DCON Preview - Indiana Circle K


DCON Preview - Indiana Circle K
the official bulletin of the Indiana District of Circle K International
DCON Preview
Happy Holidays, Indiana Circle K! While you are
wrapping up your fall/winter terms at your respective
campuses, I just wanted to briefly touch upon an event
that you simply cannot miss!
You may not be aware yet, but this is the year that
our district turns 50!! And what better way to celebrate
our golden year than by attending our annual district
convention (DCON). DCON will be held at the Marten
House Hotel in Indianapolis from February 26-28,
2010. For those of you who have not been to DCON
before, the weekend is intended as a celebration of the
past Circle K year. However, this coming February, not
only will we be paying tribute to the 2009-2010 year,
but we will also be looking back at all the past years that
have made Indiana Circle K the district it is today. In
addition, you will also have the opportunity to attend
various workshops at DCON, recognize the excellence in
leadership and service at the awards banquet, as well as
elect the district board who will serve Indiana Circle K as
we enter into the next 50 years! And a Circle K event just
wouldn’t be complete without a dance!
On behalf of the 2009-2010 district board, I would
personally like to extend the invitation to you to join us
as we celebrate fifty years of service! More information
will be provided in the coming months, and it is my goal
to visit all of your clubs to ensure we can get the largest
convention attendance we have ever seen! If you have any
questions or ideas in the meanwhile, please don’t hesitate
to contact me.
Sheremy Cabrera, DCON Coordinator
[email protected]
In this issue: MDEC Recap // Project Reflections // Feed Families with STUFH // Better Know Taiwan! // District Goals Update
MDEC Recap
This year, MDEC was held at the Shiloh
Retreat Park in Marion, IN. Many students
from the Indiana district came together for
a weekend full of service, leadership, and
fellowship. To kick off the theme, “Adventures
in Service,” the weekend began with a scavenger
hunt to claim the service idol. Saturday was
filled with wonderful food, leadership training,
service projects & even coloring! That night’s
events consisted of the INCKI pageant, second
annual awards night, and a fabulous dance. A
first time attendee from Manchester College,
Ashley Roth thought “MDEC was amazing and
so much fun!! I encourage everyone that can go
next year to go. It is such a great experience.” Teirreney Fincher had a similar response to
MDEC with “MDEC was really fun, I enjoyed
myself and the fact that I got a chance to get
to meet new people who were interested in
the same things that I was interested in. I
really enjoy both the scavenger hunt and the
workshops that we participated in. I like the
fact that the workshops helped me learn some
new things about Circle K, UNICEF, and more. I really enjoyed everything about the convention
especially the food.” Many of the students who
attended MDEC have the same input on it. It
is a great experience and it’s something that a
member should try to go to if at all possible. It
was a great weekend that left students excited
for DCON in February.
Sarah Kuborn
BEEP, Manchester College Circle K
Watch out! It’s time for another exciting installment of...
Know a
Girls heavily outnumbered guys
at MDEC, so Brandon, Cliff, and
Rigo took some time to reassert
their manliness.
a.k.a. “臺灣”
About Kiwanis in Taiwan
Many Circle K members
are also masters of
deception, as the game
Mafia demonstrated.
Congrats to our first Mr. & Miss
INCKI, Rigo Gonzalez and
Amanda Carter from UIndy!
Taiwan is one of the districts that makes Kiwanis a truly
international organization. Through my trusty interpreter Liz
Wang, we found a section on the Kiwanis Taiwan website urging
college students to join Circle K. Though we couldn’t find a
link to a website for Circle
K in Taiwan, there were
plenty of pages about
Kiwanis and lots of pictures
of their activities. Looking
at their photos, they seem
to be a pretty exciting
bunch! A current service
project mentioned on the
Kiwanis website is helping
out at a local orphanage.
It’s fun to remember that
students and adults on
the other side of the world
are participating in the
same service projects and
conventions we love.
Project Reflection
into service
On November 14th Notre Dame Circle K had
their annual Turning Over a New Leaf project.
Through this project over 100 Notre Dame Circle K
members as well as other Notre Dame students
helped in cleaning nearly 55 homes in the South
Bend community. The homes that participated in
the project consisted of people in the community
that were either elderly or had a disability which
prevented them from being able to clean their own
yards. Notre Dame Circle K gladly helped clean the
yards by raking up the large amount of leaves that
had fallen on the lawns of these 55 homes. As many
of the members enjoyed this project Notre Dame
Circle K hopes to continue this annual project in
the years to come.
Mathew Dominguez
Historian, Notre Dame Circle K
P r o j e c t Reflection
Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, it’s Off to Serve We Go!
Written by: the Big Bad Wolf
What is the one time of year you can dress up
like some kind of monster and terrify little kids —
over and over again? Why, the annual Boo at the
Zoo of course! Each year Purdue Circle K is a part
of an event put on by the local Columbian Park Zoo
in Lafayette, IN. The entire zoo is decorated with
Halloween costumes, carnival games, scary statues,
and a spooky train ride. The event encompasses
two entire weeks, and the Purdue Circle K club
volunteers for each of the three segments included.
The first segment is set-up, where PUCKI helped
set up a crazy hay maze, carnival booths, ghost
statues, and decorated animal cages to look like
monsters. The last segment is clean-up, where
PUCKI helps tear down everything for the whole
event. The second segment however, is where all
the fun is had.
It only took a matter of seconds before the
head volunteer coordinator recognized the Purdue
Circle K club. Night after night for over five
years, PUCKI has provided a plethora of student
volunteers for Boo at the Zoo. On the first night
of the event, the head coordinator knew exactly
who PUCKI was. “There’s Circle K, don’t worry,
we’ve got the train ride already reserved for you,”
was the constant response received by the club. It
is a known fact that the Purdue Circle K club has
the gift of acting. Each year, a few brave members
will volunteer to act out fairy tales on the event’s
spooky train ride trail. This year was no different,
as many Oscar performances were born. Through
the course of the week, brilliant performances
were put on by: Kirsten Hall as the Prince, Kim
Esworthy as Rapunzel, Grace Yung as Snow White,
Cody Bates as the Evil Witch, Susan Owens as the
Evil Queen, Kirsten Luethy as the Mirror, Kim Bell
as Little Bo Peep, and Haley Keller as the Sheep.
The entire Seven Dwarves was also cast by: Vanessa
Young, Lyndsay Fairchild, Sean Lombardo, Nick
Archer, Danielle Woodward, Raymond Miller,
and an unforgettable “tumbling over a sign post”
by Michael Dunbar. More performances were
also put on by: Kyle Smith, Nick Archer, and
Sean Lombardo as the Three Little Pigs. The
most terrifying of all perhaps, was the masterful
performance of the Big Bad Wolf by Raymond
Miller. Many other PUCKI members manned the
Halloween carnival games for the children and
families of the community. Such games included:
pumpkin bowling, body part soup, pumpkin
fishing, the fortune teller booth, pumpkin carving,
and pumpkin golf.
No matter what the task was, Purdue Circle K
was there. Over the course of the event, PUCKI
sent over 30 members to the event and logged
nearly 100 service hours, if not more. On top of
that, a new PUCKI record for hot dogs eaten,
little kids scared to death, broken signs, popcorn
ingested, Oscars won, ghost statues set up and
torn down, and sheer amount of fun experienced
was set. When it comes to making a difference in
the community, Purdue Circle K is the first there.
Kyle Smith, Nick Archer, Sean Lombardo, and Raymond
Miller as the Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf.
Purdue Circle K at the scene of the crime!
Service is always in season with Circle K!
F our community
in y
Mackenzie Pearson, District Governor
University of Indianapolis // [email protected]
If you are looking
for a great project to
participate in at the end
of the semester, STUFH is
a great organization to get
involved with. As one of
Circle K International’s
service partners, STUFH
is also a great way to
get involved in the
Governor’s Project. Here
is how you get involved:
First, get boxes or bins
to place in dorms and
campus. Be sure you talk
with your Student Activities Coordinator to let them know and to
also get permission. Second, find a local food bank that you would
like to donate your food to and designate a time that you will be
dropping the food off. Third, promote and publicize your food drive.
STUFH can provide generic posters, just simply contact Dan Kahn
at [email protected] to request some. Lastly, hold the drive! Some
ways to get people more involved are to hold competitions between
dorms or Greek life. You can also hold a canpetition with all of the
can goods collected. Visit http://www.youtube.com/ckitv to see on
awesome video of a canpetition held on a college campus in Texas. If
you have any further questions, contact International Service Chair,
Kristen Reed, at [email protected].
Hello all,
Happy End of th
e Semester! I ho
pe all of your stu
projects are go
dying and
ing well as we ro
d out another w
semester of serv
ice! As of Dec.
4th I have new
our wonderful Di
statistics for
strict…and we
are really going
Service Hours Pe
rformed: 3,680.5
Interclubs (both
with Circle K an
d K-Family): 67
“But what does
this mean Alex?”
you ask…
• We need 12,0
00 hours of serv
e this year. We
have 30.67% of
our goal…this is
a jump of mor
10% from the la
e than
st issue. You all
are really makin
difference in al
g a great
l of our commun
• As for interclu
bs this month
e we complet
which is down
ed 20
from the last iss
t with a total of
we are doing a
lot of work toge
ther. Let’s aim
the next month
high for
so we can real
ly boost that nu
So we are half
way done with
our year. Please
mind why we
keep in
are doing this…
school is hard
stressful. Let Circ
life is
le K and the se
rvice and fello
do be your esca
wship you
pe from the str
esses of school
Have a wonde
and work!
rful and save ho
liday break and
see you all in Fe
I hope to
Live to Serve, Lo
ve to Serve
Alex Kocher
Happy Holidays
from the
Indiana District!