Whittier Narrows Natural Area Trail Map
Whittier Narrows Natural Area Trail Map
Whittier Narrows Natural Area Trail Map To Peck Road Water Conservation Park 1 M 3 Tra il Tra il se u rp o i-P ult Bike P ath Hon d nd o To Whittier Narrows Recreation Area and Legg Lake Pa th Bosque del Rio Hondo Park e Durfe e l Ri v e r G S an il l4 ai Tra Tr se o p ur lti-P Mu R h il 2 Pat Tra ike B er R iv iel abr To Santa Fe Dam Recreation Area & San Gabriel Mountains e r i v a 2 G Tra il o S ip hon Bik e Sa To Whittier Narrows Equestrian Facility Pat h C h a n n e l F l o w To Streamland Park, City of Pico Rivera, and City of Montebello Roa d S a n ri k ree Trail Legend 2 ad Bl v d b i l Tra il Ephemeral Streem Crossing Do not Cross Rushing Waster La C Trail 2 To LA River Bike Path Ro sem e Ho il 3 Tra r nd o ike B Ave b rie S an Ga l5 Tra i R io il Tra R io o Ho oa d P e ck R 3 Tra il Ri o Whittier Narrows Nature Center (Future location of the San Gabriel River Discovery Center) 0 Bike Path Unpaved Fee Parking Area Paved Horse Trail Hiking Parking Horseback riding Picnic Tables 0.125 0.25 Restrooms Wheelchair -accessible 0.5 Miles Trail 1 Trail 2 Trail 3 Trail 4 Trail 5 Total Trail Lengh: 0.38 miles Total Trail Lengh: 1.5 miles Through Natural Area: 37 miles Total Trail Lengh: 18 miles Total Trail Lengh: 0.8 miles Total Trail Lengh: 1 mile Whittier Narrows Natural Area Parking Lot to San Gabriel River Bike Path San Gabriel River Multi-Purpose & Bike Trail Rio Hondo Multi-Purpose & Bike Trail – Connection to LA River Bike Path Whittier Narrows Natural Area Nature Center Lake Trail Loop San Gabriel River Discovery Center Authority | 100 N. Old San Gabriel Canyon Road, Azusa, CA 91702 | discoverycenterauthority.org r ive Bicycling No Pets in the Natural Area To Pacific Ocean at Seal Beach R iel br a nG ay ew e r F Whittier Narrow Natural Area Connection to Whittier Narrow Recreation Area