Lankershim (2)
Lankershim (2)
SUGGESTED WALKING ROUTES TO LANKERSHIM ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Only Cross Streets at Intersections NEVER MID BLOCK AREA No 1 If you live Street on or on Walk east Base Line west of Eucalyptus Drive on McKinley Street north of 9 the north side of 9t Street west of Lankershim Avenue on the sidewalk along the north side of 9 Street on entrance of Lankershim to Lankershim Avenue the west side of Lankershim Avenue to the Walk north the sidewalk located intersection of 10t Street Use crosswalk to on cross over Elementary School Reverse path Lankershim Avenue to the to return home AREA No 2 If you live on the west side of Lankershim Avenue north of 9 Street Walk north on the sidewalk along the west side of Lankershim Avenue to the 10t Street Use crosswalk to cross over Lankershim Avenue of Lankershim Elementary School Reverse path to return home intersection of entrance to the AREA No 3 If you live west of Lankershim Avenue and south of 9 Street 9 Street and Lankershim Avenue use crosswalk to At the intersection of Street Walk north cross over 9 the sidewalk along the west side of Lankershim Avenue to the of 10t Street intersection Use crosswalk to cross over Lankershim Avenue to the entrance of Lankershim Elementary School Reverse path to return home on AREA No 4 If you live north of 9 Street on Perry Way Hall Way Daniel Street Eucalyptus Drive Valaria Drive Lynwood Way Temple Street Los Feliz Drive Rosemary or 11t Street or on the north side of Victoria Avenue Walk west on the sidewalk 9 Street to the intersection of along the east side of Lankershim of Lankershim Elementary School Reverse path to retum along Lankershim Avenue Walk north Avenue to the entrance 9t Street between Lankershim Avenue and the north side of on the sidewalk home AREA No 5 If you live on the east side of Victoria Avenue north of 9 Street on Sparks Street Fresno Street or San Francisco Street Walk south on the sidewalk along the east side of Victoria Avenue to the intersection of 9t Street Use crosswalk to cross over Victoria Avenue Walk west on the sidewalk along the north side of 9 Street to the intersection of Lankershim Avenue Walk north on the sidewalk along the east side of Lankershim Avenue Elementary School Reverse path to return home to the entrance of Lankershim AREA No 6 If you live on the of 9 Street between Victoria Avenue and Cunningham Street north of 9th Street on Marshall Court north side Cunningham Street on Corwin Court Benson Court Parker Street or Bruce Street Walk west on the sidewalk along the north side of 9t Street to the intersection of Lankershim Avenue Walk north on the sidewalk along the east side of Lankershim Avenue to the entrance of Lankershim Elementary School Reverse path to retum home AREA No 7 If you live on the south side of 9t Street between Victoria Avenue and Lankershim Avenue or on the west side of Victoria Avenue north of 6th Street Walk west on the sidewalk along the north side of 9t Street to the intersection of Lankershim Avenue Walk north on the sidewalk along the east side of Lankershim Avenue to the entrance of Lankershim Elementary School Reverse path to return home AREA No 8 If you live on Cypress 3rd 5 or 6 Streets between Lankershim Avenue and Victoria Avenue on Roberts Street Grape Street or Eucalyptus Drive south of 9th Street From the intersection of Lankershim Avenue and Cypress Street walk north on the sidewalk along the east side of Lankershim Avenue to the intersection of 9th Street Use crosswalk to cross over 9t Street Continue walking north on the sidewalk located along Elementary School the east side of Lankershim Avenue to the entrance of Lankershim Reverse path to return home C VI I EA R LOOK BOTH WAYS BEFORE CROSSING LEFT RIGHT LEFT AGAIN WALK DONT RUN ACROSS THE STREET CROSS ONLY AT SAFE CORNERS EVEN IF YOU WALK FARTHER CHOOSE THE ROUTE WITH FEWEST STREETS TO CROSS CROSS STREETS AT CROSSWALKS WHEN POSSIBLE OBEY TRAFFIC SIGNS AND SIGNALS FACE TRAFFIC WHEN WALKING ON STREETS WITHOUT SIDEWALKS WATCH FOR TURNING CARS KEEP FROM WALKING BETWEEN PARKED CARS REFUSE TO RIDE WITH STRANGERS Yy T 1 J 9 v 7i