Peru Missions - Shepherd of the Woods Lutheran Church


Peru Missions - Shepherd of the Woods Lutheran Church
Peru Missions
Fathy Jimenez
The lead person for Lutheran Social Services
of Tarma is Fathy Jimenez. We met Fathy
in Tarma in 2006. Fathy owned a disco and
used the facility to provide meals for the
Misioneros. It was evident that Fathy had a
heart for people from the beginning. Having
not been able to travel to Tarma in 2007
due to road closures, when we returned in
2008, Fathy had moved on from the disco
to a restaurant. He provided meals for
the Misioneros again and began to share
his heart in mission with us. Fathy is an
entrepreneur, and is well known in Tarma.
Through his business connections, Fathy
put on a telethon in Tarma for the purpose
of support for the poor. He shared video with us of the telethon and then using the funds raised
provided food supplies to some of the most in need in the Tarma area. Fathy also shared that he
was touched by our care for his fellow Peruvians, and felt compelled to do something himself.
Fathy became the manager of the disco at the Los Portales Hotel and was able to use the facilities
to produce a TV show where those in need would come in to play games and win prizes of clothing
and food. In the middle of the broadcast, Fathy would show the presentation of supplies for the
needy that was sponsored by our church through Lutheran Social Services of Tarma (our social
ministry arm in Tarma). Everyone went home with something! Fathy has continued his care for the
people of the Tarma area over the years. He identifies the children in need of school uniforms that
we provide, organizes the Christmas programs at all the locations to distribute the gifts provided
by Shepherd of the Woods Jacksonville, and makes our logistical arrangements in Peru (hotel in
Tarma, meals, transportation, etc.). At the same time he is the provider for his wife and two children,
working multiple jobs at the same time. Just recently Fathy was able to identify and secure land we
can purchase for the development of the mission there in Tarma.Fathy and his family are an integral
part of the Peru Mission in Tarma. We, as well as the people in the Tarma area, are grateful for the
care and efforts they provide.
Tarma and Huancal
First Mission 2005
Time line for Peru Mission
2005 – First Mission Trip
2006 – First visit to Tarma and
Huancal; First Worship
service at Catholic Chapel
in Tarma
2007 – Unable to go to Tarma –
road blocked
2008 – Church location with
Beneficencia – did not
work out
2008 – Fall – Lutheran Social
Services of Tarma formed
2009 – Worship in Che Parrillas
Restaurant and Huancal
Chapel; Fathy Jimenez
leads LSST
2010 – New roof on Huancal
Chapel; 7 Baptisms in
Huancal; Pastor Jose
Araujo presides at his first
worship service in Tarma
2010 – Fall - Begin Lutheranism
education with Pastor
2011 – Convert restaurant to
Shepherd of the Woods
Lutheran Mission –
Tarma; Pastor Jose Araujo
installed as Mission
Pastor; Craft classes
2012 – Begin Cuy Farm at
2012 – Fall – 4 Baptisms in
Tarma; Cuy Festival,
SKYPE with SOTW in
Jax; Began search for
land for permanent church
2013 – SKYPE worship with
Tarma – SOTW; 8
Baptisms in Tarma;
Continue land search
2013 – Fall – Pastor Eddy Perez
joins the Mission to assist
with theology translation;
Land identified; 1 infant
blessing in Huancal
¡Hola! ¿Cómo estás?
Pastor Johnson’s Message
That is about the extent of my Spanish!
I am the Peru Mission Coordinator for
Shepherd of the Woods Lutheran Church
& School. My role is to take care of
all the travel logistics (hotels, flights,
transportation, meals, etc.) for the Peru
Mission Trips and to do the administrative
tasks pertaining to the mission (keep notes
of meetings, wire funds, Mission financials,
etc.). It is my pleasure to serve in this way
for the Peru Mission.
Praise God with shouts of joy, all people! Sing to the glory of his name;
offer him glorious praise! Say to God, "How wonderful are the things you
do! Your power is so great that your enemies bow down in fear before you.
Everyone on earth worships you; they sing praises to you, they sing praises
to your name." Come and see what God has done, his wonderful acts among
Psalm 66:1-5
And in that region there were shepherds out in the field, keeping watch over
their flock by night. And an angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the
glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were filled with fear. And the
angel said to them, "Be not afraid; for behold, I bring you good news of a
great joy which will come to all the people; for to you is born this day in the
city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. And this will be a sign for you:
you will find a babe wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger." And
suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising
God and saying, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among
men with whom he is pleased!"
Luke 2:8-14
Dear Disciples of Christ,
What a joy we’ve experienced this last month,
celebrating what God has done for us, for the Son
who was placed in that manger. He came for our
salvation. He came for the salvation of the world. He
came to set us free from sin and death. He came for
all nations. Praise God with shouts of joy!
gift of His grace and praising God for all He has done for them. Whether
it’s in the farming community of Huancal or numberous other small
communities, your donations and care have reached people who had
thought they were forgotten. We let them know they are beloved of God
so much so that He gave His Son for them.
The seeds that have been sown for all these years are now bringing a
harvest of faith in gathering communities of faith. Pr. Araujo, our mission
developer, serves weekly in several areas, bringing Word and sacrament
to those hungry for the grace of God. The gathering center in Tarma is a
rented room in what had been a restaurant. That building was recently
sold and, if experience has taught us anything, it does not make sense to
develop that property only to have us “loose our lease.” Thus the plan we
have now to purchase property, to plant the gospel firmly in that place, for
the building of first Lutheran Church in Tarma and within 150 miles. What
an amazing time and what great things God is doing there through us.
What a joy we experience when someone’s eyes light
up, like the shepherds seeing the heavens filled with angels, announcing their
Savior has come. We’ve been sharing the care of Christ in Peru since 2005.
The needs are great and often we see children and adults with questions in
their eyes, wondering what these Americans are doing wandering the streets
of their towns and villages. What a joy to see their eyes light up as they grasp
the gift of God’s love.
That’s what’s been happening as people have gathered around the care of
Christ and in these last years, around His care with Word and sacrament.
More and more people are meeting in the name of Christ, celebrating the
Please read and pray about the materials describing the vision of the
future. Consider what part you can play in bringing joy to the hearts and
lives of our brothers and sisters in Christ 3,000 miles away. Lift up praises
to God for what He has done and is doing as we go forward buying land
and developing the property for His mission there. Look at the pictures
and try to grasp the difference God is making through us in that place. If
you can, join us this summer as we make the trip to serve and be blessed
in our serving His cause in Tarma.
May the Lord continue to guide and bless Shepherd of the Woods
Lutheran Church – Mission Tarma. May He guide each of us as we find
ways to be part of this outpouring of His love.
Peace in the Christ child,
Pastor Johnson
The Peru Mission was not something, on
my own, I would have chosen to do! It
is what God has chosen for me and He
changed my heart to match His will! I
had what I thought was a very simple rule
most of my life – if you need a passport, I
don’t need to go there! It is just the way
I felt. Then my daughter comes home
from Youth Group asking if she can take
a Mission Trip to Peru! NO! But, then
God began a mighty work in my life and
on my heart. Before I knew it, I had a
complete change of heart and found
myself a Chaperone for the first Peru
Mission Trip in 2005! I was very nervous!
But, the moment we stepped foot in Peru,
I was hooked! It was a pull that I can’t
explain any other way other than God had
called me there. Fourteen trips and eight
years later I find myself a godmother to 3
Peruvian children, a sponsor to an adult,
having Peruvians that I truly consider
“family”, and a “call” that is stronger than
I have seen families’ lives totally
transformed by a new home, food
provisions, clothing, children receiving
school uniforms, gifts for Christmas, and,
most of all, the availability of hearing the
Good News of Christ in churches in Lima,
Tarma, and Huancal. I thank you all for
your prayers, support, and participation in
the Peru Mission that God has given us.
May He continue to use us to accomplish
His will in the world.
Gracias y la paz!
Thank you and
Roxanne Jordan
Peru Mission
Shaka and family
Meet the Ministry and People of Tarma
Shaka has been part of the
Mission – Tarma since 2011.
Shaka serves as Musician at all
worship services in Tarma and
Huancal. Shaka plays guitar
and sings to assist in the musical
part of worship. Shaka also is
a master mason. Shaka has
assisted in building the bridges
in Huancal, a chapel at Las
Clarisis, as well as miscellaneous
maintenance at the Churches.
First four Baptisms in Tarma
Once the church had a location in Tarma, people
began attending and asking about baptism. There
were four people baptized together in 2012
Nine children from Chuchopampa
receive First Communion
There is not
a church in
The principal of
the school attends
asked if Pastor
Araujo could
provide First
classes. Some
of the people in
Chuchopampa are
attending worship
in Tarma now.
Crafts Program
Began in 2011, the
Craft Program aims
to provide a skill to
people to assist in
their having income for
their families. People
learn to knit sweaters,
scarves, etc. as well
as craft items to sell
at the market. Several people’s lives have been
impacted by this opportunity.
School Uniform Program –
Children must have uniforms to attend school. We
have provided uniforms to 100 children over 3 years.
We have met many of these children at their schools
during our visits. They just love being able to go to
Rolando &
Rolando and
Alejandro are
two of the
leaders in
the Huancal
They have
been instrumental in establishing the weekly worship
services, improvements for the community, and the
cuy farm. Rolando and Alejandro seek to implement
projects that will benefit their entire community.
Mari and her son, Jorge
The community of Huancal is high in the Andes
(13,000 ft) and only has about 50 residents. It is an
agricultural community that grows different crops
and raises sheep and cattle. There is a small school
at Huancal. The community would get very excited
when we would come to visit, because we would
always hold a worship service. The Priest only
visited Huancal once a year, if they had the funds to
pay for it. A member of Huancal asked for their child
to be baptized and when word got around that we
would baptize for no charge, several more asked for
Dina –
We met Dina in 2009
when we provided some
assistance to those of most
need in the community of
Dos de Mayo. Dina has
seven children and lives with
her husband and in-laws.
Dina and her entire family
now attend worship in Tarma.
All seven children were
baptized in 2013.
Mari is the single mom of Jorge, a special needs
child. Mari also cares for her elderly mother. Mari
was not able to become employed due to needing
to care for Jorge. The Craft Program has given Mari
an opportunity to provide some extra income for her
family. The congregation of Tarma was instrumental
in assisting Mari in having food for herself, Jorge,
and her mom.
First Baptisms in Huancal
Christmas 2013 at Shepherd of the
Woods Mission – Tarma
The entire community of Tarma is invited for
worship, hot chocolate, panatone, and small
gifts for children each Christmas season. A few
hundred people come each year. This is the
only gift most of the children receive.
Questions and Answers
Why purchase land?
We have been planting seeds in Tarma since 2006
and the harvest is plentiful. More and more people
are gathering around Word and sacrament each year
as their lives have been touched by the care of Christ.
Having worshiped in a tent and barn at the Lakeshore,
we know the blessing of having a “place” for worship
that is conducive to worship. The current location for
worship is in a rented room ($232 a month) that was
once a restaurant. It would not make sense to make
improvements on that property when the owner could
have us leave at any time.
How much does the land cost?
Land is one of the more expensive commodities in
Peru (as everywhere, it’s the one thing “they’re” not
making more of). The property we have found is for
sale for $46,000. That is not an insubstantial amount
of money, but relative to our current properties in
Jacksonville, it is the least expensive property we will
have purchased (the cost of the Lakeshore was 1.6
million dollars purchased in 2004).
What is the size of the property?
The land is 10 by 20 meters (33 by 66 feet) for a total
of 2,178 feet of land. That is doubled of course with
the prospect of a second story. The building placed
on the property could be as tall as 5 stories (a second
story would bring the square footage to 4,356 about the
size of our first unit at Southside and a third floor would
total 6,534 which is about the size of the faith center at
the Lakeshore.
Where is the property located?
It is not far from the Los Portales hotel (if you’ve been
there), in a developing area of the city with new and
substantial construction going on around the property.
It is within reach of the current worshipers and has the
prospect of reaching many more.
How and when will the land be developed?
Once the land is purchased, we will go through a design
time with the community of worshipers and leaders
there in Tarma. The current communities connected
to Shepherd of the Woods Lutheran Church – Mission
Tarma have indicated they are willing and able to help
with the construction (and we’ve seen them at work and
worked with them – there are no harder working people
anywhere). The “when” is a harder question to answer
but we hope to be doing some work during our next trip in
June of this year. It will also depend upon funds available
to purchase and develop the property.
How will we afford purchasing and developing
the property?
We currently have some donations for land already
received. We also have $15,000 of Vision for Mission
funds earmarked for this development. We are asking
for a special donation by our friends and members to
receive the rest that is needed. Though this is quite an
undertaking for our congregation, it is not as challenging
as it was for the thirty three families who committed to
building the original 4,000 square foot multi-purpose
building on the property at Southside. God blesses His
mission accepted by His people.
How can someone help?
Prayers are needed as we forge forward in spreading the
gospel three thousand miles from our homes. Prayerfully
consider how you can support this cause with a one time
or ongoing donation. Consider joining us on the next
mission trip to Tarma.
Ways You Can Support This
Exciting Mission Development!
We couldn’t accomplish this mission without you and
we are blessed by your continued support!! You aren’t
giving away your resources but committing them to
making a difference in real peoples lives – people who’ve
not heard the message of hope and salvation that we are
blessed to hear each week in worship or each day with
the Faith Matters devotions. While the average annual
salary in Peru is $2,100 (yes – that is correct) the places
we go and serve are significantly lower than that. That is
why your help is needed!
Commit your time with prayers!
Pray for the community that gathers there, for the leaders
and for the witness being made in Christ’s name. Pray
for those participating on the mission trips. Pray for God’s
light to shine brightly in the midst of darkness and great
Perhaps this is the year you can join us on the mission
trip and experience first hand what a joy it is to serve
there! You will have the opportunity to meet new friends
and use your gifts of time, talent and resources to reach
people and transform lives with “faith in action”! We
hope to be building the first unit during our June Mission
Trip this year.
We are inviting you to prayerfully consider how with a
simple one time gift, or an on going gift (monthly, for
example), you can help build God’s church…figuratively
AND literally, as we buy land and build the first unit! Give
the gift of financial resources.
Mail a check to:
Shepherd of the Woods
7860 Southside Blvd., Jacksonville, FL 32256
(Designate “Peru Land and Church”)
Introducing Pastor
Jose Araujo
We met Jose Araujo in the
summer of 2010. He is a
former Roman Catholic Priest.
Subsequent to his leaving the
Roman Catholic church, he met
and married Yenny, became her
dental assistant, and they had
a daughter, Mariana. Pastor
Araujo is also the brother of Fathy
Jimenez’ wife, Elizabeth. He
had missed the ministry since
leaving the priesthood, and upon
hearing of our mission, wanted to
know how he could assist. After
much discussion, he indicated
that he would like to participate
in a Pastoral role for the Mission
in Tarma and Huancal. We
began by providing him with
Lutheranism materials, that he
would study, then discuss with Pastor Johnson when we were
in Peru. He took English classes and began to travel to Tarma
every weekend in late 2010 to provide pastoral care. With the
establishment of a church location, Pastor Araujo was installed
as the Mission Development Pastor for Shepherd of the Woods
Lutheran Mission – Tarma and Huancal in June of 2011. Pastor
Araujo has traveled to Tarma every weekend for worship at
Tarma and Huancal, for funerals, and most recently, held First
Communion classes for 9 children in Chuchopampa. Pastor
Araujo is very dedicated to the people of the Tarma area. He is
teaching the people of Tarma and Huancal a sense of helping
others. The congregation of Huancal have made several
“mission trips” to install playgrounds and a roof. The members
of the congregation in Tarma bring items of food and clothing
to assist those in need each week. Recently, a member has
taken on the role as a “waver” on the corner, standing with
the church sign and giving out chicklets! With the direction
of Pastor Araujo, Shepherd of the Woods Mission Tarma and
Huancal are learning to be disciples of Christ from a Lutheran
perspective, sharing their “Faith in Action” with others!
Donate cash:
A Missions offering envelope included with this
Give online:
Go to and click on “Mission Support”
and then “Peru Mission Donation
Use the Square:
The square is available at church for debit card and
credit card donations