welcome to village at leesburg,where life is in full bloom
welcome to village at leesburg,where life is in full bloom
RETAIL LEASING OPPORTUNITY Loudoun County, Virginia WELCOME TO VILLAGE AT LEESBURG, WHERE LIFE IS IN FULL BLOOM Welcome to Village at Leesburg – a 1.2 million square foot mixed-use, grocery anchored, main street style center with Class-A offices and luxury apartments. This unique “live-workplay” combination makes Village at Leesburg the destination of choice for retailers seeking locations in the Northern Virginia suburban market. 55 Over National, Regional and Boutique Retailers 335 Luxury Apartments 150,000 SF Class A Office Space Demographics (5-Mile Radius) Population 122,648 Day Population 41,708 HH Income $147,221 Vehicles Per Day 78,000 (Route 7) Loudoun County $ Wealthiest county in the nation (U.S. Census, 2013) Second fastest growing county in the U.S. 1 # FIRST PLACE Grocery & Place to be Seen FIRST PLACE Movie Theater FIRST PLACE Bowling Alley Premier Beauty Retailer in the U.S. State of the Art Health Club “Top Rated” Apartment in the U.S.* *2013 & 2014 Apartmentratings.com Modern Class-A Office Space CLARKSBURG LOUDOUN COUNTY HOWARD COUNTY Regional Map GAITHERSBURG GERMANTOWN LEESBURG OLNEY MARYLAND MONTGOMERY COUNTY ROCKVILLE 659 ASHBURN POTOMAC WHEATON 607 GRE STERLING 15 355 772 BETHESDA HERNDON 606 WASHINGTON DULLES INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT CHEVY CHASE RESTON 14 Miles TYSONS CORNER VIENNA ARLINGTON COUNTY CHANTILLY FALLS CHURCH OAKTON 234 CENTREVILLE FAIRFAX COUNTY 38 Miles 7 ARLINGTON FAIRFAX HAYMARKET WASHINGTON, DC McLEAN REAGAN NATIONAL AIRPORT ANNANDALE ALEXANDRIA SPRINGFIELD VIRGINIA GAINESVILLE MANASSAS PRINCE GEORGE’S COUNTY BURKE 234 PRINCE WILLIAM COUNTY LORTON DALE CITY ^ Loudoun is the second-fastest growing county in the Nation and the fastest growing county in Virginia klnb.com | 703.722.2704 @klnb.com Projected | 703.722.2703 to grow more than 14% over the next five years Over the past decade, Loudoun, Virginia has enjoyed a 42% growth in the job market and 40,000 net new jobs created Virginia is #2 on Forbes.com’s “Best States for Business” KLNBretail.com According to CNNMoney.com, Loudoun is #1 on the list of top U.S. locations for job creation 9 mins from VA Route 267/Dulles Toll Rd 27 minutes to Tyson’s Corner, Virginia A Delightful “PowerVillage” Designed for the Community to Enjoy MARKET STREET - ROUTE 7 DODONA TERRACE SE 2-STORY OFFICE CONDOS 2-STORY OFFICE CONDOS CLASSIC PATH WAY SE BB-400 D-110 D-110 E-125 D-105 T-Crafty D-105 1,563 VARD TUPPER WAYT SE C-100 D-125 C-110 - 798 SF C-110 C-1,10008 S0F D-130 - 911 SF 1,288 SF B-115 4,050 SF B-115 10 P-1 SE BALCH DRI VE 5 11 Q-100/105 7,069 SF M-105 M-10 4,475 M-1SF000 SE LVD N- M-110 M-1 2,95610 SF M-105 5,770 SF AY 30 W M-115 M-11 1,529 SF 5 00 F N-1 020S0 ,01 N3 - RK B CE LA TP KE AR EM 0 PA 24 4 L-12 2 SF 95 L3,-1 11 CH 20 L-1 48 SF 1,2 N- AN 0 P-13 0 SF 3,60 5 0 P-111 1319 SF P-2, 55 P1122SF P- 1,841P-120 SF 0 55 2,2 12 P- 2 2 L-11 0 SF 1 73 L2,-1 116 VB 6 L11SF L-3,109 -120 L Resid Res iden ential tial BR Re Res sid iden entia tial l L 10 P-1 1 P- K5,8 100 K-1 26 SF 00 5 10 5 P-133SF P1,0-143 0 P-10G5 lo 00n ir Sa SF P-1 88 Ha 1,7 J-112 J-116 SF J-104 J-116 - 3,400 11 J-108 J-1 08SF 2,882 LANE SE J-14,706 12SF 3,266 SF J-1 6,505 04 SF H-114 2,610 SF H-116 H-1 5,550 16SF H-112 H-108 H-114 3,396 SF H-112 2,800 SF H-108 J-100 Restaurant J-1 00 EL B-100 B-100 C-130 B- H-104 1Wegmans 2 Cobb Theatres 3 LA Fitness SS 1,810 SF 8 10,497 SF C-130 B-2,41374130 0SF RED HAWK RU C-135 D-135 C-125 12,823 SF C-125 B-120 H-100 / H-104 F-15,76F-100 070SF C-115 5,214 SF B-12 0 5,283 H-100 G-124 G-124 3,254 SF G-116 G-122 G-122 1,654 SF - N/A G-120 G-120 2,136 SF G-117 2,135 SF G-117 F-108 F-108 2,135 SF - N/A G-116 G-112 04 G-112 2,177 SF F-1 7 11,101 SF C-115 D-130 A-7,00BB-120 200 SF 0 12 9,015 SF D-123 904 SF D-125 E-120 6,00F-10 4 4 SF D-123 D-115 D-100 E-120 5,306 SF 6 D-115 18,879 SF BOULE E-125 - 5,000 SF A2,-BB-1 901032 4S 0 F 1 1,967 TRAIL E-115 E-130 3,090 SF D-100 5 E-100 E-130 Advanced Dental 2,417 SF VIL LA G E-115 9,373 SF 4 BB-300 BB-300 6,739 SF K4,0-1K-104 0904 SF K1,4-1K-108 16 0 SF 8 2 2-STORY OFFICE CONDOS CROSS 3 9 Q-10 0 OR 6,022VIS SF Wells 4,615 SF Fargo 13,000 - 18,000 SF Anchor Opportunity 4 King Pinz 7 Charming Charlie 10 Firebirds Street Parking and Easily Accessible Garages 5 Smokehouse Live 8Ulta 11Travina 6 Altar’d State 9 Orvis 12 Plow & Hearth Over 70,000 SF of New Retail Shop. Live. Dine. Afis Jewelers Advanced Dental Bean Bar Comfort One Shoes European Wax Bello Pronzo Pizza Cutthroat Yarn Eye Level Learning Bon Chon Chicken GNC Hair Cuttery BurgerFi Orvis Sweet & Sassy Plaza Azteca Premier Promotional Products Swim Kids Rita’s Water Ice Spokes AT&T Cupcakes Actually Ulta Crystal Brite Cleaners Eggspectation Under the Olive Tree Dr. Misty Paul - Basics First Firebirds Altar’d State Elite Martial Arts Flame Kabob Arts in the Village Gallery G5 Salon Noodles & Company Bead Artist Emporium Katie’s Nails & Spa Travinia Italian Kitchen Charming Charlie LA Fitness Wegmans CraftyStitches Leisure Fitness Frilly Frocks Massage Envy Plow & Hearth Neibauer Dental Care Enjoy. Potomac River Running Salon Montage Glow Golf Sleepy’s Sprint Smokehouse Live The Art Station Verizon Wireless Art Station White & Ivory Fine Jewelry Visionworks Cobb Theatres Wells Fargo Bank King Pinz & High Rollers Lounge 2014/15 BEST OF LOUDOUN ACCOLADES NEW RETAILERS Tremendous Growth Area Tuscarora Crossing Leegate Goosecreek Development Arcadia Townhomes Hamblet Homes kw sion xten E y Future us se l l R Park & Ride ke y Pi Da rg er bu P es rs Le k Ca 78 Crosstrail Blvd Extension a Br nch P Downtown Leesburg uscarora Crossing (496 Residential 100k SF Commercial) T ▌A rcadia Development (166 Townhomes) ▌L eegate (512k SF Office, 200k SF Retail, 475 Residential) ▌L owes Development (120k SF Lowes and Retail Pad Sites) ▌H amblet Development (20 Single Family Homes) ▌G oosecreek Development (125 Townhomes, 33 Single Family Homes, ▌ 100k SF Commercial, 36k SF Office, 6k SF Restaurant) Housing Developments Mixed-Use Centers Signature Annual Events ▌ 5K and VAL Games ▌ Artful August Show & Festival ▌ Classic Car Show & Concert ▌ Monster Mash ▌ Summer Block Party Tree Lighting Ceremony & Holidays at the Village ▌ ▌ Wine Walk ▌ Winter IceFest Over 30,000 followers through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Email Campaigns Holiday Musical Tree! Monumental 52 ft. tree with more than 15,000 dazzling lights, amazing music and daily light shows. Ongoing Events VAL’s Pals Stroller Strides ▌Red Cross Blood Drives ▌Summer Outdoor Movies & Concerts ▌Fun Runs ▌Daily Bubble Shows ▌ ▌ Property Enhancements Designed for Convenience and Comfort 2014 - Completed A dditional Place-making Seating ▌ enter-wide Free Wi-Fi C and Music ▌ Festive Banners and Hanging Baskets ▌ Garage LED Retrofit ▌ ush Landscaping and New L Planters ▌ Warm Boulevard Tree Lighting ▌ E xclusive commercial-grade “Bubble Drop” machines for daily children’s shows ▌ Children’s rubberized climbing and play area ▌ 2015 - Spring Central Community Space ▌ Fire Pit & Fountain Court ▌ Iconic 30’ Kinetic Sculptures ▌ Interactive Pop Up Water Fountain ▌ D og Park ▌ dditional restaurant patio A seating with garage style roll-up doors or nano walls ▌ 1602 VILLAGE MARKET BLVD., SE LEESBURG, VA 20175 Melissa Welch [email protected] 703.722.2704 Property Management, Asset Management & Marketing rappaportco.com
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