View the The List of main persons in this murder
View the The List of main persons in this murder
liTO USE SEARCH FUNCTION" In searching for names: the first letter will be a capital for the names in notes and typed-up submittals, but will be "all CAPITALS" in the Court ~enerated transcripts. Claire - wrote a lette!:" ~ their cx:n:pizacy j.Et. t::efa"e s:tr..eb's ao::orplioos, felm-infixlltlrt: COZi.e!:' cn:l a:nt::ta:.1:l:::r N=ls::rl, Jci.ll.ej lB: so th:!y a:ul.d frare lB: tui:erd, R±ert. R:em:::rl<, to stq:> him fran qi~ furt.t'er ~ en treir ~ crine b> tre <nl b> slq> him fran p.bli3Urq a b:d< bl:;e:l en his Ja.arits <ZOVin:l treir ~ crine, <nl b> slq> him fran ~ with his Ja.arit (m::2!lB5) en treir """'ted Ill.1I.rler attaqX.s, Wlim was filEd in s:twt>' s eD.Jr1::to.Jse. =, N:II:atB - 18 yr. old N3.ta9la q;lVe t4D1tae:us SaleletB to tte Rilio= Cffi.(E[' wars:::taw at th2 SCS"e, tI"e1 to f:b;pital R:!t9:lIe1 arC tI"e1 to CI1 !rM3:sti.qab:r axurirg .sctw;b's acrorplices fer tte~, t:eft:re Fisk, Sdwi:> cn:l D:x:m i'Bj hat" te:d q:a:ated 01, "in the reqi01 t:h3t effects IYBT'IXY," cn:l tha'l s.bitdWl'Ec" to i3:llatiCrl, ctu:;s, tzai.n.aS'rirg, hypl:::si.s, terrtr, a:nstant rctearsals, txrture, etc., to qet I'a:' to rep:;et their ~ stay to frare rer fatter:, R::b:rt R:e::lo::*.. 'Dnia (cr onn,a) -11 yr. old 'D:lni.a was illS1311y kidq:p:d by Fisk,> ard o:x:m;nj illA"fllly with IU'H:'etate2l Nili3'::n (.s:n..eb's Tll.It'l:ler aa:x:nplio=) S) trey a:ul.d use her rare to collect 01 tre rreny life i..ns..Irarce !DUdes t.h3t N=l.s:n was keel:>irq in his files 01 Claire t::efor:e ha, with feloVinfotTrant D:rzier, killed I"er. R:brt - as a state ~ R±ert. R:em:::rl< "'blew I::tE ..n.istl.e- 01 tre t"Cd<:eteerirq m cxx::nt::racts cn:l kick-taek sd'eTes a:stin::1 the ~ mny b:i.J.J.iaB EB:h )e3r irMJlvirg Sdw:b crd hi.c;11evel officials. R±ert. tIa1 ''J:=.<d'' in his Ja.arits (lMB-16S, et =.) tre """'ted ITUI:lEr attEm:t.s a:»irst him am his fanily, am al.9:> p:u.<rl treir t"Cd<:eteerirq s::an b> """" iJlp:is:n iIro::a1t ""'l'1e b; tre Ju:i>;5 ~ b> cB1y crdimry, =less ""'l'1e treir ricjlt b> """""t a refErs>, s:> tre piliticians croId stml fran tre ~ fir arl1 tx:dy thro.n in p:i.g:n am =ete tre ~ ltis:n Iirlary in tre """ld qivirq lriJ:es am kid<_ to piliticians am Ju:i>;5. FiSc - this IAro D2te:tive steve Fisk 1d..l..lfd crd fi::an:d l'nnf p:cple ard e ~ in mxd:r-~frarl t"Cd<:eteerirq s::ara with D:!tectives 'k:n Villas, Ft1"d, etc. His fa~, t::h:u::tt, was a [AR) < crd :inste:d of t:ei.rQ ~ was placed in crI alo:::h:ili.c, nmtal i..l.lrBss ret.irarelt. 3:::tJ,.et) with t::f'E [AR) to tr.irq Fisk a.rt of his ITBlta1 i..llress ret.irarelt a'rl nai= him tte I"e3d of t::f'E B::rni.c:id! to set-q> tte killirg of, so trey a:ul.d £rare rer I'ut:erd, R±ert. R:e::rc:cX, in retaliatirn fer e>q:XSlrq their ~ crirre. Jnj Fisk trEIlP-q> tre ~ M:9c sttry"' to frare R±ert "\:efixe- they carried 0Jt t::te lTI.Jt'd:t" of Claire, bt Fisk's offiCE crd .9::fl,.,eb' s a:urt:h::u9:!. 9::fwb - as Ass.ista1t Att:otTev <J:::reral H::::s.ard 9:twb e ~ in th2 tcdH f*'t in:) arrl ki.d::~ m state a:ntracts a:»irst R:I:ert .-ro:J<'s Ja.arits (rA-<E-16S, et =.) p:u.<rl treir a:qanize:l crine am treir rrerry'dar att6q:ts in retaliati01. 9:tw;b was nBE a ~ to a:ntirlE tre ~ of their racketeerirq 01 o:ntraets ard th:!ir a:nspirac.y to fTBS9 inpjs::n i.rn:::x::e1t ~less, Ot'di.nary p:q:lie for" jXOfit, arrl to a:ntiru! th:!ir a::t"l!:Piracy to retaliate cqainst R::tert arrl his fanily fer ''blcwi.rq th= \kri.stle" 01 th=ir orqanizaj crirre. Pn:3 alttoJ;J1 Sd>.eb lad ''10 "j.rislicticn"--clE>3r vialaticn of ll1ble ~ treir ~ st<xy am ~ false testirrcny was anp!.etely i.rq:::eactB:J ern disrriS"frl as "t:n:nE- at tre 1diulicat.i.01 'Itial .....tal R:t:ert \o8S allClof!li to """""",t hirrself---sdwb staqe:l an ill....] trial with his riqja:loby am his triba:l cetere3 Att!::I:reV, """"', b> block all refense. ,bnj sctr..eb n:p:etEdly "exd::!:taJ" t:Tat "ID d:!6::!tE- was 3:) they a::ul.d ille:::FillY :im;:ri..9:n R:I:ert b> step him fran " _ e><p:sirq" treir ~ crine. Sd>.eb al.9:> ''cxcae:l'' that 'm QFBticre" croId te askBl en tre _ am arrest ~ .....",.., it exp;:eed that Fisk na:ie-w his ~ st<xy _ re lad "'I a:ntact with N3.bEa. Ard S:::tl.a:> ~ta:lly na:daaJ" t:hat R:::tett. a:ul.d "NJl'" Scfl,.eb's l::ribed refEnge Attctney, Q:e::n, cro tep:weJrt: hiJ'realf. Jnj SdJ,..OO rep:ata:il.y ''cx:da:eJ'' his t:Bi.liffs to Ehrlde, dx:t. tap! oYd b:Bt R::b:rt "EB:h ti.m:!- tE fired s:tw:t>'s tri.I::ej d=fe'lge AttlX'n:!V. Ard s:::tw:;t) his aexxnplioas, D:an, Fisk,, etc., to st:m1 crd p:::x:b;!t. Ri::ert. 's ta"lk~, !"cuBs arrl tusin::ss n""~"",,,~tias "irnn:diately" afte: t:hev ki.lled Claire, crd al::o aillErtJrl cn:l p::x::ta:eJ en the ''<M:!t" XJ' life<¥ce ~cies that their rrurd:!r a::n::npliCE, Nals:n, \oSS ke:!pirg in his fi.les 01 Claire• am _ [):p..lty District At:tcuey, lI"'d:!t" S::tw:b's ~ G:n:!tal (ffiCE'S ~ ~ set.-I..P crI a9'DJlt rn Ri::ert. Ettzl o::k--a~ R:t:ett '..BS "seo.e:ely in"J,nrl" dJrirq tteir ~ted atte'q::X to kill hi.m--s:> t:hev a::ul.d fal.gely am ill"'>'liy p:reeaJte R:I:ert b> slq> him fran _ exrx:sin< treir racketeerirq scm5. R:I:ert p:u.<rl in his Ja.arits (rA-<E-16S, et =.) that tre assault, rrn Je1kins' false p:cseaJticn am tre """,ted ITUI:lEr attEm:t.s '-E!re in retaliatim fer "blaI:in:::I th! Y1ist1e" 01 th=ir CX'Q3Oi.zed crirre, a"rl t:te state Officials prid ,ulBfB an:] .)Bidm - as t:te 1. siqn:d an cqtE£!IBlt that th:y \oOlld stq::l the retaliaticns. BJt as ahays I::t'et lierl, ard s:::t"f,OO, Fisk, JEnkins, D:xm, etc., o::::nspirerl to set;.-q> arC fI:cI:le R±:ert, arrl I:l}\ Jalki.ns fi.le::J the "c:bJi0J5" fal.92 TTtItd2r cf'm'qi:B ~ R:t.ert-alth:::u:::t1 R::i::ert \as ''tUr' at the aa:h arrl rrurder s::eli? at any ti.rre--aftet" tl'eir ao:::orplioes, felrn IbZie:r a"O o::ntracb:X Riliut, 'killej Claire by s:::t"f,OO's o.::urt:h:::I.. ard Fisk's office. Dxm - Victoria D:an \as a fixrrer lai cledt fer ID\ Je1kins, s:::t"f,OO arC s:::t"f,OO's b.rlJy~. D:an <Pt her ~ li~ arrl ffH"'ia1i7Bi in st£ ~es' assets, ard with Fisk, s::h..a:::l, arrl s::h..a:::l's b.rl:.iy'~, D:an 9?t.-tP a n:al.-EEt:a:te o::JTP3l1'{ s:J they c:uld l.a.rd:!r the In.Bas ard tusir'ess p:q:erties the .:Ju::::qes stole fran ~e, "after" Fisk an:] his b..W; Wll ttan in treir ar<Pirq rackEteeriIq s:ans. 1hese rackEteeriIq Ju±jes with Fisk ard o1:tB:" O::+s als:::> illEqaliy kidJ:::lUBl chi.ldtel, usi.n::l tl'e I:}:J::C. of Childre1's services, arrl exLot:t:aJ nmev arrl In.Bas fran the J:8['E!1ts in return for their dri.l.dren. PoJ with Fisk, Yen Villas, Ftm, am Clt:tet" o::xn.+:t. (Q:s, they to take 0Jt! ~ 01 p:cple, an:.'! tia1 Jcil.h:rl thm am frarej relativm cr ~l98S, arrl tia1 mllertai arrl Sme1 the nmev by usi.n::l the o::xn.+:t. Pt:d:ate~. After' th=y killed Claire, O:an, .5::::Th.eb an:) their aco:rrplices mllerta'J arC p:dr;elEd the rrcn::y fran the rreny life rolicies they ",re ke;pirq 01 Claire. .oro ~ an:] his CDIXI.IX b..W; Ju±jes, "inmrliatelyafter killirq Claire," J!BE Ib:m the receiver of R±ert's tank ao:a.nts, h:t.e=s arrl b.1sirBss I::t:cp:rties s:J.5::::Th.eb ard his aa::x:rrplioes cnild p:rlra tre m:re{. CJ:nntm ar<Pirq rackEteeriIq SCBll b; tre L.A. Ju±jes an:] tre Wll =_ =. N:ilil::n - s:n..eb's Il'l.lrd2r aa:arp]jce, D:!nis r-eJ.s:n, a <nil 'a1,. \ko ' i.n\olve:'3 in IJB1If rackEteeriIq aBlB rn o::ntracts, hired Claire as a typist. Ard alth:::u:Jh Claire rD ~ \oOd<ej :Ii:r N2ls:n for" over 6 lT01ths, N2ls:n kel::t. ITEI"f life p:.licies 01 Claire in his fiJas. ,llnj -jJDDrliafply" after Nala:n, with felen D:tzier, killed Claire, Fisk r:t-r:ne:l ~ fiLS: ,nne 03l.l that Fisk J!BE after they killa:l Claire-ard told Nilim to lBrl the life i..rsJran:E p:Jlicies tD Dxm s:J they o::uld CDllect arrl S13re the rrcn::y. Fisk, with S:::f1.ab, als:::> -j]]qlly" kich3p::e:j 11 old '.D3nia "illeq'l11y" her with I'Dl-t:'elate:l N'ilin1, s:J they o:::uld u:e IR" rare to rollect. p:cket. the nmev fran the life i.ra.lran:es en Claire. (see Claire's last. iust ''t:efore'' they killa:l her e><;X:SirQ tJ-err mmla"-<acket:eerirQ SCBll.) am year am Il:::2if:r - Felav'inforrrant .ktn D::iZier ' w:cki.rq for" s:::n.oo, Fisk am D::x:m, arrl with o::ntractor N:ls:n ' at the c::ra<tl am tia1 rT1.It'd=r s:B"'Ie the "entire tine" after they ran Claire's caijllac off the rt::ad into the p:.le. D::iZier a"O!'el.s::n ~ seEn M"d,i!'XJ the Orlillac after tl'e c::ra<tl. ,l'oj wit::resses s:fN tret Claire h:d R) bl.arl 01 tEr, arC tret Claire h:d N) in-;.ries arC tret ttere ' NJ bl.o::rl in tl'e Orlj llac "after' the c::ra<tl, am tret Claire \as c::bIia..El.y killed tv D:::tzier arrl N2ls:n after the c::raS1. o:rier \as o:::Nererl with '\Et-fluid bleed" at 4:33 A.M., alth:lrt1 tre Q<jj]]ac <:raeI'e:J into tre pole at 3:31 A.I\. (Blro:J ~tes in aI:mt 15 rnirutffi.) Fisk stq:]:a:l tre c::t.t"er O::+s at the 9:al::'! fron &BLdlin:J D::cier's d:fra::!e <:Br-d:m:qed ~ it aJt.-off the larqer Q=dillac-.for ttE mrc::Ec ~ arrl Fisk told D:::tzier to lea~ ttE criIre s::::ene, alt:h:u:::tl there ' an a..rtstardi.n:i loElrrCCIt for D:::tzier's arre5t, arC [bzier ' ~rej with blo:d. PJ:. ~'s riCHErl triaL .9:::hab "or:daaJ" tret felrn ~I.s exteei~ arrest re:::xxd (ooer 14 arrests) 'vaS to t.e kE$::C. se:ret fran tl"e Jury, am keI:t:. .9E!l:%et. tret felrn D:xzier \ at a JXeVirus s::imi.laI= ~ ~ 9:B"E. Pro s:::n.oo "a:ca:eJ" t:h3.t "N1' E."Ifi.dnE a::u1d te r;:::t:e92flterl cq:Uret felO1 felav'inforrrant D:::tzier 'vaS WJt:ki.rq fer SdMeb \ka1 re, with !'el.s::n, kille1 Claire. (!:£e .Ii'M:'stiCJ3trr Qrier:rez's SlXT1 daclaratirn f:i.lErl in .s:n.ab's cnrt before Fisk ki.l.1erl this Irlve5tiqator.) .9:::h.eb a1.sJ "OtdetaJ" tlet tl'e ~ te:xxdi.r'Qs of D:xzier re I<I:;p: fB:Xet, J:ecause the t:at:e:::3 intervie.s ex;x:::saj tret D:::tzier, with Nels:n, killed Claire. Prrl \kel D::cier ta3tifiaj tret I"e rroverl the Q:dillac's saat with the e1.a:tric a:at blttm an:] aIs:> Q:a1a:l tJ-e ~ d:o<'---W1id1 ~ that re ""-5 with Claire an:] N3taS1a _ tJ-e c:raSr-S:f"r,.,et) CBilerl a txeak am D::cier ' ~ to cp !:ad<:. Ql tre witress starrl arC ~ his t.est.i.ITcrrf I ~ "aft::B:" tre criSl- there \ NJ electric J'XUS!t' 01 tre C3dillac am tre ~r's d::x:::Jt:" 'vaS "j:mra:j ,SU"_ [At NJ tine ' R±:ert Feern::d<. at tl'e s::::ene, anj ~ "24 mi.lee' in S3t.q...lS at tre tirre of th= c::raS1 a"O t.t"a1'der" bY s:::n.oo's ao:::x:rrplices, by 9:::h..Eb's o:::urt:h::t1.9 enj Fisk's office.] Q."Ee1 _ .s::tJ...OO's triJ::ej defense At:tc:uFy, D::nald Chell in o:::nspi..r:"ac,r with .9::hvab b1o::t:B3 all of R±ert Fleem:X::k's (:['Idal "45 refalge wibl2S99S" arC "5 Exj::ert Witness€S" fran testifyirq to roJE!t:'-tP ttE lTl..Itd3:' bj .s:.tJ,..OO's oco::nplices. Plrl in ~ Q:ee1 witlt"eld the "t:c.c:erl intervig.s" of felO1/i.nforrrent D:::tzier, J:ecause tl'e tap:s e:q::x::eaj the IT1..II:d:!r: by D::cier arC Na1s:n. Q:ea1 a1.sJ, in o:::nspiracy with S::i"r',.,eb ard Prt::::eeo..rt: Rietrren, "fi:xtJrl" Ri::a:t's si(JBture 01 a!ra1..dlle1t d:claratien s:J Rietrren a:llid tB2 this f~ declaratirn "to lie" to their rigqerl Jury. Arrl CceEn o::::nspired with .9:::tf,.ab ard RidTran to keep R±ert fran b:dnq at th= a::urt tmrin::l, ~ teftxe th= trial, Sc::Thab, Ridnan am Q:"ee1 CO"'f'+)ire:J to riq tte Jury, arrl o::::nspirerl to scherl.lle the trial with "I'D tirre- fer R±ert's "45 d:falge wibesses ard 5 Exp:rt Wibasses" to testify. Q:"een also with Ridnan arrl Fisk to threate1, harass, ard retaliate ~ d2fense wit::resses ard defalge rrr...estiqat;ors to ~t t:l'l2ir test..irrc:nv. Arrl Q:e€n o::::nspirej with Fisk "to kill" Investiqatoc GJtierrez to step him fran qatre:irq rn::re defalge ~ (after he filEd his s..crn declaratim in S:::h8J's a::urt), ard to t:hreatal ard th:n triI::e :rnvestiqata::' Jtrlj to lEaVe tl'e state s:J tE \o.OJld rot testify. [.:ee w:i.rd:w 125 \okridl explains in rru:h, rn..rll rrore detail the o::::nspiracv of ~ arC! his t:riI::ed defen::e At~, Q:een, to ro..oec-t.P tre rn..rr:Oer of Claire, ard tl'e ~ of others b; ~'s acxmPlices. J ? .t'ID ~ FCR tW"ES't RidnB:l - I'l:t>re::utor Richtm w::rl<B:i tnEr t:I"e crnmrd of .le'idre. ;rd in cm;pira::y with &hID. fuk. LOOn;rd treir <DHl. ;rd ot:l"et ~~. Jike !'Bj<r. etc.. cr:imirnlly bJ.ccke:j all def<me iTh'estigpl::i.cns to """""-w t:I"e fll.l[(),r of Claire ty felm ;rd crot:nctor~. Ridnm cmspire:I with Flsk ;rd <DHl to kill Iroesti,optor GJt:i.a:rez in retaliatiro for filin; his 90001 cklaratiro in 9:h«i>'s cart, =~ treir lIlJrl3:o-ra:l<el:EB:irf! =no !rd Ridnm an;pinrl with fuk ;rd <DHl to thrwtffl ;rd retaliate ~t EB:h of ltiErt's def<me Iroestifptors for iTh'estifptirg treir ra:keteel:irg tofraJeltiErt. Ridnm also =inrl with 9:h«i>;rd <DHl to rig t:I"e.lJty at treir ill~ !:riM-4"el.d in violatiro of 'lb.bI.e Jeq:mdy." !rd Ridnm aMll'd in Wn1fsale 1:t::iIB:y;rd thrwts to l'l"t his \<ibesses to carntit carl'£d =iu:y. !rd RidnB:l tesides U3irR .rnlesale carl'£d T:.Erinrl test:inmy at treir ill'l'<"J !:riM, l5'rl .rnlesale false, BIid<rre with t:I"e l"eJp ;rd anspi.J:a;y of .Ju:t>,e &hID;rd <DHl. Wille Ridnm. S:IWlb;rd <DHl cmspire:I to blcx:k all of ltiErt's "45 def<me wibesses" ;rd 'S Fxpat Wit:resses" fran test:i.fyim,. !rd Ridnm """"tally (nmv h.rdreJs of to t:I"e.lJty. falsely c:Jaimirg tret "4 tin; SlX'ts" fo.n:l in t:I"e Catala !we. h::use""'" b1a:d. alt:!l:J.¢ Ri.cl11m 'm..!' tret treir """ L\Rl O::irre L3b fo.n:l tret tI-ese "4 tin; SlX'ts" ""'" 'rot b1a:d." lreir lr:il:e:l def<me Attorrev <DHl also an;pinrl ,;ith Ridnm arrl S::lwlb to tell this lie to t:I"e.lo:y - - this W'lS Wille Ridnm, <DHl ;rd S:IWlb ~ tret treir hitnm, felm W'lS with loeI:-fluid b1a:d at t:I"e oca-e of t:I"e fll.l[(),r "25 mile;; ae; fran t:I"e Catala Iwe. !nEe." [In t:I"e l&. diSrrest~. Jike U.S. &n:ere Cart .Ju:t>,e Oarare lhnm, cmtiru!s to "~" corn.,t Proooo..itors: to fraJe t:I"e lx""d.ess irrr:cBlt rTESSeS (otdimry. =l.ess citi2ms) ty U3irR ;:eriure:l test:inmy. falri.cate BIid<rre. "itlto!J:li.rJ< def<me eIida'ce. l~ to t:I"e.lJty. ;rd to kill Mmse wit:resses arl d;fB"re ~t::i,Qp.tarst b{ .l..Q2;e'lluras' n:p::ata:i I~" t:h3t Prosa:::utors are 1Ia1:xJJe all Ja..stl crd eat rot te p:osa::utErl or sm by ~ ttev iniute a:rl i llegal1y irrn:'isxl.] iriliil def<me Att:orrey Oltierrez - Iroestigptor GJtierrez fila:! a 90001 cklaratim in &hID's cart ;rd W'lS thrwta>a:l ty' '\lidmn. <DHl 1ril ffil" to step all irM!sti.fptims into t:I"e fll.l[(),r a:: trey I<1lld kill him. GJt:i.a:rez' s cklaratim ~ tret felm tl::ri;ie: \oBS ~ fa:: Flsk. &hID;rd LOOn W'-e1 killEd Claire so trey cwld fraJe &iert ;rd stffil his h:lJses. ta-k a::co.nts ;rd lusiness ""01:''''i05. ..Ar:lge S::lwlb, to d:stru:t ;ustice. tried to hide this """" cklaratim. iust Jike &hID tried to hide Claire's last letter eoo=lll\ treir ra:l<etee::irl?, s::an to retaliate ~t R:hrt for '~ t:I"e WUstI.e" rn treir ~ c::irrE. fuk tlm killEd GJtierrez • .1.d:l - Iroesti,optor .1.d:l's ta::a:l intervie; with cru::.iaJ. witress <redes Ure p:tMrl tret Claire W'lS killEd laP, after fa""car W'lS fa::t:e:l off t:I"e =d ty felm's ~ \o\3S dara2t3l by Claire's 1.atl>.el:: CatilJ,... Iroesti,eptor .1.d:l also tape:! inta:vie.s with felm tret exposed tret killEd Claire ;rd tret tlilinl W'lS at t:I"e 3:::aE. In retaliatim for ~ treir rcurtle!:-ra:l<etee::irl?, =no, Rid11m, <DHl arrl &hID thrwta>a:l .1.d:l with false irrp:is:::mmt U\less!"e left t:I"e state;rd na:i'! hirrself 'rot" available to testify at &hID's st<w:I ill'l'<"J, ri,<Iga:l!:riM. [Prosa:::utors;rd ~ carry-< these rnm.::-ra:ke~ s::acE l:e::aJSe..Ar:lges, Jike Qarm:e'lh:m3s. """"t:e:lly rrake '~" tret corn.,t Prosa:::utors ;rd corn.,t .Ju:t>,es ate aJ:x>"" all ]a", ;rd h:M; irnnnity for all treir c::irrEs.] 1lnn - State Sa::arl AqJell.ate~. &xm, a fourer I'l:t>re::utor ;rd hilly of ~ &hID, wrote a .hratic cpinirn ~"""""-w for S::lwlb usirg his cart for rcurtle!:-ra:l<el:EB:irf! s::acE. &xm.~. a:lnitt:e:l!"e kre", tret felm tl::ri;ie: (&hID's a:x:arplice;rd hilna1) killEd Claire. by a:lnittirg tret t:I"e S'oct-<lJratim fire in t:I"e tnrl< W'lS starta:l '\.hn felm "OS at t:I"e oca-e." !rd to """"""I' fer his hilly &hID. &xm w:ote it _ '~' fa:: Prrsa:utor Richtm to lie to t:I"e .1Jry ~ turlre:l times tret t:I"e "4 tin; spots" at t:I"e Catala!we. !nEe ""'" b!, t:I"e L\Rl O::irre iab testirg p:<Mrl trey ""'" rot b1a:d. !rd &xm ro.e:e:l"l' tret S:IWlb's hitnm felm tl::ri;ie: _ ro.e:e:l with '" b1a:d at t:I"e c::irrE oca-e ''25 mile;; 1Mitf" fran tre Catala!we.!nEe. "Willate ~ 1lnn also '\riI:e:I" his d'o9Erl "I'I'illate Att:orrey, foW.tI'a.{>-tret &xm fa::t:e:l;r' lttert-:-to.'"?t" raise art effe:::ti'" i.s9.e; in his l:riefS, as 'lb.bI.e~." and also tret &hID I'a:I ro.jIris:lict:ul:\ to s~ a SE<XX'd !:riM at I./Uch ro def.rne """ alla.ed, ;rd With a ripJ ;ury. etc. !rd 1lnn lr:il:e:l foW.lta.1> to asslSt ll1 bl.cckirg all f~ by ItiErt to "d::stru;t justice" ;rd """""-W t:I"e rcurtle!: by &hID;rd his aooorplli:es. am ~_ &hID's hilly. ~ !'Bjcr. in his SffilEd. sa::ret tnrs:ripts (Rr A.189-A.193) '\riI:e:I" def<me Att:orrey f~ to step Jry""gtigfltor Cbta fran fu<irg p-ntos of Caire ;rd l'6t:a9'B to t:I"e gps statim atta"dm, W1ich ""-lId IX""" tret tTet fila:!-w treir Qrlj lJ,.. with gps cl.cse by t:I"e fll.l[(),r oca-e ;rd. just t:I"e """"". !rd. IX""" that tTet ""'" with twJ ...,...felm;rd ooot:nctcr~. !rd ~!'BJ<r (S:IWlb s hilly) also lr:il:e:l F~ to stq> ;rd l""""'t all iTh'estigfltims g) trey cwld """""-W treir rcurtle!: of Claire ;rd so trey co.Jld fraJe 1tiErt. !rd!'B;cr;rd R:gclnm =>;pi.reJ to hire t:I"e Iroesti,optcr Wn ''km; t:I"e socre" ;rd I<1lld rot ~te treir rJlJIrli!:: so trey cwld frare R:hrt. [All t:I"e~. in:JJ.rlin>; t:I"e Chief 9th Ci=.rit .Ju:t>,e 1IctlirS<i ~ to crimirnlly des~ tI-ese SffilEd. se:ret t:ra's:ripts exposirg tl'eir "d::stru;tim of iustice" ;rd to """"""lP tre rcurtle!:~=n by ~ &hID.] l:efcr; 3. ''ill 9'NOI KR ~' Slntt - n.:amcy .lq", Slzttt """ lEEd b; Siwtl arl his b.rl1y J4I's to _ t e l v ",.,Ja:e .l4le Gemel; in retilliatim, fer ~ _ his G:nstib.JtiJ:ml Ri,<llt to ~t _ arl ooq>letely :irrpRh arl dest:ro; Siwtl arl Fisk's rra:le-<., stcry at tre Idiulicatim ltial-.hi<:h esta!:>lishrllb.lie D.rirR tre fo~ irJ( ~ it """ esta:iliS-e:l tret CX:lltIaotcr toe1sal arl felm Ihder ""'" at tre rnm:Er: s:a-e arl killirl <laire after trey foo::e::l re, Qrlilk off tre tad. StaJtt J:'Ecla:'aj Qmer to blcx:k _ fum IT'£i<in< his ro=:l tret re """ ~ fram:l, arl tret II yr. old 1lnIa _ ill"l!l'lly oJ.a:e:l with NeJs::n, so S:Iwb. arl his b.rl1y ~ arl ax:rnplices ewId ..., la: rare to col.l.oct Q1 tre "'"'" life ir<u:at:e IXllicies tret tI<ilim """ ~ in his files. After his ",...,tal attaTpts to '\X:s=t iustice," SlnJtt rn::use:l hiJrBelf arl declare:l ttat re ro Iawr _tal to l:e tart of tre c:awi=v ~ t _ to violate all his G:nstib.Jtimll Ri,oflts. ."",.,,Iy. ~ - ~ Idiulicatim ltial J.$. G<na:. after tre Ptrsa:utcr arl t>o Canty Attorre;s PJt Q1 their rnm:Er: case ~t 1I±a:t. aJ1a,ej II±a:t to uues,,,t _ . f'll:l _ inl:m:hd EM!rY e1aTa1t of Siwtl at:! fulc's rra:le-<., stcry arl tre ~ . rehmsed, foo::e::l l:e5tim:ny of tlitarn, arl tre t>o Canty Attorre;s arl Ptrsa:utcr after """,tal attsl\Ots to tI'hbilitate their case all egmrl ttat tre Cart &-culd tre dl3OQ2l:S as In:M!1 '\ntnE" (rot a.staim:l). This est.abliSl:d IEs )rtjcata arl J:b.Ne S:twD arl his b.rl:Iy ~ tlHl retaliatal '\ililinst Qmer foc all.o..lirl( t:heir rra:le-<., stcry to be CU'S arl inl:arla:!. :trJ:t':o N3inm - 'fre..l..tlol! Wn J:I:"Sida:I ""'" cases IA-<E-16S. et seq., <l.rirl< Iohid1 tre rmssi..., ra:ke~ arl kick&di Q1 State cxntm:ts ""'" t=IB'l arl tre """tal rnm:Er: attaTpts ~t II±a:t fer '\:ia.rlrg tre W1ist1e" Q1 this <rgoir!', of "'"'" billims rin:a:I off t!'e taxa>;ers El"d1 vesr dE to this ra:ket<eI:irR b; hi.¢ !.B<ll officials. Fer ~ in tre "eJiJ:lerre <Xl this ra:ket<eI:irR arl 0Q'fI1i.ze:i ca..sed ~'s d:Bth. in retaliati.crl. crirrE; Siwtl arl his ax:rnplices andes Ure -1hi.s cru:ial witness, CI-..:les laE. ,.., ttat <laire raJ lD injuries, arl ro OIl re" arl ro tinEs re _ at tre sca-e l:efcre 4:<X1 A.M. Witness laE al3:l sa; ttat trere """ lD ~ to tre Orli lloc l:efm. 4:00 A.M. It """ Lre::J,Ji=ally cl>Ii.w; ttat lbti<r arl !tilitn kiI.Jal Qaire aft:.B- t:.rey ¥.ere lte1 9::£!1 b{ witress Iklb{ Aims at <twt 4:10 A.M. Lrder tre Ca1ill;.r t:i.e:irg ~ tTe cottal rc:t:e. After witness IkI:b( MnB left tre 908'e. lbti<r arl reJs:n cb.ii.tu31y fra1 kiJla:j OaiJ:e, arl lbti<r """ CXMmrl with .a-fluid bIoo:I at 4::£ A.M. [Blro:I CX>l'lUates in JD-15 minJtes.] 6k03 In !Fe OrliUoc tre roth e MnB - llicial witness MnB sa; felm lbti<r arl cxntm:tcr reJs:n sato~ t!'e Om 11 oc after tre CJ:«h. """ lra3thirg arl raJ lD bIoo:I Q1 re, after tre ~. S:Iwb arl fuK's Gop ax:rnplices rra:Ie se.e:al1ll.L':Er attaTpts Q1 MnB to IX"J"lt his testim:ny, arllhn tl-e nurder attaTpts faiJ.e:l, frnIB:l a-d ~ MnB Q1 fOO:icatal dar&"" in attalpts to cIi=a:lit MnB. [see i'eemE (IW!IS.] MnB also sa; tret 0aiJ:e raJ ro, Rl' (0)390, CXXl39l, OC0439, 0C0440, etx:.J <Jfic:a:: IksJ ... - lblice Cfficer Wn t<rl< tre ~ statarents fron tlitarn a:x:tI5irls S:Iwb arl fulc's "iW'> a:iiii\iliiiiS" fer tre rTllI:02r of Qaire arlla: l:eatirg l:efm. Fisk ewId isolate tlitarn a-d s.bje::t la: to: dngs, cxnstalt l:rainoaS1irg, h;i:ra;is, cxnsta1t tamrsals, etc., to destrot re, mird after trey q:eratal <Xl la: t-.a:I in tre "'l; ttat effects 1IBllXY. Siwtl _ ttat <Jfic:a:: - - . . . ewId rot testify at Siwtl's iJ1"1!1'l, rimrltIial so Siwtlewld CXMO:-u:> tre rnm:Er: b; his ax:rnplices. [~RI' 555,556,565, etc.] I<Ii.<aI:a - IrM2s~tcr I<a<am talk p,:,t05 of felm lbti<r's d3r"\'rl car, 1ohid1_ cI3TJwrllhn it aJt-off tre ~ &fwD W'm re kiJla:j OaiJ:e, 5:bm cmspi,re:j with his l:ril:a:I defEr<>:! Attcrrey Ch<n to stall tre p,:,t05 so II±a:t ewId rot JX""'!1t tre p,:,t05 to tre .lJry. [Sse RI' 413). 413l, etc.] Al\io.Yl IrM2stil>/ltcr I<a<am filed a """'" d9::larntim in cart, S:Iwb =ire:I with Ch<n to blcx:k all of lI±a:t's witnesses fron testifyirJ( so trey ewId """""'"'lV tre IllJt'k b; S:Iwb's a::mrolices arl frare R±a:t. 1atl?I"l' Orlj 1 Joc. kd l:<rn "" lbti<r """ wxkirg for =-- ttat FMk aU his I:uI:Iv 0x6 farkatal a latE!:' at S::fw:D s ill6?jl1, r;i.AA£d trial) fiwIl _ _ l:ril:a:I to ti..., reritca:l testim:ny. Cbta also ta:a:l statarents b; felm lbti<r W1idl eJ<l):>lErl ttat lbti<r killirl Qaire. All kirrls of~. t:hrests, etc., ""'" rnrl! ~t Cbta b; tre l:ril:a:I def<me Attcrrey ~. J.$ l'toicr. fulc arl his I:uI:Iv Ox6, tre l:ril:a:I def<me Attorre; F. Ridilird, etc., to instill fEm arl stoo Cbta c:DiQ;;!: f n { m:::J:e i.nJest.i2Ptials, ad Cbta tl'Ereaftw, OJt of fear~ t"eflNrl to cb a"'f{ rnxe ~t:is?ati.cns. "'fiiI92' IrM2stiJ?ptcr Cbta t<rl< taB! statarents fron Qw-a !be exrosirog stateTe"lt arl a false stcrv with:ut e..9l t:a1ki.rl2; to I-a:-. rSee RT A.1B9. etc_] 4. ¥iIJ;:g - I'l:osecutxr ~. as Prose::uta: Ridnm. I<rl<a:l un.:: t:h! canrm:! of .irltins w-o t:rerioJsly setassaJl.t en ll±a:t 9:) J-e (JErldns) ceuld fal9:!ly au ill".,lly <:t=Jte II:brt to stal him fran giYirfl eJide"<:e to tJ-e tulita: GEretal en tlla <rgI<1iz.e:I exine all ra:l<etaarirg irmlvirg S:!wb a-tl otlier ~ J.e",l offkials. ~ wrote to I:lxrn thlt fret w:uId J-eI,e to fal:ricate I1tJre eJidare 'l'flinst 1I:brt. horn "" J-e WHl't at tJ-e c=h all ttm rrwEr SC<re all I'aI a strtrg alibi teirg Sa.fI.Is. 25 miles a,a; at tte brre of tte cmtI all ttm rIU:der. ~ IOroteI:lxrn thlt fret >a:e goirg to t:nrste: al JIlfClllIllt fran Pris:n to fal9:!ly clalm tmt II:brt hiJ:a:I him to kill Ihm all NotatB. Perl ~ told I:lxrn thlt tl'eir .!.n:y w:uId ~ this h<-a "" ttev a"agel it 9:) I:lxrn =lld stffil all oc ll±a:t's tai<. a:ro.nts. toJses. I1'¥"ties all e.e:ythirg J-e o.tB:!, all fret J-eI,e alrarli esta:ili.<hrl a clear lJ) al noli"". Stzattm - 1his om; brres c:xnvicta:I <hild-fobIester, I<eith Stzattm. \«; tJ-eir .lill. lhJse Infommt cx:a:hrl to .,;."" oer;um testirrtn;. Perl J-e \ « ; cx:a:hrl to talk into a 'Wire" (9:) fret =lld illegllly ~ reo::t:d "ith::ut itla:t l'earin< 1J-et tJ-eir InflXITmt \ « ; sayirg) all ttm try to trick ll±a:t ''into S1l'IirI< sarethirg." Perl EH:h brre II:brt said, 'l-e <fuh't kn:>..o1J-et tl'eir.lill.lhJse Infcxnmt ''''' talkirg <txut." tIEy (t:h! PmB>*tts, 9;:Iwt> ad <hsl) cxn;pinrl to falsify t:h! ~ raut!irg all e:ase 1J-et II:brt S'lid. [See.Win:br 125, II - 45, etc.] I<rl ttev playe:l a 5 mirute """tlIt-<:Ut of t:h! ~ -'<s of ta:e J:l'<XXdirI'.s ,falsifie:I in 10 to tJ-eir ri,oge:l .!.n:y. to ~ t:h! ;t-olesale ='r.>:v b; tJ-eir cca:h3:l Jail lhJse InflXITmt. tl-eir mirute _It cnly ccntaim:I tJ-eir Infcxnmt Stzattal taJ.kirg to hirrEelf. t'?m .om Rml. -1his Iulio TI<:e ~ (, !b:nm Pearl, ~ thlt t:h!;S rnirute segrmt" of ta:e t:h! !rolro_ to tJ-e .lJrv """ fiiISlii<rl in "10 ola:es." EH:h brre ll±a:t said sare~. [8e::aEe ll±a:t re:aata:lly told tl-eir prid Infcxnmt. Stzattm, 'l-e't kro-i1J-et tJ-eir snitch \ « ; talkirr< alnJt."] S:Iwb, Ridnm, FlskaII <hsl cmspira:I to falsify t:h! ta:e re::at1:lit'Il. aU ttm cxn;pinrl to bIrck t:h! Iulio 1lo:e F=t. Rml., fran test:ifvirl;: to ~ tJ-eir Q>1jlernte falsificaticn oc eIidaxe. I<rl S:Iwb, RirInm, Fisk all <hsl al9:J bid t:h! Iulio F=t Pearl's s.-a:n fmlysis l\;p::rt fran l:eirI\ int:roira:l to tl-eir rW.e:I hy. (See Win:br Ill, etc.] lilBi<rl Si"l!I'1 - llitress Scnia Si"l!I'1 \«; tl-<eatEffd ad terrcriza:I b; tte £lmtally ill. aJ.ccl-olk killer 12ts::ti"" Fisk to 'rot" testify to t:h! J2:14 A.M. th::re call fran tte Cablla 141e. ~ ~ thlt ll±a:t l:'ElIDire:l at t:h!!ruse after Caire all Not1HB ¥!y at lO:JJ P.M. Fisk mmta:lly l:roke <h.n Scnia ~'s a:n:b1tinitm d:xr to t:ernri2.e J-er. stole nt:re{ J-er eatbninllrn irl al9:J thre.; J-er in L.A. O:u1tv Jail to tlrt:lre all cEstro; J-er will, all ""'" J-er un.:: cmstalt f"", mill sha I'l!):'eEd to 'rot" testify to t:h! 12:14 A.H. drre call fran t:h! Catala Ale. !ruse. J4\e StaJtt, in <Xll5lJira;y with S::Iwb, U1t13atEffd Scnia S~, .rer \ CI1 tl"e wit:ress stcnl. in Sta.d;t's ca..rt, t:h3.t ste w:uld 1:::e ti"rcwl ta::.k into L.A. Co..nty Jail to te tortJ..nrl aeain.ilsha testifi<rl to t:h! 12:14 A.M. thre call. I<rl StoJtt calle:I Atta:re; ~ \-a5 lribrl b; t:h! J4?es to ""'" Scnia ~ uilei' cmstalt terrol: all fear-to al9:J tl-<eate1 Scnia Sieofal thlt sha w:uId l:e thro.n bJ:k into L.A. O:u1tv.lill. if sha testifi<rl to t:h! 12:14 A.M. drre call fran t:h! Cablla t.Je. !ruse t:rori.r« ll±a:t's irnx:En::e. This \fBS crimiml ccnsoir<;cv to '~tnct itStice" a-d to ~ tre rtl.It'Ci>r of Oa:ire bt Fisk En:l S:!wb's 1>0 a:rmo1ices. felm I:bzia: all CX11tJ:a:tor leI=. [See Win:br1lS, m:a. 19. etc.] ii<Itlla ~ tm1 ::re _ - 1l-e J.r\\es' lribrl Attorre; Krotcn \«; u;;gj to i<aD wiln2SS Scnia Sia!el urle!: cmstalt term: that sha i<iiidl:e thro..n bJ:k in L.A. O:u1tv .lill. fer tlrt:lre is sha testifi<rl to t:h! 12:14 A.M. th::re call fran Cablla t.Je.!ruse. 1his \«; crimirnl =roi=y b; tte .l.cEss all Krotal to 'Cbstnct iustica" 9:) tJ-ev ceuld cn.e:--tD tte lJI.ItOO:- of Caire b; Fu;k all S:!wb's a:xxJtPlio;s. I<rl 9:) tJ-ev =lld ill_lly frnre ll±a:t. I<rl tesides ClMrirg-w t:h! 12:14 A.M. th::re call ~ ll±a:t's im:x:al:e, _ bid t:h! ~ re:ot1:lirI>.s e>q:nsirg tl-et reJ.s:n \-a5 ~~ Caire all NotatB dru\s so J-e =lld CX11trol thrn. (See Qaire's last letta::, etc., all t:h! om; Cnrt tra=il:ts. W1i<:h S::Iw:t> all StoJtt tri<rI to ~ all bide.] to'" oc a-ptU- l'e:<mtncticn ~ Rallh I7WiU """ 'bla:ka:l" fran tes~ b; t:h! <Xll5lJira;y S::Iwb, Ridnm all tJ-eir lribrl Mense Attarev <hsl to """"'"'" t:h! lJI.ItOO:Caire. I<rl to ~ tl-et all t:h! 51tOOJge to t:h! OrUll", W3S cl:re b; felm IhI:ia: all ccntrnota: leI= after t:h! Caiill", c=;ta:l into tl-e lDle. F=t I7gI!tIl deteIrnired all e>qx:arl, as """ mro.n.'-'XallY;, ~t tte "stffil W'(~~) W1i<:h fell oo..n w-.n =tly ta.rhrl, W3S p].aca:i en t:h! O<lill", after t:h! cmtI er w:uId t-eve failsl oo..n de to rta:I vil:t:aticns, er.rer t:h! tire blBol after hittire t:h! crtb, er .rer t:h! Qrlilla: stru:k t:h! ",le at 3:JJ A.M. I<rl that tte 'rot ~' fam in t:h! tnrl< at 4:51 A.M. b; t:h! Fire Chief all ca.JSEd b; t:h! """" &nrt draticn fire l.cnt after t:h! Qrlilloc. c=;ta:l into t:h! lDle at 3:JJ A.M. =lld t-eve cnlY !:an starta:l b; so,,,,,,, at t:h! s:<re. Perl al9:J detelmire:J b; t:h! fire Chief to t-eve !:an caB33 b,i tFe &nrt draticn fire 10-15 rnirutes "",tier. (Also fam as a fret b,i t:h! IoQ;e11ate.lrl!e axm that it \-a5 ca.JSEd 10-15 mirutes More 4:'S1 A.M., bJt axm fun clairnrl J-e d:iJi1't kro-i tl-et this treQ.Ji'-'Xally oc 5. ''ID ~ KR lftofS" 11"CM'l ttat DEie: arl CCl1b=tce ~ starta:l this &1:rt<.to '""" at tTe """" arl B::m1 \<re; ttat 1tlB:t """ rot at tTe s::<n>.] ITgliU alro exn:oo:l ttat tTe '\n:e aS1" trder tTe OrlilJ", sa< b; tTe Fire Chief at 4:55 A.H. bIOOrR 3BI c:w1d hM! cnly exista:l fer a 3-crt tine an ~ after tTe c:a9l at 3:.D A.M. ird ITgliU exn:oo:l ttat tTe ~ CEJlB1t '1.Ell" ttat tTe I'rooe::utoI: rErelta:l!y told tTe J..u:y tTe Grim", """ .w::a<! to c:a9l into. """ 'rot" tui.ld wtil 3"""", Jata:. [S::Iwb, tTe l\:oorortIrs, tta l.JlID arl higl ~ State (ftjcia1s h::d this ~ CEITBlt '\.all" hrilt 3 years lata:' 9:> ttey cnlld ''lie'' to tlE:i.r ~..l.t:y crd fum! ll:hrt f<r tta nuder carrieil-aJt b; tt-eir a::ccnplli:es-in ~t 1tlB:t fer '~ tTe W1istle" m tt-eir <nalize:l airre.] Ird Ei<rert 8"IPhl alro eJ<lXlAfd otl-e: retails u-e::IJi\\X8lly establliI1irr< arl o:winz ttat tTe l'tt<mJllTs' thn:v an sta:v """ cxnolete <P1;reate lies. [S<e Ei<rert 8"IPhl's 9<XIl Faxrt.] !£ffle: - M ...... J:n,.e;timttr Q-erles leffler tmk ~ stat8IB1ts fron witl1eSs foU:1it:z w-o stata:l ttat witl1eSs Q-erles Ia-e "'" at tt-e c:a9l s::<n> l>o tiJTe< Mere foIrlitz p.nte:I his tine cam at 4:<lJ A.M. Ird IrM!stipptce leffla: tM< re:xnEd ,tat8IB1ts fron !tlrlitz ttat tTe felm DEie: arl Qa;re """" cmere:I with _--fluid b1o:xI ;1m re _ t to tt-e c:a9l s::a-e at 4:3; A.H. an still cmere:I with _-flujd b1o:xI ;1m tTe fur'.nafu:s arrived at 4:Jl A.M. Ir"",tipptce!£ffle: fjjgj his S<:m <k1aratim ;11 Cart arl """ thrm_ bt fu:a>::utLr Ridum an tt-eir lril>rl <let....., Att<rrey (Lan ttat re =lid l:e ~ m fatricata:l charges Ll1less re stq¢ "all" ill.e;tipptias. [S<e rrMlStipptoc !effle-'s """"' c£claratias, arl Cart tr'<fiUipts, ebo.] \In Villas - lAHl lEtB::ti"", \In Villas arl Rnl, p3rtrerS of 1Eteoti-.e Fisk, tmk o.Jt life rram-ces a1 J:B."llI-e, ki1133 thin ad fr-.<red irn:x:8"\t {l'X.ple fa- tt-eir lrutiers, arl with tta ='4Jl: illllt~ ~ colleotaJ CX1 c.n to:!: life irs..rdl:e [oljcies. This agoiI-g r-<£ketrerirg l:¥ tre a:J:I'l{Jt lJoR) Cb;.t:; ad tiE: L.A. ~ ccrotina:! fer """" 10 Y"J'S Ll1til 'thilly" ~ b; a ~vate cit:iz€n---Wo """ ttm retaliata:l "!'/rirost b; tt-e lAill fer 'Uowirg tt-e ;,lrist1e" cro this a1J'Ug otl'i"dw:i cnne. [1l-e Grid: .A4;e I<a:imki of tTe U.S. Ninth CiLWit still CCll~ to ~ foe t.:h: lPH) a"ll his C011&'l'P -l..Q;e brHies irwlva:i ill this a~irg C"celreta~:irg, arl is the sale ra:l<e__irg irMllvh-g - . FIsk, O:xm ad treir a::cmplices in il:tat's case.] - G:nstru::tim ~ Ste.<n A. F1l¥l fard as a 'fll't" ttat tt-e '~ CEJlB1t will"-ttat Pt:oss:utor Ridum ll1 cmspjra:y with J.q>,e S:fwb an tt-eir lriI:e:I <leterose Atta:re; (hm rErelta:l!y llirl to the J..u:y ~ tTe Orljl1oc. ¥liS 51a::ooo::i to c::raS1 ''tot'' lIltil 3 ~ afta:' tte e:::t"B:h. This~ tte Ja-gt'ls ttat tt-e ~ tri!t> ~ Ctfh:ials, JJ:l<e S::Iwb, tTe l.JlID _ t to so tt-e< c:w1d fxaTe il:tat fer tt-e mu:der of Qaire 1>< tt-eir a::camlice5. Ird in fer il:tat 'bIo.oin< the W1ist1e" m tt-eir <rl'aU2xrl crirre cost:in> the taxt:avers ""'" billims «rh Vf£Jr. krl tt-e< alro lriI:e:I a \riter to hM! a lxx:k n.bJiSos:l to lie arl 1:nrir>aoh tTe nblic so tl-ei c:w1d dsrrnize il:tat so tl-ei c:w1d CCl1tine tt-eir ra::!<e~ scaIE to steol1 tal<J:aI.ers' 1TDl2Y. Ird 0 1 _ this w<i crimirnl fa:ri<:atim of eWl31:e-tTe b.IildiJ:-o! of tTe w3ll '" tt-e< o:uld lie to tl-PiT ri.o»rl .1J:v----<Nef JJ:l<e I<a:imki CCl1tiIurl to cb ~ in his cnctator """'" to ~ fer this ra:l<et:Eerirg. [""' the SIaTl c£ 1>< tta Elq:ert F1l¥l, a1al< with tTe ~.] ~ !l:JkFrn - Atta:re; !l:lIqra """ me of the lea:l State Atta:reys;ll) M..-de:l "l'jilret il:tat's laaIits lA-<E-1GS, et ""'l., W:rich 11"CM'l tTe llBSSi-.e ra:l<etff>rirl< an lckk--l:a::ks m State CCl1b=ts to hi;1it ~ a'ficials, ~ 8:twi>'s Atta:re; Ga"e:al's a'fu:e. !hIJ:gn an o~ Ctficials ~ to caJge tTe ci<Bth of P.E.R.B. JJ:\!.e r<rinm in retaliatim fer allcwin>; in tt-e ~ Q1 treir ra:l<etff>rirl< an tTe "6 nuder attenpts" 'l¢nst R±e:t. 1blcl1ra ttm ta::I< JJ:l<e r<rinm's p)a:e arl;as alro lllrle tTe tm:I of the P.E.R.B. so m ~ CX1 tt-eir ra:l<etff>rirl< o:uld l:e p;esa1ta:l in the future. [""' Wird:w IJJ. etc.] IIa<inid - Chief JJ:l<e of the U.S. Ninth Cixcuit, I<a:imki """ ch:x>::n for his <llih:restv an _ t to l:e ~t G:nstil1Jticm1 Ri)?)1ts fer """""less, cn:IirnIv citiza-o; arl to aJ>avs ~ fer cxrnvt lblit:i<:.ia--s, cxrnvt Qxs arl tt-e rich arl~. Ird in tt-eir t-Bfja liloe "caJe of sila:t:e" I<a:imki =e:ed-w fer his oo~ J.¢e .s:tw:b u:;:im his <n.rt fa:- lTl..It'der-rcrketeerirli!: s::ars. aU ~ 'a:sb.u{ed" rraly' t:lu.1scrds of cart <b:::ura1ts to otstru:t iJ,.stice. /t"rl ~ ''arlere::l'' trat ro Jdicial Misxrrl.r.t Carolaint cal te ai!airnt him fer his crimirnl"d::st:n.I:.tim of. ;lEtice." ~ aJ.s) I'arc:Era!' that R:i:at COJ1d rot file;ny cart t:a:erS aU t-a:I m Cmstil1Jticm1 IlWlts ta::aJSe il:tat ;,as a '\.hist1e bJo"er" ;ll) exn:oo:l treir ~ airre. Ird as a.b.u{s~: \oh:n ~ \ exrose::l: as a "sex ~" all tte.l.r:\ ~ to CCM!:"-W for him, as I<a:imki ro.e:e:kD fer S:fwb lE~ his cart to vh>late all of il:tat's C'mstitlltimU Ri)?)1ts '" re c:w1d l:e ill'W'lly fuIriscra:I in vh>latim of Ib.ble .kuaxJv. Itrl so 8:twi> c:w1d fmTe il:tat fer treir nuder of Qaire bY S:::twi:>'s armnlices. &xz:inski. ~ S=lwIb h:rl ro iuris:tict:im to s~ this i11fWll, secarl trial with 5:iwt>l s ~.1J:v~ arl I<a:imki "",t:r<:>;a:l tTe rrmv thxBrds of cart cl::aJralts to a>.e: this!p. WinboE 11'>-1, #1'>-2, ebo. I r,,", 6.