Analysis for Cause and Effect Relationship among Components of
Analysis for Cause and Effect Relationship among Components of
21 1 ( 65 ) pp.221 240 2012.2 Analysis for Cause and Effect Relationship among Components of Flow Experience, Based on Visit in Experiential Local Festival: A Case of Visitors in Boryeong Mud Festival Oh, Sun-Young Yoon, Seol-Min This research was conducted to measure the flow experience of the experiential festival. The purpose is to examine structural relationships among the constructional concepts (involvement, focused attention, arousal, playfulness, time distortion, and explanatory behavior) in order to investigate the flow experience. To this end an onsite survey was conducted on tourists who had participated in experience events, an active program of Boryeong Mud Festival. Some suggestions deduced from quantitative evaluations are as follows. After testing and verifying seven hypotheses, the derived conclusion was that most of effect relationships among the constructional concepts of the flow experience were statistically significant and positively related except the relationship(hypothesis 3) between focused attention and playfulness. Specifically, the tourists’ involvement had statistically significant effect on both the focused attention and the arousal. The results of the effect relationship on playfulness proved that the focused attention did not have an effect on the playfulness, while the arousal had an impact on the playfulness. Also, both the focused attention and the playfulness had an effect on the time distortion. Furthermore, the impact of two constructs on the time distortion was greater for the playfulness than the focused attention. Lastly, the playfulness appeared to be related to the exploratory behavior. Based on these findings, the theoretical and practical implications were further discussed. : Flow Experience, Causality Model, Local Festival 1998 13 . 2010 “ ”, “ ! !” ! . , , , ( , , 2007). . , ( . , 2006), , ( ( , 2011). . , , . . ( (Flow) , 2006a) , 2011; . , 2009; , 2010; , 2007) , . , (Csikszentmihalyi, 1997). , , , (Mathwick & Rigdon, 2004). , Hoffman Novak(1996) . ( , 2010). ( 2008; , 2010), , , , ( , , 2009) , (Holsapple & Wu, 2006) . . . . (escape) , ( : La Tomatina) (Wang, Baker, Wagner, & Wakefield, ( , 2006b). 2007). ( , . 2009) , , ( , 2003). . , . ( : , . ) 2010 , . 2009 (Hoch, 2002) ) . 2010 (226 , , , ) 10% 3,000 , (268 (‘09: 18 ‘10: 20 2,000 ) , ( (Stamboulis & Skayannis,2003). , . , 2011). IBN : ?(Boryeong Mud Festival: More fun than Tomatina?)’ , , , ( , 2008). ‘ ‘ (Let's play in mud)’ 200~300 , (stuff) ( , 2011). , (Finneran & Zhang, 2005). . , , ( , 2008), ( ( , 2009). , 2005). , , commitment immersion . commitment . , , ( : , 2011, , 2008, - - , 2011) (Flow) . immersion , , . ( , 2010). , , , , ( : commitment, immersion) , (Hsu & Lu, 2004). , Csikszentmihalyi(1975) . , (2009) ( . , 2010). , . , , . ‘ , ’ . , ( . , 2010), . 3 (Csikszentmihalyi, 1975) (challenge), (arousal), (control), (skill), 8 (Massimini & Carli, 1988) (focused attention), (interactivity), . (involvement), (optimal stimulus level), : (playfulness), , , ( : : - ( ), , : (exploratory behavior), (positive affect), 4 ( : , : ), ) 3 4 3 (telepresence), (time distortion) . (apathy) . 8 - , , (Zhou, Li, & Liu, 2010). , ), (worry, (relaxation, , . : : : ,4 (arousal, , , : ) : , : (control, : 3 (3 : ), ), . ,8 ) 4 , . (Ellis, Voelkl & Morris, 1994; Jones, Hollenhorst, Perna, & Selin, 2000; Shernoff, Csikszentmihalyi, Schneider, & Shernoff, 2003) . (Mathwick & Rigdon, 2004). ( : , , SIT) (ESM: Experience Sampling Method) ( , 2009). ( : ) , , . (Csikszentmihalyi & Csikszentmihalyi, 1988). Likert (channel segmentation model) ( 2003) / (activity/survey method) , . 2 (causality model) , Csikszentmihalyi(1975) . - , , . Novak, Hoffman ( , 2008). , Yung(1998, 2000) , 1) , , , , / . , (1999), (2000), ( Davis Wong(2007), Hoffman Novak(1996), Novak et al.(1998, 2000) , 2000) . . ( , 2010), , , 2008; ( , 2009), ( , 2010; Lee & Yoo, 2011) (Csikszentmihalyi, 1990). . , , , . , . Hoffman , ( Novak(1996), Novak et al.(1998, 2000) 13 , 2010). . . , Csikszentmihalyi Csikszentmihalyi (1988) . , , , , , . Hoffman Novak(1996) , . . , Hoffman Novak (1996) (CMEs: computer-mediated environments) , < 1> . . ( : , (2009) - ( , , , , , ) , (Novak et al., 2000) )- , - - , . Novak et al.(1998) (working paper) (1999) · , , . , , , . (2009) , - Davis - , , - (2010) - , . (2010) , (+) . - , - , , . Lee , , Yoo(2011) ( , ), ( ( (2010) Wong(2007) , , ) . , - , - ), , Pham(1992) 1(H1): (+ ) , Koufaris(2002) . 2(H2): (+ ) , 3(H3): . Sánchez-Franco . (+ ) Rey(2004) . 4(H4): (+ ) . 5(H5): , (+ ) , Fortin Dholakia(2005) . 6(H6): , (+ ) . 7(H7): . Huang, Chiu, Sung (+ ) . Farn(2011) , . < Novak et al.(1998) 1> ( . , ), , ) ( , 2010; Lee & Yoo(2011), Novak et al.(1998, 2000) ( ), ), . , 2009; ( ( , 2009; Chou & Ting, 2003; Davis & Wong, 2007; Novak et al., 1998, 2000) , , 4 ( , ( , , , , 7 ) . 350 , : 310 , : . , , : , : . , , : , . , : ) , Likert 5 5= (1= ) . . , , 1 . , . , . , 2 , . , , , , 5 , . ‘ ’ . (182 ) , (128 ) 20 (130 ) 30 (105 ) . (221 ) , , 2010 / ( : , , , (20 (118 ) . ( : 71 , ) ) . (68 ) . ( , ) , . , : 50 ) (118 ) 7 , . / , . 2010 24 25 (129 ) (128 ) , , α . (Zmean=-1.312) ±1.96(p<.05) (Zmean=-1.118) (Hair, Black, Babin, Anderson, & Tatham, 2006) . . , (3 ) , (Cronbach’s α .893 .949 ), , ) , . Q . 1.627( : , Q 3) , GFI=.915( .9), CFI=.981( : : .9), NFI=.952( .9), RMR=.028( : .05) . . (AVE) . χ2 ( ), Q (χ2/df), GFI, NFI, CFI, RMR , , χ2 (H0: χ : , .901 .949( (CR) : .7), .694 .824( .5) , .7 . : (Anderson & Gerbing, 1988). < AVE 5> 2 χ . AVE , : , ( 2 df=1, χ =21.789, - : df=1, 2 χ =25.626) (Fornell & Larcker, 1981). AVE - (Steenkamp & van Trijp, 1991). , - .845 AVE , .85 . (Klein, 1998). , (Φ±(2×S.E)) .967(.845+(2×.061)) .723(.845-(2×.061)) 1 , M(S.D) 3.32(.830) (.694) 3.20(.912) .753** 3.43(.845) .726** 3.71(.851) .682** 3.34(.940) 3.70(.850) .567a .527 .465 .479 .309 (.824) .704 .560 .616 .261 .839** (.754) .714 .661 .336 .748** .845** (.775) .638 .419 .692** .785** .813** .799** (.813) .343 .556** .511** .580** .647** .586** (.762) R2 H1 1.177 H2 H3 C.R. .917 .084 .841 13.953*** 1.084 .954 .083 .911 13.112*** -.079 -.085 .110 H4 1.023 .975 .141 H5 .370 .365 .063 H6 .607 .555 .074 .653 .675 .056 H7 2 .813 .752 .456 -.713 7.261*** 5.841*** 8.237*** 11.565*** Q(χ /df: 367.387/224)=1.640, p=.000, GFI=.914, NFI=.952, CFI=.980, RMR=.031 χ2 367.387(p<.01) ( , . Q 1.640, GFI RMR .914, NFI .952, CFI ) 2(H1, H2) 1 , .980, .031 , 84.1%, 91.1% . . ( , , 2010; 3(H3) , 2009; Davis & Wong, 2007; Huang et al., 2011; Lee & Yoo, 2011; Novak et al., 2000) . , (Fortin & Dholakia, 2005; Pham, 1992; Novak et al., 2000) (+) , 84.1%, 91.1% (+) . , 81.3% . , . , (+) 1 ,1 , 75.2% ( . , =.555) ( (situational involvement) =.365) (enduring involvement) . ( . , =45.6%) . , . . . ( : Csikszentmihalyi(1990) , - Novak(1996), Novak et al.(1998, 2000) ( ( , ), , ( ), . , ), ) . , . , ) . Hoffman ( , , , . , , ( 2010; 4(H3, H4) 3 , ( , 2009; , , 2009; Novak et al., 1998) . =81.3%) . ( , 2010; (-) , 2009; Davis & Wong, 2007; Novak et al., 1998) . , . , . , . , . . , . , (Mehrabian & Russell, 1974). ( : ) , . . . . ( : ) . , . 5 (TQM: Total Quality , ( Management) , ( . , 6(H5, H6) ) =75.2%) . (Davis & Wong, 2007; Novak . et al., 1998, 2000) - ( , 2010; , 2009; . , 2009) . , 2010; . , , , . . , . 1 . 2 . . , . . 1998 . , , . , . . 7(H7) , , , . 45.6% . (2010), (2007), (2009), Davis Wong Novak et al.(1998) . , . . , . , . , . . . (intrinsic) (extrinsic) . , . . , ( , 2004) . . Analysis for Cause and Effect Relationship among Components of Flow Experience, Based on Visit in Experiential Local Festival: A Case of Visitors in Boryeong Mud Festival Oh, Sun-Young Yoon, Seol-Min . ( , , , , , , ) . . .7 ( , 3) , (+) . . . . . . . : , ,