CAW-C ANADA /B OMBARDIER B A R G A I N I N G R E P O R T TECHNICAL, OFFICE AND PROFESSIONAL JUNE 2012 HIGHLIGHTS OF THE TENTATIVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN CAW-CANADA LOCAL 673 AND BOMBARDIER HIGHLIGHTS Pension Increases Wage Improvements Benefit Gains Special Retirement Incentives Message from CAW President Ken Lewenza J ob security is a huge concern for workers right across the country, and our members at Bombardier de Havilland are no different. With continued economic uncertainty, every worker, regardless of sector, wants to be able to know that they have a job to go to each day, and a way to provide for themselves and their family. Preserving the job security clauses in the agreements was a critical element in reaching a deal with Bombardier Aerospace in this set of negotiations. The company was attempting to remove protection language that locks in current programs. This would have allowed Bombardier to move the work on the Dash 8, Q400 and Global Express, if they chose to. Your committee would not permit this to happen. The CAW Local 112 and 673 committees were ultimately successful in maintaining the current language in the collective agreement and locking in the next generation of work. In this contract, the committees were able to improve wages, benefits and pensions for active workers, but also obtain excellent pension increases for our current retirees – a tremendous credit to the union’s commitment to improving the conditions of both active and retired workers. I want to thank you for supporting your bargaining committee. With your solidarity, your committee was able to reach a first-rate collective agreement that makes many improvements for workers at de Havilland. I join with your bargaining committee in recommending ratification and urging you to vote in favour of this tentative agreement. Message from Gus Goncalves, Office Chairperson T his round of negotiations was as challenging as any we have experienced with Bombardier. The company had demands on the table which would have not only eliminated eligibility for retiree health care benefits, but also eliminated hardwon job security provisions that protect the existing and future aircraft programs. Despite these challenges, I am pleased to report that the bargaining committee, on your behalf not only rejected these demands, but were able to negotiate improvements in all the key areas including wages, benefits and pension, including increases for current retirees. Critical in these negotiations was the maintenance of existing job security language protecting the current aircraft programs but also the inclusion of language securing the Global 7000/8000. I would like to thank the membership on behalf of the bargaining committee, for your continued support during this set of negotiations without which these improvements would not have been possible. Your bargaining committee is unanimously recommending acceptance of this tentative agreement. PROPOSED CLERICAL AND TECHNICAL BASE RATE INCREASES Salary Group Current Level 3 Base Rate Cola Fold-in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 $1,077.54 $1,083.67 $1,090.64 $1,100.75 $1,127.19 $1,150.19 $1,175.15 $1,201.23 $1,227.91 $1,369.18 $1,384.42 $1,416.75 $1,437.38 $38.25 $38.25 $38.25 $38.25 $38.25 $38.25 $38.25 $38.25 $38.25 $38.25 $38.25 $38.25 $38.25 FIRST YEAR Skill Adjust Jun-12 New Level 3 Base Rate Jun-12 $3.19 $3.19 $1,115.79 $1,121.92 $1,128.89 $1,139.00 $1,165.44 $1,188.44 $1,213.40 $1,239.48 $1,266.16 $1,410.62 $1,422.67 $1,458.19 $1,475.63 SECOND YEAR-1.75% General New Level 3 Increase Base Rate Jun-13 Jun-13 $19.53 $19.63 $19.76 $19.93 $20.40 $20.80 $21.23 $21.69 $22.16 $24.69 $24.89 $25.51 $25.82 $1,135.31 $1,141.55 $1,148.64 $1,158.94 $1,185.83 $1,209.23 $1,234.63 $1,261.17 $1,288.32 $1,435.31 $1,447.56 $1,483.70 $1,501.46 THIRD YEAR - 2% General New Level 3 Increase Base Rate Jun-14 Jun-14 $22.71 $22.83 $22.97 $23.18 $23.72 $24.18 $24.69 $25.22 $25.77 $28.71 $28.95 $29.68 $30.03 TOTALS Total Base Rate Increase Projected Cola* Total Increases $42.23 $42.46 $42.73 $43.11 $44.11 $44.98 $45.93 $46.91 $47.92 $56.58 $53.84 $58.38 $55.85 $41.25 $41.25 $41.25 $41.25 $41.25 $41.25 $41.25 $41.25 $41.25 $41.25 $41.25 $41.25 $41.25 $83.48 $83.71 $83.98 $84.36 $85.36 $86.23 $87.18 $88.16 $89.17 $97.83 $95.09 $99.63 $97.10 $1,158.02 $1,164.39 $1,171.61 $1,182.12 $1,209.55 $1,233.42 $1,259.32 $1,286.39 $1,314.09 $1,464.01 $1,476.51 $1,513.38 $1,531.49 *Inflation is projected at 1.75% in yr 1, 2% in yr 2 and 2% in yr 3 of the agreement. COLA may be higher or lower depending on actual inflation. The June 2012 COLA adjustment of $8.25 per week will be paid as a float effective the first pay period following ratification. PENSION EXAMPLES: INCREASES IN WEEKLY EARNINGS GROUP 9 Current Earnings EXAMPLE, SINGLE MEMBER, AGED 60 WITH 30 YEARS CREDITED SERVICE GROUP 12 $1,266.16 $1,455.00 includes $38.25 COLA includes $38.25 COLA 1ST YEAR INCREASE skill adjustment $0.00 *estimated COLA $9.75 End of 1st year 2ND YEAR INCREASE general increase $22.16 *COLA $15.75 End of 2nd year 3RD YEAR INCREASE general increase $25.77 *COLA $15.75 End of 3rd year $3.19 $9.75 $1,275.91 $1,467.94 $25.51 $15.75 $1,313.82 $1,509.20 $29.68 $15.75 $1,355.34 TOTAL INCREASES general increase $47.92 *COLA $41.25 skill adjustment $0.00 $89.17 $1,554.63 $55.19 $41.25 $3.19 $99.63 MONTHLY PENSION, LOCAL 673 ESTIMATED PENSION, $62 $68 $ % AGE 60 TO 64 Current New Agreement Increase Increase Basic Benefit Early Retirement Supplement Total Company Pension With Early CPP ($678*) Estimated annual Pension ages 60-64 $1,860 $2,040 $180 9.7% $570 $2,430 $3,108 $570 $2,610 $3,288 $0 $180 7.4% AGE 65 AND BEYOND Current New Agreement Increase Increase $37,296 $39,456 Total Company Pension $1,860 Canada Pension (CPP)* $678 Old Age Security Pension* $540 Total monthly Pension $3,078 Estimated annual Pension age 65 and beyond $36,936 $2,160 $2,040 $678 $540 $3,258 $180 5.8% $39,096 $2,160 5.8% *CPP and OAS pensions estimated at 2012 maximum rates. CPP and OAS are indexed to inflation. PENSION IMPROVEMENTS HEALTH CARE BENEFITS BASIC BENEFIT The Basic Pension Benefit increases by a total of $6 per month per year of credited service over the life of this agreement: Current Agreement: New Agreement: July 2012: $62 $68 2 YEARS OF PENSION INDEXING FOR CURRENT RETIREES AND SURVIVING SPOUSES Effective January 1, Effective January 1, 2013 and January 1, 2014 the monthly Basic Pension of members retiring prior to June 23rd 2012 will be adjusted by 70% of the increase in the cost of living, to a maximum of 3% per year. These increases will also apply to surviving spouse pensions. HEALTH CARE HEALTH BENEFITS CARE BENEFITS EFFECTIVE DATES: PARAMEDICAL SERVICES All new coverage and benefit amounts take effect the first day of the month following ratification, unless otherwise noted. • The combined annual maximum for paramedical services (excluding Massage Therapy) has been increased from $600 to $650. VISION CARE • Maximum reimbursement under the vision care plan will increase by $20 per category to the following: • Single vision: $230 • Bifocal: $250 • Multifocal: $270 • Contact lenses $195 MAJOR MEDICAL • The reimbursement for medical forms will be increased from $20 to $30 per form. PHYSIOTHERAPY • Coverage has been increased up to $160 for the initial visit (@80%) and $100 for subsequent visits (@80%). WORK COMMITMENT Language concerning the commitment to the Global 7000/8000 has been incorporated into this agreement. PAID HOLIDAYS • Paid holidays now include time off for Family Day; • An additional paid holiday in the first year of the collective agreement. SAFETY SHOE ALLOWANCE The safety shoe allowance has increased to $125. MATERIAL LOGISTICS DRUG PLAN • The drug formulary date has been adjusted to 2009. • Protection of seniority rights within the material logistics group. DENTAL PLAN • The annual maximum under the dental plan has been increased from $1,900 to $2,000 per year, effective July 1 2012. TECHNICAL GROUP • Language included clarifying demarcation lines between the 1220 and excluded classifications. OTHER MEDICAL SERVICES: • The land ambulance expense benefit has been increased from $60 to $70 per trip, up to a maximum of $275 per year. • The one year lag on the ODA fee schedule has been maintained. T • Coverage for medically necessary wigs has been increased to $600. • Low blood pressure and diabetes have been added to the medical conditions eligible for surgical support stockings. SPECIAL RETIREMENT INCENTIVE he union has negotiated a total of 14 packages to be offered to retirement eligible Local 673 members within 60 days of ratification. The retirement packages will be made available plant wide on an election by seniority basis. Employees retiring under this offer must retire within 90 days of ratification, subject to requirements for the transfer of skills and knowledge. The amount of the retirement allowance offered under the program is $40,000. RESTRUCTURING T he Restructuring provisions and Special Voluntary Retirement Allowance provisions of the collective agreement have been renewed. The letter providing for the payroll pension top-up for employees retiring under the Special Early Retirement provisions of the pension plan has been renewed. TERM OF THE AGREEMENT: PAID HOLIDAY SCHEDULE June 23, 2012 to June 22, 2015 HOLIDAY GROUP INSURANCE SICKNESS AND ACCIDENTS BENEFITS • Coverage will now be provided for up to 1 day for colonoscopy. EXTENDED DISABILITY BENEFITS • The monthly extended disability benefit increases by $50 per month, from $1,750 to $1,800, for disabilities occurring on or after July 1, 2012. LIFE INSURANCE AND AD&D • Effective July 1, 2012 life Insurance coverage increases from $70,000 to $75,000 and AD&D increases to $37,500. 2012 2013 2014 2015 NEW YEAR'S DAY Tues., Jan. 1 Wed., Jan. 1 Thurs., Jan. 1 FLOATER Mon., Feb. 18 Mon., Feb. 17 Mon., Feb. 16 GOOD FRIDAY Fri., Mar. 29 Fri., Apr. 18 Fri., Apr. 3 VICTORIA DAY Mon., May 20 Mon., May 19 Mon., May 18 Mon., Jul. 1 Mon., Jun. 30 CANADA DAY Mon., Jul. 2 FLOATER Tues., Jul. 3 LABOUR DAY Mon., Sep. 3 Mon., Sep. 2 Mon., Sep. 1 THANKSGIVING Mon., Oct. 8 Mon., Oct. 14 Mon., Oct. 13 FLOATER Mon., Dec. 24 Tues., Dec. 24 Wed., Dec. 24 CHRISTMAS DAY Tues., Dec. 25 Wed., Dec. 25 Thurs., Dec. 25 BOXING DAY Wed., Dec. 26 Thurs., Dec. 26 Fri., Dec. 26 FLOATER Thurs., Dec. 27 Fri., Dec. 27 FLOATER Fri., Dec. 28 Mon., Dec. 30 FLOATER Mon., Dec. 31* Tues., Dec. 31* * In lieu of Civic Holiday for 2012, 2013, 2014. OFF SHIFT PREMIUM Mon., Dec. 29 Tues., Dec. 30 Wed., Dec. 31* RECOMMENDATION The off shift premium increases by $.20 in the 2nd year of the agreement, to $1.40 per hour. Your Master Bargaining Committee unanimously recommends this tentative agreement and urges you to vote in favour of it. YOUR CAW-CANADA LOCAL 673 MASTER BARGAINING COMMITTEE AT BOMBARDIER KEN LEWENZA CAW National President PETER KENNEDY National Secretary-Treasurer JERRY DIAS Assistant to the President DAWN CARTWRIGHT Aerospace Director JEFF WAREHAM National Representative, Pensions & Benefits PAT BLACKWOOD Director of Skilled Trades MARY ELLEN MCILMOYLE President CAW Local 673 GUS GONCALVES Chairperson Bargaining Committee Local 673 ROBIN PRIEST Technical Representative Local 673 RON McKENZIE Bargaining Committee Local 673 DARCIA PURDY Bargaining Committee Local 673 TONY FERRARI Bargaining Committee Local 673
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