Gilliam Thompson Furniture
Gilliam Thompson Furniture
LIS TEN TO THIS !! And Gilliam Thompson Furniture UW1SRU! 5 Pc r Countet Heigh D i n et t e $ Din Tabing lle laahndkbg 4C h $ air s 2 49 39 9 n t her u o S io n Motining l Rec ofa S $ 59 9 m NO INTEREST TV hd lan Sta tJackson Mfg. 100% Leather Sofa, Love Seat, Chair & Ottoman....$4299 L S el a r g e O f ec t io n S $ ofas 59 9 Sda Tw Ma in SdizQ g t t re e ss S et tDimplex Oak Electric Fireplace.........................$399 egegna Qu T)o/p et ow Pill ress S tt Ma $ 39 9 tWinners Only Double Pedestal Table and 6 Chairs..............................$1469 tBassett Mirror 48” Glass top Dining Table And 4 Chairs...................$649 tEagle Manufacturing 75” Oak Desk And Hutch.....................$949 4D ra Che wer $ st 99 tAshley Hariston Shitake Sofa And Chair And A Half.................$1279 ley As h fa So $ 388 tVaughan Queen Storage Bed, Dresser Mirror, Media Chest, 2 Night Stands.. .$3645 tRiverside 60” TV Stand In Espresso Finish.............................$1099 tMetal Futon Bunk Bed With Futon Mattress.............................$508 Que e Chen Size S le ig h r r y Bed $ 2 49 B a s s e tt La n e Ca m p be ll Le g a c y Ma y o As h le y S le e p lo g ic J a c k s o n Riv e rs id e Am e ric a n Wo o d c ra f te rs P h ilip Re in is c h Va u g h a n Win n e rs On ly Cra f tm a s te r Co rs ic a n a Ca tn a p p e r D im p le x Le ic k La n g S te in w o rld F u s io n F u rn itu re TEI Ho m e S tre tc h S o u th e rn Mo tio n S ta n d a rd F u rn itu re Hills d a le S u ry a Ru g s U n ite d We a v e rs Mo re SALE HOURS : THURS DAY 9 :0 0 - 6 :0 0 FRIDAY 9 :0 0 - 6 :0 0 SATURDAY: 9 :0 0 - 5 :0 0 EAS Y CREDIT TERMS FURNITURE 2 4 MONTHS INTERES T FREE NO MONEY DOWN We Ac c e pt :