Gr.8 Fractions - SGDSBMathLearningPartners
Gr.8 Fractions - SGDSBMathLearningPartners
Contents of Grade Level Planning Supports Paget#: Fractions Pizza and Cake Fraction Frenzy (Pre-Unit Anenment) Differentiating Instruction Based on Diagnostic Aue..ement PartB Problems Multiplying - zero to One and Beyond! Modelling with Area Simply Using Symbols • Fraction Action Game Mixed Models Let's Share Juat One Plene TIPS Resources • See Section 2 "Fractiona" aection Connecting to Composites Summative Task 98 102 107 123 126 127 129 131 133 136 138 141 142 Lesson Outline: Fractions Grade 8 BIGPI~RE • same conceptual fbundation as ope • • • • use den • • rel,resell1 cl()mpo!;ite numbers as products a DletlJl'", division use patterning to de:tenuirl.e fractions can a fraction: area: aemonstrate Drof1ciency in opentti()ns up to two trl;l\;ti<ms; a calculator in problem "nlvin,y 28 Parts Problems • a fractional • a • fractions are • TIPS Section -" Grade (:\ Queens Printer for Onlario. 2004 (modified by HCDSB) 96 • patterning to develop the 'invert~and~multiply dividio!! two fractions. Pf'!l(,ti".. dividing rate esources from TIPS continuum on fractions to 36 TIPS Seelion '-'''+'H;;'''' Grade e Queen's PrInter Ontario, 2004 numbers as products of common multiples. common (modmed by HeeSB) Gradel Dncr;il!tlQn Mlttria.. • • $leIJ!xillrd, Activate and assess • (flIetion tlrcle, • chan paper • flIlIrker> • £lIM:!£>. ~ lmall Group! -+ Ordering fraction! Students may IJse a (:l!Ilculator to each to iii decimal As math class time begins distribute fraction cards find same Tm<:tl(ftlS in order and Two with the same colour scI of Irac·ltorls the used. two tW() for other group. imHp! 7 f'rtJII!tdol1 Each group a summary of their strslteg les. CuJ"rinlu. Expeda~rvatioulA'-'1 Notes; • Action. Students use their knowledae of lIMit (kogp! 7 Modeling Fradoot Set up multiple stations of the two activities. Stu,dents we)rk in groups at one ofthe stations Studerllts prepare time then on determine common denominators C.rrkulu. EqMdatioulO_rvatioulAueedotal Notes: Assess • CoMoIldate Debrief Sludents to review the factors of composite numbers, slllhey reduce fracllons, JYI!!II elm 7 DJH.w!Jim Use the chart !)aper solutions to COIIS()llida:le Ul1de,rstklnctimg: I) can have dillf'erent exrtressed in different ways, eX~tressed with commcmr()!' actdlltio'lt rl 1 11 5) Fractions can be reduced when numerator and denominator share a common than 1 to the Minds On to discuss how to use common del1011rlll1ators and (0, ,and 1) when cOfllpar'ing IT'dC:tlOfIS. Home Activit! or.Furth!f CIMlr90m Consolidation To tor next day's ll.'Ssessment task, make a graftiti sheet rel'l:lember about rrac'ti.OfIS, Ccmsider inCI11dini.g: a) temtino]logy b) how to e) how to rel1resent on a number line TIPS Section 3 Grade a Queen's Prinlerlor 2004 (modified by HeDSEl you 98 26"1: Fraction Cards Cut into vertical strips, This produces sufficient cards for four classes. 7 ~ 6 6 ~ 5 7 5 SecliQn Grade 8 Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2004 (modifted by HeeS8) 99 26.2: Fraction Stations Pizza Pieces 1. Use circular fraction pieces to create a model for a pizza that has been cut into pieces. On chart paper: a) Draw the model. b) Write an equation for the model. c) Show that the equation is true, is true. Write the equation. 1 1 1 1 2 4 6 12 -+ + + 11 1 1 -+ + + 2 4 6 12 6 3 2 1 + i2 12 12 6 3 2 1 -+-+ 12 12 I Create different models using the same procedure, Different models might have. a smallnumber offraction pieces b) a large number offraction pieces c) allfmction pieces the same d) some fraction pieces the same TfPS Section ~. Grade and some pieces ofdifferent size Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2004 (m,H:litll:ld by HCOBRI 100 26..2: Fraction Stations Pieces of Cake 1. Create a geoboard model for one whole cake that has been cut into pieces. On chart paper: a) draw the model; b) write an equation for the model; c) show that the equation is true. Example: Draw the modeL Write the equation. Show that the equation is true. 1 1 1 1 + + + 8 8 8 8 2 1 1 1 1 1 + + +-+ 8 8 8 8 2 4 1 == + 8 2 1 1 k ...... -+') ') Create different models using the same procedure. Different models might have: a) a small number ofpieces a large number ofpieces the same size for allpieces d) some pieces ofthe same size and some pieces ofdifferent size TIPS Section Grade 8 Queen'$ Printer for Ontario, 2004 (m()dified by HCDSB) 101 Grade 8 PtlCdRl9n • MlHrJiIi • manipulatives • chart paper • markers • calculators • 13LM 27.1 Assess AHMament SmI" Grgun :Z Pm It Onl Post Graffiti sheets with the fbllowing 1) Show ways to find w 2~.3 + II2 Show different ways to find 2 2 I I 3 w 3) List fraction Show smne and me:anltlgs. slU,dents work in small move to sheets. ~.lrCU!lHe assessment for At • Actionl Manipulative!> available at aach on a number IndiYklual:z A!UHm!nt Review instructitms with students 1<11l)wledl.!e of 27J}. $tat1l:m: bk:!ekIL circles, geoboards, rufers Check that sheets contain correct information, the CW'l'lett.lum ExpeeUUouIPaper..peKH AsHameut!Rubne: • Consolidate Debrief students' learning. Individual ~ RefI!ction Students reflect on their answers to 8. Home AdVItY or FUrtb!f: C._room COnIQlidation Think of different contexts fi:)r questions that can also be """"""",,.,,,1 expr,esskm: 6 TIPS Section Grade 8 the ".- Printer for Ontario, 2004 (modifIed by 102 27.. 1: Fraction Frenzy: Pre.. .Unit Assessment Name: Date: Instructions: 1 Answer all of the questions as completely as possible, 2. Your answers will be assessed for understanding, communication, and correctness. 3. If you think you can explain your reasoning much better by talking or by showing something to me, draw a speaker symbol beside the question. Speaker .-,,,.., IUit;,~l'J <») If you need me to read something to you, show me the sign language symbol for R 5, If you need manipulatives, show me the sign language symbol forM. 6, You may use a calculator for any part of this assessment 1 < A circle is divided into four parts as shown in the diagram. One of the parts is shaded. Which fraction of the whole circle is shaded? Give reasons for your answe a) one~quarter (b)) less than one~quarter TIPS SeClkm 3 - Grade 8 Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2004 (modified (1J) c) more than one-quarter by Hens B) 103 27.. 1: Fraction Frenzy: Pre-Unit Assessment (continued) 2. a) Use the diagram to convince Robyn that 3 of a chocolate cake is equivalent to 12 of the cake. 5 b) Could you convince Robyn that ~ is equivalent to ~: without using a diagram? Justifyyour answer: I 3, Put a checkmark in the one column that best describes the given number. Between 0 and 1 ~ 2 Between 1 ') and 1 Greater titan 1 6 i) 11 61 Explain your answer for -', 83 Section - Grade 8 Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2004 (modified by HOOSB) 104 27.1: Fraction Frenzy: Pre-Unit Assessment (continued) 4, Sue, lila, and Mel Ling jog on a track every morning, Sue jogs 7 8: Lila jogs 5 km and Mei Ling jogs .3 !km. 6 2 a) Use the number line to represent the distance that each person jog.s, I S~~ I I L\~V.I o 1 2 3 ~Yl,;~~ I4 b) How much farther does Mei Ling jog every morning than Sue? Showyour work: How much farther does Mei Ling jog than Lila in one week? Showyour wor*: :: 5, a) ')_ 1 + Showyour 2 4 1 'J.3 "" 4 - - .," ') t+ TIPS Section 3 - Grade Queen's Printer for Onlario, 2004 (modified by HCDSB) Page 106 27.. 1: Fraction Frenzy: Pre-Unit Assessment (continued) Both Jay and Ali save a fraction of their weekly allowances. Compare the fractions to determine who saves the largest fraction of their allowance each week. Jay's Fraction Ali's Fraction Explanation ,J t;..y Week 1 W~k Week 3 I 4 11 3 11 "'l "'l 7 8 10 11 9 j saves the largest fraction. I know this because,., saves the largest fraction. this because .. " 10 7, a) Deb drew this picture to represent one whole: Draw a picture to represent 7 of Deb's whole: 6 b) Chi drew these five hearts to represent one whole: Draw a picture to represent I I of Chi's whole: 2 - 8. Answer one of the follOWing questions clearly using mathematics vocabulary. a) Describe how fractions are used in the kitchen. b) I am most like a fraction when I . I am not yet comfortable with fractions because .. , d) I always enjoy working with fractions because ... TIPS Section - Grade 8 Queen's Printer for Ontano. 2004 (modified by HeeSB) Page 106 on 8 nl!::u"tru""JQ,til" QIIcriRlon Develop pre~R4J ••tte bowWce aad skiDs aeeded to be Jlleeepful m wo,ldal with fnadio.. to: II model fractions create equivalent symbolically re~lreSetlt rractiorlS on II nmnk"r ......11 • chart plIper • milrkers • ffllctlrm circles • mien • t\LMsl ,I to I ANenment BLM 1,I)on one-quarter" is the correct pre~pared tQ share the Use the Prior Anessment resipO'rlSEtS to pair stulden,tll with mixed readiness levels, The diagram in quel.tion 1 illUis/rstt!!!!! on!!! out of four pieces; however, onequarter of 111 whole is one of tour parts of the This is a very llubtle difference. • Actionl PI'" ~ !tJ.r9UH' Distribute one response sheet (BLM I tbr each EXlplain that station has ibur student eXI~ml)lal"S response sheet Their is to discuss the eXlmllJlal'S "'Teate a that is than any eXl~mtllar's, finished at One move to ",nt,I!;,!>r After response and Set up two !lets of auestionls on stalions as described in ElLM 1,f, are their task at each of the four stations their individual task. Students need 10 know thai thliiY wi!! be Curmulum ExpeemdoMlObseMflltmuIMeutal questions Each student in the pair needs to take resporlsfbillty for their own Individual -+ Practice Students choose whether wht) feel need more I)racll(~e who are in choose to wilh the 4 in W(lfK:llnll on BLMl A, CumeulBm ElpeetatIDbslObservaUouIMeBml Note: Refer 10 Th/nk • Consolloate Debrief Who'. ct_ -+ Refl.ction Guide a discussion about revising and observations about the and solutions, Discuss students' of the eXt~mr)lllr solLltltlnS. LI!srt!tcy* Mathematics. Reviling and Hime ActiviD' or Further Classroom Co_liIatto.. Reflect on the learning goals at each stati(m. Identify don't undetsttmd and/or concepts that you to hrnf',i,,,. TIPS Section 3 - Grade 8 Queen's Printer for OnllMio, 2004 you still (modified by HeDSB) 107 Additional Observations and Plans for Differentiation (Teacher) 1, Throughout this unit, ask students to compare fractions. a) Build "benchmark" skills. When a fraction response is given, ask students whether the fraction is closer to 0, one~half or one. Adjust benchmarks to reflect the two closest whole numbers that the fraction is between, For example, for a response of 3 1 8 ,ask if the fraction is closer to 1 3, 3-, or 4. ') b) Build opportunities to further develop comparison strategies: comparing two fractions with the same denominator comparing two fractions with the same numerator comparing fractions when both the numerator and denominator differ by one 2, During the Minds On section of some lessons, do further work to develop conceptual understanding (and then proficiency) on converting between improper and mixed fraction forms. Fraction circle pieces or pattern blocks could be used, For example, give a student or group of students 13, one~sixth fraction circle pieces so they can demonstrate both 13 and 2 1. Calculators could also be used to practise and self-check 6 6 conversions. Suggested Questions for Home Activity or Minds On: a) How many different ways can you explain how to change 3 5 to an improper 8 fraction? b) How many different ways can you explain how to change 17 to a mixed number? ~, 3. Continue to ask students to represent fractions with pictures and a variety of concrete models. 4. Ask questions to determine that students know how one whole is defined for each fraction question. TIPS Section 3 Grade 8 Queen's Printer for 2004 (modified by HCDS8) 108 1 (]J) 1, A circle is divided into four parts as shown in the diagram, One of the parts is shaded, Which fraction of the whole circle is shaded? Give reasons foryour answer. a) one-quarter TIPS Section :3 - Grade 8 less than one-quarter Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2004 more than one-quarter (modified by HenSe) 109 1.2: Pair Response Sheet 2. a) Use the gil/en diagram to convince Robyn that 5 is equivalent to of a ~ the cake. 20 . b) Convince Robyn that ~ is equivalent to :: without using a diagram. Justifyyour answer, 3. Alan, Barry and Cusam jog on a track every morning. Alan jogs 7 km, Barry jogs 2 8 5 6 km and Cusam jogs I . 2 - km. a) Use the number line to represent the distance that person jogs. I I I I o 1 2 3 ~ 4 How much farther does Section:3 Grade Queens Printer for Ontano, 2004 (mcidifll~d by HCDSBj 110 1 1. In diagrams a, b, and c, the same square is divided into pieces of different shapes, For each of the diagrams below, state whether the shaded portion whole square. Give reasons foryour answer. c) b) a) one-sixteenth of the b The diagram shows the top of a piece of cheese that is divided into 4 equal pieces. Shade three-eights of the <.llll""'&:. a) Use the diagram to convince Kelly that: of a pi.zza is equivalent to l~ of a pizza. b) Convince Kelly that: is eqUivalent to 6 without using a diagram. ~ 15 Justifyyour answer. I SectJon:3 Grade 8 Queens Printer for Ontario, 2004 (modified by HCDSB) 1 1 4, George, Nicky and Tula need ribbon for wrapping gifts. 7 George needs 3 m, Nicky needs 1 m. and Tula needs 4 8 . 2 m of ribbon. 3 a) Use the number line to 8ccumtel,vrepresent the amount of ribbon that each person needs. E:l<.t,(~t rJ;L¥'''\,,(, ",\v.. It I o 1 I , I ,v'I 2 3 ~ 4 b) How much more ribbon does Tula need than Nicky? Show your work nps Section 3 - Grade 8 Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2004 (modified by Page 112 1,,4: Fraction Challenges Challenge 1 is two different ways to 1 is ll<Jt is I -- + 5 Challenge 2 After a class pizza party! it is Jody1s job to determine how to equally share the remaining pizza from four groups among eight students who are still hungry. The four groups report that they have the following amounts of pizza left over: 5 . 8 pizza Show at least two different ways to determine how much pizza each of the eight students Showyour work. -; ,} I TiPS Secilon ~ Grade Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2004 {modified by HeDSB) 13 1.. 5: Student Exemplars (Teacher) ~n.uuction./8ugg ..tion. 1, Make two sets of each of the student exemplars on the next pages, Consider mounting the two identical sets, Set A and Set B, on two different colours of paper. 2, Set up 8 stations - four for Set A and four for Set B, Place one set of exemplars for one question at each station as well as any manipulatives or tools the students may find useful, e.g., rulers for question 4a. 3. Pair a student who demonstrated stronger responses in the prior learning assessment with a student who demonstrated weaker responses. 4. Instruct each pair of students to visit each of the four stations in Set A or each of the four stations in Set B. At each station, students discuss the four exemplars, then create and record a correct solution that integrates words and symbols, Their goal is to create a solution that is better than any of the exemplars. Instruct students that each partner needs to be able to explain the solutions they submit. TIPS Section Grade Queen'$ Printer for Ontario, 2004 (modified by HCDSB) 114 1.5: Student Exemplars cher) (conlnued) Station 1 the riianrl:tm to r:rU"I\ilnr:tl> that 12 :1 5 Learning Goal - to model equivalent fractions Station 1 2. Question 2a Exam Use the 5 dja~tram to conVlm;e , 12 IS t(J I' {}. Learning Goal - to model equivalent fractions TIPS SecHon:3 Grade Queen's Printer tor Ont..rlo, 2004 (ffiooifteid by HCDSSj 115 1.5: Student Exemplars (Teacher) (continued) Question 2a ExamDle 3 Station 1 2< Usethl!! :3 dislgrslm to eonviru,e a< 5 is eQuivalent to 1~ of the cake. Learning Goal - to model equiva.lent fractions Station 1 Question 2a Examele 4 2, a) Use the 3 5 dialillralm to a cllOco!ate t"'..... n\iin"'lIl IS eQUivalent to 12 Learning Goal - to model. equivalent fractions TIPS Section 3 - Grade 8 Queen's Pnnler for Ontario, 2004 (modified by HeDSEl) 116 1,,5: Student Exemplars (Teacher) (continued) Station 2 Question 2b ExamDle 1 Could you convine;e that 3 . :; to IS 12 , without a diagram? your answer. ~ Learning Goal - to create equivalent fractions symbolically Station 2 Question 2b Examele 2 oj Could you convlflC~ thai 3 . is 5 to I without 20 a dia(;ranl? your answer. Learning Goal - to create equivalent fractions symbolically TIPS Section :3 - Grade 8 Queen"s Printer for Ontario. 2004 (modified by HCDS8) 117 1.5: Student Exemplars (Teacher) (continued) Question 2b ExamDle 3 Station 2 3 . ,5 IS 12 (0 . without a diagram? answer. Learning Goal - to create equivalent fractions symbolically Question 2b Exam Station 2 3 . IS 5 12 to -- WIUlUU\ answer a diatlral11? t Learning Goal - to create equivalent fractions symbolically TIPS Secllol1 3 .~ Grade 8 Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2004 (modified by HCDSB) W3 1.5: Student Exemplars (Teacher) Ccontinued) Station 3 Question 4a ExamDle 1 4. i . li 3t I I 11~I.l J• twt..~ 1 2 "-"73 4 Learning Goal - to represent fractions on a number line Station 3 Question 4a Example 2 4 3I Learning Goal - to represent fractions on a number line TIPS Section:3 Grade Queer($ Printer for Ontario, 2004 (modified by Hl 1.5: Student Exemplars (Teacher) (continued) Question 4a ExamDle 3 Station 3 on a 4. 1 ':; . km and vV;'d!H ·km, dllslalnc:e thaI each nti;r,u,\n learnino Goal - to reDresent fractions on a number line Station 3 Question 4a Example 4 on a ,5 -6 km each 10 reoresent nti;rcor.M Could anything be added to this solution to make Learnina Goal - to reDresent fractions on a number line TIPS Section _. Grade B Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2004 (modified by Page 120 1.5: Student Exemplars (Teacher) (continued) Question 4b ExamDle 1 Station 4 Learning Goal - to subtract fractions Question 4b Station 4 c_~_ 1 c::::> Learning Goal - to subtract fractions TIPS Section 3 - Grade 8 Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2004 (modified by HeDSEl) Page 121 1..5: Student Exemplars (Teacher) (continued) Station 4 Question 4b Example 3 does jog every mtlrnlnn Show work, Learning Goal - to subtract fractions Question 4b Examole 4 Station 4 dMI Cuum every momlng that Alln? Show yout'. woric, Learning Goal - to subtract fractions TIPS Section - Grade Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2004 (modmed by HeDSB) 122 f Gradel 28: Parts Problems RlHdItMm .. Use manipulatives s)'lnbols t() • MatIdaII • fractioll circles, blockll, the multiplication linb, nnmher and a frnl~tional qmtntity paper • chart • 13LM 2!11 Asuumem pa'rlIblff ~ IIYNDI' Rnpontp Students share to the previous responses, whether Home Activity: Record and problem is well connected to Responses! 1) 6 boltles are the COfnplJltatiioil, fliledwith water, How • Actionl I_" OfOlPl ~ Modelling W'. fun otwater are there in to!al? mlRIRV'." Students choose one ()fthe IXlsted problems and represet explain t() find the answer a fHf' manipu!:ative, repl'esent the Sttldems rellon to gmup, Currieuill,m E:s:pedatkuwObHrvationlADeedocai Notes, Cireu!;ate, reflt~ctivle QIJesltimls at elleh group, Determine if each one whole every other repres,ent;ati<:~IHh~pelnds manipula'tive~s, Sltudl~nts 2) walked ofa km, Kerl walked 6 times as far How far did Kerl walk? !lb9JI Cfw ~ QtmontDtion Help students understand that multiplicaHol1 prclbll:~ms number Dem()nstrnte 6 4 4 identical of 6 The total is 24 Vl)J~;\;t;:" Reore:Setlt one whole with 4 'riMarl", Put 4 for the solution and discuss the is and one he:"a!ilonai ~ into each the answer is Write Further discuss !O 4, Palra ~ Practice Students works in oairs on BLM 28.1, • C'omlolldate o.brief Whole Cfw :7 Dl8cu-mR Compare these 5 3,5 ,5 3 em, What is the same lind what is different when you calculate answers to these the Syl111bclls? Summarize student on a whole by a fractional Include on and fbrms (nroner !o iml::rroper and vice Home AetMt! or Further ClanroomCoRsolidation Create and solve five questions that involve a whole number multiplied TIPS Sectlon:3 Grade 8 Queen's Prinler tor Onlarlo, 2004 (modified by HCDSBj a 123 28..1: Parts Problems 1 Determine a solution to each of the following problems. Show a manipulative representation as well as a symbolic solution. Problem "/'L'~j'R a) Dave ate'" 2 of a mini 5 pizza. John ate 3 times as much, How many mini pizzas did John eat? Here's my solution: ::.' ~ i b) Farrell spent::' of an 4 hour doing homework every night for 8 nights a row, How many hours did he spend on homework? ~ D One whole is represented by: • xg ..-:"'I 'i --- Here's my solution: 2, Calculate: 7 5 6 5 b) 7 to 14 "J I~ TIPS Section 3 Grade Queen's Priolsrior Onlario, 2004 (modified by 124 GradeS result ofmultiplying a number a fraction between (l and I with the result a nurnber a number srreater than I .,...." • Allee in W(lllderllllltl story • HLM29.! _ _ment in the Carroll was a expmm that you are to • Action! Reference: SeflS(}of Fractions, R8/10$, use matheltrlalrlcs 2002 P..... -7 "A" IDIn: to "I" SLM 29.1 as an overhead transparency. Yearbook. Display tile first row ofBLM 29, I on an Ask Partner A to answer the f61lovvinlaquestion to Panner B: If Alice was 120 em tall and drank from a that will make her 1/2 will her new height be'? B to the answer to the whole class, row of the chart and record responses on the Leanml SkWBIObsenradoDJMeutal Note: Whole CIm -7 Disc_Ion Discuss what mathematical opel and the bottle fraction to _ . _ (artsw'er: multiplication) Students answer additional qUI~sti,(ms in which a number is multiplied mixed number, Students estimate fill answer caJcuJiiitulg it 2 and multiolication bv: bv 3 and etc, If students think that the operation is division, • Would Allce 00 taHer or shorter after • this Dofgeta shorter Currieulum Expe.::taUousiOmen'atioDJMeutal ",,,,,i,,,*,, umier:,Iarlilir,g Ihal • COMofida. Debriof Classroom poster TIPS Section 5 Who is Correct Pal... -7 Reflection Students individually answer the on the Hila if carret'I:) In share responses, Discuss to form a group response wilh than I results in a product that is than ". _ . a !lumber the number. Mi,lltipl'vitllg a number that is between () and I results in number, a oroduct that is smaller than the Home ActivitY or Fyrther Cia_room Conao'ldation For cach ofti,c expressions determine if the answer "viii be larger or smaller than the first number. Create a word fhr each ofthe eXI)re~;sic!ns. Calculate the llnswer. Show your work al 4 Section ,m Grade 8 3 4 2 3 8 Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2004 c} 6 (modlfled by 15 MLAJ1o>t:\\ Consider some stw:lenls fraction circles or strips to use at home. 125 5..4 . 1: Alice Grows and Shrinks 120cm -21 ~OCfY\ 120 em 1 3 ~o U\1 <.;~oAer 120cm 1 6 aDeM ~ho\~er 120 em 5 6 \DDGIY\ sho,\u- 2 1 ~~O(rn t4\\er 11 ~ODCf¥) -taHer 120cm 3 120 em 6 do ~at pa~~ ~:tice \t ~reo.\e- 'S~O\\t: r ::~Uffl1:gAJ~::b:rOf12;j;Y a7:41kr, ""II one I -the -flew f\lAfI'Ih/J' jeh 6jj er .. t~/I O\~If\Cl \ 29.1: Alice Grows and Shrinks Magic Bottle em) After ~D(M 120 em 2 120em ~DCff\ 1 3 aO 120 em 120em Ctl\ \ODc~ 120em ~aOCf\l 120em aooc~ TiPS Section :3 - Grade Queens Printer lor OntarIO, 2004 (modified by HenSe) 126 • fractions where both fractions are between 0 I, M •••mem Pal... -7 Credng Modt.. Display a question: 'h. (I)ke ate 2 Sample Models: , "t was left over from the Mad Hatter's Tea flow much whole did eat'? 3 stwients create II plc Loriai 1 • Action. Alice that used to solve WJmIt CIm -7 Dl8cygton Students share responses for the Minds On Discuss which Inodel.s be easy to use models were e'dsiest to lise. Would any to find an answer to a Question like: 2 x 14? Make the pr()bl,em 17 of had as a 15 model fbI" multiplying fractions, Draw this model: how this re(~tarlgular m()del can be . to show that 2 3 6. Discussion should lead to understanding that the multiplication can be the and width of a and the product the area the model fbI' multiplication of whole numbers with Further a virtual ~ ChoQse Index ~ Choose & you are now to use an area mode! for the multiplication of two fractions. The length of the rectangle is 3 units and the width is :2 units, so the area Is 3 x 2 which 6 square Whole Clau -7 PreMntation Use a projection unit to access the site: -? Choose Index -? Choose MJmbt'/:r &' 1'3·5tMode! with students your actions, illtii1LlllillllJ11i!Jk~Qlli!!!J:'llU!l!:~!};1!!!rm::Y..t!!!!ll! F'rtJt'fi<ms - several • Consollda.te Debrief w Pal... -7 Invedgation U$ing Compute... In pairs, students work with virtual manipulatives f~)r fractions ofl,ecltangles, ( ) n e i s the ,. one is the "recorder," Partners mles tl,r each Students their solutions and submit them fbI" assessment at the end of the que~sti(:ms to further ofthe area model. modelled an overhead a marker but using the Internet allows lime for many more examples. Students can use this interactive sile for further pracltce (J)!Jl!;;:L!JJ!illbl!lW..J~<!JdlL!11Y1!J~m~~t~lli~tl.J)1!!lJ). Lamillg SkiIUIStaymg Oil TaskiClueeldUt: students to lnt,erpret msl:ruc:l!c,ns. Home Aetivity or Further CI..-room ConeolldatiQn Show this website to someone and explain a solution. If Internet access is 110t aV{IHable a1 home consider the local library or share a Dictorial model ofmulti[)lying fractions the ret:lal1111e model. TIPS Sect!on 3 - Grade 8 Queerf$ PrInter for Onlario, 2004 (modified by HCDSB) Page 127 30.1: What's My Share? There is part of one rectangular pizza left over from Friday night's supper. The first column in the chart shows the fraction of the left~over pizza that you get to eat The second column shows the fraction of one pizza that is left over. Complete the chart. (The first row is already complete.) Your share of the I Fraction of pizza I that i. left over left overs 2 3 1 ') k 4 5 1 3 3 4 -5 Picture solution I- Do you get to eat more or I... than one-half of a full pizza? Your share as a fraction of the whole pizza I 1 2 Of 6 3 I Less ') Create more questions, Record solutions. TIPS Section 3 ~ Grade 8 Queen's Printer for Ontarfo. 2004 (modified by HeOSEl) 128 D~y~~':~i~~y Using SY~~~~~~~ __~.m~m~ "~~,,"".""~_"._""""""_"""""" •• Il!Isr.IItkm • MttltiiPly two where both "" " ~_ G~~~_8 Mlttrtlfe • nne set ofllllmber cards for every Ibllr stlldenlS • BLM 3U are between 0 and 1 Att• •sment small Group' (4) ~ Game Students play Fraction Action. (BLM 31.1) Currieulum ExpeetatwasJObservatiouJMental Note: common • Actloni and for calculators to compare fractions. Imllvidal :t MeHle' maIDa ., " Ask: WInch fractton IS 3 4 _. or WBltbe 2 3 will 1 or smaller than . : 4 or ? smaller than - ? Students individually determine an answer to the pr(~b!t:m, 3 Carrieu1um E1peetatioulQtdzlRahrie: nJr undiersl:andmg. WboI! CIm :t DiHwIon Some students may have done a sYl100clhc Connect to their symbolic responses te) the rectamrular mtldeJ. 3 2 niscuss each number in the SYl1illxlllc x" 4 3 solution. 6 Where do we see "0" in the area model? 12 Where do we see" 12" in area model? :::: 1 etc. 2 Whole CII. ~ Brainstorm Advise students that they will be in small groups on some prclblle:tllSL Brainstorm ,t list to do when and when with frru:ti(1lns, e.g., ask What is one inlhis and how can I model it? See Think Cross- Small Group' ~ Problem Solving Students solve teflcher~prepared problems that involve the nrc,dlt"! fractions less than fhr salad dn:ssllng rCCluirt:s 2/5 cup of Eila's thinks she needs l/3 of How much vinPfmr for her • Consolidate Debrief Whole Clan -7 Cia" Jgyrnal ft)r someone who is Guide the development of a class journal eXf,lalintflg how to find fraction symbolically Home ActivItY or Further CIM_room Consolidation Create and solve fraction questions that involve the product ofl.wo fra,cti<)fls that are less than otle whole. Record any you still have the multiplication of fractions. Share your response, TIPS Section Grade 8 Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2004 (modified by HCDSBl 129 31 . 1: Fraction Actionl Instructions: 1, Two pairs of students form a group of four. Which fraction is larger? 2. Each group of four students needs one set of cards, 3. One player deals the entire set into two equal stacks of cards, numbers down. Each pair gets one of the stacks. 4. Each person turns over one card from their team's stack. 5. Each pair forms a fraction by using the smaller card as the numerator and the larger card as the denominator. 6. The pair with the largest fraction claims all of the cards and puts them on the bottom of their stack, The other pair may challenge the claim and check using a calculator, but if the pair loses the challenge, two cards are given to the other team, 7< If a tie occurs, the tie cards are put back into the middle of each pair's 8, Play can continue until one team has all the cards or until time is called< TIPS Section 3 Grade 8 Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2004 2 • A 3 A 2 005 o 500 {modified by • 3 • 7 00 000 00 7 Page Gradel P!udRl9n .....'I! • Itllltlipuilltlves • tVllfietyl • BLM 32J A$sanment Small GrouDl '% EguiValent FractIon8 Distribute one fraction ard to each student (Bl,M 32, I), Studenits have equivalent Small groups convinl;e someone else that are equivalent • Action! Curriculum ExpeeiatioDlObservatioBlMeataJ Note: Circulate imd understtmding in fhr group ,,"'.H .,." J!J!!M Grou.p '% Qi!!?\MfgJ) Discuss equivalent fractions based on your from small group work. therefore ImII.GrouIf %I9!JJIUI MeuMdlUl ProrBml 3 ~ (lithese can I Students work in small groups to solve the problem: 2 be represented I I cups 2 I 3~ oibread. How much :2 he use? Chalhlnge groups who a correct solutinn to sollu!.ic>l1s, e.g., and fractional Clrctes or squares. J!J!!M the answer cups, picturt~ c" -+ PIKI!fkm Discuss the limitations of manipulativC$, e.g.. some denominators are ditlicult to work whole require too many m2tnilnll,flth/es. Establish a need for altemative methods multiplication so Tell students will extend the area can diSl;OViet In lata! there are I 5~· . circles. 4 t"rdct.ions (I n1pr'oper) Give each gmup a diflerent nri\i!ll,'f que~>tkm f;!C'livilv) E:ach group uses the rectangle re~lre~;errts its concrete model syrllbl[)Il(~allly • COf1$oiidatl' Debrief Whole Class ~ P~ons and DI8cUMiona One group shares its symbolic multiplication and discusses how it connects to the of the small gmup as a whole class. the multiplication oftwo the are than two, Home ActMtY or Further ClHlroom GoJl8Olldation Tanya is 16 years old and just got her G I driver's license. For every hmlr she on math at her parents will 2 her 1 hours ofIPl1ilctil:e 3 ') time. This week many 2":' S on math. Your ways you can show that can is to see how .., I I "lOUrs 5 time. Section Grade 8 Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2004 (modified by HCDSB\ 131 5.7.1: Equivalent Fractions 10 5 3 6 14 7 4 ~ ~ 8 11 6 ~ New VCTMUU 9 12 21 12 28 - ~ 16 22 33 44 ~ ~ 18 24 14 10 ~ on 20 ~. ~ 12 7 -5 15 ~ 21 15 ~ 28 ~ 20 32.1: Equivalent Fractions 1~ 5 10 6 15 9 14 21 ~ ~ 3 3 1~ 7 4 - - 1~ 6 11 6 22 12 33 18 2 1 5 7 5 14 ----10 21 15 Ii 9 5 18 10 27 - 3 1 8 11 - 8 22 16 33 24 5 1 8 13 26 39 4 5 TIPS Section 3 ~" Grade 8 - - 16 8 Queens Printer 12 8 Ontarjo, 2004 (modified by H('h<;:P;\ 15 - 24 '132 33: Let'. Share GradeS ~ Mattd* • • mtlllipuhltives • BLM :3:11 Ms.amen! sma·g BroUM ? SbidnalOld9D! Students foml small groups to share solutions one tvoe ofsolution the • AOOOO! of small BrouM ~ Pmbltm 8glylna witt MlniRJItativee Pose the first question on BLM 33.1, Students should have a of maJlliptlltltiives available to help them solve the can use cailmlators to the second Continue questions 3 and 4, (Multiple will be pre1;ent1ed CumeuJum Expeetatiou/ObJervatkJulABtedotal: l.:ircllh:Ue" spel~ifk students which could the Plillhare ~ Rtftlction Students highlight words in the four problems that this as one that can be solved division. and share their responses Wilh another • Consollda. Debrief the length or Wldllloftl reetlmgle lI:ivelllhe area lIunil rllte Conslck:lr an overfu.tad of BlM and reveal the questlons one at a Whole ClaR ~ Di&UUign Discuss each four as represerltati 1.e ofdivision pr()bl1em. Discuss how a problem "il1"ml,[>'f strat:egy that find usef\J! when fractions are e.g., the que~stkm could become: A . to sItar" ,>t'IJ'ifll,IV knows that 12 2 can be used to then this can be transferred to that:3 d 5 can be used to solve the Home Activity or Further Clmroom Con$Olidatton Number Problems: Find a number to replace the que~stl(m mark. Record that you used. 3x ? 5 M\;·",t""rv I Hatve samples of other "dlvi$ion" problems to share with students the Debrief discussion. I "'",""""c 12 I 4 5 '} J 5 8 SecHon 3 - Grade 8 if I'2 Queens Printer for Ontario, 2004 (modifled by HeDSBI i33 33..1: Let's Sharel 1 < A group . friends buys 3 pizzas to share equally. Each friend receIves 3 0 f a pIzza. . S Your challenge is to show different ways to find the total number of friends in the group. e,," 2. Amy, Sue, and Alex bought . kg of trail mix to share equally. 4 Your challenge is to show different ways to determine how much trail mix each person will receive. ? 3. Sandra's printer can print 5 pages in .:. of a minute. 3 Your challenge is to show different ways to determine how many pages Sandra's printer can print in one minute. n • i'V\ £ M'I\ (\/\10'1. 7 '" S +CJ' 4. The area of a rectangle is 2' square units. The length of the 8 1 rectangle is I . units. 4 Your challenge is to show different ways to determine the the rectangle. of 13 4 5. Replace the triangle in each equation below to create a true statement .-; 3 a) c) 3 Li -5 5 ~ 2 3 TIPS Sedion :1 - Grade _ = ,) = b) 1 4 d) "",- 1 72 Queen's Printer for Ontario. 2004 1 Li 3 ,.,5 ~ 8 12 }3 4 (modified by HCDSBj = I!.. 2 Page 134 Grade' ",,,tt,,,l"fi i... o to cleveloo 'invert-and-multiply'mle • diviclimz two rate qu,estltof1:s, ~nt Wb911 Ct. ~ DIIcuHkm rate: What is it? Facilitate a whole class discussi<:m is it What are s(}me examplies? que~stl(m 3 on BLM 31 L) sotltware to org.ani,te c()ncept map of unit rate. • ActIonl A unit rale IS the Small irouDl ~ Probllm POIIOg Each small group creates I or 2 unit rate involve writes Dr(lblt:~ms on chart paper, with group to peer and edit CirlzulaLe, qllestionil,g them refine the problems. problem must require the calculation of a unit I'dte Each fractions. Ask: Is it easy to mentally Tell them the next .........""5 the of two easier to bel,1:innmg the that student,> their callzul.llor'S. how to students conlplele BLM 34.1. In TIPS Section ~ • cllllrlplliper • markers • fiLM 34.1 Grade e Queens Printer lor Onlario, 2004 (modified by HCDSBl If students are not lJsedto a proceSS. Page 135 Unit 5: Dar 9: Let's Think About Dividiny Grade 8 Mmll Lurn1ns G U I , M , t t r i ' l f . • tOdeVel.op~ • Use patterning .. • .ies and algorithms for dividing • Practise partitive and quotitive divisioo with fractions, • unit rates and mtio tabl,es to solve division of fraction • BLM,. 5.9,1, 5.9.2 • chMt • A$se$sment • Minds On ". WhO.' CIa" =t Sh,rlng Review stories from previous day and connect to Home Activity answers, division summary of BLM 5.8.1 and multiplication Home Compare Activity. Just note the pattern at this time. Discuss the role of the nnmerator and denominator ofa fraction. (The den.omi:nator fraction th,e whole into parts indicating the siu of the parts. The numerator shows tbe number oftbose parts). Partitive dM'$ion: Oetetminirlg equal parts or flhares of P,rtn,'1 NB =t Exglgmtign Students explore some properties of multiplying and dividing QuotiUw division: (BLM 5.9.1). lit wl1oiliI, e.g., share4~ among :3 people (f 1t~$) How·mtmy &hare& be rMa$lJred out of tNl whole? OM: Four~Me divided into thirds, e.g., How many • Action! yvho., Cilis -+ Discussion share&are there? Take up the answers to BLM 5.9.1 and have students share their and for refierellCe. their hypothesis for properties of fractions. Record and Pal'l =t Prgblem SolYlng Students solve problems that lire partitive quotitive divisious, and unit rates (BLM 5.9.2). They determine algorithms by reasoning, unit the numetlltorsldividin~ the denominators, and the common rates, 12 iIlhafel'l) Oivlslort$ U$ing unit rete: A unit ram Is the quantity ~at$dwltha ~riof ~ qI,Il!lntlty, •.g., $a per hoor. 45 W<'lI'd$ minute. ~., of a gallon of water to fill a full. how • Consolidate Debrief al/il;orithtiUS for fractions of1l:Yroble:ms that students worked on and ease of use. Do not introduce the invert~and~ many gal!onlil will flIl the pall? +3 ",.to multiply algorithm yet Common dlilnomlnator ~gOOthm: How many sets arelni '7 I ~ Home Activib: or Further Classroom Consolidation Complete the practice questions. 3iset$ Provide students with appropriate prat::tic0 questions. TIPS4RM Grade 8 Insert after page 134 In Notable Strateglefl 5.9.. 1: Exploring Properties of Fractions 1. Investigate numbers that you can multiply i by to get a whole number answer. i.e., 1>:?=8 whole number :3 e.g., f J. X ~ 6'" X ~ X l~ : ~ 9: 3 EX;:\~:U :fe~3ed;nu~~\~~wo:r t~ fet'lproc4\) 2. Investigate numbers that you can multiply ! by to get a whole number answer. 4 Le., !X? 4- e.g., 8 whole number ~~~~~b ~x'3:~ ~x16 '" ~ Explain how you determined numbers that worked. ~IAH;~\e( il~ ~ 3. Investigate fractions that you can multipfy ~ by to get a whole number answer. Le., ~x? :3 e.g., a whole number ~x~ ~:3 2 !O- a 3 b 3x~ -:" =) 3 Explain how you determi~ed fractions that worked. n~W,pb 0\ the rec."plll(A\ 1 4. What fractions can you multiply the following 2 i 3 7 a) -x~ "",1 b) -:<-3 1 c) 5 <t. 7 TIPS4RM Grade 8 insert after page 134 In Notable Strategies by to get a result of 17 5 n -.x- ",1 d) 3x.!. 11 S 3 1 5.9.1: Exploring Properties of Fractions (continued) 5. What number can you divide 2 by to get an answer of 1? I.e., ~ : ~ :: ;; 1 1 Explain your reasoning. 6. What do you divide 5 by to get an answer of 1? Le., ;; 1 ~ S 5-;: \ Explain your reasoning. 7. a) What do you divide ~ by to get an answer of 17 Le., ~+'!"" 1 .~ ~ ~ 3' 3- 3 ) Explain your reasoning. b) What number do you divide any number by to get a result of 17 HStW 8. What fractions can you divide or multiply the following by to get a result of 17 2 ~. .. 2 5" 5 !) 5 \l a) -+? ",,1 b) -x·~ ",,1 0) - + 1 d) -x c- 1 5 5 "" ;J What do you \rtice? \~ lS -tht O\\~;I\~ 11 \\1lftI\er io Make a hypothesis about dividing by a fraction: ~'illl~ 0. 11 q 8W',)f, rec·l~roc<l.\ ~O'l is s·~\.r \0 ll\~\;~1i":l '" Test your hypothesis on these divisions: 3 1 .') j '1\ 7 3 a) 5"~1 :. S).t b) 9 ': ':"3 N J1 TIPS4RM Grade 8 insert after page 134 in Notable Strategies ~ k rr..'"\~1 -t..~ . 2 1 0) 2 3 + 3 :: ~ . \ 2"\ <I :3''3: "1 -::0 5.9.2: Thinking About Dividing ParlA For each question explain your thinking. Use words, pictures, or diagrams. 1. Some children left their shoes outside the door before entering the house. if 10 shoes were left, how many children entered the house? @ @ @ @@> ,,5 ch;\dfef\ ~ .. 5 or 2. A teacher purchased 72 donuts for a class party. a) If there are 24 students in the class, how many donuts did each student get? n-3 . a~x3:.7~ a~ b) What fraction of the donuts did each student get? '3 \ 7i:~ 3. A bake shop cuts each pie into 4 equal pieces to sell single servings. a) If 6 pies were baked, how many servings can they sell? Ef) ffi -ffi -EBEB ffi ~ ~~ S'~J b) If 8 people wanted to share the 6 pies equally, how many servings would each person get and what fraction of the pies would each person receiv~ -:. ~ cD E8 ED ffi EB ~:eJ 3 ~ o~ ~ 15 'eJ, p\e t~ eJ 4. You have been saving quarters. If you have $6, how many quarters haVe you saved? fE ffi EB tEl ill EB= ~~~ ~ ~)£t ~av ~~ 9,~llrterf (8 bXY: a~ 5. The local pizza pla.ce cuts their pizzas into sixths, so that each slice is 1. i29 ® ® ::1~ a) How many ~JQi\ slices are in an order of 4 pizzas? S\;teJ i of the pizza. U'.l _ 4 b f) U -t ~ ro - T ~ T ~ 0( I b) If 8 people share the four pizzas, how many slices does each person get? How much of the four pizzas is this? 3S\\l..ed a~; ~:.3 S\~~J T1PS4RM Grade 8 Insert aftar page 134 In Notable Strategies 5..9.2: Thinking About Dividing (continued) PartS For each rate question explain your thinking, Use words, symbols, pictures, tables, or diagrams, ~ 1. a) If it takes of an hour to get i work done? of the work done, how long does it take to all the . ~ . 2:.-J._~ SO; 3 - 5 1\\\lSWt ~S ONLY C;~\'J\~Lt -J. -,]:: S 1.. '3 b L 5 S.ll--:- (-ct\ J. ?\:3 -7 b or ( 2-)' -5 1'5' I :!; 3. of an hour to do ~ of the work, how long does it take to do a~ 5 3 1 1 ,). -1.. ':2. 3 ..." '3 (;:A? 3 .., \ \ '5 ~ '3 S' x"2 - ,; :: S' ~ ~ Wof lc ODn.(. b) If it takes / c) t.. ! :. I, ~ De,scritJ<i.the parts of al.and b) \hat are,q>e sa'l'" an ~at dlf!e"'flt. tlUh tlcn~ YQ~ -r,,,a \ 'The umi rate a 1'1"" f\u...\ \()\J ~r\et 1-0 itt ~tt# i\ 1\ \t I~~S d) How does ~sing a ~nit rate ~IP y~u think abo~t the~ que*\tions? ~OlA aaA e~ Uf\d io jtt to -me ~t 2. Sarah found out that if she walks really fast during her morning exercise she can cover e!4 km in !5 of an hour. How far could she walk in one hour at this pace? Use the unit rate r Idea to solve this problem. [HInt: How far can she walk In ~\ t ~= .! of an hour?] sk eo. .....)f ~.2S \(In in 1. S Ilt Parte 1, The answers to the division questions are given. Determine a strategy to show how to solve questions: \ ( ( a) 15 : a ~ \l f H:S b) 120 +£."" 20 49 1 c) +.! 25 99 11 9 75 Use your strategy to solve: 25 +5 a) _. 28 7 TIPS4RM Gmde 8 Insert aftar page 134 in Notable StratElglf.1s b) 10"", 2 21'"3"" \ &\ !'OK. 5.9..2: Thinking About Dividing (continued) Part D 1. The answers to the division questions are given. Determine a strategy to show how to solve these questions: b) a) 15 3 15+3 s--16 16+16 "",5 c) 3 3 19 6 =:-+8 4 8 8 =19+6 2 1 19 3 6 6 2. Use your strategy to solve: a) 24 4 5 b) Summary Describe all the ways that you have discovered to think about dividing. TlPS4RM Grade 8 loser! after page 134 in Notabllil Str:ate!)ies 1 5 11 1-+2-=-+353 5 25 33 15 25+33= 25 Grade a One More Way" Math Learning GOlls . • Develop _ _ r", dividm$ !racti0llS • Prneti$¢ division of fractions. with • unit .... model. l_dll, .BLM 5.10.1, 5.10.2 • Assessment • Minds OIL, Whit, Ctall ~ Discussion Sul'llll'larize the for division of fractions using a concept map. Pose some questions that demonstrate that certain are more useful with some types Ask: Whicb is most efficient? Pose some out that can be tested and in.clude questions that do not W ill the work? ~uslngthe Smartldess tlOftwllll'$ or CfMte the~map on mart p$pef, Thle~ a raoonate explOOng to de.... one more tM:tllod. • Actionl PaJrl§bll! % erobltm §oMrm Pairs complete BLM 5.10.1. Each pair compares strategies with another and describes an algorithm so that they aU agree. To belp stuaen.ts understand why the invert-MId-multiply algorithm works, start with unit fraction and build to unit rate, using ratio tables. Curriculum Elpeetatlofls/ObservationiRating Scale: Observe students as share can be shared • Consolidate Debrief for division. Probe to highlight different al~orithms that Consolidate/Debrief. The idHS nee<:k:ld MI'$ explored on O$y9. An altemative ~thOO to help studoots ~tandthe algorlthm is to wrlte the equation In an equrvl!llent form. Whote Cl'ts -+ Pitgullion Groups share their thinking and the that groups the explanation in their own words. Add the new to the Students create a of the Minds OrL. that not work out these questiOlrlS e1'ficiently. develolled. Several map. map in their notes. Use the in and that the new strate~ solves A teactler provided is can ~shanldto challenge students Home ActiVit( it Further Cl'ssroom Consolidation Complete the practice questions, using the strategies t.hat you find moot efficient Use your map as a reference. Provide st\Jdl:IDts wIlh appropriate practice ql.ml1l00nll, TIPS4RM - GradE/8 - insert after page 134 in Notable Stral.egies 5.10.. 1: Finding One More Way 1, Generalizing a rate problem: If ~ gallons of water is poured into a small pail, it will be i full. How many gallons of water will the pail hold if it is filled completely? a} Determine how many gallons of water it takes for the pail to be .18 full? Explain, b) Determine how many gallons of water it takes for the pail to then be completely full (!. 8 full)? Explain. Ratio Table c) This question can be written as a division problem: ~+r 3 8 Use the thinking of parts a} and b) to complete the division, 2 3 1 8 1 2, Consider the problem: ~+~'" 8 J 1 Write the equation as a multiplication: ~ "" 5 6 To solve this equation: multiply both sides by ~ 5 -x-= 3 6 4 5 ~x~=[ Explain the steps and determine the answer. 3. Recall the pattern that you noted in the previous lesson, Will this pattern work for 3 3 8 and ~+~ ~ 4, Use 1, 2, and 3 to create an algorithm for division and use it to solve: a) 5 3 85 -+- TIPS4RM., Grade 8 . 5 3 b) -+64 . c) insert after page 134 In Notable Strategies 2 4 35 2-+- .3 1 d) 3-+146 3x~""8, 3 5.. 10..2: Finding One More Way Consider this solution: :3 4 3+4 7""5+7 =,i but 4 4 4 4 -::::::;: = and 3 3 7 3x1 7 1 21 ""20 so 3 4 5 - 3 7 4 21 20 Explain why this works. TIPS4RM - Grade 8 - Insert after page 134 in Notable Strategies (Teacher) OM 34: Just One Please Consolidate Debrief Grade 8 M.g,. ~ DIMugkm the in the on BLM 34.1 and the context from onc student-created unit rate problems to pose a fraction problem for the Student,; must several as multiplying the reCipr(lCa! f I a} 2 . :3 .' . ! ~ 11Sks us to '. the number of I ?3 3 ,In a 2 1 -SI:1':e , P,,,,tn!",,,lhl "'" Add "reciprocal" to the eliaS'll. WalL there are how many groups there are in represents a Whole solution, In 1 2"" solution Is represented by I :3 b) 2 ~ 2 the width ofa rec,tanigle I- asks us to :3 1 area 2- if its 3 , is I - em, Pictorially, 3 soluticlms above arc not easy ways to determine is needed. From the workshC(;~t, computational divisinn bv ;4 fraction results in the same answer as Th,erefbre, I 2.~ I 2 has the same answer as w') be detemuned The answer can then or USIng an lIrea Curriculam ExpeetationtlQuizlRubrk: on I :3 3 5 divisl.on responses lhml a mmer·anC1, fhlclions. Hgme Advttv or Further Cf,pf;OOm Co!!!oUd'tion Solve the unit rate problems created by your peers, TIPS Section:3 Grade 8 Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2004 (modified by HeDSEl) Provide student· created problems I from the activity. 136 34.1: What's the Pattern? Determine the answer to each question, using a calculator. 1 2 4+2= 4x-.= b) I 6+3= 6x 1_ 3- c) I 8+4= 1 8x-,- 4- 2 3 4x 4+I i 1 -+2 4 1 + I 2 J 1 -x-= 4 2 -- I 1 -x? 1 4 4 2 '" I" +4 5 1 2 1 +}2 1 """3 3 3 3 5 - xl 4 3 5 ?-x- 3 What do you notice about the answers in each row? Show how you could find an answer to 2 1 3 12 without using a calculator, 3 )( 3 TIPS Section 3 Grade 8 Queen's Printer lor Ontario, 2004 (modified by HenSB) 137 Grade. Dtscriplqn • IJse resources TIPS continuum on Mlttri." • fiLM :t) I • da!J~ pmjlXlOf to corlsoIidate ~ment Vfb9JI Cm ~ DMVllion Each student receives a fractional Compare the "wholes." ne()eSllarily the same Discuss how the sizes COl1npared e.g, 12 is four times the size of one same area but not two can be ROlming fill! ~ f!mllllm 80Iving flairs of students compare their fractions in two ways, Students record the !mother and and mark Currieumm ESpedadoufABipmutlMarkiug kheme: individual responses, • gmun ~ Luming c.ntrn Action! Structure different stations ofactivities to the from TIPS your students, some stul:1en:LS, Processes page 6 page 9 page 14 - Extend Your Tme? page 22 -Is This • Consolidate Debrief interests of fractil)l1S fbr Whole Cm ~ Cgncem Map Summarize the big ideas of this unit a map, COll1sil:1er Smart Ideas software for this process, Familiarize students with the and process fbr 37: Smnmative Assessment), Home A~ or further Cla$8room Con$oUdatJon Make a review booklet as you study fbi the assessrnenL Section - Grade 8 Printer for Ontario, 2004 (modified by MlAJ<:JI:H 138 35"1: Cracker Fractions (Teacher) Each piece is a fraction of the whole cracker, All pieces are drawn to scale, Distribute the fractional pieces and ask students to determine what one Whole looks like. The "whole" answers may not look the same but they should all have the same area. Ask students to make two comparative statements about their pieces. For example: lo. 2, ' 0 f tlo.lie .... 1piece, . T lie pIece '4 IS t'Imes th '. e size 3 6 lo. 2 . . 1 lo. lo.l. T 'ie - pIece IS more b ,an b ,e .... pIece. 3 2 6 -65 2 1 ::::.4 -+ 3 6 211 - 3 6 2 ....5 ..--- 6 2 -3 1 ....... 3 TIPS Section :3 - Grade 8 Ii I Queens Printer fO! On1ario, :2004 (modified by HCDSB) 139 35.. 1: Cracker Fra.ctions (Teacher) (continued) -76 2 - 3 1 ~ 2 2 -3 T!PS Section ::I - Grade Queen's Printer for OntariO, 2004 (modified by Hrr;R!=l\ 140 ltea GradeS JIIttriI18 ."MXlI·" composite nmnbers as products numbers to common mtJtltilples, • Solve PH)lolems the lowest common multiple, YYJr'V", • datil projector • Aaa• •ment OpportuniU_ rID'i MY'" 121Jd1q.. 8 Students work in pairs to solve this problem: I ofhis nlavit1t~ 9 I garnes, - of 8 but less time that cornpttter games, Find different possil,mties ",In",n" games, 9 16 144 1 s S'1, ~ 9 III 1 • ActionI S WhQIJ CI_ -+ DtscU!8lm! Facilitate a discussion on multiple to the initial a common denominator. Discuss other solution that involves pre,ble~ms that the lowest common multiple of two numbers, Itar tl1/0 I1UJOI1,f, tltt' two moons art' in lint' Hitlt :f tUller afttl with "fUl1. fWtJOlt ! ('em Self11(;' ItJcati(1!t elle~'v iYOO/t 2 call be view(y! ilt tltis same locatioll eve,}' I.' IflIfen if the "t:t:t timc! ,helt both l!ttJons will b(;~ thif .f(lme !(Jcaticm? i', In student find a solution to the Zerk problem. answer is 30, the lowest common multiple.] Demonstrate the class a process for the lowest common nntltl.ple website: F()c/(}r \."flVU~ Index n"t'(' 7> Choose Numbt'l:s' & (),JtJltttimtj' Students work in with one is the recorder. StlJldents ex<:l1aJnge roles. Cumcldum ExpeetatmuIRee....rded SolutmDJlJblbric:: • Consolidate Debrief WhQIJ CI_ "':t Dileu.ton 210"'2>: >:5>:1 Summarize the process used in the virtual, Write mnrlners ~" .. _;.,,~.~ exponents when needed. Discuss how the common multiple) was very when c~tlculators became common. tools. this l'k Wit. h an I e: 37 + 53 L' .;)tud,. ents use to CIlCCK1'1t le answer 210 90 Discuss the skiJI is still important 90"'2" x5 The lowest is: :2 x 3" " 5 which is 630 210 Home Activity or Further C._room Consolidation Create and solve one "easy" question and one "flOHm-easy" qwest!lon that _ either a lowest comrnon multiple or a cormmm If Internet access is show someone the website you used in class and discuss how calculators can be used for fraction arithmetic, C:nntinue on your review booklet. TIPS Section 3 Grade 8 Queen'S Printer fot Onlario, :2004 (modified by M\",U::H:li the other ellery 90 minutes How often wlUthe events occur at the same time? Answer: minutes (the 141 Da 37: Summatlve Assessment GradeS DetcriRtk!l • • MaI!dII8 Administer II summlltive assessment • SUl11l1l1ilive Ilssessme!lt • 1111111ipuhulves • cll!\;ullllOfS Auenmem Whole CIIB -7. PtlBd09 fo·, Allwment Do a whole class relaxation/calming activity prior to the assessment Di5~tril:'lute the assessment Students scan the assessmentl()r unliuniliar wIJ'rds~/instnlctiiol1s. Remind students that t.he class word waH he useful criteria. • Action! Injfyklyal -7 SYmmatlve.An'.'mtnt Students complete the assessment using manipulatives and calculators as • Consolidate Debrief Whole ((lIB -7 DifcuH12n Assessments are opportunities for reflection and pbulnirlg how the of this assessment can next ''''tid,,,,r) Hmn ~.g[Fyrth ... gl-mom ConlOlkiltion Complete the challenge: Students who complele the llummatillE! Julia :r mollter is () math teacher: She 1;'/;'/"IJ'~w nn(Jbi't"!J1 Discuss and their 8ssellsmfmt task early can this assignment based On commtmicatittf!, co,ltt,?lt':n;!'J' ,:In,ci (YJ/'!'(?ctl1C<.I:r l'oold1111 tWlh j~{tllh/ TIPS Seclion .~ Grade Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2004 (modified by HenSEl) 142 Summatlve Assessment - Fractions Name: Date: Instructions: 1, Answer all of the questions as completely as possible. 2, Your answers will be assessed for understanding, communication, and correctness. 3, If you think you can explain your reasoning much better by talking to me or by showing something to me, then draw a speaker symbol beside the question. <») 4, If you need me to read something to you, show me the sign language symbol for R. 5, If you need manipulatives, show me the sign language symbol for M. 6, You may use a calculator for any part of this assessment. Au• •ment Checkbric Making convincing arguments, explanations and cations rating narrative and mathematical forms Representing a situation mathematically Selecting and applying problem~solving str A.aessment feedback Strengths Areas for Improvement Next Steps TIPS Section 3 Grade 8 Qwaen's Printer for Ontario, 2004 (modifted by HeOSEl) 143 Unit Assessment - Fractions (continued) Quick Lasagne 1. Preheat oven to 325°F. 2. Grease a rectangular pan. 3. Pre-cook the pasta. 4. Une the bottom of the pan with the square pasta pieces. Spread spaghetti sauce evenly over the top of the pasta. 6, Sprinkle mozzarella cheese over the sauce, 7, Bake for 30 minutes, Small square pieces of pasta 1 can spaghetti sauce Grated mozzarella cheese Julia is making "Quick Lasagne." She starts to cover her greased pan with the cooked pasta. Julia discovers that she needs to use part of a pasta piece to complete the row, The picture below is a scale model of the sheet with first row of pasta pieces, 1, Circle the answer that best represents the number of pasta pieces in the first row, 9 b) 1 9~· Queen's Printer for 9 2004 1 '"} ,k (modified by MeaSEl) d) 9~ 4 144 Unit Assessment - Fractions (continued) The picture below is a scale model of the sheet covered with pasta pieces. Determine the number of pasta pieces on the sheet. Showyour work. 1 9 2 pasta pieces across the top 1 6- pasta pieces 4 down the side )( ":: 3. Forty pasta pieces cover two4hirds of a rectangUlar pan. Circle the expression that gives the number of pasta pieces that will cover all of the pan. a) , 40 - TIPS Section :3 - Grade 8 ry b) 4 +40 Queen's Printer for Qntarlo. 2004 , - +4U 3 (modified by HensEll Page 145 Unit Assessment - Fractions (continued) 4, When Jamel makes the uQuick lasagne~ recipe he uses a rectangular pan that holds pasta pieces, Each pasta piece has an area of 36 cm 2 , Circle the expression that gives the total area of the rectangular pan in b) 1 9 1 9 + ~\j- 5, Miguel has a very small rectangular pan on which he can place 51 pasta pieces across the 3 top and 1 pasta pieces dawn the side, He has a package of 36 pasta pieces and wants to 2 know if he has enough pasta pieces to make two pans of "Quick lasagne:' Justifyyour reasoning, ":: TIPS Sectlon:5 , Grade 8 Queen's Printer for Ontario, 2004 (modifltld by HenSB) 146 Unit Assessment - Fractions (continued) 6. Kaye cuts her ~auick Lasagne» into pieces of different shapes and sizes. The diagram below is a geoboard model of Kaye's pan of lasagne. The lasagne was made with 12 pasta pieces but it is cut into 8 pieces for serving - A, B, C, 0, E, F, G, and H. a) Which piece(s) is/are ~. of the pan of lasagne? .JlIstifyyour reasoning. Hint The dashed lines show the 12 pasta pieces. \"'.:::> Q<""c:. 7 'II '\ ,0 If Julia eats a piece that is : of the pan and another piece that is ,1_ of the pan, then what fraction of the whole pan of lasagne does she eat? .JlIstlfyyoar reasoning. -t-- \ TIPS Section Grade 8 Oueen's Printer for Ontario, 2004 (modified by HCDSSI 147 Assessment Checkbric - "Look Foran Record observations from student work. Computing and carrying out procedures Making convincing arguments. explanations and justifications Integrating narrative and mathematical forms Representing a situation mathematically Selecting and applying problem e>nh/lnn strategies TIPS Section 3 - Grade 8 Queen's Printer for Ontano, 2004 (modified by HenSe) 148