magical mystery tour


magical mystery tour
Price per person
Friday, September 23, 2016 $75.00
mys•tery / noun
: something which baffles or perplexes and defies explanation
The less you know; the more you want to go!
It’s intriguing, exciting and lots to see and do.
Come along on my mystery tour and join our traveling crew!
We’ll hop on the bus and not miss a beat,
to a forested mountain area with lots of crafty people to meet!
We’ll start out our day at the General Store, then it’s on
to the village to learn lots of folklore!
There’s so much fun here, even music in the hills,
you’ll feel just like a kid again, with frills beyond thrills!
Learning classes we can take, and exhibits we will see,
plus also included here is a nice lunch for you and me!
Baskets and weaving and pottery oh my, knives, leather and
gardens; surely there’s something you’ll want to buy.
Then as we finish our day and head back to our state,
you’ll want to mark your calendar for next year’s mystery date!
So have you decided, are you in on the fun,
sign up right now, don’t tuck your tail and run!
For booking or more information,
contact Delilah Johnson
417-935-2293, ext. 113 or
[email protected]
Deposit Per Person: $50
Final Payment Deadline:
August 15, 2016
Prices are per person
and subject to change.
Penalties begin once
final payment is made. Minimum
number of passengers must be met.