Untitled - Dragons Den
Untitled - Dragons Den
Doors open at 8AM. Competition starts at 9AM with First Timer Divisions, Self-Defense, and Point Kickboxing. Kata & Kumite for JUNIORS will begin promptly after, followed by ADULTS. Rules for all divisions can be downloaded at CKChampionships.com First Timer Kata (Forms) Div # Age Style/Info FTK-1 FTK-2 FTK-3 FTK-4 7 & under 8-9 10-11 12-17 First Timer First Timer First Timer First Timer Rank Gender All All All All M/F M/F M/F M/F First Timer Kumite (Point-Sparring) Div # Age Rank FS-132 FS-133 FS-134 FS-135 FS-136 FS-137 FS-138 FS-139 FS-140 FS-141 6 & under 7-8 9-11 12-14 15-17 6 & under 7-8 9-11 12-14 15-17 All All All All All All All All All All Junior Traditional Kata (Forms) Div # Age Rank K-5 K-5.1 K-6 K-7 K-8 K-9 K-10 K-11 K-12 K-13 K-14 K-15 K-16 K-17 K-18 K-19 K-20 K-21 K-22 K-23 K-24 K-25 K-26 K-27 K-28 K-29 K-30 K-31 K-32 K-33 K-34 K-35 K-36 K-37 K-38 K-39 K-40 K-41 K-42 K-43 K-44 K-45 K-46 K-47 K-48 K-49 K-50 K-51 K-52 K-53 K-54 K-55 K-56 K-57 K-58 K-59 K-60 K-61 K-62 K-63 K-64 K-65 K-66 K-67 K-68 K-69 K-70 K-71 K-72 K-73 K-74 K-75 All All Nov Nov Int Int Adv Adv Nov Nov Int Int Adv Adv Nov Nov Int Int Adv Adv Exp Exp Nov Nov Int Int Adv Adv Exp Exp Nov Nov Int Int Adv Adv Exp Exp All All Nov Nov Int Int Adv Adv Nov Nov Int Int Adv Adv Nov Nov Int Int Adv Adv Exp Exp Nov Nov Int Int Adv Adv Exp Exp Nov Nov Int Int 5 & under 5 & under 6-7 6-7 6-7 6-7 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 11 & under 11 & under 12-14 12-14 12-14 12-14 12-14 12-14 12-14 12-14 15-17 15-17 15-17 15-17 15-17 15-17 15-17 15-17 5 & under 5 & under 6-7 6-7 6-7 6-7 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 11 & under 11 & under 12-14 12-14 12-14 12-14 12-14 12-14 12-14 12-14 15-17 15-17 15-17 15-17 J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Gender M M M M M F F F F F Gender M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F Junior Traditional Kata (Forms) Div # Age Style/Info K-76 K-77 K-78 K-79 15-17 15-17 15-17 15-17 Rank Gender Adv Adv Exp Exp M F M F Rank Gender Nov/Int Adv/Exp Nov/Int Adv/Exp N/I/A Exp Exp N/I/A M/F M/F M/F M/F M/F M/F M/F M/F Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Junior CMA & Open Kata (Forms) Div # Age Style/Info K-80 K-81 K-82 K-83 K-84 K-85 K-86 K-87 11 & under 17 & under 12-17 12-17 11 & under 11 & under 12-17 12-17 Kung-fu (CMA) Kung-fu (CMA) Kung-fu (CMA) Kung-fu (CMA) Open (music opt) Open (music opt) Open (music opt) Open (music opt) Junior Self-Defense (9AM) Div # Age SD-1 SD-2 SD-3 SD-4 SD-5 11 & under 11 & under 12-17 12-17 17 & under Rank Gender Nov Int Nov Int Exp M/F M/F M/F M/F M/F Junior Weapon Kata (Forms) Div # Age Style/Info Rank Gender W-111 W-112 W-113 W-114 W-115 W-116 W-117 W-118 W-119 W-120 W-121 W-122 W-123 W-124 W-125 N/I/A Nov/Int Adv Exp Nov/Int Adv Exp N/I/A Exp Nov/Int Adv Exp Nov/Int Adv Exp M/F M/F M/F M/F M/F M/F M/F M/F M/F M/F M/F M/F M/F M/F M/F 9 & under Trad Weapons 10-11 Trad Weapons 10-11 Trad Weapons 11 & under Trad Weapons 12-14 Trad Weapons 12-14 Trad Weapons 12-14 Trad Weapons 15-17 Trad Weapons 15-17 Trad Weapons 11 & underOpen Weapons (music opt) 11 & underOpen Weapons (music opt) 11 & underOpen Weapons (music opt) 12-17 Open Weapons (music opt) 12-17 Open Weapons (music opt) 12-17 Open Weapons (music opt) Junior Kumite (Point-Sparring) Div # Age S-142 S-143 S-144 S-145 S-146 S-147 S-148 S-149 S-150 S-151 S-152 S-153 S-154 S-155 S-156 S-157 S-158 S-159 S-160 S-161 S-162 S-163 S-164 S-165 S-166 S-167 S-168 S-169 S-170 S-171 S-172 S-173 S-174 S-175 S-176 S-177 S-178 S-179 S-180 S-181 5 & under 5 & under 6-7 6-7 6-7 6-7 6-7 6-7 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 10-11 12-14 15-17 12-14 15-17 12-14 15-17 12-14 15-17 12-14 15-17 12-14 15-17 12-14 15-17 12-14 15-17 Rank All All Nov Nov Int Int Adv/Exp Adv/Exp Nov Nov Int Int Adv Adv Exp Exp Nov Nov Int Int Adv Adv Exp Exp Nov Nov Nov Nov Int Int Int Int Adv Adv Adv Adv Exp Exp Exp Exp Gender M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M F M M F F M M F F M M F F M M F F Junior GRAND CHAMPION Divisions **Junior Grand Championships will start after ALL Junior competitons end.** 7 & under Traditional Kata • 8-11 Traditional Kata • 12-17 Traditional Kata 7 & under Boys Sparring • 7 & under Girls Sparring • 8-11 Boys Sparring 8-11 Girls Sparring • 12-14 Boys Sparring •12-14 Girls Sparring 15-17 Boys Sparring • 15-17 Girls Sparring Adult Traditional Kata (Forms) Div # Age Style/Info K-91 K-92 K-93 K-94 K-95 K-96 K-97 K-98 K-99 K-100 K-101 K-102 K-103 K-104 18+ 18+ 18+ 18+ 18+ 35+ 35+ 18+ 18+ 18+ 18+ 18+ 35+ 35+ Rank Gender J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O J/K/O Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Kenpo/Kajukenbo Adult CMA & Open Kata Forms Div # Age Style/Info K-105 K-106 K-107 K-110 Rank 18+ 18+ 18+ M/F M/F M/F M/F Gender Nov Int Exp Adult Weapon Kata (Forms) Div # Age Style/Info W-126 W-127 W-128 W-129 W-130 W-131 M/F M/F M/F M F M F M/F M/F M/F M F M F Rank Gender 18+ Kung-fu (CMA) Nov/Int 18+ Kung-fu (CMA) Adv/Exp 18+ Open Weapons (music opt) N/I/A 18+ Open Weapons (music opt) Exp Adult Self-Defense (9AM) Div # Age SD-6 SD-7 SD-8 Nov Int Adv Exp Exp Exp Exp Nov Int Adv Exp Exp Exp Exp M/F M/F M/F Rank Gender 18+ Traditional Weapons Nov/Int 18+ Traditional Weapons Adv 18+ Traditional Weapons Exp 35+ Traditional Weapons Exp 18+ Open Weapons (music opt) N/I/A 18+ Open Weapons (music opt) Exp M/F M/F M/F M/F M/F M/F Adult Kumite (Point-Sparring) Div # Age Info Rank Gender S-182 S-183 S-184 S-185 S-186 S-187 S-188 S-189 S-190 S-191 S-192 S-193 S-194 Nov Int Adv Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Exp Nov Int Adv Exp 18+ 18+ 18+ 18+ 18+ 18+ 18+ 35+ 35+ 18+ 18+ 18+ 18+ all weights all weights all weights 155 & under 156-170 171-189 190+ 169 & under 170+ all weights all weights all weights all weights M M M M M M M M M F F F F Adult GRAND CHAMPION Divisions 18+ N/I/A Kata • 18+ Black Belt Kata • 18+ N/I/A Mens Sparring 18+ Black Belt Mens Sparring • 18+ All Ranks Adult Womens Sparring CKC Point Kickboxing (9AM) Div # Age Weight Gender CFM-13 8 & under CFM-14 8 & under CFM-1 11 & under CFM-2 11 & under CFM-3 12-14 CFM-4 12-14 CFM-5 15-17 CFM-6 15-17 CFM-7 15-17 CFM-8 18+ CFM-9 18+ CFM-10 18+ CFM-11 18+ CFM-12 18+ 55 lbs. and under 55.1 lbs.+ 66 lbs. and under 66.1 lbs. + 99 lbs. and under 99.1 lbs. + 121 lbs. and under 122.1 -145 lbs. 145.1 lbs. + 130 lbs. and under 131.1-146 lbs. 146.1-173 lbs. 173.1-200 lbs. 200.1 lbs. + M M M M M M M M M M M M M M CFF-13 CFF-14 CFF-1 CFF-2 CFF-3 CFF-4 CFF-5 CFF-6 CFF-7 CFF-8 CFF-9 CFF-10 CFF-11 CFF-12 55 lbs. and under 55.1 lbs. + 66 lbs. and under 66.1 lbs. + 99 lbs. and under 99.1 lbs. + 121 lbs. and under 121.1-145 lbs. 145.1 lbs. 130 and under 130.1-151 lbs. 151.1-173 lbs. 173.1-200 lbs. 200.1 lbs. + F F F F F F F F F F F F F F 8 & under 8 & under 11 & under 11 & under 12-14 12-14 15-17 15-17 15-17 18+ 18+ 18+ 18+ 18+ 2016 ENTER THE DRAGONS DEN REGISTRATION FORM REGISTRATION MUST BE POSTMARKED BY PRE REG DATE FOR PRE REG PRICES TO BE HONORED - THANK YOU! Make Copies of This Registration Form - One Form Per Competitor - Please Print Clearly - 2. LIST DIV #’S ENTERING: 1. COMPETITOR INFORMATION: Last Name:__________________________ First: ________________ M/ F:___ Weight: ____ Rank: (Circle) NOV INT ADV BLK E-Mail: _________________________________ Birthdate:______/______/______ Competition Age (as of 1/1/16): _________ Address:____________________________ City: _______________ State _____ ZIP ______ Home Ph:_______-________-____________ Emergency Ph: _______ - ________ - _________ Instructor: __________________________ Team: _________________________________ Dojo: ______________________________ Emergency Ph: _______ - ________ - _________ 1_____________ 2_____________ 3_____________ 4_____________ 5_____________ 6_____________ 7_____________ 8___________ Example- N-5 9___________ Please Print Clearly How did you hear about Enter the Dragons Den? (circle) Brochure Mailing TigerClaw.com Word of Mouth PRE-REG BEFORE MAY 27 3. DEADLINES, FEES & PAYMENT INFORMATION: MAIL IN COMPETITORS 2016 Enter the Dragons Den Tournament Date: June 4, 2016 Location: Itliong Vera Cruz Middle School 31604 Alvarado Blvd. Union City, CA 94587 Doors Open: Competition begins: Promoter: Phone: 8AM 9:30AM Jeff & Liza Macalolooy 510-477-6800 First Division Each Additional Coach’s Pass Flyer at a Tournament Internet $45 $15 $15 AT DOOR $60 $20 $20 QTY X 1 X _____ X 1 X COST= TOTAL $____ = $_________ $____ = $_________ $____ = $_________ YOU CAN ALSO GO TO CKCHAMPIONSHIPS.COM TO REGISTER ONLINE. SPECTATORS Each Person (16 yrs+) Kids 6 - 15 years old 5 & under or seniors 65+ 4. COMPETITORS & PARENTS PLEASE READ & SIGN BELOW I, hereby waive any and all rights or claims I may have against Jeff & Liza Macalolooy, Dragons Den LLC, California Karate Championships, NHUSD, Enter the Dragons Den, it's events, it's staff, vendor's, volunteers or Sponsors. Cities and Districts of Dragons Den LLC Sanctioned events, all Dragons Den LLC Sanctioned Tournaments, and all their agents, servants & employees, and I hereby release & discharge them from any and all claims resulting from injuries, including death, damages or loss, which may accrue to me or my heirs arising out of or in any way connected with my attendance &/or participation at any Dragons Den LLC sanctioned event. I represent and warrant that I am physically and mentally fit, able to participate, & I do hereby assume responsibility for my own well-being, understanding that participation involves bodily contact. I have read, understand and agree to abide by the Dragons Den LLC rules associated with Dragons Den LLC events & assume all responsibility & any liability for infringement of such rules & agree to accept the tournament arbitrator's decision as final. I consent to allow any reproductions of me or likeness created in any manner whatsoever, photographed, filmed or video taped in connection with the Dragons Den LLC events which can be used for instruction, publicity, promotion or television broadcast & I waive any & all compensation in regards thereto. I agree that I have obtained permission form the artist's of any music I use in conjunction with my competition & verify by signing this permission that in doing such, I will indemnify, defend & hold harmless all the above named parties from any liability for use of such music & that this artist's permission permits the above named parties to use such music in recorded performances of myself for instructional purposes, publicity, promotion, video &/or televised broadcast & I waive any & all compensation for such. STAFF/ OFFICIALS MUST ALSO SIGN THIS WAIVER __________________________________________________________________________________ Competitor or Parent/Guardian Signature Assuming responsibility if under 18 _____/_____/_____ DATE $15 $5 FREE $20 $10 FREE _____ X _____ X $____ = $_________ $____ = $_________ TOTAL DUE = $ To be filled in by CKC Staff ONLY. RCVD:________/________ AMT: $__________ #:_____________ Processed by____________ STA MP Checkklist - DID YOU: Fill in the correct division #’s @ BOX 2? (Double check! DRAGONS DEN is not responsible for divisional entry errors. Absolutely NO AT DOOR Division Switching.) Please Sign the release on this enrollment form and fill out player cards per div. Make M.O./Checks for correct amount payable to: DRAGONS DEN MMA Mail THIS FORM, & PAYMENT to: DRAGONS DEN MMA 2801 Whipple Road, Questions? Call 510-477-6800 Union City, CA 94587 POSITIVELY NO REFUNDS - PLEASE DON’T ASK Thank you for your HARD WORK & LOYALTY SUPPORTING ENTER THE DRAGONS DEN! We appreciate YOU! Circle: Judge Score/Time keeper Other_____________________________ Are you Competing? Y/ N Rules experienced in: SKITA NASKA Other_______________ Style(s)_______________________________ Yrs exp. Officiating:_________ Judging Prefrences: (Circle) Forms - Trad / Contemp Sparring- Point / Team Weapons- Trad / Contemp Name__________________________________________________ Age ______ Phone:______________________ Mobile:___________________ Address__________________________________________________ City__________________________ ST_______ Zip___________________ Dojo:____________________________________ Phone__________________________ E-mail:________________________________________