from - The University of Texas at Austin
from - The University of Texas at Austin
PETROPHYSICS, VOL. 46, NO. 1 (FEBRUARY 2005); P. 14–32; 30 FIGURES, 3 TABLES The Influence of Water-Base Mud Properties and Petrophysical Parameters on Mudcake Growth, Filtrate Invasion, and Formation Pressure Jianghui Wu1, Carlos Torres-Verdín2, Kamy Sepehrnoori2, and Mark A. Proett3 ABSTRACT The work described in this paper models the complete invasion process quantitatively with a finite-difference invasion simulator that includes the dynamically coupled effects of mudcake growth and multiphase, immiscible filtrate invasion. A fully coupled mudcake growth model is assumed and the flow rate of filtrate invasion is determined from both mud parameters and rock formation properties. Specific parametric representations of the assumed invasion model are based on previously published laboratory experiments on mudcake buildup. As part of the numerical validation of the simulator, we reproduced available experimental data and obtained very good agreements. INTRODUCTION Mud filtrate invasion takes place in permeable rock formations penetrated by a well that is hydraulically overbalanced by mud circulation. The invasion of mud filtrate into permeable rock formations is responsible for the development of a mudcake on the borehole wall (solids deposition), as well as for the lateral displacement of existing in-situ fluids from the borehole. Drilling variables such as mud density and chemistry, mud circulation pressure, and time of filtration may significantly affect the spatial extent of mud-fil- The influence of several mud and petrophysical parameters on both mudcake growth and filtrate invasion is quantified with a sensitivity analysis. These parameters include mudcake permeability, mudcake porosity, mud solid content, relative permeability, capillary pressure, formation permeability, cross flow between adjacent layers, and gravity segregation. Our simulations reveal the physical character of invasion profiles taking place under realistic petrophysical conditions. Results also characterize formation pressure changes and pressure supercharging observed during wireline formation testing. Keywords: mud filtrate, mudcake, invasion, supercharge trate invasion. In-situ rock formation properties such as porosity, absolute permeability, relative permeability, pore pressure, shale chemistry, capillary pressure, and residual fluid saturations, also play important roles in controlling both the dynamic formation of mudcake and the time evolution of the invasion process. One of the technical problems often considered in mud-filtrate invasion studies is the description of mudcake buildup and invasion rates. Over the years, many laboratory investigations have undertaken the phenomenological description and quantification of this problem (e.g., Fergu- Manuscript received by the Editor July 30, 2004; revised manuscript received December 17, 2004. Baker Atlas, 2001 Rankin Road, Houston, Texas 77073; e-mail: [email protected] 2 Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering, 1 University Station C0300, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas 78712; e-mail: [email protected], [email protected] 3 Halliburton Energy Services, 3000 N. Sam Houston Parkway E., P. O. Box 60070 (77204), Houston, Texas 77032; e-mail: [email protected] ©2005 Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts. All rights reserved. 1 14 PETROPHYSICS February 2005 The Influence of Water-Base Properties and Petrophysical Parameters on Mudcake Growth, Filtrate Invasion, and Formation Pressure son and Klotz, 1954; Bezemer and Havenaar, 1966; Fordham et al., 1988 and 1991; Dewan and Chenevert, 2001). Based on laboratory experiments of mud circulation, Dewan and Chenevert (2001) reported a methodology to predict the time evolution of mudcake buildup, as well as the effective petrophysical properties of mudcake. Dewan et al.’s description is entirely based on six mud filtrate parameters, all of which can be determined from a standard on-site mud filtrate test. A theoretical basis for laboratory and field observations was first presented by Outmans (1963). He described a method applicable to high permeability formations assuming that, even at the onset of the process of mud-filtrate invasion, the full overbalance pressure was absorbed across the mudcake. In his single-phase fluid flow study, Outmans derived the well-known t law. However, the latter description is not accurate when the net flow resistance offered by the formation is comparable to that of the mudcake. Semmelbeck et al. (1995) introduced a two-phase fluid flow simulator that assumed several of the mud properties described in Dewan and Chenevert (2001). Gravity force was ignored in Semmelbeck et al.’s work because only low vertical permeability cases were considered in the analysis. Dewan and Chenevert (2001) presented a single-phase flow mathematical model to reproduce laboratory measurements. The simulation results matched laboratory measurements using a 0.25-inch core to represent the rock formation. However, this model cannot be applied to low permeability formations, where the net flow resistance offered by the formation is comparable to that of the mudcake. Proett et al. (2001) developed an immiscible invasion simulator using a fully coupled mudcake growth model. Wu et al. (2004) proposed a methodology to simulate mud-filtrate invasion in deviated and horizontal wells. In this paper, a new invasion simulator, termed INVADE, is developed that accurately reproduces the process of mud-filtrate invasion in multi-layer formations, including the effect of salt mixing. conditions. Because of these features, INVADE can be used to numerically simulate the transport of salt due to invasion of mud filtrate when there is a difference in salinity between mud filtrate and connate water. It is generally acknowledged that static filtration governs the initial growth of mudcake and that the fundamental role of dynamic filtration is to limit this growth (e.g., Chin, 1995; Dewan and Chenevert, 2001). In this paper, we assume that mudcake stops growing after reaching its limiting thickness. By using a static filtration model other than the dynamic filtration model, mudcake growth is accelerated because the dynamic filtration tends to decrease the rate of mudcake growth. Well conditioning can also affect the mudcake and influence the process of invasion. Frequently, the well is reconditioned prior to a logging run or in the process of drilling. To account for reconditioning, we can assume that the mudcake is either partially or completely removed, and that it is henceforth allowed to reform. In the worst-case scenario, the mudcake is completely removed from the borehole wall. Therefore, the limiting mudcake thickness is a parameter input to INVADE, and so is the option to remove the mudcake in order to simulate reconditioning of the well. The INVADE software has one extra input file in addition to the input files used by UTCHEM. This file, named MUD contains parameters such as mud properties, mud pressure, and “rub-off ” time. The flow rate of mud filtrate calculated with equation (A.29) will be treated as a standard rate of injection for the well. In the Appendix, the mudcake growth model is coupled with the two-phase immiscible Darcy flow boundary value problem developed for radial invasion. It is noted that equation (A.29) used for the calculation of filtrate flow rate is derived from a one-dimensional model. For multi-layer cases, cross-flow between layers is simulated with UTCHEM, while equation (A.29) is used for the calculation of the rate of flow of mud filtrate. Relative permeability and capillary pressure curves FINITE-DIFFERENCE SIMULATOR-“INVADE” The finite difference simulator INVADE was developed based on the solution of fluid-flow differential equations and boundary conditions for immiscible radial flow and coupled mudcake growth. INVADE was built upon the existing multi-phase, multi-component, and multi-chemical species fluid-flow simulator UTCHEM, developed by The University of Texas at Austin (Center for Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering, 2000). UTCHEM can simulate the advection, dispersion, diffusion, and transformation of different species (oil, surfactant, water, salt, polymer, etc.) in porous media under various production and injection February 2005 In the development of the immiscible flow model, no assumptions were made concerning the behavior of relative permeability and capillary pressure curves. Therefore, these curves are completely arbitrary and can be a power function adjusted to match core measurements. The curves shown in Figure 1 correspond to a typical behavior of relative permeability for a water-wet sandstone (f = 0.25, K = 300 md). In this case, the relative permeability curves can be characterized by the saturation-dependent BrooksCorey-type equations (Brooks and Corey, 1966), given by PETROPHYSICS k rw = k rw0 × ( S wt* ) ew , (1) 15 Wu et al. k ro = k ro0 × [1- ( S wt* )]eo , (2) and S wt* = S w - S wi , 1- S wi - S or (3) where S wt* is normalized water saturation, Sw is water saturation, Swi is irreducible water saturation, Sor is residual oil saturation, krw is water relative permeability, kro is oil relative permeability, k rw0 is water relative permeability endpoint, k ro0 is oil relative permeability endpoint, ew is the exponent for krw, and eo is the exponent for kro. The capillary pressure curve shown in Figure 2 is characterized by a relationship of the form Pc = Pc0 f × [1- ( S wt* )]e p , K (4) where Pc is capillary pressure between oil and water, f is formation porosity, K is formation permeability, Pc0 is the coefficient for capillary pressure, and ep is the exponent for capillary pressure. The exponents in equations (1) through (4) (i.e., ew, eo, ep) control the shape of the curves, whereas the coefficients in the same equations (i.e., k rw0 , k ro0 , Pc0 ) control the location of the endpoints. The coefficient for capillary pressure, Pc0 , is set to 2 for the case of a 300 md formation, while for the case of low-permeability formations, Pc0 is set to 0.2. These FIG. 1 Water-oil relative permeability curves assumed in the numerical simulations described in this paper. The solid and dashed curves describe relative permeabilities as a function of water saturation for water and oil fractions, respectively. 16 saturation-dependent functions can approximate most practical cases of relative permeability and capillary pressure curves and are used for the INVADE examples described in this paper. COMPARISON OF INVADE PREDICTIONS WITH LABORATORY MEASUREMENTS To validate the numerical simulator, we attempted to reproduce the experimental data acquired during a static filtration test performed with field Mud 97074 (Dewan and Chenevert, 2001). In this particular case, mud properties are as follows: mudcake reference permeability K mc0 = 0.003 md, mudcake reference porosity fmc0 = 0.59, solid fraction fs = 0.231, mudcake thickness = 0.25 cm, compressibility exponent for mudcake permeability v = 0.63, and exponent multiplier for mudcake porosity d = 0.1. In step 1, a pressure of 300 psi is applied during 30 minutes and the filtrate volume and slowness (inverse of flow rate) are recorded after the onset of invasion. In step 2, the pressure is raised to 1000 psi and the recording continues for another 30 minutes. A radial invasion model is constructed such that the filtration area is the same as that of filter paper (45.8 cm2). We assume a wellbore radius equal to 10 cm. The distance between the wellbore and the formation’s outer-boundary is 0.635 cm (0.25 inch) to match the thickness of the filtration medium used in the experiment. INVADE enforces a constant-pressure condition at the outer boundary, whereas fluids can move freely out of the outer boundary. The influ- FIG. 2 Capillary pressure curve used in the sensitivity analysis of mud-filtrate invasion. This curve represents two formations: a 300 md formation with Pc0 = 2, and a 3 md formation with Pc0 = 0.2. PETROPHYSICS February 2005 The Influence of Water-Base Properties and Petrophysical Parameters on Mudcake Growth, Filtrate Invasion, and Formation Pressure ence of the radial geometry of the simulation is negligible in this case. Only single-phase fluid-flow (water) was considered in the experiment, whereupon the initial water saturation for the model was set to 1.0. In Figure 3, S1 represents the slowness at the end point of step 1, while S2 represents the slowness at the start point of step 2. Figure 3 indicates that INVADE results exhibit a good agreement with slowness measurements of step 1 and S1, but S2 calculated with INVADE is about 30% higher than the measured S2. This discrepancy causes a transient pressure kick during the measurement sequence when pressure increases from 300 psi to 1000 psi. The compressibility index v is calculated from the measured slowness, S1 to S2, when pressure is increased from P1 to P2 in the two-step recording shown in Figure 3, i.e., v =1- log(S 1 / S 2 ) . log(P2 / P1 ) (5) Conversely, S2 could be predicted if other parameters were known. In the example shown in Figure 3, we find S1 = 37500 sec/cm, v = 0.63, P1 = 300 psi and P2 = 1000 psi, resulting in S2 = 24000 sec/cm. This value agrees well with the calculation performed with INVADE. To assess mudcake growth in low-permeability formations, we make use of the following constants applicable to UT mud: kmc0 = 0.03 md, fmc0 = 0.8, fs = 0.06, v = 0.9 and d = 0. The wellbore radius of the radial model is 10 cm and the distance between the wellbore and the formation’s FIG. 3 Comparison of the time evolution of the measured and simulated slowness of static filtration for Mud 97074. Slowness is the inverse of invasion flow rate (the filtration area of filter paper is 45.8 cm2). February 2005 outer-boundary is set to 0.635 cm (0.25 in.) in order to match the thickness of the filtration medium used in the experiment. Again, only single-phase fluid-flow (water) was assumed in the experiment, whereupon the initial water saturation for the model was set to 1.0. Figure 4 (solid lines) compares the calculated volume of filtrate as a function of t against the experimental measurements performed at UT Austin. Aside from a 1.2 cc offset at t = 0 for the experimental data, (commonly referred to as “spurt loss”) the agreement is good. By shifting the time axis, simulation results will properly match experimental measurements. To match this experiment in the presence of “spurt loss,” it is expected to take 4.6 minutes less than the calculated time (400 minutes) for the mudcake to reach the thickness of 0.25 cm. Also shown in Figure 4 (dashed line) is the calculated mudcake thickness, which grows linearly with t, reaching a value of 0.25 cm in approximately 6.7 hours. Figure 5 shows the pressure buildup across the mudcake as a function of time after enforcing a 50 psi overbalance pressure. The 3 md curve in Figure 5 shows that even though it takes hours to fully build, sufficient mudcake deposits within 2 seconds to absorb 90% of the full overbalance pressure. FIG. 4 Comparison between measurements and numerical simulations. Time evolution of volume of filtrate and mudcake thickness during a static filtration test performed through a 3 md rock core sample. For convenience, time-dependence is described with the square root of the actual time of invasion (adapted from Dewan et al., 1993). The square-dashed and solid lines describe measured and simulated volumes of filtrate, respectively, whereas the dashed line describes the simulated mudcake thickness. PETROPHYSICS 17 Wu et al. TABLE 1 Summary of mudcake, petrophysical, fluid, and invasion parameters used in the numerical simulations of mud-filtrate invasion considered in this paper. Variable Units Mudcake reference permeability Mudcake reference porosity Mud solid fraction Mudcake maximum thickness Mudcake compressibility exponent v Mudcake exponent multiplier d Water viscosity (filtrate) Oil viscosity Rock compressibility Water compressibility Initial formation pressure Mud hydrostatic pressure Formation permeability Formation porosity Permeability anisotropy Coefficient for capillary pressure Pc0 Exponent for capillary pressure ep Total invasion time Mudcake rub-off time Wellbore radius Formation outer-boundary Mud filtrate salinity Formation water salinity Archie’s tortuosity/cementation factor a Archie’s cementation exponent m Archie’s saturation exponent n Temperature Value md 0.03 fraction 0.30 fraction 0.06 cm 1.00 fraction 0.40 fraction 0.10 cp 1.00 cp 3.00 1/psi 0.0E-6 1/psi 0.0E-6 psi 5000.00 psi 5500.00 md 300.00 fraction 0.25 fraction 1.00 psi 2.00 n/a 6.00 hours 48.00 hours N/A cm 10.00 cm 610.00 ppm 43,900.00 ppm 102,500.00 n/a 1.00 n/a 2.00 n/a 2.00 °C 24.00 mize the numerical dispersion effects, a third-order spatial discretization option is selected in the simulation input file for INVADE. Radial profiles of formation water salinity are shown in Figure 7. Salt concentrations are converted into equivalent values of connate water resistivity, Rw, using the formula (Dresser Atlas Inc., 1982) r é 3647.5 ù 82 R w ( r ) =ê 0.0123 + , r ú C w ( r ) 0.955 û1.8T + 39 ë (6) where T is temperature measured in degreesr centigrade, Cw is salt concentration measured in ppm, and r is the location of the observation point. In turn, electrical resistivities are calculated via Archie’s law from the corresponding spatial distribution of water saturation shown in Figure 6. The calculated radial profiles of electrical resistivity are plotted in Figure 8. Mud filtrate invasion flow rate, volume of filtrate, buildup of pressure across the mudcake, and mudcake thickness are shown as solid lines (Kmc0 = 0.03 md) in Figures 9, 10, 11 and 12, respectively. The coupled mudcake model allows the thickness to increase to a maximum of 1 cm, where it is assumed that dynamic filtration limits its growth. It takes about eight seconds (0.0001 day) before a noticeable increase of mudcake properties is observed. At this time, the invasion flow rate is reduced by nearly 95% from its initial rate. The pressure drop across the mudcake has also increased to 450 psi of the 500 psi overbalance INVADE SIMULATION RESULTS Base Case A “Base Case” was chosen as a reference example for the simulation of mud filtrate invasion. Input data for this base case include the relative permeability and capillary pressure curves shown in Figures 1 and 2, respectively, with the remaining variables described in Table 1. Results from the INVADE simulation are shown in Figure 6 in the form of profiles of water saturation as a function of radial distance away from the borehole wall. The first curve shows the most significant invasion advance, with the front advancing to 0.2 m within six hours. This advance is due to the fact that initially there is no mudcake and it takes about 19 hours for it to reach a thickness of one centimeter (see also Figure 12). The water saturation curves do not exhibit the piston-like behavior that would be expected with immiscible invasion that does not consider capillary pressure. To mini18 FIG. 5 Pressure at the sandface during static filtration. Time evolution of pressure at the sandface for six different values of rock-core permeability. The simulation of static filtration was performed through a 0.25-in. core sample maintained at a confining pressure of 50 psi. PETROPHYSICS February 2005 The Influence of Water-Base Properties and Petrophysical Parameters on Mudcake Growth, Filtrate Invasion, and Formation Pressure FIG. 6 Time-lapse simulation: radial profiles of water saturation. The curves describe water saturation in the radial direction from the wellbore and across the center of the permeable layer at 6-hour increments after the onset of mud-filtrate invasion. FIG. 7 Time-lapse simulation: radial profiles of salt concentration. The curves describe salt concentration in the radial direction from the wellbore and across the center of the permeable layer at 6-hour increments after the onset of mud-filtrate invasion. The corresponding radial distributions of water saturation are shown in Figure 6. February 2005 FIG. 8 Time-lapse simulation: radial profiles of electrical resistivity. The curves describe electrical resistivity in the radial direction from the wellbore and across the center of the permeable layer at 6-hour increments after the onset of mud-filtrate invasion. The corresponding radial distributions of water saturation and salt concentration are shown in Figures 6 and 7, respectively. Electrical resistivity was calculated assuming Archie’s equations with tortuosity/cementation factor a = 1, cementation exponent m = 2, and saturation exponent n = 2. FIG. 9 Sensitivity analysis of mudcake reference permeability and flow rate across the mudcake. Time evolution of the flow rate of mud filtrate for three different values of mudcake reference permeability. PETROPHYSICS 19 Wu et al. pressure. The mudcake continues to thicken until a 1 cm thickness is reached at about 19 hours after the onset of invasion. At this point, the invasion flow rate has been reduced to a small fraction of its initial value and the sandface pressure has reached its steady state. Mudcake permeability decreases with increasing pres- sure across the mudcake. The solid line (Kmc0 = 0.03 md) in Figure 13 shows that mudcake permeability is stabilized at 2.5´10–3 md after eight seconds of invasion. Case of mudcake removal In this case, mudcake is removed after one day of inva- FIG. 10 Sensitivity analysis of mudcake reference permeability and accumulated volume of mud filtrate. Time evolution of the accumulated volume of mud-filtrate for three different values of mudcake reference permeability. FIG. 12 Sensitivity analysis of mudcake reference permeability and mudcake thickness. Time evolution of mudcake thickness for three different values of mudcake reference permeability. FIG. 11 Sensitivity analysis of mudcake reference permeability and pressure across the mudcake. Time evolution of the pressure across the mudcake for three different values of mudcake reference permeability. FIG. 13 Sensitivity analysis of mudcake reference permeability and mudcake permeability. Time evolution of mudcake permeability for three different values of mudcake reference permeability. 20 PETROPHYSICS February 2005 The Influence of Water-Base Properties and Petrophysical Parameters on Mudcake Growth, Filtrate Invasion, and Formation Pressure sion. As shown in Figure 14(a), during the next day of invasion the thickness increases. Mudcake thickness increases at nearly the same rate as before the removal of mudcake, taking about 19 hours to reach the 1 cm maximum thickness. Figure 14(b) shows that the invasion flow rate increases nearly instantaneously to about 30% of the initial rate and then is slowed down to a fraction of its original rate as the mudcake reforms. Comparison of the water saturation profiles described in Figure 15 against those shown in Figure 6 indicates that there is a sudden increase of invasion length after mudcake is removed at the end of one day, and the final invasion front is 8 cm deeper than in the base case (46 cm). SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS A sensitivity analysis was performed using the base case example as reference by varying the selected parameters shown in Table 2. In the base case, mudcake reference permeability (0.03 md) is very small compared to that of the formation permeability (300 md). Therefore, the mudcake will control the flow rate of filtrate invasion. Three parameters related to mud properties are selected for the sensitivity analysis, i.e., mudcake reference permeability, porosity, and filtrate solid fraction. Mudcake Permeability TABLE 2 Summary of the test cases considered in the sensitivity analysis of mud-filtrate invasion reported in this paper. The table shows input variables and results obtained from the simulations. Mudcake properties Case no. Kmc0 (md) fmc0 Base 1 2 3 4 5 6 0.030 0.010 0.003 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.030 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.8 0.3 0.3 fs 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.06 0.20 0.40 Invasion Results Filtrate Mudcake volume buildup after 2 days time (m3/m) (hours) 0.124 0.066 0.037 0.117 0.106 0.097 0.091 19.0 56.9 189.5 15.1 9.3 4.8 1.8 high permeability zones since the mudcake is the primary regulator of the flow rate of filtrate invasion. Figure 10 shows that the total filtrate volume after two days of invasion increases with increasing mudcake permeability. As expected, pressure across the mudcake decreases with increasing values of mudcake permeability. The latter Mudcake properties, particularly permeability, have a significant influence on the invasion process. The assertion that mudcake permeability is significant is clearly true for FIG. 14 Time evolution of (a) mudcake thickness, and (b) flow rate of mud filtrate during the process of invasion. Mudcake is removed after one day of invasion and is allowed to re-grow during the subsequent one-day interval. February 2005 FIG. 15 Time-lapse simulation: radial profiles of water saturation. The curves describe water saturation in the radial direction from the wellbore and across the center of the permeable layer at 6-hour increments after the onset of mud-filtrate invasion. Mudcake is removed after one day of invasion and is allowed to re-grow during the subsequent one-day interval. PETROPHYSICS 21 Wu et al. observation is confirmed by the family of curves shown in Figure 11. The mudcake buildup time is reduced with increasing mudcake permeability because the deposition of solids depends on the flow rate of filtrate, which is higher for high-permeability mudcake. It takes 190 hours for a 0.003-md mudcake to thicken to 1 cm, while it takes 19 hours for a 0.03 md mudcake to reach the same thickness. Mudcake porosity Mudcake porosity has an influence on mudcake growth. The mudcake buildup time decreases with increasing mudcake porosity because the total amount of solid deposition decreases with an increase of porosity. It takes 9.3 hours for a 0.8 porosity mudcake to build while it takes 19 hours for a 0.3 porosity mudcake to reach the same thickness (Table 2). In Figure 16, the flow rate for a high-porosity mudcake decreases because of relatively thicker mudcake. The total filtrate volume decreases with increasing mudcake porosity (Table 2). In Figure 17, the pressure across mudcake increases with increasing mudcake porosity because of a thicker mudcake. Solid fraction FIG. 16 Sensitivity analysis of mudcake porosity and flow rate across mudcake. Time evolution of the flow rate of mud-filtrate for three different values of mudcake reference porosity. FIG. 17 Sensitivity analysis of mudcake porosity and pressure across mudcake. Time evolution of the pressure across mudcake for three different values of mudcake reference porosity. 22 Filtrate solid fraction also has a considerable influence on mudcake growth. The time of mudcake buildup decreases with increasing solid fraction because the speed of solid deposition increases. Figure 18 shows that the flow rate for a high solid-content mud decreases because of relatively thicker mudcake. The total filtrate volume decreases with an increase of mud solid fraction (Table 2). In addition, Figure 19 shows that the pressure across the mudcake increases with increasing mud solid fraction because of thicker mudcake. FIG. 18 Sensitivity analysis of filtrate solid fraction and flow rate across mudcake. Time evolution of the flow rate across mudcake for three different values of filtrate solid fraction. PETROPHYSICS February 2005 The Influence of Water-Base Properties and Petrophysical Parameters on Mudcake Growth, Filtrate Invasion, and Formation Pressure As shown in Table 2, it takes 1.8 hours for a mud with a solid fraction of 0.4 to build while it takes 19 hours for a 0.06 solid fraction mud to reach the same thickness. Invasion in low-permeability formations When formation permeability exceeds a few millidarcies, sufficient mudcake forms in a matter of seconds, and virtually the entire overbalance pressure driving the invasion is absorbed across the mudcake. Therefore, the rate of invasion is entirely controlled by mudcake properties rather than by formation properties. However, Dewan and Chenevert (1993) showed that conditions are different when permeability is lower than a few millidarcies. The initial invasion rate, limited by formation permeability, is sufficiently low so that the pressure drop across the mudcake increases very slowly. To study how formation properties will affect invasion, we make use of the set of formation and mudcake variables given in Table 3. The mud properties are the same as those of UT Austin Mud and the distance between the wellbore and the formation’s outer-boundary is set to 610 cm (20 ft). Two-phase immiscible flow is simulated with the water-oil relative permeability curves shown in Figure 1. The coefficient for the capillary pressure equation, Pc0 , is set to 0.2 and the exponent for the capillary pressure equation, ep, is set to 6. Two formation properties, i.e., formation permeability and oil relative permeability endpoint, are selected for this sensitivity analysis. Capillary pressure influences the rate of change of water saturation in the invaded zone but the changes are small. Simulation tests indicate that other formation properties will have only a slight influence on the process of mudcake buildup. Figure 20 shows the pressure across the mudcake as a function of time after the enforcement of a 50 psi overbalance pressure. It takes the 3 md formation 6.7 hours to build a 45 psi pressure across the mudcake rather than the several seconds indicated in Figure 5. The maximum pressure across the mudcake takes place when the mudcake reaches its maximum thickness. When the mudcake stops growing, mud filtrate continues to invade into even deeper regions in the formation, and therefore the resistance resulting from the formation will increase. As a result, the pressure across the mudcake will decrease and the pressure at the sandface will increase. Figure 21(a) shows that the flow rate is higher for a high permeability formation and will converge after 3.8 hours of invasion. After that, the flow resistance from the 0.3 md formation continues to increase, resulting in a gradually decreasing flow rate. As expected, Figure 21(b) shows that the volume of filtrate is higher for a high permeability formation. February 2005 TABLE 3 Case of a low-permeability formation. Summary of mudcake, petrophysical, fluid, and invasion parameters used in the numerical simulations of mud-filtrate invasion considered in this paper. Variable Mudcake reference permeability Mudcake reference porosity Mud solid fraction Mudcake maximum thickness Mudcake compressibility exponent v Mudcake exponent multiplier d Water viscosity (filtrate) Oil viscosity Rock compressibility Water compressibility Initial formation pressure Mud hydrostatic pressure Formation permeability Formation porosity Permeability anisotropy Coefficient for capillary pressure Pc0 Exponent for capillary pressure ep Total invasion time Mudcake rub-off time Wellbore radius Formation outer-boundary Units Value md fraction fraction cm fraction fraction cp cp 1/psi 1/psi psi psi md fraction fraction psi n/a hours hours cm cm 0.03 0.80 0.06 0.25 0.90 0.00 1.00 1.00 0.0E-6 0.0E-6 5000.00 5050.00 3.0/1.0/0.3 0.25 1.00 0.20 6.00 48.00 N/A 10.00 610.00 FIG. 19 Sensitivity analysis of filtrate solid fraction and pressure across mudcake. Time evolution of the pressure across mudcake for three different values of filtrate solid fraction. PETROPHYSICS 23 Wu et al. The oil relative permeability endpoint affects invasion through the resistance offered by the formation to the flow of filtrate. As shown in Figure 22, increasing the value of the endpoint translates to a decreasing resistance and, consequently, the overbalance pressure lost in the formation decreases, and pressure across the mudcake increases. Figure 23(a) shows that higher values of k ro0 cause higher flow rates of invasion. Therefore, as shown in Figure 23(b), mudcake buildup is faster and, consequently, the volume of filtrate is slightly higher. FIG. 20 Time evolution of (a) pressure across mudcake, and (b) pressure at the sandface during a static filtration test for six different values of formation permeability. The static filtration test was performed assuming a 20-ft formation maintained at a confining pressure of 50 psi. FIG. 22 Time evolution of pressure at the sandface during a static filtration test performed assuming a 20-ft formation at a confining pressure of 50 psi for three different values of formation k ro0 . FIG. 21 (a) Time evolution of filtrate flow rate for three different values of formation permeability; (b) Time evolution of total filtrate volume per formation thickness for three different values of formation permeability. FIG. 23 (a) Time evolution of filtrate flow rate for three different values of formation k ro0 ; (b) Time evolution of the total filtrate volume per formation thickness for three different values of formation k ro0 . 24 PETROPHYSICS February 2005 The Influence of Water-Base Properties and Petrophysical Parameters on Mudcake Growth, Filtrate Invasion, and Formation Pressure FLOW RESISTANCE RATIO OF MUDCAKE Formation properties will affect invasion only when the formation flow resistance is comparable to that of the mudcake. We denote the ratio of mudcake flow resistance over total flow resistance by the variable q. The relationship between q and the remaining parameters is summarized by the equation q= 1 , ln(R f / R well ) ln(R out / R f ) K mc0 mo × K mc0 1+ + K × krw (q × DP ) v ln(R well / R mc ) mw × K × kro × (q × DP ) v ln(R well / R mc ) (7) This last expression is derived from Darcy’s law by making four assumptions: (1) there is no capillary pressure, (2) the invasion profile is piston-like, (3) water is the only flowing fluid in the invaded zone, and (4) oil is the only flowing fluid in the virgin zone. Supercharging The flow resistance parameter q can also be used to assess supercharging effects. Supercharging is defined as the increased pressure observed at the wellbore sandface caused by invasion. This is an important factor in wireline formation testing since the pressures recorded are influenced by supercharging. The supercharge pressure can now be estimated by subtracting the pressure across the FIG. 24 Graphical description of the relationship between the supercharge index (1 – q) and K/Kmc0 and mo /mw. The plot was constructed assuming Rw = 10 cm, Rf = 18.3 cm, Rout = 610 cm, Rmc = 9.75 cm, overbalance pressure = 50 psi, kro = 1.0, krw = 0.2, and compressibility exponent for mudcake permeability v = 0.4 to 0.9. February 2005 mudcake from the overbalance pressure. Consequently, the degree of supercharging is proportional to 1 – q. Figures 24 and 25 show the relationship borne by the supercharging index (1 – q) with K/Kmc0 and uo /uw. The value of (1 – q) will decrease with increasing values of K/Kmc0 and the value of (1 – q) will increase with increasing values of uo /uw. Now consider the time when the mudcake reaches its maximum thickness. For the three cases (K = 3, 1, and 0.3 md) shown in Figure 20, the corresponding flow resistance ratios are 0.92, 0.77, and 0.32, respectively. This ratio multiplied by the overbalance pressure will yield the pressure across the mudcake when the mudcake reaches its maximum thickness. Pressures across the mudcake for these cases are 46.0, 38.5, and 16.0 psi, respectively. The calculated pressures are in good agreement with the values shown in Figure 20. As a rule of thumb, when q is smaller than 0.9, the flow resistance offered by the formation becomes comparable to that of the mudcake. Figure 26 shows that (1 – q) will increase with increasing invasion front radii. This agrees well with the fact observed in Figure 20 that after the mudcake reaches its maximum thickness, the pressure at the sandface increases while the radius of the invasion front increases. Figure 27 shows that (1 – q) will decrease with increasing values of oil relative permeability. This agrees well with the results shown in Figure 22. In summary, the value of q calculated from equation (7) FIG. 25 Family of curves that graphically describe the relationship between the supercharge index (1 – q) and K/Kmc0 and mo /mw. The curves were constructed assuming Rw = 10 cm, Rf = 18.3 cm, Rout = 610 cm, Rmc = 9.75 cm, overbalance pressure = 50 psi, kro = 1.0, krw = 0.2, and compressibility exponent for mudcake permeability v = 0.4 to 0.9. PETROPHYSICS 25 Wu et al. is a close approximation of the simulation results. A template of q can be constructed to guide the assessment of whether the resistance to flow offered by the formation is comparable to that of mudcake flow resistance. The influence of supercharging on wireline formation tester measurements was described by Stewart and Whittman (1979) and Proett et al. (2001). INVASION IN MULTIPLE-LAYER FORMATIONS All the invasion processes discussed above take place in a single layer formation. In practice, cross flow will exist when mud filtrate invades non-isolated multiple-layer formations. A three-layer formation model was constructed to illustrate the effect of cross flow between adjacent layers. The mud properties are the same as those listed in Table 1. Layer permeabilities are 30 md, 300 md, and 1000 md. Each layer has a thickness of 61 cm (2 ft) and the formation’s outer-boundary is set to 610 cm (20 ft). Densities for water and oil are 1.0 and 0.85 g/cm3, respectively. Figure 28 shows radial profiles of filtrate saturation after two days of invasion. It can be observed that the low permeability formation lost some filtrate to the higher permeability formation due to cross flow between layers. The profile of filtrate saturation in the 1000 md layer suggests the influence of gravity effects. In addition to supercharging, gravity force can influence FIG. 26 Graphical description of the relationship between the supercharge index (1 – q) and K/Kmc0 for three different value of Rf. The curves were constructed assuming RW = 10 cm, Rout = 610 cm, Rmc = 9.75 cm, overbalance pressure = 50 psi, kro = 1.0, krw = 0.2, compressibility exponent for mudcake permeability v = 0.9, and mo /mw = 1. 26 the pressure gradient. In the three-layer case, the pressure gradients for filtrate and oil were 0.433 and 0.368 psi/ft, respectively. Figure 29 shows the time evolution of pressures at the sandface for the 1000 md layer. At the initial condition, the oil-bearing layer exhibits a pressure gradient of 0.368 psi/ft. After one hour of mud-filtrate invasion, the pressure gradient decreases to 0.328 psi/ft because of the influence of the upper layer (K = 30 md), which sustains a higher pressure due to supercharging. The pressure gradient gradually increases to 0.378 psi/ft at 10 hours after the onset of invasion. At the end of two days, the gradient becomes 0.398 psi/ft, i.e. 8% higher than the initial condition. As suggested by Figure 29, the oil-water-contact location calculated based on pressure tests after invasion may be raised because of pressure-curve shifts, assuming that no changes occur in the pressure gradient of the underlying water-bearing zone. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 1. The simulator described in this paper, referred to as “INVADE”, can be used to match laboratory measurements as well as to calculate invasion into multi-layer formations. INVADE can also be used to simulate the process of salt mixing between mud filtrate and connate water. 2. For high permeability zones, both mudcake growth rate and mud filtrate invasion rate are controlled primarily by FIG. 27 Graphical description of the relationship between the supercharge index (1 – q) and K/Kmc0 for three different value of kro. The curves were constructed assuming Rw = 10 cm, Rf = 18.3 cm, Rout = 610 cm, Rmc = 9.75 cm, overbalance pressure = 50 psi, krw = 0.2, compressibility exponent for mudcake permeability v = 0.9, and mo /mw = 1. PETROPHYSICS February 2005 The Influence of Water-Base Properties and Petrophysical Parameters on Mudcake Growth, Filtrate Invasion, and Formation Pressure mud properties (i.e., mudcake permeability, mudcake porosity and mud solid fraction). 3. For low permeability zones, both mudcake growth rate and mud filtrate invasion rate will be influenced by formation properties (i.e., formation permeability, oil relative permeability endpoint) in addition to mud properties. 4. A mudcake flow resistance parameter was introduced in this paper to characterize the potential for invasion. This parameter can be used to closely approximate the pressure differential supported by the mudcake and potential supercharging sensed by wireline formation testers. 5. In a multi-layer formation zone, low permeability formations can lose filtrate to higher permeability formations due to cross flow between layers. The initial pressure gradient can be affected by mud filtrate invasion, which may cause errors in the estimation of the location of oil-water contacts. NOMENCLATURE C Cw eo ep ew fs H i constant salt concentration, ppm exponent for kro equation exponent for capillary pressure equation exponent for krw equation solid fraction height of the zone grid number index FIG. 28 Spatial cross-section (radial and vertical directions) of water saturation simulated in a three-layer formation. The invasion time is two days. Individual layer permeabilities and porosities are indicated on the figure. February 2005 K Kc Kmc Kmc0 knw krw k rw0 kro k ro0 kw Pc Pc0 Pnw Pw q Q Rf Rmc Rout Rw Rwell rr r S1 S2 Sor Sw Swi S wt* t formation permeability core permeability mudcake permeability mudcake reference permeability non-wetting phase permeability water relative permeability water relative permeability endpoint oil relative permeability oil relative permeability endpoint wetting phase permeability capillary pressure coefficient for capillary pressure equation pressure for non-wetting phase fluid pressure for wetting phase fluid mud filtrate flow rate total sandface flow rate invasion front radius mudcake radius formation outer boundary radius connate water resistivity, ohm-m borehole radius radius in cylindrical grid system location of the observation point slowness at pressure P1 slowness at pressure P2 residual oil saturation wetting phase or water saturation residual wetting phase saturation normalized wetting phase saturation invasion time FIG. 29 Time evolution of the pressures at the sandface for the lower layer (K = 1000 md) of the three-layer formation described in Figure 28. PETROPHYSICS 27 Wu et al. T v v(t) |vn| vnw vw Vl Vs xmc temperature measured in degrees centigrade compressibility exponent of cake permeability total production Darcy velocity Darcy velocity of the filtrate through the cake Darcy velocity for non-wetting phase fluid Darcy velocity for wetting phase fluid volume of liquids in the mud suspension volume of solids in the mud suspension mudcake thickness Greek Symbols DP overbalance pressure Dp pressure drop across the mudcake d exponent multiplier for mudcake porosity f formation porosity mudcake porosity fmc fmc0 mudcake reference porosity q ratio of mudcake flow resistance over total flow resistance mf filtrate viscosity non-wetting phase fluid viscosity mnw oil viscosity mo mw wetting phase fluid or water viscosity ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We would like to express our gratitude to Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, Baker Atlas, Conoco-Phillips, ExxonMobil, Halliburton Energy Services, the Mexican Institute for Petroleum, Schlumberger, Shell International E&P, and TOTAL, for funding of this work through UT Austin’s Joint Industry Research Consortium on Formation Evaluation. A special note of gratitude goes to Dick Woodhouse and David Kennedy for their constructive technical criticism and editorial comments on the first version of this paper. REFERENCES Bezemer, C., and Havenaar, I., 1966, Filtration behavior of circulating drilling fluids: Society of Petroleum Engineers Journal, vol. 6, no. 4, p. 292–298. Brooks, R. H., and Corey A. T., 1966, Properties of porous media affecting fluid flow, Journal of the Irrigation and Drainage Division, Proceedings of the American Society of Civil Engineers 92, no. IR2, p. 61–88. Center for Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering, 2000, UTCHEM Technical Documentation, The University of Texas at Austin. Chin, W. C., 1995, Formation invasion with applications to measurement-while-drilling, time-lapse analysis, and formation damage, Gulf Publishing Company, Houston, Texas. Dewan, J. 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J., 1991, The principle of a critical invasion rate and its implications for log interpretation, SPE 22539, in SPE Annual Technical Conference Proceedings: Society of Petroleum Engineers, Dallas, TX. Holditch, S. A., and Dewan, J. T., 1991, The evaluation of formation permeability using time lapse logging measurements during and after drilling: Annual Report, Contract No. 5089-260-1861, Gas Research Institute, December. Outmans, H. D., 1963, Mechanics of static and dynamic filtration in the borehole: Society of Petroleum Engineering Journal, Sept., p. 236–244. Proett, M. A., Chin, W. C., Manohar, M., Sigal, R. and Wu, J., 2001, Multiple factors that influence wireline formation tester pressure measurements and fluid contacts estimates, SPE 71566, in SPE Annual Technical Conference Proceedings: Society of Petroleum Engineers, New Orleans, LA. Semmelbeck, M. E., Dewan, J. T., and Holditch, S. 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Also, let Vs and Vl denote the volumes of solids and liquids in the mud suspension, respectively, and let fs denote the solid fraction defined as PETROPHYSICS February 2005 The Influence of Water-Base Properties and Petrophysical Parameters on Mudcake Growth, Filtrate Invasion, and Formation Pressure fs = Vs . (Vs + Vl ) (A.1) Direct integration of this last expression under the assumption of initial zero filtrate gives If the solid particles do not enter the formation, Chin (1995) shows that the time evolution of mudcake thickness, xmc(t), satisfies the ordinary differential equation fs dx mc vn , = dt (1- f s ) (1- f mc ) (A.2) where fs is the solid fraction of mud, fmc is the mudcake porosity, and |vn| is the Darcy velocity of the filtrate through the mudcake and through the filter paper. Now consider a one-dimensional, constant density, single liquid flow. The corresponding Darcy velocity is given by vn = K mc Dp , m f x mc (A.3) where Kmc is mudcakepermeability, Dp is the pressure drop across the mudcake, and mf is filtrate viscosity. Substitution of equation (A.3) into equation (A.2) leads to fs dx mc K mc Dp = . dt (1- f s ) (1- fmc ) m f x mc 2tDpf s K mc . (1- f s ) (1- f mc ) m f (A.5) This latter result demonstrates that mudcakethickness in a linear flow grows with time in proportion to t. Equation (A.5) is valid only when Kmc, Dp, and fmc are constant. If Kmc, Dp, and fmc are functions of time, equation (A.4) can also be integrated numerically. To obtain the filtrate production volume, we combine the relation dVl = |vn|dAdt and equation (A.3) to obtain dVl = K mc Dp dAdt , m f x mc (A.6) where dA is an elemental area of filter paper. Further substitution of xmc from equation (A.5) yields dVl = February 2005 DpK mc (1- f s ) (1- f mc ) dAdt . 2t m f fs (A.7) K mc (1- f s ) (1- f mc ) dA . mf fs (A.8) From equation (A.8) it follows that filtrate production volume in a linear flow also grows with time in proportion to t. By taking the derivative of equation (A.8) with respect to time we obtain the mud filtrate invasion flow rate, q(t), given by q ( t ) = Dp K mc (1- f s ) (1- f mc ) dA . mf 2tfs (A.9) In reality, mudcake may be compressible, that is, its mechanical properties may vary with the applied pressure differential. Compressibility effects can be determined by performing the filtration experiment at increasing pressure differentials. Experiments on mudcake properties by Dewan and Chenevert (2001) indicate that the permeability during the initial mudcake buildup can be estimated with the expression (A.4) If the mudcake thickness is infinitesimally thin at t = 0, with xmc(0) = 0, equation (A.3) can be integrated to yield x mc ( t ) = Vl = 2tDp K mc ( t ) = K mc 0 , v pmc (t ) (A.10) where pmc is the mudcake pressure differential (psi), Kmc0 is a reference permeability defined at 1 psi differential pressure and v is a “compressibility” exponent. Typically, v is in the range of 0.4 to 0.9. A value of zero for v corresponds to completely incompressible mudcake. Dewan and Chenevert’s (2001) work also indicates a similar relationship for mudcake porosity during the initial mudcake buildup, given by f mc ( t ) = f mc 0 . dv pmc (t ) (A.11) In the above expression, the new exponent multiplier d was found to vary from 0.1 to 0.2 based on a porosity-permeability cross plot. Further experiments indicated that mudcake is not completely elastic and that it exhibits a hysteresis on the first compression and decompression cycle. While additional relationships can be determined for hysteresis effects, in most cases mudcake builds to a stable thickness and the hydrostatic pressure does not change appreciably. Up to this point, we have discussed static mudcake growth wherein the borehole fluids are not moving. In a dynamic condition, annular flow can limit the growth of mudcake by continuously shearing the mudcake surface. Also, the mechanical action of the rotating drill pipe can PETROPHYSICS 29 Wu et al. directly remove the mudcake and can increase the surface shear of the annular fluids. In essence, dynamic filtration limits the growth of mudcake. Static filtration left unchecked would continue to grow until the mudcake would literally plug off the wellbore. Normally, static filtration is sufficiently slow such that total plugging does not pose operational problems. The dynamic filtration process has been studied extensively in the industry. Fordham, et al. (1991), for example, introduced the concept of a “critical invasion rate” beyond which mudcake will not form, while Holditch and Dewan (1991) have attributed it to an “adhesion fraction” which controls the buildup process. Most authors agree on the physical principle that erosion occurs when the hydraulic shear stress on the surface of the mud closest to the center of the borehole exceeds the mudcake shear strength (e.g., Chin, 1995; Dewan and Chenevert, 2001). Only Chin (1995) has fully developed the theoretical basis for dynamic mudcake erosion for Newtonian and non-Newtonian annular flow and has offered solutions for a variety of wellbore conditions. Factors that influence dynamic filtration include: mud rheology, pumping rates, annular flows (concentric and eccentric) and borehole shape (round versus elliptical). It is generally acknowledged that static filtration governs the initial mudcake growth and that the role of dynamic filtration is to limit this growth (e.g., Chin, 1995; Dewan and Chenevert, 2001). In this paper, we will assume that mudcake reaches such a limiting thickness but will not present the analysis for the corresponding prediction. Mudcake thickness is normally estimated using caliper logs from openhole wireline or logging-while-drilling logs shortly before a formation tester is run. Mudcake thickness estimated using the caliper log can be assumed to be the limiting filtrate thickness. Well conditioning can also affect mudcake and influence invasion. Frequently, the well is reconditioned prior to a logging run or in the process of drilling. To account for well reconditioning, we can assume that the mudcake is either partially or completely removed, and henceforth allowed to reform. In the worst-case scenario, the mudcake is completely removed during well conditioning. In practice, this is unlikely because inaccessible mudcake forms within the near-surface rock grain structure, and it is difficult to remove. The flow equations for one-dimension immiscible, constant density radial flow are obtained by combining Darcy’s law and the equation of mass conservation. The Darcy velocities are v w =- 30 k w ¶Pw , m w dr (A.12) and v nw =- k nw ¶Pnw , m nw dr (A.13) where m w and m n w are viscosities, k w and k n w are permeabilities, and Pw and Pnw are pressures. The subscripts w and nw here are used to denote wetting and non-wetting phases. The mass continuity equations in cylindrical radial coordinates take the form ¶v w v w ¶S w - =-f , r dt ¶r (A.14) ¶ vnw vnw ¶ S nw =-f , ¶r r dt (A.15) and where the signs of vw and vnw are taken positive for invasion (i.e., injection). By combining equations (A.12) through (A.15) we obtain the production Darcy velocities, given by ¶Sw ¶ æ k w ¶Pw ö vw ÷ - ç ÷= , ç dt ¶rè m w dr ø r (A.16) ¶ S nw ¶ æ k nw ¶Pnw ö vnw ÷ . - ç ÷= ç dt ¶rè mnw dr ø r (A.17) f and f Furthermore, by adding equations (A.14) and (A.15), together with substitution from S w + S nw =1, (A.18) ¶( v w + v nw ) + ( v w + v nw ) =0 , ¶r (A.19) one obtains r or, equivalently, {r(vw + vnw)}r = 0. It then follows that ( v w + v nw ) = v ( t ), (A.20) where v(t) is the total production Darcy velocity. For incompressible flow, v(t) is the mud filtrate velocity at the wellbore. At this point, it is convenient to introduce the capillary pressure function Pc and write it as a function of the wetting phase saturation Sw, namely, Pc ( S w ) = Pnw - Pw . PETROPHYSICS (A.21) February 2005 The Influence of Water-Base Properties and Petrophysical Parameters on Mudcake Growth, Filtrate Invasion, and Formation Pressure Then the non-wetting velocity in equation (A.13) can be written as vnw =- k nw æ ¶ Pc ( S w ) ¶ Pw ö ç ÷. + m nw è dr dr ø é k nw æ D Pc ( S w ) ö æ k nw D Pw ù kw ö ÷ ç ÷+ rç + êr ú =C , ç ÷ m w ø Dr ûi ë mnw è Dr ø è mnw (A.26) (A.22) where C is a constant and 2 £ i £ n. The latter equation can be expressed for each i-th grid block as We now combine equations (A.17), (A.18), and (A.22) to obtain an expression for the non-wetting production per unit volume per unit time in terms of the wetting saturation and pressure, given by é k nw æ Pc ,i - Pc ,i+1 ö æ k nw ùæ Pw ,i - Pw ,i+1 ö kw ö ç ÷ ÷ ÷ + ê ç ÷+ç ç ÷úç ç ÷= C . m w øûè ln( ri ) - ln(ri+1 ) ø ë mnw è Pw ,i - Pw ,i+1 ø è mnw (A.27) ¶(1- S w ) ¶ é k nw æ ¶Pc ( S w ) ¶Pw öù vnw ç ÷ú= . f - ê + dt ¶rë m nw è dr dr øû r (A.23) By making use of equation (A.20), the wetting and non-wetting production per unit volume per unit time equations (A.16 and A.23, respectively) can be combined to yield an alternate form of equation (A.23), i.e., ¶ é k nw æ ¶Pc ( S w ) ö æ k nw kw ö ¶ Pw ù v ( t ) ÷ ç ÷+ç . - ê + ú= ç ÷ r ¶rë m nw è dr ø è m nw m w ø dr û (A.24) This last equation can be used to solve for Pw and subsequently equation (A.16) can be used to solve for Sw. Such a procedure is known as the “implicit pressure-explicit saturation” or IMPES method and is widely used in reservoir simulation. Having the immiscible two-phase flow formulations and the properties of mudcake growth, we can now approach the problem where mudcake forms and grows, thereby creating a Darcy flow that appears at the inlet of our radial geometry. This flow satisfies its own pressure differential equation and is characterized by the moving mud-tomudcake boundary and a fixed mudcake-to-rock interface shown in Figure A.1. At the wellbore surface, the total sandface flow rate is defined as Q ( t ) =2pHR well v ( t ), (A.25) where Rwell is the radius of borehole, H is the height of the zone and v(t) is the velocity through the mudcake obtained from equation (A.24). Using finite differencing, let i be the grid block index where i = 1 at the mud-to-mudcake boundary, i = 2 at the fixed mudcake-to-rock interface, and i = n at the outer boundary. For incompressible flow, the mass flow rate between each grid block should be equal and this condition leads to February 2005 For a mudcake sustaining single-phase flow, the mass balance condition for equation (A.27) dictates that C be equal to the mud filtrate flow, i.e., K mc ¶ Pw × r× =C , mf ¶r (A.28) where mf is filtrate viscosity and Kmc is mudcake permeability. Mass balance can also be enforced for the total flow rate through the entire radial model (i.e., i = 2 to n). This can be done by combining equations (A.25), (A.27), and (A.28). Accordingly, it can be shown that the inlet filtrate flow rate is coupled to the formation flow by the expression Q (t ) = 2 pH (Pw ,1 (t ) - Pw , n (t )) . æ R ö mf ln(rr +1 ) - ln(ri ) + × lnç well ÷ åæ öæ P (t ) P (t ) ö æ K mc (t ) è R mc (t ) ø - c, i +1 ÷ kn w k ö c, i i= 2 ç kn w ÷ç + w÷ ç ÷+ç è mn w øiè Pw , i (t ) - Pw , i +1 (t ) ø è mn w mw øi n (A.29) As the mudcake grows, the total inlet flow rate can be calculated directly from the above equation. The immiscible radial Darcy flow equations are solved using equations (A.24) and (A.16) for each grid block, i, for each time step. In summary, the linkage between the mudcake model and the immiscible invasion model is governed by the flow rate using the coupled Darcy flow described by equation (A.29). From equation (A.29), we notice that at the start of invasion Rmc = Rwell and hence the flow rate reaches its maximum. As the mudcake builds and Rmc becomes smaller than FIG. A-1 Diagram of a one-dimensional mudcake-rock model. The mudcake is located on the left and the rock formation extends to the right of the diagram. PETROPHYSICS 31 Wu et al. Rwell the mudcake flow rate decreases. The flow rate is also influenced by the saturation of the fluid in the formation, Sw. As the mudcake builds and reaches a maximum, the value of Rmc can remain unchanged in the numerical simulation. In this case, the invasion is governed by the invasion front represented by the fluid saturations. In the case of mudcake removal or “rub-off,” mudcake thickness is reduced to 0 and allowed to rebuild thereafter. Again, the mudcake growth is dynamically coupled to the invasion model and grows at a time rate that is linked to the invasion front that continues to penetrate the formation. 32 ABOUT THE AUTHORS Jianghui Wu is a research scientist with Baker Atlas. His research areas include wireline formation testing, reservoir simulation, and integration of logging data. He holds BS and MS degrees from the University of Petroleum in China and a PhD degree from The University of Texas at Austin, all in petroleum engineering. Formerly, he was a reservoir engineer with CNPC. Carlos Torres-Verdín received a PhD in Engineering Geoscience from the University of California, Berkeley, in 1991. During 1991–1997 he held the position of Research Scientist with Schlumberger-Doll Research. From 1997–1999, he was Reservoir Specialist and Technology Champion with YPF (Buenos Aires, Argentina). Since 1999, he has been with the Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering of The University of Texas at Austin, where he currently holds the position of Associate Professor. He conducts research on borehole geophysics, formation evaluation, and integrated reservoir characterization. Torres-Verdín has served as Guest Editor for Radio Science, and is currently a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, and an associate editor for Petrophysics (SPWLA) and the SPE Journal. Kamy Sepehrnoori is the Bank of America Centennial Professor in the Department of Petroleum and Geosystems Engineering of The University of Texas at Austin. His teaching and research interests include computational methods, reservoir simulation, parallel computations, applied mathematics, and enhanced oil recovery. Sepehrnoori holds a PhD degree in petroleum engineering from The University of Texas at Austin. Mark A. Proett received a BSME degree from the University of Maryland and a MS degree from Johns Hopkins. He has been involved with the development of formation testing systems since the early 1980s, and has published extensively. Proett holds 16 patents, 14 of which deal with well testing and fluid flow analysis methods. He has served on the SPWLA and SPE technical committees and served as the Chairman for the SPE Pressure Transient Testing Committee. He is currently a Senior Scientific Advisor for Halliburton Energy Services in the Strategic Research group. PETROPHYSICS February 2005