Fishin`s my business-so I want a boat I can live with!
Fishin`s my business-so I want a boat I can live with!
"Fishin'smy business-soI want a boat I can live with!" "Folks ask me,'hasn't the fun goneout of ftshin'when it's how you make your living?"N I say,hell no. And I wouldn't trade placeswith any of you! Besides,I got me a Lund Pro'n ya can't get a better boat, the way I look at it. 4lgle!, Why, fishin'in this thing is more fun than itever was!" The New Pro-Angler This 16-footPikehasa somewhatwiderbeamand stern,but more.noticeably, a few of the.extraslikecarpeting,hydraulic and fixedswivelseats,and a bilgepump. StandardEquipment Levelflotation;BIA marinelighting; bow light;sternlight;boweye;sternhandles;qualitymarine hardware;storageunderport-sideseat;20-inchhansom; rod holders;7-footrod locker;gasstorageundercross-seat; grasscarpet;splashwell;bilgepump; 1 moveableswivelseat; 3 seatbases;4 cleats;live well;t hydraulicswivelseat; f orwardunder-floorstorage. Option: Mooringcover. SEE BACK COVER FOR COMPLETESPECIFICATIONS. Pike 15 Pike 16D Even the shortestPike has everything you need, plus some options. The 16-footPikeis longerand extradeepin the bow. Standard Equipment: Level flotation; BIA marine lighting; bow light; stern light; bow eye; stern handles;quality marine hardware; storageunder port-sideseat;2O-inchtransom; mechanicalsteering;gas storageunder console seat;splash well; vinyl-coveredfloor; bow cross-seat. Options: Mooring cover; windshield. 6 StandardEquipment:Levelflotation;BIA marinelighting; bow light;sternlight;bow eye;sternhandles;qualitymarine hardware;storageunderport-sideseat;2O-inchtransom; mechanicalsteering;rod holders;7-footrod locker;gas storageunderrearcross-seat; storageunderconsoleseat; splashwell;vinyl-covered floor;bow cross-seat. Options:Mooringcover;windshield. SPECIFICATIONS AIUHIIIUM B()ATS AI-UI|lINUM THICKNESS (lnth0usandths) EXTERIoRINTERIoR BoW AttilDSHtpSTEnil TFANSoM BIAHP 8lAllAX. APP.wT. DEPTH DEPTH DEPIH HEIGHT RATING CAPACITY(pounds) 8ottom Frssboard CoLoRS CoLoBS CTRLINE CTELII{E IEI{GTH GUiIWAIE LENGTHIN iIETERS LENGTH Mr.Pike18tTD 18' 5 . 4 8M 1 8 ' 11 " 75" M r .P i k e1 8D e l u x e1 8 ' 5 . 4 8M 18',9%" 70 M r .p i k e1 6 16' 4 . 8 7M 16'10" P i k e18 I 5.48M ProAngler to pik€ r6D 16 65" ' 65" 34' 72" 65" 34" 18'9V2" 72 65" 4 . 8 7M 16'10" 73' 4 . 8 7u 1 6s % " 71y," Pike16 DIX 4 . 8 7M 16'9V2" 71V2" P i k e15 4 . 5 7M 15'9" 62V2" s - 18 5.48t\,f 18'9Vz 701h' S-,6rt20 lrans0m 15'111/2" 4.86i,[ 16'8Vz' 4.86M 16'8Vz 4.31t\.f 14141h 15'l1Vt" s'l 4 S-14w/20' lransom 1a,, 4 . 3 1M 14'10V2 c-15 15 ' , 4 . 5 7M 15'9 C'14 14'Vz' 4 . 2 7M 14'81/z l 2 ' 1" 3 . 6 8t \ 4 14'2" 4 . 3 1M Snipe 1411" 4.55M 16'4 4.52M 16? 3 I 5 G u , d e S p e c1' a4 l' C 100 -Ub4 L u n dR e d / 0llWhire L u n d8 e d o t t w h i t e 20" 70 1500 540 080 064 LundRed 67" 34" 20' 50 1300 637 080 ub4 L u n dR e d / B e r o e Aluminum 6 5' 3 4' 20" 60 13s0 470 080 28" 20" 26Vt" 20Vz 14Vz' 29|/t 31 60" 251/z 60' 141/z' l0 515 27 2A 158 058 051 L L n dR e d / M i s G t reen l\,list Green Redor 0liveDrabor0liv€Drab II{TESIOR EXTERI()R 25Vl 16',2" 65 25Vz 251h 4 . 2 1M 1 51 V 2 57 24xA 221/t 241/1 3l4Sporlsman 13'10" 4 . 2 1M 15'1Vz 57 243/t 22Vl 2A\/' 12',6" 3 . 8 1M 13'9' 243/t 22Vt 93h 60' B O W A M I D S H I PS T E S N I I U I L DEPTH OEPTH DEPTH THICXNESS 047" c0L0ns cotoRs 930 700 0ptional Seelnside 55 1000 650 0ptronal SeeInsrde 510 0ptional Seelnside I5"of20 35 900 475 0 p l i o n aS e e n s i d e l5'0r20 35 675 3s0 0 p t i o nS a le en s i d e 675 310 0plional Seelnside 25\/t 4 . 5 2M 12Vt" 650 20' 13',10" 22" 15 243/t 14'10" 55 ' 15' B O W A M I O S H I PSTERN TRAI{SOM B I AH P 8 I AM A X . APP.WT DEPTH DEPTII O E P T H H E I G H T RATII{G CAPACITY{ p o u n d s ) 63Vt 65 LundRed/ lVistGreen Aluminum LundRed/ MistGreen Aluminum 058 15 2l STERII WIDTH B es e LundRed lllislGreen 221/z 49" Beige .004 illfllitJ 058 3 14 G u i d e 35Vr" 775 34" 3 15 S p o f t s m a n 4.57M 15 0 0 .064 14'10" 15' 20" .080 3 15 G u i d r 15 Standard LundRed/ oft White 616 20', 4.52t\4 162 CIRI-INE CIRTINE tEI{GTH IN LEI{GTH MEIERS 064 1300 62Vz l6'7 Striker 100 58 CTRLINE IN GUI{WALE FISERGLAS CTRLIIIEI-ENGTH LENGTH iIETERS LETIGTH BEAiI BOATS 4 . 6 2M 760 60 28" 13'10' 15',2" 14 6 0 20" 55 Pro'Guide 20" 0plionalSee Inside 25 SeeInside 0plional HICKNESS A L U M I N UTM (lnlhousandsl N U h l E E R 0 FB I A H P B l A t l l A x . A P Pl., V l . EATltlG CAPACITY(pounds) 8on0m Frsoboard R|ES 3 5 650 69 047 047 available options. lmportant Notice: Product improvement makes model availability,equipment specifications,and prices sub,ectto change without notice. Some Lund models shown in this catalog have factory and/or dealer-installedoptions. LUNDAMERICAN,INC. A wholly-owned subsidiary of Arcttc Enterprises, Inc. GeneralOtfices and Aluminum Division: Neu York Mills, Minnesota 56567 Fiberglas Diuision: Shell Loke, Wisconsin 54877 .,:..1 i8 j subiectto change*lth*t Prkn$andspecitications ""ti"". 1g8o Lundp- rican.Inc Prin'+.1 inU.S.A.
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