T.U.S.D. CHALKBOARD - Tehachapi Unified School District


T.U.S.D. CHALKBOARD - Tehachapi Unified School District
A Newsletter for Tehachapi Unified School District Employees
October/November 2015
Jim Grecian Science Wing Dedication
“Naming the Biology Wing in Jim Grecian’s
honor provides a strong connection with the
past for our alumni and former staff.
It also promotes a great connection with
current and future staff and students to
continue to maintain and build on the
legacy and standard of excellence set by
others that have gone before us.”
James Henderson - THS Biology Teacher
James Henderson
THS Biology Teacher
On October 12th, 2015, District staff and students gathered on the THS
campus to commemorate the memory and legacy of former THS
Science Teacher, Coach, and Voice of the Warriors; Jim Grecian.
Science Teacher, James Henderson, spearheaded the effort to name
the THS Science building the “Jim Grecian Science Wing”. Mr.
Henderson had this to say about the former Master Teacher,
“Integrity, excellence, commitment, professionalism, dedication, and
attention to detail; these are qualities and character traits that THS
works hard to inculcate into all our students. Jim Grecian was a man
who embodied all of these during his twenty six years as an educator,
coach, and mentor at Tehachapi High School. Scores of students and
colleagues benefited from his calm, controlled, and knowledgeable
approach in the classroom and on the court.”
“The foundation of excellence he built in the Biology Department was
such that his influence has continued to impact current students long
after his retirement. The Root Words, Leaf Project, Insect Project,
depth of material covered, and high expectations for all students are
examples of educational practices that he set in motion many years ago
“Jim Grecian was my teacher, coach, mentor and
eventually my friend. He took me under his wing
when I became the Varsity Basketball Coach. He was
a great example of being organized, prepared, and
how to do the "little things" that are necessary to
win. A great role model and gentleman.”
Chris Olofson - THS Teacher & Coach
that we continue to use and build on today.”
In addition to serving for years as The Biology Teacher at THS
(1972 - 1998) Mr. Grecian was the JV Boys
Basketball Coach for 15 years (1975 - 1989), provided the play
-by-play calling for all of our home football games for 25 years
(1980 - 2005), and was the long time Science Department
Chair and THS Science Bowl Coach.
The Grecian family, former TUSD Teachers and Administrators, THS students, TUSD Board Members, and Administrators
were on hand to witness the dedication.
Did you know that Coach
Steve Denman has the 5th
most career wins of any
High School football coach
in California history?
Bus Drivers, Kathy
Hart, Wyant Windsor,
Kelly Maddox, Anna
Cardiel, and Bonnie
Collins shuttled
stranded tourists and
other travelers to Red
Cross shelters. They
even took a busload
of South American
tourists to Bakersfield
so they could continue on their journey.
Many TUSD Employees worked round the clock and gave
personal resources to support the rescue efforts of victims of the
mudslide that trapped travelers in Tehachapi this October. MHS
& JMS served as shelters, while District staff helped to ensure
everyone was fed and comfortable.
Marcy Martsolf-Asaro, paid for and prepared a home made
spaghetti dinner for folks in the shelter and the Red Cross workers
as well. Terry Debruyne, Naomi Knox and Lisa Dock helped to
prepare the meal or set up and serve. Kathleen Siciliani acted as
the District Liaison helping people find their way to the showers
and other parts of the facility while Hortencia Tapia acted as
translator for the South American tourist contingent.
Who’s afraid of the Big Bad Werewolf?
My what sharp teeth you have...yikes.
CV Teacher Don Thiesse goes all
JMS Keeping it real: Principal - Paul Kaminski, Dean Janine Tufts, Counsellor - Erin Dyer, Attendance Clerk Charlotte Johnson, and Counseling Secretary - Sue
Golden Hills Princesses: Attendance
Clerk - Kristy Hall, Principal’s
Secretary - Nancy Schulgen, and
Principal - Kendra Bailey
Tompkins Lawn Ornaments: 4th grade Teacher - Garry Parrott, Psychologist - Michelle Flores, Instructional Aide - Patty McCormick, 2nd
grade Teacher - Jenny Jones, 3rd grade Teacher - Katie LaCom, Principal - Cheri Belcoe, 1st grade Teacher - Ann Wood, 3rd grade
Teacher - Cherie Chavez, 4th grade Teacher - Frances Alonzo, 3rd grade Teacher - Wendy Murray, Attendance Clerk - Nicole Bessard,
Principal’s Secretary - Kathie Jepsen
California Testing in 2015 - 16
California Modified Assessment (CMA)
The assessments that comprise the 2015–16 CAASPP administration are a mix of online and paper-pencil assessments. The online
component contains the Smarter Balanced English language arts/
literacy (ELA) and mathematics tests. The paper-pencil component
includes CST/CMA/CAPA science tests and the optional STS for
The CMA for Science tests are to be administered to students
in grades 5, 8, and 10 who have an individualized education
program (IEP). Assignment of the CMA is made in the student’s IEP only; a student’s Section 504 plan is not to be used
to assign a student to take the CMA (although accommodations may be named in the Section 504 plan or in the IEP).
Smarter Balanced
California Alternate Performance Assessment
In California, all students in grades 3 through 8 and 11 will
participate in the 2015 Smarter Balanced tests, which include
both ELA and mathematics content areas. These tests are
administered online.
California Alternate Assessments (CAA)
The CAPA for Science tests are individually administered performance assessments for students in grades 5, 8, and 10
who have significant cognitive disabilities and who are unable
to take either the CSTs even with accommodations or modifications or the CMA with accommodations.
The CAA for English–language arts and mathematics tests
are individually administered to students in grades 3 through Standards-based Tests in Spanish (STS)
8 and 11 who have significant cognitive disabilities. All eligible
The optional STS are multiple-choice tests that allow Spanish
students are required to participate in a field test of these
-speaking English learners in grades 2 through 11 to demonnew, online assessments in spring 2015.
strate their knowledge of the California content standards by
California Standards Tests (CSTs)
taking a reading/language arts (RLA) assessment in their primary language. STS items are developed by biliterate, bilinThe CSTs in Science are to be administered to students in
gual California educators and test developers.
grades 5, 8, and 10.
What do you get when you cross a turkey with a centipede? A drumstick for everyone.
Why was the turkey the drummer in the band? Because he had drumsticks.
Which side of the turkey has the most feathers? The outside!
Knock, knock. Who's there? Harry. Harry who? Harry up, I'm hungry!
Can a turkey jump higher than the Empire State Building?
Yes. A building can't jump at all!
Why did the turkey cross the road? It was the chicken's day off!
What sound does a space turkey make? Hubble, Hubble, Hubble
Have A Happy Thanksgiving Everyone
Tehachapi Unified School District Office
Phone: 661-822-2100
Fax: 661-822-2159
300 S. Robinson St.
Tehachapi, CA 93561