Our Draft Recommendations - Ontario Lung Association


Our Draft Recommendations - Ontario Lung Association
Ontario Lung Health Action Plan
Goal: To improve the health outcomes and quality of life
for everyone in Ontario through early detection and
better management of respiratory diseases.
Early detection and appropriate diagnosis of lung
diseases through appropriate pulmonary function testing viii
Supportive legislation re: air quality, tobacco control xxiii xxiv
Multidisciplinary health-care teams, including certified
respiratory educators, to provide patient education and
self-management, ensure best practices are utilized and
provide a holistic coordinated approach x xi xii xiii
Strengthen links among primary care, acute care and
other components of the health-care system to
improve patient outcomes and improve health-care
utilization xxv xxvi xxvii
Provide public education about lung disease and its risk
factors: smoking, poor indoor and outdoor air, radon,
social determinants of health i ii
Develop and implement programs and policies to reduce
exposure to environmental contaminants in homes,
workplaces, schools, etc. iii
Develop and implement effective tobacco control
programs including focus on the tobacco industry
denormalization, reducing access through policy
measures such as tax increases, and health promotion
programs for high risk groups iv v vi
Engage youth in prevention and health promotion
programs vii
Equitable access to proven and effective medications
and assistive devices xvii xviii xix xx
Access to pulmonary rehabilitation services and
community-based exercise maintenance programs xxi
Proper and appropriate use of pulmonary function testing is part of the Canadian Respiratory Guidelines as part of the diagnosis process
Aligns with Preventing and Managing Chronic Disease: Ontario’s Framework (Personal Skills and Self-Management Supports)
OHTAC recommends ongoing access to existing community-based multidisciplinary care for the management of moderate to severe stable COPD in
OHTAC Recommendations: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Ontario Health Technology Advisory Committee (March 2012)
Aligns with Preventing and Managing Chronic Disease: Ontario’s Framework (Personal Skills and Self-Management Supports, Delivery System Design,
Provider Decision Support)
Aligns with Living Longer, Living Well, Highlights and Key Recommendations from the Report Submitted to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care
and the Minister Responsible for Seniors on recommendations to inform a Seniors Strategy for Ontario (December 2012), Dr. Samir K. Sinha, MD, Dphil,
FRCPC, Provincial Lead, Ontario’s Seniors Strategy
Aligns with recommendation 5.24 (Health chapter) from Public Services for Ontarians: A Path to Sustainability and Excellence (2012), Commission on
the reform of Ontario’s Public Services
Aligns with Preventing and Managing Chronic Disease: Ontario’s Framework (Delivery System Design)
Supports Bill 135: An Act to protect pupils with asthma (Ryan’s Law)
Aligns with “creating a healthy school” in the No Time to Wait: The Healthy Kids Strategy (2013), recommendations by the Healthy Kids Panel
Key Findings from an Online Survey to Assist in Identifying Priorities for an Ontario Lung Health Strategy (2011), Ontario Lung Association
Aligns with recommendations in Priorities for Building an Integrated and Accessible Primary Care System in Ontario (October 2013), Ontario Medical
Aligns with Living Longer, Living Well, Highlights and Key Recommendations from the Report Submitted to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care
and the Minister Responsible for Seniors on recommendations to inform a Seniors Strategy for Ontario (December 2012), Dr. Samir K. Sinha, MD, Dphil,
FRCPC, Provincial Lead, Ontario’s Seniors Strategy
Enhancing Medicare to ensure equitable access reflects one of the Areas of Focus for the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario
OHTAC recommends ongoing access to existing pulmonary rehabilitation for the management of moderate to severe COPD in stable patients and in
patients following an acute exacerbation in OHTAC Recommendations: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Ontario Health Technology
Advisory Committee (March 2012)
Support patients and caregivers to be active partners in
their own health management xxxi
Aligns with Preventing and Managing Chronic Disease: Ontario’s Framework (Healthy Public Policy)
Aligns with Building On Our Gains, Taking Action Now: Ontario’s Tobacco Control Strategy for 2011- 2016, Report from the Tobacco Strategy Advisory
Group to the Minister of Health Promotion and Sport (Oct 2010)
Aligns with Ontario’s Action Plan for Health Care (Faster Access and a Stronger Link to Family Health Care)
Aligns with Living Longer, Living Well, Highlights and Key Recommendations from the Report Submitted to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care
and the Minister Responsible for Seniors on recommendations to inform a Seniors Strategy for Ontario (December 2012), Dr. Samir K. Sinha, MD, Dphil,
FRCPC, Provincial Lead, Ontario’s Seniors Strategy
Aligns with recommendation 5.1 (Health chapter) from Public Services for Ontarians: A Path to Sustainability and Excellence (2012), Commission on
the reform of Ontario’s Public Services
Aligns with Preventing and Managing Chronic Disease: Ontario’s Framework (Quality improvement, accountability for outcomes)
Aligns with Living Longer, Living Well, Highlights and Key Recommendations from the Report Submitted to the Minister of Health and Long-Term Care
and the Minister Responsible for Seniors on recommendations to inform a Seniors Strategy for Ontario (December 2012), Dr. Samir K. Sinha, MD, Dphil,
FRCPC, Provincial Lead, Ontario’s Seniors Strategy
Supported by recommendations from Putting Innovation to Work, Improving Chronic Disease Management and Health System Sustainability in Ontario
(2013), The Better Care Faster Coalition
Aligns with Preventing and Managing Chronic Disease: Ontario’s Framework (Personal Skills and Self-Management Supports)
Promote relevant population-based disease prevention
measures such as vaccinations xxii
Aligns with Preventing and Managing Chronic Disease: Ontario’s Framework (Personal Skills and Self-Management Supports, Delivery System Design)
Social and Environmental Determinants of Health reflect one of the Areas of Focus for the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario
Environmental Determinants of Health reflect one of the Areas of Focus for the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario
OHTAC strongly endorses evidence-based strategies aimed at encouraging smoking cessation in patients with COPD in OHTAC Recommendations:
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Ontario Health Technology Advisory Committee (March 2012)
Building On Our Gains, Taking Action Now: Ontario’s Tobacco Control Strategy for 2011- 2016, Report from the Tobacco Strategy Advisory Group to the
Minister of Health Promotion and Sport (Oct 2010)
Aligns with Recommendations from Taking Action to Prevent Chronic Disease, Recommendations for a Healthier Ontario (2012), Cancer Care Ontario,
Public Health Ontario
Building On Our Gains, Taking Action Now: Ontario’s Tobacco Control Strategy for 2011- 2016, Report from the Tobacco Strategy Advisory Group to the
Minister of Health Promotion and Sport (Oct 2010)
Supported by the Public Health Agency of Canada which encourages vaccinations against diseases such as influenza: http://www.phacaspc.gc.ca/influenza/index-eng.php
Research, Surveillance and
Knowledge Translation
Goal: To drive effective prevention and management of
respiratory disease and its risk factors, through
enhanced, coordinated research and surveillance efforts
that are then translated into both improved health
outcomes and economic benefits.
Policies and programs in schools and daycare settings to
support children living with asthma xv xvi
Expand proven pilot projects that have demonstrated
results in improving health outcomes, increased efficiency
and greater access to care xxviii xxix xxx
Provide culturally relevant programs and services
Goal: To prevent, and moderate the impact of, respiratory
illness through the development of effective, coordinated:
health promotion, awareness, exposure reduction, and
smoking prevention/cessation activities.
Goal: To develop, implement and strengthen the support
structures essential to an effective respiratory health
management strategy for all sectors, including policy
and legislation, partnerships, community supports, and
health-care system design and delivery.
Supports to enhance self-management of lung disease
and its comorbidities ix
Health Promotion, Awareness
and Disease Prevention
Policy, Partnerships and
Community/Systems Support
Disease, Detection and Management
Province-wide surveillance system including a
consistent set of data standards and indicators xxxii xxxiii xxxiv
Accredited and effective education programs for
health-care providers and other professionals xxxv
Translation and dissemination of evidence, research into
standards, guidelines and best practices xxxvi xxxvii xxxviii
Increase research capacity through collaborations,
training, networks and mentorships xxxix
Aligns with Preventing and Managing Chronic Disease: Ontario’s Framework (Information Systems, Client registries, e-health records, portals,
population health data)
Aligns with Recommendations from Taking Action to Prevent Chronic Disease, Recommendations for a Healthier Ontario (2012), Cancer Care Ontario,
Public Health Ontario
Aligns with Strategic Direction “Accelerate integrated population health monitoring” from Public Health Ontario’s Strategic Plan, 2014 - 2019
OHTAC recommends that consideration be made to providing training programs to health care professionals involved in providing intensive smoking
cessation counselling in OHTAC Recommendations: Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Ontario Health Technology Advisory Committee
(March 2012)
Aligns with Preventing and Managing Chronic Disease: Ontario’s Framework (Provider Decision Support)
Aligns with Strategic Direction “Enable policy, program and practice action” from Public Health Ontario’s Strategic Plan, 2014 - 2019
Part of the National Respiratory Research Strategy (2013), The Lung Association
Part of the National Respiratory Research Strategy (2013), The Lung Association
The Ontario Lung Health Alliance
DRAFT January 31, 2014
Proud member of the Ontario Lung Health Alliance.