America´s Regional iGEM Jamboree Indiannapolis, Indiana
America´s Regional iGEM Jamboree Indiannapolis, Indiana
America´s Regional iGEM Jamboree Indiannapolis, Indiana Usually the problems are ahead the solutions Doing Synthetic Biology to bring biological solutions to everyday problems! Biosurfactator = rhamnolipids Rhamnolipid is composed of rhamnose sugar and b-hydroxyalkanoic acid. This marvelous molecule: • Reduce the surface tension of water. • Have emulsifying properties • Is a well known Biosurfactant We found a marvelous gene the Rhamnosyltransferase complex 1 (RhlAB) rhlAB: Genetic engineering facts! • • There are reports of several attempts to produce Pseudomona´s Rhamnolipids in heterologous hosts, like: Pseudomonas fluorescens, Pseudomonas oleovorans, Pseudomonas putida, and E. coli Yet, none produces Rhamnolipids in comparable levels as the best P. aeruginosa strains Breif history: expression of rhlAB gene into E.coli Ochsner et al. (1995) Cabrera-Valladares et al. (2006) Wang et al. (2007) iGEM Panama Team (2011) intended the RL production in E. coli through synthetic biology based on BioBrick parts integration. For first time ever! Our objective is to deliver rhlAB BioBrick part! • Degradate DNA from 2010 • Panama 2010 BioBrick sample in the registry was invalid. • Re-designing, • re-constructing • and re-assembling the rhlAB gene 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 HIND III 2314 bp 2322 bp 6557 bp 4361 bp pGEM-T + rh1AB 3000 bp + 2314bp pGEM-T 3000 bp The rhamnosyltransferase gene complex do not fit with the assembly standard rh1B gene sequence shows two illegal restriction sites by PstI rh1A gene sequence shows one illegal restriction sites by PstI Pst1 Digestion pGEM-T plasmid pGEM-T + partially mutated rh1AB rh1AB with no mutations • Succesfuly mutated the rhlAB gene • Re-designed and re-constructed the mutated rhlAB. • Re-assembled the mutated rhlAB into a BioBrick part. Assembly of expression platform for the rhlAB BioBrick GFP reporter plus Double Terminator BBa IPTG Inducible Expression Platform E.Coli based-factory for rhamnolipid production Acknowledgment Advisors Sponsors
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