Winter 2015 Newsletter - Tucson Botanical Gardens


Winter 2015 Newsletter - Tucson Botanical Gardens
For Members of the Tucson Botanical Gardens
Winter 2015
Volume 15 Issue 4
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Cover and page 3 photos
by Randy Larson
Getting ready for winter in the Southwest
is a little different than it is in most parts of the country. Rather than making
sure the snow blower is finely tuned-up and running, our volunteers
spend the first week of December folding, filling and lighting over 3,000
traditional luminaria bags in preparation for Luminaria Nights. Instead
of watching a blanket of snow cover our garden, we’re waiting for the
winter blooms of Lachenalias and its full spectrum color palette to liven
up our garden beds. It’s also time to check that drip irrigation, deep soak
trees, and prune and plant cool season herbs and veggies. Sounds like
a lot of work doesn’t it? Check out our Director of Horticulture Michael
Chamberland’s article on winter bulbs and the seasonal gardening guide –
we work hard to make it easy for you to remember winter gardening tasks.
Winter is also a time for planning: I’m heading off to New York to see the
New York Botanic Gardens exhibit, “The Garden and Art of Frida Kahlo”.
While there, I’ll be working with the programming and exhibition staff in
planning the exhibits tour to the Tucson Botanical Gardens! We are honored
to be chosen to host this special exhibit in fall of 2016.
As we end 2015 and welcome 2016, all of us at the Tucson Botanical
Gardens wish you and yours a year filled with health, happiness, and as
always… great gardening!
Mission Statement
The Tucson Botanical Gardens
promotes responsible and
appropriate use of plants and water
in a desert environment through
education and demonstration
and provides a place of beauty and
tranquility for Tucson residents
and visitors.
2015 Board of Directors
President: Shelly Abbott
Vice President: John Smith
Secretary: Joan Ardern
Treasurer: Karen McCloskey
Steve Bossé
Kelly Flannigan
Chris Hazen Molina
Langdon Hill
Mary Laughbaum
Margaret Livingston
David Lovitt
Shannan Marty
John Mijac
Lisa Owens-Sredzinski
Angie Johnson-Smith
Mark P. Vitale
Polly Putnam White
Bernard Friedman, deceased
Catherine McGibbon, deceased
Lillian Fisher, deceased
Donald Laidlaw
Ex Officio:
Michelle Conklin
Michelle Conklin, CFRE
Excecutive Director
This newsletter is published
quarterly by Tucson Botanical
Gardens and mailed as a benefit
to members. Printed with support
from AlphaGraphics. All photos
by Gardens staff and volunteers,
unless otherwise noted. Edited by
Melissa D’Auria and Hope Keimon.
Duplicate Mailings?
If so, please contact Membership at
(520) 326-9686 ext 13.
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Winter 2015
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“The garden historically,
is the place where all
the senses are exploited.
Not just the eye, but
the ear – with water,
with birds. And there is
texture, too, in plants
you long to touch.”
­­ —William Howard
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Lovely Lachenalias
By Michael Chamberland, Tucson Botanical
Gardens Director of Horticulture
Winter is a time with a scarcity
of flowers. Cold weather and dim
sunlight slow the metabolism of
plants, leaving little to expend on floral
extravagance. Insects also are slow and
few, not offering a wealth of pollination
opportunities. Bulbs have a strategy to
get a jump on spring. These plants store
energy during the growing season in
their subterranean bulbs. When the first
hints of spring are detected, these bulb
plants mobilize their energy to send
up a flower display. Ideally this occurs
with the first warm afternoons of spring,
when the earliest insects are also active.
Given the fickle nature of spring
weather, it makes sense that many bulb
plants are cold tolerant with flowers
that will take a bit of frost. Commonly
cultivated bulbs such as daffodils and
tulips fit this description. But a wealth
of lesser known bulbs exists. Many
of these are from South Africa. Most
are lesser known because they have
not developed much cold tolerance in
southern Africa’s mild climate. These
are bulbs you will not find planted in
temperate regions, but for southern
Arizona, they offer possibilities.
Some of the best winter blooming
bulbs for southern Arizona are from
the genus Lachenalia. These are petite
plants, with few species likely to reach
a foot in height. The flowers too are
small, but offered in bunches along the
flower stalk. The wealth of colors is
Lachenalia aloides var. quadricolor
produces flowers zoned with orange,
yellow, burgundy and a touch of green.
This is one of the best species and also
one of the most available. Lachenalia
viridiflora makes flowers in an odd
turquoise-green color. Some species like
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L. zebrina are notable for the dark spots
and striations on the leaves. Flowers in
yellow, purple, white, orange and red
can be found among the 110 species.
Lachenalia can take a bit of searching to
find. Many can be purchased through
mail order. Bulbs travel well by mail
when they are in the dormant state. In
Tucson you may find Lachenalia sold by
some cactus and succulent nurseries.
Occasionally the plants will show up at
big box stores.
Southern Africa has a variety of climate
zones. Lachenalia originate from areas
of winter rainfall. Water the plants
regularly in winter and give them plenty
of sun. Later in spring the leaves wither
and the plants appear “dead”. This is
natural dormancy which lasts half the
year. During this time the plant can be
ignored and no watering is required.
Too much wetness may rot the bulbs.
Plant them in well-drained cactus soil.
Lachenalia are best grown in pots, and if
they are happy the bulbs will proliferate.
The bulbs should be divided up and
given space to promote flowering. To
protect against inadvertent watering and
monsoon rains, you may wish to bring
the potted bulbs indoors and place them
in an out-of-the way corner until fall,
when watering and sun will revive the
dormant bulbs.
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• Clean, repair and rework
drip-irrigation systems
• Clean and repair drip-irrigation
systems now, while plants can
survive with less watering
• Prune dormant trees if needed
• Use rain
delay function
on irrigation
timer to delay
irrigation if
rains come
• Plant hardy herbs and winter
vegetables (root and leafy
• Cover tender
plants on frosty
• Resist pruning
branches from plants until new
growth appears in spring
• Do heavy and
strenuous garden
projects during
this cool season
• Check and
repair berms,
swales, basins
in rainwater
• Apply a deep-soak watering to
trees and shrubs if winter rains
are sparse
• Plant cool-season
herbs, vegetables and
bare-root fruit trees
• Rake fallen leaves
into planting beds to
serve as mulch
• Watch for cold
nights – cover
cactus tips with
Styrofoam cups,
cover larger
plants with frost
cloth or blankets
• Don’t prune
plants until after
their blooming
cycle ends
• Fertilize flowering perennials
such as iris and roses
• Fertilize citrus around Valentine’s
Day, and again near
Memorial Day and
Labor Day
• Begin pulling small
weeds before they
make seeds
• Continue to watch the weather
and cover sensitive plants on
cold nights
• Make plans for
March and the
start of spring
planting season
Clip out page to keep these tips handy.
Tucson Botanical Gardens
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Winter in the Gardens
Now through May
9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily
Dec. 4, 5, 6 & 11, 12, 13
5:30 to 8:30 p.m.
$18 Adults, $9 Children, $10 Adult Members, $5 Child Members
Take advantage of Early Bird Pricing! Receive $3 off each ticket purchased by Nov. 27th
A festive Tucson holiday tradition, Luminaria Nights is now in its 29th year. Adults
and children alike can gather around Santa Claus to have their wishes heard, wander
the garden paths listening to a variety of live holiday music and bask in the glow of
thousands of luminarias and twinkling lights. Hot chocolate, libations and holiday
treats will be offered and food will be available for purchase from a variety of vendors.
This year, guests can also see our Nature Connects LEGO sculptures lit up at night!
Luminaria Nights is the perfect way to celebrate the holiday season and create
lasting memories and traditions. Tickets are available in the gift shop, online at or by calling 326-9686, Ext. 10.
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Guests can marvel at the spectacular
sight of hundreds of butterflies
fluttering about amongst lush
tropical flora and be amazed by the
vibrant South American dart frogs.
Approximately 300 to 400 butterflies
fly freely on any given day and over 120
different varieties of butterflies make
their way to the greenhouse throughout
the eight month long exhibit. During
the winter months guests can expect
to see butterflies from Africa, Asia
and Malaysia. Don’t forget to visit the
chrysalis exhibit next to the greenhouse
where the butterfly pupae can emerge
right before guests’ eyes. This season
some new and exciting changes have
come to the exhibit. The Butterfly
Magic staff has been working to
incubate eggs laid by the dart frogs
and it’s paying off! Several eggs have
already hatched and the tadpoles are
growing quickly. We’ll be adding
the new dart frogs to the exhibit over the
next couple of months. The chrysalis
exhibit has also been outfitted with
new equipment to produce optimal
temperatures and humidity levels for
the pupae, resulting in a faster and more
natural emergence process.
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Dec. 5 & 19
10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Included with admission
Now it’s time to play! Test your
ingenuity and building skills with
LEGO Bricks in the You Build It!
Nextrio Playroom. Planned activities
will guide playroom-goers in building
nature-themed creations of their own.
Vicki Stromee
Now through Jan. 3
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily
$18 Adults, $9 Children, $5 Adult
Members, $2.50 Child Members
Join the thousands of Tucsonans and
visitors who are raving about our newest
exhibit, Nature Connects! Guests
of all ages are invited to stimulate
their imaginations and discover the
connections between art, nature and
play. Thirteen sculptures, including
a hanging Corn Spider, Galapagos
Tortoise and Monarch Butterfly are on
display throughout the Gardens. The
sculptures are built with over a half
million LEGO bricks, some weighing
more than 500 pounds! In addition to
the sculpture display, special events
and activities celebrating LEGOs are
scheduled throughout the four month
long exhibit.
Don’t miss these talented artists in our very
own Porter Hall Art Gallery
Artist Reception: Dec.9, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Exhibit: Dec. 1 to 31
Feb. 6th
Now in its third year, SAVOR has
solidified itself as Southern Arizona’s
premier annual “foodie” festival. We are
thrilled to be working with Local First
Arizona and The Southern Arizona Arts
& Cultural Alliance again to host this
delicious event. Guests will enjoy food
from 40 restaurants, craft wine and beer
from several producers in the region, a
variety of chef demonstrations as well as
live entertainment. Tickets are available
at or by calling
(520) 797-3959, Ext. 0.
Pima Community College School of
Artist Reception: Jan. 7, 5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Exhibit: Jan. 1 to 30
Beth Surdat
Artist Reception: Feb.11,
5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Exhibit: Feb. 1 to 29
Tucson Botanical Gardens
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Holiday Shopping at
the Gardens
We are excited to welcome you to our
beautiful new Gardens Gift Shop. In
both the Garden and Grove Gift Shops
we offer a variety of specialty items, gifts
and unique additions to your garden and
home. We proudly support local artists
and companies and carry many Tucson
and USA made products. With the
holidays quickly approaching, now is the
perfect time to visit the Gardens Gift
Shops for holiday shopping. We offer
a spectacular selection of new garden
items, unique clothes and accessories,
kitchen goodies, books for all ages, fun
and educational toys, fragrance and
body care products and more. The
Grove Shop is our smaller shop, located
next to Butterfly Magic, carrying unique
butterfly and hummingbird-related
items that make a perfect addition to any
garden or yard.
This holiday season, when you purchase $100 in gift certificates,
you’ll receive a bonus $20 gift certificate for yourself or to give as
a gift. Another great Garden gift for your loved ones is a Gardens
membership. The gift of membership provides a year full of
Garden experiences, trips to the Café and discounts to special
events. These great gift ideas not only provide something special
for yourself or your loved ones, but it also supports the mission
and programs at the Tucson Botanical Gardens, allowing us to
give back to the community year after year.
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Education at
the Gardens
Docent Tours & Presentations
are contingent on docent
availability and may be
canceled without prior
Thursdays, Fridays,
and Saturdays through
December, 10 a.m.
Thursdays and Fridays,
January through February,
11 a.m.
Included with admission
This delightful morning tour
offers a brief history of the
Gardens, familiarizes guests
with the wide assortment of
plants that grow successfully
in Tucson and showcases
a variety of gardening
traditions and botanical
themes present in our 17
specialty gardens.
Fourth Tuesday, monthly,
11 a.m.
Dec. 22, Jan. 26, Feb. 23
Included with admission.
Over 75 different species of
trees grow at the Gardens,
some of which have been
here for decades. This tour
introduces some of the most
Tucson Botanical Gardens
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common trees found in
Tucson’s urban landscape
and shares techniques on
how to successfully select
and care for trees at home.
Wednesdays, 10 a.m. to noon
Included with admission.
Looking for answers to your
plant questions? Retired
University of Arizona plant
sciences professor, Dr. Paul
Bessy, can help diagnose
your plant problems such as
pests, disease and nutrient
Mindful Yoga
Thursdays, 8 to 9 a.m.
Led by certified yoga
instructor and massage
therapist, Vivianne
Uyeda, this series explores
moderate hatha yoga, with
an emphasis on movement,
breath and meditation. All
levels welcome.
December: 3-class series
Dec. 3, 10, 17 (The Garden’s
is closed on Dec. 24)
$30, $24 Members
January: 4-class series
Jan. 7, 14, 21, 28
$40, $32 Members
February: 4-class series
Feb. 4, 11, 18, 25
$40, $32 Members
Preregistration is required for all
classes, unless otherwise noted.
Payment must be made in advance
to reserve a spot. Registration is
available on the website at www., by email at
[email protected] or
by phone (520) 326-9686 ext. 18.
No refunds will be given for
cancellations within seven business
days of the class. People with
disabilities should make requests
for accommodation as early as
possible to allow time to make
appropriate arrangements.
For questions or to register by
phone with a credit card, call
(520) 326-9686 ext. 18.
Workshop Series
Explore the healing
properties of plants and
learn how to safely use
essential oils for everyday
issues with Kerry Blank,
Certified Aromatherapist,
LMT and owner of Catalina
Aromatherapy. Have fun
creating your own take-home
aromatherapy remedies during
each hands-on workshop.
1) Aromatherapy Stocking
Saturday, Dec. 5
10 a.m. to noon
$30, $24 Members
Looking for holiday gift
ideas? Make your own
peppermint candy sugar
scrub and festive room spray
using natural ingredients.
2) Essential Oils for Colds
& Flu
Saturday, Jan. 16
10 a.m. to noon
$30, $24 Members
Many essential oils can help
with cold and flu symptoms.
Learn which essential oils
are most effective and make
your own natural remedy for
when you are feeling under
the weather.
3) Essential Oils for Muscle
Aches & Pains
Saturday, Feb. 20
10 a.m. to noon
$30, $24 Members
Soothe those aches and
pains! Learn which essential
oils are best for inflammation
and pain relief, how to use
them and make your own
remedy to take home.
The Power of Plants:
Nourish Body & Soul with
Saturday, Jan. 23
10 a.m. to noon
$20, $16 Members
Green spaces soothe the
body and brain and offer
significant health advantages,
such as lower blood
pressure, reduced stress,
increased mental clarity
and improved immune
function. Drawing upon
the wisdom of mindfulness,
Carol Roberge, health
and wellness educator, will
lead participants through
a sensory experience to
cultivate a restorative
connection to nature.
Ikebana for Everyone
First Thursday, monthly
Dec. 3, Jan. 7, Feb. 4
1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
$30, $24 Members (per class)
Create beauty and reduce
stress through Ikebana,
the ancient Japanese art of
arranging flowers in the
style most pleasing to the
eye. Learn from the Ohara
School of Ikebana whose
instruction is the result of
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Education at the Gardens
600 years of evolving artistic
development in Japan. Please
bring a bucket, towel, shears,
and a kenzan/pin frog. Vases
and kenzans will be available
to borrow for the duration of
the class and also for sale in
the Gardens Gift Shop.
A Flourishing Potted
Wednesday, Jan. 20
9 to 10:30 a.m.
$20, $16 Members
Artistic Expression
Under Glass
Dec. 9, Jan. 12, Feb. 10
10 a.m. to noon
$55, $44 Members (per class)
You will be amazed by
what you create! Join
contemporary artist, Bonnie
Pisik, as she leads this fun
and completely original
art workshop. During
each two-hour painting
class, Bonnie leads you
through the dramatic and
fascinating technique of
reverse-painting under
glass. Whether you’re an
experienced painter or
budding novice, you’ll have
a blast unleashing your
“inner artist” as you
create your own original,
spectacular piece of art!
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Planting Trees
in Containers
Wednesday, Feb. 3
from 9 to 10:30 a.m.
or Saturday, Feb. 13
from 1 to 2:30 p.m.
$20, $16 Members (per class)
home for thousands of hawks
and eagles? Jeff Babson,
of Sky Island Tours,
examines the classification,
lifestyles, conservation and
identifying factors of these
remarkable birds.
Desert potted garden expert,
Marylee Pangman will
discuss what trees work well
in pots and how to plant
and care for them. The class
will include an in-depth
discussion about using citrus
trees in containers.
Raptors Part Two: Falcons
and Vultures
Thursday, Feb. 4
6 to 8 p.m.
$25, $20 Members
Learn well-established
methods for potted plant
survival in our challenging
climate from desert potted
garden expert, Marylee
Introduction to
Sustainable Landscape
Wednesday, Jan. 27
9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
$80, $64 Members
With guidance from Dan
Dorsey of the Sonoran
Permaculture Guild, you
will create an exciting,
long-term plan for your
sustainable home and
landscape. You will learn
how to incorporate all the
sustainable living strategies
you may have heard about
such as rainwater harvesting,
vegetable gardening, using
desert adapted plants, and
gray water recycling into
a holistic and sustainable
design. Bring a sketch or
aerial photo of the site you
want to design.
Jeff Babson refers to
falcons as “jet fighters of
the bird world,” whereas
vultures are “nature’s
cleanup crew.” Learn about
the natural history of these
awe-inspiring birds and how
to identify them.
Raptors Part Three: Owls
Thursday, Feb. 25
6 to 8 p.m.
$25, $20 Members
Backyard Chickens 101
Wednesday, Feb. 17
10 to 11:30 a.m.
Included with admission.
Have you dreamed about
raising chickens in your
backyard, but don’t know
where to start? This class will
provide you with the basic
information necessary to
start enjoying these cheery
backyard companions.
Owls have captivated the
imagination of mankind
for centuries, symbolizing
everything from death
and evil to wisdom and
protection. Join Jeff Babson
as he explores the biology,
classification and conservation
of these nocturnal animals.
Raptors Part One: Hawks,
Eagles, & Allies
Thursday, Jan. 21
6 to 8 p.m.
$25, $20 Members
Did you know that Southern
Arizona serves as winter
Winter 2015
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Jan.15, Jan. 22, Jan. 29, Feb. 5, Feb. 12, Feb. 19
9 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
$120, $70 Members
Dec. 5 & 19
10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Included with admission
Now it’s time to play! Practice
your ingenuity and building
skills with LEGO® bricks
in the You Build It! Nextrio
Playroom. Planned activities
will be available to guide our
future engineers in building
nature-themed creations of
their own.
Become a docent at the Tucson Botanical Gardens and join a team of educators serving the
Tucson community and visitors from all over the world!
What does a docent do? Docents are a committed, vibrant group of interpreters that support
guest learning and exploration at the Gardens. After completing a 30-hour training, docents lead
tours, interpret areas of the Gardens, assist with horticultural therapy programs, volunteer at
special events, and help visitors make lasting memories at the Gardens.
What are the requirements? Docents commit to serve at the Gardens for at least one year after
training. Each year, they volunteer for at least 10 hours per month, assist with at least one special
event, and complete at least 12 hours of continuing education. Docents are dependable and meet
all scheduled commitments, they must be able to work outdoors and enjoy engaging with adults
and children alike.
Interested in learning more? Please call or email Ashley Pedersen at 520-326-9686 ext. 39 or
[email protected].
Monday, January 18 (Martin
Luther King, Jr. Day)
Friday, February 26 (TUSD
Rodeo Vacation)
9 a.m. to noon
Included with admission
Join us for a special day just
for children and their families!
Our knowledgeable docents
will help children connect to
the natural world with games,
crafts, and presentations
throughout the Gardens.
Tucson Botanical Gardens
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Please Donate to the Annual Fund
Be counted among those who believe in responsible and
appropriate use of plants and water in a desert environment.
You can help sustain this place of beauty and tranquility with
your gift to the Annual Fund.
We are the caretakers, all of us, of the
Tucson Botanical Gardens.
Your visits inspire staff and volunteers—we work to make
each visit unique and beautiful.
Your membership is an investment—in the plants, the
property, the people and programs.
Your annual fund gift is just that—a gift. Freely given.
A gift to the Gardens for all to enjoy.
In 1968, Bernice Porter deeded her home and property as a gift to the city, and that gift has become the Tucson Botanical Gardens.
What might your gift become?
Any dollar amount, it all adds up.
Please consider an annual fund gift and take a moment to send
your gift today. Gifts can be made online at tucsonbotanical.
org, by phone at 326-9686 ext. 15 or by mail to 2150 N.
Alvernon Way, Tucson, AZ 85712.
We build gardens, friendships and communities...
We have a day for giving thanks. We have two for getting deals. Now, we have #GivingTuesday,
a global day dedicated to giving back. On Tuesday, December 1, 2015, charities, families,
businesses, community centers, and students around the world will come together for one
common purpose: to celebrate generosity and to give.
Please join the growing online social community in support of the Tucson Botanical Gardens on
this day of generosity. Visit our website or facebook page to find out more and to be a part of this
special day.
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Ways to Give This Holiday Season
Please consider honoring or
celebrating your loved ones this
holiday with a gift to the Gardens.
They will receive a festive
handwritten note card on your
behalf, and you will be recognized
in the Garden’s newsletter
for your thoughtfulness and
generosity. For gifts of $25
or more please contact our
development department at
326-9686 x 15 or development@
For those who hold a very
special place in your life consider
celebrating them with a longlasting gift – a commemorative
Garden pathway brick. Donors
may reserve an individual brick
with a gift of $500 and have a short
tribute inscription placed on it.
Please contact [email protected] for more information on
commemorative bricks.
Amazon Smile is a simple and automatic way for you to support Tucson Botanical
Gardens every time you shop on Amazon, at no cost to you. When you shop at www. you’ll find the exact same prices, vast selection and convenient
shopping experience as, with the added bonus that Amazon will donate
a portion of the purchase price to the Gardens. Simply log on with your regular
Amazon account and designate Tucson Botanical Gardens as your charity.
Bill Breckenridge
Lynn Richards
Gunther Marx
Margaret and Ronald Gray
Langdon Hill and Michelle Conklin
Community Foundation of Southern Arizona
Ron and Christine Krapa
Donna and Jason Bryn
Karen K. and Bill Lopez
Laura E. and John C. Whitbeck, Jr.
Douglas Robertson
Louise Robertson
Elizabeth Willott
Patricia and Richard Carlson
Debbie Hodge
Mike and Jill Kanost
Katherine Waser
Eva Malkasian
Kathy and Tim McDaid
Howard Cosyns
Michelle and David Conklin
Janet L. Penn and Faye L. Penn Stukin
Terry Torme Cole
Lillian Fisher
Cecilia Agnew
Nextrio – services
Dunn-Edwards Paint – paint
Sharon L. Walsh - plants
Start off the New Year with more space in your garage by donating that extra car,
truck, boat or RV to support the Tucson Botanical Gardens. It’s a published fact that
clearing clutter and creating extra space will make you feel happier and can even
change your life! That alone is a terrific gift to yourself, plus you may be able to claim
the appraised value as an income tax deduction, and you’ll take pride knowing that
your magnanimous gesture helped create so much splendor in the Gardens.
Please contact [email protected] for more information
Tucson Botanical Gardens
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Student/Senior Members
Lea D. Anderton
Julia Annas
Mary & Alex Argueta
Sharon Atwell
Ann Baldwin
Mary B. Barrett
Kenneth J. Bierman
Dr. Joyceen Boyle
Janis Bruce
Eileen Buckel
Bonnie M. & David H. Burnett
Jo Callaghan Kervick
Norma B. Carlson
Barbara Chehoski
Paula Christenson
Victoria Cook
Susan Daniels
Carol J. Day
Cynthia & Michael Dech
Tinsley Deibel
Patricia A. DeWitt
Carol J. Dickman
Eleanor J. Doren
Mary M. Dozier
Albert Dunn
Mary Lou Eckerson
Carol V. Elfring
Bonnie B. & Richard I. Else
Mary L. Esposito
Gloria M. Ferrell
Jon L. Fimbres & Mary K. Butler
Betty Fink
Eileen M. Fitzmaurice
Harold C. Fritts
John H. & Sue Gigax
Sharlene Gillette
Roberta B. Gillilan
Patricia A. Goltz
Anne & David Gooden
Lola Graeme
Judith Gray
Jane Gray
Edward E. Grissell
Julia Herrington
Emily B. Hilliard
Josephine A. Hilliard
Margaret Hoeft
Carol P. Hollandsworth
Sue Hopf
Lynn Hudson
Nancy J. Hutson
Natalie R. Ireland
Ruth Jodon
Nancy C. Kaiser
Art Kidder
Peter Kresan
Ellen J. Kreyns
Floyd L. & Pearl I. Lance
Dr. Jon M. Larson
Virginia Lind Sanborn
Melissa Loeschen
Margaret Loghry
Marigold A. Love
Joel Loveland
Elizabeth MacBeth
Christina M. Mace
Gina M. Marconi
Tom Marcopulos
Ann Markewitz & Patricia Lindgren
Barbara McCarthy
Susan J. McCracken
Sharon McDonough-Means
Carolyn McReynolds
Nieves Miljure
Nancy Miner
June G. Moritz
Hughlett L. & Amy S. Morris
Terry L. Moss
Maureen A. Murphy
Gloria Nielsen
Lauri Nygren
Carenn Olson
Heather Otto
Francesca Pardes
Colleen Perrin
TBG1502 Winter 2015 Newsletter-03.indd 14
David Petruska
Cheryl H. Raff
Harry Roseberry
Andrew Rush
Diana Sammataro
Pamela S. Schuster
Alexandra Sethi
Betty R. Shelby
Susan & Robert Shrager
Coe & Martin Slattery
Louise Small
Betsy Snell
Nancy Solomon
Patricia A. Soracco
Robert Stanin
Ann Steenland
Jane Swicegood
Elizabeth Templin
Fran Tourtellot
Richard Tracy
Penelope Van Amburg
Nancy Viands
Diana B. Vidal
Lady Joan Waithe
Ellen Welch
Ms. Marina J. Welmers
Fran Westra
Jill & John Winter
Lee A. Wristen
Barbara T. Yusup
Garden Friend Members
Kenneth Adler &
Katherine Schuppert
Philip L. & Nancy L. Airulla
Linda Allison
Carol Anderson
Louise M. Anderson
Thomas B. & Mary Ann Anderson
Patricia Andrade
Mary Anthony
Becky Aparicio & Mike Byers
Katherine F. & Robert Arnold
Jill G. Ballesteros
Brad & Orasa Barnett
Susan L. Barstow &
Shaye M. Erickson
Cecil H. & Linda S. Bartlett
Leticia & Joseph Bermudez
Brian Berrellez & Karina Puga
Gayle Blair
Jessica Blaire
Kimberly Blanck &
Kenneth Stevens
Kerry Blank
Shawn G. & Thomas C. Bourgeois
Kathryn A. Bowen
Georgiana & John Boyer
E. Charlene Brazil
Miki L. Bringhurst
Marydes C. Britton
John S. & Carol D. Brooks
Janice K. Brundage Ph.D.
Ann & H. D. Bruner
Gail D. Burd
Katherine P. Burdick
Linda S. & Larry S. Burkett
James H. & Dina Burt
Dr. Rudolph Bustamante
Jerry & Pat Cagle
Lisa M. & Isaac Canez
Gregory & Joan Casey
David Chavez
James L. Christensen &
James C. Cramer
LeeAnn L. Collins
Carole & Clifford Cornelius
James B. & Kathryn A. Crater
Chris Crawford & Liz Kilmer
Michael & Elizabeth Creegan
David Davis & Joan Hood
Jeanne M. & Larry I. Eagleman
Heather Ellison & Gawain Lavers
Julia & David Engelsberg
Michael H. Fink & Greg Wilson
Robert W. & Gypsy Finnan
Rebecca Fox
William & Monica Friedl
Andrea Galyean & Ryan Edwards
Susan & Ronald Garet
Wilda M. & Dan Garrett
Olivia T. Garza & Jesse Wood
Dana J. Garza &
Deborah J. Garza Chavez
MaryBeth Gerhart &
Walter E. Gaby
Charles & Eledel Giddings
Ann Gilbert
Mary Givins & Sergio Guillen
Larry E. & Sandy K. Glasser
Alba Gomez & Alex Hingle
Robert & Kathleen Goodrich
Cristina L. & Josh C. Gordon
Don & Susan V. Gratrix
Bettie F. Gregory
Elizabeth B. Gricus
David Griffin & Sue Bergman
Karen Griffith
Beth & Frank Guldseth
Sven & Andrew Gunn
Joyce I. & Landon Habeck
Diane Hagan
Debra J. & Douglas M. Hamre
Carole & Bob Hancock
Garrett K. & Elizabeth A. Hardesty
Denise A. Haynes
Julian A. Heilman & Sandy Morris
Edward E. & Danita D. Heller
Deborah A. Hendrix
Joanne S. Hershenhorn &
Gloria Codamo
Katrinka M. Heyman & Aras Erekul
Marsha & Sidney M. Hirsh
Mare Hodshon Yates
Joanne F. Hogan
Barbara Hollembaek &
Dennis Catlin
Janet M. Horton & Steve B. Penner
Miriam Huber
Saul M. & Rebecca L. Huerta
Barbara Hurley
Barbara J. & John B. Hustler
Michael & Bonnie Irwin
Jill Jackson-Mandel &
David H. Mandel
Dr. Leo M. Jacques
Eileen S. Jang
Norla J. Jarvis
Sharon & Devin Johnson
Faith Johnston
Norma A. & David S. Johnstone
Suzanne Jones & Sara Jones Reker
Debbie & Keith Kaback
Charles S. Kaplan & Debra F. Simon
Stephanie & John W. Karelis
Vera & Ron Kelley
Martha Kirkpatrick
Kurt Konyalioglu & Caitlan Allen
Michael Koribanic
J.J. & Lary Lancaster
Dana Lawson
Penny Leonhardt
Juergen & Laura Liebig
Beth Lingenfelter & Mario Rivera
Xiwu Liu & Jiwu Duan
Regina & John Logan
Adriana Loschner & Edgar Turk
Elizabeth J. & James Lovelace
Heather L. Lowden
Nathaniel K. Luedeker &
Madeline L. Carroll
Maureen & Karl Luikart
Karen Lunda & Anne Fritz
Peggy Marlatt &
Charlie Mikulewicz
Penny L. Martel & Daniel Casarez
Iliana I. & Juan Martinez
Lois Mastrangelo
Donna S. Maxwell
Jasmine May & Jason Roederer
Cait B. McPherson
Karen McWhirter
Carolyn L. Medearis
W. Marc & Pamela L. B. Miller
Hanna Miller & Lisa Jakobsen
William C. & Delores C. Miller
Leone L. Mohney
Chris M. Mondrawickas
Alan W. & Maryalice B. Morris
Joshua Moser & Kristi Mehes
Patricia M. Muller
Mary Beth & Lyle Murphy
Debra & Dennis Myrick
Rebecca L. Myrick & James E. Ward
Nancy E. & Ray B. Nagle
Karen Nickey
Parviz Nikravesh &
Agnes Stahlschmidt
Sean M. OBrien
Lorene M. Parker & Ray Conway
Stephanie & Christopher Pasture
J. Dan & Sandy Patterson
Janet Peters & Mary Oddo
Betty & Steve Peterson
Kathy Phelan
Marylou & Ronald W. Philips
Gerald D. & Alice H. Pine
Cathleen Pintek Becskehazy &
Peter T. Becskehazy
Brigid Pollock
Georgia Pope
Priscilla Potter
Sharon Potter
Jane & Donald Powers
Bernadette & Ralph Prata
Ron Pullins & Leslie Powell
Carol Randolph
Jim L. & Janet L. Ray
Robert L. Ray
Paul & Lois Reiling
Jane Remer
Laura H. & Doug Reno
Sandra E. & Kenneth F. Roberts
Cherre L. & Don K. Rogers
Herb & Cheryl Ross
Cindy Rubash
Hazel Rugg
Gregory Runkel
Mary Anne Sands & Patrick Murphy
Joy & David Schaller
Nancy Schlegel
David Schmidtz &
Cathleen Johnson
Dan Schnoll & Marisa Bragoni
Miho M. Schuler
Ellry L. & Sandra L. Schulte
Amy J. Scott & Jim L. Holmes
William & Darcy Shaw
Mary Sherwood
Inga S. Simmonds &
Savannah N. Zirbel
Donna L. Sisley
Regina D. & Jan Skelley
Paul W. & Constance G. Snell
Sharon & Kirk Spiker
Susan W. & C. David Sproul
Janice & James L. Stevenson
Claudia Stone & Kenneth J. Hollett
Robert D. Stratton
Tracey E. Sutton
Laurel S. & Roger H. Taft
Theresa L. Tanner
Michael & Karen Tauber
Dean R. Taylor
Nancy Thorngate
Carolyn A. Tierney &
Sally A. Magestro
Carla Transue
Melissa K. Trout & Cristina S. Luis
Linda M. Turner
James M. Vail & Barbara Olson
Jean Vickers & John Crawford
Mark P. Vitale
Katherine R. & John Ward
Philip Ward & Jo Kubran-Ward
Desiree & Jesse Warren
Patricia H. Waterfall
Molly Wheelwright & Ella Shaver
Alan K. & Janice Wiemeyer
Ms. Janice A. Wilhelmi &
Dr. James J. Stewart
Carol M. Willard & Karin K. Nolan
Winifred E. Williams &
Kenneth H. Hinkle
Bridwell Williams & Elizabeth Ney
Jennifer Williamson &
Joseph Valenti
Chuck Wilson & Marguerite Ogle
Emma Wiseley
Rodney M. & Miriam Wolfley
Charles & Karen Woods
Louis & Kelly M. Woofenden
Marcia & Michael Zaccaria
Brooke G. Zacheis
James Zaino & Linda Pucciani
Karen Zakerwski
Melanie A. Zettel
Family Members
Karen Abels & Pam Emerson
Ellen Abrams & Terry Coleman
Laurence & Betty Lou Ackland
Carol H. & Thomas A. Alpert
Regina K. & Michael K. Amerson
Richard E. Anderson &
Lois Rutledge
Jackie & Dave Anderson
John W. & Betty Anderson
Nanette R. Angiulo &
Mauricette Kirby
Rosita R. & Nita Anglin
Emily & Michael Areinoff
Larry & Kathy Armstrong
Michael L. Arnold &
Sara J. McGovern
Marilyn & Isaac Ashby
Janice Auerbach & Florence Marks
Erika Aurand
Randy & Danielle N. Baethge
Richard G. & Marta A. Balash
Barbara & George Ball
Yvonne M. & Glenn E. Barney II
Colleen P. & Chris J. Barnhill
Sandra Barr & Tony Day
Lynn Barr & Doug Hawkins
Jennifer K. & Andrew Barton
Kate Bartz & Katrina Miranda
Carolyn D. & Avery Bates
Ginny & Thomas Beal
Kristina & Rouben Beglarian
Tom L. & Jamie E. Beishuizen
Phil & Linda Benziger
Debra & Kurt Bergmark
Khushvant & Amy Bhola
Jonathan Black
Janis Blainer-Fleming &
Angus Scott-Fleming
Pierre-Alexandre Blanche &
Laurence Eyen
Jacalyn K. & John Blue
Eric A. & Yessica Bockman
Lisa E. Bowden & Eve R. Riflain
Barbara Brody & Evan Worthington
Pauline E. Browder
Carolyn Brown &
Mary Lou Thompson
Steve G. & Alice R. Brown
Zsa Zsa S. Brown &
James C. Browder
Mary E. & Dick Brown
Susan Brudos & Jude Glass
Susan & Allyn Bulzomi
Laura & Ronald Butte
John W. & Janice L. Buttrey
Sandy & Chris M. Byrne
Cecilia A. Calderon &
Albert D. Schall
Susan M. Call & David Forgey
Amanda & James Campion
Dolores & Michael Campos, Sr
Stephanie A. & Andrew P. Capaldi
Andrea & Rob Carlton
Carolyn S. & Paul Casertano
Tong Cheng & Haipeng Sun
Autumn 2015
11/12/15 9:35 AM
This is not a complete list of all of our wonderful members. We don’t have room to list every current member.
Please look for your name during your renewal month.
Michelle & Alexander Chiu
Nabajit Choudhury & Richa Jain
Desiree & Dale Christensen
Andy & Kitty Chwalek
Kris A. Clark & Sarah J. Massey
Mrs. E.J. Cockcroft
Larry & Linda Cohen
Lois & Tom Colberg
Shannon J. Coleman
Gay H. Connley
Ron & Michelle Cornett
Duane K. & Patricia P. Cote
Cynthia A. Cox & Kimberly R. Bond
Linda K. & Stanford E. Cramer
Tim & Lorraine Creston
Kristy Cruz & Sally Bearman
Laura S. & Marc E. Cruz
Bonnie Cunningham
Jerry L. & Nancy B. Dahlmann
Nina & Timothy Daldrup
Diane Daly & Edita Tomory
Judith & Gary Davidson
Tracy S. & Sandra M. Deason
Claire E. & Wayne Decker
Norman D. & Linda Dennis
James & Elaine Dertien
Debbie D. & Maddie Detor
Bruno & Angela Dinne
Geri Dooley & Jeannette Olsson
Renee C. Downing &
Edgar A. Dryden
Dani Duniho
Vernon & Patrica A. Dunlap
Jenna & Brent Edwards
Candyce M. Egan
Lois & Rick Eisenstein
Julie & Jack Enfield
Charles & Patricia Erickson
Montra & Les Ervin
Christian A. Espinoza &
Madeline Sanchez
Nathan W. & Carrie P. Farnsworth
Suzanne Fauber & Carol Miller
Marc Fink & Trudy Mills
David & Jean Firestine
Linda Foster & Bonnie Johnson
Julie W. & Scott D. Fouts
Ricardo & Miriam Frascari
Irene S. & Richard P. Freeman
Brian W. & William F. French
Paul S. & Jene L. Gallegos
Laura Garrison
John C. & Kinga Gaspers
Maureen Gaynor
Tim Gelety & Marta Silva
April D. & Seth S. Gering
John B. Germano &
Rosemary L. Arca
Melanie Germond & Mary A.
Katherine L. Gerst &
Brian A. Hunter
Hannah Glasston & Patrick Hynes
Antoinette & Michael Goldstein
Melissa D. Gomes
Lourdes M. & Juan Gonzalez
Elizabeth Good & Vanessa Wolf
Virginia F. Goss & David M. Goetz
Ardith & George Grady
Natalie & Jeremy Graham
Michael T. Graydon
Giulio & Joan Grecchi
Donna & Robin Green
James & Kristina L. Green
Ravi & Timothy Grivois-Shah
Jane Grover
Michael Gura & Allison Wilson
Lora N. Gutierrez
Jennifer & Brian Haberlin
Cynthia M. Hagerman &
Roma S. Murray
Lynn K. Hall
Eugene X. & Patricia S. Hall
Brian M. & Becca Hammer
Lindsay Hansen & Ryan Robinson
Ingrid & Jeannette Hartshorne
Susan L. Hausser
Christine Hazen Molina & Fernando
Linda & Jim Hefele
Thomas & Donna Hefley
Geneva J. Heller
Ariel Henderson & Joshua Gleich
Jeffrey W. Henderson &
Kay F. Quinn
Terri L. & Tim Hendricks
Jayne Henninger & Joy D. Deehan
Christina M. &
Gerson E. Henriquez
Vickie S. Hermosillo
Charles J. & Dolores Higgins
W. Richard & Susan L. Hildreth
Georgina L. Hillman &
Vik Bachmann
Rebecca S. & Rick E. Hindman
Heather Hiscox & Al Yates
Jeremy T. Hlivko & Katie E. Kitzke
Rebecca L. Hobson
Rachell L. Hochheim &
Reta A. Hicks
Arthur & Jan Hoffman
Kristen Hoggatt-Abader &
Gamal Abader
Jan & Dick Hokanson
Jennifer & Brad Holt
Julie A. & Andy Holtz
Peter & Margaret M. Hovell
Kendra B. & Rebecca Howard
Elizabeth & William Ignatoff
Dora M. Ihrke & Ryan W. Nelson
Ross Iwamoto & Marianne Vivirito
Jennie Jacob & Hedda Levin
Jennifer & Laurel Jacobs
Laura & John Jewett
Luke D. & Tricia Johnson
Tim S. & Tricia M. Johnson
Lynn & Dale Johnson
Peggy Johnson & Joe Tarver
Robert & Beverly Jones
Leah D. & Bryon J. Jordan
Angela & Paul Julien
Jeffrey P. & Maria B. Kantor
Lee Karalis & Ken Everingham
Robert Karn & Christina Laukaitis
Negar Katirai & Sergio Puig
Lendre & King Kearns
Marsha Kelly & Barbara Luna
Janelle & Kurt Kennedy
Judith Kent & Ion Bazgan
Becky & Bill Keyes
Jessica & Jahanzeb Khan
Caroline King & Shannon Deady
Suzette & Edgar King
Hal & Liz Kingslien
Jennifer & Chris Kirkpatrick
Mary Klaehn & Susan Morgan
Jenny R. & Paul C. Knappenberger
Carolyn M. Kobe
Kristy J. & Alan Kohler
Toni & Mark Koskiniemi
Janett Kraetz & David Goodkin
Laurel J. Lacher &
Michael A. Milczarek
Sara LaFontain & Ryan Williams
Batool & Brian Lamb
Scott W. & Kathryn Landry
Stephen M. & Carrie L. Lane
Dominic D. LaRoche &
Audrey R. Nelson
Cheryl L. Larson & Sang Y. O
Kathy Lauerman
Tina LeMarque-Denison &
Bob Denison
Victoria & Richard Leon
Desi & David Leotaud
James R. & Tina L. Lersch
Inge E. & Gerardo A. Leyva
Julene M. Lind
Jody Long
Chad M. & Amanda Longoni
Sunni R.R. & Frank G. Lopez
Lisa Lovallo & Terri Kessler
Tucson Botanical Gardens
TBG1502 Winter 2015 Newsletter-03.indd 15
Nancy & George Mairs
Dianne Maki-Sethi & Ravi Sethi
Dallin C. & Sarah N. Marcy
Kristine Marsh
Meaghan M. & Bonnie J. Marshall
Daniel G. Matlick
Peter Matlock & Sarah Matsiko
Carol & Edward Max
Patty & Ross McCallister
Susan W. & David E. McClinton
Rosemary McCool & Myron Pecora
John McDaid
Renee E. McDuffie
Gordon L. & Virginia M. McGirr
Mary & Timothy McKinney
Mary & Dennis McMacken
Kathy McMahon & Chris Magirl
Christina McNearney &
Steve Phillips
Linda C. & Michael F. McNulty
Doreen McPaul & Aaron Tachine
DeeDee & Michael Means
Paul & Kate Melo
Cassandra & Dylan Meynard
Abby & Charley Michieli
Kevin J. & Donelle Milcic
Clint S. & Catherine D. Miller
Anne R. Moore
Janet Mordecai
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard M. Morenz
Suzanne & Thomas Morrison
Clint J. Moss
Claudia & Lourdes Mota
Ryan A. & Yoneri Munoz
Karma A. & Christian J. Nash
Jerry & Stacey Neely
Stephanie Neese & Candy Dreyer
Anna Nelson-Moseke &
Douglas Moseke
Patricia A. & Alan C. Newell
Anna & Kevin Nichols
Sheila A. North & Mary Startz
Katie & Chris P. O’Brien
Steve & Janet Olafson
Julia K. Olsen & Quentin J. Petersen
Jennifer D. & Mickey E. Oswald
Susan & Charles Ott
Necoe L. Otto-Parkinson
Toniann Panetta
Sandra L. Pena
Alyce Pennington & Richard Trapp
Veronica Peralta & Ryan Pederson
Jane B. & Patrick A. Perri
Katherine Peterson &
Pierre M. Landau
Mary & Kent Pflibsen
Alissa & Mark Phelps
Nancy J. Philipp & Daniel A. Orie
Steven W. & Jenny Phillips
Cheryl J. & Gary M. Pickrell
John M. & Susan M. Pifer
Nancy Polster
Donald K. Poore &
Barbara G. Palmer
Kathleen Porterfield &
Norwood Eggeling
Michael & Amanda
Carla & Eric Preiss
Colette & Jerry Price
Gail L. & Ronald Priestley
Vera I. & Kasandra K. Provencio
Katy Prudic
Kara Quintela & Rob Rudolphi
Virginia Radin
Nicole J. & Jeremiah Rakes
Julie R. Ramirez & Elise R. Smith
Maury E. & Dick Reed
Carolyn J. Reinhart & Lauren Nowell
Becca & Justin Riccardi
James & Myldred Richardson
Chandra J. Riddle Hill &
Greg R. Stachurski
Jack & Lynda Riell
James D. & Arlene Ripley
Yvonne M. & Manny Rodriguez
Tim & Linda Rodriguez
Fernando J. Rodriguez &
Gloria J. Day
Karen D. & Thomas E. Rogers
Sharon Rosenfield
John J. & Carol S. Ross
Renee L. & Kenneth K. Rupp
Maryann & James Ryan
Peter & Donna Saavedra
Alissa Sadalla
Deborah J. & Marc Sandroff
Camillo & Cynthia Scherer
Robert & Amelia Schowengerdt
Jan Schwartz & Judith McDaniel
Joan & Jeff Scurran
Carrie & Michael Seegmiller
Kim Self & Sean Madden
Robert E. & Sallie A. Seymour
Robin & David Shambach
Leta Sharp & Brian Le
Mel L. & Chris J. Shipley
Britney T. & Chris P. Shockley
Fay M. Sias & Alma Sosa
Robin Siddle & Johnathan Herring
Frances A. Sierra
Gila S. Silverman
Scott S. Simonson &
Shannon L. Conner
Bob & Helga Small
Donald Smith & Julie Ferdon
Patrick & Julie Smith
Angie & Michael Smith
Timothy J. & Louise L. Spears
Stevie J. & Jeff R. Spillers
Yevgeniy Starobinskiy &
Radmila Starobinskaya
Candis Stein & Lisa Rakestraw
Katie O. Stellitano & Karl Rosen
Penny & David Stewart
Uwe & Lori Stolz
Donna M. & Ray Stout
Heather Strickland & Kevin Maskell
Brad & Jane Stroup
Tamzin & Alex Sugiyama
Jo Sullivan
Wayne & Mary Sunne
Phyllis S. & Charles M. Tampio
Kurt E. & Sherrill Tannert
Joy C. & Dominic D. Taranto
Barbara & Frank Taylor
Laurie A. & John E. Teachout
Jean A. Titilah & Emilio E. Falco
Marylyn & Gene Tobey
Art Torrance & Heidi B. Harley
Jo Townsend
Jaqueline J. Turchick &
Ted Warmbrand
Jessica M. & Ernest R. Udero
Anne M. Urizar
Maria A. & Frank S. Valenzuela
Dr. David B. & Ellen B. Vellenga
Natalie & Ludell Vibal
Joanne P. Victory
Pamela J. & Terry H. Vondrak
Glen & Glenda Voyles
Erin M. & James M. Wadleigh
Kris Walker & Michael Bissontz
Melissa & Glen Waters
Dr. Thomas & Mrs. Arlene Webster
Kassandra & Brian Weleck
Krista & Ryan Wells
Joe Wells & Susan D. Wells
Janice Wezelman
Polly White & Jeff Foote
Devin E. Wimmer &
Michelle Chavis
Wilma L. Wingert & Sheila Y. Mosier
Keren & Jeffrey Winkelman
Janet & Barry Winkler
Desiree M. & Dave E. Wolf
Megan Wood & Helen Bishop
Karen Workman
Larry & Jean Young
Donna Zeidel & James Bockowski
Chris Zerendow &
Kathleen Glasgow
Dalia & Kevin Zimmerman
Cholla Members
John & Laura Almquist
Eric & Christine Behling
Barbara & William S. Bickel
Barry S. & Gina G. Blackwell
Robin & Robert Borok
Robin Buntz-Harris
Nancy D. Cook
Kye & Helen Cordier
Gail Craig-Jager & Jan Jager
Londa H. Dalton
Sandra L. & Gary Darling
Mrs. Isabel Delgado &
Mr. Raul F. Delgado, Jr.
Patricia Deridder
Wilhelm & Elsbeth Frueh
Ronald A. & Jeri Fullerton
Michele C. Hacherl & Bill Zucker
Anne & Chip Haley
Amy L. & Richard Hammel
Eileen Haney & Alfred McEwen
Reuben Hill & Jeanette Wendt
Gayle & Frederic J&rey
Marianne Jensen
John Johnson
Gene & Jane Joseph
Valerie Kaplan
Elizabeth Kennedy &
Barbara Prebis
Brenda Koedyker
Col. Kent & Mary Laughbaum
Dr. Arnold & Susan Licht
Robert T. Lucas
Diana & Brian Manning
John Marshall
Kenneth Martch
Peggy & Gary D. Martin
Stephen Nelson &
Feng-Jyu Tang-Nelson
Ann & Catherine Nichols
Lucille J. Netsch & Thorne Pierce
Sheetal K. Pittala &
Vinitha Donthula
Jane Prinz
Elizabeth A. & John Racy
Evan E. Roubicek
Cathy & Steven Sams
Kathi & Doug Sanders
Robert H. & Allene A. Sayre
Lawrence & Donna Schmale
Patricia & Joseph Smith
Janet Swanson
Liz Temple & Ron Kroll
William & Sue Thornton
Dorothea & Jean Touchet
Debbie Unger
Kevin A. Walters
Carol W. & Neil West
Mr. & Mrs. Richard J. Wolff
Mary K. Yagle & Nathan A. Ellis
Jasmine Young & Clark S. Williams
Agave Members
Nina F. & George J. Kersels
Barbara Lamb
Octillo Members
Virginia Rezetko
Saguaro Members
Edna Gray
Have a question? Please contact
the membership department at
326-9686 ext. 13, membership@
11/12/15 9:35 AM
Nonprofit Org.
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 2049
Tucson, AZ
2150 N. Alvernon Way
Tucson, Arizona 85712
Address Service Requested
The Gardens and Gift Shop
are open daily from 8:30 a.m.
to 4:30 p.m.
Abbreviated hours on
Independence Day.
Closed Thanksgiving Day,
Christmas Eve, Christmas Day
and New Year’s Day.
(520) 326-9686 ext 10
(800) 367-8939
[email protected]
Twitter: @TucBotanical
Instagram: @tucsonbotanical
Holiday Parties and
Corporate Events at
the Tucson Botanical
For your next meeting are you looking for something other than a board
room? Are you looking for a place to inspire creativity and focus? Look no
further- the Tucson Botanical Gardens has meeting rooms to accommodate
12 to120. We can also host your dinner event, holiday party or employee
appreciation celebrations. Plan an evening under the stars and treat your
employees to our Butterfly Magic Exhibit. For more information and pricing
call (520) 326-9686 Ext. 29 or email [email protected]
TBG1502 Winter 2015 Newsletter-03.indd 16
11/12/15 9:35 AM