(Smart Writer) 麗山高中英文科自編作文課程教材
(Smart Writer) 麗山高中英文科自編作文課程教材
Smart Writer Introduction In the JCEE English exam, you will be asked to compose in standard written English as a response to an assigned topic. That is to say, you are going to show your ability to organize ideas and to support those ideas with proper description or examples. It takes 20-25 minutes to work on this section. The table below is an appropriate time arrangement you may refer to: A. Outlining B. Introduction C. Discussion and development D. Conclusion E. Proofreading and polishing 3-5 minutes 2-3 minutes 10 minutes 2-3 minutes 3 minutes Estimation 25-30 words 70-100 words 2-3 sentences 6-10 sentences 25-30 words 2-3 sentences 20-24 min 120-160 words 10-16 sentences Your writing is judged according to the criteria below. 內容 組織 文法、句構 字彙、拼字 體例 總分 Content Organization Grammar/Sentence Diction/Spelling Example/Form Total Score 4 2 20 Structure 5 5 4 Usually testees’ composition scores can be divided into five levels. Level 劣 差 可 優 特優 Scores 0-4 5-9 10-14 15-18 19-20 Here are some sample compositions of different levels. 學測英文作文評分樣例 Source: 選才通訊 142 期 財團法人大學入學考試中心基金會 學測編號 1:特優-19 分 (題目為 93 年學測題,圖見 p.6) One evening, a man named Kris attended a wedding party. It was held in a luxury hotel, where there were a lot of guests. Everyone talked lively and happily during the meal, including Kris. Being the best friend of the couple, Kris drank a lots in ecstasy because he felt really happy for them. Later, Kris excused himself and left the party. He stood on the road, waiting for a taxi. But, unfortunately, he drank too much to stay conscious. Upon seeing a car coming to him, Kris 1 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer waved his arms immediately, saying "Hey, Taxi!" loudly. Then the car stopped. However, Kris wasn´t aware that was a police car, not a taxi! Kris couldn´t remember anything that had happened during the drive to the police office. He was waken up by a thunderous sound, "What are you doing? Do you know where it is?" said the police officer. Kris was shocked to death but had no reason for explaination. About 30 minutes later, Kris was allowed to leave. He was ashamed for his "trip to the police office." He appologized to the police officer for his irrational behavior, and promised that he wouldn´t do it again. 內容 Content 組織 Organization 文法、句構 字彙、拼字 體例 總分 Total Grammar/Sentence Diction/Spelling Example/Form Score 3.5 2 19 Structure 5 5 3.5 學測編號 2:優- _____ 分 One evening, John was invited to his old friend´s wedding. Meeting so many classmates in university, he became more and more excited. He talked a lot with other, laughed happily, and also, drank a lot. When it got darker and darker outside, he knew that he had to go home. So much did he drank that he couldn´t even drive home on his own. He then walked on the side of the road and tried to find a taxi to take him home. He waved to the cars, shouted out something, and even ran onto the road with his body turning round. Not long after he did these, here came a car. It stopped in front of him, and he got on the car without hesitation. And soon, he fell asleep. When he opened his eyes again, he found himself in the police station. To his dismay, he didn´t remember what he had done yesterday. A policeman came up to him and scolded him angrily. He was too embarrassed to look up at him. He really learned a lesson from the impressing mistake. 內容 Content 組織 Organization 文法、句構 字彙、拼字 體例 Grammar/Sentence Diction/Spelling Example/Form 3.5 1.5 總分 Total Score Structure 4.5 3.5 學測編號 3:可-14 分 One evening, there was a wedding party at a fancy hotel. The party´s atmosphere was so happy and all people including the guests and the new couples cheered to each other all night. Later, the party was over and every person was much drank. 2 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer The night became darker and darker and there was few cars on the streets. One of the guests was about to go home by taxi, but he was so much drunk that he couldn´t even distinguish the taxi between the police car. He hired the police car and took on. The police asked where he lived patiently, but he just kept smiled without saying any words… The next morning, the man finally awoke, finding himself sitting in the police office. He was shocked. When the police told him the whole thing, he felt so embarrassed. 內容 Content 組織 Organization 文法、句構 字彙、拼字 體例 總分 Total Grammar/Sentence Diction/Spelling Example/Form Score 2.5 1.5 14 Structure 3.5 3.5 3 學測編號 4:差-5 分 One evening, he go to a dinner and eat very much, drink very much. So he has a little 醉.When the dime in the end, he will go home by heself. He was walking on the road, and he went to took a taxi. But, he was disunderstanding, he took a police car. And then, the police take he to police 局. Next day, at 8:00am, he is disunderstanding, why he will in there? The police is talk him, he was have 喝醉 yesterday. So he is very red-face, and then he just real go home. 內容 Content 組織 Organization 文法、句構 字彙、拼字 體例 總分 Total Grammar/Sentence Diction/Spelling Example/Form Score 1 5 (字數不足,另扣 Structure 1.5 1.5 1 分) 學測編號 5:劣-2 分 One evening, a man went to a party. He drinked much CH3COOH and that he felt asleep.When the party was end he want to went home.He took taxi and sleep on the car.What can the driver do? When the man opened his eyes, he saw aand his family. 內容 Content 組織 Organization 文法、句構 字彙、拼字 體例 總分 Total Grammar/Sentence Diction/Spelling Example/Form Score 0.5 1 2 (字數不足,另扣 Structure 0.5 0.5 0.5 1 分) 3 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer 指考英文作文評分樣例 提示:請以"Travel Is The Best Teacher"為主題,寫一篇至少 120 個字的英文作文。 指考編號 1:特優-19 分 Travel Is The Best Teacher I´ve been to many countries before, and I enjoy my trip very much every time. To me, travel is the best teacher. By traveling, I can always broaden my mind and open my eyes to the things about which I had no idea before; I could also see the things which appeared only in the textbook before and that´s no doubt a wonderful experience. Last summer, I went to Malaysia with a foundation, I used to consider it to be a poor country, but I was totally shocked at how prosperous it is! So many tall buildings and well-organized communities were right before my eyes! We also had some interaction with the local students. I found their learning attitude very active, which was very different from that of the Taiwanese students. After my trip to Malaysia, I realized that many countries in Asia are prospering, while Taiwan seems to be going backward. I also remind myself that we should never look down on others, and we should equip ourselves with knowledge and unique perspectives, so that we may be able to be outstanding rather than being overwhelmed by the others. We should be more active in our learning and try to set up our goals. If I hadn´t been to Malaysia, I wouldn´t have gained so many insights in these things. To me, travel is truly the best teacher. 內容 Content 組織 Organization 文法、句構 字彙、拼字 體例 總分 Grammar/Sentence Diction/Spelling Example/Form Total Score 3.5 2 19 Structure 5 5 3.5 指考編號 2:可-13 分 Travel Is The Best Teacher Many people like to read books because we can learn a lot of information from it. However, sometimes it´s not enough. For example, when the author described how spectacular the view is, we can´t feel how it is, since we fail to experience it personally. At this moment, all we have to do is go traveling. Only traveling can solve our confusion and satisfy our curious heart. When we go traveling, we can extend our sight, know things that we never know and even learn some lesson from it. I remember that one time I took a trip to mainland china with my family. We paid a visit to WestLake. The scenery I saw really breathtaking. I liked the lake when I was a child. But I didn´t know how big it was! I was so excited that I ran aroud the lake. The astonishing view was not a book could give me. Suddenly, I saw a person throw a gabage to the lake. How could 4 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer he do that! It actually broke the impression I used have on the Chinese people. Maybe it was a lesson for me. 內容 Content 組織 Organization 文法、句構 字彙、拼字 體例 總分 Grammar/Sentence Diction/Spelling Example/Form Total Score 2.5 2 13 Structure 3.5 2.5 2.5 指考編號 3:差-5 分 Travel is The Best Teacher Travel is very nice. It can help us understand everywhere culture, and to meets different people.And travel also can help us to knew everything. Have some land is we study is our book. However, somewhere is we can go to travel.We can knew differen culture, people, and life. For example, we go to travel in Japan.We can meets people become friends and chat have something is we not. I very like to travel. I´m hope I can go to travel every country. 內容 Content 組織 Organization 文法、句構 字彙、拼字 Grammar/Sentence Diction/Spelling 體例 Example/Form 總分 Total Score Structure 1.5 1.5 1 1 1 5 (字數不足,另 扣 1 分) 指考編號 4:劣-4 分 Travel Is The Best Teacher Travel can see a lot of country and study different educated. Some country have historic site, some country have the religion, and some country have the technology etc. 內容 Content 組織 Organization 文法、句構 字彙、拼字 體例 Grammar/Sentence Diction/Spelling Example/Form 0.5 0.5 總分 Total Score Structure 0.5 0 0.5 1(字數不足,另扣 1 分) 5 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer 台大外文系 Tips for writing English compositions 奚永彗老師 ---Contents are important. No matter what you write, try to make readers know your ideas. Write to the point. Do not squeeze a bunch of big words in the passage you write. ---英文寫作,常用字約 2,500 個。要領包括: 1. 掌握所學的字彙,正確地運用。 2. 不論寫什麼題材,用英文思考。 3. 寫的內容要有重點。 4. 少用 be、make、have。 5. 善用工具書,如字典,可精確掌握英文字詞用法。 6. 多閱讀好文章,方能寫出流暢的英文作文。 7. 「學英文是一輩子的事。」要想學好英文,每天須固定一段時間讀英文, 時時謙卑、自惕。 近幾屆非選考題 學測作文 92 年 學 測 簡 答 與 作 文 提 示 ︰ 請以 “Music Is An Important Part of Our Life” 為題,說明音樂(例如古典音樂、 流行歌曲、搖滾音樂等)在生活中的重要性,並以你或他人的經驗為例,敘述音 樂所帶來的好處。 93 年 學 測 翻 譯 與 作 文 一 、 翻 譯 題 (10%) 1. 雖然 Lily 生來又瞎又聾,但她從來不氣餒。 簡答變翻譯, 認真練寫句子吧! 2. 她的故事證明了,我們只要努力必能成功。 二 、 英 文 作 文 (20%) 說明︰1.依提示在「答案卷」上寫一篇英文作文。 2.文長120個單詞(words)左右。 *93年起學測英文作文改採看圖作文, 可以敘事文呈現。 提 示 ︰ 請 根 據 以 下 三 張 連 環 圖 畫 的 內 容,以 “One evening,…”開 頭,寫 一 篇 文 章,描述圖中主角所經歷的事件,並提供合理的解釋與結局。 6 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer 94 年 學 測 翻 譯 與 作 文 一 、 翻 譯 題 (8%) 1. 人類對外太空所知非常有限,但長久以來我們對它卻很感興趣。 2. 太空科技的快速發展,使我們得以探索它的奧秘。 二 、 英 文 作 文 (20%) 提 示 : 請 根 據 以 下 三 張 連 環 圖 畫 的 內 容 , 以 “I n t he E nglish clas s last week, …” 開 頭 , 將 圖 中 主 角 所 經 歷 的 事 件 作 一 合 理 的敘述。 202 5 年 2005 年 1 月 15 1 95 年 學 測 翻 譯 與 作 文 一、翻譯題 (佔 8 分 ) 1. 一般人都知道閱讀對孩子有益。 2. 老師應該多鼓勵學生到圖書館借書。 二 、 英 文 作 文 (佔 20分 ) 提示:根據下列連環圖畫的內容,將圖中女子、小狗與大猩猩 (gorilla) 之間所發生的事 件作一合理的敘述。 _ _ 96 年 學 測 翻 譯 與 作 文 一 、 翻 譯 題 (8%) 1. 如果我們只為自己而活,就不會真正地感到快樂。 2. 當我們開始為他人著想,快樂之門自然會開啟。 7 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer 二 、 英 文 作 文 (20%) 提示︰請以下面編號 1 至 4 的四張圖畫內容為藍本,依序寫一篇文章,描述女孩與貓之 間的故事。你也可以發揮想像力,自己選定一個順序,編寫故事。請注意,故事 內容務必涵蓋四張圖意,力求情節完整、前後發展合理。 (1) (3) (2) (4) 97 年 學 測 翻 譯 與 作 文 一 、 翻 譯 題 (8%) 1. 聽音樂是一個你可以終生享受的嗜好。 2. 但能彈奏樂器可以為你帶來更多的喜悅。 二 、 英 文 作 文 (20%) 提示︰你 (英文名字必須假設為 George 或 Mary) 向朋友 (英文名字必須假設為 Adam 或 Eve) 借了一件相當珍貴的物品,但不慎遺失,一時又買不到替代品。請寫一封信, 第一段說明物品遺失的經過,第二段則表達歉意並提出可能的解決方案。 請注意:為避免評分困擾,請使用上述提示的 George 或 Mary 在信末署名,不得使用自 己真實的中文或英文姓名。 8 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer 98 年 學 測 翻 譯 與 作 文 一、翻譯題 (佔8分) 1. 大部分學生不習慣自己解決問題,他們總是期待老師提供標準答案。 2. 除了用功讀書獲取知識外,學生也應該培養獨立思考的能力。 二、英文作文 (佔2 0分) 說明︰1.依提示在「答案卷」上寫一篇英文作文。 2.文長120個單詞(words)左右。 提示︰ 請根據右方圖片的場景, 描述整個事件發生的前因 後果。文章請分兩段,第 一段說明之前發生了什麼 事情,並根據圖片內容描 述現在的狀況;第二段請 合理說明接下來可能會發 生什麼事,或者未來該做 些什麼。 9 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer 指定考科 91 年指定考科作文 文章請以 “If I won two million dollars in the lottery, I would help …” 開始,敘述如果你或 妳贏得台灣樂透彩新台幣兩百萬元之後,最想把全數金額拿去幫助的人、機構或組織, 並寫出理由。 92 年指定考科作文 提示︰小考、段考、複習考、畢業考、甚至校外其它各種大大小小的考試,已成為高中 學生生活中不可或缺的一部份。請寫一篇 120 至 150 個單詞左右的英文作文,文 分兩段,第一段以 Exams of all kinds have become a necessary part of my high school life.為主題句;第二段則以 The most unforgettable exam I have ever taken is…為開頭 並加以發展。 從 93 年起,翻譯題成為 王道,怎能不練? 93 年指定考科英文翻譯與作文 一、英文翻譯 (8%) (a) 科技讓我們的生活更舒適,然而它也被利用來犯罪。 (b) 根據最近的新聞報導,最常見的例子是網際網路詐財 (Internet scams)。 二、英文作文 (20%) 提示︰請以“Travel Is The Best Teacher”為主題,寫一篇至少 120 個字的英文作文。第一段 針對文章主題,說明旅行的優點,並在第二段舉自己在國內或國外的旅行經驗, 以印證第一段的說明。 94 年指定考科英文翻譯與作文 一、英文翻譯 (8%) 1. 身為地球村的成員,我們不應把自己侷限在這個小島上。 2. 我們不但應該參與國際性的活動,並且應該展現我們自己的文化特色。 二、英文作文 (20%) 提示︰指定科目考試完畢後,高中同學決定召開畢業後的第一次同學會,你被公推負責 主辦。請將你打算籌辦的活動寫成一篇短文。文分兩段,第一段詳細介紹同學會 的時間、地點及活動內容,第二段則說明採取這種活動方式的理由。 95 年指定考科翻譯與作文 一 、 英 文 翻 譯 (8分 ) 10 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer 1. 為提供一個無煙的用餐環境,許多餐廳不允許室內抽煙。 2. 雖然遭到許多癮君子的反對,這對不抽煙的人的確是一大福音。 二、英文作文 (20%) 提示︰人的生活中,難免有遭人誤解因而感到委屈的時候。請以此為主題,寫一篇至少 120 字的英文作文;第一段描述個人被誤解的經驗,第二段談這段經驗對個人的影 響與啟示。 96 年指定考科作文 一、英文翻譯 (8 分) 1. 大眾運輸的快速發展已逐漸縮短了都市和鄉村的距離。 2. 有了高速鐵路,我們可以在半天內往返台灣南北兩地。 二、英文作文(20 分) 提示:你能想像一個沒有電 (electricity) 的世界嗎?請寫一篇文章,第一段描述我們的世 界沒有了電以後,會是甚麼樣子,第二段說明這樣的世界是好是壞,並舉例解釋 原因。 97 年指定考科翻譯與作文 一、英文翻譯 (8%) 1. 全球糧食危機已經在世界許多地區造成嚴重的社會問題。 2. 專家警告我們不應該再將食物價格低廉視為理所當然。 二、英文作文 (20%) 提示:廣告在我們生活中隨處可見。請寫一篇大約 120-150 字的短文,介紹一則令你印 象深刻的電視或平面廣告。第一段描寫該廣告的內容 (如:主題、故事情節、音 樂、畫面等),第二段說明該廣告令你印象深刻的原因。 98 年指定考科翻譯與作文 一、中譯英( 8 分) 1. 玉山是東亞第一高峰,以生態多樣聞名。 2. 大家在網路上投票給它,要讓它成為世界七大奇觀之一。 11 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer 二、英文作文( 2 0 分) 提示:如果你可以不用擔心預算,隨心所欲的度過一天,你會怎麼過?請寫一篇短文,第一段說 明你會邀請誰和你一起度過這一天?為什麼?第二段描述你會去哪裡?做些什麼事?為什 麼?文長約120至150個單詞(words)。 98 大考新變革 大學考試及題型 學測 ( 7 ~ 1 月) 指考 ( 2 ~ 6 月) 中譯英 (擇一) 句子合併/改寫 單句翻譯 克漏式翻譯 單句翻譯 克漏式翻譯 連貫式翻譯 作文 (擇一) 簡函寫作 主題寫作 看圖作文 主題寫作 主題句寫作 12 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer Overcome the “Blank Page Jitters” The Reporter’s Six Questions 記者的六個 Wh-問題 Newspaper reporters often answer six basic questions at the beginning of an article: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? Here is the way one student used these questions to explore the general subject of sports assigned by his teacher: Who? Players, basketball and football players, coaches, fans. What? Violence---I’m tired of that subject. Loyal crazy screaming fans. Excitement. Stadium on the day of a game. All day partying. Radios, TVs. Where? People gather in certain areas. Stadium all over the country. When? People arrive early morning. After the game, many stay on in parking lot, talking, drinking beer. Year after year they come back. Why? Big social occasion, emotional outlet. How? They come early to get space. Source: Evergreen With Readings: A Guide to Writing (1996) by Susan Fawcett and Alvin Sandberg 13 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer Paragraph Form Before you start to write, it is important for you to know the requirements of a good paragraph. Format in Your Writing 1. Write a title in the center of the top of the page. (if required) 2. Indent the first line of every paragraph. 3. Capitalize the first word in each sentence and end each sentence with a period. 4. Never put a comma, a period or a question mark at the beginning of a line. 5. Never put the first half of a quotation mark at the end of a line. Content 6. Study the title and select what to be included in the writing. 7. Avoid run-on sentences---two sentences connected with a comma. 8. Avoid a fragment---a broken off piece or a part of a sentence. 9. Write straight to the topic sentence, 7-10 supporting sentences, and 1-3 conclusion sentences. No less than 120 words. 10. Proofread your article twice at least before you hand it in. Exercise: Get the bugs out of the following paragraph. (5 in total) The story of “The Phantom of the Opera” is essentially a tragic love triangle. The performers of an opera house believe it is haunted by a phantom who is in reality an opera singer with a horribly deformed face which he hides behind a mask. known as the Phantom, he lives in a lair beneath the opera house, where he spends his days and nights composing music that only he gets to hear, when he encounters a beautiful singer named Christine, however, he breaks his isolation to become her singing tutor , and soon falls in love with her. Under the Phantom’s guidance. Christine becomes a star. But when the Phantom learns of her engagement to Raoul, her childhood sweetheart, he is filled with jealous rage and seeks revenge on the couple. (132 words) Source: English Digest July Issue 2009 14 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer Write a Title A title tells the reader the topic of the paragraph. A title is usually a word or phrase. It is not a sentence. Remember these points: 1. Capitalize the first, last and all the important words in the title. Do not capitalize prepositions and articles. (Exceptions: Capitalize articles that begin the title.) 2. Do not underline the title. 3. Do not use a period (.), a common (,) or quotation marks (“”). But you can use an exclamation mark (!) or a question mark (?). Examples: Right or Left Brain? The Importance of Having a Friend My First Day in the United States Learning Can Be Fun, Too! Exercises: Say what is wrong with the titles below. Then write the titles in the correct way. 1. Eating In The United States Of America. _________________________________________________________ 2. “Learning English Is Important.” _________________________________________________________ 15 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer Develop an Outline Outlines are a way of organizing your ideas for giving a speech or writing an essay. Outlines are easy to write if you follow these three rules. I. Introduction II. Body III. Conclusion So you really are going to tell your audience the same thing three times. An outline must pass the following test: Question 1: Does the Intro and the Conclusion say the same thing? Question 2: Does the Body support the Intro? If the answers to both questions are yes, then you have a strong, logical outline. If not, then decide which part you want to change. Exercise 1 Are you a good learner? What are some tips for becoming a good learner? Listen to these people: Speaker A: Good learners are active in their leaning. They preview the new lesson before class and review the lesson after class. They don’t study just for tests. Speaker B: Good learners are not afraid of asking questions. They always try to find answers to their questions. They learn more by asking questions. Speaker C: Good learners use their time well. They spend some time studying every day. They don’t study only before a test. Speaker D: Good learners concentrate on their studies. They think about only one thing at a time. This helps them to learn better. From the above-mentioned, good learners should be active, ask questions, use their time well, and concentrate on the studies. I. II. III. Introduction: Body: A. B. C. D. Conclusion: To be continued… 16 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer Exercise 2 I read newspapers for several reasons. First, I read for general information. This includes important political news, sports events, and social happenings. Second, I read newspapers for my hobby. I am a baseball fan, and I always read the sports section for reports about the baseball teams, and their players. Third, I read newspapers for a brief moment of entertainment. The comics are humorous. Fourth, I read newspapers to enrich my mind. The editorials and the more cultivated writings on the papers are a good source for enriching the mind. Finally, I read newspapers to keep myself abreast of the times. I want myself well informed of what is going on around me. These are the main reasons why I read newspapers. *be/keep abreast of the times: 跟上時代;不落伍 I. II. III. Introduction: Body: A. B. C. D. E. Conclusion: 小叮嚀 有效率的寫作一定要先打大綱。剛開始時會花較多時間,但一旦習慣後,你應該可以在 兩、三分鐘內完成一個 120-150 英文單字的段落大綱。 1. The Topic Sentence 主題句 It introduces the topic and 2. Paragraph Development 段落發展 controls the information a. _________________ b. _________________ c. _________________ 3. The Concluding Sentence 結論句 Many sentences are given to explain the topic. It sums up the paragraph. 17 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer Paragraph Writing (段落寫作) 一個完整的段落必須包括 (1)主題句 (Topic Sentence),(2) 完整的內容敘述,亦即論述 (Discussion/ Main Body),及 (3) 結尾句 (Conclusion/ Concluding Sentence)。 (1) Topic Sentence (主題句) 主題 (topic) 加上作者對主題的看法 (controlling idea) 就構成了主題句。一個段落通常用 來論述單一主題。主題必須明確,而且必須具備下列條件: A. 主題加上作者對主題的看法 (Controlling idea) Controlling idea Topic Eating out is not always so convenient! Controlling idea Topic Scuba diving can be fun. B. 主題句必須是完整的句子 (complete sentence) Even if she is not in favor of my plan Fragment (非完整句子) Even if she is not in favor of my plan, I will get started anyway. (完整句子) Because he likes to watch TV. Fragment (非完整句子) He spent a lot of time watching TV because he liked to. (完整句子) C. 主題句的意義必須具體明白 (clear, definite, and specific) John will never forget what had happened in his childhood. (內容不具體) John will never forget the car accident that happened when he was twelve. (內容具體) To dance well, you need to know something about music. 可以是音樂技巧,音樂起源,內容過於廣泛) To dance well, you need to have a good sense of rhythm. D. 主題句的用字遣詞必須正確 Mary is skinny and beautiful. Mary is slim and beautiful. (用詞不妥) (用詞正確) 18 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com (something about music (語意清楚) Smart Writer Exercise Choose the best topic sentence for each of the following paragraphs. 1. _______ The city needs more money and will have serious problems if it is not raised soon. We need money to pay for new roads and the repair of old roads. We also need money to pay teachers’ salaries and to pay for such services as garbage collection. In addition, more tax is needed for financial aid to the poor. A) Taxes should be raised. B) Many teachers are not paid. C) Tax money is used to build roads. 2. ______ It will be more difficult for you if you wait until just before a special holiday. Many stores run out of more popular items so it will be harder for you to find what you want. The stores are also more crowded, and the lines are longer. A) Shopping is always difficult. B) The stores are crowded at holiday time. C) It is better to do your shopping before a busy holiday. 3. _______ For example, a person can have breakfast in Toronto, board a plane and have dinner in Paris. A business executive in London can instantly place an order with a factory in Hong Kong by picking up the telephone. A schoolchild in Japan can turn on a television set and watch a baseball game being played in Los Angeles. A) Airplanes have changed our lives. B) Advances in modern technology have made the world seem smaller. C) The telephone was an important invention. 19 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer (2) Discussion/ Main Body (論述) In this part, several supporting sentences (支持句) are offered to elaborate the topic sentence. Supporting sentences give the reader more facts about or examples of the topic sentence. They must all be related to the topic sentence. A Terrifying Day September 21, 1999, was a terrifying day for me. I stayed up late to prepare for the test. I was alone because my parents were out of town. At 1:47, suddenly, the room started to shake. Some dishes fell to the floor. I did not know what to do so I got under the table. A few minutes later, I came out and tried to turn on the television, but the electricity was off. After that, I tried the telephone, but it did not work. Shortly after, the neighbors came to see if I was all right. Not until then did I know a serious earthquake hit Taiwan and caused a lot of damage. I started to worry about my parents. Luckily, they came back safe and sound the next day. I had a terrifying day on September 21 last year. 哪一個是非我族類? Exercise 1 Read the following groups of sentences. The topic sentence is given. All the sentences in each group support the topic sentence except for one. Find the sentence that does not support the topic sentence. Circle the letter of your answer. 1. Ginger is a traditional seasoning in China. (A) It is used in many traditional dishes. (B) The Chinese have used ginger for a long time. (C) It is an old custom to use ginger when the dish has a strong smell. (D) Ginger is expensive in the United States. 2. Soy beans are becoming popular all over the world. (A) They have always been popular in Asia. (B) They are easy to grow. (C) They are not as good as meat. (D) They have a high good value. To be continued… 20 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer Exercise 2 Find the supporting ideas in the body. There are many measures you can take to increase your chances of scoring well on the writing test. First, think before you write. Ponder on the topic, search specific ideas to support your conclusion and outline your thinking. Well-organized responses are more important than lengthy ones. Second, write clearly. Always focus on clearly expressing your ideas. Make full use of your vocabulary, but do not concentrate on using impressive words, especially if you are uncertain of their meaning. Third, don’t be too creative. Don’t take stylistic risks, such as responding with a poem. This is not a creative writing test. Make your sentence structure as interesting as possible, but always stick to straightforward prose. Finally, stick to the topic. Never write on a topic other than the one assigned. One of the best ways you can improve your score on the writing test is by becoming familiar with the material it tests. Therefore, invest your time and take more writing exercise. You will pass the writing test with flying colors. Source: http://www.leapfrog.com/ 1. ___________________________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________________________ 4. ___________________________________________________________ Exercise 3 Write supporting sentences based on the supporting ideas given below. There are various causes of teen depression. A.__________________________________________________________________________ B.__________________________________________________________________________ C.__________________________________________________________________________ These are the reasons that lead to teen depression. Supporting ideas: A. study pressure B. difficulty with relationships C. demanding perfection 有關次序的轉折詞 2. first of all / for starter / to start with / to begin with 3. then / next / last but not least 1. first…second…third… firstly…secondly…thirdly… in the first place…in the second place…in the third place… 21 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer (3) Conclusion / Concluding Sentence (結論) 一段文章的最後,通常要有結語,以下是常見的結語形式: 1. 摘要法 Summary 2. 重述法 Restatement 3. 衍生法 Suggestion or Solution 1. 摘要法 Summary Citizens in Taiwan have access to many different things. In the bookstores, books, magazines and newspapers crowd the shelves. Family appliances and utensils are always available in department stores and supermarkets. A variety of schools offer different learning opportunities, whether vocational or academic. The latest information is quickly available through computers, TV, radio. It seems that any person in Taiwan can find whatever he/she needs, no matter what it might be. 2. 重述法 Restatement I do not like the idea of making friends through the Internet. First, people tend to adopt different identities online. They may lie about their names, address, occupations, and so forth. We never know whom we are really talking to. Second, Internet surfers are not always sincere. To get more responses, they say whatever is pleasant to ear. This is because they know they do not have to be responsible for what they say. Last but not least, chances are we may meet conmen. For instance, a couple of years ago, a girl was arrested because she cheated money out of her Internet friends. For these reasons, the Internet is undoubtedly far from a good way to make friends. Example: Topic sentence: Kimchi is an indispensable side dish at meals in Korea. Concluding sentence: In conclusion, there is no day without Kimchi on the table in Korea. 22 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer 3. 衍生法 Suggestion or Solution It is dangerous to ride a bicycle in Taipei. There are few bicycle lanes in the city, so most bicycles have to share the roads with all kinds of vehicles. Air pollution also poses a grave danger to bicycle riders. It is certainly not a good idea to ride a bicycle to work or to school. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Although people in China are earning money, they are facing more and more social disorder. Too often one can see people spitting or littering at will. Burglaries and robberies happen almost every day. The increasing number of traffic violations is becoming a hazard for both drivers and pedestrians. Overall, many people are finding life in China intolerable. The only solution is to enact and administer strict laws to prevent such disorder. Exercise 1 Select the most appropriate conclusion. In my opinion, good eating habits and adequate exercise are the keys to losing weight. First, eat a balanced diet. Avoid social gatherings where you may overeat. Eat only when you are hungry and choose low-calorie food if possible. Also, exercise can always work wonders. No matter how busy you are, spare some time for exercise. A good way to do this is to regularly exercise with a partner who will urge you to keep going. _______________________________. (結論句) (A) In a word, losing weight is very important for many people. (B) In conclusion, food and exercise are very important for our health. (C) In brief, if you eat and exercise properly, you are sure to lose weight more efficiently. 常用在結論的轉折詞 *總之 in conclusion, in summary, to sum up, in sum, to conclude, in a word, to summarize, to make a long story short *基於這些理由 for these reasons, from the above, as has been said, from what I have said, from what I have mentioned above *簡言之 in brief, to be brief, in short, in a word, to be short *因此 therefore, thus, as a result, consequently, as a consequence, accordingly 23 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer 綜合上述,我們知道一個段落常有主題據、論述及捷與三部份。在下列段落中,前後畫底 線部份分別是主題句和結語,中間未畫線部分是論述。 To write a paragraph, you should follow certain steps. First, you must pick a topic, or think about the topic you have been given. Next, you should jot down as many ideas as you can think of about your topic, and form these ideas pick out the main points you will discuss in your paragraph. Then, you can write a topic sentence that expresses the central idea of the paragraph. After you have written the topic sentence, you are ready to develop your paragraph. You can do this by writing a series of sentences that support your central idea. Finally, you should bring your paragraph to an end by writing a sentence that makes the readers feel that your paragraph is complete. If you are careful in following the steps explained here, you will be able to write a good paragraph. Exercise 2 Structure Analysis 結構分析 Composition A 1 How can we tell whether food is nutritious or not? 2First, to be nutritious, food must be natural. 3Only natural foods offer us natural vitamins, minerals, and other helpful nutrition. 4 Second, to be nutritious, food needs to be fresh. 5The fresher the food is, the more nutrition it has. 6 Finally, nutritious food is eaten raw, or with as little cooking as possible. 7The Japanese often eat raw seafood and some meat, ant they are very healthy. 8Europeans and Americans usually eat raw vegetables and salads, and they grow tall and strong. 9Natural, fresh, and raw foods are the most nutritious foods we can eat. ◆ 24 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer Composition A 結構分析表 Sentence Topic sentence----------------------------- ________ 1st supporting idea------------------- ________ supporting detail---------------- ________ 2nd supporting idea------------------ ________ supporting detail---------------- ________ 3rd supporting idea------------------ ________ supporting detail---------------- ________ (example) Concluding sentence--------------------◆ ________ Composition B controlling idea topic 1 A house-warming party helps people adjust to their new homes quickly. 2 Whenever people move, they sometimes have the feeling that their new home—whether an apartment or a house—is not quite yet a home. 3A house-warming party helps them feel right at home. 4The people moving simply invite their friends to their new place for a party. 5The guest bring presents for the new home, such as a lamp, a small table, or something for the kitchen. 6The host prepares some food and drinks for their guests, and everyone has a great time. 7 Their old friendship makes the new home feel warmer. concluding sentence Line 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 are _____________ideas. 25 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer ◆ Composition C I support Mayor Hau’s crackdown on drunken driving. Many people complain that the new law against drunken __________ sentences driving is too strict, but I don’t agree. No one has the right to hurt others. Drunk drivers sometimes hit other cars and even kill other people. Laws are made to protect everyone, not only people who like to drink. Besides, you can drink and have someone else drive ____________ ideas you home or simply take a taxi. Drunken driving is dangerous for everyone, so I support Mayor Hau’s strict new laws against drunken driving. ___________ sentence 26 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer Unity & Coherence Unity 單一性 Unity means that all of the supporting sentences must be about the controlling idea in the topic sentence. Example: My sister Jamie is very shy. When there are other people around, she speaks very little. Sometimes she does not speak at all, and even runs away. She is very quiet at home and at school. You do not even know she is there sometimes. She is shy about her body, too. She never goes to the beach or swimming pool. But she likes ice cream and cookies. 說明:The underlined sentence does not talk about why she is shy. Underline the irrelevant sentences in the following short paragraphs. Exercise 1 George has not been lucky in school this year. He got sick and missed classes, and could not take his finals. He also lost his books. These were not only textbooks but also his notebooks. Everybody likes George because he will go out of his way to help people. Exercise 2 My Uncle Conrad is very clumsy. When he drinks coffee he always spills some on his shirt. He has size 14 feet. In the shopping mall he walks into other people all the time. Last time he came to our house he sat on the cat. 27 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer Coherence 連貫性 (transitional words/ phrases, conjunctions…) Coherence in writing means that all the ideas in a paragraph flow smoothly from one sentence to the next sentence. With coherence, the reader has an easy time understanding the ideas that you wish to express. Most of the time, transitional words or phrases are used to link sentences with particular logical relationships. Exercise 請用一些轉折詞或連接詞將下面的句子合成一段短文。 My Sister Liz A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. My sister Liz was born lucky. She has a beautiful smile. She does something bad. She smiles and my parents are not angry. She eats a lot and does not get fat. Her favorite meal is a double cheeseburger with French fries, a milkshake, and an ice cream sundae. She does not study hard. She always gets good grades. She does her homework in five minutes. She watches television at the same time. I believe some people are born lucky, like my sister Liz. 有關舉例的轉折詞 1. most important of all 有關結果因由的轉折詞 有關強調附加性的轉折詞 therefore 1. certainly / surely / of course hence 2. above / in particular thus 3. to be sure / indeed this is to say accordingly 4. in fact in other words consequently actually to put it differently in consequence as a matter of fact above all 2. that is 3. take…for example take…for instance as a consequence 的確 5. and so on as a result and so forth 4. for example for this reason and the like for instance because of this 6. also 5. such as besides in addition moreover furthermore what is more 28 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com …等等 Smart Writer 四種常用的文體: Narration (敘事文):依時間的順序,寫經驗,事件發生的經過。例如 傳記、遊記、故事。 Description e.g. My Last Summer Vacation (敘述文):通常描述人物、景色、物品。 Exposition e.g. My Favorite Retreat / The Most Precious Thing in My Room (說明文):通常解釋說明事情、觀念和方法。 Argumentation e.g. Why Do You Want to Enter College? / Something That Money Can’t Buy (議論文):以說理方式說服讀者相信其論點。論點要清楚,說 理要有力。可以舉事實或證據來強化論點。 e.g. Should Teenagers Be Forbidden to Surf the Net at Internet Cafes? Narration: A narrative essay 敘事文 1. You are telling a story. Description: 敘述文 Yo 寫人、物 You are depicting a picture. 列出與主題相關細節加以篩選 2. Use the 1st person point of view. Space/Time order may be applied. 依空間或時間順序鋪陳 3. Use past tense. 4. Employ time order. 5. Plots are involved. 6. Account for when, who, where, what, how. 7. Conclude with a saying or what you feel about this event. Examples◆ ◆ ◆ ◆ xa Examples- Something Interesting About a Classmate of Mine (90 年學測) ◆ My Pet ◆ My Favorite Retreat ◆ The Place Where I grew Up ◆ The First Time I Attended an English Class A Turning Point in My Life My Best Day at School An Embarrassing Experience 29 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer Narrative Writing Sample 1 An Embarrassing Experience I still remembered that I once invited my girlfriend, Maggie Li, to an all-you-can-eat lunch. She had stayed in Canada for three years and came back to Taipei on vacation last Christmas. Having separated for over three years, we were all too glad to see each other and had an endless chat. The restaurant we went to offered delicious authentic Italian food and we really enjoyed every dish. While eating, we talked about everything, including people we got acquainted with, the things we consider interesting and the activities we had taken together. Of course we shared joys and sorrows with each other. It was a short but wonderful time. However, when I was about to pay the bill, I realized I had neither cash nor credit cards with me. Stunned on the scene, I didn’t know what to do at all. Eventually, Maggie paid the bill. Although Maggie paid for me, this experience is always too embarrassing for me to forget. Sample 2 A Frightening Experience It was a summer flight from Tokyo to Dallas. It was long and boring. Luckily, the airline I chose had personal television installed on every seat. I remember I just watched Shrek the Third and felt tired, so I decided to take a nap. All of a sudden, the aircraft shook dramatically. At first I thought it was simply turbulence, and it would last a few seconds and end soon, just as other cases of turbulence I had experienced before. However, this time it didn’t end, at least not in seconds. My chocolate cake on the table, which I saved from the meal for snack, slipped on the floor, and I didn’t have time to feel sorry because the plane immediately dropped a bit. During the few seconds of dropping, it felt like the plane was going to crash---who knew it wouldn’t? This falling scared everybody, including my parents, brother, and me; our hands were sweaty. Even the flight attendants were asked to take their seats and fasten their seat belts. Some passengers started screaming. I thought that was it; I, as well as my family, was going to die in the middle of the Pacific Ocean! I tried to think if there was anything I should think up before death, and realized that there was not much coming up to my mind. Thank God. Nothing worse happened after that. After another eight hours we landed Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport. I think I will never forget such a frightening flight experience! 30 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer Exercise 敘述一次你的經歷 (這經歷可能發生在短短幾分鐘內或長達幾天),這經歷可能是傷心的 (sad)、可怕的 (frightening)、有趣的 (interesting)、或是不愉快的 (unpleasant)。敘述經歷 時,就像說故事,一開始就要交代場景、時間、地點、人物、事件及結局。請參考以下範 文,以 A/An _______ Experience 為題,寫一篇 120 字至 150 字左右的作文。 More topics for your reference: 1. A Dream I Had Last Night 2. An Unforgettable Trip to … 3. My First Day in Lishan Senior High School 4. My Last Year in High School 5. 請根據以下三張連環圖畫的內容,將圖中主角所經歷的事件做合理的描述。文長 120 個單詞 (words)左右。(97-1 北區模考題) Write a draft (擬草稿) (date) was a day for me. I was _ because__________________________ Suddenly,________________________ A few minutes later,________________ After that,________________________ Finally,__________________________ 31 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer Exposition Sample The Place I Would Like to Visit Most The place I would like to visit most is Kyoto, which is one of the oldest cities in Japan. It used to be the imperial capital and has numerous wonderful shrines and temples. The city is known for its history, tradition, and beauty. When I first read about Kyoto and saw photos of the city in a travel magazine, I was instantly charmed by its delightful appearance. There are many things I would like to do if I were there. First, I would most love to see the Golden Pavilion Temple (金閣寺), as it seems to be a place where one can forget one’s worries. Another thing that appeals to me is Kyoto cuisine, which often features dishes that look like works of art. Last but not least, I wouldn’t want to miss the graceful sight of geisha (藝妓) walking down the stone-paved alleys. I hope I can visit Kyoto in the near future. Source: English Digest July Issue 2009 Exercise 學校的課業壓力大嗎?與同學相處困難嗎?你氣餒、沮喪、心情不好的時候,有什麼排遣 的方法呢?以 How I Encourage Myself When I Fail 或 When I Am Feeling Down 為題寫一 篇 120-150 字左右的作文。 Write a draft (擬草稿) Introduction Topic sentence ________________________________________ Body The first reason is _______________________________________ (Supporting fact) ________________________________________ The second reason is _____________________________________ (Supporting fact) ________________________________________ The final reason is _______________________________________ (Supporting fact) ________________________________________ Conclusion ____________________________________________ More topics for your reference 1. How to be a Good Friend 2. How to Ease Depression 3. My Career Plan 4. Something That Money Can’t Buy 32 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer Argumentation Sample A Robot Teacher In my opinion, you can get some advantages if you have a robot to teach you English. First of all, you feel at ease and relaxed. When you make a mistake, you are not embarrassed. Second, the student is in control. You can ask the robot to repeat something over and over again. But you cannot ask your teacher to do that. In addition, learning with a robot is like a game. It is fun, but learning with a teacher is usually not like a game. In conclusion, a robot teacher makes you feel at ease, in control, and you have fun. Exercise The Pros and Cons of High School Dating Some say dating one person in high school allows you to know someone well and have someone you can rely on and hang out with. When you know that you have someone at school that you love waiting to see you is a good feeling. Some say high school students are too young to “settle down.” You need to meet other people. Why maintain a relationship if you know it is most likely just going to end in hurt feelings and a painful breakup? It is better to wait until you are a full mature adult to start having relationships. Still others say it is better to have loved and lost then to never have loved at all. They say high school relationships might never last but there are some successful cases. Various voices about high school dating From a teenager: I have never been on a date myself and think that it dating is a complete waste of time at this age, but I am trying to change that. My older brothers and sisters have told me that it is for the memories and it lets you experiment and it helps you know what you want in a spouse. You will never know love without hurt and pain. From a collegian who fell in love in high school: The experiences you gain in high school will shape you for the rest of your life. It's not a waste of time, but it can be very damaging if you don't do it right. Don't worry about having or not having a boyfriend, but remember, your true heart is something very special, so be sincere and serious about it. Remember, it doesn't matter how you feel for any guy in 33 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer high school, you probably don't really love him. Learn from each of the guys you date. Find out what qualities you look for in a guy. It will give you an idea of what to look for when you are older. Good luck. From a teacher in high school: In my experience, most dating in high school ends in break up and lots of hurt. Some people do actually marry their high school sweetheart, but it is rare. I find may teenagers bothered by love affairs and they are not able to strike a balance between studies and dating. Keep healthy relationship is the point, and it is indeed a tough lesson to learn about. From an aggressive adult: Seriously, I find dating in high school to be one of the stupidest things ever. I am strongly against it. I know of only two couples that dated all through high school and got married. I think I’m just being realistic. I try being objective and listen to my friends who are dating, but the more and more I see these relationships fall apart, the more and more I know my view of it is right. Here’s a list of my reasons why dating is a waste of time in high school. #1 – It’s a waste of time All the time that you could be learning and learning from everyone else in life. While you’re out wasting your time with their partners, you are free to learn anything! Oh the possibilities… You could become a senior web developer, an award winning designer, an architect, a writer for the newspaper. All this time could be spent towards something that has relevant to your life after high school. #2 – It’s such a waste of money Unless you’re making $100 an hour, then you have no business taking a girl on extravagant dates. Spending your life savings on your girlfriend’s birthday present is stupider than spending it on weed. Well maybe not, but they’re both just as stupid. #3– You lose all of your friends This is true about almost any relationship; the couple ditches everyone else so they can spend that precious time with each other. Oh, did I mention that all that time was a waste? If you’ve got close enough friends, then they’ll accept you back when you’ve broken up with your “lover.” p.s. Writing this makes me hate high school dating even more. (Source- http://sdpurtill.wordpress.com/dating-in-high-school/) 34 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer From a teenager falling in love: It is a wonderful feeling to go steady with someone. You know someone is always here to be with you- a sense of mutual delight. Falling in love helps school go faster, gives me chances to learn with friends of the opposite sex. Some say dating in high school might distract me from studies. But, I don’t think so. If I perform well academically and hold the positive attitude in learning, I can maintain good relationship with my boyfriend and do well in school at the same time. As you can see, there are good reasons to support each side’s opinions. Try to clarify your ideas about high school dating and write your pros and cons of high school dating. Before penning your article, you are encouraged to conduct an in-class survey to collect peer opinions about dating and love. Survey: (adapted from Ms. Alice Chui’s teaching data) Why You Want a Girlfriend/Boyfriend Ask your classmates (at least three) and collect six reasons why some senior high school students want to have a boy or girlfriend. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 35 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer Why You Shouldn’t Have a Girlfriend/Boyfriend Ask your peers to collect six reasons why senior high school students shouldn’t have a boy or girlfriend. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Base on the survey, write an article integrating the ideas you collect from your classmates. You may apply some transitional words and phrases listed below. Topic: The Pros and Cons of High School Dating Pros and cons pros (advantages) High School Dating concluding statement (your viewpoints) 36 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com cons (disadvantages) Smart Writer Transitional words and phrases can create powerful links between ideas in your paper and can help your reader understand the logic of your paper. Below are commonly found transitional words and phrases. 論點一 論點二 論點三 First, Firstly, First of all, To begin with, Second, Secondly, Second of all, Next, Then, In addition/Besides, Also, More importantly, Finally, Lastly, Last of all, Most important of all, Last but not least, The first reason/advantage is that… The second reason/advantage is that… The final reason/advantage is that… For one thing, For another, 無 Write a draft (擬草稿) Introduction Topic sentence ____________________________________ Body First advantage/disadvantage ________________________ (Supporting sentence) ______________________________ Second advantage/ disadvantage _____________________ (Supporting sentence) ______________________________ In addition, third advantage/ disadvantage ______________ (Supporting sentence) ______________________________ Conclusion ______________________________________ 37 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer Summary Writing A summary is a shortening of a text. When you summarize, you use your own words to give the most important ideas from a story or article and you leave out the unimportant details. You should not add your own opinions about the story or article in your summary. Step 1: Underline the most important information in the article. Step 2: Organize the information you have underlined into a paragraph according to the order of time, space, importance, etc. Step 3: Examine whether the paragraph you have written is shorter than one-third of the original text. If not, take out some of the less important information that you have included, and rewrite your paragraph. (from B4 Lesson 5 p.99) 要領如下: (1) 仔細閱讀文章,充分了解內容。 (2) 找出文章的主題及支持主題的細節或要點。 (3) 用自己的話將文章大意簡潔扼要的寫出來。 Below is a summary of “The Happy Whitewasher.” In this excerpt from Mark Twain’s famous novel, the main character Tom Sawyer cleverly transforms a hard task into an easy and profitable one. Young Tom is unhappy because he has been ordered to whitewash his aunt’s long wooden fence. He is also upset because he knows his friends will make fun of him when they see he has to work. But Tom suddenly comes up with an inspiration. He tricks his friends into thinking that whitewashing a fence is not hard work, but fun. His friends even end up giving Tom their “treasures” in order to get a chance to help out. Tom, it seems, has uncovered an interesting fact about human nature: “in order to make a man covet a thing, it is only necessary to make the thing difficult to attain.” Exercise Write a summary of the article _____________________________________________ (Your teacher will assign the topic.) 38 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer Letter Writing 標準英文書信的五個部分: 1. 信件右上角的日期。 2. 日期下一行左邊的稱謂,如 Dear Mr. Mullins, Dear John, 等等。 3. 信件的主體,位置在稱謂下一行。 4. 結尾位在主體右下方,例如寫給朋友的 Sincerely yours, Best wishes, 寫給家人的 Love,。 5. 位於下一行與結尾齊頭的簽名。 No. 100, Huang Sun Road, Neihu District, Taipei City, Taiwan, 114 greeting August 8, 2009 salutation address & date Dear Martina, …………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. Body/ purpose …………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. closing conclusion …………………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………. postscript p.s. Your friend, …………………………………… 39 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com signature Eric Wang Smart Writer ◆ Conclusion- 1. Please give my regards/remembrances to your family. 2. Best wishes to you and your family. 3. All the best to you and your family. 4. I look forward to hearing from you. 5. Keep in touch. Closing1. Yours sincerely, Yours cordially, (ordinary friends) 2. Affectionately, (intimate friends) 3. Yours truly, (business) 4. Respectfully yours, (teachers, seniors) 5. Faithfully yours, (social interaction) ◆ Sample 1 Eric is going to hold a birthday party tomorrow. Martina receives his invitation, and she is eager to join the party. However, she promised her parents to put a priority on studies. So, Martina writes a letter to Eric and tells him her dilemma. August, 19, 2009 Dearest Eric, To be rich in friend is to be poor in nothing! I am honored to receive the invitation to your birthday party. But as the entrance examinations draw near, I am increasingly busy preparing for them. You must know that I always have problems studying math. Many concepts and formulas are too complicated for me to understand. I promise my mom that I try my best to improve my math. I spend much time doing Chinese homework and write two English compositions every week. I’ll sit for simulated exams the day after tomorrow. I am now a bit nervous. My dad will fly into a rage if I do badly again. I wish I could go to your party tomorrow. I hope you will excuse me for not attending your birthday party. I am extremely sorry. Along with the letter, I send you a gift. I hope you will like it. Have a good time on your birthday. Yours sincerely, Martina 39 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer Sample 2 Huang Yu-ting wants to look for a part-time job in a fast-food restaurant during summer vacation. Below is her job application letter. September 8, 2009 Dear Mr. Wang, I am an 18-year-old senior high school student. I saw your ad in the newspaper this morning and I happened to look for a part-time job in a fast-food restaurant. I am sure I am qualified for the job because I have the characteristics you need. First of all, I am very healthy. I exercise a lot in my free time; I usually play basketball, go jogging and swimming. In addition, I am very expressive. I have no difficulty expressing myself to people, the young or the old, men or women. What’s more important, I am always friendly and well-mannered wherever I go. I am so patient that I seldom get angry with people even if they are unreasonable. With these characteristics, I am sure I will be a good clerk in your restaurant. I do need this job so that I can learn to stand on my own feet. I hope you can offer me this chance. Thank you. Sincerely yours, Huang yu-ting Exercise Topic 1- As the JCEE is over, you are going to set off with a new journey in your life. Write a letter to the teacher you respect most and show your gratitude to him/her. Topic 2- Assuming that you want to look for a part-time job during the summer vacation, how will you describe yourself to meet the demand of that job? What kind of job will you seek? Please set up the condition by yourself and write a proper letter (within 150 words) to apply for the job. Outline I. Introduction: I am qualified for this job II. Body: personal characteristics (A) Being ___________ (B) Being ___________ (C) Being ___________ III. Conclusion: With these characteristics, I am sure I will enjoy working… 40 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer Three Steps to a Great Essay The Essay Writing Process Prewriting To begin, you must first collect and organize potential ideas for your essay's focus. Brainstorm Make a list of the contents and create an outline. Find Patterns and Connections: Look for patterns in the material you've brainstormed. Group similar ideas and events together. Drafting Now it's time to get down to the actual writing. Write your essay in three basic parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction gives your reader an idea of your essay's content. The body presents the evidence that supports your main idea. The conclusion can be brief as well, a few sentences to nail down the meaning of the events and incidents you've described. More reminders Keep Your Focus Narrow and Personal Your essay must prove a single point or thesis. The reader must be able to find your main idea and follow it from beginning to end. Try having someone read just your introduction to see what he thinks your essay is about. ◆ Be Specific Avoid clichéd, generic, and predictable writing by using vivid and specific details. Don't Use 50 Words When 5 Will Do Eliminate unnecessary or BIG words. Don’t show off your vocabulary power! Unnecessary big words irritate readers. ◆ Don't Forget to Proofread Spelling or grammatical errors can be interpreted as carelessness or just bad writing. Don't rely on your computer's spell check. It can miss spelling errors like the ones below. "From that day on, Daniel was my best fried." ◆ Source:http://www.collegeboard.com/ 41 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer Sample College Essay Questions What Do Colleges Want to Know? Generally, there are three types of questions: The "you," the "why us," and the "creative." Here are tips and actual sample questions for each type. Don't assume that the questions are currently being used by a college (most colleges adjust questions annually). ◆ The "You" Question Many colleges ask for an essay that boils down to, "Tell us about yourself." The school just wants to know you better and see how you'll introduce yourself. For example: * "Please complete a one-page personal statement and submit it with your application." (James Madison University) * "How would you describe yourself as a human being? What quality do you like best in yourself and what do you like least? What quality would you most like to see flourish and which would you like to see wither?" (Bates College) ◆ The "Why Us" Question Some schools ask for an essay about your choice of a school or career. They're looking for information about your goals, and about how serious your commitment is to this particular school. For example: * "Why is NTU a good university choice for you?" * "Please tell us about your career goals and any plans you may have for graduate study." (Westfield State College) Source:http://www.collegeboard.com/ 42 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer Appendix 目前各類考試中常見的作文題型有五種: 1. 有提示的自由作文 2. 主題句引導作文 3. 情境作文 4. 書信寫作 5. 看圖寫作 寫作最重要的幾點: 1. 抓住主題 2. 時態的拿捏 3. 文思布局 4. 結論與主題的呼應 學測作文參考題目: 1. The Subject I Like Best in School 2. The Most Unbearable Thing 3. Something Interesting About a Classmate of Mine 4. If I had Magical Powers, I Would… 5. A Visit to a Doctor 6. A Special Day to Remember 7. My Best English Class Ever 8. An Act of Kindness 9. When I Am New to a Place 10. Perseverance 11. My Favorite Retreat 12. How I Usually Spend My Summer Vacation 13. My Proudest Achievement 14. One Day… 15. The CEE is Coming 43 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com Smart Writer 16. Walking Out of the Store… 17. Being Late for School 18. A Letter to My Mother /a Friend 指考作文參考題目: 1. What Makes a Good Friend? 2. An Unforgettable Teacher 3. On My Way to School 4. The Difficulties I Have in Learning English 5. The Most Important Value My Parents Have Taught Me 6. Becoming a Senior in High School 7. A Slogan That Impresses Me the Most 8. A Library 9. Making Money or Leading a Simple Life 10. My Ambition 11. My Idol 12. My Favorite Book 13. After I Pass the College Entrance Examination… 14. Being Polite 15. Should the Lottery Be Abolished? 16. My Advice on How to Make Good Use of Your Time in High School Don’t worry about challenges. Remember, a kite rises against the wind, not with the wind. 44 PDF created with pdfFactory trial version www.pdffactory.com