REPORT - Catawba Lands Conservancy


REPORT - Catawba Lands Conservancy
15,000 ACRES
Little Egypt Preserve, Lincoln County. Photo by Nancy Pierce
Catawba Lands Conservancy celebrated a major milestone in 2014: protecting its 15,000th
acre of land. In its more than 20-year history, CLC has evolved from a grassroots organization designed to
protect Mountain Island Lake into a nationally accredited land trust that is preserving special natural areas
across six counties and leading the Carolina Thread Trail.
In 2014, CLC added four new properties to its land protection program. Totaling some 200 acres,
these new conservation areas are vital to our region’s water quality and agricultural economy, and three
will be home to future segments of the growing Thread Trail. To date, CLC manages and monitors 185
properties comprising 15,087 acres of natural land across the southern Piedmont of North Carolina.
Little Egypt Preserve
A desire to preserve a “ribbon of green” in Lincoln County motivated
the Clark family and a group of investors to donate to CLC 60 acres
of land off N.C. Highway 73. Named for the adjoining road, CLC’s
newest preserve is part of a conservation corridor emerging in eastern
Lincoln County along Forney Creek. Nearby, CLC already protects
135 acres of land at Catawba Springs Preserve and 85 acres at
Sally’s YMCA.
This permanent haven for wildlife, recreation and water quality
will benefit all residents of
Lincoln County and beyond.
The forested land provides
important riparian protection
along 2.1 miles of Forney Creek,
a federally designated impaired
stream, and will host a future segment
of the Carolina Thread Trail. A
portion of the Little Egypt Preserve was
donated, and CLC purchased a portion
through a bargain sale.
Newcombe Preserve Addition
In a rapidly developing corner of Mecklenburg
CLC saved 22 acres of forested land along McAlpine Creek. The
property adjoins CLC’s 33-acre Newcombe Preserve. Combined,
these two tracts protect approximately 3,200 feet along McAlpine Creek
in Pineville, N.C., and offer a natural buffer east of the Carolina Sportsplex,
a 48-acre recreational facility being constructed on Dorman Road. Plans
call for a segment of the Thread Trail to eventually traverse the property.
Avant Garde Real Estate Consulting donated the land.
Elledge Preserve
Near the Charlotte Motor Speedway, CLC conserved a 14-acre floodplain
and upland forest along the Rocky River that will be used for a future segment
of Thread Trail in Cabarrus County. The Elledge Preserve in Harrisburg, N.C.,
includes a 900-foot section of the Rocky River as well as a significantly rare
population of crested coral root orchid. CLC purchased the land through a
bargain sale using funding from the North Carolina Clean Water Management
Trust Fund.
Howey Farm Tract C Conservation Easement
This 104-acre conservation easement in Union County ensures that existing farmland will
remain undeveloped forever. It’s the second tract of land to be conserved by Frank Howey, Jr.
and part of a plan to permanently protect more than 900 acres of his family farm.
“It’s really a legacy to my parents,” said Howey of his decision to conserve. But he also
hopes it will be a lesson to his son and daughter. “Not many people have the opportunity to
preserve open space while keeping farmlands that will continue to operate,” he says.
In addition to fields of corn, soybeans and wheat, the land also contains the farmhouse
that Howey and his sisters grew up in. Designed to sustain prime farmland and sustain the
agricultural heritage of the region, the Howey conservation easement was funded by the
North Carolina Agricultural Development and Farmland Preservation Trust Fund and the
Federal Farm and Ranch Land Protection Program.
Photos by Nancy Pierce
Letter from the
As spring emerges and we rejoice in
the blossoming of flowers and forecasts
that invite us to step outside, it’s the
perfect time to take a breath and
consider all that nature provides us.
Clean water and air, farm-to-table food
and scenic surroundings for recreation
are just a few of nature’s gifts. Perhaps
even more important is the joy that
nature brings to our lives, which is particularly apparent this time of the year.
CLC strives to strike a balance
between development and growth
and preserving our beautiful natural
landscapes. Nature sustains us. And
CLC’s mission, at its heart, is to sustain
nature. This isn’t possible without
your support, and for that I sincerely
thank you.
In 2014, we permanently protected
four new properties that safeguard
water quality, preserve working farmland
and provide public access through the
Carolina Thread Trail. I hope you’ll enjoy
reading about them in this issue. These
natural areas will remain forever as
they are now, thanks to you.
I’m proud of the strides
our organization has made
over the past year. We hired
three new positions­—a
director of land acquisition,
a director of marketing
and in-house legal counsel,
and these important staff
additions are advancing
our work.
In August, the Land Trust Accreditation Commission renewed CLC’s
accreditation. This honor places us
among a distinguished group of 280
land trusts in the United States that
meet national standards for protecting
important natural places forever.
Additionally, our organization welcomed
250 new members in 2014 and
engaged many new corporate partners
in connection with the Southern Spring
Show preview event.
CLC is extremely well positioned
to maximize its impact.
Doing so is critical because
land conservation now is
more important than ever.
Current projections call
for the Charlotte region to
lose about 30 percent of
its remaining green space
within 15 years. With the
window of opportunity shrinking, the
land we save today will help define our
region forever.
While the regulatory and economic
landscape will continue to evolve, we
are committed to our mission of saving
Photo by Nancy Pierce
Dr. Richard Rankin lives on
Beyond was published last year.
Gaston County land that’s
“When I finished my
been in his family for
book, I was struck
nearly 250 years. As
with just how much
a historian, he has an
CLC figured in my
innate appreciation
stories,” he continues.
for what came before.
“The work of the
But for Dr.
kept popping
Rankin, Gaston Day
up unexpectedly.”
FUTURE AS HE DOES THE PAST “Conservation and history
School’s headmaster, the
By Page Leggett
best part of his property
connect,” Rankin says.
isn’t its storied past. “My favorite things are the woods
“Special places – the kind the Conservancy wants to
and wild things,” he says. “I know where certain plants
protect – typically retain their natural integrity because
grow along the trails, and those plants have become
a long succession of owners loved them. Conservation is
familiar friends,” he says. “It is thrilling when I spot
the history of humans caring for the land.”
wild turkeys or – and this has only happened twice – a
Rankin got involved with CLC in 1995 and has
bald eagle on my pond.”
been a supporter ever since. He was a member of
The back part of the land is one of only four
the board from 1997 to 2003. Working with CLC,
state-level natural heritage sites in Gaston County.
Rankin turned 71 acres of his family’s property into a
Mature hardwood forests, clean creeks, bottomlands
nature preserve in 1999.
and wetlands are all natural features. And Stanley
Rapid growth in his hometown led Rankin to set
Creek flows right through the middle of it all.
aside land for future generations. In fact, he was an
The land isn’t just rich with wildlife. It’s got a rich
“early adopter” of the idea of conservation. CLC
past. “King George III granted part of the land I live
Executive Director Tom Okel says, “Richard was a
on to Samuel Rankin in 1766,” Rankin says. “My
leader in conservation long before most understood
family has owned property there ever since.”
how quickly and dramatically development would
The area even has a name – Rankintown – that
impact our region.”
honors the family that has cared for it for so long.
“He had the vision to understand, decades ago, that
Land with such history would make a great basis for a
it would take a deliberate effort to protect the most
book. And Dr. Rankin has written it. The Margins of a
important natural assets as our region continued to
Greater Wildness: Nature Essays on Stanley Creek and
develop,” Okel continues.
land and connecting lives to nature.
And this is clear to anyone who has
experienced some of our 220 miles
of the Thread Trail, 15,000 acres of
permanently protected green space
and approximately 3,600 trees planted
in partnership with TreesCharlotte.
Thank you for your continued support.
I hope you’ll find time soon to experience
in person the extraordinary work CLC is
doing on behalf of our community by
visiting one of our properties or joining
a volunteer workday.
Walter D. Fisher, Jr.
Chair, CLC Board of Directors 2014-15
Rankin says, “Without CLC, we are in danger of
losing our natural inheritance. Who wants to live in a
place bereft of beautiful natural areas, clean creeks and
old woods? If you take a long enough view, land and
water conservation are matters of survival.”
Rankintown is home to more than Rankins. Big leaf
magnolia, rare orchids, trillium, mountain laurel and
ginseng are all native to the property.
Wildlife is abundant. In addition to commonplace
critters (squirrels, raccoons and deer), there are box
turtles, toads, bard owls, hawks, osprey, wild turkeys,
river otters, wildcats and flying squirrels.
Rankin says CLC’s work is especially important
“at a time when our state government is reducing its
support for clean water and land protection.”
“I have tremendous admiration for the talent and
commitment of the staff,” he says.
The feeling is mutual. Okel says, “Richard has
remained committed to our efforts for over 20 years,”
he adds. “To this day, he regularly makes us aware of
opportunities to preserve special places. Having such
eyes and ears in the community is critical.”
The discovery of a rare, isolated colony of bog
turtles in Gaston County began with a commonplace occurrence in 1991. A single bog turtle
crossed a rural road, and Scott Williams, a
municipal water treatment worker, spotted it
while driving. He pulled over, picked it up and took
it home. A wildlife lover, Williams had never seen
a turtle like this with unusual orange markings
on both sides of the neck. Much smaller than
the more common eastern box turtle, the cute
little creature fit snugly in the palm of his hand.
Williams kept his wild adoption for some time,
feeding it crickets and worms, and
tried without success to identify
the species.
- An excerpt from The Margins
of a Greater Wildness: Nature
Essays on Stanley Creek and
Beyond by Richard Rankin.
Published in 2014 by Willow
Hill Press, this collection of
essays is available for
purchase through Amazon.
After more than 20 years of service,
Finance Director Kenni Brooks has
left her position with Catawba Lands
Conservancy (CLC) and the Carolina
Thread Trail to spend more time with
her family. Kenni is one of CLC’s
longest-tenured employees, and we
thank her for many years of dedication to our mission.
CLC is pleased to welcome
Robin Buckler as its new finance
director. A graduate of Goizueta
Business School at Emory University,
Robin worked as an auditor for
Ernst & Young and most recently
served as director of corporate
accounting at Genuine Parts
Company in Atlanta. Robin enjoys
biking with her husband and three
children, volunteering at her childrens’
school and horseback riding.
After the legal documents protecting
a property are signed, CLC’s work
is far from complete. Ongoing
monitoring and stewardship of all
185 properties is an important part
of our conservation role.
Planting native trees was a major
focus over the last year at three CLC
properties: Seven Oaks Preserve in
Gaston County and Catawba Springs
Preserve and River Oaks Plantation in
Lincoln County. Volunteers and staff
helped plant walnuts, shortleaf pines,
tulip poplars and persimmons among
others. These native species replaced
unwanted invasives, improved eroded
areas and contributed to the scenic
Working with former Channel 9 anchor
Kim Brittain and her production
company, Phase 2 Productions, CLC
created a three-minute video to engage new supporters and members in
its mission to save land and connect
lives to nature. The video debuted
in February at the Southern Spring
Home & Garden Preview Celebration
and is available at
Please watch and share with your
friends and colleagues!
Catawba Springs Preserve in eastern
Lincoln County. In March, the Thread
Trail opened a new 1.3-mile natural
surface trail which connects directly
to the Sally’s YMCA Trail, creating a
contiguous 2.4-mile path for hiking
and mountain biking. This easy to
moderate trail boasts beautiful views
of Forney Creek and two impoundments once used by the Catawba
Springs Hunt Club.
Many species of oak are found
in the preserve, providing nice shade
along the trail and shelter for wildlife.
Occasionally, trail visitors will be
treated to the sight of an eastern
box turtle or other small critters.
The public can now enjoy the scenic
surroundings at CLC’s 135-acre
beauty and long-term conservation
value of these protected properties.
Catawba Springs Preserve. Photo by Andy Kane
wildlife spotlight
Photo by Rob Van Epps
By Candice Abinanti, CLC volunteer
No matter our age, seeing a butterfly can stop us in our tracks and bring a smile to our faces.
This spring, a flutter of color on the trail may mean you’ve spotted a member of one of these
butterfly species seen in or near Piedmont woodlands.
MOURNING CLOAK (Nymphalis antiopa)
(Celastrina ladon)
With its trademark violet-blue
wings, a spring azure might be
caught sipping water from a
puddle on the ground. You’re
most likely to spot one of these
common butterflies, though
populations are on the decline, in
early March through late April.
If you’re lucky, you might catch a glimpse of the elusive
mourning cloak butterfly. With velvety brown-black wings
edged in yellow and lavender spots, these butterflies get
their name from dark cloaks traditionally worn in mourning.
These butterflies have the longest lifespan of any East
Coast species and can live up to 11 months. One of the
first butterflies to emerge in the spring, elder adults take
flight in mid-February to mid-June, and youngsters can
be seen in mid-May before becoming dormant in the hot
summer months.
FALCATE ORANGETIP (Anthocharis midea)
These petite, energetic butterflies are often seen flying low to the
ground, nectaring on flowers in late March through early April.
Falcate orangetips are easy to spot. The tips of the males’ forewings
are bright orange, while the females’ wings are all white.
Photo by Jeffrey S. Pippen,
When more than 700 guests entered The Park
Expo for the preview benefit of the Southern Spring
Home & Garden Show, they stepped out of the
coldest night of the year and into spring! Overflowing
with flowers and trees, the Garden Showcase featured
more than 20 meticulously landscaped gardens
complete with comfy courtyards, loads of colorful
blooms and wonderful waterscapes. Guests enjoyed
live bluegrass music and nibbled on bite-size barbecue
sandwiches, shrimp Creole, pecan tarts and other
Carolina-style hors d’oeuvres while meandering
through idyllic indoor surroundings.
Through ticket sales and corporate sponsorships,
Gardens & Green Space raised more than $200,000
for CLC. Southern Shows has graciously invited us
to return as the nonprofit beneficiary of the 2016
Southern Spring Show.
the Date!
Photos by Todd Hess
2016 Southern
Spring Show Preview
Thursday, Feb. 25,
Saturday, June 6, 9-10:30 a.m.
119 Willow Drive
McAdenville, N.C.
Celebrate National Trails Day with
a guided hike on the Thread Trail’s
South Fork Trail. Connecting the
towns of Lowell and McAdenville,
this 2.2-mile natural surface path
weaves through CLC’s Pharr
Yarns Preserve. Space is limited;
advance registration required.
Online registration opens May 1
Save the Date
Rocky River Blueway
Saturday, June 13, 9-11:30 a.m.
9111 Mount Pleasant Road South
Midland, N.C.
Members of Catawba Corps and
Trailheads are invited to a 5-mile
guided paddle along the Rocky River
Blueway from Pharr Family Preserve
to Riverbend Farm. Space is limited;
advance registration required.
Online registration opens May 1
Ridgeline Trail
Saturday, Sept. 19, 8:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.
Crowders Mountain State Park
Kings Mountain, N.C.
Take in fresh air and fantastic views
along the Ridgeline Trail. On this
8-mile hike, you’ll peer proudly over
both Carolinas from atop King’s Pinnacle
and then descend into Piedmont
hardwood forests. This hike is open
to members of Catawba Corps and
Trailheads and their guests only.
Space is limited; advance registration
required. Online registration opens
May 1 at
Thursday, Oct. 22
Mark your calendars for our annual
celebration of local farms and food at
Dressler’s Restaurant.
Rocky River Blueway in Midland, N.C. Photo by Nancy Pierce
and join us for members-only
Plus, your contribution helps us
save land, water, wildlife, farm life
and quality of life. Join today! Visit
Ridgeline Trail in Crowders Mountain State Park, Kings Mountain, N.C. Photo by
Nancy Pierce
With more than $1.2 million received in grant funding, 2014 marked another successful year for Catawba
Lands Conservancy (CLC) and the Carolina Thread Trail. Major grants from the North Carolina
Clean Water Management Trust Fund and Duke Energy are driving conservation and trail projects
that protect our region’s waterways. More than $1 million in funding will enable the two organizations
to advance their shared mission of saving land and connecting lives to nature by acquiring natural lands
and realizing new segments of the Thread Trail.
A planned 60-mile blueway on the Rocky River is moving forward thanks to funding provided by REI
and the North Carolina Department of Commerce Underserved and Limited Resources Community
Economic Development Grant. The money is earmarked for the construction of two canoe and kayak
launches along the Rocky River in Anson County. These launches are part of a series that will ultimately
create a paddle trail connecting four counties along the Rocky and Pee Dee Rivers.
As the number of protected properties and trails continues to grow, stewardship and trail maintenance
remain a ubiquitous challenge. Grants from the Community Foundation of Gaston County and the
Carrie E. and Lena V. Glenn Foundation are supporting improvements to the Seven Oaks Preserve
Trail and South Fork Trail. From trail repairs to installing educational signage and removing invasive
species, these grants will enhance the visitor experience at two popular Thread Trails that traverse CLC
protected lands.
$20,000 awarded to enhance the South Fork Trail,
install safety signage and improve two South Fork
River Blueway access points.
$18,500 awarded to improve the visitor experience on
the Seven Oaks Preserve Trail by managing invasive
species and developing educational materials on
native plants.
CLC was selected as a beneficiary of the annual
Gaston County Community Foundation Run held in
April; amount to be determined.
$3,000 awarded through the CTNC Max Mukelabai
Diversity Internship program to hire an intern to
support CLC’s work in the summer of 2015.
$25,000 awarded to acquire Waxhaw Creek Preserve,
an area of high priority because of its significance in
the watershed and valuable wildlife habitat.
$50,000 awarded to acquire additional land along
Waxhaw Creek.
Waxhaw Creek Preserve. Photo by Nancy Pierce.
New canoe/kayak launch on the Rocky River.
The Seven Oaks Preserve, a signature conservation property in Gaston County, is home to wild turkeys,
turtles, native wildflowers and magnificent swamp chestnut oak trees, whose sweet acorns are an important
food for many animals. Kudzu and autumn olive, fiercely invasive species, also made the preserve their
home where they impede view sheds, compete with native species and reduce available wildlife habitat.
Using grant funding awarded by the Community Foundation of Gaston County, CLC is actively eradicating
invasive plants and introducing native species.
$1 million awarded to protect riparian areas and
build trails along the Rocky River.
$86,940 awarded through the Natural Resources
Conservation Services to purchase Kistler Family
Farm, a 92-acre property in Lincoln County.
$25,000 awarded to construct a canoe and kayak
launch along the Rocky River Blueway in Anson
$1,800 awarded to cover the rental of Charles Mack
Citizen Center for the Thread Trail’s Trail Forum,
held in December 2014.
Before and
An area of Seven Oaks Preserve overrun
with kudzu.
After two rounds of goats grazing and two summers of
mowing, the pesky invasive has now been 95 percent
removed and replanted with native trees and grasses.
Plants, animals or pathogens that are
non-native (or alien) to the ecosystem under
consideration and whose introduction causes
or is likely to cause harm.
Invasive species are one of the leading threats
to native wildlife. Approximately 42 percent of
threatened or endangered species are at risk
primarily due to invasive species.
$15,000 awarded to construct a canoe and kayak
launch along the Rocky River Blueway in Anson
$15,000 awarded to support the Thread Trail’s
ongoing, collaborative work with North Carolina
Trails Coalition.
In January, the land trust community lost a dear friend when Roy Alexander, executive
director of the Davidson Lands Conservancy and a longtime environmental leader,
passed away suddenly. A Davidson College graduate with a master’s degree from UNC
Chapel Hill, Roy began his career as a high school biology teacher. He later joined the
Discovery Place science museum before it opened in 1981 and stayed 20 years, overseeing
science education and special programs.
We are deeply saddened by Roy’s passing and our sincere condolences go out to his
wife, children and grandchildren.
“Roy Alexander was a champion of conservation in the Metrolina region and my friend.
During the late 1990s, Roy and Ron Altmann were the two main volunteer leaders of
Catawba Lands Conservancy, and Roy first proposed the idea of creating the Stanley
Creek Conservation District to me in 1996. Roy had such a gentle, yet determined, way
about advocating for the land. He had a great sense of humor, was an indefatigable worker
and was just good company.
Roy loved being out on the land. I have wonderful memories of just the two of us eradicating
invasive bushes from a hillside on the Rankintown Nature Preserve for the better part of a
whole day in the late 1990s. That place remains largely free of invasive plants today and
is a beautiful natural sanctuary. Every time I am there, I think of Roy and really feel his
presence. Roy leaves a remarkable legacy of land conservation. For those of us who were
his friends, we celebrate Roy’s good life and mourn losing him way too soon.”
- Richard Rankin, Landowner and Headmaster of Gaston Day School
Photo courtesy of Davidson Lands Conservancy.
in Review
Volunteers cleared trash at Pharr Family Preserve in
Midland, N.C. Photo by Nancy Pierce
Antea Group associates removed more than 200 tires from Stanley Creek
Forest in Gaston County.
For his Eagle Scout Project, Edward McGavran
recruited volunteers to plant native trees at Seven
Oaks Preserve in Belmont, N.C.
Stewardship Associate Andy Kane monitoring at Mountain Creek Preserve in Lincoln
Girl Scouts on a nature excursion at Hornets’ Nest Council
Conservation Easement in Iredell County. Photo by Nancy Pierce
Employees of Positec Tool Corporation
planted trees and removed invasive species at
Catawba Springs Preserve in Denver, N.C.
volunteers Chip Sells
and Jesscia Richmond
monitoring the DuPuy
Family Conservation
Easement in Union
Members and friends celebrate local farms and food at the Third Annual Taste for the
Land at Dressler’s Restaurant. Photo by Todd Hess
Foundations & Gov't
Corp. Partners
Stewardship Transfer
Total Revenue
Outreach & Development
Total Expenses
Operating Net
$514,398 $560,056
$118,771 $160,029
$94,498 $107,226
$727,667 $827,311
Annual Avg.
Notes: 1Excludes land projects, other project funding and costs, including the Carolina
Thread Trail revenue and expenses
$422,454 $442,435 $666,863
$532,921 $430,919
General Fund
Committed Funds
Private Land
Easements & Grants
CW MIT, $11,916,528
EEP, $3,000,000
FRPP/ADFP $1,040,211
Operations & Other
Grants, $12,968,638
CTNC, $134,000
$1,041 $1,902
Mecklenburg County
Babson Capital Management
Carrie E. and Lena V. Glenn Foundation
Community Foundation of Gaston County, Inc.
Conservation Trust for North Carolina
The Duke Energy Foundation
Foundation For The Carolinas
Mecklenburg County
N.C. Clean Water Management Trust Fund
Belk, Inc.
BlackArch Partners
Blumenthal Foundation
Bragg Financial Advisors, Inc.
Community Foundation of Gaston County, Inc.
Piedmont Natural Gas Foundation
Akers Foundation
Marsh Properties
Moore & Van Allen, PLLC
Nancy Pierce Photography
Troutman Sanders LLP
Apartment Realty Advisors
Autobell Car Wash Inc
Carolina CAT
Cato Corporation
The Dowd Foundation
Elliott Davis, PLLC
Greer & Walker, LLP
John A. Cable Foundation
Lanier Material Sales
Newland Communities
Odell Associates
Parker Poe Adams & Bernstein
Town of Mineral Springs
Z. Smith Reynolds Foundation
Altavista Wealth Management
Antea Group
Appian Group, LLC
Bank of America Foundation, Inc.
Beacon Partners
C Design Inc.
Carstarphen Family Foundation, Inc.
Catawba County Planning, Parks & Development
Eleanor and James Barnhardt Foundation
Great Outdoor Provision Co.
Hart & Hickman
Horack, Talley, Pharr & Lowndes, P.A.
Integra Realty Resources Charlotte
Jones Lang LaSalle
ReVenture Park Investments I, LLC
Revolve Residential
The Trexler Foundation
Balfour Beatty Construction
Charter Properties
Clean Catch Fish Market
Design Resource Group, P.A.
Edible Charlotte
Enpro Industries
Hendricks Foundation
The Housing Studio
The Howe Foundation, Inc.
The Katherine & Thomas Belk Foundation
Meca Real Estate Services, LLC
Myers & Chapman, Inc.
The Olde Mecklenburg Brewery
PM Environmental
Reid’s Fine Foods
Rinehart Wealth Management
Ronald J. and Paula P. Withrow Foundation
Triple C Brewing Company
Watson Insurance Agency
Betsy Alexander* in honor of Garry Derrick
Betsy Alexander* in honor of Michele Lacatena
Betsy Alexander* in honor of Jon Reed
Betsy Alexander* in honor of Sue Sasser and Carter Heyward
Hans Armstrong in honor of Judith Ratcliffe and David Anderson
Alisia Bergsman in honor of Maya Bergsman
Robert Blanton* in honor of Suzy and Steve Hannon
George and Mary Lou Buck * in honor of Laura and Carl Long
Greg and Mary Lou Cagle in honor of James Galvin
David and Lynn Caldwell in honor of Doug and Laura Caldwell
Charlotte Energy Solutions in honor of Elaine Cahn
Kenneth and Rush Coe in honor of Kathryn Heath and Tom Webb
William J. Craemer in honor of Valerie and Marc Iverson
William J. Craemer in honor of Guy H. Huggins
Nancy Dartnall in honor of Adam Dartnall
Kenneth and Laverne Davis in honor of Ann and Scott Withrow
Rick and Shari Deitchman in honor of Ron Wolfe
Ann Depta* in honor of Anne Davidson
Margaret Devries in honor of Peggy Culbertson
Warren and Camille English in honor of Robert Voelker
Tere and Doug Ey in honor of Matt Covington
Shirley Frank in honor of Sasha and Jackie Weiner
Don and Kathy Gately in honor of Tom Okel
David J. Hardage in honor of Frank and Susan Hardage
Sharon L. Heinrich in honor of Jim and Jan Heinrich
William and Katharine Hubbard in honor of Margaret Brantley
Linda and Maurice Jennings in honor of Robert McLean
David Jones and Randall Morrow in honor of Walter Fisher
Carole and Bruce Larivee in honor of Allein Stanley
Laura Laye in honor of Seven Oaks Trail Volunteers
Heike Biller – Administrative Director
Rebecca Lesesne in honor of Lou Lesesne
Pat Lyke in honor of The Kellers
Pamela Mahony in honor of Elizabeth Bradford
Alice B. Mauney * in honor of Martha and Tommy Frederick
Eric McClellan in honor of Ayden McClellan
Michael and Susan McCoy in honor of Pam Deal
Michael and Susan McCoy in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Dow Bauknight
Michael and Susan McCoy in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Booth
Michael and Susan McCoy in honor of Dr. and Mrs. Stuart Tucker
Michael and Susan McCoy in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Tim Turner
Michael and Susan McCoy in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Young
Michael and Susan McCoy in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Eastast
Michael and Susan McCoy in honor of Catherine and Henry Harkey
Michael and Susan McCoy in honor of Linda and Jack Hinson
Elizabeth and William McKee in honor of Linda and Steve Nye
Elizabeth and William McKee in honor of Peggy Ann and Graham McLean
Elizabeth and William McKee in honor of Susan and Vince Lewis
Elizabeth and William McKee in honor of Stephanie and Craig McKee
Elizabeth and William McKee in honor of Pat McKee and Terry Lee
Deanna McRorie in honor of Barbara Alexander
Tom and Jackie Mooney* in honor of David and Linda Kidd
Judie R. Ratcliffe * in honor of David Anderson
Patricia Schober in honor of Aylene Keen
Chris and Marion Sekerak in honor of Geneva Schmidt
Brett and Kristen Smith in honor of Sharon Malone
Allein Stanley in honor of Susan Graham
Richard Tarlton in honor of Brandon Pennington
Cathy and Mike Weaver in honor of Tom Scott
John Whitlock in honor of James and Cynthia Whitlock
Michael and Chris Wiggins in honor of John Crosland, Jr.
Margaret Brantley – Development Director
Kenni Brooks – Outgoing Finance Director
Robin Buckler – Finance Director
Saxby Chaplin – Legal Counsel
Matt Covington – Land Acquisition Director
Alesia DiCosola – Marketing Director
Lynda Hunley – Land Protection Legal
Andy Kane – Land Stewardship Associate
Tom Okel – Executive Director
Tammy Plaff – Land Protection Paralegal
Anna Simpson – Development Associate
Sharon Wilson – Land Stewardship
Board of Directors
Phillips Bragg – Chair, Land Acquisition
Vice President of Planning, Bragg Financial
Jessica Braswell
Associate Professor of Environmental
Science, Queens University of Charlotte
David Clark, Jr.
President, Clark Properties, Inc.
Jarred Cochran – Chair, Membership and
Development Committee
Vice President, Wells Fargo Securities
Sandra Conway – Chair, Marketing and
Outreach Committee
Community Leader
Brendan Battle in memory of Alice Battle
Larry and Joyce Bennett in memory of Douglas Dunnam
Dee Brickey in memory of Douglas Dunnam
Gilbert and Jane Browne in memory of Douglas Dunnam
Margaret Bryan in memory of Douglas Dunnam
George and Mary Lou Buck * in memory of Vernita B. Coxe
William R. Bullock in memory of Douglas Dunnam
Virginia Carstarphen in memory of Bill Carstarphen
Dan and Kathy Caylor in memory of Douglas Dunnam
Lynn F. Chandler in memory of Douglas Dunnam
Barbara Comin in memory of Paul Stevens
Jim and Molly Crane in memory of Douglas Dunnam
Annette Crespo and Karl Quinn in memory of Douglas Dunnam
Donna DuHadway in memory of Douglas Dunnam
Patrice Ebert in memory of Sam Ebert
Mary Edgar in memory of Douglas Dunnam
Ernest Ellison, II in memory of Col Thomas L. Neel
Walter and Michele Fisher in memory of Mr. Harshrai J. Mehta
John Garrity in memory of Ron Brooks
Jane Harrington in memory of Douglas Dunnam
Alan and Linda Hinderliter in memory of Douglas Dunnam
Jane and David Hoyle in memory of Douglas Dunnam
Ruth and John Hurst in memory of Carl E. Lady, Sr.
ITW Global Brands - James Stone in memory of Ron Brooks
Frank and Cookie Jessup in memory of Douglas Dunnam
B.J. and Emily Jones in memory of Norma Dayton
James and Geneva Kennedy in memory of Douglas Dunnam
Sean Bloom – GIS Director and Biologist
Holly Knox and Bruce Adkins in memory of Liz Hair
Susan Kooiman in memory of Douglas Dunnam
MaryAnn and Norman Langston in memory of Douglas Dunnam
Elizabeth G. Loftin in memory of Bill Giles
Marjorie Martin and Joe Van Alen in memory of Douglas Dunnam
Jack and Pat Meckler in memory of Douglas Dunnam
Michael OBryhim in memory of Douglas Dunnam
Benjamin and Deborah Okel in memory of James L. Okel
Bill and Janice Paris in memory of Douglas Dunnam
Edwin B. Peacock, Jr. in memory of Gail T. Peacock
Mona Radiloff in memory of Douglas Dunnam
Anne Reed in memory of Ron Brooks
Jeannie Rhodes in memory of Douglas Dunnam
Linda and Wayne Riehl in memory of Douglas Dunnam
Ann and Ed Rowell in memory of Silje and Isaac Rowell
Sharon United Methodist Exercise Group in memory of Douglas
JT and Gloria Shelton in memory of Douglas Dunnam
Ray and Frances Shue in memory of Douglas Dunnam
Kathy Simpson in memory of Douglas Dunnam
M.B. Somerall in memory of Douglas Dunnam
Jacqueline Stegner in memory of Douglas Dunnam
Brenda Stevens in memory of Paul Stevens
Ivey Sumrell in memory of Vicky Ballman
Rachael Tucker in memory of Douglas Dunnam
Richard Womble in memory of Douglas Dunnam
Mitzi Yount in memory of Douglas Dunnam
John Culbertson
Owner, Cardinal Real Estate Partners, LLC
Bobby Drakeford
Founder/Development Director,
The Drakeford Co.
Ralph Falls
President, Pace Commercial LLC
Walter D. Fisher, Jr. – Chair of the Board
Managing Partner, Troutman Sanders
Claudia Heath
Owner, Claudia Heath Fine Art
Philip A. Kuttner
Chief Executive Officer, Little
John Mader
Vice President, Director of Connections,
Wray Ward
Jonathan Mangels
Partner, Greer Walker
Julianne McCollum
Principal, Yellow Duck Marketing
Thomas H. McCoy, MD
Physician, OrthoCarolina
Robert McLean
Vice President & General Counsel,
EnPro Industries
Bill Mumford
Vice President, Development, Newland
Nancy Paschall
Attorney, Mullen Holland & Cooper P.A.
Avant Garde Real Estate Consulting, Inc.
Gary and Elizabeth Broome
Walter Clark
Fork Farm & Stables
Franklin and Allison Howey
The Carolina Thread Trail
Conservation Trust for North Carolina
The Duke Energy Foundation
Kathryn Heath and Tom Webb
N.C. Agricultural Development and
Farmland Preservation Trust Fund
William Noonan
Reed Perkins – Chair, Land Stewardship
Professor of Environmental Science,
Queens University of Charlotte
Scott Phillips
Senior Vice President, Bank of America
Merrill Lynch
Lat W. Purser, III – Chair, Nominating
Chairman of the Board, CEO, Lat Purser &
Laurie Smith – Chair, Governance
Community Leader
Jenny Ward – Chair Elect
Sustainability Engagement Manager, Duke
Avant Garde Real Estate Consulting, Inc.
Walter Clark
Jack L. Elledge
William P. Furr
Franklin W. Howey, Jr.
H. Thomas Webb, III – Chair,
Investment Committee
President and CEO, Faison
Everett Bowman
Kathy and Frank Bragg *
Peggy and Bob Culbertson *
M633, INC
Amy and Tom Okel
Rita and Bill Vandiver *
Daila Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Blumenthal
Emily and Jarred Cochran
Anne and Peter Gilchrist *
Jud and Deborah Little *
Kenneth and Jean McCoy
Tom and Robin McCoy
Mr. and Mrs. Lat W. Purser, III
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brinley
Libby Griffin and Lee Chambers
Veronica and Bill Clark *
Peter and Nancy Covington
Janis and Frank Dowd, IV
Nancy and Ralph Falls
Douglas and Elizabeth Goldstein
Kathryn Heath and Tom Webb *
Jeff and Mimi Kane
Adam and Margaux Karagosian
Jonathan and Marianne Mangels
Robert and Anne Schleusner
Bill and Mary Staton *
Jenny and Henry Ward
Willie and Natalie Alston
Vernon and Gloria Anderson *
Weston and Marty Andress
Mary Lou and Jim Babb
Bill and Harriet Barnhardt *
John and Anne Barry
Alison and Bradford Barry
Mary and Raymond Boardman
Scott and Betsy Bodien *
Gay Boswell
Crandall Bowles
Leslie and Phillips Bragg
Robin and Bill Branstrom
Ann and Ric Browning *
Thomas and Gail Bunn
Greg and Mary Lou Cagle *
Robert P. Caldwell, Jr.
Curtis and Dudley Carlson *
Kathryn V. Clancy
Barbara and George Climer
Ginny and John Collett
Peter and Sandra Conway
Marjorie and Alpo Crane *
Leslie and John Culbertson
Hal and Cynthia Curry *
Mr. Rennie Cuthbertson *
Susan and Charles O. Dalton, Jr.
Ms. Anne Davidson
Alvaro and Donna de Molina
Deborah and John Dohan
Laura and Don Duffy
J. Porter and Vicki Durham
Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Edwards
Linda and William Farthing
Elizabeth and J.C. Faulkner
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Fennebresque, Jr.
Tom and Heather Finke
Walter and Michele Fisher
D. Scott Pyle and Eileen Friars *
Mark and Liza Gosnell
Laura and Michael Grace
John and Lisa Hairr *
Dale F. Halton and Fred Wagner
Carol and Watts Hamrick
Andy and Claudia Heath
Bill and Linda Hodges
Jim and Becky Hovis
Martin and Page Hull
John and Maria Huson *
John W. Harris Family Foundation
Bob and Mindy Jones
Kelly Katterhagen and Larry Nabatoff
Bill Keenan
Charlotte Kidd
Elizabeth and Jamie Kiser
Andrew and Sarah Kromer *
Philip and Susan Kuttner
Barbara Laughlin
Tommy and Katie Lee *
Julie and Howard Levine
Anne and Dick Lupo
John and Michelle Mader
Dr. Marie-Claire Marroum *
Kate and David Maynard
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McColl, Jr.
Susan and Martin McCoy
John McGee
Sinclair and Robert McLean
Susanne and Mark Memolo
Richard and Dorothy Metzler
Sally and Bob Miller
Arrington and Burch Mixon
Ron and Amy Nason
Anna and Tom Nelson *
Lisa and Mike North *
Richard J. Osborne
Heather and Neal Paule
Dr. Charles Peach and Pamela Pearson
Eddie and Joyce Poe
John and Ann Porter
Richard and Sarah Park Rankin
Mr. Rednecheck *
The Richards Foundation
Joseph and Linda Roberts *
Chris and Vickie Rolfe
Bart Shaw
Trey and Marianna Sheridan
Lisa and Glenn Sherrill
Allen and Sarah Shifflet
Parker and Stephen Shuford
Thomas and Sherry Skains
Keith and Laurie Smith
Mark Stanback and Nancy Popkin *
Lucy and Louis Stephens
Becky Stoever
Richard M. Stowe, Jr. *
Jack and Melissa Sullivan
Drs. Lillian and Chris Teigland
Lynn and Jeff Trenning *
Carla and Larry Vitez *
Chet and Christine Walker
Christopher S. Walker
Debra and George Warren *
Joyce and H. Allan White
James B. Wolf *
Lisa and Scott Yarbrough
Joan and Robert Zimmerman
Dr. and Mrs. T. Price Zimmermann *
Dale and Nancy Allison
Mary Barry
Tim and Sarah Belk
Alice and Benton Bragg *
Jennie Buckner and Steve Landers
Brad and Amanda Cherry
Marie Ann and Eugene Daniels *
Jon Dressler
Doug and Patricia Faris *
John Ford and Donna Thrasher
Dr. and Mrs. Clay Harrell
Barnes and Cammie Hauptfuhrer
* denotes donors who have given to CLC for 10 consecutive years
Barbara B. Hiestand *
Bonnie and Eric Krempa
Brandon Little
Esten and Robert Mason
Julianne and Tim McCollum
Pete and Page McEachern *
Lindsay and Chuck Meakin *
Don and Jill Olmstead *
Bailey and Mildred Patrick
Keith and Aline Robelen
Dr. and Mrs. John B. Schug *
Katie and Steve Scruggs
Sally Serenius
William Toole
Edward Weisiger, Jr.
David Accipiter and Elaine Corvidae *
Michael and Anne-Mari Alexander *
David M. Alexander
Judy and Jim Allison
Mrs. May C. Barger
Dan and Rosie Bodien
Katherine Boyd Rankin *
Doris Anne Bradley *
Margaret McGee Brantley
William and Elaine Brooks
Katie and Bill Brown
J. Doug Buchanan *
Rebecca Canady
Britt Canady
Saxby and Elizabeth Chaplin
Marion and Norma Cowell
John Crosland, III
Walt and Trudy Donham *
Bobby Drakeford
First Presbyterian Church
Barry and Karen Greenblatt
John Gregory
Peggy Harrington
Charles Hollar
Lane Jacobs and Tamara Titus
Michael and Cynthia Jones *
Mr. Terry Katon
William and Kathryn Kirk
Harry Lancaster and Jane G. Henderson *
Lin and Gary Leslie
Jane and Luther Lockwood
Paula Lombardi
Gus and Geary Mandrapilias
Tomas Mathews
Caroline and Palmer McArthur, Jr.
Richard I. McHenry
William and Kaye McMullen
Jack and Pat Meckler *
Ruby A. Nock
Christina and Dee O’Dell
Nancy and Tim Paschall
Tammy Pfaff
Elizabeth Pruett and Cindy Hostetler
Leonard Fumi and Lucy Quintilliano *
Haywood and Sabine Rankin *
Dennis Rash and Betty Chafin-Rash *
Emily Reynolds
David and Natalie Secrest
Donna and Chip Sell
Mr. and Mrs. Verner Stanley, III
Mary and Peter Stauble *
Arthur and Lisbeth Stockman *
Charlton K. Torrence, III
Alice and Brent Torstrick *
Dr. and Mrs. Steven L. Tracy *
James and Kelly Trexler *
Donald Tyson and Katherine Sparrow *
John and Kate Vassallo
Peter and Vivian Vogt
Mrs. Eugenia N. White
Beverly and Joel Wissing
Anne and Fletcher Wright
Bryan and Candace Abinanti
Mark and Amanda Abrahm
Mrs. Robert L. Adams, Jr.
Laura R. Allen
Charles W. Allison, III
Chip Allison
Janett and Mark Anderson
Addison and Rand Ayer
Jay and Sylvia Bajorek
Betsy and David Baker
Alexandra M. Ball
Larry and Louise Barden
Mr. and Mrs. Dalon Bass
Dr. Andreas H. Bechtler
Andrew and Christine Beloni
Anita and Jeb Blackwell
William and Betsy Blue
Barry Bobrow
Nathan Boepple
Charles and Mary Bowman
William Brandon
Neil Brennan
Jan and Jim Brittain *
Gary and Elizabeth Broome *
Margaret and Thomas Bruce
Harry and Ruby Bryant *
Christopher and Amanda Buchanan *
Dennis and Kathryn Bunker
Baker and Amy Burleson
Laura and Doug Caldwell *
Mr. and Mrs. Rich Campbell
Chuck and Becky Cheney
Milt and Carol Childress
David and Jo Clark
Dr. and Mrs. Alan B. Clark
Roger and Virginia Cobb
Ceasar Cone, III *
Mary Ingle Council
DeWitt Crosby *
Patricia and Peter Daniel
Joseph A. Davant, III
Mrs. Jean G. Dixon
Miriam A. Dixon
Elyn and Mike Dortch
David Dubay
Carol and Mike Dzvonik
Tim and Coleman Efird
Bo and Mollie Elliot
Donald and Frances Evans
Amy Farrell
Carol Fogarty *
Jeanne and Robert Fuller
Charles and Sylvia Gill
David and Sinclair Gillespie
Rosemary and Richard Goodall *
Dr. and Mrs. William Green
Deidre and Clay Grubb
David and Mary Hall *
Lora Hamrick
Joe Hamrick and Jean Woods *
Mr. and Mrs. Donald L Harrison, Jr.
Mark Heitbrink
John and Claire Herring
Steven and Christie Hinshaw
Dr. Karen O. Hodges
Barbara Horstmann
Barbara A. Huffman *
Cameron Icard
Elizabeth and Jeff Irvin
Abigail Jennings
Rhoda and Davin Juckett
Bess and Kent Kercher
Mr. and Mrs. Patricia and Charles
Klapheke, III
Michael and Nancy Kucera
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Lawing
Soong and Hannah Lee *
Louis and Tamara Lesesne
Janet E. Levy *
Jon and Lisa Lindvall
Frank Lorch
Ed and Wendy Matthews *
Sloane and William Mayberry
Andy and Donna McClure
Bill McCoy *
Patrick and Jocelyn McLaughlin
Mr. and Mrs. Steve McLeod *
Carol McPhee
Rebecca Mitchem *
Kimbrel and Trip Morris
Lee and Gwynne Movius *
John and Meredith Murchison
J. Brandon Neal
Rolfe and Ann Neill
Janet and Lowell Nelson
Tommy and Martha Odom
Jim and Callender Patterson*
Roger and Alisa Pelz
Darryl Penner
Sonia and Adam Perillo *
Rachel Permut
Jones Pharr
Nancy Pierce
Randy and Jeanne Poole *
Rich and Woods Potts *
Sara L. Pressly
Providence Day School
Mary Purvis
Max and Fran Redic
Scott and Matti Reider
Mr. and Mrs. David R. Rogers
Kathryn Sain
Bill Schiffli
Jason and Molly Schugel
Rebecca and Jay Scroggins
Bartow S. Shaw, Jr.
Glen and Blenda Singletary *
Roy and Mary Smart
Bonnie Stafford
Mr. and Mrs. Verner E. Stanley, Jr.
State Employees Combined Campaign
Robert Stein
Glenn and Deb Stewart
Patrick and Sally Stout
Evan and George Stratton
Claudia and Wes Sturges
Ms. Jean M. Sullivan
Charlie and Leighann Swanson
Scott and LynnErin Tyler
Harald and Barbara Vaher *
Jeff and Noelle Vandiver
Casey and Boo Viser
Mr. and Mrs. Hamlin L. Wade *
Dr. and Mrs. John T. Walsh
Lynn Weis
Ramsey and Virginia White
Mary White
Charlie and Lydia Williams *
Sharon Wilson *
Larry Wilson
Roy and Sue Alexander
Herbert and Diane Althouse *
David W. Arone
Katherine and Andy Ball
G. Lewis Barber
Michele and Thomas Battle
Arthur and Christine Becker *
Richard M. Bell *
Barbara and Mike Bernath *
Bob and Sandra Bisanar *
Scott and Elizabeth Bivens
Greg and Megan Blackwell
Alan and Rosalie Blumenthal *
Jean C. Boggs
Betsy Bond
Vicki Bott
Eleanor and Bob Brawley
Nancy and Al Brown
Mary Bruno
George and Mary Lou Buck *
David and Pat Buetow
Amy and Dee Bumgardner
Mark Busch
William and Nena Cahill *
Doris Chevalier
Matthew and Suzanne Churchill
Mayor Dan Clodfelter and Elizabeth
Bevan *
John Collier
Peggy and Allan Conner
Nancy Conrad
Robert W. Cook *
Derek Copeland
Ernest and Georgianna Cox
William and Susan Coxe *
Richard Crenshaw *
Douglas Lee Cummins
Dr. William A. Current, Sr. *
Chris and Elizabeth Daly
Cutter Davis
Andrew DeVillers
The Dowd Foundation
Andy Edwards
Mr. Ernest Ellison, II
Debbie Enna *
H. McDonald Felder *
Louisa and Beau Fisher
Todd Fisher
David and Christine Fogarty *
Jeffrey and Amy Foley
Bradley and Diana Freeman
Jack A. Fulbright
Ralph and Wendell Gable
Sarah and Frank Gentry
Jeff and Lindy Gignac
Donald S. Gillespie, Jr. *
Mary May and Richard Gillespie
Dr. Stephanie M. Glenn
Jane Gorman *
Annie Gray
Robert and Molly Griffin *
H.W. Culp Lumber Company
Henry Haithcox, Jr.
Karen Hales
Mr. and Mrs. W. Alex Hall, Jr.
John and Irina Hamrick *
Tom Hanchett and Carol Sawyer *
John and June Harrison
Rodger and Karen Hartwig *
William Heard
Sharon L. Heinrich
Carmen D. Henderson
Janet F. Hince *
Sylvia and Raymond Holmes *
Heidi Holquist
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Hord, Jr. *
Damon Houghton *
Robert and Ann Howard
Meg and Phil Howerton
Ms. Erma Deen Hoyle *
Frank and Colleen Huber
Karen Hudson-Brown
Charles Huff
Andy and Florence Kane
Walter Kelly
Hatcher and Linda Kincheloe
Dr. and Mrs. David R. Kirlin
Vernon and Joel Knight
Arthur Kohn and Priscilla Laula
Patricia Korn
Theodore and Cynthia Kratt
Rob and Tracy Kraus
Jeffrey and Liza Kravis *
Diana Leathers and Charles Hedrick
Russell Leciejewski
Samuel Long, III
Richard and Carol Luttrell *
Vi Lyles
Mara Malakoff *
Steve and Diane Marsfelder *
Ann Marsh
Vickie and Charles Martin *
James and Betsy Matthews *
Bill and DeeDee Maxwell *
Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. McBride
James and Ashby McDonald
Dr. Jerry E. McGee
Linda and Sam McGregor
T. Bragg and Betsy McLeod *
Phillip McMillan *
Barbara and Charlie McRee
Larry and Audrey Mellichamp *
Ms. Pauline Mickle
Dr. and Mrs. George R. Miller *
Jonathan and Kim Miller *
Diana Mitchell
Al Mullen
Deborah Murphey
Cynthia L. Mynatt
Elizabeth and Doug Neely
Jack and Sue Neerincx
Richard and Barbara Neidinger *
John and Alison Nolting
John Northey
David and Kathy Oliver *
Thomas J. Orr *
Ray Owens and Sally Higgins
Mr. and Mrs. H. William Palmer, Jr. *
William and Sandra Palmer *
John and Mary Lou Paschal
Kimberly Paulk
Mary Ruth Payne
Charles and Helene Pearson
Randel and Emily Phillips *
John and Ridgely Phillips
Mrs. William H. Price, III
Dr. and Mrs. James E. Pugh *
Lynn and Preston Purdum, III
Michael Rankin
Steve Ratzlaff
Candice Redhead
Michael and Susan Reif
Dawn Reitz
Al and June Rhyne
Merk and Phyllis Riddlesberger
Dr. and Mrs. David A. Rinehart
George W. Rohe *
Eliot and Shirley Rosen
Donna Roth *
John and Erin Russell
Carmen and Nancy Sarno *
William and Patricia Satterfield *
Frances and Wallace Saunders
Steven and Anne Scott
William Scullin
Charles S. Sevcik
Marcie Shealy
Jane P. Shoemaker
Raleigh and Katy Shoemaker
Joe Siman
Site Solutions
Mr. and Mrs. Norfleet N. Smith
Thomas H. Smith, Jr. *
Dorothy and Harold Smith
William Sparks
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Spearman
Harvey and Donna Spurr
Mr. and Mrs. Mike Stanforth
Caroline Starnes
James and Martha Stenhouse *
Robert Stevens *
Bonnie Stewart *
Douglas and Susan Stover
C.D. Stroup, III
Ms. Jean M. Summerville *
Ann Tanner
Barry and Leslie Teague
Bob and Beverly Terry
Chris and Fran Teter
Frank and Harriet Thompson *
Brenneman Thompson
Mr. Sandy Thompson
Jane and Rixey Todd *
Roberta M. Tremain
Susan Turner
Matt Turner
Ret and Diane Turner
Carter and Cathlean Utzig
Sally S. Van Allen *
Mitch and Kathee Varner
Timothy and Cynthia Von Der Embse *
Lon and Martha Waggoner
Kevin and Jill Walker
Mrs. Clarence Walker
Thad Walton
Mary T. Wannamaker
Dr. and Mrs. Simon V. Ward, III
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Watts
Michael and Marlene Way
John and Cam Wester
Gerald and Nancy White
Kenneth W. Whitney *
Harriett M. Whitsett
Chris and Lisa Wilkins
Mr. Neill Wilkinson
Jennie and Ry Winston *
Gary N. Wirth *
Jarrett and Mary Wyant *
James Alderman
William and Ellen Archer
Beth Armour *
Candace Armstrong
Lamar and Brenda Ashe
Luz Maria Aveleyra
Dr. Marty A. Baker*
Ms. Ann Brown Ballard *
Hal and Carol Bankirer
Luther Barringer
Tina M. Beatty
Henry Benoit
Elizabeth Birch *
Dr. T.R. Blackburn
Sean and Mandy Bloom
Wayne and Nora Bolick
Emilie R. Booker *
Gil Burnette
Donald and Michele Burton
Donald and Priscilla Bynum *
Robert C. Carpenter *
Robert Carr
Gary and Carol Carraux
Brandon R. Carroll
John and Ann Chalk
Chirsty Churchill
George Warlick Clark
Steve Copulsky
Faison S. Covington
Thomas and Dana Cox
Stan Cronland
Nicki Dardinger
Leslie Davis
Bryan Denton
Richard and Nancy Dietz
Robert and Katelyn Dixon
Michael and Tammy Dorcas *
Theodore Duncan, Jr.
Pamela Dykstra
Rachel Eldridge
Jim and Jan Farley
Charles Fernald
Charlotte Fletcher
Janet Frederick
Ann Gaines
James and Marilyn Gallagher
Janet and Jeff Ganoung
Garden Club of Weddington
Justine George
Brett E. Gilbert
Jean P. Gilland
Nathan and Carman Gillis
Gary and Pushpa Gross
Michael and Claire Gwyn
Paul F. Haddock, III
David J. Hardage
Donald and Amy Hardin
Karen and Herb Harriss *
Samuel H. Hay *
Mrs. Mary Hovis Heath
Steven Hedberg *
Dana and Nancy Hershey
Josephine Hicks
Philip and Susan Hinely
Jack Holbrook
Jan and Steve Houser
Carolyn and Mark Hovis
Jane and David Hoyle
Ms. Karen Humphrey *
Michael and Jodie Iagnocco
Mikell and Elaine Jarratt
Edward and Leslie Jenkins *
Jean and Carl Johnson *
Cheryl Johnson
Cara Jordak
Rally Killian
Alessandra Klein
Benjamin and Rosemary Klein *
Kurt Kottkamp
Judith Krahmer
Chris and Lynn Lakin
Anthony and Sarah Lathrop
Mr. T.N. Lawson
David and Janet Layne
Eva Lee
Jeff and Elizabeth LeVie *
Roger M. Lewis
Mary Lou Lewis
Prescott and Maria Little
Chris and Terry Loeb
Kathryn Long
James Love
Sam and Ellen Lowry
Charles Lyle
Brian Malec
Allison Malter *
Thomas W. Mangum
Sterling and Mary Martin
Dr. and Mrs. Julian D. Mason, Jr.
Boyd McClure
Heather McCullough
Fred S. McGee
Lindsay and Mark Merritt
Edgar M. Miller
Thomas W. Miralia
Mr. Travis K. Morehead
Theresa Morr
Fred and Kay Moss
John H. Niles
Mary Lou P. Norcross
Pat and Frank O’Neill
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond L. Ozmore
Ronald I. Parker
Betty and Rod Peck
Carla Pence
Mike Peters
Michael Peterson
D. Lindsay Pettus
Richard Plati
Thomas and LeDayne Polaski
Kathleen A. Pristash
Marion Pritchett *
Ken Quilty and Dena Shenk
Lisa Quisenberry
Forrest Ranson
Jack and Karen Rhyne
Wendy Roberts
Linda J. Robinson
Sara Kendall Roche
Bill and Sandy Roork *
Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Ruffin
Bradley Sikes
M.B. Somerall *
Hon. Sara Spencer
Richard and Nancy Stark
Nick Stewart
Lisa Stewart
Joseph and Janice Stowe
Steve Strother
Larry Stroud
Frank and Shelley Sturges *
William and Teresa Sturges *
Charles and Mary Sugg
Brenda Summers
Heather Tamol
Mrs. Catherine G. Tanner
Phyllis Tarrant *
Sue B. Taylor
F. Boyce Thies
Ms. Sally Thomas *
Richard and Theo Thomson
Cynthia Thomson and Mike Murphy
Dr. and Mrs. Eugene A. Uhlan *
June M. Vasoll *
Tom Watson *
Fan Watson and Ginny Dodd
Scott and Sherry Webb
Robert Weeks
Anna B. Weil
Michael and Lois West
Debbie White
Edward Wilson
Ms. Mary Lindeman Wilson
Dick and Suzy Winters
Dr. and Mrs. James H. Woodward
Amy and Julian Wright
Andrew and Lisa Zerkle *
UP TO $49
David Ballenger *
Brooks and Jane Barnhardt
John Bonestell
Jeana Neal Borman
Jerry and Peggy Busby *
Donald H. Caldwell, Jr.
Charles Cannon, III
Steve and Belinda Cloy
R. Kelly Coffey
Cornelia Cornils
David R. Dent
Alesia Dicosola
Linda and Don Dowdle
Mark Gamble
James F. Green
Susan Hains
John and Christina Hanna
Catherine H. Hart
Karl and Merna Hesse
Melissa and Erik Jordan
Patrick and Elizabeth Kelly
Chandi Kowalski
Carole and Bruce Larivee
Jane and Wayne C. Lowe
Matthew Magnasco
Graham and Susan Mason
Ralph and Brenda Messera
Paul and Rebecca Moffett
Margaret Morgan
Nicole Morris
Pauline Niilend
William O. Parker, Jr.
Sarah B. Perry
Bruce and MaryRose Randall *
Sister Mary-Andrew Ray
Thomas and Joanna Roberts
Daryl Smith
Joleen Stephan-Mease
David Stoner
Angela and Nicholas Street
Marilyn and Frank Sutterlin
Michael Szymanski
Tom Torkildsen
Mr. and Mrs. Robert G. Trosper, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Van Vagianos *
Catherine Loveland Vowell
Reese M. Wilson
Sam and Allegra Yassine
Agnes G. Yoos
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Franklin Howey Jr. Conservation Easement in Union County. Photo by Nancy Pierce
Saturday, June 6, 9 a.m.
Join us for guided hike along the South
Fork Trail, part of the Carolina Thread
Trail and the Conservancy’s Pharr
Yarns Preserve.
Register online:
June 6 is American Hiking
Society’s National Trails Day®, the
country’s largest celebration of trails.
South Fork Trail at Pharr Yarns Preserve in Gaston County. Photos by Nancy Pierce