84 (30-year Reunion, 2014)
84 (30-year Reunion, 2014)
Reunion 2014 Hosted by the UIC College of Dentistry and the Dental Alumni Association Board of Directors Friday, April 11, 2014 The Carlisle Banquets 435 East Butterfield Road • Lombard, Illinois 60148 Recognition program will honor UIC DDS and specialty classes celebrating anniversary years in five- and ten-year increments, with special recognition to the 50th, 40th, and 25th anniversary years, and Loyola School of Dentistry alumni celebrating their 50th, 40th, and 25th anniversary years in dentistry. Outstanding Achievement Awards will be presented honoring: Ticket Price is $115 per person, RSVP by April 4th. http://dentistry.uic.edu/alumni/Reunion2014 Dr. James J. Koelbl, ’73 Dr. Antonia Kolokythas, OMFS ’04, MS Oral Sciences ’11 For more information, contact Ana Lisa Ogbac at (312) 996-0485 or E-mail [email protected]. Class photos will be taken and available for purchase that evening. Dr. James W. Buckman, ’64 Dr. Mary A. Starsiak, Loyola ’84 Dr. Michael S. Higgins, ’78 Dr. Ross E. Rubino, ’77 Name ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Spouse/Guest(s) Name(s) _______________________________________________________________________________________________ School & Class Year __________________________________________ Specialty Degree & Year ____________________________________ Home Address ____________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ______________________________________ Phone _______________________________________________ E-mail ________________________________________________________ Please make your check payable to the UIC Dental Alumni Association. Name on Card _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ CC Number _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ EXP __________ /__________ CID ___________________ Amount _____________________ Billing Address ____________________________________________________ City, State, Zip _____________________________________ Signature __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I would like to purchase an ad in the Reunion book to help defray its cost. Please check one. 1/8 page ad, $100 1/4 page ad, $125 1/2 page ad, $175 Full page ad, $300 *Note: The UIC College of Dentistry will contact you to get your ad copy. Return to: University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry, Office of Advancement and Alumni Affairs (MC 621), 801 S. Paulina St., Chicago, IL 60612-7211. RSVP by April 4, 2014. Call (312) 996-0485 for further information. Contents Vision UIC College of Dentistry Number 57 Winter 2014 Vision (ISSN 1555-3752) is published semiannually for the alumni, faculty, students, and friends of the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry. It is dedicated to continuing a strong relationship between the College of Dentistry, the UIC Dental Alumni Association and its constituents, and friends and other supporters of the UIC College of Dentistry. University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry (MC 621) 801 S. Paulina Street Chicago, IL 60612-7211 Phone: (312) 996-8495 Fax: (312) 413-2927 E-Mail: [email protected] http://dentistry.uic.edu/ On the Cover Top left: At the College’s Centennial Gala Celebration Dinner, members of the audience raised LED wands to honor Dr. Bruce S. Graham and Mrs. Linda M. Graham, who were surprised with a scholarship being named for them. Top right: Dr. and Mrs. Graham and the scholarship check, with Assistant Dean for Advancement and Alumni Affairs Mark J. Valentino. Bottom left: Revelers enjoyed dancing. Bottom right: A Proud Past, the College’s Centennial history book, was available at the Gala. Dr. Bennett Klavan (left), purchasing a copy of the book. Photo Credits Josh Clark: p. 10, 13, 43 (top), 44; Courtesy Dr. Rohit Dave: p. 38-39; Lloyd DeGrane: p. 12; Roberta Dupuis-Devlin: p. 3, 6-8, 42 (top); Troy Heinzeroth: p. 40; Tom Killoran Photography: p. 28 (top), 57; Poyutone courtesy Stock.xchng: p. 53; Dr. Larry Salzmann: p. 56; UIC Photo Services, Josh Clark and Roberta Dupuis-Devlin: Cover, p. 9, 28 (left), 29, 31 (bottom), 33-35, 47 (Rowan), 51 (Alsanea), 54, 68-74; Dr. Christopher Wencuks: p. 30. Publication Member of the American Association of Dental Editors. Dean’s Message............................................................................................................................................3 Calendar of Events......................................................................................................................................5 Advancement Report................................................................................................................................. 6 Honor Roll.................................................................................................................................................14 Feature: Centennial Events......................................................................................................................27 Feature: Life Aboard an Aircraft Carrier................................................................................................ 38 Profile: Dr. Allison Alberts is Chicago Bliss Pro Football Star.............................................................42 News.......................................................................................................................................................... 44 President’s Message.................................................................................................................................. 57 Classifieds..................................................................................................................................................58 Alumni Class News...................................................................................................................................59 In Memoriam............................................................................................................................................ 66 Student Activities..................................................................................................................................... 68 Continuing Education.............................................................................................................................. 75 College Administration Interim Dean: G. William Knight, DDS, MS, MS, [email protected]; Interim Associate Dean for Academic Affairs: Seema S. Ashrafi, DDS ’93, MS Histology ’94, Periodontics ’99, [email protected]; Interim Associate Dean for Research: David L. Crowe, DDS, PhD, [email protected]; Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs: Luisa A. DiPietro, DDS ’80, MS Histology ’82, [email protected]; Associate Dean for Prevention and Public Health Sciences: Caswell A. Evans, DDS, MPH, casevans@ uic.edu; Associate Dean for Administration and Finance: Cynthia Gonya, [email protected]; Associate Dean for Student and Diversity Affairs: Darryl Pendleton, DMD, [email protected]; Interim Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs: Susan A. Rowan, DDS ’84, [email protected]; Assistant Dean for Advancement and Alumni Affairs: Mark J. Valentino, [email protected]; Director of Development: Bruno Mancari, [email protected]; Director of Advancement and Alumni Affairs Communications: William S. Bike, [email protected]; Associate Director for Advancement and Alumni Affairs: Ana Lisa Ogbac, [email protected]. Vision Editor-in-Chief: William S. Bike, [email protected]; Art Direction and Design: Kim Arias, UIC Office of Publications Services; Writers: Sam Hostettler, Lucia Gonzalez Dental Alumni Association President: President: Ross E. Rubino, ’77 President-Elect: Frank A. Maggio, Loyola ’71, UIC Periodontics ’75 Immediate Past President: Susan A. Rowan, ’84 Directors: (through Feb. 2014) Benjamin A. Baptist, ’09; Priscilla P. Chang, ’07; William B. Hamel III, ’83; Frank L. Karkazis, Northwestern ’87, Northwestern Representative; Manal Ibrahim LaVacca, ’93, Prosthodontics ’96; (through Feb. 2015) Marsha Babka, ’76; Arlene M. Engert, ’83; Robert J. Ficek, ’62; Jeffrey A. Ruttencutter, ’10, PhD ’01; Ryan Grelle Tuscher, ’09; (through Feb. 2016) Daniel R. Brunetti, ’11; Eliot Becker, ’63; Peter A. Contos, ’05; Shellie M. Harden, ’94; Jon D. Nickelsen, ’03. Ex-Officio Directors: Alvin C. Atlas, ’77, Former President; William S. Bike, Editor of Vision; Charles F. DiFranco, Loyola ’81, Loyola MS Periodontics ’83, Former President; Deane E. Doolen, ’55, Former President; Cissy K. Furusho, ’96, Pediatric Dentistry ’98, MS Oral Sciences ’00, Former President; Harold J. Kiriluk, ’75, Former President; Thomas J. King Jr., ’71, Former President; George J. Kottemann, ’55, Ortho ’59; Jeffrey A. Kramer, ’79; Donald A. Krzyzak, ’61, Former President; Lawrence W. Kolar, ’82, Former President; Steven T. Kuhn, ’97, Pediatric Dentistry ’00, Former President; David A. Lichtenwalter, ’53, Former President; Lorette M. Luksha, Loyola ’85, Loyola Representative; Neal C. Nealis, ’79, Former President; Richard P. Perry, ’68; Genaro Romo, ’97, Former President; Daniel N. Uditsky, ’69, Former President; Kapil Vij, ’99, Pediatric Dentistry ’01, MS Oral Sciences ’04, Former President; Samuel S. Wexler, ’64, Former President; Keith P. Wilson, ’97, Former President. 1 2 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 Dean’s Messa ge what I think will be a signature piece of that DMD curriculum: We will establish tracks for our fourthyear students to pursue—public health, early specialization, teaching, research, and pursuit of advanced care in general dentistry. A Great Dental School Moves Into the Future Accreditation Dear Alumni and Friends: Greetings! The University of Illinois Board of Trustees recently conferred a great honor on me, by naming me Interim Dean for your University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry until a new Dean is chosen. It has been my privilege to have gotten to know many of the College’s alumni and friends since I joined the College’s faculty and administration in 2001, and I look forward to meeting many more of you in the coming months. When I meet with alumni and friends of the College, invariably they ask me if the College will continue to progress in the direction established by my predecessor, Dr. Bruce S. Graham, who recently retired after nearly 14 impactful years as Dean. The answer is a resounding yes. The Assistant and Associate Deans, the Department Heads, our entire faculty and staff, our students, our alumni and friends, and I will keep the College’s initiatives moving forward. This is not the time to rest or be caretakers. As the search for our next Dean progresses, it is important to keep the College of Dentistry not only in its leadership position as one of the flagship programs of UIC, but as one of the premier dental schools in the world. Initiatives The College is working on finishing construction around the building, including a second LearnLab—a state-of-the-science classroom with wireless Internet access and projectors that show a variety of visuals on several screens, designed to promote small group learning and students solving problems together, We also will refine the MS in Oral Science program, and we are working on the implementation of the fourth year of the DMD curriculum. Our faculty are developing an innovative and UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y Site visitors representing the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association visited the College in November, and the process went very well. (See related article, page 43.) Our predoctoral program and the five postgraduate programs the visitors examined demonstrated excellence throughout the process. This endorses the reDr. Bill Knight, Interim Dean. finements we’ve made, and sends a clear message that we ought to continue our journey up the path we have established toward ever-improving programs. I sincerely hope our alumni have a continuing sense of pride in their alma mater. Please know that your school continues to excel in all areas— predoctoral and postdoctoral education, clinical care, faculty development, community engagement, and research. We all can celebrate and be very proud of our accreditation success and the improvements we have made. Following Dean Graham I’ve had the privilege of working with Dr. Graham since 1992, and I’ve always admired his Vision and commitment to excellence, and his incredible ability to garner resources. One of his traits from which everyone can benefit by emulating is his ability to articulate an achievable Vision, and then obtain understanding and support from various constituencies. h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 3 Another trait of Dr. Graham’s that I try very hard to emulate is his listening skills. He has always sought a variety of opinions, and he not only listens—he hears. He asks probing follow-up questions. So even if he makes a decision you might not have made, you come away knowing you participated and affected that decision, and that makes it easy to support it. Bruce Graham truly is a remarkable individual who has left an indelible stamp on this institution, and who will be remembered. During his incredible tenure, we became leaders in clinical education; enacted our new DMD curriculum, including Service Learning; renewed our commitment to diversity; grew our research program; and created a completely new building inside the walls of the old. Truly a great dental school Before his recent retirement, Dr. Graham was not shy about calling your College “a great dental school” because of these and other accomplishments. We all can agree with Dr. Graham’s characterization of your College of Dentistry. By whatever yardstick you wish to apply, there is little doubt in anyone’s mind that the College truly is great—in fact, it is one of the premier dental institutions in North America. The College has arrived through a lot of hard work by many people. Our faculty, staff, students, alumni, and friends have embraced change. We have achieved excellence in teaching, learning, clinical care, and research. The support of alumni and friends has contributed mightily to making us a premier institution of dental education. We carry a robust international reputation, and we constantly are sought out by other schools for information on how and why we made the changes we have—not only from dental schools in North America, but from schools from as far away as Central and South America and the Middle East. 4 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y There is little doubt that we are on the leading edge of contemporary dental education—at all levels. We have a lot to celebrate, but there is room to grow, and as Interim Dean I intend to keep the momentum moving forward. Communication and Support In the College’s endeavors, I am very fortunate to have the expertise of the faculty, administrative team, and department heads in keeping focused on our Vision and mission until we welcome a new Dean. And it was very well demonstrated during the recent accreditation that our staff are second to none. They represent the College well, and support not only the faculty and administration, but more importantly, they support our students. And our students are a complete joy to work with. In my time as Interim Dean, I hope to be engaged with the College’s alumni and to visit with alumni at a variety of events—to keep alumni informed about the College and reinforce how important a role they play in assuring the continuing growth and success of the College. These are exciting times for the College as we seek a new Dean. I hope all of our stakeholders will stay engaged with the College, and I welcome input from everyone—so please don’t hesitate to contact me by letter, email, or telephone. Together, we can make our great dental school even better! Sincerely, G. William Knight, DDS, MS, MS Interim Dean [email protected] h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 Calendar March October April November 11: Reunion, UIC College of Dentistry and Loyola University Chicago School of Dentistry alumni. Years ending in “4” and “9” highlighted. Alumni awards presented. Carlisle Banquets, 435 E. Butterfield Rd., Lombard, IL 60148. Email [email protected] or call (312) 996-0485. 19: Nitrous Oxide Monitoring and Administration Course. UIC College of Dentistry. Fee is $275 for Illinois State Dental Society member dentist staff, $500 for ISDS non-member dentist staff. Email [email protected], log on to www.isds.org, or call (800) 475-4737. 26 and 27: Anesthesia/Sedation Monitoring Course. UIC College of Dentistry. Fee is $525 for Illinois State Dental Society member dentist staff, $850 for ISDS non-member dentist staff. Email [email protected], log on to www.isds.org, or call (800) 475-4737. 5: Coronal Polishing and Pit/Fissure Sealants Course. UIC College of Dentistry. Fee is $450 for Illinois State Dental Society member dentist staff, $800 for ISDS non-member dentist staff. Email [email protected], log on to www.isds.org, or call (800) 475-4737. 8: Nitrous Oxide Monitoring and Administration Course. UIC College of Dentistry. Fee is $275 for Illinois State Dental Society member dentist staff, $500 for ISDS non-member dentist staff. Email [email protected], log on to www.isds.org, or call (800) 475-4737. 15: Coronal Polishing and Pit/Fissure Sealants Course. UIC College of Dentistry. Fee is $450 for Illinois State Dental Society member dentist staff, $800 for ISDS non-member dentist staff. Email [email protected], log on to www.isds.org, or call (800) 475-4737. May 7: Graduation Luncheon, 12:30 p.m., Student Center West, 828 S. Wolcott St., Thompson Rooms. (312) 996-0485. 10: Commencement, 10 a.m., UIC Forum, Roosevelt Road at Halsted Street. (312) 355-4815. August 13, 14, 20, and 21: Local Anesthesia Course. UIC College of Dentistry. Fee is $950 for Illinois State Dental Society member dentist staff, $1,100 for ISDS non-member dentist staff. Email gpitchford@ isds.org, log on to www.isds.org, or call (800) 4754737. September 13: Coronal Polishing and Pit/Fissure Sealants Course. UIC College of Dentistry. Fee is $450 for Illinois State Dental Society member dentist staff, $800 for ISDS non-member dentist staff. Email [email protected], log on to www.isds.org, or call (800) 475-4737. 24 and 25: Anesthesia/Sedation Monitoring Course. UIC College of Dentistry. Fee is $525 for Illinois State Dental Society member dentist staff, $850 for ISDA non-member dentist staff. Email [email protected], log on to www.isds.org, or call (800) 475-4737. UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 5 Advancement Repor t Department of Endodontics Postgraduate Clinic, Dr. Franklin S. Weine Endodontics Surgical Suite Dedicated The College of Dentistry dedicated the state-of-thescience Department of Endodontics Postgraduate Clinic and the Dr. Franklin S. Weine Endodontics Surgical Suite on Oct. 25. A total of 110 people attended, including alumni of both UIC and the Loyola University Chicago School of Dentistry, benefactors, corporate and foundation partners, residents, faculty, administrators, staff, and friends of the College. Gifts totaling $750,000 from more than 230 donors “have allowed us to establish one of the most modern and technologically advanced Postgraduate Endodontics clinics in the nation,” said Dean Bruce Graham. UIC’s Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost, Dr. Lon S. Kaufman, welcomed the guests and discussed the importance of the gifts that made the facilities possible. “I would like to welcome and thank our benefactors who contributed to either or to both of these tremendous facilities,” he said. “Your gifts provided the energy, the momentum, and the means that enabled us to achieve our goal of creating Endodontic clinical and surgical facilities that truly are among the best in the nation.” That goal resulted from the leadership of Dr. Christopher Wenckus, ’71, Endodontics ’74, Head of the Department of Endodontics, and Dr. Bradford Johnson, Endodontics ’91, MHPE ’05, Director of Postdoctoral Endodontics, Dr. Kaufman said, thanking them for their “years of hard work that made these facilities possible.” He also expressed the University’s gratitude for the partnership between the Guy D. and Rebecca E. Brunetti Foundation and KaVo Kerr Group for providing a six-figure gift of equipment and technology for the new facilities. 6 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y Dr. Bruce Graham, Dean; Dr. Lon Kaufman, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost: Dr. Christopher Wenckus, Head, Department of Endodontics; Dr. Bradford Johnson, Director of Postdoctoral Endodontics: and Dr. Susan Rowan, Interim Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs, dedicated the Department of Endodontics Postgraduate Clinic. ‘Excellence All Around’ Dr. Graham spoke next, noting there was “excellence all around—from the infrastructure, to the cutting-edge equipment and technology, to the Endodontics faculty offering outstanding education, and to the postgraduate residents providing the best Endodontic care to patients.” That excellence includes the pathbreaking technology in the facilities. “Innovations such as digital technology, three-dimensional imaging, and video equipment not only allow the residents to more fully see patients’ oral conditions, but help the patients themselves to better understand their oral Members of the late Dr. Franklin S. Weine’s family, benefactors, as well as Drs. Wenckus, Johnson, Graham, and Kaufman, cut the ribbon on the Dr. Franklin S. Weine Surgical Suite. h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 creates a three-dimensional picture of the patient’s head. “A CT scanner is crucial in both diagnosis and treatment planning,” Dr. Johnson said. He also noted that all of the units are connected to the College’s Vista Clear dental waterline treatment system, which provides water safe from bacterial contamination. Improved Teaching, Learning Dr. Wenckus discussed the impact of the facilities, saying “they place our Department of Endodontics at the vanguard of innovative developments in education, treatment, and Dr. Robert Hawkinson, ’72, Endodontics ’76, MS Histology technological advances in the clinical practice ’80; Susan Hawkinson; and Dr. Rajaa Alsanea, MS Oral of Endodontics, and in service to the public. The Sciences ’08, Endodontics ’09, visited at the post-event clinic improves our faculty’s ability to teach and our reception. residents’ ability to learn.” He noted there now health situations,” is space for four-handed Dr. Graham said. Endodontic treatment, and a He also thanked the dedicated consultation room benefactors, noting that with computer monitors to they “understood that it allow residents and faculty was the right thing to do to consult in private and to prepare our residents perform research. “There to provide the best also will be a video feed Endodontics care possible, from the Weine Suite to not only during their time at the consultation room, the College, but throughout so that all of our surgical their careers.” procedures can be reviewed Dr. Johnson discussed and discussed in real time,” the advantages of the new Drs. Wenckus and Johnson explained the features of the Dr. Wenckus said. facilities, which feature 12 Department of Endodontics Postgraduate Clinic to those The facilities are Health expanded operatories and attending the dedication. Insurance Portability and the Weine Surgical Suite. Accountability Act (HIPAA) “With 2,700 square feet of compliant and more space, there now is ample room for teaching and comfortable and private for patients, he added. patient care and for consultation and observation by “Another impact of this facility is the increased as many residents and faculty as we want to have pride that our residents of the past few years feel involved with the care of a particular patient.” for their education program, and they have gained a The old facilities had only one x-ray unit, sense of the importance of giving back,” Dr. Johnson said, adding that now the Endodontics Dr. Wenckus said. “Six classes of Endodontics Postgraduate Clinic has six x-ray units, plus another residents have provided a class gift, including our in the Weine Suite. He also noted that every two most recent—with 100% participation. operatory has its own microscope and direct access “Our residents have always been pleased with to digital radiography, with multiple monitor screens their education; now they can be pleased with the to provide both patient education information and clinical environment in which they learn,” he said. digital records of patient treatment. College and University personnel then cut Also new is the department’s first cone beam the ribbon on the Department of Endodontics computed tomography (CT) imaging unit, which Postgraduate Clinic, officially dedicating it. UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 7 Dr. Wenckus, who was in private practice with Dr. Weine for 25 years, offered some personal reflections on Dr. Weine. Guests then moved to the Dr. Franklin S. Weine “He was always more than willing to share Endodontics Surgical Suite. his expertise and knowledge,” Dr. Wenckus said. Dean Bruce Graham said that Dr. Weine “General practitioners and restorative dentists who was “a leader in the history of Endodontics and referred patients to him not only respected his work, postgraduate but they loved and education,” and revered Dr. Weine. that he was He got to know the “admired and referred patients beloved by his very well, and he students at three would not just institutions—the perform root canals UIC College of but would give Dentistry, the advice on treatment Loyola University plans and overall Chicago School care.” of Dentistry, and Dr. Wenckus Osaka Dental noted that Dr. University in Mrs. Dorothy Weine, wife of the late Dr. Franklin S. Weine, with her sons (left to Weine handled the right) Perry, Kenneth, and Allan. Japan.” toughest cases, Dr. Graham cared deeply about noted that Dr. his patients, and Weine was a 1957 alumnus of the College and an was passionate about education—and that the best Adjunct Professor of Endodontics here, but that for patient care and education will be hallmarks of the most of his career Weine Surgical Suite, which “serves as a fitting and Dr. Weine was associated with Loyola. lasting legacy to a true pioneer in Endodontics and “In recent years, our College has worked postgraduate education.” successfully to provide Loyola alumni with the Perry Weine, a son of Dr. Weine, spoke next opportunity to become part of the UIC College of and thanked the College and the Department of Dentistry family,” Dr. Graham said, noting that Loyola Endodontics on behalf of Dr. Weine, Mrs. Dorothy alumni serve on the College’s Alumni Board, attend Weine, and the Weine family. UIC Continuing Education and social events, and He recalled that his father literally brought his provide contributions. work home. “One of my earliest memories is of jars “The Weine Surgical Suite constitutes the of extracted teeth in our house,” he said, laughing. perfect culmination of those efforts to bring Loyola “As a result of my father’s research, patients alumni into the UIC College of Dentistry fold,” benefited and my father established his reputation Dr. Graham said. in the then-new field of Endodontics,” Perry Weine He added that “Gifts from more than 90 said. “And he made friends all around the world.” donors—corporate, organization, and foundation Perry Weine noted that “other than dentistry, my partners, alumni of both the UIC College of Dentistry father had two great interests—family and sports, and the Loyola University Chicago School of particularly the Chicago White Sox.” Dr. Weine had Dentistry, and other friends—have allowed us to been part of Bill Veeck’s White Sox ownership establish this wonderful facility.” group in the 1970s. Dr. Graham thanked those benefactors, singling At Dr. Weine’s funeral, Perry Weine recalled, out Dr. Richard A. Pasiewicz and Dr. Charles R. he referred to Dr. Weine “as the Michael Jordan of Neach, who were co-chairs of the effort to contact Endodontics,” but on second thought he reflected Loyola Endodontics alumni about donating to the he should have compared his father to some of the Weine Suite. He also thanked Bruno Mancari, the Chicago Bulls or Chicago White Sox players of the College’s Director of Development, for coordinating 1970s, “an era when my dad really came into his efforts to raise funds from Loyola alumni. own in his own field.” Dr. Franklin S. Weine Endodontics Surgical Suite 8 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 He concluded, “In any field, a small number of people rise above the rest, like my dad did in Endodontics. It gives my family great pleasure to think that a future Franklin S. Weine will receive his or her training here.” The Weine family and College and University then cut the ribbon on and dedicated the Dr. Franklin S. Weine Endodontics Surgical Suite. improvement in their academic achievements. “Linda and I were totally surprised,” Dr. Graham said. “When I saw Bill Knight and Mark Valentino walk up to the stage at the Gala, I began to get an idea that something was up, but Linda and I never dreamed there would be an endowed student scholarship in our names.” “Pictures of our family started to appear on the large overhead screen, and Bill and Mark gave wonderful accolades about Bruce, which was really Gala Surprise! Scholarship Named very, very nice of them,” Linda Graham said. “When for Bruce and Linda Graham they said that the endowed scholarship was in both The College has established a new endowed of our names, I was totally overcome with emotion scholarship for students, named for Dr. Bruce S. and felt so honored that I was also included.” Graham and his wife, Linda M. Graham. Audience members each were provided with Dr. Graham stepped down as Dean in hand-held LED wands, which they kept secret December after serving in that post for nearly 14 from the Grahams. When the scholarship was years. Linda Graham recently retired as Program announced, everyone rose from their seats, Coordinator for the UIC College of Nursing. activated their lights, and held them aloft to honor The Grahams were surprised with the creation the couple. Ogbac then came out on stage and of the scholarship at the presented a poster-sized College’s 100th Anniversary check for $61,000 to the Gala Dinner, held at the Grahams, who noted that Grand Ballroom of Navy the fund being designated Pier on Nov. 16. for student scholarships is The College’s particularly meaningful to Advancement team of them. Mark J. Valentino, Bruno “I have made a career Mancari, Ana Lisa Ogbac, in dental education because and William S. Bike, and I wanted to make the Interim Dean Bill Knight, experience better than my raised more than $61,000 own as a dental student,” from private benefactors in Dr. Graham said. “Having the three weeks leading up a scholarship for dental Left to right: UIC Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and to the Gala to endow the students named for Linda Provost Dr. Lon Kaufman; Mrs. Linda Graham; recently scholarship. and me is truly a wonderful retired Dean Dr. Bruce Graham; UIC Chancellor Dr. Paula “The College continues Allen-Meares; and Dr. Robert G. Brunetti, President and gift. Linda has always been to accept donations for Chief Executive Officer of ProCare Dental Group P.C., at the my strongest supporter the Dr. Bruce S. Graham Centennial Gala with the check establishing the Dr. Bruce S. throughout my career, so it and Linda M. Graham Graham and Linda M. Graham Endowed Scholarship Fund is especially meaningful for Scholarship Fund,” me to see her honored in Valentino said. “We are so grateful to those who this way.” stepped forward when we worked to create the fund, “It has been my secret desire for a long time but also wanted keep this a secret from Bruce and to be able to assist students with their financial Linda. We know that many others will also wish commitments, but I was never sure of the best to honor them and to help our students; the fund way to accomplish this,” Linda Graham said. “My provides a wonderful opportunity for both.” wish has now come true thanks to the generous Graham Scholarships will be conferred to donations of so many people. And it is exciting that students at the College’s annual Senior Luncheon the endowed scholarship will continue in perpetuity.” and Awards Program each May. Dr. Graham noted “One of the key issues facing dental education that the scholarships will be provided to students is its cost,” said Dr. Knight. “Bruce and Linda have with financial need who have shown growth and been very forthcoming about their concerns about UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 9 the ever-mounting debt of students. Anything we can do to lighten the debt load is worthy of pursuit. “I’ve worked with Dr. Graham for 21 years, and I know the most difficult and painful decisions he’s had to make relate to student tuition increases. So it is both wonderful and fitting that this legacy for Bruce and Linda is the beginning of redoubled efforts to address the cost of dental education at the UIC College of Dentistry,” Dr. Knight said. Faculty, staff, alumni, and friends of the College have contributed to date to the Graham Scholarship Fund. “I deeply appreciate their generosity,” Dr. Graham said. “They have already given so much of themselves over the past 14 years in transforming our College into a great dental school. And now, for them to make this gift to Linda and me shows how lucky we have been to be a part of this College family. It’s really hard to express our deep gratitude for their kindness.” “The generosity of the alumni, faculty, staff, and friends to this scholarship is wonderful, greatly appreciated, and very humbling,” Linda Graham said. “It certainly shows their commitment, firstly to the dental students’ education, and secondly to Bruce’s leadership as Dean. “I want to express a sincere thank you to all of those who came up with the idea of the scholarship,” she concluded. “I really admire their initiative in moving forward and bringing their ideas to fruition.” Dr. Graham agreed, thanking both those who raised the funds and the donors themselves. He noted that the scholarship is an appropriate step in the evolution of the College’s fundraising priorities. “I have been saying recently that the next priority for College fundraising, now that the building has been renewed and re-equipped, has to be student scholarships—to try to offset the 100% increase in tuition over the past decade,” Dr. Graham said. “The College family has already responded to my suggestions by endowing this scholarship. I hope it is the first of many student financial aid gifts— endowed and current use scholarships—that will be given by our loyal donors.” Dr. Graham currently is on sabbatical and will return to the College faculty in August. For information on contributing to the Bruce S. Graham and Linda M. Graham Scholarship Fund, contact Director of Development Bruno Mancari at (312) 413-3554 or [email protected]. Or, log on to www.dentistry.uic.edu and click on Alumni & Dental Professionals, Make a Gift. 10 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y Centennial Campaign Continues in Effort to Transform Clinics Private giving has been the key to the College’s endeavor to create its Integrated Clinical Technology Center—the complete renewal of 300 operatories into contemporary and technology-centered facilities required for state-of-the science dental education and patient care. The College raised $37.4 million during the recent Brilliant Futures Campaign, with $22 million earmarked to transform the clinics. Approximately $7 million in expenditures remain to complete the Integrated Clinical Technology Center, with $4 million to be raised from private sources during the College’s Centennial Campaign for related equipment and construction costs. The Centennial Campaign has raised more than $1 million so far, and fundraising efforts continue with the goal of reaching the $4 million total. “We want to carry the momentum forward,” said Dr. Susan Rowan, ’84, Interim Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs. “We have the opportunity to make our clinical facilities the best in the nation, and to see our dental school building completely renewed.” A new Group Practice Clinic features state-of-the-science operatories. Opportunities to name an operatory or to help purchase state-of-the-science equipment and technology remain through the Centennial Campaign. Covering the costs of newly renovated operatories are among several goals of the Centennial Campaign. Alumni, friends, faculty, corporations, or foundations may name an operatory for $25,000. “In addition to naming individual operatories, donors can cover the cost of a specific portion of an operatory,” said Mark J. Valentino, Assistant Dean h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 for Advancement and Alumni Affairs. A gift of $10,000 covers the cost of a Pelton & Crane dental chair or delivery unit. A contribution of $5,000 provides a Helios 3000 chair-side light, a Vista Clear water system for eight operatories, or a complete KaVo handpiece set, including high- and low-speed instruments. Those contributing $2,500 will cover the cost of a high-speed or low-speed KaVo handpiece, or a Vista Clear water system for four operatories. A $1,000 gift will provide a Pelton & Crane dentist or assistant stool or integrated technology including a chairside computer and monitor. “We will recognize all donors’ contributions by including their names on our donor wall plaques,” Valentino said. “The College is going to honor all its donors. Wherever they direct their support, their names will be on donor recognition plaques.” The Centennial Campaign continues to raise funding for the College’s three Group Practice Clinics, Postgraduate Pediatric Dentistry Clinic, the Postgraduate Periodontics Clinic, the Center for Digital Image Processing and Educational Center for 3D Image Analysis, two more general anesthesiacapable operating rooms for the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, and other needs. “Our Postgraduate Pediatric Dentistry Clinic is up and running, but we still need to raise money for the technology and equipment to complete it,” said Dr. Marcio da Fonseca, Head, Pediatric Dentistry. “In addition, our Gerlach Room conference facility was damaged by flooding, so funding is needed to refurbish it as well.” “The College’s transformation continues as an outpatient ambulatory surgery center (ASC) is planned within the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery on the first floor of the College,” said Dr. Michael Miloro, Head, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. “This accredited facility will help to provide major surgical care for patients who do not have the means necessary to be treated in the hospital setting. This surgery center will provide access to care for a diverse patient population regardless of income or insurance coverage. It is critical that this ASC be completed in the near future, and we will rely on UIC College of dentistry alumni for support in this endeavor. “Our new Digital Imaging Center compliments our state-of-the art clinical renovation,” said Dr. Richard Monahan, Department Head, Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences. “From an educational, research, and patient care standpoint UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y the ever-changing world of three-dimensional radiology mandates continual investment in leading edge technology. Our students and faculty depend on our College remaining a leader in innovation. Financial support for the center is crucial to maintaining our commitment to excellence.” “We are eagerly anticipating and excited about moving in to our newly renovated Postgrad Periodontic Clinic,” said Dr. Salvador Nares, Department Head, Periodontics. “This facility will enhance resident education and comfort for our patients. We are truly grateful to the members of the College community for their support. However, more work remains. Enhancement of the Patient Waiting Area requires additional investment, as does renovation of the outdated Post Graduate Resident Room. Our residents deserve a modern space of their own to learn and interact with each other.” “I hope our alumni, friends, and faculty reflect on how the profession has impacted their lives and those of their families, and make generous gifts in the final phase of the Centennial Campaign to help us finish this project for a great dental school,” said Dr. Bill Knight, Interim Dean for the College of Dentistry. “When it’s all over, we will have built a completely new dental school inside the shell of the original.” To make a gift to the College of Dentistry’s Centennial Campaign, contact Valentino at (312) 413-7702 or [email protected] or Bruno Mancari, Director of Development, at (312) 355-3554 or [email protected]. New Pediatric Dentistry Fund Named for Dr. Indru C. Punwani The College recently established the Dr. Indru C. Punwani Resident and Faculty Development Endowment Fund to help students, residents, and faculty share the Department of Pediatric Dentistry’s patient care innovations and research breakthroughs with others in the profession, and to learn about developments that can advance the College’s own Pediatric Dentistry oral health care and education efforts. Dr. Dale C. Nickelsen, ’62, Pediatric Dentistry ’63, MS Pediatric Dentistry ’69, and Retired Associate Professor, Pediatric Dentistry; and Dr. Ronald G. Testa, ’72, MS Pediatric Dentistry ’76, Clinical Assistant Professor, Pediatric Dentistry, are leading the effort to raise money for the Punwani Fund with the backing of Department of Pediatric h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 11 meetings, research projects, and other unbudgeted Dentistry Head Dr. Marcio da Fonseca. items,” Dr. Nickelsen said. Since joining the faculty in 1972 and serving as The Department of Head of the Department Pediatric Dentistry and the of Pediatric Dentistry from College would welcome 1981 to 2013, Dr. Punwani contributions to the Dr. Indru worked with more than C. Punwani Fund. 40 classes of Pediatric “Your gift will benefit our Dentistry residents and residents, or program, our hundreds of predoctoral profession, and the public students. for decades to come, while His work has brought it enhances the renown global attention to the of your Department of College and has resulted Pediatric Dentistry and in several State dental shows your gratitude for the initiatives and legislation; impact Dr. Punwani has had he helped develop the on our careers,” Institutional Review Dr. Indru Punwani (right) discussing a case with fellow Board at UIC; and he Department of Pediatric Dentistry faculty Dr. Jin-Moon Soh Dr. Testa said. For information about is a Past President of and Dr. Marilia Montero-Fayad. contributing to the Dr. Indru several pediatric dental C. Punwani Fund, contact Director of Development organizations. Bruno Mancari at (312) 413-3554 or bmancari@ “Ask him about his greatest source of pride, uic.edu. however, and he will not tell you about his own accomplishments,” Dr. Nickelsen said. “Instead, he will tell you about the department’s residents and Gifts of Books Prove Popular faculty.” The late Dr. Charles F. Nichols, ’52, was a follower “The Department of Pediatric Dentistry at UIC of the UIC College of Dentistry philosophy of lifelong has had a rich culture of academic excellence, and learning, taking Continuing Education courses we have made contributions in Pediatric Dentistry throughout his career, and purchasing many teaching and research nationally and internationally,” dental textbooks for decades after his graduation. Dr. Punwani said. “We have been committed to Dr. Nichols had a particularly strong interest in sending our residents to local and national meetings, gnathology and occlusion. where faculty and residents have presented After Dr. Nichols passed away in 2009, his wife, collaborative scholarly papers. Such activity has a Rachel “Rae” Nichols, contacted the College’s Office direct value to residents, to the profession, and to of Advancement to see if the College wanted a the public.” donation of Dr. Nichols’ books and case slides. “Expenses for travel to and from and lodging “We welcome donations of dental textbooks,” at such meetings and other related needs require said William S. Bike, Director of Advancement funding not available from College resources, and Alumni Affairs Communications. “Our students however,” Dr. Testa said. not only look up dental information online, but they Recently, Dr. Punwani earned the Lewis A. Kay continue to make use of traditional textbooks as Award from the American Academy of Pediatric well. Dentistry and Pediatric Dental Associates. The “Whenever we receive such a donation, we send award honors the director of a pediatric dental out an e-mail to students and faculty letting them program that best educates pediatric dental know we have more books. Within minutes of the residence and contributes to society and to the e-mail being sent, they line up to take a look at what profession. is available,” Bike said. A $2,500 award was included, “and Dr. Punwani Dr. Nichols’ collection was larger than most. “It generously provided it to the College to establish took two car trips to get everything to the College, the fund, to allow the department to enhance the with the car completely full,” Bike said. Mrs. Nichols educational experience of students, residents, received a gift-in-kind acknowledgement from the and faculty, providing support for attendance at 12 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 gift for the College’s first College. The value of a gift-inendowed scholarship fund in kind credit may be deducted on Prosthodontics after meeting the donor’s income tax return. with Dean Bruce Graham, The case slides were not Department of Restorative needed at the College—but Dentistry Head Dr. Stephen they ended up being used Campbell, Assistant Dean in Afghanistan through the for Advancement and Alumni auspices of the organization Affairs Mark Valentino, Operation Medical Libraries Associate Director of (OML). Advancement and Alumni “OML works to shrink Affairs Ana Lisa Ogbac, and the educational gap in the Books donated to the College are popular with Bike. health sciences in third world students and faculty. Later, she became involved countries, where medical in naming a clinical operatory personnel often work without in the Advanced Prosthodontics Clinic, providing the literature and case studies they need to provide a gift of $10,000 and working with Director of healthcare to patients,” Bike said. “We contacted Advancement Bruno Mancari to contact OML, and they decided to send them to Afghanistan Dr. Nichols’ classmates to raise additional funds to with the U.S. Military. OML is leading an effort help reach the $25,000 level. to restock Afghanistan’s hospitals, clinics, and If you have textbooks you would like to donate universities with reference materials.” Rae Nichols enjoyed dealing with the College to the College, contact Bike at (312) 996-8495 or [email protected]. so much that she decided to make a $25,000 KaVo‘s Award Winning Electric Collections Innovation changes everything. KaVo has revamped its family of innovative electric handpieces. KaVo electrics are now shorter, lighter and more comfortable. For ultimate cutting performance, make the switch to KaVo electrics today. 2012 Try the KaVo that’s right for you - for free! WWW.TRYKAVO.COM Q4_UIC_Air&Elect_Ad.indd 1 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y 888-ASK-KAVO ∙ www.kavousa.com 906.9295/rev00/8.12 h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 9/18/12 8:45 AM 13 Honor Roll July 1, 2012, to June 30, 2013 Dear Alumni and Friends: In 2013, we launched our Centennial Campaign, and you responded by donating generously. Through your generosity, you have moved us closer to our goal of transforming all 300 of our clinical operatories and creating a state-of-the-science Integrated Clinical Technology Center. Whether your contribution was to a fund that provides support to our students and faculty or to a fund in which dollars are used to purchase equipment and technology, you have helped us become a great dental school. Thank you for your support of the College in Fiscal 2013. Every gift has an impact on the lives of the students and on the greatness of the College. I am proud to be Interim Dean of this great College, and prouder still of partnering with you as the College moves into its second century of excellence. —G. William Knight, DDS, MS, MS Interim Dean Fiscal Year 2013 Donors We gratefully acknowledge the following alumni and friends for their generous support of the College of Dentistry between July 1, 2012, and June 30, 2013. $250,000 to $499,999 DENTSPLY Implants $100,000 to $249,999 American Cancer Society Chicago Dental Society Foundation Guy D. and Rebecca E. Brunetti Foundation Ormco Corporation $50,000 to $99,999 American Heart Association American Orthodontics Forestadent USA $25,000 to $49,999 Dr. Alexander H. Chan, ’78 Crown Family Philanthropies DENTSPLY GAC Opal Orthodontics 3M Unitek 14 $10,000 to $24,999 Aarhus Faculty of Science and Technology Dr. Saad Al-Kharsa* and Dr. Denise E. Al-Kharsa American Dental Education Association Cameo Endodontics, Ltd. Cosmedent, Inc. Procare Dental Group, PC Dr. Dale J. Davis* and Dr. Lisa M. Davis* Dr. Jerome Fein, ’51* Dr. Robert W. Hawkinson Jr., ’72* Hygeia Industries, Inc. Dr. Albert L. Kelling KLS Martin, LP Mrs. Rachel F. Nichols + $5,000 to $9,999 American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry Dr. Kamlesh G. Amin, ’83 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Dr. Efi Andrianopoulos, ’77# Dr. Sunita Bajaj, ’92, and Mr. Vijay Bajaj Dr. James A. Berens, ’64 Dr. Barry E. Booth, ’84*, and Mrs. Jane E. Booth Dr. Gary W. Brankin, Loyola ’81* Dr. Perry Danos and Mrs. Peggy Danos Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation Dr. Martin A. Dettmer, ’71, and Mrs. Patricia A. Dettmer Endodontic & Periodontic Associates, Ltd. Dr. Patrick I. Fitzgerald, ’02* Mrs. Linda M. Fuller Dr. Doris A. Graber Dr. Lee W. Graber Dr. Stephen R. Hertzberg, ’68*, and Mrs. Alice E. Hertzberg Dr. Rhiannon M. Holcombe* Dr. Gabriel D. Hostalet, ’00, and Mrs. Leah R. Hostalet Winter 2014 Dr. Joseph R. Jedrychowski, ’68 Dr. Andrew M. Johnson* Dr. Louis G. Karras, ’89*, and Mrs. Angie Karras Dr. Spiro C. Karras, ’89, and Mrs. Theodora Karras Dr. William B. Kort, ’61, and Mrs. Nancy B. Kort Dr. George J. Kottemann, ’55*, and Mrs. Norma Kottemann Dr. Robert S. Lee, ’08* Dr. Richard E. Leeds, ’70, and Mrs. Sharonjean Leeds Dr. Robert Litowitz* Dr. Tony W. Liu, ’84, and Mrs. Sandy J. Liu Dr. Donald A. Miller, Loyola ’87# Dr. Richard X. Monahan Dr. Timothy E. Nelson, ’78, and Mrs. Linda S. Nelson Dr. Indru C. Punwani and Mrs. Jane C. Punwani Dr. Martin J. Rogers, ’92* Dr. Susan A. Rowan, ’84, and Dr. Daniel Rowan Dr. Timmothy J. Schwartz, ’79, and Mrs. Christine A. Schwartz Dr. Rodney E. Sippy, ’60, and Mrs. Polly P. Sippy Dr. Kamal Vibhakar Dr. Christopher S. Wenckus, ’71*, and Mrs. S. Elaine Wenckus Dr. Bradford R. Johnson* and Mrs. Lizabeth Johnson Dr. Patrick F. King, ’05*, and Dr. Meghan Crisham King, ’05 Dr. G. William Knight and Mrs. Judy L. Knight Dr. Ronald M. Milnarik, ’67#, and Mrs. Pauline Milnarik Dr. Raymond F. Munaretto, ’76* Dr. Richard A. Munaretto, Loyola ’69#, and Mrs. Gabrielle Munaretto Dr. Richard Alex Munaretto, ’01* Ms. Nancy L. Parker Murphy Dr. Vince A. Panesis, ’02* Dr. Russell L. Parker, ’52+ Dr. Richard A. Pasiewicz, Loyola ’81#, and Dr. Loyola M. Gleason, Loyola ’81 Dr. Linda C. Powers Dr. Yan M. Razdolsky, ’85*, and Mrs. Anna G. Razdolsky Dr. Thomas E. Resnick, ’71* Dr. James B. Ricker Dr. Thomas J. Rysz* and Mrs. Susan E. VanCura Rysz SLH Optimal Health, LLC Dr. Keith M. Sommers, ’96* Dr. Byung Wan Suh Dr. Gregory S. Tehle, ’79 Dr. Shawn M. Velez, ’99* Dr. Elizabeth J. Zwemer-Larsen, ’50 $2,500 to $4,999 Dr. Moayad S. Alomar* Dr. Rajaa Abdulla Alsanea* American Academy of Fixed Prosthodontics American Association of Endodontists Dr. Daya Bhat, ’08* Bisco, Inc. Dr. Randy L. Bisping, ’82, and Mrs. Joy L. Bisping Dr. William J. Bleecker, ’71, and Mrs. Ada M. Bleecker Dr. Patrick J. Carroll, ’83, and Dr. Sheila M. Love Dr. Agnieszka Chruszczyk* Dr. Theodore Damas* Dr. James C. Davis, ’83, and Dr. Arlene M. Engert, ’83 Dentaurum USA Dentsply International Dr. Kenneth R. Dick* Dr. Robert W. Glineburg* Dr. Kenneth E. Grove, ’88* Higher Education Commission Dr. Linda L. Hime, ’80 $1,000 to $2,499 Dr. Alex G. Alemis, ’85 Dr. Bruce W. Allen, ’66 Dr. Mona A. Al-Sane* American Academy of Implant Dentistry Dr. Warren Y. Avny, Loyola ’66# Dr. Alan T. Azar, Loyola ’79 Dr. Shereen S. Azer* Dr. Vladana Babcic* Dr. Zayneb E. Bahrani* The Baker Foundation Mrs. Natalie P. Baker Dr. Eric M. Barnes Dr. Neal R. Benham, ’70*, and Mrs. Jane A. Benham Dr. James D. Benz, ’79, and Mrs. Margo Benz Dr. Gerald M. Bieze, ’70, and Mrs. Sarah A. Bieze Dr. James W. Blackburn* Dr. Michael E. Bond, ’83 Dr. Kenneth E. Bray# and Mrs. LaVonne E. Bray Dr. Ronald Brown# Dr. Kurt E. Bruksch, ’82 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Dr. Bruna M. Burgener* Dr. Samuel J. Cascio, Loyola ’52 Dr. Harry O. Channon, ’63* Dr. Victoria Chen* Dr. Hilary N. Cheng, ’78, and Mrs. Joan W. Cheng Chicago Dental Society Dr. Thomas G. Chung Jr., ’56 Colgate-Palmolive Company Dr. Rhonna L. Cohen, ’72 Dr. Lance W. Crawford, Loyola ’75#, and Mrs. Vicki A. Crawford Delta Dental of Illinois Dr. Carlos Diaz-Albertini, Loyola ’90# Dr. Joseph V. Discipio, Loyola, ’52 Dr. Michael G. Durbin, ’88*, and Dr. Renee P. Pappas, ’88 The Edgar D. Coolidge Endodontics Study Club Dr. Jonathan C. Ee* Dr. Robert Eisinger, ’56, and Mrs. Gladys J. Eisinger Dr. Tarek H. El-Bialy* Dr. Daniel G. Ellenz, Loyola ’81# Dr. Thomas E. Emmering, ’60, and Mrs. LaVerne J. Emmering Dr. Carla A. Evans Dr. Caswell A. Evans and Mrs. Arlene W. GrosvenorEvans Dr. T. William Evans Dr. Bruce K. Felder# Dr. L. Douglas Fillak Dr. Nona C. Flores Dr. S. Sol Flores, ’58 G C America Inc. Dr. Melvin R. Genaze, ’52+, and Mrs. Mary T. Genaze Dr. Michael Gideon Dr. John W. Gillan, Loyola ’74# Goldman Products, Inc. Dr. Victor G. Gonzalez, ’07 Dr. Newton C. Gordon* Dr. William B. Hamel III, ’83 Prof. Jian Jun Hao* and Dr. Lihong Lin* Dr. Alex Haralampopoulos Dr. Mary J. Hayes, ’76* Dr. Gary R. Herberger, ’78 Dr. David Hertzberg, ’00* Dr. Dan B. Hilo, ’91 Dr. Robert B. Hurdle, ’61, and Mrs. Patricia R. Hurdle Mr. Mark Hussey and Mrs. Linda C. Hussey Illinois Academy of General Dentistry Winter 2014 15 Illinois State Dental Society Foundation International College of Dentists, 8th District Dr. Stephen T. Jagielo, ’82, and Mrs. Cindy S. Jagielo Mrs. Irene E. Jennings Dr. Mark R. Jensen* Dr. Simona L. Katona, ’10* Dr. H. Richard Kelly, ’52 Dr. Min-Chan Kim and Mrs.Yun-Kyoung Lee Kim Dr. Terry Kippa# and Mrs. Ginny Kippa Dr. Dushanka V. Kleinman, ’73, and Mr. Joel E. Kleinman Dr. Joel R. Korczak, ’81 Dr. Jeffrey A. Kramer, ’79, and Dr. Janet M. Kuhn, ’79 Dr. Keith Krell# Dr. Daniel M. Laskin* Dr. Stephanie P. Liss* and Mr. Jeremy S. Liss Dr. Yi-Chen Liu* Dr. Benjamin A. LoGiudice, ’98, and Mrs. Maria LoGiudice Dr. Gary W. Long, ’77 Dr. Cathy Evans Longos* and Dr. Thomas J. Longos Dr. Harry Aloysius Louie, ’63+, and Mrs. Delores Louie Dr. Weyland Lum* Dr. John P. Lynch, Loyola ’82# Dr. Anthony Markiewicz, ’85 Dr. Sarah Mathias* Dr. James E. McCormick# Dr. Robert F. McGarry, Loyola ’85#, and Dr. Susan J. EllenzMcGarry, Loyola ’85# Dr. Gerusa Mello-Anderson* Dr. Vincent W. Meng, ’77 Miracle Corners of the World, Inc. Dr. Charles W. Miller* and Mrs. Dru Ann Miller Dr. Michael J. Mintz* Dr. Nuha M. Nakib Dr. Charles R. Neach# and Mrs. Peggy D. Neach Dr. Dale C. Nickelsen, ’62*, and Mrs. Caren Nickelsen Dr. Jon D. Nickelsen, ’03 North American Center for Continuing Medical Education Dr. John Nowak, ’98* Dr. John M. Nusstein, ’87 Orthodontic Alumni Association of Illinois Dr. Marc G. Pescheret, ’82*, and Mrs. Kathleen A. Pescheret 16 Dr. William D. Petty, Loyola ’74 Procter & Gamble Company Dr. Brian T. Quesnell* and Mrs. Dina Quesnell Dr. William Quest* and Dr. Diane Johnson* Dr. Scott R. Rehm* Mr. Edward Kwanhun Rim Mrs. Louise S. Robinson Dr. Donnie W. Rooksberry, ’72, and Mrs. Norva Jeanne Rooksberry Dr. Jacqueline G. Rosen Dr. Michael J. Ryan* Dr. Michael P. Ryan, ’91 Dr. D. Milton Salzer, ’68 Dr. Michael L. Santucci and Mrs. Barbara Santucci Dr. George N. Sasamoto, ’52, and Mrs. Nobuko T. Sasamoto Dr. Ira A. Satinover, ’79*, and Dr. Luisa A. DiPietro, ’80* Dr. Donald L. Scoralle, Loyola ’62# Dr. Irwin M. Seidman, ’71*, and Mrs. Susan A. Seidman Sheldon & Pearl R. Leibowitz Foundation Dr. Roy A. Shellow, ’63 Dr. Beth A. Sheridan# Lt. Col. Darrell S. Smith, ’93 Dr. Jin-Moon Soh* and Mrs. Duckui Soh Dr. Brent C. Sonnenberg, Loyola ’78# Dr. Anupama Sridhar* Dr. Daniel W. Steadman, ’82 Dr. Frederick M. Stroner, ’87 Dr. Edward P. Theiss# and Mrs. Mary C. Theiss Dr. Eliot M. Tokowitz, ’87 Upstat Dental Solutions, Ltd. Dr. William K. Vanderwaal, ’69* Dr. Mayank D. Vora* and Mrs. Jyoti M. Vora Ms. Patricia S. Wager Dr. Gene Z. Walchirk, Loyola ’88# Dr. Jeffrey Walker Dr. David P. Walther, ’77* Dr. Brian S. Wardell* Dr. Peter C. Wasilkoff, ’69*, and Mrs. Donna J. Wasilkoff Dr. Dennis F. Weber* Mr. Allan D. Weine Dr. Samuel S. Wexler, ’64, and Mrs. Charlene S. Wexler Dr. Chad Wiersema, ’03* Ms. Barbara Peterson Wiley Dr. Gerald D. Williams, ’57 Dr. George R. Zehak, ’77 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Dr. John W. Zurek, ’80, and Mrs. Sandra L. Zurek $500 to $999 American Dental Diagnostics and Service Dr. Paul H. Anders, ’55 Dr. Mark C. Baker, ’77*, and Dr. Ayse U. Baker Dr. Meenakshi I. Balakrishnan* Dr. Susan Bordenave Bishop Dr. Neil R. Bonje, ’97* Bosworth Company Dr. James H. Bryniarski, ’78 Dr. Gerald W. Burkett, ’52 Dr. Dennis M. Byrne# and Dr. Kathleen M. Byrne Dr. Andrew J. Calhoun* Dr. Mary Ann Ellenz Campbell, Loyola ’87 Dr. Joseph E. Canzona, ’69* Dr. Clara Chow* Dr. David M. Cohen, ’89 Dr. Vincent L. Conforti, ’72 Dr. Robert K. Conlon, ’77 Dr. William E. Cusack, ’73 Dr. John F. Dalton, ’62 Dr. John E. Donlan, ’93, and Dr. Laura J. Roehrig-Donlan, ’94 Dr. John C. Dunning Dr. Kadri G. El Assal* and Mrs. Ruth El Assal Dr. Morton Epstein, ’54+ Dr. Bryan T. Eslinger* Dr. Larry R. Farsakian, Loyola ’84# Dr. Stephen N. Ferraro* Dr. William G. Flick, ’74*, and Mrs. Ann A. Flick Dr. John S. Fox, ’84* Dr. Harry G. Frank* Dr. LeRoy S. Gurga, ’79 Dr. Michael B. Hagearty* Dr. Evan S. Halpern* Dr. Jonathan G. Hanson, ’68, and Mrs. Ann Hanson Dr. Robert E. Haraden, ’98 Dr. John F. Hatton* Dr. Stanley C. Hess, ’70, and Mrs. Martha M. Hess Dr. Mark J. Humenik, ’88 Dr. Raza A. Hussain* and Dr. Nadia S. Hussain Dr. Sara D. Iampaglia* Dr. James H. Isaacson, ’71 Dr. N. O. Jackson, ’71 Dr. Pamela Jurgens-Toepke, ’84, and Dr. Timothy R. S. Toepke Dr. James S. Kaszuba Winter 2014 Dr. D. Byron Kelley, ’76 Dr. Jeffrey C. Kemp, ’88 Dr. Annette M. Kugelmann* Levin Family Partnership Dr. Benjamin A. Lin* Dr. Vincent J. Losito, ’61 Dr. James E. Lupi* Dr. Paul R. Mann# Dr. Natanya Marracino* Dr. Richard P. Martino, ’64, and Mrs. Margot F. Martino Dr. J. Robert McIntire, ’52, and Mrs. Arline Joyce McIntire Dr. Michael Miloro and Dr. Mary Beth Miloro Dr. Milton M. Murasaki, ’66, and Ms. Virginia Stein Dr. Michael W. Naborowski, ’91* Dr. Mark A. O’Banion* Orthopli Corporation Mrs. Annette H. Paciga and Mr. John J. Paciga Ms. Anna Panova Dr. Thomas E. Parry, ’68* Dr. Frederick D. Peltz, ’75 Dr. Godfrey Pernell, ’44 Dr. Jerome V. Pisano, Loyola ’72# Ms. Anne Pomije Dr. Stephen L. Rider, ’80 Rocky Mountain Orthodontics, Inc. Dr. Genaro Romo, ’97, and Mrs. Sandy Romo Dr. Michael L. Schmerman Dr. Kathleen A. Schroeder, ’75 Dr. Michael B. Schroeder, ’80 Dr. Scott B. Shellhammer# Dr. Robert E. Sprague, ’52 Dr. David A. Tamura, Loyola ’77 Dr. Jordan J. Tilden, ’71 Dr. Dennis M. Tucker* Dr. Andrea S. Uditsky-Nakisher, ’97* Dr. Russell P. Umbricht, ’68, and Mrs. Margaret M. Umbricht Mr. Mark J. Valentino and Mrs. Carmen P. Valentino Dr. Richard L. Zimmers, ’57 Dr. Christopher P. Zwiercan, ’11 $1 to 499 ANB Communications Dr. Wendell S. Abern Dr. Said Albareedi Dr. Donald S. Amano* Dr. Dorothy A. Anasinski, Loyola ’93 Dr. Dale M. Anderson, Loyola ’74# Dr. Michael H. Anderson, ’80 Dr. Paul M. Anfenson, ’84 Dr. Mark S. Antman, ’83 Dr. Anthony D. Apple, ’78 Dr. Sidney Aronoff, ’42 Dr. Bobby W. Austin, ’75 and Mrs. Joan T. Austin Dr. Leo F. Baranowski, ’44 Dr. Ellen M. Barnes, ’78* Dr. Wayne E. Barnhisel, ’70 Dr. Kurt A. Barth, ’97 Dr. Maria Lani Basco-Resurreccion, ’10 Dr. Richard Battistoni, Loyola ’85 Dr. Scott D. Beallis, ’86, and Dr. Mojdeh Beallis, ’94 Mrs. Susan L. Beauseigneur Mr. John Beierle and Mrs. Ina Beierle Dr. Darren A. Bennett, ’07 Dr. Stuart Bernstein, ’56 Dr. Raymond B. Bersano, ’71 Dr. Kevin C. Beyersdorfer, ’89* Dr. Brigitte R. Bigras* Mr. William S. Bike and Ms. Anne M. Nordhaus-Bike Dr. William H. Binns* Dr. Dalton G. Blough* Dr. Thomas M. Bodnar, ’94 Dr. Raymond A. Bonomo* Dr. Gerald H. Borden, ’51* Dr. Robert L. Bradbury, ’59 Brasseler USA Dental Instrumentation Dr. William M. Brennan, ’76, and Mrs. Mary N. Brennan Dr. George W. Brent, ’61 Dr. Paul M. Broadwater* Dr. Alan B. Bronstein, ’75, and Mrs. Emily N. Bronstein Dr. Thomas F. Brown, ’84 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Dr. Fred H. Buettner, ’86 Dr. William J. Burns, ’54 Dr. William W. Busch Jr., ’72 Dr. Walter Busse Mr. Aquilino R. Cabanban Jr. and Mrs. Phoebe Cabanban Dr. Robert J. Cabay, Loyola ’86* Dr. Susan A. Cascino, Loyola ’90 Dr. Theodore H. Century, ’55 Dr. Christopher T. Chan, ’08*, and Ms. Maggie L. McNulty Dr. Sow-Yeh Chen* Mr. Faris F. Chesley and Mrs. Christine N. Chesley Dr. Robert F. Chorak, ’80 Dr. Gary M. Christensen, ’76 Dr. Kelli J. Christensen, ’03 Dr. Anthony W. Chulick, ’73 Dr. Richard M. Ciechanowski, ’61 Dr. David L. Clemens, ’80 Dr. Edward C. Collins III* Dr. Michael L. Conlon, ’75* Dr. Timothy D. Conway, ’77, and Mrs. Kathy L. Conway Mr. Arthur Coren and Mrs. Judith Coren Mrs. Ludmilla Coven Dr. James F. Cramer, ’59 Mr. Robert R. Crawford Dr. H. Todd Cubbon, ’70, and Mrs. Patricia Cubbon Mr. Thomas J. Cummins and Mrs. Kathryn V. Cummins Dr. Thomas A. Curry, ’84 Dr. Todd A. Curtis, ’84, and Dr. Christine M. Curtis, ’86 Dr. John M. Damas, ’73* Dr. Frank P. DeGaetano, ’59 Dr. Sydney R. Demovsky, ’62 Dr. Gregory L. Derry, ’76 Dr. Karina J. Dick, ’95 Dr. Thomas R. Dirksen, ’57 Ms. Monty L. Dixon Dr. John T. Dominici, ’83 Dr. James E. Donlan, ’57, and Mrs. Carol A. Donlan Dr. Harold R. Dreebin, ’60, and Mrs. Reva Dreebin Dr. Gerald I. Drury, ’72 Mr. Timothy J. Dugan and Ms. Nancy H. Dugan Dr. Robert M. Dunlap, ’72 Dr. Thomas O. Dusek, Loyola ’75 Dr. John M. Eaton, ’92 Mr. Dale F. Eggert Dr. Rebecca J. Egolf* Dr. Norman C. Eifler, ’57 Dr. Dale R. Eisenmann, ’65*+, and Mrs. Judith A. Eisenmann Winter 2014 17 Dr. William C. Elton, ’82 Dr. Kaori C. Ema, ’11 Mrs. Florine T. Epplin Dr. Norman L. Eskoz, Loyola ’79# Dr. Marian Espino, Loyola ’87, and Mr. Paul Ema Mr. Ismael M. Eustaquio Dr. Robert A. Faessel, ’68 Dr. Angela M. Falcone, 01 Dr. Richard M. Faner, ’72 Dr. Bruce M. Farris, ’87 Dr. Curtis D. Fauble, ’88 Dr. Gregory L. Fauth, ’73* Dr. Johnathan J. Feehan, ’09 Mr. Joshua Feltman Dr. Robert F. Ferek, ’84 Dr. Daniel M. Fidanze, ’83 Dr. Donald C. Findlay, ’60, and Mrs. Judith R. Findlay Dr. John W. Fischer, ’79 Dr. John C. Ford Dr. David D. Francisco# Dr. George R. Frayn, ’80 Dr. Gary W. Freed, ’75 Dr. Kenneth A. Freedman, ’54 Dr. James P. Frett, ’79 Dr. Ralph G. Frick, ’54, and Mrs. Loretta M. Frick Dr. Charles E. Friedman# Dr. Mary A. Gebhardt, ’91 Dr. M. Joel Gebhart, ’65 Dr. Howard A. Gerstein, ’58 Dr. Robert E. Gibbs, ’52* Mr. Stanley Giffin and Mrs. Betty Giffin Dr. Brett E. Gilbert Mr. Charles P. Gilkison and Mrs. Barbara S. Gilkison Mr. Colman Ginsparg and Mrs. Elise J. Ginsparg Dr. Irving Gittelman, ’53, and Mrs. Nathalie F. Gittelman Dr. Douglas W. Goff, ’83 Dr. Melvyn A. Golden, ’74 Mr. Gerald M. Gordon and Mrs. Lois A. Gordon Mr. Michael Gordon and Mrs. Sharon E. Gordon Dr. Bruce S. Graham and Mrs. Linda M. Graham Dr. Charles S. Greene, ’63 Dr. Daniel M. Greising, ’90, and Mrs. Rebecca R. Greising Dr. Stephen E. Grimm III, ’79 Dr. Joseph W. Gruber, ’59, and Mrs. Nancy A. Gruber Dr. Charles A. Gutweniger, Loyola ’55 Dr. Christine L. Haag, ’86 18 Dr. Mark F. Haas, Loyola ’83 Dr. Eric J. Haas Dr. Roger W. Haas* Dr. Allan L. Hablutzel, ’82 Mr. Sherman Halpert and Mrs. Marilyn Halpert Dr. Joseph W. Hamman, ’85 Dr. John J. Hanck, ’70, and Dr. Nancy Golden Hanck Dr. Dimitri J. Haralampopoulos, ’94 Dr. Thomas A. Harris, ’82 Dr. James R. Havera, ’57* Dr. Richard F. Heilemann, ’71 Dr. Harry G. Henderson, ’75 Dr. Lehmann M. Henderson, ’51 Dr. Bradford R. Hendrickson, ’79 Dr. Norberto J. Hernandez, ’95 Dr. Keven S. Herold* Dr. Richard R. Herzfeldt, ’75 Dr. Morris A. Hicks, ’65 Dr. Allen E. Hilton II, ’86, and Mrs. Randalin L. Hilton Mr. Kenneth A. Hoffman and Mrs. Melissa J. Hoffman Dr. Mark A. Hofmeister, ’82, and Mrs. Janet Hofmeister Dr. Jeffrey H. Hopkins* Dr. David Horberg, ’70 Dr. Thomas M. Horrigan, ’58* Dr. Ralph E. Horton, ’61 Dr. John F. Houlihan, ’83 Dr. Michael P. Hoyland, 74 Dr. Thomas J. Hughes, ’80 Dr. Ryan K. Hurley, ’06*, and Dr. Tonya M. Volk* Dr. Jeffrey J. Hynek, ’87 Dr. Kenneth C. Hyten, ’66 Dr. Harvey L. Imber, ’55 Dr. Edison A. Ishaya, ’94 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Mrs. Dorothy H. Jacobson Mrs. Florence L. Jacobson Mr. Han Jang Dr. Barry A. Janov, ’59, and Dr. Jeanne M. Duggan, Loyola ’81 Dr. Alan M. Janusek, ’78 Dr. Edward J. John, ’62* Dr. Gregory J. Johnson, ’83 Dr. Stephen A. Johnson, ’76 Dr. Pamela J. Johnson* Dr. Chelsea A. Jones, 13 Dr. Kenneth J. Jozwiak* Dr. Thomas D. Jozwiak, ’84 Dr. John L. R. Kaeser, ’56 Dr. Gene R. Kantack* and Mrs. Sandra Kantack Mrs. Cheryl L. Kaplan Dr. Kenneth B. Kaplin, ’88* Dr. Michael G. Karagianis, ’60 Dr. James A. Karlowicz, ’75 Ms. Meggan L. Keller Mr. Christopher J. Kennedy and Mrs. Mary H. Kennedy Dr. George F. Kennedy, ’59 Dr. Kevin T. King, Loyola ’78* Dr. Thomas J. King Jr., ’71, and Mrs. Maureen King Dr. David W. Kinsinger, ’76, and Mrs. Janice M. Kinsinger Dr. Walter Y. Kitajima, ’68 Dr. Barbara Klapinska, ’92 Dr. Bennett Klavan, ’44 Dr. Leonard I. Klayman, ’74 Mr. Steven M. Klayman and Mrs. Gale Klayman Dr. James C. Klein, ’60 Mr. Howard A. Knickels and Mrs. Adele Knickels Dr. James J. Koelbl, ’73, and Dr. Joan Sandell Dr. Michael B. Koidin, ’74 Dr. Jay G. Kolb, ’67, and Mrs. Kathleen Kolb Dr. Harish Koratkar* Dr. Brian J. Krakora, ’78 Ms. Betty Kruchkow Mr. Mark Krumtinger and Mrs. Joann H. Krumtinger Dr. Robert A. Kurtz, ’76 Dr. Paul T. Ladner, ’90* Dr. Thomas C. Lakars, ’67 Mr. Jeff D. Langefeld Dr. Lawrence M. Le Vine, ’62 Dr. Chuljoo Lee, ’78 Dr. R. Mark Lee, ’79 Dr. Richard J. Lee Dr. David E. Lemon, ’75 Mr. Craig M. Levin+ Winter 2014 Mr. Jerold E. Levin and Mrs. Evelyn S. Levin Dr. Fredric J. Levy and Mrs. Lauren Levy Dr. William W. Li, ’77, and Mrs. Tina M. Li Mr. Matthew E. Likens and Mrs. Nancy S. Likens Dr. Peter J. Lio, Loyola ’70#, and Mrs. Catherine Lio Dr. Robert A. Lipschultz, ’63 Dr. Lina M. Lizardi, ’07 Dr. Richard M. Loochtan, ’77 Dr. Rita T. Lossau, ’78 Capt. Cornelius T. Lynch, ’89 Dr. G. Donald Magnes, ’58 Dr. Meera Mahajan Mr. Matthew Malenfant and Mrs. Terri Malenfant Dr. Mohamed S. Mansour, ’12 Dr. Richard F. Marinello, ’71 Dr. Robert N. Marley, ’75 Dr. Paul R. Martineau, ’74 Dr. Linda Tiffin Mascorro, ’81 Dr. Michael W. Mathewson, ’80 Mr. Larry Mayer and Mrs. Donna Mayer Dr. Theodore F. Mayer, ’82 Dr. David C. McClelland, ’61* Dr. Richard T. McDaniel, ’65* Dr. Donald B. McElroy and Mrs. Julie B. McElroy Dr. Matthew G. McKnight, ’11* Mr. Robert J. McMillan and Mrs. Ruth A. Poradyla Dr. Alvin G. Medvin, ’59 Dr. David F. Meisner, ’76 Mr. Mark L. Mieszala and Ms. Diane M. Mieszala Dr. Isabel Miles-Yarbrough, Loyola ’82 Dr. James B. Miller, ’61 Dr. Miloslava M. Miller, ’09 Dr. Seymon N. Millner and Mrs. Sandra Millner Mr. Jon C. Minoff and Mrs. Jan Minoff Dr. William G. Mitsos, ’83 Dr. Ronald E. Mizer, ’64, and Mrs. Gloria J. Mizer Dr. Mohammad H. Mohammadi* Mr. Francis L. Mon and Mrs. Lourdes G. Mon Dr. Lee E. Moore, ’74 Dr. Steven J. Moravec* Dr. Thomas J. Moss, Loyola ’84 Dr. Thomas R. Moss, ’72 Brig. Gen. Gary H. Murray, ’73 Dr. John P. Murray, ’60 Dr. Scott R. Musil, ’83, and Mrs. Roseanne R. Musil Mrs. Maria L. Myrianthopoulos Dr. Scott T. Nakahara, Loyola ’83 Mrs. Deepika Nanavati Dr. Neal C. Nealis Jr., ’79, and Mrs. Randee J. Nealis Dr. Laura M. Neumann, ’77 Dr. Spencer C. Nicholson, ’01 Dr. James E. Nijoka, ’76 Mr. Joseph Noren Mr. Richard Noren and Mrs. Amy Noren Dr. Andrew J. Nowak, ’85 Dr. Glenda E. S. Nuckols, ’78 Dr. Ann Marie Nykiel, ’84, and Mr. Douglas V. Grieve Dr. Donald J. O’Donoghue* Dr. Steven M. O’Neal, ’04* Dr. Joanne R. Oppenheim, ’89* Mr. Prospero Pagunsan and Mrs. Aida Suero-Pagunsan Dr. Gregg L. Painter, ’72 Dr. Geena R. Patel, ’10 Mr. Barry S. Paul and Mrs. Ronna Sajowitz Paul Ms. Claire N. Pescheret Dr. Andrew F. Petlak, ’79 Dr. Wilbur P. Pettitt Jr., ’57, and Mrs. Dolores P. Pettitt Mr. John A. Pizarek Dr. Stanton G. Polin and Mrs. Leah Polin Dr. David P. Potts, ’73, and Dr. Lorraine D. Potts Dr. Thomas L. Prendergast, ’90 Dr. Robert E. Rada, ’85 Ms. Mary E. Radford Dr. Margaret Radziszewski, ’02 Dr. Gerald Raybeck, Loyola ’79 Dr. James R. Reader, ’60 Dr. John J. Reilly, ’83 Reliance Orthodontic Products, Inc. Dr. Nijole A. Remeikis, ’59 Dr. Gary K. Resch* Dr. Silvia Restrepo* Dr. Robert C. Reuss, ’63 Mrs. Joan L. Ring Dr. Patricia A. Roberts, ’76 Dr. Norman D. Rodin, ’48 Dr. Charles W. Roe, ’72 Dr. Keith P. Rojek, ’81 Dr. Herbert N. Rosen, ’48 Mr. Philip Rosenberg and Mrs. Natalie Rosenberg Mr. Rob Rosenberg and Mrs. Gretchen Rosenberg Dr. John A. Rothchild, ’80 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Dr. Sheldon A. Rudnick, ’64, and Mrs. Charlotte K. Rudnick Mr. Saul E. Rudo and Mrs. Gail L. Rudo Dr. Laurie A. Rund and Prof. H. Rex Gaskins Dr. Richard J. Ryan, ’77 Dr. Tawfik Y. Sabet Dr. Muzammil M. Saeed, ’03 Ms. Laura H. Sage Dr. Justin P. Salem, ’94 Dr. Robert S. Salk, ’49 Dr. David P. Salomon Dr. Bruce G. Sammons, ’73 Dr. Mark R. Sandrik, ’84 Dr. James E. Sanford, ’75 Dr. Gerald S. Sapp, ’75 Dr. Thomas A. Sarna, ’06*, and Mrs. Heidi J. Sarna Mr. Richard N. Savage Dr. Mark Sawyer, ’84 Dr. William A. Schakel, ’65, and Mrs. Toni E. Schackel Dr. Thomas Schlieve* Mr. Melvin Schneider Mr. Steven R. Schneider and Mrs. Melody L. Schneider Dr. Robert Schriesheim Mr. Hal Schwartz and Ms. Cindy Schwartz Mr. Brian D. Schwerman and Mrs. Cynthia A. Schwerman Mr. Kent N. Schwerman Dr. Melvin P. Sered, ’58 Dr. Abraham J. Shapiro, ’44, and Mrs. Vivian Shapiro Mr. Arthur Shebar and Mrs. Elinor Shebar Dr. Kenneth G. Sherman II* Dr. Claude I. Sime, ’59* Dr. Craig A. Sinclair, Loyola ’74 Dr. Alvin Slomowitz, ’53 Dr. Bernard S. Smaizys, ’74 Mr. Peter D. Smidt Dr. Joseph A. Smith Jr., ’64, and Mrs. Janet G. Smith Dr. Ronald J. Snyder* Dr. John A. Sochor, ’74 Mr. Michael B. Spector and Mrs. Donna Spector Mr. Karl H. Stehmer and Mrs. Pamela R. Stehmer Dr. Benjamin Stephan Dr. Roger K. Stockton, ’39+ Dr. Steven J. Stone, ’79 Dr. Gerald W. Stonecipher, ’65 Mr. Gary Strahinic and Mrs. Nancy R. Strahinic Dr. William F. Stroner, ’53* Winter 2014 19 Dr. Grant K. Stucki* Dr. George D. Sturman, ’54* Dr. Timothy P. Sullivan, ’84 Dr. Hanne T. Sweetnam-Boyd, Loyola ’79 Dr. Gregory T. Swenson, Loyola ’61 Dr. John E. Sylwestrak, ’76 Dr. Ejaz U. Tahir, ’92* Dr. Marlene Tanquilot Dr. Cecile Yoon-Tarlie, ’95* Dr. Bruce C. Teipel, ’76 Dr. Joseph R. Terry and Mrs. Patricia Terry Dr. Carrie H. Thangamani* Dr. Michael A. Thompson, ’03* Dr. William J. Tonne, ’72 Dr. Spencer L. Toppen, ’60 Mr. Burke T. Tran Dr. Andrew P. Trapani, ’69 Dr. Ronald E. Trapp, ’69, and Dr. Sue Ellen Trapp-Hamilton, ’71 Dr. Robert J. Trefil, ’74 Dr. David R. Trost, ’78 Mr. Fred H. Tschirley and Mrs. Mary J. Tschirley Mr. Thomas N. Tunnicliff and Mrs. Mary C. Tunnicliff Mr. Paul Tuszynski and Mrs. Judith Tuszynski Dr. Michael D. Uhde Sr.* Ms. Celia K. Uretsky Dr. Christina G. Venizelos, ’82 Dr. Stephanie B. Vidoni-Hartung, ’97 Dr. Kapil Vij, ’99* Dr. Dana D. Vitkus, ’70 Dr. Daniel R. Vodvarka, ’72 Dr. Lawrence R. Voss, ’78 Dr. Richard E. Walton* and Mrs. Laura R. Walton Mrs. Robin J. Waner-Iser Dr. Neil M. Warshawsky, ’90* Dr. Keiko Watanabe Dr. Michael G. Weinberg* Mrs. Dorothy Weine Mr. Kenneth M. Weine Mr. Perry Weine and Leslie, Daniel, and Alec Weine Dr. Darryn R. Weinstein* Dr. Scott A. Weiskopf* Dr. Chandler E. Weith, ’73 Western Dental Services Dr. Roger T. Wetzel, ’85 Dr. Edward J. White Jr.* Dr. Bernard A. Widen, ’44 Dr. Randy M. Widen, ’69 Dr. Donna M. Williams 20 Mrs. Carolyn E. Winter Dr. Bruce C. Wintersteen, ’81* Dr. John F. Wonderlick, ’71* Dr. Elizabeth Wright and Dr. Julie E. Kaufman Prof. Christine D. Wu Dr. David A. Wurzbach, ’88 Mr. Dustin A. Wylde Dr. Richard H. Yamada, ’66 Dr. Florian H. Zablotny* Dr. Joseph C. Zimmerman III, ’77 Dr. Karla A. Zinkann, ’81* Donations by Class Year Class of 1939 Dr. Roger K. Stockton+ Class of 1942 Dr. Sidney Aronoff Class of 1944 Dr. Leo F. Baranowski Dr. Bennett Klavan Dr. Godfrey Pernell Dr. Abraham J. Shapiro Dr. Bernard A. Widen Class of 1948 Dr. Norman D. Rodin Dr. Herbert N. Rosen Class of 1949 Dr. Robert S. Salk Class of 1950 Dr. Elizabeth J. Zwemer-Larsen Class of 1951 Dr. Gerald H. Borden* Dr. Jerome Fein* Dr. Lehmann M. Henderson Class of 1952 Dr. Gerald W. Burkett Dr. Melvin R. Genaze+ Dr. Robert E. Gibbs* Dr. H. Richard Kelly Dr. J. Robert McIntire Dr. Russell L. Parker+ Dr. George N. Sasamoto Dr. Robert E. Sprague UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Class of 1953 Dr. Irving Gittelman Dr. Alvin Slomowitz Dr. William F. Stroner* Class of 1954 Dr. William J. Burns Dr. Morton Epstein+ Dr. Kenneth A. Freedman Dr. Ralph G. Frick Dr. George D. Sturman* Class of 1955 Dr. Paul H. Anders Dr. Theodore H. Century Dr. Harvey L. Imber Dr. George J. Kottemann* Class of 1956 Dr. Stuart Bernstein Dr. Thomas G. Chung Jr. Dr. Robert Eisinger Dr. John L. R. Kaeser Class of 1957 Dr. Thomas R. Dirksen Dr. James E. Donlan Dr. Norman C. Eifler Dr. James R. Havera* Dr. Wilbur P. Pettitt Jr. Dr. Gerald D. Williams Dr. Richard L. Zimmers Class of 1958 Dr. S. Sol Flores Dr. Howard A. Gerstein Dr. Thomas M. Horrigan* Dr. G. Donald Magnes Dr. Melvin P. Sered Class of 1959 Dr. Robert L. Bradbury Dr. James F. Cramer Dr. Frank P. DeGaetano Dr. Joseph W. Gruber Dr. Barry A. Janov Dr. George F. Kennedy Dr. Alvin G. Medvin Dr. Nijole A. Remeikis Dr. Claude I. Sime* Class of 1960 Dr. Harold R. Dreebin Dr. Thomas E. Emmering Dr. Donald C. Findlay Dr. Michael G. Karagianis Dr. James C. Klein Dr. John P. Murray Winter 2014 Dr. James R. Reader Dr. Rodney E. Sippy Dr. Spencer L. Toppen Class of 1961 Dr. George W. Brent Dr. Richard M. Ciechanowski Dr. Ralph E. Horton Dr. Robert B. Hurdle Dr. William B. Kort Dr. Vincent J. Losito Dr. David C. McClelland* Dr. James B. Miller Class of 1962 Dr. John F. Dalton Dr. Sydney R. Demovsky Dr. Edward J. John* Dr. Lawrence M. Le Vine Dr. Dale C. Nickelsen* Dr. Jonathan G. Hanson Dr. Stephen R. Hertzberg* Dr. Joseph R. Jedrychowski Dr. Walter Y. Kitajima Dr. Thomas E. Parry* Dr. D. Milton Salzer Dr. Russell P. Umbricht Class of 1969 Dr. Joseph E. Canzona Dr. Andrew P. Trapani Dr. Ronald E. Trapp Dr. William K. Vanderwaal* Dr. Peter C. Wasilkoff* Dr. Randy M. Widen Class of 1965 Dr. Dale R. Eisenmann*+ Dr. M. Joel Gebhart Dr. Morris A. Hicks Dr. Richard T. McDaniel* Dr. William A. Schakel Dr. Gerald W. Stonecipher Class of 1966 Dr. Bruce W. Allen Dr. Kenneth C. Hyten Dr. Milton M. Murasaki Dr. Richard H. Yamada Class of 1967 Dr. Jay G. Kolb Dr. Thomas C. Lakars Dr. Ronald M. Milnarik# Class of 1968 Dr. Robert A. Faessel Class of 1972 Dr. William W. Busch Jr. Dr. Rhonna L. Cohen Dr. Vincent L. Conforti Dr. Gerald I. Drury Dr. Robert M. Dunlap Dr. Richard M. Faner Dr. Robert W. Hawkinson Jr.* Dr. Thomas R. Moss Dr. Gregg L. Painter Dr. Charles W. Roe Dr. Donnie W. Rooksberry Dr. William J. Tonne Dr. Daniel R. Vodvarka Class of 1973 Dr. Anthony W. Chulick Dr. William E. Cusack Dr. John M. Damas* Dr. Gregory L. Fauth* Dr. Dushanka V. Kleinman Dr. James J. Koelbl Brig. Gen. Gary H. Murray Dr. David P. Potts Dr. Bruce G. Sammons Dr. Chandler E. Weith Class of 1963 Dr. Harry O. Channon* Dr. Charles S. Greene Dr. Robert A. Lipschultz Dr. Harry Aloysius Louie+ Dr. Robert C. Reuss Dr. Roy A. Shellow Class of 1964 Dr. James A. Berens Dr. Richard P. Martino Dr. Ronald E. Mizer Dr. Sheldon A. Rudnick Dr. Joseph A. Smith Jr. Dr. Samuel S. Wexler Dr. Christopher S. Wenckus* Dr. John F. Wonderlick* Class of 1970 Dr. Wayne E. Barnhisel Dr. Neal R. Benham* Dr. Gerald M. Bieze Dr. H. Todd Cubbon Dr. John J. Hanck Dr. Stanley C. Hess Dr. David Horberg Dr. Richard E. Leeds Dr. Dana D. Vitkus Class of 1971 Dr. Raymond B. Bersano Dr. William J. Bleecker Dr. Martin A. Dettmer Dr. Richard F. Heilemann Dr. James H. Isaacson Dr. N. O. Jackson Dr. Thomas J. King Jr. Dr. Richard F. Marinello Dr. Thomas E. Resnick* Dr. Irwin M. Seidman* Dr. Jordan J. Tilden Dr. Sue Ellen Trapp-Hamilton UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Class of 1974 Dr. William G. Flick* Dr. Melvyn A. Golden Dr. Michael P. Hoyland Dr. Leonard I. Klayman Dr. Michael B. Koidin Dr. Paul R. Martineau Dr. Lee E. Moore Dr. Bernard S. Smaizys Dr. John A. Sochor Dr. Robert J. Trefil Class of 1975 Dr. Bobby W. Austin Dr. Alan B. Bronstein Dr. Michael L. Conlon* Dr. Gary W. Freed Dr. Harry G. Henderson Dr. Richard R. Herzfeldt Dr. James A. Karlowicz Dr. David E. Lemon Dr. Robert N. Marley Dr. Frederick D. Peltz Dr. James E. Sanford Dr. Gerald S. Sapp Dr. Kathleen A. Schroeder Winter 2014 21 Class of 1976 Dr. William M. Brennan Dr. Gary M. Christensen Dr. Gregory L. Derry Dr. Mary J. Hayes* Dr. Stephen A. Johnson Dr. D. Byron Kelley Dr. David W. Kinsinger Dr. Robert A. Kurtz Dr. David F. Meisner Dr. Raymond F. Munaretto* Dr. James E. Nijoka Dr. Patricia A. Roberts Dr. John E. Sylwestrak Dr. Bruce C. Teipel Class of 1977 Dr. Efi Andrianopoulos# Dr. Mark C. Baker* Dr. Robert K. Conlon Dr. Timothy D. Conway Dr. William W. Li Dr. Richard M. Loochtan Dr. Gary W. Long Dr. Vincent W. Meng Dr. Laura M. Neumann Dr. Richard J. Ryan Dr. David P. Walther* Dr. George R. Zehak Dr. Joseph C. Zimmerman III Class of 1978 Dr. Anthony D. Apple Dr. Ellen M. Barnes* Dr. James H. Bryniarski Dr. Alexander H. Chan Dr. Hilary N. Cheng Dr. Gary R. Herberger Dr. Alan M. Janusek Dr. Brian J. Krakora Dr. Chuljoo Lee Dr. Rita T. Lossau Dr. Timothy E. Nelson Dr. Glenda E. S. Nuckols Dr. David R. Trost Dr. Lawrence R. Voss Class of 1979 Dr. James D. Benz Dr. John W. Fischer Dr. James P. Frett Dr. Stephen E. Grimm III Dr. LeRoy S. Gurga Dr. Bradford R. Hendrickson Dr. Jeffrey A. Kramer Dr. Janet M. Kuhn Dr. R. Mark Lee Dr. Neal C. Nealis Jr. 22 Dr. Andrew F. Petlak Dr. Ira A. Satinover* Dr. Timmothy J. Schwartz Dr. Steven J. Stone Dr. Gregory S. Tehle Class of 1980 Dr. Michael H. Anderson Dr. Robert F. Chorak Dr. David L. Clemens Dr. Luisa A. DiPietro* Dr. George R. Frayn Dr. Linda L. Hime Dr. Thomas J. Hughes Dr. Michael W. Mathewson Dr. Stephen L. Rider Dr. John A. Rothchild Dr. Michael B. Schroeder Dr. John W. Zurek Class of 1981 Dr. Joel R. Korczak Dr. Linda Tiffin Mascorro Dr. Keith P. Rojek Dr. Bruce C. Wintersteen* Dr. Karla A. Zinkann* Class of 1982 Dr. Randy L. Bisping Dr. Kurt E. Bruksch Dr. William C. Elton Dr. Allan L. Hablutzel Dr. Thomas A. Harris Dr. Mark A. Hofmeister Dr. Stephen T. Jagielo Dr. Theodore F. Mayer Dr. Marc G. Pescheret* Dr. Daniel W. Steadman Dr. Christina G. Venizelos UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Class of 1983 Dr. Kamlesh G. Amin Dr. Mark S. Antman Dr. Michael E. Bond Dr. Patrick J. Carroll Dr. James C. Davis Dr. John T. Dominici Dr. Arlene M. Engert Dr. Daniel M. Fidanze Dr. Douglas W. Goff Dr. William B. Hamel III Dr. John F. Houlihan Dr. Gregory J. Johnson Dr. William G. Mitsos Dr. Scott R. Musil Dr. John J. Reilly Class of 1984 Dr. Paul M. Anfenson Dr. Barry E. Booth* Dr. Thomas F. Brown Dr. Thomas A. Curry Dr. Todd A. Curtis Dr. Robert F. Ferek Dr. John S. Fox* Dr. Thomas D. Jozwiak Dr. Pamela Jurgens-Toepke Dr. Tony W. Liu Dr. Ann Marie Nykiel Dr. Susan A. Rowan Dr. Mark R. Sandrik Dr. Mark Sawyer Dr. Timothy P. Sullivan Class of 1985 Dr. Alex G. Alemis Dr. Joseph W. Hamman Dr. Anthony Markiewicz Dr. Andrew J. Nowak Dr. Robert E. Rada Dr. Yan M. Razdolsky* Dr. Roger T. Wetzel Class of 1986 Dr. Scott D. Beallis Dr. Fred H. Buettner Dr. Christine M. Curtis Dr. Christine L. Haag Dr. Allen E. Hilton II Class of 1987 Dr. Bruce M. Farris Dr. Jeffrey J. Hynek Dr. John M. Nusstein Dr. Frederick M. Stroner Dr. Eliot M. Tokowitz Winter 2014 Class of 1997 Dr. Kurt A. Barth Dr. Neil R. Bonje* Dr. Genaro Romo Dr. Andrea S. Uditsky-Nakisher* Dr. Stephanie B. Vidoni-Hartung Class of 1988 Dr. Michael G. Durbin* Dr. Curtis D. Fauble Dr. Kenneth E. Grove* Dr. Mark J. Humenik Dr. Kenneth B. Kaplin* Dr. Jeffrey C. Kemp Dr. Renee P. Pappas Dr. David A. Wurzbach Class of 1998 Dr. Robert E. Haraden Dr. Benjamin A. LoGiudice Dr. John Nowak* Class of 1989 Dr. Kevin C. Beyersdorfer* Dr. David M. Cohen Dr. Louis G. Karras* Dr. Spiro C. Karras Capt. Cornelius T. Lynch Dr. Joanne R. Oppenheim* Class of 1999 Dr. Shawn M. Velez* Dr. Kapil Vij* Class of 2000 Dr. David Hertzberg* Dr. Gabriel D. Hostalet Class of 1990 Dr. Daniel M. Greising Dr. Paul T. Ladner* Dr. Thomas L. Prendergast Dr. Neil M. Warshawsky* Class of 1991 Dr. Mary A. Gebhardt Dr. Dan B. Hilo Dr. Michael W. Naborowski* Dr. Michael P. Ryan Class of 2001 Dr. Angela M. Falcone Dr. Richard Alex Munaretto* Dr. Spencer C. Nicholson Class of 2002 Dr. Patrick I. Fitzgerald* Dr. Vince A. Panesis* Dr. Margaret Radziszewski Class of 1992 Dr. Sunita Bajaj Dr. John M. Eaton Dr. Barbara Klapinska Dr. Martin J. Rogers* Dr. Ejaz U. Tahir* Class of 2003 Dr. Kelli J. Christensen Dr. Jon D. Nickelsen Dr. Muzammil M. Saeed Dr. Michael A. Thompson* Dr. Chad Wiersema* Class of 1993 Dr. John E. Donlan Lt. Col. Darrell S. Smith Class of 2004 Dr. Steven M. O’Neal* Class of 1994 Dr. Mojdeh Beallis Dr. Thomas M. Bodnar Dr. Dimitri J. Haralampopoulos Dr. Edison A. Ishaya Dr. Laura J. Roehrig-Donlan Dr. Justin P. Salem Class of 1995 Dr. Karina J. Dick Dr. Norberto J. Hernandez Dr. Cecile Yoon-Tarlie* Class of 1996 Dr. Keith M. Sommers* Class of 2005 Dr. Meghan Crisham King Dr. Patrick F. King* Class of 2006 Dr. Ryan K. Hurley Dr. Thomas A. Sarna* Class of 2007 Dr. Darren A. Bennett Dr. Victor G. Gonzalez Dr. Lina M. Lizardi Class of 2008 Dr. Daya Bhat* Dr. Christopher T. Chan* Dr. Robert S. Lee* UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Class of 2009 Dr. Johnathan J. Feehan Dr. Miloslava M. Miller Class of 2010 Dr. Maria Lani Basco-Resurreccion Dr. Simona L. Katona* Dr. Geena R. Patel Class of 2011 Dr. Daniel R. Brunetti Dr. Kaori C. Ema Dr. Matthew G. McKnight* Dr. Christopher P. Zwiercan Class of 2012 Dr. Mohamed S. Mansour Class of 2013 Dr. Chelsea A. Jones Specialty Degrees Dr. Saad Al-Kharsa Dr. Mona A. Al-Sane Dr. Moayad S. Alomar Dr. Rajaa Abdulla Alsanea Dr. Donald S. Amano Dr. Shereen S. Azer Dr. Vladana Babcic Dr. Zayneb E. Bahrani Dr. Meenaksi I. Balakrishnan Dr. Brigitte R. Bigras Dr. William H. Binns Dr. James W. Blackburn Dr. Dalton G. Blough Dr. Raymond A. Bonomo Dr. Paul M. Broadwater Dr. Bruna M. Burgener Dr. Andrew J. Calhoun Dr. Sow-Yeh Chen Dr. Victoria Chen Dr. Clara Chow Dr. Agnieszka Chruszczyk Dr. Edward C. Collins III Dr. Theodore Damas Dr. Dale J. Davis Dr. Lisa M. Davis Dr. Kenneth R. Dick Dr. Jonathan C. Ee Dr. Rebecca J. Egolf Dr. Tarek H. El-Bialy Dr. Kadri G. El Assal Dr. Bryan T. Eslinger Dr. Stephen N. Ferraro Dr. Harry G. Frank Dr. Robert W. Glineburg Dr. Newton C. Gordon Dr. Roger W. Haas Winter 2014 23 Dr. Michael B. Hagearty Dr. Evan S. Halpern Prof. Jian Jun Hao Dr. John F. Hatton Dr. Keven S. Herold Dr. Rhiannon M. Holcombe Dr. Jeffrey H. Hopkins Dr. Raza A. Hussain Dr. Sara D. Iampaglia Dr. Mark R. Jensen Dr. Andrew M. Johnson Dr. Bradford R. Johnson Dr. Diane Johnson Dr. Pamela J. Johnson Dr. Kenneth J. Jozwiak Dr. Gene R. Kantack Dr. Harish Koratkar Dr. Annette M. Kugelmann Dr. Daniel M. Laskin Dr. Benjamin A. Lin Dr. Lihong Lin Dr. Stephanie P. Liss Dr. Robert Litowitz Dr. Yi-Chen Liu Dr. Cathy Evans Longos Dr. Weyland Lum Dr. James E. Lupi Dr. Natanya Marracino Dr. Sarah Mathias Dr. Gerusa Mello-Anderson Dr. Charles W. Miller Dr. Michael J. Mintz Dr. Mohammad H. Mohammadi Dr. Steven J. Moravec Dr. Mark A. O’Banion Dr. Donald J. O’Donoghue Dr. Brian T. Quesnell Dr. William Quest Dr. Scott R. Rehm Dr. Gary K. Resch Dr. Silvia Restrepo Dr. Michael J. Ryan Dr. Thomas J. Rysz Dr. Thomas Schlieve Dr. Kenneth G. Sherman II Dr. Ronald J. Snyder Dr. Jin Moon Soh Dr. Anupama Sridhar Dr. Grant Stucki Dr. Carrie H. Thangamani Dr. Dennis M. Tucker Dr. Michael D. Uhde Sr. Dr. Mayank D. Vora 24 Dr. Brian S. Wardell Dr. Dennis F. Weber Dr. Michael G. Weinberg Dr. Darryn R. Weinstein Dr. Scott A. Weiskopf Dr. Edward J. White Jr. Dr. Florian H. Zablotny Loyola Dr. Dorothy A. Anasinski, ’93 Dr. Dale M. Anderson, ’74# Dr. Warren Y. Avny, ’66# Dr. Alan T. Azar, ’79 Dr. Richard Battistoni, ’85 Dr. Gary W. Brankin, ’81* Dr. Kenneth E. Bray# Dr. Ronald Brown# Dr. Robert G. Brunetti,’78 Dr. Dennis M. Byrne# Dr. Robert J. Cabay, ’86* Dr. Mary Ann Ellenz Campbell, ’87 Dr. Susan A. Cascino, ’90 Dr. Samuel J. Cascio, ’52 Dr. Lance W. Crawford, ’75# Dr. Carlos Diaz-Albertini, ’90# Dr. Joseph V. Discipio, ’52 Dr. Jeanne M. Duggan, ’81 Dr. Thomas O. Dusek, ’75 Dr. Daniel G. Ellenz, ’81# Dr. Susan J. Ellenz-McGarry, ’85# Dr. Norman L. Eskoz, ’79# Dr. Marian Espino, ’87 Dr. Larry R. Farsakian, ’84# Dr. Bruce K. Felder# Dr. David D. Francisco# Dr. Charles E. Friedman# Dr. John W. Gillan, ’74# Dr. Loyola M. Gleason, ’81 Dr. Charles A. Gutweniger, ’55 Dr. Mark F. Haas, ’83 Dr. Kevin T. King, ’78* Dr. Terry Kippa# Dr. Keith Krell# Dr. Peter J. Lio,’70# Dr. John P. Lynch, ’82# Dr. Paul R. Mann# Dr. James E. McCormick Dr. Robert F. McGarry, ’85# Dr. Isabel Miles-Yarbrough, ’82 Dr. Donald A. Miller, ’87# Dr. Thomas J. Moss, ’84 Dr. Richard A. Munaretto, ’69# Dr. Scott T. Nakahara, ’83 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Dr. Charles R. Neach# Dr. Jerome V. Pisano, ’72# Dr. Richard A. Pasiewicz, ’81# Dr. William D. Petty, ’74 Dr. Gerald Raybeck, ’79 Dr. Donald L. Scoralle, ’62# Dr. Scott B. Shellhammer# Dr. Beth A. Sheridan# Dr. Craig A. Sinclair, ’74 Dr. Brent C. Sonnenberg, ’78# Dr. Hanne T. Sweetnam-Boyd, ’79 Dr. Gregory T. Swenson, ’61 Dr. David A. Tamura, ’77 Dr. Edward P. Theiss# Dr. Gene Z. Walchirk, ’88# Italic names: The UIC College of Dentistry recognizes those members of the University of Illinois Foundation’s Presidents Council. *UIC College of Dentistry postgraduate program alumnus/ alumna. #Loyola School of Dentistry postgraduate program alumnus/ alumna +Deceased. Donors of $2,500 or more are members of the Chancellor’s Circle, the University’s most elite group of benefactors. Donors of $1,000 or more are members of the College’s Dean’s Council, a prestigious group of some of the College’s most generous supporters. Every effort has been made to list all contributions correctly. We apologize for any oversight or error and ask that you please report it to Ana Lisa Ogbac, Associate Director of Advancement and Alumni Affairs. Call (312) 996-0485 or e-mail [email protected]. Winter 2014 Direct your support of the College to where you want it to go! Alumni and friends of the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry are welcome to direct their support to their favorite purpose: students, faculty, research, clinical care, infrastructure, and much more. Please join the College’s generous donors by contributing to one of the gift funds listed below. Office of the Dean Department of Orthodontics o Annual Fund/Dean’s Fund for Excellence (331331) o Group Practice Clinic Renovation Fund (335802) o Dentistry Service Learning Fund (334791) o Dr. Moneim Zaki Curriculum Innovations Fund (335872) o Scholarships and Awards Fund (775056) oS tudent Activities Fund (331329) oD r. Allen W. Anderson Memorial Fund (771033) o Dr. Earl W Renfroe and Hilda F. Renfroe Scholarship Fund (770131) oR ice Family Fund (558426) oK ottemann Gallery of Dentistry (332133) oD r. Thaddeus V. Weclew Lecture Fund (773803) r. Bruce S. Graham and Linda M. Graham Scholarship oD Fund (NEW! 773981) o Department of Orthodontics Unrestricted Fund (333011) o Dr. Allan G. Brodie Institute for Orthodontics Unrestricted Fund (330659) o Drs. Bernard Schneider/Cyril Sadowsky Faculty Fund (773418) o Dr. Earl W. Renfroe Professorship in Clinical Orthodontics (773362) Center for Microbiology of Oral Diseases Department of Periodontics o Center for Molecular Biology of Oral Diseases Unrestricted Fund (332863) o Periodontics Clinic Renovation Fund (336361) o Periodontics Unrestricted Fund (333278) o Dr. Bennett Klavan Fund (772452) Department of Endodontics oD r. Charles G. Maurice Fund (332349) oD r. Nijole Remeikis Endowment Fund (773313) Department of Pediatric Dentistry o Pediatric Dentistry Clinic Renovation Fund (330973) o Pediatric Dentistry Unrestricted Fund (330542) o Drs. Gerlach-Barber Recognition Fund (331775) o Children’s Associated Care Fund (332789) o Dr. Indru C. Punwani Resident and Faculty Development Endowment Fund (NEW! 773960) Department of Restorative Dentistry o Restorative and Advanced Prosthodontics Clinic Renovation Fund (337408) o Restorative Dentistry Unrestricted Fund (333555) o Dr. S. Sol Flores and Mrs. Cecilia T. Flores Clinical Prosthodontics Laboratory Fund (332805) o Dr. Charles F. Nichols Occlusal Studies Student Scholarship (335088) o Special Projects Fund (333556) Department of Oral Biology oO ral Biology Unrestricted Fund (337403) oD r. E. Lloyd Du Brul Scholarship Fund (773041) o Dr. James H. Fuller Travel Award (772165) oH istology Alumni and Friends Fund (331886) Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery oO ral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinic Renovation Fund (333082) oO ral and Maxillofacial Surgery Unrestricted Fund (333086) Department of Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences oO ral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences Unrestricted Fund (335088) oC enter for Diagnostic Imaging Fund (337719) International Dentist Degree Program o International Dentist Degree Program Unrestricted Fund (556719) o International Dentist Degree Program Preclinical Teaching Facility Fund (337775) Research o Dentistry Summer Student Research Award Fund (340345) o Center for Wound Healing and Tissue Regeneration Laboratory (335098) o Dr. Isaac Schour Memorial Dentistry Student Research Awards (335354) o Caries Research Fund (335951) Please cut out this page and include with your check made payable to the University of Illinois Foundation. Please note that 100% of your gift will be directed to the College of Dentistry fund of your choice. Please send your gift to Mark J. Valentino, Assistant Dean for Advancement and Alumni Affairs, College of Dentistry, MC 621, Room 404EB, 801 South Paulina Street, Chicago, Illinois 60612-7211. Thank you for your generosity! For more information, call Ana Lisa Ogbac at (312) 996-0485 or email [email protected]. UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u 5N82C Winter 2014 25 You are not a statistic. You are also not a sales goal or a benchmark or a market segment. You are a dentist. And we are The Dentists Insurance Company, TDIC. More than 30 years ago, the small group of dentists who started this company made three promises: to only protect dentists, to protect them better than any other insurance company out there and to be there when you need us. Because with TDIC, you’re a dentist first, last and always. Endorsed by the Illinois State Dental Society Protecting dentists. It’s all we do. ® 800.733.0633 | tdicsolutions.com 14 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 Feature CDS Reception Variety of 2013 Centennial Events Culminate in Gala The University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry’s Centennial Celebration featured special events in which hundreds of alumni, faculty, staff, and students, as well as Loyola and Northwestern alumni and friends of the College, gathered in 2013 to celebrate under the theme A Proud Past, A Brilliant Future. “It was a year of honoring not only the College’s history, but the students, faculty, staff, alumni, friends, and corporate and organized dentistry partners who have embraced our commitment to excellence in dental education and who have been inspired by our Vision to make our College a world leader over the past 100 years,” said Dr. Bruce Graham, who stepped down as Dean in December. Events were planned by Ana Lisa Ogbac, Associate Director of Advancement and Alumni Affairs. UIC-Loyola Pizza Party and Basketball Game The College kicked off the Centennial Celebration with a Pizza Party preceding the UIC Flames-Loyola Ramblers basketball game the evening of Jan. 16. More than 60 people attended, including alumni of both UIC and Loyola. Dr. Benjamin LoGiudice, ’98, was honored by being chosen to Light the Flame before the game. Dr. LoGiudice is President of the Arcolian Dental Arts Society, which has members who are alumni of the UIC College of Dentistry, Loyola School of Dentistry, and Northwestern University School of Dentistry. Dr. LoGiudice noted that he, his wife, and his daughters “truly felt like VIPs. My family had a wonderful time. It was exciting and quite an honor.” “The game came down to the buzzer and senior point guard Gary Talton sank a bank shot with two seconds left and UIC won 61-59, giving us bragging rights!” said Dr. Bill Bleecker, ’71. “Chicago is the birthplace of modern dentistry and UIC and Loyola grads are among the greatest dentists in the world, and an event like this was great for getting us together.” UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y To celebrate the Centennial, the College held a reception in conjunction with the Chicago Dental Society (CDS) Midwinter Meeting the evening of Feb. 22. More than 120 people attended. “The UIC reception that was held that Midwinter Meeting this year was a wonderful time,” said D-4 Claire Pescheret. “It was great to see the collection of people from the past, present, and future of dentistry all in one room. My classmates and I enjoyed spending time with our faculty outside of the school atmosphere. The event allowed us the unique opportunity to connect on a different level with all of the attendees.” Students Claire Pescheret, Megan Keller, Nicole Bartosik, and Julie Davis were among the many students who enjoyed the College’s reception at the CDS Midwinter Meeting. Dr. Danny Hanna, Clinical Associate Professor, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, attended the reception and noted that the Hotel Inter-Continental was “a nice setting outside the College to visit with current students, faculty, and alumni. It really was a cross-generational event, and it was extra special because of the Centennial.” Clinic and Research Day The annual Clinic and Research Day held on March 7, as one of the official events of the College’s Centennial, featured a special keynote presentation, as Dr. Thomas G.H. Diekwisch, Head of the Department of Oral Biology, Allan G. Brodie Endowed Chair for Orthodontic Research, and Director of the Brodie Laboratory for Craniofacial Genetics, was the keynote speaker, discussing the history of research at the College. h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 27 “All the presenters and their mentors are to be congratulated on the broad spectrum of research projects,” said Dr. Seymour L. Gottlieb, ’58, benefactor of the Dr. Isaac Schour Memorial Fund, which assists student researchers in the Summer Student Research Program. “It was inspirational to hear students communicate their research so capably and then have the observing students assess and engage in discussions. Clinic and Research Day is an ideal opportunity for everyone to see firsthand advances in research and educational opportunities while nurturing confidence, curiosity, and thinking skills,” Dr. Gottlieb said. The Class of 1978 celebrated its 35th anniversary at the Centennial Reunion. Former Associate Dean for Research Dr. Phillip T. Marucha with student Shohreh Raoof and Dr. Seymour Gottlieb, ‘58 Student Shohreh Raoof was a Summer Student researcher; her project was on the role of the hormone DHEA in depression, and she analyzed salivary hormones and their correlation with depression. “The Summer Student Research Program was very rewarding for both my professional and personal life and I feel very fortunate to have been a part of it,” she said. “I am thankful for the chance Dr. Gottlieb gave me by providing the funds for my research, presented at the Centennial Year Clinic and Research Day.” Centennial Reunion Dinner at the Carlisle in Lombard, IL. Dr. Rick Bona, ’78, noted that he and his wife “had a great time. I wish even more of my classmates would have come. We thought it was wonderful. It was a great way to spend a Friday evening. Dean Graham did a great job greeting the anniversary classes with certificates and pins, and the dessert bar at the end kept people mingling. It gave me a few good ideas for Dental Arts Club of Chicago events.” Delta Dental of Illinois sponsored Reunion 2013. Spirit of Peoria Riverboat Tour The College hosted a Spirit of Peoria Riverboat Tour on the Illinois River on Saturday, June 15, Reunion More than 250 UIC College of Dentistry and Loyola University Chicago School of Dentistry alumni, spouses, faculty, guests, and dignitaries— the largest Reunion attendance in decades— enjoyed an evening of reconnecting, awards, and music the evening of April 26 at the College’s 28 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y The College hosted a Spirit of Peoria Riverboat Tour on the Illinois River on June 15 in Peoria, IL. Pictured left to right, back row, are Dr. Susan Zelazo-Smith; Tom Smith; Dr. Timmothy Schwartz, ’79; Dr. Clifford Brown, ’54; and front row, D-3 Yost Smith; Dr. Bruce Graham; and Dr. George Kottemann, ’55, Orthodontics ’59. h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 in Peoria, IL. The event began with a dockside cookout, and the Spirit of Peoria cruised the river for several hours. The theme was “Tropical Rock & Roll for Your Soul and Jimmy Buffett Night,” and the Caribbean-themed cruise featured a Jimmy Buffett cover band. Student Yost Smith was one of the participants, and noted the cruise “it was a fun time, and a great way to network with alumni who have moved away from the Chicago area.” “The cruise was an enjoyable evening on the river,” said Dr. Timmothy Schwartz, ’79, who practices in Pekin, IL. “It gave all that were there a chance to talk together for quite a while. I really like the idea of an alumni event in central Illinois.” MicroDental Chicago at Albert Tassi Dental Studio was the sponsor. Centennial Oral Biology Legacy Conference The College celebrated 100 years of leadership in Oral Biology and Orthodontics with the “Legacy in Oral Biology” conference June 16 through June 20. The conference featured more than 60 speakers and included some of the top scholars in the world. It was chaired by Dr. Thomas G.H. Diekwisch, Head of the Department of Oral Biology and Brodie Chair and Director of the Brodie Laboratory for Craniofacial Genetics at the College. The Maxwell Street Klezmer Band performed at the Oral Biology Legacy Conference, and some attendees danced to the music. “Our Oral Biology Legacy was one week of scientific immersion into everything UIC Oral Biology is about: functional morphology; evolutionary, developmental and mineralized tissue biology; tissue engineering and stem cells, and temporomandibular joint function and disorders,” said Dr. Diekwisch. Participants in the Oral Biology Legacy Conference. Dr. Christopher Squier, Professor, Department of Oral Pathology, Radiology, and Medicine, University of Iowa College of Dentistry, spoke at the Oral Biology Legacy Conference. There also was an architectural boat cruise on the Chicago River. During the history session on the last day, the Maxwell Street Klezmer Band performed. UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y “Our meeting was elevated beyond the usual scope of a scientific conference by embracing our history with Klezmer music, historical memoirs, and a boat tour on Lake Michigan. For me most gratifying was to celebrate with friends and to relive the awe-inspiring legacy of those who once led our department at the helm of American dental education and research.” Dr. Matthew Ravosa, Professor, Department of Biological Sciences, attended the conference. “UIC dental faculty have played a major role in increasing our understanding of the development, function, evolution and pathobiology of the oral cavity,” he said. h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 29 “The diversity of approaches and subject material on oral biology was particularly exciting. The diversity of speakers was very interdisciplinary in nature, which made for a scientific broader meeting than is typical. As such, it was a great way to find out about the state of the state in related fields. “I thoroughly enjoyed the Tuesday evening boat cruise on Lake Michigan and the Chicago River. It was also nice to see various folks I normally do not run into anymore or only very infrequently,” Dr. Ravosa concluded. Sponsors included Active Motif; Colgate Palmolive Co.; GC America; GlaxoSmithKline; Dr. Arthur Litowitz, Dr. Robert Litowitz, ’47, MS Orthodontics ’48, and the Litowitz Foundation; the George Matula Endowment Fund for Research and the Study of Oral Biology; the Rush University Department of Biochemistry; Thermo Fisher; the UIC Department of Biology at the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences; the UIC College of Dentistry and its Department of Oral Biology and Department of Orthodontics; Dr. Dennis F. Weber, MS Histology ’63; Dr. Samuel S. Wexler, ’64, and Charlene Wexler. “All along the coast of Alaska were vistas of ice flows and glaciers,” said Dr. Christopher Wenckus, who shot these pictures. One of the excursions on the trip was on a steam engine train that took passengers from Juneau to the Yukon gold fields. Continuing Education at Sea A seven-day Alaskan Silversea Cruise on the ship the Silver Shadow was held July 4 through 11 and offered Continuing Education. Dr. Rand F. Harlow, Clinical Assistant Professor and Director of Predoctoral Implant Education, presented the course Implant Dentistry: Past, Present, and Future. The ship cruised several glaciers and visited Sitka, Juneau, Skagway, and Ketchikan, Alaska. “The Alaskan CE cruise was spectacular in every way,” Dr. Harlow said. “First, the venue was phenomenal. Silversea is a five-star cruise line. You are treated like royalty. Accommodations were stellar, cuisine was on par with any high end restaurant and service was amazing. Shore excursions were very well planned and operated seamlessly. “Even though there was limited attendance, we had some very good discussions on implant dentistry,” Dr. Harlow continued. “The lectures were spread out over the length of the cruise, and were done in a relaxed environment on the cruise ship. “It is a trip I will remember for a lifetime,” he concluded. “This should be on everyone’s bucket list. Alaska is simply breathtaking, impossible to 30 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y describe unless you see it in person.” “The trip was fabulous,” said Dr. Christopher S. Wenckus, ’71, Endodontics ’74. “The service was impeccable. The ship is known for having more space per passenger than any other ship in the cruise industry. “The trip left from Seward, Alaska and ended up in Vancouver, Canada. As one would expect, the scenery was out of this world. “We decided to have the CE portion of the program early in the mornings over breakfast,” Dr. Wenckus noted. College Picnic Students, staff, and faculty were invited to the College’s Centennial Picnic on Aug 14 along Marshfield Avenue adjacent to the dental school. College personnel enjoyed hot dogs, hamburgers, chicken, and vegetarian treats as they visited with their co-workers. Prize drawings also were held. h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 see often, but hardly ever get a chance to have a one-on-one conversation with.” Golf Outing D-2s Mollie K. Dixon, Olga Katz, and Taras Martyniouk were among the hundreds of students, faculty, and staff who enjoyed the College’s Centennial Picnic. “I enjoyed spending time at the College’s Centennial Picnic this past summer,” recalled student Mollie K. Dixon. “The picnic was a great way to get outside during the day and mingle with my classmates and the faculty.” “It was really fun to kick back, be able to get away from our busy schedule, and to mingle with our classmates while celebrating such a memorable moment,” said student Olga Katz. “It was an honor to be part of UIC College of Dentistry’s 100th year anniversary!” “The picnic environment was good, and the weather cooperated, too,” said staff member The College’s 22nd annual Golf Outing on Sept. 11 was a special one. The event returned to Cog Hill Golf and Country Club in Lemont, IL, and some golfers played Dubsdread, home of the Western Open. There was a 1 p.m. shotgun start, and a special Centennial dinner in the evening. Attendance doubled from the previous year, as 86 golfers enjoyed the event. Dr. Tom King, ’71, once again served as Chair of the Golf Outing. Sponsors were: Bennett Technologies, DENTSPLY, MicroDental Chicago at Albert Tassi Dental Studio, Standard Bank and Trust Co., UIC Athletics, and WhipMix. “Loved the return to Cog Hill—perfect day!” said Steven T. Kuhn, ’97, Pediatric Dentistry ’00. “As always, well run, and it’s great to see familiar faces that I only get to see about once a year anymore. And, there was golf and beer involved!” Celebrating A Proud Past Book Preview Approximately 80 alumni, faculty, staff, students, retirees, and friends attended the Celebrating A Proud Past Book Preview on Sept. 15. Preview copies of the College’s history book, Celebrating A Proud Past, were on hand. William S. Bike, Director of Advancement and Alumni Affairs Communications, gave a presentation on the book. Students, faculty, and staff enjoyed the warm weather and the lawn during the picnic. Connie Quach, General Anesthesia Coordinator for Pediatric Dentistry. “I work mostly with the residents, so the picnic was a good opportunity to communicate and catch up with people that I may UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y Dr. Bennett Klavan, ’44 (center), former Head of Periodontics, came back to the College for the book preview event and visited with Dean Bruce Graham (left). h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 31 History Book Celebrating a Proud Past Published by College past, and another highlighting current faculty, alumni, staff, and friends of the College. Each of the College’s specialty departments has its own section. Interesting facts about the College and lists of awardwinners are included. The book contains articles about changes in the building, curriculum, and research mission; the impact of private support; social life at the College; student organizations; African Americans in the dental profession; women in the dental professions; a photo display of current staff; and reflections by retired staff members. There also are letters of congratulations from leaders of organized dentistry and elected "Celebrating a Proud Past" is available for purchase. officials. Celebrating a Proud Past is available for $40, plus $5 for postage and handling per book. To purchase copies of Celebrating a Proud Past, send a check made out to UIC College of Dentistry to William S. Bike, Office of Advancement and Alumni Affairs, UIC College of Dentistry, 801 S. Paulina St., Chicago, IL 60612. To use a credit card, fill out the form on the inside back cover of Vision magazine and mail to the above address. For more information, contact Bike at (312) 996-8495 or [email protected]. In conjunction with its Centennial celebration, the College of Dentistry has published a fourcolor, 226-page book about its history, Celebrating a Proud Past. The book, said Dr. Bruce Graham, Dean from 2000 to 2013, is dedicated “to the students, faculty, staff, patients, administrators, alumni, benefactors, donors, and friends whose commitment and devotion have made us one of the leading dental institutions in the world. “Leadership is a constant theme throughout Operatories in the College’s Wood Street our history,” building in the 1960s. Dr. Graham continued. “From being the first dental school in the nation to have electric-driven dental engines and floormounted units, to inventions including the high-speed handpiece and ammoniated toothpaste, to founding national dental organizations, to setting the baseline standard for oral radiation safety, and even to inventing Flag Day, leadership always has been the word defining our College.” The book recounts the rich history of the College, with hundreds of photos supplementing the text. There is a section with notable faculty of the 32 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y The early days of television courses at the College in the 1950s. h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 Centennial Gala Celebration Students Mallory Marquie, Farah Shakir, Lauren Allegretti, and Yost Smith served at student tour guides at the book event. Dr. Samuel S. Wexler, ’64, an internationally known dental historian, spoke on the history of the College. Dr. Thomas Lakars, ’67, Assistant Professor, Oral Biology, offered his perspective on two of the giants in the College’s history: Dr. Frederick Bogue Noyes, Dean from 1924 to 1940, and Dr. E. Lloyd Du Brul, longtime faculty member and developer of the science of biomechanics of the head and neck. Dr. Thomas G.H. Diekwisch, Head of the Department of Oral Biology, Allan G. Brodie Endowed Chair for Orthodontic Research, and Director of the Brodie Laboratory for Craniofacial Genetics, discussed the Vienna Group of world renowned faculty of the College in the 1930s and 1940s. Students also gave the guests tours of the building. Guests also visited the College’s Kottemann Gallery of History and the Du Brul Archives of Oral Anatomy. “I really enjoyed attending the reception and book launch,” said Dr. Bennett Klavan, ’44, former Head of the Department of Periodontics. “The lectures were very interesting and seeing old friends, some of whom I had not seen for many years, was wonderful. The food was pretty good, too!” Delta Dental of Illinois sponsored the Book Launch. ISDS Reception The College held a Centennial Alumni Reception during the Illinois State Dental Society Annual Session in Bloomington, IL, on Sept. 20. Delta Dental of Illinois and MicroDental Chicago at Albert Tassi Dental Studio were the sponsors. UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y Centennial year culminated with the Centennial Gala Celebration Dinner on Nov. 15 in the Grand Ballroom at Navy Pier in Chicago. More than 330 alumni, faculty, students, staff, retirees, benefactors, and friends of the College attended. “The Gala capped a year of honoring not only the College’s history, but the members of our College community who have embraced our commitment to excellence in dental education and who have been inspired by our Vision to make our College a world leader over the past 100 years, Dean Bruce Graham said. “The Centennial Gala was just fabulous,” said Dr. Robert G. Brunetti, Loyola ’78, President of the Guy D. and Rebecca E. Brunetti Foundation and president and Chief Executive Officer of ProCare Dental Group P.C. “What an extraordinary event. From the moment I entered the reception area at Navy Pier, I was enthralled with the history of the College. I enjoyed so much reading the various poster boards and observing the PowerPoint on the faculty and staff who made a difference over the first 100 years.” After a cocktail reception, the party moved into the Grand Ballroom, and Dean Graham introduced Dr. Paula Allen-Meares, UIC Chancellor. UIC Provost Lon Kaufman then spoke. “It has been deeply rewarding to participate in the Centennial year celebrations for the University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry and, coincidentally, to celebrate Dean Bruce Graham for his outstanding leadership over the last 13 years,” Dr. Kaufman said. “Both Dean Graham and the College are synonymous with excellence, hard work, cutting edge research, and care for its patients, and for providing the best training and education to its students. “I congratulate the Dean and the College because both are nationally recognized as leaders among academic-dental institutions throughout Chicago, the State of Illinois, the United States and the world,” Dr. Kaufman continued. “I wish all the best to Dean Graham, as he steps down as Dean at the conclusion of this year. He leaves a rich and enduring legacy as the College embarks upon its next 100 years,” Dr. Kaufman concluded. After dinner, Dean Graham and his wife, Linda, were surprised when Dr. Bill Knight, Interim Dean, and Mark J. Valentino, Assistant Dean h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 33 Centennial Gala Dr. Ron Milnarik, ’67, and his wife, Pauline, visited with friends during the Gala Dinner. Dr. Bruce Graham and his wife, Linda, were surprised with a photo presentation about their lives, and a scholarship named for them. The City Lights Orchestra performed at the Gala. Attendees purchased Centennial Books and signed up for silent auction items. Ana Lisa Ogbac, Associate Director of Advancement and Alumni Affairs, presented the Graham Scholarship check to Linda and Bruce Graham. Dancing was another fun part of the evening. 34 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 Celebration Jim Fasula; Kim Fasula, Director of the Allen W. Anderson Faculty Dental Practice; Dr. Alyson Koslow, Prosthodontics ’98, Clinical Assistant Professor, Restorative Dentistry; and Jim Ryle. Students enjoyed getting dressed up for the Gala. Students Arash Hosseini, Angelica Lagunas, Elizabeth Razdolsky, and alumnus Dr. Yan Razdolsky, ’85. Navy Pier’s Grand Ballroom was an elegant venue for the Gala. Dr. Lon Kaufman, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost, spoke to Gala revelers from the podium and on the big screen. UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y Dr. Cathleen Coyne, ’93, came to Chicago from Tennessee to attend the Gala. Her guest, Stokes Nelson, is at right. h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 35 for Advancement and Alumni Affairs, came up on stage and announced the creation of the Dr. Bruce S. Graham and Linda M. Graham Scholarship Fund. Ana Lisa Ogbac, Associate Director of Advancement and Alumni Affairs, presented them with a check for $61,000 representing money already raised for the scholarship fund. (See related article, page 9.) “The highlight of the Gala was the announcement of the Bruce S. and Linda M. Graham Scholarship Fund,” Dr. Brunetti said. “It was so touching to see Bruce and Linda on stage and to share in the joy of what the scholarship award meant to them. They have given so much to make the College of Dentistry arguably one of the best dental schools in this country, and they have given so much to make UIC an even greater university. “The scholarship fund is such a fitting tribute to them both,” Dr. Brunetti continued. After Dr. Graham expressed his thanks for the creation of the Graham scholarship, participants enjoyed dancing to the music of the City Lights Orchestra, conducted by Rich Daniels, There was a silent auction, and the Centennial year history book of the College, Celebrating a Proud Past, was available. (See related article, page 32.) “The College of Dentistry embodies the values of UIC in every way,” said Dr. Allen-Meares. “From their focus on the creation of knowledge through research, to advanced-practice instruction and excellent clinical care, the faculty and staff of the College — along with their students and alumni – reflect our missions and ideals. As the largest safety net for oral health services in Northern Illinois, the College is committed to health care access and the elimination of oral health disparities. Congratulations on 100 years of exemplary service to your profession and to the citizens of Illinois.” “To those who organized the Gala, I say ‘well done!’ said Dr. Ross E. Rubino, ’77, President of the UIC Dental Alumni Association Board of Directors. “The venue at Navy Pier is historic and was perfect for this celebration, and I can’t imagine the event being any better. “Speaking with students and grads of all ages, we realize that we received an excellent education and start into our profession. Finally, honoring Dean Graham for his service, vision, and dedication to renewing the College as a premiere dental educational and research facility was well-deserved and from the heart. The future of our dental school is truly ‘brilliant!’” Dr. Rubino concluded. Student Justin Schneider said, “The College’s 36 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y Centennial Gala was a unique and rewarding experience as our inaugural DMD Class of 2015 was able to celebrate the past 100 years of the College with a century’s worth of alumni and faculty. It’s not every day that you get to celebrate the 100th birthday of an institution, producing dynamic healthcare professionals of the past and future, in a country where the healthcare system is in a state of transition.” “I was honored to have been present in celebration of the College’s Centennial event as well as Dean Graham’s accomplishments,” student Farah Shakir added. “The UIC College of Dentistry has had a longstanding history and continues to progress in more ways than any other school. We are so honored to be part of that experience. The event was truly magnificent and I’m certain my colleagues would agree.” Faculty member Dr. Christine Hryhorczyk, Director of Site Assessment for Extramural Education, did not want to miss the Gala and also used it to celebrate another special event. “My husband’s birthday was the day before, and when he asked what we were doing for his birthday, I said, ‘I have a great surprise for you—we’re going to a Gala at Navy Pier!” she said, laughing. Staff member Mirria Evans, Customer Service Representative, Department of Periodontics, said, “To be a part of this 100-year celebration meant that I was included in the history of the College of Dentistry. The 20 years of being employed here at the College have been my most rewarding years at UIC. On a daily basis I see many of the faculty and staff, but it was pretty neat to see everyone dressed and having fun. The Gala was awesome from the food to the music, and I like a good band. Finally, it was an honor to dance with Dean Graham!” “There was such a feeling of excitement in the room,” Dr. Brunetti said. “The grand ballroom was decorated so elegantly and the camaraderie among the guests showed that everyone present wanted to help celebrate such a milestone event. It was such a pleasure to see so many UIC alumni, colleagues from Loyola, and Northwestern grads as well. And, to see so many faculty and students at the Gala made the evening even more memorable.” Sponsors were ProCare Dental Group P.C., the KaVo Kerr Group, the UIC Dental Alumni Association, and the UIC College of Dentistry. The event was planned by Ogbac. To see all the photos on Flickr, log on to http:// tinyurl.com/m32cl7h. To order photos, go to http:// tinyurl.com/GalaOrder. h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 Alumni Association 1 p.m. shotgun start • Dinner to follow $95 includes golf, golf cart, and dinner • $40 dinner only Dubsdread Course, home of the Western Open, available for $195, includes golf, golf cart, and dinner Sept. 10, 2014 Send reservations to: Cog Hill Golf & Country Club 12294 Archer Ave., Lemont, IL 60439 For more information, contact Ana Lisa Ogbac at (312) 996-0485 or [email protected]. Office of Advancement and Alumni Affairs (MC 621) UIC College of Dentistry 801 South Paulina Street Chicago, IL 60612 Detach and send with your check made payable to UIC Dental Alumni Association by Aug. 29. Golf reservation(s) __________ at $95 per person. Registration Form Dubsdread reservation(s) __________ at $195 per person. Foursome:_________________________________ Dinner only _____ at $40 per person. __________________________________________ Name_____________________________________ __________________________________________ School and class year________________________ __________________________________________ Billing address______________________________ Credit Card Information: City, State, Zip______________________________ Name on card______________________________ Phone_____________________________________ Card number_______________________________ E-mail_____________________________________ Exp. date and CID___________________________ UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 37 Feature Naval Officer Alumnus Dr. Rohit Dave Describes Life Aboard an Aircraft Carrier By Dr. Rohit Dave, ’10 Lieutenant, United States Navy Dedicated to the Dental Corpsmen aboard the USS George Washington (CVN 73), forward deployed to the Western Pacific and U.S. Commander 7th Fleet Activities, Yokosuka, Japan. “Reveille! Reveille! All hands heave out and trice up. Reveille!” And so begins the 0600 morning wake-up call over the 1MC announcement system on the Nimitz class nuclear powered aircraft carrier, the USS George Washington, as she steams through the Western Pacific. As a Navy dentist stationed onboard this great warship, I am The USS George Washington, where Dr. Rohit Dave, ’10, is stationed. eager to share with you my day-to-day experiences, as well as those of all who by making sure each sailor receives his or her stand the watch. annual dental exam and treating any dental With a crew of approximately 5,000, and problems a sailor may have. Treatment provided deployments lasting six months out of the year, ranges from basic dental fillings, to root canal it should be no surprise that one would find an procedures, to wisdom tooth extractions, and may embarked Dental Department onboard. Nearing even include a small amount of prosthodontic crown the end of my two-year tour here, I have learned and bridge work. an important lesson—a lesson that my enlisted The amenities in our department include one corpsmen taught me—the functioning of this oral surgery room, six patient care rooms, one behemoth of a floating city depends on every hygiene room, a large instrument sterilizer, and a sailor and that every job, no matter how small, is digital radiology system linked to computers in each important. patient care room. In addition to providing care Weighing in at over 90,000 tons and carrying for our own sailors, the USS George Washington an embarked air wing of over 70 aircraft, the USS provides limited sick call care to sailors on smaller George Washington (CVN 73), affectionately known ships within our strike group that do not have a as “GW,” is one of the world’s largest warships. dental department. If a dental emergency, which With a 4.5 acre flight deck capable of being parked can’t be treated by the Independent Duty Corpsman within striking distance of just about any country on the smaller ship, arises at sea, a MEDEVAC that has a coastline, the GW has enough ordnance helicopter transports the patient from the smaller to wage a small scale war. In order to support the ship such as a destroyer or cruiser to the carrier. lives of so many sailors working aboard her, the ship has the capability of producing 400,000 gallons of fresh water a day, serving 20,000 meals per day, Dental Team the capacity to cool over 2,900 homes with its air As a dentist on the GW, I serve alongside three conditioning system, as well as the ability to treat other general dentists, an oral surgeon, and 15 any dental problem a sailor might have. enlisted corpsmen. Together we form a tightly knit The main goal of the Dental Department is to team that provides high-level dental care in the maintain the dental health of every sailor in the midst of a warship environment. While the dental highest state of readiness. This goal is accomplished officers are busy daily treating patients and providing 38 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 oversight on how the clinic related injuries including is run and maintained, limb amputations, burns, the corpsmen provide the compound fractures, and essential horsepower that sucking chest wounds. makes it run. Whether it An entirely different be assisting the dental drill, the Man-Overofficer chairside as a Board Drill, involves dental assistant; cleaning making sure the entire the clinic; emptying the ship takes an accurate trash; restocking supplies; muster count within the sterilizing instruments; respective departments fabricating crowns, bridges, swiftly and expeditiously and night guards; as well in order to account for any as scheduling patients and missing sailor who may Lieutenant Rohit Dave, ’10 (left) and HM2 Travon Reese. much more, the corpsmen have fallen into the sea. are the lifeblood of this Although, thankfully, I never department. experienced a real General Quarters (i.e. combat Working on an aircraft carrier presents many situation), I did experience being a part of an all unique challenges to dental healthcare providers. hands muster when a sailor fell overboard. In addition to providing routine dental care, every person in the Dental Department is also responsible Added Challenges for contributing to the ship’s maintenance program The ship’s sway while in heavy seas and the and common shipboard drills. constantly fluctuating schedule are other added Each week, the department’s corpsmen are challenges to providing dental care. Due to the tested on their abilities to perform maintenance sheer size of the GW, it is normally very stable while on various pieces of equipment within the underway. However, occasionally high sea states department ranging from dental lab equipment to or storms may cause even this large ship to pitch fire extinguishers, battle lanterns, and water tight and roll. Preventing dental chairs from rolling away scuttles. Zone inspections each week involve and instrument trays from swinging then become walk-throughs of different compartments of the incorporated into the treatment when practicing ship, recording any maintenance issues found. dentistry here. Oftentimes, These maintenance the ship’s daily schedule, issues are then recorded which accommodates the to be corrected, fixed, work of every department and repaired by other on this ship, has to change departments on the ship. at a moment’s notice. When Two major drills this happens, the saying, onboard include the “Blessed are the flexible, General Quarters Drill, in for they will not be bent out which sailors man their of shape,” aptly applies to battle stations in case of the situation in the dental a hostile threat and the clinic, as patients may Man-Over-Board Drill. have to be rescheduled to During General Quarters accommodate other urgent Drill Dental Corpsmen and or more prioritized shipDental Officers man Battle The USS George Washington at dusk. wide events or drills. Dressing Stations (BDSs), Being a dentist in the small patient care rooms United States Navy is definitely a road less traveled that serve as triage and basic medical treatment for most dental school graduates. For the few who areas in case of combat casualty situations. During choose to do it, it is a journey like no other. As a the GQ drill, sailors assigned to a BDS continually Dental Officer, I have come to realize that the most train one another to treat a variety of combat important asset of our department is our corpsmen— UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 39 with the Sailor’s Creed, the young, enlisted men a creed that bonds Navy and women from all over sailors around the fleet: our great nation who work I am a United States day in and day out to keep sailor. the dental clinic running. I will support and And this can be said about defend the Constitution any department on this of the United States and ship whether it be the obey the orders of those Reactor Department, Air appointed over me. Department, Engineering I represent the fighting Department, Supply spirit of the Navy and those Department, Medical who have gone before me Department, etc. It is their to defend freedom and long hours, hard work, Rohit Dave (right) with fellow students (including Maria and sacrifice that are Sanchez as the Tooth Fairy) at the College during Give Kids a democracy around the world. the essential ingredients Smile Day 2010. I proudly serve my keeping the USS George country’s Navy combat team with honor, courage, Washington always at the ready to defend our nation and commitment. and its freedom. I am committed to excellence and the fair The time 2200 is soon approaching with the treatment of all. announcement of, “Taps! Taps! Lights out. Maintain silence about the decks. Taps,” so I will leave you We Wa n t t o H e a r F r o m Yo u ! Do you have news of yourself or a classmate you wish to share with our readers? Let us know if you’ve been published, appointed, married, retired, etc. Photos also are welcome, as are address changes. Name:_______________________________________ Degree/year:_________________________________ E-mail: Is this an address change or other change? _____ Yes _____ No Comments (attach additional sheet if necessary): ________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ Address (indicate home or office): _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ City: _________________________________________ State:_____________ Zip:_______________________ Telephone: ___________________________________ 40 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Send your alumni news to: Editor Vision Magazine Office of Advancement and Alumni Affairs (MC 621) UIC College of Dentistry 801 South Paulina Street Chicago, IL 60612-7211 Fax: (312) 413-2927 [email protected] h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 all proceeds go to student needs, Class of 2014 Name:___________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:__________________________________________________________________________________________ City:_____________________________________ State:_______________ Zip:_________________________________ Phone number: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Email:____________________________________________________________________________________________ Item Description QuantitySelect ColorSelect Size subtotal Canvas Men’s V 100% cotton $25 Grey White s m L xl Bella Womens V 100% cotton $25 Grey White s m L xl Gildan Crew cut 50% Cotton, 50% Poly $20 Grey White s m L xl Alo Vintage Mens Athletic 50% Poly, 37.5%Cotton, 12.5% Rayon $30 Grey White s m L xl Alo Vintage Womens Athletic 50% Poly, 37.5%Cotton, 12.5% Rayon $30 Grey White s m L xl Hoody Alternative Super Soft 100% cotton $45 Grey White xs s m L xl xxl Full zip jacket 100% Poly, embroidered $55 Black Grey White Navy s m L xl xxl 1/4 zip 100% Poly, embroidered $45 Black Grey White Navy s m L xl xxl Add $2 Shipping per item Total Student Arash Hosseini is organizing the clothing fundraiser. Use PayPal at [email protected] or send a check payable to Arash Hosseini, memo DDS 2014 Fundraiser. Scan and e-mail order blank [email protected], or mail order blank and check to Arash Hosseini c/o William S. Bike, Office of Advancement, UIC College of Dentistry, Room 404 A, MC 621, Chicago, IL 60612 by April 1, 2014. UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 41 Profile Prosthodontics Resident Needs a Steady Hand to Combine Dentistry, Football By Sam Hostettler Prosthodontics Resident Dr. Allison Alberts, ’13, has an unusual interest outside dentistry. She is a wide receiver/defensive back for the Dr. Allison “Alli” Alberts, ’13, Prosthodontics Resident, is a wide receiver/defensive Chicago Bliss women’s professional back for the Chicago Bliss football team. “I loved every second of the season,” she said. football team. Dr. Alberts suffered many aches and pains during her rookie season Passion. The Bliss went on to win 34-18. with the Bliss, including a concussion, cracked rib, “I loved every second of the season,” said Dr. and so many bruises that one leg was the color of Alberts. “I don’t care about individual statistics. I just the rainbow. want to win. It’s more fun to win as a team.” Fortunately for the 26-year-old, her The Legends Football League is a hands came away without so much as women’s seven-on-seven full-contact a hangnail. tackle league. The Bliss plays its home That’s a good thing, not only for games at the Sears Centre Arena in her career on the field, but her longHoffman Estates, IL. term future as a prosthodontist. Dr. Alberts, an all-star athlete Dr. Alberts is in her first year of the in high school and college, joined three-year advanced prosthodontics the Bliss because she missed the program, learning to repair and replace competition. teeth with crowns, bridges, veneers, The league began in 2009. In inlays, dentures, and implants. 2013, shoulder pads were redesigned The work takes concentration and to provide more protection for players, a steady hand, two traits she uses who also wear elbow and knee to run precise routes and catching a pads, plus ice hockey-style helmets football. with clear plastic visors instead of facemasks. Championship Play Dr. Alberts discovered the professional league while watching Dr. Alberts, from downstate television. An avid football fan whose Smithton, IL, played an integral part Dr. Alberts with her “game face.” family had season tickets for the St. for the Bliss in winning the 2013 Louis Rams, she thought football Legends Cup, the championship of the would be a good way to release her Legends Football League. She scored competitive drive. two rushing touchdowns in the first half, staking the She missed the days of team sports, having Bliss to a 27-6 halftime lead over the Philadelphia 42 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 been an All-State athlete in volleyball, basketball, and track and field at Freeburg High School. She was a key member of the Washington University volleyball team that won the Division III national title in 2007; she was named the tournament’s Most Outstanding Player. She was a second team All-American in volleyball in 2008 and a star on the track, where she was a threetime All-American and school record holder in the heptathlon. As a rookie for the Bliss, Dr. Alberts led the team in receptions, yards receiving and touchdowns during the regular season. On defense, she had 17 tackles, 15 of them solo. She sacked the quarterback once and had two interceptions. Dr. Alberts was one of five players nominated for the league’s Rookie of the Year award, won by Shuree Wyatt of the Seattle Mist. ‘Foggy’ First Game Dr. Alberts (center) received the Curt J. Gronner Award in 2013 from Dr. Bruce Gronner, ’70, and Dean Bruce Graham. Dr. Alberts’ first game is a little foggy in her mind. During the third quarter against defending champion Los Angeles, Dr. Alberts tried to stop Temptation quarterback Ashley Salerno from running in a one-point conversion after a touchdown. Dr. Alberts was hit so hard she was “knocked out cold,” she “I can use all my energy, said. aggression and intensity on It turned out that the field,” Dr. Alberts said. Dr. Alberts had a concussion. “It was pretty scary,” Dr. Alberts said. “My mom and friends were in the stands and saw me lying on the field getting medical attention. I was taken to the locker room, but I couldn’t remember anything UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y before that. My mom didn’t want me to play again.” After a three-week break, Dr. Alberts’ concussive symptoms subsided and she was medically cleared to play. She couldn’t help wondering whether every game was going to be like her first. “When I was making a tackle, I just kept thinking, ‘stay low, stay low, stay low,’” she said. Dr. Alberts didn’t sustain another concussion, but she cracked a rib taking a hit. Dr. Alberts had played co-ed flag football when she was younger, but tackle football better fits her intense nature, she said. “Sometimes I get a little too crazy when playing sports, and when I was playing volleyball, teammates would occasionally tell me to calm down, that I was getting too excited,” she said. “With football, I don’t have to calm down. I can use all my energy, aggression and intensity on the field. Which I think only makes you better. I can’t wait for next season,” Dr. Alberts concluded. h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 43 Ne ws Dr. Bill Knight Named Interim Dean Dr. Bill Knight has been named Interim Dean of the College effective Dec. 16, 2013. His appointment has received University of Illinois Board of Trustees Approval. He succeeds Dr. Bruce Graham, who has stepped down as Dean. Dr. Graham will return to the faculty in 2014. Currently, a national search for a new Dean is underway. “I am very happy that Bill has agreed to serve as Interim Dean,” Dr. Graham said. “He is eminently well-qualified to serve the College in this role by virtue of his extensive experience and broad expertise in dental education. And he is also well known and respected by our faculty, who have worked closely with him for the past 12 years to transform our clinical and classroom curricula in the predoctoral and postgraduate programs. “As Executive Associate Dean, he had been my closest advisor and confidant so he is fully conversant with all of the ongoing business of the Office of the Dean,” Dr. Graham continued. “The College will not miss a beat thanks to Bill’s immense capabilities.” “The Assistant and Associate Deans, the Department Heads, our entire faculty, and I will keep the College’s initiatives moving forward,” Dr. Knight said. “This is not the time to rest or be caretakers. It also is important to keep the College of Dentistry in its leadership position as one of the flagship programs of UIC.” Current College initiatives include continuing rehabbing and construction of College facilities, refining the MS in Oral Science program, and implementing the fourth year of the College’s Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) curriculum, which succeeds its previous DDS program. A member of the faculty since 2001, Dr. Knight first served the College as Assistant Dean for Clinical Education. In his most recent role as Executive Associate Dean, he had been the chief academic officer for the College, working closely with the faculty in the DMD and the Advanced Specialty Programs. “Dr. Knight has been instrumental in transformative innovations to the professional doctorate program,” said Dr. Lon Kaufman, Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost. 44 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y Dr. Bill Knight, Interim Dean of the College. “Under his leadership, the faculty eliminated discipline-based clinical education and created Group Practice Clinics with interdisciplinary faculty teams mentoring students.” Conventional discipline-based, preclinical education was replaced with an integrated prepatient care learning program in a high-fidelity simulation clinic. A community-based Service Learning program was implemented across the predoctoral curriculum, culminating with students providing patient care in safety net, communitybased clinics. “These changes have resulted in vastly increased student clinical learning experiences and were recognized with the 2012 American Dental Education Association (ADEA) Gies Award for Innovation by a Dental Education Institution,” Dr. Kaufman said. In 2007-08, the faculty created an entirely new classroom curriculum for dental students that integrated biomedical, bio-behavioral, and clinical sciences knowledge and skills through patient care scenarios. The renamed DMD also replaced lectures with small-group learning seminars. “Dr. Knight was instrumental to developing the new curriculum and he led the approval process from the College level up through the Illinois Board of Higher Education,” Dr Kaufman said. “Dr. Knight also led faculty efforts which culminated in successful implementation of the DMD program in 2011 and assessed its highly positive student learning outcomes to date.” In 2009, Dr. Knight established the Office of h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 Dental Education to provide technological support for the faculty’s innovations. Dr. Knight earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery and Master of Science in Restorative Dentistry degrees from the University of Michigan and a Master of Science in Health Care Education degree from the University of Detroit Mercy. He began his career as a Dental Officer in the United States Navy, after which he established a private practice where he served patients for 29 years. He began teaching in 1981 at the University of Michigan, where he was honored five times with Instructor of the Year awards, and he later served in academic affairs and clinical leadership roles at the University of Detroit Mercy. Instructional design and outcomes assessment are Dr. Knight’s research interests, and he has published 25 articles in peer-reviewed journals on these topics. He is a nationally-recognized thought leader in the learning process that leads to dental students’ development of clinical treatment competency skills, and he has presented 47 invited workshops and presentations on the subject. Dr. Knight is the recipient of seven competencies awards for educational research presentations at American Dental Education Association national symposia. He is a Fellow of the American College of Dentists and an active member of National and State dental professional organizations. He has held numerous leadership positions in the American Dental Education Association, serving as Chair of the sections on Academic Affairs and Clinical Simulation. He also has served as a Site Visitor Consultant to the Commission on Dental Accreditation and the National Commission for Accreditation and Assessment, which is an accrediting agency for international dental education programs. “I have the greatest confidence that Dr. Knight will continue to build the momentum and quality of the College of Dentistry as we complete the search for the next Dean,” Dr. Kaufman said. Accreditation Site Visit Successful: CODA Sites Several Strengths Site visitors representing the Commission on Dental Accreditation of the American Dental Association visited the College Nov. 12 through 14, 2013, culminating two years of preparation by College administrators, faculty, staff, and students. “We are pleased to announce that the UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y The College’s “innovative, collaborative, and forwardthinking DMD curriculum was recognized as a “Strength.” accreditation site visit went very well,” said Dr. Bruce Graham, who recently stepped down as Dean. The preliminary outcomes reported to the College by the site visit team were: Postgraduate programs of Endodontics, Orthodontics, Pediatric Dentistry, Periodontics, and Prosthodontics (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery was not visited in this cycle) were individually and collectively excellent. As a group they received zero Recommendations (major deficits that seriously impact the program); six Suggestions (minor issues that could be enhanced to improve the program), and 16 Strengths (praiseworthy features identified by the site visitors). “These are outstanding results that demonstrate our excellence,” Dean Graham said. “The Predoctoral DDS/DMD program also did very well,” noted Interim Dean Bill Knight. The outcomes reported were zero Recommendations, two Suggestions, and eight Strengths. The Predoctoral Strengths identified were the College’s commitment to diversity and humanism; its innovative, collaborative, and forward-thinking DMD curriculum; creation of the position of Associate Dean and Office of Faculty Affairs; breadth and depth of student clinical experiences; the College’s “robust” extramural program; research facilities; high-quality science being conducted in the College; and mentoring of junior research faculty. “Each of us participated in earning these fine results,” Dr. Knight said, telling College personnel “we genuinely appreciate all that you do to make h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 45 this a premier College of Dentistry.” Dr. Graham noted that College faculty, staff, and students provided, “extra effort over those three days to absolutely dazzle and impress our visitors from the Commission on Dental Accreditation,” and he thanked everyone at the College. Dr. David L. Crowe Named Interim Associate Dean for Research Dr. David L. Crowe, Professor, Periodontics, has been named Interim Associate Dean for Research. He succeeds Dr. Phillip T. Marucha, who has become Dean of the Oregon Health and Science University’s School of Dentistry. The formal responsibility of the Associate Dean for Dr. David L. Crowe, Interim Research is providing Associate Dean for Research. support to the Dean in administration of the research mission of the College. Dr. Crowe will have “direct responsibility for the Office of Research Services in the College, and serve as the College liaison to the offices of Vice Chancellor for Research, Technology Management, Protection of Research Subjects, Animal Care, and Research Resources Center,” he explained. The Associate Dean for Research also fosters collaborative research among faculty both within and outside the College, faculty mentoring for grant submission, and the seed grant program of the College. Dr. Crowe also will “meet with the Research Committee to promote activities in the College. “I will have a major role in the annual Clinic and Research Day in collaboration with its committee, and also be responsible for oversight of the research facilities of the College,” he explained. “The College underwent dramatic expansion and renovation of its research facilities under the direction of Dr. Marucha,” Dr. Crowe said. “He has positioned the College well to advance its research mission in the future. “The College has a tremendously talented research faculty, and I plan to consult individually 46 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y with them and the department heads in the fall term to assess how the research office can best meet their needs going forward,” Dr. Crowe explained. An important area of planning is determining ways to address the rapidly changing research funding environment. “I plan to take a facilitative approach to assisting our leaders in their respective fields of research to maximize their substantial talents for the benefit of their individual programs and the research mission of the College,” Dr. Crowe said. “As the College progresses through this time of change I will work with the new leadership team to create a smooth transition to the best of my ability.” Prior to joining the faculty at the College in 2006, Dr. Crowe led the Head and Neck Cancer Research Group at the University of Southern California. He served as coordinator of Oral Cancer Research for the College from 2006 to 2011 and was a Fellow of the American Dental Education Association Leadership Institute in 2008-09. Dr. Crowe’s research has focused on oral cancer stem cell biology and his laboratory has published in top cancer research journals and has been awarded grants from the National Institutes of Health, Department of Defense, American Cancer Society, Susan G. Komen for the Cure, and American Institute for Cancer Research. Since joining the College faculty, he has taught pathology, oral pathology, and advanced oral sciences, and has been a small group learning facilitator in addition to mentoring DMD/PhD students. He has served on many College and University committees in such areas as curriculum, admissions, and student progress. Dr. Susan A. Rowan Named Interim Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs Dr. Susan A. Rowan, ’84, Clinical Associate Professor of Restorative Dentistry and recent Managing Partner of the Monet Clinic, has been named Interim Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs. She succeeds Dr. David M. Clark, who has retired. Dr. Rowan will deal with such areas as patient services, clinical education, clinical budgets, licensure and certification, sedation and anesthesia policies, compliance, supplies, medical waste management, facilities management, information technology, coordination of selected construction projects, space allocation, the Allen W. Anderson Faculty Practice, and more. h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 “I will work with Interim Dean Dr. Bill Knight and Interim Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Dr. Seema Ashrafi [’93, MS Histology ’94, Periodontics ‘99] to oversee the clinical education of the undergraduate students, with a focus on maximizing patient care experiences Dr. Susan A. Rowan, ’84, Interim Associate Dean for for our learners,” Dr. Rowan said. “Another Clinical Affairs. responsibility is ensuring a safe and professional clinic environment with exceptional faculty supervision and staff support. “A major component is patient services— making sure that the patient experience is as near to ideal as it can be, that we’re providing a high level of treatment to our patients, and that we’re doing it in the most caring and professional way possible,” Dr. Rowan continued. “The Office of Clinical Affairs also deals with adverse outcomes of patient care and following up if there is a problem. I will also take on the role of compliance officer for the College concerning its policies.” The physical renovation of the College has been transformative, and clinics have been or will be completed within the next six-to-12 months, “and it will be my responsibility to work with the leadership to see it to its successful end,” Dr. Rowan explained. Dr. Rowan said she is looking forward to interacting with Associate Deans, Department Heads, and Program Directors “to see what role I can play in providing assistance to them.” Dr. Rowan admires the “forward track” that recent Dean Bruce Graham set the College on, and hopes the College continues on its path of progress and innovation. Because of Dr. Clark’s work, Dr. Rowan feels she has been able to hit the ground running in her new post. “I think Dean Clark did a great job,” she said. “He made a lot of positive changes here at the College that have improved patient services. “He is going to be a hard person to follow, and he put a highly competent team together in the Office of Clinical Affairs, so I know that I have a great deal of support. UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y “I would like to continue the work on improving patient services even more,” Dr. Rowan said. “We’ve made major strides in that area, and with our new facilities, I hope we can serve an increasing number of patients at the College who will undoubtedly appreciate the high level of care we provide. “Working with this exceptional faculty, students and staff to encourage the most positive atmosphere, and facilitating cooperation and teamwork, are my major goals,” Dr. Rowan concluded. Dr. James Bryniarski and Dr. Michael Dunlap, Clinical Assistant Professors in the Department of Restorative Dentistry, will serve as Associate Managing Partners of the Monet Clinic, succeeding Dr. Rowan. Dr. Seema Ashrafi Named Interim Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Dr. Seema Ashrafi, ’93, MS Histology ’94, Periodontics ’99, Clinical Associate Professor, Department of Periodontics, has been named Interim Associate Dean for Academic Affairs. Her primary responsibility is the academic components of the DMD, International Dentist Degree, Advanced Standing DMD, and six specialty certificate programs. She oversees admissions for all students in the specialty programs and the student regis- Dr. Seema Ashrafi, ’93, MS tration process for all Histology ’94, Periodontics ‘99, Interim Associate Dean for programs. Academic Affairs. In her new role, Dr. Ashrafi also chairs the Subcommittees on Student Promotions and chairs the Institutional Effectiveness Committee, coordinates the annual Faculty Conference, and coordinates accreditation of academic programs. She approves students to take national Boards, oversees the Faculty Evaluation and Course Evaluation process, and performs a variety of other academically related duties as well. h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 47 “It’s a very exciting position,” Dr. Ashrafi said. “There are new challenges every day. It seems like when I solve one challenge, another one comes to take its place. “But it’s a very nice job and a big responsibility, and I plan to continue working very hard,” she continued. “I’ve had a great mentor in Interim Dean Dr. Bill Knight, who had this job before me, the staff is helping me tremendously, and I’m working closely with Dr. Susan Rowan [‘84]. Interim Associate Dean for Clinical Affairs. “We’re all the same people; we’re just performing different roles,” Dr. Ashrafi said. She noted that her main goal is to help students. “I am the students’ advocate, and that’s exciting for me,” Dr. Ashrafi said. “I’m there for the students, and I want to help them and make sure everything at the College facilitates them doing their best work.” Dr. Ashrafi has earned the American Academy of Periodontology Clinical Teaching Award, a Crystal Apple Award, a Golden Apple Award, and a Chicago Dental Society Foundation Clinical Faculty Fellowship. Dr. Knight noted that Dr. Ashrafi “enjoys the respect and admiration of her faculty colleagues, the predoctoral and postgraduate students, and the staff members of the College. Her welcoming personality, genuine caring for all, and capacity for developing, implementing, and evaluating curricular innovation will continue to serve us well as she leads the academic pursuits of the College.” Dr. Marcio da Fonseca Named Head of Pediatric Dentistry Dr. Marcio da Fonseca has been named Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Director of Oral Health for Special Needs Children. “One of our goals in Pediatric Dentistry is to make sure our residents become well-rounded specialists, and part of that is training them well in the care of the medically complex child and adolescent,” he said. Special needs patients are a particular interest of Dr. da Fonseca’s. “Our department is the biggest provider of care for children on Medicaid in Illinois,” he explained. “I want to understand what we’re doing here to make sure we serve these patients and their families in the best way possible.” Dr. da Fonseca said, “In addition, my hope is to 48 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y enhance the hospital dentistry experience both here at UIC and maybe expand our services to other hospitals to make sure that the oral health needs of kids with complex medical issues are being attended to. “Parents may have little control over the child’s medical problems, but oral health is an area where they can have some control,” he said. “It’s important to help parents understand how they can prevent the dental problems that may complicate the child’s health. For example, if you’re dealing with a child who is immunosuppressed due to cancer treatments, an abscessed tooth may complicate the treatment course. A child may have a lot of mucositis and oral pain and be unable to eat, drink, or sleep. There are many things we can do to keep children’s mouths comfortable and make them able to tolerate other medical treatments. “There are lots of oral-systemic health connections about which we need to educate our residents, our colleagues, and physicians. The pediatric dentist, Dr. Marcio da Fonseca, Head of whether a resident, Pediatric Dentistry. faculty member, or practitioner, has a rich role to play in the medical field. Other medical practitioners need our expertise,” Dr. da Fonseca said. He also noted that he would like to help sensitize the College’s students “to treat these patients throughout their careers—to really open the doors of their offices to special needs patients and any youngsters,” Dr. da Fonseca said. Dr. da Fonseca noted he wants to work with Pediatric Dentistry faculty to “make the department more efficient in responding to the needs of our population, see more patients, and make ours one of the top programs in the country,” he said. “We want to attract the best residents and faculty and make this an exciting place to work and study. We have a lot of talented people here to achieve this goal.” When not working, Dr. da Fonseca enjoys h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 reading “fiction, nonfiction, and current affairs,” he said. “I’m reading books about developing leadership skills, and I’d like to employ those techniques for new ways to enhance the leadership skills of our residents and faculty. “I also love the arts and theatre, and I’m a big movie buff,” Dr. da Fonseca added. “I enjoy good food and wine, and traveling. I love going to different countries and experiencing different cultures, and I’m very fortunate to often be invited to speak internationally.” Dr. da Fonseca received his dental degree at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Brazil. He earned his MS and Certificate in Pediatric Dentistry at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis. He completed two Fellowships, and was Director of Predoctoral Pediatric Dentistry at the University of California at San Francisco. At the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor he was Director of the Pediatric Dental Service, and he was Director of Inpatient Dental Care at Nationwide Children’s Hospital and Clinical Professor of Pediatric Dentistry at The Ohio State University. Most recently, Dr. da Fonseca had been LawLewis Professor and Director of the Pediatric Dental Graduate Program at the University of Washington Center for Pediatric Dentistry and Seattle Children’s Hospital. He succeeds Dr. Indru Punwani, who retired as Department Head and now is Professor Emeritus. forward to working closely with the faculty, staff, and residents to strengthen the clinical research capabilities within the department.” Dr. Nares most recently was Associate Professor and Graduate Program Director in the Department of Periodontology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Dentistry. After earning his DDS, PhD, and Certificate of Specialty in Periodontology from the Baylor College of Dentistry at Texas A&M University in Dallas, Dr. Nares completed a three-year postdoctoral fellowship at the Oral Infection and Immunity Branch of the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research of the National Institutes of Health (NIDCR/NIH) at Bethesda, MD. The author of 26 scientific articles and 28 abstracts in peer-reviewed journals, Dr. Nares also has been an invited moderator of the Astra Tech World Congress and session chair for the Astra Tech Platform for Exchange of Education and Research Symposium. Dr. Salvador Nares Appointed Head of Periodontics Dr. Salvador Nares has been named Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Periodontics and Director of Periodontics Research. “As the new Department Head, a key priority will be to enhance the periodontal and dental implant experiences for predoc and postgrad students,” Dr. Nares said. “I intend to take a hands-on approach to the educational mission of the College.” Dr. Nares is a practicing periodontist. His clinical interests include hard and soft tissue management in the esthetic zone and fostering interdisciplinary experiences for students/residents in the care of the complex periodontal and implant patient. “I intend to work closely with Dr. Praveen Gajendrareddy, our new Program Director, to enhance the residents’ clinical and didactic experiences,” Dr. Nares continued. “I also look UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y Dr. Salvador Nares, Head of Periodontics. Dr. Nares is the Principal Investigator of research grants funded by the NIDCR and the American Academy of Implant Dentistry Research Foundation. His primary translational research focus is on the post-transcriptional modulation of mucosal immunity by microRNA and the role of antigenpresenting cells in the inflammatory response to periodontal pathogens. His clinical research interests include the histological and molecular characterization of early bone healing after dental implant placement and piezotome ultrasonic instrumentation. He is a Diplomate of the American Academy of Periodontology and a member of the American h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 49 Dental Association and the International and American Associations for Dental Research, and is a reviewer of manuscripts for several dental journals. Dr. Nares succeeds Dr. Phillip T. Marucha as Periodontics Department Head. Dr. Marucha was named Dean of the Oregon Health and Science University’s School of Dentistry. Dr. Michael Miloro Appointed Chief of Hospital Dental Service Dr. Michael Miloro, Head, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMFS), was appointed as Chief of the Hospital Dental Service at the University of Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences System (UI Health) recently. Dr. Miloro succeeds Dr. Indru Punwani, Professor Emeritus, Department of Pediatric Dentistry, after 14 years of service in this role. Dr. Miloro was nominated by then-Dean Dr. Bruce Graham, with the recommendation made to the Vice President of Health Affairs, and he was appointed by the Medical Staff of UI Health. The Chief of the Hospital Dental Service is responsible for all oral health care provided in the University of Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences System. Some of the responsibilities include the appointment and re-appointment of Dr. Michael Miloro and his book College of Dentistry Trigeminal Nerve Injuries. faculty to hospital staff, review of Quality Assurance of patient care provided by residents and attending staff, and to serve on the Medical Staff Executive Committee. Dr. Miloro said he is highly motivated to serve in this role and build on Dr. Punwani’s accomplishments. “Currently, we have 23 faculty members in four College of Dentistry departments (including Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Pediatric Dentistry, Orthodontics, and Oral Medicine and Diagnostic 50 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y Sciences) with medical staff privileges at UI Health,” said Dr. Miloro, “and the specific departmental privileges will need a current update with the changes in healthcare and expanded scope of clinical practice. We have a large and diverse group of College of Dentistry clinicians on the medical staff at UI Health, and it is my role to reinforce, and further heighten awareness of, the vital importance of oral health care within the medical center environment within the context of individualized patient care. “I would like to bridge the gap between Taylor and Paulina Streets such that oral health care is readily accessible to the UI Health medical center physicians, staff, and patients for both urgent and non-urgent situations, and for continuity of patient care,” Dr. Miloro continued. “Many medical centers across the country struggle to find dental and oral health care services for their inpatient and outpatient population, and we are in the unique position here at the University of Illinois at Chicago to provide these acute, as well as on-going, multi-disciplinary services to our own medical center.” Dr. Miloro also is the Editor of a new textbook in OMFS, Trigeminal Nerve Injuries, which was released in August 2013 by Springer-Verlag Publishers, a major publisher of medical and dental titles. For the Trigeminal Nerve Injuries textbook, Dr. Miloro enlisted more than 30 authors who are considered experts in the area of nerve injuries of the trigeminal nerve, including ten international surgeons. Dr. Miloro has focused his research and clinical efforts in the area of microneurosurgery of the trigeminal nerve (including the inferior alveolar and lingual nerves), and has gained a national and international reputation for his work in this area. Dr. Miloro lectures nationally each year and internationally on this topic. This is the only textbook devoted specifically h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 to injuries of the trigeminal nerve and their management, written by the experts in the field, and will serve as an ideal clinical reference for dentists and surgeons with patients who sustain trigeminal nerve injuries. The book is available in hard copy, as well as an e-book, at www.springer.com. Dr. Praveen Gajendrareddy Now Program Director of Postgraduate Periodontics Dr. Praveen Gajendrareddy, Periodontics ’08, Assistant Professor, has been named Program Director of Postgraduate Periodontics at the College. He succeeds Dr. Saba Khan, Clinical Assistant Professor, as Program Director. A faculty member since earning his Certificate in Periodontics from the College in 2008, Dr. Gajendrareddy said he is “happy that I have an opportunity to build on our strengths and focus on becoming one of the best” Periodontics programs. Dr. Praveen Gajendrareddy, Dr. Gajendrareddy Periodontics ’08, Program Director of Postgraduate said, “I welcome Periodontics. Department Head Dr. Salvador Nares to our department and admire his leadership.” “Our program has seen rapid growth in recent years,” he continued. “With incoming residents, our total number of residents in the program reached 12. We are very fortunate to have residents who are hard-working, dedicated, and committed to their education and exceptional patient care. We have augmented our full-time clinical staff to six and hired Sharon Arrigo, a Dental Hygienist, as Clinic Coordinator. Each of these individuals possesses a unique talent and expertise that leaves us with an exceptional clinic support team.” “Our faculty has always been our strength and they continue to contribute to the high caliber of education our residents receive,” Dr. Gajendrareddy added. “The support that our alumni provide the department and our residents has been UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y outstanding. My heartfelt gratitude goes to our alumni for their support. Their generosity and energy drives us towards excellence and I look forward to fostering and building this relationship.” Alumna Dr. Rajaa Alsanea Receives University’s Highest Honor Dr. Rajaa Alsanea, MS Oral Sciences ’08, Endodontics ’09 was honored with the Universitywide Alumni Achievement Award, the highest honor bestowed upon alumni of the University by its Alumni Association, at the University’s Alumni Five event on Oct. 11, 2013. The award is presented to alumni who have attained outstanding success and national or international distinction in their chosen business, profession, or life’s work, and whose accomplishments reflect admirably on or bring honor to the University. Dr. Alsanea is the author of the novel Girls of Riyadh, the story of four 20-something fashionable and educated Saudi Arabian women looking for true love and negotiating the clash between Islamic traditions and ever-more pervasive Western influences. It has sold nearly three million copies in 40 countries since its debut in 2005. Dr. Rajaa Alsanea, MS Oral Sciences ’08, Endodontics ’09, speaking, at the University’s Alumni Five event. “I fell in love with words at a very early age,” Dr. Alsanea said. “A written word—even better, a typed and printed word—is the most powerful and influential form of expression. I knew I wanted to influence the world with my words one day.” Vocalizing the unspoken struggles of women h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 51 in Saudi society was something that many people wanted to silence, however. She received hate mail, social backlash, a lawsuit, and even death threats. On the other hand, “I received great feedback from not only women, but fathers, husbands, even government officials,” Dr. Alsanea said. “People respected the message in the book, and that is a great accomplishment. It shows that Saudi women are not so different from women anywhere else in the world—they have education and resources, but the traditions they respect can sometimes be their worst enemy.” She wrote the book while studying dentistry at King Saud University in Saudi Arabia, and some of the backlash and publicity commitments came after she had come to the UIC College of Dentistry to study for a master’s degree in Oral Sciences and a Certificate in Endodontics. At the Alumni Five event, she thanked the College and the faculty and administrators of the Department of Endodontics for being understanding and helping her through a difficult time. At the time, both her sister, Rasha (Ortho ’07), and her brother, Jamal (Ortho ’08), were in the UIC College of Dentistry’s Orthodontics postgrad program. “I got good reviews of the Endo program at UIC and about the city in general from them,” Dr. Alsanea explained. “I thought I would apply to UIC since the school has this great reputation and, at the same time, I would have my family with me in the same city.” While in Chicago for the Alumni Five event, Dr. Alsanea also spoke about her book to a UIC audience at the University’s Richard J. Daley Library on Oct. 15. Dr. Alsanea currently is an endodontist and part-time researcher in stem cell therapy and tissue regeneration at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. She also is working on a second book that will be partly set in Chicago. Besides the Alumni Achievement Award, Dr. Alsanea’s honors include being named among Arab Business’s Power 500 of the World’s Most Influential Arabs, 2012; The Al Arabiya news channel’s 2008 Woman of the Year; and 2007 Cultural Figure of the Year and 2006 Intellectual Figure of the Year in the Arab world by Elaph, a top Arabic online newspaper. Previous Alumni Achievement Award-winners from the College of Dentistry have been Brigadier 52 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y General Jerry D. Gardner, ’64; Dr. Dushanka V. Kleinman, ’73, Dr. Daniel Laskin, MS Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery ’52; Dr. Bernard G. Sarnat, ’40, and MS Histology ’40; and Dr. Alaa Al Aswany, MS Histology ’85. —Sara Langen and William S. Bike Reunion Set for April 11 UIC College of Dentistry and Loyola University Chicago dental alumni will gather at the 2014 UIC College of Dentistry Reunion at Carlisle Banquets, 435 E. Butterfield Road in Lombard, IL, Friday, April 11. The Carlisle was the site of the College’s bestattended Reunion ever in 2013. All UIC and Loyola alumni are invited. Tickets are $115. A reception will be held at 6:30 p.m., with dinner at 7:30 p.m. Alumni, spouses, friends, and faculty all Alumni and guests were all smiles at Reunion 2013. will enjoy Reunion 2014. It will feature special recognition for members of DDS and specialty programs whose graduation years ended in a “4” or “9.” (All are invited, but to hold costs down, only members of class years ending in those numbers will receive a formal invitation.) Special awards will be presented to Dr. James J. Koelbl, UIC ’73, Loyola MS ’86, Distinguished Dental Alumnus; Dr. Antonia Kolokythas, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery ’04, MS Oral Sciences ‘11, Dr. E. Lloyd Du Brul Faculty Achievement Award; Dr. James W. Buckman, ’64, Dr. F. William Towner Organized Dentistry Award; Dr. Mary A. Starsiak, Loyola ’84, Dr. Raffaele Suriano Award; Dr. Michael S. Higgins, ‘78, University of Illinois Alumni Loyalty Award; and Dr. Ross E. Rubino, ‘77, Dr. Irwin B. h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 Robinson President’s Leadership Award. Table seating will be by class year. Color photographs will be taken of all classes and may be purchased at the event. In recent years, more faculty, young alumni, and Loyola alumni have attended in increasing numbers. There will be tables for Loyola alumni, so UIC College of Dentistry alumni are urged to invite their Loyola and Northwestern colleagues. Anyone from any year interested in more information can obtain it from the College’s website at http://dentistry.uic.edu/alumni/Reunion2014. For additional information, contact Ana Lisa Ogbac at the College’s Office of Advancement at (312) 996-0485 or [email protected]. Sign Up for Golf Outing 2014 The College’s 23rd annual Golf Outing will be held on Wednesday, Sept. 10, at Cog Hill Golf & Country Club in Lemont, IL. Golfers will be able to play a standard course or have the option of playing Dubsdread, home of the Western Open, at an additional cost. There will be a shotgun start at 1 p.m., and golf will be followed by dinner at 6 p.m. Tee off at the College’s 23rd annual Golf Outing. Alumni are encouraged to organize foursomes of their classmates. For more information about the Golf Outing, contact Ana Lisa Ogbac of the College’s Office of Advancement and Alumni Affairs at (312) 996-0485, or email her at [email protected]. UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y Community-Based Education Honored The College’s Community-Based Education Service Learning Program and its leaders, Dr. Caswell Evans, Associate Dean for Prevention and Public Health Sciences; Dr. Christine S. Hryhorczuk, Director of Site Assessment for Extramural Education; and Khatija Noorullah, Clinical Community Academic Manager, were honored on Nov. 14 with the Oak Park-River Forest Infant Welfare Society (OPRF IWS) Community Service Award at the organization’s Annual Appreciation and Dinner Meeting. The Children’s Clinic in Oak Park, sponsored by the OPRF IWS, is one of the partner sites at which D-4s perform extramural rotations. “It is deeply gratifying to be recognized in this way,” Dr. Evans said. “To be singled out by the Children’s Clinic for this award is very special for us.” “This distinctive award is presented to those who have shared their time and talent for the wellbeing of the patients in our communities, who are treated at the IWS Children’s Clinic,” wrote Kathy Haney, Chair, Board Development, Annual Awards Committee, IWS, and Elizabeth Lippitt, Executive Director, IWS Children’s Clinic, in a letter to the honorees. “Under your guidance, and through the careful hands and thoughtful words of your dental students, hundreds of children in need of preventive education and restorative procedures have benefitted from the quality care provided by UIC dental students over the years.” “It’s a great honor for the College to receive this recognition from one of our Community Partners for our Community-Based Service Learning Program,” Dr. Hryhorczuk said. “By providing needed services to those with limited access to care, our students have the opportunity to become part of the communities that they serve.” NASCAR Comes to the College for Give Kids a Smile Day A NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing) race car and team came to the College on Sept. 12 as part of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry hosting a special Give Kids a Smile Day. Students from St. Malachy School, which is located on Chicago’s West Side, came to the College for cleanings and education, and to view h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 53 the car and visit with the race team. UI Health’s Mile Square Health Center; Dr. Susan The day began with a news conference. Becker Doroshow, ’83, Secretary of the Board of Jerry Bonkowski, a columnist, writer, and radio the Chicago Dental Society; Dr. Edward Segal, Vice commentator focusing on NASCAR on SiriusXM President of the Illinois State Dental Society; Jan Radio, was host for the event and welcomed Silverman, Assistant Director, Pediatric Oral Health members of the media to the College. Research and Policy Center, American Academy First speaker was Dr. Indru Punwani, Professor of Pediatric Dentistry (AAPD); Dr. Sahar Alrayyes, Emeritus and former Department Head of Pediatric Pediatric Dentistry ’02, MS Oral Sciences ’02, PastDentistry. He introduced the current Department President of the Illinois Society of Pediatric Dentists; Head, Dr. Marcio da Fonseca. Dr. Punwani noted Omayra Giachello, Regional Health Officer, Division that the College has sponsored Give Kids a Smile of Oral Health, Office of Health Promotion, Illinois Day events “for 11 years, to acknowledge and focus Department of Public Health; Dr. Frank Maggio, attention on the lack of access to dental care for Periodontics ’75; John Stefanic, Director, Industry underserved children.” and Professional Relations, 3M ESPE Dental Next was Dean Bruce Division; and Joanie Graham, who said, “what Rosen, Health Program we are dramatizing today Coordinator for St. Malachy is an important symbol and School. a small example of what Dr. Punwani then goes on in our clinics in the directed tours of the College and our partner Department of Pediatric clinics. We provide care Dentistry Clinics and for 10,000 children every visits with St. Malachy year, and 98% of them children. Later in the day, are Medicaid recipients or the children moved to the otherwise underserved. We College’s parking lot to see consider it important that the race car and to visit with our students understand the NASCAR race team. that their role is to serve “The GKAS day was Youngsters from St. Malachy, some of whom had their faces the underserved after very successful,” said painted, pose in front of a NASCAR race car with Deebo, the graduation as well.” Dr. da Fonseca. “We 3M Automotive “pit bull” mascot.” Also speaking were provided oral health Dr. Michael Redding, exams to over 100 school Executive Associate Chancellor of External and children and adolescents who also enjoyed seeing Government Relations, Office of the Chancellor, a NASCAR racing car up close for the first time. We UIC; Jaime Dirksen, Deputy Commissioner for the are grateful for the support that several institutions Office of Performance and Quality Improvement and and organizations give us in order to pull off such a the Office of Adolescent and School Health at the great event.” Chicago Department of Public Health; Dr. Jaewon Sponsors for the event were NASCAR, the Ryu, Associate Vice President for Professional American Dental Association Foundation, Henry Practice and Chief Medical Officer, Office of the Schein Inc., Care Credit, and 3M ESPE Dental. Also Vice President for Health Affairs, University of instrumental to the event’s success were Nicole Illinois Hospital and Health Sciences System (UIC Catral of the ADA and Deborah L. Robinson of Health); Dr. Benjamin Van Voorhees, Associate Victory Management Group, which performs public Professor of Pediatrics, Chief of the Division of relations for NASCAR. General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Director of the TIKES Center, and Interim Associate Dr. Blase Brown Receives Head of Clinical Affairs, UI Health; and Dr. Joseph Daniel Award Hagenbruch, 8th District Trustee for the American Dr. Blase P. Brown, Clinical Assistant Professor, Dental Association (ADA). Oral Medicine and Diagnostic Sciences, has been They were followed by Henry Taylor, CEO of 54 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 awarded the 2013 Dr. Jon Daniel Teaching Award. considered for an award like this. Getting an award Dr. Brown received the award from Dean Bruce that honors the legacy and excellence of Dr. Jon Graham and Dr. Luisa DiPietro, Associate Dean for Daniel is awe-inspiring for me.” Faculty Affairs, at a July 11, 2013, faculty meeting. Dr. Brown cited Dr. Anne Koerber, Professor The Daniel Award was established in 2010 in and Director of Behavioral Science, Pediatric memory of longtime Oral Dentistry; Dr. Courtney Biology faculty member Lamb, Clinical Assistant Dr. Jon Daniel, to honor Professor, Restorative instructors who have made Dentistry; Dr. Larry exemplary contributions Salzmann, Clinical to UIC dental students’ Professor and Predoctoral learning. Dr. Daniel passed Clinic Director, Pediatric away in 2009. Dentistry; Dr. Fred Stroner, Dr. Brown’s teaching Clinical Assistant Professor, career began as a dental Restorative Dentistry; and student at the Loyola former faculty member University Chicago School Dr. Frank Perry as of Dentistry, when he “individuals who had a real taught microbiology as an impact on me. They were upperclassman. He also good models in terms of Left to right at the Daniel Award presentation were Dean has taught at the University Bruce Graham; Nancy Brown, wife of Dr. Blase P. Brown excellence, commitment, (center); Jayne Daniel, widow of Dr. Jon Daniel; and Jon and and enthusiasm. of Detroit-Mercy School of Jayne’s daughter, Lauren Daniel. Dentistry. “I appreciate the Daniel Even as a dental Award personally, and I student, he believed in the also think the Daniel Award concept of becoming a “clinical scholar.” is good for faculty morale in general,” Dr. Brown “It is the idea that you would become not only concluded. “It’s thrilling to be acknowledged for competent but excellent with your clinical skills, doing something and told you’re doing it well. What and constantly increase your scientific knowledge could be better than that?” so you could stay on the cutting edge of change to benefit both the patient and society,” he said. Dr. Graham Named Dr. Brown feels he teaches with a “sense of Honorary Alumnus of UIC wonder,” he said. “I never lost that—which is kind Dean Bruce Graham was surprised at the Nov. 24, of exciting at my age. I want my students to have 2013, meeting of the UIC Dental Alumni Association a sense of wonder, too—not just be able to do Board of Directors when Dr. Gene Romo, ’97, something well but to really understand why they a member of the University of Illinois Alumni were doing it, and to be able to take new knowledge Association (UIAA) UIC Campus Alumni Advisory and make changes for the betterment of patients.” Board (CAAB), presented a certificate to Dr. Graham Particularly with the College’s small-group naming him an honorary alumnus of UIC. learning/problem-based learning educational model, The UIAA Board of Directors voted to confer “I look at myself as a coach regarding students’ this status on Dr. Graham because of his strong thinking, and I tell facilitators that their role is really support for the UIAA. as a cognitive coach for our students,” Dr. Brown “Whenever one hears the word ‘leader’ at a said. “I find ways to help students set goals for dentistry event, there is one person who always themselves, assess themselves, and to achieve comes to mind—our Dean, Bruce Graham,” things they might not have otherwise.” Dr. Romo told the meeting. On hand for the award presentation were “You know that for the past 13 years, Bruce has Dr. Daniel’s widow, Jayne Daniel, and their brought strong vision and leadership not only to the daughter, Lauren Daniel. UIC College of Dentistry, but to the campus, the “I got a chance to thank them at the event,” University community, and the dental profession,” Dr. Brown said. “I was grateful to the family and the Dr. Romo continued. “What some of you may not faculty committee who chose me for even being UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 55 know is that Bruce has also been a model partner to the UIAA, supporting and participating in all of its various programs and activities. He was recognized for this strong support at a meeting of the UIAA Board of Directors a year ago.” Dr. Romo thanked Dr. Graham “for his tireless efforts to enhance the life of dental students, create the experiences that ensure they remain loyal alumni, and work to engage alumni in the life of the College,” Dr. Romo concluded. “We thought that one way to ensure that he would forever remain engaged would be to make him an official member of the alumni community by proclaiming Dean Bruce S. Graham (left) received a certificate conferring Honorary Alumnus him an status on him from Dr. Gene Romo, ’97. honorary alumnus of UIC, which it is my honor to do today.” Dr. Robert J. Ficek, ’62, longtime Co-Chair of the College’s Reunion along with his wife, Jean, pointed out that 25 years ago, when he would try to get alumni to come to the Reunion, they often expressed negative feelings about the school. He noted that the late Dean Allen W. Anderson, ’64, MS Pediatric Dentistry ’66, and Assistant Dean for Advancement and Alumni Affairs Mark J. Valentino started the effort to engage alumni, and that Dr. Graham truly embraced that effort and greatly expanded on Dr. Anderson’s initiative. Dr. Ficek added, “Together, we accomplished our goal. Alumni want to come back now. And I want to thank Dr. Graham for his efforts with the alumni.” Dr. Graham thanked Dr. Romo for the award and Dr. Ficek for his remarks. 56 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y ADA Honors Dr. Graham with Presidential Citation Dr. Joseph Hagenbruch, the American Dental Association (ADA) Eighth District Trustee, on Dec. 11, 2013, at the College presented Dr. Bruce Graham, longtime Dean of the College, with an ADA Presidential Citation Award which included an engraved plaque and a Citation Letter. The presentation was performed on behalf of ADA Immediate Past-President Dr. Robert A. Faiella of Massachusetts, who was unable to be present for the event. Dr. Graham was honorably cited with this prestigious award “for his selfless and invaluable assistance during the demanding, year-long, exceedingly complex process involving the much needed and timely modifications being carried out relative to updating the ADA Library and enhancement of advanced library services for member-dentists,” Dr. Hagenbruch said. “The ADA Library and Archives is arguably the finest source for information on dentistry, dental research, dental history, and dental related topics in existence today. The ongoing, positive modifications promise to only enhance Dr. Joseph Hagenbruch, this remarkable treasure and priceless presenting the ADA Presidential Citiation to Dr. Bruce S. resource. Graham. Dr. Graham recognized a distinct need and quickly volunteered to serve as a valuable conduit in facilitating meaningful conversation,” Dr. Hagenbruch continued. “Through the insightful efforts of Dr. Graham, potentially challenging lines of communication were favorably secured between the ADA Library Transition Plan Taskforce and the UIC Library of the Health Sciences,” Dr. Hagenbruch concluded. “Dr. Graham’s kindly actions produced significant collaboration between the ADA and UIC to augment a mutual value increase and opportunities of common benefit for many years into the future.” h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 President’s Messa ge Reflecting on Our Dental School Dear Alumni and Friends: As my year as President of the UIC Dental Alumni Association Board of Directors rolls along, it occurred to me that my role has been that of “head cheerleader” for the alumni concerning the College. In the Centennial year of the dental school, it became very easy to fulfill that role. My close contact with many of the key people at the UIC College of Dentistry opened my eyes to what a special school it is. Attending many events that celebrated the Centennial, I began to understand the huge historical significance of our school—and the Loyola University Chicago and Northwestern University dental schools, too—in the modernization of the dental profession. Although I was aware that many of the pioneers in dental research taught at Chicago area dental schools, until this year I really didn’t understand how significant their work was. The College’s Centennial book, Celebrating a Proud Past, which Bill Bike worked so hard to compile, was introduced at a Sunday event that also featured talks by three of the College’s historians. The speakers, Dr. Tom Lakars, ’67, MS’69; Dr. Sam Wexler, ’64; and Dr. Tom Diekwisch, carefully detailed the contributions of such historic dental educators as Dr. E. Lloyd Du Brul, MS ’49, PhD ’55; Dr. Frederick Bogue Noyes; Dr. Isaac Schour, ’24, MS ’28; Dr. G. Walter Dittmar, and others. They were truly giants in dentistry in the 20th century and partially responsible for the theory of modern dentistry. I feel honored to have my name inside the front cover of this book as President of the UIC Dental Alumni Association Board of Directors. Gala Was Perfect Ending to Great Year For me, the Centennial Gala Dinner was the perfect ending to the year of celebration. Interacting with a wide range of faculty, students, alumni, corporate supporters, and UIC administrators UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y afforded me the great opportunity to reflect on our school and on dentistry as a profession. I have to admit that I got a little sentimental at the event, because it made me realize how wonderful a career in dentistry is and how Dr. Ross E. Rubino, ’77, President of the grateful I am UIC Dental Alumni Association Board of that it started Directors. at the UIC College of Dentistry. After my term as President is over, I plan on continuing as an active participant in the Alumni Association. I have also decided that if the opportunity arises, I would like to become a parttime instructor. It is important to me that I actively support our dental school now and in the future. I encourage all of you to do the same! Finally, at the Centennial Gala it was announced that an endowed student scholarship was named for Bruce and Linda Graham (see related article, page 9). The fact that it was a surprise made the night even more special. Being on the Alumni Board for five years, I am totally aware of how much Bruce Graham’s leadership has meant to the UIC College of Dentistry. It is fair to say that the school would not be where it is today without him. Not only was he able to completely renovate the physical facility using primarily donated funds, but he also empowered the faculty to revamp the curriculum. When Dean Graham stated at the Gala that the College is one of the best dental schools in the world, it was the first time I actually heard him verbalize it. Many, many times he had stated that was in fact his goal, but now there can be no question that he guided a great faculty and staff to reach it. h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 57 Dean Graham stepped down in December, and I believe that the College will not only maintain the lofty standards he established but will grow under the leadership of a new Dean. The future is bright and if our alumni organization continues to be as involved in that future as it has been in the past, there is no reason the College shouldn’t be one of the best on its 200th anniversary as well! Sincerely, Dr. Ross E. Rubino, ’77 President, UIC Dental Alumni Association Board of Directors [email protected] Equipment Classifieds KaVo’s award-winning electric collections. Innovation changes everything. KaVo has revamped its family of innovative electric handpieces. KaVo electrics are now shorter, lighter, and more comfortable. For ultimate cutting performance, make the switch to KaVo electrics today. www.trykavo.com, (888) ASK-KAVO. (FN) Pesavento & Pesavento Ltd., certified public accountants, offer accounting, tax, and financial planning focused on the dental industry. They have more than 30 years of experience in providing quality accounting, tax planning, practice management, and financial planning. Pesavento & Pesavento Ltd., 3401 S. Harlem Ave., Suite 200, Berwyn, IL 60402, (708) 447-8399, [email protected]. (FA) Insurance Protecting dentists. It’s all we do at TDIC. Especially when just starting out. New graduates receive their first year of professional liability insurance for a price that’s a little surprising. Learn more at www.tdicsolutions.com/ newgrad. (FA, FCRD) Treloar & Heisel Inc. Professional Association Insurance Administrators. Disability income plan; business overhead expense insurance; disability buy/ sell; long-term care. 1 (800) 345-6040, www.th-online. net. (FA) Facebook users can sign up to be a fan of the UIC College of Dentistry. Just type in “University of Illinois at Chicago College of Dentistry” in the search function of your Facebook page. (FN) 58 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y A “Positions/Practices Available” page is on the College’s website at http://dentistry.uic.edu/alumni/ career_postings/. Check it out for listings of jobs that are available, and for notices of practices that are for sale. For adding or subtracting listings from this website, contact William S. Bike at [email protected]. Come join the professionals at ProCare Dental Group PC. Generous compensation, contemporary facilities, flexibility, autonomy, premier locations, continuing education, professional camaraderie. Parttime and full-time positions available. (847) 621-7229. (FDT) Brokerage, Financial, and Legal Services Miscellaneous Positions/Practices/Space Available Dentists wanted: Associates earn $200,000 while gaining lots of great experience. We love to teach comprehensive pedo, surgical extractions, space maintenance, fillings, etc. to the right person. If you are willing to learn, we will keep you busy. Malpractice paid. Recent grads and H1B visas welcomed. Offices in Chicago and just outside Cook County. Email resume (as Word or PDF attachment only or paste resume in e-mail message) to [email protected] (FA) General dentist wanted. Family Dental Care. Full or part-time. Best place for new graduates. Several of our associates have become partners. Very high income potential. Specialists on staff. Currently four locations and growing. 95% fee for service. No public aid. (773) 978-7801 (ask for Laura) or e-mail personnel@ familydentalcare.com. http://familydentalcare.com (FA) Well established pediatric dental office in Chicago is looking for an Orthodontist who likes working with children and is willing to take public aid. For more information and to schedule an interview, call (773) 376-9999. (FA) h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 Alumni Cla ss Ne ws ’54 (60-year Reunion, 2014) Gerald L. Crank, Quincy, IL, has retired from the Adams County Health Department Dental Clinic after 20 years of service. Gerald served as the clinic’s first dentist, and was its only dentist in the clinic’s first five years. Previously, he had been in private practice in Mt. Sterling, IL, from 1954 to 1991. Harry Price, DeLeon Dr. Gerald L. Crank, ’54. Springs, FL, and his wife, Artis, competed in the 71 Good Water Ski Nationals in August, 2013, in West Palm Beach, FL. The prices won four gold medals. Harry came in first place in slalom, and Artis placed first in slalom, trick water skiing, and overall. In 2013, Harry set four new national records in slalom, tricks, and overall, and Artis set a national record in trick water skiing. ’58 Don Findlay, Elkhart, IN, retired from private practice in 2002 after 42 years, and he initiated a community action committee that raised the money to fund, establish, equip, and open Dr. Flores receives a Certificate of Appreciation from the Alumni Relations Department of Centro Escolar University (CEU). Left to right are Dr. Edita V. Maralit, Head, Alumni Relations Department; Dr. Flores; Dr. Maria Cristina D. Padolina, President, CEU; and Dr. Maria Jona D. Godoy, Dean of Dentistry at CEU. UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y a comprehensive dental clinic for under-served individuals and families called the Heart City Dental Center. He is Director of Dental Programs for this clinic. S. Sol Flores, Evanston, IL, reports that his granddaughter Miranda was named Miss Philippines for 2013 by the Chicago Philippine Lions Club. She is a sophomore at Butler University. Sam recently received four honors in a month’s time. On Sept. 29, he was presented with a Plaque of Appreciation from Living Hope of Calvary Church in Evanston, IL. On Oct. 23, Centro Escolar University in the Miranda Flores (center), granddaughter of Dr. S. Sol Flores (right), Professor Emeritus, Department of Restorative Dentistry, and daughter of Sam Flores (left) recently was named Miss Philippines by the Chicago Philippine Lions Club. She is a sophomore in the Honors Program at Butler University. Philippines presented him with a Certificate of Appreciation. Dr. Flores was one of 16 members of the American College of Dentists to be awarded a Lifetime Achievement Award representing 50 years of membership at the organization’s annual business meeting in New Orleans on Oct. 31. While in New Orleans, Dr. Flores was also enrolled in the Roll of Honor at the National World War II Museum. Staff members interviewed him about his experience surviving the Bataan Death March in 1942 and gave him a personal tour of the Pacific Theatre exhibits. Sam also plans on donating a dental clinic building in the Province of Ilocos Sur, Municipality of Cabugao, Philippines. h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 59 ’60 ’64 Alan Kaplin, MS Orthodontics ’65 (see John Foley, ’09). ’61 William B. Kort, Westchester, IL, received the Distinguished Service Award from the Pierre Fauchard Academy at the American Dental Association Annual Session in San Francisco. Bill also was recognized at the Oak Brook Historical Society’s Veterans Day Commemoration ceremony. Louis Taglia Sr., Bloomingdale, IL, was the subject of an article in the Daily Herald on Nov. 25, noting that he has been in practice for more than 50 years. ’62 Lawrence (Larry) M. Le Vine, San Rafael, CA, helped his team win the Marin Tennis Club’s annual Calcutta Tournament. After going 8-2, 8-0, and 8-3 in eight game pro sets the first day and helping win a critical match in the championship round against the tournament favorite, he was voted MVP of the tournament. ’63 (50-year Reunion, 2014) James W. Buckman, Chicago, was the subject of an article in the Sept./Oct. 2013 CDS Review, which noted he is American Equilibration Society President. ’68 Richard P. Perry, Oak Park, IL, traveled to Boston to see his grandson graduate from Boston College. Russell Umbricht (see Irene Skirius, ’77). ’72 John T. Biggs, Oklahoma City, OK, retired from the practice of endodontics in August 2013 and now is writing fiction full time. His first novel, Owl Dreams, was released by Pen-L Publishing in November 2013. He also was the grand prize winner of the 80th annual Writer’s Digest competition. David Schubert, Plainfield, IL, and his work helping to provide dental services to the residents of Baudin, Haiti, were the subjects of an article in the May/June 2013 CDS Review. Ron Testa, MS Pediatric Dentistry ’76, Flossmoor, IL, volunteered at a Team Smile event at the Chicago Bears’ training camp in Bourbonnais, IL. Charles S. Greene, Wilmette, IL, spoke to the Northwest Suburban Branch of the Chicago Dental Society on Nov. 12 about TMDs, Bruxism, and Oral Appliances. ’73 Working together at a recent TeamSmile event were Nour Shehadeh, Dental Hygiene, ’10; Dr. Jordan Tilden, ’71; Evita Sanchez, Dental Hygiene ’06, and D-2 Zachary Tilden. TeamSmile partners oral health professionals with professional athletic organizations to provide dental care to underserved children. The event partnered TeamSmile with College of Dentistry, Chicago Bears, and Henry Schein personnel at the Bears’ training camp at Bourbonnais, IL. Dr. Mike Barrows, ’73, with granddaughter Avery. 60 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y Michael Barrows, Endodontics ’77, MS Histology ’81, Frankfort, IL, reports that his and his wife Susan’s youngest daughter, Laura, and her husband, Joe, had a baby girl, Avery Marlene Pate, on July 26 at 6:20 p.m. The baby weighed 8 lbs., 4 oz., and measured 20.5 inches long. She is Mike’s fourth grandchild and Laura and Joe’s first baby. Richard Holba, Frankfort, IL, was installed h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 KOREAN CONNECTION—Members of the UIC College of Dentistry Alumni Association of Korea held their annual breakfast conference at the Hotel Pacific in Seoul, Korea on December 8, 2013. Back row, from left: Dr. Seung-June Jeon, former International Fellow, Pediatric Dentistry, ’05; Dr. Gye-Ryun Park, former Continuing Education Fellow, Pediatric Dentistry, ’96; Dr. Young-Soon Lee, Visitor, Pediatric Dentistry, ’07; Dr. Su-Jun Lee Kim, MS Pediatric Dentistry ’01; Dr. Jung-Hwan Kim, MS Orthodontics ’97; Dr. Min-Ho Song, former International Fellow, Pediatric Dentistry, ’02; Dr. Byoung-Kwan Kim, former International Fellow, Prosthodontics, ’05; Dr. Jae-Cheoun Lee, former Exchange Scholar, Pediatric Dentistry, ’04; Dr. Yang-Seok Chung, International Fellow, Pediatric Dentistry, ’11. Front row, from left: Dr. Su-Bin Lee, Prosthodontics ’80; Dr. Jung-kang Yang, MS Pediatric Dentistry, Northwestern University ’65; Mrs. Jin-Moon Soh (Ducki Soh); Dr. Jin-Moon Soh, MS Pediatric Dentistry ’74, International Program Director, Department of Pediatric Dentistry; Dr. Jin-Tae Kim, Exchange Professor, Pediatric Dentistry, ’80; Dr. Won-Sik Yang, former Exchange Professor, Orthodontics, ’80; Dr. Yong-Kee Kim, MS Pediatric Dentistry ’82; and Dr. Hyoung-Doo Kim, former International Fellow, Pediatric Dentistry, ’94. as President of the Chicago Dental Society in November 2013. Jin-Moon Soh, MS Pediatric Dentistry ’74, Inverness, IL, has been in charge of the dental section of the annual Korean American Health Fair for more than 25 years, sponsored by Korean-American Community Services of Chicago. He has gotten UIC College of Dentistry students, postgraduates, faculty, and private practitioners involved. Kerry Voit spoke to the South Suburban Branch of the Chicago Dental Society on Oct. 8, 2013, in Olympia Fields, on Rapid Graftless Reconstruction of the Edentulous Arch. ’74 (40-year Reunion, 2014) William G. Flick, Chicago, was elected as a Delegate to the annual meeting of the American Dental Society of Anesthesiology for 2014. Robert Manasse, Orthodontics ’76, Olympia Fields, IL, had an letter to the editor about the American Dental Association published in the May/ June 2013 CDS Review. He gave a talk to the International College of Dentists/American College of Dentists New Fellows dinner in November about his travels to China. UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y ’76 Gary Clemens, Berwyn, IL, has a daughter, Erin, who is a dentist practicing in Chippewa Falls, WI. Fred Margolis, Pediatric Dentistry, Buffalo Grove, IL, was appointed to the Illinois State Board of Health by Governor Patrick Quinn. His term runs through Nov. 1, 2014. Fred succeeds Dr. Caswell Evans, Associate Dean for Prevention and Public Health Sciences at the College. Harvey Wigdor, MS Oral Pathology ’84, Chicago, was interviewed on WBEZ Radio’s The Morning Shift on Oct. 10. He spoke about the difficulty seniors are having obtaining dental care. ’77 Michael Gaynor, MS Histology ’82, Winnetka, IL spoke to the North Suburban Branch of the Chicago Dental Society on Current Updates Related to Pharmacology and Dentistry. Irene Skirius, MS Pediatric Dentistry ’77, has joined Drs. Gary Adler and Russell Umbricht, ’68, in practice in River Forest, IL. George Zehak, Oak Brook, IL, was installed as Secretary of the Chicago Dental Society in November 2013. He attended the Academy of General Dentistry Annual Session in Nashville, TN, as a delegate. h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 61 ’78 Rick Bona, Lansing, IL, is President of the Dental Arts Club of Chicago and an Illinois State Dental Society Trustee. His daughter Maureen recently was married. He volunteered at a Team Smile event at the Chicago Bears’ training camp in Bourbonnais, IL. Gary R. Herberger, Canton, IL, now is a Fellow of the International College of Dentistry. Michael S. Higgins, Palatine, IL, will speak on Medical Emergencies in the Dental office to the Northwest Side Branch of the Chicago Dental Society on March 4. Call (847) 299-4811. Marianne Kehoe, Mérida, Yucatán, México, announced that a book of her poetry, Sidewalk Symphony (Sinfonía de la escarpa), recently was published by the State of Yucatán. Her bilingual collection is a homage to the customs and people of her adopted country. Marianne has lived in Mérida full-time for seven years and writes that she has been favorably impressed with local dental and medical care. She is a past president of the International Women’s Club, which has over 100 members representing more than 20 countries. She also volunteers at the children’s cancer wing of the public hospital, has published several short stories, and is in the midst of what she hopes is the final edit of her first novel. ’79 (35-year Reunion, 2014) Andrew Browar, Hinsdale, IL, was honored by the Chicago Dental Society for his work and dedication to organized dentistry. He recently retired as West Suburban Branch director. He gave a talk to the North Suburban Branch on Nov. 12 on The Failing Implant: Strategies for Treating Peri-Implantitis. Larry Carr, Sterling, MI, worked the first Mission of Mercy held in Michigan as an oral surgeon on June 7 and 8, 2013. He completed four shifts and performed the most difficult dental-alveolar procedures possible with local anesthesia alone. His account of the event was published in the Michigan Dental Association Journal. James Economos, Bartlett, IL, had a letter to the editor published in the May/June CDS Review advocating tort reform. ’80 Alan Boghosian, Glenview, IL, was part of a panel discussion on Implants vs. Endo: Torque or File? For the North Side Chicago Dental Society 62 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y Branch, and spoke on Achieving Perfection: Proven Materials, Techniques at the 2014 CDS Midwinter Meeting. Mike Durbin, MS Orthodontics ’90, DesPlaines, IL, is President-Elect of the Illinois Society of Orthodontists. ’83 Paul Bery, Endodontics, Evanston, IL, was part of a panel discussion on Implants vs. Endo: Torque or File? For the North Side Chicago Dental Society Branch. Paul Caputo, Naperville, IL, as part of National Children’s Dental Health Month and Give Kids a Smile Day 2013, visited area schools to give presentations to children about oral health and nutrition. Susan Becker Doroshow, Skokie, IL, was installed as President-Elect of the Chicago Dental Society in November 2013. YiHsiung Huang, Westmont, IL, was quoted in an article about oral cancer in the Sept./Oct. 2013 issue of the CDS Review. ’84 (30-year Reunion, 2014) Peter J. March, Peotone, IL, has been honored with the Lifelong Learning and Service Recognition Award of the Academy of General Dentistry. ’85 Alaa Al Aswany, Cairo, Egypt, started writing a monthly column in the New York Times in November 2013. His latest book, The Automobile Club, is due to be released in English and French in 2014. Yan Razdolsky, Buffalo Grove, IL, provides free mouth guards to youngsters age seven to 13 who play sports. His generosity was the subject of an article in the online edition of the Chicago Tribune on June 21. George Warga and Dick Janson have merged their practices. The new combined practice is Winnetka Dental Arts. ’86 Frank W. Licari, MPH/MBA ’94, is Dean of the College of Dental Medicine, Roseman University of Health Sciences, South Jordan, UT. He was quoted in an article, “Where is dentistry going?” in the Sept./Oct. CDS Review. h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 ’87 Lawrence Muller, Woodbridge, VA, and his wife climbed Mt. Ranier in Washington State in July 2013. They reached the summit, which is more than 14,000 feet high. Their climb was the subject of an article in the Sept./Oct. 2013 CDS Review. Vincent T. Versaci, Lombard, IL, provided care to about 20 children at the DuPage County Health Department in Wheaton, IL, and spoke to special education students at Hadley Junior High School about oral hygiene, during National Children’s Dental Health Month 2013. ’88 Ara Goshgarian, Lake Forest, IL, is on the Illinois Society of Orthodontists Board of Trustees. Donald C. Gundlach, Lake Geneva, WI, was the subject of an article in the Nov. 11, 2013 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. The article was about Don’s deployment to Afghanistan as a member of the U.S. Army reserves, and on how he provided oral healthcare to both military personnel and even six military guard and bomb-sniffing dogs. Denise D. Hale, Palos Hills, IL, now is a Fellow of the International College of Dentistry. Mark Humenik, Northbrook, IL, spoke about international volunteer projects to the International College of Dentists Eighth District Humanitarian Seminar on Volunteerism in February 2013. Renee Pappas, Arlington Heights, IL, is President of the Northwest Suburban Branch of the Chicago Dental Society for the 2013-14 term. ’89 (25-year Reunion, 2014) Paul Kattner, Waukegan, IL, recently received the Illinois State Dental Society Distinguished Member Award. Stephen Weeks, Mundelein, IL, spoke on electronic root measurement at the Dental Arts Club on May 28. ’91 Adrienne Barnes, Pediatric Dentistry, Floosmoor, IL, is the mother of Ashley, who recently graduated from the University of Wisconsin Dental School. ’92 Martin Rogers, Endodontics ’96, Glenview, IL, spoke on Current Concepts in Endodontics to the Chicago Dental Society North Suburban Branch. UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y ’93 Deborah L. Fox, Orthodontics, was named a finalist in the Rochester, NY, Greece Chamber of Commerce Small Business of the Year Award competition. Manal Ibrahim LaVacca runs Naperville Dental Specialists and General Oral Health Care with her husband, Tony LaVacca. The practice was awarded the 2013 Small Business of the Year Award in May from the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce. Manal recently passed the Orthodontics boards and now is a Diplomate of the American Board of Orthodontics. Dr. Tony LaVacca, husband of Dr. Manal Ibrahim-LaVacca, ’93. Their practice earned the 2013 Small Business of the Year Award in May from the Naperville Area Chamber of Commerce. ’95 Louis Kaufman, Chicago, was extensively quoted in an article about the DenMat SOL portable diode laser for the May 2013 Dental Products Report. Victoria Ursitti, Pediatric Dentistry, Arlington Heights, IL, presented a Windy City Lecture on pediatric dentistry at the 2013 Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting. She was appointed an official fluoride spokesperson for the American Dental Association. As part of National Children’s Dental Health Month and Give Kids a Smile Day 2013, she and her staff delivered oral health presentations to 1,200 students at multiple schools in the Arlington Heights area; opened their office to special needs students taking a tour; and hosted their 16th annual Brunch With the Bunny, a patient appreciation luncheon that raises money for various community needs. She is Secretary of the Northwest Suburban Branch of the Chicago Dental Society for the 2013-14 term. h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 63 ’97 Eric Jackson, Oak Brook, IL, is the team dentist for the Chicago Bandits, a women’s professional fastpitch softball team. His work with the team was the subject of an article in the May/June 2013 CDS Review. Raj Puri, Bloomingdale, IL, and his wife, Shannon, had a baby, Lilly Annika Puri. She joins her four-year-old brother, Shawn. Hasnain R. Dewji, Pediatric Dentistry, MS Oral Sciences, and his wife, Fatemah, run the Global Kindness Foundation, which provides free dental services around the world. ’98 Bryan Blew, Rock Island, IL, was appointed an official fluoride spokesperson for the American Dental Association. ’06 Angela Falcone has an office in Chicago, Fulton River Dental, at 567 W. Kinzie St. Flavia Lamberghini, Pediatric Dentistry, MS Oral Sciences, presented an oral health educational event for kindergarten children at Immaculate Conception St. Joseph School as part of National Children’s Dental Health Month 2013. Angela Willox, Pediatric Dentistry, MS Oral Sciences ’07, Arlington Heights, IL, volunteered with Team Smile and the Chicago Bears to provide dental treatment and preventative care to youngsters at the Bears’ Bourbonnais training camp. ’02 ’09 ’04 ’10 ’05 ’11 ’00 Mohammed Fayad, Endodontics, Chicago, spoke on cone beam volumetric technology in dentistry to the Chicago Dental Society North Suburban Branch in March. ’01 Sahar Alrayyes, Pediatric Dentistry, MS Oral Sciences, Chicago, participated in a Latin American Health Weeks Health Fair at Little Village Elementary School in Chicago in October 2013, where she and colleagues provided dental screenings and education to youngsters. (5-year Reunion, 2014) John Foley has purchased Northwest Orthodontics in Streamwood and Franklin Park, IL, from Alan Kaplin, ’60, MS Orthodontics ’65. Ryan Grelle Tuscher, Chicago, participated in the 2013 Chicago Triathlon in August. Garrick Lang, Endodontics, Chicago, and Nermeen Moussa, Endodontics and MS Oral Sciences, both obtained board certification from the American Board of Endodontics and were recognized at the Grossman Luncheon. (10-year Reunion, 2014) Shawn Velez, Endodontics, Aiken, SC, obtained board certification from the American Board of Endodontics and was recognized at the Grossman Luncheon. Lynse J. Briney, Pediatric Dentistry ’11, MS Oral Sciences ’12, Chicago, and her husband, Brent, had a new baby, Zackary Donald Widler, born July 3 at 1:58 a.m., weighing 6 lbs., 1 oz. and measuring 20 inches long. Zack joins big brother Lucas in the Widler family. Lynse received the Illinois State Dental Society Foundation’s 2013 William J. Greek Memorial Leadership Award, which is presented to a dentist in practice ten years or less who exhibits a sincere involvement in ISDS affairs and demonstrates exemplary leadership. Stephen Ferraro, Endodontics, Downey, CA, obtained board certification from the American Board of Endodontics and was recognized at the Grossman Luncheon. 64 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y Satish Alapati, Endodontics, Chicago, was the subject of an article in the July/August CDS Review, about his being named Endodontic Clinic Operations Director and Consultant to the Managing Partners at the College. Arda Paylan, Skokie, IL, while serving on the faculty of the College’s Department of Restorative Dentistry, received a Golden Apple Award for teaching excellence from the Class of 2015. Laura Liu, Class President, said, “Our class felt Dr. Paylan deserved the award because she went above and beyond in terms of our education. She made herself available to us. This does not only apply to the regular school hours of 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; there were countless times when she would stay past the 4:30 h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 p.m. mark helping students whether it be in lab or preclinical activities. Additionally, Dr. Paylan was approachable and patient. She truly cared about our education and made it a priority.” Qian Xie, Endodontics, Chicago, now is a full-time faculty member in the Department of Endodontics. ’13 Loyola ’52 Samuel J. Cascio, Oak Brook, IL, was the subject of an article in the International College of Dentists 8th District Newsletter of Spring 2013. It mentioned that he received the Thaddeus V. Weclew Award from the International College of Dentists/ American College of Dentists at the 2013 Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting. Matthew Hamedani is in residency in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery at the University of California at San Francisco. Peter Haupers, Chicago, and his use of Reena Patel, Chicago, participated in a Hu-Friedy products were the subject of an article in Latin American Health Weeks Health Fair at Little the May 2013 Dental Products Report. Village Elementary School in Chicago in October 2013, where she and colleagues provided dental screenings and education to youngsters. Jim Maragos, LaGrange, IL, now is a Luisa Rodriguez is the lead dentist at the St. member of the International College of Dentists. Petersburg, FL, office of Aspen Dental. Claire Sheehan, St. Charles, IL, was featured in the Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation June 2013 Thomas E. Sullivan, Westchester, IL, online newsletter for having received a grant from received the 2013 President’s Award from the Illinois the foundation. State Dental Society, for Ben Youel, Crystal his contribution to dentistry Lake, IL, was featured and the dental profession. in a June 3 Northwest Herald newspaper story about a recent extramural Louis Imburgia, rotation he performed in Park Ridge, IL, was Guatemala. He also was installed as Treasurer of quoted in a December the Chicago Dental Society 2013 CDS Review article in November 2013. about the expectations of dental students and residents. Phillip Fijal, Alec Zurek, Chicago, DesPlaines, IL, was was featured in the installed as Vice President University of Illinois President Robert Easter (left) visited Delta Dental of Illinois with Dr. Robert R. Brunetti, Loyola ’78, President of ProCare of the Chicago Dental Foundation June 2013 Dental Group, P.C., one of the College’s most generous Society in November 2013. online newsletter for benefactors, at the University of Illinois-Washington State having received a grant football game at Chicago’s Soldier Field on Sept. 14. from the foundation. ’76 ’81 ’82 ’84 ’86 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 65 In Memoriam Class of ’43 Edward A. Pintavalle, 94, of Seattle, WA, passed away on June 12, 2013. He is survived by his wife, Eleanor; daughter Lisa, wife of Mark Ebinger; son Robert, husband of Terri Smith; and five grandchildren. Memorial donations may be made to Parkinson’s research at www. nwpf.org. Dr. Edward A. Pintaville, ’43. Class of ’47 Ernest “Bud” Muench, 91, of Post Falls, ID, passed away April 2, 2013. He is survived by his wife, Lillian; daughter Marilyn; son Alan, husband of Mary; son Chris, husband of Gala; three grandchildren, and three great grandchildren. Memorial donations may be made to Hospice of North Idaho, 9493 N. Government Way, Hayden, ID 83835. Class of ’51 Lehmann M. Henderson, 87, of Hot Springs, AR, passed away Sept. 22, 2013. He is survived by son Richard, husband of Kathy; son David, daughter Kathy Giezeman, wife of Joseph; and Scott, husband of Cheri; 11 grandchildren and six greatgrandchildren. Milton J. Knapp, 89, of Dr. Lehmann M. Manning, OR, passed away April Henderson, ’51. 18, 2013. He is survived by his wife, Patlyn; daughter Janet Lake; and one grandson. Memorial donations in his name may be made to the USO Wounded Warrior Program-Operation Enduring Care. Chester Toton of Northbrook, IL, passed away on March 15, 2012. Class of ’52 Dr. Chester Toton, ’51. Melvin Genaze, 91, of Downers Grove, IL, passed away on June 29, 2013. He is survived by his wife, Mary; daughter Kathleen Mulica, wife of Walter; son Robert, husband of Diane; daughter Patricia McCormack, wife of James; and daughter Diane Poggensee, wife of Robert; 11 grandchildren and seven great-grandchildren. 66 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y Memorials may be made to the West Suburban Humane Society, 1901 W. Ogden Ave., Downers Grove, IL 60515. Gordon L. Stastny, 87, of Lindenhurst, IL, passed away on Aug. 25, 2013. Dr. Stastny was an Associate Professor of Endodontics at the College for many years, teaching from 1952 to 1984. He is survived by his wife Dorothy; daughter Gail Keefe, wife of Tom; son Gregg; daughter-inlaw Adele Ritzman; seven grandchildren; and six great-grandchildren. Memorials may be made to the American Brain Tumor Assn., 2720 River Rd., DesPlaines, IL 60018. Class of ’53 Charles Masters, 87, of Sarasota, FL, died on July 10, 2013. Class of ’54 Morton Epstein, 83, passed away on May 24, 2013, in Scottsdale, AZ. He is survived by his wife, Esther; daughter Karen Schneider, wife of Mitchell; son Richard, husband of Jackie; son Daniel, husband of Judy Dorsey; and nine grandchildren. Contributions may be made to the Alzheimer’s Association. George K. Thomas, 85, of Moline, IL, passed away Dr. George K. Thomas, March 27, 2013. ’54. Class of ’57 Arthur M. Gensior, of New York City, passed away on Dec. 19, 2013. He is survived by his wife, Lenore; daughter and son-in-law, Ellen Schweitzer-Perlson and Gary Perlson; son and daughter-in-law Robert and Jennifer Gensior, and grandchildren Zachary Gensior, Lauren Schweitzer, Hillary Schweitzer, Cory Perlson, Alexis Perslon, Robin Kline, and Scott Kline. J. Allan Ralph, 81, of Greenville, MI, passed away on May 27, 2013. He is survived by his wife, Janet. Memorials in his name may be given to the First United Methodist Church, 204 W. Cass St., Greenville, MI 48838. h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Dr. J. Allan Ralph, ’57. Winter 2014 Class of ’58 Thomas J. Schafer, 79, of Atherton, CA, passed away on July 12, 2013. He is survived by his wife, Sharon; son John; daughter Shannon, wife of Craig Lewis; and grandson Tyler Lewis. Donations may be made to Pathways Home Health at 585 N. Mary Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94085. Class of ’59 Leo L. Lundberg, 83, of Moline, IL, passed away on Sept. 18, 2013. He is survived by his wife, Barbara: son David, husband of Kathy; daughter Nancy Frederiksen, wife of Bob; and Susan Phillips, wife of Mike; eight grandchildren, and four greatgrandchildren. Michael A. Turk, 74, of Champaign, IL, passed away on Nov. 20, 2013. Surviving are his wife, Pat, and his daughters Tracy Herr, wife of Jeff; Kelly Turk; Karen Turk; and Patty Turk-Walker, wife of Evan Kraus. Memorials in his name may be made to a charity of your choice. Class of ’74 Joseph J. Haka, 65, of Tinley Park, IL, passed away on August 20, 2013. He is survived by his son, Joseph A. Haka. Class of ’83 Rodney D. Burge, Calumet City, IL, passed away in 2003. Marcia Helfgott Maisel-Schwartz, 56, of Cardiff-By-The-Sea, CA, died in 2013. Class of ’61 She is survived by her husband, Martin; and Jerome R. Ringl, 75, of Lockport, IL, children Amanda, Max, Samantha, Naomi, passed away April 20, 2013. He is survived and Sofie. Contributions may be made to by his wife, JoAnn; son Jerome, husband of the Marcy Maisel-Schwartz Scholarship Linda; son Steven; son John; daughter Julie Fund, Soille San Diego Hebrew Day School, Searle, wife of Curtis; and one grandchild. 3630 Afton Rd., San Diego, CA 92123. Memorial donations may be made to St. Mary T. (Terry Jones) Madigan, 57, James Hospice House, Chicago Heights, IL. of Streamwood, IL, passed away March Eugene Schklair, Tarzana, CA, died on 14, 2013. She is survived by her husband, Dr. Marcia Helfgott Dec. 22, 2011, at age 81. Michael Jones; and children Patrick and Maisel-Schwartz, ’83. Nicole. Memorial donations may be made Class of ’62 to the Susan G. Komen for the Cure James E. McCormick, 82, of Yorktown, VA, passed Chicagoland Area Affiliate, 4100 Madison St., PO away on May 14, 2013. He is survived by his wife, Box 769, Hillside, IL 60162. Joan; son Kevin; son Brendan (husband of Julie); Daniel W. Sims, 57, of Henderson, NV, passed son Brian (husband of Judi); daughter Cathy (wife away Sept. 8, 2013. He is survived by his sons of Josh Lachine; and nine grandchildren. He was William; Walter, husband of Kim; and Grant; his preceded in death by son Sean. Memorial donations parents; sisters and brothers; and nieces and may be made to Benedictine College, Attn. James nephews. Kew, 1020 N. 2nd St., Atchison, KS 66002. Arthur L. Reynolds, 79, of Springfield, Class of ’11 IL, passed away on Oct. 12, 2013. He Evert C. Tan, Schaumburg, IL, passed away is survived by his wife, Carol; sons suddenly in a boating accident on Aug. 17, Scott; Steve, husband of Julie; and 2013. He was known as a compassionate Shawn, husband of Christine; and eight dentist, avid fisherman, and had an grandchildren. Memorials may be made interest in philosophy, art, and science. to the Christian Harness Horsemen’s He excelled in drawing, playing musical Association, 157 N. Main St., Salem, NH instruments, dancing, and making people 03079. laugh with jokes and impersonations. He is survived by his parents, Pedro and Virginia; Class of ’64 brothers Pedro Jr. and Douglas; and sister Dr. Evert C. Tan, ’11 Gary A. Gasbarra, 76, of Manhattan, (left), with Dr. Bruce Rosemarie C. Tan, DDS ’06, Prosthodontics IL, passed away on Oct. 16, 2013. He is S. Graham. ’10. Condolences may be sent to Rosemarie survived by his wife, Marilynn; son Gary, Tan at 400 Hobron Lane #3106, Honolulu, husband of Susan; and daughter Kathy HI 96815. Sanford. UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 67 Student Activities 2013 Senior Luncheon and Awards Program Students, faculty, benefactors, and guests enjoyed the Senior Luncheon and Scholarship Award Program on May 8. Awards were given to those students who exhibited clinical excellence and/or academic achievement. Awards also were presented to faculty for their commitment to students and for exceptional teaching abilities. The event was organized by Ana Lisa Ogbac, Associate Director of Advancement and Alumni Affairs; and Millie Mendez, Director of Student Services, and Angelica Alvarez, Program Coordinator, Office of the Associate Dean for Maritza Garcia received the Lina K. Tharp Award from Dr. Gene Romo, ’97 (left) and Dr. Bruce Graham. Julio Argueta, Dr. Earl W. Renfroe & Mrs. Hilda F. Renfroe Scholarship, Dr. Jerry F. Balaty Award. Humaira Azeem, Ann Tschirley Gunatillike Scholarship, Leo and Wanda Sabien Class of 1955 Scholarship. Nicole Bartosik, Ms. Frances Best Watkins Award. Benjamin Belavsky, Dr. James R. Havera Scholarship, American Institute of Orthodontic Research Award. Kaiyun Chen, Ms. Frances Best Watkins Award. Jazmine Daye, Smith Barney Mercantile Scholarship Award, Bisco Inc. Award. Dr. Dan Hilo,’91 (left); Nona Flores (2nd from right); and Dr. Graham presented Kelley Gyllenhaal (2nd from left) with the Luz Bondoc Award. Student and Diversity Affairs. Dr. Ross E. Rubino, ‘77, President of the UIC Dental Alumni Association Board of Directors, hosted the event on behalf of the board. Dean Bruce Graham welcomed everyone present and recognized the commitment and dedication of the many hard-working students, and of the benefactors who made the awards possible. Mark J. Valentino, Assistant Dean for Advancement and Alumni Affairs, was Master of Ceremonies. Student honorees were: Ademola Adekola, Smith Barney Mercantile Scholarship Award, DDS Orthodontic Interest Award. Allison Alberts, Dr. Gerson Gould and Mr. Sol H. Gould Memorial Scholarship, Dr. Curt J. Gronner Award. Lauren Allegretti, Dr. William Starek Award, Dr. Adalbert L. Vlazny Scholarship. 68 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y Dr. Kamlesh Amin, ’83 (left) and Dr. Graham presented Ankur Patel (2nd from left) and Lakshmi Uppala (2nd from right) with the Dr. Kamlesh Amin Scholarship. Christopher Doran, Dr. Gerson Gould and Mr. Sol H. Gould Memorial Scholarship. Yasmin Farid, Smith Barney Mercantile Scholarship Award, Golden Scaler Award. h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 Scott Fleming, Dr. Howard Kubacki Award. Meredith Gantos, Dr. Edgar D. Gifford Scholarship Award. Maritza Garcia, Lina K. Tharp Award. Ashley Ginsberg, Foundation of the Pierre Fauchard Academy Scholarship Award. Philip Gurgone, Dr. Joseph Kolodziejczyk Award, Ms. Frances Best Watkins Award, Dr. Gerald L. Wine Scholarship Award. Nicole Guyton, Dr. Gerson Gould and Mr. Sol H. Gould Memorial Scholarship. Kelley Gyllenhaal, Dr. Luz Bondoc Award, Ms. Frances Best Watkins Award, Dr. Harry Saxon Scholarship, American Institute of Orthodontic Research Award. Matthew Hamedani, Dr. Harry Saxon Scholarship, Dr. Daniel Seldin Award. Zachary M. Hernann, Dr. Robert Savage Memorial Award. Mohammed Jabbar, Golden Scaler Award. Hassan Karim, Dr. Karl H. Halwass Scholarship. Andrea Klein, Dr. Gerson Gould and Mr. Sol H. Gould Memorial Scholarship, Dr. Donald L. McElroy Endodontic Award. Anuja Kothari, American Institute of Orthodontic Research Award. Amitoj Mehta, American Institute of Orthodontic Research Award. Nisha Mehta, Dr. Marshall W. Milnarik Scholarship. Preethi Mohan, Leo and Wanda Sabien Class of 1955 Scholarship. Brandon Murphy, Dr. Harry Saxon Scholarship. Ankur Patel, Dr. Kamlesh Amin Scholarship Award, Dr. Harry Saxon Scholarship, Stefania Spilotro (2nd from left) and John Polivka (2nd from American Academy of right) earned the Dr. Samuel J. Cascio Scholarship. Dr. Cascio Periodontology Award. is at left, and Dr. Graham at right. Dhara Patel, Bisco Inc. Award. John Polivka, Dr. Samuel J. Cascio Scholarship. Anastasiya Quimby, Pierre Fauchard Academy Senior Student Award, Dr. James R. Havera Scholarship, Dr. Daniel Seldin Award, Academy of Osseointegration Outstanding Dental Student in Implant Dentistry Award, Scholastic Achievement Award of Delta Sigma Delta Steve Cummins (left); Dr. Alan Weisz, ’76 (2nd from left); and Fraternity. Dr. Graham conferred the Dr. Amy J. Cummins Award to Katerina Rachkova, Justin Schneider (2nd from right). Golden Scaler Award. AnnMarie Redmond, Dr. Sunita Bajaj Clinical Excellence Award. Luisa Rodriguez, Dr. Gerson Gould and Mr. Sol H. Gould Memorial Scholarship. Munther Salem, Dr. Donald W. Rice Humanitarian Award, Dr. Brian D. Stone Memorial Award, Dr. Stanley Tylman Award Justin Schneider, Amy J. Cummins Scholarship. Dr. Christopher Wenckus, ’71, Endodontics ’74, and Dr. Graham conferred the Dr. William F. Stroner Award to Dustin Wylde. UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 69 Lakshmi Uppala, Dr. Kamlesh Amin Scholarship Award, Dr. Leslie J. Braun Jr. Award. Dustin Wylde, Dr. William F. Stroner Award. Benjamin Youel, Ms. Frances Best Watkins Award, International College of Dentists Student Leadership Award, Dr. Gerson Gould and Mr. Sol H. Gould Memorial Scholarship, Walter E. Dundon Memorial Award. Benjamin Youel was presented the International College of Dentists Student Leadership Award by Dr. Terri Tiersky of the ICOD and Dr. Graham. Claire Sheehan, Delta Dental of Illinois Foundation Outstanding Dental Student Award, Dr. Harry Saxon Scholarship. Sonia Shweiki, Dr. Alan C. Peterson Scholarship. Stefania Spilotro, Dr. Samuel J. Cascio Scholarship. Samia Suleiman, Dr. Harry Saxon Scholarship. Anastasiya Quimby, received five Awards, including the Scholastic Achievement Award of Delta Sigma Delta Fraternity, presented by Dr. Tom Lakars, ’67, and Dr. Graham. not just for orthodontic wires, but for all dental products.” The award is named for the late Dr. John W. Stanford, who established the ADA’s current standards program. The American Dental Association Concerning the two testing (ADA) Council on Scientific methods, Dr. Obaisi “found Affairs has named Dr. Noor that both methods effectively Obaisi, ’10, Orthodontics ’13, identify physical characteristics MS Oral Sciences ’13, as its of the wire with the BFR first John W. Stanford New method being significantly less Investigator Award recipient. complex to administer,” said Her winning research Dr. Edmond Truelove, council project, “Determination of the Dr. Noor Obaisi, ’10, Orthodontics ’13, MS chair. “Her findings identified an Transformation Temperature improved testing methodology Oral Sciences ’13 (left), with Dr. Ghada Ranges of Orthodontic Nickelin assessing whether materials Adhami, ’10, and Dr. Bruce Graham at Titanium Archwires,” set out to and devices used in patient care Senior Luncheon 2010. determine the transformation and biomedical science meet temperature range of thermoelastic nickel titanium critical standards desired of such devices and archwires using two testing methods—differential materials.” scanning calorimetry and bend and free recovery.” —Williams J. Council on Scientific Affairs names first “I was very pleased and surprised to hear that Stanford Award recipient. Posted online January 6, I won,” Dr. Obaisi said. “I’m happy that my project 2014 at http://www.ada.org/news/9486.aspx. was recognized, and I hope that the project draws Copyright © 2014 American Dental Association. attention to the need for standardization in testing, All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission. ADA Council on Scientific Affairs Names Alumna Dr. Noor Obaisi as First Stanford Award Recipient 70 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 Alec Zurek, Delta Dental of Illinois Outstanding for Research. Student Marshals were Dr. Larry Dental Student Award, Dr. Harry Saxon Scholarship, Salzmann, Director, Predoctoral Program, Pediatric International Congress of Oral Implantologists/ Dentistry, and Dr Michael A. Dunlap, ’92, Clinical Sullivan Schein Dental Predoctoral Achievement Assistant Professor, Restorative Dentistry. Award, Dr. Charles F. The National Anthem Nichols Occlusal Studies was performed by students Student Scholarship Melissa Davis, Bindi Award, DENTSPLY Implant Patel, and Isaac Qureshi. Inspirational Friend Award. Greetings were given Faculty Golden Apple by Dr. Lon S. Kaufman, Award recipients were Vice Chancellor for Dr. Ana Organ-Boshes, Academic Affairs and Clinical Assistant Professor, Provost; Dr. Graham; Restorative Dentistry, DDS and student Matthew Class of 2013; and Dr. Hamedani, Vice President Terry Parsons, Director, of the Dental Student International Dentist Degree Council. Program, IDDP Class of Dr. Caswell Evans, 2013. Associate Dean for Alison Gerrans (left) and Bill Smalley (2nd from left) represented DENTSPLY, and along with Dr. Graham and Student awards also Prevention and Public Dr. Rand Harlow, presented the DENTSPLY Implant were given at the Omicron Health Sciences, offered Inspirational Friend Award to Alec Zurek. Kappa Upsilon event later the keynote address. that day. Recognizing the Erin Petrik received the OKU William S. Kramer postdoctoral education graduates were Dr. Recognition of Excellence and Scholarship Award. Christopher Wenckus, ’71, Endodontics ’74, Head, Anastasiya Quimby received the OKU Dr. Lina Endodontics; Dr. Bradford Johnson, Endodontics K. Tharp Memorial Award. ’91, MHPE ’05, Postdoctoral Program Director, Endodontics; Dr. Michael Miloro, Department Head, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; Dr. Carla Degrees, Certificates Evans, Department Head, Orthodontics; Dr. Indru Conferred at Commencement Punwani, Interim Department Head, Pediatric “All of our graduates have made many sacrifices, Dentistry, and Dr. Rodney J. Vergotine, Pediatric they have worked diligently, and they have Dentistry ’94, Postdoctoral Program and Associate developed into the future leaders of our profession,” Director, Pediatric Dentistry; Dr. Marucha, Head, said Dean Bruce Graham as he joined parents, Periodontics, and Dr. Saba Khan, Postdoctoral families, and friends in extending congratulations Program Director, Periodontics; to graduates at the May 11, 2013, Commencement Dr. Stephen Campbell, Head, Prosthodontics; held at the UIC Forum. “I wish them every success and Dr. Kent Knoernschild, Postdoctoral Program as they enter the practice of their chosen profession, Director, Prosthodontics. go on to postdoctoral education, or embark on Dr. Denise Maniakouras, ’11, gave the careers in academic dentistry.” response from the Postdoctoral Graduate Class of Dr. Bill Knight, Executive Associate Dean 2013. for Academic Affairs, welcomed all attending and Conferral of MS and PhD in Oral Sciences introduced the platform party. More than 70 faculty degrees was by Dr. Kaufman. Recognition of MS attended. and PhD in Oral Sciences graduates was by Students in the processional were Mary Dr. Karen J. Colley, Dean, Graduate College. Roman, who carried the UIC banner; Anuja Dr. Kaufman also conferred DDS and Kothari, who carried the College of Dentistry International Dentist Degree Program (IDDP) banner; and Natalie Morgan, who carried the degrees. Dr. Darryl D. Pendleton, Associate Dean Graduate College banner. for Student and Diversity Affairs recognized the DDS Faculty Marshals were Dr. Luisa DiPietro, graduates, and Dr. Terry L. Parsons, Director, IDDP, ’80, MS Histology ’82, Associate Dean for Faculty recognized the IDDP graduates. Affairs, and Dr. Phillip T. Marucha, Associate Dean UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 71 Commencement 2013 Samer Abdullah offers a “thumbs up” for the Commencement experience as Derek Abramowski and Ademola Adekola smile in approval. Family members expressed their joy at students receiving their degrees. Students Maritza Garcia and Amrita Ganguly prepare to recite the Dentist’s Pledge. DDS Class President Philip Gurgone at the podium. There were plenty of hugs for new graduates. New graduate Saleh Akhras and his littlest fan. 72 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 Conferred were DDS degrees, 68; IDDP DDS degrees, 30, with eight more recognized for having received their degrees in December 2012; PhD degrees, one, with one more recognized for having received a PhD in August 2012; MS degrees, 18, with nine more recognized for having received their degrees in August and December 2012; Certificates in Endodontics, six; Certificates in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, two; Certificates in Orthodontics, eight; Certificates in Pediatric Dentistry, six; Certificates in Peroidontics, three, and Certificates in Prosthodontics, five. Distribution of hoods and awards was by Dr. Melisa Burton, Director of Clinics; Dr. Adriana Semprum-Clavier, Pre-Patient Care Director, IDDP; and Mark J. Valentino, Assistant Dean for Advancement and Alumni Affairs. Hooders were Dr. James B. Ricker, Managing Partner, Rembrandt Clinic; Dr. Susan A. Rowan, ’84, Managing Partner, Monet Clinic; and Dr. Michael L. Santucci, Managing Partner, Da Vinci Clinic. Honorary hooders were Dr. Seema S. Ashrafi, ’93, MS Histology ’94, Periodontics ’99; Clinical Associate Professor, Periodontics for IDDP graduates; and Dr. Anna Organ-Boshes, ’00, Clinical Assistant Professor, Restorative Dentistry, for DDS graduates. Dr. DiPietro led the Dentist’s Pledge. The response from the IDDP Class was by Kaiyun Chen, and the response from the DDS class was by Philip Gurgone, Class Presidents. Carrying the banners during the recessional were Preethi Mohan, UIC banner; Meghna Srinivasan, College banner; and Humaira Azeem, Graduate College banner. Several students received special awards at Commencement: Jazmine Daye, Quintessence Award for Clinical Achievement in Restorative Dentistry. Sylvia Deek, American Association of Women Dentists Elenore Bushee Senior Award. Lisa George, Academy of Operative Dentistry Outstanding Achievement Award. Israa Golam, Whip-Mix Best of the Best Prosthodontics Award. Kelley Gyllenhaal, American Association of Oral Biologists Award, American Association of Orthodontists Award, Quintessence Award for Research Achievement. Hassan Karim, Academy of Dental Materials Award. Alena Karol, American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology Achievement Award. UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y Andrea Klein, American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Dental Implant Student Award. Jonghnok Lee, American Association of Endodontists Student Achievement Award. Amitoj S. Mehta, American Dental Society of Anesthesiology Horace Wells Senior Student Award. Brandon Murphy, American Academy of Esthetic Dentistry Senior Student Dental Award, American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Dental Student Award. Bindi Patel, American Academy of Orofacial Pain Outstanding Senior Award. Reena Patel, American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry Certificate of Merit Award, American Academy of Oral Medicine Certificate of Merit and Award in Oral Medicine. AnnMarie Redmond, American Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology Award. Claire Sheehan, American Academy of Implant Dentistry Award. Samia Suleiman, American Academy of Craniofacial Pain Award, Quintessence Award for Clinical Achievement in Periodontics. Alec Zurek, American Association of Public Health Dentistry Award. New Students Participate in White Coat Ceremony Fifty-one members of the College’s DMD Class of 2017 and 40 members of its International Dentist Degree Program Class of 2015 participated in the 2013 White Coat Ceremony on Aug. 23. The ceremony marks the students’ entry into patient care in the clinics, and reinforces the ethical and moral obligations to their patients of students both during dental school and throughout their careers. Parents, other family members, friends, and faculty were on hand. “The white coat ceremony symbolizes your entry into the healing profession of dentistry, as a new Doctor of Dental Medicine student,” said Dean Bruce Graham to the students. “It celebrates your choice to pursue a life in service to the health of society. The College’s professional community welcomes you to your new life as a student dentist. We pledge to do all that we can do to help you become the finest dentist you can be.” Dr. Bill Knight, then Executive Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and now Interim Dean, was Master of Ceremonies. Dean Graham welcomed the students. h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 73 Speakers were Dr. Randall Ashton, President Student Joshua Padovano of the Illinois Academy of General Dentistry; Earns NIDCR Fellowship Dr. David Fulton Jr., President of the Chicago Joshua Padovano, a DMD/PhD candidate, recently Dental Society; Dr. Pete Paulson, Regent, was awarded a National Institutes of Health-National International College of Dentists; and Dr. Brian Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research Soltys, ’79, President-Elect, Illinois State Dental (NIDCR) Individual National Research Service Society. Award, known as an F30 Fellowship, after applying The white coats were for the honor. presented by Dean Graham; The goal of Padovano’s Dr. Susan Rowan, ’84, research is to better Interim Associate Dean understand the relationship for Clinical Affairs; and between the biology of Dr. Terry Parsons, ’82, mineralized tissues and how Director of the International they function mechanically. Dentist Degree Program. “My research involves the Faculty were recognized characterization of these by Dr. Knight. The students tissues, such as bone and were announced by teeth,” explained Padovano. Carolyn Feller and Braulia Joshua Padovano (left) with one of his mentors, Dr. Anne “I investigate the molecular George (center), and fellow DMD/PhD candidate Christine Espinosa, Assistant Politis. biology, architecture, and Directors of Admissions. mechanical properties of The students and these tissues.” faculty all recited the His research project is entitled “Rode of DMP1 Dentist’s Pledge. in bone and dentin mineralization using transgenic Support for the event was provided by the mouse models.” Illinois State Dental Society Foundation, the Illinois There have been important strides in the field Academy of General Dentistry, and the International of tissue engineering in the past 20 years. However, College of Dentists. there is an important limitation in the regeneration The event was organized Millie Mendez, of bone and teeth in that they are not as strong as Director of Student Services, and Angelica Alvarez, other native tissue. “I aim to understand how we can Program Coordinator, Office of the Associate Dean improve the mechanical properties of engineered for Student and Diversity Affairs. hard tissues,” Padovano said. Padovano received funding from the fellowship DMD Class of 2015 Achieves that will cover the remaining costs of his education 100% Pass Rate in the UIC College of Dentistry, while also providing him with money for research expenses. The DMD Class of 2015—the inaugural class of the For example, the funds can cover anything from DMD curriculum—has achieved a 100% first-time materials to travel to conferences in which Padovano pass rate on National Board Dental Examination will present his results. Part I. Padovano was previously appointed as a pre“The Class of 2015 is a remarkably talented doctoral trainee on a NIDCR T32 training grant, group,” said Dr. Bill Knight, Interim Dean, noting which was awarded to Dr. Luisa A. DiPietro, that its members could not have achieved that Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs. The T32 outstanding outcome without the work of the faculty. enhances research training opportunities for early“The seven years of planning and development stage investigators. of the DMD curriculum, its careful implementation, Dr. Anne George, Professor, Oral Biology, and the three years of progress modifications that and Dr. Ana Bedran-Russo, Associate Professor, faculty have collectively accomplished have made Restorative Dentistry, are Padovano’s mentors in his this achievement possible,” Dr. Knight said. research endeavors. —Lucia Gonzalez 74 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 Continuing Education Continuing Education Courses to be Held at College Several Continuing Education courses, held under the auspices of the Illinois State Dental Society (ISDS), are scheduled to be held at the UIC College of Dentistry, 801 S. Paulina St., Chicago, IL 60612, in 2014. The ISDS is an approved provider of Continuing Education in the State of Illinois and is an ADA CERP Recognized Provider. For more information or to register, or for refund and cancellation information, email gpitchford@isds. org, log on to www.isds.org, or call (800) 475-4737. Anesthesia/Sedation Assistant Monitoring Clinical Certification Course This course is offered as a Continuing Education experience for dental assistants and hygienists who work in dental or oral surgery offices in the State of Illinois where sedation or general anesthesia is administered. The course is designed to meet the requirements of the Illinois Dental Practice Act and the rules administering the Dental Practice Act. The course includes both lecture and clinical exposure. Course objectives and competencies: The assistant will: Become familiar with the anatomy and physiology involved with monitoring and airway maintenance in the sedated dental patient. Obtain a basic understanding of the physiology of the respiratory, cardiovascular, and neurological systems as they relate to anesthesia and sedation. Become familiar with the health questionnaire and its application for the evaluation of the patient undergoing anesthesia/sedation and be able to link this information to the ASA classification. Develop and understanding of the levels of sedation/anesthesia and be able to recognize these levels in the patient under dental sedation. Acquire the skills required for monitoring the sedated patient, including monitoring of blood pressure, pulse, perspiration temperature, and level of consciousness. Learn to operate automated monitoring devices including the EKG and pulse-oximeter. Learn to complete the anesthesia record and make appropriate monitoring entries during the UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y procedure and during recovery. Learn basic management protocols for anesthesia-related emergencies and become more competent in assisting the dentist in their management. Credit: 12 credit hours. Dates: Wednesday, March 26, and Thursday, March 27, 2014; Wednesday, Sept. 24, and Thursday, Sept. 25, 2014. Course times to be announced. Instructors: Dr. William Flick, ’74, Clinical Associate Professor, and Dr. Michael Miloro, Head, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMFS); and Dr. Indru Punwani, Professor Emeritus, and Dr. Larry Salzmann, Clinical Professor and Predoctoral Clinic Director, Pediatric Dentistry. Fee: $525 ISDS member dentist staff; $850 non-member dentist staff. Prerequisite: Current BLS certificate. Nitrous Oxide Monitoring and Administration Clinical Certification Course Course objectives and content: This course for monitoring and administration of nitrous oxide by dental assistants and dental hygienists is designed to meet the certification requirements of the State of Illinois for expanded functions. This course will include both didactic and clinical components in the monitoring and administration of nitrous oxide and advanced airway management. It will provide instruction in anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and dental emergencies, as they relate to the use of nitrous oxide in the dental office. After successful completion of this course the dental assistant can return to the private office and provide expanded function for the dental team and the monitoring of nitrous oxide, while the dental hygienists will be able to start and stop the flow of gas. Credit: Six credit hours. Dates: Wednesday, April 16, 2014; Wednesday, Oct. 8, 2014; Wednesday, Nov. 19, 2014. Course times to be announced. Instructors: Drs. Punwani and Salzmann. Fee: $275 ISDS member dentist staff; $500 non-member dentist staff. Prerequisite: Must be currently certified in BLS for healthcare providers, or its equivalent. A copy of your current BLS card must accompany registration h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014 75 form. This course is open to all qualified dental assistants for monitoring and dental hygienists for administering. Coronal Polishing and Pit/Fissure Sealants Clinical Certification Course Course objectives: This course will provide dental assistants with the proper educational requirements as stated in Illinois law for application of pit and fissure sealants and coronal polishing which includes didactic study in anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and dental emergencies followed by a written exam. This course also will include two hours of clinical experience on pit and fissure sealants and two hours on coronal polishing. The clinical instruction on coronal polishing will include work performed on a human subject. At the completion of this course and prior to being permitted to perform these expanded functions in Illinois, the dental assistant must meet the following requirements: Be 18 years of age and working as a dental assistant for at least 1,000 hours. The supervising dentist must personally observe the successful placement of six sealants on a patient or patient by the dental assistant. The successful participant will receive a certificate of completion. Continental breakfast and lunch are provided. Credit: Ten credit hours. Dates: Saturday, April 5, 2014; Saturday, Sept. 13, 2014; Saturday, Nov. 15, 2014. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Instructors: Dr. Richard Perry, ’68, and Dr. James Bryniarski, ’78, Clinical Assistant Professor, Restorative Dentistry, and Katherine Lutz, RDH. Fee: $450 ISDS member dentist staff; $800 non-member dentist staff. Prerequisite: Must be at least age 18, and a dental assistant for at least 1,000 hours. Local Anesthesia Clinical Certification Course Course objectives and content: This four-day course will satisfy the State of Illinois expanded function training requirements to allow registered dental hygienists to administer local anesthesia under the general supervision of a licensed dentist. Course content provides a review of necessary knowledge on the uses and potential complications of administering local anesthesia. Lab practice sessions emphasize grasp and 76 UIC C o l l e g e o f D e n t i s t r y technique and use sensor-active Frasaco/Practicon manikins and other injection placement exercises. Injection instruction occurs in clinic and involves supervised administration of maxillary, mandibular, and block injections using xylocaine 2%, mepivicaine 3%, and topical benzocaine. In clinic, participants must agree to receive, as well as administer, injections in the clinic. Hygienists who are in the first trimester of pregnancy or at medical risk for any other reasons should seek the consent of their primary physician before registering. Course size is limited to 24 persons per session. While a test of basic knowledge based on pre-course reading is given on the first course day, successful course completion is based solely on competency demonstrated in the clinic. Continental breakfast and lunch are provided. Credit: 32 Continuing Education credits. Dates: Wednesday and Thursday, Aug. 13 and 14, 2014, and Wednesday and Thursday, Aug. 20 and 21, 2014. 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Instructors: Dr. Flick; Dr. Miloro; Dr. Antonia Kolokythas, OMFS ’04, MS Oral Sciences ’11, Associate Professor, and Thomas Skiba, ’68, MS OMFS ’77, Clinical Assistant Professor, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Fee: $950 ISDS dental hygienist member, $1,100 non-member. ISDS member dental hygienists can use their $25 CE voucher for this course. Prerequisite: A pre-course reading assignment from Dr. Stanley F. Malamed’s Handbook of Local Anesthesia (4th or 5th edition) assures a foundation of understanding that is reinforced by lectures. Topics include the local anesthesia armamentarium, neuroanatomy and neurophysiology, pharmacology of vasoconscriptors, mandibular and maxillary anatomy, the trigeminal nerve, possible complications, post-treatment instructions, and accurate record keeping. Cancellation/Refund Policy for ISDS CE Courses: ISDS reserves the right to cancel a course. In the case of course cancellation, your fee will be fully refunded or transferred to the next course date. Individual cancellations received at least 15 days prior to the course will receive a full refund. After this period, only an 85% refund will be given. Cancellations must be made prior to the day of the course to receive the 85% refund. No refunds will be granted for no-shows. A course credit will be given due to illness and weather conditions. h t t p : / / d e n t i s t r y. u i c . e d u Winter 2014