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Modèle en boîte
Monsoon intraseasonal variability Gilles Bellon Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques Toulouse, France cnrs The Monsoon Intraseasonal oscillation (MISO) Northward propagation of convective disturbances Brightness Temperature over the BoB (CLAUS data, 70E-90E) 1 - 1.5 m/s 30 - 40 days 30 - 40 days Monsoon onset The Monsoon Intraseasonal oscillation (MISO) Northward propagation of convective disturbances NOAA OLR + ERA Interim winds Anomalies of 850hPa wind and OLR for the 8 phases of the oscillation OLR (Wm-2) Why does it matter? Intraseasonal variability can be used for medium range forecast Ex: MJO and convectively-coupled equatorial wave used in Australia Models do not simulate it very well. Why does it matter? NOAA OLR + ERA Interim winds CNRM-CM5 Vertical structure of the MISO Vorticity Divergence Specific humidity Pressure (hPa) v' S N S N S Latitude with respect to the convection maximum N NCEP composites from Jiang et al. (2004) Convection maximum Known and unknown mechanisms of the MISO Vorticity Divergence Specific humidity Pressure (hPa) v' S N S N S N NCEP composites fromJiang et al. (2004) Convection maximum Latitude with respect to the convection maximum Moisture convergence: Free-tropospheric divergence via Coriolis, + mass conservation and / or boundary-layer Ekman pumping y (q v' ) Boundary-layer convergence q y v' v' y q Humidity build-up Barotropic vorticity Consitional instability ? Deep convection ? Boundary-layer convergence, upper-tropospheric divergence Known and unknown mechanisms of the MISO from DeMott et al. (2013) Moisture convergence: Free-tropospheric divergence via Coriolis, + mass conservation and / or boundary-layer Ekman pumping y (q v' ) Boundary-layer convergence q y v' v' y q Humidity build-up Barotropic vorticity Consitional instability ? Deep convection ? Boundary-layer convergence, upper-tropospheric divergence Many theories, no consensus Theories relying on the interaction between mean state and intraseasonal anomalies 1. Gradient of anomalous vertical advection of the mean vertical shear in the zonal direction = ∂y v’i Vorticity: ζ’i = -∂y u’i Divergence: ∂t ζ’0 > 0 D’i i = 0 : barotropic i = 1 : baroclinic BL top Eq N ∂t ζ’0 = … + ∂y (ω∂pu) = … + U1 ∂y D’1 U1 < 0 0 ∂y D’1 Jiang et al. (2004) Many theories, no consensus Theories relying on the interaction between mean state and intraseasonal anomalies 2. Horizontal advection of the anomalous baroclinic vorticity by the baroclinic mean flow = ∂y v’i Vorticity: ζ’i = -∂y u’i Divergence: ∂t ζ’0 > 0 D’i i = 0 : barotropic i = 1 : baroclinic BL top Eq 0 N ∂y ζ’1 ∂t ζ’0 = … - V1 ∂y ζ’1 V1 < 0 Bellon and Sobel (2008) Many theories, no consensus Theories relying on the interaction between mean state and intraseasonal anomalies Mean circulation permits both mechanisms over the Indian Ocean, But only the first one over the Western Pacific Chou et al. (2009) Both mechanisms at play over the BoB, with unclear respective roles: from DeMott et al. (2013) Many theories, no consensus Theory relying on non-linear effects (anomaly on anomaly) Self-advection of the vortex by beta-drift Cloud-resolving model results: low-level vorticity (shadings) and precipitation (contours) from Boos and Kuang (2010) Particularly interesting for the first propagation of the year (monsoon onset and bogus onset?) Tentative validation of the beta-drift mechanism (preliminary results) The May 1998 event: Local Mode Analysis (LMA) Convective activity (-OLR) W m-2 850hPa vorticity s-1 Courtesy of Meriem Chakroun Tentative validation of the beta-drift mechanism (preliminary results) The May 1998 event: Composite with respect to the maximum of vorticity Same + (rotationally )asymmetric wind Courtesy of Meriem Chakroun Latitude / vorticity maximum Convective activity and vorticity Longitude OLR / vorticity maximum W m-2 10-7 s-1 -16 -12 -8 -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 850hPa vorticity 850hPa asymmetric wind Beta drift does not work in this case, but is it representative? Perspectives Identification of the main mechanisms of the MISO from observation/reanalysis: under way; from high-resolution models (cloud-resolving); Physically-based evaluation of General Circulation Models: Dynamics; Rain, cloud, and humidity signature of ISOs. Better understand/validate the interaction with other components of the global climate: Surface (oceanic and continental) ; Extratropics. Thanks