Info - The Hayden Chamber of Commerce


Info - The Hayden Chamber of Commerce
 Priori&es for 2015-­‐2018 What Our Members Said 1.  Be=er support for business referrals. 2.  More ABer Hours Events, Business Tours, Socials. 3.  Have a physical loca&on. 4.  Develop an economic development ini&a&ve. 5.  Want more commi=ee par&cipa&on. 6.  More Chamber-­‐sponsored events like the marathon. 7.  Promote Hayden more. 8.  Use social media more. (Get on Instagram!) 9.  Like the small, friendly breakfasts. 10.  Publish a printed Business Directory. 11.  More interac&on with government agencies. Priori&es For Next 3 Years 1. 
Events Physical presence Improved website and technology tools Chamber membership provides value to businesses Partner with other organiza&ons and en&&es Community involvement Updated bylaws (completed asap) Review staff annually (completed asap) Events Timeline: Ongoing Team Members: All Team Leader: TBD Annual Banquet Lunch and Learn Breakfasts Business Fair Embrace our natural beauty and cap&vate on being an alterna&ve sports mecca •  Cycling events •  Rega=a events or events on the lake •  Bass fishing • 
Physical Chamber Space Timeline: TBD Team Leader: Sco8 Hamilton Team Members: Michaelle Sande, Judi Cronin, Sean Moglia, Ken Hui8, Kory Wilson, Erna Rhinehart • 
Central Hayden loca&on Good visibility Have an area to promote member businesses Might include space for socials and mee&ngs Improved Website and Technology Tools Timeline: TBD Team Leader: ALL Team Members: Jason Ball, Sco8 Hamilton, Sean Moglia, Ken Hui8, Dusty Harris • 
Move website to a plaHorm that we can edit and upload content to. Purchase the URL asap. Add videos. Make it interacNve. Capture informaNon about people that visit your website. Create a Chamber YouTube Channel. Have the website be a resource to businesses, the community, and tourism. Add tesNmonials. Add capability to review businesses and services. Have downloadable informaNon about how to start a business. Have downloadable informaNon about tourism and the area. Explore opportuniNes to adopt augmented reality features. Review what technology tools we currently have available. Be able to share tools with chamber members. Have a quality mobile app. Add links to Facebook, Twi8er, LinkedIn to everything we publish. UNlize the resources available through the North Idaho IT Professionals group. Explore Ways for Chamber Membership to Provide Value To Businesses Timeline: Ongoing Team Members: All Team Leader: TBD • 
Create a tagline that summarizes the benefits of membership. Improve how we refer member businesses. Find ways to introduce businesses to other businesses. Push the directory out to members. Explore ways for geeng business reviews. Explore how the website could be used as a hiring hub. Offer the HR component to businesses. Build affinity programs (members get discounts). We want to be a
high tech
Partner with Organiza&ons and En&&es Timeline and Team leader: TBD Team Members: Sean Moglia, Nancy Lowery, Sco8 Hamilton, Jason Ball, and Erna Rhinehart •  Seek opportuni&es to partner with ci&es, coun&es, chambers, Urban Renewal Agency, Panhandle Area Council, and others. •  Explore offering shared membership with other chambers. •  We want City to seek Chamber’s opinion and advice on issues. •  We want the Chamber to be involved in the process. •  We want the Chamber to be aware of what’s going on. •  We want the Chamber to be a vehicle for sharing news. •  We want to be aware of what businesses are in our community. •  We want Chamber to be represented on boards (Jobs Plus). •  Con&nue rela&onship with North Idaho Tourism Alliance. •  Explore the concept of “Chamber for the Good.” Chamber is Involved in the Community Timeline: Ongoing Team Members: All Team Lead: Karen Hanks •  Provide opportuni&es for members to get involved in the community. •  Explore “Chamber for the Good” program. •  Give discounts to chamber members that volunteer. •  Partner with other organiza&ons (KCYP, Rotary, etc.). • 
Parades Fire Sta&on Pancake Feed Parks Day Habitat for Humanity Chamber open house Others….