Holy Ghost Catholic Church
Holy Ghost Catholic Church
Felix Joseph Barrias 1822-1907 Second Sunday of Lent February 21, 2016 Holy Ghost Catholic Church 1041 North Central Street ■ Knoxville, Tennessee 37917 Most Reverend Richard F. Stika, D.D. Bishop of Knoxville 865-584-3307 MUSIC MINISTRY Charles Walden, Director, Organist William Lovelace, Director of Sunday 6PM Mass Choir Reverend John R. Dowling Louise O. Wyman, Parish Composer Special Schola: Mary Weaver Pastor 865-522-2205 Reverend Doctor John Arthur Orr LITURGY OF THE HOURS MondayFriday: Morning Prayer 6:00AM, Evening Prayer 5:30PM Associate Pastor Hispanic Ministry 865-522-2205 Deacon Michael Gouge, 865-966-9504 Deacon Gordon Lowery, 423-312-3185 SUNDAY MASS SCHEDULE Sunday in English 8:00, 10:00, 11:30AM and 6:00PM in Latin 1:30PM Sunday Mass in Spanish 7:00PM Saturday Rectory and Mailing Address MASSES MONDAY - FRIDAY 6:30 and 8:00AM Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, MondayFriday 7-7:45AM SATURDAY 8:00AM and 7:00PM vigil in Spanish 111 Hinton Avenue Knoxville, Tennessee 37917 Phone: 865-522-2205 Fax: 865-525-6051 email: [email protected] web: holyghostknoxville.org PARISH OFFICE: Monday-Friday, 8:30 - 4:00PM Dotti Morris, Parish Secretary Catherine Cunningham, Business Manager email: [email protected] Jan Johnsson, Office Assistant Second Sunday of Lent 7:00pm Hispanic Community 6:30 8:00 Clarice Cuda Karen Wampler Tues 6:30 8:00 Rachael & Emily David Kopp 6:30 8:00 6:30 8:00 Fr John Orr Fr John Dowling Andrew Beres †Sue Armatulli Fri Sat 522-2205 February 21, 2016 WELCOME VISITORS AND NEW PARISHIONERS Welcome to Holy Ghost Church. If you are a new parishioner you are invited to stop by or telephone the Rectory Office to register and let us know how we may be of service to you. If you have not received weekly offering envelopes, please call the Church office 522-2205. FINANCIAL STEWARDSHIP HOLY GHOST CHURCH FISCAL YEAR 8:00 Ronnie Kopp 7:00pm Hispanic Community Sun 2/29 JRD 8:00 JAO 10:00 JRD 11:30 JAO 1:30pm JRD 6:00pm CCD - Sunday, 9-9:50am. Grades 6-12, Wednesdays, 7-8:30pm BAPTISM - Call the Church Office, Have you ever thought about becoming a Catholic or are you an adult Catholic who has never received the sacrament of confirmation? Adults who participate in RCIA learn about the Catholic faith as they continue to grow in their own spiritual life. Join us on Sunday at 7:15 PM, downstairs. Newcomers are always welcome. Call Elizabeth Bunker, 584-2513 or Dianne Levesque, 687-1267 for more information. 6:30 Michael Berres 8:00 Amie Summers 7:00pm Stations of the Cross JRD JO Church (downstairs) Sessions held mid-Sept. to May Holy Ghost Catholic Church Mon Thur RCIA - Sunday 7:15PM in the MARRIAGE - Contact Church at CONFESSIONS - Saturday 5:00-6:00PM or by least 4 months in advance. Engaged appointment (except Holy Saturday & Christmas Eve) Encounter required Sunday 5-5:45PM Sun 2/21 JRD 8:00 †Sue Amatulli JRD 10:00 †Mary Torie by Carol Pettit JAO 11:30 †Jeanne Emitt by family JAO 1:30pm †Deacon Mark A Fredrick JRD 6:00pm People of Holy Ghost Wed ROSARY - Each Saturday following the 8:00AM Mass for world peace and an end to abortion. CHILD CARE: Use Cry Room at any Sunday Mass MASSES FEBRUARY 20 - FEBRUARY 29, 2016 Sat 2/20 JAO First Friday - Eucharistic Exposition, Holy Hour and Benediction 8:30-9:45AM at Holy Ghost Church July 1, 2015 through June 30, 2016 People of Holy Ghost †Keith Harrell by Carol Pettit Mineke Pieters †Rev Daniel A Clements †Jeff Emitt by family † Indicates Deceased Bulletin Deadline: Monday 4PM Stewardship figures for weekends of February 6 & 7, 2016 Offertory Parish Building Fund St. Joseph School Gym/Auditorium Votive Candles $10,845.84 3,091.00 693.00 51.00 Offertory to date since July 1, 2015 - $256,760.15- Thank you! We budget $12,500 per week for offertory giving. Deficit since July 1 $82,345.18 Priest’s Column My dear Parishioners, Peace! There are nineteen (19) In Brief articles in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, which treat the Lord’s Prayer or "Our Father." The following reflection considers CCC, 2797. Here we consider the four dispositions required in order for us to pray the Lord’s Prayer properly. The Hebrew words batah (trust) and aman (to support, confide in, to trust) conjure up the idea of assurance, as do the Greek terms pistis (Faith) and plerophoria (full assurance). Simple confidence is required to pray the Lord’s Prayer properly. Saint Paul exhibited simple confidence in Philippians 1:6 when he wrote, inspired by God, "I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus." We learn the simplicity of confident prayer in 1 John 5:14 where we are reminded that "if we ask anything according to His will, he hears us." Simple confidence in prayer seems evidently necessary when the Lord Himself teaches us that whatever we shall ask in prayer, believing, we shall receive (cf. Matthew 21:22; Mark 11:24). Faithful confidence is required to pray the Lord’s Prayer properly. In Sacred Scripture we read about faithful confidence in Hebrews 4:16, how we are to "draw near with confidence to the throne of grace, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need." In Proverbs 14:26 we learn that we have strong confidence in the fear of the Lord and as His children we have refuge in Him. Humble assurance is required to pray the Lord’s Prayer properly. The Lord’s Prayer is part of the Gospel Saint Paul preached in the Holy Spirit giving full assurance and hope (cf. 1 Thessalonians 1:5). The Lord Jesus Himself teaches us about the humble assurance we should have in praying the Lord’ Prayer in John 14:13: "whatever you shall ask in My Name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son." Joyous assurance is required to pray the Lord’s Prayer properly. With hearts full of faith, washed and made pure by God’s grace we have assurance of God’s love and mercy (cf. Hebrews 10:22). The joyful assurance we have over the Lord’s resurrection and our own on the last day is augmented by our prayer of the Lord’s Prayer (cf. Acts 17:31). Without simplicity or faith, without humility or joy how could we pray at all, let alone the Lord’s Prayer? Without confidence or assurance how deep is our prayer, our faith? It is better that we pray the Lord’s Prayer "as little children" that we might "be converted" and in God’s mercy "enter into the Kingdom of Heaven" (cf. Matthew 18:3). The Lord Himself desires that we come to Him in the simplicity and innocence of "little children" and we do so especially in the Lord’s Prayer (cf. Matthew 19:14). Jesus has taught us how to pray (cf. Luke 11:1-13). God bless you! Father John Arthur Orr “The Lord is my light and my salvation.” Patience is a virtue that brings with it many rewards. One of the most rewarding benefits advanced by this virtue is found in the habit of ‘delayed gratification’. We live in a culture that is constantly shouting, “You deserve it, and, you can have it right now!” The result is many people fall prey to ‘instant gratification’. Instant gratification places a serious roadblock on our path to being the best disciples and stewards we can be. This is where patience can reward us. One of the hallmarks of stewardship is generosity; however, it is difficult to be generous if we too frequently give in to instant gratification. Advertisers would have us believe that we can spend our way to happiness. The truth is that sharing first and spending second is the path to sustained happiness and greater generosity. When it comes to developing patience with our spending habits, the best course of action is to preface every spending decision with the question, “Do I need this or do I simply want it?” This question is at the heart of good financial stewardship. The modern media feeds our subconscious minds with hundreds of images every day, all intended to blur the difference between what we legitimately need and what we simply want. If we are not careful these images can have a powerful influence on our attitudes. “Whoever controls the images controls the culture” (Bishop Robert Morneau). Making stewardship a way of life involves patience because it often requires that we make some adjustments to our lifestyle in order to become better stewards. Being patient with myself helps me on my journey. As with all the virtues, gratitude is the parent of patience. I try to be grateful in every situation, grateful for what I have, grateful for my job, grateful for my relationships. In gratitude I find patience whenever things don’t go the way I think they should. Patience is more than the ability to wait; it is all about how we behave while we are waiting. Sometimes God makes us wait in order to teach us to trust Him, to have faith, and to be patient. There is nothing quite as exciting as waiting on God because we know whatever He has planned for us…it will be good! Patience is more than the ability to wait; it is all about how we behave while we are waiting. This article is part eight in a series of 12 reflections on stewardship virtues by ICSC member, Dan Potvin, Director of Stewardship for the Archdiocese of Winnipeg, Canada. -3- Please phone the Rectory (522-2205), and speak with Dotti Morris to add names to the following: Ann Adkins .. Tracy Adkins .. Bob Boyd .. Marian Braatz .. Erin Brink .. Ruth Burch .. Sahara Burkey .. Hugo Canada .. Leigh Chagnon .. Mary Pat Chandler .. Bishop David Choby .. Art Clancy .. Libby Coleman .. Betty Collins .. Bob Collins .. Bobby, Joanna & Leon Cook .. Pat Davenport .. Sydnee Doherty .. John Dombrosky .. Maria Dulin .. Steve Findley .. Elmer Haverly .. Sandra Hatcher .. Frankie Hicks .. Bob Holifield .. Sara Dugan Howell .. Lisa Hurtt .. Baron E Hyatt II .. Baron E Hyatt III .. Don Fiolkoski .. Dan Fritz .. Stephen Hepenstall .. Brian Kibble .. Shelba Jean Fritz King .. Gladys Kirchner .. Linda Knauer .. Jack Kramer .. Lester Lane .. Hazel Inez Leach .. Carol Lefevre .. Tycen Letsinger .. Wade Letsinger .. Patti Loveday .. Robert Marshed .. Pauline Martin .. Jennifer Masters .. Hunter McCain .. Beverly McKee .. Marsha Moneymaker .. Ruthie Montgomery .. Grace O’Brien .. Victoria Ostermayr .. Carolyn Payne .. Carol Pelicano ..Chris & Kim Petipren .. Mia Roberts .. Dawn Sands .. Msgr. George Schmidt .. Charles H. Sharp .. Jean Simpson .. Jimmy Smith .. Jane Snidas .. Ann Swanson .. Ingrid Tillery .. Shirley Todd .. Wayne Traffas .. Gen Vadeboncouer .. Carrie Vickers .. Christin & Kyle Webb .. Grace Willard .. Chuck Williams .. Claudia Wilson .. Jim Wright, Sr. WE REMEMBER OUR LOVED ONES SERVING AT HOME & OVERSEAS Jonathan E Alanis U.S. Coast Guard Puerto Rico TSgt Robert Ayala U.S. Air Force USA PFC Nathan Babcock U.S. Army USA 2nd Lt. Miranda Bednar U.S. Army USA 2nd PO Kyle Caton U.S. Navy USA PO Christopher Corum U.S. Navy USA SA Kegan A Drysdale U.S. Navy USA USA S Sgt. Francis (Joseph) Dunn Jr. U.S. Marines U.S. Navy USA LT Kevin Gouge Maj. C.B. Hancock U.S. Air Force So. Korea 3rd CPO Karl Kolzow U.S. Navy Middle East Sgt Joseph Nate Mankel U.S. Army Germany CMSgt Charles A. Morris U.S. Air Force Middle East S Sgt Thomas J Morris U.S. Air Force Retired Dr. Kenneth Nickle TN National Guard Capt. Kelly Padden U.S. Air Force USA Sgt. Edward Stamey U.S. Army USA 3rd CPO Brian Wallace U.S. Navy USA NO PARKING Tuesday thru Saturday 8am - 6pm on the north side of the Church. This lot belongs to Optical Market (formerly Condry) May souls of all our beloved faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen. Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World, Gaudium et spes: 939. Upon what two things are objective moral standards based? (GS, 51.3) The nature of the human person, The nature of human acts 940. How are the full sense of mutual self-giving and and human reproduction in the context of true love preserved in their full sense? (GS, 51.3) By living and acting according to the objective standards inscribed in our human nature 941. What specific virtue do the Council Fathers insist must be sincerely practiced?(GS, 51.3) Conjugal chastity 942* How do the Council Fathers anticipate in 1965 the Encyclical Letter Humanae Vitae of Blessed Pope Paul VI (25 July, 1968)? (GS, 51.3) By forbidding the use of methods of birth control which are found blameworthy by the teaching authority (magisterium) of the Church in her unfolding of the divine law 943. What should all be persuaded about as not being realities not bound up with this world alone? (GS, 51.4) Human life, The transmission of human life 944. What must always have a bearing on the eternal destiny of the human person? (GS, 51.4) Human life, The transmission of human life 945. What is a kind of school of deeper humanity? (GS, 52) The family 946. What three things allow the family to achieve the full flowering of its life and mission? (GS, 52) The kindly communion of the minds of the spouses, The joint deliberation of the spouses, The painstaking cooperation of parents in the education of their children 947. What is highly beneficial to the formation of children? (GS, 52) The father 948. Who, especially, need the care of their mother at home? (GS, 52) The younger children Orr, John Arthur. Pastoral Questions and Answers from the Second Vatican Council. Charleston, South Carolina: Createspace, 2015. Dear Friends, Please join me on a pilgrimage of a lifetime. People go on pilgrimages for different reasons. Some undertake pilgrimages to give thanks, others in fulfillment of a vow, still others as a penance. Whatever your reason, you will cherish the graces received and the memories from this pilgrimage in the Year of Mercy: daily Mass and prayers, fellowship and adventure, the Major Basilicas of Saint John Lateran, Saint Peter, Saint Paul outside the Walls, Saint Mary Major in Rome, and the minor basilicas of Saint Francis, Saint Mary of the Angels in Assisi, Saint Mary of the Flower and Holy Cross in Florence, the Holy House of Loreto, Saint Benedict in Norcia, sites of miracles and lives of the saints like Scholastica, Catherine of Siena and Pio of Pietrelcina, and so much more... Come seek the intercession of the saints and deepen your journey of faith. Father John Arthur Orr Info: http://www.unitours.com/client/FrOrrItalyPilgrimage.html Pregnancy and Adoption Services, including post-abortion counseling available 24/7/365 by calling 1-877-990-4673 Empowering and protecting the poor and vulnerable through: Columbus Home Children’s Services Housing for Special Populations Outreach to Those in Hardship Counseling & Education Information or help, go to www.ccetn.org for services & contact information in your community. -4- HOLY GHOST CONFIRMATION JUNE 5, 2016 6:00 PM Mass All high school students who wish to receive the sacrament of Confirmation in June and are not enrolled in the Religious Education program at Holy Ghost must contact the Church office at [email protected] HOLY GHOST CONFIRMACIÓN 5 de junio de 2016 6:00 PM Misa Todos los estudiantes secundaria que deseen recibir el Sacramento de la Confirmación en Junio y no están matriculados en el programa de educación religiosa en Holy Ghost deben comunicarse con la parroquia [email protected] The Americans for Truth website points out that “since 1980, 350,000 men having sex with men have died of HIV/ AIDS.” The cost to society? Each HIV/AIDS victim needs $24,000+ of anti-viral medication per year; treating an HIV/AIDS victim from the disease’s onset through hospice runs $400,000 to $600,000 per year. The homosexual lobby also tells us that same-sex marriages should be celebrated for the “stability” they bring to society. The Americans for Truth website points to a Kinsey Institute report that “only one percent of men having sex with men had achieved monogamous relationships; only 9 percent had less than 25 partners; 32 percent had between 100 and 500; 15 percent between 500 and 1,000.” Whatever those numbers tell us, they do not describe a “stable” force in society worthy of commendation. Merry Widows will meet at Red Lobster on Merchants Dr on March 1 @ 12noon. Calling All Women Seeking Grace, Sowing Hope, and Sharing Mercy in Times Such as These: The Knoxville Diocesan Council of Catholic Women is having its annual convention on April 14-16 at Holy Trinity in Jefferson City. Come spend a faith filled weekend with women from our diocese as we enjoy exciting speakers, celebrate Mass together, and experience an opportunity for fellowship. Contact Judy Collins, 423-639-0688, [email protected]; Pat Duda, 423231-2613, [email protected]; or Anne Wharton, 865-8502222, [email protected] for info about hotel arrangements and convention. Convention registration forms are available online at http://www.kdccw.org. SMOKY MOUNTAIN DEANERY LENT 2016 PENANCE SERVICES & CONFESSIONS (All Services begin at 7:00 p.m., unless otherwise indicated) HOLY CROSS - Tuesday, February 23 SAINT ALBERT THE GREAT - Thursday, February 25 OUR LADY OF FATIMA - Tuesday, March 1 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION & HOLY GHOST (at IC) Monday, March 7 HOLY FAMILY (Seymour) - Tuesday, March 8 SAINT JOHN XXIII - Wednesday, March 9 - 7:30p.m. SACRED HEART CATHEDRAL - all-day confessions on Ash Wednesday, February 10, (9 a.m. - 9 p.m.) and Good Friday, March 25, (9 a.m. – 6 p.m.) DO SOMETHING INCREDIBLE THIS LENT Sign up at DynamicCatholic.com/Lent In recognition of World Marriage Day the Diocesan Office of Marriage Preparation and Enrichment conducted a search for the longest married couple in each parish of our diocese. We are pleased to announce that Stan and Ellen Pickering are the longest married couple at Holy Ghost. They were married July 14, 1951. Please join us in thanking them for the beauty of their faithfulness, sacrifice and joy in daily married life! We are called to participate in our diocesan 40 Days for Life vigil of prayer as a witness of hope across the street from the Knoxville Planned Parenthood Clinic on Cherry St. Holy Ghost Parish has signed up 4 of these 40 Days for Life. The Holy Ghost Hispanic Community signed up for 3 Sundays in Lent: February 14 and 21 and March 13. If you can join our Hispanic brothers and sisters on one or more of these three Sundays, sign up on the table in the Narthex or at the side entrance to the church as you leave Mass. The 4th day we are responsible for is Saturday, March 5th that is being organized by the Holy Ghost Bible Study Group. The prayer vigil is from 7 am to 7 pm in 2 hour shifts (5-7 pm shift may be done in church) with at least 2 persons present for the prayer vigil shifts. You can sign up for March 5th on the same form at the Narthex and side church entrance. If you have any questions call Deacon Mike Gouge. Please join us in giving a peaceful, prayerful witness to the Gospel of Life! It’s that time of year once again! Catholic Charities Pregnancy Help Center will be handing out baby bottles after mass on February 20th & 21st. Please take a bottle, fill it with your spare change, cash or check and return it the following Sunday. It is that simple. Your support helps to assist those who have faced or who are facing an unplanned pregnancy. We are very grateful for your continued support and pray that you will bless us and those we serve once again. Thank you! -5- Párroco: Padre John R. Dowling Vicario: Padre Dr. John Arthur Orr Misa en español todos los sábados a las 7 pm Les damos la bienvenida a todos los que nos visitan por primera vez y los que nos visitan de otras ciudades, condados, estados y/o países. También a todos aquellos que se ingresan como nuevos miembros de nuestra Iglesia. Les recordamos que para ser miembros de la Iglesia deben registrarse como tal. Por favor comuníquense con algún miembro de la Pastoral de Conjunto para más informes. Se les recuerda apagar todo aparato electrónico antes de entrar a la Iglesia. PADRES DE FAMILIA: Favor de no dejar que los niños corran entre los pasillos o las naves durante la misa; no andar sobre las bancas; no andar solos en el estacionamiento; no dejar que jueguen con los misales o libros de canto. Los Ujieres regresaran a todo niño que no vaya acompañado por un adulto si es que quieren bajar al sótano o al baño. Todo esto se les pide con el propósito de que la misa sea una experiencia agradable para todos y por la seguridad de sus hijos. Si tiene una necesidad específica, una misa de aniversario, acción de gracias o cualquier otro tipo de necesidad de esta índole, comuníquese con un miembro de la Pastoral de Conjunto. Ellos le podrán dar los informes necesarios para su necesidad. Recuerde que todo tipo de misa requiere notificación anticipada. Gracias. Grupos: Caminando hacia la nueva Jerusalén – Este grupo se dedica a la alabanza y oración de Dios y reúne los domingos de 3:30-5:30 pm. Para más información llame a José Ramírez 828-448-2389 o Angelina Pedro 865-237-7487. Peregrinos del Señor – Este grupo se reúne los miércoles a las 8 pm y los domingos a las 4 pm a rezar el rosario. Llamar para obtener localidad actual. Comuníquese con Candelaria 865-388-9505, Benjamín 865-6927167, Tomas 865-643-5988 o Rigoberto 865-255-5137. Juan XXIII – Este grupo se reúne todos los martes a las 7 pm en el sótano de la Iglesia. Clases pre-bautismales: Segundo y cuarto sábados de enero, abril, julio y octubre. Se imparten después de misa comenzando a las 8 pm. Se requiere la presencia de los padres y los padrinos a menos que sean miembros de otra Iglesia Católica y esta les de la constancia de cumplimiento con las clases. Preguntas se pueden dirigir a Oswaldo Cárdenas o con un miembro de la Pastoral de Conjunto. Actividades mensuales: Todos los sábados: Confesiones en español de 6pm -6:45 pm Bendición de imágenes y/o artículos – después de misa Primer sábado: Exposición del Santísimo Sacramento – después de misa Tercer sábado: Reunión de la Pastoral de Conjunto – después de misa Si le gustaría participar como miembro de la Pastoral de Conjunto, por favor atienda a la próxima reunión y comuníqueselo a los miembros de la Pastoral de Conjunto. Cuarto sábado: Noche de la comunidad. Este espacio está reservado para eventos que conciernen a la comunidad hispana y para convivencias. Si Usted, su grupo o su negocio tienen algún evento que quisieran celebrar en la Iglesia y quiere invitar a la comunidad, este sería el mejor espacio. Comuníquese con algún miembro de la Pastoral de Conjunto para más detalles. At Ladies of Charity, we provide opportunities for our members and volunteers to engage in meaningful action, enjoy fellowship with one another, and purposefully live out the call to “love our neighbor” through the Works of Mercy. If you might be interested in this ministry, please contact us. Email: [email protected] or call 865.247.5790 120. West Baxter Avenue A thank you to all those who served as greeters at Masses the past year. You do a wonderful service for the church. You are the friendly face of the congregation. We need a few more volunteers. We need two people for the 11:30 Mass and four for the 6:00 PM Mass. Greeters usually work two months a year. If you would like to volunteer please call Linda Bolen at 524-7957. This is a wonderful volunteer opportunity for parishioners to meet others in their parish family. NO estacionamiento martes a sábado 8am - 6pm en el lado norte de la iglesia. Este terreno pertenece al Optical Market (anteriormente Condry) Diocese of Knoxville Bilingual Jail Ministry, if interested please contact Lorie C Weeden at 865.806.1425 . Retrouvaille …a lifeline for Marriages The Retrouvaille Program consists of a weekend experience combined with a series of 6-12 post-weekend sessions over 3 months. It provides the tools to help put your marriage in order again. The main emphasis of the program is on communication in marriage between husband and wife. It will give you the opportunity to rediscover each other and examine your lives together in a new and positive way. The next weekend is scheduled for March 4-6, 2016 in Nashville, TN. For confidential information and to register please contact Tom or Pat Ackerman at 615-523-0631 or [email protected] Visit http://www.helpourmarriage.com/ -6- SUNDAY 7:15pm RCIA – JPII Room, Info, Elizabeth Bunker (584-2513). Mystagogia Schedule for RCIA – 2nd Sunday, Music Room CCD - 9-9:50am Adult Formation - 9:05 –9:50am MONDAY 7-9:00pm Special Schola Practice 6-9:00pm KOC 645 - 1st & 3rd Mondays 7-9:00pm Opus Dei Women’s Night of Recollection - 2nd Monday TUESDAY 10:00am Bible Study call Lorraine McWilliams,922-2286. JPII Rm 6:00pm Parish Pastoral Council - 2nd Tuesday - JP II Room 7-9:00pm Opus Dei Men’s Night of Recollection - 2nd Tuesday WEDNESDAY After school Junior Presidium - When school is in session. 6:00pm Legion of Mary (adult group) - Fr. Henkel Hall, JP II Room 7:30pm Choir Rehearsal - St. Cecilia Room CCD, Grades 6-12 - 7-8:30pm THURSDAY 10:00am Share the Word Scripture Study Led by Lorraine McWilliams - JPII Room 7-8:30pm Pope Benedict XVI Schola 7-9:00pm Adult Education - Matthew’s Gospel FRIDAY 9:00am Rosary for Life – Held every Friday in front of the Planned Parenthood Clinic on Cherry St., Knoxville. Information call Lorie Weeden, 546-7622 or 806-1425 7:00pm Hispanic Bible Study - Oswaldo Cardenas SATURDAY 8:30am Rosary for Peace – Following 8am Mass. 3rd Saturday Hispanic Leadership Meeting (8pm in Church) 4th Saturday Hispanic Community Night (8-9pm in Church) SCHEDULE FOR SUNDAY – FEBRUARY 28, 2016 ALTAR SERVERS 8:00 a.m. William Edward Lovelace, Quintin Rhodes, Daniel Rhodes 10:00 a.m. Katie Whittaker, Meredith Thomas, Riley Quintois 11:30 a.m. Alec Connolly, Luke Connolly 6:00 p.m. Scott Maentz, Arun Arepalli EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF HOLY COMMUNION 8:00 a.m. Carol Cortese, Tona Neal 10:00 a.m. Anne Alley, Deb Quintois 11:30 a.m. Karen Hensley 6:00 p.m. Deacon, Elizabeth Bunker READERS 8:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 11:30 a.m. 6:00 p.m. Frank & Leticia Pickering Paul Dunn Bill Sullivan Dianne Levesque GREETERS 8:00 a.m. Bill & DeeDee Hansen, Steve & Betsy Moore, Carol Henderson 10:00 a.m. Patti Roach, Terry & Shirley Moore 11:30 a.m. Charles & John Matlock, Mary & Maria Wilson 6:00 p.m. Jeff & Sharyn Gick OFFICALS FOR SPANISH MASS Readers: Pastoral de Conjunto: Baptism Preparation: Juan XXIII Isabel Santiago Jose Luis Santiago Oswaldo Cardenas Jose Sandoval DID YOU KNOW? LADIES OF CHARITY has a truck and you may call to request a donation pickup! If you have large items or a large quantity of small items please call 865- 247-5790. Catholic Charities Annual Dinner 2016: Come join Catholic Charities for a night of fun and fellowship at the 31st Annual Emerald O’ccasion Dinner on March 10 at the Knoxville Marriott. This year’s event features keynote speaker and local radio celebrity Hallerin Hilton Hill, plus a program emceed by WATE-TV’s Kristin Farley. Bring a group from your church, invite your friends and help support the programs at Catholic Charities of East Tennessee! Tickets are $125 each or $1,250 for a table of 10. Special group and church sponsorships are also available. For more information: 865-684 -1894 | [email protected] | www.ccetn.org -7-