Hamilton Creek
Hamilton Creek
Trunk Infrastructure - Water Locality Boundaries Future Water Trunk Infrastructure ! Future Pump Station T U Future Water Reservoir Future Water Trunk Main Existing Water Trunk Infrastructure Ha m ilt o n Existing Pump Station 3 Q T U Existing Treatment Plant Existing Water Reservoir Existing Water Trunk Main Av Existing Dams or Bores n ! Rd Priority Infrastructure Area oks s ok Co d Cadastral Parcels Co L d Bu HAMILTON CREEK rn e tt Hw y Note: Priority Infrastructure Area located inside hashed boundary. Approx Scale @A3 0 Rd Golflinks ur ra y St Smalls R TROTTER CREEK 115 230 1:8,000 ° 460 Metres Copyright protects this publication. Reproduction by whatever means is prohibilited without prior written permission of the Chief Executive Officer, Rockhampton Regional Council. Rockhampton Regional Council will not be held liable under any circumstances in connection with or arising out of the use of this data nor does it warrant that the data is error free. Any queries should be directed to the Customer Service Centre, Rockhampton Regional Council or telephone 1300 22 55 77. The Digital Cadastral Data Base is current as at April 2012. Copyright The State Government of Queensland (Dept. of Environment and Resource Management) 2014. All other data copyright Rockhampton Regional Council 2014. M HORSE CREEK Keimar R LIMESTONE Ú NINE MILE CREEK Map 18-1 HAMILTON CREEK Water Network Plans for Trunk Infrastructure Feb 2014 Trunk Infrastructure - Sewerage Locality Boundaries Future Sewerage Trunk Infrastructure Future Pump Station [ Future Treatment Plant Future Sewerage Main Existing Sewerage Trunk Infrastructure Existing Pump Station Ú Ha LIMESTONE m ilt o n Existing Treatment Plant Existing Sewerage Trunk Main Priority Infrastructure Area Cadastral Parcels Av Rd oks s ok Co d Co L d Bu HAMILTON CREEK rn e tt Hw y Note: Priority Infrastructure Area located inside hashed boundary. Approx Scale @A3 0 Rd Golflinks ur ra y St Smalls R TROTTER CREEK 120 240 1:8,000 ° 480 Metres Copyright protects this publication. Reproduction by whatever means is prohibilited without prior written permission of the Chief Executive Officer, Rockhampton Regional Council. Rockhampton Regional Council will not be held liable under any circumstances in connection with or arising out of the use of this data nor does it warrant that the data is error free. Any queries should be directed to the Customer Service Centre, Rockhampton Regional Council or telephone 1300 22 55 77. The Digital Cadastral Data Base is current as at April 2012. Copyright The State Government of Queensland (Dept. of Environment and Resource Management) 2014. All other data copyright Rockhampton Regional Council 2014. M HORSE CREEK Keimar R ] NINE MILE CREEK Map 18-2 HAMILTON CREEK Sewerage Network Plans for Trunk Infrastructure Feb 2014 Trunk Infrastructure - Transport Locality Boundaries Future Trunk Infrastracture Bridge Intersection Road Works Existing Trunk Infrastructure Highway Ha ilt o n Urban Sub-Arterial Av Major Urban Collector Industrial Collector d C R ks oo d Rural Arterial Major Rural Collector oks Keimar R m Urban Arterial Co Priority Infrastructure Area L Cadastral Parcels d Bu HAMILTON CREEK rn e tt Hw y Note: Priority Infrastructure Area located inside hashed boundary. Approx Scale @A3 Golflinks 0 Rd ur ra y St Smalls R TROTTER CREEK 120 240 1:8,000 ° 480 Metres Copyright protects this publication. Reproduction by whatever means is prohibilited without prior written permission of the Chief Executive Officer, Rockhampton Regional Council. Rockhampton Regional Council will not be held liable under any circumstances in connection with or arising out of the use of this data nor does it warrant that the data is error free. Any queries should be directed to the Customer Service Centre, Rockhampton Regional Council or telephone 1300 22 55 77. The Digital Cadastral Data Base is current as at April 2012. Copyright The State Government of Queensland (Dept. of Environment and Resource Management) 2014. All other data copyright Rockhampton Regional Council 2014. M HORSE CREEK State Controlled Road LIMESTONE NINE MILE CREEK Map 18-3 HAMILTON CREEK Transport Network Plans for Trunk Infrastructure Feb 2014 Trunk Infrastructure - Stormwater Locality Boundaries Future Stormwater Trunk Infrastructure Future Trunk Drainage Future Trunk Cross Drainage Cadastral Parcels Priority Infrastructure Area Ha m ilt o n Av Rd oks s ok Co d Co L d Bu HAMILTON CREEK rn e tt Hw y Note: Priority Infrastructure Area located inside hashed boundary. Approx Scale @A3 0 Rd Golflinks ur ra y St Smalls R TROTTER CREEK 120 240 1:8,000 ° 480 Metres Copyright protects this publication. Reproduction by whatever means is prohibilited without prior written permission of the Chief Executive Officer, Rockhampton Regional Council. Rockhampton Regional Council will not be held liable under any circumstances in connection with or arising out of the use of this data nor does it warrant that the data is error free. Any queries should be directed to the Customer Service Centre, Rockhampton Regional Council or telephone 1300 22 55 77. The Digital Cadastral Data Base is current as at April 2012. Copyright The State Government of Queensland (Dept. of Environment and Resource Management) 2014. All other data copyright Rockhampton Regional Council 2014. M HORSE CREEK Keimar R LIMESTONE NINE MILE CREEK Map 18-4 HAMILTON CREEK Stormwater Network Plans for Trunk Infrastructure Feb 2014 Trunk Infrastructure - Parks Locality Boundaries Future Community Facilities D District R Regional Future Recreational Parks D District U Upgrade R Ha Future Sports Parks D LIMESTONE m ilt o Regional District R n Regional Existing Community Facilities Av District Regional Rd Existing Recreational Parks Local oks C ks oo Co District L Regional Existing Sports Parks District d Bu HAMILTON CREEK rn e Regional tt Hw Cadastral Parcels y Priority Infrastructure Area Approx Scale @A3 y 0 Rd ur ra Golflinks 120 240 1:8,000 480 Metres Copyright protects this publication. Reproduction by whatever means is prohibilited without prior written permission of the Chief Executive Officer, Rockhampton Regional Council. Rockhampton Regional Council will not be held liable under any circumstances in connection with or arising out of the use of this data nor does it warrant that the data is error free. Any queries should be directed to the Customer Service Centre, Rockhampton Regional Council or telephone 1300 22 55 77. The Digital Cadastral Data Base is current as at April 2012. Copyright The State Government of Queensland (Dept. of Environment and Resource Management) 2014. All other data copyright Rockhampton Regional Council 2014. M TROTTER CREEK ° Note: Priority Infrastructure Area located inside hashed boundary. St Smalls R HORSE CREEK d Keimar R NINE MILE CREEK Map 18-5 HAMILTON CREEK Public Parks and Land for Community Facilities Network Plans for Trunk Infrastructure Feb 2014