User`s Guide Translators


User`s Guide Translators
User’s Guide
Document Reference: for Release 11.0
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
Sigrity, Inc.
phone: (408) 688-0145
email: [email protected]
Copyright  2011 Sigrity, Inc. All rights reserved.
900 E. Hamilton Avenue, Suite 500; Campbell, CA 95008
Trademark: SpeedXP, SPEED2000, PowerSI, Broadband SPICE, PowerDC, SpeedPKG,
XtractIM, SpeedPCB, OptimizePI, Unified Package Designer, OrbitIO, SystemSI and other Sigrity
product names referenced herein are trademarks of Sigrity, Inc. and may be registered in certain
All other products, designations, logos, and symbols mentioned in this manual are used for
identification purposes only, and may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
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property of their respective owners.
Restrict Permission: This publication contains trade secrets and proprietary information owned
by Sigrity and is protected by copyright law. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this
publication, or any portion of it, may result in civil and criminal penalties. This publication may not
be copied, reproduced, modified, published, uploaded, posted, transmitted, or distributed outside
of Sigrity in any way, without prior written permission from Sigrity. Except as specified in this
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publication subject to the following conditions:
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2. The publication may not be modified in any way.
3. The information contained in this document shall not be used for the benefit of any third party.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Overview .................................................................................................................................. 1
Who Should Read This Guide ................................................................................................ 1
Related Documentation........................................................................................................... 1
Customer Support Information ............................................................................................. 2
1.1 Software Overview .......................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Installation ....................................................................................................................... 3
1.2.1 System Requirements .............................................................................................. 3
1.2.2 Install Translators .................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Overview .......................................................................................................................... 9
2.1.1 Launch SPDLinks.................................................................................................... 9
2.1.2 File Formats........................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Translating Mentor BoardStation Files ...................................................................... 11
2.2.1 File Selection ......................................................................................................... 11
2.2.2 Net Selection ......................................................................................................... 13
2.2.3 Settings .................................................................................................................. 16
2.2.4 Start a Translation.................................................................................................. 18
2.2.5 Batch Mode Command.......................................................................................... 19
2.3 Translating CR5000 Files ............................................................................................. 19
2.3.1 File Selection ......................................................................................................... 19
2.3.2 Net Selection ......................................................................................................... 21
2.3.3 Settings .................................................................................................................. 21
2.3.4 Start a Translation.................................................................................................. 23
2.3.5 Batch Mode Command.......................................................................................... 23
2.4 Translating P-CAD Files............................................................................................... 24
2.4.1 File Selection ......................................................................................................... 24
2.4.2 Net Selection ......................................................................................................... 25
2.4.3 Settings .................................................................................................................. 25
2.4.4 Start a Translation.................................................................................................. 27
2.4.5 Batch Mode Command.......................................................................................... 27
2.5 Translating ODB++ Files.............................................................................................. 28
2.5.1 Export ODB++ Files ............................................................................................. 28
2.5.2 File Selection ......................................................................................................... 28
2.5.3 Net Selection ......................................................................................................... 30
2.5.4 Settings .................................................................................................................. 30
2.5.5 Start a Translation.................................................................................................. 32
2.5.6 Batch Mode Command.......................................................................................... 32
2.6 Translating Cadvance Files .......................................................................................... 33
2.6.1 File Selection ......................................................................................................... 33
2.6.2 Net Selection ......................................................................................................... 34
2.6.3 Settings .................................................................................................................. 34
2.6.4 Start a Translation.................................................................................................. 37
2.6.5 Batch Mode Command.......................................................................................... 37
2.6.6 Export a Netlist File in Cadvance Tool ................................................................. 37
2.7 Translating Cadence fies............................................................................................... 38
2.7.1 File Selection ......................................................................................................... 38
2.7.2 Net Selection ......................................................................................................... 40
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User’s Guide
Table of Contents
2.7.3 Settings .................................................................................................................. 40
2.7.4 Start a Translation.................................................................................................. 42
2.7.5 Batch Mode Command.......................................................................................... 43
2.8 Reusing a Log File ......................................................................................................... 43
2.8.1 Using a Log File with Batch Mode Command ...................................................... 44
3.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................ 45
3.1.1 Launch Pads2Spd Translator................................................................................. 45
3.1.2 Input an .asc File.................................................................................................... 46
3.1.3 Output Files ........................................................................................................... 47
3.2 Setting Options .............................................................................................................. 48
3.2.1 Set up Translation Options .................................................................................... 48
3.2.2 Select Nets ............................................................................................................. 51
3.2.3 Change Net Color .................................................................................................. 52
3.3 Start a Translation ........................................................................................................ 53
3.4 Batch Mode Command ................................................................................................. 53
3.4.1 Batch Mode Command Using Log File................................................................. 54
3.5 Reusing a Log File ......................................................................................................... 54
4.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................ 55
4.1.1 Launch Rif2Spd Translator ................................................................................... 55
4.1.2 Input a .rif File....................................................................................................... 56
4.1.3 Output Files ........................................................................................................... 57
4.2 Setting Options .............................................................................................................. 58
4.2.1 Set up Translation Options .................................................................................... 58
4.2.2 Select Nets ............................................................................................................. 61
4.2.3 Change Net Color .................................................................................................. 63
4.3 Start a Translation ........................................................................................................ 64
4.4 Batch Mode Command ................................................................................................. 64
4.4.1 Batch Mode Command Using Log File................................................................. 64
4.5 Reusing a Log File ......................................................................................................... 64
5.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................ 65
5.1.1 Launch Dsn2Spd Translator .................................................................................. 65
5.1.2 Input a .dsn File ..................................................................................................... 66
5.1.3 Output Files ........................................................................................................... 67
5.2 Setting Options .............................................................................................................. 68
5.2.1 Set up Translation Options .................................................................................... 69
5.2.2 Select Nets ............................................................................................................. 71
5.2.3 Change Net Color .................................................................................................. 73
5.3 Setting Stackup.............................................................................................................. 74
5.3.1 Adjust DSN Information ....................................................................................... 74
5.3.2 Set up Positive/Negative Layers............................................................................ 75
5.3.3 Rename an Output Layer....................................................................................... 75
5.3.4 Change Stackup Sequence..................................................................................... 76
5.3.5 Merge Layers......................................................................................................... 76
5.3.6 Extract a Layer ...................................................................................................... 76
5.4 Start a Translation ........................................................................................................ 77
5.5 Batch Mode Command ................................................................................................. 78
5.5.1 Batch Mode Command Using Log File................................................................. 78
5.6 Reusing a Log File ......................................................................................................... 78
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User’s Guide
Table of Contents
6.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................ 79
6.1.1 Launch Ndd2Spd Translator.................................................................................. 79
6.1.2 Input/Output Files.................................................................................................. 81
6.2 Setting Options .............................................................................................................. 83
6.2.1 Set up Translation Options .................................................................................... 83
6.2.2 Select Nets ............................................................................................................. 86
6.2.3 Change Net Color .................................................................................................. 87
6.3 Batch Mode Command ................................................................................................. 88
6.3.1 Batch Mode Command Using Log File................................................................. 88
6.4 Reusing a Log File ......................................................................................................... 88
7.1 Overview ........................................................................................................................ 89
7.2 Using Altium2Spd ......................................................................................................... 90
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
This Preface gives a brief introduction to the Translators User Guide and has the following
Related documentation
Customer support information
This User Guide describes how to use format translators to translate layout data files in other
formats into Sigrity SPD format.
This guide has the following chapters.
Pads2Spd Translator
Rif2Spd Translator
Dsn2Spd Translator
Ndd2Spd Translator
Altium2Spd Interface
Appendix A Exporting ASC Files from Mentor PADS
Appendix B Exporting BoardStation Layer
Appendix C Exporting ODB++ File in Altium Designer
Who Should Read This Guide
This guide is compiled for engineers who need to convert file formats from time to time. The
engineers must have related knowledge on signal and power integrity simulations.
Related Documentation
You may need to refer to the following documentation.
Sigrity CAD Interfaces Translator Notes
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
Customer Support Information
If you encounter any difficulties using the product, or if you have any suggestions for
improvement, please contact us by any of the following ways.
Phone: (408) 688 0145
Fax: (408) 688 0144
E-mail: [email protected]
Please visit our website for the latest product documents and updates.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
This chapter introduces Translators 11.0.
This chapter has the following sections:
Software Overview
Software Overview
Translators 11.0 consists of the following translators:
Dsn2Spd Translator
Ndd2Spd Translator
Pads2Spd Translator
Rif2Spd Translator
You can use the translators to conveniently transform design file formats generated by EDA tools
to a .spd format. The SPD files can be used on Sigrity products.
Translators 11.0 supports translating, not limited to, the following file formats:
Cadence: .brd, .mcm, and .sip
Cadvance: .dbr
Mentor BoardStation: ASCII design outputs
Mentor PADS: .asc
P-CAD: .pcb
Zuken CADStar & Visula: .rif
Zuken CR5000: .pcf, .ftf, and .mrf
ODB++ Files: .tgz, .gz, .Z, .tar, .zip, and .7z
Note: A license is now required to run the translator. Check with your Sigrity Sales Contact if you
do not have license information.
This section describes installation requirements and steps to install the Translators.
This section has the following topics:
System Requirements
Install Translators
1.2.1 System Requirements
The following system requirements are necessary for Translators:
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User’s Guide
Microsoft Windows XP and 7
RedHat Enterprise Linux AS/ES/WS release 4, x86_64
RedHat Enterprise Linux AS/ES/WS release 5, x86_64
SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10, x86_64
Minimum 2G RAM.
1.2.2 Install Translators
Follow these steps to install Translators independently from the CD:
Insert your install CD and the installation automatically starts.
Double-click Setup from the CD or where you put the install files.
A welcome window appears.
Click Next.
The License Agreement window appears.
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User’s Guide
Click Yes to accept the license agreement.
The Customer Information window appears.
Enter your User Name and Company Name.
Click Next.
The Choose Destination Location window appears.
Click Next if you want the files to be installed in the default location.
Click Browse… to navigate to the folder where you want the files to be installed.
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User’s Guide
The Select Components window appears.
Check the components you want to install.
Click Next
The Set Sample Files window appears.
Click Next if you want the sample files to be installed in the default location.
Click Browse… to navigate to the folder where you want the sample files to be installed.
The Enter Text window opens.
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User’s Guide
10. Enter your license server information using the format shown on the screen. This
information can be changed at a later time.
11. Click OK to continue.
The Setup Status window appears.
The blue bar shows the status as the program is being installed. Click Cancel if you wish to
end the installation process.
12. (Optional) Click Yes in the Question dialog to install MS VC++ 2008 Redistributable Setup.
If you have installed it, click No.
The following window appears.
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User’s Guide
13. Click Finish to complete the installation.
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User’s Guide
This chapter describes how to use the SPDLinks translator to convert multiple file types
into .spd format.
The chapter has the following sections:
Translating Mentor BoardStation Files
Translating CR5000 Files
Translating P-CAD Files
Translating Odb++ Files
Translating Cadvance Files
Translating Cadence Files
Reusing a Log File
This section has the following topics:
Launch SPDLinks
File Format
2.1.1 Launch SPDLinks
You can launch the SPDLinks translator in this way:
Start > All Programs > Sigrity > Translators 11.0 > SPDLinks.
The main interface of the SPDLinks appears.
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User’s Guide
2.1.2 File Formats
The SPDLinks is designed to convert files in multiple formats:
PCB Placement Files: *.pcf, *.ftf, *.mrf, *.pcb, *.dbr, *.brd, *.mcm,
*.txt, and *.sip
Mentor BoardStation Files: Any File
CR5000 Files: *.pcf, *.ftf, and *.mrf
P-CAD Files: *.pcb
Odb++ Files: *.tgz, *.gz, *.Z, *.tar, *.zip, *.7z
Cadvance dbr Files: *.dbr
Cadence Files: *.brd, *.mcm, *.txt, *.sip
Click Browse… next to the File to be translated field, a Select File window opens. You can see
the file types from the drop-down menu of Files of type.
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User’s Guide
Note: If you want to convert other format files besides those mentioned in the following three
sections, follow the same steps described hereinafter. Some settings may be different for various
format files.
Translating Mentor BoardStation Files
Note: Sigrity now supports ODB++ which may provide a smoother interface than the native CAD
files. Please refer to the Translating ODB++ Files 2.5 for instructions on this new interface. If
you prefer to use the old pathway instead, continue with the instructions below.
The SPDLinks can translate Mentor BoardStation files to *.spd file format.
This section has the following topics:
File Selection
Net Selection
Start a Translation
Batch Mode Command
2.2.1 File Selection
Follow these steps to select a file:
Click Browse… next to the File to be translated field to open the following dialog.
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Select Mentor BoardStation Files (Any File) from the drop-down menu of Files of type.
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Select any file and click Open to open the file. The four BoardStation files must be within
the same folder.
The SPDLinks interface becomes as shown below.
One Settings option appears in the left pane.
An output file name is automatically generated in the Target Sigrity Spd File field, as
You can also click Browse… and select an output file.
2.2.2 Net Selection
You can select nets to be translated. If you do not select nets for a translation, the SPDLinks will
translate all nets from the input file by default.
Follow these steps to select nets:
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Select Net Selection in the left pane to show the Net Choice dialog box.
All nets have been selected automatically and moved into the right Net Name list.
Select a net in the right Net Name list and click
to deselect the net.
You can use the Ctrl or Shift key to select multiple nets.
You can also:
Select nets in the left Net Name list and click
Name list for a translation if necessary.
Enter a net name in the Find field. Click the right Find button to find the net in the
right Net Name list, or click the left Find button to find the net in the left Net Name
to remove all nets from the right Net Name list.
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to move the nets into the right Net
User’s Guide
Note: SPDLinks supports pattern matching selection capability, using wild cards like "*" and"?".
"*" — stands for one or more than one character(s).
"?" — stands for any one character.
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User’s Guide
2.2.3 Settings
You can set multiple options in the Settings dialog box.
Click Settings in the left pane to show the Settings dialog box.
The Settings dialog box has the following options.
You can select one option from the drop-down menu:
This option determines the translation of MIXED layers in the input file. Plane Layer
(Ignore wires) is selected by default.
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User’s Guide
Plane Layer (Ignore wires): The translator will translate MIXED layers to plane
layers. The translator will ignore traces on these layers.
Plane or Signal (Auto-detect): The translator will check if the MIXED layer has traces.
If it has traces, the translator will translate the layer to a signal layer. Otherwise, it will
translate the layer to a plane layer.
Signal Layer: The translator will translate MIXED layers to signal layers.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will translate patches on signal layers.
The option is selected by default.
The translator will add an extra pair of planes to the bottom of the structure in the output file
if all metal layers do not have patches.
The translator will add an extra metal plane layer to the bottom of the structure in the output
file if only one metal layer has patches.
If selected, the translator will translate component footprints.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will translate elements without net names.
If cleared, the translator will NOT translate elements without net names.
The translator will NOT translate void shapes with areas less than this value and with any
enclosed vias. In the .spd file format, a via hole is automatically generated when a via
passing through a metal shape. Therefore, via holes do not need to be translated.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will assign shape components of nets with colors of the selected nets.
If cleared, the translator will assign shape components with the default color of the shape.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will use the signal layer boundary for creating shapes on plane layers.
If cleared, the translator will use the pcb rectangle boundary for creating shapes on plane
This option is selected by default.
The translator will add net names to object names.
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The translator will discard voids with areas less than this value, which will not present in
the .spd file.
The default value is 0 mm2.
The translator will discard any traces shorter than this value.
The default is 0.0 mm. No traces are discarded.
The translator will translate arcs to line segments of this value or shorter to ensure smooth
The default is 0.2 mm.
The translator will add this string in the field into all names of layers, nodes, vias and traces.
This option is useful when you combine two .spd files together.
User specified settings are saved in the registry and used as the defaults each time the translator is
You can click
to restore Sigrity default settings.
2.2.4 Start a Translation
You can click Translate to start a translation now.
The SPDLinks will create two new files: SigritySPD.spd and SigritySPD.spd.LOG. An
error report file may appear in the folder as SigritySPDerror.log if something is wrong
with the translation. .
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User’s Guide
2.2.5 Batch Mode Command
SPDLinks.exe -b -mbs DesignNameFolder DesignName.spd
"C:\Program Files\Sigrity\Translators 11.0\Programs\SPDLinks.exe"
-b -mbs "D:\Working\Translator\References\Board Station Files"
"D:\Working\Translator\References\Board Station
Batch Mode Command Using Log File
SPDLinks.exe -b -log LogFileName.log
"C:\Program Files\Sigrity\Translators 11.0\Programs\SPDLinks.exe"
-b -log "D:\Working\Translator\References\Board Station\test.log"
Translating CR5000 Files
Note: Sigrity now supports ODB++ which may provide a smoother interface than the native CAD
files. Please refer to the Translating ODB++ Files 2.5 for instructions on this new interface. If
you prefer to use the old pathway instead, continue with the instructions below.
The SPDLinks can translate Zuken CR5000 files (*.pcf, *.ftf and *.mrf) to *.spd file
This section has the following topics:
File Selection
Net Selection
Start a Translation
Batch Mode Command
2.3.1 File Selection
Follow these steps to select a CR5000 file:
Click Browse… next to the File to be translated field to open the following dialog box.
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User’s Guide
Note: If a *.pcf file is not within the same folder as the *.ftf files is, or two file names
do not match, the following warning box will appear.
Click OK. Change the names or put the two files within one same folder.
Select a CR5000 file and click Open to open the file.
The SPDLinks interface becomes as shown below.
One Settings option appears in the left pane.
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An output file name is automatically generated in the Target Sigrity Spd File field.
You can also click Browse… and select an output file.
2.3.2 Net Selection
You can select nets to be translated. If you do not select nets for a translation, the SPDLinks will
translate all nets from the input file by default.
See 2.2.2 Net Selection for detailed descriptions of net selection.
2.3.3 Settings
You can set multiple options in the Settings dialog box.
Click Settings in the left pane to show the Settings dialog box.
The Settings dialog box has the following options.
You can select one option from the drop-down menu:
This option determines the translation of MIXED layers in the input file. Plane or Signal
(Auto-detect) is selected by default.
Plane or Signal (Auto-detect): The translator will check if the MIXED layer has traces.
If it has traces, the translator will translate the layer to a signal layer. Otherwise, it will
translate the layer to a plane layer.
Plane Layer (Ignore wires): The translator will translate MIXED layers to plane
layers. The translator will ignore traces on these layers.
Signal Layer: The translator will translate MIXED layers to signal layers.
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User’s Guide
This option is selected by default.
The translator will translate patches on signal layers.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will assign shape components of nets with colors of the selected nets.
If cleared, the translator will assign shape components with the default color of the shapes.
The translator will add an extra pair of planes to the bottom of the structure in the output file
if all metal layers do not have patches.
The translator will add an extra metal plane layer to the bottom of the structure in the output
file if only one metal layer has patches.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will add net names to object names.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will translate elements without net names.
If cleared, the translator will NOT translate elements without net names.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will translate pads with cutout as shapes.
The translator will discard any traces shorter than this value.
The default is 0.0 mm. No traces are discarded.
The translator will translate arcs to line segments of this value or shorter to ensure smooth
The default is 0.2 mm.
The translator will add this string in the field into all names of layers, nodes, vias and traces.
This option is useful when you combine two .spd files.
User specified settings are saved in the registry and used as the defaults each time the translator is
You can click
to restore Sigrity default settings.
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User’s Guide
2.3.4 Start a Translation
You can click Translate to start a translation now.
The SPDLinks will create two new files: filename.spd and filename.spd.LOG.
In this example, the two files are demo.spd and demo.spd.LOG.
You can reuse the log file for future translations that have the same settings.
2.3.5 Batch Mode Command
SPDLinks.exe -b -pcf | ftf] DesignName.[pcf | ftf] DesignName.spd
"C:\Program Files\Sigrity\Translators 11.0\Programs\SPDLinks.exe"
-b -ftf "D:\Working\Translator\References\ftf\demo.ftf"
"C:\Program Files\Sigrity\Translators 11.0\Programs\SPDLinks.exe"
-b -pcf "D:\Working\Translator\References\ftf\demo.pcf"
Batch Mode Command Using Log File
SPDLinks.exe -b -log LogFileName.log
"C:\Program Files\Sigrity\Translators 11.0\Programs\SPDLinks.exe"
-b -log "D:\Working\Translator\References\ftf\test.log"
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
Translating P-CAD Files
Note: Sigrity now supports ODB++ which may provide a smoother interface than the native CAD
files. Please refer to the Translating ODB++ Files 2.5 for instructions on this new interface. If
you prefer to use the old pathway instead, continue with the instructions below.
The SPDLinks can translate P-CAD files (*.pcb) to *.spd file format.
This section has the following topics:
File Selection
Net Selection
Start a Translation
Batch Mode Command
2.4.1 File Selection
Follow these steps to input a P-CAD file:
Click Browse… next to the File to be translated field to open the following dialog box.
Select P-CAD Files from Files of type.
Select a file and click Open to open the file.
The SPDLinks interface becomes as shown below.
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User’s Guide
One Settings option appears in the left pane.
An output file name is automatically generated in the Target Sigrity Spd File field.
You can also click Browse… and select an output file.
2.4.2 Net Selection
You can select nets to be translated. If you do not select nets for a translation, the SPDLinks will
translate all nets from the input file by default.
See 2.2.2 Net Selection for detailed descriptions of net selection.
2.4.3 Settings
You can set multiple options in the Settings dialog box.
Click Settings in the left pane to show the Settings dialog box.
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User’s Guide
The Settings dialog box has the following options.
You can select one option from the drop-down menu:
This option determines the translation of MIXED layers in the input file. Plane or Signal
(Auto-detect) is selected by default.
Plane or Signal (Auto-detect): The translator will check if the MIXED layer has traces.
If it has traces, the translator will translate the layer to a signal layer. Otherwise, it will
translate the layer to a plane layer.
Plane Layer (Ignore wires): The translator will translate MIXED layers to plane
layers. The translator will ignore traces on these layers.
Signal Layer: The translator will translate MIXED layers to signal layers.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will translate patches on signal layers.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will assign shape components of nets with colors of the selected nets.
If cleared, the translator will assign shape components with the default color of the shapes.
The option is selected by default.
The translator will add an extra pair of planes to the bottom of the structure in the output file
if all metal layers do not have patches.
The translator will add an extra metal plane layer to the bottom of the structure in the output
file if only one metal layer has patches.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will add net names to object names.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will translate elements without net names.
If cleared, the translator will NOT translate elements without net names.
The translator will discard any traces shorter than this value.
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User’s Guide
The default is 0.0 mm. No traces are discarded.
The translator will translate arcs to line segments of this value or shorter to ensure smooth
The default is 0.2 mm.
The translator will add this string in the field into all names of layers, nodes, vias and traces.
This option is useful when you combine two .spd files.
User specified settings are saved in the registry and used as the defaults each time the translator is
You can click
to restore Sigrity default settings.
2.4.4 Start a Translation
You can click Translate to start a translation now.
The SPDLinks will create two new files: filename.spd and filename.spd.LOG.
In this example, the two files are test.spd and test.spd.LOG.
You can reuse the log file for future translations that have the same settings.
2.4.5 Batch Mode Command
SPDLinks.exe -b -pcb DesignName.pcb DesignName.spd
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User’s Guide
"C:\Program Files\Sigrity\Translators 11.0\Programs\SPDLinks.exe"
-b -pcb "D:\Working\Translator\References\PCAD\test.pcb"
Batch Mode Command Using Log File
SPDLinks.exe -b -log LogFileName.log
"C:\Program Files\Sigrity\Translators 11.0\Programs\SPDLinks.exe"
-b -log "D:\Working\Translator\References\PCAD\test.log"
Translating ODB++ Files
The SPDLinks can translate ODB++ files (*.tgz; *.gz; *.Z; *.tar; *.zip; *.7z)
to *.spd file format.
This section has the following topics:
Export ODB++ Files
File Selection
Net Selection
Start a Translation
Batch Mode Command
2.5.1 Export ODB++ Files
Mentor's Valor ODB++ viewer is free to view designs. The viewer is available on website:
To export ODB++ files, follow these steps:
Enable all options when generating the ODB++ compressed file archive.
Review the file in the ODB++ viewer and note the "step" name to be translated.
If only one "step" is found, the viewer and the interface will skip that option.
Be sure all planes are in the desired state for analysis. If not, update the design and regenerate
the ODB++ file.
To open an ODB++ file, follow these steps:
Set the file browser type to ODB++.
Select the desired file.
Select the desired step if more than one "step" is found.
2.5.2 File Selection
Follow these steps to select an .Odb++ file:
Click Browse… next to the File to be translated field to open the following dialog box.
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User’s Guide
Select Odb++ Files from Files of type.
Select an Odb++ file and click Open to open the file.
The SPDLinks interface now becomes as shown below.
One Settings option appears in the left pane.
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User’s Guide
An output file name is automatically generated in the Target Sigrity Spd File field.
You can also click Browse… and select an output file.
2.5.3 Net Selection
You can select nets to be translated. If you do not select nets for a translation, the SPDLinks will
translate all nets from the input file by default.
See 2.2.2 Net Selection for detailed descriptions of net selection.
2.5.4 Settings
You can set multiple options in the Settings dialog box.
Click Settings in the left pane to show the Settings dialog box.
The Settings dialog box has the following options.
You can select one option from the drop-down menu:
This option determines the translation of MIXED layers in the input file. Plane Layer
(Ignore wires) is selected by default.
Plane Layer (Ignore wires): The translator will translate MIXED layers to plane
layers. The translator will ignore traces on these layers.
Plane or Signal (Auto-detect): The translator will check if the MIXED layer has traces.
If it has traces, the translator will translate the layer to a signal layer. Otherwise, it will
translate the layer to a plane layer.
Signal Layer: The translator will translate MIXED layers to signal layers.
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User’s Guide
This option is selected by default.
The translator will include all patches of metal/area fills on signal layers in the translation.
The option is selected by default.
The translator will add an extra pair of planes to the bottom of the structure in the output file
if all metal layers do not have patches.
The translator will add an extra metal plane layer to the bottom of the structure in the output
file if only one metal layer has patches.
The translator will NOT translate elements without net names.
If selected, the translator will translate elements without net names.
The translator will NOT translate void shapes with areas less than this value and with any
enclosed vias. In the .spd file format, a via hole is automatically generated when a via
passing through a metal shape. Therefore, via holes do not need to be translated.
This option is off by default.
If checked, the translator will synthesize netlist on unassigned objects.
It always takes a long time to synthesize netlist, so if not based on IP concerns, do not check
this option.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will use the signal layer boundary for creating shapes on plane layers.
If cleared, the translator will use the pcb rectangle boundary for creating shapes on plane
This option is selected by default.
The translator will add net names to object names.
The translator will discard any traces shorter than this value.
The default is 0.0 mm. No traces are discarded.
The translator will translate arcs to line segments of this value or shorter to ensure smooth
The default is 0.2 mm.
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User’s Guide
The translator will add this string in the field into all names of layers, nodes, vias and traces.
This option is useful when you combine two .spd files together.
User specified settings are saved in the registry and used as the defaults each time the translator is
You can click
to restore Sigrity default settings.
2.5.5 Start a Translation
You can click Translate to start a translation now.
The SPDLinks will create two new files: filename.spd and filename.spd.LOG.
In this example, the two files are Layout.spd and Layout.spd.LOG.
You can reuse the log file for future translations that have the same settings.
2.5.6 Batch Mode Command
SPDLinks.exe -b -zip or other supported formats)
"C:\Program Files\Sigrity\Translators 11.0\Programs\SPDLinks.exe"
-b -zip "D:\Working\Translator\References\odb\odb.tar"
Batch Mode Command Using Log File
SPDLinks.exe -b -log LogFileName.log
"C:\Program Files\Sigrity\Translators 11.0\Programs\SPDLinks.exe"
-b -log "D:\Working\Translator\References\odb\test.log"
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
Translating Cadvance Files
The SPDLinks can translate Cadvance files (*.dbr, *.dbg) to *.spd file format.
This section has the following topics:
File Selection
Net Selection
Start a Translation
Batch Mode Command
Export a Netlist File in Cadvance Tool
2.6.1 File Selection
Follow these steps to input a Cadvance file:
Click Browse… next to the File to be translated field to open the following dialog box.
Select Cadvance dbr Files from Files of type.
Select a file and click Open to open the file.
The SPDLinks interface now becomes as shown below.
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User’s Guide
One Settings option appears in the left pane.
An output file name is automatically generated in the Target Sigrity Spd File field.
You can also click Browse… and select an output file.
2.6.2 Net Selection
You can select nets to be translated. If you do not select nets for a translation, the SPDLinks will
translate all nets from the input file by default.
See 2.2.2 Net Selection for detailed descriptions of net selection.
2.6.3 Settings
You can set multiple options in the Settings dialog box.
Click Settings in the left pane to show the Settings dialog box.
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User’s Guide
The Settings dialog box has the following options.
You can select one option from the drop-down menu:
This option determines the translation of MIXED layers in the input file. Plane Layer
(Ignore wires) is selected by default.
Plane Layer (Ignore wires): The translator will translate MIXED layers to plane
layers. The translator will ignore traces on these layers.
Plane or Signal (Auto-detect): The translator will check if the MIXED layer has traces.
If it has traces, the translator will translate the layer to a signal layer. Otherwise, it will
translate the layer to a plane layer.
Signal Layer: The translator will translate MIXED layers to signal layers.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will translate patches on signal layers.
The option is selected by default.
The translator will add an extra pair of planes to the bottom of the structure in the output file
if all metal layers do not have patches.
The translator will add an extra metal plane layer to the bottom of the structure in the output
file if only one metal layer has patches.
This option is selected by default.
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User’s Guide
The translator will NOT translate elements without net names.
If the check box is cleared, the translator will translate elements without net names.
The translator will NOT translate void shapes with areas less than this value and with any
enclosed vias. In the .spd file format, a via hole is automatically generated when a via
passing through a metal shape. Therefore, via holes do not need to be translated.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will assign shape components of nets with colors of the selected nets.
If cleared, the translator will assign shape components with the default color of the shapes.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will use the signal layer boundary for creating shapes on plane layers.
If cleared, the translator will use the pcb rectangle boundary for creating shapes on plane
This option is selected by default.
The translator will add net names to object names.
The translator will discard voids with areas less than this value, which will not present in
the .spd file.
The default value is 0 mm2.
The translator will discard any traces shorter than this value.
The default is 0.0 mm. No traces are discarded.
The translator will translate arcs to line segments of this value or shorter to ensure smooth
The default is 0.2 mm.
The translator will add this string in the field into all names of layers, nodes, vias and traces.
This option is useful when you combine two .spd files.
User specified settings are saved in the registry and used as the defaults each time the translator is
You can click
to restore Sigrity default settings.
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User’s Guide
2.6.4 Start a Translation
You can click Translate to start a translation now.
The SPDLinks will create two new files: filename.spd and filename.spd.LOG.
In this example, the two files are test.spd and test.spd.LOG.
You can reuse the log file for another translation.
2.6.5 Batch Mode Command
SPDLinks.exe -b -dbr DesignName.dbr DesignName.spd
"C:\Program Files\Sigrity\Translators 11.0\Programs\SPDLinks.exe"
-b -dbr "D:\Working\Translator\References\dbr\test.dbr"
Batch Mode Command Using Log File
SPDLinks.exe -b -log LogFileName.log
"C:\Program Files\Sigrity\Translators 11.0\Programs\SPDLinks.exe"
-b -log "D:\Working\Translator\References\dbr\test.log"
2.6.6 Export a Netlist File in Cadvance Tool
A netlist(*.net) file can be exported in Cadvance tools. This file defines some net property for
pin of components. These net information can’t be found in *.dbg file, so we can’t assign
correct net to a pin without netlist file. Cadvance provides a tool to export netlist file.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
Translating Cadence fies
Note: Sigrity now supports ODB++ which may provide a smoother interface than the native CAD
files. Please refer to the Translating ODB++ Files 2.5 for instructions on this new interface. If
you prefer to use the old pathway instead, continue with the instructions below.
The SPDLinks can translate Cadence files (*.brd, *.sip, *.mcm) to *.spd file format.
This section has the following topics:
File Selection
Net Selection
Extracta Path
Start a Translation
Batch Mode Command
2.7.1 File Selection
Follow these steps to input a Cadence file:
Click Browse… next to the File to be translated field to open the following dialog box.
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User’s Guide
Select Cadence brd/sip/mcm Files from Files of type.
Select a file and click Open to open the file.
The SPDLinks interface now becomes as shown below.
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User’s Guide
One Settings option appears in the left pane;
One Extracta Path option appears in the left pane;
An output file name is automatically generated in the Target Sigrity Spd File field.
You can also click Browse… and select an output file.
2.7.2 Net Selection
You can select nets to be translated. If you do not select nets for a translation, the SPDLinks will
translate all nets from the input file by default.
See 2.2.2 Net Selection for detailed descriptions of net selection.
2.7.3 Settings
If this is the first time that you launch the BrdExtractor Translator, the following Settings dialog
box appears.
Browse to select the env file or enter its path in the “env” file path field.
Browse to select the extracta.exe file or enter its path in the “extracta.exe” path field.
Note: If you do not define the paths, Brdextractor can’t launch normally.
You can set multiple options in the Settings dialog box.
The Settings dialog box has the following options.
You can select one option from the drop-down menu:
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User’s Guide
This option determines the translation of MIXED layers in the input file. Plane Layer is
selected by default.
Plane Layer: The translator will translate MIXED layers to plane layers. The translator
will ignore traces on these layers.
Plane or Signal: The translator will check if the MIXED layer has traces. If it has
traces, the translator will translate the layer to a signal layer. Otherwise, it will translate
the layer to a plane layer.
Signal Layer: The translator will translate MIXED layers to signal layers.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will translate patches on signal layers.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will assign shape components of nets with colors of the selected nets.
If cleared, the translator will assign shape components with the default color of the shapes.
The translator will add an extra pair of planes to the bottom of the structure in the output file
if all metal layers do not have patches.
The translator will add an extra metal plane layer to the bottom of the structure in the output
file if only one metal layer has patches.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will add net names to object names.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will NOT translate elements without net names.
If the check box is cleared, the translator will translate elements without net names.
If checked, the translator will create partial Ckt names based upon component part number.
If checked, the translator will use the “Drill/Slot hole” for the outer diameter and “Drill/Slot
symbol” as inner diameter.
This option is selected by default.
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User’s Guide
If cleared, then split vias on connected layers only.
The translator will discard any traces shorter than this value.
The default is 0.0 mm. No traces are discarded.
The translator will translate arcs to line segments of this value or shorter to ensure smooth
The default is 0.2 mm.
The translator will add this string in the field into all names of layers, nodes, vias and traces.
This option is useful when you combine two .spd files.
User specified settings are saved in the registry and used as the defaults each time the translator is
You can click
to restore Sigrity default settings.
2.7.4 Start a Translation
You can click Translate to start a translation now.
The SPDLinks will create two new files: filename.spd and filename.spd.LOG.
In this example, the two files are test.spd and test.spd.LOG.
You can reuse the log file for another translation.
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User’s Guide
2.7.5 Batch Mode Command
SPDLinks.exe -b -mcm | sip | brd] DesignName.[mcm | sip | brd]
"C:\Program Files\Sigrity\Translators 11.0\Programs\SPDLinks.exe"
-b -mcm "D:\Working\Translator\References\demo.mcm"
"C:\Program Files\Sigrity\Translators 11.0\Programs\SPDLinks.exe"
-b -sip "D:\Working\Translator\References\demo.sip"
"C:\Program Files\Sigrity\Translators 11.0\Programs\SPDLinks.exe"
-b -brd "D:\Working\Translator\References\demo.brd"
Batch Mode Command Using Log File
SPDLinks.exe -b -log LogFileName.log
"C:\Program Files\Sigrity\Translators 11.0\Programs\SPDLinks.exe"
-b -log "D:\Working\Translator\References\test.log"
Reusing a Log File
You can reuse a log file from another translation.
Make a backup copy of a log file to be reused.
The Open dialog box appears.
Select a log file and click Open to load the file.
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User’s Guide
2.8.1 Using a Log File with Batch Mode Command
SPDLinks.exe -b -log LogFileName.log
"C:\Program Files\Sigrity\Translators 11.0\Programs\SPDLinks.exe"
-b -log "D:\Working\Translator\References\Log Files\test.log"
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
Pads2Spd Translator
Pads2Spd Translator
Note: Sigrity recommends using the ODB++ interface for related designs. (Pads Layout 9.0 or
later can export ODB++ file.)
This chapter describes how to convert a Pads (.asc) file into an .spd file.
The chapter has the following sections.
Setting Options
Starting a Translation
Batch Mode Command
Reusing a Log File
This section describes basic operations and covers the following topics:
Launch Pads2Spd Translator
Input an .asc File
Output Files
Note: Sigrity now supports ODB++ which may provide a smoother interface than the native CAD
files. Please refer to the Translating ODB++ Files 2.5 for instructions on this new interface. If
you prefer to use the old pathway instead, continue with the instructions below.
3.1.1 Launch Pads2Spd Translator
You can launch the Pads2Spd Translator in this way:
Select Start > All Programs > Sigrity > Translators 11.0 > Pads to Spd.
The main interface of the Pads2Spd Translator appears.
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User’s Guide
Pads2Spd Translator
You can right click the title bar to open a pop-up menu.
You can
Enable or disable Show Assumption. It is enabled by default.
Select About Pads2Spd… to get the software version information.
3.1.2 Input an .asc File
After you have launched the Pads2Spd Translator, you can follow these steps to input an .asc
Enter a file path and name directly in the Innoveda (Pads) ASC file field.
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User’s Guide
Or click
Pads2Spd Translator
to open the open dialog box.
Select a file and click Open to open it.
3.1.3 Output Files
You must enter an output file name in the Sigrity SPD file field.
Or click
to open an open dialog box. Browse to select a file for output.
A translation will produce two new files in this example: test.spd and test.spd.LOG.
test.spd: The destination file.
test.spd.LOG: A log of the translation process, which includes:
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
Pads2Spd Translator
- Input and output files specified.
- Translation date.
- All translation options (nets translated, layer arrangement, and settings).
- Any warnings issued during the translation.
- Component model information.
You can reuse the log file.
Setting Options
This section describes translation options and net selection.
This section has the following topics:
Set up Translation Options
Select Nets
Change Net Color
3.2.1 Set up Translation Options
Now you can start to set up translation options.
Click Settings and click the Options tab.
The Setting dialog box has three tabs: Options, Net Selection, and Stackup.
The Options tab appears first.
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User’s Guide
Pads2Spd Translator
The Options dialog box has the following options.
The option determines the translation of power layers in the input .asc file. Plane or
Signal (Auto-detect) is selected by default.
Plane or Signal (Auto-detect): The translator will check if the power layer has traces.
If there are traces on it, the translator will translate the power layer to a signal layer.
Otherwise, it will translate the power layer to a plane layer.
Plane Layer (Ignore wires): The translator will translate power layers to plane layers.
The translator will ignore any wires on power layers that will be translated to traces.
Signal: The translator will translate power layers to signal layers.
The option is selected by default.
The translator will translate patches (partial fills) on the signal layers.
If selected, the translator will add an extra pair of planes to the bottom of the structure in the
output file if all metal layers do not have patches.
If selected, The translator will add an extra metal plane layer to the bottom of the structure in
the output file if only one metal layer has patches.
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User’s Guide
Pads2Spd Translator
If selected, the translator will NOT translate elements without net names.
If selected, the translator will NOT translate void shapes which areas are less than this value
and enclose any vias. In the SPD file format, a via hole is automatically generated when a via
passing through a metal shape. Therefore, via holes do not need to be translated.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will assign shape components of nets with colors of the selected nets.
If cleared, the translate will assign shape components with the default color of the shape.
The translator will discard voids with areas less than this value, which will not present in
the .spd file.
The default value is 0 mm2.
The translator will merge a trace shorter than this value with traces connected to its terminals,
or discard the trace if it is not connected to any vias or other traces.
The default value is 0 mm.
The translator will translate arcs to line segments of this value or shorter to ensure smooth
The default is 0.2 mm.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will translate all components in the input file.
The translator will add this string in the field to all names of layers, nodes, vias and traces.
This option is useful when you combine two .spd files.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will add net names to object names in the output file.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will translate padstacks.
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Pads2Spd Translator
This option is selected by default.
The translator will use pin names for package nodes if present in design file.
3.2.2 Select Nets
You can click the Net Selection tab in the Settings dialog box and then select nets.
If you do not select and move nets to the Nets Selected list, all nets in the input file will be
translated later.
Click the Net Selection tab.
The Net Selection tab looks as shown below.
The Net Selection tab shows all available nets in the .asc file for translation and the
default color assigned to each net.
Click a net name in the Nets Selecting list and it moves into the Nets Selected list.
To move multiple nets together into the Net Selected list:
Hold the Ctrl key and click several nets.
The nets move to the Nets Selected list.
To move a range of nets together into the Net Selected list:
Hold the Shift key.
Click a net as a start.
Click another net as an end.
All nets between the first and last nets move to the Nets Selected list.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
Pads2Spd Translator
To deselect a net from the Net Selected list:
Hold the Ctrl key and click a selected net name in the Net Selecting list.
The net is deselected.
To deselect all nets from the Net Selected list:
Click an empty area in the Nets Selecting list.
All nets are deselected from the Nets Selected list.
3.2.3 Change Net Color
You can change a net color after you have selected the nets.
All layers within a package are assigned with a color. If the default color is selected for the net,
the colors of the components on the net are assigned with the default colors of corresponding
layers, and all vias of the net will be in red.
If nets have traces that run on several layers, the traces are assigned with the default color of the
associated layer.
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User’s Guide
Pads2Spd Translator
Click the color box next to a net.
A Color Selector dialog box appears.
Select a color from the drop-down list.
Click OK.
Start a Translation
Up to now, you can start a translation since all necessary settings are done.
Click Translate to start a translation. The following message box may appear first.
Click OK to skip. And the translation starts.
The Pads2Spd Translator interface will disappear when a translation is done.
The translation duration depends on the size of the .asc file. Usually, the translation will be
completed within minutes.
Batch Mode Command
Pads2Spd.exe -b DesignName.asc DesignName.spd
"C:\Program Files\Sigrity\Translators 11.0\Programs\Pads2Spd.exe"
-b "D:\Working\Translator\References\asc\test.asc"
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
Pads2Spd Translator
3.4.1 Batch Mode Command Using Log File
Pads2Spd.exe -b LogFileName.log
"C:\Program Files\Sigrity\Translators 11.0\Programs\Pads2Spd.exe"
-b "D:\Working\Translator\References\asc\test.log"
Reusing a Log File
You can reuse a log file from another translation.
See 2.8 Reusing a Log File for detailed descriptions.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
Rif2Spd Translator
Rif2Spd Translator
This chapter describes how to convert a .rif file to a .spd files.
The chapter has the following sections.
Setting Options
Starting a Translation
Batch Mode Command
Reusing a Log File
This section describes basic operations and has the following topics:
Launch Rif2Spd Translator
Input a .rif File
Output Files
Note: Sigrity now supports ODB++ which may provide a smoother interface than the native CAD
files. Please refer to the Translating ODB++ Files 2.5 for instructions on this new interface. If
you prefer to use the old pathway instead, continue with the instructions below.
4.1.1 Launch Rif2Spd Translator
You can launch the Rif2Spd Translator in this way:
Select Start > All Programs > Sigrity Translators 11.0 > Rif to Spd.
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User’s Guide
Rif2Spd Translator
The main interface of the Rif2Spd Translator appears.
You can right-click the title bar to open a pop-up menu.
Select About Rif2Spd… to get the software version information.
4.1.2 Input a .rif File
You can follow these steps to input a .rif file:
Enter a file path and name directly in the Zuken Rif file field.
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User’s Guide
Rif2Spd Translator
Or click
to open the following dialog box.
Select a file and click Open to open it.
4.1.3 Output Files
You must enter an output file name in the Sigrity SPD file field, for example, test:
Or click
to open an open dialog box.
Browse to select a file for output.
A translation will produce two new files in this example: test.spd and test.spd.LOG.
test.spd: The destination file.
test.spd.LOG: A log of the translation process, which includes:
- Input and output files specified.
- Translation date.
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User’s Guide
Rif2Spd Translator
- All translation options (nets translated and settings).
- Any warnings issued during the translation.
You can reuse the log file.
Now the main interface looks like the following figure.
Setting Options
This section describes translation options and net selection.
This section has the following topics:
Set up Translation Options
Select Nets
Change Net Color
4.2.1 Set up Translation Options
Follow these steps to set up translation options.
Click Settings.
The Setting dialog box has two tabs: Options and Net Selection.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
Rif2Spd Translator
The Options dialog box has the following options.
This option determines the translation of power layers from the input .rif file. Plane or
Signal (Auto-detect) is selected by default.
Plane or Signal (Auto-detect): The translator will check if the power layer has traces.
If there are traces on it, the translator will translate the power layer to a signal layer.
Otherwise, it will translate the power layer to a plane layer.
Plane layer (Ignore wires): The translator will translate power layers to plane layers.
The translator will ignore any wires on power layers that will be translated to traces.
Signal: The translator will translate power layers to signal layers.
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User’s Guide
Rif2Spd Translator
The option is selected by default.
The translator will translate patches (partial fills) on the signal layers.
The option is selected by default.
The translator will add an extra pair of planes to the bottom of the structure in the output file
if all metal layers do not have patches.
The translator will add an extra metal plane layer to the bottom of the structure in the output
file if only one metal layer has patches.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will NOT translate elements without net names.
If cleared, the translator will translate elements without net names.
If selected, the translator will NOT translate void shapes with areas less than this value as
well as with any enclosed vias.
In the .spd file format, a via hole is automatically generated when a via passing through a
metal shape. Therefore, via holes do not need to be translated.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will assign shape components of nets with colors of the selected nets.
If cleared, the translator will assign shape components with the default color of the shape.
The translator will discard voids with areas less than this value, which will not present in
the .spd file.
The default value is 0 mm2.
The translator will merge a trace shorter than this value with traces connected to its terminals,
or discard the trace if it is not connected to any vias or other traces.
The default value is 0 mm.
The translator will translate arcs to line segments of this value or shorter to ensure smooth
The default is 0.2 mm.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
Rif2Spd Translator
This option is selected by default.
The translator will translate all components in the input file.
The translator will add this string in the field to all names of layers, nodes, vias and traces.
This option is useful when you combine two .spd files.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will add net names to object names.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will translate padstacks.
If you enter a name in this field, the translator will check this field and look for component
values at the same time.
4.2.2 Select Nets
You can click the Net Selection tab in the Settings dialog box and then select nets.
If you do not select, all nets in the input file will be translated later.
Click the Net Selection tab.
The Net Selection tab has Nets Selecting and Net Selected lists as shown below.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
Rif2Spd Translator
The Net Selection tab shows all available nets in the .rif file for translation and the
default color assigned to each net.
Click a net name in the Nets Selecting list and it moves to the Nets Selected list.
To move multiple nets together to the Nets Selected list:
Hold the Ctrl key and click several nets.
The nets move to the Nets Selected list.
To move a range of nets together to the Nets Selected list:
Hold the Shift key.
Click a net as a start.
Click another net as an end.
All nets between the first and last nets move to the Nets Selected list.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
Rif2Spd Translator
To deselect a net from the Nets Selected list:
Hold the Ctrl key and click a selected net name in the Net Selecting list.
The net is deselected.
To deselect all nets from the Nets Selected list:
Click an empty area in the Nets Selecting list.
All nets are deselected from the Nets Selected list.
4.2.3 Change Net Color
You can change a net color after you have selected the net.
All layers within a package are assigned with a color. If the default color is selected for the net,
the colors of the components on the net are assigned with the default colors of corresponding
layers, and all vias of the net will be in red.
If nets have traces that run on several layers, the traces are assigned with the default color of the
associated layer.
Click the color box next to a net.
A Color Selector dialog box appears.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
Rif2Spd Translator
Select a color from the drop-down list.
Click OK.
Start a Translation
Up to now, you can start a translation since all necessary settings are done.
Click Translate to start a translation.
The Rif2Spd Translator interface will disappear when a translation is done.
The translation duration depends on the size of the .rif file. Usually, the translation will be
completed within minutes.
Batch Mode Command
Rif2Spd.exe -b DesignName.rif DesignName.spd
"C:\Program Files\Sigrity\Translators 11.0\Programs\Rif2Spd.exe" b "D:\Working\Translator\References\rif\test.rif"
4.4.1 Batch Mode Command Using Log File
Rif2Spd.exe -b LogFileName.log
"C:\Program Files\Sigrity\Translators 11.0\Programs\Rif2Spd.exe" b "D:\Working\Translator\References\rif\test.log"
Reusing a Log File
You can reuse a log file from another translation.
See 2.8 Reusing a Log File for detailed descriptions.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
Dsn2Spd Translator
Dsn2Spd Translator
This chapter describes how to convert a .dsn file into an .spd file. The .dsn is a file format
for Cadence SPECCTRA router. Many CAD layout tools output physical layout data into .dsn
format files.
This chapter has the following sections:
Setting Options
Setting Stackup
Starting a Translation
Batch Mode Command
Reusing a Log File
This section describes basic operations and covers the following topics:
Launch Dsn2Spd Translator
Input a .dsn File
Output Files
Note: Sigrity now supports ODB++ which may provide a smoother interface than the native CAD
files. Please refer to the Translating ODB++ Files 2.5 for instructions on this new interface. If
you prefer to use the old pathway instead, continue with the instructions below.
5.1.1 Launch Dsn2Spd Translator
You can launch the Dsn2Spd Translator in this way:
Select Start > All Programs > Sigrity Translators 11.0 > Dsn to Spd.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
Dsn2Spd Translator
The main interface of the Dsn2Spd Translator appears.
You can right click the title bar to open a pop-up menu.
You can
Enable or disable Show Assumption. It is enabled by default.
Select About Dsn2Spd… to get the software version information.
5.1.2 Input a .dsn File
After you have launched the Dsn2Spd Translator, you can follow these steps to input a .dsn file:
Enter a file path and name directly in the Cadence BRD file field.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
Or click
Dsn2Spd Translator
to open the following dialog box.
Select a file and click Open to open it.
5.1.3 Output Files
You must enter an output file name in the Sigrity SPD file field, for example, demo:
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
Or click
Dsn2Spd Translator
to open the following dialog box.
Browse to select a file for output.
A translation will produce two new files, which in this example are demo.spd and
demo.SPD: The output file.
demo-MM-DD-HH-MM-SS.spd.LOG: A log of the translation process, which includes:
- Dsn2Spd translator version.
- Input and output files specified.
- Translation date.
- All translation options (nets translated, layer arrangement and settings).
- Any warnings issued during the translation.
- Component Model Information.
- Component Linkage Information.
The log file is named as xxx-(month)-(date)-(hour)-(minute)(second).spd.LOG, for example demo-06-02-10-28-49.spd.LOG, and saved to the
same folder as the output file.
Setting Options
This section describes translation options, net selection, and net color.
This section has the following topics:
Set up Translation Options
Select Nets
Change Net Color
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
Dsn2Spd Translator
5.2.1 Set up Translation Options
Now you can start to set up translation options.
Click Settings and click the Options tab.
The Setting dialog box has three tabs: Options, Net Selection, and Stackup.
The Options tab in the Settings dialog box appears.
The Options dialog box has the following options.
This option determines the translation of power layers in the input .dsn file. Plane or
Signal (Auto-detect) is selected by default.
Plane or Signal (Auto-detect): The translator will check if the power layer has traces.
If there are traces on it, the translator will translate the power layer to a signal layer.
Otherwise, it will translate the power layer to a plane layer.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
Dsn2Spd Translator
Plane Layer (Ignore wires): The translator will translate power layers to plane layers.
The translator will ignore any wires on power layers that will be translated to traces.
Signal: The translator will translate power layers to signal layers.
The option is selected by default.
The translator will translate patches (partial fills) on the signal layers.
The option is selected by default.
The translator will add an extra pair of planes to the bottom of the structure in the output file
if all metal layers do not have patches. And the translator will add an extra metal plane layer
to the bottom of the structure in the output file if only one metal layer has patches.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will NOT translate elements without net names.
If cleared, the translator will translate elements without net names.
If selected, the translator will NOT translate void shapes which area are less than this value
and enclose any vias.
In the .spd file format, a via hole is automatically generated when a via passing through a
metal shape. Therefore, via holes do not need to be translated.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will assign shape components of nets with colors of the selected nets.
If cleared, the translator will assign shape components with the default color of the shape.
The translator will discard voids with areas less than this value, which means the voids will
not present in the .spd file.
The default value is 0 mm2.
The translator will merge a trace shorter than this value with traces connected to its terminals,
or discard the trace if it is not connected to any vias or other traces.
The default value is 0 mm.
The translator will translate arcs to line segments of this value or shorter to ensure smooth
The default is 0.2 mm.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
Dsn2Spd Translator
This option is selected by default.
The translator will translate all components in the input file.
Some .dsn files (for example, those exported from Zuken) use a combined resolution
denominator value and unit value to interpret (or derive) the geometric data display.
If selected, the translator will read the resolution denominator value present in the .dsn file.
Note: If your input files are from Zuken, you must check this option to properly translate them.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will use the signal layer boundary for creating shapes on plane layers.
If cleared, the translator will use the pcb rectangle boundary for creating shapes on plane
Note: If the .dsn file has a power layer boundary, the power layer boundary will be used for
creating shapes on plane layers no matter this option is selected or not.
The translator will add this string in the field to all names of layers, nodes, vias and traces.
This option is useful when you combine two .spd files.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will add net names to object names.
If selected, the translator will translate keep out as shapes.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will translate padstacks.
If selected, the translator will have overlapped shapes.
5.2.2 Select Nets
You can click the Net Selection tab in the Settings dialog box and then select nets for translation.
If you do not select and move nets to the Nets Selected list, all nets in the input file will be
Click the Net Selection tab.
The Net Selection tab looks as shown below.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
Dsn2Spd Translator
The Net Selection tab shows all available nets in the .dsn file for translation and each net is
assigned with the default color.
Click a net name in the Nets Selecting list and it moves to the Nets Selected list.
To move multiple nets together to the Nets Selected list:
Hold the Ctrl key and click several nets.
The nets move to the Nets Selected list.
To move a range of nets together to the Nets Selected list:
Hold the Shift key.
Click a net as a start.
Click another net as an end.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
Dsn2Spd Translator
All nets between the first and last nets move to the Nets Selected list.
To deselect a net from the Nets Selected list:
Hold the Ctrl key and click a selected net name in the left panel.
The net is deselected.
To deselect all nets from the Nets Selected list:
Click an empty area in the Nets Selecting list.
All nets are deselected from the Nets Selected list.
5.2.3 Change Net Color
You can change a net color after you have selected the nets.
All layers within a package are assigned with color. If the default color is selected for a net, the
colors of the components on the net are assigned with the default colors of corresponding layers,
and all vias of the net will be in red.
If nets have traces that run on several layers, the traces are assigned with the default color of the
associated layer.
Click the color box next to a net.
A Color Selector dialog box appears.
Select a color from the drop-down list.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
Dsn2Spd Translator
Click OK.
Setting Stackup
This section describes how to do stackup settings and covers the following topics:
Adjust DSN Information
Set up Positive/Negative Layers
Rename an Output Layer
Change Stackup Sequence
Merge Layers
Extract a Layer
Click the Stackup tab to open the Stackup page which has Stackup in the File and Output
Stackup lists.
The Stackup in the File list has the stackup information within the input .dsn file.
You can rearrange the output stackup in the Output Stackup pane.
5.3.1 Adjust DSN Information
The Output Stackup list displays the initial interpretation of the DSN information when you
open the Stackup tab.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
Dsn2Spd Translator
The following descriptions are about how each layer in the .dsn file is initially interpreted as an
individual layer within the .spd file.
The parent layer consists of child items.
Child items are indicated by lines without + or – symbols.
The text in child item names does not appear in the .spd file.
All child items from one layer are listed under the parent item with indentation.
You can click + and – symbols to show or hide child items.
DSN Example
The + and – symbols indicate that this object is an expandable parent item. The character string
shown after the icons ( , , or ) will be output to the .spd file as an SPD layer name.
You can make changes on them if necessary.
5.3.2 Set up Positive/Negative Layers
By default, the Dsn2Spd Translator processes all input layers as positive.
You can set a positive layer to be negative in the Stackup dialog box.
Clear happy face icon
If this icon precedes a child item, the layer is translated as a positive layer. If this icon
precedes a parent item, all of its child items are treated as a positive layer.
Dark happy face icon
If this icon precedes a child item, the layer is translated as a negative layer. If this icon
precedes a parent item, all of its child items are treated as a negative layer.
Gray happy face icon
If this icon precedes a parent item, some of its child items are designated positive and some
of its child items are designated negative.
Click an icon to toggle between positive and negative for a layer and its child items.
Note: Sigrity software defines a layer (or object) as negative if the metal patches (within
the .dsn file) are represented in the way of a negative film.
5.3.3 Rename an Output Layer
Follow these steps to rename a layer:
Click a parent item to select a layer.
Click the layer name again. Do not double click.
Enter a new name and click anywhere else. Do not press the Enter or Esc key.
Note: The child item names cannot be edited since they stand for names in the .dsn file, which
have no correspondence in the SPD layer naming paradigm.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
Dsn2Spd Translator
5.3.4 Change Stackup Sequence
Follow these steps to move a layer to another location:
Select a parent item to be moved.
Hold and drag it to the destination which must be a parent item.
Release the mouse.
The moved item is automatically inserted above the target item if it is originally below the
destination. The moved item is automatically inserted under the target item if it is originally
above the destination.
Note: Only parent item sequence can be changed.
5.3.5 Merge Layers
Follow these steps to merge layers:
To merge a child item to a parent item
Drag a child item to a parent item or a child item.
The dragged child item merges into the destination parent item.
If the dragged item is the only child item of its parent item, the parent item is deleted
automatically after the operation.
To merge a parent item to a parent item
Drag a parent item to a target parent item.
All the child items of the dragged parent item are merged to the destination parent. The
dragged parent item is deleted automatically after the merging.
5.3.6 Extract a Layer
The process that a child item is transformed to a parent item is called an extraction.
Follow these steps to extract a layer:
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
Dsn2Spd Translator
Select a child item to be extracted.
Right click and drag the item to a new location.
The new parent item is inserted above the parent item location that you select. The dragged
child item will become the child item of the newly inserted parent item.
Up to now, you can click OK to finish the settings.
Start a Translation
Up to now, you can start a translation since all necessary settings are done.
Click Translate to start a translation. The following message box may appear first.
Click OK to skip. And the translation starts.
The Dsn2Spd Translator interface will disappear when a translation is done.
The translation duration depends on the size of the .dsn file. Usually, the translation will be
completed within minutes.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
Dsn2Spd Translator
Batch Mode Command
Dsn2Spd.exe -b DesignName.dsn DesignName.spd
"C:\Program Files\Sigrity\Translators 11.0\Programs\Dsn2Spd.exe" b "D:\Working\Translator\References\dsn\test.dsn"
5.5.1 Batch Mode Command Using Log File
Dsn2Spd.exe -b LogFileName.log
"C:\Program Files\Sigrity\Translators 11.0\Programs\Dsn2Spd.exe" b "D:\Working\Translator\References\dsn\test.log"
Reusing a Log File
You can reuse a log file from another translation.
See 2.8 Reusing a Log File for detailed descriptions.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
Ndd2Spd Translator
Ndd2Spd Translator
This chapter describes how to convert a .ndd file into an .spd file.
The chapter has the following sections.
Setting Options
Batch Mode Command
Reusing a Log File
This section describes basic operations about the Ndd2Spd Translator.
This section has the following topics:
Launch Ndd2Spd Translator
Input/Output Files
Note: Sigrity now supports ODB++ which may provide a smoother interface than the native CAD
files. Please refer to the Translating ODB++ Files 2.5 for instructions on this new interface. If
you prefer to use the old pathway instead, continue with the instructions below.
6.1.1 Launch Ndd2Spd Translator
You can launch the Ndd2Spd Translator in this way:
Select Start > All Programs > Sigrity Translators 11.0 > Ndd to Spd.
The main interface of the Ndd2Spd Translator appears.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
Ndd2Spd Translator
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
Ndd2Spd Translator
You can right-click the title bar to open a pop-up menu.
Select About Ndd2Spd… to get the software version information.
6.1.2 Input/Output Files
After you have launched the Ndd2Spd Translator, you can follow these steps to input a .ndd file:
Enter a file name directly in the Mentor NDD file field.
Or click
to open an open dialog box.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
Ndd2Spd Translator
Select a file and click Open to open it.
You must enter an output file name in the Sigrity SPD file field, for example, demo:
Or click
to open the following dialog box.
Browse to select a file for output.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
Ndd2Spd Translator
Setting Options
This section describes translation options and net selection.
This section has the following topics:
Set up Translation Options
Select Nets
Change Net Color
6.2.1 Set up Translation Options
Now you can start to set up translation options.
Click Settings to open the Settings dialog box.
The Setting dialog box has two tabs: Translation Options and Net Selection.
Translation Options
The Translation Options dialog box has the following options.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
Ndd2Spd Translator
This option is selected by default.
The translator will translate etches (traces) of selected nets on layers of which the Layer_Use
properties are defined as Power Plane.
If cleared, the translator will translate only metal patches of selected nets on Power Plane
layers. All the etches (traces) will be removed on layers of which the Layer_Use properties
are defined as Power Plane. Each .spd file must contain at least one pair of planes.
Note: The .spd file format supports three types of layers: signal, plane and dielectric
medium. Shapes only can be placed on the plane layer; whereas, signal layers can have
traces and shapes.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will translate patches (shapes) onto signal layers.
If cleared, the translator will not translate patches (shapes).
This option is selected by default.
The .ndd file contains no metal layers or patches, an extra pair of planes is added to the
bottom of the structure in the output .spd file.
In the case the .ndd file has only one metal layer that contains patches, a single metal plane
layer is added to the bottom of the structure in the output .spd file.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will not translate traces, vias and shapes without net names.
If cleared, the translator will translate elements without net names.
If selected, the translator will not translate void shapes with areas less than this value and any
enclosed vias.
Note: A via hole (antipad or viapad void) is automatically generated when a via is defined as
passing through a metal shape; therefore, via holes do not need to be translated separately.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will assign shape components of different nets with colors of the selected nets.
If cleared, the translator will assign shape components with the default color of the shape.
The translator will discard voids with areas less than this value in the translated .spd file.
The default is 0 mm2.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
Ndd2Spd Translator
A trace shorter than this value is joined with traces connected to its terminals; or it is
discarded if it is not connected to any vias or other traces.
The default is 0 mm.
The translator will translate arcs to line segments of this value or shorter to ensure smooth
appearance and help optimize simulation time.
The default is 0.2 mm.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will translate passive components such as resistors, inductors and capacitors,
so-called R, L, and C automatically.
If you want to perform linkage of the components using other Sigrity software, you should
uncheck the option.
A clearance around the traces is generated with distance equal to the percentage of trace
width input.
The translator looks for the field input that you’ve entered while looking for component
By default, the translator looks for ICX_VALUE.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will translate pads.
If selected, the translator will translate elements within the coordinates of a rectangular area.
Enter coordinates for an area in the fields if necessary.
The translator will add this string (1 to 4 characters) in the field to all names of layers, nodes,
vias and traces. This option is useful when you combine two .spd files.
This option is selected by default.
The translator will add net names to object names.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
Ndd2Spd Translator
If you want to include Board Station Thermal Ties, enter a file path or browse to find a file.
If you want to use a .hkp file, enter a file path or browse to find a file.
6.2.2 Select Nets
You can click the Net Selection tab in the Settings dialog box and then select nets.
If you do not select and move nets to the Nets Selected list, all nets in the input file will be
translated later.
Click the Net Selection tab.
The Net Selection tab looks as shown below.
The Net Selection tab shows all available nets in the .asc file for translation and the
default color assigned to each net.
Click a net name in the Nets Selecting list and it moves into the Nets Selected list.
To move multiple nets together into the Net Selected list:
Hold the Ctrl key and click several nets.
The nets move to the Nets Selected list.
To move a range of nets together into the Net Selected list:
Hold the Shift key.
Click a net as a start.
Click another net as an end.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
Ndd2Spd Translator
All nets between the first and last nets move to the Nets Selected list.
To deselect a net from the Net Selected list:
Hold the Ctrl key and click a selected net name in the Net Selecting list.
The net is deselected.
To deselect all nets from the Net Selected list:
Click an empty area in the Nets Selecting list.
All nets are deselected from the Nets Selected list.
6.2.3 Change Net Color
You can change a net color after you have selected the nets.
If nets have traces that run on several layers, the traces are assigned with the default color of the
associated layer.
Click the color box next to a net.
A Color Selector dialog box appears.
Select a color from the drop-down list.
Click OK.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
Ndd2Spd Translator
Batch Mode Command
ndd2spd.exe -b DesignName.ndd DesignName.spd
"C:\Program Files\Sigrity\Translators 11.0\Programs\ndd2spd.exe" b "D:\Working\Translator\References\ndd\test.ndd"
6.3.1 Batch Mode Command Using Log File
ndd2spd.exe -b LogFileName.log
"C:\Program Files\Sigrity\Translators 11.0\Programs\ndd2spd.exe" b "D:\Working\Translator\References\ndd\test.log"
Reusing a Log File
You can reuse a log file from another translation.
See 2.8 Reusing a Log File for detailed descriptions.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
Altium2Spd Interface
Altium2Spd Interface
This chapter describes how to set up and use the Sigrity Altium2Spd interface to generate
Sigrity .spd files from within the Altium Designer tool environment.
This chapter has two sections:
Using Altium2Spd
Note: Sigrity now supports ODB++ which may provide a smoother interface than the native CAD
files. Please refer to the Translating ODB++ Files 2.5 for instructions on this new interface. If
you prefer to use the old pathway instead, continue with the instructions below.
Sigrity developed a plug-in utilizing Altium’s Software Developers Kit (SDK). It inserts a menu
item Export to Sigrity SPD File into the File menu, so Altium users can generate .spd files
directly from Altium Designer.
Follow these steps to install Sigrity’s interface into an Altium Designer Summer09 or Winter09
For Altium Summer09:
Copy the following files into the Altium System folder like this: C:\Program Files\Altium
Designer Summer 09\System.
Start Altium Summer.
For Altium Winter09:
Copy the following files into the Altium System folder like this: C:\Program Files\Altium
Designer Winter 09\System.
Start Altium Winter.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
Altium2Spd Interface
Using Altium2Spd
On the File menu, click Export to Sigrity SPD File. You can create the .spd file in the same
folder where the original design file resides.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
Appendix A Exporting ASC Files from Mentor PADS
Appendix A Exporting ASC Files from
Mentor PADS
The Pads2Spd translator does not support negative plane layers. All plane layers need to be
converted to positive planes. If a layer is defined as a Split/Mixed plane, it may still be missing the
complete positive plane information. To properly fill and convert a plane to be positive, proceed
the following steps first:
In Setup a Layer Definition, change the Plane Type to Split/Mixed.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
Appendix A Exporting ASC Files from Mentor PADS
Settings in Pour Manager:
On the Tools menu, click Pour Manager.
Click the Flood tab.
Click the Hatch tab.
Select Flood All and then click Start.
Select Hatch All and than click Start.
Click the Plane Connect tab.
Select All and then click Start.
Answer yes to ok to connect planes.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
Appendix A Exporting ASC Files from Mentor PADS
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
Appendix A Exporting ASC Files from Mentor PADS
Settings in Options:
On the Setup menu, click Options.
Click the Split/Mixed Plane tab.
Set Save to PCB to All Plane Data.
Set Mixed Plane Display to Generated Plane Data.
Save the .pcb file and close.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
Appendix A Exporting ASC Files from Mentor PADS
Export an .asc File.
Follow these steps to export an .asc file from a PADS PowerPCB application:
On the File menu, click Export to open the File Export dialog box.
Select Save as type as ASCII File (*.asc).
Enter a file name, for example, powerpc2.asc.
Click Save.
The ASCII Output dialog box appears as shown below.
Click Select All to select all sections.
Select a format from the Format drop-down list.
Set Units to Basic.
Check Parts and Nets under Expand Attributes.
Click OK.
An .asc file is exported.
Import the .asc to the PADS again, and check if the
display is correct.
Translate the ASC file to SPD using Pads2SPD.exe.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
Appendix B Exporting BoardStation Layer
Appendix B Exporting BoardStation
Board Station Graphical Interface
You must load your design in LAYOUT.
You must set your AMPLE_PATH environment variable to pick up the customized user-ware as
UNIX Example
csh>setenv AMPLE_PATH
Windows Example
C\>set AMPLE_PATH=%MGC_HOME%\pkgs\sigrity_interface\userware\En_na
If you have your own custom user-ware and already have the AMPLE_PATH environment
variable set, then include:
$MGC_HOME/pkgs/sigrity_interface/userware/En_na in your AMPLE_PATH for
%MGC_HOME%\pkgs\sigrity_interface\userware\En_na for a Windows OS
Export a *.spd file
Follow these steps to export a BoardStation design to a Speed2000 format file:
Save a Board Station LAYOUT design.
Right click to open Top Menu….
Select Sigrity Interface → Create Sigrity Interface Files in the Top Menu ....
The files required to run the interface have now been written to the SigrityInterfaceFiles
directory in the current design container, next to the design’s pcb container.
Right click again and select Sigrity Interface → Export to Sigrity SPD file.
The interface is invoked using the files already created.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
Appendix C Exporting ODB++ File in Altium Designer
Appendix C Exporting ODB++ File in
Altium Designer
In Altium Designer, follow these steps to export an ODB++ file:
(Recommended) Set all hatches to solid (don’t save) first. Select
Altium Designer > Tools > Polygons Pours > Convert Hatched Polygons to Solid.
Click OK to convert all hatches to solid.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
Appendix C Exporting ODB++ File in Altium Designer
File > Fabrication Outputs > ODB++ Files.
Click OK to export ODB++ file.
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
User’s Guide
3, 65, 66
3, 10, 33, 38, 39
CR5000 Files
Customer Information
Customer Support Information
Mentor BoardStation files
Mentor BoardStation Files
Mentor PADS
3, 10, 24
Rif2Spd Translator
SPDLinks translator
9, 10
License Agreement
log file
Pads2Spd Translator
PCB Placement Files
install Translators
file formats
1, 3, 91
Zuken CADStar & Visula
Zuken CR500
Last Modified: June 2, 2011
3, 19