tonite - Niles Public Library District
tonite - Niles Public Library District
T_; ., - - . IJH . . -.-- . -- - . :11A.M1 . Methane Gas Odor At Building Site Alarmi Residents -- ,1O1b.Bag ; thougb unpleasant produced &s harmful effects. Tbe anplea$ant odor wblcb last weekend botboredrenldents - surrounding the Maine NocI!, sIte wan the éubject 6f conchrn CHARCOAL - the e CavatI n for tho new The odor, according to Still- waugh. wan caused by. methane of Education at a meeting held. - gas, which is produced by or.. gaule material an ltdecompsses Monday evenbig, ieee 2. . beneath the ground. lntbiscaao, Donald Stillwaugb, of Erickconsiderable fill material had been bruaght loto the Malee 50e. KrIse-aufl and Stiliwaogb, bc.. architect for Maine North, North site to bring the grade up gave a sommary of the causes to the level. called for in the leading to the release of the building specifications. The construction worhers. as part of . odor which. - he emphasized. - MAY 29, 30 &31 . Ar gas was releasod water which Stillwaugh stated that the engineerieg consulting firm ng had been caught by the land released and drainod into the small lake located on the Maine North sile. This water, havIng become dofils -woo alun Ciarba, Spies, Gostalsos and Csmpany, which dues worh for the Metropolitan Sanitary Dis. trlct, hod been retained by the Egk BATH TOWELS Loaf Rye Bread With Each Pound. Of Ham Purcbased On! VI - Coone y in22 - 44t 2.1n44sio. SOlidS ovfti. iI j L '.. i1 - Ii 16-OZ. BAG . . O EIMINT .-- From the PRESS 'POTATO CHIPS . . . o Fresh and Criapyt Save! - Net W. 30 DAYTIME PANTIES, 2-6 .. 23 Big Double Floweriflg Geraniums PAMPERS Reg. 1.81-1.96 -- .,,., . By David Besser J 3 yleo. -; 27 Solid colo,. IO-IO. 40 candidates on the ballot, a - equipped, pis,goo ombolance for the Village of billes. this your from proceeds-of theNiles Days festivities plopsed for July 16.. At Niles' -Oak school 2 . parents who passed our station implied with dismayteocbers there moite the stay of the riocipal a short Ose. The implication in thy teachers who've been there for many Shoils - frosted by the names of at least Js1005her9, g th Nile, D yo coìeleitìee - Ogled at a meeting Mondoy night-. to huy a muy end of the sgrneoter which . certaftily lends credence-co che of I, mad plomos the diotrlct locke stabIlity 20. years mahe it difficult for a sew principal to rial the ballclob Shirto io owo Sylro.Solid phido.S-M.L. Cosos-nylon ohso io ooli4coloro.30.40 colla,. SoIid, coipos, pico. S-N.L. Jo. enios 0 33 Janlor College, they will he con- Ambülance Tolhin Around the Town ¡shoot - . - Accordisg to a represento- Disappointed with the coetln000s loss of the prIecipol they contend the tenure role which protects teachers from belng removed after 2 years, should he reviewed and perhaps changed.... tive of the group. the ambulaste will be monoed and muiotaioed bio way. by the Niles Fire Dept. bot it will he a gift for the people of 'lis no fury like a miffed - parént in pursuit of better education. Malee towsohip ned the palis Jonc 21 to select 7 . trastees for the District 535 - the asnal mrs-over f top po oanol in nchool 4 t let 63 Four prIncipals - and the 6operiotendent -will - be leaving at the WALKIIIG SHORTS Shuts each P,ll ovrro ,oith owe!, eck osto ocNrho wr,vc loth. CoIo. They Our Regular 1.64-2.64 N'S SIUTS MI - 3 Days On! coen Chddroa' ' . MISSES' COTTOH; PULLOWRS, $HORTS . TRAINING or A Neat, :asiìcilLóakt When NIle, township resident, go to Left HUEI Toßuy Editor & Publisher SAVE1 By Naomi Krone News EdItor Nues Days . - - woogh reported. the shape st the loho is being altered le conformity with the building spedflcotisns. continued os page lO TONITE (At 9100 N. Miiwaukee Ave.) VOL.12 NO. 50 THE RUOLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1969 10C PER Ç9PY i E! i.!' Mawhl,g Wt.I. CIoh.. 12* . - R. COL-LE-GE TRUSTEE .OKs; 9042 N Courtlanci Ave.. Nues, III. 966-3900-1-4 i'Iii Ø_ 3Days architects. Thd consulting firm suggested that dredging of the lahebdttom would he theproper method, to reonidize the water in the lake. The drudging woo began immediately and is correnliy in progress. Concoctent with the dredging, Mr. Still- Confusion-Profusion-40 Candidates Dflvered To Over 17,000 Homos in Nlles,Morton Grove and East Maine FAMOUS MAKE In 4!' Po!a the same time that the Serving The Village Of Nues - el SECONDS! !:oú - (Largest Circulation In Gall-Mill. Root Maine, Morton Grove h NUeS Area) Our Reg. 78C \ mica! action beneaih the top soll, absorbed the oxygen in the laho - as lt entered and csnneqsently panying sdor which had hoe,, deprived the aquatic life In the stored below the top coil. lahe of the axygen needed for , survival. by the MaiiielHgbSchonln Board BRIQUETTES oxygenated as a rosait of che- school, broke through the crust Of the land fill ed thereby r leased the gas and -its accora.. - . .: - #207 Board ConsidersMaine North Problem- DA1LAVI GS! Our Delic,os , ¡tSr.v,. 6980 O'ktOfl Miles, I1U.YiOi$ L SALE DATES - THURS, FRI, & SAT tbr ry ¡L.IbLiC the village. ornoll partido of whom wIll baye , been endorsed tor election ta the non-paying pests by-one or both of area screening cmmit. teen - (see of which is le the process of belog formed by Gestor Dahu, ose nf the origisal organizers of thejuniorcollege movement.) The inS! Commanity Cent. mittee will meet Jose 5 al 8:O p.m. in room C-ISO o! Nile,, North High ,chool 9000 Lawler. Skokie (near Old Orthard Shsp. ping Plaza). The screening . . group will reportltn recommenda;iens to the Committeo which will then endorse seven sr more trastee candidutes. mio meeting is open to the poblic. Two Candidate,' Nighto have been scheduled to give the,endsrsed candIdates a chante to stale their views und answer . voter qOetIe-. , The date's -are June iO at Maleo South HIgh . school le Des Plaines and June 12 at Nile, Wr-t High ochsol in Skokie. Ootbmeetlngs will begin ' at 8 p.m. 'Established at as opening meetIng May 6 for the primo poi-pese 5f asslntlng the total community to choone a hoard of trustees without regard to gesgraphical lbdOtisn within tho district. the Jonler College Dlst. 535 Community Screeeieg Corn- contInuo, page 18 Reg. 57 what would huppes co oUr local school districts If the Catholic School children were soddenly dropped into the public ochool stream. .A parent a.t St. Jobs -Brebeof came our woy noting the --; ?. ERMANINI PRiSS BRAS ' rnpkg9C -;;-. 12 for 5.88 B!g bold and beauwui for outdoor p!anting. vr. .. : Iflcr005fng mosey problens in the parochial schools may evestoally force a great nsnober of stsdesta into sor public districts. The yorost precipitated discussion for public fonds which he felt uhoold be fonnelod into private school systems enabling thorn to stay - .3 Dayo Onlyk..our Reg. 4.96 Window boxes or palio. In a blaze-of-colors. alive. OpposItion to doch action comes from the ACLU and other DECORATID PATIO TABLE groups which aro aneqoivocally against any state moneys being used for church purposes. The a1tbeative, which is painted out. io a great crush on the pablic schools which woold c000e your yrosent tax bills to zoom hito the ethoç. The yroblem is an ocote ¡lie JuvelinDort Game Oce and is a dire concern for. all of'us at the local commanity Outdo,r family lun! level. Develop Scoring skills. 4 Darts, 2 plastic riflJJs. P,,obk c plog.inl A n,cn,rn , OFC,bo,u,io,. s enntesssnt tas in suelan color. 911. loo ripod the possthiuty of the political types stichieg theIr 00005 into the upcoming - Con Con electioeo. In downstate Illinois ouch a lumInary os Secretary of State l'aol Powell has indicated he might. he interested in roodsing as . a delegate - A lihely. coort decision may determine bis eligibility. At our local level you con be sure C the gayo with their fingers in the present political pies will be Ottomptieg to cot up their share in the selection of delegates. WhIle they . hove the same lights as anyone else to he o port of Con Con . it is Obvions Joe Citixes wooldn't have a chance to run against p pellticallyoponssred delegai. - Case of 24-12 oz. cans. ALL FLAVORS - BADMINTON su }GALLON iUG 2 44 to 4 svs. *iic'í CASUAlS 540 1 d should.pou. 47 Rc00od PVC.. oct. ooIro.Lith bi, bisaS. - ,,ih lOI,jgk g, P&ATIS m-48 . . . AMERICAN FLAG, 3xS° - 108corroo pole, brockrr. BUYJUPIrER! YOU'LL Compare to $3.12 cace MOTORIZtD --PC.'VINL 24 LUGGAGE SET DIA. GRILL- ;t89u e3$B .4djcoroblr goid,occllr0o.OLAppoovrd. - . Con Con delegates woulg.certaiidy aeem.appropnite _s-o_._4s.or.u.._.... - . , HIgh school. Hé gra000leol teem West FoinCi'rep school and' han hoes ongoing in the fi-ont linO-o ,Incethnt time, D0vide plateen has thedangereos Doold SCIImWO platotÇit, statiffoed In Viet If-fm the iouler college iesues tisç ocreedng cOmmittees have .bepn Painstakingly tryIng to prevent politicos from gaInIng a foothold in tIsi totOra juoiorllege.-bere.- Similar screening actIon for . - PackIng food otuffO and toilet notIcies fer WhIle thre are dome paliuéto types who have bees involved In. lkosrysooc,occi,odc', pclloa. Celo0,0,10. L Gifts For Gis Ñ. Assuming a member of the League of Women Votera. who has worked in behalf 0f Con Con for several - years, decided to ron, she Would he mashed into the goosed by o pnUtical type who has the ouppou-t of his Party. Perhaps ancreeoing committee comprised st citizengroupo shollid jsin together to allay the,politiciaeO from . contrelllng thene deleggies. . .. with the 101ct Airbogne Divislob, aro L, t, R.; Mon. Kc$Hsnoldj MES. Timothy Honraban. Mrs. Prañk Schmidt (mother of DaV1 and ColumbIa HSjdOIC. Tjlo womans Club of HIlen, 10th DInt. u.P.w.C.. osso packages In December and Api-il to theoo.boys. DavId i a native of Nile, havIng thl.ted from St, John BrebmifasId Notre Dame search and dentroy mission, and they, are often - In the. maantalns' for weeks without gecllng es the rear area, -These,hoys.aro sot able to gettos 'c'Is.x." and their foOd consIsts et conned 'ratIons, O0 these pochages are doubly welcome. Anyone winilleg to costrIhste may call Mrs. Hono!d, 647.8779 or Mro. Haiti-ahab, 965.4979. ' 5. 196e Wekon. ... _g!1 Bra Ami .. .. . ;.. ast Maine bo&'n in Luthgàn General hoep1t1. May 20. to Mr. and Mrs. . Graduation une-11 Joseph J. Sc1afan 7417 Lyons, Morton . Grove. Tito baby weighed 6 ib., 9 oz. The graduation exercloen of For yoUr car your home 298-3880 BUS. OB - 825-3997 RES. 5874 N. MtIwauke Ave. NUö, lifli 6064e lo all you osad te know about Insurance. ¡raro FARM I50050ncn COMPAssO HOME OFFICER: OLHOM!MCFOPI. ftLIflOIE During Traditlönal Friday evening services el the Northwest Sahurban Jewish eosgregodeo, 7800 W. Lyons, Morton Grove0 en June 6 at 8:15 p.m., Congregauon officers and the Board ntT--- --.... For-at view ave. 12:00 ' p.m.- 1411es Safety Council - Bernard Siojochter, wilibecome will deliver the charge and Can- June 24, 1969 - - Havdallah Ser-Ices, and Sunday morning st s,m., Minyan. the charge, and Cantor Gldsn A, Lavi will ch-nt the litur- . - A nd -Mro. Chúrdh (United Preobyterlas) he honored for shoE will uve., -8 p,m, h nor of Installing the new Sis.. rhood offiCers and board, and The Minister, Rev. D. Douglas "Deep Water Fishing." Following the service, the graduates will he 0er-ed ahuffet..joocheoo - - June26, 1969 abbi Chantey did the honorSenior Citizen's Club- òfNIleo In. the.all..porpooe- room of oho n the Mon°o dab. Mro. Nell - Social - . Recreation Center church. liaubin. second term presIdent 11:00 a,m. fc r Sluterbood and Seymour Zoning floordMeeting..Coun_The graduates are: Barbaro B udlsh, president for his firot çll Chambers - g p.m. Barth, Canti Bleshaor, Roger st cm of Men'a slob. Men's Boteison, Chrltlne -Bromfield, - Charles Boczhobb, Gary CaptE, clab 1969 - 1970 ouflcero June27, 1969 are: preoldent,SeymourBudjsh; Nuco Baseball League - An. Terry Conies, Dolora. Culver, ex etutive vice . president, suaS Dance Arl1ogton Carousel Elizabeth Curtln Jame6 Dol. crome Albert; memhershio. .... n ,.n tau, Linda Pakry James Gote -. J.n' 't no, L!llton Blum; piwgram. Citheii man, Cheryl . Heider, Jeffrey Ladleo Aaoçlllory.. VFW #7712 'Erlichman; . ways and means, Iverson, Alan Johnson, Walter Bunker Blu .. 8 p.m. Kenneth Smithson; treasurer, -Krause, William Kretschmer, Elles Tope Meeting .. RecreStuart Goldsond; oecretary, Michelle Labo, Robert Leoch. Center 7877 MIlwaukee Robert Weoterfeld, James McAlister, Wayne Mueller, Jamen Macolder, roCoco Orim - Club Recreo.. Sisterhood l969-l9700fflcers Je-eu Mueller, Shirlee Obero lion Center 8 p.m. are; president, Mro. Nell Bas.. moler, WayneOlditam, Roymood kin; vice-president member. Peck, Daphne Rambis, Broce jane so 1969 Chip, Mro, Irwin Freedlçln; viceRlngqulot, Randy Geraidi nod Nllasßaneball League Represident ways andmeona, Mro, Incoe Marquez. i p.m. Seymour Krasoe; vice-pr-al- . creation Center . dent F.T.C., Mrs. Gate Sitar- Mrs. Normanljnterhergor; conman; vice-president circle, responding secretary, Mrs. Mrs. George Goldstein; Vice- Emanuel Wexier; recording president program, Mrs. Mao-.. socretary. Mro. Philip Raffe. shall Rosenthal; vice-president hospitality, Mro. Robert Tiger.. On June 8, In the parking lt man; treanaref, Mro. DanIel U.$.Y. Car Wash . . . 9 a,m. to Epstein; financial secretory, 2 p.m., cost $1.00. Maine Tnwoahlp Jewish Coo- P&eeOL PANUP1GS . w4144=/ aad S - - A PRflDUCT OF EMERSON RODIO' Seleen, will oeak on the topic - - QUIET KOOL - ocholootic achievement, - Recntatjon Center - 12;OO Jaycees YMCA-6lOOTooby L awrence H, Charney had the On Saturday morning, at 9:30 a.m,,- Ted, son el Mr. and Mrs. the graduating high school Oenlors : of Nues Community - ter - 8 p.m. Riles -Orandmgtbers Club and Sinterhood wan held. . conch was served, gregation la Invited to otcesd. On Sunday, June 8, dorIo0 the 11 a,m, WoroMp sentite, Nues Gardens. East Home- On Sanday, Jane 1, the in.. Collation of the Men's club Church - Owners Asso, -Recreation ceo.. - Following serviceo the June and July anntveroarycelebrants will host Ehe Oneg Shabbot In honor 5f the occasion. The entirecon- NilesCommunity - - June25, 1969 IS SO EXCLUSIVE. 11:00 a.m, too st., S p.m. VILLAGE BOARD MEETING Nileo Councllchombers.. 8 p.m. - - N lOUDER Tills AIR CONDITIONER Senior Citizen's Club of Nitos Friendo of the Nifes Poblic Library Library 6900 Oak- Mrs. Bernard Shlathter will OTU'S on 115VOLT house cuFreNt! Spclal - Recreation Center Bar Mitzvah, Rabbi Chantey tor Lavi and Ted will chant. - June 12, 1969 Park Lane Community Meen. Ing . Park Lane Commoejtyhwi 8 p.m. - June 23, 1969 NUes Rotary Club - Luncheon Meeting Mediterranean Room YMCA - LI. se,, 7:30 . Nllou Council Chambers 8 Oalct000 Manor Homoonttto Aosoc. Home of Board Mein. hero B p.m. Senior Citizen's Club et Niles Social Recreation Center 1:00 s,m. FlUa. lead the sercics and deliver , Probt AIR CONDITIONER l{omesweec Library Board Meeting June 18, 1969 wider the direction of Donald Following the services Mr. and L-$ MEETRQ 720g Wail. .hrary .. 6960 Ookton - The East Maine Janlor High school band will also perform host the traditional kiddush, stalled by Rabbi Lawrence H. Cborney. Rabbi Chatioey will - Jane 1, 1969 Park Board Meeting Re. . creatien Center 8 p.m. NUes Chamber of Commerco Lancheon Meeting _ Weller' s cibo Room 7225 Caldwel, Joaan Lenormand; andthe ReceSulonal by Ber-eU Ross. - 5, 1969 Renters Msoc,..Councjl Che-, NWSJC News 1__ e6 &e eC14ét4t. 4 Bolko on clarineti Freaentotlon of diplomas bymembers of the board of education; Announce- Room ment of graduates' names by Mrs. Shirley Finder and Mrs. gical portion of the ncr-Ices. Slate Farm Elles Rotary Club Lunchrm Meeting - YMÇAMedlterrane CoouocIiche.o.boro hogan rd, 8 p.m. - Give ma a call. AT VILLACE BOARD - lCrejsa eu trumpet, Beonet Zw. ger on trombone and Robert The program lista Sloe Precessional by Berneil Ross; Welcome by Jamle Bresmas, - Lthrary - 8 p.m. Joe Zltkus on daubs,- Mike William Curolnick, president ei the board of edacotion of East Maine SchoolDlstrjct#63. PrienipaS Melvin Spence will give remarks. Jere Tidwell, Agent - - - trumpet, Neil Zwelhan onbanjo, Presentation of the class :vm ati you need tÖ know about insurance. June16, 1969 American Legten Post Beanen Zoger; TheSIxJozzrneo. be made by Superintendent Huglo E. McGuigon with Acceptance by State Farm Nues Cale--dar: Of Evejit -Randy Waidman on plano and rood, In Park Ridge. Sorno 622 studente will ¡occise diplomas. and your health S', You CAII.COUNT ON vice president of che Student Coancli; Oboe solo by Linda Level; Trombone solo -by East MaIRIe Junior 54gb sChoal will be bead at 8j,.m. en Wedneoday, June 11 In thefieldloouse of Maine East High school. Dempacer - Street and Potter your life .w. ._'t____j : - There's never been un air conditioner like thin. Yen got 6000 BTU coaling on Ehi0t without to. Oh,, lt AiREne5. 7½ ampo pilo completely mst.proaf mio lotho 14,000 BTIJQOI,t tuoi '360 F,oOIoOiFO oondltlo,s,-Ohe bI00000 canijos Wst,eO of it, kind dm0 ,,d 00h00 ull,rep.i,rftating irepuroles. Md it that op,stm no oguior 115-mit 0050FF. 5,55 sand,d, coos inuid,rbuno,. nonni tik,a000i dHA? what it ajee, yoa tisi', sa 000tn,ioo. 1.5.1. 5000m .1050 osk tortho 54.00a BTU oolot Coot :360 F,ash 50505 F0 000,Ftip moOwl 011000h teep,F,000e und AIr,.Mdsta,t,nlOyiOe onee,r. hinidily. eileinotiogth.00uld, 01,5er toluca sOto koopina you in salid mwloit. Moitirons molino. with , opnoi.I Air Way, baIn'. list 000001E emes Oho 1010 500Vyoa,osr. too Oxiot Coni '300 60es yoo floe lieu, coro Corred air thou ordinny air mo ditiontrO, 0Oo-tIOOh. 0000 air 0h01, Iran al arle,. design. The lifetime aieminum cabinet und fiberglas busepun und buikhead done its lola lob on loin U5-ooit,. Nu fieRily ,col,ioo WIlt WIt nr carrode n the steamlest - calatien that moves air tust.ouud quietly. Twa spied fan..Eahaüatte got rid ai smoky uir. Aotnmatic thormlatut and puobbatton cnnlreis, Md yea can install It yauraoif iii oodnnds. Grub a Quiet Roel Vitti Kent-Pact today and turn aft slimmer. 88 -s heruM t,,O,iO,,.l bisa,,. weather. Enciesive WhisperFlo air dr- I,,, - etrar tilo., III,, .000 tOR s Ooi.u,tt Op. e0n.or o l,r,O0,, i, mide tbo,,0 . rnl.,IdOh 00,00,0e r,0.i to q'i.o,,. 88 - EE - - - -:MTJC e News - We Will Be Pleased Te Offer The Services Of A Professional Interior Decorator At No Charge e A S-Year Exchange Policy Accompanies Each Painting r f\atiòwide tArt 1711 .Glenview Rd., Glenview . DennIaLolellen Joe Beckmann iDlnplay Advertising Display Advertising Clannifled Advertfolñg p - . -ZOLWaIt,n e-2j$VL95 LOUls MIClOuIS :DaOOJer - Frances Tabor - PlaInes, will bd called tu the Torah ao a Bar Mitzvah at the traditional Snbßuth mondo ncr-ice Sawrdi-Juse 7 0t R3 0.550. . The - afternoon Muncho-- Manrlv-Havdolab prayers arc -: cbonoeol -at S pm. and intlode - the fentivo "Sbalslo Seudot' Shorter Board - ,, Jeanette Von Hoffen . 5,500DU'n of Cooling e 7y, Amp, Zi5-Volt operullo --S You just can't Spend o Automatic Thermostat M tundee alumines caNnel $1OO.00. . llS.Voltoporalloa QUIET KOOL you get for less than e Instant lostallutlon e 2.Speod CoolIng M Slide ont filter M PashbiBto controlo any less than this: And Isolo at all the features i Filled or tet,tiu aloi. e lifetime wanhbte BItor THE. T" 59 s B 'Y Steve; sen of Mr. sod Mro. Jock Enel, 9276 HamlIn, DOS _._._........,...,Çlrcuiatlon Mary Ann Mansari eots.' worohip-program. Production Oeparnnant Snuff: 7453 N. W.atenn Ave.-. 2423 N. Hadern . 6148 Cermokid., Berwyn,IlI: Publieher Busineon Manager Production Dept. Mana#er News Eilinor Arthur Sebrager Mn,. Thora. I Fn, 50 a.m.-9 p - David Besser sally Kozubal Rese Rzepka.. Naomi Krone ,PhyIlle Weloberg S'arburaMorrio Tüe, W6d.. tnt. aoaoa.m..s . OTHER GAllERIES preoldenï df tha Senior High School Youth organization, A fare,ell to uil gradoathif senlOro will abo hIghlight the Second siano postage paid at Clulcogo, Ililnofs PHONE 298-3970 Son,. 12.5 p.m. Rabbi Jay Racines wilt intintI a slate headed by David Morrf s, 9)12 Osceola, Morton Grove, us Largest Circulation In NUes Môrton Greve, Golf Mill, East Maine Area 1595 Elisod.DeLIais . bath Family 5er-Ice Jose 6 ut 1:30 p.m., in the oysogogoe auditorinno, 8800 Bollard rd., Vol. 12 Ne. 50 Jane 5, 1969. 9042 N. Courtland Ave., NUca. Ill. Phone: 966..390..1.,4 Pnblisbed Weekly on Thursday Mall Sohncrlption L'Mec _' $3,75 per year eter, Inc. PHONE 724-7364 Synagogue) will Inotoll officoru Das Plaines. e Expert Custom Framing At Low-Low Prices =men gregarios IJSY (Youth of the and conduct the Friday EveSab- L.. : - : en - Thirty-five women ettho 1151 vernity et Illinois inUrbana ho-e beep named to Shorter Boa. Senior wamun's activity honorary, They include; Bai". bara Scoc, 8111 - Wissen 00., ,wr -._$ T.V. a APPLIANCES 7243 W. TOUHY PHONE 631.6030 631.6512 823.3171 - 631.7436 STone nouan, Monday-ThorodoyJoday 9A5M..ÇpAt y Tnnsdap.W,dnesdny Saturday CA.M..6p.M. ClasidSúndoy - k" - :e_9g1x..ThIrnday Jote 5,1919. NiWiBösebafl Eàge Dist. 64 Parficijates. Iii Exchange Field Test several n the cnuIwy ça1fc1... pawlg In a aataaa1 cl "Exchanges" a xcw eiemecxary ecor,cmlcc program. tenais torinoroducingccancm.. 1cc to Si,! graders are bethg tried out la Merrill school by Jaoct Stainer. The fIeld test soy opponentsfrozeandlfreze.' Franke, pritcipal of Merrill, and Dr. Raymond E. Hender, assfstatt superintendent. was excellent. The final scare Yanks 4 - Dodgers 2. The program is being da- Becinclog hscklromtheirflrst defeat. the Hedgers were able to take on the Padres and defeat thorn 5-3. MIke Kroll pro- sento two examples uf loterIe- Veloped by the Industrial Role- Henal trade, studied in depth tists Center of the University threugh graphe, maps and ether date. nl Cblcago, rim have previously developed foamli and fifth grade economics materials. Concepts formerly considered appra- sided the long bail vItb two homeromo accountIng for4rw.s. flan Jendrycbl sino bit o heme- Earlier field tests. in whIch Dista-itt nd hasalooparucipated In Mlo Sreiner'o class at Merrita school, have IndIcated that sixth graders el varying abilities have responded positivoly to the program. The pro- priate to the college level are lntrcdnced In meaningful latins and related to the studeets experldnceu. Built areundastauc., Dire of basic economic Idem, the program ntcgrateo conrepte from geography and mathematical nUlls, as well as run te round oat the Dodger Idling attack. these scores. fans. Looks luce gram will be made nationally avaflakleafter the present field test. incorporating a great variety the Peanuttats have gned pitching this year. Sladents are introduced to concepts through a story which taken and Portland In Conoecticot; the University of Chicogo Laboro- place on amylldtalsoud, Parli It CUSTOM CERAMIC r Cubo 4 - Dodgers 2. The Padres hoSed the Colts . EIiMii4óto ThiSTfresòme Jobßy Hovìn A Seamless FIoä COvering By Good pitchIng by Cougars Mark Haras, Jeff Chaffun and Greg Kapka held theWblteSox. until the hittIng ei Tom Motu. risas, MIke Neski, und Mark . Huras pat the gameoutef rèach. Cougars -la - White -Sox .5. NRTHWEST FLOOR CARE 'The Cougars bave estended their winning streak by defeatIng the Braveo 9 to 6, /u team effort of pitchIng. fielding and bitting gave the Cougars the Installed In Your Kitchen Seamless Floor Coverings . Never Need Waxing . Have No Pores Or Seams To Trap Dut . re LImit-Less In Color CombinatIons right combinatIon. and pitching of Bob Bemoras and Jell Johnson scored o dedoive victory over the Cards by o score of t IO 2, Bob and NORTHWEST FLOOR CARE 774-3394 9 A.M. To 5 P.M. 692-2157 Evenings Jell bit 3 for 3 euch collectIng one round tripper. Bob Keener provIded the third lego! anexceillnt pItchIng perfor- FREE ESTIMATES NYLON CARPETING SPECIALS! Sq. Yd. c4mft* ftea .. . $: . . game el tito week the Giants d g«a&tq a.iaeId4.'1Oejesù e44ftea. 'em4«e4 .. . ,.. CHOICE OF iBGORGEQUS COLORS . . . BrinkS clobbered 2 Clams took tite lead 2 io O on a humer with one o.. by Ron Parker, but the Redlego canto right back in the 3rd InnIng making it 4 to 2. Ste tIte bottom ei the sixth, Jim Steoger rim to win lt for the Giants, won 2 and lust none,andfleLotnenea, Livorni, end Strycula ttlmann as aunai was great at the plate for the Redlegs. tIght pitchers duel, tIte Mein -edged the Pirates. Ron Reeve pItched welder the pirotes,but . -- pitched sin InnIngs fortheMets, givIng up three hits. Deloritzo Reeve end Gurack Collected the PIrateo hits and Steve Capnoven bits aided by Murk Moltoony with a double. gretti bit well fer the PitIllIes. Card .- Plduies - I. The frIendly PbIIIles wore contained by great pitching of Scott Heoto who went the distance for the Cardo. Boots and Pat Zaremba paced the hitting MIncIt of the Ñfles YO 6-9090. Dramafic s sise... eoftI.tuII - daino 0.0.55. ud $ Ø9,.:..... MEDITERRANEAN Ward. Bryant Johnson. and Rob Syiverne giving up only 2 hits. Ward anti Joimsen cool. boul a home rua, Sylvegne clapped In RICH GRAINED PECAN FINISH with S sIngles. and Tom Ratwino slnpjted gut deuble.Cook . r ' - BEDROOM SUITE o Trp!g dresier e MafchTn9 twin mirati o Chest of drawers a Rich sculptured bed e Commode edditional Pleiteo Complete e yoa, Choice Kiog-Size Tufted binweneomo Thomasvllle 5 pr. French Prov. Bedroom Suite 4-Flete Danish Style fledreom Saltes In walnut finish. Doable &000 on Wood Headboards e Favonus Name loin o iring.sllo lnngth matirent and bot ipning seto. up their ist won of the year agaInst the Niles Car Wash dresoer. mirror. cheot and Sl puneS bed. . .ALL 4 PIECES $49 18 Reg. $795 Nw S444 Fail Size s kinq.size length o, AmerIce'. 0,.t Qnaiity Cama brood Slaepero. S.fa.Sodi, Stadi,., obi. I O.mlna Woomn Mdonde I ..: whh qsll$ad 559 a Seal1 queer-I.e 60"otÖ' mattress -. Mets collected a triple and a o single. Dodgers - 7 Gttbs. - 5. The TF $ p Famosi brand ileep., 2 PiECES Evglaoder 76' . 80 Ilngsiz0 mattreo. oeor 2 (leg . oe bon sprhtgs. ;3atStli 4p Cobs In a bard flIght game. The dodgers led 7 to O lo the 5thwben the bats of the Cubo began to-cluck. monIto to two Hollywood Reben and MIke 141101. The Cubs Mail, or WeisS EARLY AMERICAN GROUPING : eJs tsgl,ndn natir.,, O bs. spring .0 nUt ,drnin. cf t,eic,., nan,, its s.,a- Redlegs - 12 COlIS - 6, Bebled floe pitching and bitting el ineyc SpIna the Reniega conti- S feven e Grole,! Pecho,. horn One nl Ae.rica, Finid Sedino,,, Monclottuçenl MAGNIFICENT RANCH 0*11 FINISH 28 = Cic.r ----------.28 S*.d.nt 2C e- 28 .- Dscbts Irgo., Danish Style Bedroom Groupleg t lo olledwalnat.Comparetn 588.. MOST PIECES NOW eIed to win. In the 10 hIt burrage ei the Reds were Ist- rt s mers by Spina,Mlkn Andarsebat r stud Steve Lanoenschlaegnr.. wis&dewi,g MedIterranean correlated bedroom grnaping in petan, Corn- $ pare to $78. . . . anITh YOUR CHOICE. 28 $48 Modern In walnut and whIte lIlIoboo, correlated bedroom o Aoo.,ia,n btnl bed ¡n nupIi Roidi. All ..ed pads . Wllliamo solid oak and pecan bedroom grouping. Nati000llyS advertised at $98... s Medeon Esolp -Aminlin, si MOST PIECES NOW 2 - recIa hit * botnorlar the Çlts. noivobie SOyt. sod Field.. - e Etolas.. boni od MOST PIECES NOW 68 Ft nob Piowloolsi Is walnut nnòlo o. white ficIste, All. sial p.m. Vm, cI,ol,. FREE Cqitsand gave up 8nIy osa. attn. KeltllMitelleraùdDavidcl00000 Saab eid T,ssdio Oid.. Etery Con. pleces....YOUR CHOICE . Mueller pitched (wo for. tel $ America'. Meat !apuiar Hondreti, nf Hnedboocdi ta Choose from a 199 $ . EMERGENCY DISPOSAL SALE ulcer to bin growing collectIon while bis boyswerodeleatlsg the - i3OtIaIy IslOte . ...NOW 3 PIECES Dodgers manager added annther trlpIefortheThimpaced thxtr- .-Prinn. led-the plrateiwith 2. offense end TomEllio of the 'wis-aplece; r.......... EMÊRGENCY DISPOSAL SALE 2 PIECES Asgels, as Pizoeck, Kolswkow.kl, and Roberts putu.pltcbed l(ryzininknki. D'Angelo, and O'Brien. 3 to O. ñntii.the Salt çwo InnIngs lout wosebIe to hbbgon forthe Inst out. . -Jn!tul Goch and KevIn Peo. sil Siso luth $10 Addliih*aE o 2 Sorta Mafinesses o 2 SerBa On, Springs o 2 Fntvses o 2 Swng Hogeo Qbs and Roberts and Bosh of . corinal - 6. PIrates tIte Colts blgblit.d thIs gwne.:. oargIn CéñInaIs.. md Joe Roberts of the Colts broke up the garnewltb,o gaine win- the Plratos_ in a nIto. Contest. slug homer In the 3g inning. . The PirItes hold off olnierally to WIn it 9 to .6,-Vurniattald Cotta . 3 Metol. Schnr pitched- strong far ten PfrateS (Ichal. west 5 for the Mets. Borlt's MMOUS NAME Iuiç score of iO to i with Mob adding ene more run and ended the gamo with a twopun margin. of the CoSts went the detanceIn uy braid soma miNeemos oid bss ,prhio. whila Ch. KlllG-SlZ HOLLYWOOI ENSEMDOE of JImmy Mock. itIbe Jesger brought Mack In on a long fly plt- OfltiIID EAEtE EaATflES1EE 00 istlijaily l.050'o of Cleat quoi. lox SPRIR SETS nf1r latt.-They def. the 3rd gloceedSex;bya grout diving stops by Keith the basen Moric Schwarçz hit, a double to Ile thegolne, CHOOSE FR011 StEli ES DilFgflET BUTTRESS & cömitig agnzmd, antIhaee wan 2 Astros took a fir toit of the sIxth the Astros come -to bat losing 7 go 4, Jerger !.°d: oíl. wIth a slegl, MacIc walked Dotigb Harczak walked to load sA1. The TwIns, after lOsing their combed ta the Braveo. tallow loch. FoggIa, Swelson and Allo- dùlSPOS4° II1G-SIZE BEDDING furet 3 ball gomes, neem tobe The N.B,L. PIrates picked also did well at the plats. Do- Amertin's Pelt Qastity. tltiflneoliy Adoorliled end,nnm Pinniliro. ChOOiO horn the newell doniqo. ood fishtail Thnms.eitiò n Ameritan C Williams e Lone a Koe.Lea OVanqeita o SometO O keot.Cnffey o aid many mOto. seem to give tItees the edge to win ten cinse cites. Braves -lltiflljes..5, lou pitched wen for the Braves and of brand momos. dDJSPOSAL o, . r;MERCTh'k. points etch. The Eagles bave bemered In the Bob for the hex only rim. neeoaw battle, the Phuilles oso. ..4_.a Chante f a ¡Relime In osee on Chinato. largeSt selettiOo IIed for 5th placo are the came thou wIth o tmmely.hIn to tie up the score for tite GIants. MIke Walsh drove inibewlnsleg . Grady, BrIm, and Dawlaclo. Swenson PaInt Eagles, and the Blrchway Drug Twins wIth 4 e good pltchingcffort Fire completely destroyed our large downtown show-room on Wabash Ave. Truckloads of brand new merchandise destined lot this store must be sold off at our Golf-View location. To dispose of this merchandise quickly we have made the most sweeping storewide reductions in our histoiy. Chance of a lifetime to choose from Chicago's lo :eot completo selection of America's best quality, nationally advertised, brands, sleep products at absolutely lowest prices in our history. 'SEALY ENGLANDER °SIMMOÑS °BURTON DIXIE °SERTA The 2nd place Indiano won a "cruclal. gante agalnoc the Red baveioht 3. lhannt League pitoltlng Is the answer, and the GIants have 3 good oreo In cbIn dsel beiweenWbaleaiof the 'LUXURtOUS hIGH PILE TEXTURE 8!O?MaIAçeL,_A!. 5- Even.Mon, Thzr. ktDmPitor 9p cats. However, the GIants have yet to .CoIts-3QibéÏ Beftà.yiie CaiPe* ever, Dan DoCZekaISki "got in the act" last week witlta bases loathes double agaInst the Wild.. west the distance for the Reds hull. The finepitching and hit-. tin5 of KraM kept the Mtreo In the game all the way. In the . 83 PLUSH-SHAG SALE Sq. Yd. . ât Carlsnn Tom Kowaloki, Jobo Kaippenger, and Ron Blelsbi, continue on their merry way ldtcbing and hittIng the Lions to neo win after another. How Cook. Inlng lead 2 tu O by the coegitsued hitting . . NATIONAL DIVISION Astros - 7 Bo.s - 7. The dd úw4e Peanut pitching stoff of Ros . SIx by a 6 no 4 score, as PInski, McGrath, and Briski. nutburled McCartby Zerblin, and Ing in the Phillies oily run. Joe Jillegretoi pitched well In his debut on the mound, for the PinIllos. S'Ád4?%ede, ed44. . orbert F6015) O Cardo. Mullochieb singled daly- Wools Polyesters Nylons Acrylics : . SI. WblteSox pozzofll got two of the Mets The Braveo led by the hItting CALL V -lo. Cardinals ..55D uaaa*iy strung lose o ball game while the Suo a two run homer. Final score Timad Of Scrubbing AiidWaxingYàur Kitchen r.. £. pitchers regiotered 15 staten '-In a lilie perfoontance. The Aschwcker, Parker and Patton. Robhy Smith of the Dodgern hit . FIoôr? Cubs (Lone Trophies) 2° Colts (Skaja Funeral 510mo) SI.EEP 7. and the Giants and Red Son for 3rd wIth b eacb. The Giants and tIte Red Sos dee in a 6 point, 3rd place de. & Pepiiiirnq - Shop Locally 3 N4ME pi with thou B squeaked by the Redlegs behind the pItchIng of Mike Walsh who went sin Innings. Art Aufmann - what a woederlul job by San Angelo In Texas. 8151 1l1waukee Ave., Nues J 4 Padres 3 Jets (Chamber of Commerçe) a Giants - 5 Reniego - 4. lotee outs. over the hopeless Dodgers tory scheol and S Charles io Illinois; Fllnt imcb.; Liulath, Mine. and Corpus Chrlst Fort. Warth Mesquite, Midland and Mooalc li Ceramic TIle Centro. SpEcinizing in Remojeliog Shop) b ti. ¡airions ore 2cd eUh homers for the IndIans In the 6 to 4 wIn.. Getting into the win column Other ochnol districts participatieg in thls°gear's field test fer the Irrst time this year are Beverlylihls,tallf.;Crom.. were the CubswJno gaited their well, East ftampttí,imddlozown vintoryover t!ge Dodgers. Cub od learnings tram other areas. 4.,Mets Yankees (Linie Miss h Mr. The Mets defeated th Cabs by a score of 4-2. NotIce ali gs L S 8 6 6 BEDDING it. a2 poimraceforls FbInts Braveo Cougars 0g May 30, there wen a nions; tee Rotary Club Gie score Dodgers 15 - Jets 6. i. Dodgers DIVISION . co Divusion.poer teams, tee ns el NUcO-Lleva, the la- hit round trip.Scottcutomnexo matto a ipectadular catch In the ungield iostiflo a ot Standings as el May 28, 1969 aheed. Mgr. BoblleSaetis stated that the pitching by bnth teams tollero and play out a market slivati30. The ddrd linfa PtO- ulano plus a 50.1gb homer whllo JImmy Rubens and Tim Realoo loaded doable to pat bIs team EpJC / Jets. Rohby South hit o gratid haut defeat el the season at the hands el the Yankees. Dean De Santiselthe Yankshltabases the interaction oloupply and dOmae.d,le the simuletian gaine, "MarketS" students become consomers and re.. Dodger hitters wentonoraoopage On their game ogalnot the rally. JohnWinolewski hut o grand slam for the Jets. Final The Hedgers suffered theIr unit, students learn about es change in o market Yc Is Imde the djrcctfsu of DOOaId economic froze, my ballplayers. froze omito. The bases blspecialized production, and growing interdependence between producers and continents, are Introduced through the story. In o second These cbaflenrog cow ma- basic EAST DIVISION .. In the Mets win over the Colts by o score of S to 3, Island, where ihodeveìopment cl a simple edonomy cerros as Mets Manager John Vrabllkwas a me.delel more complex acore heard to continent, 'My fans chooI Dstrfa 64 fs.oe of .-. -u $795. STEVEN'S BEDDING . . PILLOWS FREE TO THE FIR$TJ2 HOURS: SUNI 10-5 MON., THURS., FRI. 12:30-9:30TUES.,WED., SÄT.9:305:30 . ; loo rO CUSTOMERSM W.GO LF ROAD- iNo perchase necessary. Limit 2 per famuy with enupon, GOLF ft WAUKEGAN ROADS FREE .5,51'i'. tr' ru r oI. ............................ . YQ 5-2575 i: Here 4re Dst. 67 Crndi,g,tpg TheCIasofjçq Junior High 85 boys ond.68 153 will have camnencemeüt at the gym Each memberoftheé1s The 45-minute pzogam will have admission by ticket only becaoè oflimited opoce. - girls for a total of will be given four tl'keto for family members or friends. \RED0 COSTL'' R EPAR . - . of the class, lioted aiphabedcafly by the suburb In which they live. are as follows: BLLS? 1'fiGIJJ3jflp: MORTONcJROVE - JET-ACTION WASHERS OFFER YOU A William Brnwn Carl Brzovlcb, Clifford Buooefl Deborah Cam. Acttee fo Houglaod "Jeep. o Jst.Awoy lint romoyal used, io lint tióp o iot.p1e Deinren quick -pkee.f.wCr pmtàfór top dep.ndetlIiiyI ft JitiIciMullgefiMt o 2 epo.è utocsasIc soa!i cyclo to Isoeii & e 2 agitoticio, 2 spIn '-D e Pntcitd dsep.cction fc, - Daniel i(raucb, Donna Landt, Rae Logiosky, Aleece Luna, . Thomas Orsi, Jantes Owen, Fermer, Frances (Frange) Fulalddas, David Ra.. benn, Thomas Ritter, Kenneth GLENVIEW Jahn 1,D 7243 W. TOUHY YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD AT TOWNHOUSE T.V. NE I-6030 and TA 3-3171 NO MONEY DOWN FREE PARKING IN OUR nef. LOTNEXTTOSTORE Donne Wiora, Kay Wyler, Deborah Wyoochi, Don Zimmer. man, Mactin Zwlch, NILES Susan Bratzlçus Steven Cori, Michael Dunn, Leslie Epperson, . Marl Figler, Mirlo Friedman, Orlan Gennich, Steven Grossman, Peter Magulle, Lawrence .O1nisn AarsurSupozsjk, Ronald Schaffel, Steven Schrehsich, Bonnie Selman, Steven Sosmon, . - Richard Gardner, Jeannie HadCommittee and will be Prop george, Wilfiam Heap, Celeste Manager for ail productiono; Hickman, Clayton Johssos wife Marilm will be hin Gregg Jabonen, Ronna Karhás . bio Ehren 55e Mating, Jyl Meier, 050intant. Phyllis Peterson, ffrector, will be -assisted by Gall Mesoerschn,j, Laura Mines, Kevin Newton, Ralph .Ed Haras. Producer io Herb Norman, Normas Pitcher, Janet Lolboch and costumes are again in the hands of Cell Keats. Jon Siewert, Brian Smith. Poltz will be Choral Director by Gwen Granqsisg, who will be asslsteo by Betty Miller ood Jackie York, who is also a cornmusicationo necretary, Chester Peterson is the P.T.A. repro. Bohalders,. Mary Elizabeth Hanson, Jill Jacob.. 055, Jallo Johnson, Lisa Jones, Ann Thompson Paola Tonner.. Renee Klein, of Lincoinwood, whach is ostside School District 67, sIso is a member of the . 500tative, - graduating class. She mortserly lived In Niles. - ALL PREfiNISHED! WALNUT BIRcH.ELM -'PECAN - MAHOGANY .OAK o HCKOY. BUTTEÍÑUT AVOCADO AND. MANY MORE! -; HA1 c*I WCOME -i .,. $149 Reg. 89C59C GLEEM 0STOOTHPASTE !6z4 piì HEAD & SHOULDERS J(IJIU riti THE SWINGER' Aid Association for Lngherass, uttended the President's niob sales conference at Pittsburgh, . . i MILLER HIGH fiFE BEERTJTiLE1.95 I ÓDAK..,INSTAMA. #134 t.#124 ;.. bÄ0' . .MODEI.201377.. Pa.. May 21 - 24. - 6959 M;kvaukep Ave. Nues, 6250 MiIwuiuk,i, Ave. .Josepb WojcinCbOwski S!nng 4.0366 BEER BLAu ocaS I ! 4C,,o.i.JIJIO0 W3"b - : .4-i . -DREWERYS BEER i&aa ./2O L__-. e..:. Reg. 165 FAMILY SIZE SÑAMPOO Tube .OLAROID CAME. representativa in this area for ' SIZE - ,. 631-9100 wish .hce, fs,hi.0 bynb,nod - n,wknieiegpwenn. u aL_ .'-325 size ÇH6íATE,'VI4ILLAs MINI . "SheeresE' Conbt s'"' .1 l.g .nppot Uo ater Dq.ADS . FUTURO Ef asilo SteCKlrig8! loo . BOUtES S319 6.f2 oz. CANS 39c . BLIRON RESERVE WHISKYfrth S269 THREE . 647 8471.3 . ç. FAMII At (oiifab Çolonitd Funèñzi Home AYDS ANDY . . .vsbAfl REDUCING PLAN F Carl A. Hinz, 8400 N, Mason ave., Morton Drone, district CASH & .CARRY SCORE . - Secretary; Joas Stenger, Wardrohe Mistress and Arlene bbar. 4x7 AMBERTONE ,, LURN \$4.44 :49t4oz. V O HAIR SPRAY HAIR GROOM MATTRESS 6FOOT 98 are Ted Antos, Special Effects; John Johanek and Elmer Stift, SpotlIght; Patti Jordan, Make- HAIR TONIC 98C59C AI . M&MDwTuNK -liGHtER. Marilyn Voss, Communicotloon . 8320 . .. $699 tress. Phil Heafywill sote agoic he §tage Manager. Ballard rd., NUes, at 7:30 p.m. Tsosday, Jane 17 instead of Jane 10 as originally planned, BUTANE . CHAISE: :LQUNGE - Reg. VARA FLAME ;-------------------DELÜXE ter, Assistant Wardrobe Mis- Next meeting of the Board og Education of Oint. 63 will he held in Ballard schsol . $237 RONSON II PINTS . VITALIS . FOR BLEMISHES & ACNE . Newspapers; Ellen Pearce oid Dist. - Reg. $5.95 LAWN CHAIR Barbara Keseedy, Publicity, Flusters and: Flyers; Marilyn Miller, Publicity, Rffo and are Morton Grove, 98; Nues, 2O Glenview, 27; asd Golf, 7. SPRING FESTIVAL OF'PANEUNGI FOLDING Up; Total students from each of the dIstrict's suburban Sections 63 Meeting Otber beads of departments . ... ICE CR%L% CLEARASIL CREAM MEDICATION . ALUMINUM and choreographylo to be heudod GOLF Sigsrdo . pactiSent beads for the coming year. Mel. Cobs hao tabes over as chairman of the Management DeLaurler, Gilbert DeLasrier Jr., Diane Erik500. Jeffrey Fo; Mock Schroeder, l.yns Shima. bnkuro Holly Slegri, Irving Sil.. . Verstein, Chklstopisér. Silvetti, Jefferson Theatrical Socloty has elected a new Management Comrnjttee and appointed de. . Thomas Beck, Paula Binder, Thomas Blake, Gall Canson, Nicholas Cellini, . Mary Carson, Joseph Mark Scbaefer John ScIsleicb Svaclns Jeffrey Sweet, Robert Terry, Betty Tragant Michael Unterfenger, Jill Wlddswson, : Barnetield :SEALTEST e4ae;ae a'- They Did Ii Timothy Schnell, Ronald Schoss, FgIdgv teo' mxIeitii, w r TV & APPU*DItES 599 #4020. Puggen, Julie icahas, Jody Nye. dflgellne Martinez, Daniel Min. ,. yrong o.. nn.f .&__ - row: Andrea Sisar. Debbie Ge! Oarae d N xsCa sonna5 maleen Atteedingb5 unt plcharidwere.Jady C1drone. Shor,h'oldsmjt, McMahan, Michael McDade, and Kaminuky Ellen Socket. o ; Themas Nelsen, Steven Nichel. ado, Janice Nimmo WendyNor. Nancy Spitzer, RobertSonaman, ris. Lawrence O'Brien, SteveuaTeinshio, Diana Thomas, Sandra Stavnes, Allan Stegeman, Bruce Sterling, Deborah Stock.. enberg, Jedy Suehas, Gary » LOWEST PRICES Ooidsmjtb, Mrs. Peggy Kahao.Secoedgow;Sherrfe Aremos, Pomelo Cutler, Teby Hibnlck, Kirsten Samoeloon, Christine Salvatore, oDIepeno ¿eoren9 jIeecb e Weiihe DUIOMD Proie Febflce peifoetlyl - active at the center, may be called at Y05..0695 by anyone wiuhing nate 00e clothIng, houeehoid geodu, fornitore and canned to do. goods. Back row: Mrs. Reberg CoGer, Paola Levleson, Mrs. Harold Robin, Martin Sacho, William e!eeflIn . Girl. Scout Troop 428 entertained their fathêro at a Box Luxeb recently o: Oketo Park fleidhouse. htstead of using their Treasuxy foods to pay for the mealj-tite girls decided to donate the amount of money to the Amen-kan Indian Center. One of the entiux things purchased with the money will be a ping..pang table to be uned by children in tise sanee age level as the ncou. The Center at 1630 W. Wilson in Chicago and is unique because Is located it Is eux by dja for indians. Me. Paul Zwih of Morton Grove, Raggenboch, Teid Romer, David deep I BY STRUCTO Box Lunch Fete l-Iyman TQuAwy: HIGH .1 GRILL . Michael ¿JI,. iItho otta,or Stacey Deborah JOh0000.JenephMarl; Ellen Kempoer, Eugene Keep. per, 1(atbleeo Kachevar, John Koliopou1eo Kenneth Xotao, àctlon" cèeelig. diytng. . J.f.slmpl, mechanism . ATSAV- OR - Epstein, Dens Fei1te1 Michael Poas, Neal Frankel. Thomas Goebel, Maxine Greonberg Linda Cuntafoon, Nancy Guzy David Hamboorger5 Russell HIntz Bruce Hxover. Bonnie Agitator - croetes ct. gurfente . 24" BAR B-O ORE DRUG STORE yòuR DOLLAR BU(S . taImi Gert (Garet) Christ, Çharleo Clary Jr., Richard : I Joanne Adamo, yredric Amstadter, Steven BabaS Steven Baer Lynett Eabnoen, Carol Barrons RantS 8ecker Michael Behr Stuart Sobrman, Glenn Bernaj Steven Berns, John J. Borot Jean Bragdon, Sandra pineS Bonnie Carismi, Paul Ceo.. Deep HARLEM and DEMPSTER Brenner. Mary Ann Brower, 5YEAR PROTECTION PLAN - 014.w o . ... . . GUILD WINE .. ,.. .FEATERS WHISKY ijid S339 35tni KING GIN s SI14K0V VODKA - :SILV( : 99 . 1 auge.,ThieodaJuun,.,, 5, t9i ç, .G. LittIø Leagvi Rain and unseasonably cold Weather cancelled out most of the gamea In -Marten Grove'a UWe League baseball schedule during opening vinek play.buton Friday night the Piratesmetthe Dodgers un FUlma Park and the . ... . ' : :. : - DOdgers pushed acuoso 7 runs - to defeat the Pirates 7 to 3. n. cummitinont el Notre . Bobby Coltharp starred for the Dodgers as be picked up. three bita and pitched bis first Dame High school in Riles to Film Study and the nuperiority of their product paid handsome dividends In the récent runnIng of the Chicagoarea 16gb school Film contest sponsored by Columbis college 'and the Screen Educators Society. win of Sob Fulls coisnected for o home run and Keith Bergland collected 3 Mts fer the wimiig ocgers. . Saturday. lost year's champion Cubstocedthe Piroles On Filmo at Notional Park and put 1ggelber li dts ta defeat them 16 . WHEN-D1D YOU HAVE YOUR LAST PHYSICAL? "Smart people. the ChiIlese.' They pay the doc. tar to keep them well. When they get sich they stoppal. leg. Why not he just as . smart? Why waft unti] de-. finite symptoms appear, to consult yosr physician? Preventive medicine is far more satisfactory and much mane pleasant. It's a great feeling to have your doctor say s.. "I find no- thing wrong, you are In good shape." li there Is something wrong he can lind il before it gets Serleus, and remove the threat. If you have not hod a phy Morh Hirt went 4 for 4 g the plate, and his brother Brian Woo 2 fur 2 In leading the Cub hitting ottiblc. But the big blsw nf the day came from the hat nf Bili Dassinger who usleushed a grand slam home run in the Cub' 7503 Miiwauhee Ave...aiso In cooperation with your doctor helps you live bet. ter. When the need alises, come to us for the latest in prescription drugs. Our competent ?vOre than 1,500 students pan'. ticinuted in Marquette uoiversity'u 88th annual commence. Steven Leus struck out 11 Pirate battere and went the dis- ment ceoemooies Muy 25 at the, Milwaukee arena. Degree tooth fer the win. Poor Pirate russ scored onpassedhalis, and Bill Dasod. 'Deliver Us From Evil" of Tom Weidnor andMlko ¡incoen woo second place anda partial ncholarsblpt000iumbln. with cash prizes went to "Lock Out Keep Out" by Doug Mursand The Dream" of NickMam. ructi respectively. Cash awards for best cornmerdais meut to Jnhf, Pugiel's 'Imporial Margarine" end to - Charles Lymnnofcolu,iuoj - plute. . Nifes, Bocbeior of Arts degree Leaning Tower'iislCA-5.Bp.m. Fischer. 7247 W. GraIn, Nibs. Bachelor of Electrical Engineering degree; JoIe- C. fillbey, 8744 Bruce Dr..NUes, Ba- Saturday, Juno 7 . Legion Home - 2 p.m. Children's Theatre . Loan. Wg Tower YMCA - afternoon \Monday, Jano 9 ' Nifes, ' Bachelor f Science da- Corporation Board of Direstoro Meeting Legion Home - ' gimo loUberal Arta; Ronald Senior Citizens Club - Leon- day, June 8 at noon. Entertoin. ment will be provided by Rente The phermacists of it...bring os your next proscription...or cull os at. b47-8337. We will gladly have it ready for you. at 6:30 p.m. Following the nup." per, tltg business pontiâs of the ' mentine will hn held A baby-. ulttlOgBrVlceWil1bO PrOvIded . 7637 MILWAUKEE AVE. ' 965-9432 FIac ' __ . Sex, claiming ihit the White ----- , s,,. .,,,.,,o,.-,wl fuh,,leuo eumn totle m nutdhshe6thth5iOf The Indians areonihewarpath and there is se-nba in them thar Milo. Whaopilcbero Bite Cohen, Tofer, and Rusequlot ara ou the mound, you can expect a alter pitching 4. More on thin one 151er. that by losing to them 8-I. Walsh, Decore and Bender bent over backwards with their pitchiag. but coulds't seem to get . anyinhere. Ci'n; Club - Lean- Coiillrmátioo 4th ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL PMANENT HINT: Never touch an electrical switch, appliance or , The Yankees 2nd less lo o row was against the Senators, with a score 0110-l. Combining the ' WAVE radio wheo In your bathtub. This has been the cause of many deaths. " Birchway Drugs 7503 Milwaukee Nues, Ill. A doso fer neme-ce-hero will -p ho held no Monday, June 9 at the church from B to 10p.m.' Anyone Interested In joining St. Lohr's lo Invited to attend. lÇucbarskI Reg. $25.00 Now $15.00. Reg $16.50 Now $10. &hool Hilbary Closing L. Maczek, 7258 Lili st.,Nllen, Bachgbor of Science degree In Bostees s Aslndnistrutloo. --- YOUR KITTY & PUPPY'S SHOPPING CENTER te0 Tryouts All Steel Dog Houses, Dog Beds, Nues Little Theatre Group is 'hnlding tryouts 1er its sue-user 'ploy "The Seven Year itch" on Thuroduy, June 12 at 7:30 p.m. ' and Sanduy,June 15 at I p.m. at ' the St. John BrebeufschOOlball. Aflinterested new and old me's' bers are Invited to attend this meeting. OpenIngs will he for j anfing nr working un the crews Cushions, Dishes, Leashes,Collars, . Toys, Rawbidas. Shampoà, Food Supplements, Conformation a Obedience Supplies . SPECIAL-DOG COLLAR & 'LEAD SET Mulbern 'red black-orangeblue-green-yellow Reg. $325 PROFESSIONAl. DOG GROOMING ALL BREEDS- NOW CALL FOR APPOINTMENT : 25-2U9 i DOG GROOMING PET SUPPLIES 1 825-2179 i '4.7ondeu.t 8O6 N. IIIWAUKEE ?ìaLaaTaa3 u,i4*34 .t t NILES ' iCtndergartears and special education pupils will complete their school you,- at9ogular dismiosal Ilmo OU Thursday, , ' june12, FREE LANCE PHOTOGRAPHY J__ . ' . . :(zouke.upBgbt1eg,proP5 und . . There will be no bus service on Friday, Jane 13, for junior. high studente. The only olemastery bus nervice will be for Jefferson school. Nues photo' itelease Randy W.rd.ritch ' The Jano 13 dismIssal date wan tentatively sci last year ' ' when Che 1968-69 school calan- 7365 Wn Leo St',NiIøs dar was adopted. That calendar provided for the June 13 ocbool gbosInglf as emergency snuw 995514or 966-7365 ,_59'i SeUO District 4 school children will ha dismissed for the year on Friday, June Ii, according to school effigiaIs. First through eighth graders will report to their classrooms ut i p.m. that doy for their report cards. ' school year. Bids are being received by East, Maite Public Schools, 8320 Bal. lard Road,Niles, Illinois, fObia, for Life Safety work ut Bollard ' School and Room odditiun at Weottrow Wil000 School. Steci- flcatofl5 maybe obtained lo the _ 055,oeuo u,,,as.JsLwoot, a.m, to 4:00 p.m. 'O C B. O p , U ' . ' , '. . Good AsNew -- 8014 N. Waukegci Nues, III. YO 7-8133 ' - ' IO a,m. mcl. Haircut, Shampoo & Set MON. - TUES. - WED. _; Legal Notice Professional Dry Cleaning Pick-Up And Delivery Steve Ostroska and Tony - ..-- - : Meeting Leramle Park Floe-i pitched the ,Oriubet to Fisidhouso - 8 o.m. cMsd ' will be ----------their 2nd otruight win. Flazzi also pitched In at the plate with 3 yearn old through 6th prode, plus a nuroery, will he held at ursa, rano, 750,re , Weber (fand treasurer> 8207 N. Elmnre, Nues. Ill. 6064t , . aMp . oervice, Sunday school ciasues'for boyo gsd gills from . Denations may he made pay- able tothe Vivian Egan Mcm- AND SHIRT 'SERVICE . -. "preoegett" at the lfla.00.wor- acknowledged and receivedsutil Dec. 31. 1969,, Delticntlnn will ' ha anenuncad at a futurs date. ELEANEft a roosway game against the Asgalo, li-3. Kevin P010th kept the game going with his 4 hits. logame. sentad-fn the PitIes FblIc Library. Ali conributians will he .k ,td Ott, only one thing cnuld happen, Edoàatien-DevonshiroCenter ContrIbutIons received will he USed tO purchase a permanent ocalptureOi s!orkJo, pj.e- . libe Tom Stunner and Donald ' soring the' Vivian Egan McmorlaI Fund. good team. The Blockhawks forfeited the ome to Ehe Klage lo a 9-6 victory for the Kings. Mora When the Knights put in man r YMCA - III-3 mm. WemanO Club of Hiles is upon- trameodeun job of pitching for the Athletics, Hoosier ei the indiano heldfast, Teamwork and ceuparatino help to make for a massacre. The RedSsxlearaed Ciub-LeaolngTowor lfl memnry ei the laie Vivian Egon's antirleg efforts in ser. VICe to her fellow mae. the Although Olino and Russ ditta ' THIS WEEK'S HELPFUL . -. . beautifol victory. Heme cons by T, Galassini 0ed K. Roberts . Manager JshoStengerprotested the it-S victory byiheWbite liecer and Outruoka pitched Otmp,m. thet portion of the eve- divided up the pitching to a VWtta5o of and got 8 runs. Heck- ' Thura'doy, Jons 12 SquOd Meeting - Legion . Krocker, Mylandar md Roberts . Qa5un (palntlng)-i,oaa'° T0er YMCA - morniog ' Tigers with a scare of 15-4. The Orioles defeated the Athittico 11'.?. The Orioles were helped by the Athletics loubyiufield which the Orioles tnoh ad- DOplinOte Br1dge'Cluh-Laolg Tower YMCA - 7:3010:10 p.m. ' begins with a pet luck sapper jUL BEAUTY SALON Prescription Delivery Plenty of Parking...Coty British Sterling Almay Cosmetico... :ì The Senators are really in the running when they beat the hits. Fieldhouon - Mansfield Park 8:30 p.m. church of Christ will be held on Friday, ' June 6, The meeting r and 2 watts. Steve Bark nf the Morton Grove Art GuIld - benual Congregational Meeting of St. Lube s United Magk Touch Senators hIt a homer with? man 00. What a heuotliui time for a homer. Howard Range also had Civil Air Potrei Meeting - News ' Loon Marco, Nifes. scriprion department to Work from. Tabo advantage Gus Club - Legion Home - Graduation . lun io-.i. Good pitching and hitse ho (Orausoed andMueller plus a homé run by Koreas led ,,,.,, ,., re-.,. fnc the TWins pitched all 6 InnIngs. hut could not find a breakthrough. the Senators aibnwinf only? hits District #70 Eighth Grads , St. Luke's Matthews and Jerry Preskili, in their preseotation of the musical "i Do, i Du." Chairman of the luncheon is Mrs. have a Welt stocked pro- Ausdliary board Meetig - t ' . 8:30 p.m. ' Leglen Home - 8:30 ptto. Fencing Gioh-LeaalngTower ' , Yorktown Serte-os Meeting YMCA - 6-IO p.m. Gobi' o Morton Haase - 7 p.m. its unooal culminating luncheon at the Mayfair room of the Sheraton Blackotote hotel Sun- losing streak by beating the The Yanhees were not so luchy Wednesday, Jane li . "e out. " "" . chelor of Science degree in Liberal- Arts; Peter C. Ku- alWo aaifl5t the Senators, lusinghI, ' the goma fortheKingu, 01- diving ntnpatlrdgattinghls man . JunIor Auxiliary Meeting - cherski, PiPi Jonquil Terrace, . p.m. Trim Club - Austin Park .FjeldJeuse -. 8 p.m. Jewish WarVeteraos Post7ft) 'Bòsrd Meeting . Hume - 8 p.m. Spebqoa Meeting- Luxemharg Gubdens - 8:30 p.m. Sbokle Volley Elks Chapter . Meeting - ERs Hnme-fifOp.m. VillàgeBoardMeatieg ;Vilo. .. . - In Liberai Arts: ' Edward J. - 9:15- Ing Tower YMCA ' lthllan. BuffetandFamllyStybe ' ' . ' ' ' by Spins, Goedarson and Gruta- ' job' ' nerd, Jie- Mueller moda the The Yankees breite their defense play et the game with a Legion Home S p.m. Eberden of Officers Handicapped Clauses - Lean.. tin S. Bell, 8629 Sunset rd., G. Mulhacn, 6015 CroIs at., down two Cub runners at thefl Tower YMCA - li:l5 a.m. '" ,e,..--., Board Meetine - Home - i n.m. ' American LegionWeeblyptsh Morton Oràve, Bachelor of Arts degree In, Liberal Arts Mar - - . ' . thnugn9nlY loulnf it hy I. The Fine pitching by T. Splen and ' wltysl6'piichero with thu Pan.s.. ,-, Art Classes - Leuning Tower Fry - Legion Home - 6-S p.m. Loso Weight Classes - Leuslog Deges olor of Science degree in fissiness Administration; Michael runs from scnring as he cot Ing Tower YMCA- 7.9 p.m. YMCA - evening Handicapped Cbosses - LeanIng Tower YMCA Garden Club of Morton Greve ' and profeusinnal schools and college of the univeroity in.. . YMCA Friday, Jane 6 « lege fa cuity. candidates io the undergraduate ' clotted: Robert ' Edmnnd an pitching., Io. . -.-- Pleltousep,i'' Tops. MeetIng '- Skokie Val. ' Orioles is becoming eno nf the best lend-.nuf men in the league and wan on buse 3 of the4tlmes Ehe Angeln game. 12-7 was - Venu,--------to r uspw,itlne 00mw. the KtugCto ano 'iWins. Ott did a tremendsos job nf Errors Inthe iostinning threw anoto ..,tus - .enmog uower ' u" w s°e. '.o' ley Community hospItal -9 p.m. Luso Weight Clauses - Loam- Tejan of the Clark Theatr, CInema Poreuse-s' Jack, Beh rends, ar ' I Ing Tower YMCA - 10-3 p.m. Ceramics Cleuoou - Leaning unooHse:To:::::h ' Studentw included Charles Cs horn of Gobons Lohn, Brut Trip" by flub Sckiuppacasse I _W , ' ' The big hit by John Ott fer e 2 run batted in was nut ennuh . to breub the tie of 7-7 between .. ' . SA.J... Meeting' - Legion Tower YMCA - evening Home - 7 p.m. Adult Cbarm Qauseo -LeanJunior Gus Ciuh MeetIng Tower YMCA - evening Leelon Home 8,30 mm Eine., . Judges fór the festival witte honored the NuIre Dom chalnit and Mark Hugel, "El jb ' 2 bits, Dan Heckllnger of the EASTERN DIVISIOW ' V . for "Run Jobnny.Eu,,", Third, 4th and 5th places B ,n--.-,-.. J.m ,..-. o flonflons" and by Bill flur . ' . B 141t4 Baseball Lé-ogÙe'' Fund Meo JJJ 11.nThjJ M G r' . two of Scblgppocunue's 'Ban' , und 'UD' Hossr able mengiobs were receive by Dan McDnneij La, Kreycbe, Gary Glowocz, Jn Pilucchi und Tom Kostfos"'g0 Stephen P. Devine, 8936Marm'sra ave.,MnrcooGrove,ßoch.. outstanding plays by Ehe Pirate catcher prevented 2 more Cub Do it once a will BIRCHWAY DRUGS und o ncbolarobI to Çolun4'la college went to You and Mo" by Robert Fand Newell an Get Marquetu first. B.JEE. Sisterhood will hold better. First prize in the festival Cubs managed to score ut least twice In every inoleg encept the Luncheon help yoo to live longer und One honurahie mention. half of the sloth inning os the nical this year, cull your doctor for an appointment. made by the Notre Domo students lieder the gold. unce of faculty members David Coynik, Jame s Wickluod and Sul Giarizzo tonk every prize in eight with the exception of to 9. By Man Kutza Notre Dame Sweeps Area Film Contest SR. ENÓINEER " E,E, or M,E, with E,E,ex- posare. Moot handle engin neeriog problems' which uhoold ha resolved in shorter 11150 than those assigned in development troubleshooting. Will have a diversinn of asnignmtnts covering all operation. To $15,000 STAffiNG detail supervise draftsmen - get Involved lo research and development of new products .theotakeuVer the project as soon an you're ready tu move OPI Farther your edocatlos wIth the aid of free tuition, $825 - $9Ö0 - PRODUCTION PLANNER Why start at iba bottomof the ladder? Handle plosslog mid scheduling for a special department of this small, growing cumpany. Grow with lt ,- rIght up tu 'Material Supervislool $550 . $iOO . !W' PLANT. Ing jobs. Electrical. Machos- LEAD OPERATOR Operate ihe 360 TOS and 'DOS in manufoctarlsg und accounting applications io out. Tool and Die. Mechan- of total operatisns. Tuition 26 DRAFTSMEN JR.-SR. DESIGNERS We hove many fine draft- : leal, Structural, Font Lay- igal wIll be workieg with Included 0e-00g tite benefits. $700 mo, cams, gears, etc. Electrical will ha working with printed circuit and schematic drawingo. Soma field 151000. $125 - $210 wk. LAB TECH TO dESIST O.C.MANAGER Growing firm seeds you te fill this eupassios opening. Apply your valuable bnnwledge to their new producubn operations. Two wachs vacation after Ist yearl Call now. $8,000 FOR PROGRAMMING? Advance nowl Special orlen- toilas program familiarises you with all ihn procedures. Advance to programmer osalysE md then to programmer of systems. $9,000 INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER , Rospossthle for the developmast of utandards, utilizing veynr and geor trains. . . 'fettering ieasihiUty (new and present equipmnsi) from da. sign conception to finished product. $12,000 TYPIST Type 40 wpm. Billing lovestory and general office. Must be sharp and neat. local co. ' Sume general affige duties. $400 BOOKKEEPER Average typing shills, Vari. ety of office duties. Money dependo on euperlence. OPEN TUES & THURS TIL 8 P.M. SAT. i P.M. 'loom! emplojpnent Ali Peali,$oap,Free 8e7't)ice $120mb. SECRETARY Type 60 mpm, Shorthand or dlclophnñe. Saverul' openings To $5O GIRL FRIDAY Type lavolcos - Answer pennes. General Office work. Lite reception duties. Geud 'figure aptItude. $100 wk. SWITCH BOARD RELIEF tIlPe 40 mpm. No' shorthand, Salary $10,000 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 2 -. 3 yrs. esponente. Most he real sharp, Foot growIng work factor or M,T. M. all methods, toslIng and manu- $450 READY PROJECT ENÔ. Lite Board moth. Stress & strain esperiente. Also con- ' COBOL while taking charge DESIGN ENGINEER! You'll . INVENTORY CONTROL CLERK Inventory figures, Safes figores. Some lite typing and telephone work. Ta $450 7i45 ;nil.a, taI(aeu ,Ae. ,9111,IOiO 60648 647.8895 Io ! , -- -.. .-- -- : - - - --- Theaugle ThurdyJune5 1969 V 7 VV V V V 2 V V V The BugIe Thur'Ju , Vf - : V V - - V V - RI GE i L!mIa.I.J I THU V V V V V V V TO LIMIT QUANTITIES - V 'ü'Aio ft, WE RESERVE THE RIGHT V TUEF V V - / ite - - L I r1 SHIN TON - term hegtoo the weeltofjtme23. eeoaed - V STEAK $V - V V - - V V J ' BONELESS.ROLLED GROUND99 SOUND RUMP ROAST Lb V Lo J1Lb. BOTTOM CUT _V FAMILY STEAK $' BABY BEEF V V r, ° . TOP CUT HARDING'S FAMOUS % $1 1 91b FAMILY STEAK . . 89ç V V . ; j,4 . I N V I V - 2 V V . V V il V V I V G E NG NIaLPEE44s V V V V V ORi i V : dflL#?L HILLS BROS. ' COFFEE 2Lb REDEEMABLE ONLY AT ANN SSUPER F00061 f _'V. . . 4_::1 uiARMIN i TOILET 4 VOLLS 99ì L!!UE WITHTHISCOUP I 'Z . HI-C ORANGE IRjs or -t d'i PETER PA PEANUT BUTTER '!.. i2oz____39 i Ogtemower t h ll . ' , . f -V.: . . : . :.. theLosAngeleocaXi scheduled to begin Juco 27. Teenage gino are welcome to regiocer for the oommer000- nw io allcenaedrepreoenlative of lita Chicago firm - David - Ç : Sherman & Ce. (11.15 Z5 ) A1A ° . lOck O aShillSchool i techoiqoeo, expooures relativa ClOSOeO.StOdOOtswIflfjfldthOiO aoaociauenwithMrs.Pawore Powera in a graduate of Ike Academy of Flee Arto In fadofoot. Hoogory. gin jooe V jog647.222e(t556or °'°: . Mro. Adrieooe Powera will regloiralion may h obtained by o°lc cl . fmt°o7f has proved to be moot popolar av5m05durgrettdayu :.3°tO claooes. for 5 weo.Secood V . . Remember, claoseo begin the weak of Jaoe 23. Advaoce regiooatieo io requiredi term .wiij begin July 31. Mr, Jack Kovito will be the ; V . .; ' . : - V . . . V . VV ed Vae4 "i _lV ¡ ¡j of three oucceosfol foreigo laogoage programo In elementary I s1 I CARD & PARTY SHOP CABB I i:Dis- V SOLID G EE Cards and Decorations for all oçcasions Ib. - __ (_ - -V - SNO-WHITE g ItI,It II, %AI VV . FOR SLICING PAY__LESS _GET_MO i RED ONIORS 9 VJ 'Toword Excellence in Foreign languoge Teachiitg." cioo, S.O.S A PADS 8__38 3$j V LAUNDRY DETERGENT 69 _I - FLES program er improving on exiotiog eon," . GIANT RIPE For peighhoro who really west to beow whet- io happeoiog in their. area, the thing to do io oubocribeto The BUGLE. if yoo wont coba 2626 fVrc DdAfl io the koow, flU in the mail oobocriptloo bIaok V OPEN DAILY EXCEPT FRIDAY 9 It'I 9 y2 GALLON GN 3.77 25 _ The gifts of life were col' V V ieCted by the Red Creso Ricod Ceoter io Madison for diatribatian to 88 boopitala V . '- - in 4 . - . - ;- needed. V B1T -. V ettcluolvely. . , eM M For Citizens J Who Want To Know V V . V , mAIL THE BUGLE NEWSPAPERS $3,49DT -' '% 4:CR,PrtoN ftJI 1 - - ll The Only Paper That Serves This Area Exclusively : I AOD:ESS J!1C:und V 19:°:':9:°4 .. ; : .. - . VV I B6JR2RD FIFTH $2.79 V :-.. : : ute ONLY newopaper that oorveo chis area -te -. .VV 000thero Wioc000io ceunlieo, inclodlog all Madloon acd fini. VeroitV hospitals, and to the nation n armed forceowherever below nod 000f it to The RUGLE. 9042 N, Coarc land, Riles, ill. 60648. Remember..-..TheBUGLE -_ MILLERS HIGH LIFE, FRENcttE ' AllCOmitooblttoddonaUonon Be In The Know--Read The BUGLE - : 90 OLIVES c000io at Madiom who gave n Pint of blood doring this Spring V IPI-f &V%II _39 28'« Castle, foreign language oupervisor io the Office of the State Soperlotendeot, a detailed hietory aoddoocriptlonofmethoda andmatorfala of the Diotrlct 64 program ointe Ito ioceptloo ore "These schools," Mrs. Castel wrote, 'have become liviog laboratories which coobe coed for 1ko purpose of ohsgr.. votieo and otody by ic-service teachers, ondergradoste sia.. deoto and aoyoeo who io Vi terested io establishing o new sRIDAY9td1O ENTICING GIANT SIZE AJAX FLEISHMANN'S MARGARINE m Io an article by MrS Pat . . program. OtberFLbSprogramo cited weretheSpaniohprogramo =:(Des Piai000)aod _(- V V Moi4, s:0ftil::g: "Successful" ?atümatc 1'ie 2 Y$6SO D : ... . . cantles aed motoal fonda. Mr, Mordue io a former staff mom- interesting way fer women te -. - Stock - Exchange, aoaiyzing se- :irp=rhU L!__O!LARS$2Ø95 V V Information on tbe Nev loch Modero Jazz (Daoce) oc Pridoy morniogs will provide mt _ V management ocdhowtoaccomolate capitol or l*tcreaoethe power of fondo now held. Some subjects to be covered includo Cero focs can iocreaoe iV - ¡ opon will lootroct the ci000eo io dressmaking. Ao a grodoate teacher. her bochgroond inclodes fashion deolgo ocd art. wifidiscuos reed1rneealin4iv1daal *VV -39Ib. _#12D ___15lb. -V-, I SOc t oecd her talent aod bachgr000d.Mra. UYLb ____ . I I :rr_- __-___V ____V_ V V I . NT r b io oli, Wa: a«d V FOR SALADS I V jone26.Theoecond 5-week V V I ¡V I V V V ig bUUe, 59 I . KOSHER CALIFORNIA '° ' V V oz_69 'lITE I BIG CHERES iI md E - RE Lo ' ' V for 1h _ ?e(de4 & aPe9el?4&e4 DeÑteied i ELI0,,, '-v1 -Ç V;V, V V ¿tf4t6#fS fteee V V _LINKS_12 CO l' . ' "PrInciples at Successful lo- . - I _& 12 oz. OLOGNA .-- informal workshop to be heldon V OSCAR__MAYER ______________-RESTS II0714 V V VlO se . . BONELESS ib CORNED_ßEEF_____ht__cut99 ___ib____BEEFSTEW V ..- V itr tdi A regioter fer 0e ,,Earj;jci Ad It PAINT & FI NISH WALL PLAQUES, FIGURINES L _ARTOTHER OBJECTS __ . portoleot, Washiogton D.C. closoeo from 9:3th.1l 8.m., cod on eveoiogcooroewlllbeoffered from 8:15.9:45 p.m. V Figures f s. J 'V -_V______________- __yIb. _ELb. I V V: V . ¿3t2 for Thorsdoy evenings, bo ginniog Jonc 26. Fer complete Coarse ioformatton call the YMCA fer sommer brochore. 20% QH on outdoor Fountains & VV* V r Nordlie Direct "ft e 75% - te° V eG « . ox? L FRESH V # e&2itea21 aired V - ,,. / eog0?Lw CoflhtelOversaod thejrto iHC (6 s - Force School M Phot raphy at Denver Lowry Field in COIOradOErIDerOWfl tunity to learo panero f*tung layoot treatment of ma- fered. - - . asreo IGURINE & ART CENTER Next door to ANN'S and FOREMOST - V fftie ortos speciol Interest or hobby. The 10-weeh sommer . - - . t:f FRIDAYS TILL 10 SUNDAY 10 - 5 i n_ program has boen an- 00000ed cod preoeots on oppor.. OPENDAILy TILL 9 1 DAILY EXCEPT FRIDAY 9 fiL 9 tRI DAY 9 TIL 10 EXTRA SEtE T r# . . at 2626 GOLF a V V ' ;L , rV VVVVV , ,. cV V School i MILE WEST OF HARLEM MILE EAST OF MILWAUKEE V I I w:a:u GLENYEW A MORTON GROVE, GLENVIEW, NILES, EAST MAINE, SKOKIE, DES PLAINES and PARK V j V Leaning TowerNews, Nòtes 2626 GOLF R. I gj19p /#//AÖ /JA-A4a-A 5 1969 . -: V : ..; .. Ç - Thlirmia%jne''i ¡9 urO' M.L::Park IJisJrìd. PlØwr Morton Grove American Leglen Punt #134', proudly has. passed many youthg In the use. tlonal', Park Plekihouse, 9325 Marion la Morton Grove. mers highly succesuful West Side SWr. The MortonGrove Park Dlstrlct°spensors the group. wMch has. comed a reputtlon for finetheatre In ' Poa store information please call Mrs. LIUkIn at 965-5119 or' the Park District office at Reifez,t Il. Croft Public RemUons Department Supervisor at Teletype Corporation, has been . elected president of the Chicago chapter of the .rmed Commualcatlono ami .BOWjIÑG: Como To The BeaUtiful YO 5-5300 CLASSIC BÖWt GUien, Kevin L. Dick. Kevin Moroney, Jury!. Ratbhene, Brian W. O BrienAndrew P, T. D'Orlon and David Sthmidt. . Secretary of the 550chapter, will cote- Receiving Marksman cere to flathtale and Improve theia cospeLatlon 15 designe productian, maintenance und operation of communlcat1ons electronic, and photographic equipment.. The Sharpshoater certif lcaten were awarded to Nick Cellini, she he unable to fulfill ber duties, Larry R. Jarosz, Steve Ladri, Edward Gaas, Edward Muhule . well as Binan gift Items which these former servicemen no Clifford Glllen. eagerly look forward ta re. Expert certificuten were the ceiving. proud owards presented to Under the direction of Junior MIchael Knob, jomes Mate and AdvIsor Mrs. -John Sepesy the Overton Kuhn. Junlorn this past month again made 120 candy tray favars. In caathea, addition to th l!n honored guests Included Post additiOn they pasted up 410 Commander Francis Seizer god crossword puzzle kaardnl Also his wife and Senior Vice-Consmandar Al Nehurt and bis wife. . '. . DIO YESTERYE do THE BUí.E NILES, ILL. 60648 items they ponnlblycanforMra. Ed Lange, geai-r Auxiliary ReRebuhititatlon Chairman, Mrs. Lange visits the VA Haapitals In the Chicago area on a weekly thu patlento he bnspltailzed, sa The Juniors will have aplanit enenl 03 S Albert ,,,..M9wt Prospàct, III. for their lost meeting nf the Legion Hamo patin and groands. it is nchedaled for Saturday,. , Nortkbrnok ander lightn Monday, June 9. Salad Bar Lanchosn on Tuesday, Jose 10 at 12:30 p.m. Adminutos will he by reservation only and baby-sitting serVice will he available. Contact Mrs. Alfred Pelini at 823-3633 for reservations, To Present Paper Students of NOtre Dame High A Morton Grove metallurgist . , gateen in M,G, are played at Wriliam Hunt Eisenman feries. uitonuored by the American Sa- Clety fnr Metals, A total nf 21. Brenner and byjunlora TintS, Coteus and Majewaki. Robert TintS and Michael Majewnkl were judged to bave thebantPepean In the state In their ree- two Morton Grove Pest #134 teams wifi alsofaco euch ether on several occasions through.1 Edmund Ziclienhi, 7640 Milwaukee. sncrntau'y; Charles Plchap, 7953 Neya, treasarerl Steve Dawiec, 7137 Breen, tall twister; Richard Jurezak, 0523 Ottawa, lion tamer; Jounph Conti, 6900 Fargo, all og Nibs and Bill Wetendorf, 1204 Grove, stalled are, lions Todd Rayare, On USS Columbus LaLeche Mçeting . Electroaics Technician Sea- man Heiko Rommelmaun, USN. son nf Mr. and Mrs. Heinz Rammelmana, 0039 Sayrn ave., Morton Grove and husband of thy former Miss Lnlu 0. Novick of Rnute 1, Rcchland, Maine, In serving aboard the guided missile heavy cruiser DOS Colombos at Norfolk, Va. The ship recently returned from a 'five und 5 balfmonth deploy. ment tu the Medlcerraaeas Sea where it served au a unit of the U,S. Sloth Fleet.The Calam- moath leave apkeepperiOdiOthe Norfolk area. ' Skokie Valley Group of La Leche International will m,nt Thursday, Jaso 5 at 8:45 p.m. at the heme of Mrs. Harry romanes saUeded after that time will not appear in The EUGLE tmt tlteiollnwlngweek, ' Cnt Fiówero . Plural Deslgn , Coroaeo' House Plan MIKE'S FLORÀL,SHOP - 6503 N. MILWAUIÇER.MrE, The Rank of Niles has been designated as efficial headqaar- tors for the local distribution of the Ravisia Festival Guapee Buahn at a 20 percent discoaot et regalar admisnien prices and may be euchasged fur general gate admisains nr reserved The Bank nf Hiles in Casperatlas with the Ravinla Warnen's tiottmann, H,Michael Hanrahan, Elizabeth Macle Heogst, Janice Marie Hoppe, Pats-ice Mice Jafer, Lynn Andrea Johanek, Debra Susan Jusepk, CoralIno BaakCummltteo In Hiles will offer the money saving rau- poe hunks until Jaly 7 only. Completo pregrarns uf the 1969 season are now availuhin at the Bank of Hilos and the Coupon Buoks muy be eb'talnod Io the hank quarters through the reCeptionint. Mpron KamInskY, Barbara Ans Ksatonn, Randall A. Kaiohs, Morn than 65 hooks In Chi. cago and surrounding suburbs Barbara vinla Festival and thn wamen's committee to affor the discount coupons as a wider basis than ever before. Lu Monte, James Arnold Lange, Timothy Dean Larson, Denise Elizabeth Leslab, Sandra Susanne Long, Va. lene Marlo Mateushi. Tknmas are unaperatlag with the Ra- Patrick MeKerVey, Alun Howard Miller, Patrick Lawrence Mo. yer, William Jasoph Merpky, Nancy Eilen Olson, Sharon Roe 01055, Denise Lynn O'Shanna, Roy Ann Paroow, Pamela Charles Pool Il, Denise LuuiuO Peterson, DirkTheodore Peterson, Mark Stuven Podres, Sho. ron Gall Ponchos. ' Community membèrs am in- vited te contant Carel Degno. hardt for udditlaeal Information about the Ruvida Feutival und the sdvootage Of tine coupon hooks fur all events, Youi Weekly Reading Il Not Complote Until You llStevnn Waltor Russell zubeth Marie Rechert, Road The 8ugle Scott Rosontruter, Glena Pool indje. Gregory Allen Selfertb, Gerry Sinbel, Lesbey El,leOn Sigle, Btephnn Michael Skiba, Daniel Romas Smlgiel. George Gary Stevenson, Sharon Cathe. rifle Strach, Richard Talaiaj, John Michoeb Waslowicz,Jantes Joseph Zuagis and Gary Thee. dore Zirves. Welcome "People Who Know Go To Glow" . Jelain Plant . Nilen 8000 Oakton 823-19)5 Branch-Chicago 4338'Miiwaakee EI 5.88S3 Free Pick Up And Delivery A bay, Kevin Lawrence, was burn in Lutheran General baopital on May 19, tO Mr. anti Mrs. Lawrence Nolan, Jr.,8807 Moody ave,, Morion Grove. I. Skohie. . GLOW CLEANERS I Discussion for the uvening will ho na thn art of breast- fee ag and overceming dlfflcsltien. Qunstioss on thin sshjecn and ether areas relating to childbirth will be aeswored, Anyofln interestnd is more is. formation concerning La Leche or in attending the meetings. may call Mrs. Robert Tartan, L 965-2040 nr Mrs. Wi050nf elder, 679-0314. BRINK' AGENC The BUGLE puhlicntlann, Ml Bank of Hiles. Mary Elles Falter, Linda Ma.. rin Fleinner, Janet Lynn Faitz, Kirt Mlckoel Formeila, Gerry Wien001elder, 0552 E, Prairie, , Prlday nona In tite deadlIne tIme fur au newn releases for WUn by sophoflioren Tabor and .. Ozanam, second vicepresIdent; Clarence Willert, 7913 Neya, third vlue.prnuldcct; 0737 DETECTIVE sis neasionn, At the Statu Science Fair "Outstanding " awards were Hubick, 7127 Breen, first vice. preuidnst; Smart Ravenbyree, will be presented In payers University of Illinois In Chale- 7139 Brens, presideot; Tony Parh Ridge, were both elected to the hourd of directors. bus In scheduled for a tOSco-. Scaly," during the second sesuros of the.cnnforeece at 2 p.m. The Wear Conference in ene of o number of Conferences in the the Stato Science Pair at the All teams compete againnt The new officers to be in- diucuss e paper on "Wear in respectively for their presentetiens of papere describing their original reoeorch projectn. ence Exposition and went Onto with play Wederenday, the lath also away, The gamo Is scheduled at Wilmetee. Cago, Jase 3.5, Sckeepj,err, Cram Packing Co,, MortanGrave,will earlier Chicago DIstrict Sci- The Post in sponsoring two teams this year and the second ese. the "Greys" win' begin will posent ap-por atthe threeday American Society for Mutais' Wear Conference, to ko held at the Palmer House, ChiKarl These 'students alago with sthera from Notre Dame, Larry Garnie. Michael Courbe-Obi, Themas Guahurat, William hung, Juan Macega and Paul Cotons, bad participated In the Their home game Wednenday, June ii against North Shore in next un the nchedule, Home at 7:30 followed by dancing. President Rudolph Hill han an. noaneed members urn welcome to bring gaests. "Don't Drink theWater" at their wIth. Michael Majewskl placing secnnd. Ken Tabor, Alan Brennor and Edward Stushko captured 4th, 5th and 6th places Grove Pont #134, AmerIcan Leglen in the summer baseball competition nf their teams will find the "Reels" playing at Installaon Fete June 7 Merci in her dramatization hi The entertainment beginning ut 7 p,m. will be the full length munie "The Dirty CoceR" There will be doer awards far the lads, Robert Tietz took first plate Jane 7. The opening game of Morton out thu oeanon, Corutnttoity church, 7401, Oaktoo ut., will present Sadie Stern the Chicago Area Student Science Congress for original renearch. each ulke,- In thin Legion baso. ball camp-titian, therefore the 392-3839 Womeo's Aosuciatioa of Hiles school in NUes recently teak five out of the aix awards at Narrer Pach. &:K HEATING & COOLING Dramatization Rank High In Science Fairs year, traditionally held on the Service Calls On Existing Units - Gutters 8, Sheet Metal Work Also Sadie Merci fond to plens the palato of bath yneng and older will be served. . Ntles Ltons at 6:30, dinner will be served the evening a light buffet of . Kiwanis is kost of the lntersatioeal Pageant. There will be u cocktail hoar available for thedads andduring and collected" 32 book matches, 4 jIg now puzzles, 197 muge-. zincs esrecIally including the popular "Reader's Digest," 82 paper back banks, 18,842 . stumps and 7.368 commemaracive atsmps plus 187 foreIgn TEMPERATURE GOES UP' Under the direction of lot Junior Vice-Commander Raymond Hurrla,the "nmokor" far the dada will nina feature en. tertainnient and refreshments, Thene young ladles under ' Miau Newbers will compete with girls from 15 couatrinu is the iutersotioael Teen Priscess Pageant on Joly 7. The contest is sponsored by Montgomery Ward, sud Tees Magazioe is partiti. yoUng io the seinctioa of wisoers. Thu Chicago On Saturday evening, Jose 7, the Lions club of Nues will lostall new officers for the fiscal year 1969.70 at Osnker Hill Country club, 6135 Milwaokno, Hiles. There wIll 'ho nett deiche for the boyo and liqald refreshers eighteen years of age are daugin. habilitation as they alas 'saved . sans of the Morton Grave Pout #134 of the Americàn Legion will have aspeclhlevenlngparty together Wednesday, Jene il. quired, American Legion will not meet, the onuig ladles have indus- . . In an early celebration at Father's Day, dads and their 19 comb (leather) canes. 4 water glass pltchnr trays, 69 denture and. noap dishes and saved 137 special caupans for Items re- 5f Morton Grove', Unit #134, YOUR INSTALLATION IÑ BEFORE THE Thy girls were among finalists who attended a performance of the ploy following their pageant, . 634 hand- indeed know the value of re. GIVE US A CALL TODAY. PLAN TO GET 967-7284 constructed kerchief holders, they vicumen or i,eglonnaireo. They LONG ut Mill Ran Playhanse, adjusts banner for newlycrowned Tenn Princesa-USA, Afecha Newborn of Oaklaod, California while Teen F'rincnas-Mortan Grove, Diane Wirkos, 8500 Frontage rd., baku on, Ing ceremonies at thoFerrara Manor. Miss Bahl, Migo Skokie of l96 o Nlles West student, will fili In for the queen ghaul# upon us and theJunlor Auxiliary AIL SUMMER Peter Palmer, star of "The Student Prince" renner up to the queen (2nd Dint,). Miss Bald attained the district cesen after she wan the Morton Grove Post #134. Legion judging at Its 50th anniversary party. Karen Zupko alno of Morton Grave, who was Past #134 queen fur .1968, went onto become not andy dlotrlct queen but received the Cook County crown a year age. Now a college student In Kansas, she flew home for the crown- tern and sisters of farmer nei'. /(6EP COOkS Piiacesses Meet The Prhice American Legion finals for 4th of July queen.Miss Bubi was named Since nummer will noon he basin, turning in articles for therapy and rtcreatian, even . INSTALL CENTRAL The meal was conked by Mr. and Mrs. Chut Eckmonn, Even and Chester are the parents of young Tom, who au chairman, presided at the boy's dinner and awards presuntotinn. trmnusly strived to collect all BOX 123 . a, Seventh Dint. American. Legion Commander Donald Root oncorto Haven Bahi, the district quean at the recent Cook Coanty open Its 34th season et music, dunce, theater, art and films Thursday, lane 26. This year residents nf Hiles WIll be able ta obtain npecial Ravinla Festival Guapee Books ut the Frederick Dralle. Jean Gumpetru, Patricia Anne Ruirner-Up Ravinia Festival, located at Ravnda Pack In Highland Park. seats In the Pavilion or Theater daring the seanua, Pool Fratlger, Ronald Theodore Fugman. Randall LeeGaode,Joy Catherine Gagliardi, Pamela David Schmidt andffdwordcluss. bring bunk so muny mantuda,. ru ' . Th'e Marksman lstClass ccctiilcotes went tu: Steven Ladri, ReI!ve again thn.e bygone yows with reçordn0s of nètuol broodco,t, from Iho 'Golden Age of Rodio, Completo plu. grow, from rIte 1930, und 40., ANYOhow yoanouremon. ber . , , tire comedie,. drama,. whutfur,rijti. loop operas. bi9 bond remdte,, und rha,e groar bld shows you usad ro tinten tu, THOUSANDS of diffetnut rife, uro onofoble, inulading, 0000 old fuuorito, Send St lrefnndabiCl fur o Ootologue, nr Sa for o natalogue und o nne.huur lompIn «ording that will . Crandall, Patricia LDaiten, Diane Lynn Dralle, Richurd Thu dasoclatlon includes represcutatives from Industry and theArmed Services and strives ,tuc tSTUVLW . Formst Step7ts Ciesol, Poter Joseph Cymeu,''illuqur Marie wlth'APCEA alote i962. . Margaretha Michael Marlin Brano, Fred-ich Capando, Carol Ann Cederstrom, Lioil Rose Chriapenu. tificates were: David W. Schmidt, Steven Ladd, Kevin Moroney and Jamb Rathbnne. . Suzanne Bouta, John Michael Breslin, mente his new term of office In June. He ha?been affifiated $30 Wauhegan - Morton Grey j Becker, Marksmanship cccPro tiflcates were awardedto Ronald Croft. current Vica-Pfosi- ruts "liN Mark Vincent Basile, Joseph Edward Beauvalo, Karen Sue the Legion Memorial HomeSunday. May 25. Electronics Association (AFCEA) at the Orgonlzadons May. meeting held ut Teletype last Thursday. Rohem H. Croft, Grove. have given of theirtlme, knowledge and skill, devoting czak, Annette Reran, Anthonly Burae, Pamela Ann Burchoski, Each of the bays completing requirements for 22 calIber rifle demonstration for the 50 fout N.R.A. XltarkOmansbip Course wlthuouuuaiinorbsmanship skill received certifleatcu at the atmuol Awards Dinner held by the Junior Gun club oc .. meütber Nibs aret Debra Judith Ant- many hoirs euch week to this youth proram. Croft Named Unit Prexy dent . Eighth grado studeats from The Çertifled National Rifle Ass'O. Instructors. JooephZuocollo, Denn Zutcullo' and Ede ward T. Marthi, all of Morton 965-1200. PoteaU exercisen at Emurson Junior lUth schuol In District 64 at 3 p.m. on Thursday, Jane 12. range ander the direction of the senior Rifle club. They.wlli be held at the Na- o:p ntsdenta will be promoted ut oafety and traipUg at its rifle Atelhtlon dates are June 14 andl5 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m of HeIf A Si-pence". The musical wifi be directed by Monte Salas and Mrs. Ethel LibidO, who directed loot sum- Ñiks Has R avi ni a 8th Graders Three-hundred eighth grade ' Coupons Emerson . area. The Mortoe Grove Music Theatre announcee onon auditions for Its eunnnerpioduct1on 'nyyor'i .6. Legion News , . Holes,. Open Audition@ IS -'i - ÇtI9a«# & I .pa_ Sew4e 54 Mil tuo -o- n PRESERVES n BEAUTIFIES C. SWENSON & O. . 966OO21 PROTECTS 8980 MILWAUKEE AVE., NILES 299-0158 OPEN DAILY 6 A.M, OFEN THURSDAY N1GIfl 'TUI 9 P,M. ' - - -- ..: .TbeSUéIe.Thursday.june5.1969 MNLL Seniorsf - - -.,- - -, a iu w . - Pool Tokens win oVer ¡gaz amiMary's. Second piace Dop1iln Motel clobbered Domestic (Jtlllties 14 o J while Corvair 'Cflegr.th1's Other run was a homer by lUcky Rovner In the fourth. Winnng pitcher was jay Liggett, who held tba Dolphins . . S1 Ai ArLocatios Furniture edged Clenview Cou.tryside Merchants 4 to 3. to oneS hit and struck our 16 for hl thfrd straight win. In 24 InnIngs Liggett has allowed foor hito anc( pitched 57 strIke outo. The Pellegrini team . tokens made available at the various eark sitas on th ,l,s Id Koy and Davie Pink, and heatIng Atm's Foods 13 to 7. A trip- the week5 noteworthy fleldingby Mooday, June .9 .- Jozwi Park - 5-9 p.m. and Park Ford downed David Berg 9 to 4 In a makeup game. i. Bigi 2, 2_o 2-O 3-1 KIm Drugs 3.. Wes Harrison 4. DavId Berg - 2-i 5..Ge1dpn Hearth 6, Zweig's Rest. i_1 Karnes Mosic Norbert Pools Carbon Heating 03 I. Michael's Pbartnaty 12. Aono Fonds. 2l 4_i Dolphin Motef . Corvah. PuntEare 4. DomestIc Utilities 6) 1°riday, Jima 13 - Viol a .:NeIses School olEe - 6-9 p,tt:I. S. Ignatz b Mary's 2-3 6, Gienvlew .Cntintrysldc Merchants 0-4 - 3-1 3-2 2-3 MAJORLAGUE STANDINGS 5-3 l-69 i. Gold hOU Rash Pellegrini Signs Domestic Utilities 5) Thurdda June 12' .. O&.ton Manar Park - 6.9 p.tcI.. 0-4 INTERMEDIATE STANDIffCS 5-31-69 Canada Dry ' . . 7-O 4_3 Johnson Sporting Gd. 3-4 Dolphin Motel Ignota E Mary's Sunda,Junei.. Centér 2.4p,nI . Goodman Furniture - 2-O Semmerllng Fente 1.1 3. Yorhtown-Sertoma l-1 laS above listed sites,The Recree. list Center building will abo be pen darltg the regular da.. l2 i2 Mt.Prospect Bank White & Crones . WkonyouRØad Tho Bugia tea-s jane 6. HßJUEM DEMP.STER Stadt Friday, June 6 9-12 "The Loest Ralph Furmanshi, of Hiles, will present an exhihitotwaner.. colors In the art gallery of the Golf Mill Theatre during the month of June. Day" p.m. Schools Supt. Charles Sex- berla will weltomethetlass and Visitors 004 will Introituce plat- . Lawreñcew Junn 24 tOra Jule 20 Oak Staris Friday, June 6 JANE ** Sustenta York . -: pMes hut Mro. Meyer also received w trophy far high game this year. CLINT WALKER ANGIE DICKINSON "99 Women" DOUBLE PEAThEE CHILDRENS SHOW 'SLEEPING BEA(J5Y and OF GRAJ49 CANYOE OV;),.!LL . Next Week Friday 'AFRICAN SAFAI1I" Morton Grabe, The weighed a lb, 6-1/2 oz. ChIIdró'. Saturday Matins ASSiGNMENT OUTER SPA Color Carton,,, BegIns At 1:30. Ends 3:05 PIu . ACAPULCÒ, . . CARIBBEAN? ao baby 49c former aldnooruoJoiw Caroland, lu un itltamboot of the board and has served two years as its secretary. Dr. Mammoser of 1830 Habberton, Park Ridge, was a tororder and is now an honorary member et Rosat.. rection hospItal. He has been active for years lo Medical So.. Clety work and praCtice io 1960, retired trom The school board, eomtltoted three years ago, consisto of the Pastor of the parish, the Prioci.. pal of thoockool, one lay toucher for the eight grades loESs comIng year le projected at opproximatoly 900 utudeoto. Already noted for Its strong atIente peogram, the schoolwlllatrervgthen Its remedial reading and pbyslcal education programs and broadee the departmentalIzatIon that characterizes Its app-rowe grades. gram. In addition to Its month'y executive seuslons, theheard boldo four open meetings eath year te acquaint parlsheneru . Howell, 9664-E Lois dr., Des Plaines on April 24, The baby 1!)! ASSURE \ c'1 ,.,,,_ 7' ;- .. 4 PROMPT SERVICE ANY WHERE Open Evenings and Sandays HILES, 7025 Dempsoer St. 96fl200 lI9 ar -n- sas... fl'JR l "mRRrInhzrns Ill'' THE MOST IN DRY CLEANING I'll CERTIFIES Craig Steven Glmhurg, aso of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert GIns- borg, 5843 Melo or,, Mortes Grove, will become Bar Mite. jlJ Jewish Congregation enSatur.. Il at - OUR 8 SHOPS . weIghed 8 lb. Bar Mitzvah in the uyoagegoe, 450g Dempster ot,,Shokie, Rahb1idney J, Jacobs will efficlate, asnisted by Human (Cantor) Emanuel Abrams. --.. WELCOME dsvstonlne and vIafi,.lnn 0.51. . A girl, Martha Jo, was hero to Mr. and Mrs. Chorlos P. day, Jane 7, beginning at 10 ..a - far soc child and $150 a year for a family. The enrollment and eight eldeted lay members who are memhers st the parish. Its purpose is to promete excellence in education and to assist school administrators In yak at the Sabbath merelog nero vIce el the Hiles Township NOW CLOSER TO THE NORTH AND NORTHWEST AREAS 20% Off On All Pee-season Drapery Cleaning Bring In 6 Or More Garments And Receive A 10% Discount. 36OLAWRENCEWOOi NILES, ILL. ...vw-nr :° Me.. 2?I.-UThí :_ic..'Jl ::rj.2. LO OF FRëEPA1JNG Ib. . ., . L7 . . PINT FOR INSURANCE CALL .WARRENE. APPfl 8133 N. MILWAUKEE AVE. NILES, ILL. 60648 TOMATOES HEAD 19C ec. LETIUCE .The 1:30, 3:40e 5:50, 8:00, 10:10 ' 1/2 a 1/2 HELD OVER . 'h Ib. . PASCAL CELERy . 25 bunct° 1{ARC Zith . HOME MADE SAUSAGES.. Smoked fl SAUSAGES i5CFf Old Fashiosied Waj 8117 - Pho YO 79788 AUDay Sunday l'lo On Regular Dry Cleaning Only . DAIRY WANZER M IL Wrecking Crew . nr SPICED HAM Deai Marthi .f cØ MUWStheeAv..,j$, n!e!!.dftern5pM MnIO gn iZ_.. :: 75c wMattHdm' ÈtIa,ed 90es Our Lady of Ransom Board of Recently the hourd announced Education. JaoeCarflaod sf1301 the Intention to held tuition far Tyreil, Park Ridge, Ike wife 0f . the 1969-70 sthool year to $100 :69C Lb. HARD SALAMI OOMA'flNEtMlIY . . . R, DidIer, 7019 FaEna Laoe, -s tIlUDWOS ment. . A gIrl, Dar1n Aaus, was born In Lutheran Geeeral hospital, May 19, ta Mr. and Mrs. Frawk Typical Latla.A,,., Aben,í4wes Adhaetic . S*dlàfctii. , ebw.(dmldstfai cnej gdiai,a alaJ "Sam Whiskeyd Cha STANDING RIB ROAST 99C Lb. DELICATESSEN . Welcome . . CHOICE AGED hahn-sale coordinator, Mro. WIlliam Skerman. ** j. CHUCK STEAKS Felix Dospli and Pan] Berthoud; MaTINEE a pu. wen. Gull MOI tenter. Nilo, at GnU ed.. t Mil nasCe, ave. GOLF Mercedes McCamhridge of schOOl's prgrasadeveIn Lb. ., 6aiiaued from ast Maine j,g, I Using and dIrectory esordioaotr, Martin Hades; operations coordinator, Leefle Bystroso; graphic arto director, Mrs. Ro- bert Tecktial; booth peroomei ,. manager, Mro. Victor Aybari food and beveragecoordisatoro, TisOns at 00, CIlice. loo - AND AMLING'S "Greenhoime-Freab' FetivaI -- Sister George" Maria Scheu'- Herbert Lom for three year terms to the with timely asnenss IS 01 ROAST 59 best wishes for the now year as Mrs. Rager Nolte gave lastwith minuto Instructions to the intomlng afficerd. The toursnme. with the trophies, Mro, Wm. H. Meyer, Rira, Paul Platz, Mru,.Rlchard M, Flickinger and Mrs. Aodrew Stèmple,. not only watt the tro. . "The Killing of PLUS day, Juno S, 1969 CHOICE BLADE CUT t 'Mame, mmeS, Richard Tworek, Ronald Vanacora, Michael Vaughn, Torrente Verner, Joseph Virgi110, Raymond Wela000chkirch Many of the small WithIn the club also changed'guards. Mro. Paul Centreily . groups received the Bowling club's gavel also n ï,nket Ceot,al. Lowe. - ais N. M,Ch.. Marshall Field,. Msolaomery Ward crasford StOres. Sub. n74eam Citi. 7745125 K EAN ADULT ENTERTAI1dMEyJT Beryl Raid Chi thQ kJN3 ANtI i TWO ACTION ÇOMEDVS The Bugle, Nicholas LattiCo, KsweethCiep... nléwskl, Timothy Wlonlowskl, Ilk, David Cole, Robert Doom.. .A1_be* Withios, John Zidek, stadt, James Davidson, Thomas Mark Ziobka, Peter Zopp. MORISOrg 2nd BIG WEEK . Glanrown, Daniel flrzezlna, ... .jbomas.Welnzlorl,Gary Wie. PATRI CIA Cartoons (haikar, Robert Rauch, Richard Rutkowskl, Charles SchIller, Herbere Scbrnedar, Timothy Scoteliaro, Jahn Sheehan. Steían Siles, Michael Stein: hes, Timothy Stowe. Charlen Sntart, ill, Glenn Swan, Jeffrey Taylor, Gregory Thalmano, Thomas Thiimnoy, Jerry Tho- John Beyotebnor, Mark Bond, " Now ThroagIJanè 22" plus . las, John Barry, Paul Baumun, aftersoon, with Hiles West starting its ceremonies at 2 p.m. followed by Hiles East at 4 p.m. and Hiles North at .......form guests, Joneph Fulera, James Prosser, Michael Ranos, William Stephen Adams, Garret Anialak, Gregory Baldanf, Carlos Barde. sext Sunday, --:ii . gradaating clans. Graduates Include: Thomas Ahrakam, Richard Adamtzyh, Sunday xhibtor rocki, Andrew Paul, Jr.. 301m Perkins, Anthony Perrone, Robert Pesche Jeffrey Pilorolol Ensemble under the directionof the Rev. George Wloklrcben, C,s.C. . and All three schools will hold One Df The Great Movies Of Ali Tinte Alfredo Oquendo, Thomas Pup- (6620 N, Kilbourn, Chicago 46) Scholarships tavarious colleges md universities bave been Notre Dame Liturgical Brano their commencemeet exercises BROUGHT BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND ne», Jr., Tarento O'Donnell, Music for the Commencement Ceremonies wan provided bytha . farewell DonoR, Neal McGrath, Robert O'Con.. . More than 1,700 seniors In the thtee Hiles Township high sehosls will bid their alma mu- Mo rt6irG Jamen Merkel, Jeffrey Meyer, Paul Miller, Kevin Mulerone, Peter McDonald, Daniel Mc- Paul Want (7647 N. Octania, Chicago 31) and George (ovas . Nilehi Graduation Jüne 8 John MacKlnnoo, Dooglan Marsebolek, Paul Matteoni, nan of the 1969 Clans were . You're In The Know High school svan tha principal coocelabrant, along with other priest members of. the faculty Valedictorian and Salutato- Look for. the Prh Dltrjct (tom William SimnOorne. C.s.C_ principat of NotreDame Thomas Karl, Edward (chia, Kurt (oziai, James Kushmuk, Gary Lake, Lawrence Larweth, David Leitnos', William Locke, Vito LoVerde, Mark Lewodo, awarded to 99 members of the . ily hours - at the mano WhIch pieceded the graduation ceremnniea. Recreatin n 3.4 SENIOR LEAGUE STANDINGS S -31-69 (abren, Richard Kanser, Roy, Z4 Game TIntS Mobile Unit at the . Hagel, Stejvken Kaferly,l(eoneth coromonien. ' - ........... nnmbar io 966-7570. 7) Saturday, jaso 14 .. Recre a(Inn Center - 9-12 a,nt. and l_S p.m. brand, David Holdoner, Mark Brebeof church in Hiles, wIU rtpre000t Cardinal Cody at the Supt. of. FaHle Works; Mayor jules Mide and Vince Viso, also of Public Works. Chief rnldehandt and Supt. Professi alosg with Mayar Bode wlsb to Impresa on the citizensof the ViRata of Morton Drove that every week Is Clean..Up Week In the vil,. luge, We da est designate a particular week an we bave garhage pick-up on a regular schedule every week and rubbish pick..up also on a regular uclradiOe every week, U you do Ost know What des Ofthsweol,wv.rrn %.,wÇ!lou ,..v....... sana nor either garbage or rubbish, you may . call the Public Warko department hotvieeo the bourn of 7:30 a.m. .,-.r-''° U':" v".. vs.ewoay tern FrIday, Their : 4) Wednesday, June11 - Cao rulei,d Park - 6.9 p.m. i-i io. Park Ford 2-1 Ok AwyCjj - ----.---. 7. Gregory Greonwald, PredGrow, Terence Henebry, Gary HUle- Flanagan, pastor nf St. Jahn .........w wr,o nneae, Filc Works; ì :s(a.y1 JuneO - Bailar f- Chief ChrIst Hildebrandt of the Fire department; Tony Fragaosi, ¼tortneraanq - o9 p.m. MINOR LEAGUE STANDINGS 5-31-69 dowskl, Thomas Oramarossa, classics teanlier at Notre Dome who is currently teaching at ravilie High school In the South Bend, 104. oreo. Msgr. John Sunday, Jane 8 _ Recreation Center - 2-6 p.m. Gerald Gradowoki, John Ore. former chorus director. and Recrea.. tian Center - -l2 a.m. l-5 p.m. Stanley Dosioski, Jomes Feldman, Kevin Flood, Lawrence Foroman, John Fuglel, MIchael Gala, Bruce Gill. Commencement npèaker was Rev. Thomas Waldron, C.S.C., Saturday, Jane 7 first loss In a 13 to O game Eevin Wálsh on a triple by Michael Stone gave Casada Dry lard, Jr., . Mammoser, M.D. were elected Thomas Dormer, John Dol- hoof church. and time listed below: le by Gary Comacho, a dooble by David Laskin and a single by Gory Kay cootrihoted to th win. Carbon Heatiny took their first winandGoldeo Hearth their with a 10 to.9 win. Earlier In mencement exercises for the 337 members of tloé clans of 1969 May 29 In St. Jobs Bru- . On Sunday May 25th. lone Cartland and Dr, Lambe, 1°. DeRonler, Senso Dient. NOes held its 12th annuol corn.. I OLR School &L Members Elected . Notre Dame High nclvoal in obtaining 1969 swimmIng pool tokens, the Board of Commis.. sloners of the Hiles Park DIu ti-let kas arranged to have these oisted of only four games. The WOo Harri000 team chalked op Wj by defeating Michael's is to 4 wIth baulog honors going to Jim Dash, Dcv- The MNLL intermediate dlvision rare grew tighter when Corvair Forniture hlotched Canadá Dry's andefeated record .- order to save .00 much inconveniente as possible In pjagd by bad weother con- run n-d made the lin-I 12th Graduation At Notre - .-- -Dame - ---.- It, Mi,,or d1vjsjon actioa, otill dropped tbor Other game to 1gnatz and Marys 5 to 4. WinnIng pitcher Harold Mash also had a , PHONE 966-6100 STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE CO. . STATE FARM LIFE INSURANCE CÓMPANY STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY CO. HOME OFFICES: BLOOMINGTON, ILLINOIS mii Th BUgIé.ThITdaiJ.JUnC5 1969 NUGENT .c.' vocftc .iO8SFOR..YOUTF . Volkswagens DID YOU KNOW?? . Before a used car can t)' and performance test. If anything needs Then, know the car Isn't all used SALES CLERK USHERETTES NURSERY HELP op. Theo we give lt ouI 100% guarantee.' To repoir or replace all major meckau- mlles, comes first. whIchever You CAN OWN A BRAND NEW 1969 And you know we wuuldn't give any old car a guarantee like that. 00810m. Olet1oofly,t. '67 VW Squareback CHEVROLET FOR AS LITTLE AS An equal opportonity employer interIor and a gao heater. Honro fleolbie Call: Miso Wagner 775-6133 ' '66 VW Fastback' TYPlST-CLERK Reaponoihle. conoclentl000, liken toworkwlth people. Scleece background.College student. Michele 967-5869 . SERVICED AND READY TO DRIVE AWAY!! TUTOR: 8th) Also High school Get-man - Rean. Rate Barbara - 966-6468 Radio, Heater, VInyl Interior Math (lut thru . OR $1395.00 : '66 VW Bus BUY ONE OF JENNING'S FINE USED CARS 7 Pass. . . . ThIs Is Lite Creeo. One for the RECEPTIONIST-SECRETARY James 966-4872 any of duties. Interontlng work. Call MIES . Carroll .9 ta 3.. HERE'S SOME-USED CAR EXAMPLES '67 Cheve '68 Cheve mpaIo Spt. Cpe Bel Aire Wagon REAL ESTATE NlLES Opes Suo. I-5,9049 N:Ckester.8500w. 4 kAros. hI-level, 2 car att. gar. low Vacation Special $1695 4Oo '65 Pogtiac Conv't Auto. Trans. R-l-S 2 Plus 2 - Canary Yellow $545 Johnson 96.8800. $1995 63 Monza Cpe Small compony lo new hulldlog oceAn girlfórvori. Oppren. oigo paIntIng. . STENO FOR LAW OFFICP, STENORETTETRAr4SC18J,. BERS Law experience nnt oec005ary, 1:1W to door. k Realty - ENS O0N,T pgp2p $1295 voo MUCHOS 5TOP 5i50J9 A6 SISNAL9.yOu MAY HAVE 16E RIGST-Oywqy AT AN ÌMtER9ECX,ON SLIT PE 5LIRE 111E OREES CF THE CAR MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM! OS -EHE CROAS-ATREET MAW HEEPEP 145 RtPl.i6liTOR9iap5 good salary, 94. Milwau- .. kee Ave., NUco. i . HANDYMAN JEFF coLIPTáIETER OEREATOR and admin. company 80CC.. tinos, Excellent oalory and keneflto make 1h10 annceio a life time opportonity. NO degree nsceonary here just sume cnllqgq and abIlity to get along with elkem. Auk Joe Sylvester 394.1050, Hallmark PerS., 000 N.W. 4wy., Mt. Prnspecc. L BUPPLY co. 1455 E. Golf Road Des Plaines 296-5561 aD (HEYROLET Ie 8I "MEES' 0, GREET" $4254575 FRE > SHOW YOUR COLORS! ( . n. ai iii .i,i.ç SC; .'cn 9rEEp, r 9MART TO Northweut Hwy., Mt. Praopeel, Ill. N,W. Hwy., Mt. Prospect. ALTERATIONS Womeo'o coats & shirto 864.9679 . Evanston hemmed, Milwaokee-Oak- R. Pierce Black Top Service 729-1000 Garage Sale, 7913 W. Greenleaf, Rilen es Thornday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, . . John Chapman, 16 ,Princetotq çt., Arlington Heights; Pani HeIhlIeg, 102 E. MarIon, Ar- , fingono Heights: Johñ Haghett, 230 MIlan In,, Hoffman Estateu: Robert Richarduon, 2031 l-16hberton, Park Ridge, and Màttin Marinn, 8917 liellofort. Morton Grove, The Scuntcraft Deportment will ha headed by Dun Andernun, 108 N. Regeecy dr,, Ar. litigton HeIghts. anointed by . Fender Jzzmaater Goltar, Sm,. Ampeg amp. Glboen Ech4.RCvèCb .UO8t.mihe S sesn4 $250 or beat offer Fedders Alr Conditisnar 12,00? BlU. RxcelleiitcnncUtIvo Fo 2 Yeai's Of Wórk Aa the mitage, 9101 Long, Skokie, Oat- pest Parker, Handicraft DIrector, CraIg Hedges. 62 Gnlfvfew, Lake ZurichwilI be annlatedkyMark. Kleoman, 9026 Nile, Center rd., Skokie. Working vaith Camp Ranger Joe Miller ofWlld Rone, Wieconuin a Quartermeoter Io L Scott Mattingly, 983 North ave., Des Plaines. MartIn lOathesberg, 7733 Maple,MsrtonGrave will be the Camp Clerk. Arlelgh . au abe corned lier gavel over .10 Mrs. oge BurIeL EntOZ'tIIIb. msnt for. the afcernnoa was . rOVidOd b. tIte St. Jesse Jagusa Mêndemas PIdSY, PETS FOR SALE CollIe: goadwlth cididre.. AKC - chimp blond linen. ..sable&.whltamsIe,.s50, . 8247906 Jorgenson . of San Jose, Cal, wiB serre es Camp Chaplain and lila wife, SeraIt, as FamIly Camp Direetor. Med-Tech Barbara Jean Suvclk, dough- ter nf Mr, and Mro, joneph Alan Tenckner,.l0224 S.May, Chicago, Aquatics Director will noten of the St, Joseph Hon. he ansioted ky Prank Lxckner, 340 N, Qoentin rd., Palatine, Broce Mecklieg, 435 S. Beverly In., Arlington Heights; Robert Mordin, 5339 Woshington st,, Skokie; Roy Sondacz. 131 N, Stratton In., Mt. Prospect: Brad . . Schwartz, 9136 Lawler .Sknkle; Dennis Staat, 34f S. iewkory pl., Arlington Heights, and Don Kohart. jo., 4117 Redwlne, Creettohuru, N, C, Bruce Bitiner, 206 S, Kasper, - Arliegtan Heights, Trading Peut Field Sporto Aoaintantu. Mru. Patricia .Kronotedt of Wisfonslit, Ct!tp Cook, ausleted by Man Slaka, 4201 Judd, Schiller Park and Steve Sckwake 3S7 Georgee Woutoma, .. . Pledgèd. Mrs. Oliver gfdney,8253 Oak pta, Nilo map edlaitted a p ple4go t8 Tfml9 Society, the Sovcik, 9434 OlIphant, Morton Grove Sill be atoeng 16 grad.. pita1 School of MedItai Teaks-logy honored dnring dl9ner Toeaday, Jane 10, in the booEdogatloe Continuing p1001's Room. To qoalify for a B,S, degree le MedIcal Technology, the re. copIent moot have completed three years of andergradnate work before keghnnlng her year of trainleg In as accredIted hospItal. Barbara atteedeti the UniversIty nf Ililnolo before coming to St. Joseph's. Coin Bourse lite next Chicago CoinBeurne will be held i't the I_easing Te.. ocr VMCA, .000 W. Toahy ave. en Sstld6y, Jatte 8. Hnurs ere fcoinlße,m.cobp,m, Admis. alehIs free. L Fifton enpedis milO haare on. hIbltp on, dIsplay ánd wIll be pvallphle to appralaeasd idest8 fl Colti,, medala,tnkenn or paper money pn'elenled, There lu no change fer thlq 8eevfce, There will also be Sil 09150000- lilty to redeem sliver coinage at tIm current promIsse rate, Augsburg ho6or ophiety, attltn aineisi Honoro baniptet heM at : . Members .. 9nd ipunedlate .Apgebnrg collegeiSMlnneapQrecently; ,F*eoltmen. . lsd f,amlfles eZ lite S.esfor citele of 3m esphemoree .wlth o 1,25 gradd MessieSt Uithersachurck, Park peint avçregé møyie admItted . R$dge# will bold 11181E th1rd eat58 pledges to thin society, Sf4.. soal.pfcnfc,., wtfrpo .. c nns finally came out tuend overydiiuial aiternoop w r. ' $35.00 Cull 297-4082 the Morton Grave Women's Club thanked the outgoing po'eoldOflt. Mr llithp Johoseo for two yearn oS gracIQufieesB and harork. ,'hOEy Shaw" .1. and Jamen Spach, 303 S. CItItot,, Park RIdge. William Ar'. Steve Snyder, SSS S. CanDota, Mt. Proopect. Mark Sidney don OS Rev. asO PERSONALS MADAME ROSE. Renddr & Ad- Lake Foreet, Working with him an CommissIoner Aldo wIll b Wllllamo, Palatine and Robert Roth, 9018 Kenneth, Shohie, . Visar, Special card readings If desIred. Call: 52P-0473 gram DIrector wIll he Rokert 5mih, Jr., 550 N.Eoeter Place, Director; Jose Naher, 443 N. MISC. FOR SALE 967-5340 Adviout, Special card readIngo . Call 622-4497. PHONE 967-7416 ton area. 0441FT INTO OWER GEAR AlIO IETTI4E EMOIME f0114E REARING. Ou LOSS GRADE5 you MAY AlSO perlado keginning Jane 22, Fra- Any Takers? Call Steve Pace at 394-1000. HALLMARK PERS., 800 E. UlTERIOR BOUOEH0LD.SEPAIee MADAME ZONA: Reader k enhiea 241 WAUkEGAN W. (Juil io,tI f Golf I. ht.. 50) OI*4G VOWel 1EEPHILLW, SRFORE iou P1cc ijp Tell MUCI4 MEEP1O PUMP'IOUR BgkiftsUGIiTIn( W%UME Oier n . 5784 W. Keeney, Morton Grove; Paul Pomazal, 7549Ma1n, Nifes; Wisconsin and mitI operate for fIve two-week gamble. They are betting that if they pay yna more equipment. All work piaranteed. Phone fur free entimates anytime. Franklin Parh. AdditIonal hItche, aldo Include: Robert Hieschoner, 5819 Keeney Morton Grave: Jeff Marks, 90'l Circle, Morton Grove; David Panic, Roue, company takIng a ceosfol no all blacktop work and seal coating. All mudere Camp St df Named Cooecll, in located near Wild PAYS YOU $650-$760 iso fee 30% OFF JEN1ilG5 o CalifornIa, keginolng In September. nommer Camps operated by the Light Accounting Spring Special p nbc-high level in the state of Ceancil, wan annuonced by ilIac Lindberg, 233 Waohlngton Square, Elk Gruve Camp Director. ECECUTIVE TRAINEE $9-10,000 No Fee than average and t-cal you rigkt. you'll ntaywitk tkem, grow with them. and be ene of their top men someday. HALLMARI< PERS., 800 E. Proekenberg willteechatheOtre edn program at Camp St,. Jahn'o, Delafield, Wlncoeoin, She plans to teach on the jo. Camp Napewao,'ooe of twa Here'o a progreouive. soc. BELMONT 5-3198 . Sohurban Switchbiiard Receptionist Ask JAn Rohertu at394l008 : The final eelectlnn nf staff 9674600 BUSINESS SERVICES Bath. Eec. Rooms, Tiling, Ceilings, PanelIng, Doors, Windows. Reasoflakin Priceo. CALL: . i- -. members for Camp Napuwan, operated by Ike Northwest 7950 N. CaIdweIl 965-3700 CARPENTER with 30 yro. exp. COMPLETE kitchens, . Top V-P in májoruirinswIl. hog to traIn ynu in all talg. MTT.T. , Following gradaatinn, Miss BAR NABY'S Des Plaines . n . "Lus" and "Peter Pan." Weekends 6 to 1 n.m. Call nr cnme ui In: 4o;hour week . Many ompanyhenéf&t8. 299-4388 Hohby ehop. P.T. sow, rim . time in summer - WE'RE HERE TO DEAL! Oport-mioded. $750.00 PULL TIME ART WORK Jonc Grad, ùrt student - Peo Proni,, Slgo,Layoat. Samples Ovallahle, Would cthisidnr fly .. Sm. Repair work Clerk-Typist: Experienced In school office. ChIld core experIence also. H.S.Seolor Call Kathy - 724-3008 296-3334 n Nancy hou had major rules In the Clarke productions nf "The BUSBOY BROOEWOOD OONVALES0EWJ CENTER 2380Dempster ne. tu ehe wan a member ofthe Clarke Coffee Houoe Theatre. PIZZA MAKER L. Fully accredited nurning home Holiday and weekend konus milk other hn6efit9, New Salary Scale. graduate desires eintolde work wIth young peuple. Linda 328-1828 i While at'Clarkn, Mina Fran,. kenberg was a member uf Ihn Clarke Collage Flnyero, a Stodent drama organization. During the academic year 1966.67, BARTENDER Sde - 823-0283. PSYCHOLOGY MAJOR: Northwestern UnIv. Jane Assist BEEF BAR WORKER 0PERÙ4CS. WITS AflD J&. YOUNG MAN: 56 yro. old Excellent MechanIcal AhIl. COME SEE US TODAY... Full Power - Factory Air '62 Ohia Cpe. summer - Life guard expariente also. 965.5966 c $1095.00 ' WITH APPROVED CREDIT.... $12950O Creen, Radio, WWT and everythIng that makes you enjoy the nummer in Hume for Children, Nursery Day Care Center or Camp. Cathy 82cin7906 NO MONEY DOWN an mitra nice car. '64 VW Convi. FOR CHILD CARE; 14 yr. old High School gIrl would lIhe to help High School girl wIll work Full tIme evenings; SOL. m Jii" TIqdnr lino." "Fanny Girl," L.P.N.'S NURSES' ASSISTANTS SALES er OFFICE Exp. li,:i:I,,iliii Ii I lent training pragram pbs a great benefIt package make this one you won't want te mIno. Call Angie Schulz 00w at 394.lOOO Hallmark Pero.. 803 E. N.W. Hwy., Mt, Pruspeci, Ill. off at YO. 2-0900 for ap.. pnintment. , Maie, olin IL iii1iiiI no Daiiiiilciuc i 11fb 9 mette. n, ' sales engineers, Anescel. organIzIng and maIntaIning kitchen. Contact: Mro. Evelyn Skae- WILLING WORKERS $21 LOO $1795 OO c!. Permanent-Part tlmebasls mmm will train you In all new pro. Women for Part time help nervIng relIgious affairs afternoons and evenings, etc. Should he Capable of (Light uhorthand preferred) I ike boards, Chief designer 5959 W. Howard Chicago (Niles, III.) SP5-4400 Miss Li GENERAL OFFICE I Great opportunity to get off W.W..G RAHNGER MISS YOUNÓ celvo lIje Iifli.Ic , red ill Speech iii ' ii dougIlIfI' nl 1,11 i IlLitil $150 To $175 wk.. NO FEE duct development, 'a c., 101ueki,Ç lulIsa Boards Completely paid heneflts paId vacations and holidays, scheduled salary revIews, hospitalization, major medical life Insarance and more. C all or apply: ThIs io an extra Red & White Bum Your .BIL LERS .CLERK TYPISTS .GENERAL OFFICE JR. DRAFTSMEN HANDYMAN WE SERVE 19 SUBURBAN AREAS ILLINOIS STATE EMPLOflOES(1' SERVICE 601 LEE ST. . DES PLAINES nice car. Has RollIo, VInyl Red LIFEGUARD io Nancy Frankeehtrg, NIls. She io psm nf the 8lgiei gl'n. daotiitg cann iii liii' Iiia.yinlii hfutory effIle i'iilIi?s, .. Draftsmen We Currently Hove OpenIng o for: LEADER Come in early for best selection . . save time care more arno, axle aesemhtlo,. bonico White MMEDIA1E OPENINGS POR PERSONAL, PAST PLACEMENT EngIne. tran,mIs,loe. leur aste. , . Among the 174 yunng women to he candIdatos for degereo at Clarke college, Onbnqon, Inwu, HELP WANTEDMALE A leading natlolial company with an outstanding prof it sharing plan In Induotry. Oar continued expansIon enahle, us lo offer career opportanitles, Moot johs reqsirè littlè or no eopurience. . FEMALE HELP WANTED-FEMALE HELP WANTED MAINTENANCE HELP INJECTION MOLDING TENDER leal forts for 30 days or 1000 REC. a GROUP CLERK-TYPIST- fixing, we fix It. So you . Selectedjob openings fur High St,001 and College kammer placémente, Sume placements lead to part time fall earningo. COURTESY CAR DRIVER GENERAL CLERK . POOL MGR. the VSI' 16-point safe- ;:;, ,lh9 :r, ; .11 Clarke Degree For Nancy : . get our goarantee. lt has to pas rl,( HELPNEEDED TOM:TRUE SPEÇIALS 100% Guaranteed QuAl ,f ccan. ,W.boeii'r niiC? sil ey,.auapkomore lnm.juringin Euglish. . . . Picflic 6:30 p,m Its ;afeoaisls Qyyi ,E HELP- NEEDED - DID YOU KNOW??. - - Before a used car can get our gOarantee. lt bao to ty sod performance test. Thee. COURTESY AT P300 the VM! 16-poInt safe- . fIxIng, we (lx lt. Se you CLERK-TYPISTSALES CLERK USHERETTES know the car Isn't all used . Then we give It our 100% replace all major mechan-. . Ical parts for 30 days Or - mIles comes first. whIchever , Come in early for lest selection . . save time '67VW Squareback - (Light sksrthandpreferred) Poroiaoeot-Parftlmo hauls Hoors flexible Call: MIos Wagner TYPIST.CLERK: ReuponslbJe conscientIous, lIken gewarkwjth people. ScIence background.College student. Michele - 967-5865 $1795.00 SERVICED AND READY '66 VW Fastback TO DRIVE AWAY!! InterIor - Barbara - 966-6468 - - BUY ONE OF JENNINGS FINE USED CARS . '66 VW Bus 7 Pass. Bed & W,jtà - ThIs lo . in Heme for Children, Nursery Day Care Center nr Camp. Cathy _ 824_7906 FOR an extra nice car. . $1295.00 Full tIme Paul - Grenn HERE'S SOME USED CAR EXAMPLES $1095.00 '67 Cheve 965s66 - Impala Spt Cpe . Full Power - Factory Mr '62 Ghia Cpe. CARPENTER with 30 yrs. exp. COMPLETE kitchens, Bath. Ree. Rooms, Tiling, Ceilings. Paneling, Dooro, Windows. ReasoSakle Pri- BELMONT 5-5191 LIte Green. One for the $750.00 '63 Monza Cpe 65 PoQtjac Cons/t Auto. Trans. R-l-E 2 PIso 2 _ Canary Yellow pr .. 1q HANDYMAN £NSE OoM1 PEPEND ioo MUCH ro. prov diroo AbF 9IAIJAL.SOU MAY NAnE isig RIASÇ.oF-wAV ATA8 ltjrbEAErgoN 9UTBE BUGGIES - CUSTOM MADE -.. FOR DETAILS SEE . P 9 000 - !-. 24) WAUKEGAN RD. - (rL $) J. PHONE - 72!-!000. e'OING SOWN TEEPNII.L5,. EFOKE sou ptcj 9PEEP,iTS 4t4a ito SHIFT INTO 0Wg5 GESsi SHy ThE ENGINE 00114E BRAmad'. ro LOaS GcADES YOU MAS ALSO NEEPlo-puMpJ,.oac seaecougar Aoy Takers? Call Stove Pace at 394-1000, HALLMARK PERS.. 800 E. - cOmIng to St, jooepb'a. Williams, Palatine and Robert Ruth, Keitnoth, SkoltIg, 9018 Field Sports Asoiatdots. -- Tha next Chicago Cele Bourse wIll be held et the Leaning To- - Mro, PatricIa Kro(,otedt of - wer-.'t?dCA - -frein l0a,m.ta6p,nt,Mmin.. aloi la free. -- PUteen esperta win have ex-r hibOu On, dIsplay . dod will be avalißble tanppralne-.nd idem- - - - - Pledged. tigf uy beisio,inedala,tokeeser paper money pgu6eli*ed, Then Mark Sidney, anno? Rev. and Mro, Oliver, Sidney. 0255 Oak - Pedderu Mr Ceñditleiter ,01.. Nllòs wap . admitted no p 12,000 0511. %scelleotcanpledge - to TbnlH Society. iba dStlen..i35.0O -Atg6hurg bañar dçgløty, etthó Call 297-4082 - -annual Bpuorn banquaI held at - Aúgéhirg college ln Minnenpo.. PETS FOR SALE : - : gsi Fgu6inten.: Sod i naphøtfloreo .wlth a 3.25 grad6 p01st avebege thpybp.ìdmltted. CoUSe: gao6wlth children. no pledgos to lido vnctety..Sid. ARC o chimp blood UBeß -._i Jxo3,-&oOphMiQt4ihfliajarinjñ-SOMe.&WhItsnsa1c.-*SQ. . Engllnb. '. . 8279O6 - -16 - -nechargo for tbk pevlce. fltete- wIlt alek be an apporta- - PERSONALS '300 W. Tònhy ave, an Snedny, Jonc 8. - Hours ara - Steve Sthweke, 3S7. GHorge Feoder.j053mester Guitar. Sm. Ampeg amp. Giboso Echo.Ravatb. UnIt, alike 8, stand $280 or beat ollar Coin Bourse - Woutema, Wiscensii. CFmp by Alan Slska. -(cook, aoaist - 4201 judd, Schillgr Park - and Ssodoy. 967-5340 cdplènt musc hove completed three yearo et undergraduate work before beginningker year of training in an accredIted hospital, Barbara attended thn UnIversity of lllltjoia before - Director; Jose Nabar, 443 N. S Garage Sale. 7913 W. Greeuleaf, Niles no Thoraday, Friday, Satarday and . To qoallfy for a 0,5, degree in MedIcal-Technology, the re.. Bruce Bitiner, 206 5. Kasper, Arlington Holgktu, Trading Pout MISC. FOR SALE on all ¡4_cl-top work and seal . coating. All modern equipment. All work guaranteed. Phone for free estimateo anytime. Room, pL, Arlington HeIghts, and Don Kokart, jr., 4ll7 Redwlne, Oreenokoro, N, C, hemmed. Milwaokea-Oakton area, 967-7416 Black Top Service Spring Special 30% OFF pitol School of Medical Technology honored daring d1oer ¿Foesday, Jane 10, In the boopltal's Continoloig Education ln., Arliogtas Heighto; Robert Mordin, 5339 Waohlngton st.. Skokie1 Roy Saedecz, 131 N. Stratton lo., Mt, Prospect; Brad Schwartz, 9136 Lawar, Skokle; Deonio Stout, 341 S. Newbury of their top meo someday. Wometfs coats S skirts R. Pierce anteo of the St. joseph Hns- Broce Methllng, 435 5. Beverly ALTERATIONS 864-9679 - Evanston Sovcth, 9454 Oliphant, Morton Grove 6411 be among 16 grad- be asoisted by Frank Lockner, 340 N, Quengin rd,. Palatilte, N,W. Hwy.. Mt. Prospect. JEFF WEEPEP 415 REDl-iGerofrop9, OR .»HOW *5 0 - errERioR HOUSEHOLD -assipasas dUKE 15E yRWER OF 1iHE C,R 0e 14E CEOOS-AIEEET kIAW DUNE YOUR COLORS!( Barbara jeèp Ssvglh. dough. ter of Mr. nod Mro, jouaph Alan Teuchner, 10224 S.May. ChIcago, Aq000lcs Director will rïgkt, you'll stay with them, grow with them, and be one . Med-Tech Mt. Prospect. Here'O a progressive, succesoful company taking a gamble. They are kettlog that if they pay you more than average and real you AG Handicraft DIrector, CraIg Hidgeo.. 62 Golfvlew, Lake ZurIch will be anointed byMarh Kiasman. 9026 Hiles Center rd., axa, 108 N, Regency dr,, Arllngteo Halghto, assisted by Steve Snyder, 518 S, Ca000ta, PAYS YOU $650-8750 no fee - HALLMARK PEES., 800E.Northwest Hwy., Mt. Praopoet, Ill. oport-minded. - Light Accounting -a-- "MEET & GREET" $4254575 PREZ Ank Jo Rokerto at394.l000 - 296-5561 Switchboard Receptionist. mitaga, 9101 Longe Skottla. Oat- past Packer. Smith, Jr., 510 N, Exeter Piace, Lake Fareat, Working with bioy Shakia. Working With Camp as Commissioner Aids will b - Ranger Joe Miller ofWlld Roua, John Cbapmae, 16 S, Frincatoto - Wlaconoin ad Quartai-monter is Ft.. Arlington HeIghts; Pani- Statt Mattiogly, 983 North ave., Helbling, 702 E, MarIon, Ar_i Den Plaines. - Martin Itathen. ilogton HeIghts; joijá Hagheto, berg, 7733 Maple,MarlosCrove 230 Milan lo., Hoffman Estateo; will bathe Camp Clerk. Robert Righardsoa, 2031 Hab.. kerteo, Park Ridge, aed Martin Arlelgh jargauson: of San Marion, 8917 Ballefort, MoTion Jane, Cal, will -nerve as Camp Grove, Chaplain and bin wIfe, Sarah, as Family Camp Dlreetor. The Scsutcraft Department wIll he headed by -Don Ander- .Eiwy.. Mt. Prospect. 96537OO- - ces. CALL: 967-8800. Many company benefits. Des Plaines BUSINESS SERVICES . 4Oheurweek . experience aleo. H.5$enlor - : REAL ESTATE and admin. company fattotionu. Excellent salary and k000fito make this 000cc in. a life lime opportunIty. NO degree necessary here just uome college and ability to get aloog with others. Ask Joe Sylvester 396-1000, Hallmark Peru,, 800 N.W. - aeceusary, . itas to door, good oalary, 9..5 Mllwau., kee Ave., Nues. -: PAINT UPEIX UP Cnil Kathy .. 726-5008 OPERATOR 1455 E. Golf Road BER, Law experience sot CLEAN UP Io ochnol offIce. Child care NILES. Open Sw, l-S9049 N. Chester8500w.4 hdrm. hi-level, 2 car att. gar. low 4Os. Johx000 Really - - and jamen Spncb, 303 S, CItiton, Park Ridge, WillIam Aus- gram Director wIll be Robert 110g tO train you In all mfg. MTT.T.P BUPPLY 00 S . Clerk-Typist: Experienced . 299-4358 - STENO FOR LAW OFFICE, STENORETTE TRANSCRI.. Hubby obop. . WE'RE HERE TO DEAL' P.T. . now, In sommer - . Des Plaines FuE 1me -S Grove; Jeff Marke, 9051 CIrtla, Morton Grava; David Fauke, 5704 W, Keeoey, Morton Grave; Paul Pömazal, 7549Main,Nlles; summer Campo operated by the CouncIl, io located eeoc Wild Rose. WisconsIn and wIll operate for five twa-week periods beginning Jane 22. Pi-e- EXECUTIVE TRAINEE COTOfiIETEE oty of duties. Interesting work, Call MIso Carroll FranklIn Park. Additional kItthan aldo include; Robert Hip.. sthaoer, 58l9 Keenay, Morton members for Camp Napowan, aperated by the Northwest Suburban Ceaocll, was annsanced by Alan Lindberg, 233 Waobingtso Sqüare, Elk Greve, Camp Director. Camp Napowao,'one of two Top V-P in mujorfirm wll - Cl Ity - Sm. Repair work COME SEE US TODAY... '64 VW Convt. Small company In newkollding needs glrlfor verl- YOUNG MARt 16 yrs. old WITH APPROVED CREÒIT.... 296-3334 Dempser RECEPTIONIST-SECRETARY - Excellent Mechanical ¿d'il. BAR NABY'S $9-10,000 No Fee 9 tu 3. NO MONEY DOWN ; 7950 N. Caldwell 967-8600 BROOKW000 OOALES0ENT CENTER 2380 PULL TIME ART WORKt June Grad. art student .. Peo Brush. SIgn, Layaut. Samples available. Would cthtslder appren. 01g,, painting. jamen 966-4872 . CHILD CARE:l4 yr. old High School gIrl would-lIke to help The final selectIon of otaff Weekends 6 p,iy, to 1 a,m. Call or come in to: bonos with other henefltq. New Salary Stole. Norchweotern univ. Jose graduote desires nutelde work with young people. Linda - 328-1828 Camp St Iff Named - BUSBOY - California, keglsming in Sept. ember, Following graduation, MIss BARTENDER - She plano ta teach on the joniorubigh level in the state of "Lay" and "Peter Pan," BEEF BAR WORKER accredited nuruing home. Holiday and weekend Fully PSYCHOLOGY MAJOR: Fronkanberg will teach athaatae arto program at Camp St,John's, Delafield, WIsconsIn. Nancy kas had major coleo In the Clarke productions of "The PIZZA MAKER oi'EmsiCs, DAYS ASID 3S. - Math (ist thru 8tb) Also High school Garman Reas. Rate - .\ TUTOR: RadioS HeaterS Vinyl $1395oo - Nancy Frankenber Tinder Bon," "Funny GIrl," off at YO. 4_0900 for ap- LP.N.'S NURSES' ASSISTANTS evenings: Sqg - Full time oummer - Life gourd euperlence also. Sue . 853.0285 . - Ing the academic year 1966-67, she was a member efthe Clarke Coffee Husos Theatre, Pero., 800 E. N.W. Huy., Mt. Prospect, Ill. psintment. High School girl will work While at 'Clarke, Miss Fran. kenberg was a memher of the Clarke College Players, a atadent drama Organization, Dur- lest training prngramplas a great benefIt package make this one you won't want to miss. Call Augle Schulz now at 396-1000, Hallmark organizing and maistolniog kitchen, Contact: Mrs. Evelyn Skan- 775-6133 SALES or OFFICE: 5xp. mette. etc. Should he capable of WILLING WORKERS Interior and a gas heater. na DomInican High Ochosi, Wil- sales engineers, Aoexcel. Womeo for Fart -time kelp servIng relIgIous affairs afternoons aod eveulogs, GENERAL OFFICE An equal opportunity employer nice car. [los Radio, Vinyl Radio, WWT asid everythIng that makes you enjoy the oummer earo morel WE SERVE 19 SUBLIRBAPI AREAS ILLINOIS STATE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 6W LEE ST. . DES PLAINES FOR AS LITTLE AS ThIs is an extra Great opportunity to get elf the hoards. ChIef designer will tralnyouln ailnew prodoct development, AssIst 5959 W. Howard Chicago (Nues, III.) 5P5-4400- Miss Liss MISS YOUNG celve the bachelor nf arts dograe in Speech and Drama. The daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Banjamb J. Frankanharg, 7501 W. Main, ube Is a gradoateefRegl- l5O To $175 wk. NO FEE FOR PERSONAL5 FAST PLACEMENT - Imisi axle aSGelsblles brake erstem. aleetrical system. .BILLERS W.W...G RAISER ASK FOR - Miss Frankenherg will re- Boards Completely paid benefIts, paid vacations and holidays, scheduled salary reviews, hospItalizatIon, major medical life insurance and more. Call or apply: Most jobo reqsire little ay ox exponente. BRAND NEW 1969 Buns Your .CLERK TYPISTS .GENERAL OFFICE . give any old car a guarantee like that. usgloe. Iran, misales. rear aule. Red - HANDYMAN MAINTENANCE HELP INJECTION MOLDING TENDER You CAN OWN A And you know we wouldif t White : - Draftsmen We Carrently Have Openings tory NURSERY HELP - guarantee.° To repair or 1000 POOL MGR. Cl-a.rke Degree Fòr Nancy to be candidates for degrees at Clarke college, Dakuque, Iowa, is Nancy Frankenkerg, Nues. Skelo part of tIle largest gruduatlng claus la the 126-year hIstory of the college. JIELP WANTED-MALE A leading nadouiul company with an outotanding profit sharing pian in industry, Oar continued expansion en.. StIeg us to offer career spportunitleo, REC. & GROUP LEADER LIFEGUARD JR. DRAFTSMEN - -;.::-:---- 5T li Among the 174 ynong women WANTED - FEMALE HELP WANTEDFEMALE IMMEDIAIE OPENINGS CAR - DRIVER GENERAL CLERK If anything needs up. HELP - - - - Selected job openIngs for High School and College Summer plucéments. Sorne placements leud co part timo fall earnings. .b t - WlA69 ESELL -BUY LILI TRP LI E ,yr.Ee tin'? .r'IAe,9 tlT lilly to redeem nil'er coinage et --tlin.çnrfent ireìlwfl rata. - - - MADAME ZONA: Reader k Advisor. SpecIal card readlags Call 622..4497, MADAME ROSE. HeuSer & AS. .Vioat. Special card readioge If desired, Call: 528-0473 Fo; -2 Years Of Wórk - - - As the sn fInally caine out te end a very dithnnl afternoon. M - Margen Grave Wòmen'u Çlnb Ihnnked Iba outgoing prColdCliO. l-' Jujmsen fer- twa yearn of graeiouénaao. and bard Warb au'abe turn 16 -k her gaveloyer to Mro. Georgé Ourlet. Entertainfor the afcerztoap was pravltel by. the St, Isaac jaguen Shaw' I. no r . Collutte .ML6UkIC. Modan5e5 DUfft - - - - - - - - - - - -- Picnic Members -and Bimedlate - fnmllien el the Sealer Cesio' of Meeviab Lutheran church, Park Ridge, will held theIr third at. noel pIcnic. wOk - pot-leek ab 6:30 p.m.. in Meanlah Frk. - 115 Btagle;Thirsd.r..jame. 1969 .NU.GENT: . TÚ TflhIt t'nrni iurn IflUL rLbIALS l'T!.%4'E:i0'oi... ... JcO% Guoranfeed HELP NEEDED . Volkswagens DID YOU KNOW?? Before a jsed car can pass the Vt3' 16-point safo- . ty and performance test. GENERAL CLERK CLERK-TYPIST IALES CLERK ' fixing, we fix It. So you know the cur Isn't all used op. : Then we give it our 100% NURSERY HELP ' . miles, Comes first. 1000 : ASK. FOR CHEVROLET. $1795.00 $21 99.Qß,, '66 VW Fastback SERVICED AND READY TO DRIVE AWAY!! . TYPlST-CLERg EesPOnsibler cOnocientioue, likes toworkwith people. Science backgruond. College student. Michele - 967-5860 . . . NO MONEY DOWN WITH APPROVED CREDIT.... $1295.00 PSYCHOLOGY MAJOR: - ..\ . . . COME SEE US TODAY... '64 VW Convt. . WE'RE HERE TO DEAL! Green, Rodio, WWT and . '67 Cheve Impala Spt. Cpe '68 Cheve Bel Aire Wagon Foil Poer - Factory Air Vocation Spetiai . $1695 $1995 Oport-roiarded. '63 Monza Cpe $750.00 Auto. Trans, R-H. 824.7906 , 2 Pius 2 . -pa . -. \0 FlojO aoxriWth xurxiog losisei. HLoAl/sy 5/ol 'IPrICP/ 005x5 Vith.OtiOOhOIOt8-NSW SSjOiC/O 5-0./Sn 3g00z.woQn CDNTc&LEEeU« Z96-Z4 uso Denspster SmalL eomyauy in. CARPENTER with 50 yrs. exp. COMPLETE kitchens, Bath, Ree. Rooms. Tiling. Ceilings, Paneling, Oxoro. Windsws. Reasotlohle Priceo. CALL: HANDYMAN JEFF t... . PA 9 L000 241 WAUKEGAN RD. (JUI no$h v OolI Id (n. 5$) 0!MS 170WN TEEPHlLL, J PHONE 729.1, - III, OellilolO. DAY OVIlI o/lillo .01.0 Ol;V !l;,l0? ELOLL.OL0EZ Px:xm_dREW.. ('oLI l'y o/s'i O llIj . W, or:rair/SeO ruile loi I li//ia/So eo '1/sol/iI i 'S,4us.I0gltoO0itf 10/11186... i:ÇihbtS080b PERSONALS . MAO/.ME ROSE.Reador & Ad- I : Fa, ?Er Of . 8iU/i A?ibfttI ,.VldI,I.ttIIbH S ti/Hi Ill .... o0 liowilLiFf. i 'I/itO biJllvtt iU(0SvHll$I0S .4(li/i(ifjO. blilliObTi Itedie* root Jol.0 i. N000or/1 I . 1/01 I . OU I ti9tl/rg 8,I I IiI I o5tioi'.if4 I 'I I Pli Ill/I 'o Mfte, ÖR 0ALr. 0511 IIb/IInbi'lO . Ki'li1 / !ie b//tx ' SIlIlld0/, MI/:.OiIIIOCI 'Il/I. 0'0, otrA, //çj7,071iC 967-5340 visos-. Special card readlnge if desire& Call: 528-04Z3 0/000/bl O Ettbl 0.11, itO O /I,Iif,,x,p,s . il I 0m* In 44/'r5-:!6 I ._,. 000x1 y4 W0' ' ' 1Ï Kt/oitiitibf, ° 141'Ea... I.0t6:4i0:. #ke3o. S 009dloot.Hoj bit AL/i/i SEllithbxivi . r1t Ji1J4 ii0hIì/°vro 5O4'd6 5P 'lib' IwoC,./of0xbI&o i..4 i....o./SJ" ibif Oo /00004 7..0.00b'O '4ii8iIi t I boil, t 050f I 00/ii.9 Oli... 0114go ill. (ib.bl6000O/ i'lt lb 04ii/rov,t.50liwlai0lo : ...EßliIi, . .I il l o , " i. Il O jis III r OEoJllHr -.01b,\l l0L0 lÇl,100000bO u/ti. OO. i0 i000'v'5 II 1/. b't'. ,010l.000.lo/Ii.1 t'li r' FI, '. /00/., .°5° lo/St iS0tl/d/i. it ,/0,'o' /be.0111 /I.00IOII:tI b/Fold I ALT1!RATiON i/5i. .01 jlIk5Io'Ii .\/iI'i ... f./..i,/./ o (, 30% OFF Advisor, Special card roodIngo - Call 622-4497. 0.0/ti /000 I/i/I l t 'o 0¼/s'110,1,. O .I O/ 00000006 OIl/I. bti'F}r'. 4'.Oj/ .0 1.l0Jb.. ii0"i1Jtt'tj, Ottstio I 010,5 4Ie/4'/Ol'O /00 y Mr, II/ii''0 bIllot. 0l/i/.1/O, '-.f/k I. I iII I /vOflï I O/ib/ I ''li1i.IyiH I0ilO.0iJ3ifO6, ktOt /Iilb. MIt , bOJnl.o,. 'l0lfo /IÌ45O °l .\j000 I I. I idt', t '10o..,.e1', i:tni tt i.(oe, Sit/ito150 MADAME ZONA: Reader h .0 I I .Ll 4l/IO° t'llilI,,. .ihSojw )o to ¿f 'l,ì 'il1 'lOO, 1(000 :0001, 1.W., I/Wy, I( /Sbt., . 05/04'. O', /1 roov 4/Ill OliO ifl , !!I I1/: ,./ ;51 . O. /: ida..'s l'O O y oi hiy oho :0 (0'/b6/tl. i/100/ ...i ,/° .\kS' eI /0/ESj.'or/ . /4/./% .0 oflU 0xh Sar5-roar5eailNlt OPnEP, TR 9MAr TO SHIFT ONTO I.OWER . 'S IirI o'/Slot, 'ilt'// ..0000 0 5-5- jM',O°77 /'4AIiitiL0t5/i/iIl Oi.i\..r 001,1 ObIg I.l'/l : O./,, Ii00 r. 00. I 0. li0OIOr -1 . .t /ikod,, SwitcllbIJ2I_d equipment. All,work peor. anteed. Phone (or free es-. timoteo anytime. ØEFOEEVou P1cc io .2 ,3i I OO 'iob0 .0.5.1 0 $II/OOI 4(8t) III fw E .......'0o0ijt.,, 5ij 0h' 'o°,0bo i/O0 'O,i' .00.' "I.Sk94*.i' /4j,.50 il/S x1'OV. OIl/II ..ilO... :\, o\.iC/. r: E J./r /lIt lxi 10/ : yo'. ...iflr .!!I/do..lili( ipIy 965-37GO Spring Special .'-. Itii\ .00 ,.'. Ii\. "í3i......O I . , t0ht At'tis Block Top Service . .,O.O /i IO I hes Ave,, Nilan. R. Pierce SEgRE!., OlIO gEDi.lfHroeeropggtg. .. . S 00' OSSSr, 864-9679 - Evanston ow Tag CEOSS-5IRECT HAC l IIIIO. t ;:IrI* iLO,k l'l.00II 0,000 I/< 4iOn so,' ''li' I:., work. Colt Misa Carroll ,, .°09. y -.,0\I0./',: /J/,, ,O'' :il5- .. xloì/ .O,IPrIP, ,iIiI....Y OW xl PeSos. lonscesihig INTERIOR ROl)SEHOW.tiEPAins ATAN MTR4fXloN RUT RE OURE reg PEISER OFiegcsg ° ,rx1I\ 101oS bxildxesdsgÍritocviw Sorsxnsr HSLL EtSJSE. GEAR AtOP i4TTI4E EMEICE POTI4E BEAK8SS. 0M I.OHSGRAPES, Yu MAY ALSO REfErs PUMPVOIJR øEHkfSUGaTi5 'r,: I()5(ID °I. \''I tI nOw. on all blacktop work and seal csatitig. Ail modern LE1\ Ep I°kllS9 RECEPT1ONIST.SECRETARY MAY NAVE rIiE gl5Rp-Qpw I Y&1 BUSINESS SERVICES STOP SISMS AtOP CIGPJALC.y55 -r, VS, _e' i;; ;:I'EI0 gond xuiao5 9.5. igBm. BELMONT 5-5i91 t7if4.ØMpÇof4 opgtg, i-00 MUCC o, ts occo550ry5 CLE1IN UP 'I .0 . . : 1o.000..... 0ER Laos eus.ros PAINT UPFIX UP NILES.. Open Sue. l,.S,9049 N, Cheoter..8SOOW,4 bdrm. bi-levei, 2 cor att. gor. low 4O'n. Johnson Realty 967-8800. . .v\ vo ,r.,, ' ..../. STENORETTE TR.6- REAL ESTATE ., NURSE A$$LSANTS STENO POR LAWOFS1GE Cieric-Typint: Experienced . in school nffice. Child care experience also. N.S.Senior Call Kathy - 724.5008 Ooeir MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM! :5._ , /Oy»......... 01. ity . Sm. Repair work Hobby shop. P.T. now, Fuji time In nommer - Canary Yei low 1 $545. :h"ioo' ''pe'.."'«.. .- .¼° O.r/. . .0 0/. 299-4308 YOUNG MAN: 16 yrs. old Euceflent Mechanical Ahi!.. '65 PoQtioc Conv't . June PULL TIME ART WORD Jnne Grad. àrt ntodent - Pen Brosh, Sign, Layoat,Sampies avouable. Would tdttoider appren. oigo painting. James 966.4872 ChILD CARE:i4 yr. old High School girl would like to help in Home for Children, Nursery Day Care Center or Camp. HERE'S SOME USED CAR EXAMPLES Univ. graduasm desires outside worh wi8 young people. . Linda - 328-1828 Pool - 965-5966 . l8 IO . 0,1,0 825-0283 Northwestern ' H , evenings; SL_. - Fou time . summer - Life guard ex. podenco also. . FOR Red & White _ This is an eutra nice car. \lL,. o:x.Iixoroo . .°. .00, Ii. High School girl will worh Moth (ist titre TOTOR Cathy 7 Pass. 'M:.I "..iI., ; SALES or OFFICE: Exp. Size OR '66 VW Bus . . Barbara - 966-0468 BUY ONE OF JENNING'S FINE USED CARS ìEO6I..0Su/ ":" ':" iii.......0 ,0 .... .0O. 'l. WILLIÑG W9RKERS man- Reun,Rate . $1395.00 rijo o. ,, . vO..(ini/. .00 :........... O$PrO.SN,.. An eguai opportunHy employer 8th) Also High school 0er- Red - Radio, Heater, Vinyl Interior Lite Croon. One jot- ..O.0. ... ./.ì,.00'., I o/i WE SERVE 19 SUBURBAN AREAS ILLINOIS STATE EMPLOYMENT SERVICE 601 LEE ST DES PLAINES FOR AS LITTLE AS . interior and a gas heater. '62 Ghia Cpe. //3A. 44INJ,o MISS YOUNG nice car, Has Radio, Vinyl $1095.00 . FOR PERSONAL,FAST PLACEMENT Thin is an estro everything that mahen you enjoy the sommer ............. Come in early for lest selection . , nave time - earn morel '67 VW Squareback N Of. I':.......: ... .... .. o . BRAND NEW 1969 Engise, trOcs mIo,fos. rear aule. ¡mat sole assemblies. broCé flatem. electrical system. White s,- i'''I ..''.'. .' , 0- ' kM Moot jobo reouire littie orno experleoco. . give any old car a guarantee lihe that. '.'ile".tO-O INJECfION MOLDING TENÔER You CAN OWN A And you knswwe wouldn't O...,IOxdv.-iii. ._ x. to-... xouImIxJ. .::o.dOfOLTaitrmI4.omm -Woo/.; ...j: HELP whichever .. . ' ./: ._lxoZoode-'PC .er6oL_stow:.m..:oi, o.wwaxIOx oxwuit.:emolwe HANDYMAN replace ali major mechao- irai forts for 30 days or OiW55' ij... '.i/i. 'ni.. ...oOloO. LIFEGUARD JR. DRAFTSMEN USHERETTES guarantee.° To repair sr '000ilw POOL MOR. REC. & GROUP LEADER ' S".: - CAR DRIVER ft aflytMef needs lj $T2»- .... r, summer placéments. Some piacernent mod to parttimo fail earnings. CÒURTESY AT. get our garantee. ft has to Thea, Selectedjob openings for HIgh School and College S'*.. . o,.00 , ! ..L. L.'. 2ifl;._?L .a:. c:. ...- I. . h[. III I It I CTtU:::Zt-X-.,, j! l Pu 19' .1 fttth Br NILES POLICE. REPORT : unknown youth about 18 ap. June2_ . . Mr. Bauer, of 42 Lawrence- wend Shopping Center, reported a burglary in Ida. store. He told police unknown parente had entered the establishment The matter was turned aver to the InvestigatIon bureau Theft from his auto was reported to police by Peter Fsole. 8910. Merrill. Taken were a white; wall tire, a black golf bag, 0 irons and 3 wood...Theft from her auto wes reported to police by Mrs. Martha Elijo, 9856 Huber In. While the car was parkyd in the driveway, Mrs. Ellis said unknown persons removed a radio antenna valued at $7. She also told police a 20-inch hoyo red and white bicyclo had been taken from tho garage. June 1- Vandalism reported at Golden Nagget in Lawrencewood. Black and red paint was npraydd by tmknowu persons on windows in the mali neat the restaurant. May 31- Theft of ber tan raincoat from . #2O7Bd. a eportsman's lanters and 2 When asked by the Board The Sopt. of Schools, Dr. screwdrivers. items were va- Richard R. Shsrt, said that both bed at $111. Entry was appa- be and the architect, Mr. Still- waugh, bad parsonaily visited service door in the garage....A the site on Saturday after recar . fire is the Bargain Tows ceiving complaints trum rosiparking lot, 95y5 Milwaukee, dents in the area. tipas inveswas reported to police. NFD tigoting, theylmotediatelyashed . the contractor to cease bis exextinguished the blaze. cavating operation anti s cornranGy made through unoolocked May 30. Criminal damage to his proparty was reported by Ronald MUten, 9907 Haber In. He told police unknown parsons blew apart a wall..msanted maslhsx with a iirecracher. Value was set at $25....Theft from an auto Endorse. .0.. aAdidate coutthued from pagel preached blm aedtooh theeqoip- membera regarding the palmeat. a gift (rom thabay'aGOd- jtSoa level ei the labe, Mr. father. The equipment was Stlllwaagh neid that the aquatic valued at $75,...A theftiromber jf died from a lack of oxygarage waa reported by Jean gea und that the water sample McC000rey, 8706 Osceola. She tabee from ehe labe shows na told police unknown parsons en. greater pollution than the sanstered daring the night and took plestshen dating bach to 1963. 6 caes si beer, 13 golf clubs, . pfote doterminhtlon ofthe situe- tion could he made. Mr. Stillwaugh obutrved that excavation oparati505 daring the construetisa of Maine Sooth produce si- asilar resulte. . . ; Board members expressed was reported by Ellen 1(ozdren, their concern that every sedan 6949 Fargo. She told polite be taken to minimize a repati.unheown parsons entered the car dos of this nitsstiae. Mr. while if was in the garage and Stillweogh declared that, while stole a stereo tapa deck valued ther$ 10 0 possibility that the ein from Maten reap. bas been challenged by DaM te endorse candidpaes enageographlcalbs. was lossod anummunsforreckleas driving....Theft of hersons fishing rod and tackle box wan reported to pdlice by Mrs. H. the hoy was visiting at 6932 M.G. Bd. An was a '56 white and blue 4- Vallan operation, including the dredging and reshaping of the lake. was part nf loo original building csstract let by the con Unued from MG, page t Legislature. Rèad by Trastee David Cohen. the bills are: Weeding In Che, House. 1-This bill would have provisions for local goVrn. meats who bave to tuono tax anticipation warrante to be reimburssd by the csunty. 2- This bill would amendtbe Work- man's Compensation Act and place Policemen and Piremenof muoicipalities with ander 250,000 population ander loss- 11ickioger reported on Thuraday cherewauldbn a mooting oftheNsrtltSoharbax Trousporfation Council and Mayor Bode will attend. Trustee Flickloger also stated the huard uttended the 100th birthday celebration si Michael J. Lochnor and "It was a very wonderfal experience." Many of Mr. Lochners friends were pr-soot and Mayor Bode added the state and national response to this ;ance of the Workman's Cam.. memorable occasion was great. pensativa Act. 3-This Mil WOuld Attorney JoknNordbert road a resolution which be drafted opposing the proposed Golf- permit firemes and volunteer firemon tu enter property for thn purpose of patting out a fire and be immune to pr000catios, 4-Thin bill would givemunicipailties the right sa anses yacant proporty with the approval of tin citiznns of said prsporty. Bilis pending in the Seoate. l..This would ameod tin Al.. cobolic Liquor Law and make it necessary for bartenders to meet Cnrfain regulatioos. 2bill This provides state insurance for policeand firemen payable by the state of $10,000. 3-Thin bill regarding Motor Fuel Tax Fonds would allow for the funds Co be drawn as soon as they are collected. 4..iindnr this bill 25% of the Motor Fuel Tax Fundo could be drawnwithoat approval. Engineer Nick Ciarba aald mont ai the streeta have been paved and only Narragansett is utili in question. h, response an the mayar'a question abust calls being received pertaining to the surveyIng going na along Harina rd., Clorba said about a year ago the county asked Mor- ton Grove to prepare a survey of than area, Neil CashmaknaidLeaks,inc, reported 90 mlles ei water malo bad been featedln the last 30 daya: 117 leaks bad been found Rood rd. Frenway which could go through Morton Grove. The board approved the resolutSon. Mr, Nsrdberg also said he had met with the attorney for the Overmier Company and was hopeful a oslatlso coald be worbed out. reported last month the Board of Health had 12 restaurant inspections and received and handled 2h cornplaints. There were 12 animal bites reported, including f horse bite, 1 possum bite and 2 moose bites. NUbia a000anced the 3 John Hilkin new trastees, Cohen, Fiousdt and HiEdo would be attending a seminar in Springfield. Herbert Houndt reported l693 feet of broken sidewalk has been replaced, He also ad- vined the board since one of the atreet sweepers Is in bad condition the village is considerieg replacing it on a maso purchase. Thiq would coot $17,090 and it will be deter. mined ji it is possible to use same Motor Fuel TaxFunds to help wIth the parchase, Houadt said at a meeting with Engineer Ciorba and the Forest Preserve chief no declnionwos reached an the paving of Narragansett. Another meeting is scheduledta and S major lenke pinpointed. determine a courue of action, These bave been repaired by the The board wan advised a bill 1er depl. Firehydrats seem be in nanellons condition, Board that the present exca- was punued In the llllnaia House Bsard and will involve-no mididonai expanse.. the East, Middle akdVest Forks and Arms of the Chicago River for aid io flood relief, etc. Trustees Hóundt. HIlkin and Ceben were named to the Buitd- ing committee. Fire and Fo. lien Commissioner Carl Eck. hardt was re-appointed. Dick Flickinger said he would like hoard approvalto investigate the possibili.p of obtaining new seats for the court rosn\ und the trustees. lt was given, A citizen requeotod the ordi. for the installation of automatic dri9e-in booths be Bugle Pablioher, David Besser addressed the boafd and queried 'i wonder whyyoa don't tapa record your minutes? it wuald certainly\help . to avoid controversy. i can't see why it shouldn't be done if you want an accurate account." Fred Huber said mInutes don't bayeta be verbamm Walesa so olwci- Mrs. Rae Besner naggented the board contact sthèr fies], villages who do uae tapa re. cordings of the minuten and see how it benefits them, The board agreed ta look into the prepaoai, "Peter Pan" Hdd Over "Peter Fan" has been held over anextra oeeeh through June 22 at the Mill Run Fmnyhaune Children's Theatre. Perfaco. mancea are presented Saturday dal obligation to that group," will Cease to eOist after June 5, sent at that May 6montingcould be eiigible.tu be se the sureauIng committee." He states "we aro in tho pro.. ceäs of forming a committee to endornecsndidatea on a within. osch.towdship geographicaf ha. sis. l dreuld hope thin whole process could eventually ho ttirsed över to the caucus unira of each school district involved in Dial. 535." salted in the estoblisbrnest of Mer-aise Valley, He outlined Anoce Trastee - as having completed most the . course work for a Doctor of Edocation degree, In grad. uatescbooi,Mrn,Joben major-d i school adminIstration, indo4ing finance ànd law, ou both alato and federal levels. . NUes townships to elect aBoard of seven truntben to Organize As an undergraduate student, she was elected to the National Honor Socioty, was vice-presi- the Majen-Riles Jonlor College, recently approved by voter re. ferendum. ROYAL BLUE ONLY ROYAL BLUE ONLY KODEL EXTRA HEIIYY KODEL SHAG SEE Flrn$ Quality) 5 SQ.YD, was awarded.ttte Dean'sKey tot oututosdieg scholarship und leu. dership. While àttendlng grad- Clifton ave., Nibs, bas been an area resident since iO6iI. Par the past . 14 years he bas served uate school sbwwo listed io as as educator and administrator in Chicnge high schools. the "Who's Who in Mnericun grecs from the UnIversity of In seventeen years 5f ber professional camer, site has Colleges und UnlveFsitieo." Holder of B,5. and M,S. de- Illinois, Goldberg was chairman been a teacher, teacher covo- odor, and a principal in the Reg. $14.95 SQ. YO, . While Quantity Lastsl WONDERFUL Ï(ODEL WESTCLIFF SELECTION AU looped construction far extra long wear with the yarnthOt has bounce! AIS coloro. Reg. $14.95 $9 KODEL WINNER Extra tit$ck loxus4000 plunk. OF All colors. COLORS SQ,YD, &. Chicago school system. Dolores Jabeo bas portici. patad in Suburban Teachers Reg $995 $t45 $Q. PATTERNS institute Dopa and has appeared candidacy, Gòldherg declared: on masy. 0ducationol television "The new Mame-Nuco Joagor- and. radin programs, the most IN recent being a nationwide TV special where. as principal of . (Pirat Quality) While Quantity Laste! In a statement asatouncing bis college will bring new'oppar. , tonifies and new challenges to residents in the roe townships lt will serve, .: . "Oar high school graduates who look to immediate means to further their education will ALL LOOPED PATTERN OUR dent of her senior class, and KODEL NEW LOOK Ling, plump needle shag, OUR STORE the 'esosI transient achnol is the notion, he was cited for her solving ofproblems nf dpecial magnitude in un exceptional .811 colOrs ORIN manner, . She has alen edited a chi!icy la the new junior college. denn's textbook andwas isotruOnce enrolled, we moat give .. mental in revising the "Good have un exciting new npportom. them every chance to make the most of theIr education, and the Chicago i°ublic schools when we can only do tide by in. Ce dent who completes his two years nf study should be able te transfer to the college of Dolar-a A, Jebes ix acandi. ciato for the office of Trustee of the Niteu-Mslne Jr. Collage i Rep, Reboot S, Jutkett(R-dth) reported froths Springfj6ld this ALL week ou the progress ef his hilf to authorize an esgltteerins study et the North Branch . of the Chicago River. Juckett'n bill.pasaed the Seo- .. ate Csnservhglnn committee siw aalm005ly loot week. lt bas 51- ready bees appraved by the Hause of Representatives. aule oc ch playhouse bottofftce. Mrs. JahOs.ia married, hua onh daughter and renfOes at 9216 N. Ashland ave., NUes. alleviating flooding in parts of Skoble, Nilea, MarIon Grove, $be halda 8at$loe!af.Sd ORDER. WITH YOUR PADDÑG EXTRA THICK FOAM GUARANTEED', MATERÍALS& WORKMANSHIP it became necessary.. slating on high standards iroml the very beginning, Every ntis- his choice se he can complete his work toward a degree. This will reqpire foil accreditation, and that should be our immeul. late goal. . YOUR HOME Morning Teacher" program for District #535, $tes0ryatioes are aecepted only that would call for a.apeeaf t . fioghetigs 60 20 ,í IF Candidacy lsd Master ni Education degrees from Loyola university as well Rebort S, Gsldhérg, 38-yearaId Chicago educator, has annoanced bis candidacy for Crustee of District 535's Junior Gol. lege Board, 14. KODAK... DaM sayo he is oppooed ro the concept of the Commosity Committee. "Only poople pro.. and Sunday afternoons at Z p.m. Tickets are $1,00 for cbfldren und 75 for adults and are on EASTMAN QUALITY POLYESTER YARNS BY Cronin answers the allego.. don by pointing eut the group Before beginning their interthe screening group beard and conferred witbJames Keiler, Administrativo-. Assistant tothe President st Morraine Valley CommUnity college. Mr. Keller authored the feasibility plus for Junior College District 524 to Worth gownsbipwhith re. both TildesandTaftbigh schools before accepting the past of assistant principal at Taft High school. ters for the coming caroival. would certainly ho ander u ope_ views, stricken from the Village code study. A requost was granted to the Americas Legion to put up pos- permit themselves to he vioted hr supported hyany onch group so or so people present at that of the Scaeece department at agreed to refer this request fo the Jodiciary committee for appear hefóre the scr000ing committee stpting "it is toy firm conviction that isdividoals who ea at the May 6 meetingthe nance ander spatial ose and it wax : In the letter vie refused to public service and beep politica out of It," Crottin claims. "We don't know what Mr,Dobl'n probicot is. He proposed the equal geographical representation Id. Goldberg, of 8149 FBL sent to the screening committee os weil as news media. is being done on a 100% nonpolitical basis and on the high.. est level possible. "We have bent over backwards to do . Elections will be held gas.. urday, June 21, in Maine and VI E'RE Crante ias called '°bsviote1y riulcalous' staternooto SMoky a trustee ÇOndidate, Dolores Jahns of Wiled, in a letter she Cronin maintains that vcreening and endorsing of candidates - Ct'ain, ras off the road and struch some oteel pales atNotro Dame Nigh school. Germaa orm.. cies. and initiai dporating roquirenrento Were discussed at length. According to Cronia, "we aro striving to knock doux the wall ox Harlem ave, that exists betWees the 2 townohipa uod look at the whole area as IDiot. 535. Mr, Dahl is ignoring this cotscept completely." door Chevrolet. CMcagu....Motor vehicle atti.. dent wan reported at Cram and Ozark. A car. driven by 17year-old Jameo German, 8501 1 W FOR. k L tees, dov6lepmeot Otboard peli, Tho !aaine.NileoaaltVotedd5Wn his propoual at Che May 6 meeting. Howard, he wenn fishing. ported by Margaret Neyons, itself. Qualifications nf ships as well an qualifications. Vogeisant, 9301 Lucas rd. While taurant in Calf Mill was ro- start-up problems Of the tollWe 019 withiisfbelrreopactivetowtb- time voted it down." at $135. his district's refergedom, first trustee . electlen, . asd Scrod from Niles Dm551. and Dick Cro. situation may recur, every step is being taken to minimize the May 29--chance of a repetition. Water released from the excavation, Richard Yacfer, 6917 Birch- Mr. Stiliwsugh noted. presente wood, told police unknown na health hazard to nearby resi. parsons entered bis car while dents; The existing grades will it was parked is the drivoway not be changed and ail water and took a Motorola 8-troth will flow directly into the pend. stereo tapa deck valued of $70; stereo tapas 8 eight-track Dr, Shsrt assured the Board valued at $24; a pair of pliers members that all technical proand a acrewdriver..jtalen auto bicots are beingloshedistsvery was reported by Linda Golden- carefully. Roth Dr. Short and stein, 8057 Milwaukee. Taken Mr. Stillwasgh assured the the cloakroom of Mai Tal rea- : continued from page i tititcee. chaired by Bert Gelder ' The bill is the flratchteP is Glenview, Unco$awaod und sou- roundIng areq, JuclCeB said. PLAINES .ÀRP . WITH THE BIG SERVICE THE UTTLE STORE 613 LEE ST. o PHONE 824-7353 ether Days 9To 6 To 9 Friday 9 Open MondoY 8