Aerial view of Chestertown Marina, looking towards the Chester


Aerial view of Chestertown Marina, looking towards the Chester
Aerial view of Chestertown Marina, looking towards the Chester River from Front Street. The pocket park sits where the large green shed currently stands. The new Chestertown Marina InterpreAve Center is located where the old Williams Marine shed currently stands. Ground-­‐level view of Chestertown Marina, looking towards the Chester River from Front Street. The pocket park sits where the large green shed currently stands. The park will be landscaped with naAve plants and contain an iconic work of public art in the center (in the image, this is represented by the sculptures of two small sloops). The new Chestertown Marina InterpreAve Center is located where the old Williams Marine shed currently stands. View from Front Street looking northeast (upriver). The pocket park in the foreground replaces the large green shed. The Chestertown Marina InterpreAve Center replaces the Williams Marine shed. View from Front Street looking towards the Chester River. To the leI is the new Chestertown Marina InterpreAve Center (currently the site of the Williams Marine shed). The Center will contain bathroom and shower faciliAes for transient boaters, interpreAve displays pertaining to Chestertown’s history and culture, open meeAng rooms on the second floor that can be rented out by community groups, and maps/brochures informing visitors about the community’s restaurants, galleries, and retail centers. Second floor deck space provides visitors with spectacular river views. The rehabilitated Marina will feature 12 parking spaces located immediately in front of a re-­‐
constructed boat ramp dedicated to boat trailer parking. The enAre parking area will be constructed from pervious pavers for both aestheAc and storm water management purposes. This view is from ScoOs Point condominiums looking northeast (upriver) towards the new Chestertown Marina InterpreAve Center (leI) and the Fish Whistle Restaurant (right). A porAon of the new pocket park on Front Street is shown on the immediate leI. The revitalized Marina will feature a new, relocated boat ramp (shown to the leI) that will be centered between two new piers. On the downriver (ScoO’s Point) side of the ramp, there will be a small pavilion, an area for public kayak storage, and a new pier that will feature deep-­‐water slips and a public kayak launch. View of the central Marina dock, located in front of the Fish Whistle Restaurant. This will be a floaAng pier that will extend 70’ further into the river than the exisAng dock, creaAng mulAple slips with 14’-­‐18’ of water depth. This pier will also serve as the fuel dock. This view is looking downriver (SW) from the exisAng pier at the foot of Cannon Street. View from the end of the southernmost (downriver) pier at Chestertown Marina, looking back towards Front Street. This dock will extend 70’ further into the channel than the exisAng pier to create mulAple deep-­‐water slips. There will be a public kayak launch at the base of this pier on the downriver (ScoOs Point) side. ScoOs Point condominiums are barely visible on the far leI, with the Fish Whistle Restaurant on the far right. 

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