easy to play hard to master
easy to play hard to master
easy to play hard to master easy to play hard to master fun from the first throw! you.fo is an innovative throwing and catching sports game. We have developed an aerodynamic ring and special sticks to play over distances of 10-30 meters. you.fo is fun, challenging and rewarding from your first throw. Patent pending. the story During the summer holidays in 2010, founder of you.fo Bas Ruyssenaars recalled a game he had invented and played when he was young. Bas and his son started improvising on the beach and the idea for you.fo was born. Once back home Bas set up a team of industrial designers, specialists in aerodynamics, sport innovation professionals and trainee sports teachers. After years of concept development and fine-tuning, you.fo is now ready for the market! patent pending learning the basics 1. Preparation Place ring and hold stick as shown. 2. Throw Swing stick forward with both arms to launch ring. 3. Follow-through Finish throw in the direction you want ring to go. 4. Catch Anticipate and keep your eye on ring. Have fun learning! you.fo Easy to play, hard to master grow your skills you.fo will challenge you to grow your skills in many areas: Throw and catching techniques, concentration, hand-eye coordination, strength and flexibility, and inter player dynamics. pick your game freestyle or set-rule game play competition or fitness training o one-on-one or in teams o o pick your location in city parks and sports grounds on the beach and in the fields o out in the open and indoors o o you.fo can be played in many ways… YOU.FO BASIC You score points by grounding the ring on the opponent’s part of the playing field. Or when the opposing team commits a fault. One-on-one or in teams. you.fo basic - without net Minimal distance between playing field parts: 20 mtr. you.fo basic - volleyball field Outdoor: Minimal field size 18x9mtr, 1 or 2 players per team. Enlarge the playing field size for 3 or 4 players per team. Indoor: minimal field size 18x9mtr, 1 to 3 players per team. you.fo basic - tennis field Outdoor: minimal field size 24x11mtr, 1 or 2 players per team. Enlarge the playing field size for 3 or 4 players per team. Indoor: minimal field size 18x9mtr, 1 to 3 players per team. YOU.FO END ZONE You score points by catching the ring in de endzone behind the opponent’s part of the playing field. Outdoor minimum field size: 25x35-50mtr. 3 to 6 players per team. YOU.FO CENTRAL Team game around one central inflatable ring goal. You score point by throwing through the ring goal. You score extra points when a team member catches the ring after scoring. hole 3 hole 2 hole 1 you.fo golf The object of the game is to complete a course from beginning to end; the winner is the player who does so in the fewest number of throws of the ring. you.fo golf can be set up on sports fields or in parks or urban areas where avoiding trees and buildings can become part of the game challenge. 3A 2B 1A 1B 2A 3B you.fo pattern play you.fo pattern play is a work-out by playing a ‘pattern’ with two or more players by throwing and catching the ring on several marked spots on the playing field. You place 3 or more markers on each side of the playing field. Once player A has thrown the ring starting at marker 1A, he or she runs to marker 2A. Player B catches the ring at marker 1B, throws the ring in the direction of 2A and runs to 2B. Player A catches the ring at 2A, throws to 2B and runs to 3A... and so on. you.fo is… o fun o challenging and healthy o rewarding from your first throw o completely new o open to all, for those who like sports and games you.fo Easy to play, hard to master green dutch design the throwing stick is made of aluminium frame which is 100% recyclable o our manufacturing partner is a member of Return 2 Sender Foundation (R2S) which enables high quality recycling of all you.fo plastic components (including ring and cone) o we at you.fo believe in co-creation Simply because it works. We welcome enquiries from all interested parties on further business development. a you.fo set contains o two sticks o one aerodynamic ring o one holdall bag Recommended retail price: €99 contact us now for order details you.fo will be available spring 2014. Please contact: Bas Ruyssenaars (managing director) +31 614 21 33 47 [email protected] www.you.fo you.fo is winner of the Dutch National Sports Innovation Award 2013 you.fo has been selected as Finalist at Ispo Brand New 2013 – category Hardware Summer you.fo is winner of the European wide 2012 Profit Innovation CompetitionEindhoven field lab early prototype sessions