May 2009


May 2009
The Wisdom Way Warrior
May 2009 x
Black Belt Promotions
Congratulations to Kyosah Benjamin Campo, Kyosah
Franklin Fraley, Kyosah Nicholas Milanese, and Kyosah
Michael Tom, and who were promoted to the rank of 1st
Degree Black Belt during a ceremony held in front of their
family and friends on Saturday, April 25th.
Please see our special Black Belt Testing Supplement for
more details on these young men’s tremendous
Newly promoted Little Ninjas™
Wisdom Way’s newest Black Belts –
Kyosah Franklin Fraley, Kyosah Benjamin Campo,
Kyosah Nicholas Milanese, and Kyosah Michael Tom
April Rank Promotions
Please join us in congratulating the following students,
who were promoted on Saturday, April 18th:
Little Ninjas™:
ƒ Orange Belt – Owen May, Katie Valente, Courtney
Valente, and Lauren Varino
ƒ High Orange Belt – Yonas El-Tawil and Michael
ƒ Yellow Belt – Jake Riedl
Newly promoted Karate Kidz™
Karate Kidz™:
ƒ Yellow Belt – Joshua Thevenin
ƒ Green Belt – Rafael DaCruz and Megan Leichtman
ƒ 2nd Kup Brown Belt – Christopher Davis
Adult Mixed Martial Arts:
ƒ Orange Belt – Matthew Greene
ƒ 1st Kup Brown Belt – Cristina Ulto
Congratulations to all of our students on your welldeserved promotions! Our next rank promotions will be
held on Saturday, May 23rd during regular classes.
Orange Belt Matthew Greene and Black Belt candidate
Cristina Ulto with Kyosah Benjamin Campo
“Turn Off TV Week” Martial Arts
Kyosah Dennis Campo appeared at Pelham’s Hutchinson
Elementary School on Wednesday, April 15th as part of the
school’s annual “Turn Off TV Week”. Kyosah Campo was
joined by nearly one hundred Hutch students, including
more than two dozen Wisdom Way students, as he taught
a fun-filled Mixed Martial Arts seminar. The purpose of
Turn Off TV Week is to get students away from their
televisions and to engage in some healthy and fun family
activities. Wisdom Way Martial Arts encourages all
members of our community to find fun physical activities to
help them lead a healthier, active lifestyle!
Moms Train Free in May!
Please see the special insert this month inviting all Moms
in our community to train for free during the month of May.
We are offering this free month of classes in recognition of
Mother’s Day and all of the hard work mothers do every
day. Please take advantage of this opportunity to get fit,
have fun, bond with your fellow martial arts moms, and –
perhaps most importantly – gain an understanding of the
hard work and dedication your children put into each and
every class at Wisdom Way Martial Arts. We are looking
forward to training with you!
May Anniversaries
Please join us in congratulating the following students,
who will be celebrating their anniversaries with Wisdom
Way Martial Arts during May:
ƒ Benedict Jones – 6 years
ƒ Gabriel Pollack – 4 years
May Birthdays
Let’s extend Happy Birthday wishes this month to Rishi
Basu, Lucas Campo, Nicholas Vrahimis, Juliana
Merluccio, Benjamin Levine, Kolby Hopper, Billy Schafer,
Alexander Campo, Leonardo Febbraro, Sean Lyons,
Thomas Sanchez, Catie Woods, Mercedes Maldonado,
Chris Cosentino, and Matthew Greene. Best wishes &
many more!!!
Participants of the 2009 Hutchinson School’s
“Turn Off TV Week” Mixed Martial Arts Seminar
Welcome Our New Students
A warm welcome goes out this month to Brett Bober, Reef
Bober, Elijah Ford, and Stephanie Gristina. Welcome to
the Wisdom Way Martial Arts family! We are very happy
to have you!!!
Quote of the Month
This month, in honor of mothers – “I know God will not give
me anything I can’t handle. I just wish that He didn’t trust
me so much.” – Mother Teresa
Please friend request us on Facebook for access to more
updates and photos:
Wisdom Way Martial Arts
Official Joe Lewis Fighting Systems Training Center
Kyosah Benjamin Campo and Kyosah Nicholas Milanese perform
a demonstration at Hutch’s Turn Off TV Week MMA seminar
Memorial Day Parade
Wisdom Way Martial Arts will once again take part in
Pelham’s annual Memorial Day Parade, which will take
place on Monday, May 25th. More details to follow.
135 Wolfs Lane
Pelham, NY 10803
Phone: (914) 738-7700
Email: [email protected]
© 2009 Wisdom Way Martial Arts Inc. All rights reserved.
The Wisdom Way Warrior – Black Belt Testing Supplement
Kyosah Benjamin Campo
B.J. is a 7th grader at Pelham Middle School who began
training in March, 2000 as a 3½ year-old. He was the
2001 Most Improved Student, 2003 Pound-for-Pound
Fighter of the Year, and one of the winners of the 2008
Michael DePasquale Sr. award for outstanding leadership.
He has traveled extensively throughout the United States
to train with such industry greats as Joe Lewis, Bill
Wallace, Renzo Gracie, Mike Lee Kanarek, John Maynard,
Walt Lysak, and Rich Ryan, among others. With his
promotion to Black Belt, Benjamin has become the third
Kyosah Campo, after his father, Kyosah Dennis Campo,
and his uncle, Kyosah Kevin Campo.
Kyosah Campo awarding Black Belt to Kyosah Franklin Fraley
Kyosah B.J. Campo spars during his Black Belt rank exam
Kyosah Nicholas Milanese
“Big Nicholas” is a 3rd grader at Hutchinson Elementary
School in Pelham who began his martial arts training as a
3 year-old in our Little Ninjas™ program in February, 2004.
He is Wisdom Way’s only 2-time Student of the Year,
winning the award in 2004 as the school’s top Little
Ninja™ and again in 2006 as the school’s top Karate
Kid™. His trophy collection also includes two Joe Lewis
Awards as Pound-for-Pound Fighter of the Year (2005 and
2007), and the 2008 Michael DePasquale Sr. award, which
he shared with Benjamin Campo and Michael Tom, for
outstanding leadership. Nicholas also has the privilege of
serving as a martial arts role model to a sibling – his sister
(and Orange Belt), Alison.
Kyosah Campo presents his own Black Belt from 1986 to his son
Kyosah Franklin Fraley
Franklin is a 7th grader at Our Lady of Perpetual Help in
Pelham, who began training in July, 2004. He won the
Oliver Lee Award for Best New Student of 2004, he was
the co-winner of the 2005 Curtis Inniss Award for Student
of the Year with Michael Tom, and he was the 2008
Pound-for-Pound Fighter of the Year. Franklin is a leader,
an outstanding fighter and an excellent role model to all
students, especially his younger brothers (and Purple
Belts), Elijah and Langston.
Kyosah Campo bows to new Black Belt, Kyosah “Big Nicholas”
Kyosah Michael Tom
Michael is a 7th grader at Pelham Middle School, who
began training in August, 2004. Michael was the cowinner of the 2005 Curtis Inniss Award for Student of the
Year with Franklin Fraley. He also won the 2006 Joe
Lewis Award as Pound-for-Pound Fighter of the Year and
the 2008 Michael DePasquale Sr. award, which he shared
with Benjamin Campo and Nicholas Milanese, for
outstanding leadership.
During Michael’s brown belt test, one of his ribs was
broken in round one, but he continued the fight, earning
his rank, without ever giving any indication that he was
injured until later that week. He is a gentleman and true
warrior, who is well-respected by all of his training
Candidates anxiously await their scores
Kyosah Michael Tom prepares for combat
Kyosah Campo presents Kyosah Stephen Maytan
with an embroidered black belt in recognition of
the 2 Degree Black Belt he earned in October
Kyosah Campo congratulates Kyosah Michael Tom
We’d like to congratulate all of our new Kyosahs one more
time. This was the first group of black belts to test under
our new and very demanding requirements – two 5-minute
rounds of grappling and three 3-minute rounds of
kickboxing. We’d also like to thank our sparring partners,
Kyosah Stephen Maytan, Black Belt candidate Cristina
Ulto, and Shu-kun Thomas. Thanks also to our
videographer Alex Campo and photographer – Kyosah
Campo’s sparring partner, Mike Kubilus. Many thanks
also to our Black Belt examining board – Kyosah Rafael
Dilone Sr., Kyosah Stephen Maytan, Kyosah Martha
Dilone, and Kyosah Rafael Dilone Jr. Last, but certainly
not least, thank you parents, friends, and families for your
love and support of our new Black Belts. We simply could
not do this without you!
All of Wisdom Way’s current black belts.
With the fighting over – it’s PARTY TIME!!!!
© 2009 Wisdom Way Martial Arts Inc. All rights reserved.
Moms Train for Free
The Entire Month of May
At Wisdom Way Martial Arts
in Pelham
In recognition of Mother's Day and all the hard
work moms do every day, Wisdom Way Martial
Arts opens its doors to any and all moms who
want to come train with us for free during the
month of May!
Come get a great kickboxing workout!
Put on a pair of boxing gloves and burn
mega calories while you hit the heavy bag.
Firm up with strength training and medicine
ball drills.
Improve flexibility with stretching that utilizes
techniques from yoga, ballet and the martial
You'll feel great and it's all for free as often as
you want during the entire month of May.
Nothing to schedule just show up for adult class
ready to have fun and get fit!
Adult classes meet Mondays & Wednesdays
7:30 - 9 pm and Saturdays 11:45 am - 1 pm.
We are conveniently located one block from the
Pelham Train Station, two doors down from
M.A.D. Café.
Wisdom Way Martial Arts
135 Wolfs Lane
Pelham, NY 10803
Phone: (914) 738-7700
Email: [email protected]
2007 International Black Belt Hall of Fame School of the Year

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