
Roanoke College
One Hundred Sixty-fifth Year
B a c c a l au r e at e P r o g r a m
Commencement Program
Saturday, the Fifth of May
Two Thousand and Seven
The Roanoke College Mace
The Roanoke mace was presented to the College in 1996 by the family
and friends of Hartselle DeBurney Kinsey ’21. The mace is dedicated to
Mr. Kinsey, who was devoted to Roanoke College as a student, teacher,
advocate and trustee.
Maces date back to the Middle Ages, when they were used as weapons.
Today, they are primarily symbols of academic authority used at formal
convocations and commencement ceremonies.
Roanoke College’s mace was designed by Susannah Wagner, a
British-trained goldsmith and jeweler in Ashland, Virginia. Also
involved in its making were a jeweler, engraver, stonecutter, glassblower and wood crafter. The mace features a sterling silver
headpiece, which is adorned with garnets and engraved symbols
representing subjects cherished by Mr. Kinsey, an American
walnut baluster (or wooden stem) and a medallion engraved
with a replica of the College seal on one side and the symbol of
the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America on the reverse. A maroon hand-blown glass globe honoring the College
colors rests inside the sterling silver cage of the headpiece.
The cage features architectural elements from Miller Hall
and rests on a base that includes a fleur-de-lis pattern
found in wrought ironwork around campus.
The Roanoke College Seal
The seal of the College was redesigned by Guy A. Ritter, Jr., Associate Professor of
Philosophy and Religion Emeritus. It was approved by the Board of
Trustees in April of 1964. It features a shield in national blue
emblazoned with a mandarin yellow cross, representing
Roanoke College’s relationship with the Lutheran Church. The cross symbolizes the Christian values inherent in
our culture, and above it is the lamp of knowledge. The
white dogwood flower on the shield symbolizes the State
of Virginia. The motto, “PALMAM QUI MERUIT
FERAT,” means “Let him who earns the palm wear it.”
The palm is symbolic of the palm leaf that was given in
honor of excellence in ancient Greece.
Order of Baccalaureate Service
9:30 a.m.
The Fourth Week of Easter 2007
THE PRELUDE: “Prelude in G” Aaron Garber
arr. Aaron Garber
David Johnson
“Come, Thou Font Of Every Blessing”
“Trumpet Voluntary”
Aaron Garber
(Please rise when the academic procession enters and remain standing through The Prayer of the Day.)
The Rev. R. Paul Henrickson, Dean of the Chapel
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
THE HYMN: “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty”
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, the King of creation!
O my soul, praise him, for he is your health and salvation!
Let all who hear now to his temple draw near,
Joining in glad adoration!
Praise to the Lord, who o’er all things is wondrously reigning
And, as on wings of an eagle, uplifting, sustaining.
Have you not seen all that is needful has been
Sent by his gracious ordaining?
Praise to the Lord, who will prosper your work and defend you:
Surely his goodness and mercy shall daily attend you.
Ponder anew what the Almighty can do
If with his love he befriend you.
Praise to the Lord! Oh, let all that is in me adore him!
All that has life and breath, come now with praises before him!
Let the amen sound from his people again.
Gladly forever adore him!
Text: Joachim NeAnder, 1650-1680: tr. Catherine Winkworth, 1829-1878, alt.
Tune: Ernewerten Gesaugbuch, Stralsund, 1665
Grace and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ
Whose work alone holds true and endures forever.
Everyone who is thirsty, come to the water. You who have no money,
come, receive bread and eat!
Seek the Lord while he may be found,
call upon him while he is near.
Do not spend your money for that which is not bread, and do not
work for that which does not satisfy.
Seek the Lord while he may be found,
The Lord says, “Incline your ear, and come to me, hear that you might live.”
call upon him while he is near.
For your word alone holds true and endures forever.
Rev. Karen Van Stee, Pastor
St. Mary Lutheran Church
Mt. Jackson, Virginia
God has made us his people through our Baptism into Christ.
Living together in trust and hope, we confess our faith.
I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.
He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit
and born of the virgin Mary.
He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended into hell.
On the third day he rose again.
He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church,
the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sin,
the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.
Rev. Van Stee
The Lord be with you,
and also with you.
Let us pray…
(Please be seated.)
ANTHEM: “My Soul’s Been Anchored In The Lord”
My soul’s been anchored in the Lord. (refrain)
Before I’d stay in hell one day,
I’d sing an’ pray myself away.
Roanoke College Choir
Dr. Jeffrey R. Sandborg, Director
Goin’ shout an’ pray an’ never stop,
Until I reach the mountaintop.
Do you love Him? Will you serve Him?
Will you praise Him? Are you anchored?
Yes, I’m anchored.
Lord, I’ll love you. Lord, I’ll serve you.
Lord, I’ll praise you. Hallelujah!
God almighty,
My soul’s been anchored in the Lord.
Moses Hogan
WELCOME Dr. Sabine U. O’Hara, President of the College
THE FIRST LESSON: Micah 6: 6-8
Dr. John T. Day, Vice President and Dean of the College
PSALM 23 (read in unison)
Dr. Day
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not be in want.
He makes me lie down in green pastures and leads me beside still waters.
He revives my soul and guides me along right pathways for his name’s sake.
Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I shall fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff,
they comfort me.
You spread a table before me in the presence of those who trouble me;
You have anointed my head with oil, and my cup is running over.
Surely your goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,
and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
THE SECOND LESSON: Philippians 2: 1-13
THE GOSPEL: Matthew 20: 20-28 THE SERMON: “Farther Than The ‘I’ Can See” Dr. Day
Rev. Henrickson
Rev. Henrickson
THE HYMN: “I, the Lord of Sea and Sky”
Here I Am, Lord
I, the Lord of sea and sky, I have heard my people cry.
All who dwell in deepest sin my hand will save.
I who made the stars of night, I will make their darkness bright.
Who will bear my light to them? Whom shall I send?
Refrain: Here I am, Lord. Is it I Lord? I have heard you calling in the night.
I will go, Lord if you lead me. I will hold your people in my heart.
I, the Lord of snow and rain, I have borne my people’s pain,
I have wept for love of them. They turn away.
I will break their hearts of stone, give them hearts for love alone.
I will speak my word to them. Whom shall I send?
I, the Lord of wind and flame, I will tend the poor and lame.
I will set a feast for them. My hand will save.
Finest bread I will provide, till their hearts be satisfied.
I will give my life to them. Whom shall I send? Refrain
(Please stand.)
Let us pray for the whole people of God in Christ Jesus,
and for all people according to their needs.
Lord, remember us in your kingdom and teach us to pray.
Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name,
thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever.
Dan Schutte
Rev. Robert Howard ’79, Pastor
Sardis Lutheran Church
Hickory, NC
THE HYMN: “A Mighty Fortress”
A mighty fortress is our God, a sword and shield victorious;
He breaks the cruel oppressor’s rod and wins salvation glorious.
The old satanic foe has shown to work us woe!
With craft and dreadful might He arms himself to fight
On earth he has no equal.
No strength of ours can match his might! We would be lost, rejected.
But now a champion comes to fight, whom God himself elected.
You ask who this may be? The Lord of hosts is he!
Christ Jesus, mighty Lord, God’s only son adored.
He holds the field victorious.
Though hordes of devils fill the land all threat’ning to devour us,
We tremble not, unmoved we stand; they cannot overpow’r us.
Let this world’s tyrant rage; in battle we’ll engage!
His might is doomed to fail; God’s judgment will prevail!
One little word subdues him.
God’s Word forever shall abide, no thanks to foes, who fear it;
For God himself fights by our side with weapons of the Spirit.
Were they to take our house, goods, honor, child, or spouse,
Though life be wrenched away, they cannot win the day.
The Kingdom’s ours forever!
Text: Martin Luther, 1483-1546; tr: Hymnal Version, 1978 Tune: Martin Luther, 1483-1546
Ein Feste Burg
THE BENEDICTION: Rev. Henrickson
The Lord bless you and keep you.
The Lord make his face to shine on you and be gracious to you. The Lord look upon you with favor and give you peace.
THE POSTLUDE AND RECESSIONAL: “A Mighty Fortress” (Please remain standing until the academic procession has departed.)
arr. Aaron Garber
Organist – Aaron Garber
Torchbearers – Ms. Rebecca Winship, Class of ’07
Mr. Steven Cody, Class of ’07
Complimentary box lunches are available to graduates and their guests in the tent on the Back Quad.
Seating is available on the Back Quad and throughout the Colket Student Center.
Rain Location: Colket Student Center.
Indoor viewing of commencement exercises is available in Olin Theater and Colket Student Center
– rain or shine.
Honorary Degree Recipients
The Rev. Dr. Donald Smith Armentrout ’61
The Rev. Dr. Donald Smith Armentrout ’61 is an outstanding theologian and
Dr. Armentrout lives in Sewanee, Tennessee, and since 1967 has been a member
of the faculty of Sewanee: The University of the South’s School of Theology,
an Episcopal seminary. He serves as Professor of Church History and Historical
Theology, the Bishop Quintard Professor of Dogmatic Theology, Associate Dean
for Academic Affairs, and Director of the Advanced Degrees Program. A noted
scholar and author, he also has lectured throughout the United States. He is an
ordained pastor in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.
A native of Harrisonburg, Virginia, Dr. Armentrout received his Bachelor of
Arts degree from Roanoke College in 1961. He later received a Master of Divinity degree from the Lutheran
Theological Seminary at Gettysburg and a Doctor of Philosophy degree in Church History from Vanderbilt
University. He was ordained to ministry in the Lutheran Church in May 1972 and received an Honorary Doctor
of Divinity degree from General Theological Seminary in New York City in 2002. In 1992, he received the
Distinguished Alumnus recognition from Roanoke College.
In addition, Dr. Armentrout has published several books and numerous articles in renowned theological
journals. His books on the Episcopal Church include A DuBose Reader: Selections from the Writings of William
Porcher DuBose; Religion in the Contemporary South: Changes, Continuities, and Contexts [with Dr. Corrie E.
Norman]; Discovering Common Mission: Lutherans and Episcopalians Together; Documents of Witness: A History
of the Episcopal Church, 1782-1985, and An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church, a User-Friendly Reference for
Episcopalians [with Dr. Robert Boak Slocum].
Dr. Lewis Rosser Lancaster ’54
Dr. Lewis Rosser Lancaster is a specialist in the canons of Buddhist texts.
Dr. Lancaster taught for 33 years at the University of California, Berkeley,
and later served as president of the University of the West.
The Bent Mountain, Virginia, native followed his bachelor’s degree in English
from Roanoke College with a Ph.D. in Asian Studies in 1968 at the University
of Wisconsin. Dr. Lancaster joined the faculty of the University of California,
Berkeley, in 1967 and was appointed the D.H. Chen Distinguished Professor in
His range of activities in the academic world included serving on the
executive committees of the American Academy of Religion, the Association
of Asian Studies, the International Association of Buddhist Studies, Pacific
Neighborhood Consortium and the International Association of Chinese
Philosophy. After retiring from the University of California, Berkeley, he served for three years as president
of the University of the West in Los Angeles.
Still active in his scholarly field, he directs the Electronic Cultural Atlas Initiative in the Institute of
International and Area Studies at Berkeley. Later this year, he will be serving as visiting Professor at Korea
University in Seoul and will be awarded the Manhae Prize for his contributions to the field of Asian studies.
Dr. Lancaster lives in Stinson Beach, California.
Order of Commencement Exercises
12:30 p.m.
indoor viewing of commencement exercises is available in
Olin Theater
Colket Student Center —
rain or shine.
Roanoke College Wind Ensemble
Dr. Joseph L. Blaha, Director
PROCESSIONAL: “Pomp and Circumstance”
Sir Edward Elgar
(The audience will rise when the academic procession enters and
remain standing through the singing of “America the Beautiful.”)
Mr. Kent B. Hodgson, President of the Senior Class
The Rev. R. Paul Henrickson,
Timothy L. Pickle, Jr. & Timothy L. Pickle, III, Dean of the Chapel
“America the Beautiful”
1. O beautiful for spacious skies
For amber waves of grain,
For purple mountain majesties
Above the fruited plain!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!
2. O beautiful for patriot dream
That sees beyond the years
Thine alabaster cities gleam
Undimmed by human tears!
America! America!
God shed his grace on thee
And crown thy good with brotherhood
From sea to shining sea!
(Be seated.)
Dr. Sabine U. O’Hara, President of the College
Ms. Laura E. Cassels, Roanoke, Virginia
Mr. Hodgson
The Rev. Dr. Donald Smith Armentrout ’61
Dr. O’Hara with Dr. John T. Day,
Vice President and Dean of the College,
and Mr. Robert E. Wortmann,
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
Dr. Ronda J. Carpenter
Dr. Denis A. Lape
Professor of Psychology Professor of English
Dr. William D. Ergle
Dr. Darryl Lowry (in memory of)
Professor of Mathematics Professor of Economics
Dr. Robert E. Jenkins
Dr. Susan P. Millinger
Professor of Biology Professor of History
Dr. O’Hara with Mr. Wortmann
Doctor of Humane Letters:
The Rev. Dr. Donald Smith Armentrout ’61
Sewanee, Tennessee
Dr. Hans M. Zorn
Chairperson, Professor, Religion & Philosophy
Doctor of Humane Letters:
Dr. Lewis Rosser Lancaster ’54
Stinson Beach, California
Dr. Susan P. Millinger
Professor of History
Dr. O’Hara with Dr. Day
and Ms. Leah Russell, Associate Dean and Registrar
(Please stand and join the Choir in the singing of the Alma Mater.)
Written by Dr. Frank M. Williams
Roanoke College Choir
Dr. Jeffrey R. Sandborg, Director
Deep in our hearts, a flame is softly burning.
Deep in our thoughts, the mem’ries are returning.
Bells that are ringing, choirs that are singing,
Bring back the joys that we have known.
Learning to live, and loving as we’re learning.
Seeking to find the truths for which we’re yearning.
Years come and go, but we’ll always know
That dear old Roanoke served us well.
To live once more, here in these hallowed halls.
To know once again all the joys that we used to know!
Some day the winter of life will pass before us.
Then we’ll remember the place that proudly bore us.
Then we’ll remember Alma Mater.
Then we’ll remember Thee.
Rev. Henrickson
(The audience will remain standing until the academic procession has departed. All graduates and their guests are invited
to attend the Farewell Reception on the Back Quad. If Commencement is moved inside due to inclement weather, the
reception is canceled.)
Roanoke College Wind Ensemble
CHIEF MARSHAL – Dr. Susan Millinger
MARSHALS – Dr. Brent Adkins, Dr. Christopher Buchholz, Dr. Brooks Crozier,
Dr. Dolores Flores-Silva, Dr. Richard Grant, Dr. Gary Hollis, Dr. Chris Lee,
Dr. Whitney Leeson, Dr. Marilee Ramesh, Dr. David Scaer, Dr. Jack Steehler,
Dr. Anita Turpin, Dr. Dana-Linn Whiteside, Dr. Gary Whitt, Dr. Harry Wilson
FLAG BEARERS – Mr. Andrew James Bass ’07, Ms. Rebecca Lynn Winship ’07
Degrees Conferred in Course
Degrees with distinction: cum laude (minimum 3.4 gpa); magna cum laude (minimum 3.7 gpa); summa cum laude (minimum 3.9 gpa)
Laura E. Cassels, Roanoke, Virginia
Ashley Lauren Gilliam, Glade Spring, Virginia
Miranda Rae Adkins
Covington, Virginia
Amanda Jaselle Alvarez
International Relations
Roanoke, Virginia
Jennifer Katherine Ammen
Roanoke, Virginia
Lindsay Renee Anderson
Anticipated August Graduate
Theatre Arts
Norfolk, Virginia
Bryan William Andrea
Ridgefield, Connecticut
• Amanda Nicole Ault,
summa cum laude
Springfield, Ohio
Kasey Elizabeth Austin
Buchanan, Virginia
Gregory Charles Ayers
Roanoke, Virginia
Amy Bradford Baker
Clemmons, North Carolina
Kathleen Lindsay Ballowe
History, Religion
Lusby, Maryland
Nicole Elizabeth Banner
Columbia, Maryland
Abby Elizabeth Bare
Bridgewater, Virginia
Nathan Thomas Barrett
Abingdon, Virginia
Andrew James Bass
International Relations
Soddy Daisy, Tennessee
Michelle Denise Bates
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Miroslav Batka
Anticipated August Graduate
Senica, Slovakia
Michelle Elizabeth Beabes
Lovettsville, Virginia
Kacey Nicole Beckner
Roanoke, Virginia
* Lauren Renee Beckner,
cum laude
Criminal Justice
Roanoke, Virginia
Kimberly Marie Blankinship
Lynchburg, Virginia
Elizabeth Ann Bowman
Summerfield, North Carolina
Mark Allan Bowman, Jr.
Anticipated August Graduate
International Relations, Spanish
Roanoke, Virginia
Kelly Lauren Boyd
Criminal Justice,
International Relations
Fairfax, Virginia
Molly Clark Brennan
Fairfax Station, Virginia
Elected to Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society
• Kathryn Elizabeth Britt,
magna cum laude
Cleveland, Virginia
Morgan Bess Brooks,
magna cum laude
Roanoke, Virginia
Ashley Jessica Brown
Roanoke, Virginia
Clara Beheler Brown
Criminal Justice
Salem, Virginia
Layne Reynolds Brumback
Winchester, Virginia
* Ashley Heather Brush,
cum laude
French, International Relations
Fincastle, Virginia
Andrew Decker Buck
Reston, Virginia
Devin Andrew Bunn
Troutville, Virginia
• Carolyn Mary Burke,
summa cum laude
Reading, Massachusetts
Matthew Connelly Burkhead
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Emil Caillaux
International Relations Lima, Peru
• Elected to Alpha Chi National Honor Society
Elected to Omicron Delta Kappa National Honor Society
* Honors Program Graduate
Adam Ray Crist
• * Audrey Brooke Easter,
Stephanie A. Calabro
Criminal Justice
magna cum laude
Anticipated August Graduate
Radnor, Pennsylvania
Ransome Doyle Ennis
Samuel Taylor Cargill
Phoenix, Maryland
Taryn Anne Crowder
Roanoke, Virginia
Roanoke, Virginia
Sarah Marie Evans
Maureen Margaret Carnahan,
Bracey, Virginia
cum laude
John Thomas Cummings,
Clifton Forge, Virginia
magna cum laude
Samantha Elizabeth Fallon
Broadway, Virginia
Environmental Policy
Kelsey Jane Carneal,
Boones Mill, Virginia
Fallston, Maryland
cum laude
Kendra Elizabeth Curtiss
Stephanie Nicole Fandino
Springfield, Virginia
Roanoke, Virginia
Burke, Virginia
Jessica Nicole Carter
Joseph Georges Dakermandji,
Tyler Quint Fischer
Criminal Justice
Moneta, Virginia
Nicole Aldean Carter
Hugh Franklin Dalton, III
Brandy Renea Franklin
Criminal Justice, Psychology
Mechanicsville, Virginia
Roanoke, Virginia
Fairport, New York
Stuart Francis Catto-Davis
Stephen Charles Dana
• Janice Beckner Frazier,
magna cum laude
Hillsborough, North Carolina
Lutherville, Maryland
Rachel Turner Clem
Bart Staige Davis
Salem, Virginia
Megan Rose Gale
Broadway, Virginia
• Steven Joseph Cody,
Sarah Hambleton Dawson
Arlington, Virginia
magna cum laude
Environmental Policy
Erin Colleen Gallagher
Art History, Philosophy
Suffolk, Virginia
Covington, Virginia
Katharine Marie DeNinno,
Stafford, Virginia
Kevin Paul Compter
cum laude
Angela Kathleen Garman
Criminal Justice
Art, Art History History
Rochester, New York
• Aaron Bruce Cook,
Heather Leigh Deffinbaugh
Sara Alexandra Garrison
summa cum laude
History, Political Science English
Political Science
Covington, Virginia
Fair Haven, New Jersey
Salem, Virginia
• * Amanda Elizabeth Dennis,
Benjamin Lewis Gerrol
Stephen Patrick Costello, II
magna cum laude
Anticipated August Graduate
International Relations
Criminal Justice
Hagerstown, Maryland
Stafford, Virginia
Salem, Virginia
Lyndsi Nicole Craig
Lauren Gilliam,
Anticipated August Graduate
Criminal Justice
Roanoke, Virginia
summa cum laude
Fincastle, Virginia
Heather Young Creasy,
Jarrett Paul Dudley
magna cum laude
Glade Spring, Virginia
Criminal Justice
• Amy Suzanne Gillis,
Scruggs, Virginia
Roanoke, Virginia
summa cum laude
Ashlee Elizabeth Eakin
Sarah Elizabeth Criss
Criminal Justice
Lynchburg, Virginia
Vinton, Virginia
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Elected to Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society
• Elected to Alpha Chi National Honor Society
Elected to Omicron Delta Kappa National Honor Society
* Honors Program Graduate
Brian Forrest Gladden
Millboro, Virginia
Ashley Elizabeth Goldbeck
Psychology, Sociology
Baltimore, Maryland
Jacob Leonidovich Goldshteyn
Kiev, Ukraine
Whitney Erin Gordon
Westfield, New Jersey
Elizabeth Archer Green
Roanoke, Virginia
Meredith Ann Grimme
Fort Thomas, Kentucky
Marie Gypalo
Business Administration, History
Algonquin, Illinois
* Amanda Emily Hagg,
cum laude
Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Lauren Elisabeth Hale
Lutherville, Maryland
Tara Lindsay Hall,
cum laude
Rocky Mount, Virginia
Cynthia Sarah Hamblen
Vienna, Virginia
Lauren Kaye Harlow
Roanoke, Virginia
Haley Lynn Harper
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Ginger Paige Harris
Roanoke, Virginia
* Lauren Renee Harrison,
magna cum laude
Columbus, Ohio
Andrew Prescott Hartman
York, Pennsylvania
Lindsey Michelle Hentz
Anticipated August Graduate
English Bel Air, Maryland
Carol Anne Herington
Sociology Salem, Virginia
Matthew Owen Hines
New Castle, Virginia
Sarah Whitney Hobbs
Roanoke, Virginia
Kent Bulman Hodgson
Warrenton, Virginia
Yvette Carolyn Hodgson,
cum laude
Warrenton, Virginia
Hannah Elizabeth Howard
Hickory, North Carolina
Clare Louise Humphrey
Salem, Virginia
Bethany Anne Hundley,
cum laude
Great Falls, Montana
Charles Raymond Hunter
Charlottesville, Virginia
Jonathan Eric Huppmann
Anticipated August Graduate
Richmond, Virginia
Rachel Elizabeth Hutchinson Psychology
Pasadena, Maryland
Chelsea Michele Hutton,
cum laude
Manassas, Virginia
Thomas Micajah Jackson, III,
cum laude
Galax, Virginia
Athena Ann Jenkins
Anticipated August Graduate
Art History
New Canaan, Connecticut
Elected to Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society
Amanda Rose Jessee,
magna cum laude
Axton, Virginia
Abigail Celestine Johnson
Durham, New Hampshire
• Jill Marie Jones,
magna cum laude
Collinsville, Virginia
Lia Anne Jones
Anticipated August Graduate
Fincastle, Virginia
Virginia Frances Jones
Criminal Justice, Sociology
Jacksonville, Florida
Lauren Alison Kammler
Amherst, New Hampshire
Nancy Stephanie Keel
Ringgold, Virginia
Adam Bane Keeling
Criminal Justice
Roanoke, Virginia
Kristen Louise Kemp,
cum laude
Daleville, Virginia
Curtis Wade Killen
Glen Alpine, North Carolina
Zakari Adam Kurtz
Political Science
Blacksburg, Virginia
* Amanda Elizabeth Kurzenknabe
Criminal Justice
Front Royal, Virginia
Matthew Thomas Lambert
Covington, Virginia
Virginia Lee Lamneck
Staunton, Virginia
Barret Wesley Lang
Crofton, Maryland
• Elected to Alpha Chi National Honor Society
Elected to Omicron Delta Kappa National Honor Society
* Honors Program Graduate
* Sheri Lee Lauten,
cum laude
International Relations
Poland, Maine
Hilary Nicole LeBlanc
Pulaski, Virginia
Adam T. LeRoy
Elbridge, New York
Kelly Ann Leilich
Elkridge, Maryland
Jessica Anne Lemley
Columbus, Ohio
Steven Michael Leone
Biology, History
Roanoke, Virginia
Daniela Vieira Lima
Timonium, Maryland
Christa Rebecca Linderman
Anticipated August Graduate
Manassas, Virginia
Hillary Micah Lindsay
Warrenton, Virginia
Jennifer Grace Lindsay
Bryn Athyn, Pennsylvania
Misty Amos Lindsey
Roanoke, Virginia
Forrest Brandon Linthicum
Fincastle, Virginia
Emmalynn Jane Little
Criminal Justice
Churchville, Maryland
Ashley Elaina Lucas
Sterling, Virginia
Kaitlyn A. Lyle
Botetourt, Virginia
Valerie Brown Lynch
Rocky Mount, Virginia
Matthew Daniel Malara
Westchester, New York
Mary Stewart Malone
Fairfax Station, Virginia
Sarah Virginia Marr
Chester, Virginia
Lindsey Julia Martinez
Wooster, Ohio
David Crain McArthur
Spartanburg, South Carolina
Lacy Gabrielle McClure
Blue Ridge, Virginia
Christopher Brode McCrady
Anticipated August Graduate
Hebron, Kentucky
Sarah Michelle McDonald,
cum laude
Criminal Justice, Psychology
Harrisonburg, Virginia
Danielle Marie Merkh
Norfolk, Virginia
• * Charlotte Hedwig Merrick,
magna cum laude
Yardley, Pennsylvania
Stephanie Elizabeth Metarelis,
cum laude
Bowdoinham, Maine
Jonathan Daniel Miginsky
Criminal Justice
Winchester, Virginia
Ashley Nicole Miller
Virginia Beach, Virginia
• Sarah Christine Miller,
magna cum laude
Richmond, Virginia
Mary Grace Mock
Sewickley, Pennsylvania
Elected to Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society
Vanessa Venezia Molla
South Burlington, Vermont
• Brendan Thomas Moore,
magna cum laude
Ellicott City, Maryland
Brandy Lynn Moran
Rocky Mount, Virginia
Benton Lee Morgan
Anticipated August Graduate
Darien, Connecticut
Daniel Bertrand Mullen,
cum laude
Roanoke, Virginia
Heather Renea Nellis
Powhatan, Virginia
Ashley Elizabeth Nesbit
Bowdoin, Maine
Richard Benjamin Osmann,
cum laude
Art History
Roanoke, Virginia
Katie Elizabeth Owens,
cum laude
Criminal Justice, Sociology
Eldersburg, Maryland
Victoria Leann Pacchiana
Naples, Florida
Amanda Lewis Painter
Gaithersburg, Maryland
• Amanda Elizabeth Papenfus,
magna cum laude
History Rocky Mount, Virginia
Haley Ann Parker
Salem, Virginia
Alena Pastushonak
Belarus, Mogilev Region, Glusk
Jolan Grey Patterson,
cum laude
Roanoke, Virginia
• Elected to Alpha Chi National Honor Society
Elected to Omicron Delta Kappa National Honor Society
* Honors Program Graduate
Meaghan Anne Peery
Anticipated August Graduate
Salem, Virginia
William Everett Perkins
Richmond, Virginia
Mikenzie Reine Petersen
Denver, Colorado
Kurt A. Petrich
Timonium, Maryland
Lauren Elizabeth Petty
Anticipated August Graduate
Roanoke, Virginia
Eric Joseph Philipkosky
Art History
Chester, Virginia
MacLean Katherine Pilsbury
Rowayton, Connecticut
Jessica Taylor Powell
Upper Arlington, Ohio
Virginia Sharlene Price
Elliston, Virginia
• * Alicia Marie Pryor,
magna cum laude
History, Religion
Richmond, Virginia
Adriana Quirós
International Relations
San José, Costa Rica
Wray V. Reid
Spencer, Virginia
Louis John Ricciardi
Lauderhill, Florida
Allyson Leigh Ridgway
Hardy, Virginia
Matthew Wayne Ridout
Religion, Political Science
Chester, Virginia
Lionel Tristan Rogers
Amalie, St. Thomas
Nicole Elaine Romanies
Wytheville, Virginia
Matthew Alexander Rose
Pilot, Virginia
Adam Garrison Rosset
Riverhead, New York
Ralph Anthony Salvia
Anticipated August Graduate
English Brewster, New York
Sarah Jane Sancomb
New Market, Virginia
Jennifer Diane Sanders
Roanoke, Virginia
John Corey Schmidt,
cum laude
Preston, Maryland
Steven Michael Scott
Roanoke, Virginia
Brynn Elizabeth Scully
Lutherville, Maryland
Elizabeth Neville Seaks,
cum laude
Greensboro, North Carolina
Catherine Adrienne Sealing
Criminal Justice, Psychology
Queenstown, Maryland
Courtney Elizabeth Semones
Norfolk, Virginia
Calvin William Shabb
International Relations, Spanish
Winchester, Virginia
Brian Edward Shelley
Criminal Justice
Sayville, New York
William Brett Shoemaker
Woodstock, Georgia
John Robert Simmons
Martinsville, NJ
Elected to Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society
Stacy JoAnn Sisson,
magna cum laude
Salem, Virginia
Brandon Jeffrey Smith
Fairfax, Virginia
• Shelley Elissa Smith
Anticipated August Graduate
Political Science Salem, Virginia
Zachary Russell Smith
Political Science
Salem, Virginia
Meghan Charlyne Snead
Bristol, Virginia
Allyson Tracy Spollen
English, Theatre Arts
Bumpass, Virginia
Andrew James Stewart
Political Science
Dumont, New Jersey
* Matthew Owen Sullivan,
cum laude
Political Science
Monroe, New York
Leslie Michelle Swing,
cum laude
Roanoke, Virginia
Kathleen Whitley Taylor
International Relations
Blacksburg, Virginia
Lauren Michelle Thomas
Winchester, Virginia
Lindsey Erin Tingler,
cum laude
Salem, Virginia
Carrie Elaine Tompkins
Art, Spanish
Roanoke, Virginia
Alexander Paul Trusko
International Relations,
Political Science
Avondale, Pennsylvania
Craig Thomas Ultsch
McMurray, Pennsylvania
• Elected to Alpha Chi National Honor Society
Elected to Omicron Delta Kappa National Honor Society
* Honors Program Graduate
Brandon Scott Underwood
Richmond, Virginia
• * Kristen Elizabeth Van Stee,
magna cum laude
History, Spanish
Fort Valley, Virginia
* Timothy Joel VanRheenen,
summa cum laude
Warminster, Pennsylvania
Chastity Dawn Vangosen,
cum laude
Portsmouth, Virginia
Jessica Dole Verdi
Anticipated August Graduate
Art History
Baltimore, Maryland
* Kathryn Kelly Vernon,
cum laude
Art History
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Richard Allen Warren
Covington, Virginia
Justyn Yori Ann Watanabe
Anticipated August Graduate
Environmental Policy
Dumfries, Virginia
Nicholas Joseph Watkins
Anticipated August Graduate
Manassas, Virginia
Kelley McDonald Wellford,
magna cum laude
Richmond, Virginia
Megan Elizabeth Wenz,
cum laude
Bexley, Ohio
Raymond Lee Wezik
Criminal Justice, Political Science
Annapolis, Maryland
Chad Edward Widener
Political Science
Salem, Virginia
David Mark Wierzbic
Anticipated August Graduate
Roanoke, Virginia
Elected to Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society
Benjamin Robert Williams
Anticipated August Graduate
Bassett, Virginia
Todd Allen Williams
Baltimore, Maryland
Charles Hutton Worley
Anticipated August Graduate
Richmond, Virginia
Jamie Leigh Wright
Brookneal, Virginia
Clinton Robert Zimmerman
Morganton, North Carolina
Rachel Elizabeth Zimmermann
History, Religion
Phoenixville, Pennsylvania
Anna Marie Zorn,
cum laude
Biology, French
Kenosha, Wisconsin
• Elected to Alpha Chi National Honor Society
Elected to Omicron Delta Kappa National Honor Society
* Honors Program Graduate
Matthew Jamiel Allen
Health and Human Performance
Richmond, Virginia
Susan Elizabeth Andiorio
Health and Human Performance
North Andover, Massachusetts
Bruce Cramer Banning, III
Roanoke, Virginia
Derrick Lee Botkins
Anticipated August Graduate
Covington, Virginia
Laura Anne Brown
Salem, Virginia
Lauren Whitney Bushnell
Vinton, Virginia
Isaac David Campbell
Anticipated August Graduate
Environmental Science
Roanoke, Virginia
Brittany Nichole Cannon
Chilhowie, Virginia
Michaela Ashley Carignan
Athletic Training
Rochester, New Hampshire
Dustin Carroll
Asheville, North Carolina Laura E. Cassels,
summa cum laude
Roanoke, Virginia
Alison Cain Cousins
Health and Human Performance
Burlington, Vermont
Chase Granger Davidson
Environmental Science
Roanoke, Virginia
Marianne Beth Dolan
Anticipated August Graduate
Health and Human Performance
Narragansett, Rhode Island
Ashley Rose Dubinskas
Anticipated August Graduate
Medical Technology
Warrenton, Virginia
• * Liên-Thành C. Kratzke,
Jared Michael Egger
magna cum laude
Beacon, New York
Oak Hill, Virginia
Ikenna Chukwuemeka Elechi
Benjamin Douglas Lawler
Anticipated August Graduate Chemistry
Port Harcourt, Rivers State,
Andrew Patrick Lumsden
Anticipated August Graduate
Jonathan Terrell Fielder
Physics Biology
Roanoke, Virginia
Mechanicsville, Virginia
Monique Christine Martin
Andrew J. Fleming
Health and Human Performance
Computer Science
Hoosick Falls, New York
Roanoke, Virginia
Danielle McGuire
Wendi Michelle Fridley
Health and Human Performance Bensalem, Pennsylvania
Troutville, Virginia
John Howard Morris, Jr.
Edward Dorsey Fuller
Salem, Virginia
Richmond, Virginia
Katherine Gordon Gilbert * David Emmanuel Myer
Health and Human Performance Boynton
Morristown, New Jersey
Michael Chase Olson
William Dayton Gordley,
cum laude
Troutville, Virginia
Environmental Science
Ashley Michelle Payne
McLean, Virginia
Health and Human Performance
Lora Rosina Greene,
Warrenton, Virginia
cum laude
Jenanne Price
and Human Performance
Monrovia, Liberia
Lake Forest, Illinois
Perry Adam Hardin
Justin William Pryce
Health and Human Performance
Natural Bridge, Virginia
Glastonbury, Connecticut
Katherine Blair Henderson
Chelsea Lynn Rankin
Health and Human Performance
Biochemistry, Spanish
Charlotte, North Carolina
Columbus, Ohio
• Gregory William Hess,
Marie Reedy
magna cum laude
Health and Human Performance
Athletic Training
Linville, Virginia
Boiling Springs, Pennsylvania
Alex Jon Renjel
Christopher Lynn Hott
Havre de Grace, Maryland
Blue Ridge, Virginia
Stephen Powers Rinker
Nicholas Warrington Kiley
Anticipated August Graduate
Anticipated August Graduate
Environmental Science
Front Royal, Virginia
Atlanta, Georgia
Christina Marie Rizzo
Jordan MacLeod Klein
Health and Human Performance
Stevensville, Maryland
Lexington, Virginia
Elected to Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society
• Elected to Alpha Chi National Honor Society
Elected to Omicron Delta Kappa National Honor Society
* Honors Program Graduate
Virginia Louise Sheppa
Health and Human Performance Chapel Hill, North Carolina
• Rachel Lynn Slenski,
magna cum laude
Roanoke, Virginia
Christopher Scott Smith,
cum laude
Computer Science
Roanoke, Virginia
* Hampton Wade Smith,
cum laude
Computer Science
Greer, South Carolina
Whitney Claren Sorge
Environmental Science
Raleigh, North Carolina
Amanda Grace Strand
Woodbridge, Virginia
• * Amanda Marie Strutner,
magna cum laude
Gate City, Virginia
Tyler Wade Thomas
Health and Human Performance Roanoke, Virginia
Ryan Grady Travers
Health and Human Performance Baltimore, Maryland
* Beth Ann Tucker,
summa cum laude
Evington, Virginia
Nathaniel Scott Unroe
Iron Gate, Virginia
William Jared Walters
Anticipated August Graduate
Bent Mountain, Virginia
Thomas Samuel Ward, IV
Weyers Cave, Virginia
Jessi Mills Whitenack,
cum laude
Roanoke, Virginia
Elected to Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society
Jonathan Lawrence Wills
Anticipated August Graduate
Health and Human Performance Salem, Virginia
Lynn Winship,
magna cum laude
Abingdon, Virginia
William E. Wolanski,
cum laude
Charlottesville, Virginia
Tiffany Renee Wright
Environmental Science
Fort Defiance, Virginia
• Jessica Dawn Young,
magna cum laude
Computer Science, Mathematics
Natural Bridge Station, Virginia
• Elected to Alpha Chi National Honor Society
Elected to Omicron Delta Kappa National Honor Society
* Honors Program Graduate
Mary Elizabeth Aesy
Catawba, Virginia
Joshua H.H. Akers
Anticipated August Graduate
Roanoke, Virginia
Muzaffara S. Asadova
Dushanbe, Tajikistan
Benjamin Steven Bailey
Exeter, New Hampshire
Kellie Leigh Banks
Anticipated August Graduate
Radford, Virginia
Stephen Robertson Bessette
Roanoke, Virginia
Jason Mark Blake
Roanoke, Virginia
Nicole Lee Brower
Roanoke, Virginia
Derek Scott Brown
Roanoke, Virginia
Alexander James Byrne
Andover, Massachusetts
William Russell Campbell
Midlothian, Virginia
* Fiorella Luisa Carlos Chavez,
cum laude
Second Major: Economics
Lima, Peru
Matthew William Churchill
Jamestown, New York
Ryan Patrick Dacey
Round Hill, Virginia
Dustin Braxton Davis
Roanoke, Virginia
Justin Matthew Deacon
Anticipated August Graduate Troutville, Virginia
Catherine Marie Deavers
Harrisonburg, Virginia
Alissa Dunne
Vero Beach, Florida
Shanna Genell Eades
Troutville, Virginia
Charles Cristofer Edmonds
Troutville, Virginia
• Adam Mitchell Fariss,
magna cum laude
Allisonia, Virginia
Michael Brooks Farmer
Salem, Virginia
Business Administration
Molly Elizabeth Festa
Wytheville, Virginia
Sheena Patricia Foy
Moneta, Virginia
Amy Ruth Fuller
Damascus, Virginia
Lorena Gomez
Roanoke, Virginia
John James Guidi, VI
Salem, Virginia
Matthew Howard Haga
Christiansburg, Virginia
Andrew James Hall
Crofton, Maryland
Bryan Scott Hamilton
Roanoke, Virginia
Matthew Thomas Hamilton
Roanoke, Virginia
Christopher Patrick Harding
Cockeysville, Maryland
Marjorie Ellen Hartman
Roanoke, Virginia
Mark William Hartman, Jr.
Readington, New Jersey
Brian Matthew Huff
Rocky Mount, Virginia
Hugh White Huff, IV
Anticipated August Graduate
Pulaski, Virginia
Travis Lee Hull
Salem, Virginia
Amanda Lynn Hunley
Roanoke, Virginia
Tyler Cooksey Hyland
Annapolis, Maryland
* Ekaterina Ignatova,
cum laude
Moscow, Russia
Tucker Halliday Jackson
San Francisco, California
Megan Alexandra Jessee
Roanoke, Virginia
Gary Alan Jocher
North Potomac, Maryland
Brittany Paige Johnson
Simsbury, Connecticut
Eric Alan Johnson
Gray, Maine
Timothy Sean Karutz
Pittsford, New York
Elected to Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society
Alexander Galvin Knight
Scituate, Massachusetts
Thalia Claiborne Koehler
Greenville, South Carolina
Brendan Arthur Kopf
Baltimore, Maryland
Joseph Clayton Lafon
Blue Ridge, Virginia
John Travis Lawson
Covington, Virginia
William Edward Leffel, III
Roanoke, Virginia
Alexandra Michelle Lewis,
cum laude
Greenville, South Carolina
Denise C. Mason
Anticipated August Graduate
Virginia Beach, Virginia
Jon Robert Mason
Orangeville, Ontario
Amanda Gail McCarty,
cum laude
Rocky Mount, Virginia
Wesley James McFarlane
Nanaimo, B.C., Canada
Cynthia Elaine McGraw,
cum laude
Lynchburg, Virginia
Sarah Lydia Meador
Roanoke, Virginia
Lindsay Nicole Mitchell
Roanoke, Virginia
Marcus Augustus Morris
Anticipated August Graduate
Roanoke, Virginia
Jason Matthew Nadeau
Cumberland, Rhode Island
Neal Douglas Noland, III
Verona, Virginia
Kelly Anne O'Brien,
cum laude
Fairfax, Virginia
Stephanie Leigh Ogle
Salem, Virginia
Bryan Gregory Oliff, Jr.
Richmond, Virginia
Evan Andrew Pape
Charlottesville, Virginia
Shawn Edward Parkinson
Chatham, New Jersey
• Elected to Alpha Chi National Honor Society
Elected to Omicron Delta Kappa National Honor Society
* Honors Program Graduate
John Brodrick Pauler
Second Degree
Second Major: Economics
Carlisle, Massachusetts
Dallas Christopher Pearson
Fairfax, Virginia
Kerry Leigh Peterson,
cum laude
East Greenwich, Rhode Island
Matthew Wade Phelps
Rochester, New York
Catherine B. Price,
cum laude
Galax, Virginia
Zachary Jordan Price
Salem, Virginia
Shauna Nicole Puckett,
cum laude
Bland, Virginia
Emily Brooks Rackley
Midlothian, Virginia
Andrea Kate Rasicot
Wrentham, Massachusetts
Stephanie Elaine Reese
Roanoke, Virginia
Matthew Robert Reeve
Reston, Virginia
Kelly Anne Rice
Fairfax Station, Virginia
Business Administration
Kelley Christine Robb
Brattleboro, Vermont
Michael Benjamin Sandler
Portland, Maine
James Henry Sheils
Newton, Pennsylvania
Joseph Arthur Shoemaker
Kensington, Maryland
Ashley Renee Showalter,
cum laude
Shawsville, Virginia
Joseph Zachary Simmons
Christiansburg, Virginia
Danielle Britney Simons
Anticipated August Graduate
Roanoke, Virginia
Brandi Michelle Sink
Roanoke, Virginia
Garan Kelsey Sink
Fincastle, Virginia
Shane Timothy Spikes Anticipated August Graduate
Salem, Virginia
Erin Leigh Stemick
Staunton, Virginia
Zachary Lee Thomas
Roanoke, Virginia
Vanessa Lynette Torres
Ellicott City, Maryland
Ryan McDermott Ulep
Annapolis, Maryland
Samuel Cecil Vaden
Huddleston, Virginia
Katherine Lee Wagner
Anticipated August Graduate
Roanoke, Virginia
Erin Elizabeth Walsch
Baltimore, Virginia
Brian O'Neill Walter
Anticipated August Graduate
Ellicott City, Maryland
Travis Lawrence Weeks
Salem, Virginia
Christina Ann Wheeler
Vinton, Virginia
Lonnie Jacob Woodall
Bassett, Virginia
• Christopher Ian Woodson,
cum laude
Clifton Forge, Virginia
Brandon Thomas Woulfe
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida
• * Rachel Anne Zavorski,
cum laude
Marietta, Georgia
August 2006 Graduates
Carolyn Elizabeth Aldrich
Bachelor of Arts, Psychology
Watertown, Connecticut
Robert Bryan Fasnacht
Bachelor of Arts, Sociology
Salem, Virginia
Adrienne Nicole Riggleman
Bachelor of Arts, History
Dayton, Virginia
Kara Elizabeth Bernard
Bachelor of Science, Psychology
Rocky Mount, Virginia
Colin Michael Jones
Bachelor of Arts, English
East Greenwich, Rhode Island
Scott Ross Rizzo
Bachelor of Arts, Political Science
Northbridge, Massachusetts
Martin Ralph Biancuzzo
Bachelor of Arts, English
Barrington, Rhode Island
John Brodrick Pauler
Bachelor of Arts, Psychology
Carlisle, Massachusetts
Morgan Reno Scott
Bachelor of Arts, Criminal Justice
Elliston, Virginia
Lori Lynette Clark
Bachelor of Arts, Psychology
Troutville, Virginia
Matthew Donald Peters
Bachelor of Arts, English
Fairfax Station, Virginia
Zackiye Tembi
Bachelor of Science,
Health & Human Performance
Windsor, Connecticut
Elected to Phi Beta Kappa National Honor Society
• Elected to Alpha Chi National Honor Society
Elected to Omicron Delta Kappa National Honor Society
* Honors Program Graduate
To qualify, students must graduate with a minimum grade point average of 3.4 in their major.
They must also complete an honors project in their major, featuring a program of
independent study which culminates in a paper, artistic creation, or performance.
Lauren Renee Beckner, BA
Honors in Criminal Justice
Lauren Renee Harrison, BA
Honors in English
Christopher Scott Smith, BS
Honors in Computer Science
Carolyn Mary Burke, BA
Honors in Sociology
Liên-Thành C. Kratzke, BS
Honors in Biology
Hampton Wade Smith, BS
Honors in Computer Science
Laura E. Cassels, BS
Honors in Physics
Charlotte Hedwig Merrick, BA
Honors in English
Amanda Marie Strutner, BS
Honors in Biochemistry
Steven Joseph Cody, BA
Honors in Philosophy
Katie Elizabeth Owens, BA
Honors in Sociology
Beth Ann Tucker, BS
Honors in Chemistry
Amanda Emily Hagg, BA
Honors in Sociology
Amanda Elizabeth Papenfus, BA
Honors in History
Jessica Dawn Young, BS
Honors in Computer Science
Tara Lindsay Hall, BA
Honors in History
Alicia Marie Pryor, BA
Honors in Religion
Rachel Anne Zavorski, BBA
Honors in Business Administration
Phi Beta Kappa Nu
Virginia Chapter
Phi Beta Kappa is the nation’s oldest, largest, and most prestigious academic honor society. The Society’s
mission is fostering and recognizing excellence in the liberal arts and sciences. Faculty and staff key
holders select students for this distinct honor based on the Society’s stipulations for membership, which
include students’ intellectual and cultural interests and scholarly achievements at the College.
Laura E. Cassels
Liên-Thành C. Kratzke
Amanda Marie Strutner
Steven Joseph Cody
Sheri Lee Lauten
Matthew Owen Sullivan
Amanda Elizabeth Dennis
Charlotte Hedwig Merrick
Kristen Elizabeth Van Stee
Ashley Lauren Gilliam
Alicia Marie Pryor
Kathryn Kelly Vernon
Lauren Renee Harrison
Hampton Wade Smith
Rebecca Lynn Winship
A Celebration of Achievement, Service and Innovation
April 20, 2007
All-College Awards
Alpha Lambda Delta Award – Liên-Thành C. Kratzke
Annie Terrill Bushnell Prize – Rebecca L. Winship
The Reverend Doctor John E. Bushnell Prize – Andrew J. Bass
John Todd Faw Memorial Award – William D. Gordley
Alpha Lambda Delta Senior Certificates
Carolyn M. Burke, Laura E. Cassels, Steven J. Cody, Heather Y. Creasy, Yvette C. Hodgson,
Sheri L. Lauten, Alexandra M. Lewis, Charlotte H. Merrick, Stephanie E. Metarelis,
Alicia M. Pryor, Timothy J. VanRheenen, Kathryn K. Vernon, Kelley M. Wellford, Megan E. Wenz,
Rebecca L. Winship, Jessica D. Young, Rachel A. Zavorski
Awards Presented at the Academic Awards Dinner
April 4, 2007
Departmental Awards
Senior Scholar in Biology – Liên-Thành C. Kratzke
Senior Scholar in Environmental Science – Isaac D. Campbell
Gary Wesley Leonard Memorial Award in Biology – Lora R. Greene
Senior Scholar in Business Administration – Adam M. Fariss
Senior Scholar in Economics – Brendan T. Moore
Outstanding Students in Accounting – Alexandra M. Lewis and Ashley R. Showalter
Outstanding Student in Business Administration – Christopher I. Woodson
Outstanding Students in Business Leadership – Samuel C. Vaden and Amy R. Fuller
Outstanding Student in Economics – Fiorella L. Carlos-Chavez
Outstanding Student in Finance – John T. Cummings
Outstanding Student in Global Business – Kelly A. O’Brien
Outstanding Student in Human Resource Management – Danielle B. Simons
Outstanding Students in Marketing – Adam M. Fariss and Christopher I. Woodson
Alpha Kappa Psi Key and Certificate – Adam M. Fariss
Financial Executives International Award – Ashley R. Showalter
William G. McGowan Scholars 2006-2007 – Miroslav Batka and Adam M. Fariss
The Dr. William A. Sandridge Leadership Award – Neal D. Noland
Virginia Society of Certified Public Accountants Award of Achievement – Amanda G. McCarty
Wall Street Journal Award – William E. Leffel
Business Administration
Senior Scholar in Biochemistry
– Rebecca L. Winship
American Institute of Chemists Student Award – Brittany N. Cannon
Dr. C. W. Bondurant Student Affiliate Award – William E. Wolanski
James Lewis Howe Award – Amanda M. Strutner
The Merck Award – Beth A. Tucker
Education, Health
Human Performance
Senior Scholar in Athletic Training – Gregory W. Hess
Senior Scholar in Health and Human Performance – Amy M. Reedy
Delta Kappa Gamma Society International Award Outstanding Woman Scholar in Education – Lindsey E. Tingler
Jesse Lee and Mary Elizabeth Lucado Award – Beth A. Tucker
Teachers of Promise Award – Amanda N. Ault, Carolyn M. Burke and Jessica A. Lemley
Mack Welford Award – Lindsey E. Tingler
Senior Scholar in English – Ashley L. Gilliam
The Anna Morgan Award for Excellence in Communications – Matthew O. Sullivan
The Andrew Murphy Award for Fiction – Ashley L. Gilliam and Benjamin R. Williams
Charles C. Wise Poetry Award – Stephanie A. Calabro
Fine Arts
Senior Scholar in Fine Arts (Art History) – Steven J. Cody
Senior Scholar in Fine Arts (Music) – Leslie M. Swing
Senior Scholar in Fine Arts (Studio Art) – Sarah C. Miller
Alpha Psi Omega Award – Lindsay R. Anderson
Fine Arts Awards – Art History – Kathryn K. Vernon; Music – Gregory C. Ayers
Foreign Languages
Senior Scholar in Foreign Language (French) – Kelley M. Wellford
Senior Scholar in Foreign Language (Spanish) – Kristen E. Van Stee
Outstanding Student in French – Claire Drzymala
Outstanding Student in German – Chastity D. Vangosen
Outstanding Students in Spanish – Mark A. Bowman and Maureen M. Carnahan
Patricia M. Gathercole Literature Award – Maureen M. Carnahan
Senior Scholar in History – Amanda E. Papenfus
Harry J. Breithaupt Award – Matthew O. Hines
The Brian Keith Award – Layne R. Brumback
Conrad Muldenhauer Memorial Scholarship – Hannah E. Howard
Dr. Harry E. Poindexter Award – Audrey B. Easter and Kristen E. Van Stee
The R. Dan Richardson Award – Tara L. Hall and Alicia M. Pryor
The Roy H. Ritter Southern History Prize – Richard A. Warren, Jr.
Mathematics, Computer Science,
Senior Scholar in Computer Science – Hampton W. Smith
Senior Scholar in Mathematics – Jessica D. Young
Senior Scholar in Physics – Laura E. Cassels
Julia McBriety Chalfant Memorial Award – Jessi M. Whitenack
Herta T. Freitag Mathematics Award – Jessica D. Young
Outstanding Achievement in Computer Science – Christopher S. Smith and Jessica D. Young
Senior Scholar in Psychology – Timothy J. VanRheenen
Karl W. Beck Memorial Prize – Timothy J. VanRheenen
Outstanding Student in the Human Development Concentration – Stephanie E. Metarelis
Psi Chi Achievement Award – Jamie L. Wright
Public Affairs
Senior Scholar in Criminal Justice – Heather Y. Creasy
Senior Scholar in International Relations – Amanda E. Dennis
Senior Scholar in Political Science – Aaron B. Cook
Criminal Justice Award – Sarah M. McDonald
International Relations Award – Sheri L. Lauten
The Will Selzer Political Science Award – Matthew O. Sullivan
Senior Scholar in Philosophy – Steven J. Cody
Senior Scholar in Religion – Alicia M. Pryor
John T. Bowman Memorial Award – Alicia M. Pryor
The Mary Cooper Williams Memorial Award – Steven J. Cody
The Reverend Dr. Paul L. Yount Prize – Kathleen L. Ballowe
Senior Scholars in Sociology – Carolyn M. Burke and Amy S. Gillis
Alpha Kappa Delta Award – Katie E. Owens
C. Randolph Benson Sociology Award – Amanda E. Hagg
Community Service Award – Michelle D. Bates and Andrew D. Buck
Outstanding Student in Health Care Delivery Concentration – Elizabeth A. Green
Outstanding Student in the Information Analysis Concentration – Adam B. Keeling
Other Awards
2006-2007 FINTEL SENIOR SCHOLARSHIP RECIPIENTS – Ashley H. Brush, Steven J. Cody,
Lora R. Greene, Tara L. Hall, Gregory W. Hess, Ekaterina Ignatova, Sheri L. Lauten,
Stephanie E. Metarelis, Ashley R. Showalter, Rachel L. Slenski, Carrie E. Tompkins,
Rebecca L. Winship, Christopher I. Woodson
Senior Class Gift
The Class of 2007 decided to vary the typical class gift project; instead of raising money for a structure on campus, they gave
individual donations either to the College’s Annual Fund or designated gifts to a particular department, sport, etc.
The Annual Fund supports many aspects of the College such as scholarships and financial aid, campus improvements, and
various student programs. The seniors also had the opportunity to give their gift “in honor” or “in memory” of someone who
made their experiences at Roanoke College more special.
Listed below are the seniors who participated in the Class of 2007 gift project:
Miranda Adkins
In honor of … Dr. Thomas Carter
Molly Brennan
In honor of … Mom & Dad
Lindsay R. Anderson
Susan Andiorio
In honor of … Mom & Dad
Morgan B. Brooks
In honor of … Ruth Spradlin, Sharon Alexie
& Dennis Brooks
Bryan Andrea
Geoffrey Ash
Benjamin Bailey
Amy Baker
Kathleen Lindsay Ballowe
In honor of … Tom & Patti Ballowe
Kellie Banks
In honor of … My Mom – thank you for always
being there for me.
Niki Brower
In honor of … Mom & Dad
Laura A. Brown
In honor of … Mom & Dad
Layne Brumback
In honor of … Greta Brumback
Mike Burdett
Carolyn M. Burke
In honor of … Nana & the rest of my family
Matthew C. Burkhead
In honor of … My parents and brother
Andrew J. Bass
Michelle D. Bates
In honor of … All who have supported me during my undergraduate career. How about two more
for graduate college?!
Miroslav Batka
In memory of … Dr. Darryl Lowry
Michelle E. Beabes
Lauren Beckner
In honor of … My family
Kim Blankinship
In honor of … Brandon & Ida Blankinship
Elizabeth Bowman
In honor of … My family
Alex Byrne
Rusty Campbell
In honor of … My mother, Lynn Campbell, &
my grandfather, Paul Bennett
Sam Cargill
Michaela Carignan
Fiorella Luisa Carlos Chavez
Jessica N. Carter
Nicole Carter
In honor of … Mr. & Mrs. Darrly Glover
In memory of … George O. Copeland, Sr.
Laura Cassels
Rachel Clem
In honor of … Ross, Margaret & Sarah Clem
Steve Cody
Aaron Cook
In honor of … My family
Christopher B. Ewing
Samantha Fallon
In honor of … MacLean Pilsbury
Alison C. Cousins
Adam Fariss
Molly Festa
In honor of … My parents – Barry & Jane Festa and
Bill & Clara Nash
In memory of … Albert & Sara Festa
Heather Y. Creasy
In honor of … My parents & husband
Drew Fleming
In honor of … My family
Sarah Criss
Sheena Foy
In honor of … My parents & my brother, who couldn't
be here today because he is serving in the United
States Army.
Stephen Costello
Lindsey Crosby
Taryn Crowder
Ryan Dacey
Joseph Dakermandji
Andrew Fralin
Jan Frazier
In honor of … My wonderful husband & two sons who
gave me an abundance of encouragement and support. Stephen Dana
Bart Davis
Sarah Dawson
Catherine M. Deavers
In honor of … Sandy & Wayne Sylvester
Heather Deffinbaugh
Katharine Deninno
Amanda Dennis
Jarrett Dudley
Alissa Dunne
In honor of … Annie Dunne
Shanna Eades
In honor of … My wonderful family & friends
– I love you!
Ashlee E. Eakin
Audrey B. Easter
Ransome Ennis
Sarah Evans
Wendi Fridley
In honor of … Mom & Dad
Amy Fuller
In honor of … My wonderful family who supported me
these four years. Edward Fuller
In honor of … Joan Dorsey
Megan Gale
In honor of … Barry & Heather Gale
Erin Gallagher
In honor of … Eugene Marvin
Kate Gilbert
In honor of … Ed & Carol Gilbert
Amy Gillis
Ashley Goldbeck
Whitney Gordon
In honor of … Thank you Mom, Dad & Jackie
In memory of … Greg Wells
Joe Grasso
In honor of … Harold Yenhelstein
Elizabeth Green Lora Greene
In honor of … Daddy, Mommy and the rest of the family.
Chelsea Hutton
In honor of … My family
Tyler Hyland
Maggie Grimme
John James Guidi, VI
Dessa Gypalo
Lauren Hale
In honor of … Phi Mu Gamma Eta and my family
In memory of … Dr. Darryl Lowry
Thomas Jackson
In honor of … Tom & Cindy Jackson
Andrew Hall
Jon Hall
Chris Harding
In memory of … Greg Wells
Abigail Johnson
Brittany P. Johnson
In honor of … My family
Lauren Harlow
In honor of … Scott & Cindy Harlow,
Sarah "sister" Merrill
Haley Harper
In honor of … Mom, Dad, Seth, Ryanne, Casey,
Elijah & Hudson
Andrew Hartman
In honor of … Mom & Dad K. Blair Henderson
In honor of … Calvin & Jane Henderson
Anthony Hernandez
Greg Hess
Kent Hodgson
In honor of … My family
Yvette C. Hodgson
Hannah Howard
In honor of … Bob & Robin Howard
Tucker Jackson
Amanda Jessee
Meg Jessee
In honor of … Josh Crowder
Jill Jones
In honor of … My family
Virginia Jones
In honor of … Diane Brogan
In memory of … Bobbi Jones
Lauren Kammler
Nancy Keel
In memory of … Dr. Darryl Lowry
Adam B. Keeling
Nick Kiley
In honor of … Walter, Sara & Peter Kiley
Jordan M. Klein
In honor of … Bill & Deb Klein
Alex Knight
In honor of … Eric Eversole
Claiborne Koehler
In honor of … My wonderful family & friends
Sheri L. Lauten
In honor of … My family
Hugh W. Huff, IV
Charles R. Hunter
In honor of … My loving and supportive family
– Gary, Janie & Laura Hunter
Ben Lawler
John T. Lawson
In memory of … Dr. Darryl Lowry
Rachel Hutchinson
Hilary LeBlanc
In honor of … LeBlanc family
Adam LeRoy
Billy Leffel
Kelly Leilich
In honor of … My wonderful parents
Jessica Lemley
In honor of … Michael & Patricia Lemley
Alexandra Lewis
In honor of … My parents & my sister
Daniela Lima
In honor of … My mother – Luiza Lima
Hillary Lindsay
In honor of … My parents & David Gardner
In memory of … Greg Wells
Jennifer Lindsay
Misty Lindsey
In honor of … My family for supporting me
Kaitlyn Amanda Lyle
In honor of … My Mom & Dad
In memory of … Whitney Leftwich
Mary S. Malone
Sarah Marr
Lindsey Martinez
Jon Mason
David McArthur
In honor of … "Doc" Alley
Amanda McCarty
In honor of … Larry, Donna & Jeffery McCarty
Lacy McClure
In honor of … My mother & father – the coolest
people I've ever known.
Sarah McDonald
In memory of … Eddie & Loraine McDonald
Wes McFarlane
Meade D. McGuire
Sarah Meador
In memory of … Greg Wells
Danielle Merkh
Stephanie Metarelis
Jon Miginsky
Amanda Miller
In honor of … Mom & Daddy
In memory of … Jesse Miller & Ethel Smith
Ashley Miller
Lindsay Mitchell
In honor of … My family
In memory of … Nana & Dr. Darryl Lowry
Mary Grace Mock
In honor of … Lawrence Mock Sr.
Vanessa Molla
In honor of … My family
Brendan Moore
Benton Morgan
Jason Nadeau
In memory of … Dr. Darryl Lowry
Heather Nellis
In honor of … My parents – Curt & Debbie Nellis
Neal Noland
Kelly O'Brien
Greg Oliff
Katie Owens
In honor of … My family – I love you guys!
Haley Parker
In memory of … Stan Parker
Shawn Parkinson
Alena Pastushonak
In honor of … Lidziya & Gennoidziy Pastushonak
John Pauler
In memory of … Dr. Darryl Lowry
Dallas Pearson
Sam Pendergast
William Perkins
In honor of … Tucker & Liz Perkins &
Ransome Ennis
Kerry Peterson
In honor of … My loving Mom, Dad, & sister and
all Roanoke professors, faculty & friends who have
taught me to be who I am today
In memroy of … Greg Wells
Eric Philipkosky
MacLean Pilsbury
In honor of … Samantha Fallon & my family
Blair Price
In honor of … My family
Justin Pryce
Shauna Nicole Puckett
In honor of … My family for all they have done for
me – I love you all!
In memory of … Those who lost their lives in the
tragic events at Virginia Tech on April 16, 2007.
Emily Rackley
Chelsea Rankin
Amy Reedy
In honor of … Dave & Brenda Reedy
In memory of … Charles Emerson & David Reedy, Sr.
Stephanie Reese
Alex Renjel
In honor of … Luis Renjel
Kelly Rice
In memory of … Edmund Harvey
Allyson L. Ridgway
In honor of … Jerry & Glenna Ridgway
Christina Rizzo
Nicole Romanies
Adam Rosset
In honor of … Cheryl Rosset
Brian Roy
Sarah Sancomb
In honor of … My Parents – John & Lela Sancomb
Mike Sandler
In honor of … My entire family
W. Evan Scheiner
In honor of … My Parents – Richard and Sally Brynn Scully
Elizabeth N. Seaks
Catherine Sealing
In honor of … Parents
Courtney Semones
In memory of … Kristina Gilmet
Brian E. Shelley
In memory of … Aldon Dailey
Virginia Sheppa
Brett Shoemaker
Joseph Shoemaker
In honor of … My family
John Simmons
In honor of … Rob Willingham
Danielle Simons
In honor of … Terry, Stan, Brett & Michael Garan K. Sink
Rachel Slenski
Shelley Smith
In honor of … Steve & Mauricia Smith
Meghan Snead
Whitney Sorge
Nathan Sotis
Shane Spikes
In honor of … My family – Jimmy, Amber & Amanda
Allyson Spollen
In honor of … Mary Rose Spriggs
AJ Stewart
Mandy Strutner
In honor of … My parents
Kathleen Taylor
In honor of … Dr. & Mrs. Bernard W. Taylor, III
Kelley Wellford
In honor of … Dr. David Otto Scaer
Megan Wenz
Ray Wezik
Christina Wheeler
In honor of … George & Catherine Wheeler
Lauren M. Thomas
Carrie Tompkins
In honor of … My family, Dr. Robert Denham and
the Spanish & Fine Arts departments
In memory of … Onjo Stevens
Jessi M. Whitenack
In memory of … K. K. Mills
Vanessa Torres
In honor of … My mother – Tanya Bullard In memory of … Dr. Darryl Lowry
Becca Winship
In honor of … Dr. Ben Huddle, Rev. Paul Henrickson,
David Winship
Nicholas Towson
Alexander Paul Trusko
Beth Tucker
In honor of … Dr. Fisher
William E. Wolanski
Christopher "Snake" Woodson
In honor of … Dad, Mom, Robbie, Nanny, & Gwen
In memory of … Gency
Ryan Ulep
Brandon Underwood
In honor of … Jimmy & Becky Underwood
Nathan Unroe
In honor of … My family
Samuel Vaden
Tim VanRheenen
In honor of … Andrew & Nicole V
– you guys complete me
Jessica Verdi
Kathryn Vernon
Erin Walsch
Brian Walter
In honor of … Wally
Richard A. Warren, Jr.
In honor of … Tommy & Kim Blair
Trover Wilson
Chuck Worley
Brandon Woulfe
Tiffany Wright
In honor of … My amazing parents
– Gene & Darlene Wright & Whitney Sorge
In memory of … My loving grandparents
– Howard & Anita P. Wright Jessica Young
In honor of … My family
Rachel Zavorski
Clinton Zimmerman
Rachel Zimmermann
In honor of … My family for always supporting me. Academic Regalia
Ceremonial robes worn in the academic procession during Commencement
Exercises convey the breadth and intricate structure of the academic world.
Colors of diverse institutions and academic fields stand in high relief against
the basic black of the caps and gowns. By its color(s), the lining of the hood
represents the college or university conferring the degree – note the royal blue
and gold of Roanoke College.
Gowns themselves are of different shapes – note especially the sleeves – for
bachelors, masters, and doctors. The typical American cap is flat with a tassel
draped over its front edge; some colleges and universities in the United States
and abroad use caps that are softly peaked or round and stiff.
Hoods also differ in shape for each of the traditional degrees. The edge of the
hood, as well as the chevrons and piping of the gown, mark the field of study,
according the following scheme:
Agriculture — Maize
Arts, Letters, Humanities — White
Commerce, Business — Drab and Sapphire Blue
Economics — Copper
Education — Light Blue
Engineering — Orange
Fine Arts, Architecture — Brown
Journalism — Crimson
Law — Purple
Library Science — Lemon
Medicine — Green
Music — Pink
Oratory — Silver Gray
Philosophy — Dark Blue
Physical Education — Sage Green
Public Administration — Peacock Blue
Science — Golden Yellow
Social Work — Citron
Theology — Scarlet
Many of our graduating seniors today wear medallions, cords, and/or stoles.
These represent and celebrate a student's special cultural
heritage or membership in an academic honor society.

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