media kit - Oxygen Magazine
media kit - Oxygen Magazine
2014 MEDIA KIT C O M PA N Y O V E R V I E W ACTIVE INTEREST MEDIA publishes some of the country’s leading consumer enthusiast magazines, including Yoga Journal, Backpacker, Vegetarian Times, Ski, Skiing, Yachts International, Sail, Power & Motoryacht, American Cowboy, Muscle & Performance, Black Belt, Oxygen, MuscleMag, Clean Eating, The Box, Mud & Obstacle and more. The company’s five publishing groups — Equine Network, Home Group, Healthy Living Group, Marine Group, and Outdoor Group — reach more than 10 million readers in 85 countries around the world. Active Interest Media’s readers are smart, engaged and loyal, and they look to our magazines for trustworthy information that will serve their interests and better their lives. MEDIA KIT 2014 AIMMEDIA.COM B L A C K B E LT OVERVIEW DISTRIBUTION: For more than 50 years, Black Belt has been the No. 1 martial arts Newsstand/subscription and events content producer in the world. In addition to its print magazine, Black Belt publishes books, creates instructional DVDs, hosts a cutting-edge website and maintains an active presence on the main social media READERSHIP: 175,000 sites. All these endeavors are designed to spread the benefits of martial arts training to the largest possible audience. DIGITAL: Facebook 168,000 fans EDUCATE: Black Belt covers the latest strategies and techniques from Twitter 7,600+ fans military and police self-defense to mixed and traditional martial arts. Monthly page views 395,760 Newsletter subscribers 34,000+ MOTIVATE: Black Belt provides the die-hard martial artist with the latest in products and equipment, celebrities, events and everything else that matters in the martial arts world. ADVOCATE: Black Belt is the go-to publication for the martial arts enBlack Belt Books REACH AND FREQUENCY: 6 times a year EDITORIAL: thusiast that is driven to improve their technique, enhance their mind/ Martial arts training, martial arts gear and body wellness and follow the centuries-old traditions. equipment, and martial arts entertainment DEMOGRAPHICS OPPORTUNITIES: 75% are Male In-book pages, Web-based programs and 25% are Female advertising, newsletters Median Age: 34.5 Median HHI: $93,200 Black Belt Magazine Video MEDIA KIT 2014 AIMMEDIA.COM THE BOX OVERVIEW The Box magazine serves the vast — and growing — population of CrossFitters. It educates new practitioners about CrossFit’s benefits, motivates existing members of the CrossFit community and advocates for the sport of CrossFit. DISTRIBUTION: EDUCATE: From training to nutrition, we offer tools all readers can Newsstand/subscription, CrossFit boxes and events use to improve their CrossFit experience, including illustrating proper form on classic CrossFit exercises, from burpees to thrusters; explaining the importance of grip strength — and then instructing how to in- READERSHIP: 245,000 crease it; and outlining the health- and performance-boosting effects of various critical nutrients. DIGITAL: Facebook 171,000+ fans MOTIVATE: By including a Workout of the Month in every issue, offer- Monthly page views 315,420 ing advanced training regimens for CF experts and reviews of necessary training gear, we keep even highly experienced CrossFit athletes working hard to improve their performance. REACH AND FREQUENCY: 6 times a year Annual Gear Guide ADVOCATE: In promoting CrossFit-related events around the country, following competitors through the Regionals in their quest to qualify EDITORIAL: for the Finals in the CrossFit Games and allowing box owners to share Training, nutrition and recipes, athlete profiles, research their successes and challenges, we do our utmost to support the sport and news and its athletes. OPPORTUNITIES: DEMOGRAPHICS 60% are Male advertising, newsletters, annual Gear Guide 40% are Female Gear Guide Median Age: 29.5 Average Income: $50,000+ MEDIA KIT 2014 In-book pages, inserts, Web-based programs and AIMMEDIA.COM MUSCLE & PERFORMANCE OVERVIEW DISTRIBUTION: A monthly magazine for active men and women who are highly mo- The Vitamin Shoppe 650+ locations, events and tivated in the quest to improve their physiques and health, Muscle electronically & Performance offers a wealth of workouts, diets, supplementation strategies and advice for gaining muscle mass, getting stronger, los- READERSHIP: ing weight and enhancing sports performance. Our content serves 330,000 print three purposes: 100,000 digital EDUCATE: Muscle & Performance provides tangible tools that read- REACH AND FREQUENCY: ers can use instantly, whether it’s a weight-training routine, meal plan, 12 times a year supplement stack or fitness-related tip. Annual Supplement Guide Booklets MOTIVATE: Muscle & Performance inspires its readers through articles that deliver positive messages about the power of sport, exercise and Supplement Guide healthy nutrition. EDITORIAL: Training, nutrition, athlete profiles and supplementation ADVOCATE: Muscle & Performance offers frequent in-depth coverage on topics like protein powders, RTDs, bars, fat burners, endurance boosters and much more. OPPORTUNITIES: In-book pages, inserts, advertorial support, annual Supplement Guide, booklets DEMOGRAPHICS 80% are Male 20% are Female Median Age: 31 Median HHI: $91,000 Booklets MEDIA KIT 2014 AIMMEDIA.COM MUSCLEMAG OVERVIEW DISTRIBUTION: MuscleMag is devoted to the hardcore training lifestyle. Body- Newsstand/subscription and events builders, weightlifters and athletes of all types can find the most comprehensive training and supplement and nutrition information available today, as well as new trends in gym culture and fitness. World- READERSHIP: 120,000 class experts are interviewed and cutting-edge research is explored in every issue to deliver the most practical and effective information for building muscle, burning fat and achieving razor-sharp conditioning. DIGITAL: Facebook 587,319 fans Twitter 56,700 fans EDUCATE: MuscleMag provides readers with training advice from the Monthly page views 553,260 best in the industry while keeping its finger on the pulse of the latest Newsletter subscribers 30,819 happenings in physical culture. REACH AND FREQUENCY: MOTIVATE: Each issue of MuscleMag offers the latest in effective 12 times a year training programs, athlete profiles, and clear-cut nutrition research and tips for beginners to advanced bodybuilders. EDITORIAL: Hardcore training, supplementation, nutrition and ADVOCATE: MuscleMag covers content for both athletes and the rec- recipes, and athlete profiles for male athletes and reational bodybuilder looking for a competitive edge that will help bodybuilders them reach their goals. OPPORTUNITIES: DEMOGRAPHICS In-book pages, event sampling, gatefolds, inserts, 82.3% are Male weekly newsletter placement, Web-based programs 17.7% are Female and advertising Median Age: 32.8 MEDIA KIT 2014 AIMMEDIA.COM M U D & O B S TA C L E OVERVIEW DISTRIBUTION: Mud/obstacle racing is being called the fastest-growing participatory Newsstand/subscription, CrossFit boxes, and obstacle sport in the United States — and if the plans of the major organiza- racing and fitness events tions are any indication, it’s about to spread to the rest of the world. The sport started in 2010, but millions of Americans already have participated in events. It is estimated that several hundred thousand peo- READERSHIP: 250,000 ple have become obsessed with it — in a good way! On May 5, 2013, identified mud/obstacle racing as one of the five hottest fitness trends of the year. EDUCATE: Mud & Obstacle focuses on providing information and articles that support beginners of the sport and the experienced racer DIGITAL: Facebook 16,000 fans REACH AND FREQUENCY: 6 times a year that needs a higher level of advice. Each issue offers in-depth coverage on race reports, athlete profiles, injury prevention and rehab, and much more. EDITORIAL: Race reports, athlete profiles, injury prevention and rehab, race and training nutrition, apparel and clothing, MOTIVATE: Mud & Obstacle offers content that inspires with success tips for beginners and experts, and industry news stories that involve first-race triumphs to conquering challenges. OPPORTUNITIES: ADVOCATE: Mud & Obstacle serves as a platform for race organizers In-book pages, event sampling, gatefolds, inserts, Web- to announce the latest projects, for racers to discuss their successes, based programs and advertising, Spartan newsletters and for companies to promote their products and services. DEMOGRAPHICS 60% are Male 40% are Female Median Age: 31 Median HHI: $80,000+ MEDIA KIT 2014 AIMMEDIA.COM OXYGEN OVERVIEW DISTRIBUTION: Oxygen, the leader in women’s fitness, gives today’s active woman all Newsstand/subscription and events the tools she needs to improve and enrich her life, from the latest in fitness trends to detailed nutritional plans for healthy living. READERSHIP: 466,000 EDUCATE: Oxygen teaches women of all ages about the joys and benefits of fitness, proper nutrition, health and resistance through print and digital content. DIGITAL: Facebook 191,619 fans Monthly page views 996,485 MOTIVATE: Oxygen inspires women to get — and stay — fit through unique workout plans geared toward all levels and recipes complemented by direct, practical advice. REACH AND FREQUENCY: 12 times a year 2 special-interest publications ADVOCATE: Oxygen champions the hard work of its female readers by sharing their success stories and educating them on the latest in fitness. EDITORIAL: Training, nutrition and recipes, gear and equipment, and supplementation directed toward women DEMOGRAPHICS OPPORTUNITIES: Age: 23 to 34 In-book pages, event sampling, gatefolds, inserts, weekly newsletter placement, Web-based programs and advertising MEDIA KIT 2014 AIMMEDIA.COM C O N TA C T I N F O GROUP PUBLISHER: Cheryl Angelheart 661.257.4066 Ext.1654 | [email protected] BLACK BELT s MUD & OBSTACLE: Editor-in-Chief: Robert W. Young 661.257.4066 Ext.1616 | [email protected] THE BOX s MUSCLE & PERFORMANCE: Editor-in-Chief: Jordana Brown 661.257.4066 Ext.1632 | [email protected] MUSCLEMAG: Editor-in-Chief: Mike Carlson 661.257.4066 Ext.1618 | [email protected] OXYGEN: Editor-in-Chief: Diane Hart 661.257.4066 Ext.1624 | [email protected] GROUP ADVERTISING DIRECTOR: Donna Diamond 661.257.4066 Ext.1622 | [email protected] MEDIA KIT 2014 AIMMEDIA.COM