [email protected] (98/3/16) Dr. Isabelle Saint Girons, Ph.D. (Retired) Unit‚ des BMM Institut Pasteur Email: [email protected] JUAN C SALAZAR CONNECTICUT CHILDREN'S MEDICAL CENTER 282 WASHINGTON STREET HARTFORD, CT 06106 Phone: 860-545-8566 Fax: 860-545-9371 Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) AYDAN SALMAN - DILGIMEN UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY DEPT. OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY FACULTY OF MEDICINE, HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER 3330 HOSPITAL DRIVE NW CALGARY, ALBERTA T2N 4N1 CANADA Phone: 403-220-6651 Fax: Email: [email protected] (11/08/10) Jemiina Salo University of Turku Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology Kiinamyllynkatu 13 Turku 20900 Finland Phone: 358-2-3337400 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) Vittorio Sambri, M.D., Ph.D. University of Bologna St. Orsola Hospital, Dept. Microbiology Via Massarenti 9 Bologna, 40138 ITALY Phone: 39-051-4290913 Fax: 39-051-307397 Email: [email protected] (96/10/16) Scott Samuels The University of Montana Division of Biological Sciences Missoula, MT 59812-4824 Phone: (406) 243-6145 Fax: (406) 243-4184 Email: [email protected] Research interests: Borrelia burgdorferi molecular biology and genetics, DNA supercoiling and DNA topoisomerases, regulation of gene expression, mechanism of linear DNA replication, and antibiotic resistance (02/10/03) Sylvia Z. Schade, Ph.D. NDRI, Bldg. 1-H 310A B Street Great Lakes, IL 60088-5259 Phone: 847-688-5647 ext. 141 Fax: 847-688-4279 or -7359 Email: [email protected] Research Interests: Rapid diagnostics for dental microorganisms, including P. gingivalis, Treponema denticola, Treponema socranskii, and Treponema vincentii (98/08/13) Mirta Schattner Institute of Experimental Medicine Pacheco De Melo 3081 Buenos Aires 1425 Argentina Phone: 54-11-48073926 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) PAULA J SCHLAX BATES COLLEGE 5 ANDREWS ROAD DANA CHEMISTRY HALL LEWISTON, ME 04240 Phone: 207-786-6290 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/3/1) Dr. Bruno L. Schmidt LBI-SE Rodiagnosis Wokersbergenstrasse 1 Vienna, A-1130 Austria Phone: 43 1 80110 2536 Fax: 43 1-804-2641 Email: (08/5/01) Martin E. Schriefer Centers for Disease Control and Prevention DVBID, DRS P. O. Box 2087 Fort Collins, CO 80522 Phone: (970) 221-6400 Fax: (970) 221-6476 Email: Kirstine K Schou National Veterinary Institute, DTU Bülowsvej 27 Department of Bacteriology, Pathology and Parasitology Frederiksberg C 1870 Denmark Phone: 45-3588-6265 Fax: Email: [email protected] Dr. Sören Schubert (M.D.) Max v. Pettenkofer-Institut Pettenkoferstr. 9a 80336 Muenchen Germany Phone: 49-89-51 60 52 61 Fax: 49-89-53 80 584 Email: (08/5/07) TIM J SCHUIJT ACADEMIC MEDICAL CENTER AMSTERDAM DEPARTMENT INFECTIOUS DISEASES CENTER FOR EXPERIMENTAL AND MOLECULAR MEDICINE MEIBERGDREEF 9, ROOM G2-108 AMSTERDAM 1105 AZ NETHERLANDS Phone: 31-62784-5565 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/3/1) Steven E. Schutzer School of Medicine & Dentistry University of New Jersey Dept. of Medicine, MSB E573 185 South Orange Avenue Newark, NJ 07103 Phone: (973) 972-4872 Fax: (973) 972-3465 Email: [email protected] (97/9/23) Tom G. Schwan, Ph.D. Rocky Mountain Laboratory National Institutes of Health, NIAID 903 South 4th Street Hamilton, MT 59840 Phone: (406) 363-9250 Fax: (406) 375-9681 Email: [email protected] (04/01/14) Ira Schwartz New York Medical College Dept. of Microbiology and Immunology Valhalla, NY 10977 Phone: (914) 594-4658 Fax: (914) 594-4176 Email: [email protected] (97/12/10) Ruud Segers Dept. of Bacteriological Research Intervet International Wim de Korverstrart 35 5831 AN Boxmeer Boxmeer, Netherlands Phone: 31 88 55 87325 Fax: 31 88 55 87490 Email: [email protected] Kathleen M. Seiler Dept. of Pathology University of Utah School of Medicine 50 North Medical Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84132 Phone: Fax: Email: Gerald Seinost SUNY at Stony Brook Dept. of Medicine Stony Brook, NY 11794-8161 Phone: 516-444-2353 Fax: 516-444-3475 Email: (98/3/16) Padmapriya Sekar The University of Toledo College of Medicine Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology 3000 Arlington Avenue Toledo, OH 43614 Phone: 419-383-6818 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) Timothy J. Sellati, Ph.D. Associate Member Trudeau Institute 154 Algonquin Avenue Saranac Lake, NY 12983 (518) 891-3080x 374 [email protected] Research interests: Role of pattern recognition receptors in Lyme disease pathogenesis. (Effective 27 July 2013) Richard Sellwood Division of Environmental Microbiology Compton. Institute of Animal Health BERKS, UK-Newbury RG160NN Phone: 06 35 578411 ext. 291 Fax: 06 35 578844 Email: [email protected] JANAKIRAM SESHU UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS AT SAN ANTONIO DEPT. OF BIOLOGY ONE UTSA CIRCLE SAN ANTONIO, TX 78249 Phone: 210-458-6578 Fax: 210-458-5658 Email: [email protected] (11/08/10) Alireza Shamaei-Tousi UMEA University Dept. of Microbiology UMEA, 901 87 Sweden Phone: 46-90-7856739 Fax: 46-90-772630 Email: [email protected] (98/3/16) Ellen S. Shang-Blanco Dept. of Micro/Immunology CHS 43-239 UCLA School of Medicine 10833 Le Conte Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90095 Phone: (310) 206-6510 Fax: (310) 206-3865 Email: [email protected] Kavita Sharma University of Maryland, College Park 8075 Greenmead Dr. College Park, Maryland 20742 Phone: 301-314-8257 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) DANA K SHAW TEXAS A&M HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIAL AND MOLECULAR PATHOGENESIS 8447 STATE HWY 47 #3130 BRYAN, TX 77807-3260 Phone: 979-436-0355 Fax: 979-436-0360 Email: [email protected] (12/3/1) Dmitriy V. Shevchenko University of Connecticut Health Center Center for Microbial Pathogenesis 263 Farmington Avenue Farmington, CT 06030-3710 Phone: 860-679-8129 or lab: 860-679-8390 Fax: 860-679-8130 Email: [email protected] (99/05/28) Wenyuan Shi University of California, Los Angeles Oral Biology/School of Dentistry P.O. Box 951668 Los Angeles, CA 90095-1668 Phone: 310-825-8356 Fax: 310-206-5539 Email: [email protected] (98/3/16) Sarah W Sidiropoulos Rocky Mountain Laboratories 903 South 4th St. Hamilton, MT 59840 Phone: 406-375-9657 Fax: 406-375-9681 Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) GIACOMO SIGNORINO NEW YORK MEDICAL COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY BSB ROOM 306 VALHALLA, NY 10595 Phone: 914-594-4310 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/3/1) Markus M. Simon Max-Planck-Inst. Fuer Immunbiologie Stuebeweg 51 Freiburg, D-79108 Germany Phone: 49-761-5108 533 or 5108-0 Fax: 49-761-5108 529 Email: [email protected] (97/08/29) Lloyd G. Simonson Building 1-H, NTC Naval Dental Research Institute Great Lakes, IL 60088-5259 Phone: (847) 688-5647, extension 140 Fax: (847) 688-4279 Email: [email protected] Research interests: Pathogenesis, virulence factors, and detection of T. denticola, T. socranskii and other oral spirochetes. Visit our website at: (97/10/17) Jon T. Skare, Ph.D. Texas A&M Health Science Center Dept. of Microbial and Molecular Pathogenesis 8447 State Hwy. 47 Medical Research and Education Building, Room 3107 Bryan, TX 77807 Phone: 979.436.0353 Fax: 979.436.0360 email: [email protected] (11/08/15) DAVID SMAJS MASARYK UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGY, FACULTY OF MEDICINE KAMENICE 5, BUILDING A6 MSB 1.508 BRNO, 62500 CZECH REPUBLIC Phone: 420-549-497-496 Fax: 420-549-491-327 Email: [email protected] (11/08/10) Christina M Small Texas A&M University Department of Veterinary Pathobiology College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Science 4467 TAMU College Station, TX 77845 Phone: 254-627-0552 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) ALEXIS A SMITH UNIVERSITY OF MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF VETERINARY MEDICINE 8075 GREENMEAD DR COLLEGE PARK, MD 20742 Phone: 301-314-8257 Fax: 301-314-6855 Email: [email protected] (12/3/1) Stuart Smith RMIT Department of Applied Biology and Biotechnology Melbourne, Victoria 3001 Australia Phone: 61-3-9660 3366 Fax: 61-3-9662 3421 Email: [email protected] Research Interests: Molecular biology of Serpulina and other intestinal spirochaetes (96/10/28) Monica Sole Tulane Primate Center Department of Parasitology 18703 Three Rivers Road Covington, LA 70433 Phone: (504) 892-2040 Fax: (504) 893-1352 Email: [email protected] LYNN SONDEREGGER UNIVERSITY OF UTAH 1720 JMRB 15 N. MEDICAL DR. EAST #2100 SALT LAKE CITY, UT 84112-5650 Phone: 801-581-4364 Fax: Email: [email protected] (11/08/10) Dr. Erwin Soutschek c/o MIKROGEN GmbH Fraunhoferstr. 20 82152 Martinsried Germany Phone: +49 89 85 65 28 10 Fax: +49 89 85 65 28 29 Email: (09/10/05) Lola V. Stamm, Ph.D. Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Prog. In Infectious Dis., CB #7400 Dept. of Epidemiology, 242 Roseanau Hall Chapel Hill, NC 27599-7400 Phone: (919) 966-3882 Fax: (919) 966-2089 Email: [email protected] Research interests: cell surface, outer membrane and exported proteins, metabolism/physiology, motility/chemotaxis and virulence Nestor Oscar Stanchi, DVM, B.C.e I. Professor of Microbiology National University of La Plata CC 296 La Plata, 1900, BUE ARGENTINA Phone: 54-21-36880 ext.65 Fax: 54-21-257980 Email: [email protected] Gerold Stanek Hygiene Inst. of The Univ. of Vienna Kinderspitalgasse 15 Vienna, A-1095 Austria Phone: 43-1-40490226 Fax: 43-1-40490295 Email: [email protected] (98/3/16) Thad B. Stanton, Ph.D. USDA-ARS, National Animal Disease Center P.O. Box 70 2300 Dayton Road Ames, IA 50010-0070 Phone: (515) 663-7495 Fax: (515) 663-7458 Email: [email protected] (08/5/01) Allen C. Steere, MD Division of Rheumatology, Allergy, and Immunology Massachusetts General Hospital 149 13th St. Room 8301 Charlestown, MA 02129 Phone: (617)726-1527 Fax: 617-726-1544 Email: [email protected] (02/11/20) Bret M. Steiner, Ph.D. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 1600 Clifton Road Building 1, Room 3308 MS-13 Atlanta, GA 30333 Phone: (404) 639-2868 Fax: (404) 639-3976 Email: [email protected] Research interests: 1) DNA replication and repair in Treponema pallidum; 2) Use of molecular techniques for identification and differentiation of subspecies and/or strains of Treponema pallidum (97/6/9) Ernst I. Steiner Institute of Hygiene University of Graz Universitaetsplatz 4 Graz, Austria A-8010 Phone: 43 316 380 4362 Fax: 43 316 382050 Email: [email protected] Brian Stevenson University of Kentucky College of Medicine Department of Microbiology and Immunology Ms421 Chandler Medical Center 800 Rose St Lexington, KY 40536-0298 Phone: 859-257-9358 Fax: 859-257-8994 Email: [email protected] 98/06/12 Philip Stewart Rocky Mountain Labs, NIAID, NIH Laboratory of Zoonotic Pathogens 903 S. 4th St. Hamilton, MT 59840 Phone: (406) 363-9259 Fax: (406) 363-9445 Email: mailto:[email protected] (04/01/02) SANDRA M STEWART ROCKY MOUNTAIN LABORATORIES, NIAID,NIH LABORATORY OF ZOONOTIC PATHOGENS 903 S. 4TH STREET HAMILTON, MT 59840 Phone: 406-363-9259 Fax: 406-375-9681 Email: [email protected] (12/3/1) ROBYN A STODDARD CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION 1600 CLIFTON ROAD NE MS G-34 ATLANTA, GA 30333 Phone: 404-639-2053 Fax: 404-639-3022 Email: [email protected] (11/08/10) Brandee L Stone University of North Dakota Department of Microbiology and Immunology 501 N. Columbia Rd. Room 1701 Grand Forks, ND 58202 Phone: 530-520-7631 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) Michal Strouhal Masaryk University Kamenice 5/A6 Brno 62500 Czech Republic Phone: 420-549495353 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) Richard A. Strugnell, Ph.D Department of Microbiology University of Melbourne Parkville, VIC. 3052 Australia Phone: +61 3 9344 5712 Fax: +61 3 9347 1540 Email: [email protected] Research interests: gene regulation, LPS biogenesis in spirochetes (97/2/19) SYED Z SULTAN EAST CAROLINA UNIV MICROBIOLOGY/IMMUNOLOGY 600 MOYE BLVD. GREENVILLE, NC 27834 Phone: 252-744-3128 Fax: 252-744-3535 Email: [email protected] (12/3/1) Eileen S. Sun Graduate Student University of Washington Department of Pathobiology, Box 357238 Health Sciences Seattle WA 98195 Phone: 206-543-9021 Fax: 206-685-8681 Email: [email protected] (99/8/10) OLOV SVARTSROM SWEDISH UNIVERSITY OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES ULLS VAG 2 B BOX 7009 UPPSALA 750 07 SWEDEN Phone: 46-768-104900 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/3/1) CHING WOOEN SZE STATE U NIVERS ITY OF NEW YORK AT BUFFALO DEPTS. OF ORAL BIOLOGY, IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY 316 FOSTER HALL 3435 MAIN STREET BUFFALO, NY 14214 Phone: 716-829-6329 Fax: Email: [email protected] (11/08/10) Lesly Tagg Dept. of Biology University of York Jack Birch Unit of Environmental Carcinogenesis Heslington York, UK Y013DD Phone: 44 904 432901 Fax: 44 904 423954 Email: [email protected] KHENG H TAN UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE MELBOURNE DENTAL SCHOOL 6TH FLOOR, 720 SWANSTON 5T CRC ORAL HEALTH SCIENCE MELBOURNE, VIC 3053 AUSTRALIA Phone: 61-39-341-1573 Fax: 61-39-341-1597 Email: [email protected] (11/08/10) Agnes A. ter Huurne Dept. of Bacteriology Inst. of Infectious Diseases & Immunology Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Yalelaani, P.O. Box 20.165 Utrecht, Netherlands 3508TD Phone: 31 30 743456 Fax: 31 30 292957 Email: D. Denee Thomas, Ph.D. Associate Dean for Student Affairs UTHSCSA Dental School 7703 Floyd Curl Dr. San Antonio, TX 78229 210-567-3752 210-567-4776 (fax) Email: (09/10/05) Kit L. Tilly Rocky Mountain Labs 903 South 4th Street Hamilton, MT 59840 Phone: (406) 375-7466 Fax: 406-375-9681 Email: [email protected] John F. Timoney 108 Gluck Equine Research Center, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40546-0099 Phone: (606) 257-4172 Fax: (606) 257-5169 Email: Research Interests: Pathogenic Leptospira (08/5/01) ALVARO M TOLEDO STONY BROOK UNIVERSITY 5120 CENTER FOR INFECTIOUS DISEASES CENTER FOR MOLECULAR MEDICINE STONY BROOK, NY 11794 Phone: 631-631-4227 Fax: 631-632-4294 Email: [email protected] (11/08/10) CLAUDIA TOMA UNIVERSITY OF THE RYUKYUS DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY DIVISION OF BACTERIAL PATHOGENESIS UEHARA 207 NISHIHARA, OKINAWA 903-0215 JAPAN Phone: 81-98-895-1124 Fax: 81-98-895-1408 Email: [email protected] (11/08/10) ALEXANDRA TOMOVA NEW YORK MEDICAL COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY BSB, ROOM 324 VALHALLA, NY 10595 Phone: 914-594-3142 Fax: Email: [email protected] (11/08/10) YVONNE M TOURAND WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY DEPT. OF VETERINARY MICROBIOLOGY AND PATHOLOGY PO BOX 647040 PULLMAN, WA 99164-7040 Phone: 509-335-7288 Fax: Email: [email protected] (11/08/10) Felipe F Trajtenberg Institut Pasteur de Montevideo Protein Crystallography Unit Mataojo 2020 Montevideo 11400 Uruguay Phone: 59-825220910 ext 143 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) BRIDGIT A TRAVINSKY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, IRVINE DEPT. OF MICROBIOLOGY & MOLECULAR GENETICS 3501 HEWITT HALL IRVINE, CA 92697 Phone: 949-824-3737 Fax: Email: [email protected] (11/08/10) Darren Trott USDA National Animal Disease Center P.O. Box 70 2300 Dayton Road Ames, IA 50010-0070 Phone: 515-239-8318 Fax: 515-239-8458 Email: [email protected] (98/3/16) BRYAN TROXELL INDIANA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE MICROBIOLOGY/IMMUNOLOGY DEPARTMENT 635 BARNHILL DR INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46202 Phone: 317-278-7715 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/3/1) ERIN B TROY TUFTS MEDICAL CENTER 800 WASHINGTON STREET BOX 41 BOSTON, MA 02111 Phone: 617-636-7613 Fax: 617-636-3216 Email: [email protected] (12/3/1) Surabhi Tyagi UT Health Science Center at Houston Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine 6431 Fannin Room 2.294 Houston, TX 77030 Phone: 512-934-2178 Fax: Email: [email protected] Robert L. Uffen Metabolic Biochemistry/MCB National Science Foundation Rm. 655.11 4201 Wilson Boulevard Arlington, VA 22230 Phone: (703) 306-1443 Fax: (703) 306-0355 Email: Veli-Jukka Uitto University of British Columbia Department of Oral Biology 211 Wesbrook Mall Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3 Canada Phone: (604) 822-5996 Fax: (604) 822-6698 Email: (08/4/30) Amy J Ullmann Centers for Disease Control Division of Vector Borne Disease 3156 Rampart Road Fort Collins, CO 80521 Phone: 970-225-4251 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) Jan van Embden, M.D. Head, Department of Molecular Microbiology Rijksinstitut voor Volksgezondheid en Milieuhygiene Antonie van Leeuwenhoeklaan 9 P.O. Box 1 3720 BA Bilthoven, The Netherlands Phone: (31) 30 749111 Fax: (31) 30-292957 Email: Wesley Van Voorhis, M.D. Associate Professor of Medicine University of Washington, Box 357185 Health Science Room I-104-G Seattle WA 98195 Phone: 206-543-8021 Fax: 206-685-8681 Email: [email protected] (99/8/10) ASHUTOSH VERMA UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY MICRO., IMMUNO. & MOL. GEN. 800 ROSE ST., MN469 LEXINGTON, KY 40536 Phone: 859-257-9305 Email: [email protected] (11/08/10) DIANA VESELY YALE UNIVERSITY SECTION OF RHEUMATOLOGY/DEPT INT MED TAC S-520 300 CEDAR STREET NEW HAVEN. CT 06510 Phone: 203-785-7660 Fax: 203-785-7583 Email: [email protected] (11/08/10) Monica L Vieira Instituto Butantan Av. Vital Brasil, 1500 Centro de Biotecnologia Laboratorio de Biotecnologia Molecular II Sao Paulo, SP 05503-900 Brazil Phone: 55-11-26279828 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) Joseph M Vinetz University of California San Diego 9500 Gilman Drive 0741 Palade Labs Room 125 La Jolla, CA 92093 Phone: 858-822-4469 Fax: 858-822-5322 Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) Michelle Visser University at Buffalo The State University of New York Department of Oral Biology School of Dental Medicine 3435 Main Street Buffalo, New York 14214 Phone: 716-829-3943 Fax: 1-716- 829- 3942 email: [email protected] Webpage: Research Interests: Treponema denticola, neutrophil, host-pathogen interactions, immunology, extracellular matrix (13/11/01) CATERINA VOCALE UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA DEPT HEMATOLOGY, ONCOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY ST.ORSOLA HOSPITAl- BLDG 11 9, VIA G. MASSARENTI BOLOGNA, 40138 ITALY Phone: 39-3402994261 Fax: 39-0516363076 Email: [email protected] (11/08/10) Beau R Wager Texas A&M Health Sceince Center Microbial and Molecular Pathogenesis 8447 State Hwy 47 Medical Research and Education Building Room 3107 Bryan, TX 77807 Phone: 979-436-0356 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) RUPALI WALIA BIOCHEMISTRY & MOL BIOl, FACULTY OF MEDICINE HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER,UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY 3330 HOSPITAL DRIVE NW CALGARY, ALBERTA T2N4N1 CANADA Phone: 403-220-6651 Fax: Email: [email protected] (11/08/10) Richard L. Walker University of California, Davis California Veterinary Diagnostic Lab School of Veterinary Medicine Davis, CA 95616 Phone: (916) 752-8754 Fax: (916) 752-6253 Email: 09/10/05 Reinhard Wallich Applied Immunology DKFZ-F5 0440 1 Neuenheime Feld 280 Heidelberg, Germany 69120 Phone: 49 6221 422459 Fax: 49 6221 422417 Email: Guiqing Wang New York Medical College Dept. of Biochem. & Molec. Biol. Valhalla, NY 10595 Phone: 914-594-4064 Fax: 914-594-4058 Email: [email protected] (00/08/30) Michael J. Wannemuehler, Ph.D. Veterinary Medical Research Institute Iowa State University Ames, IA 50011 Phone: 515-2943270 Fax: Email: [email protected] Donald J. Warakomski Connaught Laboratories P.O. Box 187 Swiftwater, PA 18370-0187 Phone: (717) 839-4688 Fax: (717) 839-0619 Email: Aaron Weinberg Dept Periodontics/357444 10900 Euclid Avenue Case Western Reserve Univ Cleveland, OH 44106-4905 Phone: 216 368 6729 Fax: Email: [email protected] (99/07/22) Zachary P Weiner Centers for Disease Control 3156 Rampart Rd. Fort Collins, CO 80521 Phone: 919-818-0887 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) Janis J Weis University of Utah Department of Pathology 15 North Medical Drive East Salt Lake Ctiy, UT 84112 Phone: 801-581-8386 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) Martin Weiss Nielsen The Technical University of Denmark Bulowsvej 27, Section of Bateriology, Pathology & Parasitology Copenhagen 1870 Denmark Phone: 45-61396347 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) George M. Weinstock, Ph.D. The Genome Institute Washington University School of Medicine Campus Box 8501 4444 Forest Park Ave St. Louis, MO 63108 Phone: 314-286-1898 Email: [email protected] Webpage: Research Interests: Molecular genomics of Treponema pallidum and other bacteria; DNA recombination (13/11/01) Janis J. Weis University of Utah School of Medicine Dept. of Pathology 15 North Medical Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84112 Phone: (801) 581-8386 Fax: (801) 581-4517 Email: [email protected] (02/12/18) Catherine Werts Institut Pasteur Department Microbiology, Unit Bgpb 28 Rue DU DR Roux Paris 75015 France Phone: 33-144-389508 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) PETER WILHELMSSON CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL MEDICINE HEALTH UNIVERSITY DIVISION OF LABORATORY 1 MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY L1NKOPING, 58183 SWEDEN Phone: 46-013-222054 Fax: Email: [email protected] (11/08/10) Timothy D Witchell University of Victoria Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology Room 246, Petch Building 3800 Finnerty Rd Victoria, BC V8W 3P6 Canada Phone: 1-250-858-3045 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) Charles W Wolgemuth University of Arizona 1118 E. 4th Street Tucson, AZ 85721 Phone: 520-626-1622 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) Larry E. Wolinsky UCLA School of Dentistry Section of Oral Biology 405 Hilgard Avenue 10833 Le Conte Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90024-1668 Phone: (310) 825-0030 Fax: (310) 206-5539 Email: [email protected] R. Mark Wooten University of Toledo Health Science Campus Dept. of Medical Microbiology and Immunology 3000 Arlington Ave. MS #1021 Toledo, OH 43614-5806 Phone: (419) 383-6649 Fax: (419) 383-3002 Email: [email protected] (08/5/01) Gary P. Wormser New York Medical College Infectious Diseases Division 245 Munger Pavilion Valhalla, NY 10595 Phone: (914) 493-8865 Fax: (914) 493-7289 Email: [email protected] David Wright Imperial College Department of Medical Microbiology Charing Cross Hosp., Fulham Palace Road London, W6 8RF UK Phone: 44-181-8467256 Fax: 44-181-8467261 Email: (99/07/22) JING WU TEXAS A&M HEALTH SCIENCE CENTER DEPT. OF MICROBIAL AND MOLECULAR PATHOGENESIS COLLEGE OF MEDICINE REYNOLD'S BUILDING, ROOM 473 COLLEGE STATION, TX 77843 Phone: 979-845-0886 Fax: Email: [email protected] (11/08/10) HUI WU UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM DEPARTMENT OF PEDIATRIC DENTISTRY SDB 802 1919 7TH AVENUE S. BIRMINGHAM, AL 35294 Phone: 205-996-2392 Fax: Email: [email protected] (12/3/1) ELSIO AUGUSTO WUNDER YALE SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH 60 COLLEGE STREET, LEPH 607 NEW HAVEN, CT 06510 Phone: 203-737-6412 Fax: 203-785-6193 Email: [email protected] (12/3/1) Chris Wyss (Retired) Zurich University Institut fur Orale Mikrobiologie und Allgemeine Immunologie Plattenstrasse 11, Postfach Zurich, CH-8028 Switzerland Phone: 41-1-6343322 Fax: 41-1-6344310 Email: Research interests: ecology, physiology, motility, virulence (09/10/05) Likuan Xiong Center of STD Preventment and Treatment Institute Of Pulmonary Disease Hospital of Chronic Disease in Shenzhen 2021 Buxin Road, P.O.Box 518020 Shenzhen,P.R.China Phone: 86 755 5614269 Fax: 86 755 5608380 Email: Research interests:(1)gene clone and expression of Treponema pallidum;(2)Use of molecular techniques for identification and differentiation of subspecies and/or strains of Treponema pallidum and Mycobacteria;(3)Rapid dignosis of syphilis and tuberculosis (99/8/10) HAIJUN HX XU IUPUI DEPARTMENT OF IMMUNOLOGY AND MICROBIOLOGY 635 BARNHILL DR. MS420 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46202 Phone: 317-278-7715 Fax: Email: [email protected] (11/08/10) FENG XUE ZHEJIANG UNIV. AND INDINAN UNIV. (IUPUI) DEPARTMENT OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY INDIANA UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF MEDICINE 635 BARNHILL DRIVE, MS420 INDIANAPOLIS, IN 46202 Phone: 317 -278-7715 Fax: 317-274-4090 Email: [email protected] (11/08/10) Yaning Xu University of Minnesota 420 Delaware St., S.E. Box 196, UMHC Minneapolis, MN 55455 Phone: (612) 624-5684 Fax: (612) 626-0623 Email: 09/10/05 Yasutake Yanagihara Dept. of Microbiology University of Shizuoka Yada 52-1 Shizuoka 422 Shizuoka, Japan Phone: 81 54 264 5716 Fax: 81 54 164 5715 Email: Robert J. Yancey Pfizer, Inc. Bacteriology, Animal Health 601 Cornhusker Highway P. O. Box 80809 Lincoln, NE 68501-0809 Phone: (402) 441-2390 Fax: (402) 441-2782 Email: [email protected] Liming Yang Dept. of Pathology University of Utah School of Medicine 50 North Medical Drive Salt Lake City, UT 84132 Phone: (801) 581-4364 Fax: (801) 581-4517 Email: X. Frank Yang Indiana University School of Medicine Department of Microbiology and Immunology 635 Barnhill Drive, MS420 Indianapolis, IN 46202 Phone: 317-274-8691 Fax: 317-274-4090 [email protected] (11/07/21) David B. Yelton, Ph.D. (Retired) Department of Microbiology and Immunology Health Science North West Virginia University P. O. Box 9177 Morgantown, WV 26506-9177 Phone: (304) 293-4559 Fax: (304) 293-7823 Email: [email protected] Nordin S. Zeidner Centers for Disease Control Div. of Vector-Borne Diseases P.O. Box 2087. Foothills Campus Fort Collins, CO 80522 Phone: 970-221-6495 Fax: 970-221-6476 Email: [email protected] (98/3/16) Jing-Ren Zhang, Ph.D. Professor and Assistant Dean Center for Infectious Disease Research School of Medicine Tsinghua University Beijing 100084, China Phone: 10-6279-5892 Email: [email protected] Website: (11/04/19) NAN ZHANG UNIV. OF TOLEDO COLLEGE OF MEDICINE DEPT. OF MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY & IMMUNOLOGY 3000 ARLINGTON AVE., MS #1021 TOLEDO, OH 43614 Phone: 419-383-6818 Fax: 419-383-3002 Email: [email protected] (12/3/1) Nan Zhang Univ. of Toledo College of Medicine Dept. of Medical Microbiology & Immunology 3000 Arlington Ave., MS #1021 Toledo, OH 43614 Phone: 419-383-6818 Fax: 419-383-3002 Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) Hui Zhi Texas A&M Health Science Center 8447 State Hwy 47 MREB Bldg, Rm3107 Bryan, TX 77807 Phone: 979-436-0355 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) Pingyu Zhou Shanghai Skin Disease Hospital 200 Wuyi Rd Shanghai, Shanghai 200050 China Phone: 86-13120528772 Fax: 86-13120528772 Email: [email protected] (14/05/05) Wolfram R. Zückert University of Kansas Medical Center Department of Microbiology, Molecular Genetics & Immunology 3025 Wahl West – MS 3029 Kansas City, KS 66160-7420 Phone Office: (913) 588-7061 Phone Lab: (913) 588-7684 Fax: (913) 588-7295 Email: [email protected] Web: (02/07/05) Richard L. Zuerner P.O. Box 5 Aitkin, MN 56431 Phone: 15152313136 Fax: Email: [email protected] (14/05/05)
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