December - Temple of Aaron
December - Temple of Aaron
The Aaronion TEMPLE OF AARON’S MONTHLY NEWSLETTER 616 S. Mississippi River Blvd. • St. Paul, MN 55116-1099 (651) 698-8874 • Vol. 89 • No. 4 December 1, 2013 Business Manager Shelley Diamond Concludes Temple of Aaron Career Shelley Diamond began working for the synagogue as our bookkeeper in 1990. She will be leaving December 31, 2013 as our Business Manager using her financial skills in a private entrepreneurial manner. We are grateful for her knowledge, dedication, thoroughness, persistence, and willingness to master and integrate newly-learned advances in technology into the daily function of the Temple’s office. Shelley always worked well with our various banks, money managers, vendors, clergy, independent accounting firm, staff and excelled at trying to help members solve financial concerns. Her attention to detail and commitment to her job is undeniable. She made a significant difference in moving Temple of Aaron forward from typewriters to personal computers, networks, servers, yahrzeit software, and more. Training and periodic hardware/software upgrades were crucial parts of her strategic plan. Shelley kept her focus on information security, reliability, competitive bidding and planned cost-effectiveness as we modernized at a steady pace. Her work with customized financial and synagogue software has made the daily operation more controlled and verifiable. Shelley helped maintain tight financial controls while membership increased and these controls have been very valuable as we have declined in size. Temple of Aaron continues to be a crucial resource for hundreds and hundreds of members while remaining one of the top 25 Conservative Synagogues in North America in terms of membership. She has been a steady, professional resource behind the scenes to insure the synagogue operates in a smooth controlled fashion. The entire Temple of Aaron community thanks Shelley for her service and wishes her good luck with her future endeavors. If you wish to send your good wishes to Shelley, you can still do so this month using her Temple email: [email protected]. 28 Kislev, 5774 Temple of Aaron’s 8 Crazy Days of Hanukah Something for Everyone! ov. 28 - Dec. 5 Lunch and Learn, Kinnus, Latke Lunch, Cooking Class, Story Time, Dreidel and More! 11/28 11/29 11/30 12/1 – – – – 12/2 – 12/3 – 12/4 – 12/5 – Temple of Aaron USYers Kinnus Retiree Latke Lunch at Cecils College Kesher lunch for college students Men’s Club, Sisterhood & Social Justice cooking class at Temple of Aaron Story Time, Dreidel & Candle Lighting, Toddler thru 1st Graders and families Champps in St. Paul for drinks, featuring guest bartenders Religious School “World Series of Dreidel” Twin Cities largest dreidel competition TAXY Lunch and Learn More information for all events at December 8, 2013 Post Hanukah Celebration & Latke Bash A morning filled with meaningful and fun programming! During Classes: USY/Education Social Action Programming in Classrooms 10:45am: Congregational Special Hanukah Program 11:15am: Latkes & Nosh in Stein Hall Entire congregation invited to join us for this celebration. Questions? Susie Haim, Administrative Assistant [email protected] (651)698-8874 ext 104 *Sponsored by David A Berg Family Endowment with help from the Men’s Club Cooking Crew From the Rabbi’s Desk . . . Happy Thankshanukah Even rare coincidences can lead to important lessons. brighter and each day we feel more proud. This year, American Jews will celebrate Thanksgiving and Hanukah together, lighting two candles before sitting with family and friends for a Thanksgiving meal. It has happened a few times in the past, but won’t happen again until 2070. There are some fascinating parallels in these two holidays. It was not always clear that the light would, or should, increase. Indeed, in the Talmudic (200 CE) discussion of Hanukah (Shabbat 21b) there is much debate on how to light the candles and in what order. Both holidays focus on a celebration with family at home. Many national holidays are already home focused and gathering around a table for a meal is a poignant image of a loving connection. Most Jewish holidays have a family component in addition to a synagogue connection. Hanukah, however is focused entirely on the family. The central mitzvah is to all gather and light the menorah together. No matter how late in the evening it is, we are to wait until everyone is home in order to light. It is almost a holiday designed for our modern, full schedules. It reinforces the centrality of community in our lives. Thanksgiving and Hanukah each express gratitude. For the early settlers, it was the relief of a sufficient harvest with enough left to save for the winter. President Abraham Lincoln, in his 1863 proclamation solidifying the timing of the holiday, expresses gratitude and adds the element of praise. His statement begins: “The year that is drawing towards its close, has been filled with the blessings of fruitful fields and healthful skies. To these bounties, which are so constantly enjoyed that we are prone to forget the source from which they come, others have been added, which are of so extraordinary a nature, that they cannot fail to penetrate and soften even the heart which is habitually insensible to the ever watchful providence of Almighty God.” Jewish tradition also acknowledges the miracles around us during Hanukah as we celebrate Jewish survival based on a triumph of both might and spirit. We celebrate by gathering together, and proudly adding light to the menorah, in the front window of our homes, in full view of the world. Each day it gets There we read: “Our Rabbis taught that the mitzvah of Hanukah is for each person to light the candles in their own home... Bet Shammai maintains: On the first day (of Hanukah) eight lights are lit and thereafter they are gradually reduced; but Bet Hillel say: On the first day one is lit and thereafter they are progressively increased.” Here modern tradition follows, as it so often does, the Bet (School of) Hillel, we increase in light. The reason is given a bit later: “Bet Hillel’s practice is founded on the principle that we should only go up in holiness, as opposed to decreasing our holiness.” We increase in light because we build up in holiness, not down. This is the essential message of Hanukah. We are a religion that challenges ourselves and the world, to improve. We are not content to accept the status quo in our own lives, or in the world around us, but actively bring ever increasing light wherever we can. This is a year of coincidence, with both holidays overlapping. The message of Hanukah must continue well beyond the holiday. We ritually light and build on that light for the eight days that the oil lasted. But we must also regard it as getting a running start for the ninth, tenth, eleventh nights, and so on. Each day we must bring light. Each day we must teach, learn, give and reach out to others. Each day we must find a dark corner and illumine it with our actions. Each day we must continue to increase the light, so that we can give others the ability to see the miracles around them, and give them reasons to be grateful. This is what it means to truly increase in holiness. Have a joyous and meaningful holiday season. 2 Rabbi Alan Shavit-Lonstein 651-698-8874 ext. 111 Email: [email protected] Twitter: @RabbiAlanSL Facebook: Weekly Torah: DECEMBER WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES We display every 5 years and all anniversaries of more than 50 years מזל טוב 25 Marianna and Felix Blyakher 30 Sandy and Joe Wolkowicz 35 Laurie and Lee Kamman 35 Wendy and Steve Baldinger 40 Linda and Larry Eisenstadt 40 Candy and Mike Malinoff 53 Revekka and Grigoriy Shneur 54 Lucille and Burt Garr 54 Elaine and Howard Kuretsky 56 Joanie and Alan Levey 57 Honey and Larry Zelle 60 Evie and Mel Kamin 66 Esther and Marty Capp Department of Informal Education Mark Gulner Director of Informal Education & Marketing [email protected] 651-698-8874 ext. 115 Seventeen TUSY members celebrated Thankshanukah with over 200 other 9-12th graders from across the Midwest for this year’s Kinnus in Kansas City. The theme “The Hunger Games: Igniting the Power Within” was the focus throughout the weekend. The students learned, prayed and had fun while spending Shabbat together in a unique USY experience. It was great to see many of our students actively lead everything from study groups to services. Some of the highlights from the weekend included going to see the new “Hunger Games” movie, spend time together at the water park inside the hotel and some amazing ruach during and after meals. It is clear that the next generation of young Jewish leaders will come from the group of students who attended this outstanding convention. COLLEGE KESHER UPDATE!!! Rabbi Fine and Mark Gulner visited Madison and treated the students to a Kosher dinner at Hillel. Everyone had a great time telling old stories and catching up on the amazing things they are all doing now. In November our college students received Hanukah packages including fun Hanukah tchatzkies, a How-to Pumpkin Menorah, and a letter from the Rabbis. Also, included was an invitiation to College Kesher Shabbat on November 30. If you have not already updated your student’s college address and/or donated $36 to help keep the fund going please do so. We want everyone involved! BE ON THE LOOKOUT! Summer Resource packets coming soon to your homes. This will include potential jobs, internship, and summer activities for college students. 3 Lilmod U’lilamed — “To Teach and to Learn”- Pirkei Avot ללמד וללמד Joshua Fineblum Director of Education & Community Life [email protected] 651-698-8874 ext. 103 Midat Hachodesh: Sameach B’chelko — Those who are content with their portion This important concept in Judaism is one which is seen in the text of Pirkei Avot 4:1. Ben Zoma taught: Who is rich? Those who are content with their portion. This idea of happiness should be one which is on our minds during this time of year. Each of us should be happy and rejoice in the holiday of Hanukah and the great miracle of the Maccabbees conquering the enemy and rededicating the Temple in Jerusalem. This miracle of .איזהו עשיר? השמח בחלקו joy is what we should celebrate during these days and even though we like to dwell on the commercialization of what the holiday has become we must also think about those who are less fortunate than us and give back if we are able. While it has become customary to give and receive gifts, we should also think about being happy and not wanting more than what we need but happy with what we have. Are you happy with what you have today? Hanukah is already here! Wow, this year is flying by and we are really doing a ton of great things each month here at Temple of Aaron. Please join us during these Eight Days of Hanukah with some wonderful programming for the entire family to partake in. It all begins on November 30 as we invite our college students to join us Shabbat morning. Rabbi Alan Shavit-Lonstein and family as well as Andrea and I will be opening our homes to the newborn-through-first-grade communities on Monday, December 2 for Storytime, playing Dreidel, and lighting candles. The Wednesday Schools will be involved in the “World Series of Dreidel” on Wednesday, December 4, including a meat dinner with latkes, and we will hold our Post-Hanukah celebration on Sunday, December 8. That post celebration will include our annual Latke Bash sponsored by the David A. Berg Family endowment with help from the Men’s Club Cooking Crew. As Hanukah comes to a close we get ready for a Chinese Got Shabbat congregation Dinner on Friday, December 13. Please reserve your seat for the yummy evening with Susie Haim or myself. Our Got Shabbat dinners have been a wonderful experience and reason to come together and celebrate Shabbat each month as we share a meal together before services or after Prayers in PJs. It should be a fun night with catering from “Spirit of Asia.” As we wind down the 2013 calendar year, we should each ask ourselves if we have done all that we wanted to this past year and look ahead to how we can be involved moving forward. I urge each of you to look at all of the things we have happening here at Temple of Aaron and join us for a Shabbat morning youth program with your children, a Sunday educational program, or social event. We have lots going on and want to see you take advantage of what we have to offer. See you soon and Chag Sameach! New Shabbat Programming: As part of our new initiatives for the year we will be having programming every single Shabbat for some segment of our youth population along with a special dessert or luncheon. Please mark your calendars and become a part of this amazing new programming on Shabbat mornings throughout the year. For questions or ideas on what we can do to make Shabbat programming meaningful and special for everyone please contact Rabbi Shavit-Lonstein, Rabbi Jeremy Fine or Joshua Fineblum. Dec. 6 Dec. 7 Dec. 13 Dec. 14 Dec. 21 Dec. 28 — — — — — — 11-12 graders go the Hillel UMN Tot Shabbat and Visions Shabbat Prayers in PJs and Got Shabbat Dinner 2nd-6th Program, Sebastian Joes My Baby & Me, Birthday and Camp Shabbat Babysitting Fun and Cookie Bar 4 Bar Mitzvah Benjamin David Perlstein, son of Buffy and Scott Friedman, will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah on December 6 and 7, 2013. Benji is in seventh grade at Friendly Hills Middle School, where he participates in Sting soccer, basketball, and golf. He also enjoys hanging out with his friends. He is a member of Temple of Aaron Kadima. Benji has designated H.E.A.R.T. Inc. (Helping Enable Alcoholics and Addicts Receive Treatment) for his tzedaka contribution. Oneg Shabbat and Kiddush refreshments will be sponsored by Benji’s grandparents: Judy Weinstine, and Bob and Barb Weinstine. Benjamin Perlstein Attention all 11th and 12th graders Join us for a Jewish College experience at Hillel UMN Friday, December 6 5:00 pm-8:30 pm Come meet with students and celebrate Shabbat together with song and food! *Transportation and Dinner included and FREE to all participants RSVP by Monday December 2 to [email protected]. TEVET BANNER: Presented by Manya and Ben Sturrey. Titled “Destruction of Temple” (Anna Andersch-Marcus design). It depicts the destruction of the Temple with falling of pillars during the winter. Summer Camp Information Session at Rabbi Jeremy & Jessica Fine’s Home Come join the Fine family on December 9th at 7PM (740 S. Mississippi River Blvd) to learn about the different programs that Camp Ramah in Wisconsin has to offer. Family and Children of all ages are invited. Whether it is family camp, summer camp, or their new 3rd grade program Ruach Ramah this session will be a great way to learn more about Ramah’s amazing programming. Come see videos, hear stories, and learn from Ramah Director Jacob Cytryn about what Ramah can provide for your family. Everyone is welcome. RSVPs to [email protected] are required. 5 A Basic Bequest Helps Our Synagogue Future (Part 2/Part 1 appeared in November) Each of us can add a short sentence to our Will or Living Trust to make a powerful gift to Temple of Aaron. During our first century of operation we have received thoughtful bequests ranging in size from $500 to $675,000. Our endowments produce interest and dividend income which have created an important financial foundation for our daily operation. We would be pleased to acknowledge you in a future Aaronion if you have already made plans to help us in the future. President Judy Werthauser and Executive Director Ken Agranoff are prepared to discuss any and all aspects of our Dor L Dor Endowment Program with you at your convenience. A.Y. Dworsky, Joseph Dworsky Tuition Assistance Morris Cooperman Cantor’s Pulpit Anne Sheinberg Fisher Hamantashen Baking Dr. Abraham Falk Memorial Barry & Darlene Goldman Saturday Tutors Delores & Ernest Fink, Marian Fink Perling, Bruce Fink Fink Youth Lounge Wendy, Steven, & Charles Goodman Tuition Assistance Charlotte & Saul Garelick Chapel Chuppah Anne & Charles Smaby Hersch Smaby Family Foundation Tuition Assistance Eileen & Joe Garelick President’s Tablet Nancy & Dr. Stephen Lane Polly & Michael Saxon Speakers on Special Topics Louis Makiesky Synagogue Skills Training Rhonda Schwartz, Curtis Meltzer& Sons Jacob & Joshua Meltzer Tuition Assistance Ann Miller Tuition Assistance Dr. Zondal & Esther Miller Tuition Assistance Rose Liss by Doris Rubenstein Tuition Assistance Margine & Sherman Rutzick Tuition Assistance Rose Ann & Harry Schraber and Ronald Bear Confirmation Class Curriculum Rossy & Richard Shaller Hebrew School Nancy & Dr. Stanley Skadron Tuition Assistance Dede & David Smith Tuition Assistance Dr. Jeffrey Weingarten Outstanding Students Award Mildred Yager Tuition Assistance Sanctuary Banners Elul: Olga & Harry Applebaum Tishre: Anna Schloff Heshvan: Ben Mirsky Kislev: Dr. Louis Epstein Tevet: Manya & Ben Surrey Shevat: Joseph Rutman Adar: Patricia & Donald Wolkoff Nisan: Mildred & Meyer Rosen Iyar: Leonora Greenberg Sivan: Donald Miller Tammuz: Janie & Don Rutman Av: Rose & Isadore Marsh General Gifts Myrna R. & Elliott G. Belzer South Wing Conference Room Rachel Cardozo Deeds of Loving Kindness (Gemilut Hasadim) Barbara & Ronald Harris Maxine & Sheldon Stewart Sanctuary Ark Etta Jacobs Special Gift Faye & Jeff Kantorowitz Special Gift Jeannette & Max Kurnow South Wing-First Floor Stephen & Nancy Lane Grandchildren to Grandparents Sidney Makiesky South Wing-Early Childhood Room Ann Miller Marriage Table Rose Mirsky South Wing Classroom Sue & Dave Rosner Bnai Mitzvah Gift Bag Fund Betty & Leonard Shapiro Education, Youth Administration Addie & Harry Silverman South Wing Kitchen Sam E. Smith Family Library Diane & Dr. Richard Smookler Havdalah Set Bradley Straus Confirmation Class Trip Helen & Donald Swartz Front Entrance Benches Molly Kaplan Helen & Ron Lifson Sylviette & Harold Magy James H. Moore Betty & Arthur Paymar Lea & Dr. Harry Plotke Mildred & Irving Rein Rose & Morris Rifkin Etta & Eddie Rikess Mildred & Meyer Rosen Shirley Rosenblum Sarah & Zelia Rosenzweig Ellen F. Rutchick Helen & Frank Schaffer Sarah & Isadore Schneider Rossy & Richard Shaller Rose & Dr. Clarence Siegel Helen & Donald Swartz Mollie & Alex Tankenoff Ryvelle & William Tilsner Charles Upin Norman Vinitsky Cecelia & Irving Waldman Daily Minyan Endowments Ernest Fink & Neil Fink Thursday Morning Mildred & Louis Kaplan Sunday Evening Addie & Harry Silverman Tuesday Morning Harry Silverman Tuesday Evening Dr. Henry Oselka Wednesday Evening Faye & Jeff Kantorowitz Monday Evening Ben Mirsky, Ida & Louis Smith Monday Evening Warren Patterson Wednesday Morning Music Endowments Anonymous Choir The Garber Family & Rose Asch Adult Choir Harold A. Lee Judaic/Christian Library Fund Melissa & Adam Mogol Children’s Library Fund Mulvien Smith Trach Reference Library Fund Ruth Weinberg/Barbara Balto Children’s Library Fund Life Insurance & Trusts Tracey & Ken Agranoff Office Compensation & Retirement Lois & Sherman Devitt School Retreats Gracia & Merrill Kuller Rabbis’ Offices Martin & Esther Capp Capital Repair Endowment Fund: Pillars: Esther & Martin Capp Delores & Ernest Fink Bruce Fink Marian Fink Perling Supporters: Charlotte & Saul Garelick Nancy & Richard Grobovsky Mary Beth & Phil Kibort Elaine & Howard Kuretsky Betty Sue & David Lipschultz Joann & Stuart Marofsky Rose Mirsky Mildred Rosen Evelyn & Milton Smith Minnie Weisberg Friends: Lorraine & Sidney Applebaum Carrie & Jerrold Bader Barbara & Stanley Cohn Rae & Arnold Divine Barbara & Ronald Harris Inge & Gerry Hirschhorn Sally & Scott Johnson Nancy & Dr. Stephen Lane Ossie Perlman Ronna & Tom Sherman Patrons: Edith & Samuel Mack Gracia & Merrill Kuller Irene & Paul Rifkin Lucee & Marvin Schloff Rita Wine Minnie Weisberg Memorial Sidney Makiesky Choir Director Fund General Maintenance Endowment Fund: Youth Camping Scholarships Irving Serlin Jason Andler Olga & Harry Applebaum Marion & Bernard (Beno) Belzer Myrna R. & Elliott G. Belzer Robert S. Belzer William S. Belzer Edith & Dr. Abraham Berman Alice Bundt Barbara & Stanley Cohn Goldie & Dr. Louis Epstein Edith & Harold Goldish Shoshana & Ari Ginsburg Rose & Dr. Abraham Greenberg Shelley Singer Esther & Martin Capp Jeanette & Kenneth Frank Debbie & Howard Goldberger Maxine & Kokie Goldenberg Marilyn & Dean Greenberg Joanne & Michael Silverman Temple of Aaron Sisterhood Administrative Entrance Toushin Family Sanctuary Wedding Chuppah Mervin E. Hites Melvin & Eleanor Silver Eddie Weinstine Smith Library Endowments Marlene & Jerome Gotlieb Children’s Library Fund Rose & Dr. Abraham Greenberg Children’s Library Fund 6 Clergy/Education Endowment: Esther & Martin Capp Family Foundation Sylvia & Harold Liefschultz Jeannette & Max Kurnow 1955 Junior Choir Front row: Shirley Rothstein Rosenblum, Judge Richard Spicer, and Myndel Rotstein; Second row: Helen Rutman, Muriel Lande, Shelly Gordan, Ellen Joy Greenberg, Roz Kirshner, Joan Effress Hymanson; Third row: (flanked by Rabbi Bernard Raskas and Cantor Ben Nosowsky) Larry Stein, Jean Kantor, Arlene Davis, Sheila Belkin, Daryl Kamin, Miriam Kiefer, Beverly Arner, Marlene Bernstein Goldberg, Barry Kane, Debbie Levey Wolk, Rhona Butwinick Sherman, Lynne Katz Lee 7 Beautiful Gardens Courtesy of the Temple of Aaron Garden Club By Mary Maquire Lerman Many thanks to all the members of the garden club who helped this year removing shrubbery, preparing the soils, planting, mulching and watering the two gardens on either side of the main entrance. In 2014 the garden on the south side of the main entrance will be planted to those blooms that will attract and sustain butterflies. It will be an attractive, sustainable and educational garden! In October the large Elephant Ear plants (Colocasia species) were dug, potted and then moved to the Lerman Family basement for winter storage. Expect their return next summer most likely on the north side of the temple. Many members have asked about these huge plants in the summer garden. Here is a bit of info about them: is the 14th most widely consumed vegetable on earth. Ornamental Colocasia are important plants in gardens because they add a bold, tropical look. The leaves of the elephant ear plant and its relatives are typically large, flat and sagittate to broadly ovate in shape and really do look like they belong on a pachyderm's head. The term, elephant ear, is also used to describe a delicious fried dough treat at most State Fairs. Oddly enough, the genus name Colocasia is also used for a European moth. Our garden club needs basic supplies for our gardens including plants, tools, fertilizer and gloves. If you enjoy the blooms, please make a donation to the garden club by identifying it on the memo line of your check and mail to the Temple of Aaron. You can then look forward to more gardens popping up around the temple in coming years. Please take the time to thank your garden club members for beautifying the temple grounds: Rachel & Brandon Bloom, Janet Cass, Mary Clark, Abe, Isaiah & Matt Clark, Hugh & Maureen Gitlin, Jim Glekel, Mary Maguire Lerman & Bill Lerman, Gary & Roxanne Portnoy and Sarah Teske. If I forgot to include you in my ledger list, please know that we appreciated the efforts of everyone that helped beautify our temple! The Colocasia Family Colocasia are exotic plants known in the western world by three common names; taro, kalo and the descriptive anatomical name, elephant ear. There are dozens of common names used in other parts of the world including culcas (from which the genus name Colocasia is derived), eddo, imo, dasheen, cocoyam and malombo. Colocasia have a worldwide distribution and are grown in tropical and sub-tropical countries as a vital staple food crop and fodder crop. Colocasia esculenta !"#$%#&'(#')$*+(,&($$ Whether you are just beginning or need a refresher, this Saturday Morning learners minyan will give you the skills and knowledge to make services more meaningful. 9:15-9:45AM Dec. 7, 14 & 21 Jan. 4, 11, 18 & 25 FEEDing the Fund Thank you to our gracious recent sponsors of our NEW Shabbat Kiddush Fund. Our first Shabbat with our NEW Kiddush Luncheon welcomed over 90 people who schmoozed, ate, and enjoyed Shabbat together. Nan and Marc Fine, in honor of the event paying tribute to Edward Paster and Richard Shaller. 8 ARTIST IN RESIDENCE WHEN: MARCH 9TH-15TH, 2014 WHERE: TEMPLE OF AARON WHO: JONATHAN ROSS ABOUT JONATHAN ROSS Jonathan is an extremely talented playwright and actor hailing from Memphis, Tennessee, Jonathan now lives in New York City where he works as an actor. He has a BFA in acting from New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. Jon has worked as an artist in Sponsors residence for groups both young and old providing leadership training workshops all over the world. He has also directed and composed new pieces of ensemble theatre with groups of all sizes and ages. Jon has done this work both in the summer camp setting (at Camp Ramah in Wisconsin where he serves as Director of Performing Arts) and around the country. pm Student Union Auditorium 1 FEATURING • Lunch and Learn • D’var Torah • Purim Shpiels for Students and Adults • Teacher Training • USY Board Training • Much More More Information: 9 Most recently, Jon has served as Benefiting artist in residence for the past few years at Anshe Emet Synagogue in Chicago where he has created and directed several pieces of theater including inthebeginning and I Am Jonah. We are very excited to bring Jon to Temple of Aaron. Thank you so much to all of our sponsors for helping to make this event such a great success! Jason Alexander Enthralls Over 600 at Annual Fundraiser VIP PLATINUM SPONSORS Steve and Wendy Baldinger Carl and Tammy Birnberg Martin and Esther Capp Foundation Michael and Polly Saxon Richard & Rossy Shaller Foundation Scott & Cabrini Shaller Stephen and Nancy Lane Paster Family Steven and Michelle Shaller Tom and Teri Skadron VIP GOLD SPONSORS Anonymous Alan and Susan Divine Robert Kaufman & Debra Glassman Ben Laub Ernest I Fink Insurance Agency Freeman Enterprises David and Kristin Gantman Garelick Family Foundation Sholom Foundation David and Dede Smith Howard Stacker Allen and Judy Werthauser Dean and Marilyn Greenberg PLATINUM SPONSORS Anonymous Alan and Lisa Bernick Todd and Tara Fruchterman Ray and Elissa Getsug Gerald and Gail Frisch Steve and Eve Kafitz Brian and Sandy Kamin Howard and Elaine Kuretsky John and Ann Lonstein Joel and Rachael Paper Louis, Ali, Eli, Phoebe & Rex Paster Dan and Jodi Saltzman Bill Toles Winthrop and Weinstine Joe and Sandy Wolkowicz GOLD SPONSORS Anonymous Jewish Federation of Greater St. Paul Loren & Susan Taple BENEFACTOR Arnold Divine Harvey & Suzanne Kaplan Phil & Mary Beth Kibort Harriet Lane Paul & Karen Schanfield David & Ellen Sloane Stu & Susie Swartz Supporter/Friends Stan & Amy Baratz Rick Brody & Maggie Flynn Frank & Toby Berman Herman Birnberg Elaine Burton Jim Chucker & Leslie Held Butch & Connie Clayman Neil Derechin & Bea Rothweiler Fran Dolan Michael & Cindy Garr Tom & Joanna Kieffer Jonathan & Becca Kvasnik Cal & Phyllis Lewis Bob & Florie Marvy Gayle Newman Tim & Wendy Oskey Les Novak & Harriet Swatez Sue & Dave Rosner Steve & Wendy Rubin Steven & Barbara Rutzick Jeannie Shaller Steve & Betsy Sitkoff Ricky & Diane Smookler Jerry Waldman & Judi Belzer Michael & Erin Waldman Judy Weinstine 10 November 3 was magical as people gathered to honor two community leaders, Edward Paster and Richard Shaller. Event chairs Lisa Lane and Michael Saxon proudly concluded both families felt great respect and admiration from their family, friends and community supporters. Rabbi ShavitLonstein reinforced from the bemah the wonderful things that Edward and Dick have done to strengthen our community. Jason Alexander thrilled the crowd with humor, politics, Israel and his Jewish background. We were stunned when Anderson Cooper cancelled nine days before the event, quickly recovered, and Jason proved to be the perfect medicine for our uncertainties. People walked away from an evening of respect, fun and food with wonderful feelings. Thank you to each and every supporter who made this fundraiser successful on several levels. Chairs Lisa and Michael have expressed their appreciation to committee members (Laurie Goldfarb, Charlie Goodman, Dina Goodman, Julie Gotlieb, Nancy Lane, Polly Saxon, Rosalyn Segal, Michelle Shaller, Stacy Shaller, Steve Shaller and Judy Werthauser), to Rabbi Shavit-Lonstein for fundraising and opening/closing remarks, to Rabbi Fine for talent suggestions/ introduction of Jason, to Josh Fineblum for the tribute book, to Mark Gulner for marketing, to Ken Agranoff for ticket/ facility/security/seating coordination, and to Bill Jorke, Todd Jones, Todd Schmidt, Kim Thomey, Susie Haim, Susan Tervola, Svetlana Kazistova, Shelley Diamond and Tanya Soroka for the detail work behind the scenes contributing to this successful event. Thank You Todah Rabah תודה רבה Thank you (todah rabah) to those listed below who supported our Yahrzeit Fund in memory of loved ones with donations of $10 or more October 2013 Our deep and sincere sympathy to the families of the following members who have passed away Rose Meltzer Celia Paster Edya Pekker Cemetery: Make Advance Plans to Save Family Pressure Schedule a private 15-minute meeting with Executive Director Ken Agranoff (651 -698-8874, ext 106). Look at cemetery maps, review location options, and learn about payment choices. We designed a policy decades ago where members and non-members can make Ken Agranoff cemetery reservations. This policy enables families to reserve multiple graves and be together for eternity. Please note the current policy welcomes mixed faith members to select graves. תודה רבה . . . to Betty Agranoff, Burt Katz and Toni Bernabei for helping add mailing labels to nearly 1,000 November Aaronions to help keep members informed about the wide range of services, classes and programs that are available. . . . to Loren Taple and Northwood Dental for sponsoring the gelt for this year’s Hanukah programming. Agranoff, Betty & family Appelbaum, Murray & Arlene Averbach, Rose Baskina, Ella Besner, Rae Blumstein, Ethel Braufman, Madalyn Bubar, Sana & Dmitry Calmenson, Beverly Edelstein, Rebecca Esrig, Evelyn Fiedelman, Eileen Sweet Fields, Ellenjoy Flynn, John & Susan Garelick, Molly & Ken Garnett, Sue Geller, Rosie & Loren Gilman, Rose Gleeman, Harriet Gochberg, Peter Tishrei-Chesvan 5774 Goldberg, Judy Goldenberg, Herb Grobovsky, Shirley Hirsekorn, Fred & Barbara Kaminsky, Beverly Khaskin, Iosif Klein, Marion & E. Gary Kloner, Louise Kopilenko, Bella & Alexander Levinsohn Family Leyderman, Mikhail & Anna Lyons, Stephen, Patti & family Mack, Ellen & Tom Bates Marvy, Bob, Florie & family Meerovich, Gedaly & Alexandra Miles, Franklin Phillips, Jan & Janet Raskin, Maria Ringer, Jan Rubenstein, Ada Sanderson, Anne Rae Savage, Edith Schneider, Margie & Bart Schraber, Paula & David Schwartz, Gary Schwartz, Jerry, Sue & family Shneur, Grigoriy Simes, Josephine B. Skadron Family Soroka, Tatyana Stacker, Howard Suponitsky, Aleksandr Toushin, Sally & David Vigdorovich, Leopold Vinitsky, Shirley Webb, Jerry & Doris ȱȱȱȱȬȬȱ Rabbi Elie Kaunfer March 21st & 22nd 2014 !"#$%&$'())*+$$ Rabbi Elie Kaunfer is co-founder, rosh yeshiva and executive director of Mechon Hadar and on the Talmud faculty at Yeshivat Hadar. A graduate of Harvard College, he was ordained at the Jewish Theological Seminary, where he also completed an MA and is pursuing a doctorate in liturgy. A Wexner Graduate Fellow, Elie is a co-founder of Kehilat Hadar and in 2009 Newsweek named him one of the top 50 rabbis in America. He was selected as an inaugural AVI CHAI Fellow, and is the author of Empowered Judaism: What Independent Minyanim Can Teach Us About Building Vibrant Jewish Communities (Jewish Lights, 2010). 11 Sisterhood News Jewpardy Game Night – Thursday, Dec. 5, 6:30pm, Stein Hall. Come prepared to play Sisterhood’s version of Jeopardy!! Light snacks will be served; no charge for this event. RSVP to Roxanne by Dec. 2 ([email protected]/651-690-2232). * * * * Book Club – The Book Club meets on the third Sunday of the month at The Highland Café and Bakery in Highland Park at 10 am. Dec. 15 – The Middlesteins by Jami Attenberg. For more information, call Teddy Gerr (651-405-6658). * * * * Gift Shop Sale – The Hanukah shop is now open – 20% off Hanukah merchandise – 10% off all Hanukah books!! Support Sisterhood and Temple by finding all of your Judaica needs at The Temple of Aaron Sisterhood Gift Shop. There are items for Bar/ Bat Mitzvahs, weddings, graduations, confirmations and any other special occasion. Inventory is constantly changing and if you can’t get to the Gift Shop during regular hours, arrangements can be made for you at other times (call Marcia Taple at 651688-3030). Not sure what to purchase for that special someone? Gift Shop gift cards are always available. We also have Bar/Bat Mitzvah and Bridal Registries to make your shopping easy. For more info, call the Gift Shop (651-699-9192). Hours: Sunday 9 – noon; Tuesday 10am – 2pm; Wednesday 10am – 1pm & 6pm – 8pm. * * * * Sisterhood Knits – Thursday, Dec. 19 at 6:30 pm. Join other knitters at Temple in the Wine Room. All levels encouraged to attend; bring your own needles and yarn. Questions, call Marjorie Daniels (612-724-3377). * * * * Krav Maga – Personal Self-Defense – Sunday, Jan. 12, 1:00pm, Stein Hall. This is a joint Sisterhood and Men’s Club Event; Michael Rozin will teach us about this Israeli system of personal security and how to pro-actively protect ourselves. You won’t want to miss this event. Michael Rozin is a former Israeli Defense Force agent who worked at Ben Gurion Airport in Tel Aviv and currently consults with clients such as the Mall of America, schools, government buildings, etc., to lessen the risk of threats. There will be a 2-hour program featuring a 1-hour Powerpoint teaching us about personal safety and 1-hour hands-on learning. We will learn how to detect imminent danger by learning the clues given by people with dishonorable intentions. For more information, check out his website: This program is open to all ages. RSVP by Jan. 5 – send your $5 check, payable to Temple of Aaron Sisterhood to Roxanne Portnoy, 1730 Bayard Ave., St. Paul, MN 55116. Questions, call Roxanne at 651-690-2232. * * * * Women’s Shelter Donations – Needed: new, unopened toiletries to be donated to local women’s shelters. Drop off your donations in the Temple Gift Shop. Needed now are twin-size sheets. New, unopened cosmetics also will be distributed to the homeless. Help out our local community and give someone a lift with these easy, inexpensive donations. Questions, call Gail Rosenberg (651-452-3383). * * * * Building Fund Cards — Send a beautiful card for any occasion and they are only a phone call away – no hassles. Pick up the phone and show someone you care by sending one of these lovely cards. All funds raised by the use of these cards go directly to benefit our beautiful building. To purchase our cards, call Sis Goren (651686-0425) or Susan Kushner (651-454-8336). For billing questions, call Betty Agranoff (651-698-8275). * * * * Food Shelf – This ongoing project serves our community year ’round. Donate food items at any time by dropping them off in the cart located in our coat room. Monetary donations will also be accepted by sending a check, payable to Temple of Aaron Food Shelf, to Harriet Levy, 1826 Merlot Curve, Eagan, MN 55122. For more info, call Harriet Levy (651-454-6829). * * * * 12 Sisterhood Membership Renewal Second Billing — Take a moment to renew your membership; support Sisterhood and Temple of Aaron. You received your billing in the June Temple mailing and recently a second billing. Questions regarding renewing – call Linda Eisenstadt (651-454-6042); Questions regarding membership – call Alexandria Ganzel (651-490-7684). Please renew prior to Jan 1 to save per capita national increases, mailing expenses and have more of your donation go directly to Temple. * * * * Torah Fund Letter Coming Soon– The Torah Fund campaign supports: The Jewish Theological Seminary in New York, the Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies in Los Angeles and The Schechter Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem. Give generously. Watch for more info to come. * * * * Cheaters Needed!! — Community Service Project – Non-Prescription Reading Glasses/Cheaters: Need a little help reading the siddur and announcements during services? Problem solved! We are collecting reading glasses to use at Temple. All strengths needed and you may drop them off in the Sisterhood Gift Shop. To date we have had a great response! When you drop off glasses, please indicate what strength the glasses are. Needed: Drawer organizer for cheaters. Questions, call Susan Flynn (651-683-0706). * * * * Hamantashen Baking – Purim Hamantashen baking will begin at Temple the second week of January, on Tuesday and Thursday mornings. If interested, call Marcia Taple (651-688-3030). * * * * Sisterhood Shabbat – Feb. 21/22 – If interested in participating, call Lori Marks (651-690-2945) or Sue Schwartz (651-451-2188). Get involved in this wonderful annual tradition. * * * * Temple of Aaron Sisterhood Facebook Page – NEW – Check out Temple of Aaron Sisterhood on Facebook and like our new page! Many thanks to Roxanne Portnoy and Chaya Zien for getting our page up and running. Great photos! * * * * Save the Dates: Jan. 2 – Israel Slide Show (6:30pm, Belzer Room); April 5-6 – Art Auction; May – Closing Program. Watch for more info to come on these upcoming events. Social Justice - Opinions from aVolunteer Committee This page provides room for updates and views from a committee within the Temple community. SOCIAL JUSTICE SHABBAT, JANUARY 18, 2014 TEMPLE OF AARON MEMBERS AT JCA’S SECOND TZEDEK INSTITUTE! Martin Luther King weekend will also be the annual Social Justice Shabbat at Temple of Aaron. The Shabbat discussion will focus on housing and Judaism with Rose McGee speaking during services. She has worked tirelessly to protect people facing foreclosures and as her bio shows, is an amazing woman! During this Shabbat we will be honoring all the workers at the Habitat for Humanity homes and the JCA Tzedek institute members. Rose McGee is a storyteller, educator, facilitator, playwright and entrepreneur. She is employed at the Minnesota Humanities Center where her primary role is working with educators in the Omaha Public Schools. She knows the power of story and how it impacts human relations. As a consultant for Bush Foundation’s Art of Hosting, she facilitates Minnesota storytellers and keepers of stories; thereby witnessing firsthand the impact of expanding storytelling into community action. Her play, “Kumbayah The Juneteenth Story” has been featured locally and nationally as her play, “Sleep With A Virgin: A Perspective on AIDS” was filmed and is being used internationally by youth to conduct peer-to-peer training on HIV/AIDS awareness. Rose McGee is founder of the convening concepts: Headscarf Society™, TeaLit™ and Amazing Grace Stories™. She owns Deep Roots Gourmet Desserts specializing in the art of sweet potato pies. She is a featured international TEDx Talk presenter on The Power of Pie. Currently, she is writing a book comprised of regional stories on the history of sweet potato pie and a book Story Circle Stories. Her goal is to just get the time to get one of them published soon! Rose resides in her home that she fought hard to regain after foreclosure in Golden Valley. ANTI-BULLYING COMMUNITY BRIEFING December 2, 7:00-8:30pm Shir Tikvah Sanctuary 1360 W. Minnehaha Parkway, Minneapolis, 55419 Bullying is a serious problem in Minnesota schools. It has been linked to poor grades, loss of self-esteem, depression, suicide and more. Join JCA to light hanukah candles and learn how our community can be a strong light of safety for Minnesota students. Youth leaders will share their experiences and inspire us to take action against bullying. RSVP to [email protected] FOOD SHELF NEED IS GREAT! We always think about donating food during the holiday season, however, our community needs are great. The food shelf drum is located either at the front entrance of the synagogue or in the cloakroom. Make it a plan that every time you come to synagogue that you bring a non-perishable food item for the food shelf. That way we can exponentially increase our food giving to the Keystone Food Shelf that many of our neighbors depend on for survival and nutrition. Bar and Bat Mitzvah families: consider asking your guests in your invitation to bring a non-perishable food item when they come for your celebration. 13 Tzedek participants, L-R: Wendy Oskey, Jim Gleekel and Coleton Hanson (not pictured: Elyse Less) Four members of the Temple of Aaron participated in this year’s second Jewish Community Action Tzedek Institute and they will be honored at the Social Justice Shabbat. The Tzedek Institute is a program of Jewish Community Action designed to train, develop, and support strong and innovative Jewish social justice leaders. JCA develops and sustains a large network of Twin Cities Jews who will be powerful enough to play a large and meaningful role in bringing about a more just Minnesota. The Tzedek Institute demonstrates that community organizing works. We know that when we come together and take collective action, we can improve our communities and win changes in policies, attitudes and behaviors. This year’s Temple of Aaron members participating in the Tzedek Institute are Jim Gleekel, Coleton Hanson, Elyse Less and Wendy Oskey. They will be working with Temple members from the last cohort and the social justice committee to create a more robust social justice presence in the Temple and greater participation of Temple members in community organizing work. LUNCH AND LEARN ON NOVEMBER 23 Speaker Jenny Mason is the Beacon Interfaith Congregational Partnership Organizer for Saint Paul and the Twin Cities east metro. She spoke about teen homelessness at the Lunch and Learn following morning services. Brian Zaidman spoke about the homelessness of Joseph as read in that week’s Parsha. 9 Office Closed 6 pm Minyan 16 Office Closed 6 pm Minyan 23 Office Closed 6 pm Minyan 30 Office Closed 6 pm Minyan 8 9 am Minyan Men’s Club Breakfast 9 am Sunday School 10 am Infinity Series 10:30 am Hanukah Celeb./Latke Bash 12 pm Dreidel Dash 1 pm Grandparents Circle 15 9 am Minyan Men’s Club Breakfast 9 am Sunday School 4th and 5th Grades Family Educ. 22 9 am Minyan Men’s Club Breakfast 9 am NO Sunday School 29 9 am Minyan Men’s Club Breakfast 9 am NO Sunday School 31 6 pm Minyan 7 pm Building Closes 24 6 pm Minyan 7 pm Bldg. Closes 17 6 pm Minyan 6:30 pm Temple of Aaron Book Club 7 pm Bldg. Closes 10 6 pm Minyan 7 pm Bldg. Closes Light 7 Hanukah Candles Light 6 Hanukah Candles Light 5 Hanukah Candles TUESDAY 2 3 Office Closed 6 pm Minyan 6 pm Minyan 6:30 pm “2 Rabbis in a Bar” 5:45 pm Hanukah Storytime Congregational Happy Hour 7 pm Bldg. Closes MONDAY 1 9 am Minyan Men’s Club Breakfast 9 am NO Sunday School 12 pm Hanukah Cooking Class SUNDAY 26 6 pm Minyan 6:30 pm Talmud Class 7:30 pm Bible Class 19 6 pm Minyan 6:30 pm Talmud Class 6:30 pm Sisterhood Knits 7:30 pm Bible Class 12 6 pm Minyan 6:30 pm Talmud Class 7:30 pm Bible Class 5 12 pm TAXY Hanukah Lunch & Learn 6 pm Minyan 6:30 pm Talmud Class 6:30 pm S’hood Game Night 7:30 pm Bible Class THURSDAY Candle Lighting 4:19 pm 27 6:30 pm Service Candle Lighting 4:15 pm 20 6:30 pm Service Candle Lighting 4:14 pm 13 TAXY Shabbat 5:45 pm Prayers in PJs 6:30 pm Got Shabbat 8 pm Service Candle Lighting 4:16 pm 6 5 pm Jr/Sr at Hillel 8:00 pm Services Bar Mitzvah Benjamin Perlstein FRIDAY 28 8 am NO Coffee & Jewish Values 9 am Service 21 8 am NO Coffee & Jewish Values 9 am Service Summer Camp Shabbat 9:15 am Learner’s Minyan 9:45 am My Baby and Me 14 TAXY Shabbat 8 am Coffee & Jewish Values 9 am Service 9:15 am Learner’s Minyan 12 pm Lunch and Learn 7 8 am Coffee & Jewish Values 9 am Service Bar Mitzvah - Benjamin Perlstein 9:15 am Learner’s Minyan 10:30 am Tot Shabbat & Visions Shabbat, Speaker Wendy Baldinger SATURDAY For more information on these and other events and programs, please visit our website 25 4 pm NO School 2nd-6th grade 6 pm NO School 7th-10th grade 6 pm Minyan 18 4 pm School 2nd-6th grade 6 pm School 7th-10th grade 6 pm Minyan 11 4 pm School 2nd-6th grade 6 pm NO School 7th-10th grade 6 pm Minyan 7 pm Dialogue Light 8 Hanukah Candles 4 4 pm School 2nd-6th grade 6 pm School 7th-10th grade 6 pm Minyan WEDNESDAY Temple of Aaron Calendar of Events December 2013 Kislev - Tevet 5774 )0%30''&145&*/ .&.03*"-$)"1&-4 Minnesota’s Jewish Funeral Home Proudly owned and operated by the Epstein family St. Paul Chapel 4PVUI4OFMMJOH"WFOVFr Minneapolis Chapel &BTU'SBOLMJO"WFOVFr DIY INVITATIONS B’nai Mitzvah/Wedding 4UI4USFFUr4VJUFr.JOOFBQPMJT./ 612-333-0512 (612) 376-9765 TWIN CITY MONUMENT CO. %&-*$"5&44&/t#",&3:t3&45"63"/5 Home & Office Catering 651 S. Cleveland, St. Paul, MN Delicatessen Phone: 651-698-6276 Restaurant Phone: 651-698-0334 1133 University Ave. St. Paul, MN 55104 651-646-1542 4827 Minnetonka Blvd. Mpls., MN 55416 952-920-4738 $5 OFF with purchase of $25 or more With this ad, not valid with other offers 2401 W 7th St, St Paul 651-698-5050 valid for all Temple of Aaron Members Commercial / Industrial 3FGSJHFSBUJPOr"JS$POEJUJPOJOHr)FBUJOH %FTJHOr*OTUBMMBUJPOr4FSWJDF $PNP"WF 1I 4U1BVM./ 'BY XXXDSPTTUPXONFDIDPN 740 River Drive Apartments 740 Mississippi River Boulevard Saint Paul, MN 55116 651-698-8866 [email protected] (651) 554-0200 GENUINE WATER BOILED BAGEL NO PRESERVATIVES Enjoy Community at Temple of Aaron Prayer, Education, Socialization, Programs Tracey and Ken Agranoff 740 River Drive features stunning views of the Call today or stop in for a private tour. Additions Kitchens & Baths Mention this ad and receive 10% off!"#$%!&%'(!)#*(+,'!%-*(. Since 1969 Mississippi River and Highland Park. Dr.Troy Randgaard 2024 Ford Parkway St. Paul, MN 55116 (651) 698-2020 Most Insurance Plans Accepted (651) 699-6863 7th Street Barbers 925 W 7th Street Making St. Paul Look Good Since 1894 ©2013 FOR AD INFO CALL Tim Browne at 1-800-678-4574 r WWW.4LPi.COM Call Tim Browne at 952-852-4050 TEMPLE OF AARON, ST. PAUL A 2C 32-0762 10-29-2013 15:47:20 Invite Friends & Families to Join Us Friday, December 13 Chinese Cuisine Celebrate Shabbat with Chinese Cuisine Prayers in Pjs at 5:45pm, Congregational Dinner at 6:30pm followed by a musical service at 8:00pm ΎΎΎĐƚƵĂůŽƐƚ͗ ΨϭϮƉĞƌƉĞƌƐŽŶ DŝŶŝŵƵŵ ΨϱWĞƌƉĞƌƐŽŶ ŽŶĂƚŝŽŶƐǁĞůĐŽŵĞ RSVP by December 4 and Questions? Susie Haim, Administrative Assistant [email protected] 651-698-8874 ext. 104 Permit No. 1328 Twin Cities MN ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED PAID 616 S. Mississippi River Blvd. St. Paul, MN 55116-1099 NONPROFIT ORG U.S. POSTAGE Temple of Aaron Congregation
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